#insulting collage
dykexenomorph · 1 year
Christina Ricci
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la0hu · 9 months
man i just remembered the first time i learned in depth about transgender ppl was when in 7th grade we were asked to choose a "controversial topic" to practice writing a persuasive essay about, and i chose something i genuinely had zero opinion and prior knowledge about, which was about transgender athletes being tested for hormone levels and being allowed to compete in general. and i remember doing all this really intense research and it just seemed abundantly obvious to me that even the lines between the apparent two sexes weren't even readily provable, and on top of that, there was no evidence of a "biological advantage" being due to sex or gender, because cisgender athletes routinely had different hormone levels compared to the average person (duh). i remember the opinion pieces and news articles being vaguely biased and noting that, but the moment i actually dug into medical research and historical records and like, firsthand resources, i had to draw my own conclusion that being transgender or intersex was 1) difficult to define (and most of the time it seemed like the ppl demanding the testing didn't care about the big difference between the two), 2) intrusive to define, and 3) didn't even actually impact performance at all anyway.
and i was a straight A student and a bit of teacher's pet, and i hadn't gotten anything lower than a 90% on any major assignment my entire academic life at that point, and i got a B- on that paper. and i remember being absolutely dumbfounded and confused, bc i knew it was one of my better efforts. i had the chance to do a "revision" and submit for a higher grade, so i doubled down on my research and hammered in every single point, and i still barely got a B+ in the end, and i remember seething with anger because i knew i was RIGHT. like undoubtedly, this was a "controversial" topic but i had done all the due diligence and uncovered the incontrovertible truth at the bottom of it. literally one of the most significant moments in my life where i realized this was how the real world played the game of human rights through just sheer refusal
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panicbones · 4 months
🐞 for Isidore!!!!
🐞 does this character have any notable accent or dialect? what about other languages?
YES Boston accent. of course im gonna have her represent. masshole through and through. "but boston is nonexistent in coffinwood and isidore is hundreds of years old--" RED SOX RED SOX RED SOX!!!!!!!
as for languages... she learned sign language out of sheer boredom but its very out of date. i think she knows a bit of most languages, enough to get around. she definitely knows how to say fuck you any possible way.
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caesarsaladinn · 2 years
if I had a bit more table space I would make a Cool Guy Shrine
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sexuallyactivepopes · 2 years
i’m sorry but “we’re gonna realize that the claims that ai kills originality is just like the claims that photography would kill art in the 19th c” is such a bad take
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Down Bad| Levi x GN!Reader
Warning: Face grabbing, name calling (let me know if I missed anything)
Word Count: 0.8k
Summary: Leviathan's true personality is the most attractive thing about him.
A/N: I'm surprise I'm pushing something out again. Wrote this while slightly high off pain meds, soooo any spelling errors you see, no you don't.
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Levi is so pathetic and you don't mean that in a derogatory way or as an insult. It's one of the most charming things about him being honest. His feelings are always present on display no matter how hard he tries to hide it and it makes you want to gobble him whole. 
Levi was sitting next to you in class, one of the rare times he shows up in person. He was showing you a new rhythm game he discovered and was secretly trying to to show off to you with his perfect score. The way his little snake tongue peaked out from his lips he focused on the climax of the song. 
You sat next to him twirling a pencil as you watched in actual awe of his skill. You asked him how he got so good at rhythm games because you could only hope to reach his level of expertise in the game. Maybe it was the compliment and the direct eye contact from you as you said that that made his brain short circuit and temporarily shut down. 
He clicked on his home screen to go to his section holding his games. In his moment of low brain activity, as he rambled that it was all a yucky otaku activity and you probably wouldn't like it with how cool you are, he mindlessly swiped his screen right. 
The two of you watched as his background went from a Ruri-chan picture to a full screen collage of you. It was full of pictures that you've sent him, all with cute little frames around. Little green hearts littered about the background with sparkles brightening it up. In the center of the collage was the photo you sent him yesterday of you squishing his cheeks and both of you staring at each other. The photo was surrounded by two cartoon snake tails that formed a heart.  You didn't miss your initial and his in the bottom left corner. 
Turning your head slowly to Levi, he was so ghostly pale that you were sure he died. His finger instantly swiped back to the first page that had the Ruri background. You open your mouth to say something, unsure what, but something to acknowledge the giant elephant in the room. 
Levi beat you to speaking. “I swear I didn't make this. Mammon must have played a prank on me by putting this as my background,” he exclaimed as he wildly swung his phone around. You actually were worried it was going to fly out of his hand and hit one of the startled demons sitting around you. 
Once again, Levi doesn't let you speak as his personality does a whole 180. He starts to ramble about how he's a degenerate, such a low life creep that does not deserve to be in your presence. A disgusting being is what he labels himself. 
You get tired of his self deprecating rambling after 10 seconds. Reaching out towards him, you quickly grab his face and turn it towards you. You lean in and place a small pack on his lip knowing it will shut him up, which it does quite well. 
“Can I make one of you, so we can have a matching background?” You asked softly while staring into his amber eyes. His typical slit pupils have enlarged to circles as he stares at you with this puppy-like expression. 
He hums as a response letting you know that he processed none of what you said in his frozen brain. You repeat it slowly while rubbing his cheek. You don't get a verbal reply as all he manages to do is nod very slowly while staring at you. 
You give him a smile before letting go of his face. Leaning away from him, you could see his brains slowly turn back on. The glazed eyes got exchanged for more focused eyes letting you know he was done short circuiting. However, the rising blush coming from underneath his collar all the way up to his hairline let you know everything was settling into his mind. 
“You kissed me?” You couldn't help that smile that came into your face as such a cute question coming from him with a blushing innocent expression on his face. His hand gripped the edges of his phone as he used it as a way to ground himself. 
“Yes, and I will do it again. Now weren't you showing me how you're so good,” you whispered while putting his thigh. His body went tense under your fingers. His eyes widened as his pupils narrowed into slits again. His eyes flickered between your face and your hand currently on him. 
Seeing Levi be so flustered made you want to see more, feeling the greed bubble underneath the surface. Levi may have been pathetic, but you were even worse for him. 
“Excuse me, class is still in session, you two!”
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Ok. So Dani and Damian are around 23-26. You can decide. Fair warning this one’s pretty long
So while Dani was traveling the world, she meet Talia Al Ghul.
They became friends(?) and regularly meet up for coffee and tea and such (Dani is not part of the LOA) (Talia wanted to adopt her but she said no) (Dani knows of the LOA but not of Damian. In my mind a demon heir would be confidential information)
Damian leads the Wayne foundations (as well as the Martha and Thomas Wayne foundations) which involves lot of international travel. With his vigilantism and his job, Bruce forces him to put out applications for a secretary. He’s been moonlighting as the Vulture for a couple of years.
Dani, with her years of traveling in now fluent in multiple languages (one of her obsessions) and decided to attend collage in Star City, moving to Gotham after a degree in international business relations.
She applies at Wayne Enterprises for a job, and gets invited for coffee with Talia via coffee message.
Barbara Gordon intercepted the message and sends Damian and Tim to watch her meeting with a mystery person.
They are slightly confused as to Talia is meeting with a seemingly normal civilian. And thinks this that she must be working with the Leauge (no matter how pretty her laugh was)
Talia, who realizes that if Dani won’t allow her to become her daughter, then daughter-in-law is the next best thing.
He realizes how royally he fucked up when Bruce introduces him to his new secretary, Danielle Jane Masters-Fenton.
So now he’s working with a (presumed) LOA assassin, one who’s (probably) infiltrating the company to get to his family. And Talia is try to set them up for some reason.
However, no one believes him when he tells them of his theory. Not even Bruce, who did the actual interview. (He also thought that she would make a good match for Damian, and bonus points if the rest of the family thinks so as well)
Part of Dani’s jobs description is to accompany her boss on international trips, which can take anywhere from 3 days to a week. And it’s pretty difficult when your boss hates you for some reason but can’t fire you because of his dad. Even harder when you’re forced to become a antihero (Vapor) to clean gothams curses and ghost cults and have an odd relationship with the Vulture
There are so many shenanigans that can happen
- Dani and Damian going on a routine business trip and having it run late, plus with the time zones, they are exhausted and forget to book the hotel room. The take the last available room, which happens to have only one bed. Neither one cares.
- mass Arkham breakout, and Dani retunes to work with a fractured left wrist. She says she got injured in the breakout and when Damian goes to her because he’s concerned suspicious he asks her more about it. Dani panics and tells him it was alright because Vapor was there and saved her (she actually got into a brawl with sulker)
~Vulture immediately seeks out Vapor to find out which rouge Dani her and Dani figures out his identity because Damian was the only one she mentioned anything about Vapor to she panicked okay??
- another trip but Damian doesn’t speak the local language (Dani knows more) and the company’s daughter insults Damian to their face because she assumed neither of them spoke the Language. Dani ripped her a new one, and because of her outright hostility (which has never happen before) Damian doesn’t renew the contracts with the company and instead spends the rest of the trip trying to cheer up Dani’s mood.
- Danny. Sam and Tucker all visit her in Gotham and the everlasting trio all go to an animal rights protest that ends up with them in a brawl. Damian also ends up brawling on their side and the four of them get thrown in the same jail cell while they wait for someone to bail them out. Tim arrives for Damian at the same time Dani arrives for the trio. To spite them, Dani and Tim have a long conversation in front of their cell instead of letting them out. (The group approves of Damian)
- a ghost attacks Dani and Damian on their way to the airport, Dani whips out her ghost busting moves. Damian finally decides to admit to himself that he’s in love after watching her tackle a ghost to the ground and make him beg for mercy (technus should’ve known better that to pick a fighter against her. in Gotham. With her crush boss watching)
- Dani kills the Joker, and a member of Black Masks crew saw her, so Vulture was assigned to be her bodyguard of sorts
- Dani is planning an international gala for the Waynes and is very stressed out. So stressed out, that a week before the gala she realized she didn’t think to accommodate for any rouge attacks and spends the next 3 days in her office. Damian eventually drops her sleep deprived butt home.
- Dan visits Dani in her office
- wingman Jon
- International business meeting hosted at WE. Rouge attakd the meeting and Dani gets injured. Damian sees red
- Waynes go to a masked gala in Wisconsin, hosted by Vlad Masters. Dani and Damian share a dance (while wearing masks) and a ghost ruins the party
- M A K I N G O U T W H I L E D R U N K
- Damian figures out Dani’s identity simply because he realizes they laugh and smile the same
- “Danielle.”
“Your birthday is coming up, correct?”
“It is, what about it?”
“What would you like?”
“Damian, you don’t have to get me anything.”
“Tt. Ridiculous. What would you like?”
“Get me a (super rare sword from medieval times)” (she was joking)
“Consider it done.” (He was not)
Eventually Ra’s finds out about Dani and her connection to his grandsons and daughter and decides to kidnap her as blackmail.
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feluka · 9 months
the most insulting part of this is when they started by showing a collage of victims while saying "are these people not worth defending?"
my guy i promise we have photos of victims that would have to be downscaled to a single pixel to fit all of them on the same screen if that's what you're after. but that's not what we're here for because we know if it's a matter of garnering sympathy then if the videos of mutilated children circulating for 90 days didn't do it then nothing will. you're here to show us evidence not photos of babies and saying "isn't this so sad?" because if you want to do this then it's only fair you extend the trial time to be enough to show every video of every dead palestinian child. but we know you don't care about THOSE babies.
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aashi-heartfilia · 3 months
Deku and Ochako: Two threads running in parallel
MHA has a vibrant cast with each character having its own quirks and perks. We often find ourselves shipping them and rooting for them to become cannon but in the midst of these shipping wars, we often overlook their personal journeys become true heroes.
One such pair is IzuOcha.
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People often view it as a straight vanilla ship and ignore everything that makes it special/different from the other so-called vanilla ships. The fact that their journeys were always running in parallel, fighting side by side, inspiring each other in a give and take relationship...but let's start from the very beginning....
Chapter 3: The first time we meet Ochako, she saves Deku from falling on his two feet. She's nervous, but not as much as Deku. She wishes them both good luck and leaves. Now, this was their first meeting, and this is where their "Do your best" starts.
They both did their best in the exams, where Deku saves Ochako from the giant robot and Ochako in turns saves Deku from falling, like literally saving his life this time around.
Chapter 4: Then, the next time we see her, she was vouching for Deku, even at the cost of her own points. This also parallels her speech later in the manga.
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Chapter 7: They enter UA, finally meet each other again, and become friends. In fact, on the very first day, Ochako says that she likes the name Deku, as it kinda gives a "You can do it!" vibe. Another fun thing to note here is that in Japanese she refers to 'gambare' which literally means "Do your best!".
She changes the meaning of his name, from an insult to something inspiring and it might have looked like a comedy gag moment at that time, but when you look at future chapters, it was much more than that.
Chapter 8: The very next chapter, we see Deku facing off Bakugo and saying "He's the Deku who does his best!". And we even see the importance of what Ochako said as she inspired him to do his best. In that test, they both pass with flying colors.
Chapter 22: Then not after too long, we find out about Ochako's motivation to be a hero, which was to earn money so that her parents can have easier lives. Some might say, there are other ways to make money, why choose heroism?
Well, you need to look deeper into the character, especially for someone like Ochako that has layers to her character. She's not someone you can tell by looking at first glance. From outside, she might be all sweet and cherry but from the inside, there's a storm. She has an iron will, and that she depicted again and again, be it her battle with Bakugo in sports fest or her quirk awakening and battle with Toga in the 2nd war. She has always been like that.
On the surface, she presents herself to be your average girl next door, but when you look behind that facade, you'll see a plethora of emotions.
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She laughs with everyone but cries alone.
Her crying after Deku leaves (ch 37) or her thoughts about "who saves the heroes", or her "I didn't know the first thing about Toga" thoughts...
She has thoughts and emotions that are deep and not for not everyone can comprehend them. Some people might still see her as nothing more than a blatant love interest but we know that's far from the truth and that's why we'll deep dive into her character a little more.
Ochako has a lot of self-respect >>>
Despite what inspires her to be a hero, she refuses to take help from anyone. This is depicted when she refuses to take help from Deku in the SF. She felt embarrassed when Iida challenged Deku as that made her question her own ideals.
They were all there to become heroes and that makes them all rivals, even if they are friends and thus she challenges him to meet her at the finals.
I think that was a very underrated Ochako moment. (can't present all the pictures because Tumblr only allows less than 10 pics, but you can see it in the collage above)
From the very first day, her "let's do our best!" moment to their battle with Toga in the final war, she has been challenging / inspiring Deku but due to her soft personality, it gets overlooked very often.
It parallels Bakugo in a way and I love the parallels between Bakugo and Ochako but that is for another day.
So it's safe to conclude that just like Bakugo who has been a hardcore rival in power and ideals, Ochako has also been a friend / rival both in terms of power and ideals, although it might be more of her morals that inspire him the most. He even thinks about her in his final battle with Shigaraki, because she was the only one that resonates with his idea of saving villains but more on that later.
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Chapter 37: After her loss, Deku goes to check on her and it turns out she was doing fine. She has taken it very positively or so it may seem but as soon as Deku leaves, she starts crying and Deku overhears her. He even feels guilty about not being able to do anything for her.
And that shows you how perceptive Deku really is. He's not some dumb, dense MC that has no clue how others are feeling. He's very sensible and wouldn't cause unnecessary trouble.
Chapter 45: After the sports fest, we see everyone choosing their hero names and Izuku chooses Deku. We even get a reaction panel of both Ochako and Bakugo. Bakugo always looked down on Deku and used it as an insult to call him 'useless' but Ochako changed its meaning to some positive, more meaningful.
Then in the following chapters (ch 46) they both go for their internships where Deku learns to control his 5% from Grand Torino and Ochako learns combat from Gunheads and I might say, IzuOcha might be the only people who learned the most from their internships, lol.
From then onwards, they both continue to grow in terms of power, as the story starts focusing on other characters as well, and we see less of her. Plus, her slight crush starts to develop from that point on, which made most people overlook her entire story.
But let's go over some of the key moments from that time:
Aoyama and Ochako vs 13: Aoyama teases Ochako about Deku, and this might be the first mention of her having a crush on Deku (ch 67)
Izuku encounters Shigaraki at the mall: If it wasn't for Ochako, everyone in the mall, including Deku would have died, making it the 2nd time Ochako saved Deku's life, quite literally (ch 68 and 69)
God knows what would have happened if Ochako didn't come back at the right time. She called the police and alerted everyone. Ochako doesn't get enough credit for her responsible and mature nature.
Chapter 76-77: Deku vs Muscular and Chapter 80: Ochako and Tsuyu vs Toga 1.0 where Deku and gang's interference saved them kinda like how Ochako's presence in the mall saved Deku from Shigaraki, although that was more serious.
Chapter 100: Ochako, Iida and Deku meet Hatsume. Yeah, that iconic encounter that has another parallel.
Chapter 102: Ochako realises her feelings for Deku.
Chapter 105: Deku realises it's not Ochako.
The thing is, Deku knew from the get go that the stranger is not Ochako. He even says "Ochako has been training to use her quirk and now she can float herself for some time, ignoring the side effects. In a situation like this, she wouldn't forget to use it and to reveal herself to the enemy without a plan?"
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No, you're not the Uraraka I know.
And that, says volumes out there relationship! Even though, we saw how Ochako had romantic feelings for Deku in the previous chapters, she still kept on improving and Deku acknowledged that!
Even if we don't see him analysing her quirk again and again like Bakugo, he always keeps an eye on her, because note that in the manga, she never specifically tells him about her improvement but he still noticed it!
He knows Ochako enough to know that she's smart and strategic and that she would never reveal herself in front of the enemy without a solid plan. So when he saved Toga (disguised as Ochako) he knew that it wasn't Ochako!
And that's pure respect.
It is one of the examples of "Show, don't tell".
Chapter 107: Ochako quickly followed Deku's idea because she trusts him so much.
Chapter 109: And later, we see her struggling to keep her feelings under check. Because she's so inspired by Deku to do her best, it becomes an internal battle of emotions. At one point, she wants to compete with him, on the other, she has feelings for him that she can't control.
After that, it's a brief period of self-reflection from Ochako. We start seeing her less and less. She gets busy with her internship with Ryukyu and the team and we later see that they help defeat that giant villain in ch 156.
We later see that one of the biggest developments of Ochako comes from ch 163, where she regrets not being able to save Sir Nighteye.
In the class 1a vs 1b arc, she saves Deku when his quirk blackwhip goes haywire. If it wasn't for her quick thinking, again God knows what would have happened.
She may not have numerous power quirks like Deku but she's a capable hero in her own right and that is depicted in the Joint training arc when not only does she save Deku, but also manages to KO 3/5 people in the opponents team (Monoma, Rei, Poltergeist). She was literally the MVP of that arc.
Plus we get to see more of what runs inside her brain. Her ideology about forms the basis for one of the greatest arcs in the story.
"Who saves the heroes when they are in pain?"
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After JTA, they again go to their internships and when they come back Deku apologises for what happened during JTA. Note that even though it was never shown, he was still concerned about Ochako.
He was sad that he unknowingly hurt her (much like how he says thank you very later after her speech). But Ochako on the other hand brushes it off, saying it's not a big deal and it inspired her to use wires much like Sero and Deku.
So, we see this relationship of give and take come into play again and again where they both inspire the other to do their best. Then they share a cute fist bump.
On Christmas, out of pure coincidence (wink** wink** Horikoshi) they both receive each other's presents.
Also note that, Ochako gets her hero costume upgraded after JTA, where she starts using those grappling hooks to grab and throw stuff, much like Deku and also attaches tiny rockets in her heels for more mobility.
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Plus, that cute tiny pocket where she keeps her AM plushie❤️(that she got as Christmas gift from Deku). I think, after Bakugo and Deku, she has the most useful costume upgrade in the entire class!
Also, when Deku has a battle with Shigaraki in the 1st war, there is an entire chapter dedicated to Ochako vs Toga. Plus, she also gets to witness the aftermath of the war and her face, even now serves as the highlight for that chapter (ch 295).
The ragged blanket of heroism shed that day and what was left was the remains, of what it means to be a hero.
And for someone who was initially there for the money, it is especially important that she gets to witness this. It was the true horrors of hero society. She witnessed all this and still chose to stay in that line of work already says that she is way past her old thinking.
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She's not some government agent like Hawks or Nagant or training to become the No 1 hero like Deku, Bakugo or Endeavour. Her life is simple, much like the citizens she saves, but it still matters.
And that's what makes her a People's Hero.
And finally after the first war, Deku leaves UA and Ochako rethinks "Who saves the heroes when they are in need?" and after that point onwards there was no looking back as her character arc takes a great turn!!
We get an entire arc of Dark Deku, indulging more and more into the darkness of his own powers and almost 10 chapters later we see a completely different Ochako.
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I still remember people talking about it when ch 319 dropped.
This Ochako is ready to take action and takes shit from no one! One of the greatest character developments if you ask me. Ochako in a way is more like Lucy from Fairytail. Gets ignored most of the time but their moments are just as important.
Even though Deku went around saving people for days, people started viewing him as a villain. Ochako's speech brought him back to being a human.
Not a hero, not a villain, just a human.
And then we see her thinking about Toga, and how she didn't know the first thing about her in ch 342. She had a chat with Deku, where she confided in him. I think that kind of emotional intimacy is what makes their relationship interesting.
Her morals matter a lot to Deku, believe it or not! And that's why when she asks him to leave and take care of Shigaraki in ch 348, he thinks back to this conversation and unwillingly obliges.
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Because he has faith in her, the kind that cannot be expressed in words. That comes from a long time understanding of each other...that is beyond comprehension for many people and that's why her "Do your best!" matters because that's what they have been doing since the day they met!
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rottencherrypie · 6 months
R-18+; The King's Whore (Thorin x Fem!Reader)
Summary - Before reclaiming Erebor, the king had propositioned you to become his personal whore, a proposition which was rather beneficial on both sides. However, it appears you have forgotten who owns you and now all of Erebor and its' visitors must know that you are the king's whore.
Warnings - Smut, afab reader, female reader, degradation, harassment, xenophobia (brief), possessiveness, teasing, slapping, choking, bodily fluids, unprotected sex, spanking (brief), kinda-dom!thorin(?),kinda-dom!reader(?), semi-public sex, being called a whore (an unhealthy amount of times), thorin whimpering, creampie, (brief) mention of a womb.
Pronouns & Pov - She/her, third-person-ish
Word Count - 4,100+
A/N - An old smut from my old Tumblr account, I honestly do not remember a single word I wrote back then...it's good to be back <3 (I swapped phones so I no longer have the collage I originally used with this, I will make a new one soon)
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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
It had been mere months since the painstakingly long journey to reclaim the kingdom of Erebor had come to fruition. The terrifying battle nearly took your lover and his beloved nephews from this realm but by the grace of the gods, you had managed to swoop in and save them one by one. The scars on your body, ranging from large to small were a reminder of how lucky all of you were to be breathing.
A soft smile graced your lips at the thought of each dwarf sleeping peacefully within the large stone walls, walls that shielded out everyone else except for you. You were the only exception when it came to humans, according to the company you had traveled with, all doubts had ceased to exist from their minds though you could not say the same for the rest of their people.
Some had shown you great hospitality, it often debated if it were for your association to the king or for your bravery on the battlefield, while others showed you relentless cruelty. Shared cruelty both you and a rather familiar she-elf had grown to endure, none thinking of how the pair of you had thrown your lives away for the safety of their people yet they were often quick to judge on how those who stood before you did nothing for those before them.
A sudden frown spread upon your lips at the sudden reminder of those awful words the pair of you were often called, many ranging from outrageous to simply hissing 'human' or 'elf' in your directions, though there was one supposed insult that always forced a knowing grin onto your soft lips. The king's whore.
Little had they known, you had earned this title far before you had stepped foot into Erebor. They would never know nor accept that it was the king's suggestion to aid him during his sleepless nights, to give him momentary relief up against a tree, or to share your tastes upon each other's tongue.
No, to them you corrupted their poor king the moment the battle was over for your selfish gain, many reminding you through a slum of insults they would never accept you and you would never be their queen. A title you did not care for and you could easily have cast away with a few words to your lover, as you had made clear to him and all of Erebor; the title of their queen was pathetic compared to being his whore.
Many believed being his queen would give them more power than some measly whore could ever gain yet here you were, sitting across some of the most powerful rules in middle earth as they sought out your opinion, a simple whore, to aid them for future conquests. On top of keeping the king's bed warm, you kept their kingdom and many other kingdoms safe yet no one would ever credit you with that.
"Is there anything you wish to add, Y/N?" The soft tone suddenly anchored you back to reality, a quiet hum escaping your lips as your eyes raised the rouge-colored fabric that hung loosely around your lap. The form-fitting outfit, one you had chosen to get a rise out of the dwarven king, a form of revenge for him leaving you craving his touch and taste all so he could go back to his pointless paperwork.
"If all is well with his highness, then I have nothing else to add." Your melodic words falling gracefully upon his ears, the corners of his slightly chapped lips turning upwards into a proud smile. "Then it is settled." The dwarven king announced, slamming his bare palm against the dark-oak table allowing the men to rise from their seats to commune with one another.
Many coming to his side to compliment him on retrieving his home, a compliment he often reflected onto you yet this time he didn't. As he glanced across the table, his calloused hand stretched out, prepared to introduce you in a way he often did, he noticed you were talking to another. Not just another dwarf, they knew better than to do so without his permission, but another man. This alone would be fine if you were not flirting with him!
The tips of your fingers softly kissing his lightly scar-tattered arms as your plump lips curved upwards into a smile, your jewel-colored eyes sparkling as you took in each boring word the man spoke. To the king's displeasure, you wrapped a soft palm around his upper arm and allowed a soft giggle to escape your lips, a similar action that had sparked his proposal for you to be his whore and only his.
"Excuse me." The muttered words barely caught his company's ears as he quickly rose, his limbs moving on their own towards your direction as the light behind his eyes quickly began to match the shade of your dress. "And that's when I-oh hello your highness," The male began, a knowing smile painted upon his lips. "I was just telling your whore about my latest journey." The words flying out of his mouth far too comfortably, the palm which loosely wrapped around his upper arm suddenly released whilst you backed away in disgust. How dare he call you that? Only your king could refer to you as such!
"I beg your pardon?" The words passing through the king's gritted teeth, though he was furious at you for flirting with another male, the rage he had felt when your title slipped through his lips was far more powerful. "Your whore, how much gold for a night with her?" A smug grin spread upon his grimy face, a grin he wished to wipe clean from his face with his sword. "My whore, is not for sale. She will not warm anyone else's bed other than my own." The low growl sending a sharp shiver down your spine, you could not deny the effect his possessiveness had upon you.
Your breath hitched in the back of your throat as the king inched closer to the lower-class male, eyes burning blazes far more powerful than Smaug's breath. "You shall refer to her as Y/N or her highness and only as such, the title of my whore is meant for myself and myself alone." His fingers tightly clung around his thumb, chest rising and falling quickly as his gaze burnt further holes into his competitor's skull. "If you wish to leave Erebor intact, I highly suggest you do so. Understood?" The opposite male quickly bobbed his head, face draining of all color the moment the king's harsh tone caught his ear.
"Good, now get out of my sight." And with those words, the male quickly scurried off leaving you with the fuming king. "Outside, now." Another low growl further dampened the undergarments that rested between your thighs. Without the chance to respond, he quickly dragged you out of the meeting halls without the notice nor the care of others around him.
"What did you think you were doing?" Hissing as he shoved you up against the cold stones, your words quickly catching in your throat as the glint in his eyes grew darker. "You know what, my whore? I simply do not care now, it appears someone has forgotten who she belongs to." The hot air on the nape of your bare neck forced you to swallow a mouthful of air, the burning fury within his ocean eyes furthering the lust you had towards him.
"No clever comment? Or are you too overwhelmed by your pathetic need to be full of cock already?" The sensation of his rough calloused hand inching up your thigh caused your breath to hitch in the back of your throat, your lust-filled eyes boring back into his enraged ones. "Thorin, we should stop. Someone could spot us-" "If they do let them watch, you are mine and all of middle earth will know it when I get done with you." The once silent halls filled with the sudden tearing of your panties, the damped fabric sprawled onto the murky ground beneath you.
A small pathetic gasp escaped your plump lips as his fingertips grazed your sensitive clit, excruciatingly sensitive due to his highness's neglect towards it in favor of his work. "Look at you, so responsive already. Such a good whore for me." A proud smile spread upon his lips as a singular thick finger traced a path down your drenched cunt, the very tip slowly delving inside of your soaked walls before slipping away.
An irritated sigh slipped through your lips as you attempted to lower yourself down upon it, your movements quickly stalled by his harsh grasp digging into your left hip. "Ah, ah, ah." He tutted pulling his finger further away from your soaked cunt. "Only good whores get pleasure, have you been a good whore?" "I always am-ah!" A harsh thwack against your clit forced your entire body to tremble. "Wrong answer." His cock stirring against the tight fabric he called trousers at your pathetic whines.
The continued thwacks against your sopping pussy echoed throughout the empty halls, soft whines and desperate pleads filled the king's ears amongst his torturous touches. "Oh please, your highness! I'll do anything you desire, please use me. I need it so badly." The pathetic excuse for words choked out of your swollen lips, each thwack digging your teeth further into the tip of your upper lip. "Anything?" A mischievous smirk spread upon his lips, your neediness was a sight, a rare one yet one he adored more than any treasure in all of middle earth.
The blur of your beautiful hair caught his eyes, he had trained you to be his perfect cock whore so well. "Face the wall, legs spread wide." His hot breath was suddenly removed from your neck as he backed away from you. "Now." His command jolted you up from the wall, legs trembling in an attempt to keep you steady as you quickly spun around.
"Such a good little whore." He hummed lowly while he kneaded your plump arse. "My good little whore." The soft tickle of his beard against your neck allowed a small giggle to slip between your lips. Finally, you were getting what you wanted. Arching your back downwards, you pressed your covered arse further into his calloused palms receiving an appreciative groan from him. "Needy today, aren't we?" Though you could not see it, you could feel the smile upon his lips due to the amusement dripping from his words.
"I am always needy for you, my king." A silent whine disrupting your words as the king's rough hands roamed beneath your skirts, a harsh thwack on your plump arse forced a choked moan out of your lips. "Must you tease me?" You whined slightly louder than desired, all care you had for getting caught slowly inching out of your mind as you thought of the inches between the king's legs.
"Patience, my dear whore." The king hummed lowly as his hands continued to further explore your desperate form, gliding over each curve and ounce of your body. Each bump and rough patch of skin received a momentary hover of the king's hands, some ounces in small circles, before gliding to the next mass of flesh, admiring and loving each scar and imperfection your body held.
Though it typically warmed your heart knowing how much his highness adored you and the things you have done for him, now was not the time you wanted him to be gentle with you nor receive any praises from him. You needed him badly, you needed him now.
Further pressing your plump arse into his large palm, you slowly began to roll your hips in a desperate attempt for him to gift you with any form of pleasure. "You know you want to." The words dripping with lust, your low sultry tone causing his aching cock to twitch against those damn restraints he called trousers.
"Is that so? What else do I want to do, if you are so clever?" As you opened your mouth to answer his inquiry you felt the sudden shift of your skirts going upwards. "Go on, whore. Speak." "I-oh fuck!" Your attempt to form words dying off on your tongue at the sudden pressure between your legs, the tip of his throbbing cock slowly pressing into your soaked cunt without fair warning.
A small gasp of pleasure escaping your lips as his throbbing cock continued to push further inside of you, the gentle stretch of your walls allowed your eyes to loop upwards into your skull. "Shit, Thorin." The pathetic little mewls from his pulsating cock deep within you sounded more heavenly than any instrument's tune before, a pleased grin spreading upon his lips as he bucked his hips upwards allowing his cock to further stretch out your soaking cunt.
"Such a good little whore, taking all of me so easily." The muttered words against your neck sending a shiver down your spine, the soft tickle of his beard against your bare neck was accompanied by gentle nips at the curve of your soft neck. The bucking of his hips stalled at a gentle pace allowing you time to adjust to the heavenly stretch inside of you, each fiber of his being burning as he restrained himself from further carving his cock inside of you.
The attempts to allow you to adjust quickly failed as you backed your hips against his, your soaking cunt squeezing around his throbbing cock with each movement. "Fuck." He groaned tilting his head backward, eyes closed at the heavenly sensation as his hands roamed up your body before resting snugly around your throat.
Your eyes widening at the gentle pressure that surrounded your neck, the warmth which radiated off of his palms soothing the faint bite marks given mere moments before. "Be a good whore and stay still." The roughness in his voice further drenching your aching cunt, a tone you had heard once before he pulled out of you and left you there, desperate and begging for the smallest touch from him.
The squelch of your drench cunt accompanied the sound of skin slapping against each other throughout the stone halls, your pleased moans ever so slightly muffled by the king's hands clenching around your throat. The pair tightening as his movements grew faster, his cock hitting the most sensitive spots deep within you with every stroke.
Though he was not mighty when it came to his height, his cock was far different, much larger and thicker than you had ever dreamt of. The faint sting of it stretching you out upon entrance far too heavenly for words to describe, a statement you had once told him only to be met by his mocking as you sobbed on his throbbing cock that very night at the intensive stretch he gave you.
"So fucking tight, so tight for me." He growled lowly into your ear as the thrusts of his hips became harder and quicker, your hands desperately clawing against the smooth walls as each rough thrust further carved his cock into your inner walls. "All for you, Thorin." The words choked out weakly as your eyes looped upwards within your skull, your mouth agape as each thrust allowed a moan to escape.
"Who's pussy is this? Fucking say it." Another low growl greeted your ease whilst he rammed his cock deeper in your depth, hitting the most sensitive part of your core with each powerful stroke. "It's your pussy, Thorin. It's all yours." You sobbed loudly, a familiar tingling spreading up from your toes throughout your entire body as a knot formed within the pit of your belly.
"What was that, whore? I couldn't hear you!" The pressure against your neck slightly eases before a harsh thwack fell upon your arse, your body jolting forwards at the sudden sensation as a whimper suddenly left your lips. "You own my pussy, Thorin!" You yelped out, your loud cries bouncing throughout the large halls. Any concern of your peers hearing your slutty cries melted out of your pleasure-filled mind, your only thoughts on how harshly the king was treating your pussy. The knot within your stomach tightening further, your cunt clenching around the massive cock buried within you.
"AH!" His rough thumb began toying with your throbbing bundle of nerves, his animalistic thrusts refusing to ease up on your beaten pussy as your body trembled before him. Sweaty palms gliding down the cold walls, back arched further towards him as his calloused hand clenched tighter around your throat. "Fuck, I can't." You choked out another whine as both of his movements became sloppier, soft grunts escaping his lips as your pussy began to pulsate around his swollen cock.
"Cum." He commanded lowly, his hips beginning to burn at the pace of his animalistic thrusts. Each thrust ramming his cock at the most sensitive spot in your body, his thumb perfectly circling the tense bundle of nerves between your legs. "I can't." He snarled at your pathetic whine, the circles from his thumb quickly removed by a harsh smack against your throbbing clit.
"I said fucking cum, whore! Do it, cum for me. Now!" A loud yell escaping your lips as your body trembled, the static sensation spreading upon your body as the knot within your belly finally burst. His sturdy hand moving from your clit to your chest to keep your trembling form steady whilst you gushed around his cock, a proud smile spread upon his lips as his thrusts began to slow. "That's a good whore, cumming for her king." He cooed softly, his hand moving from your neck to caress your cheek whilst your walls fluttered around him.
The cool air filled your lungs as your gasps returned to steady breaths, your tense shoulders slumping towards your sides as a blissful look spread across your face. "I've got you." His words came out as a soft chuckle as he pressed a gentle kiss upon your neck, a soft nod of the head signaling him you were prepared to go again.
"Are you sure, Y/N? You nearly collapsed there." The back of his rough hand gently caressing your cheek. "Please, Thorin. You need your release as well." A mischievous smile spreading upon your lips, without warning you began to move forwards before lowering yourself back down on his length allowing a bliss-filled moan to slip through both of your lips.
The temporarily silent halls quickly filled back with the sound of skin slapping against each other yet again, the much softer rhythm accompanied by the faint moans from the king. "Fuck, you feel so good." He moaned into your ear as you met his soft thrusts by pushing your ass further against him, the hands which once held your neck now squeezing one of yours and gripping the flesh on your hip.
Each throb and thrust allowed your body to tremble, the aftershock of your orgasm still rang fresh throughout your body. His thrusts slowed down in speed as he squeezed your palm tightly, eyes glued shut allowing him to further absorb the sensations of your squelching pussy.
"You fuck me so good, my king." You cooed, squeezing his palm back as you further bounced yourself on his cock knowing well he was not short from falling into the depths of his pleasure, the slow teasing circles your hips would trace whilst on the base of his cock sent a loud groan throughout the halls.
"Fuck, Y/N. If you keep that up I'll-" A soft whimper slipping through his lips as you released his hand from yours, both palms planted firmly on the wall as you continued to ram yourself back against his throbbing cock. "Do it, my king. Cum for me." The sight of your arse bouncing upon his cock and your encouraging words almost too much for the lust-stricken king.
His sturdy arms wrapping around your waist tightly as he held you steady, his pace gradually picking up as his whimpers rang throughout Erebor. "Fuck, I want to fill you up so badly." His whines in your ear were your favorite tune, much like your desperate moans and whimpers to him, it was one no instrument could compare to nor recreate.
"You want to fill up your whore's pussy? Would that make my king happy?" You hummed out softly between moans, the heavy slap of skin against each other speeding up as he bobbed his head against your neck. "Please." His pathetic little whines making your pussy flutter around him, a single hand trailing down back towards your cunt and greeting your bundle of nerves yet again.
"Then do it, your highness. Fill me up with your cum." The moment that heavenly tune left your lips he began to plow into you faster, sweat glistening upon his forehead as his thumb swirled around your sensitive bundle of nerves, desperate to get one more orgasm out of you during his own.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" The loud cries of the king ringing out throughout his kingdom as his grip around your waist tightened, his body slumping further into yours as his hips bucked roughly into yours, his thumb still twiddling around that sensitive bundle of nerves he adored so deeply bringing you to yet another blinding orgasm.
White-hot ribbons painting the deepest depths within your womb, the overwhelming sensation of being filled to the brim made your nails puncture his toned arms. A soft hiss escaped his lips at the new puncture wounds, ones he would later claim he received during battle, and hoped the stirring of his cock would not give the truth away.
Trembling bodies clinging onto one another tightly, your nails still digging into his toned flesh while your lips curved up into a looped smile. "Thank you." He muttered softly, kissing the nook of your neck between pants for the cooling air. "Anytime, my king." You cooed happily, glazed-over eyes staring back at one another as your soft lips met his.
A tender moment erasing all images of the day before from both minds, simple orgasmic peace within you was all the new king needed in these silent moments, moments he wished he wasn't required to end. "Ready to return to our guests, my whore?" He hummed softly, pulling his softened cock out of your warm depths. A soft disappointed whimper escaped your lips at the sudden departure, wishing to have nothing more but a few more moments or hours with him.
"If it were up to me, my king, we wouldn't return till neither of us could walk." The soft mutter barely catching his ear, your attention now focused on fixing your disheveled appearance before facing the men in the other room. "After this, you will have me all to yourself until the next full moon." His lips gracing yours again for another few blissful seconds, the soft sensation easing all tension and worries from your body.
"I suppose I can bear with our guests for a few moments longer." A pleased smile creeping up onto your face causing the king to shake his head, both knowing well this would not be the first outburst towards him.
"Come along then." The sturdy thumps of his heavy boots ringing throughout the halls as you walked by his side, hands tightly wrapped around the other. "Oh, and before I forget." Pausing a few feet from the large metal doors in front of you, watching curiously as his opposite hand delved into his furs. "Remember, I own you, whore." Your body froze seeing your soaked panties in his clutches, a mischievous glint sparkling within his ocean orbs whilst he quickly tucked it away.
The soft clicks of his boots brought you out of your shocked daze alongside the sudden trickle of cum rolling down your inner thighs, a heavy heat quickly burning beneath your cheeks as you rushed after the mischievous king. "Thorin! Give those back to me this instant!" Your yells bouncing off the walls whilst you attempted to grab within his robes, his amused chuckles only fueling your desperate attempts to cover your bare cunt.
"You said it yourself, my lovely whore. I own your pussy and as the owner of it, I want it bare at all times." The smug grinning king pressed a soft kiss upon your cheek before waltzing into the meeting room ever so calmly as if him pounding into you mere moments ago was simply a figment of your imagination, you trailing close behind him with your gaze pointed towards the floor.
His hot cum further staining your inner thighs as you took your spot next to him, a calm smile spread upon your lips as you remembered his words. 'you will have me all to yourself until the next full moon.' How he would regret his actions at nightfall, if he wished to play dirty you could as well.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Rewrite >
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moutainrusing · 3 months
pic ‘n’ mix
271 words, @wolfstarmicrofic
“Cheese, cheese, cheese,” Sirius chanted as he snapped photos of Remus non-stop.
“Stop,” Remus laughed, futilely trying to shield his face.
“Oh, okay. Fine. I already have enough anyway.” Sirius lowered his phone and grinned.
“Fuck you.”
“Mm, just control your libido for a minute.”
Remus threw his hands up in resignation, “I swear you always use our relationship status against me.”
“What’s the point if I don’t?” Sirius grinned, turning to walk to the printer.
“Oh, I dunno,” Remus started as he blindly followed, “Maybe we could have a happy, healthy relationship where when I say ‘fuck you,’ it comes across as the insult it’s meant to be, not some dirty compliment to your horny brain… A calm, peaceful relationship that’s not fueled by hormones…”
“You’re such a hypocrite,” Sirius rolled his eyes as all the pictures printed off.
Remus eyed him, “What’re you doing with those?”
Sirius held the sheet up proudly, “Remus collage!”
“…Pretty. You’re cute. And I need you on a poster when I’m falling asleep. You can help me! It’s like… pic ‘n’ mix! Here’s a pic,” Sirius demonstratively pointed to his favourite picture, one where Remus was squinting and trying to shield his face from both sun and camera, but hadn’t managed to cover his crooked front tooth as he grinned, so it was dazzling and bright, “And then we cut it out, stick it down, cut out another, stick that down, and mix it up until we’ve made the most beautiful collage in the world.”
Remus shook his head fondly. “Mix it up with pics of you, too. Then it’s the most beautiful.”
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ultrone · 1 year
can you write hcs for how shauna, jackie, natalie and lottie would act in a relationship with reader when:
being jealous:
being angry:
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how would gf shauna, jackie, nat and lottie react when jealous, simping, and angry.
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when shauna gets jealous, she gets instantly defensive, acting without thinking first. she’ll prolly stand in the way of whoever's flirting with you and tell them to get the fuck away, as if everyone in the world knew you that the two of you were dating. she's fr not afraid of making a scene, since she's used to making it everyone’s problem whenever she's angry.
i can also see her frequently getting jealous of other people you talk to just because she’s insecure. she’ll probably get upset and question you a lot, so u’d have to give her lots of reassurance to make her feel better.
when simping, she stares at you a lot—whether it is with longing eyes or with in-love eyes, you’ll frequently notice her big brown eyes gazing deeply at you. she writes you tons of love notes and writes about you on her journal—she also has an entire journal dedicated to you, where she makes collages with pictures of you and other things she likes that remind her of you. she has lots of pictures of the two of you on her wall. she also cooks for you a lot.
shauna has a complex way of dealing with her emotions, so i guess it really depends on what she's angry about. usually tho, she tends to bottle up her feelings, getting angrier and angrier until she bursts—and when she bursts, she bursts. the moment shauna reaches her limit, she'll raise her voice at you and say anything she thinks will hurt you, the more it hurts you the better. It isn't until one of you leaves the room that she instantly cools down and regrets it. she'll then proceed to look like this emoji “🥺” and overthink the whole interaction until she finally gets the courage to apologize to u.
when jackie gets jealous, she doesn't say it directly, but she does everything she can to get your attention—mostly in negative ways tbh. she would never cheat on you, but i can see her using other people to make you feel jealous or insecure so that you go chase after her. for example, if someone's clearly flirting with her, she won't back away or anything, she'll slightly lead them on until you notice that someone else is giving her attention and u go do something about it.
when simping, she's all giggly and flirty. she twirls her hair and bites her lip with a smile while looking at you. she also does little things to annoy you but in a playful/flirty way, like grabbing the tv remote, changing the movie and being like “omg, were you watching that? hehe 😳🤭”
when angry, she goes away dramatically but expects you to go after her. for example, if she's angry because you fucked up in some type of way, she'd avoid you but expect you to go chase her—and the moment u apologize, she'd immediately forgive you and be like 🥺😔 i missed u 😊
if she doesn’t do that, then she'll straight up tell you everything she feels, but won't insult you at all. even if she's mad at something you did, she’ll look more indignated and disappointed rather than resentful or angry. after dropping the weight off her shoulders, if you don't say sorry right away, she'll then avoid you until you genuinely apologize to her and cuddle her or sum.
when nat gets jealous, she gets visibly angry and possessive. if someone's flirting with you, she'll wrap her arm around your shoulders and say something like "they're taken, you can leave now." if the person doesn’t listen tho, she’ll tell them to fuck off and won’t leave your side for the entire day.
when simping, she's very cute but subtle. she isn’t the best at showering you with gifts and affection, but she'll do little gestures to make you happy, like taking you out to eat, making you playlists, driving you around the city at night, or sitting at the top of her van to smoke together. you'll also notice that she wants to be with you all the time, even if you're just sitting around doing nothing.
when she’s angry, she'll get visibly angry but try to contain herself so that she doesn't hurt you. an angry 'fuck you' might come out of her mouth, but that's the worst she'll say before she walks away to cool down. she'll always apologize for whatever she said to you during the argument after y'all talk about it tho, even if it wasn't that bad.
when lottie gets jealous, she gets annoyed and protective. if someone's flirting with you, she'll stand in the way and softly push you back with one of her arms in a protective manner while she tells the person to go away. she wouldn’t be straight up mean or impulsively aggressive though, she'd just be serious & confident abt it. if the person doesn't listen though, she’ll get annoyed and say something like, “i said they’re with me, are you deaf?”
when simping, lottie is the biggest spoiler ever. she'll put you on the highest pedestal and do everything for you. she'll always bring you up as a topic of conversation when talking to anyone else. whatever you want or like she’ll get it for you, no matter how hard it is. she'll also give you lots of physical affection, specially cuddles and soft caresses—like massaging your scalp or running her hand through your back while you lay down on her chest.
lottie has good control over her emotions, so usually when she gets angry, she avoids you until her anger cools down and she's ready to talk—the reason being that she doesn't wanna burst out and hurt you. she'll then either talk to you or wait for you to reach out to her.
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upswnel · 29 days
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— gojo satoru x afab!reader, mutual pining, academic rivalish friends?, suggestive, collage au!
the evening found satoru and her lounging side by side in his apartment, having just wrapped up a grueling assignment.
the soft strains of françoise hardy's music filled the room, emanating from her phone, while he was engrossed in an intense online chess match.
as the song played on, she suddenly broke the silence. “hey, satoru, do you know french?”
he paused, momentarily confused. his attention had been so absorbed in the game that he hadn’t registered the music’s language, he was completely out of context. assuming she meant something different, he interpreted her question in a more... personal way.
what now, after insulting him non-stop and annoying him by saying no one will ever put up with his narcissistic, egoistic, insufferable, stupid character and how he'll probably die alone with his cat snow; she was suddenly interested in his personal life?
after a brief hesitation, he turned to face her, a confused look on his face. “uh, why do you ask?”
she shrugged, her gaze a little annoyed. she has always been jelaous of how well-rounded he was. he was not only the star player of the soccer team but the way he pulled off every single electric guitar solo she swooned over, the way he competed against her in one of the only fields she was assertive in, playing the piano. as if all these weren't enough, he still managed to keep her on her toes, threatening the academic throne she worked so hard to keep to herself.
“well, since there’s nothing you can’t do well and nothing you don’t know about, i just wondered if you know it too.” she admitted begrudgingly, the playful roll of her eyes made him question the whole ordeal even further.
but still assuming she was referring to something more intimate, he gave her a nonchalant shrug. “yeah, i know it.” he wasn’t quite sure why she was asking, but he figured he might as well answer.
her eyes lit up with excitement, and she leaned in closer. “really? could you tutor me? i’ve been dying to learn french! there were a couple of times i tried to finally give it a go but it always scared me off a little, you know?”
wow, okay.
satoru’s mind went blank. her request for a “french tutor” threw him off completely. he was momentarily distracted as his chess match ended with his opponent’s victory. shaking off his confusion, he turned back to her, processing the situation. “you want me to... teach you?”
she nodded, oblivious to the misunderstanding. “yeah! i’ve always wanted to learn. why do you look so surprised?” she let out a nervous chuckle.
satoru slowly leaned in closer, his heart racing. “are you sure about this?” she was taken aback by the sudden proximity, her cheeks flushing. “yes...?” she managed to reply. though, through her voice it was obvious she was slightly confused.
he reached for the water bottle beside him. "why do you wanna learn it anyway?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. he kept eye contact as the water flowed down his throat, cooling his senses a bit. why would someone want to learn it and ask for it? you get the hang of it when you... just do it with someone you want to... kiss, right? that's not something to ask of your... well certainly not someone you can't even name your relation with.
she pondered for a second. "well... it is very useful in some areas and i kinda like the way it sounds."
he almost choked. coughing as she patted on his back worriedly. "h- hey! are you okay? god, you can't even drink water properly."
he composed himself, clearing his throat before taking a glance at her out the corner of his eye.
well, she was certainly not the type to bring up this kind of topic, especially with him. his gaze lingered on her for a few seconds, the way she looked at him with those both despising and amused eyes; her lips forming a slight smirk as her hand still rested on his back.
he's gotta be honest. he really wondered how it would be like to kiss her. always so aloof and teasing, enjoying to have the upper-hand, nagging at him and making fun of him every chance she gets. the desire to have her putty in his hands made the adrenalin surge through his veins. she doesn't seem like the type to melt in his arms as his lips moved against hers though. but since she wants to learn it, does this mean she's completely inexperienced?
the imagary of her with burning cheeks and laboured breath made something snap in him. having her arms wrapped around his neck as he felt her heart pounding against his chest, the way she would feel so desperate to have his flushed lips on hers again, minds hazy with the dance of their tongues seconds ago but she just can't seem to get enough of his addicting taste you know? oh and the way his hands would slide up her sh-
hey! get a grip, man!
he shut his eyes and rubbed his temples before turning to face her. they just sat in silence for a few moments before he sighed and leaned in. "you want to... you sure?"
her hands found their place on his chest to make him keep his distance. was he acting weird or was it her? she couldn't quite understand his strange behaviour but she let out a hesitant 'yes'.
with that confirmation, he closed the gap between them, capturing her lips in a sweet, gentle kiss. his large hands on both sides of her face, his thumb caressing her cheek bones.
he wasn't even sure what he was doing. his mind was spinning with both perplexity and desire. why was he doing this? he just momentarily craved her touch but kissing her was like they had crossed a boundary they hadn’t intended to.
the initial contact was tender, but as he deepened the kiss, it grew more passionate, his tongue lightly brushing against hers. her eyes widened in shock, and she pulled away, her face burning bright red. “what- what are you doing?” she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.
satoru looked just as flustered, his own cheeks tinged pink. “well, didn’t you ask me to teach you french kissing?”
she was mortified, her mind racing as she realized the mix-up. “no, I meant french as in the language! i didn’t mean... that!” she hated how her stomach twisted and how something in her chest fluttered.
the room fell into a stunned silence. her gulps were audible though. neither of them could muster the words to comment on what had just happened. the unexpected kiss, combined with the misunderstanding, left them both too embarrassed to even tease each other.
satoru cleared his throat, his usual confident demeanor completely absent. “so, uh, we... we should probably just forget about this.”
she nodded quickly, still blushing furiously. “yes, definitely. i... i didn’t mean for any of that to happen.”
the air was thick with awkwardness, and despite the lingering embarrassment, there was a shared understanding that the situation was more than just a simple mix-up. and now, both were grappling with the newfound complexity of their feelings.
with a final awkward glance, they turned back to their respective tasks, the playful and teasing dynamic they once shared replaced with an uncertain, lingering tension. they had literally kissed, and the implications of that were far beyond their usual banter.
let me know if you want a steamier part two! ʕ•̀ω•́ʔ✧
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bunnygirllover45 · 3 months
i’m gonna be honest, as an arab ever since sumeru character leaks being proven right i kind of gave up on genshin in terms of representation and diversity. i’m used to being disappointed when it comes to swana rep but never did i think the levels of whitewashing genshin pulled were possible - i’m really pasty and pale but even i tan better than 90% of the cast. from a strictly cultural and historical standpoint, sumeru is a mess - as fun and loveable the characters are and as well written as the story is, the whole region is essentially a collage of the first ten pictures that comes when you search “arab culture” and my swana friends and i have long since given up explaining why the whole region is borderline offensive especially since when we tried we would be called slurs (lol). the worst part is - they do have darker skinned characters but they’re only ever the enemy npc’s. i live in latam, my country has a huge aboriginal community, and i have only seen this level of whiteness in the immigrant european neighborhoods - the only people i know that white are like the kids of a first gen austrian family and even then they at least try to tan in the summer. i knew natlan was going to be as disappointing as sumeru, if not worse solely based on the fact you would think they’d learn their lesson but atp i’m just surprised they didn’t just put a caricature on the screen and called it a day. the genshin team is smoking something - idk what but it is making that room colorist as fuck!
God you're so right. As someone who was literally born and raised in Latam, It disappoints me the lack of representation as well. Natlan really does feel like Sumeru 2 but even worse, if that's even possible. Also, I'm really sorry people can't handle criticism of a fucking multi-billionaire company and resort to insulting you, you don't deserve that.
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talestales-art · 11 months
This is kinda cringe but today after uni I was approached by two tween kids enthusiastally asking me to subscribe to their YouTube channels. They were so excited that someone actually stopped and listened and subscribed. Their content is the two of them playing video games together! No facecam, no insults, no violent games, just fun low quality happy memories. It reminds me of when I was a kid and me & my friends recorded videos and took photos of us in bad dress up costumes and what video games we played. It also reminds me of cassette tapes my mom showed me once that she recorded when she was a child. It reminds me of my grandmother’s journaling/collage/bookmark collection books.
The kids are alright in spite of what the world looks like. Maybe they always have been. Maybe times change but kids don’t.
Ok I’m done being cringe now
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josnhoes · 1 year
Monster au in twisted wonderland is cute and got me curious on how mating ritual will be when Jack, Silver and maybe Kalim be when they wanted to mate with local human who is confused as hell
Content warnings: none as far as I know
Kalim the kitsune is a being of wealth and power. He's used to things just being as he says it. He's Royalty after all. So when he just announced that you and him were going to be mates to the entire school you confused look and discomfort confused him. Which lead to you avoiding him.
He goes to Jamil, his best friend and servant had to have some sort of answer. Kalim just wasn't expecting the answer to be you have to win them over. He'd never really worked for anything. It came naturally or he bought it. But this sounded fun!
He has no doubt he can win you over. It starts with gifts, ranging from mundane to extravagant. Anything your eyes linger on is given to you. But his affection isn't all shown in a monetary fashion. He spends a lot of time with you too. From playing games, to carpet rides in the night sky, anything he thinks you'd find fun he takes you to do it. The only downside to being courted by Kalim is he wants to move *fast*. You'll have to sit him down and explain how humans court and to slow down; he'll do his best to match the speed you're comfortable with. Even if he whines about it later.
Jack the Gnoll is a bit calmer in how he approaches courting you. The shift from his normal behavior isn't super obvious. He always looked out for you like pack being his friend after all. He wants to ease you into the idea of a relationship with him. He understands everything here is so new and scary for someone as weak as you. No, that isn't an insult, you don't have any of the perks like claws, Fangs, talons, or scales to protect yourself with, not even magic. So objectively speaking, you are weak.
He starts by bringing you meals at lunch. Hearty healthy things that leave you full and warm. He wants to show he can be dependable as a provider. His gifts are practical, blankets, food, soaps for sensitive skin and hair, things you can use that will improve your quality of life.
He is also more protective. He won't mindlessly get into a fight, he'd *try* to intimidate someone away from you if he saw them as a threat first. Though if someone does something after you've said no like dragging you off, or pushing for something he will just throw hands.
He isn't so good with using his words during courting. As confident as his actions are vocalizing his feelings leaves him feeling far too vulnerable. Tell you his intent is the last resort, and he really hopes you just realize what he's doing.
Silver is a Vampire raised and turned by Lilia. His methods and knowledge of courting is a bit old fashioned. Vampires despite living through the changes of the world often find themselves stagnate in behaviors most comfortable to them.
He starts his courting by approaching you and simply asking your permission to begin courting you. Your answer will be respected no matter what. A no? Well he hopes to remain a close friend. Not ready for a relationship yet? Understandable, but when the time comes you are he hopes you'll seek him out. Yes? Well now he is just over the moon.
Vampires are rarely in a rush so the courting is slow paced. Late night walks, simple gifts like flowers and jewelry. He would bring you food but he hasn't eaten a solid food in centuries so he doesn't know what foods would be worthy of you.
He shows his trust in you by sleeping around you. He sleeps a lot yes but he only truly relaxes in his random naps near you. His heart almost stops again when you finally do the same to him.
Silver does his best to help you study too. He doesn't care if you graduate the collage or not but he knows you want to succeed so he does his best to help you achieve your goals.
It's very hard to be clueless of his intentions with how he is, it maybe old fashion but his love is soft. May anyone who harms you in any form pray for mercy from their diety because he has none.
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