#incorporated terrance
aidenpriceless · 7 months
To: Felix Object: Re: Sharfkace
Terrance is very adamant on stating the importance of the shark motif he likes to incorporate in his aesthetic. He has two shark tattoos, a version of his outfit in which his helmet depicts the open jaw of a shark, he goes by Sharkface, and uses makeup to enhance the fact that the left side of his face resemble a shark's features following…An accident in which my collaborator's usage of laser might have been involved, where he was burnt.
I like to believe that it is his way to cope with having two penises like a shark. I am grateful for having the opportunity to assist him.
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dorielyyy · 8 months
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Wow! This week’s stories were eye-opening and exciting, focusing mainly on “Wet Pain” and “Eve’s Bayou.” Reading the story of “Wet Pain” was one that I had never heard of, with the protagonist just being a witness to a transformation instead of undergoing any change themselves. Through the story by Terrance Taylor, racism has a deep root inside the character, Dean, who is now portrayed as the antagonist when he moves to his ancestral home. Seeing the way he forms hatred for his own best friend is very shocking with the way he is now seen as “infected.” Not only is he physically disabled, but he also carries mental illness with fetishization and racism intoxicating his body. From my perspective, I just do not grasp the concept of how he treats his best friend, who is also African American, morally incorrect while his wife is the same race as Greg. This black horror writing creates confusion with the way Greg and Dean interact regarding their reaction to receiving the Ku Klux Klan photographs. White and male supremacy is also a common trait in the story with Dean’s character, along with his treatment towards Lynn and Greg, in a way that it is seen as less than him. The blend of supernatural behavior and psychological horror is suspenseful and creative in Taylor's works. I believe that this is a different narrative compared to all the other black horror films. The movie “Eve’s Bayou” tells the common theme that “not everything on the outside is the way it seems on the inside.” Due to the Southern gothic and voodoo that is mysteriously incorporated throughout the film, a twist is shown throughout the storyline. The way this movie started cheeringly to portray equality and perfection, resulting in an unveiling of all the secrets and horrors revolving around a family. I find the way this story is told is suspenseful to me with the way that family troubles are occurring with the father having affairs with his patients. Inviting Mozelle, the voodoo aunt, to incorporate supernatural actions throughout the storyline was exciting. “Eve’s Bayou” was not similar to many other movies, where there is family affairs and exclusive secrets, which was what made the story memorable. Whenever there are supernatural characters in horror movies, I feel the movies' intentions are more engaging. Both of these movies had different themes and storylines to portray to the audience, which I enjoyed very much since a unique twist was added. 
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ask-thsc-blog · 1 year
Terrance "who says I don't have a dick~?"
RHM: "No dick that can actually do anything, you incorporeal BITCH"
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feelinsheepish · 1 year
What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
Edgy/misc OC ask meme [accepting]
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/ Well, I'd say his design first off. It wasn't THAT long ago that I adjusted his design and the style that I drew him in, but I originally created him all the way back in 2014.
Literally I just created him for the sake of making a cool and unique centaur at first but then I started to draw him more and more (since sheep are one of my favourite animals) and I began to develop more a story around him.
I think the biggest change storywise and more important to his character that I made was fully incorporating magic into his village and him. At first no one would have had magic and Terrance would just one day discover it when he left the village, but I got inspiration from playing games like DnD and yes, even MLP xD And I decided that I'd give him and his people magic, but weak and dying, like their history.
ALSO, his entire family has changed to. I literally drew them all one day, trying to come up with a more family dynamic to my characters and rather than all just BEING there. Every. Single. One of them has a story and a personality and hopes and dreams now. Thats a big difference.
So yeah. Quite a bit has changed uwu
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onenettvchannel · 1 year
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LATE-BREAKING NEWS: Game Streamer 'JellyBean' briefly exits YouTube due to politically poisonous comments online [#OneNETnewsEXCLUSIVE]
(Prepared by Rhayniel Saldasal Calimpong, Ridley Terrance & Marco Diaz)
TRIGGER WARNING: The following breaking news report remains dangerously graphic in her own video statement. Our news organization of OneNETnews has a strict zero-tolerance policy and we do not promote, aggressively attacking or condone to expose the hate in a political matter. Read our essential disclaimer on this informative news article below, mga ka-Bandera.
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA -- LGBT personality and female game streaming YouTuber 'JellyBean', whose real name "Issa" in America brazenly quits her own video platforms on YouTube, Instagram Reels and TikTok as recently announced last Saturday afternoon (April 1st, 2023 -- Pacific local time).
In an astonishing move, Issa is stepping away from her YouTube channel temporarily due to the excessive amounts of political toxicity and attacking negative comments that she has been receiving online over the past several months. JellyBean rose to fame on YouTube, amassing over 4 million subscribers (excluding Tiktok and Instagram) with her bubbly personality and entertaining content. However, things took a turn when she started to incorporate more politically charged discussions into her videos between the gaming and alleged inappropriate institutions.
Regardless of her endeavors to make a protected and deferential space for all feelings, JellyBean has been immersed with destructive remarks and surprisingly, online provocation. In a final announcement on YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels and TikTok, she revealed that she has had enough and will be taking a break to protect her mental health: "I never thought that discussing politics, gaming and my personality of LGBT would lead to such hate and negativity... I want my channel to be a place of kindness and positivity, but I cannot continue to subject myself to this kind of toxicity", Issa said in her video statement.
JellyBean officially commits hate crime against their online victims as many of her fans expressed their support for her decision, with many urging her to take all the time she needs to feel comfortable returning to content creation. JellyBean wasn't said when she'll be back on YouTube and among all video platforms, but for the time being, she told her fans to spread positivity and kindness in their own lives.
Per our writing, this was actually a no joke for April Fools. OneNETnews cannot independently verify the authenticity of this online video announcement. The tale of JellyBean serves as a reminder of the strength and impacting of hate speech to be published online, in addition to the importance of safeguarding one`s intellectual health. As we navigate this ever-evolving virtual landscape, it is really crucial that we continue to be aware of the phrases and movements they take online.
SOURCE: *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtCkLthSVZc *https://www.tiktok.com/@beannothere/video/7217205175637806378 *https://twitter.com/BeanNotHere/status/1642274464120569856 *https://www.instagram.com/p/CqgijPHDGkY/ and *https://pastebin.com/raw/970JDBd3
IMPORTANT HONEST DISCLAIMER: The readers and opinions expressed from this Breaking News Report are not necessarily those of YouTube LLC. One LGBT suspect will not be imitated in any political matter. Furthermore, the assumptions of this B.N.R. will NOT state, intervene, or reflect those of our Radyo Bandera Patrol reporters. The show, the station, the management, interwebs, and the network. Thanks for reading and stay safe, mga Ka-Bandera!!!
-- OneNETnews Team
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bleakfated · 1 year
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BASICS: name: kyle terrance moore age: 40s-50s gender & pronouns: male, he/him sexuality: heterosexual faceclaim: timothy olyphant occupation: linguistic professor, art gallery owner location: palo alto, california
PERSONALITY: positive traits: compassionate, intuitive, gentle, intelligent negative traits: idealistic, impractical, sacrificing, credulous
APPEARANCE: scars: none tattoos: none piercings: none
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Kyle Moore was born to an affluent family in San Francisco, California. The youngest of four sons, the boys were always urged to pursue their true passions. Kyle's were art and language and he became fluent in nine languages and proficient in many others by the time he was 25. Kyle met the love of his life Clarissa Mattson early in his sophomore year of college when she pulled him aside to discuss a charity fundraiser with the art community on Stanford University's campus. He proposed during the middle of their junior year and they were married shortly after graduation. The two welcomed two daughters, Jessica and Alyssa, into the world and lived a rather picturesque life. That was until Jessica died in an apartment fire on Stanford's campus. When her boyfriend fled town and the FBI started asking questions, Kyle was always quick to defend the young man. He felt he could read people well and anyone Jessica trusted with her heart had to have a good one themselves. He and Clarissa followed Alyssa to Stanford, where Kyle is now a linguistics professor and owns an art gallery that showcases young artists, dedicated to Jessica.
Kyle Moore was born to an affluent family in San Francisco, California on February 19, 1961. The youngest of four sons, there was rarely a dull moment in his household. His father, James Moore was the cofounder of a successful brewing company and his mother Cheryl Moore was a well respected psychiatrist. Kyle and his siblings James Jr, Mark, and Steven had plenty of time to explore the city they called home and pursue any hobby they set their mind to. From the second he stole a paintbrush out of his mother's hand when he was three, Kyle's hobby had always been the pursuit of art. Additionally, he picked up a love for linguistics from his father who had dual majored at Stanford University in both business and linguistics. His mantra was that he wouldn't give up the things he was most passionate about for the pursuit of money. Therefore, a lot of his father's free time was spent translating and teaching college courses around the city. Kyle was a quick study and always bugged his father for lessons on various languages until he could learn on his own.
Excelling in high school, he played soccer and ran track in addition to playing saxophone in the band and being involved in student council. He volunteered at retirement homes throughout the area on Saturday mornings, helping activity directors incorporate arts and crafts into their programming. All of this with the goal of getting into his parent's alma mater -- Stanford University. All of his siblings had went for various careers and being the unplanned runt of the litter, Kyle felt that it was duty to follow in his sibling's rather large footsteps. He got a part time job at a grocery store to help him save up for college. Juggling everything was extremely taxing, but he pulled through with nearly perfect grades. The very limited free time he had was immersed in art, studying the greats and developing his own style with his favorite medium: paint. Stepping out of high school with the valedictorian title and stepping on to Stanford's campus for the first time as a student with a full ride was well worth it.
From a young age he had agreed to live by his father's mantra. But he wasn't the same man. While his father enjoyed beer, business, and the languages Kyle enjoyed art, the languages, and teaching. His ultimate goal was to become a college professor of some of the nine languages he was mostly fluent in (with many others he only knew moderately well). In addition to that, translating scientific papers would be flexible money. The rest of his time would be spent devoted to art, with the hopes of opening his own gallery some day far down the line. He rushed Sigma Nu, the oldest fraternity at Stanford, his freshman year. Kyle couldn't deny the benefits of being involved in such a great, involved organization and was sure the association would help him throughout his life. It seemed well rooted, rather than an excuse to party, which he thoroughly enjoyed. He had no idea going in that he would meet the love of his life through its affiliation with Pi Beta Phi. At this stage of his life, having a wife and a family of his own was not yet on his radar.
That was until he met her. Greek socials were a great way to strengthen ties and brainstorm joint events that would make the university look good, which would in turn benefit the Greek organizations. This had been one of those events, a small social with a little bit of purpose that would dissolve a little bit throughout the night. Clarissa Mattson, he had heard the name tossed around a few times but hadn't gotten the chance to meet her. Not until she walked up to him and nearly dragged him out of a conversation he was having with his fellow brothers. Always determined, she had an idea for a charity fundraiser with the art department and Kyle took at least one class a semester and was president of the art club -- the obvious point of contact in the fraternity. The two ended up planning the bulk of the event together on their own. It didn't take very long for Kyle to ask her out on a date. After that, the two were basically inseparable. His more flexible schedule allowed him to find time amidst her countless hours of studying for her premed courses.
Kyle and Clarissa got engaged during their senior years at Stanford and married just a few weeks after he graduated with his degrees in linguistics and education. The pair had had many discussions over the past few years and decided that it was a good time to start their family. They wanted to start their family right away instead of lose the opportunity for a whirlwind of years while she was in medical school. Ultimately the decision was made that she would take a gap year before applying to medical school. The stress and unpredictability of making the pregnancy work out perfectly so that the baby was born during the summer wasn't something they wanted to risk her having to quit in the middle of a year. They soon discovered that they might have been able to swing the timing just right when Clarissa got pregnant nearly right away. Only ten months after their wedding, their first daughter Jessica Lee Moore was born on January 24, 1984.
Kyle was able to teach high school German and Spanish while he worked on his doctorate degree primarily through night classes. Clarissa spent her year off helping balance the schedule their infant and continuing to gain medical experience as an EMT and assisting one of her professors with research on campus. Before they knew it Jessica was out of diapers and Kyle was nearly finished with his doctorate while Clarissa embarked on her residency journey. It wasn't until Jessica was about to start kindergarten when the subject of more kids became more serious (partly due to their daughter's incessant begging). They wanted a bit of the craziness to die down with their own educations before adding another child to the mix so that they would be able to work around Clarissa's schedule. Her second year of residency seemed to be the best option because she had one with an awesome preceptor that would allow her to adapt her schedule more than most would.
Alyssa Rae Moore was born prematurely on December 28, 1989. Born at 31 weeks old, she was in the NICU for over a month and a half. That meant carting Jess back and forth whenever he could and sometimes fighting Clarissa home to get some sleep on a decent mattress or let him stay with her for the night. It was a challenge, but their little fighter came out of it strong with no health problems. With a great family beside them, Kyle and Clarissa were able to live out their aspirations and spend time with their children. Jessica took to art and had some great raw talent from a young age. Alyssa was more into dancing and soccer, both of which Kyle could admire since he was pretty sure he had stepped on Clarissa's feet every single time they had danced together. Both of his daughters excelled in school despite never getting pressured to do so by their parents. Perhaps they felt pressured on their own but Kyle liked to think that it was in their blood.
The family did everything together. Very outdoorsy, the couple was never afraid to use their vacation or sick days for hiking trips throughout the west coast where they had settled in San Francisco into their first home given to them by Kyle's older brother Mark, shortly after Clarissa finished up her residency. Trips to Stanford weren't uncommon either. They were decently charitable and would never miss the CalU football game (or the first home game if CalU wasn't played at the Stanford Stadium). This caused both Moore girls to fall in love with the campus, making it their goals to attend just as Kyle had at their age. It was an extremely proud moment to help Jessica move in in the fall of 2002. Pursuing the career of a pediatrician like her mother, Jess also vowed to stay involved in the art community on campus which prompted Kyle to give her his most enthused tour of the campus. Unfortunately, Jessica's admittance to Stanford would ultimately lead to the greatest tragedy for the Moore family.
At the tail end of Jessica's sophomore year, she started to date a boy named Sam Winchester. From what he gathered from Alyssa, he was 'the cutest boy on campus' that was a bit mysterious but was very sweet. They met Sam a few times on Stanford's campus and he had come home with Jess for one of the breaks due to Jess insisting that he couldn't spend the time off alone in his apartment. Instantly, Kyle could sense his kind soul and how desperately he cared for his daughter. Despite wanting to be critical, he liked talking with the law student and approved of him greatly. Nothing prepared Kyle for the call he got late at night in November 2005. Jessica had perished in an apartment fire that Sam was able to escape. The boy skipped town and never returned to Stanford, which Kyle could understand. It was difficult as hell to keep on living in the house he had raised his daughter in.
The family was lost in grief for over a year. Alyssa worked hard to keep going, always distracted herself. When she kept her stance to stay on track to Stanford, her father reminded her resolve. Maybe all of them were chasing ways to get closer to their Jessie. Shortly after Alyssa was accepted early decision into the university, Kyle and Clarissa resolved to leave San Francisco behind. Kyle gets a job teaching linguistics and languages at Stanford and Clarissa was hired at Stanford's Primary Care Office. Somehow, this wasn't enough. Kyle saved up for a couple of years and was able to open an art gallery that would display the art of young artists from the University and the general public in honor of his daughter. Currently, Kyle still teaches at Stanford and runs his art gallery, hoping to find something to fill the hole losing his daughter left in his heart and dumbfounded by the images of Sam Winchester floating around the news.
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psyrapmafia · 4 years
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I'm a complete simp for Terrence and will forever be broken that Incorporated only lasted 9 episodes. I did another more toony version of this study but it will be exclusive for @traceyactor.
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reddus-sideblog · 2 years
M.E.R.C.s - The Widowmaker
7-21-890 AR
How did I even get here? he thought idly. The action of reloading his high frequency axe was practically mechanical. Turn off the engine, hold down the clutch, close the valve, undo the latch, toss empty canister, place new canister, redo latch, reopen valve release clutch. The empty canister clattered across the dimly lit tile floor before sliding into the growing pile of blood oozing out of the murdered corporate security officers. Terry paused before turning on the engine of his weapon, letting himself fall into reverie for a moment.
    It all started with that damn film. When he was just a kid he’d watched Mercenary II: Revengant, and it was his favorite movie for years to come. Its visceral action, stone-cold protagonist, and intense style had made an impression on his young mind. Despite how much his father had scowled at him when he’d said that he wanted to be a mercenary when he grew up, he’d felt the same way when he signed up to be an official, licensed M.E.R.C. at 18. All the years up until then he’d been a devout fan of the Mercenary movies, and had gotten into his school’s gun club to learn everything he could about weapons of all sorts. Then, ten years after seeing that movie, Terrance Wood put his name into the Newland City M.E.R.C Registry and he’d begun the next chapter of his life. At the time he couldn’t give a damn that his wealthy, vert sector family was disowning him for becoming a soldier of fortune.
    The dim auxiliary lighting of the lobby was only interrupted by the occasional flicker of the broken screen blaring some ad for life insurance behind Terry. It had been shot a few times while he dispatched the corpsec, and it was dying just as slowly as the guards who’d injured it. They’d been sealed in with him when the building’s lockdown system activated, putting down armored security shutters over all the windows near the ground and activating any electronic lock in the building. They weren’t ready to be locked in with a MERC who had an HF axe and a killing intent, leaving the corpsecs like rats stuck in a pen with a hungry crawhound.
    Much like the fight in the lobby, the past 14 years since he’d signed up had been something of a blur. Back when he was a fresh-faced, gung ho gun he’d worked with the Mercenary-Contractor Association, and he’d stayed with them for a good few years. The pay was OK, but his Handler was a soulless asshole of a chimera, who dropped him after he lost an eye and then some in a dicey engagement over the property rights of an oldtech dig site, that he’d had very pointedly sent Terry to pursue. The shot that had taken out his eye had taken a bit of brain matter out along with it, and it was truly a miracle that he’d survived. The brain damage and lost eye laid him up in the hospital for months, and it cleared out most of his savings that he’d managed to put together while living the high life of a successful mercenary.
    Terry could hear the clack and jangle of the Power Motors Incorporated soldiers stacking up outside of the lobby, just as he’d hoped. After killing the Illigan regional manager he’d really kicked the rokabee nest, and he was going to have to chop his way out through a mass of corpo bodies. As much as he was being paid an exorbitant amount of gold for this job he couldn’t imagine making a corporate soldier’s wage and sticking his neck out for the well being of any other employees. But really, that had never been the life for him.
    After the incident he’d had a lot of problems speaking, and getting used to the vision from his new cybernetic eye had been difficult. However, not long after he’d finally gotten used to it he was discharged and out on the streets. Back then he’d barely had anything, besides the tattered clothes on his back and a bank account with only double digits in it. He spent some of his last gold bullion on some bargain bin weapons from a pawnshop and went to hunt down his previous handler. Payback’s a bitch when it comes back around, and he barely left enough for his deceased employer’s wife to recognize him by. With no real plans after the pre-meditated murder, Terry was glad that he’d been noticed by the Sable Foundation talent scout who’d been stalking him. He signed up with the organization right then and there, his hands still slick with the blood from his old boss. 
    A heavy “thunk” pierced his thoughts. They were placing a breaching charge on a side door to the lobby. He still had a few moments, and he was in no rush to betray his presence to the soldiers. Terry pulled a chaff grenade out of his bandoleer. These last few years had made him a lot of money, so he could afford some fun tools. The soldiers were likely going to have some cybernetic enhancements or VIZ systems, so some chaff would really fuck with them, and he was able to fight in close combat with a single eye very well. If they were sufficiently disoriented by the shimmering cloud of particulate they’d be easy prey for the axeman.
    After agreeing to join the Foundation, Terry had yet again seen the end of his previous life. The Foundation was a good employer for him, they cared little about legality and they paid out well. After his first few jobs he’d been able to afford a proper apartment, a new cyber-eye, and a full kit of weaponry, armor, and tools for his work as an assassin. It was still going well, really. The job to assassinate the head of the Illigan branch of Power Motors Incorporated was a fairly high profile mission, even for Terry, but it would make him enough gold to retire on at the age of 32. It had only taken him a truly monumental amount of murder and working for a shady, semi-legal assassin-for-hire organization to get here. He was looking forward to getting home and ordering something greasy and salty in celebration of another job well done.
    The armored door on his left side flew across the lobby with enough velocity to leave it wedged into the concrete wall across the wide foyer. The fire and smoke from the explosion had barely cleared as he lobbed the cylindrical explosive towards the blasted doorframe. The second explosion from the perfectly timed grenade swallowed the entrance in silvery smoke that was tinted crimson by the emergency lights. The additional detonation and chaff-ridden smoke left the corpsols confused, if their disorganized yelling and confusion was anything to go by.
    Terry almost smiled as he grabbed the ripcord for his axe’s high frequency engine. This was going to be easy. He held the cord with his left hand and the HF axe’s haft in his right and pulled the wire taut with single motion and gunned the throttle. The weapon’s engine roared to life like an awakened demon hungering for gore and mutilation. He was already running towards the chaff cloud as the voices within went quiet for a moment. The screaming was about to start. He pulled the thrumming axe head back and targeted the nearest set of glowing VIZ system lenses before slamming it down. The explosion of blood splattered Terry’s front side as he cleaved a corporate soldier’s head into two, ragged, bloody, unrecognizable chunks.
    This was a great job.
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lissy-strata · 4 years
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Infotext: The helicopter did not feature in the draft, but Timothy Combe thought the scene as written did not work. So he and Terrance Dicks rewrote it, incorporating the helicopter to give the Doctor and Jo a plausible means of escape from the area. This meant that the helicopter had to be retained by the production for longer than originally intended adding to the overspend.
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cosplayinamerica · 5 years
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Indigenous Punk Wonder Woman // Cosplayer : Dezbah Rose // Photo : Terrance Clifford
When people ask how long I’ve been cosplaying, I always tell them that I’ve been dressing up my entire life. Crafting our Halloween costumes has always been something that my family did together, and that just translated over into my adult life. I feel like such a badass when I finish making a costume and put on all the pieces for the first time. I always say to myself, “wow, I made this.” It’s like I’m putting on my battle armor and going out to face the world. It’s nothing less than empowering to become a character that you identify with and idolize.
So initially, I had made an Indigenous Wonder Woman cosplay that was inspired by my Navajo culture and artwork by comic illustrator Shaun Beyale. From there, I wanted to create a casual/contemporary version of her that also incorporated my love of punk and metal music. Thus the creation of Indigenous Punk Wonder Woman (I know it’s a long title, but I wasn’t sure what else to call it) So this cosplay was easy to put together. It was just items from my closet or the thrift store: denim vest/jacket, denim shorts, scarf, jewelry, and combat boots. The floral scarf is common in Indigenous fashion nowadays, and luckily I owed a yellow one that would signify her crown. The vest and jacket were both uncycled and originally blue. But I dyed them red and added patches of my redesigned WW/Thunderbird logo
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Indigenous Pop X and Indigenous Comic Con is a place for Indigenous creators from all over to the world to assemble and bask in each other’s nerdiness. We always welcome both Indigenous and non-Indigenous visitors at the con, because the purpose of it is to share our stories as contemporary Indigenous peoples. Often the pop culture likes to display Native people in the historical past, something that once was, or outdated stereotypes. But we’re still here, and we’re artists, authors, chefs, scientists, pro-wrestlers, actors, and nerds too. My favorite part of IPX and ICC is seeing all the incredible things our people are creating and building for the next generations of Indigenous people.
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Terrance Dicks had an immeasurable impact on the original Doctor Who series. Not only was he a writer of a number of classic-era stories, and the script editor for many more, but he was single-handedly responsible for writing at least half (if not more) of the 150 or so novelizations of classic-era stories published over a 20-year period by Target Books. He even dipped his toe into the new series, writing two Tenth Doctor novellas for the Quick Reads line about a decade ago, and he also contributed to the Bernice Summerfield spin-off franchise. Ironically he only wrote a half dozen TV scripts for Who himself, but they included The War Games (co-written with Malcolm Hulke, which introduced the Time Lords and regenerated Patrick Troughton); Robot (which introduced Tom Baker); the classic Brain of Morbius (though he didn’t care for how it was rewritten so he used the pseudonym Robin Bland); and The Five Doctors. During the interregnum he also helped keep Who alive by writing several independent spin-off productions, most notably the film Shakedown: Return of the Sontarans, that took advantage of a loophole that allowed non-BBC productions spun-off from Who so long as BBC-owned characters - primarily the Doctor - didn’t appear; Dicks later adapted Shakedown as a novel for the Virgin New Adventures line - where he was finally able to incorporate the Seventh Doctor into his story.
He will be missed. RIP.
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artwitchpath · 7 years
SAW: Sun Stone Meditation
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Sun Stones are an easy way to incorporate the sun into your daily meditative practice through art. Let’s talk a little bit about Mandalas, where they come from and how we can draw inspiration from them to incorporate into our art witchery.
“Mandala is the term for a chapter, a collection of mantras or verse hymns chanted in Vedic ceremonies, perhaps coming from the sense of round, as in a round of songs. The universe was believed to originate from these hymns, whose sacred sounds contained the genetic patterns of beings and things, so there is already a clear sense of Mandala as world-model. The word mandala itself is derived from the root ‘manda’, which means essence, to which the suffix la, meaning container, has been added. Thus, one obvious connotation of mandala is that it is a container of essence.“     -Nitin Kumar
Originating as part of the Buddhist religion, these sacred geometric creations have captivated the imagination of Westerns. We need to look no further than our local super market or bookstore to find mandala themed adult coloring books. These are far from true Mandalas of course which are created by Buddhist monks who train for several years learning symbology and artistic processes before creating their ritual works. (Seeing one made is a special treat, click here to watch).
For our project we will be drawing inspiration from these beautiful creations to inform our imagery, allowing our minds to drift into a creative meditative or Terrance state, and infusing our creations with intent. Begin by gathering stones, either collected locally or store bought, and painting materials (Acrylic paints work best for this project but feel free to experiment).
To begin paint a center circle, seed, or drop. This is where outside energy is drawn to and where later, energy can be drawn from. From there you can experiment with different sized circles, organic or inorganic shapes, or personal symbolism for the sun. 
While painting allow yourself to drift into a slight trance or meditative state. You may choose to chant an affirmation, a written spell, or poetry (either out loud or internally), play music which facilitates your connection with the sun, or simply be mindful and in the moment.
You can choose to infuse your stone in a number of ways. Maybe you have already done so throughout the creation process, maybe you leave it to soak up sunlight between sunrise and sunset for a day, or you visualize light being infused into it. I hope you guys enjoy this project, please tag it with #saw or #solarartwitchery so I can see your unique creations and celebrate the sun with you!
Light and Love
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dfwnews · 2 years
Savage Sip Coffee: Great Tasting Coffee for Everyone
Savage Sip Coffee: Great Tasting Coffee for Everyone
In recent times, the trend of drinking coffee in different ways has become a common sight to see nowadays. Coffee can be made in a large variety of ways and several drinks have them incorporated to the mix. Everyone likes to drink coffee one way or another as you can see several prominent figures such as Ted Nugent and Terrance Mckinney showing their love online. We usually enjoy spending time…
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peaamlipoetrydoctor · 2 years
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Reading Sixth Finch (Winter 22 issue)
This little project to revisit NaPoWriMo 2022 material just MIGHT take me longer than I'd initially imagined... Sixth Finch was Maureen Thorson's journal shoutout from 01 April and I'm still reading my way through the Winer 22 issue she pointed to. (Yes, that's right, the first one she did, as the early-bird prompt posted on 31st March was just that - a prompt, but none of the additional supporting materials.)
WELL worth it -
I've vm enjoyed Nicole Callihan's two poems (one, a fragmented poem about time passing, the other, fashioned from a phrase, "the cat is black" that had been advised as something to write when the writing hits a wall - and which appears several times).
I was horrified by the topic Jenny Irish confronts in her prose poem, Ethical Concerns, about the Lion Attacking a Dromedory Diorama at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. Which, hailing from the other side of the Pond, I'd never heard about but which sounds colonial-imperial-awful on several levels and is now also revealed to involve the desecration of human remains (a skull, incorporated as part of the internal structure of the mannequin).
As Irish puts it, "the mannequin's endless scream spills from a human mouth". [Insert reciprocal horror reaction of choice here.]
And then, at the end of the issue, I discovered an example of one of my current favourite poetic forms, the Golden Shovel - this one, by D.S. Waldman and fashioned in response to the line from Maggie Nelson at the top of this blog entry -
I have been trying for some time now to find dignity in my loneliness.
This, from Bluets (published 2009 in the US, by Wave Press, and apparently not until 2017 in the UK, which I would like to use as my excuse for not having read any Maggie Nelson but probably - can't.)
I love LOVE the Golden Shovel - a form in which the new poem is composed of lines that end, progressively with each word of the source quote. Invented by Terrance Hayes, honoring and responding to Gwendolyn Brooks.
I also love what I have been grandly calling the "reverse Golden Shovel" (the quote-word goes at the beginning of the line, not the end) - until I was rather brought down to earth by the NaPoWriMo prompt that pointed out this is effectively an acrostic (just with words not letters).
WHY do I love this form?
Because it is explicitly in dialogue with another writer (although slightly covertly, if that's not an immediate contradiction);
Because it's a bit clever - I do like clever writing and Golden Shovels have a faint aura of cyphers/code-breaking (though again, to be immediately contrary, they're not exactly hard to break); and
Because the form introduces a particular kind of constraint which - in my opinion - is very effective for engaging the sub-conscious (in the spirit of "how on earth am I going to get this sentence to land THERE?") ... always assuming the poet will let the sub-conscious do its thing (it's always more than possible to squash the signal!).
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