abuddinggreenwitch · 5 years
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We're offering £1 Tarot Readings until Sunday 19th January! Save 20% off our usual Single Card price and have your questions answered by a reader with over a decades experience in the art of Tarot. Code '20OFF' What are you waiting for? Shop Link in Bio, find us on Etsy by searching 'A Budding Green Witch' Or DM us for PayPal information @buddinggreenwitch_tarot . . Card Pictured is from the 'TAROT OF MUSTERBERG' Via - https://curioandco.com/products/tarot-of-musterberg?epik=dj0yJnU9andYSWh5QjBiRDJVZjBfek5OcEhabFZTWnZiZWo4QmYmbj1lZGk5c04wUHhURktXbFZqajl3QUt3Jm09MyZ0PUFBQUFBRjRnYzdz . . . . (Our services are for entertainment purposes only, and should not be used in place of professional medical, legal or financial advice. I do not not accept readings on death or pregnancy.) . . #Tarot #TarotReading #TarotReadersOnInstagram #InstagramTarotCommunity #TheLovers #TarotCards #Divination #DailyTarot #CardOfTheDay #InstaTarot #TarotDeck #CheapTarot #LoveTarot #1PoundReadings #Sale #ABuddingGreenWitchTarot https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Y2i7WnOYa/?igshid=12n4sqhlhskj9
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ursaminor-tarot · 5 years
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Your Weekly Compass: 7/1 – 7/7 🌟 Expect: 9 of Swords – Triggers for anxiety, mental noise, and crisis of faith. 🌟 Embrace: 4 of Swords – Meditation, rest, and a return to foundational ideas that support your mental health. 🌟 Embody: Queen of Pentacles, Rx – Deep groundedness, receptiveness without attachment. Stand barefoot in the dirt and let your frenetic energy sink into the earth. . . . . . This week is likely to trigger anxious thoughts and crises of faith and identity. We’re invited to return to stable ground, keep it simple, and allow the waves to crash over us without struggling. Embrace rest, embrace a retreat from constant progress. To counter the abundance of air element this week, with its quick communication and butterfly thoughts, The Queen of Pentacles Reversed points the way towards deep, slow embodiment. Be as receptive and reactive as a riverbank. Hold the water, but let it flow onwards at the same time. Slow your roll, and the crush of thoughts and worry will eventually flow past. . . . . Featured deck: #damedarcymermaidtarot . . . . #weeklyspread #weekahead #tarotcast #tarotforecast #tarotreadings #taroteverydamnday #taroteveryday #soultarot #divination #instagramtarotcommunity #tarotreadersofig #cardslinger #augury #magic     (at City of Staunton) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bza1YhmnR9h/?igshid=sdlfcpz1i5tc
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This week’s card: XIII: Death from the Thoth Tarot Deck by Aleister Crowley “The alchemical sense of Death is not so much destruction as change. Thus we have, in this card, the Scorpion, representing primitive energy always ready to [complete] suicide…when heavily beset, but prepared to undergo any transformation which will permit its continued existence in a different form…The central figure is executing the Dance of Death….” To some, this card is one of the scariest cards in the Tarot deck, because it represents Death, the enemy we must all face in this lifetime eventually. No one likes to think about death or that which must be processed with it, however, this card has deeper meanings beyond that of just the ending of this life. It can represent also that a change is occurring or that a transformation has begun. On Monday those in the United States got to experience an amazing solar eclipse, which occurred during a new moon. Solar eclipses represent that an old chapter is ending and a new one is beginning – or rather a change is occurring. The solar eclipse was also trine with Uranus, the planet of change and excitement. Paired with the Sun being conjunct to the Moon, this means that anything can happen. Now is the time to focus on the changes occurring in your life, truly reflect on how you want to proceed, and then act on those desires... To read all of Tarot Tuesday, check out our Facebook post here: http://ow.ly/vvz830eBR5O #tarottuesday #onesmallstone #cardoftheweek #death #transformation #change #metamorphosis #howwillyoureact #tarotcommunity #instagramtarotcommunity
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abuddinggreenwitch · 5 years
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I offer paid Tarot Reading via Etsy. Prices start at £1.25. You can head to my shop here, or click the link in my Bio. https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/ABuddingGreenWitch . . #Tarot #TarotReading #TarotReadersOfTumblr #tumblrtarotcommunity #InstagramTarotCommunity #RiderWaiteTarot #TarotCards #Divination #DailyTarot #ABuddingGreenWitchTarot
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We thought this week, in honor of the full moon, we would release our Tarot Tuesday a day early! Happy Full Moon! This week’s card: The Two of Cups from The Goddess Tarot by Kris Waldherr Two of Cups: “In a moonlit garden, a bride and groom pledge their faith. The woman dressed in white, looks like the moon come to earth; she is as enchanting as Venus, the goddess of love. Meanings: Integration of masculine and feminine aspects within oneself. An attraction that may become a serious relationship. Harmony. Love Enchantment.” The Two of Cups is known, next to The Lovers, as a strong indication of an intimate relationship between two souls. It represents the union between the feminine and the masculine. While this can mean externally, I believe that the message is intended for the internal balance between feminine and masculine that every person struggles with. It is important to make sure that you are balanced and the two halves of yourself are giving as much as they are taking. By doing this self-reflection, lessons can come forth and new opportunities arise for growth. So while you may not run into “The One” this week, you can rediscover the magic and power of you, because you are an amazing person, with or without another person by your side, and you deserve to be happy. Use this week to reflect and focus on important relationships in your life. Now is the time to strengthen those bonds, especially with Mercury preparing to go into retrograde on August 12th. Communication problems are notorious during Mercury in Retrograde and you can prepare for them by making sure you are not withholding your truth. This is the time to shed some light on your feelings by recognizing that they are valid and others may not even know there is a problem. As you give yourself the time and energy that you need to heal and grow, you will be able to a see a shift in yourself and your relationships. In All Things Love #onesmallstone #tarottuesday #tarot #cardoftheweek #instagramtarotcommunity #twoofcups #selfreflection #relationships #thegoddessdeck #selfgrowth #fullmoon #mercuryretrograde
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It’s Tarot Tuesday! This week’s card comes from The Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson and illustrated by Angela Werneke. #12: Porcupine Key Word: Innocence “ “Little Porcupine, ...I was afraid they wouldn’t take me seriously anymore. You have taught me that in being a fuddy-duddy, I was causing other not to care for me. Thank you...” And so it was that Bear became childlike again and learned the innocence of Porcupine. In Choosing the Porcupine card, you have given yourself a gently reminder not to get caught I the chaos of the adult world where fear, greed, and suffering are commonplace. The medicine in this car is that of relief from seriousness and severity. Open your heart to those things that gave you joy as a child. Remember the preciousness of fantasy and imagination, and the making of some game or toy from nothing but scraps. Honor the playfulness of spirit that lets everyone win. ” Hey! Stop! Slow Down! Breathe. Porcupine is here to remind us of the importance of taking a break from the rush and seriousness of the world. It’s easy to get absorbed in the problems of our lives and our society. It can be very consuming on all levels and lead to us becoming Big ‘Ol Grumpy Bears and/or even feeling trapped or depressed. Porcupine is about being able to embrace the child in your heart and letting the weight of the world roll off your shoulders, even if only for a little while. So this week: be spontaneous! Go outside! Play with your family! Do something you wouldn’t normally do on a Tuesday night! And when you do it, remember the feelings of innocence and joy you experience. That feeling will provide you with inspiration and support you during your darkest moments. After all, “Happiness can be found even in the darkest time if one only remembers to turn on the light” (Rowling 2000). #tarottuesday #onesmallstone #medicinecards #porcupine #innocence #jkrowling #harrypotter #dumbledore #tarotcommunity #instagramtarotcommunity #tarot
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This weeks Tarot Tuesday card of the week is the Four of Water from The Angel Deck by Doreen Virtue! Four of Water: “Time to reevaluate your situation, because you’re currently missing an opportunity. The solution you’re seeking is right in front of your face. Fortunately, positive forces are working to assist you now. Open you’re eyes to the possibilities and accept the help that’s being offered to you. However, you may be distracted or feel emotionally trapped. It’s possible that by focusing on what you don’t have, you’re taking for granted the good things you do have. Additional meanings: Discontentment. Apathy. Daydreaming. Getting lost in your own world. Boredom.” It’s time to get your head out of the clouds dear one. You’ve been searching for more satisfaction either in your personal life, career or both. There’s been this dissatisfaction or a feeling of entrapment, but it’s time to change perspective. This card means that we have the power and capability of changing our reality, to see all of the possibilities. It’s time to make sure you are grounded and stable. Once you begin this process, you’ll begin to see that there are a myriad of opportunities and friends around you. Be willing to do the hard work that comes with your goals, because remember that you are in control of your life and actions. As Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” In all that you do make sure it comes from a heart space. When intention and action align in love and understanding, nothing can stop you or your efforts. #tarottuesday #onesmallstone #tarot #cardoftheweek #fourofwater #tarotcommunity #instagramtarotcommunity #bethechange #staygrounded #inallthingslove
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