#inner ocean records
uncharismatic-fauna · 2 months
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An Affinity for the Southern River Terrapin
The southern river terrapin (Batagur affinis), also known as the tungtung or the royal turtle, is a species of freshwater turtle residing, as its name implies, in the southern part of the Malaysian Peninsula, particularly along the western coast. They reside in estuaries, portions of large rivers that are regularly exposed to ocean tides.
While initially plain in appearance, the southern river terrapin can be visually striking. The body and shell are entirely black, or dark brown in females. The only spots of color are carried by males: bright yellow or white eyes and orange inner cheek flaps that are exposed when the mouth opens. Batagur affinis is also quite big, with females (the larger of the two sexes) reaching an average length of 62 cm (24 in) and a weight of 38 kg (83 lbs).
The tungtung is an omnivorous species. Its serrated beak allows it to feed on a variety of plants like grasses, algae, and fruits, as well as freshwater invertebrates like crustaceans and mollusks. Due to the high salinity of their habitats, they often leave the rivers and forage for food on land. The large size and thick shells of adults deters most predators. However, eggs and hatchlings are vulnerable to monitor lizards, otters, birds of prey, and crocodiles.
Mating for Batagur affinis occurs from October to February. Males and females remain relatively solo throughout the rest of the year, although they aren't overly territorial. Once a male locates a female, the two touch noses and he pulses his jaw to emphasize his bright orange cheek pouches and the white stripes on the inside of his throat. After copulation, the female lays a clutch of 20-40 eggs in nests dug in the sandy river bank. Young royal turtles hatch anywhere from 60-120 days later, depending on the temperature of the nest. Juveniles can take 18-22 years to reach maturity. Adults regularly reach ages well over 45, and individuals as old as 100 have been recorded.
Conservation status: The southern river turtle is considered Critically Endangered by the IUCN. Over-harvesting of both eggs and individuals has decimated populations, and those that remain are threatened by habitat destruction. However, both local and international conservation efforts have been underway to preserve the species and its ecosystem.
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amiya-shirou · 5 days
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Thinking about how both Deepcolor and Arturia rejected the ocean despite We Many technically representing their ideal because they don't see meaning in a life lived following only instinct and devoid of art and individuality, yet while Arturia's music is based around playing the emotions of others while leaving herself empty Deepcolor's art is fueled by her own emotions which she then uses to paint the world around her. the one who most admires the Seaborn and see beauty in them has the most individuality and a stronger sense of self while the one who easily rejects them because she favors emotional connections sacrificed her own because she only lives through others
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Arturia's ideal is for humanity to join together as a group and reach a level of connection similar to We Many, however she wants to achieve it without everyone having to sacrifice their individuality or sense of self - she's interested in learning about the inner minds of others, she wants people to have their own tune rather than mindlessly assimilating (the whole reason why she criticized the rigid music of Leithanien). her failure was that in trying to reach that understanding she forgot about her own self and became the furthest being from her ideal future. despite the priest describing art as humanity's weakness and a symbol of their selfishness, lacking this ego is the biggest reason Arturia is said to be unable to reach her dream of a kinder, better world where no one would be excluded
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the climax of her character arc is when she finally manages to use her own emotions to fill the others' minds with her own music, which is somewhat reflective of what Amaia did to the Endspeaker, making it gain an ego and a will of its own to learn and understand, and that's what made it evolve into a higher state and reach the sky
and all of these themes are basically summarized in Deepcolor's short operation record! through her art she reached an understanding of the ocean that went beyond the canvas itself while the priest from the Church of the Deep could only see the canvas as a piece of cloth. she and Arturia needs to have a talk in Rhodes Island. Throw Dorothy in there too while we're at it
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khaire-traveler · 2 months
🧜🏾‍♂️Subtle Triton Worship 🐚
Blow into a conch shell, especially when by the ocean or a body of water
Clean up trash by the ocean shore or any body of water
Go swimming, especially in the ocean; play pool games
Go diving (Safely, please)
Get a candle that reminds you of him; no altar needed
Wear jewelry that reminds you of him
Keep a picture of him in your wallet
Help any beached sea creature you stumble across (Or any fish that wash up on a lake and are alive)
Learn about the invasive species in any bodies of water in your area; advocate for their removal, and remove them if you come across any (And are able to do so safely)
Collect any seashells or pretty stones you come across near water
Have a fish, dolphin, horse, or crab stuffed animal
Have imagery of the ocean (especially the deep sea), conch shells, tridents, sea creatures/plants, and merfolk (especially those with two tails or dolphin tails) around
Try eating seafood or seaweed (Be aware that many people are often allergic to shellfish!!! Shrimp, crabs, lobsters, etc.)
Keep a pet fish or water dwelling creature; be sure to research the animal first to ensure quality of life under your care
Stay hydrated; drink lots of water throughout the day
Drink warm water with honey stirred in
Donate to or support ocean/river/lake-focused organizations or animal shelters
Learn about the deep sea marine life; learn about any form of marine life
Go sailing, paddle boarding, kayaking, etc. (Safely)
If you don't know how to swim, take swimming lessons or have someone teach you; always wear a lifejacket or floaties for your safety, until you feel comfortable with your skill
Practice asserting yourself and standing your ground; do your best to assert your personal boundaries; take time to learn what your boundaries are if you aren't sure
Take a warm shower/bath when you feel overwhelmed; use the water to cleanse and relax you
Leave a glass of water on your windowsill for the night or day; either replace or drink it after a few hours (you don't need to have water there constantly, it's just a once in a while thing)
Keep a jar of seaglass; make art from it or simply put it in the light, it'll look great either way
Collect ethically sourced shark teeth; collect ethically sourced fossils of ocean creatures
Learn to play the trumpet, trombone, French horn, or other brass instrument
Embrace your inner strength; celebrate how far you've come and how resilient you are
Ground yourself near a body of water, particularly the ocean; allow yourself to be one with the waves or subtle ripples of water; match your breath to the tide if you can
Fall asleep/meditate to the sound of ocean waves or sea creatures
Wash your hands/face with salt water
Dance/sing to music that makes you feel empowered or badass
This one was definitely tough because I struggled to find historical accounts of Triton being worshipped. Typically, I can draw some ideas from that if I'm not familiar with a deity, but Triton didn't have many records of worship, despite being widely accepted as Poseidon and Amphitrite's son. He was mostly known as Poseidon's herald, and in some accounts, he was even Athena's foster parent, yet there is still such little information about him to be found.
At least for now, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Triton. I hope to be able to add more in the future, and I hope that it's still helpful to people as is. Take care, y'all, and chill with the waves. 💚
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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ilookbehindthewall · 5 months
Taylor Swift's new album is about herself
I only hear, "It's about Matty!" "It's about Travis" "She sings about Joe!" No, no... I think she's singing mostly about herself. Who says "he" directly refers to a lover?
I'm pretty sure many songs are about her internal and public identity. I believe none of us can imagine what life must be like as Taylor Swift. The most successful singer currently with probably the largest fan community. She's probably often told she has to pretend.
"They said, 'Babe, you gotta fake it 'til you make it' and I did" (Song: I Can Do It With a Broken Heart)
I think Taylor's true self has something to hide... something most people won't understand/accept.
Why do I think it's about Taylor herself? There are many clues in her lyrics that I'll list shortly. But first, let me show you something else.
Taylor Swift wrote the following on Tumblr: "When I was writing the Fortnight music video, I wanted to show you the worlds I saw in my head that served as the backdrop for making this music. Pretty much everything in it is a metaphor or a reference to one corner of the album or another. For me, this video turned out to be the perfect visual representation of this record and the stories I tell in it."
So, the Fortnight video reflects the stories she tells in TTPD. So, let's take a very close look at the music video 👀
Right at the beginning, you can see Taylor taking a Forget Him pill. The number on the bottle starts on her birthday (December 13, 1989) and ends on the release date of her new album (April 19, 2024). How can people still think it's about specific lovers? She literally tells us it's not about a man here. Did she know Joe/Matty/Travis since birth? No, I don't think so. I think it's about her forgetting "him," her true self.
Because she's Taylor Swift, she has to be perfect as everyone wants her to be without flaws, right?
April 19, 2024, represents the date the album comes out, as she's now telling us the complete story about "him." About her inner true self, because she's not taking the pill anymore. Her last sentence from the whole album in The Manuscript is "But the story isn’t mine anymore."
In fortnight, she sings about how she and he were together for 14 days. So, for 14 days, she was herself, her true self. However, something happened as it's not the case anymore.
In "Down Bad," it becomes even clearer. "For a moment I knew cosmic love. Now I'm down bad crying at the gym"
She briefly found herself but is back to square one, wearing a mask. Another line would be a hint that she's singing about herself.
"They'll say I'm nuts if I talk about the existence of you"
Why would people think she's crazy if she talks about the existence of a lover?
"I loved your hostile takeovers"
That's very literal. She loves it when she's her true self and shows that to the public.
"I'll build you a fort on some planet. Where they can all understand it"
I think Taylor's true self has something to hide... something most people won't understand/accept.
"This cage was once just fine. Am I allowed to cry?I dream of cracking locks. Throwing my life to the wolves. Or the ocean rocks. Crashing into him tonight" (Song: Guilty as Sin?)
She's trapped in a cage; she wants to break free and show her true self to everyone. But showing her true self would have consequences. She describes it very well here. Her true self has something to hide that apparently many people don't acknowledge?
"What if I roll the stone away? They're gonna crucify me anyway. What if the way you hold me. Is actually what's holy?If long-suffering propriety. Is what they want from me. They don't know how you've haunted me. So stunningly.I choose you and me... Religiously"
She hints at religion in several songs.It could be that her true self has something to hide in a religious context.
There are more clues that could be interpreted this way.But I believe that would exceed the scope.
Thanks for reading :)
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malebodyexhibit · 2 years
Room 214 (a Next Door Boy tale)
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The dude with the fair hair leaned over the rail, looking over the ocean. The lull in the crashing of waves gave way to the sounds of excited beachgoers. He wore a loose tank top colored in an abstraction of the horizon at sunset. The tank top was of the sort to cover less than half his torso. The sleeveless article showed his sun-kissed shoulders, the bulging biceps, and the vascularity of his forearms. The gaping sleeve holes revealed a portion of his pecs and the length of his side. The sculpted obliques of his core slowly contracted with each breath. As his arms, thick and roped with muscle, lay over the railing, a wild shock of armpit hair danced lazily in the breeze. Yet, despite the toned upper body of a surfer, he ass demanded equal, if not all your attention. It filled his board shorts and the fabric clung all to intimately along the creases. It was when he straightened himself that his full presence could be seen below.
His name was Adriano.
I reclined the seat back. The tint of the car window obfuscating myself as I observed him across the parking lot. I pulled out a pocket notebook and wrote some notes. Among the scrawls of details  were the start of plans.
Adriano turned towards me, but I reminded myself he doesn’t know me. He hadn’t suspected anything these past weeks. I slid on a pair of sunglasses and shifted in my seat to hide an obvious erection. While the glimpse of his body from behind was hot, his chest was smoldering. From the lip of his tank top collar, wisps of chest hair caught in the sunlight. A line of sweat from his neck trails down and followed his collar bone and down along the crease of his pecs. He started towards the lockers.
I pulled up the collar of my loose tropical print shirt and stepped out into the public.
I followed him. My erection tucked under my belt. I was usually controlled in these matters. My line of work has me around all types. Growing up with a father who loved the bottle had me mask my true feelings. Yet, Adriano was something. He wasn’t your typical hottie. That must be why I was hired to follow him.
A month ago, I received an e-mail. The job was simple: find Adriano, learn his schedule and inner circle of friends, gain access to his residence, and receive further instructions. I was a cat burglar by trade. Don’t expect me to steal the Mona Lisa, but I do well enough not to have a record. Espionage was new however. I managed to find Adriano quickly. I could’ve accessed his shitty studio apartment immediately, but I decided to develop a comprehensive schedule of his before attempting breaking and entering.
Adriano was in the locker area. He had already stripped and was in the process of pulling out a pair of trunks. As I entered, heart thumping, he stood up, clothes in hand, dick flopping out.
“Sorry, dude,” he said. He gave me an apologetic smile. His hand pulling a different pair of board shorts up and his other hand readjusting his package after snaking it back in. Then Adriano shut his locker and headed back out. I couldn’t help but notice the bounce of his member while he went commando.
After he left, I took quick assessment of the space. The structure had a basic shower and an adjoining locker area. For a small fee he rented a spot and it was alfays the same locker. Number 14. There was no one around. I walked over to the locker. I pulled out some delicate tools. In a matter of seconds I managed to lock pick the cheap security.
The locker screeched open. I took out his tank top.
It was the abstract sunset from earlier. It was gradient of violet and magenta hues. In the center was a circle of auburn; an impression of the sun. There were still stains of sweat  along the collar. The fabric warmed my hands. I ran my fingers over it. Over where the nape of his neck was. I buried my face in the center of the clothing where I imagined where his chest would be. I breathed in the sweat and pressed my lips over the wet sweat stains. My other hand came along the back where I imagined his back would be. I rubbed myself against the imagined body. My hands tracing the length of cloth, thinking of the curve of his ass. And as I pressed him closer to me, my hand came over my member. I gasped into the shirt, my mouth sucking in his scent. I rubbed my hand against my erection and the sensation grew in intensity as I drowned in his smell. I gasped as I came into my pants and relaxed into a stupor of satisfaction.
I sorted myself out and tossed his shirt back into the locker. I dug around in the locker, finding a myriad of items. I found spare change, receipts, chewing gum, wallet, and Adriano’s apartment keys. Bingo. I was about to turn and leave with the keys in hand when something caught my eye. Condoms. Ribbed for her pleasure. It was stuffed into the faux-leather wallet like spare change. The plastic thin foil was crumpled, but the wrapper read clearly: Magnum. Clearly he thought to highly of himself. But maybe not. I turned the condom in my fingers. The image of his flaccid dick replaying in my mind. I pocketed the condom and tossed the wallet back into the locker. It was stupid, but it was the only way I could pull myself away and back to the task at hand.
I pulled back into the parking lot near the locker building. I had copied Adriano’s keys at a local locksmith and I sent an e-mail to the client about the development. While waiting for a response, I walked back into the locker room. It was busier than before. I slipped past changing men. Most old, some young and toned, but Adriano wasn’t among them. Through the locker’s grill, I dropped in Adriano’s key. And with that, I returned to my car.
After an hour or so, I saw Adriano return to the locker building with a girl. From my observations, Adriano was a ladies’ man who could sweet talk most women back into his apartment. She was a pretty thing, I guess. She had curves, a chest of fake breasts, a horrendous sun tan, and she laid on the seductive charm so thick. She twirled her hair around her fingers, and ran her other fingers up and down Adriano’s abs. With a coy grin, she slipped a finger under his shorts.
Adriano was enjoying this. His face flushed and his eyes widened with arousal. He gave a smile. His chest rose and fell as he pumped himself up, hands at his waist, looking like Superman. They kissed and he combed his fingers through her hair. His free hand curving around her back. When he pulled back from the kiss, he mouthed something in her ear. His lips tickling her ear and she giggled. He shifted and noticed me staring from my car. He must have recognized me, because he gave me a smile and a wink.
My phone chimed with an e-mail notification.
“To ___, thank you for your hard work. It is greatly appreciated. You will be paid for your services, but I am offering greater compensation for another task. Do you accept?”
I responded, “Yes.”
I left Adriano at the beach. The next set of instructions required me to race to his apartment before he arrived. It was so risky, but so profitable. I needed to make a quick stop at the location of a dead drop given to me in the response to my acceptance. The package contained some strange contraptions with a set of instructions. But before I could read them, I needed to be secured at his apartment.
His apartment building was a four-story historic building. It was here I first laid my eyes on him when he went out for his morning run. The client mentioned to me Adriano’s running spots. That’s how Adriano caught his attention. His shirtless running in 5-inch athletic shorts.
Room 214. I unlocked the door and walked in. An aroma of body odor and Axe body spray greeted me. The blinds were closed. I had tried to get visual from the windows before, but I guessed either his frequent hookups or a possible nudist lifestyle (I can dream) caused him to value privacy here. The studio apartment was a mess. Clothes littered the ground. Boxers, pants, shirts, socks. I picked up a gym sock gray with use. I gave it a smell and dropped it from surprise. I didn’t know how to appreciate that smell or wash it from my fingers.
His bed was a futon resting on pellet boards. It didn’t have any bedsheets and there was only wrinkled blankets and a pillow strewn across it. I pressed my hand into it. The bed springs groaned. It smelled equally rank to the room. It got hot during the summer nights. I imagined him twisting around his bed, screwing on his bed, coming on his bed.
I rummaged in his drawers. Aside from his shirts and regular clothing, I browsed his underwear. He collected many brands. Some were worn to the elastic. But I now knew he went commando as well. Then I found his wrapped latex. I toyed with one with mixed arousal and admiration. Finally I tore one open. The gold wrapper glimmering like his fair hair in the sun. I pulled down my pants. I rolled it over my cock. It was snug, but not enough to convince me that I could wear it. I wasn’t fooled. This was only fit for him. I pumped myself at the thought. I sprawled out on his bed, buried my face into the musky smell of his bed. I pulled a dirty sock toward my face, imagining tasting his sweaty body after a workout. “Adriano, Adriano,” I breathed with each pump. I closed my eyes as I came. I slid the condom off my member. The spermicide and lube coating my hand. I rubbed the gross sensation off onto the bed. He wouldn’t notice.
I settled myself deep into his closet. The irony wasn’t lost on me, but it also reminded me of hiding during father’s weekend binge drinking. I was lost in memories when I heard the apartment door jiggle and unlock, then open. A girlish laugh greeted the dark room. The door slammed shut, shaking me loose from a memory.
I heard clothes being tossed onto the bare floor.
“Like what you see?” I heard Adriano say.
“Yeah,” the one-night fling responded. I heard the wet kissing and soft moans. Without seeing what was happening, I only imagined what sounds meant what. The sucking sounds and the deep grunting must be Adriano getting his mind blown. The increasingly loud moans must be the expertise of Adriano in practice. Eventually the sounds cooled down and ended with a grunt from him as he came.
They got dressed in silence with the hook up trying to start up the kissing again, but a hushed whisper and a closing door told me she was gone. Then I heard Adriano throw himself back onto the bed and in a few minutes I heard the soft snores.
I carefully left the closet. The device in my hand from the dead drop. I saw AdrIano in his splendor on the bed. He hadn’t bothered to dress. It was a hot summer night and he was sprawled spread-eagle, face down. I appreciated how his fair hair clung to his sweaty neck. A trail of hair along his back came down to his ass. From his groin I saw his testicles and his shaft peeking from beneath him, just hanging out from underneath him.
I needed to act fast to complete the mission.
Gingerly, I took the device and attached it at points around his head before settling  a spiderweb netting on top. I started up a handheld device and once it glowed green I pressed the button.
I’m not sure what I expected. Probably a flash of light or an electric shock, but nothing really happened. I thought I saw Adriano twitch, but it could be a trick of the light.
There was a knock at the door. Just like the directions detailed.
I opened the door, unsure if the device worked or if Adriano would wake up suddenly.
At the door were a couple of men. One was young and didn’t emote. He was stoic despite the situation. He carried a bag and headed straight to Adriano’s body. The other was an older gentleman. He carried himself carefully. He wore a rich-looking peacoat that ill fitted him. He must have known as he took it off and rested it on a nearby chair.
“Greetings, ___,” he said to me. “It’s good to see you. Thank you for all that you’ve done. It mustn’t have been an easy job.”
“It was an alright job,” I said. I glanced toward Adriano who hadn’t moved, but still continued to breathe and snore. The spiderweb netting still wrapped around his head. The other man was tinkering with extra devices and running wires to a laptop.
“No doubt I underestimated you.” He said, smiling. He shuffled over to Adriano, looked around the room, and picked up a sock. “Oh, the joys of being young. Even in filth, the beautiful thrive.”
“What are you planning to do with him?” I asked. Now the other man was fixing wires to the old man, connecting him to the laptop. “Why all this? Why have me collect the schedule and names of his friends?”
“Isn’t it obvious? Adriano is a man I come to love. Ever since I saw him running. I envied his youth and beauty. Of course, he wouldn’t be with someone like me. So I made connections with some entrepreneurs from the Next Door Boy agency. Adriano isn’t a talent. If he was this would have been easier. Instead he selfishly keeps that body for himself. He could be rich but instead lives in squalor. I intend to make his life worth living by living his life for him.”
I was speechless but said nothing as I watched the other man finish his work and eventually I watched as the final switch was flipped and Adriano’s body spasmed and shake on the futon. The old man’s body followed likewise. The only difference was that it was only Adriano who stood up and carefully gazed at his hand in amazement. He ran his hand over his face and down his body. He felt each curve of muscle and each hair on his body. Then he looked up at me and smiled that coy smile.
“It worked!”
The other man had already packed up his devices and started to heft the old man’s body over his shoulder. In a minute the apartment was emptied save the two of us. Adriano, or rather the old man who wore the young surfer’s body, and I stood looking at each other. I tried not to look down at his member.
“So why are you still here?” I said. “I thought you’d have left with… him.” I was at a loss for the lack of names. The situation was surreal.
“I’ll be blunt,” Adriano said. His voice strong and well enunciated. It lacked the surfer drawl and the clipped slang. “This is not exactly legal. Paying you off and paying for that expert costed me a lot. That’s why I had you do that research. I can’t exactly go back to my old life. It doesn’t exist for me anymore. I intend to live here, as him, and remake myself again.” He walked over to his peacoat that hung from the chair. He dropped it over his nude body. The effect was equally ridiculous and arousing. His muscled frame wore the coat well. It followed the slender but toned arms and hugged the tight core. His cock hung openly beneath the coat. He must have realized how ridiculous it was as he started to play with himself. He looked back at me. “I can tell you like this body.”
“He is hot. I mean… you are hot.”
“Yeah. I guess I should get used to calling it my body.” He looked around him at the surfer jock’s apartment. “And my apartment.” Then he looked at me. “And my… friend?”
I laughed. “I don’t think making friends is that easy.”
“It can be. You’re an attractive man. If not a friend, then maybe a warm mouth for my cock?”
He brought me in for a kiss. His strong hands felt my back and grabbed my ass. I stripped off his coat and ran my tongue around his nipple. We fell back onto the futon. I was getting used to the smell of stale sex and sweat. Adriano grabbed my ankles and held them in the air, my ass ready for him. Before he could enter, I slowed him down  and reached for a condom from my pocket. It was the condom I taken from Adriano’s locker earlier. He smiled, ripped it open with his teeth, and rolled it on.  We both took a moment to appreciate how well his cock filled out the magnum. He thrusted into me and I wrapped my legs around him. He was going harder and harder as if he could barely contain his own strength. He was getting louder as well. He was animalistic in his moans and when he came, he collapsed on top of me. We laid there, basking in exertion.”
“Sorry if I got a little rough. His body feels so strong. I feel everything so powerfully.”
“It’s alright,” I said. And without realizing it, I rested my palm atop Adriano’s chest and listened to his heart pound in my ear.
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outofangband · 1 month
Whales and dolphins related world building 🐋🐳💙
I was so so lucky enough to go on a whale watch (I saw basking sharks too!!!!!!) a couple weeks ago so I wanted to do some world building for Beleriand. I have some on Valinor here and as always I always wish to elaborate especially on some of my thoughts on Turgon, Ulmo and the appearance of whales in dreams
Fox related world building
Polar whales are endemic to the waters south of the Helcaraxë and are the most rarely seen by the elves of Beleriand. They have a somewhat shadowed reputation with the northern Sindar and Avarin elves.
Narwhals likewise are only seen from the Helcaraxë. Records of them entered the writings of Noldor hosts who came to Beleriand, occasionally appearing in art and in nightmares. Beluga whales were seen once or twice and were named ghost whales by the host of Fingolfin.
Turgon commissioned paintings of whales he had seen upon one of the inner palace walls, as part of a tribute to Ulmo. Species of immense, mysterious whales appear in his dreams until his death. Indeed, lore about the significance of whales and dolphins in elven dreams is widespread in both Beleriand and Valinor with many attaching prophetic importance to some kinds of imagery.
Dolphins are the most common cetacean seen from the coasts of Beleriand. Common dolphins, striped dolphins, bottle nose dolphins, and false killer whales are the most commonly seen. Elves of the Falathrim as well as the Sindar of Nevrast and Avarin groups in southwestern coastal Beleriand take great joy in these sightings.
Harbor porpoises lived near the havens of Sirion and became a symbol of escape and freedom among the refugees there. They often followed the boats of Eärendil and other sailors.
There are also several species of river dolphin, likely species that do not exist in today’s world. I’ve always enjoyed the idea of at least one species living in the sanctuary of Nan Tathren, known only from the earliest songs of elves of Beleriand, with many believing them to be myths.
There is an Avarin folktale of an elf Prince or maiden coming across a beached dolphin and aiding it. In some versions the dolphin is in actuality a disguised or trapped Maia of Ulmo.
Baleen whales are rarely seen from the coast of Beleriand however several species are observed and recorded by Falathrim sailors and occasionally those staying upon Barad Nimras. Indeed there is a history of extensive records of marine mammals and their behavior in both the Havens of the Falas and upon Barad Nimras. Fin whales, common minke whales, and most rarely, grey whales have been recorded.
Given Ulmo’s genuine presence in Beleriand and its waters, it can be difficult to distinguish between mythology and folklore involving marine mammals and phenomena, and Ulmo’s existence. That being said, while Ulmo does manifest through marine mammals, there are differences in mythology regarding the ocean between the various coastal populations.
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Prohibition AU: The Family
The Outer Circle
These members have a limited amount of knowledge into the scale or even the degree-of-illegality of Naven's empire (Bliss Ocean).
Molly Blyndeff, trudging through hard times with an uncaring family, Ms Blyndeff has been quietly emancipated in exchange for her eyes, ears, and unassuming demeanor. A little spy in short.
Trixie Roughhouse, a close friend of Molly's with a fascination with concoctions. Upon introduction, they were assigned to be apprenticed in moonshining at one of Naven's underground distilleries, though they personally prefer experimenting for unknown product.
Phoenica Fleecity, another friend of Molly's. She isn't of much use in criminal activities (also the least informed of Naven's doings), but her generous allowance does help grease the financial side of activities she has no business knowing about.
Howie Honeyglow, an engineer and construction contact of Naven's. He provides maintenance and solves any lack of facilities for 'business activities', by building them up in record time with little excess charges.
Giovanni Potage, leader of a band of misfits who broke off from another street gang; now in Naven's employ. As mentioned in a previous post, he provides the majority of grunt work in Sweet Jazz City for Bliss Ocean. His talent lies in his rousing leadership which keeps morale steady no matter the branch, much to Naven's surprise. Hosts weekly hotpot nights for his brothers (in-arms).
Percival King, the officer who chose peace. She sees Naven as a major businessman with some connections to the criminal underworld; thus a deal was struck where Percy cooperates with Naven in removing the violence on the streets (and kills off competition) while Percy avoids further investigating Naven's influence that made the deal possible.
Indus Tarbella. Formerly Mera's self-declared servant and bodyguard, he now provides security and butler-like services in extension to Naven as a means to remain close to Mera.
The Inner Circle
Everyone here has blood on their hands. These are the men and women who initiates and executes the family's plans. Aka Bliss Ocean Proper.
Zora Salazar: former bounty hunter, gunsmith, and living action film 'protagonist'. Once carried out a hit halfway across the country within a single day by jumping off a wing of a plane midair onto a passing train to cut time. She usually works alone over larger distances outside of Sweet Jazz City.
Mera Salamin, the main (once) licensed surgeon and occasional strategist. She was out of a career after leaving glass shards in a patient and former co-worker who allegedly harassed her. But her swift manner of action caught Naven's attention, and she refuses to play on the sidelines this time.
Ramsey Murdoch is the accountant and financial advisor, mainly for Naven's legitimate ventures but also reaffirms good and competitive business sense for an empire balancing its legal and illegal standings. Whilst Naven is a great dealmaker, Ramsey makes those bigger deals possible.
The Driver is Naven's eyes on the city, as well as his personal companion. Always (seemingly) a different person to outsiders, some speculate that Naven has Sweet Jazz City's private chauffeurs under his patronage. Though in reality, Yoomtah Zing is a master of disguise and has a more hands-on role in managing Naven's criminal operations alongside Mera.
Naven Nuknuk, former arms dealer to the IRA and the man who came from selling apples to apple cider. He is just a small fish in comparison to the big bosses in New York or Chicago, no need to pay heed to him! (The FBI certainly doesn't anymore)
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apod · 1 year
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2023 April 29
Solar Eclipse from a Ship Image Credit: Fred Espenak
Explanation: Along a narrow path that mostly avoided landfall, the shadow of the New Moon raced across planet Earth's southern hemisphere on April 20 to create a rare annular-total or hybrid solar eclipse. From the Indian Ocean off the coast of western Australia, ship-borne eclipse chasers were able to witness 62 seconds of totality though while anchored near the centerline of the total eclipse track. This ship-borne image of the eclipse captures the active Sun's magnificent outer atmosphere or solar corona streaming into space. A composite of 11 exposures ranging from 1/2000 to 1/2 second, it records an extended range of brightness to follow details of the corona not quite visible to the eye during the total eclipse phase. Of course eclipses tend to come in pairs. On May 5, the next Full Moon will just miss the dark inner part of Earth's shadow in a penumbral lunar eclipse.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap230429.html
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ruibaozha · 1 year
I thank you for answering my previous question! (I'm so glad there are people on social media who work together to share knowledge like this!)
One of things I guess I did get confused with in my research is Nezha's origin story. It does help that you clarified about the many versions being different but they all are a part of telling the story. I overheard a rumor that there was an official book that told the "original" version of his story, but that is what my research is mainly trying to solve. I see a few titles saying they talk about Nezha's backstory, but none that claimed to be original. So I suppose I could be wrong in what I heard. Again, I thank you fir answering my questions! It's been fun learning new things about these topics!
Hello Hello!
I see, I understand what you’re trying to get here. To the best of my knowledge the earliest version of Nezha’s origin myth comes from The Grand Compendium of the Three Religion’s Deities. There is an edition from the Ming Dynasty (1368AD-1644AD) and an edition from the Qing Dynasty (1636AD–1911AD), but both editions cover roughly the same information and the distinction isn’t necessary here.
When he was five days old, Nezha went bathing in the Eastern Ocean. He trampled over the [dragon king's] Crystal Palace. He somersaulted straight to the top of the Precious Pagoda. Because he had trampled over his palace, the infuriated dragon king challenged him to fight. By then, Nezha was already seven days old, and he could overcome the nine dragons. The old dragon had no choice, except complaining to the [Jade] Emperor. The General [Nezha] knew of his intention. Intercepting him by Heaven's Gate, he killed the dragon. Mounting the Jade Emperor's altar, Nezha took the Buddha's bow and arrows. He shot an arrow, unintentionally killing Lady Rock's son. Lady Rock raised an army to fight him. The General [Nezha] took the Demon-Felling Club from his father's altar and, fighting his way Westwards, slew her. Considering that Lady Rock had been the demons' chief, Nezha's father was infuriated. He worried lest his son's killing her would provoke the demon hordes to war. Therefore, the General [Nezha] sliced off his flesh and bones, returning them to his father. Holding fast to his inner soul (zhen ling), he hastened to the Buddha's side, pleading that the World-Honored One make him complete once more. Considering that Nezha could subdue demons, the Buddha snapped a lotus flower. He fashioned it's stem into bones, it's roots into flesh, it's fiber into tendons, and it's leaves into clothes, giving life to Nezha once more.
I do hope this was helpful in your search. It’s entirely possible this story was imported from India during the Tang Dynasty (618AD-907AD) or Song Dynasty (960AD-1279AD) or even as early as the Wei Dynasty (386AD-535AD)
A majority of literature about Nezha was written during the Tang Dynasty (618AD-907AD) which was followed by one (of many) instances where China was no longer unified in a warring states period. It would be (705AD-960AD) where China was not unified and no further literature about Nezha was either written or survived.
Nezha had of course existed before the 7th century, but in terms of a timeframe Nezha and any written record of him was brought to China some centuries before Tang Sanzang went to India. Figure he formally entered China around 266AD-420AD while Sanzang left for India around 629AD.
It is wholly possible a story like this existed while Nezha was still Nalakubara, third son of the Heavenly King Vaisravana. I’ve yet to locate anything like that yet but this post will be amended to reflect if new information has been found.
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munsonology · 1 year
Rockstar!eddie and baywatch!reader pleeeaassee. Do whatever you want, just give us crazy insanely smuttyyy ❤️‍🔥😏🫠🍆💦🍑
Rockstar!eddie and baywatch!reader are in my top 3 of eddie's right now!!!!
i love giving readers names, it makes me feel more connected. i named baywatch!reader Darla!
Mitch assigned you to the quietest zone on the beach. since it was revealed you'd been dating corroded coffin frontman Eddie munson the beach had been taken over by fans and paparazzi. rescues for the team had been even more dangerous than it usually is. Photographers would put themselves in harms way to get a picture of Eddie Munson's lover, even better if she's saving a life. You'd beg to differ seeing most of the published pics on the tabloid stands were of your uniform stuck in your ass. How convenient they would publish you had hauled a 150 lb man from the ocean.
You understood why Mitch made the decision, but you couldn't help but feel you were being punished. You watched the waves roll in and out. the most action you'd had all day was helping free a turtle from a fish net.
"Is that my little starla Darla?" you hear from below the tower. you look down to see Eddie waving at you. he held up a picnic basket and a blanket. "can you have a little early dinner?"
"I don't know..." you sigh.
"Come on! you only have an hour left."
"if someone sees--"
"there's no one out here, baby."
you look down at him over your ray bans. he looked so good. his hair was loose around his shoulders, the buttons of his black shirt undone, letting his tattoos and the chains around his neck peak through. you always gave in too easily when he looked like this.
you waved for him to come up to the tower. if you were caught you'd hear from mitch later. Eddie approached you with a deep kiss. his hands squeezed your ass.
"what about dinner?" you asked as his lips moved down your neck. you felt his already hard cock against your stomach.
"don't worry about it, baby. I have a feast planned."
he backed you into the tower, closing the door behind him. the way his eyes darkened sent shivers down your spine and throb to your cunt. you felt your legs hit the cot and sat down. your legs seem to open on their own.
eddie dropped to his knees in front of you. his ring covered fingers lightly trailed from your ankle to your inner thighs. with a lick of his lips he moved the crotch of your swimsuit to the side.
"fuck," he mumbled. if he could live between your sweet thighs he'd move right in. he'd never leave. the only thing better than your clit between his teeth was sinking his cock in your cunt.
Eddie leaned forward and spit right on your pussy. you moaned as he rubbed the slick around.
"bon appetit," you tease.
eddie dives into your cunt. his tongue is hot and thick on your clit, curling and sucking you like a straw.
"fuck! eddie!" your hands run through his curls. you pull the hair at the crown of his scalp. he let's out a moan that vibrates around your pussy.
three of his fingers work you open, reaching your gspot in record time. the large skull ring pressed against your button.
"d'ya like that baby?" he groans.
"yes! please, i'm close." you plead. Eddie lifts his head from your cunt to your lips. he kisses you hard, the taste of your pussy smeared between you.
he chuckles hearing the squelch of your cunt. fuck, you were always so wet for him. he loved how easy it was for you to soak the sheets in his bedroom. "can i cum?" your voice breathy, on the cusp of ecstasy. the bullying of your gspot drives you wild.
with a cry of his name, you release, soaking the cot beneath you and eddie. "fuck, my little super soaker," he teases. trembling from your orgasm, eddie rubs your thighs and places a kiss on your clit.
"i love you, baby," he whispers.
"i love you too rockstar."
IM GONNNA EXPLODE!!!!!!!!!!!!🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
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Between the Three of Us
Marco x afab!Reader x Shanks
CW: omegaverse elements (it is such a small part of the story I almost hesitate to mention it), violence, group sex, sex, swearing, it's a noir detective AU I'm sorry I really don't know what else to say.
Summary: A One Piece Noir Detective AU x reader story
You've stolen the treasure of the century - a puzzle orb that's a map to Gol D Roger's treasure. But the map itself has some secrets, and so do you. Pursued by the Mafia family that hired you to steal the orb you find yourself in Feathered Talon - an agency of freelance detectives with connections across the island - and the Grandline.
Are Shanks and Marco your unexpected saviors? Or will you be betrayed yet again, and handed over to the iron will of Absolute Justice - the mafia family in control of the Grandline?
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Chapter 1: Caught
The whole thing had been simple.
Break into a heavily fortified, World Government subsidized museum and steal its crowning jewel - Roger’s map to the One Piece. Get in, get the goods, get out. It had been meticulously planned, and the plan had been rehearsed dozens of times.
Your benefactors had money to spare on such an endeavor, and the treasure that Roger’s map led to, was rumored to be incomprehensible in value. Gold and jewels aside, he had found the One Piece, and while many believed he had tossed the accursed item into the depths of the ocean, your client seemed to believe it was all still in his cache.
Gol D Roger - treasure hunter to some, gentleman thief to others. He had retired some years after finding the One Piece and had become a sort of Legendary Detective, along with a few people from his original crew.
The government had never been able to pin him with actual proof of law breaking, and so his agency had been legit. He went from having the government as an enemy to having the government and the mafia families as enemies, and yet at the same time there were strange alliances mixed all up in it.
Disease and bad luck had been the end of his days, but to so many people he was practically a god. A miracle of a man who had lived his life to its fullest with nothing to apologize for.
You had a solid appreciation for Roger yourself, avid inner city treasure hunter that you were. Little less appreciation for him turning his coat to the side of the law, but being a free lance detective was a far cry from being a government dog, so it was forgivable.
Roger and his past wasn’t your problem right now.
The job had gone off flawlessly. So flawlessly you’d had extra time to spare in the museum before you had to leave and came upon an interesting discovery. The map wasn’t just a map.
About the size of a bowling ball, but unbelievably lighter, the brass orb with its lines and circles was believed to be a sea chart. Coat it in ink, roll it out on paper and it would provide you a course.
Provided, of course, you knew the correct way to roll it out, and how to set it before inking it.
The orb’s surface shifted seamlessly. The craftsmanship was completely beyond anything anyone could manufacture nowadays. Whatever ancient genius had made it before was still eons ahead of his time, but what that meant was that the orb had an innumerable number of settings.
In this sense you could use it to navigate the entire world. As long as you knew how to set the surface of it, it could get you anywhere. But that also meant, if you didn’t already know how to get somewhere you couldn’t set the surface correctly, and in this way it became a museum piece, instead of the pride and joy of the world government.
You weren’t stupid. You weren’t, perhaps, wise, but you were really good at puzzles. Especially spatial ones. You were also good at languages and pattern recognition, but that was a facet of dumb luck. You had an eidetic memory, more photographic than auditory, but your brain was a one way trap for information, bypassing your short term memory in record time and becoming an easily accessible long term memory immediately.
You didn’t always know what to do with the information you gobbled up, but you always had it.
Most of the time you transcribed things and sent them to Ohara, or sold them to information brokers to pay your rent. It was a gift you kept separate from your working identity - if people knew you were practically a walking camera, they wouldn’t do business with you.
But right now your knack for puzzles and your gift were coming together. Without really thinking about the consequences, you whirled and snapped the orb into a frenzy, stopping all the parts where you wanted them.
The small orb lined up perfectly as a map of the world, one island raised ever so slightly above the rest. You ran your thumb over it, applying just the barest hint of pressure and the little island shifted and dropped, with a satisfying click.
An invisible seam along the redline parted, letting you open the orb into two halves. You knew, as soon as you saw it you knew what you were looking at, but the gravity of it was enough to make you bring the two halves together again. A few turns, a couple twists, and the orb was back as you had found it.
You left the museum, mind reeling with possibilities. Your only immediate option was to finish the job. Hand off the orb, take your payment, and be done.
But the hand off had gone bad. Your presence was requested, the people around you knew what you could do in unsettling detail, and your job wasn’t over. The night went from robbery to attempted kidnapping.
You had slipped the grasp of those around you, nicked the orb, and bolted. The two things on your side were your own skills - what made you a good thief, made you a good runner, and second to that they needed you alive.
Wanted you alive, at the least.
The short-ranged stun guns missed their mark, and the longer-range guns couldn’t risk killing you, and so the small scuffle turned into a city-wide chase. The deep hours of the night turned into the wee hours of the morning, and you had lost your pursuers a few times.
As good as you were at shaking them, they were skilled at tightening the net. You needed to get off the streets before-
The crack in the air of a muffled gunshot followed the force of impact as it slammed into your shoulder. Searing pain followed as your mind caught up with the facts, and you nearly toppled before you broke into a mad dash.
When your legs moved, your arms moved. When your arms moved your shoulder screamed. You only had the orb under control because you’d stolen someone’s shoulder bag earlier, trying to snag a collection of items in an attempt to disguise yourself and change out your clothes.
You were beginning to suspect that your gear had been tagged, but everything you’d been able to check was clean, and everything you couldn’t be sure about had been swapped out. Maybe that’s why you were being shot at now - better to risk it than to let you slip away.
It didn’t matter, your problem, and its resolution were still the same: you had to get off the streets.
You took a few errant turns and ended up almost in a courtyard of sorts. There wasn’t any grass, it was a concrete lot and a sidewalk, but the business front didn’t face a street. Just the interior of the little open area. There were a couple of alleys that came into this, and one driveway just large enough for a vehicle. There was a garage, a wheelchair lift, and a set of stairs up to what looked like the main way in.
Pulling out your lockpick you zipped up the concrete and metal stairs as quick and quiet as you could, relieved to find they were solid, sturdy, and silent. You rammed your custom tool into the lock, effectively breaking it, you didn’t have time to be gentle, and stepped in, closing the door swiftly and quietly.
You leaned against the wall, straining to hear outside and letting your eyes adjust to the interior inside. There were a few desks, but the office space was pretty open. The sign outside had been enlightening enough.
Feathered Talon, Detective Agency, at your service.
Feathered Talon. Sounded like a talisman of some sort. Mythical creature. Useless romanticism, you were sure. You didn’t hear any ruckus outside, and a few fleeting glances through the slats of the blinds didn’t show any movement.
Stepping into the office, you took a better look around. The place wasn’t just set up for business, it was set up for living. There was a kitchen down one hall, a daybed against the wall, out of the way of the rest of the needs for a kitchen. A half-bath nearby, and probably a full bath further down the hall. This one looked like it was more for clients to use than it was for whoever lived here.
Lived. Humph. You’d just have to be quiet while you assessed your damage and dodged your persistent pursuers.
You set your bag down beside the sink counter, and pulled down the collar of your stolen shirt. The soft light of a nightlight by the sink was as much light as you were allowing yourself, but at least it gave you a better look at your current problem.
No exit wound. The bullet was still inside your shoulder, probably lodged right against your scapula, if you had to take a terribly uneducated guess. You didn’t have a second mirror, and you couldn’t move enough to look at your back – the pain in your shoulder was simply too bad.
You took a few deep breaths, letting them out slowly, calming yourself and focusing on your own body for a moment. There wasn’t a sensation of blood running down your back, so you weren’t in danger of bleeding out, but the slug couldn’t stay. You couldn’t get it out, not right now. All you could hope was that you could stay out of sight long enough to make it to the Public Defenders – a kind of wild bunch who had the sort of connections, and did the sort of work you needed right now.
“I can stitch that.” The sound of the voice hit your ears and your body moved. You shifted further into the small bathroom, little more than a penknife in your good hand, eyes focused on a tall man standing in the doorway.
He takes a step back, putting his hands up. He’s trying not to look intimidating, but he’s nearly seven feet tall, and the tattoo across his chest looks a little familiar even in the dim light.
“Rough night, yoi?” He half asks, half states, and he looks down the hall just before you hear the sound as well. There’s a ruckus in the courtyard. Nothing serious, the sounds of a lot of boots and talking. He looks back at you and you look at him, and there’s a quiet understanding between you.
“How’d you get in?” His voice is soft, just above a whisper.
“… Broke the lock.”
“Not the window?”
You shake your head. “Internal break. No one should be able to tell from looking.”
A smile crosses his face, and he relaxes more. “Smart. Who is it?” He questions, inclining his head down the hall.
“B… Boss Akainu’s men.” You admit hesitantly.
“Absolute Justice?” He nearly hisses the question, leaving you in the bathroom and heading toward the front door.
You gather your things, pulling the shoulder bag snug against yourself as you step down the hall a little, listening in to whatever’s happening. If this blonde is going to sell you out, you at least want the chance to outrun him. The entrance to this place might be in an interior courtyard, but one of the other windows could face the street.
You could hear the tall man saying something out into the courtyard. You weren’t entirely sure what it was, but he sounded like he was angry at the people making all the noise – as though he was playing things off like they’d ruined his sleep, and not like he was trying to give you over to them.
Still, you’d put him, and this agency, at enough risk. It was better if you left than get them involved too deeply. Especially since, so far, they seemed like nice enough people.
Turning away from the front door you go down the hall and find a room with an open door. Peeking in you don’t see or hear anyone inside, but it’d be hard to see anything – there’s no window. You furrow your brow and step back out into the hallway.
The small hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, and you feel a cold bead of sweat slide down your spine. Something causes your stomach to knot, and you can’t even register the pain in your shoulder from the unsettled feeling that’s fallen over you. You want to run, but you don’t know if the hallway is a dead end, or if it wraps back around to the office areas.
You swallow hard, forcing yourself to look down the hall toward the source of the feeling that’s screaming for your body to run.
A man is leaned against the wall. He looks calm and relaxed, an easy smile on his lips and hooded brown eyes regarding you in the dim light of the hall, but the façade isn’t fooling you. He’s a dangerous man, and every fiber in your body is telling you to run, but you already know you’d never outpace him.
“Leaving so soon?” His voice is certainly disarming, you’ll give him that much. Speaking of disarming he seems to be missing most of one.
“I… wasn’t exactly invited in the first place.” You reply as evenly as you can. “I thought it best to make use of his distraction and, um, not impose further.” You take a step back, but you can already feel someone behind you.
“Let me patch that shoulder.” The familiar voice behind you says. “We’re going to be more discreet than the hospital, at least.”
Your eyes are on the man in front of you. Some part of you has determined he’s the more dangerous one, though you’re effectively surrounded. It doesn’t matter who you kept your eyes on.
“I don’t have any money on me.” It’s kind of a last-ditch attempt. You’ve already realized these two mean to keep you here, one way or another. They’re just being polite about it.
“A good story has quite the value.” The red-head says, taking a drink from a bottle you didn’t even realize he was holding. Water, wine, or poison, the sharp look in his eyes was proof enough he wasn’t phased by whatever was in the container. “I’m sure your story will be worth the patch job.”
You turn toward the man behind you, and the blonde looks down at you with an equally genuine smile. Your shoulders drop, and the action reminds you that you have a bullet lodged in it. Almost nothing about this evening has gone as expected, or as you had hoped, and you weren’t yet sure if this was your luck turning, or staying the course.
“I am… in your care, it seems.”
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aestophobia · 3 months
long post talking about my peculiar dream about magnus chase and the gods of asgard
I just had the strangest dream about magnus chase??
it was about the magnus chase movie that I was tricked into believing was real by the time I woke up, but it was very different from real mcga.
first off, magnus was kind of like a mix of himself and percy jackson, blitzen and hearthstone basically traded personalities, and samirah just wasn't there. (none of floor 19 was there either, including alex) Also Magnus was like BIOLOGICALLY blitzstone's son so I don't know how that works
it was also very clearly inspired by epic the musical
I assumed it was a Sword of Summer plot but it was more like Ship of the Dead because it was all an ocean voyage (for the record the ship was not the big banana it was just a boring wooden boat)
It started with magnus digging a hole into the ground minecraft style to live in when some random person said "omg magnus, your dad is coming!!!" or something along those lines, and Blitzen interrupted his digging. Blitz goes on to say that it's boat time or something and magnus, blitzen, and hearthstone all hop on the boat
I forget exactly what happened next, magnus did some boat stuff through a big storm (I don't know where Blitz and Hearth were during this)
and then after that the plot got extremely focused on blitzen but I cannot remember any of what happened.
in the end I think they finished whatever they set out to do BUT BLITZEN DIED???? and that was the end
at one point there was a ton of dialog that I could repeat over and over, but I forgot it :'(
there was definitely one emotional line about blitzen and his inner demons?? from after he died
and after this I had a dream within my dream that this movie was real but I woke up to find it is not real
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lumi-klovstad-games · 11 months
Ailani, The Lost Primarch of the Second Legion and Mother of the Imperial Hospitallers
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In the annals of Imperial History, there stand heroes greater than any other. These are the Primarchs, the Sons of the Emperor of Mankind, the patriarchs of the Twenty Legions of the Adeptus Astartes who united a frayed and divided galaxy in a long ago age when people still looked to the stars with hope... and the events of the Horus Heresy had not yet doomed the galaxy to darkness, suffering, and despair. But of these, only Eighteen are remembered: The Nine who Turned Traitor, and The Nine Who Remained, steadfast and loyal. Here then is a tale, a tale of the Second Primarch, lost to history and imperial records. It is the tale of Ailani, the Beloved Second, and the Emperor’s Daughter.
Ailani was not like her brothers from the beginning. Beyond the fact that she’d never felt right in her own skin as a child, she had always been a gentle soul.
Cast by warp storms far across the galaxy shortly after her creation, the child then known as “Amanaki” was deposited upon Takiko, an oceanic world dotted with long chains of verdant and mountainous tropical islands, whose vast sea teemed with life on a scale unimaginable. There, the boy was discovered by a young couple, newly married but unable to bear children of their own. Seeing the child from the heavens as a miracle, they adopted the strong lad, who immediately demonstrated a way with resolving disputes and mending broken things, but never seemed quite comfortable with himself. In time, the boy came to understand that “Amanaki” was not their real name, merely one they had been given by a barely remembered man, the memories lost in shadow and fog, and there was a deeper reason to his unease with his own reflection. Amanaki was encouraged by his parents to cast off the trappings of outward appearances, and embrace his true self — fixing what was broken and settling conflict out in the world was all well and good, but until the inner conflict was resolved and the sense of identity rectified, “Amanaki” would never rise to their full potential. After much soul-searching, reflection, and meditation, Amanaki vanished beneath the expert and caring hands of one of Takiko’s finest healers. Flesh was reshaped, bones restructured, and the boy who’d landed on that world years ago ceased to be, and it was the young woman named Ailani who rose like a phoenix from the metaphorical ashes.
There was awkwardness, at first, but Ailani’s metabolic and psychological gifts as a Primarch made the transition surprisingly natural, if not exactly “easy”, though she did not understand the reasons at the time. Finally herself, Ailani was inspired by the memory of the Healer who helped complete her, and became a healing woman of great repute — indeed, there was none finer on Takiko. Her reputation spread as the woman whose physical labor could heal the body, and her spiritual labor could mend the soul. In addition, her proficiency at conflict mediation only grew with her confidence, and she never lost her love of building and repairing things; it brought her nearly unrivaled joy to see her work bring life and happiness to those around her. In time, she came to be known as “The Saint of Takiko”, the legendary figure who brought peace to the world and united it without ever firing a shot. Unfortunately for Ailani and Takiko, this reputation helped attract the attention of the Emperor of Mankind.
When the Emperor came to Takiko looking for his Warp-Scattered Son, he had not found the man born to lead the Second Legion, but rather he found Ailani, a being worthy only of the Emperor's Scorn, born from Amanaki’s sullied and ruined flesh as the Primarch had embraced her true identity. Ailani did not answer to the name the Emperor called her by. She had not answered to that name since she was a child. When the Emperor cast blame for the "abomination of a Primarch" upon the kindly old man and woman who had been Ailani's parents and lashed out, Ailani met her "father" in battle. He was not prepared for her fury, and while he ultimately emerged victorious, his "daughter", though not a trained warrior like her kin who had been discovered thus far, still managed to have him on the back foot more frequently than he would ever admit. Indeed, the Emperor considered, the wayward Primarch of the Second Legion might actually be worth salvaging. Ailani begrudgingly agreed to return to Terra with the Emperor, but only if he left her family and people alone, a condition the Emperor demurringly agreed to.
Ailani was not a Primarch of a particularly military mind, especially at first, though she brought with her the warrior traditions of her people. First and foremost, she was a healer. With her hands, she mended wounds and repaired cities. With her voice, she mended whole peoples and ended conflicts. When she assumed command of the Second Legion, until then known as the Skybreakers, she was disappointed. There had been no effort to inculcate in them values of construction or nation building.  They were a purely destructive force, one who prided themselves on being able to shatter the fighting force of entire worlds with utmost speed and efficiency. Ailani had known war in her time. She understood well enough the value of combat. But, saddled as she was with a Legion who shared the exact opposite of her values, she resolved to teach her errant sons how to be the Builders of Worlds, a marching crusade that strove to create an Empire worth ruling. In time, the Second Legion took a new name, as the Skybreakers became the Imperial Hospitallers, and Ailani became their living standard: her billowing black and braided hair, ornate white and marigold armor with a golden Iwalani, a bird native to Takiko, in place of the Imperial Aquila, and piercing green eyes — stained completely through like emeralds from the omnipresent Ki'ihopna Algae that grew throughout the food on Takiko — causing her to stand out, even among her fellow Primarchs.
Ailani had inherited the Emperor's Optimism, his belief in a better tomorrow and a better mankind worthy of living in it. As her legion spread across the stars, the Hospitallers brought aid to the needy, healing to the sick and injured, and did their best to claim worlds with a mind to preserving or improving the standard of living before they left, but where her brother Lorgar Aurelian dallied as he attempted to spread his doctrine of the Imperial Divinity, Ailani moved quickly. In order to keep a consistent pace and accomplish all her objectives, Ailani divided her Legion into "Cohorts'' who would move in a staggered deployment. These cohorts were named in accordance with the seafaring and island-dwelling culture Ailani had come from: the Maka Ihe, the Vanguard Cohort, would take a world, and begin restructuring and rebuilding according to the rules of Imperial Compliance as well as Ailani’s own personal values. As the Vanguard Cohort transitioned to Worldbuilding, the troops would be able to rest, and were reclassified as "Pa’a", or "Stabilizers", and in turn, "Kūkulu ʻāina" — "Constructors" — as rehabilitation of the world entered its final stages. By the time a Vanguard Cohort had transitioned to Constructors, the Constructors of a previous world had emerged rested and ready for a new bout of combat, and would transition back to Vanguard status as they moved to a new world to continue the Great Crusade.
Ailani may not have been initially well received by her legion owing to her non-military bearing and her clashing values with the Skybreakers, but upon seeing her patience and care for every soul under her command, her Legion gradually became quite taken with her beauty, iron will, silken compassion, and her steadfast and unwavering loyalty to her legion and the worlds they had taken and rebuilt. It was said that she possessed the beauty of Fulgrim, Vulkan's compassion, the high-minded ideals of Sanguinius, Rogal Dorn’s command at construction, and Roboute Guilliman’s administrative prowess, even if she did not excel quite as much as her brothers in any of these individual qualities. Regardless of the degree of truth to this reputation, she made easy friends with several of her kin, most notably Horus, Sanguinius, Fulgrim, and Vulkan, and less easy but still strong friendships with Lorgar Aurelian, with whom Ailani deeply enjoyed discussing matters of philosophy, even if she found his religious zealotry more than a little grating, and Konrad Kurze and Angron, with the two tormented Primarchs able to take much comfort in her soothing presence and healing words. Perhaps then, Ailani was simply too good, too pure, for a growing and changing Imperium, as those qualities which made her among the best of the Primarchs increasingly brought her into ideological conflict with the Emperor.
Ailani had never held the best of opinions of her “father”, as for all his psychic charm and honeyed words that he carefully and deliberately loaded with the ideals she valued, she’d seen a glimpse of his true character when he’d first come to Takiko: an arrogant and egotistical megalomaniac, a man who was obsessed with being God but demanded his followers not call him that out of an enforced and self-serving modesty, and a man who made little effort to hide how much he despised her for “ruining his hard work” by embracing her true self and taking her own name. It was obvious to her that he only tolerated her “aberration” because she had too many useful talents and, as a Primarch, she would be too difficult to replace. While he had been true to his word and had not harmed her family or her people, he had left a garrison of the War Hounds, now known as the World Eaters, nearby to "protect” Takiko ever since he took her with him back to Terra. The implied threat had never been lost on the Primarch of the Second Legion, and deep down, her gentle heart boiled at the Emperor’s audacity, and this set the stage for her Legion’s disappearance.
While neither the fastest Legion nor the slowest, the Imperial Hospitallers had conquered hundreds of worlds, and built glittering gems of civilization as they passed. The Emperor should have been proud. Instead, he saw in Ailani’s planetary reconstructions and rehabilitations an act of defiance. Whether he saw rightly or not is both unremembered and unimportant, but it was certainly true that Ailani never truly believed in him or his cause, and resented him for holding her world hostage to ensure her continued compliance. Her protests, however, had fallen among deaf ears among the Primarchs, with the sole exception of the Eleventh — ironic as the two had seldom seen particularly eye to eye on much of anything. For all her Brothers’ best qualities, too few of them shared in her grievances, and those who did were either unable or unwilling to help her do anything about it. As her quiet resentment of the Emperor simmered, her growing unwillingness to see Takiko continued to be held hostage any longer sparked a notion in her that she knew could split the fledgling Imperium in two: Takiko would secede from the Imperium, and with the might and expertise of the Imperial Hospitallers, it just might manage it.
Outwardly, the Hospitallers continued with their role in the Great Crusade, but their pace began to slow as Ailani started recalling veteran soldiers off the lines and put much greater emphasis on letting younger, less experienced Marines carry the Legion’s role. This roughly coincided with the Eleventh Legion doing the same, with the two Legions gradually building up an elite fighting force of their most capable soldiers, ready for the order to be given. For Ailani, these veterans were chosen with preferential favor given to survivors from the Legion’s days as the Skybreakers — these old soldiers carried skills and experience she would need if her plan to save her homeworld from the Emperor’s callousness and ego was to succeed.
Some unknown period of time before the Horus Heresy, the moment came, and the order was given. The Saint of Takiko returned to her homeworld, and made a decision she could never undo: she ordered the Imperial Hospitallers to fire upon the World Eaters garrison. Veteran blitzkrieg warriors from the old Skybreakers legion formed a spearhead that cut through the World Eaters ranks with ease, using their skills and capitalizing on the confusion to force the World Eaters to retreat through the Warp. The time Ailani had won would only be a few weeks before the Imperium heard what she’d done. Perhaps it would be another few weeks before the inevitable retaliation arrived. Her time was short, and so was Takiko’s. She, and her people, needed to be elsewhere when the hammer dropped, not an easy task with the ships available. As she bade her people to take only what was necessary as she evacuated the planet, word arrived from the Eleventh Legion: they had failed in their course to affect the same strategem. A small delay had snowballed into a far greater failure, and the Eleventh had lost all that he’d cherished at the hands of the Space Wolves Legion. While Ailani’s heart wept for her Brother’s incredible loss, she was gladdened by his arrival with what remained of his Legion at Takiko.
With the newly arrived ships, she had all that she needed to save her people, and for his part, the Eleventh Primarch was glad to assist as it gave a silver lining to his own failure. Millions of civilians boarded Second Legion ships that were too on edge, and Eleventh Legion ships that were too empty. By the time the Imperial response came, with a furious Emperor sending the Night Lords and the World Eaters to make an example of the two rebellious Legions, Takiko was empty, and the Legions were long gone. In a petty rage, the Emperor had the World Eaters and Night Lords glass the world, before the Emperor himself used his psychic powers to cast Takiko’s twin moons at the planet’s surface, pulverizing it into mere rubble. The Emperor's rage was perhaps not entirely misunderstandable; after all, never before had a Primarch disobeyed him. Never before had a Primarch rebelled against his authority. Little did he know, though this was the first time, it would not be the last, and the worst was soon to come for him and his fledgling Imperium.
The Imperial Records would be wiped immediately after. The statues of the Two Rebellious Primarchs were removed from their plinths on Terra. The Emperor, in his rage, psychically wiped all knowledge of the Second and Eleventh Legions and their Primarchs. Even the other Primarchs were forced to forget, but there was no covering up the hole made by Ailani’s absence; without her to discourage Lorgar Aurelian’s zealotry, he became more vulnerable to Erebus’ manipulations and the psychological predations of the Ruinous Powers. Without her soothing presence and calming words, Angron and Kurze began to grow less stable. Without the Saint of Takiko, the Imperium may have lost its last, best chance at avoiding the Horus Heresy only a few centuries later.
As for Ailani and her legion, their status is completely unknown. Few can even infer that a Second Legion once existed, and fewer still know anything of it beyond that, so complete was the Emperor’s purge of the records and the Imperium’s post-heresy suppression of reason and critical thought. But, even in the grim and the dark of the 42nd millennium, from worlds where all hope seemed lost in the face of certain doom, reports occasionally arrive at the Inquisition... reports detailing the arrival of unidentified Space Marines clad in archaic white and marigold armor, and bearing an unusual standard and livery not documented anywhere. These marines vanish as quickly as they arrive, saving the people and then departing on courses unknown.
Perhaps, just perhaps, Lady Ailani is not quite finished with her Crusade just yet.
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black-arcana · 5 months
VISIONS OF ATLANTIS Release 'Monsters' Single From Upcoming 'Pirates II - Armada' Album
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The pirates of VISIONS OF ATLANTIS have released "Monsters", the second single from their upcoming studio album, titled "Pirates II - Armada", which is set for release on July 5, 2024 via Napalm Records. The new successor to their high-charting previous release, "Pirates" (2022),is set as high as the waves cresting the Jolly Roger — taking everything that has been achieved to date to another level. With the second chapter of the pirates' saga, VISIONS OF ATLANTIS prove that they are more than ready to claim the crown of symphonic metal.
"Monsters" is a haunting musical adventure illustrating the confrontation with inner monsters, beginning with calm passages that burst into a rhythmic refrain, showing off the full musical power of the pirate queen Clémentine Delauney and brave captain Michele Guaitoli. With this preview of the second chapter of the pirates’ saga, VISIONS OF ATLANTIS prove that they are more than ready to claim the crown of symphonic metal and are eager to take stages by storm on their European tour this fall. Their raid will begin with their fulminant album release show in Aschaffenburg on July 6, 2024 and will be continued in the fall with the extensive "Armada" tour boasting 33 shows all over Europe — the biggest headliner tour of their promising career so far.
Guaitoli comments: "We fought the raging storms, the most dreadful foes and the darkest nights. Yet the worst enemy appears to be something we cannot face with cannons and sabers. This battle will be the hardest, as it’s time to look straight the eyes of the 'Monsters' inside of us. Proud and without fears, we're ready. Are you?"
Ship's log: July 5, 2024; High Seas
"A new day of sailing begins, the wind on our side, and the sea speaks of recent battles. The air feels fresh - Hypocrisy, greed, envy - hearts of the old world finally disclose their deluded truth. Old leaders are losing ground, their lies are getting worse, and darkness creeps in. Each sunny day hides a coming storm, nature testing our strength for the last battle.
"We've become pirates as their counterparts, free-spirited and true at heart. Navigating storms that try to make us doubt, we see the light in the darkness. The old truth is fading, making room for a new story. Our destiny is in our hands, in our hearts, in every step we take. Reconnecting with ourselves, we touch the essence of life we share with all creatures. Together, unstoppable, connected to the truth, guided by the sun and storms.
"We'll rule the oceans, the mainland, every street, every house, spreading hope. Our pirate cries will last for centuries, with ancestors humming our tunes, our words sung in the new world we create. Our glory will live on forever. United as one force, one army, under a final ARMADA."
Emotions, depth, richness of sound. Not only a record, but a true hurricane of feelings is what VISIONS OF ATLANTIS delivers with the new album, "Pirates II - Armada". On a journey in which listeners face their own battles and cannot resist joining the "Armada", VISIONS OF ATLANTIS will have listeners facing the "Monsters" inside them, with catchy melodies destined to endlessly stick in their mind. The uplifting "Tonight I'm Alive" surprises and captivates with the rhythms of a pirate party on the eve of combat, with the electrifying rumble of a hurricane — a unique, uncharted showcase of talent from VISIONS OF ATLANTIS. The burning flames of "Hellfire" enchant the listener before the sweetness of delicate melodies accompany them "Underwater". The cinematic adventure of seven-minute-plus masterpiece "The Dead Of The Sea" conjures the salty scent of the sea, making the listener feel — in every melodic twist and theatrical orchestral hit — the cannons firing and the battle raging. Listeners will shed a tear while mourning under the melody of "Ashes To The Sea".
"Pirates II - Armada" track listing:
01. To Those Who Choose To Fight 02. The Land Of The Free 03. Monsters 04. Tonight I'm Alive 05. Armada 06. The Dead Of The Sea 07. Ashes To The Sea 08. Hellfire 09. Collide 10. Magic Of The Night 11. Underwater 12. Where The Sky And Ocean Blend
Photo by Robert Eikelpoth / Photo editing by Blake Armstrong
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blackhalee · 7 days
Very good information of pregnancy from the Yoruba cultural spiritual context:
In the Ifá Creation Myth, the Irúnmolè made the journey from Heaven to Earth in a chain. Just before they reached the surface of the earth, they put some sand in the waters and put a guinea fowl in the sand. When the hen began to scratch the sand, the surface of the earth began to spread, creating solid earth. In Yoruba Ilé Ifè means spreading the earth. So Ilé Ifè is both the capital of the Yoruba Nation and anywhere on the land was land formed in the middle of the oceans.
Humans come to earth through their mothers' pregnancy. According to Ifá, the development of a baby in the womb is guided by specific Irúnmolè in each phase of growth. The genetic characteristics of the human body are determined by Obatala. translated in English, Obàtálá means,; "Chief of the White Cloth." In metaphysical conditions Obàtálá is the Force in Nature that transforms light into matter and gives form to physical Creation.
The selection of genetic characteristics is determined by Korí who is considered the guardian of the spirit of those souls who are preparing to reincarnate in human form. It is Korí that determines the genetic mix of the pool of maternal and paternal influences. 6 the wide range of human physical characteristics is the result of the influences of Obàtálá, Olokún, Oluorogbo, Aláàánú, Oloore, Sùngbèmí, Mágbèmítì, Sáàrágàa and Èjùfìrì.
After conception has occurred and genetic transfer has taken place, the child in the womb is guided by Àjàlá-mòpín and Alududun-Orún. It is Ajdld-mopin's task to select a specific Odu that guides the formation of the individual's Orí (consciousness). After birth, this selection is revealed through divination and the child's parents are given the instruction
regarding the Spirit being selected to guide the spiritual growth of the baby.
This process is the source of the term Òrìsà which means "select head." Once the Òrìsà has been determined, the elements of physical and mental potential have been established. These components are recorded by Aludundun-Orún and become components of the destiny of each individual. Aludundun-Orún means "All Good Things in Heaven." are a fundamental belief of Ifá that if any person lives their life in harmony with destiny, in harmony with their community and in harmony with the Forces of Nature, they will develop good character and experience long life, abundance, good character; and inner peace.
When the child prepares to enter the world by passing through the birth canal, the child enters the realm of Edo-Aro and Odo-Axis. All the memory of previous incarnations and the specific components of the destiny chosen for the current incarnation are forgotten here. This information remains under the protection of the Ipori which is described as the perfect individual living double in Orún (Heaven).
It is the task of all those who worship Ifá and Òrìsà to illuminate those forgotten aspects of destiny that are preserved by Ipori. This enlightenment occurs through divination, meditation, dreams and ecstatic dancing. All these techniques are the methods for creating the Mystical Vision. In Yoruba, the Mystical Vision is called "Láé-láé." The experience of Láé-láé is beyond the limitations of objective language. For this reason Láé-láé is described in mythical and symbolic conditions.
Láé-láé is that place where human consciousness enters into direct communion with the transcendent source of all forms of consciousness.
In the experience of Láé-láé the Orí, Orí inu and Ipori become one. The ceremonial process of initiation (Igbódu) is designed to invoke the mystical knowledge of Láé-láé and give an experience of the perfect alignment to the initiate with the ego and world that occurs when the Orí, Orí inú and Ipori function as one.
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tinirainboom · 1 year
~I'm not who you think I am~ fanfic RoR Buddha x reader
Chapter 1: What can cause a simple faint
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"All the world is a stage, and all men and women are mere actors: All have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts"-Shakespeare
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Since I can remember, they have always shown me that magic, travel between dimensions, parallel worlds, reincarnation, karma, etc., are pure fantasies. Well, most could not be verified at this time… but that does not mean that it DOES NOT EXIST. In my case, I was one of those people who doesn't get carried away by that, that is, they can't manipulate me, although I think that maybe there is a possibility that it exists, right?
Before you get me wrong, I wasn't expecting impossible things like, "Mom got a letter from Hogwarts!" or “Doc, I'm from the future. I came in a time machine that you invented." Of course not, this is not fan-fiction! although it would be very tempting… But coming to the point is that I never thought that this kind of cliché situation of Webtoon manhwa would happen to me, and the problem is that now my best friend and I are trapped in this mess…
Without further ado ☆let's get started!☆:
I am Y/N Yagami, and my best friend is Haku Takahashi!
. . . ~And we are not who you think we are~
It all started when our winter vacation began. My best friend and I got together at my house to watch the second season of Record of Ragnarok or Shuumatsu no Valkyrie, in Japanese, a Netflix anime series about preventing human extinction by the hands of the gods and to That this does not happen, the idea of a tournament called Ragnarok was proposed, so thanks to this opportunity, humanity can save itself from extinction and fight against the gods to achieve this goal.
Haku and I were fans, when Buddha appeared at the end of the first season, the two of us with sparkles in our eyes with excitement promised to meet when the second season came out on Netflix so we could watch it together. And here we are, on a Thursday at 5:00 p.m., in my room with several manga of the series in question, posters of various animes, lots of junk food and soft drinks. By this time, my parents had gone on a two-week vacation to California, entrusting me with the house to myself.
Haku:- At last these Netflix people are putting on the second season!- my bff said excitedly and preparing the chapter on the play.
This person here is Haku Takahashi, my best friend, we met in the first year of high school. A boy who stands out mainly for his hair color black as coal and with streaks white as snow, his eyes are ocean blue, fair complexion, with a tomboy fashion style with a shirt with gray squares with red, green and yellow lines , and a blue jean. This boy is a complete otaku even though he doesn't seem like it at first glance, you just have to say the magic word and his fanboy otaku's side will come out.
Y/N:- Yes, Haku, you're right, ugh, I can't wait to hear Buddha's voice and see the same scenes in the manga! – I said with the emotion of a fangirl.
Haku:- Damn little lady! How many Buddha fanfics did you read to be satisfied with your inner fangirl? He asked, amazed and scared at the same time.
Y/N: - EHE - I answered putting on my most innocent face.
Haku:- EHE te Nandayo! - he yelled frustrated and then said- Oh dear God, who can blame you, he's gorgeous, his face carved by the angels themselves - he said amused with a mocking smile.
Y/N:- Oh, look who's talking! just the person who is a Chinese simp and his tsundere valkyrie- I answered returning the mockery.
Haku:- Hey! Qin Shi Huang is not ANY Chinese, he is the first Emperor of China, besides he is super sexy… Ying Zheng is very adorable, he had a very hard past, his personality is so admirable, that for that man I would make me his wife… - he said happily until in a regular moment and with a small blush on his cheeks, he answered nervously - Ehem, sorry my simp homosexual side came out, ha ha-
Y/N:- Yeah… I already realized, we better put the chapter before this conversation goes from brown to dark…- I said already putting the Ror chapter.
Meanwhile elsewhere…
In a dream garden, with a surreal beauty reaching the divine, full of life, flowers of all kinds of colors and species, its spring green grass together with clean rivers that flow freely. Inside that beautiful place, there are two first-rate deities, a man and a woman.
The man was dressed in clothing of Japanese royalty, white with gold trimmings, a part of samurai armor sea black with gold trim, his hair white as radiant as light, eyes with emerald orbs with sharp irises like a cat's, her fox ears sticking out of her mane with a small tint of black at the tips, a pale complexion as if she were snow white, and her fluffy kitsune tail the same color as her hair.
And the woman with a dress that reaches her ankles, her straps revealing her shiny golden shoulders connected to the chest of the garment, in the upper part of the torso some fine golden lines extend, marking the bust, reaching the waist, Its waist is a beautiful belt that shapes a triangle with several arcs until it reaches its vertex that is shaped like a four-pointed star. Up to the peplum, the color of the fabric is a daisy white, then fades to a midnight blue showing galaxies, stars, constellations and the milky ways. Her ballerinas (shoe type), as bright and transparent as crystal, with a royal blue color and a black gradient and a small pastel pink flower on the top of the shoe.
Her waist-length, light brown hair, with a blonde head of hair, waving in the breeze of the wind, with porcelain skin that made you think she was a doll, her eye color was royal blue with various shades like light blue. , red, pastel pink and aqua green forming a galaxy inside, and a bright turquoise white pupil in the shape of a 6-pointed star.
-Lady avatar, how are you going to prevent the Valhalla congress from unanimously to exterminate humanity? - he consulted frustrated and worried
-Relax my friend, for that I have a backup plan, but the problem is the enemy that is coming -
-The coming enemy? you mean the one from your visions my lady-
-That's right, and this enemy is gaining strength, I don't know if I can defeat it alone… since nobody seems to notice and the other gods don't want to listen to me- The woman commented angrily with her frown
-But my lady, the Valkyries, his brother and I are on her side-
The kitsune gave the woman a determined look and she saw this and answered him with a reassuring smile but with a bit of frustration in her voice.
-I know, but that's not enough, those fools are so focused on locking innocent people in tartar or wanting to exterminate an entire species because they don't like it anymore-
-Okay, don't worry, Your Excellency, today at midnight we will meet at the lake near the Bifröst, to continue with the plan-
-Very well, we'll see you there.-
Both deities left by their side, promising that they will meet at that time.
Now, returning to our protagonists…
The two teenagers looking very carefully at the television, the scene of buddha and loki:
Buddha, entering a rose garden in Valhalla, while he eats his celestial lollipop. Later, with a scene change showing Loki sitting on the edge of a fountain, the god of lies sees Buddha enter the place and says:
-Hey, I've been waiting for you Shaka-kun…-
The enlightened one approaches Loki, removes the lollipop from his mouth and responds with a small smile. -You wanna… fight?- Buddha told him, looking at him with a face like I'm going to kick your ass, and at that moment there was a tense atmosphere between the two gods. With death glares inciting a fight to start at any moment, but before that can happen, a baby-faced Loki who doesn't break a plate and with both hands raised replies:
-No, no! I just had one little question for you.-
At that moment he explains his "discovery" about the power of the Valkyries, the Völundr. While explaining his point of view, of how humans were able to resist the power of the gods to the point of killing them, he came to the conclusion about a power that is within Buddhism called Samavadhāna (Ichiren Takushou), within that mention Buddha bites his lollipop with little anger and Loki finishes explaining that the Valkyries unite their destiny with the fighter to become a divine treasure with the purpose of standing up to the gods.
-Oh, I'm sorry that took so long! So, what do you think, Shaka-kun?-
-You know… that wasn't even close to just one little question. In fact, it took so long, I didn't hear half of it. Give it to me in a sentence. Ya dig?-
I finish answering Buddha, sticking out his tongue with a small blue tint from the lollipop. Loki surprised by his response, laughs and says:
-Ha ha, oh right! I'm sorry! Then I'll get to the point… Are you a traitor?
Loki puts on a sinister smile, at the question he asked the enlightened one. - And what if I am?- Gautama answers, with a defiant smile at the accusation of the god of lies.
Y/N and Haku:- Aaaaaahh! Buddha is so cool! - we both shouted with emotion.
Loki:- What was that? - asked Loki
Haku:- Wait a minute… something is wrong. - said my best friend puzzled
Y/N:- I don't know Rick seems fake, what did we miss? This dialogue is not in the manga- I said confused
Loki:- Shaka-kun... is it one of your tricks?- consulted the deity of deceit Buddha: -That should be my line, you are the deity of lies and mischief, not me- he answered confidently with a raised eyebrow
At that moment, I realized that the Shuumatsu characters were listening to us, I looked at my best friend with a mischievous smile and he realized what he was going to do…
Haku:- Y/N don't do i… - he was interrupted by me
Y/N:- Look who's talking, the one who ended up SLEEPING with a horse to end up pregnant!
Loki:- who said that?! Come out of your cowardly hiding place; great this is the last straw! HOW THE FUCK DOES HE KNOW THAT?! - said poor Loki all blushing Buddha:- ka ha ha ha! I like this person, I like your style girly! - replied Buddha happily
Haku:- ha ha ha! oh my god, what a shame! .- Haku said, while he laughed for a moment, his face showed a sign of pain, as if he had been hurt- argh!
Y/N:- Haku! What happened?! - ask anguished
Haku: -My vision becomes dark and I can't brea…- Haku answered me weakly and before finishing the sentence he fainted.
Y/N: Haku!?
Buddha:- Hey! What is happening there?-he asked the concerned air
At that time, my body felt weird, I was short of breath, I even felt more tired than usual, as if someone or something was absorbing my energy… I couldn't answer Shaka, was he worried about us? I wanted to answer but my voice couldn't come out, my body was losing strength and I started to fall.
Everything happened in slow motion, my vision blurred little by little, but I could notice Shaka worriedly shouting our names, and Loki, a little anguished, asking too, I'm glad they're trying to find us…
I wanted to tell them, no, I wanted to yell at them that I was in another dimension, that something is forcing us to faint… Shit, my vision was getting blacker and closer to the ground and I can't do anything to stop it.
In the end, I stopped hearing Shaka's and Loki's voices, as the vision went completely dark. At that moment, my eyes were closed but I couldn't feel anything, it's as if I was floating in a great suffocating void, since this feeling gives me a little anxiety and fear… did I die?
I don't want to die, I have many things to do! I don't want to leave my life yet, my parents, Haku, they all must be worried…
I was afraid to open my eyes to see only overwhelming darkness, but I plucked up my courage and opened my eyes… The first thing I see is that I am inside the water, how did I get to be at the bottom of the water?! I try to look around to find Haku, but all I see is a big blue horizon…
Oh no! I stayed thinking for too long that I just realized that I am short of breath, what am I going to do? I barely have the strength to swim, I won't make it to the surface in time, I don't want to die yet, I'm not giving up! And just when I was about to give up hope that I could save myself, I see a woman.
This lady, she dove from the surface until she swam up to me. Coincidentally she looked so much like me, she was so strange since she is like an EXACT copy of me, except for her hair color, and her eyes. This woman looked as refined and delicate as a porcelain doll, her long brown hair, blonde?, with eyes that were like seeing the universe in them, and wearing a long dress with small shades of pastel pink .
When "my other self" came towards me, suddenly a field of light formed around the two of us, and she looked at me with her galaxy eyes with great warmth, her delicate hands intertwined with mine, and she gave me a small kiss on the forehead. Then, without opening her mouth, she said these words to me:
-"Don't be afraid dear, you shouldn't be afraid of me. Promise me that NO MATTER what happens, never lose hope and you will always fight against evil in all its forms."-
I nodded several times, giving her to understand that she agreed with what she told me, but at the same time I didn't understand it very well, and "my other self" with a smile answered me with a kind of telepathy:
-"Very well, Y/N Yagami, it's time to wake up, V̴̢̿́̀̂̾̊͛̒̕ö҉ļ̴̬̜̫̣͉̜̞́͑ ██ !"-
Y/N:- WHAT?! - I gasped as air bubbles came out of my mouth.
Suddenly, I woke up in an elegant room, with ancient Greek architecture coming from a palace. The bed, had a Royal State Bed style with a white canopy with gold frames, its sheets were the same color as the canopy, at each corner of the bed there were transparent curtains and elegant as silk.
Trying to calm down for all the weird things that happened to me in less than 10 minutes? I slowly sit on the mattress and lean on the back of the bed to get a better panoramic view of where I was located. The whole room was as big as a penthouse at the Plaza Hotel; for a moment I felt like Macaulay Culkin, in my poor little angel 2, when he thinks out loud "my family is in Florida and I'm in New York" raising both eyebrows very funny.
In the end, I began to look at the room and noticed a balcony to the right of the room, where you could see a large green meadow in the distance and to my left in the background was a kitchen, then a table with chairs for tea … In short, everything was so refined that I could spend a whole day explaining how beautiful it is.
In a moment of reflection I asked aloud, to see if anyone was in the room:
Y/N:- Hello? Could someone tell me where I am? -
Then at that very moment, the door suddenly opened, and a girl with the appearance of a 15 or 16-year-old teenager, with short lilac-colored hair, emerald-colored eyes, wearing an orange jacket, a yellow jacket with a White shirt below, he also wears black shorts with a black mesh on his left leg which he ties with small suspenders, and on his right leg with an anklet and his Converse-style sneakers.
This girl sounds so familiar to me from somewhere, I have her name on the tip of her tongue… I already remembered it wasn't, Göll?!
She carried in her hands a tray, which had a vase with a white rose, cloths, and a glass of water. When Göll saw me sitting on the bed, she turned so pale that she dropped the tray from her hands in astonishment and cried out:
-S-sisters, she's already woken up! Warn Asclepio-sama, that her Excellency is aware!-
Göll:- Your Excellency, 6 months have passed since the accident you suffered near the lake! Now that he woke up from his coma, he will be able to save humanity from extinction, besides, we all miss him very much!" Göll sobbed, several tears streaming from his emerald eyes.
Y/N:- H..hey don't cry, how did I get to this place? and… what do you mean with that supposed accident in the lake? - ask curiously
Y/N: -Oh Jeez! my eardrums… and why do you call me milady or his excellency? -I went back to consult the little valkyrie
Göll:- Because you are the highest authority of valhalla since the creation of the entire universe, one of your titles is your excellence, milady or lady avatar since you were the deity that generates the balance of dharma, karma and that the cycle of life is fulfilled correctly together with his brother Sora.- explained Göll with tenderness and admiration
Y/N: But… I'm not that person, it's a misunderstanding- I explained and then I said- Are you sure they didn't get the wrong person? -she finished asking him
Göll:- Of course you are mylady, we are not mistaken! Take I'll give you a mirror- she said worried
Göll handed me the mirror and at that moment I saw my face… without correction, the face of the woman I saw in the water. My hair color _ changed to this light brown blonde, my complexion was whiter, like I was a porcelain doll, my lips were thin in ulzzang style, and the only thing that stayed a bit the same were my eyes, exactly my color of eyes, but… they looked starry with a little blue glow. What the hell is going on?!
Great, now I'm living the typical cliché of a Webtoon manhwa, in which the main character is “reincarnated” in her favorite series. I mean, it's cool, I get to see my crush Buddha! the problem is… who is this woman and what role does she play? because she's not a canon character, and I don't even know what kind of relationship she has with the characters in the series. What if she hates or doesn't get along with Shaka? If that probability comes true and I find him… what the hell am I going to do?!
When I was about to have an existential crisis trying to figure out the identity of "my other self" and a future relationship with Shaka… The door of the room opens suddenly, revealing a tall man with a good complexion, his hair tousled with an ash blonde sky blue ahoge, medium cut with a long braided ponytail, tied with a tasseled headband. His face was stoic, the man's eyes showed such serenity that it seemed that nothing could get him out of that state, the hue of his irises was so extravagant that it showed an amber color combined with an emerald tone and his pupils were black. What stood out the most in his face was not only his eyes or his white complexion, but also that he had little gold-colored Harry Potter-style glasses that made him look like an adorable person.
In his right hand he held a golden staff, with a snake around it, his clothing was elegant in the ancient Greek style with various gold accessories matching the clothing and with his brown leather sandals.
From the cane and his clothing I could deduce that he was Asclepius, the deity of medicine, although he did not come alone… He was accompanied by a woman, the most important character in the Record of Ragnarok series, with an incredible design, her diva attitude and empowered and with such an imposing voice, thanks to seiyuu Miyuki Sawashiro. A woman hard to forget, the first Valkyrie, and the "creator" of the Ragnarok plan… Brunhilde.
Brunhilde:-Lady avatar, it's a miracle that she woke up!-She exclaimed happily.
Y/N:- Um… but I -I spoke uncertainly but before finishing the sentence the doctor interrupted me.
Asclepio: -His excellency, you must be confused and in shock due to the coma, it is understandable that you are disconcerted- Asclepio intervened
Göll:- Asclepius-sama! I was talking to lady avatar and she was always denying that she is not herself, I even told her about her responsibility as her deity and she still continues to affirm that she is not the avatar- Göll commented shocked.
Brunhilde:- What?! That's not possible Göll… -Brunhilde said and then I could hear her murmur in a very low tone, which neither Göll nor Asclepio heard- is the supposed plan b she told me about, is to enter amnesia? that makes no sense…
Asclepius:- Thank you Göll for reporting, that is one of the symptoms of amnesia, but we still cannot be sure, I will use my staff to verify it and give a diagnosis- the doctor calmly expressed, with a charismatic smile that could reassure To anybody.
When the medicine deity finished speaking, his staff began to glow and the staff snake began to coil around my body. In a moment the reptile finished coiling completely in my body, its eyes connected with mine and I suddenly entered a trance.
Every minute that I spent keeping my eyes on the snake, my head hurt more, it's like a feeling of discomfort and uncertainty. At times, I could watch my memories as if it were a movie; each time those memories became more vivid to a point that it seemed as if he had traveled back in time to live it again.
I even got to that memory in the water with "my other self", but just when he was going to speak to me by telepathy… the trance was suddenly cut off. Little by little, I began to see the luxurious room together with the worried faces of Göll and Brunhilde staring at me.
Asclepius's staff ceased to shine, and the serpent returned to the staff. The doctor's face was pensive, as if he had also seen my memories, his gaze was trying to find a logical explanation until his face suddenly became serious, as if he had found the answer in his head. .
Asclepius: "Please, Valkyrie ladies, leave me alone with the patient, I need to speak with his excellency," Asclepio said seriously with his head bowed.
Brunhilde:- Okay, let's go Göll- she answered courteously.
Göll:- Oh… they call us anything! - exclaimed the little Valkyrie a little indecisively.
They both left the room and closed the door. Leaving me alone with Asclepius, who had a face like this cannot be possible.
Y/N:-why did he ask to talk to me alone? - I consulted the doctor.
Asclepius:- First, put on these glasses, these lenses will help your sight to remain stable since your ocular powers are unstable and they have lost illumination, in this case it generates a slight myopia and astigmatism due to the fact that your soul is not the same that changes the flow of energy- explained Asclepio giving me a pair of round golden glasses.
Y / N: -Wait a minute… How did she have ocular powers and she was enlightened? -I asked puzzled
Asclepius:-That's right, the starry eyes of lady avatar were because she had reached enlightenment and that's how several of her ocular powers originated, one of them was precognition. I also want to tell you that her energy flow, that is, her Chi is different from the avatar. The vital energy of the person in this body is no more and the only thing left to continue living is his own, the problem with this is that I don't know what kind of side effects I could have from this… -he explained to me embarrassed.
Asclepius:- Besides, when the snake saw her memories, nothing matched her memory of her excellence and the only memory that showed the avatar I couldn't see because there was something that had thrown us out of there. Not only her memory is different, but her soul as well, this is much more complex than an "amnesia", she had never seen anything like this…-
Y/N:- I did understand, you don't have the slightest fucking idea how I got here and that's not all… Now I became your new portable battery of this body and the consequences that this could cause you don't know. If you, how the deity of medicine does not know because he never saw a case like this, who could help me? - I said desperately
Asclepius:- The only theories that occur to me are that someone or something has done an experiment with the soul of the avatar and yours… Or that someone of the same rank as her, has a plot to make her go through "amnesia" or that she doesn't is in his right mind. The problem is that we don't know why this happened and why.- Asclepius explained with doubt and concern.
Asclepius:- Although I warn you, be careful with all the gods or entities of any kind, because if they realize that you really are not who you say you are, and that it is a human soul taking her place… I don't know what atrocious things they could do to you .- Asclepio warns seriously and then he affectionately told me- But you can rest easy, as a doctor, this is between patient and doctor, and if you need help with anything or information I will give it to you without hesitation- he finished speaking to me with determination and a sincere smile.
Y/N:- Thank you very much Asclepius, I thank you very much since you do not have the obligation to help me and… - the doctor interrupts me
Asclepius:- Of course not! Not only do I do this for my duty as a doctor, but I am also a human and always doing good is returned to you.- he affirmed with enthusiasm and then with a bit of shyness he said- Besides, I have a good feeling about you and there is something that I cannot explain through science that you transmit to me a kind of… confidence? I don't know how to explain it, I'm sorry if it sounded very strange ha ha ha-
Y/N:- ha ha ha, it's okay and how are you going to explain to others about my "condition"? And do you know the real name of the real woman in this body?
Asclepius:- I will tell you that her diagnosis is Amnesia and I don't know her real name, there are some deities that do know but cannot pronounce it because it is part of one of the rules of the Valhalla protocol, it was rumored that the only exception to the rule was his twin brother Sora, but after the accident at the lake he is missing…- commented Asclepio
Y/N: - I understand… is this Sora still missing? - I asked Aesculapius
Asclepius:- Unfortunately yes… it would be better if I called Brunhilde and Göll since they must be very worried- Asclepius commented
Y/N: - Yes… you're right - I said
Asclepius got up and went to the door. When he opened it, he didn't even have time to say “you can come in now” as all the valkyries pushed poor Asclepius away and rushed towards me to position themselves around the bed. All with tears in their eyes, except Brunhilde since she had seen me before and she had a small warm smile on her face.
Brunhilde:- Asclepio-sama, what is your excellency's diagnosis? Is it so serious that she preferred to discuss it first with the avatar and then with us? - I ask worried
Reginleif:-Our sister Brunhilde is right, does she have a serious pathology and why are her eyes not the same color? - consulted with seriousness and concern the seventh valkyrie
Asclepius:- In principle, lady avatar has amnesia, I was able to verify it with my staff and her memory is blank. There are no memories… I'm sorry, you should be patient with her and regarding her eyes, she lost light due to amnesia and her vital energy flows differently, causing her ocular powers to affect her sight, causing myopia and astigmatism. Asclepius explained calmly.
Randgríðr: That's why the glasses, right? - commented the fourth valkyrie with curiosity
Asclepio:- That's right, these glasses are special since the lenses adapt to the graduation corresponding to the user, they can also change to a dark lens to protect their eyes from the sun, when the user wishes- Asclepio answers with a stoic expression
Hrist:- She doesn't remember us…- said the second Valkyrie with a voice about to break into tears.
Göll:- S-sister Hrist… - Göll stammered, as sad as Hrist
Brúðr:- You two must remain strong in front of your excellency, the one with the amnesia is her… The one who is suffering the most in this situation.- she whispered to the two tenderly
Asclepio:- If something happens or you have a new symptom, let me know immediately and for now you shouldn't bother her with suddenly remembering her memories, since her mind has suffered a lot and her vital energy too.- Asclepio informed and then politely says- With your permission, your excellency and valkyries, I retire.-
Immediately after, the doctor leaves the room and the 13 Valkyries are quite affected by the situation, all with various mixed feelings about my presence, making the atmosphere tense and uncomfortable. Until Alvitr, the tenth of the Valkyries exclaimed in encouragement:
-"Hey! We should be happy because she woke up from the coma, not sad, this is not a wake!"-
Hlǫkk:- Alvitr is right, we should celebrate it. Let's go prepare a tea party in commemoration that our lady is with us safe and sound!- said Hlǫk, the enthusiastic ninth valkyrie
Brúðr:- Of course I do, come on sisters!- Brúðr proclaimed with joy
The 12 Valkyries left the room excited to celebrate the return of "my other self" and the only one who stayed was Brunhilde. She looked at me seriously, and she could see the guilt I have on my face, then the first Valkyrie closed the door and then went to sit next to me…
Brunhilde:- Now that it's just you and me… Let's talk honestly, who are you? -Brunhilde asked and then said the following- because YOU are not lady avatar, her personality, her appearance, even her body language is not the same, you are completely different from her and it is obvious that you do not have amnesia.
Y/N:- It's okay, it's very hard to believe but I need you to believe me, I really have no idea how I got here and I don't intend to lie to you or your sisters either, because I'm not that kind of person.-I explained with sincerity and seriousness in my voice, after that I took a deep breath to calm down and declare the following- My true identity is…
PHEW, The first chapter is finally over! Wow I really worked hard at this job… For those who don't know, the word avatar comes from the Sanskrit avatâra, which means 'descent or incarnation of a god'. In this sense, Hinduism conceives of the avatar as a divine being who descends to earth in the form of a person, animal or any other type of body, with the purpose of reestablishing dharma, or divine law, and saving the world from disorder and the confusion generated by the demons. Like, the deity Vishnu, for example, has had many avatars, and, according to the Hindus, has undergone many incarnations.
I also put Asclepius in this story and since he is not a canonical character… I described him as I could imagine it in anime style. I hope you liked it! (T ▽ T *)
ps: If I have a spelling mistake in this language, I have no problem telling me since English is not my native language. I hope I wrote the characters well! I also put several movie or meme references in the dialogue between Haku and Y/N, even when she narrates. (// ¯ ▽ ¯ //) ps 2: In one part I start to completely describe "the other Y / N," when he is talking to her companion … I'm sorry if I made you dizzy I wanted to be as detailed as possible with her.
♡ Ok that's it! ♡
Have a nice day, afternoon or night!
~Reiko Yukimura~
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