#in the vaguest sense lmao
its-tortle · 7 months
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in preparation for tonight ✨️✨️
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totheecore · 4 months
i've had [redacted] for a day and a half but i'm already so over the whole thing if anything happened to him i'd probably feel slightly vindicated ngl
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nakanotamu · 5 months
AABRIA???????????? WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?????????????????????????????
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asya thoughts dump 💌
1. Asya and Tre could be so. EIRGJRVRIEDH !! not to suggest like, the vaguest notion of romance (asya is probablyyy aroace, or in any case, far too occupied with guaranteeing her survival to devote her time and effort into something so frivolous and intangible), but in the sense that their feasible relationship could divulge so much about asya’s character. i assume they could be like, acquaintanced by their guardians (in asya’s case, her benefactors)— and Asya would find him to be totally insufferable LMAO but would endure his company on the hopes that their (albeit, begrudging) acquaintance might elevate her social standing.
2. in addition to the prior thought, i TRULY hope to convey how far-flung her character is from a measly, goody-two-shoes, saintly, meek, church-girl. i think her major character flaw would be how she would venture (and if the situation necessitates, guarantee) harsh lengths to ensure her own survival— even if it meant compromising her morals— and y’know, consequent to compromising her morals, she’d be jeopardizing her relationships with people— potentially using them for her benefit, and subsequently discarding of them once they exhaust their usefulness.
3. another point i’d like to pose, i think asya would be reluctant to associate (or in the very least, be seen) with Scraps when in the witness of the public eye. her whole shtick is that she’s like this “miracle golden girl”, a “treasure” amidst a city sunken in filth, or “the one good thing that could come out of the streets”, a supposed exception. her general trajectory of thought would be like— how she shouldn’t identify with the very thing she desires to escape from. this general notion could be conceived in her head independently but would probably be validated (consequently exacerbated) by her benefactors thay are so ardently keen on exalting her !!
4. if asya is aroace (tentative fact) she’d probably take on a celibacy vow as a means of circumventing around feasible suitors pining for her hand WITHOUT compromising the public’s desire for her and instead, actually further emphasizing this “unattainable and elevated ideal”. she would probably say it would be “most appeasing to the Father to witness the practice of prudence sustained amidst modern decadence” or something something super ecclesial and pretentious but would really just be sick of entitled rich boys LMAO
5. characters i was inspired by while developing her !! (enumerated by order of left to right: Ethel Cain- Preacher’s Daughter, Hilda Furacao- Hilda Furacao, Liliko Hirukoma- Helter Skelter, Sandy Collins- Last Night In Soho, Tomie- Tomie, Lux Lisbon- The Virgin Suicides, Nina Sayers- Black Swan, Sofia Coppola’s Marie Antoinette- Marie Antoinette, and Mima- Perfect Blue)
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kinda wanna expound on how much i relate Anastasia to each character above BUT ERM that’s it for now before i talk everybody’s ear off !!
NEVERTHELESS thank you for indulging me everyone !! making a tumblr account was legitimately probably one of the best decisions i’ve ventured this summer LMAO 😭😭 school starts for me soon, but i’ll do my best to stay active when i can !! i’ll be posting more irl stuff on @grandmythologizing if u wanna keep in touch :))
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ink-flavored · 1 year
ask game ask game! 🐙🧠👩‍💻
thank you! gonna do P&J since it's what I've worked on most recently
🐙 share a snippet where the character is being a brat/smartass
Envy narrowed her eyes, ashy smoke pouring over her flawless platinum curls. “Listen, I didn’t come here to bitch, but I’m great at it.” “Oh, please,” Pride scoffed. “I can bitch way better than you. I’m the bitchiest. I can bitch you in circles. Bitch.”
I used to have a joke about "the Bitch King of Angmar" in there before I realized Pride wouldn't know what Lord of the Rings is.
🧠 share a snippet where the character realizes something important
“I also have a good time goading people into public arguments. Come on, you knew who you were inviting.” “I know, I guess I…” Justice leaned against the wall, brow furrowed. “I was trying to prove something to myself.” “Like what?” He didn’t answer right away, picking at his nails. “I know you don’t want a relationship with God,” he said, slow and deliberate, “and that’s fine. I would never ask you to. But I don’t think that means you have to be abandoned by me—by us. We can still get along, we don’t have to be separate to coexist. Does that make sense?” Pride worked his jaw for a second or two. “Not really.” Justice slumped, wearing a resigned smile, and he rushed to add, “But thanks. You know. For trying.”'
Pride realizing people care about him for real <3
👩‍💻 share a snippet that you worked on for a long time or struggled with
Problem is that most P&J things I have written are in a partial state of completion—but here's the most recent thing I've written that I've wanted to write for a long time but for some reason just didn't until like last night lmao
Pride rolled the offered cigarette between his lips, letting his lack of lungs make up for the fact that he didn’t know what to do with it. The woman slouched back, sighing a cloud of smoke, and carded a hand through her short, electric blue hair. He inspected her a little more, up close and personal with a human he didn’t immediately despise for the first time. Sitting next to her, the blunted tips of spikes on her the shoulders of her jacket came into view. All the colors and odd shapes were patches sewn into the leather. A flag with rainbow stripes sat on top of her shoulder. Another flag on the opposite shoulder had pink, blue, and white stripes. A small white circle on her chest read SHE/THEY in black thread. He scanned the collection of patches he could see—ACAB, read one. NAZI PUNKS FUCK OFF, read another. PROTECT TRANS KIDS, “QUEER” AS IN “FUCK YOU”, symbols with arrows, fists, and a large “A” in a circle. Pride had only the vaguest idea what any of it meant. “What?” she asked, guarded. “Nothing,” Pride replied. He tried to copy her, blowing a cloud of smoke. “I like your jacket.” Whatever she’d been guarding behind her intensity, it melted away. “Thanks. I made it myself.” “All of it?” “Most of it—basically anything with a picture I had a friend help me with, I can’t draw for shit.” She pointed to the patch with the drawing of a fist, raised to the sky. Pride nodded along. “Cool.” “Yeah, thanks.” She stuck out a hand suddenly. “I don’t think I ever got your name. I’m Olivia, friends call me Ollie.” He took the hand to shake. “Pride.” It must have been a weird thing to say. Olivia gave him a funny look. “’Pride’ like—” “Like the sin.”
[send me a snippet ask]
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duskgryphon · 2 years
Hey rewrite your oc stuff
responding to this hours later because i uh. took a while to revise this lmao
Okay so! Technically not talking about any specific ocs here, but rather my personal project world. I got sent an ask about bug dragons, so I'll start there I think? After some explanation. Essentially this world is entirely removed  from the concept of Earth and humans. Different galaxy, different planet, different life. It's still in. very early stages so a lot of things are subject to change, a lot of things I'm still working on. Though this is sort of misleading; I've been working on this world, in it's vaguest sense, since late 2016/early 2017 ish. The most recent iteration started I believe around the start of 2021? But I've been giving it a lot more focus in the past couple of months. It's also turned into a partly speculative biology based project. Gaining an interest in specific subjects does that to yah I guess.
So, bug dragons. What are they? "Bug dragon" refers to a large number of species, mainly those that would be classified as athropods and annelids. They aren't technically insects, though they do, in part, replace insects here. Like the aforementioned phylums, they encompass species with and without flight and worm-like species. There are, additionally, a small number of species that make up some of the sophonts in this world. They're uh. currently unnamed, though two have designs that are mostly set in stone? The classification that distinguishes specific species of sophonts from one another is whether or not they're "true" bug dragons. True bug dragons have no capacity to transform, but the other species do. The only species with the capacity to transform are sophonts, since they're the only ones that developed a need for it.
I should also note, coming back to the fact that this is completely removed from Earth, human languages don't exist. It'll take a lot of time and effort for me to get even vague individual constructed languages down, but if anyone is interested in this I'll try to make things as clear as possible. Uh, "bug dragon" is also technically a temporary term, for the previously stated reasons, but I think it's a perfectly viable name for them from a human standpoint, so I'll probably keep referring to them that way.
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id: An image depicting various bug dragon sophonts on the left, with text describing what each are on the right. The top one shows a species of winged bug dragon with a long body, six legs, and a tail ending in a stinger. The text reads; "Species of bug dragon with the ability to transform. They come to just over 7 feet." The middle one shows two characters from different species transformed. One of them is shown to stand bipedally, with four sets of arms. The text reads; "Concepts for two bug dragons, both transformed. Their transformation resembles one of the other sophonts, though they keep their insect-like appearances." The bottom one shows one character of a species of true bug dragon, she stands on four legs, with a set of arms hidden under a coat pinned at the neck. She's almost bird-like in shape, and has a tail and what resembles rabbit ears. The text reads; "Species of "true" bug dragon as shown by A'rei's concepts. They come to around 4 feet."
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bisluthq · 4 months
Maroon reads Jake to me. Realistically, it could be about a few different people - it honestly might be her vaguest song in terms of muse.
With Jake, you obviously have the Red connection, and the continued theme of not being able to "forget" about it all, which is something that comes up on like EVERY fucking song on Red that's (allegedly) about him😭
He DOES have incense (he said in an interview), and I'd been genuinely shocked if Mr. "Indie record that's much cooler than mine" didn't have a vinyl shelf. Obviously, he doesn't have/need an official roommate, but the Movie Star & Me makes mention of the fact that one of his friends is like ALWAYS at his place. He also apparently DID have a roommate in the early 2000s, which didn't help the gay rumours, lmao😭😭
The whole "closest friend" thing reminds me of their whole thing a lot - especially the 2nd part where she mentions that she sees him every day. SO much of their early relationship seemed to be defined by them like... cosplaying an adult relationship. Things moved VERY fast. They were spending ALL of their spare time together. HE TOOK HER TO HIS PARENTS HOUSE FOR THANKSGIVING after they'd been dating for realistically, like 2, 3 months. The second verse and the bridge are kind of a given to me. I think they make a lot of sense in the context of Red.
Like I said, you could make the case for a lot of people, it just reads more Jake to ME.
I absolutely hear the takes for Jake and hear the takes for Matty and hear my own take for Harry lol. I don’t know who it’s about. She implied it’s about Jake on TikTok but she could’ve just liked the theory so I’m not 100% sold in any way. I kinda like it for Harry and even though it might not be like… I like Harry a great deal and actively want him to get a Taylor song that doesn’t make me want to blow my brains out because of its inanity, stupidity and ability to make my ears bleed. Like let me have Maroon for Haylor lol. Gyllenswift got cool ass songs. Harry got whatever the fuck is going on on 1989 which is just… all so stupid.
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hyah-lian · 6 months
lmao I'm going to go lay on the floor about it I guess cause apparently the physical response wants to be get dizzy and lightheaded as hell in response to stress
like that's great, doll, how about you do somethin about it tho besides bein a victorian stereotype swooning about it
Very poetic to die a thousand deaths over boredom and minor inconveniences but perhaps just perhaps you could do something other than wax purple prose about the shit in the vaguest way possible
/continues to sit and eat lunch and hydrate and be in the sun but mad about it
Oh. Oh. Things..... may make sense. Still mad about it lmao.
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izzy-b-hands · 10 months
Writing here abt the edizzy kiss my brain dreamed up bc im terrified my brain will also fucken forgor it if i wait to try and work it into a fic later without getting it written in at least the current dream form (bc they way it was shown in the dream I can't fic, but I could maybe take the in character moments and put them into a fic 👀)
So, my dream presented it to me as:
A behind the scenes sort of shot, literally seeing it from behind the camera (all the various numerical data that you can see on the edges of the shot were present, date and whatever else)
Of Con and Taika being directed to fuck around with this harp that's been brought below deck (presumably an item stolen by Ed and Izzy, with the vaguest implication it's meant to be used at Lucius and Pete's wedding?), until the strings break on it (mildly terrifying in dream bc since it was a dream the dialogue of how they were being directed kept going fuzzy at this moment, so like. They're being told to 'keep pulling at them, don't be afraid but also hey guys don't let the strings snap and hit you in the face', and Con and Taika had these very nervous 'maybe this is a bad idea' smiles on until the strings finally snapped loudly, very nearly indeed hitting them both so that was. something lmao)
Then a direction to 'go ahead and do the kiss any time within the next couple of minutes, remember it's supposed to be a surprise to both of them that they're kissing again and that they actually really miss doing this with each other, so just take a moment and then maybe Taika, you go for it.'
It cut to like maybe a half second later of them standing side by side, Con as Izzy pretending to fuss and worry over the harp strings before Taika leans down to kiss him, doing that stupid good little move where if you're shorter than them they pull your chin up just by a fingertip or two as they kiss you?
And it was just stupid cute bc that switch had flipped and they're both completely in character in the moment and i can only describe it as !!!! With a half second of Con showing the moment of conflict on Izzy's face, a 'oh is this something we'll regret' fleeting look before kissing back and giggling into it, then both of them fucking. Moaning as they kiss, hands juuuuust starting to wander and pull each other closer when whoever's directing (maybe David idk??? the dream did not let me see back behind the camera as to who was there) laughs and fucking references a goddamn meme with 'okay, good. My bad, didn't mean to moan like that, right?'
And Con and Taika immediately break only to start joking and ask if they need to do it again (with a couple of mumbled comments abt them being happily willing to redo the kiss, but not the harp strings breaking which makes sense bc like. I still don't know why my brain threw that in like what would that achieve 😭. The harp can't be used then??? It felt like it was supposed to be a 'look at these two being silly together again and in the process fucking something up, maybe they'll have to work together to fix it' bc honestly sure. I'm here for the random idea that both of them know how to restring a harp and also have like. a consistent supplier for musical instrument strings somewhere nearby aksndkfng)
Idk exactly what to frame it in yet (maybe keep the harp thing?), but that kiss. I'm keeping and doing something with that kiss in a fic for Ed and Izzy, bc it was :chef's kiss: to me, tho I will admit i am biased 😅
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readysetjo · 1 year
I’m the worlds weirdest asoiaf fan I only care about the women, even the evil ones, everyone else can die I guess. do I like the books/ shows? no. would I recommend them? no. have I partaken? yes. would I do so again? probs not. do I, in the vaguest sense, really like this universe and spend time sometimes thinking about it? absolutely. I don’t even know how to spell my favorite characters name lmao
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yuusaris · 2 years
Fanfiction ask: 51 and 61- your choice for the fic on 61! :)
51) Does what you like to write differ from what you like to read?
Yes and no - I'm becoming more open to them to things currently, and I find I'm more open to writing spooky things than I used to be. My tastes are in the middle of a change, xD.
That being said, I find I like to write ambiguous relationships more than I like reading them. Must be the romantic in me.
61) In [insert fic], what’s your favorite scene that you wrote?
Ooh, you're nasty making me pick, xDDD.
Ah... ffuck, lemmie check my AO3, I've got lots, lmao.
I think I'm gunna go with one from A Different Form, A Different Time - because I wrote one out that I feel had everything I wanted to convey in it.
So, it's in Chapter 2, TKB and Atem are supposed to be fighting, but Atem just keeps trying to reach across the aisle - Atem is 16 here, Thief King's at least in his early 20's - about what happened, apologizing, taking on the blame and responsibility himself, something he always does even when it's not his job and not his place. He's already doing the thing that he'll do to TKB's soul when he dies.
And TKB is trying to shut him up about it, points out that Atem's a child to get across that Atem is so unrelated that apologizing means nothing, and then just ends up reminding himself that he's trying to murder a child and he gets fucked up for a second.
I wanted to depict a Thief King that wasn't the swaggery gung-ho we see in Millennium World, because Millennium World is a game, not a truth, being controlled by a ghost puppeteering the shell of his old body, brainwashed by isolation, cultivated by a dark God. I wanted the fight to be bad and awkward because neither is actually prepared for this confrontation because you never truly are prepared to see your enemy as a person, let alone one who could care about you.
So Thief King has to back up, breathe, reassemble himself, the situation he's in and what he's trying to do because that realization, murdering children who took no part in what was being demanded, hits. Just slightly. The knowledge that he's killing someone who had no idea, who didn't ask, and the only person who has proven to give a damn about his people other than himself.
Throughout this chapter, Atem's name is being continuously mucked with and blacked out with some letters being visible. The scene is a memory, one told from Yami slowly getting flashes back and losing pieces again, remembering how the shadows and the Puzzle impacted his sense of self. Connection to TKB has been the anchor for that name, that identity, that person, and as that falters, as the divide widens, his name becomes more and more lost.
And then, when we get -
“I’m here to kill The Pharaoh.”
- His name is blacked out fully now and any other time it comes up. The decision made, Thief King has resolve and he's back on his shit. It's not about Atem as a person, it's about Atem as a symbol, as a Pharaoh. He's here to kill The Pharaoh, and he will kill The Pharaoh no matter who The Pharaoh is.
And then still makes the point to comfort them both. To tell Atem that it's not him who sinned, to tell himself that this is wrong but needed, trying to absolve Atem of any personal duty and himself of any personal guilt. As Pharaoh he must pay - as Atem, he's a naive child. As King of Thieves, he has a duty. As whoever he was - we never got his name - he didn't want to do what others did to him.
But he will try. He will fail. That cycle will last for millennia.
Shout out also to the line A harsh voice that, when he focused, said his name like a knife against a whetstone, the vaguest I've ever been about someone masturbating about someone else.
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salamispots · 3 years
I’m screaming the anglerfish that washed up earlier this year is on display at my local natural history museum hhHHHHHHHH
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propertyline · 4 years
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a teensy acrylic portrait i painted the other day
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orcelito · 3 years
Gotta love when I have a thought that makes me just kinda stop. And go. "What is WRONG with me?"
Answer: a lot
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nerice · 3 years
oh jjk vol16 cover's out :D!!!!!!!!!!!
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bridgertonbabe · 2 years
How long does sophie stay with benedict after charlie was born? You mentioned that they sometimes went to my cottage for months at a time so I'm assuming at least a couple of years? Which means ben got to raise charlie till he was at least a toddler. Also I feel like if you ever write this down I will straight up turn into a benedict hater lmao. I feel like a drug addict, this au is not good for my sanity yet here I am! Oh I'm also assuming sophie is the one who had a kid with somebody else(1)
... and when they do go to my cottage I can only imagine how livid the Crabtrees would be when they see what ben has done to sophie. They'd kick him out of his own house or better yet tell violet and anthony. (2)
Ah, sadly Benedict gets even less time with Charlie than that. Sophie manages to hang on for six months after Charlie's born before she takes her leave, not wanting her son to have even the vaguest memory of life holed up out of sight, for him to never even have the notion of what it is to experience life as a bastard.
There were two separate occasions when they went to My Cottage; one was during Sophie's pregnancy, and the other was with Charlie. When they first came back, the Crabtrees were thrilled to see Sophie, especially as she was round with child, with Mrs Crabtree mentioning how wonderful it was to finally have a mistress of the house. She couldn't have known just how poorly chosen her phrasing was when Sophie's eyes welled up and she excused herself to hide away in the washroom. Benedict explained that they weren't married, failing to expand on what Sophie now was to him, though he needn't bother saying anything; the Crabtrees understood exactly what the situation was and seethed with disappointment towards their master. During their stay the Crabtrees put Sophie first and foremost, regularly ignoring Benedict's requests to see after Sophie instead. Though Benedict had instructed for only his room to be set up, Mrs Crabtree set up another bedchamber for Sophie, sensing the young woman wanted her space, much to Benedict's annoyance. Both of the Crabtrees tried to urge their master into marrying the woman he was clearly in love with, to give their unborn child a life where they weren't a bastard, but Benedict remained stubborn and eventually they gave up. The final straw for the Crabtrees was during the second stay. Sophie had been playing with Charlie in the garden when she realised there were unannounced visitors in the house. The Bridgertons had decided to divert and surprise Benedict on their way to Aubrey Hall, having not seen or heard from him for some time. Panicked, Sophie grabbed Charlie and fled the estate, hurrying twenty minutes across the fields to the Crabtrees cottage. Once she had reached their sanctuary, she burst into tears and explained what had happened, begging for them to let her and Charlie stay the night, and of course they welcomed both mother and son to stay. When Benedict managed to get away later on that night and venture to the Crabtrees cottage (knowing Sophie would have fled there), Mrs Crabtree barred him from entering or even seeing Sophie or his son. She told him how truly ashamed she was of him, aghast with how he could put the two people he's meant to love the most through this, and how he could never be a man of honour in her eyes. She firmly told him to leave for Aubrey Hall with his family, to stay away for at least a week and let Sophie and Charlie enjoy the freedom of My Cottage by themselves, ending her admonishment by telling him he wouldn't be missed.
(Also I very much know Benedict is not coming off well in this AU but for this to be the darkest timeline it requires Benedict's insecurities and societal fears to get the best of him. He's not just robbing Sophie and Charlie of the best life, he's robbing himself of the life we know he gets to enjoy in the books, all because he cares too much about what others might think for marrying beneath him. I think it's why I would struggle to sit down and write this AU out in it's entirety. Typically with your lead characters you want to root for them or at least have them redeem themselves, however in this timeline Benedict screws up again and again and again and never learns what he's destroyed until it's too late.)
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