#in the end he is standing there holding XiangYi’s broken sword like nobody can take your place in our promise just say you miss your friend
lilianhuas · 1 year
Hypothetically, if Li Lianhua was cured and decided to keep that promise Di Fei Sheng was so obsessed with, and have that rematch of a duel .
How would that go about?
Does one have to literally perish in a classic dueling style of meet me at dawn, or a fun friendly duel ending when someone gets their sword knocked out of their hand, or they fall over, and that decide the winner. Nobody perishes.
And if Di Fei Sheng wins and he’s number 1, would be that it? They can move on and live their lives quietly in whatever way they like and are comfortable with.
Or if Li Lianhua wins, and it’s all over, they can happily move on…etc (or Di Fei Sheng would just want rematches until he wins xD)
We may never know.
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