#in this house we stan ryan bergara
shaniacsboogara · 1 year
Can someone please send Ryan Bergara some evidence??? He's gone through a complete character arc on his relentlessly heroic quest and put on an absolutely showstopping performance in each and every one of his little videos. He deserves a treat.
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rycnbergara · 7 years
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i love them
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themartinarchives · 6 years
Highlights from Ryan and Shane Make Each Other on the Sims
“How do I make this head as big as possible” how did i know, immediately, that Ryan would go there
“We do have the same boots. Look at this. We kill ghouls in these boots!” i love how Ryan is still so excited about their matching boots that’s so fucking cute
“I don’t live with him, despite popular belief” pardon??? this is literally the first i’ve heard of this lmao
“I’d be a little hurt if he doesn’t like the version of Shane I’ve made him, to be honest.” ryan bergara continues to be adorable i love one (1) man
Lil Sourpuss Bergara
“That’s insufferable. I love it.”
Kelsey’s really pushing this sleepover thing
“I don’t wanna put knowledge because he doesn’t respect science.” AKJDFGAHJDSGFALSKFDJLK CALL HIM OUT
Why was Kelsey so surprised that Ryan threatens to kill Shane constantly, has she never watched the show??
“I think eventually he will start murdering people when he runs out of ideas for True Crime.” AWIEGRJHSDFSDJHFASDJKFGAJSK tbh...i can see it #rickygoldsworthunleashed
“And I, as well, could not make you a foot below average height.” my aesthetic is these two roasting each other for literally the same two things every damn day
“I beefed it?! I’m acting at the behest of you here!” idk if i’ve mentioned this but i love ryan’s need to use SAT words in everyday life
“That’s what you get for phoning it in!”
“Are you ready for your party outfit?” “No, frankly, i’m not ready.”
I watched this video three times already today I love these dumb boys so much
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wetookanoath · 5 years
Supernatural Season 6 | The Haunting of Loey Lane.
Shane and his Shaggy cosplay are everything I need to know to be asured this episode will be iconic. And look a thim go. I love him.
I am way too distracted by Ryan’s buttons being open, I’m sorry, I cannot fuction now.
“Oh, no voice this time?” Okay, but Shane’s smile is... fjnfiwsmdikr. Why is this man like this? Anyway... Ryan’s laugh and the way he just, turns on Host Mood again, holy shit.
The way Ryan is narrating this episode is even more precious when you look at the credits and see that he himself wrote this episode. “From guru to booru”, I fucking hate you, Shane. Ryan’s face, tho. That look between done and fond, same.
“I was very respectful”, honey you were high in medicine, shut up.
Weekend At Ghoul HQ, starring Ryan Bergara and real size doll Shane. “I believe you believe” it’s the creepiest shit, stop that.
Growing up in a haunted farmhouse? Same. Oh gosh, jokes aside, I’m gonna say this right now... I’m not going to discuss in public whatever I believe in what may happen in this episode or not. I’ve been realizing slowly that I don’t feel comfortable talking about these things online because believing has a lot to do with faith to me, and faith is part of my life in a way that is too important to me. That said, watch me make fun of my own faith all the time and discuss whatever else you guys wanna talk about with me regarding the show, the boys, etc.
Loey saying she has never been scared of ghosts it’s exactly how I feel about the paranormal and the supernatural in general. I mean, I don’t claim having any kinds of powers or touch, or what have you. But god, I would be so happy and enchanted by seeing a supernatural being right in front of me. And whatever may scare me sometime, it’s always human doing, it’s always natural, tangible, there. And even then, I do like being scared. So there’s that, I guess.
“Are we Bruce Willis in this situation?” how the hell did that came from what they were talking about, lmao. Another Willis mention this season, Mr. Die Hard will end up becoming part of the inside jokes in this fandom at some point.
“I love a little stirring” Shane looks so excited about doing Some Bullshit in this episode, and I saw how chaotic he was in his solo, I can’t wait to see it by myself. LMAO, this bit is both funny and kind of adorable. Also, witches AU.
“Why would you come to us uf you want us to fix it?” An excellent question I don’t understand either, to be honest. The show is not about actually hunting enthities or debunking shit, so this is... come on. I think we know what it is, lmao. But it’s fine, I like this House Call shit.
No ofense, but using a 100 hundred years old Ouija board as a decoration is like a horror movie plot where white people are white people about it. I love it.
*Rubs eyes and sighs deeply*
... What is Shane doing with his tongue? I, I, I don’t like that... Not a fan... Put that tongue back in your mouth, Shane. I don’t like this bit.
Shane calling Ryan a, like, passionate paranormal investigator and the bitch immediatelly saying he is insane is my aesthetic and also yet again, a great summary of the show.
“This is the part where you learn how truly boring it is to be a ghost hunter”, lmao. Talking about these parts, I love the colors we get from the cameras each time, I can’t wait to make the edit for this episode.
Oh man, it must be something to see these two grown ass men saying and doing stupid shit to get ghosts to listen to them and do something But also, Shane slowly walking towards Ryan to film a super close-up of his eyes, OKAY. They are so stupid.
That... that is a werid thing, Shane is right. Oh man, this is giving me flashbacks to that serial killer dude in The X Files that was obssessed with women’s hair/cleaning them up for burials. 
Okay, that thing Shane just did with his mouth knocked me out for a bit. Imma head out. “That sounds demonic”, this better not be the season’s demon investigation. And oh look, what’s a supernatural season without Shane giving hints of him being a demon? It makes it funnier how he never really talks about it anywhere. Like he obviously knows aboutt he fandom’s joke, and I’m sure he keeps doing shit like this to feed it, but it all becomes even better when he just... never says shit about it. It’s always Ryan the one who answers when asked about it.
Cats do tend to get spook at everything and look up for no reason at all, every time my cats do that and one of nieces or nephew is around and asks about it, I always go “oh, he is just seeing the ghost that lives here” and then their mothers want to kill me.
Yeah, you don’t... do that. Horror movie 101. Don’t ever give permission to shit to enter. “Hey, can I come in?” “No, bitch, go away” is always the answer lol.
This bitch ass thingy in her home really is there because of her. If there’s something in there, it’s not the place, it’s her. Also bitch ass demons as always listening to Shane is everything.
I.. like how Shane looks in that blue lighting. “Oh, you know what? Not bad, not bad”, why is he like this. 
Ryan’s metaphores are excellent, imagine him giving talks to his future children by using weird ass metaphore and the kids just... staring at him. 
“I’ll take you home with me, I don’t care” LMAO, imagine this idiot walking into his apartment, “Hey Sara? I got a demon, can we keep him?” “No” “Too late, I told him he is staying!”
“Assert my dominance” the smile? Awwww. The awkward moves of his hand, fjnvidnfir, Ryan is so fucking cute, makes me cry.
... What is Shane doing? I love how they just leave Shane’s whatever there while Ryan talks to Loey, fkjdniednfirnfgirt. Do that more often. Love that hair, also. Long hair is the best hair.
Shane literally saying he will use all the power he has gotten by defeating demons it’s such a powerful prompt. He is giving us the power to create shit, use it well, demon Shane writers and fanartists. “Alakazam! Big bang boom, hope you like hell, you loser.”, I fucking love this dork.
“What does that mean? You guys have inside jokes?” “Yeah, we bonded” JFNIERDNFIRF SHANE.
Loey is me and Shane is my brother, this is how we usually talk when one of us is saying some bullshit kfdndiofmkirg
“What’s your name? Come on, what’s your name? I know that gives away your power”, Ryan out there getting advice on demon hunting by The Conjuring 2 is the biggest mood. No, but for real-- there’s actually plenty of myths and cultures that believe the way to defeat some sort of evil is by knowing its name. It’s really interesting, the kind of power we really do give to names.
Not really a fan of this. Man, I really hope this is not the season’s demon investigation.
Ryan Steven Bergara Stop Saying You Are Annoying Or Ugly Or Whatever Negative Shit You Are Always Saying About Yourself Challenge.
This is such a “So... you come here often?” type of situation, djnfisndief, I love this. And we are back at the ‘I hate Shane’ bit again, I really stan a twelve years old. The fond voice with which Shane says “I mean, you are having fun”, awwwwwww. Cuties.
Shane looks hella cute doing his fornite dance, I hate him.
Did that shit just laugh after scaring this poor woman? JFNFIENFIERNIGF
Christ almighty, Ryan looks so fucking small at Shane’s side, what the hell? Also, this is so... damn adorable. Shane trying to teach Ryan how to do the dance, it’s hella cute. Oooohhmmmygoodddddd, I’mmmmm meltinnngggggggggg... Ryan’s little dance, djnfienf he is such a bad dancer, I love him so much.
This poor woman is having a breakdown in there and these two bitches are just being... whatever the hell they are doing, lmao. “You are suggesting a ghost farted in my face?” “Yeah” AHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Ryan suggesting the demon is asking her out for a drink and looking at Shane while doing so, jfniednfir what the fuck is that. This demon suitor just doesn’t know how to ask her out on a date, lmao.
“Our job here is done!” and Loey’s reaction, dkjnfeinfir same.
Get haunted for the aesthetic, why not? Interesting episode.
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petalbursting · 5 years
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can be used for RP  &&  non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen
1. FIRST NAME  : amanda
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF  : i ate grass as a kid once, unprompted. we were pretending to be horses or deer or something and it just seemed like the natural thing to do. i committed but it wasn’t great 0/10 wouldn’t recommend grass
3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON  :  i don’t really pay attention to physical stuff much ??  honestly the first thing that attracted me to my fiance was his voice... but i also like eyes too i guess ? they don’t have to be super unique or anything, i just like eye colors a lot. and uhhh... hands? to hold? 
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF  : chicken. just any iteration of chicken
5. A FOOD YOU HATE  : brussels sprouts. i know that’s super cliche but i will literally eat SO MANY veggies and that one just... nothing can doctor it enough for me to eat it. not lathering it in bacon or butter or frying it or ANYTHING i just HATE that shit
6. GUILTY PLEASURE  : ship talk, probably. i’m more open about it than i used to be but it’s still not something i used to do a lot bc i was... a serial blog floater --- i never felt like i was on a blog or in a fandom long enough to be a ‘reliable’ ship partner. 
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN  :  usually just a t-shirt. i’ll wear bottoms to lounge around the house in, but i usually sleep in a t-shirt and that’s it
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS  : sir this is a wendy’s and i’m getting married
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE  ,  WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE  : there’s things i would change but i’d rather not get into them bc they’re personal/trauma-related --- but on a less serious note, i’d try to hold on tighter to my connections with people instead of isolating.
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON  :  yeah, but only when i’m comfortable with someone. i kinda had to... learn to be affectionate ?? so i still worry it comes off as awkward or too clingy or too much
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN  :  young frankenstein, christmas vacation, & dogma --- the unholy trinity.
12. FAVORITE BOOK  :  bro you can’t just ask someone w/ an english degree that my concentration was literally literature
13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE  : at this moment in time i’d take any animal --- a dog, a cat, a bunny, a ferret, anything. it sucks being alone at night man
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS   (  IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG  ,  YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL  )  : just basing this off my top five ships for rubes uhhh ---- rosewater obviously holds a special place in my heart, even if it’ll never fucking happen in the show. after that there’s ladybug, nuts & dolts, whatever ship name she and sun might have, whatever ship name she and nora might have, and honestly some decent fucking therapy & self-worth
15. PIE OR CAKE  : mmm cake
16. FAVORITE SCENT  :  roses, sandalwood, coconut. not necessarily all together, just --- those’re my top three
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH  :  i dont really have one i just see a hot celeb with a range and i stan
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO  : i’ve already been to london and paris, but i would love to visit the less touristy places in both countries ! also would like to revisit london, go to germany’s christmas markets, uhhhh... spain, scotland, the med in general... i’d love to travel in theory, i just hate flying bc the ocean scares me and i’m sick for weeks after i fly. 
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT  :  introvert. i was an extrovert once, then the ptsd came and i’m still not great at keeping up social stuff
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY  : i am the designated ryan bergara in any friend group, the only people more ryan bergara than me are my sister and ryan bergara
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID  : iphone
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES  : not as much as i used to, but i do enjoy them!!
23. DREAM JOB  : to just edit people’s writing and make them happy and read their books/papers/published works from the comfort of my own home with a corgi curled up on my lap
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS  :  get us a house, give a huge chunk to my sister, get a couple dogs, pay for my wedding, pay off my debt, and if there’s any left over i might fuck around and get the ac switch
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE  : arobynn hamel from throne of glass. hate that fucker
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER  : remember earlier when i said i was a serial blog floater ? i’m a serial fandom floater too --- i used to be pretty consistent in the persona fandom, but i’ve fallen out of there so i guess that one ?
tagged by  :  i stole it, with love, 
tagging  : you too may lovingly take it off my hands
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rycnbergara · 7 years
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buzzfeed unsolved + things ryan has said on his tumblr
inspired by @wheezeunsolved and @buzzfeedunsoived
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rycnbergara · 7 years
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buzzfeed unsolved + the farquaad star squad 1/?
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