#instantly noped me out cause i couldnt stop laughing
bunnyboy-juice · 1 month
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tried taking lewds and this was my cat's reaction 💀
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violetnotez · 4 years
hi! may i pls make a request for bokugo, todoroki and midoriya hcs on what they would do if they had to vs their secret crush in the 1v1 ua sports festival arc? i hope you have a great day!!🥺
Hi babe! Im so sorry it took so long to make these, but I literally couldn’t stop thinking about this idea cause it was so fricking cuttteeeeeeeee
I did headcannons as well as a short one shot right after, I hope thats alright! <3
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Music Genre: Pop | BNHA
Characters: Bakugo, Shoto, Izuku
Warnings: cussing
Music Collection | Tip Jar | Requests!
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This dude right here ^^^
Sorry but-hes not gonna be too kind
Bakugo most deifnitely is denying every single damn sign that he has a crush on you
He deifnitely doesn’t stare at you for way too long during class, or doesn’t smirk to himself when you got past this first round, and his heart didn’t drop to the floor when he realized he would have to fight against you
Nope, deifnitley not
😑😑😑 Bakugo stop being a shit and admit you have feelings
Kirishima was the one who first recognized his crush on you, and you know damn well he noticed Bakugo’s demeanor instantly changed when he saw your face flash against his in the versus round
When Bakugo saw that on the screen, his shoulders instantly stiffened, his eyes steeled, and he stuffed his hands into his pockets so no one could see how tightly his hands were balled up
Only Kirishima noticed the change in his best friend as his freinds cheered at the line up
“Hey-you okay dude?” He asked, his voice full of concern as he tried to place a hand on his shoulder
Of course, Bakugo being the little shit he is, shoved his hand away with his shoulder, standing up quickly
“I’m gonna go get ready for the 2nd round,” he grumbled, giving his friend a side eyed look and he turned his back on the stadium and going to the hallways to chill
Now, even though he was rudeeeeeeeee af, this dude is freaking the hell out internally
He wants to win so badly, but-at what cost? Something was different with you-he was okay with putting his all into each and every fight
If he had to hurt himself, or hurt his opponent to come out on top-that’s all that mattered right? But for some reason, the thought of hurting you made his body feel queasy and made him feel like shit-
this never happened to him, this possessive want to protect someone and keep them safe-this was such a foreign feeling that it kind of scared him
Was he getting soft? Was he not tough anymore?
He didn’t know what to do-go easy on you and potentially let you win, making him look weak? Or go all out, making sure he wins to the point that he hurts you-which would make him feel like shit after. Would you hate him after? Could he handle that idea of you despising him for hurting you?
These thoughts were making him so conflicted to the point of rage , and Bakugo being Bakugo, he was just fuming internally,
his digits were tugging at his strands, his fist colliding with the table as a curse slipped through his lips
He didn’t know what to do and it was fucking annoying to him
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“So I guess we’re paired together huh?” your voice echoed through the deathly silent room, the sound sending a cold shiver down Bakugo’s back.
He quickly looked up, his chest tightening at the mere sight of you leaning against the door frame.
“This is my fucking room-get out,” he grumbled, his crimson red eyes squinting at you at an attempt to look intimidating.
You simply rolled your eyes, a small smirk playing on your lips.
You had known Bakugo for too long and too well to get scared at his harsh words anymore.
“I don’t see your name on the door,” you quipped back with a grin, “and besides, it might be good Im in here. You’re so loud somebody’s gonna think you’re talking to yourself.”
Shit-was he really starting to talk to himself now?
Bakugo swallowed a clump of saliva, a pit growing in his stomach. If he was talking to himself-did you hear everything he had said? Did you know he was actually thinking of going soft on you?
You noticed how he stiffened at your words, a gruff exhalation of breath leaving his lips.
“Don’t worry, I was just joking around-“, You simply chuckled, shaking your head as you sat down next to him. “-but you still are really loud though.”
“And you’re still fucking annoying, as always.”
“Ouch!” You smiled, scrunching up your nose in mock hurt.
Bakugo pursed his lips, hating how cute he found you when you made that expression.
You didn’t seem to notice the way Bakugo was affected by your movement, taking a deep breath.
Something in your expression had changed-you no longer looked so carefree and relaxed. You gave him a concerned look, your teeth gnawing at the side your cheek.
“So is something on your mind? You’re usually always cussing someone out, but cussing at the air isn’t usually your thing.”
His feet shuffled under the table, his hands way more clammy than they usually were. So he really was being too loud- he needed to think of soemthing to tell you. And something realllllll fucking quick.
But he couldn’t-he felt like his was gasping for air, just staring at your waiting face. God, why did he have to actually like you like that? Now as he’s looking at you, something in his heart hurt-he couldn’t hurt you. He just-couldnt. He’d feel like a dick after and he’s never be able to forgive himself if he laid even a scratch on you.
Why was this so fucking hard?
You sighed, your tongue swiping your bottom lip as you look down at your hands.
“If you don’t want to tell me, that’s fine,” you looked up, your eyes piercing to him and making his lungs feel shut off. “But-dont let it affect you. I want you to come at me with all you got-“
You gave him a devilish grin, your eyes sparkling.
“-I wanna rub it in your face that I actualy beat you in front of a whole ass crowd. Might be good for you ego too,” you gave out a laugh at the last sentence, Bakugo’s shoulder softening slightly.
“Tch-,” he grunted out, his crimson eyes rolling in their sockets, “-like you could ever fucking beat me.”
You gave him one final look, your eyes quitting at him with a mischievous glint.
“We’ll see about that,” you gave him one last smile, standing up from your chair.
“I’ll see ya later.”
Bakugo heard your feet walk out the room, that tell tale click of the door closing softly reverberating in the room. He let out a sigh, something about your words making him feel like a huge weight just left his shoulders.
If you wanted him to go all out-then he’d do it.
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Dude, this poor baby
He’s actually freaking out. Like HARD.
Izuku wants to win pretty badly to prove it to himself, his family, his mentor/role model...but at what cost? Hurting you?
Hahah well that’s funny cause that ain’t happening
He’s legit thinking of just going easy on you-what’s the harm in that? Sure he might lose, but at least he wouldn’t have to deal with the guilt-
This dude is not very good at hiding his feelings for you, so of course Iida and Ochaco already know of this infactuation obsession Izuku has for you
They kinda have to explain to him that’d it be really really stupid to just let you beat himjust because he didn’t want to hurt you
Iida basically explained that it’d hurt the “pride and prestige quality of the games” if he didn’t “fight to his fullest” and “y/n’s honor would be incredibly diminished” as the fight “wouldn’t be fair nor honest”
Which basically translated to just fight her Midoriya
Uraraka told him that you could hold your own, and you wouldn’t ever get mad at him cause like-it’s the point for everyone to fight their all to win
So Izuku kinda took a chill pill
Until he stepped into that arena
Cause ohohoohohoh it is wayyyyy different from talking about fighting to actually doing it
He’s kinda nervous at first-cause it’s happening. He has to actually fight you like this. In front of everybody.
Damn fate really did not like him right now did it?
You come at him full force-and holy CRAP did it throw him off
But it kind of woke him up to the situation-if your going to try your best, then he felt a little bit better forcing himself to do his best as well
Doesn’t mean he doesn’t wanna scream “Sorry!” And run over to you everytime he blasts ya with OFA, but it’s all good
Your fight was a little bit longer than the others, but in the end, you lost to Izuku
You two were seriously burnt out though-you got cuts and bruises everywhere from falling (and a big ass headache), and Izuku’s arms looked like burnt fried chicken
Deku felt pride in himself, cause damn you were really strong and he actually fought you off but-he hurt you AND made you lose
Looking at your face, he feels like shit-cause of course you look really beat down knowing you won’t be advancing to the next round
His foot stumbled forward, wanting to go see if you were okay
But the teachers quickly usher you two to go see the nurses, so he just had to give you an apologetic look until he could actually talk to you
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Izuku sat on the make shift bed, every movement he made setting off a plethora of crinkling noises from the paper overlay.
Everything seemed to be okay with him-he was actually surprised to hear he wasn’t as beat up as he thought he really was. Over course, Recovery Girl scolded him for taking such a risk on his body with his quirk, but with a big smooch on his cheek he was ready to go.
He heard a click of a door opening, expecting to see Recovery Girl come hobbling over to check his vitals one last time-until he looked up and his heart stopped on his chest.
There you were, banged up and bruise, your stance favoring your right side.
You seemed to be pretty surprised to see him too-your eyes widened in shock, and your shoulders stiffened at the sight of him.
Izuku’s head was going on overdrive-how were you feeling? Where you okay? Did he hurt you that badly? did you hate him? Was he invading your space just being present?
The thoughts were coming a mile a minute, his mouth opening and closing like a gaping fish as he kept watching you with a stunned, blank expression.
To his relief, your shocked expression turned into a small smile and your eyes softened as you looked at Izuku’s shy gaze.
“Hey,” you simply said, breaking the awkward silence of the room.
Izuku quickly cleared his throat, repeating a “hey” back to you as he watched you sit down, his toes scrunching in his battered red shoes.
Guilt was bubbling in his stomach, his brows knitted in pain as you tred to sit down on a hospital bed. You were practically limping your way to sit down, the unmissable look of pain knitted in your brows.
God, he did that? To you-out of all the people in the world, you were one of the last people he would ever want to land a finger on. Of course, you had messed him up pretty badly, but it just felt strange to know he had caused you this discomfort.
“Are you-you feeling alright?” He asked quietly, his voice meek and hesitant.
You gave him another strained smile, using the table next to you to support your weight.
You weren’t going to deny it-Izuku really did a number on you. In the fight, your adrenaline was kicking in so much that the pain was barely even noticeable to you. But now that you were calm and collected, the throbbing pain that seemed to be everywhere was coming out in full force.
“Yeah, I’m doing okay-I guess,” you gave a small chuckle, trying to hide the grimace as a zap of pain pierced your bruised rib cage.
Izuku immediately noticed that look on your face, his feet touching the cold linoleum floor.
You felt hands gingerly circle around your sides, the pressure reassuring yet light, heat from another person radiating onto your back.
Midoriya was supporting your battered body, leading you to the closest bed and setting you down gingerly.
To say the feeling of Izuku holding you was making you flustered was an understatement-you were freaking the hell out. But something about him holding you was so comforting-even with him beaten up, and him being the reason you were in this portion- he still somehow was able to make you feel safe and protected.
“ ‘Zuku,” you asked, your heart thumping a mile a minute, “what are you-you doing?”
He set you down gingerly, his hands light and feathery against your skin.
“I-Uh,” He have you a sheepish grin, his cheeks red and his voice a stuttering mess from that nickname. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-to offend you, you just seemed like you were hurting...”
You tilted your head with a grin, your hand wrapping around his wrist for support.
“Don’t worry-you didn’t,”
His face light up, a warm relieved grin on his lips.
“Oh good! I was worried, cause after the whole match and everything, and you looked so hurt, I just, I don’t know, I was worried maybe you wouldnt want me around but I just didn’t want to-“
For some reason, that relief that you didn’t hate him had released the stuttering of poor Izuku, his brain going once again at a pace much to fast to comprehend.
You could barely catch a word, but you were able to stitch his thoughts together, a giggle escaping your lips.
He couldn’t be more adorable, could he?
Your heart pounded in your chest as your digits wrapping around his freckled cheeks. The sensation of your skin so close to his made his mouth stop in its tracks, his emerald eyes wide with shock.
“You really think I’d hate you ‘Zuku?”
God-he love that nickname. Your voice sent a shockwave if electricity through his body, his mind helplessly numb and in control by you.
Even with you cradling his cheeks, he couldn’t bring himself to look at you.
Izuku heard you sigh, your teeth gnawing at your bottom lip.
He know it would look strange to anyone walking in, with him standing in between your legs and your hands wrapped against his cheeks. He knew he should move, just in case of the off chance somebody could walk in, but-he didn’t want to. He was in love with the feeling of your body so close to his, finally able to drink in every beautiful feature of your face, put every perfect sensation into his memory....it was nerve wracking yet soothing and he never wanted this moment to end.
“Deku, I could never hate you,” you smiled gingerly, your mind fighting your digits from tracing each adorable freckle decorating his face.
He looked at you with wide, confused eyes, his bruised lips parted and mind blank.
You said-you didn’t hate him?
He felt a rush of relief completely envelope his body, feeling on top of the world. You didn’t hate him for fighting you-and you even said you could never hate him. Was he really that lucky to have such a sweet crush like you?
He felt so happy he just had the undeniable want to just kiss you-you we’re close enough after all, he could just lean in to you....
“Oh-uh,” he quickly stuttered our, terrified he would actually act on what he was thinking, “Thats-thats great, thank you,”
You chuckled at his flustered ness, his cheeks a raging red from his thoughts-he definitely wouldn’t ever stop being a nervous wreck around you.
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Honestly, you would never know Shoto had a crush on you
hes just SO HARD TO READ
Also this boy would be the last person to realize he had a crush in the first place
very very oblivious poor baby
anyways, because of this oblivious part of him, he’d probably figure out he had a crush right then and there
Like, as he sees your face flash against his, and theres a big VS symbol in between you two
He gets this terrible, sinking feeling
like OH SHIT I have to fight them 
He knew something was different this time around, because with everyone else he was fighting agains,t he could give two shits about them
but with you, the person he was actually fighting against felt important now
He just didn't want to fight you
So that through him off- big time
*queue a shoto todoroki internal monologue
this guy is really having an epiphany rn
Like dang- all those times I would stare at them, or get angry when somebody hurt them, or my face would get really hot when they told me “hi” meant I liked them!?
This pooor thingggggggggggggggg
 Shoto isnt egotisitical-
 hes just practical
So he knows that he would probably win this match-
 he saw you as a great fighter, yet his quirk was alot more flashy and powerful than yours
So he had either two options:
one) was to just go all out and try to finish the match ASAP, or
two) prolong it, so you could get some exposure to the heroes watching
(spoiler alert- he goes with number two)
But what he doesn't realized is how FLUSTERED he gets when hes fighting you
He’s never been close to you like this before, even if you are fighting-and damn he didn't realize he had been craving this 
He was making more mistakes than he usually would make in a match like this, so it was harder for him to keep the upper hand like he thought he would
But, of course- this is Shoto Todoroki we’re talking about
He finally zaps out of this love sick puppy phase and he starts to fight you for real now- 
anddddddd he manages to push you off the stage boundaries
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ 
Shoto took a deep breath, his lungs feeling icy from his quirk and his body heavy with fatigue.
Damn- that was a hard ass fight.
The sound of a roaring crowd was piercing his ears, Present Mic’s booming voice echoing the results of the matchup.
“Todoroki” seemed to be echoing throughout the stadium, his last name a mantra in the speakers.  He won the match after all- he’d be advancing.
Shoto licked his lips, the tang of blood sparking in his mouth. Shoto didnt really feel much in these moments, as he could never really appreciate the achievements he had under his belt at such a young age.
But right now, something different was bubbling in his stomach- Shoto turned to look at you, your knees digging into the gravel and your fists balled into the dirt, your head laying low.
It wasnt rocket science to tell you were feeling down about loosing the match, and Shoto could see you were frustrated by the circumstances- he won, and you didnt.
Watching you struggling to get up from the icy ground he had made, your body beaten and bruised....he felt-guilty.
Suddenly, he felt his feet walking towards you, his heart beating a mile a minute in his chest.
His head was swarming with nerves as he held out his digits, his palm stretched out in a peace offering.
“Here,” his voice was smooth and deep, sending a shiver down your spine as you looked up at his outstretched digits.
You gave him a quizzical look, almost as if to say “what are you doing?”
Shoto bit his bottom lip, looking at the side as his cheeks flushed red.
“Take my hand-you’re injured.”
His tone was placid and calm, his bi colored eyes boaring into yours. It was just so confusing....he won the match, so why did he want to help you?
“Why?” you asked, your voice groggy and thick.
“Because-you’re hurt, and I’m certain my old man wouldn’t want me to be doing this. So I want to do it.”
I small laugh escaped your lips, the sound so sweet that it made Shoto’s face even more red and his heart beat faster in his chest.
“Shoto Todoroki being a rebel-“ you joked, shaking your head as you laughed, “I wouldn’t expect that from you.”
You looked up at the Todoroki son, a smile on your lips as you took his hand.
Ah crap-Shoto was really over heating at this point, his mind going haywire as he tried to figure out why it was so hard to keep his right side at bat as he pulled you up from the floor.
He found something so endearing about how small your palm was compared to his-it fit almost perfectly in his, the skin soft and warm against his.
Shoto cleared his throat, his eyes dancing nervously, trying his best to get his nerves in check.
“Is that-a bad thing?” He asked, feeling slightly sad that you had taken your hand out of his to dust off your tattered PE pants.
“Nope,” you said, popping the “p” in the sentence, “I think it’s a good thing-I like it.”
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kaz11283 · 3 years
Chapter 7
Warnings: slight cuss words, some angst if you squint
Summary: after the blow up during breakfast your more confused now than you ever was, after the night you had and now flames shooting from your hands theres only one person that you trust being around.
Loki Masterlist
Fire and Ice Masterlist
"Theres the girl i remember most." Loki said smiling down at you.
"What the hell is going on? What are you talking about?" You asked looking back at him.
Steve got up to stand beside you. "Y/n, your eyes. They changed color." He answered confused. "Tony we need to let the others know. Wanda can help her understand whats going on." Loki turned his head dropping his hands from your face.
"You under estimated me when I told you she could be dangerous. You decided to bring her back, to reunite us. I told you she was powerful but no one listened. Now? Now you want a mear mortal to teach her how to use her magic?" Loki asked threateningly walking toward Steve. Steve stood there glaring at him.
"Yes, yes I do. Wanda knows whats she is doing just as much as you do."
"Yeah, girl that still has no idea what the hell is going on sitting right here." Your heart was beating so fast you thought it was about to beat out of your chest, the room was spinning. "And not that any of you fine gentlemen care but im pretty sure I'm about to pass out." You grabbed your head sitting back down in your chair.
All three of them came rushing to you. Tony giving you a damp rag to whip your face, Steve standing there worried.
"My Dear, you must calm down. Just that little burst of magic probably drained you. Deep breaths, I want you to look at me. Not at them, me. Eye contact, now breath with me." He took your hand and placed it on his chest so you could feel him breathing and could copy him. "In." He took a long breath in. "Now out." He said blowing out the breath. "I want you to answer me honestly y/n, how much sleep did you get last night?"
You kept eye contact with him as you shook your head causing him to sigh. "None, I.... I couldnt sleep. I just tossed and turned till it was time for my class."
"Come with me. We need to get you in bed. That little display probably whiped you out thats why your so exahusted." He said offering you his hand and helping you stand. He placed your hand in the crook of his arm and started to lead you out.
"Hey, no. No no no nope. Steve can take her. You can stay right here." Tony said putting his hand on Loki's shoulder.
"If you honestly think for one second that I am going to take her up there and ravish her aginst her will then you are highly mistaken." Loki spat at him yanking his shoulder away from him. "Asguardians would never ever do that to a woman." He placed his other hand on top of your to lead out from the room.
"Im sorry Loki." You said as you walked quietly back to your room leaning aginst him.
He laughed lightly before looking down at you. "What could you even be sorry for? You havent done anything."
"If I wasnt here there wouldnt be this much fighting. You would have to be reliving all of those memories that you have with a completely diffrent me. You wouldnt be having to practically carry me back to my room." He stopped turning to you.
"There would still be fighting between me and Tony, I absolutly hate that man. I have relived those memories day in and day out since we were seperated. And I dont mind carrying you, you weigh far less than Thor and ive had to carry him to bed a few times after he has gotten to drunk to walk." He laughed. "Come lets get you to your room so that I can take advantage of you." He shuddered st the thought.
"Hello Lady y/n, Loki. How are you this morning?" Thor asked walking from his room. He took notice of your exhausted stated and stepped forward grabbing your bedroom door for Loki to help you walk through.
"Im tired. Did you know that I could shoot blue flames out of my hands? Ya know what, nevermind, of course you knew. I just didnt." You let go of Lokis arm and stumbled to your bedroom leaning on the side of the wall. Both men tried stepping forward but you raised your hand stopping them. "I've got this." You mumbled slamming the door to your room and falling on your bed passing out instantly.
"What happened?" Thor asked turning to Loki. Loki was proped on the arm of the couch with his arms crossed.
"She got upset this morning during breakfast and her flames appeared." Loki sighes deeply falling back onto the couch. "Theres more though, brother, it seems as if the more time she spends with me the more of her old self awakens. Its as if my power is slowly waking hers up."
"But Loki, isnt that a good thing? Thats what we have all wanted. Thats what she wants. She wants to know her past." Thor asked sitting beside him.
"No, thats what you have all wanted. The more of her power she regains the more powerful sge becomes. Thor, what if that is not a good thing at all. What if she turns back into the person that she was before the allfather whiped her memory and tossed her here? I honestly dont know what to do." He said leaning his head back.
"But brother, what if this time you show her how to use her magic and shes still the same person or even better for that matter. What if she decides to do good instead of evil?"
"Thor, do me a favor. Tony and Pepper are taking the others to the new compound today to show us all our rooms and to have a 'cook out' to rest and relax. Will you make sure that the three of us have our own wing? I want to make sure to keep her and the others safe if anything was to happen."
"That sounds like a wonderful plan brother." Thor answered with a smile walking to the door. "I am assuming that your joyful self will be staying here to keep an eye on her?"
"Of course brother. That and the fsct that I simply dont want to go." Loki said causing a book to appear, crossing one leg over the other. "But do give my best to the others."
Chapter 8
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thehopeelias · 3 years
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More tutb art? Big shocker 🤣🤣
@maybemayura read the first half of tutb for her first time recently so I felt like I got to relive some of my favorite parts! One chapter that I ended up going on and on about was chapter 22 when Nathalie tried to leave. I realized just how much I loved this chapter and thought I’d share some of my analysis from it!
Before you keep reading, there’s obviously huge spoilers here so if you haven’t read Throwing Up These Butterflies by @mymayura then go do that first!!
The main thing that gets me is when she couldnt zip up her sweater bc she was getting so much bigger! its such a small detail but mm was able to make me feel so hard with nathalie’s inability to ZIP HER SWEATER. like there she was trying to leave the man she feels she is burdening and ruining his life. she wants to be capaple of at least sparing him her troubles. and she cant even zip her freaking coat because of HER mistake. HER stupid wish that caused all these problems to begin with. but how can she be mad at her stomach? she WISHED for it! she wants it more than anything! thats why the wish happened. its her deepest desire and the very reason she is leaving and the very reason she cant. zip. her freakin. sweater. its this endless loop of emotions that happen in such a meaningless task.
ive reread it quite a few times 🙈 and have focused on each of their sides during the scene. i love the complexity of nathalie’s side the most from that scene because of the overwhelming amount of emotions she is facing from all angles. she’s hating the man she loves on top of ALL of that. but gabriel’s side is incredible too! and reading it from his side, he is so desperate to keep her because he WANTS her. but he is SO afraid of losing her. she is walking out of the door because of HIM and if he pushes or does something wrong, the fear of her and his child dying is on the brig. not the right word but just right there. all he can think about. this scene was so pivotal because it became too much for gabriel. the fear of losing her from his house and losing her from his life just pushed him over the edge. in ch 23, when fu left and Gabriel was sobbing at her side. he was sobbing because this scene pushed him to it. all that emotion, the intensity, SO GOOD
So those are my general thoughts 😆 If you don’t want to read my line by line (nearly) analysis then yall can keep scrolling 🤣
Gabriel running two steps at a time down the stairs. ive already mentioned his desperation to stop her but BRUH!!! and when he gets between her and the door! i can just picture nathalie glaring at him in frustration while he basically spreads his arms across the door keeping her from leaving.
Then him trying to stop her for “her own safety” as he claims, pisses her off because she thinks he’s lying! and not just lying but lying about having an ounce of care for her! she’s convinced she’s a burden and that he would be better off without her. to hear him lie about caring for her well-being just seems like he is mocking her. a glance at what she wants but thinks can never achieve.
when she calls him cruel. i know she means it but man that hurts. even now she still loves him and still wants his love but she thinks he’s humiliating her and trapping her and just being awful. seeing someone you love in a “cruel” way like this, hurts.
“She got your personal number?” “Yes, somehow. I wonder who could have given it to her.”
sarcastic witty nathalie still shines strong in such an emotional scene like this and i love it.
‘Nathalie, it’s not what you think.” She laughs bitterly. “Of course it’s not. Look, sir, I couldn’t care less about the implied infidelity as we’re not together”
THE SIR WAS ITALICIZED (i think... i read it that way at least) and if i remember right in ch 20, gabriel made it a point for her to call him ‘Gabriel’ as he is the father of her child now. but she SPECIFICALLY calls him sir here. she’s just like ‘lets cut the facade, the fantasy, the bs dream, and remember how this relationship works. ur my boss and thats all this is ever going to be” which im sure stung gabriel a lot seeing how he doesnt want her to think of him as ‘sir’
THE DATES!!! ok it was like a super dumb idea by gabriel but “good intentions with horrible actions” is kind of his thing 🤣 its so sweet tho thinking he was doing that to try and protect her! i also liked in another chapter he admitted to himself he felt bad for leading some of the women on. he was really using them but he still had that empathy and i thought that was actually sweet. Gabriel might be an idiot but he can still be sweet 🤣 back to the point, can u IMAGINE nathalie’s reaction to seeing those pictures? gabriel JUST found out she’s pregnant with his kid and she feels horrible about it. he’s never moved on from emilie and she never thinks he will. she loves his devotion to emilie afterall. so seeing the pictures, not only was it hard to see him with other women but also hard to accept that he CAN move on and HAS moved on. not only has he not moved on with her but he didnt even take his unborn child into consideration. Not to mention, Victoire telling Nathalie to leave and spare gabriel of her burdens just confirmed everything she had been dreading, crying, and fearing for 5 months.
oo oo i loved how gabriel said “You’ve had to deal with her before.” something i love about gabenath is that they have so much chemistry. YEARS and YEARS of chemistry. and u can see that here. Gabriel points it out cuz nathalie really has been apart of his life long enough to know victoire’s a snake.
Super small but: ‘Nathalie winces. “She paid a visit to the house.”’
I can visualize that wince SO much. the pieces are coming together and she’s starting to feel awful about assuming the worst.
‘“Exactly. Adrien and I have been trying for weeks to get her off our backs. We thought — I thought that...’
I love that he was about to have adrien share the blame but was like NOPE! this is all on me. im dumb and my son is wise. 🤣
she asks if the dates weren’t real. again with the dates. pretty much the biggest issue here. the unspoken conversation happening between them, we the audience can hear so loudly. yes she asked that, and she’d never assume he would be loyal to her in that way but we KNOW she wants that. we know that she doesnt truly want him with another woman. Gabriel denying it but also wanting to yell OF COURSE NOT BC IM IN LOVE WITH YOU! its just such a cool thing.
They FINALLY break the tension and “somewhat” resolve the tension. i feel like gabriel had ONE sigh of relief and then Nathalie’s coughing got out of hand and the tensity instantly explodes again. he was already blaming himself for causing her to be upset and now she might die because of it. like AGH SO GOOD!
And that’s the end of my analysis for the section in ch 22 😂
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karsonisnot · 4 years
Alright, so imma try just straight text posting the chapters to my tumblr as well, seeming as it seems to work for other people, however i will leave a copy of the link on here so u guys can show some love there if u like.
MiKayla meets Chloe and Belle for the first time after being seperated from the rest of the world almost all her life. Mikayla all of a sudden finds herself back in the old world when they explain everything that has been going on, with one goal. To take down it all.
This is not about the dream smp member, this is a time where they have grown up and had kids, which is told from their perseptive.
This was written in a time where all these people were alive story wise, so fuck it, they all lived to have kids. No, i will not be explaining where the kids come from, but they are related to their respective parent. Im just too lazy to explain it
And in this, TOMMY AND TUBBO ARE JUST FRIENDS. Stop shipping 16 year olds together, and get your life together.
Chapter one: running and hiding
Everything had been diffrent for awhile. Not that anything about chloe's life was normal to begin with, but alot was changing. Her and her family was forced into hiding a long time ago, before the first retakeover happened before she was even born.
   She had been told what had happened countless times, so many it was almost like she lived it. The manburg second rise to power. When her dad stuck around. That was, till Niki got killed in the crossfire of the war. That was when her dad grabbed his best friend and booked it, and ran so far away they would never be found, and built themselves a world out here
  She was broken from her thoughts by a chicken in her room. She didnt really think much of it till she realized there was a chicken in her room
  "What the fu-"
  Her dad ran full force into the room, bewilidered.
  "THERE YOU ARE" He screamed, throwing himself at the chicken, who just dodgedhis attack.
   She fell backwards out of the way, her blond hair blocking anything that happened, until she threw it back into place and saw her dad. On the floor. With a chicken trying to eat his hair.
   She sat there and watched as her dad fought with the chicken over who owned his hair. Eventually he managed to get up and grab the chicken before it could try and flee again.
  He looked at her, and she couldnt hold back her laughter anymore. His hair was an absoulte mess and he looked like he was in extreame disstress.
  "What's so funny, what, do you wanna wrestle a fuckin chicken?" He said, shoving the chicken in her face, just causing it to go more crazy.
  "NO NO NO, I will not be fighting any chicken, thank you, please put the weapon down." She said, swatting it away.
  "Well maybe next time don't get a chicken in your room."
  "Well maybe next time dont let a chicken loose from the pin with the front door open."
  They both heard a muffled laugh come from the hallway, and saw Belle standing there. Her black hair in way better condition then either of theirs.
  "Well, she is right Tommy." She remarked, trying to look innocent.
  At that, Tommy stormed off mumbling profanities at the chicken, and went outside to put it back in its pin.
   Belle walked in and went to the window ledge, after a couple of seconds, Chloe joined her.
   "How are you this morning?"chloe said after watching her dad dump the chicken in the pin.
  "Eh, im pretty good, espically after watching that. You?"
  "Im pretty okay."
  Belle looked over at her, and saw her looking out into the forest.
  "Your thinking about going out there again, arent you?"
  "I mean, maybe."
   Belle looked at her, with a mix of emotion, mainly concern.
  "Come on man, you know thay area is off limits. We cant go out there."
  "I mean, why not? We've done it before, nothing bad ever happened, I dont understand the pararnioa around a wooded area!" Chloe said, defensively.
   Belle looked out at the scenery. The trees going over the feilds, the lake about a half mile out, not a single other thing in sight. Ever.
  "I mean, we always use to go out there at night" Chole began. "We would go out there with nothing but lanterns and we would run around, just not caring  about anything. We would play by the lake, we would talk about whatever came to mind, we would bring swords put there and practice on trees, we would do anything, and nothing would ever happen."
   Belle sighed. She was right, but they stopped going years ago to keep both their dads sane. They were paranoid about manburg or "worse" finding them. Whatever worse meant.
  "Hey, have you two seen Tommy?" A voice said from behind.
  They both turned around to find Tubbo at the doorway, looking worried.
  "He was suppose to come in after taking care of the chicken."
   He walked up to the window, and they all three started started scanning the area, to find no Tommy, anywhere.
  "Where could he have g-"
   He was cut off short by seeing Tommy run up the hill, clearly in panic.
   Tubbo ran out to the hallway just to meet Tommy in the middle.
  "Get the kids out if here. Now!" Tommy said, scrambling to his gear.
  "What, why, what goin-"
   Tubbo instantly turned around and met the two girls in the hallway.
  "Okay girls, with me, and hurry." He said, alreadly on his way to the back of the house
   They followed as quickly as they could, extreamly concerned and confused. Tubbo, after a little seaching, found a loose floorboard and lifted it up, inside was a backpack.
  "Okay, Chloe, take this, and grab your weapons on the way out the back, and run. Run far away from here."
  "What, why, whats going on?!" Belle said, clearly about to break down.
  "Look, keeping it short, manburg forces found this area. Just keep running North, and when we can, me and Tommy will find you, but for right now, we need to hold our ground, or risk everything in this house."
  "Wait, why not just leave too?!" Chloe said, dumbfounded they even thought of staying.
  "Because, there are things in this house we cant risk them getting, now leave please, before you cant!"
   Chloe grabbed Belle by the arm and started walking the direction of the back door.
  "WAIT!" Belle yelled, forcing chloe to let go.
   Belle ran up to her dad, and hugged him, tears starting to stream.
  "I love you dad." She said, grip tighting.
  "I love you too, honey bee, now go, Ill be there soon."
   She let go and ran back to chloe, and grabbed her sword and bow. Chloe took her axe and took for the back door with Belle.
  "BE GOOD TO HER CHLOE" she heard Tubbo yell before the door fully shut.
   They both took down the hill as fast they could. And ran for the forest. When they were finally there, they stopped for a second to take things in.
   First mistake made that night.
  "WHO'S OVER THERE!" They heard a man say, right before turning and being met with a crossbow
   Chloe grabbed Belle and took off in the opposite direction, not knowing if she was going the right way.
  Chloe cursed under her breath and looked at Belle, who was now running right next to her. They both knew what to do. They were taught in this circumstance, move in a difficult way.
   Bella all if a sudden split off, and Chloe, hoping they wernt near, grabbed on to a tree and climbed into the leaves.
  Guess sneaking out did pay off in the end.
  Only about two minute later, she saw people move underneath.
  "Where did they go?" A woman said.
  "Dont know, but they cant have gone far." A male voice spoke out.
   Chloe stayed still, trying to not make them look up, because if she did, her khaki colored jeans and red jacket wouldnt blend in the best.
  Chloe looked around and saw something else in the trees. After a few seconds, Belles face appeared through the leaves, making direct eye contact with her. They both did there best to communicate with their eyes, but it wasnt going to work wothout their hands being able to move.
  "What do we do, sir?" The female said, speaking up.
  "Split up, their teens, they cant do anything to us, so split up and find their hiding spot."
  They heard movement happen below them, and after a while of not hearing them, they jumped down.
  Chloe, pointed in a direction, next to asking if they should go that way with her face. Belle proceeded to do neck swipey thingy with her hand and pointed the other direction. Chloe nodded, not wanting to argue silently with her.
  They both went in that direction, weapins in hand, waiting for something to happen. But nothing ever did. And they eventually put away the weapons and started talking
  "Do you know where the fuck we're going?" Chloe asked, clearly done with all of this.
  "Nope, not a clue."
  "Oh great, this is gonna go extreamly well."
   They went on for hours. And hours. And hours. Till eventually they needed to stop. They came upon this rocky cliff and decided to sit there, and rest for a short while.
  "I cant fucking beilive this, i thought we were safe from all of that shit." Chloe said, sitting down next to belle.
  "I really dont know why."
  Belle sat there and thought, letting her mind wonder on what just happened and what could have possibly happened. Their parents could have fended them off, saved the day, and be on their way here right now. But, on the oppsite side, what if they lost. What if they were taken in. Or worse, what if they were de-
  "What's that." Chloe said, breaking her thought trail.
  Clhoe was pointing at the rock, and after an embarrsing amount of seconds, Belle found it. It was
  "A button."
  Chloe got up at the mention of anything clickable, and walked towards it. Belle knew what was about to happen.
  "Uh, maybe dont press the mys-"
  Too late.
  All of a sudden, a part of the wall started opening and Belle got up in response. She turned to see a giant hole being made into a cavern. A lit cavern.
  "Holy shit." Chloe said, stunned.
  "Sho- should we really go in there?" Belle said, clearly scared if whats inside.
  "Oh come on, stop being a pussy. After all, our lives could be ruined, why not risk it"
  Chloe took a soild pace towards the entrace, Belle scrambling to catch up, not wanting to be left behind. When they got inside, the doors shut alot faster then it could open. But before they could even blink, they heard a voice.
"Dad, is that you?"
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mistymark · 6 years
the one with all the spoilers.
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part of the 50 things you said project // mark lee x reader // 4.2k words // university!au // strangers to lovers!au // masterlist // send in requests here
summary; things you said when we were the only ones left 
warnings; drunk donghyuck, jeno and jaemin
request; this is for the 50 things you said works. I would like 31 with Mark, but could it be at the same roof party of that Renjun fic? I just thought it would be suuuuuper cute if oc was invited to Haechan's party and instead hanging out with Mark the entire night. Thank you!! 😘 (you can read the first fic here)
notes; I know it has been a loooonnnggg time since ive posted but ive been really trying to make this specific story as good as possible,,,, so I hope y’all like it. (sporadically edited)
You were late. You were so very late, and the bumper-to-bumper traffic was not helping. “Are we far away?” you asked the taxi driver, leaning forward in your seat only to see red brake lights and a long line of stopped vehicles in front of you.
“It might be faster to get out and walk, miss,” the driver informs you, leaning out his window to see what has caused such a delay on the normally-flowing road.
You thank the taxi driver and hand over the amount of money due, with a tip for his troubles, and run down the street, passing all the stopped cars in a blur. Without looking at what has caused the build up of traffic, you look down at your phone, hastily trying to figure out what street Donghyuck lives on now. You had previously been neighbours, for almost two years, but he had left a few months ago, opting to move in with one of his friends in a nicer apartment a few blocks down from you.
He’d sent you detailed instructions on how to get there from your workplace, knowing you’d get lost, but you were still unable to interpret his badly drawn Snapchat diagrams.
You eventually found the bakery he was referring to in his map, and turned left, walking towards some large apartment buildings. You figured you were in the right place and walked in, making your way up to his floor. When you arrived at the apartment, 6G, you couldnt hear any noise apart from the soft murmuring of two people talking and you hoped you weren’t too late and everyone had already gone home. You’d told Donghyuck you had work that day, and said you’ll be a bit late, but thirty minutes after your guaranteed time of arrival; you still hadn’t shown.
You knocked on the door. The murmurs stopped and you heard the door being unlocked, before being opened. Your eyes widened in shock at the boy before you, and you instantly looked down at your phone, suddenly unsure if you’d come to the right place as you took in the (rather attractive) boy’s appearance. He was dressed in flannel pyjama pants and a plain black tee, round glasses perched on his nose and a bowl of popcorn in his hand. He appeared to be the only one in the apartment. “Um, is this building 127 on 92nd?”
He smiled, “Yeah. Are you here for Hyuck’s birthday?” He turned around slightly, placing the bowl on a nearby table as you nodded shyly before opening the door wider to let you in. He made a gesture to his clothes, “Sorry, I thought everyone had already arrived.” 
“Oh! Er, no problem,” you tried to smile back and hide the shame you were feeling, before asking where you should put your present.
He gestured to the dining table, where various presents had been stacked haphazardly on top of each other. When he caught a glimpse of the tag on your gift, his eyes widened in realisation, “You’re y/n! Hyuck said you were going to be late. I completely forgot.”
You laughed with him, stealing a glance at the TV behind him, which happened to be playing your favourite TV show. No wonder you thought you’d heard voices when you first arrived.
He gestured to the window beside you, ‘giving you directions’ to get to the roof where the rest of the party was being held.
“You’re not coming?” You asked, surprised. 
He leant against the couch and patted the back fondly, “Nope, I’m staying here. Holding down the fort.”
“Just like Hyuck not to invite his own roommate to his party,” you grinned mischievously, not giving him the chance to dispute as you disappeared up the fire escape.
When you climbed over the edge and onto the roof, you sought out Donghyuck, as he was pretty much the only person you would know at this party. You’d met a few of his friends before while you were neighbours - Jeno, Jaemin and Renjun, specifically - but there were at least thirty people up here who you’d never even seen before.
You found Hyuck talking to two boys by the entryway, the latter both holding fireworks and with disappointed looks on their faces. He looked up as you approached, “Look who finally decided to show up!” Donghyuck patted the taller boy’s shoulder as he left and walked over to you, arms out for a hug.
You hugged him, laughing, “Don’t say it like you weren’t three hours late to my birthday.” He squeezed you in response.
“Have you seen Renjun, Jeno and Jaemin, yet? They’ll take care of you if you need it. I know you haven't met a lot of these people yet,” he smiled at you happily, his childish grin showing. He was evidently so happy and you couldnt help but smile back.
“I haven’t actually. I just arrived,” you said, glancing around. You saw Jeno and Jaemin playing drinking games in the dark with a few other people, and Renjun sitting down by the drinks table, alone.
You bid Hyuck goodbye as you walked towards Renjun, greeting him with a one-armed hug and grabbing a drink, before sitting down beside him on the stretched out lawn chair.
“It’s been ages since I last saw you,” he said, clinking his bottle against yours in a toast. “Have you been here the entire night?”
You sighed, “No, I just arrived twenty minutes ago. I had work and then traffic was bad and - it was a whole mess. I’m glad I came, though. I havent seen you and your dumb friends in ages.”
He laughed with you, recalling all the outrageous pranks and activities the 00 line had attempted whilst Hyuck lived next door to you. “I bet you don’t miss us,” he looked away, watching Jeno cheer for someone taking a shot and smiling.
“Believe it or not but you guys were better than the young married couple I live next to now,” you wrinkled your nose. “Let’s just say I try to take night shifts as often as possible.”
He cringed at your words and laughed, before looking up as Donghyuck approached, rather frantic, “Hey, y/n, could you duck downstairs and grab the case of beer in my bedroom? Mark will show you where it is.”
You stood up immediately, “Of course.” You turned to leave before turning back, “Um, quick question: who is Mark?”
Donghyuck had already rushed off, eyeing a stumbling partygoer by the drinks table worriedly. Renjun stayed sitting on the chair, lifting his beer up to his lips, “Mark’s Donghyuck’s roommate. The guy probably opened the door for you.”
You feel your eyebrows raise in realisation, and you’re suddenly embarrassed that you hadn't previously asked him his name, especially since you thought he was rather cute. “Oh,” you turn to leave. “Tell Hyuck I’ll be back in a second.”
You entered the apartment through the window, climbing in and attempting to not kick the flowerpot off the shelf beside it as you did. You landed nimbly on your feet and clapped your hands together, causing Mark to jump in his seat on the couch and turn around to you, “Oh God! You scared me.” You walked in the direction of the bedrooms, briefly checking which part of the show he was watching and he called out after you, “Hey! Bathroom is here!”
You stopped in the corridor, the doors to the two bedrooms on either side of you. You pointed to each one in turn, “I’m looking for Hyuck’s room. Which one?”
He didn’t bother turning around, his eyes glued to the screen, as he yelled, “Left!”
You searched Donghyuck’s room for the case of beer, before standing up with your hands on your hips, “Hey, Mark? Where’s the beer?”
“Closet!” His voice was muffled by a handful of food.
“It’s not here!” You shouted back, before mumbling under your breath, “Unless I’m blind.”
He leant back on the couch to better see where you were and his mouth fell open when he realised you were in the wrong room, his room. “Oh, um, y/n?”
“Yeah?” You poked your head around the door and leant against the wall, your cheek squishing against the doorframe. Mark’s lips quirked up a fraction at your pout.
“That’s... that’s my room. Hyuck’s is the other one.”
You immediately jumped back from the door, trying not to make eye contact as you shut the door and went into the bedroom opposite, “Oh, sorry. I thought you said left.” You attempted to hide your blush that was rising up your neck due to your embarrassment, wondering how how you could have been so stupid as to start going through a stranger’s bedroom.
“Right, yeah, sorry. My bad. Are you taking it up to the roof?” You heard him call from the couch, and you pulled your phone out to check the time. 
You placed it on the bed and eyed the case again, “Yeah.”
You could hear him let out a laugh, “Good luck with that.”
Stumbling out of Hyuck’s bedroom, the case in hand, you glared at him, “Gee, thanks for your help.”
Mark smirked, “You’re welcome.” Smartass, you thought.
You made your way to the door, before turning around, quickly shouting before it closed behind you, “By the way, she dies in the next episode! He ends up marrying her best friend!”
As the door slams shut, from you pulling it with your foot, you hear him groan and shout behind you. Smirking to yourself, you make your way up the stairs.
Hyuck thanks you for bringing all the beer up and you smile, insisting it was no problem. You crack a cold one with the boys one open and look around the crowd, Donghyuck departing once again to talk to his guests.
You spot Jeno under one of the food tables, rummaging through boxes of supplies as Jaemin stands behind him, his posture slack and foot tapping against the ground in an attempt to appear casual. Jeno whoops in success and jumps up, a roll of duct tape in hand. You grin at them, knowing they’re up to no good but not wanting to spoil their fun. 
You don't see Renjun anywhere, so you reach for your phone to check your messages, only to find the pocket you normally keep it in is empty. You pat yourself down, searching all your pockets for your phone, before realising you probably left it in Donghyuck’s room when you went to fetch more beer.
Climbing down the fire escape again, you enter Donghyuck’s apartment and make your way to his room, not bothering to greet Mark this time. He does a double take as he sees you walking, staring after you and hurriedly looking away as soon as you walk out of the bedroom, your hand sliding your phone into your pocket.
When you make your way back to the window, he refuses to take his eyes off the screen, “Hey, does she really die next episode?”
You turn around and watch the screen momentarily, making sure you got the right episode and weren't getting mixed up. When you don’t respond, Mark turns his head back a little. He watches you silently.
Your eyes snap down to his and you watch his eyebrows raise every so slightly, “Yeah, I’m sure. She goes to the wedding planner after they get engaged and-”
“They get engaged?!”
“Oh, yeah. It’s real cute. He’s all like ‘You’re so gorgeous will you do me a gosh darn favour and be my gosh darn wife’ and then she says ‘Oh YES I love you so passionately, my love is like a thousand burning stars!” He laughs as you lower and raise your voice to imitate the actors.
You quirk an eyebrow at him before turning around to leave, but he spins around in his seat, his arms coming to rest on top of the couch, “And then what happens?”
He’s staring at you so cutely, you can’t help but blush a little bit, “I - er... well, she says yes, obviously and then- OH WAIT NO THIS IS THE GOOD PART SHH!” You quickly run forward and snatch the remote from the arm of the couch, turning up the volume and staring at the TV with wide eyes.
You’re standing behind the couch now, subconsciously clutching the remote close to your chest as you watch the plot unravel on the screen, unaware of the fact that Mark is watching you.
When five minutes go by, and the credits are rolling, you start walking backwards towards the fire escape, your eyes on Mark, “I told you the engagement was lame. Next episode is the engagement party, I think, so enjoy that.”
“You don’t want to keep watching?” He asks, standing up with the empty chip bowl in his hand. “Hyuck won’t mind.”
You hesitate. You’d been here for less than an hour, and only spoken to Donghyuck briefly because he was so busy. And if you were being completely honest, you had jumped at the chance to help with the beer just because you didn’t have anything else to do. While you’d been chatting to Renjun, other people had come up and introduced themselves, but you either couldn’t remember their name or weren’t interested in talking to them again after your meagre conversation.
You bite the corner of your lip in thought, before nodding slowly, watching as he empties another packet of chips into the large bowl. “Sure. And I promise, no more spoilers.” 
He grinned at your answer and then pouted mockingly before walking back over to the couch. It was only now that you realised how ill-fitting Donghyuck’s furniture was. When he had moved in with Mark, they had obviously kept whatever furniture they previously owned and put it in the new apartment, despite the fact that Mark’s modern, stark white dining table and chairs contrasted to Donghyuck’s old brown leather sofa and wooden table. 
The three-seater couch sat opposite the TV, and you happily plopped yourself down on one side, Mark placing the bowl of chips between you two in offering. He pressed play on the remote.
You weren’t sure how much time had passed, but it was getting late, and you were at least another five episodes into the show. Mark had assured you Donghyuck told his drunken guests to leave via the stairwell rather than the fire escape (to prevent any injuries) so you were left virtually undisturbed. Two people (one who Mark addressed as Johnny) climbed in through the window and left, and you assumed the tall boy was taking the other home.
Renjun poked his head in the front door as he left to bid you a quick farewell and a ‘let’s catch up soon’, one arm around the much larger bodies of drunk Jaemin and Jeno. The party was still going on. When you slid your phone off the table, you noticed it was past midnight, and you were growing tired. You leant your head back and, when you looked over at Mark, your eyes slowly shutting, you realised he was already passed out on the couch.
It was sometime after three when Donghyuck stumbled into the apartment, carrying a box of decorations and trays. He had kicked the door open, dismissing the loud slam it made as it swung into the wall, and placed the box at the entrance of the apartment, before promptly disappearing into his room and face planting onto his bed.
The loud bang had disturbed your peaceful slumber, and your eyes began fluttering open, your mind screaming at you to go back to sleep. You could’ve gone back to sleep right there and then, bringing the pillow closer to your face but it was at that moment that you realised this was not a pillow, but was actually the soft black material of Mark’s shirt. Apparently, while you were sleeping, you had leant towards him slightly, your body weight causing you to lean diagonally towards Mark, who had shifted so that he was now with sleeping with one arm on the arm rest and one around you, sitting up slightly due to his previous sitting position.
His arm was wrapped around your shoulders, holding you to his stomach as you used him as a pillow, his legs outstretched and off the side of the couch. You attempted to move out of his hold, but he groaned, his other arm reaching down to hold you in place, “No. Stay.”
Suddenly, there was another loud bang as Donghyuck threw his bedroom door open in search of water and began making his way to the kitchen. The sudden noise made you jump in your half-asleep state, and you felt Mark stir as he blinked his eyes open, looking down at you in shock.
You were sure your face mirrored his, the surprise evident on your face.
You pushed yourself up and began gathering your things. It was at this point Donghyuck noticed you, “Oh, y/n! What a surprise! I’m so glad you came tonight, I had a wonderful time.” His eyes flickered to the couch as Mark sat up drearily, “Hey Ma- oh. My mistake. Forgive me. Have a good night.”
Donghyuck disappeared back into his bedroom, the door slamming shut behind him and you sighed, “I’d better get going.”
“What? You’re exhausted and it’s 3:30am. As if I’m going to let you drive home at this hour,” Mark said, standing up and fixing up the cushions on the couch. His eyes were half closed as he brought the dirty bowl to the kitchen.
“I was going to walk, or Uber,” you said.
“That’s dumb; you could literally be murdered. And that’s impractical - what Ubers would be out at this hour?”
“Well, how do you suggest I get home then?” Maybe it was the tiredness, but his snarky smartass attitude was getting on your nerves again. He was acting the same way he had been when you’d come to collect the beer case.
“I’m saying you should stay here,” Mark’s voice changed, becoming softer, quieter. 
“I shouldn’t-,” you immediately attempted to dismiss his kindness, but he argued back.
“It’s fine, you can sleep in my bed,” he watched your eyes widen and hid a smile as he glanced down at the floor. “I’ll sleep on the couch.”
“Right, of course,” you said, eventually relenting and then helping him grab the last of the snacks from the couch.
He gestured towards his room, “Well, you know which one is mine. I have an early class tomorrow so I might not see you, but Donghyuck will be here so...” Mark set a pillow down, smirking at you, as he settled in on the couch, disappearing from view from where you stood behind it, “Sleep well.”
When you walked backed into Mark’s room, you couldnt help but notice how obviously Mark it was. When you were in it the first time, you hadn’t really been paying attention to it, focussing on finding the beer Hyuck had stashed. Now, you could fully appreciate the colours, the decorations, the organisation, everything that was completely Mark.
You noticed a spare blanket and pillow on his bed, and immediately pulled them into the living room, dropping them on Mark’s stomach before making your way back to his bedroom. You didn’t let yourself watch for his reaction.
The next morning, you woke up to Donghyuck lying across his couch, his hand clutching his head as he groaned in pain. He had shrieked when he first saw you walking out of Mark’s bedroom, thinking he was the only one home, and then almost cried because his own shout was so loud. You began to make him breakfast, but he insisted he couldn't eat and would wait until Mark came home from class, so you made yourself pancakes.
“Hey, can I get Mark’s number?” you asked casually, biting a piece of pancake.
Immediately, the younger boy sat bolt upright from the couch, his eyes wide in shock, “What?”
“Err... your roommate. Can I have his number?” You continued eating your breakfast, watching him closely.
“What do you want his number for?” Hyuck questioned, his elbow coming to rest on the back of the couch as he pressed his palm to his forehead.
“I wanted to thank him,” you said, straightening your back subconsciously at the subtle accusation in Donhyuck’s question. “I had a good time last night.”
“Ughhhh, y/n! I don’t want to hear that!”
“What? Oh, God, no. Donghyuck, no! Gross,” you turned back to face your plate, avoiding the boy’s gaze.
He sighed, dropping dramatically back onto the couch, “Fine, whatever. Grab me my phone, then. It’s on the bench over there, I think.”
“Uhh, what happened to it?” The phone screen was smashed beyond repair, and the phone was bent slightly in half. The forward-facing camera was dislodged, and the buttons were stiff, as if, when pressed, nothing would happen. When you pointed this fact out to Donghyuck, he groaned and threw it at the wall, ignoring the shattering sound of the glass screen as he flopped backwards onto the couch.
“Mark will know,” he mumbled into a pillow.
“Well, thanks for letting me stay last night. I’ll see you soon, okay?” You began to put on your coat as you searched for your handbag in the messy apartment.
The door swung open and Mark walked in, and you had to remind yourself to keep breathing. He was dressed casually in blue jeans and a plain white tee, with a dark bomber jacket to compliment the outfit. He wasn’t wearing glasses today, and you were unsure whether he looked better or worse without them.
He hung up his jacket on the rack, briefly glancing at both you and Hyuck as he did, “Oh! Y/n! I didn’t think you’d be here when I got back.” He shot you a grin, but you missed it as you finally grabbed your bag and slung it over you shoulder.
“Yeah, sorry, I’m heading off now. Thanks for letting me stay the night,” you walked past him to the door, sending him a small smile before yelling at Haechan just to frustrate him in his hungover state.
You left, and walked down the stairs of the building, berating yourself for not asking Mark for his number. The guy was easily the most attractive person you’d ever seen, and you liked the same TV shows. What you were thinking was: you’re basically soulmates.
With newfound determination, you spun on your heel and marched back to the apartment door, convincing yourself you were confident enough to get the boy’s number. You breathed deeply, before raising your hand to knock.
Before your hand could make contact with the wood, the door swung open, and suddenly a body slammed rather strongly into you. You didn’t need to look up to know it was Mark, you recognised his scent, and his voice when he began apologising.
“Oh, God, I’m so sorry!” His hands gripped your waist as he simultaneously tried to hold you up and push you out of his way gently. 
“No, no, it’s-”
Finally, his brain seemed to have caught up to the situation. “Hey,” he breathed.
“Hi,” you smiled up at him. One arm was still wrapped securely around your waist, holding you flush against his body.
His eyes awkwardly flittered elsewhere, focussing on anything and everything as long as it wasn’t your face, “I, uh, was trying to catch you.”
You looked at your hand that was placed on his chest, “Well, here I am.” There was a lengthy pause. “What’s up?”
He cocked his head to the side, before pulling you up and slightly stepping back, clearing his throat,  “Wait. What are you doing here? Did you forget something?”
You glanced at your feet, suddenly insecure that he had just let you go whilst you were here trying to confess your feelings. “I... No. I actually came back to ask you for your number.”
His face lit up at your words, a large, happy smile stretching across his face as he suddenly reached into his pocket, producing a small square of paper, “I was going to catch you and give you this.”
You raised an eyebrow at it before plucking it from his fingers and opening the note. The words ‘call me’ were printed above his phone number, and below, a message:
spoiler alert! we go on a date :)
You laughed at his reference to the night before, during which you had spoiled many episode endings. 
“Well? Is that a yes? I can’t tell,” he asked, stepping forward a little.
“Definitely,” you smiled, reaching your arms up to wrap around his neck as your faces drew closer, and closer, and closer, and-
“MARK, CAN YOU PLEASE MAKE ME A QUESADILLA?” Donghyuck’s voice interrupted what was almost a kiss, and Mark giggled, resting his forehead against yours.
“We’ll continue this later.” Then he stepped back, gave your hand a squeeze and shut the door of his apartment.
there u have it kiddos!!! my first post in like two months lol (sorry, love u)
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anastasiaskarsgard · 5 years
Destiny of the Damned
Part 1- Roman Godfrey
Chapter 1- nosebleed
I never thought I'd miss traffic and noise. In California, something is always happening, and traffic is just a fact of life. When I had to move out to help my uncle, who lives outside of Hemlock Grove Pennsylvania to say it was a culture shock was an understatement. Everything closed early and I think they’d have to schedule a traffic jam or someone would need to get murdered on the main roads. After about a month, you figure out who everyone is. Small town life is bizarre. I went to eat at a local diner, and a police officer was eating there as well, looking out the window and makes a call. I’m in the next booth, so I can’t help but overhear him call someone that had just run the stop sign, and told them to come pick up their tocket at the station later. I always took the energy and anonymity giant metropolitan areas like Los Angeles or San Francisco for granted. It never even occured to me there were places where there were no malls, airports, freeways or parking fees. I’ve been here for a little over 2 months, and I am literally the only Mercedes Benz S-Class I’ve seen. In order to reach civilization and acceptable fashion retail, you had to go on a full on road trip. My uncle was the closest thing I had to a parent, so I was willing to tough it out for him. He had fallen down his concrete basement stairs, and fractured his neck a hands. He is very independant and stubborn and needed assistance until he healed from the multiple surgeries he’s had to endure, to get his hands working correctly again. His home is a famous work of art, more than a place to actually occupy, so strangers coming to stay there, and touch his stuff, damn near got him catching a charge. I just finished University and was an executive for my Uncles’ multi billion dollar corporation but realistically, we could take the rest of our lives off, and be fine. But we are both workaholic innovators that share the same miraculous quirk. We have autobiographical memories which means we don't forget anything. Want to know what the date, temperature, things I did, who I was with the first time I heard a particular song? I can tell you. It's a blessing and a curse. Everything is a trigger for memories for me and my Uncle. So although his desire for isolation and little contact is extreme, I get it. Having a brain that doesn't stop can be exhausting and stressful.
Books help, so when I turned the corner, and spotted a Barnes and Noble, I actually squealed in excitement. I pulled up and looked a little out of place, but i didnt care. My car was understated, low profile, over the top. With its clear panoramic sunroof,  technology, and ambiance lighting, id always kid with my uncle that i needed it for my mental health. Really, I was terribly spoiled,  yet I appreciated it and never tried to rub it anyone's face, but I understood a young woman exiting a very expensive car, in a small town, that lived in the strange house with her reclusive billionaire Uncle, wasn't going to have anyone baking me pies. I was a realist.
I was pleasantly surprised by the sheer size of this store. inside there was a shockingly large lego display and it reminded me of how much i used to love assembling complicated structures, while most girls played wth dolls. While most little girls wanted to play with dollies and imagine scenarios about their wedding day, I was trying to improve my laptops performance (catching a few on fire in my early years). The dynamics and emotionality of people never held any value really. It was what truly always puzzled me. Losing oneself in another person, or the entire concept of love, seemed so unlikely. Far too many factors involved, and why anyone compromises when they can just do as they please by themselves only makes sense in situations like with my Uncle. It was still inconvenient, so getting close to people has never been appealing, but the legos we're.
I walked over and spotted a gigantic Death Star set and clapped in delight. I thought I heard a low chuckle behind me, so I spun around to find the best looking man I'd ever seen, dressed in a very nice suit. He didnt waver or look away when i looked at him, and almost looked as though he were daring me to look away. Most people would find him intimidating, but nothing really made me nervous so he didnt phase me.
"What's funny?" I asked looking him dead in the eye.
"You." He smirked.
"Glad to oblige you" i said sarcastically as I did a half hearted bow, then standing straight with a smirk. Who did he think he was? Green eyed, puffy lipped punk. I didn't break eye contact which usually caused people to look away by now, but To my surprise he laughed and looked me up and down. Assessed me like i was livestock; sizing me up and trying to decide if he could break me.
"I'm Roman."
"I'm American." I replied.
"No my name is Roman." He laughed heartily. An amused twinkle in his eye.
I couldn't help but notice he really had the best smile, and I really have a thing for noses, and his was divine.  if you think about it, its the most important facial feature. A nose can make or break a face, and his cute little slightly upturned nose, with its perfect symmetry was for sure making his face. combine that with his gorgeous green eyes, long lashes, defined bone structure, alabaster skin and standing at least 6′3″ he must be one of the biggest pains in the asses, this side of the Mississippi! Most women would see him and be all in but having a gorgeous man that exudes sexuality and is very sure of himself is far more trouble then anyone could ever be worth.
Why pretty boy wanted to trade names, probably had nothing to do with me, and much more to do with boredom, or what he could get out of me. I usually don't pay much attention to anyone of the opposite sex, especially obvious pains in the ass like the man before me, but something about him, was preventing me from just turning around and blowing him off.
"Generally when I tell someone my name, they tell me their own." He said staring into my eyes with such an intensity that I reacted almost involuntarily.
I have a defect. If someone tries to tell me what to do or control me, I am not fucking having it. Authority has always been an issue, and this felt a lot like him trying to dominate me, and I felt almost sick. Like when you stand up too fast and get a bit woozy. I took that as a good time to turn my back on him and ignore him.
He walked in front of me, blocking my view of the legos and ducked down a bit to make eye contact. I couldnt hide the complete shock on my face at his behavior.  He's either crazy or incredibly confident. I raised my eyebrows as if to say "can i help you" and I know my face was absolutely unfriendly, yet he didn't appear to notice.
His face hardened "tell me. Your. Name." He said slowly and deliberately.
Now it was my turn to laugh. I looked at him to see the smile or just kiddding , but it never came... WOW. He was serious!!! I leaned my face a couple inches from his face and I said "Nope" making sure to loudly pop the p.
The look on his face was absolutely priceless, and had my laughing enough that several people were starting. just as I was about to walk away victorious, his nose began to bleed. I instantly was embarrassed for him and I couldnt just leave him here to bleed on the legos so I jumped into action.
"Oh shit, your nose is bleeding." i said lookinbg around for any type of tissue, when i noticed we were right next to the restrooms.
"What? Seriously? Can you get it?" he implored looking all frightened, dare I say fragile.
Without any hesitation, I wiped the blood from his face. "Come with me, we need tissue, bathroom is right here. Look up and hold your nose." I grabbed his hand and recieved a shock. static electricity stayed with me a lot and often scared people but he didnt even flinch. He laced his fingers in mine as if it were the most natural thing in the world and i led him to the bathroom.
Once inside, I grabbed some tissues and directed him to stand over the sink. I wet some paper towels and wiped away the blood and then took the dry tissues and pushed his head back and crammed little tissue torpedos in his perfect little nose. The whole time I could feel his intense gaze on me, but what else was he going to look at really?
"Gotta admit, this is new." He quipped, admiring my handy work in the mirror and laughing in dismay.
"What? Bloody nose or attention from ladies?"
"Um.... you're kind of rude, but then when there is an issue, you don't hesitate to help.  Then you're taking better care of my nose bleed than anyone. No one really takes charge with me.... and now I'm in a bathroom with a woman and we aren't fucking." He laughed again.
"Fucking. Classy. If I didn't know any better I'd swear you were the Godfrey asshole everyone keeps telling me about." Ever since I'd arrived at Hemlock grove, I'd heard Godfrey this and Godfrey that. Their name was on everything and I'd heard the son was like a 21 year old gorgeous nightmare, that was as kind, as he was humble. The few people id spoken to had told me to stay away from him. I found it odd, I didn't know his first name all of a sudden.
His face fell into a frown.
"I see that's the general consensus about that guy. Cheer up Charlie, your nose stopped bleeding most likely, let me just pull these out." i gently pulled the tissues from his nose and waited for blood but none came. "Boom mothafucka its on!" i laughed at my own ridiculousness before turning and washing my hands.
"You're weird” he stated matter of factly.
Roman stood there quietly thinking. I could almost feel the wheels turning in his head. His mood had completely changed at the mention of the Godfrey kid.Maybe his family had lost everything because of them too or the guy stole his girl, i felt a little guilty so i relented a tiny bit.
"Hey listen, Roman was it?" He nodded and bit his lip. oh he knows what hes doing. boy he was trouble "I'm sorry if the Godfrey's are a sore subject. I don't know anything about anybody here. I'm just helping out my crazy uncle that fell down his basement stairs and broke his hands and neck. I'm from the west coast and this dreary fucking place isn't exactly my cup of tea. I don't know why I'm rude before I'm polite but it's involuntary. My name is Letha, it's like Lisa with a lisp and now I've officially over shared." I could feel my face turning red. Why was He making me such an awkward mess? My God this WAS new.
suddenly he grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me in stopping just an inch away from my face. "Who put you up to this?" He asked with such venom in his voice it made me flinch. "WHO!?!?!" He screamed in my face.
I tried to push him away but he wouldn't budge. My mind raced and I began to panic. No one has ever screamed in my face like this and I didn't like it and yet, the way his eyes searched mine and the tenseness in his body, and just sheer panic made me do something I hardly ever did. Maybe it was brought on by panic or survival instinct, but it was not my normal. Especially to a crazy stranger in the bathroom, but I had the overwhelming NEED to hug him. I fought past his hands trying to hold my shoulders in kind of a silly slap fight and grabbed him around the waist and buried my head in his shoulder. He smelled so good.This was outright crazy behavior for me, and i was confusing myself but if i tried to not think, it almost felt nice, for a few moments my mind was blank. A minute passed with me holding him as he calmed his breathing with his arms raised. Nothing was triggering me and I felt odd.
"Nobody sent me, you nut job! Hug me back, you need a hug. ”i squeezed even harder, nuzzling my face into his collar, his chin gently resting on my head.
His arms hesitantly closed around my back and then he crushed me into a deep embrace. He really did need a hug. "You ok now crazy?" I asked trying to pull back to look at his face but he held me fast. He started to shudder a bit and then I felt moisture hit my forehead. Ok it's gone too far, this is why I don't hug.
Was this crazy ass dude crying? Oh no, he was really crazy. Shit shit shit. Good job Letha, you're gonna get murdered in a bookstore bathroom, in shit hole Pennsylvania, on a Friday afternoon. Why did you hug this fucking guy? I was starting to breathe funny now!
Roman loosened his grip and looked deep in my eyes searching for something. What? Im unsure, but he must of found it, because he laughed and he seemed almost sweet, except tears were running down his face and a moment earlier he screamed in my face.
"Well Ms Letha, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'd love nothing more than to take you out this evening wherever you want to go. Before you refuse, I assure you I'm not crazy, it's just I had a cousin named Letha, which I'm sure you're aware is an unusual name, and I loved her very much and she passed and I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. It caught me off guard."
I had heard about that Letha. Everyone that found out my name, told me about Letha Godfrey, the Godfrey girl that was as kind as she was beautiful, but tragically got knocked up and lost her mind talking about angels being the father, and dating some weirdo outcast. when she went to give birth in the family skyscraper medical facility, she mysteriously died and so did her baby.
"You're the Godfrey kid." I practically whispered staring at him with wide eyes as I recalled what I'd said about him, TO him.
"Hardly a kid anymore I think." He smiled. He was so handsome, it was freaking me out. "What's your phone number? I have to run to the white tower, and then I'm all yours."
I knew better. He was too good looking and too rich and too everything but something told me he needed me. I know it sounds crazy but I believed in my heart and soul, this perfect beautiful fucking legend of a man needed me. I knew it wasn't logical, but I told him my number and turned to walk out of the bathroom, but he grabbed my hand.
"Please answer." He pleaded pressing a kiss to my hand. He wasn't trying to make me do anything now. He was giving the power over to me and i was honestly taken aback a bit by the almost desperate look in his eyes. I knew in my heart, he genuinely needed me, but for what?
I can't explain the feeling I felt in that bathroom with this man, but when I say I felt a deeper connection to him than I'd ever felt in my 22 years on this earth, I mean it. It was thrilling, and scary, and strange. I smiled at him and nodded my head. As I made my way to my car, I tried to convince myself not to answer, but I knew that I would.
He didn't follow me out of the bathroom and I just made a bee line for my car. I had to go. I couldn't help smiling from ear to ear. The cashier glared at me with open animosity, before turning her attention to the restroom door, looking dreamily for Roman to appear. Boy oh boy did I know better than to get involved with this guy, but deep in my gut i knew. He needed me.
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claighijin-blog · 7 years
antisepticeye x reader x darkiplier oneshot
The Hot Tub
this is anti x reader x dark and it takes place after something that happened to me a while ago with my friends.
i waited on my couch sitting in a (f/c) bikini waiting for anti and dark. they told me they had a suprise? and to get in something to swim in so, i did. and now im just waiting for them. i heard a knock on my door and walked to it and opened the door to instantly be pulled out by my arm. i let out a shreak as i looked up to see anti pulling me somewhere with dark behind me. "what the hell guys?!" i screamed until we appeared at their place. "u-um... could you have just teleported?!" i asked out of breath. "nope!" i heared anti chirp "now close your eyes!" he said, as dark put his hands over my face and lead me somewhere. "look!" anti said as dark removed his hands from my face. "a hottub?" i asked looking at them. "yeah! we got a hot tub!" anti said. dark just nodded and flashed me a smile. "cool, i had one when i was younger, i think this is actully the same kind i had" i said looking it over. i went up to the hottub and looked inside it to see the water, and the steam coming off of it. "ready to get in?" dark asked. i put my hand in it to feel it "s-" my eyes then widened and pulled my hand out "THATS BOILING HOT!" i screached. "what?" dark asked feeling it. "its perfect!" he said. "and im human, your a demon you idiot" i snapped, earning a laugh from anti. dark growled at him. "ill just get in later when its cooled down k?" i said walking inside of their house, and sitting down to watch tv ~10 minutes later~ 'i got an idea' i thought and then walked outside of the house as stealthly as possible. i walked down the porch and saw their backs facing me as they talked. i grinned wide and went up to the hot tub. i instantly pushed the bubble button, then the lock button so they couldnt change the setting and ran up the stairs fast but quiet and ran into the house, sitting down to watch tv. i then heard them both scream like girls, and the water started moving rapidly, along with pounding. "what th-" i was interupted "(Y/N)!!!!!!!!!!" i heared them both scream. i put on my 'OMG WHAT HAPPENED!' face and ran out "w-what happened!?" i asked. they both stared into my soul knowing i did this. the sound of the bubbles blocked out alot of the noise as they started to speak, so i could barley hear them. "WHAT?" i yelled over the noise. dark growled loud enough for me to hear as he stomped out of the hot tub and leant down to eye level with me. he put his hand on my cheek and said softly "would you be a dear and-" he started then his eyes turned fully black "SHUT THE BUBBLES THE HELL OFF!!!" he screamed at me, causing me to fall back. i scattered over to the hot tub, unlocked it and turned the bubbles off, running back up the porch repeating "Sorry! sorry! sorry!" even though i really didnt mean it. i got into their house and started laughing. ~one day later~ i let a sigh out as i walked to dark and anti's place. i was in the same thing i was wearing yesterday. i ended up running back home and not getting in the hot tub. i arrived at their house and saw that someone was already in the hot tub. i walked over and saw anti was in it. i walked over so i was on the other side of the hot tub and infront of him. i crossed my arms and leant down onto the side of the hot tub, starting up a conversation with anti. after a few minutes of talking to anti something grabbed my feet. i felt my body being lifted. i screamed at the top of my lungs as i was thrown into the hot water, landing into anti's lap, my legs on either side of him. he grinned wide, his canines showing. he wrapped his arms around my waist. "why hello there!" he said giggling, as dark was laughing in the background. the water burned my soft sensitive skin, even though it was only 104 degree's. i tried to pull back, but he came down with me, he was on his knee's, and my legs were wrapped around his waist, in a desperate attempt to not touch the water to much. he had his arms wrapped around me as he licked his lips, with his long, sharp tounge. i blushed as anti leaned in. dark stopped laughing as he realised what was happening. "HEY!" dark yelled jumping in, splashing the water all over me. anti ignored it and pulled me in for a kiss. i kissed back, kinda cause i had a crush on him. but i also liked dark. "HA! i kissed her first!" anti said as he pulled away. sticking his tounge out at anti. dark then grabbed onto me and pulled me into him. "if you get to kiss her, then so do I!" dark said like a child. dark then pressed his lips against mine into a sweet kiss. i instantly melted into it. dark pulled away smirking. "Ha! i kissed her to!" "NOT FAIR! i kissed her first!" anti yelled back like a child. i blushed at how they were fighting over me, and how i kinda just kissed both my crushes... after a minute of them fighting, they then looked at me "pick one of us!" dark and anti said. "w-what?" i asked. "pick one of us, who do you like more, who do you want to DATE" dark said. "u-uh......... i like you both" i said blushing... "couldnt i just date both of you?" i asked cringing back, knowing they wouldnt agree. they looked at each other. they both wanted to make me happy. "ok" anti said. i looked at them with shock. "r-really?" i asked. "yep" anti said, as dark nodded. a smile formed on my face as i hugged them both. "i love you guys!" i said happily. "love you too." they both said.
i take requests so yeah. request! i do dark and anti. so yeah!
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thekaiden-blog · 7 years
The Kid Machine (Part 1)
So this is my first attempt at a VLD fanfic and using Tumblr so if you have any tips or anything hit me up. I will be posting more parts later.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lance pov
“Ha take that!” Before anyone could blink the last shot i took ended up causing the entire battleship to explode before the ion canon was able to take a shot at the castle.
“Yeah good job Lance! That was a great shot!” Shiro said as i was doing my victory dance.
“Of course that awesome of shot could only come from someone equally as awesome.” i gloated because for once i was actually happy with what i managed to do.
“Wait then how did you make that shot?” Keith said instantly making me stop my dance whilst thoughts i tried to keep away started to come back full force.
“Shut it mullet youre just jealous you couldnt pull off that shot.” I instantly shot back at him. Before he had a chance to reply Shiro told us to stop arguing and get back to the castle which was now landed on the planet below us called Kuros. Keith didnt bother saying something again but i did manage to hear him growl lowly.
As we stepped out of our lions the aliens who inhabit Kuros, kurens as they are called, started swarming us and started dragging us to the castle where the king and queen would be holding a party for us. This one little alien seemed to be only a child about 3 followed me around for a little bit before he attatched himself to my leg and went with me where ever i went. The kid seemed like he was getting bored so i pulled him up until he was on my shoulders then started dancing around to the music that was playing. Eventually a song came on the required a partner so i forced the closest person to me, who happened to be Keith, to dance with us. “Lance what are you doing!? I cant even dance!” Keith yelled as i pulled him with us while i started spinning us around to the beat. “Relax, Keith and follow my lead.” The dance that went with this song was very fast beat and kind of hard to follow at first but watching the other partners i managed to get into the rhythm of the dance since it was quite repetitive. Keith was against it at first and kept trying to pull away but i think the fact that the Kuren child was enjoying himself and laughing quite loud convinced keith to just go along with what was happening. The party was going on for quite a while and i was getting bored so i grabbed onto Keiths arm while setting down the tired Kuren child and started pulling keith up the stairs to go exploring. “What are you doing?” He asked as we turned a corner. “I am taking you exploring!” “Well why are you taking me exactly?” He questioned while slightly trying to pull his arm out of my grasp but i just tighted my hold while still dragging him with me. “Well because you were the closest person to me duh.” I said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world but honestly i think it was the most obvious because thats how i roll. I heard him sigh but he let me pull him to where ever. im pretty sure he doesnt know his way around and if i know Keith he will just blame me if we get caught so itd be better for him to be with me for that to make sense. I found double doors at the end of the hall that just seemed to scream my name, ok not really i just liked how they were really pretty. why does a flipping door need to sparkle, like dude thats awesome! I pushed the doors open and walked in all excited and noticed the room was dark except for the light coming from huge windows on both sides of the room but there was only a tube looking machine in the center of the room. Confused i walked into the machine with keith still right behind me when i reached out to press a button but Keiths voice stopped me. “Maybe you shouldnt press that we dont know what itll do.” “Nah its okay its not like theyd have anything harmful where someone could just walk in and find it.” Before Keith could react i quickly pushed the button which caused the tube doors to close. We both started to bang on the glass but no one was around us and our helmet comms werent working in here so i turned back to the only button thats available to press. “Maybe theyll open if i pressed the button again?” “Nooo-” i cut Keith off mid sentance by hitting the button causing a red light to flash for a second. I quickly jumped back and grabbed Keith kinda scared on what was going to happen when the light stopped blinking and the door opened. We both basically threw ourselves out of the tube as quick as we could. The room was almost pitch black since the sun went down and no lights were on in the room when we suddenly heard Shiro talk. “Guys! Lance! Keith! Can you hear me where are you we are in front of the ship the parties over.” “Heyyy Shiro were here we can hear you we are on our way now.” I said really quick so he would stop yelling. “Yep we can hear you be there in a little bit.” Keith also replied at rhe same time. We both quickly let each other go then started walking out of the pitch black room when Keith spoke up again. “Lance stop screwing around let go of my leg.” “How the butts can i be touching you when im in front of you?” I asked really confused “Wait so that... Isnt you?” “Nope whatever that is isnt me.” I assured him. After those words were out of my mouth he quickly kicked whatever had a hold of his leg off of him then was about to take off running when i heard what sounded like crying from the direction the thing landed. Keith turned on the light in our suits while i moved toward the crying thing when the light reached the object i realized it was a human child who had short black hair and blue eyes lile my own he looked to be about 3 years old at least. “Keith you kicked a child a child do you hear me!” I exclaimed while picking up the child cuddling it to my chest softly repeating that its okay and he didnt mean it “Where the hell did it come from?” “Language Keith hes a child no cussing in from of him!” I took my eyes off Keith and turned my attention to the young boy in my arms. “Hello there. Can you tell me your name?” He looked at me confused then shrugged so i took a different approach. “Okay how about where are your parents little one?” At that his expression brightened and pointed to both keith and i. “Well obviously you and dad, papa!” After hearing that i froze and i could feel Keith tense up behind me. “I mean i can see it Keith he has your hair color and my eyes.” i said while turning so Keith could see the boy in my arms easier. “There is no way in hel-” I quickly interrupted him “no swearing in front of our child alright thats a bad word.” “Papa, dad said a bad word, is he mad at me? “The little boy was tearing up while looking up at me and i could feel my heart just breaking “No little one dads not mad at you are you keith?” I looked at him pointedly as if saying to go along with it. “Of course im not mad at you but i am sorry i kicked you i didnt realize that was you.” Keith said but im pretty sure hes warming up to our little angel already. Even though it is really weird knowing.i have a kid now and with Keith no less i dont mind because i already love our child even if the other parent is Keith. “Its alright dad im not mad at you as long as you arent mad at me!” The kid said smiling brightly. Keith pov After the kid who is apparently mine and ugh lances kid finished telling me hes not mad at me he smiled in a way that reminded me of Lance very big and very bright. “Papa i wanna go see dad can i please?” The kid started making what do you call them? Grabby hands at me wanting me to carry him. Lance just smiled at him and in that smile you could see that this kid was already the center of Lances world. “Of course little one off you go.” He started handing me the kid when we heard Shrio speak up so Lance froze with the child halfway to me. “Guys what is taking so long are you almost on your way?” “Uh yeah we ar- wait ok its ok i got you.” I tried answering but lance just thrusted the kid into my arms whilst i was mid sentance. "What who are you talking to?" “No dont touch that come on lets follow.... Yeah hes right there. I told the kid as Lance started walking away with my following before i remembered Shiro could here me and was probably even more confused then before “dont worry shiro we are on our way go on into the ship be there in a couple of minutes.” “Alright i guess if you say so…” was the only reply i got. You could hear the confusion in his voice before i turned the comms off and started chasing Lance to catch up to him when the kid spoke up “Papa wait up youre going to fall.” that was all it took for Lance to stop so we could catch up. “Sorry bought that bud i promise ill stay closer this time alright?” The kid seemed happy with that answer so he cuddled up to me making me smile. As we were about to enter the castle the kid muttered about where we were and how pretty the castle is.
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violetnotez · 4 years
HC: Tending to Their Wounds
Just some soft headcannon for my 2k Celebration! You can check out the original post here
Pairings: Mirio x reader, Shoto x reader, Bakugo x reader
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。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
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This dude^^^^right here^^^^\
Like he feels it he KNOWS its theree
He just CHOOSES to ignore it
he could have literal slashes all over his body and insists that he’s okay
He main priority is to get healed ASAP of course
he will be cracking dad jokes, insisting he’s fine when he’s clearly NOT
You cant even get ahold of him hes just soooo fast
He will only really chill out if you FORCE him and he sees how nervous he’s making you
Its gonna be wierd cause he gonna be worried about you
Lots of soft touches, asking if your doing alright, and cracking jokes to make you smile
Honestly this baby has a heart of golddddd
“Mirio, please Im begging you-” you sighed, your feet scrambling to keep up with the hero, the first aid kit clanking in your hands.
“Begging me? Geez, didnt realize you were that  worried!” he laughed good naturedly, his body sauntering over to open the refrigerator door. “Honestly, babe, Im fine, honestly!”
You squinted your eyes at him, his arms outstretched as if to show you just how “fine” he was.
What a big ass lie- his suit was in shambles, his skin scraped and dusted with dirt...he was a wreck.
“Mirio, you look like you got hit by a bus,” you stated plainly, your face clearly not buying his remarks.
He simply laughed at you, his beaten body reaching into the fridge and pulling out some food.
“Ah, c’mon, y/n, you gotta believe me, Im feeling perfectly fine!”
Oh, so now he wanted to make food?! When he looked like that, completely trashed and bruised?! 
You shook your head, your lips pursed- deseprate time called for desperate measures.
MIrio began to look through the drawers, trying to find some utensils in the small kitchen.
“Hey, sunshine, do you know where the-uh,uh- sunshine?”
You had his tattered suit balled in your hand, your body pressed up against his own. You face was mere inches away from his, his blue eyes wide with shock as you kissed him square on his mouth. 
Mirio dropped the loaf of bread in his hand, his digits wrapping around your waist and giving it a squeeze as your hands began to work his suit off his battered torso.
Mirio smiled on to your lips at the feeling of you working his clothes off him.
“So this was why you were desperate-” he chuckled softly,his hands pushing you flushed against your body.
He was quickly snapped away from his hazy thoughts once he felt you push away, your hands quickly opening up the first aid kit and getting some supplies out.
“Nope- I just needed to give you a distraction,” you smirked at the boy, his pout making  you laugh
Mirio  gave you a sad look, his lips pouted out as if like a child.
“Ah cmon sunshine, now thats just cruel,”
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Shoto has nerves made of STEEL
And same with his pain tolerance
You could probably give this boy stitches and he’d only wince like twice
Honestly it kinda scary how calm he can be
If your kinda new to bandaging people up, he’s got you COVERED
Like will guide your hands and tell you what to put on what wound, etc etc
Hes a sweeetyyyy pieeeee
He will be blushy hardcore tho, no matter how long you’ve known each other or how long you’ve been dating
Hes a soft baby, and the feeling of your hands on his bare skin makes him melt into your touch
But even though he’s good at taking pain, make sure to remind him to breathe
Cause he has a tendency to hold his breathe, and it literally freaks you out when you see his lips turning purple lmao
You had your legs cradled against Shoto’s thighs, your hands busy at work to patch up an open wound left on his chest. His hero suit was pooled around his navel, showcasing the beautifully pale skin of his torso.
You had to admit it- the boy was built like a god, and you couldnt be more pleased to be so close to him, even if it was because he was injured.
“Are you doing okay?” you asked quietly, looking at him with waiting eyes.
Shoto gulped, his cheeks gaining a little red hue- you were so cute sitting on his lap, and the way you looked at him could have made his heart stop from just pure happiness. He felt so calm yet so nervous around you, and he was intoxicated by the feeling.
“Y-yes, thank you,” he stuttered out, his tone a bit more flushed.
You simply smiled, happy he was feeling okay, continuing with your work- 
until you felt heat radiating under your legs. 
At first you didnt pay any mind to it, letting it seep into your pants and warm your skin...but it began to hurt a little, almost like if a laptop was burning under your thighs.
You cocked your head looking up at Shoto’s face, his eyes downcast as if lovesick and his cheeks a fiery red...he was flustered.
“Shoto,” you mused quietly, taking your finger and resting it against his chin. His eyes met yours quickly, those bi-colored eyes wide in an owlish expression.
“Yes y/n?” he asked nervously, his tone deep and rich like honey.
You gave him a small smirk, tilting your head ever so slightly. “Are you nervous? Because your kind of heating up on me-”
“Oh, I-Im sorry!” he instantly apologized, his hands wrapping around your outer thighs, “I wasnt paying attnetion, I-Ill cool you down...”
Shoto’s kept his hands cradled on your sides for the rest of the time you were working on his wounds, his face a reddened mess as he sent cold sensations down your skin.
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He definitelllyyyyy got hurt from training, fighting Deku, or both
Your probably gonna have to get used to bandaging him up cause his pride wont let him get patched up 
but he will be too rough to properly fix himself up
He thinks he is being all tough,,,,
but honestly he’s not
Like he might be quiet at first, only a couple groans here and there-
but once you pull out that bottle of alcohol for his wounds hes gonna be FERAL
just throwing a damnnnnn temper tantrum
Once you get that part over with he’ll calm down...maybe even say thank you if your lucky smh
(This scene was definitellllyyyyy inspired by Indiana Jones and Ive been DYING to write this since like Christmas)
“Shit y/n, it fucking hurts!” he yelled, his vermillion eyes a deep red as he spoke through gritted teeth.
He was holding his scratched arm away from you, shielding you from being able to properly clean it. You couldn't help but roll you eyes- yeah, cleaning the wound stings a little, but you it wasnt like you were doing durgery on him. He seriously was a little too much to deal with at time.
You leaned away from the whining boy, an exasperated sigh leaving your lips. 
“So where does it not hurt then, Katsuki,”
Bakugo gave a sulky look, his eyes squinted at you as he pointed at his elbow
You leaned forward quickly, your lips placing a soft kiss on the skin. Bakugo’s cheeks immediately erupted in red, his eyes wide and all pain erased from his face as he gazed at your slightly annoyed face.
“And-and here,” he stuttered out, his voice a little less forceful as he slowly pointed to his collarbone with bandaged digits.
This needy little prick-a small smirk enveloped on your face as you leaned in gently, careful to not press your body too much on his as you left a small kiss on his skin.
Bakugo watched you with wide eyes, his whole body tingling and the spots where you kissed him leaving electric sparks on his skin.
“Anywhere else?” you asked, your eyes glowing mischievously as you looked at he flustered boy.
He grunted slightly, his mouth swallowing thickly.
“And-and here,” he slowly stated, his hand pointing to his lips.
You simply rolled your eyes, your smile growing on your lips as you happily obliged to his request.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
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