zen-daily · 2 months
"The mountains, rivers, earth, grasses, trees, and forests are always emanating a subtle, precious light, day and night, always emanating a subtle, precious sound, demonstrating and expounding to all people the unsurpassed ultimate truth." - Yongming Yanshou (904-976)
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fhealync · 2 months
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🍓 Be gentle with yourself. Practice self-compassion and love. 💜 
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caesarandthecity · 29 days
The First Photo After a Year and Seven Months in Prison
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The first photo after a year and seven months in prison feels different. The world after a year and seven months in prison feels different. Even though I kept up with the outside world through TV and newspapers, the world outside isn’t the same. After a year and seven months, when I was released from prison, I didn’t know who had arrived, who had left. I didn’t know what was new, what was old, what was trending. Honestly, I still don’t know, even after eight months of freedom.
It feels like I was frozen in time while the whole world kept turning. People, of course, continued with their lives, while I was stuck there, in prison. The feeling of being smaller, of being lesser than everyone else, gnawed at me and left deep scars until I had to fight and confront myself. I had to rethink everything I knew about prison. Not everyone sees it the same way, but I needed to find some kind of beauty in that experience, because I lived it so intensely that it had to mean something.
In the early days, I thought I was going to lose my mind, that I was going to lose everything. So, I had to start working on myself. I began developing myself personally. I read every book on personal growth I could find. I took every online course I could. I re-learned high school material. I understood that the most important thing about being in prison was what I was going to do with it, and I decided that I was going to make the best of it.
I did yoga naked in a cell. I danced naked in a cell. I made friends, told jokes until late at night, laughed until my stomach hurt. I cried many times. I slept hungry, woke up thirsty. My privacy was ripped away, exposed, shattered. I was diminished, dehumanized. I fought for rights and realized, most of the time, it wasn’t worth it. I translated documents in Portuguese, English, Spanish, and French. I worked on immigration cases. I wrote every day. I taught classes. I exercised. I did and lived the best I could in that situation.
I think that’s why I don’t feel ashamed to say I was in prison, that I was incarcerated. Because sometimes people don’t see it the same way, and that’s okay. As I tell everyone, prison was the worst and the best lesson of my life.
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848ellie · 17 days
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I feel the warmth of the sun and the coolness of the water awaken something inside me. The rays of the sun give me a burst of energy and make me feel alive, while the water soothes and refreshes me. Wash away the stress of the day.
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thepersonalwords · 2 months
The smaller the item of gratitude, the purer is the connection to our heart.
H.L. Balcomb, Cinderella In Focus: "Curiosity is the doorway to our personal possibility!" 2nd Edition coming Oct. 31, 2017
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queka-store · 3 months
The power of being a HUMAN
Hello my friends 🙏☺️❤️
Sometimes the world seems deeply unfair. People often focus on punishment, guilt, and justice, not realizing they cause even more misery. In psychology, there's a famous triangle: attacker-victim-and the savior. People who save might become the victim of the victim and the attacker of the attacker.
We all are mobile, shifting between these roles throughout our lives.Between black and white, we have all the colors of the rainbow. We're all complicated beings, having both light and shadows of our own. We move along various scales in life - between being a victim, savior, or aggressor; between shadow and light; between justice and compassion; between self-acceptance and self-hate.The solution is being compassionate, firstly inwards to yourself. You might feel anger, jealousy, fear and disgust - congratulations, YOU ARE A HUMAN.
It's so hard to accept the pain that our reality and world is full of... And the temptation to divide into right and wrong, those who should suffer and those who shouldn't... But the truth is that no one should be punished or suffer.As the beautiful African proverb says: "The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth". 🔥
No child, no animal, no group, no patient, no member, no friend should be left alone... The healing of the individual is the healing of society. The healing of a nation is the healing of the world.
It's true, this path isn't easy. It's unknown. But from 300,000 years of human existence, if we choose to believe the theory of science - for more than 99% of humankind's life span we lived in harmony with life and nature. Only in the last 1% of time have we developed so much that we forgot our roots... But the roots of harmony and compassion are always there, therefore we can remember them whenever we're ready to look beyond the known.
Let's explore new paths of life, as individuals full of mutual solidarity - and as groups and humankind. We all are one, this life is short, let's make it the best lives possible for as many people as possible.
Thank you for reading ❤️❤️
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usefulquotes7 · 2 months
“Peace begins with a smile.” - Mother Teresa
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joshua-wright · 2 years
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Slack Wyrm #1036 - www.joshuawright.net
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simply-buddhism · 1 year
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echoesofphilip · 23 days
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zen-daily · 6 months
"You must be broad-minded and whole without relying upon others. An upright, independent spirit knows how to avoid degrading situations." - Hongzhi Zhengjue (1091-1157)
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fhealync · 2 months
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Remember, balance is key! Find harmony between work and rest for a healthier, happier life. 💼❤️
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readersmagnet · 2 months
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David Tuttle's "Soul Licensed: Tips and Tales" offers a practical guide on how to start a spiritual healing journey. Through spiritual insights, communication techniques, and stress relief methods, this book helps navigate life's challenges, fostering hope and peace.
Unveil the secrets to spiritual growth and stress relief. Dive into SOUL LICENSED TIPS AND TALES by David Tuttle. Visit https://www.soullicensedtipsandtales.com/ and order your copy now!
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Never wish them pain. That’s not who you are. If they caused you pain they must have pain inside. Wish them healing.
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manifestisnow · 2 months
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Ina crazy upside down world. JUST THINK PEACE.
We all need to live in peace whatever our differences.
RB If you agree. We are all one.
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