#insert Sherlock gif here
jess-21990 · 7 months
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Hmmmmm let's go back in time & rewind to a few mins ago shall we~.....
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Soooooo in the end she slapped you right after this well.......
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heartofbusan · 2 months
The sun's radiant vibe.
Rebirth and the declaration of Park Jimin.
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Over on Twix, a quietly renowned translator named Colin delivers his version of lyric translations for nearly all BTS songs. He just posted his translations of MUSE and boy..🫠...be sure to read them as they are well thought out and nuanced. It's just beautiful the way he seeks to find the most fitting word to convey a feeling. His translation made me realize that people been sleeping on Rebirth. Not only streaming wise, it's kinda lagging behind, but lyrics wise as well.
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It's been my clear favorite since I first heard it. It reminds me of church music, say I the atheist. But it's the way that choirs can move your soul with those soaring compositions and exalted professions of love for the glorious in a harmonious coming together of voices. It's just so beautiful. I can hear you screaming: THERE’S AN ACTUAL CHOIR SINGING ALONG, OH, so that might just be it, Sherlock 🧐 ok ok. Noted.
It's also that line: "With you. I will be your reason, reason." He's singing his promise, his praise.
Rebirth is Jimin laying his love at the altar, ready to be either burned or scorned or blessed. In any case, he's no longer hiding. He's professing. He's been through utter despair, and there was his love, arm outstretched. He wants to be as one.
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Furthermore, i think Rebirth is kind of a coda to the closing song of FACE: Letter.
If Letter is a quiet confession, whispered from one lover's lips to the other's ear, warm breath tickling his hair, then Rebirth is Brat.
Rebirth is one hell of an opening song. Bold and bravely confident, utterly romantic in the meeting your lover at dawn kinda way. But the irony lies in that it would be an amazing closing song of an album. The way the choir lingers and the music resonates long after the song has ended. The clapping! It screams, ending concert song, and the audience is absolutely weeping, hugging their seat mates, mascara running, chimmy headband drooping.
There's probably a technical explanation for why, but I'm telling you, a closing song. Because once Showtime (interlude) hits, we're in a totally new environment audibly and emotionally. Yet it had to be the intro because it's the seed that was planted in FACE.
Rebirth is this Jimin:
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"Both he and the object of his affection have feelings for each other." It's mutual. Equal. I am you, you are me much?!
"So that I can sing as we lock eyes." Insert TTU 'But I still want you.' gif here
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"...implying that the other person won't let him remain hidden."
'In my despair, you act as light. Like the sun's radiant vibe, You pass by me tenderly.'
The sun is tenderly beckoning him with its warmth, to finally step into the light. We all know who has been there for Jimin throughout 2022/2023, encouraging him both publicly with his simping and privately.
Jimin told Namjoon in MMM that JK diligently helped him, assisting him when he spent two months re-training his voice for longevity.
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I don't want to read more into the lines of a song that could also be totally make-believe, but it's Jimin were talking about. A man who is willing to break down himself, piece by piece, to rebuild himself back stronger, more confident, and with his eye firmly set towards the future. Do we think he wouldn't speak in these exalted terms about his good love? Have you heard Letter!?!
No wonder Jimin wants to give pay back in bedtime cuddles. 🙂‍↕️
Rebirth is so confident, and it's not only the lyrics mind you. It's also the way he sings notes we haven't heard him sing this brazenly before. I will scream into the void once he performs this live someday. CAN YOU IMAGINE?!
Stream Muse and Rebirth for Real Love.
TLDR: Jimin is GOAT, author a simp.
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OMITB S4:E5 "Adaptation"
We're at the halfway mark and I feel like fans with a Hercule Poirot or Sherlock Holmes type of IQ could solve the mystery by now but I am not one of those fans so I'm just here to recap and debunk or strengthen theories I already had. I say this every week but I am truly loving the pacing of this season and that they don't shy away from answering questions early on instead of trying to shoehorn everything in for the season finale. As always spoilers ahead!
Ok so now we officially have confirmation that there are two killers. After circling back to the footprint on the windowsill of the Dudenoff apartment, the tacky paper used on the photoshoot and production room set reveals that the footprint belongs to one of the Brothers sisters. We see that one twin is physically strong enough to lift a body when she lifts Oliver and moves him onto his correct mark. I don't think that necessarily means both twins are involved in the murder though. We also end the episode with that same twin being missing and hearing a gunshot implying that she has been killed. I have been waiting YEARS for a season in which the bodies start piling up and it's finally happening!
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This episode was narrated by Marshall the writer and I don't know how to feel about his character. I get that he and Mabel are supposed to be similar in that they both have imposter syndrome but he in general just gives off red flags. He's inserting himself into investigating which is something killers do and him having the fake facial hair introduces the idea of the killers having disguises so clearly he was important to this episode. Not to mention he's giving stalker vibes or parasocial Arconiac vibes. I find it very interesting that Mabel and Charles did not view the video of his stand up to verify his alibi. This could very well mean that he was at the Arconia the night that Sazz was killed. He also never stepped on the tacky paper so we don't have his footprint. That's two strikes against him.
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You know who else we didn't see step on the tacky paper? Glen Stubbins. Who is back by the way. I still don't care for his character but I am starting to suspect him. He's physically capable of jumping on the windowsill because he's a stunt performer and for that same reason I'm sure he's also capable of aiming and firing a gun. Also how did he know exactly where Charles lived? They only met the one time at the Stunt Man bar. And yes it's sweet that he brought bread but he could have left it downstairs with Lester. As Ben's stunt double I can't help but wonder if he was present at the Arconia the night of Sazz's murder but in disguise. There's actually a really compelling theory on the hulu subreddit that Glen is the killer if you want to check it out.
Bev actually does have an alibi for that night and seems to only be guilty of wanting her movie made. Can we rule her out just yet? Idk but we'll see. She didn't seem that confident while aiming the gun or firing it off to prove it wasn't loaded. Her revealing Sazz's voicemail and the time it was left definitely proved helpful in establishing a timeline and confirming that there are two killers. Or three if you think it's three people working together.
Howard working for the production team is only strengthening my theory that he's the Moriarty. This man is everywhere! He was working at the theater last season and immersed in the plot there and now here he is in the center of it all once again. Again I don't think he's an evil mastermind, I just think he started off envying the closeness of the trio and now he's high off the power of manipulating things behind the scenes.
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Have any of you heard of the opera La Forza Del Destino? In A Series of Unfortunate Events, there is a reference and parallel to it in which a character is mortally wounded after a weapon is accidentally fired off and strikes them. What if the killer was aiming for Charles, saw Sazz dressed similar to him and was aiming to shoot, and the accomplice called to warn them that it was the wrong person but something startled the killer and they accidentally shot Sazz? Like for example they were ready to go and then someone knocked loudly or something which not only muffled the noise of the phone but startled them enough to shoot.
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This season has so many parallels and coincidences that we have to assume is on purpose. We've got multiple dopplegangers and cases of mistaken identity, guns being misfired (Eva with Rudy's prop gun and Bev with Sazz's loaded gun), and even the blackout in the S4 premiere vs the fire alarm going off in the S1 premiere.
My small takeaways from the episode:
Mabel being 30 and having an identity crisis is so relatable and I hope she finds her way by the end of the series.
Lester talking about wearing a gimp mask is WILD
Charles mentioning having an account in Belize and Detective Williams pretending to unhear it is hilarious
I'm beyond tired of this Oliver and Loretta plotline and him being insecure about her new status as a celebrity. WRAP IT UP!
Fans keep bringing up the cold case and I wonder if that will become the plot point in season five
Zach Galifianakis telling Oliver about how Jonk (sp?) ran through the seven dwarfs and that they could be heard Hi-Ho'ing from the trailer took me out 🤣
Charles having a new murder board each week is my favorite thing because that's literally all of us fans each week after watching a new episode
Bev and Cinda would be besties or frenemies and I really need to see them in a scene together before the season is over
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Akechi's taste in Literature
I've taken an interest in the books Akechi reads. Obviously from the first time you talk with him, you can already tell what he tends to: psychology, philosophy, and mythos. Also, I read at least a little bit from every text. One of my professors out there is proud of me. I hope. So: let's talk about it!
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Ok, but why care? Quick Introduction
No particular reason. I simply want to tinker with his brain. I think it could give us insight on the character! And there's an easy way to dismiss this conversation: Akechi uses books as a way to appear intelligent. I don't think that's wrong per se, but he does express an interest in psychology and philosophy in his third semester Jazz Jin discussions. His thieves den conversations also point to interests in mythos. Use this as a "Annoying Person Bookshelf" if you'd like, I certainly will.
Aristole's De Anima (Mementos Mission - Chapter 3)
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De Anima, or "On the Soul" [Leob Classical Library], is an examination of the soul and how it functions within the body. It's pretty dense but easily accessible. On page 15,
"There are times when men show all the symptoms of fear without any cause of fear being present. If this is the case, then clearly the affections of the soul are formulae expressed in matter."
Now, I'm not going to read every book, that would be a huge investment. And unfortunately I am still a university student, so I'll stick to the introduction/first chapters or so. But anyways, to the point of the quote, De Anima tends to get metaphysical. Theory time: Akechi has morbid fascinations with the soul. Not only because he well, kills people, but also messes with the restraints on their heart. I choose this quote because it's a good summary of the kind of body horror someone messing with you in the metaverse is like. It's fear and anger unchained, but it manifests in reality through subway accidents... for example.
Hegel's Dialectics (did Akechi misquote Hegel?) - Rank 1
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Look, almost all of these texts are slogs to get through, so I wouldn't blame Akechi for not catching this. Or not reading the 2017 in-universe equivalent of cliffnotes. Note: Dialectics refers to the structure/strategy that Hegel uses, not a text itself. Looking at the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy we see that Hegel never makes mention of the thesis, antithesis, and synthesis idea. Rather, thesis-antithesis-synthesis is a pattern in his arguments. These are also projected by people reading his text, so we can't fully be sure he's using this to formulate most of his arguments. So not only has Akechi forgotten synthesis, the "unification", but also the fact that Hegel doesn't talk about this. Did he read Hegel? Probably. Did he retain the information? Questionable. Do I blame the writers for making the mistake? mmmm. Maybe. If you're asking me to guess which book he read, I would estimate it was The Phenomenology of Spirit [Google Books]. And yes, I'm going to say it was just because of this quote on page 9 that just, screams Black Mask:
"The force of the mind is only as great as expression; its depth only as, as deep as its power to expand and lose itself when spending and giving out its substance."
Maurice Leblanc's Arsène Lupin vs Sherlock Holmes (Herlock Sholmes) (P5A)
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This book I read because my curiosity definitely got the better of me. Since I've gotten into Persona 5 again, I've been DYING to read this one, but never got around to it. I think this one is also interesting to look at based on how it was represented in the anime, a crow escaping a bird cage. I can say that this doesn't happen in the book, but this is why I think Akechi is self inserting on Holmes/Sholmes here. Holmes is much freer as a person in this text than Akechi, but also in a deep rivalry with Lupin. Their banter is also pretty reminiscent of what they [Joker and Akechi] have, but... with older language. Longer quote, so here's an image in its place:
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Edit/Correction: Edogawa Ranpo's Kogoro Akechi Series!
As pointed out by a couple people, we can't leave out this series. (credits to @heavy-metal-papillon) I don't know why my mind blanked and left this out. Because when I was doing research for this post someone had mentioned it. Just by name, it should be obvious why this is here! Here is a part of the preface that explains Kogoro Akechi, Arsene Lupin, and their presence in Edogawa's novels (written by Ho-Ling Wong):
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Literature he makes references but doesn't mention (note: headcanon/my opinion)
John Stuart Mill's On Utilitarianism
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Because Akechi knows how to flirt, he recommends philosophy to Joker. [Early Modern Texts] In my eyes he definitely doesn't agree with this philosophy (in fact some quotes are definitely more aligned with Maruki's philosophy). Page 8:
"That’s because the utilitarian standard is not •the agent’s own greatest happiness but •the greatest amount of happiness altogether; and even if it can be doubted whether a noble character is always happier because of its nobleness, such a character certainly makes other people happier, and the world in general gains immensely from its existence."
Yes, Akechi reads Freud. Freud's essays: Beyond the Pleasure Principle & The Ego Principle
In an offhanded comment about Personas in the Thieves Den to Ryuji, Akechi says:
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I love you Akechi. I will not read Freud for you. My love has limits.
Carl Jung's Two Essays on Analytical Psychology
Okay I'm NOT reading this (a lie, i did. [Internet Archive]) but this was the foundational text on the Jungian Archetype of the Persona as well as addressing concepts such as "the will to power." Going to leave this quote from page 78 for you to munch on:
"Logically, the opposite of love is hate, and of Eros, Phobos (fear); but psychologically it is the will to power. Where love reigns, there is no will to power; and where the will to power is paramount, love is lacking. The one is but the shadow of the other..."
There's a couple things here that point to Akechi reading this, but ultimately I just headcanon that he wants to reason through why Personas exist.
Generally reads about the casts Personas!
Similarly to how Joker can read about the other PTs Personas, Akechi does as well. Well, if his morbid discussion about Captain Kidd in the Thieves Den is an indicator. Does this mean Akechi is familiar with the Carmen stage opera? I think so. Besides, it's also the smartest move. Akechi (head)canonically reads lovecraft.
Akechi really enjoys psychology and philosophy, and while some of it seems like he's doing it for attention/to appear smarter, he DOES continue to show interest in third-semester/thieves den. I still can't forgive him for reading Freud.
The List (of ones directly mentioned here)
De Anima, Aristotle
The Phenomenology of Spirit, Hegel
Arsène Lupin vs Sherlock Holmes, Leblanc
On Utilitarianism, John Stuart Mill
Beyond the Pleasure Principle & The Ego Principle, Freud
Two Essays, Carl Jung
The Fiend with Twenty Faces, Edogawa Ranpo
Other notes and headcanons I can't justify giving sections to:
he probably read that fuckass billiards book
definitely stuff on justice. i was just lazy. Some of these texts do cover these ideas, but definitely not all of them
he likes detective novels. he's probably read a fair share of sherlock holmes.
he probably reads adjacent literature to some of the philosophers mentioned (for example: Nietzsche to Jung, Plato to Aristotle)
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nyadere · 3 months
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Is there a fanfic you're desperate to read but no one has written it yet and you don't want to do it yourself? I will write it for you!!!!
I write for a multitude of fandoms, mainly anime and video game related. I will write NSFW, OC's, reader insert, ships, anything! Shoot me a message here or on fiverr and we can talk about what you want!
I have multiple packages for multiple prices but if you want something longer/shorter shoot me a message and we can work out a package that works for you!
I've been getting a lot of requests for Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss so if that's you're jam it's fresh on my mind.
Some more fandoms I write for (but not limited to):
Star Trek
Star Wars
Obey Me
TGCF, or any other MXTX or danmei
The Arcana
Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler)
Literally, any anime I've seen a million!!!!!
Good Omens
The Boys
The Walking Dead
Dramatical Murder
And many other series, books, media, you name it!
Please spread the word to anyone you may know who is interested in a story :) I have been writing fanfic for years and I'm excited to take your requests! Please check out this link: https://www.fiverr.com/s/EgrA5Qy
I have writing examples on the listing but I also have an imagines blog @rkthot00 if you want to check that out!
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helloliriels · 1 month
It's WIP Wednesday!
Liri, Liri, oh so cheery
How does your WIP garden grow?
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🥰 Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, STELLA!!! I'm currently reviving several WiPs (and super excited about them!!!) THANK YOU FOR ASKING!!! (and now i feel like i have some accountability):
Six Impossible Things - John finds a list hidden in a book ...
(I Thought I Knew) The Shape of You - tentacles happen
Antagonish - a non-TEH compliant return fic 1st ch already up
The Shape of Us - another 1st ch up fic that i am continuing
FTH fic for thegildedbee (making progress!!!) - it has morphed again (a collage was an excellent way to put it!!!) and I have a good feeling about it this time! It will be something brand NEW!
Christmas in Honeycutt - thinking thinky thoughts ... and may get a few scenes written soon! Found my way forward!
Sleepless in London - may start to jump around writing scenes and see what happens *crosses fingers* definitely have a way fwd!
Paint Me Like I'm Yours - John is taking an art class. Sherlock volunteers to model. Explicit. (yes, im finally going to finish it and POST dammit!) 😎
Spin the Bottle - explicit jumper chapter insert I teased (2 yrs ago???) and wrote three or four times, but never shared (only im taking the jumper authorship back). and going to move it to my psued. see how this works ... 🤞(oh god)*takes deep breath*🤞
We'll see what happens!!!!
And then a few new prompts jumped into my mind:
Sherlock Moves the Furniture - (jeezus) ... this one is happening! (apparently)
An Annual Engagement (TBD) - Sherlock visits the office every year, to fill out papers and other formalities. This year he runs into someone interesting, and wonders if he has to wait a year to see them again?
Prompts I'd love to read but not gonna write, have at!
Invitation Only - Unilock. John gate crashes a party at a posh house and spends the evening hiding with another gatecrasher (or so he thinks). Turns out to be the guest of honor. Embarrassment and misunderstanding ensues. Sherlock crashes John's next party in return to try to win him over.
Twisters AU - John is a YouTube star and local storm wrangler with a New York journalist riding along for the storm season, when a gorgeous outsider shows up from London (?) making waves in the rival teams camp. Who is this guy? and how the hell is he always one step ahead of John's team? (I wonder if we can beg @discordantwords for this one instead??? haha.) (kidding not kidding) i would eat this up for breakfast.
Something Missing - Sherlock has a habit. Stealing. He only steals what he needs. And has rules. So many rules. About the houses he steals from. About the frequency of theft. An egg or two here. A cup of milk there. A scoop of laundry detergent. Never enough to get caught. When he frequents a couples house (Watson's) and figures out the wife is not what the husband thinks ... he begins to wonder about his rule of not interfering in his hosts lives ... ?
I guess that's enough to be going on. There are a few more, but I'm unburying myself from the loudest first. THANK you STELLA for asking!!!!! (god that was a long answer) bahaha! - xoxo Liri
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amypihcs · 2 months
"Cut the poetry Watson." "You really want me to?" "... No."
HELLO! Hello, my beloved darlings! Time to actually get to Devonshire! Shall we?
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Awww, Holmes accompanied them to say goodbye properly to Watson give a couple of last instructions and advice, of course, nothing more.
Most of this is 'write to me often and be very safe, my dear Watson.' They'll miss each other so, so much.
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And so, to hide it, what's better than some theorizing and work even before Watson boards the train?
Watson you are much better than that, dear man! No, observe and be careful.
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And be armed, and remember to sleep. And don't everextert that leg of yours, please, Watson. I'll miss you so much. - Holmes being a worried husband. Be carful y'all-
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W: I miss him already. Look at how handsome he is. H: Hope he'll be careful. I miss him already
Now Watson, time to tap on your natural advantages of being able to chat and make friends!
Ah yes, some bisexual descriptions
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Eager to get home, is he?
Insert some more phrenology and countryside and here we go, hop on a 'Wagonette' and up to Baskerville Hall, such a nice countrys- HEY!
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What's that, why? AH A MURDERER!
And Watson knows of the case!
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Uh- if this is the business...
WELL, there's the hall!
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WHY! AND TEH FAMOUS BARRYMORE TOO thanks for the bisexual description, Watson
As Holmes foresaw, Sir Henry and Watson are alone at the Hall.
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AH! And even the Butler wants to get himself out of the way ASAP
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awww, sweet puppy you are, sir henry<3
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Sir Henry and Watson are feeling something that hasn't escaped me either
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No shit Sherlock. Oh, Well. Henry.
And now Watson going to bed. And i truly want to thank the granada production (And Jeremy and Ted) for having copied the scene by the letter from the book!
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Included, of course, Watson missing Holmes.
Get ready for some handsome Ted Hardwicke GIFs because we all need them.
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And maybe a bit more of Eveningwear Watson since we all deserve to see how cute he is.
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He's too pretty in his shirtsleeves.
And also taking care of Sir Henry.
Remember the woman crying in the night. We'll see what happens next in few days!
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radioiaci · 4 months
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@heliacalxrising ⧐ 28 your first muse RPC TOPICS ASKS.
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My FIRST AND OLDEST MUSE is my boy Charlie Dean Walker who's blog you can find over on @cdwalker. He's a genetic hybrid man who started in 2012 as a female BBC Sherlock self-insert and he's evolved over the last 10+ years into being a transgender man, having dragon-style features, he's lost his sight, he has healing powers and a propensity for plant keeping, and works as a naturalist doctor. He's much more friendly to strangers, likes to help, enjoys eating raw fish, and can transform into a larger dragon-like creature~ He's my PRECIOUS BABY BEAN, is a lover of all things ROMANTIC, and loves to travel. Sometimes he takes a backseat to my other muses (like right now with me over here more often than not LOL) but he will never go away, he is my special man. Feel free to follow him over there tho if you want more OCs to play with!
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alright I'm taking it way back rn. Episode 1 progression of the viola davis as john watson fancast that i discussed on here like 3 yrs ago. She starts off as a very fem presenting surgeon w like simmering PTSD from the war + a million layers of lez repression. More than a bit suicidal. Trying not be an alcoholic. So yeah Annalise Keating but hilariously more mentally stable. Bc this is shot for shot plagiarism of everything I care about she has a gay brother and a psychosomatic hand tremor
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First gifs: shes lashing out at work bc they think she shouldn't be operating bc she's obviously in need of like mental health leave bc she JUST came back from the war
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She meets Sherlock at a wake that's being hosted by a friend. Sherlock discovered the killer and got invited out of politeness but literally no one wants to talk to her and also she will not stop muttering insanely inappropriate things about how the killer is going to strike again. Dr watson is in awe. Dr watson needs a permanent apt. Dr Watson was in fact extremely bored at the wake until Sherlock showed up. She tries her best to not share any of this information. She leaves the wake with a new lease
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Dr Watson is trying to keep her shit together after moving in . They're fighting a lot bc Sherlock is actually so bizarre and more than a bit rude and the tremor hasn't gone away and maybe this was a huge mistake . Maybe they're right. she'll never operate again and she's destined to live a sad boring life with miserable heterosexual sex . Everything is a trigger for her. She and Sherlock have an unsaid emotional breakthru
Sherlock finally invites her on a case for a medical opinion. Iconic taxi cab city nightlights shot!!!!!
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Insert some shitty hamfisted mystery that no one really cares about but it's dramatic and fun
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Cut to . she hasn't worn makeup in 2 days. Her muscles r sore. Her pants r covered in dirt and sweat and a little bit of blood. She's with a beautiful wild woman. She shot a serial killer. Didn't miss. Wasn't an accident
She feels alive again
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arwamachine · 10 months
For the fic writer game, how about 2 and 4 for Monsters in the Woods?
Thanks for the ask!! (fic in question here!)
2: What scene did you first put down?
I tend to write chronologically, so I believe it was literally chapter 1! That said, I wrote the whole fic THEN went back and inserted all the 1974 scenes once it was done. I thiiiink I already had the prologue written, but it might've also been a post-hoc scene as well. Memory is hard!
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
Okay, so this is maybe cheating because *I* technically didn't write this line of dialogue, but I am particularly proud of my integration of one of the best lines from Sleepaway Camp: “Eat shit and die, freak,” Phil said. “Eat shit and live, Phil,” Sherlock said.
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penelopesodyssey · 1 year
Me with fandoms
Since I'm new here, I think it would be nice to introduce myself in fandoms because they are a big part of Tumblr. I've been visiting this site for years but never gained the courage to sign up. However, here I am!
Fun fact: I am not an active member of any fandom. However, Sherlock Holmes has had a special spot in my heart for years, especially the BBC version (2010-2017). I used to be obsessed, read fanfics (mostly reader-inserts) and all that (man I was so cringy back then). Even though I grew out of my Sherlock phase, I still come back every once in a while when I'm so bored.
I like to read books. I'm currently reading A Good Girl's Guide To Murder series. I'm also waiting on the third book of One Of Us Is Lying series. Speaking of classic literature, I'm a huge fan of Crime and Punishment. I've also read The Picture of Dorian Gray, Hamlet, Fahrenheit 451, etc so feel free to discuss those works with me! :)
Maybe I'll post more later. My blog will be more dedicated to my own shitposting. Until then, see ya!
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(here's a random sherlock gif while i'm still experimenting with this site lmao)
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jokeringcutio · 2 years
[Edit: MASTERLIST IN THIS POST!! I have pinned this post to the top of my blog as it is important personal information. Scroll down for my Masterlist.]
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I am not fine. But I made a promise. Here I am, after nearly 2 years of radio silence.  Fanfiction writers disappear all of the time for all sorts of different reasons. I made a promise that I was going to finish my Joker Fanfic no matter what. As you have guessed, my health was as such that it prevented me from writing any further. Despite the bad fortune of the past, I still intend to fulfil my promise.
I came on here today to let you know I have started rewriting the final chapters to “The Man Who Claimed to Be Yours”. To all of you who have been reading my tale, commenting and leaving me kudos, asking me to write more: I am incredibly grateful <3 Your support has never failed to make me feel warm, loved, and helped me even in times when my health prevented me to write.
Although I am still not well and might not ever fully recover, my intention is to have TMWCTBY finished before the release of the new Joker. I will try and keep you all up to date with this process. As it seems right now, I might be reworking the outlines. If Arthur runs away with the plot again, it might even be extended from 12 chapters to more. He likes to do this sometimes, especially now that he is the Joker in my fic. ->The Enola Holmes Fanfic is for now on hiatus. I am not sure if I will take it up again. -> I have an unfinished reader insert project running for two friends of mine (who both love Crimson Peak) that I started right before I fell ill in 2020. I wish to try and finish this story for them somewhere this year, or the next. If people enjoy my writing, especially my reader inserts, let me know if I should keep you up to date. It's another dark fantasy, hopefully with different endings options. Best wishes, JokeringCutio (You may have seen me lurking on AO3 as JokeringCutio or on my main as BreakingTheStandards. Despite not having been able to write and update my own tales, I try and support the works of others whenever I can).
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The Black Phone (2022) Albert Shaw / The Grabber: Stories: *~* The Gift (Grabber x Reader) Your curiosity got the better of you (Mature, though not overtly explicit, kidnapping, older man/younger woman). *~* A Gift for his Gift - Alber Shaw / The Grabber x Reader Insert [ WARNINGS ] (Explicit, Dub/noncon elements/can be seen as a continuation of 'the gift').
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Moon Knight (Series 2022) Arthur Harrow: Fics: * ~~ Prompt Fill: Cleopatra and the Cult Leader (Rating Teen: Arthur Harrow x Reader (You dress up for a party like Cleopatra. Arthur Harrow’s there, and he’s intrigued.) *~* Prompt Fill: Arhur Harrow x Reader | Lockley's Brilliant Plan (They thought a little student like you wouldn’t raise suspicion. They were wrong. Explicit, Smut, dubcon/noncon/reader is a spy for Lockley). Imagines: *~* Imagine prompt: Arthur Harrow x Reader | Kaiserschmarrn (You visit Austria with your parents, M? Not explicit, but with a dark twist) *~*Imagine Prompt: Arthur Harrow x Reader (Reader resurrects Ammit scenario) HeadCanons: *~*Arthur Harrow giving Reader Pet Names
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Enola Holmes(2020): *~*Pine Cone Child : Enola/Sherlock Holmes, Enola/Linthorn (Mature, Read Warnings on AO3, currently on hold ) Pine Cone Child is a mature rated fanfic, mostly about Enola and her brother Sherlock pretending to be a married couple (his suggestion) to save Enola’s reputation and raise her child together. With angst, mature themes (check the warnings and the tags) light-hearted banter and lots of misunderstandings.
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Joker (2019) Arthur Fleck/Joker: Stories: *~*The Man Who Claimed To Be Yours - JokeringCutio (Breakingthestandards) - Joker (2019) [Archive of Our Own] (Arthur Fleck x Reader : You are Sophie’s hired babysitter, taking care of Gigi the best you can, when suddenly one day, Sophie’s neighbour is standing in the apartment. Explicit! Dark Themes. See all Warnings on AO3!) *~*The Princess and the Clown - JokeringCutio (Breakingthestandards) - Joker (2019) [Archive of Our Own] → You are a princess at a charity and Arthur is a clown. When you say something kind to him, he becomes obsessed with you. [ Modern Day AU. Mature. *~* No Family Man [ Chapter 1 |  Chapter 2]  On AO3 - Finished. Summary: You met Arthur when you were just in high school, but by the time you got into university, you knew you’d fallen for him. But then, when your parents moved, you lost him. Little did you know he would return for you. And to give you that baby you once said you wanted. Warnings: Dubcon, Kidnapping, Stockholm Syndrome? Daddy Kink, Older man x younger woman. 
At the Movies- Reader goes to watch Joker again in Cinema and encounters him.
Arthur touching Himself on the phone - While speaking to reader, based on gif. (NSFW)
Arthur finds out that you are pregnant with his child
Continuation of Arthur finding reader is pregnant
Arthur with a chubbier/curvy S/O who is really soft
Reader makes Arthur cum in his pants and he calls them mommy
Prompt Fills: *~* NSFW ALPHABET for Arthur & Joker - Mature audiences only. Christmas Visit - JokeringCutio (Breakingthestandards) - Joker (2019) [Archive of Our Own] → { THIS FIC SOMEHOW IS LOST?? } HeadCanons: *~* Arthur/Joker Headcanons on Flirting. *~* Arthur asking Reader’s parents if he can marry you *~* Turn ons and offs for Arthur/Joker *~* HC about how Arthur and Joker would like to receive and express affection  *~* Jealousy HC for Arthur & Joker *~* Arthur/Joker x Reader, Age Difference. How it Affects Readers View of him, baby talk  (= First chapter of No Family Man) *~*On the Mental Instability of Arthur Fleck: Could you live happily ever after with him? [ An essay on a serious note] Prompt idea: *~*Prompt idea: reader is a student visiting Arkham Asylum  *~*Prompt idea: With 3 pictures *~*Prompt idea: Father went to get cigarettes
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Crimson Peak (2015) Headcanons: Headcanons for Alan with a sister
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Game Of Thrones (TV): Arya x Jaqen Imagine/Short story A Girl Named Arya
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Doctor Who (TV) 12 Doctor x Clara Oswin Oswald Pride and Prejudice Prompt Fill (discontinued) ABOUT ME: Fandoms I am into (in no particular order): The Black Phone (2022), Joker (any version tbh), Game of Thrones, Enola Holmes, Star Wars, Shakespeare (Specifically Romeo and Juliet and Titus Andronicus), Crimson Peak, Stranger Things, Loki, Marvel Universe, Peter Pan (Hook), Once Upon a Time, A Series of Unfortunate Events, NCIS, Harry Potter (Specially Snape and bad guys like Lucius and Scabior), Wednesday/Addams Family, Star Maidens, Are you Being Served/ Grace and Favour, Blake's 7, Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog, Xena Warrior Princess, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Lord of the Rings, Supernatural, Peaky Blinders, The Witcher, Good Omens, Viva la Dirt League, The Odyssey (1992), The Tribe, Frozen, Hunchback of the Notre Dame, Doctor Who, BBC Ghosts, Taskmaster (I devour all fics, not only Greg and Alex).
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sofiadragon · 2 years
Welcome, Friend
I've been writing fanfiction since the '90s. While I do post in-progress snippets of fanfiction I am writing here (you can check the "my writing" tag for that) the main place to read my written work is on AO3.
In case of shenanigans here is the address: https://archiveofourown.org/users/SofiaDragon/works
I use my bookmarks as a collection of stories I have read and enjoyed enough not to lose. I also use the Recommended Stories feature, so if you want to see a list of fantastic stories, you can utilize the filter or just click here.
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I reblog a lot of things that catch my attention, but mostly fandom stuff and current events. There are a lot of different fandoms I am interested in, and sometimes I'll go back to the stories that first got me interested in writing. From Sherlock Holmes and Star Trek to the latest MCU movie and Spy X Family - I like a wide range of story types so long as the characters are well crafted. Give me someone who seems so real they can walk right off the page, and I'm happy. If you like that sort of thing, pull up a chair and stay a while.
More personal stuff about who I am under the cut!
I do a lot of worldbuilding in my writing and I'm told that I'm skilled at inserting humor and dramatic irony. In IRL conversation I'm sarcastic and enjoy ethical and political debates - and I have the privilege of coming from a family where we don't take those disagreements personally and will happily "devil's advocate" a position just to prolong the discussion. Especially on the internet, hot intellectual debate without catching feelings is a rare commodity.
I studied world religion, psychology, and creative writing as an Early Childhood Education major for my first round in college. Then I had to go make money due to a family calamity, so I swapped to Small Business Management and learned about economics, politics, teaching adults, and bookkeeping. Eventually, I took a job at a small chocolate shop and learned how to make gourmet chocolates, because the stress of my office job was actually killing me.
I believe that some of the hard fan criticisms of series and movies come from a place of love, since we wouldn't care so much if we weren't invested. You will see posts tagged "critical" or "criticism" related to fandoms that I adore. That thing I said about intellectual debates? It absolutely applies here.
I also use the tag "us politics" or "us politics falling on its face" for political posts. If you don't want to see commentary on real life drama than skip those posts, there is plenty of fictional drama to talk about.
I've had some mental health struggles related to my poor physical health and a hormone imbalance caused by working in an office where the boss used testosterone cream irresponsibly. I'm very strong on trans/genderqueer issues partly because I have experienced the distress of my body doing masculine things like growing a full beard against my will and partly because I have a cousin 20+ years older than me who transitioned when I was a kid and is one of the most actualized and happy people I've ever known.
Nobody should be forced to use their body or perform their life in a certain way for the benefit of other people so long as they aren't hurting anybody else. This also includes medical privacy and legalizing [while responsibly regulating] drugs. You will see this theme in some of my stories and it colors all of them in the sense that my idea of what is morally correct includes that kind of freedom.
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devotedtomarvel · 2 years
It’s been over a year since my last list soooo…..
If you’re here to request a fic, here are my yeses and nos:
YES (fandoms) -
Doctor Who
All Creatures Great and Small
Horrible Histories
NO (fandoms) -
Real person fics
Minecraft RPF
YES (tags) -
Light smut
Some kinks
Any AU
NO (tags) -
Hardcore smut
A/B/O dynamics
Multi chapter fics
Own characters (unless requests are made with my oc request form below)
Reader insert
Graphic r*pe or non-con
Graphic violence
If your request has been rejected when you didn’t request anything I wouldn’t do, drop me a message and I’ll review it again or give you a reason.
This account can be hard to manage sometimes, so I do have helpers and they can get things wrong sometimes!
If you made a request, it was accepted and it hasn’t been written yet, drop me a message and I will let you know when it will be posted and why it took so long.
The bets are, I probably forgot and your message is exactly what I needed to remember.
So, let yourself go!
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lonely-night · 4 years
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random sherlock + wato scenes <3
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wellwhataboutme · 6 years
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1x16 - 2x07
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