#in parts and it didn't show him sending the akuma
this is a gabriel agreste hate blog
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laterreurofficial · 2 months
Hi! I found this au today and it's SOOOO interesting to me!! I literally scrolled through every single post about it, lol. I do have some questions of my own (a few of them actually, I don't expect all of them to be answered! Just answer which ever you want!):
- You mentioned that Paris is under quarantine, but also established that Paris is vital to the France economy, plus there's the fact that so few people are actually connected to Hawkmoth (like, around 2000, but Paris has a population of 10 mill). So, would there be any pull to allow some Paris citizens to leave Paris? Provided that they haven't been marked by Hawkmoth? Like, maybe only very skilled workers would be allowed to leave? And only a certain number of them?
- About Paris being quarantined, I can't remember if this is a thing in the show, but is there a reason why Hawkmoth only affects people in Paris?
- you mentioned a research fallacy studying akumatizes.... Do they.... Actually help? Like, is their research ever helpful?? Does Ladybug ever ask for their findings? Or are they rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic?
- is master fu more.... Evil? In this au? I mean, he did give radioactive jewelry to two kids, that will forever affect their lives, and permanently mess them up. Was he not aware of the effects it could have on the kids? Or, like Tiki, did he choose not to tell them? Even if he didn't, he must have had his own reasons for giving some powerful and dangerous jewelry to two kids??
Thank you for listening to my questions!! You've created an awesome au, I can't wait to see more of it!
Paris is under a complete and total quarantine. People can come in, maybe, but they sure as hell can't go out. Felix, Amelie, and Lila enter Paris post-lockdown, and they are not allowed back out. There are actually guards posted with orders to shoot anyone who tries to escape. Commerce and such doesn't completely end, products can be transported in and out, and non-physical communication continues, but it does get notably worse. MAGIC JEWELRY CAN'T SAVE YOU FROM ECONOMICS and Hawkmoth is. very scary.
In LT, it's a range issue. The butterfly miraculous has a set distance you can send the little magic butterflies, and besides that, Hawkmoth here is doing terrorism with the goal of getting his hands on the Ladybug and Black Cat miraculous, which he knows are also in Paris after his first akumatization. Why would he make a villain and have them march all the way through the barricade, even if he could?
The general public knows next to nothing about Hawkmoth other than A. he can possess people if they get too upset and B. these people then go on to cause mass death and destruction. This is very scary, a lot of people think he's he devil, and also mostly why the whole quarantine gets set up. The emergency government division researching the akumatizations mostly kidnap people and collect useless information, but some of their data turns out to be relevant, even if it's only verifying the obvious.
Fu is both deeply panicked at the time he passes on the miraculous and too trusting in the process. He gives Marinette and Adrien the miraculous when the first akuma attack has already occurred, and generally knows that if all else fails, the Kwami will mold these already good kids into people who can solve the problem at hand. It's just that the process of adjusting to the miraculous and the frequency of the akuma attacks makes their lives hell. He's from a place where the Kwamis' toll is accepted as a worthy price for the big magic powers, the side effects are invisible to him, as a fellow holder, that's part of the job description.
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runawaycatwalker · 9 months
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Part 25. Best Friend Erasure (Oni-Chan 2.0, part B)
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Description below the cut
Catwalker approaches Ladybug as she stands on a roof.  She points off in a far away direction.
Catwalker: Ladybug!  Oni-Chan is back, and this time her powers are—
Ladybug: I need you to go to one of the rooftops way over there and stay right there.
Catwalker: Are you sure?  I could do more here if I—
Ladybug: Just.  Go.
Catwalker: ...Yes, Ladybug.
Ladybug swings towards a rooftop where the other heroes have congregated near a Find Adrien billboard.  Viperion looks up at Ladybug.
Viperion: Ladybug!  Why isn't Catwalker with you?  Did you talk to him about... that thing I told you?
Ladybug: We talked.  He wasn't hiding what you thought he was.
Viperion: Oh.
Ladybug stands in a ‘take charge’ pose right in front of the billboard with Adrien’s face.  Most of the heroes gather in to look towards her, but Carapace looks off towards the direction Catwalker took instead.
Ladybug: And everybody, gather around! You should all know this.  Catwalker is on probation until further notice.
Viperion: Probation?  Isn't that kind of extreme?
Ladybug: I have my reasons.  He's keeping his miraculous, but you're the people I'm going to rely on to beat the akumas.  For now, consider him an observer and just ignore him.
Carapace starts using his shield as a phone to text his girlfriend.
Carapace (texting): Rena, why is Catwalker allowed to keep his miraculous?  We *have* to stop him from causing more damage.
Rena Furtive (texting): I'm watching him, don't worry.
Cut to Rena hiding on a rooftop as she uses her flute simultaneously as a telescope to spy on Catwalker and a phone to tap out a reply to her boyfriend.
Rena Furtive (texting): But if you want to try to get more info out of him as Carapace...?  I'm sure Ladybug wouldn't mind...
Carapace leaps towards Catwalker, who looks at him suspiciously.
Catwalker: Carapace?  What are you doing here?
Carapace: Ladybug said you were alone, and I thought you shouldn't be.
Catwalker: You should go back.  Ladybug needs every hero she can get.
Catwalker perches himself on the ledge of the building he’s atop of.
Carapace: Then why did Ladybug send you all the way out here?
Catwalker: She needs me.  I just... need to wait here.  Until she comes up with a plan for how she can use me.
Carapace: If you want to help, we can always work to protect Adrien Agreste.
Carapace opens his arms wide and tries to give a disarming smile, but he can’t help but show his underlying malice.
Carapace: If you know anything at all, I'm all ears!  Even if it's something you need to keep on the down low, I can be your confidant.  I'm a hero, after all!  You can trust me to keep secrets.
Catwalker, completely uninterested in going through another round of ‘my best friend pretends to like me when I know he’s secretly mad at me’ points his finger in accusation.
Catwalker: I see what you're trying to do and I'm not going to fall for it.
Carapace: Whaaat?  I'm not trying anything!
Catwalker: Nino.
Carapace: How did—I mean, who's Nino?
Catwalker: You forgot to tell Adrien that he shouldn't reveal secret identities to anyone.
Carapace, completely off put, tries to make this new bit of information add up.
Carapace: He told you about me?  Why would that even come up?  Unless...  Did he tell you he had a superhero for a best friend to try and convince you he didn't need you?
Carapace points an accusatory finger at Catwalker. Catwalker tries to placate, but he’s distracted by a burst of red light in the distance in the direction of the other heroes.
Carapace: And then you forced him to leave when he didn't want to and—
Catwalker: You have it all wr—Oh no.
Oni-Chan rapidly teleports between temporary heroes (all of whom had just been staring towards the giant face of Adrien) and hits them with her sword in quick succession: Vesperia, Viperion, King Monkey, Purple Tigress, Polymouse, Pegasus, and Pigella are all frozen before they can do anything to fight back.
Oni-Chan: You!  Won't!  Get!  In!  My!  Way!  Anymore!
Oni-Chan lunges for Ladybug, but she manages to swing out of the way with her yo-yo and escape, unable to be tracked because she was the only member of the group who hadn’t been staring at Adrien’s face.
Catwalker: Come on!  Ladybug needs our hel—
Catwalker leaps into the sky to follow Ladybug, but as he is in midair, a green sphere forms around him.
Carapace: Shell-ter!
After the sphere hits the ground, Catwalker looks up at Carapace, who stands at the edge on top of the nearest building tauntingly.
Catwalker: I don't want to fight you.
Carapace: Good!  Because you won't be able to fight anyone!
Catwalker: Look, we're both heroes right now.  We need to be able to work together to help Ladybug.
Inside the sphere, Catwalker kneels and looks down dejectedly.
Carapace: Ladybug doesn't want your help!
Catwalker: Maybe not right now, but—
Carapace: Why did you think she sent you so far out of her way?  She can't even stand to look at you!  No one needs you.  No one wants you.  You should just give up your miraculous and save us the troub—
Carapace’s attention is caught by something happening across the skyline of Paris: with the Agreste mansion at the epicenter, a flurry of black ribbons launches into the sky, each one racing toward a Find Adrien billboard.  Where each ribbon touches, the place where Adrien’s picture should be has been replaced by an empty white void.
Carapace (to himself): What the...?  ...the Adrien billboards...  All the pictures of Adrien...  He's gone.
Carapace points down at Catwalker accusingly and brings his shield in close.
Carapace: Why couldn't you have just done nothing and let his real friends help him?  Some magic ribbons just wiped Adrien from existence!
Catwalker: That's impossible.  A sentimonster probably just got rid of the Adrien ads.
Carapace: You don't get it!  He exists nowhere!  And I'll prove it!
Carapace uses his shield to navigate to the pictures on his phone.  His hand touches at the shield when it displays a picture of Nino and Adrien smiling together, nothing erased.
Carapace: I'll show you how this picture of the two of us is—
Catwalker: Wait.  Carapace, you need to drop it.  Now.
Carapace (to himself): Huh...?
Catwalker: Adrien is alive, I promise—
Carapace (to himself): He's still here with me...?
Catwalker: —but she's going to find you if you keep looking—
Oni-Chan pops in and out of existence just long enough to stab Carapace in the back, sending his body off the edge of the building.  Below them, Catwalker looks up and destroys the sphere around him.
Oni-Chan: Begone!
Carapace: Ack!
Catwalker: No!  Cataclysm!
Catwalker leaps into the air, arms reaching towards Carapace’s petrified body, all while the shield Carapace dropped in the commotion falls next to them.
Catwalker: I've got you!
Catwalker tearfully embraces the frozen Carapace from behind.
Catwalker: I am so sorry.  For everything.
Catwalker continues to hug Carapace tight as a flood of emotions spews forth.
Catwalker: I never wanted to hide behind a mask, especially not with you, Nino.  You've always encouraged me to be myself.  Even though I've never been able to fully show you everything I am, you accepted the 'me' I could give.  It meant so much to know that you cared, not just about the idea of me, but the real me.  And now I'm less 'me' than I've ever been.  Maybe it would have been better if I did nothing. But when she tried to kill me, I just... ran.  Ran and insisted I was fine like I always do.  And now you're the one paying for my rash decisions and I feel so powerless to stop it.  I hope one day you'll forgive me.
Catwalker places Carapace’s body upright and touches his back in a gesture of farewell.
Catwalker: I wish I could talk to you for real.  But I can't.  I can't leave when I might be needed.  Even if everyone hates that I'm here, I've got to help however I can.
Catwalker gives Carapace a fist bump in one final promise of their friendship.
Catwalker: I'll come home as soon as it's safe again.  I don't know how long it'll take, but I promise I will come back.
Below is the same image as above, only without text:
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natedogx15 · 3 months
Miraculous Descendent Chapter 62: The Ancient Desert King
Previous Chapter
In the museum, Sabrina is still searching for a hint about the Miraculous on the papyrus Barkk pointed to. However, the lighting isn't helping her much. Nate and Adrien look at different papyrus to find the same hint as she does this. Chloe looks bored as she looks over a golden coffin. However, the four's inspection stops when they hear panic inside the museum. They quickly turn around to see a museum employee blowing their whistle to alert everyone.
"There's an Akuma in the museum! Everyone needs to get out of here!" The employee shouts in a panicky manner as Pharaoh turns the corner and reveals himself to the four teens.
Jalil's new form is that of a tall, muscular individual with pitch-black skin and a golden human pharaoh mask with glowing cyan eyes, a cobra ornament on the top front of it, and a necklace littered with beads and gems. Surrounding the eyes of the mask is a black domino mask-like design. With it, he also has golden arm bands, wrist bands, and anklets. The scarab necklace around his neck also changed. It became a lighter shade of blue with bird-like wings spreading around it and a golden sun disk above it.
Pharaoh sees the employee blowing his whistle while telling people to leave, and civilians panic when they see him.
"Thoth, give me time!" Pharaoh exclaims as he raises his arms and looks to the roof.
Suddenly, the mask changes form and looks like a baboon while losing the cobra ornament. He then puts his hands almost together and creates a bubble of golden energy before throwing it at the employee, trapping him. While trapped in it, his body is seemingly in a form of stasis. Pharaoh then launches more golden bubbles at different panicking civilians and trapping them.
He's about to do the same to Adrien before Nate tackles the other teen out of the way. The two teens then crawl off the floor behind an exhibit while Sabrina and Chloe do the same.
"You okay?" Nate asks him as they hide behind a coffin.
"Y-yeah, thanks." Adrien stutters slightly from his panic as he tries to figure out what happened.
"I really need to stop leaving the hotel at this point. I can't seem to go anywhere without an Akuma showing up." Nate jokingly tells Adrien before ducking to his knees when a bubble passes them.
"I wouldn't say that. This is still better than being locked up in my house." Adrien tells him as he tries to figure out how to escape and transform.
"Get out of here faster!" Pharaoh suddenly shouts as he telekinetically sends the bubbles out of the museum so they're not in his way.
He then walks toward Tutankhamun's scepter and has it float toward him. Adrien takes the chance to run and manages to pass Pharaoh without being seen. Sabrina doesn't do the same, though. She feels it's still too risky. While Adrien runs for it, Nate sends a quick SOS to Marinette, letting her know what's happening and telling her to rush over here.
When Adrien turns the corner and sees it's empty, he smiles as Plagg appears.
"Huh, not going to lie. I didn't expect this. I probably should have, though. Maybe Nooroo told his wielder about the exhibit too, and the wielder hopes it'll give him a hint about the current Ladybug." Plagg says casually as he leans past the corner and stares at Pharaoh.
"Can he actually do that?!" Adrien asks in alarm.
"No. Not to my knowledge. It's a very loose connection at best." Plagg explains as he turns to Adrien with a shrug.
Hearing this causes Adrien to sigh in relief before deciding to intervene.
"It's time to transform. Plagg, claws out." Adrien states as he raises his ring.
Plagg flies into the ring, and Cat Noir quickly turns the corner with a practiced grin.
"You know, there are better ways to be a part of the exhibit than stealing it." He tells Pharaoh while inwardly happy about the joke.
Pharaoh turns around, and Cat Noir becomes slightly more nervous as he stares into the glaring cyan eyes of the baboon mask. This nervousness grows when the museum's security system activates, and iron bars drop behind him, trapping him with Pharaoh.
"I'm not stealing this. It was stolen from me, and I'm just claiming back what's rightfully mine." Pharaoh claims, causing Cat Noir to blink at him in surprise while Chloe raises an eyebrow.
"Does he think he's the real pharaoh? Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous. This is one of the most delusional Akumas yet." She whispers in annoyance as she glares at Pharaoh.
"Not the time, Chloe," Sabrina tells the girl as she looks for a chance to run for it while Cat Noir distracts Pharaoh.
Pharaoh's mask morphs back into its human shape as he stares at the hero. While it does, Cat Noir pulls out his baton and glares at Cat Noir.
"I think you might need a hit in the head to set you straight." Cat Noir tells him as he charges at the villain.
He suddenly swings a fair distance from Pharaoh and extends his baton to get a quick sneak attack. But Pharaoh raises a hand between him and the baton and grabs it. As he holds the other end of the baton, he shouts.
"Sekhmet, give me strength!"
His golden masks into a lioness, and his strength seems to grow. With this newfound power, Pharaoh tosses Cat Noir into a wall with enough force to leave his indent on a papyrus.
"Ow. I wonder if this is what it feels like to fight Majesta?" Cat Noir groans as he slides off the wall.
The other three teens in the room winch when they see this.
"That looks like it hurt." Nate absently mutters.
Pharaoh doesn't hear him and walks straight to the iron bars. With the lioness mask still on, he grabs the bars and bends them to give him more room to exit. When Cat Noir gets up and sees this, he panics and rushes after the villain.
"Stop!" Cat Noir orders.
Pharaoh does stop. However, only to turn around and rebend the bars back into place, trapping the teens inside. He then raises his hands in the air and shouts.
"Horus, give me flight!"
His golden mask turns into a hawk. He then floats before flying out of the museum at high speed. Once outside the Louvre, he flies up and stares at all the civilians surrounding it.
"It's time for the next phase. Who is worthy of being the sacrifice to the sun god?" Pharaoh asks as he searches for someone specific.
Unluckily, Alya is heading toward the Louvre as he's searching, planning to take pictures of the Egyptian exhibit for her blog to try and get more followers and give her a chance to focus on something besides Hawkmoth's hint. When Pharaoh sees her, he immediately dives toward her and lands before her, causing her to fall to the ground in shock and fear.
Pharaoh crouches before her and grabs her by the jaw while examining her features.
"Your face. To think I would find you so soon. Fate has placed you in my path, telling me I'm right!" Pharaoh announces before slinging Alya over his shoulder, causing the girl to kick and hit him.
"Watch the threads, buddy. Let me go!" Alya orders as she continues to struggle.
Just then, Cat Noir runs out of the museum and glares at Pharaoh when he realizes one of his classmates is in his clutches.
"Are you seriously hiding behind a hostage? That's weak!" He angrily shouts at Pharaoh while glaring at the villain.
Pharaoh turns to Cat Noir, and the hero can feel himself getting glared at.
"I'm way more powerful than you are. I have no need for a hostage. But I do require her." Pharaoh announces before shouting.
"Anubis, bring me mummies!" After saying this, his mask turns into a jackal, and he stares at the civilians sticking around to record the fight or wondering if this is a publicity stunt.
Cat Noir is confused by his action before his eyes widen in shock when golden lasers shoot from the mask's eyes and hit a civilian, turning them into a mummy. Pharaoh then repeats this process while Cat Noir is in shock before the hero charges at him.
"Stop!" Cat Noir shouts desperately as he charges at the villain.
He extends his baton behind him to close the distance between him and Pharaoh while also getting some height before shrinking it and going for a downward strike on the villain. But like before, Pharaoh grabs the baton to stop his attack before throwing him to the side.
"Pathetic. And you call yourself a warrior. You've grown weak. Neither you nor my nemesis will stop me like you did five thousand years ago." Pharaoh announces as he stares at Cat Noir.
After saying this, a rubber ball strikes him in the back of the head, causing him to stumble forward. He then turns around to see Canine glaring at him as the ball bounces back into her hand.
"How dare you strike a king?" Pharaoh asks in anger before shooting lasers at the heroine. However, Canine easily avoids them with her enhanced agility, and Pharaoh's focus on her gives Cat Noir a chance to charge at him and slam his hand into the ground under him.
"Black Hole!" He shouts, trapping Pharaoh's feet in his power as it expands under Pharaoh's feet.
"What!?" Pharaoh shouts in alarm.
"Gotcha." Cat Noir says with a grin.
"Nice work, Cat Noir!" Canine praises as Alya cheers while filming this whole confrontation.
"Did you see that, folks? Cat Noir and Canine just captured the villain." Alya says excitedly while having the camera focus on her face.
However, this excitement is short-lived with Pharaoh's words.
"Sekhmet, give me strength!" Pharaoh orders as his mask morphs back into a lioness, and he slams into the ground around Cat Noir's power with his enhanced strength.
The ground shatters and is blown away by Pharaoh's strength, disrupting Black Hole and causing the power to fizzle under the Akuma.
The heroes are in shock at this display of power. They're not the only ones, though. Anyone watching Alya's livestream is, too.
Luckily, someone important is watching right now. A group consisting of Marinette, Alix, Kim, Max, Nathaniel, Ondine, and Nino are enjoying some of the lunch that Kim got. As they're enjoying it, Nino has his phone out and watches Alya's livestream.
"Oh man, this new Akuma is crazy!" Nino shouts in shock as he stands up in surprise.
"New Akuma?!" Marinette urgently asks as she slams her hands on the table while leaving her seat to look at Nino's phone.
"Yeah. Cat Noir and Canine are fighting some kind of living pharaoh near the Louvre." Nino says while showing Marinette his phone.
Marinette stares at it in shock before quickly rushing to find somewhere to transform.
"What's got her in such a panic?" Kim asks with a raised eyebrow as she watches her run.
"I'm uncertain. But it seems she can give you a run for your money, Kim." Max states as he observes her speed.
"Ha, no way. I know for a fact I could beat her in a race. She doesn't look like the athletic type." Kim tells him with a grin.
Alix watches Marinette go, neither she nor anyone else at the table noticing her bracelet glowing again.
Marinette quickly dives into an alley, and Tikki appears.
"We need to hurry over there, Tikki. Hopefully, the others are handling the situation well." Marinette hopes before transforming.
Back with Cat Noir and Canine. The two aren't handling the situation well. Pharaoh seems to be taking them more seriously now and orders some of his mummies to distract the two while the rest bring him civilians to turn into more mummies or hold Alya so both hands are free. 
He's trying to hit the heroes while still in Sekhmet form, but the two manage to avoid his strikes. The problem is that this form seems to have strengthened his durability, causing none of their attacks to work against him. Not even Canine's rubber ball is working against him.
The two soon get distracted by the sound of a scream, and they instinctively turn their heads to see a family getting dragged toward Pharaoh by his mummies. This moment of distraction lets Pharaoh slam a fist into Cat Noir's side, sending the hero flying. He tries to hit Canine, too. But the heroine ducks under his punch and rolls to the side. She then decides to activate one of her powers.
"Command!" She shouts as Pharaoh turns around to attack her again before she says something else.
"Freeze!" She shouts, causing orange-tinted soundwaves toward the villain and causing his body to involuntarily freeze mid-step toward Canine.
Seeing her chance, Canine throws her rubber ball at the mummies, hitting one in the head and causing it to bounce into the other mummy's head. The force from the attack causes the mummies to drop the family and gives them a chance to run off.
Canine winches at this, feeling sorry for having to do that since she knows the mummies are ordinary people. She doesn't have long to think about it, though. She has to duck under Pharaoh's fist as the villain powers through Canine's power with Sekhmet's strength to attack her.
"Freeze!" Canine shouts again to try and force him to stop, but now it's only slowing him down instead of outright stopping him like before.
"You cannot order a king," Pharaoh tells her as he continues pushing through her power before getting hit in the head by Cat Noir's baton.
"That was for the punch! You hit harder than Stoneheart!" Cat Noir shouts at the villain while glaring at him.
Pharaoh growls and wants to charge at Cat Noir but can't because of Canine's spell. Having enough of this, he decides to stop wasting.
"I don't have time to waste fighting you two. I need to prepare the ritual." Pharaoh announces before breaking the spell and quickly changing his mask into Horus.
With that, the Akuma flies off at high speed. A few seconds later, Ladybug appears in the opposite direction.
"Hey, Ladybug. It looks like you're the last to appear again." Cat Noir laughs somewhat awkwardly, causing Ladybug to apologize.
"I'm so sorry. I only just learned that you guys were fighting." Ladybug tells them.
"It's fine, Ladybug. You're here, at least. It seems like the Akuma can change their mask into different forms. Each mask gives a different power." Canine explains, having analyzed the Akuma mid-fight.
"Yeah. It's like a better version of your Seamstress since he can constantly change it. There was a lion mask that gave him strength, a bird mask that let him fly, a monkey mask that traps people in bubbles, and a jackal mask that turns people into mummies." Cat Noir explains while counting the masks off with his fingers.
"Didn't you hear the names he was shouting before he transformed? Those were all Egyptian gods." Canine adds.
"I mean, he does think he's an ancient pharaoh." Cat Noir shrugs.
"Do you guys know what he might be after?" Ladybug asks them urgently, wanting to stop him as soon as possible.
"He mentioned something about a ritual." Cat Noir states, causing Canine's eyes to widen as she realizes what Pharaoh is planning.
"He probably wants to finish that ritual on the papyrus!" She shouts before running into the museum.
"Where are you going?" Ladybug asks in worry as she and Cat Noir follow her.
Canine runs into the Egyptian exhibit and notices the iron bars are still bent from when Cat Noir escaped. He had used his baton to bend the bars by extending it. She crawls through them and enters the exhibit to see the papyrus missing. The other heroes soon join her, and Cat Noir notices the same thing.
"Wasn't there something here before?" Cat Noir asks while motioning toward where the papyrus used to be.
"Yeah. A papyrus with a ritual on it. Pharaoh is probably going to try and perform it." Canine tells them.
"What was the ritual?" Ladybug asks in worry.
"Apparently, it's to bring the dead back to life." Canine reveals, much to Ladybug's shock.
With Pharaoh. The Akuma is in a more populated area and uses his Anubis form to turn more people into mummies. While he's doing this, Alya is watching, trapped in the clutches of two mummies, as another set of them walks past her while carrying the papyrus. As the papyrus passes her, Alya notices something, thanks to the sunlight.
One of the smaller pictures on the papyrus has the symbol of a woman spinning a yo-yo.
"Hey! Is that woman holding a yo-yo?" Alya shouts her question toward Pharaoh.
Pharaoh turns his attention toward her and notices what she's staring at.
"Yes. That is a depiction of my long-time nemesis, Ladybug." Pharaoh claims, surprising Alya.
"But that papyrus has to be over a thousand years old," Alya states, causing Pharaoh to nod again.
"You're right. Five thousand years ago, she stopped me from completing the ritual to resurrect Nefertiti. However, she and her allies will not be so lucky this time. I've already nearly completed all the necessary preparations." Pharaoh promises before going back to turning civilians into mummies while leaving Alya with something else to think about.
Back with the heroes, Canine and Cat Noir try to remember the steps to completing the ritual while Ladybug is busy figuring out where Pharaoh is.
"I found him. He's a few blocks away and is turning people into mummies." Ladybug informs the two after checking her yo-yo.
"Alright. Let's go." Cat Noir nods, and Canine adds.
"We may not have a lot of time before Alya is sacrificed." She claims, causing Ladybug to look at her in surprise.
"Alya is what?" She asks worriedly.
"Oh yeah, Pharaoh plans to use her as the sacrifice to revive Nefertiti." Cat Noir says upon realizing they forgot to mention that.
"We need to hurry," Ladybug states, not wanting one of her classmates to be sacrificed.
The three heroes rush out of the museum and head toward Pharaoh. Ladybug takes the liberty of grabbing Canine by her waist and using her yo-yo to zip them across buildings while Cat Noir uses his baton. In what seems like no time, the three lands on a rooftop near where Pharaoh is. He and his army of mummies are seemingly heading back to the Louvre.
"Why are they heading back?" Cat Noir questions in confusion.
"I don't know." Canine says suspiciously as her eyes narrow at the moving army.
"Do you two know where his butterfly is?" Ladybug asks them as she observes Pharaoh.
"I think it's in that necklace." Cat Noir gestures to his chest as if there is something there.
Ladybug nods, and Canine can see she's thinking about something.
"What are you planning, Ladybug?" She asks the other heroine.
Ladybug turns to her and Cat Noir with a somewhat joking smile.
"I was just thinking, since we're dealing with mummies, it would be right to give them a burial." She jokes, causing Canine to look at her in confusion.
Cat Noir looks the same, but after a couple of confused blinks, he realizes what she's talking about and grins.
"Oh. This is going to be awesome." He tells Canine, who's even more confused now.
Ladybug takes a few steps back so Pharaoh doesn't notice what she's doing before saying.
Light envelops her, and her costume changes into a familiar suit.
"Eath Seams." She announces when the transformation ends, and she's in her yellow trenchcoat with a yellow black-polka-dotted mask.
Canine blinks in surprise at Ladybug's choice before deciding to ask something else.
"Wouldn't it have been better to use Reverse Seams and turn the mummies back into people?"
"That forms a bit unpredictable, and I don't know what would happen if we used it against Pharaoh's mask-changing ability. So, I don't want to use that against him." Ladybug quickly explains to her, causing Canine to nod.
"Alright. So, what's the plan?" Canine asks.
"I'll keep the mummies away from you guys with my powers. You need to use Fetch to get the pendant from him." Ladybug tells Canine, causing the girl to nod.
Ladybug then looks to Cat Noir.
"Try and help her as best you can," Ladybug tells him.
"You've got it. It shouldn't be too hard. Right? All we have to do is get the pendant and not fight him." Cat Noir laughs in slight nervousness as he remembers when he and Canine fought Pharaoh head-on.
"I'll do what I can to help you guys, but I also have to save Alya," Ladybug promises.
"Alright." Canine says before she and Cat Noir prepare to jump down when Ladybug gives the signal.
And that signal soon comes in the form of Ladybug raising her black-gloved hands and the ground under the army trembling before rising in tsunami-like waves, pushing the mummies away from their master. However, it also drags Alya and the papyrus with them.
"Woah! What is happening!? Help!" Alya panics as she's being swept up with the mummies.
Luckily, a hand of earth forms under her, lifting her out of danger and next to Ladybug.
"Glad that worked," Ladybug mutters in relief as Alya looks around in shock before seeing Ladybug and grinning.
"Oh my god, guys. I just got rescued by Ladybug. In style, too. I was literally in her grasp." Alya says to her livestream excitedly, having kept it going after she got captured.
She then runs next to the heroine and films the fight between Canine, Cat Noir, and Pharaoh. Like Ladybug said, she's keeping the mummies from interfering by manipulating the earth to form walls they can't climb over. This leaves Pharaoh alone to deal with the two on the ground and Ladybug.
Cat Noir jumps at Pharaoh and goes to hit him with his baton. Pharaoh tries to grab it, but Cat Noir immediately retracts it.
"I'm not falling for that again!" He yells at Pharaoh before backing away.
Confused, Pharaoh tries to figure out why he's backing away before remembering Canine and turning around to see the girl throw her rubber ball at him. The rubber ball almost hits the pendant but barely lands under it. The impact is enough to cause him to bend over slightly and hold his chest in pain.
"How dare you strike a king," Pharaoh grunts before changing his mask.
"Thoth, give me time!" He shouts as the mask morphs into a baboon, and Pharaoh creates golden bubbles to try and trap the two.
However, Ladybug uses her powers to pull out chunks of the ground before throwing them at the bubbles, making them useless against the other heroes.
"Curse you, Ladybug! You and your new allies will not stop me like you did five thousand years ago!" Pharaoh angrily shouts at Ladybug as his mask morphs into a hawk, and he tries to fly at her.
But Ladybug acts quickly again by crossing her arms and causing columns of earth to fly out of the ground and trap Pharaoh. Ladybug glares as she focuses harder and creates more columns to try and contain him.
"Hurry!" Ladybug urgently shouts at the two as she can feel Pharaoh try and escape through her connection with the ground.
The other two heroes run along the columns right as Pharaoh breaks through them using Sekhmet's strength.
Cat Noir jumps at Pharaoh and grabs him by the head, covering his eyes.
"Get off me!" Pharaoh roars as Canine runs at him and hits the pendent with her rubber ball. She then tries to grab it with her free hand, but Pharaoh grabs Cat Noir and throws him at Canine.
The two hit the ground, but it's already too late.
"Fetch!" Canine shouts from the ground with Cat Noir lying atop her.
Her rubber ball flies at Pharaoh and hits his pendant before they fly back to Canine in a bright orange orb of light.
"No!" Pharaoh angrily shouts as the ball returns to Canine with the necklace, and she takes the chance to break its pendant.
As she breaks it, Ladybug jumps down and captures it with her yo-yo as Pharaoh de-transforms. In a swift, practiced motion, she activates Miraculous Ladybug to fix the city. Doing this causes the ground she manipulated to return to normal, and Jalil rests on his knees in the middle of the three heroes.
"Ugh, what happened?" Jalil asks as he holds his head and looks around.
"You may have gone a bit far in trying to test your theory." Cat Noir tells him.
Next Chapter
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a34trgv2 · 6 months
Top 10 Worst Cartoon Villains
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#10. The Beast (Over The Garden Wall): A series full of so much potential, Over The Garden Wall's biggest disappointment besides the world building and characters is its villain. The Beast is built up as this dark, evil spirit, when in reality he's just all bark and no bite. Whenever he's on screen, he comes off like a lesser version of the Lich from Adventure Time with lackluster abilities, a weak motivation and is defeated rather anticlimactically.
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#9. Harold Smith (The Powerpuff Girls): The Powerpuff Girls has a bunch of memorable and iconic villains in their rogues gallery. Harold Smith, as well as his wife and kids, is NOT one of them. In addition to a petty motivation, he isn't at all threatening, his costume looks like it was thrown together at the last minute, and he doesn't even succeed in his plan. The only reason why the girls didn't just beat the tar out of him is because his wife wanted a perfect dinner. And no, the sequel episode that involves his family isn't much better.
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#8. Hervnick Z. Snerz (Green Eggs and Ham): While Green Eggs and Ham makes for a good show for the most part, the one major critique I have is that the main villain is nothing but a pompous brat. Snerz is egotistical, whiney, lazy, and selfish, but above all that, he's just not funny or interesting. Not onces throughout the entire show does he become a villain we love to hate, but rather an annoying detour from the main plot. His backstory does nothing to make him sympathetic or interesting as it just further proves how selfish and nasty he is.
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#7. Griselle Grande (Polly Pocket): This creepy old broad wants the power of Polly's locket, but what she really needs is to get a life. She's an incompetent, egotistical, and creepy woman who can't come up with the most basic of plans to get a stinking locket. Not once does Griselle's efforts get a laugh and the fact that her granddaughter, Gwen, even helps her despite being dumber than a sack of peanuts is actually pathetic.
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#6. Lee, Marie, and May Kanker (Ed, Edd, n Eddy): It's no secret that the Kankers bring Ed, Edd, n Eddy down with their mere existence. In addition to ruining the Eds' scams, they also frequently make out with the Eds without consent. They're also the apotheosis to the rest of cast as they're not funny, they're not quotable, and they're not interesting. No wonder they don't have any fans.
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#5. Dragon (Skunk Fu): As a big fan of dragons, I would be all giddy to watch a show where the dragon is the main villain. Unfortunately, Skunk Fu is too terribly written to make Dragon an interesting villain. In addition to having such a rushed and pathetic backstory, Dragon does nothing but sit in his cave doing nothing but bark orders at his lackies. Nothing about him screams intimidating or powerful, just pathetic.
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#4. Dr. Otomo Kamikazi II (Robotboy): Some evil genius he is. Dr. Kamikazi constantly fails to capture Robotboy and what's worse is he never once thinks to make his own robot if he's so smart. He also has a weak motivation, a very exaggerated accent, and no real menace to him. He's just an embarrassing loser that's too stubborn to admit that he's not as smart as he thinks he is.
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#3. Hawk Moth (Miraculous Ladybug): If this guy wants the powers of Ladybug and Cat Noir so much, why doesn't he get them himself? I'll tell you why: because he's a weak, lazy, incompetent villain! He'd rather send his Akuma butterflies to corrupt petty losers to do his dirty work and they always fail. He's just a pathetic bore of a villain that never once gets his hands dirty.
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#2. Teamo Supremo's Rogues Gallery (Teamo Supremo): It's impossible to choose just one lousy villain from this stupid show, as they all have the same problem. They petty villains with lame gimmicks, 3 useless lackies, and they're not the least bit threatening. One of them is just a guy who makes fun of people and another is your typical Karen. Teamo Supremo has the worst line of villains in cartoons and it would've been Number 1 on my list, if it wasn't for...
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#1. Lloyd Garmadon (Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu): ...THIS obnoxious little punk! Lloyd is the embodiment of all the previous entries. He's petty, he's stupid, he's lazy, he's egotistical, and he's such an embarrassment! All he does is bark orders to the snake peopke to commit childish crimes and as such he wastes the time of the heroes and the audience! He's such a bad villain that I could care less about his redemption and how he becomes a mainstay. All I want is for this kid to be shipped to Timbuktu and NEVER comeback!
Conclusion: These villains are so bad in their portrays, they make sitting through the show frustrating everytime they're on screen. Dishonerable mentions go to PAL from The Mitchells vs The Machines (just another vengeful A.I. in a sea full of them), Maximums I.Q. from Atomic Betty (a very generic villain in a very badly made cartoon), and Dio from JoJo's Bizarre Adventures (he's not even fun to talk about, that's how bad of a villain he is). Do you agree with my picks? What are some of your least favorite villains? Let me know down in the comments and I'll see you next time ;)
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leafweaverryn · 2 years
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so i went a little feral in the tags of a post with this screenshot this morning, and well... i started a thing
cw - baby plot bunny, monarch is very handsy, everyone is very out of character because i don't know what i'm doing, aged-up characters, mention of Gabriel/Harry/Mr Ramier, mention of Lila/Chloe, mind control, endgame feluka
Since unlocking the true potential of his power and learning he really could evilize and release more than one akuma, Agreste manor slowly became more occupied and more interesting, in Argos's opinion. He kept away, in an apartment lair of his own paid for by his heists, mostly because there was only so much of his uncle's presence and personality he could take. But he did visit occasionally for tea and to assess the newest villain Monarch brought home like a stray pet.
There were the ones Argos expected. Psychomedian and Mr Pigeon were the first, being Monarch's secret public lovers after all. Lila, upon learning of Monarch's new strength, practically kicked the door down and demanded to have her Volpina powers returned to her, which Monarch granted, and not wanting to be overshadowed by her girlfriend, Chloe followed shortly after and was crowned Queen Wasp once more.
And then there were others he didn't expect...
Monarch was so excited, so giddy when he came up from his lair that day, Argos worried he'd found Adrien at last. Shortly after the akumatized villains began to move in, his cousin disappeared. He worried, sending out sentis on search of the other blond. One returned one night with a note from Adrien, stating he was safe and in hiding. A paw print in the corner of the note was all the clue Argos needed as to why. He burned the note.
But the akumatized man that entered was not Adrien. Argos observed him from the top of the stairs, eyes narrowed behind his fan.
At first glimpse, there was nothing particularly exceptional about the man striding in. Tall, broad-shouldered... even from where he stood, Argos could see the ripples of muscles under the black and purple suit. Whoever he is, he works out, the peacock thought, flicking his wrist to move his fan. Little puffs of air cooled suddenly warm purple cheeks. The new villain wasn't flashy either. He didn't hurl his powers around or try to show-off.
And yet the gathering of akumatized villains and sentis parted for him. Even Volpina and Queen Wasp cowered away, both holding their hands to their mouths, as if afraid to speak in his presence. The fear that rose up among them was so palpable that Argos didn't need the empathic powers of the Peacock Miraculous to feel it.
Why? Argos wondered as the man stopped in the center of the room, waiting to be received by his master. Why do they fear him?
But then he felt it. Nothing. All the others reeked of emotion, like perfume fogging the air. This man, however, had nothing. Felt nothing.
His heart and soul were completely silent.
Fitting, Argos huffed. The stranger's face was obscured, hidden by his helmet that covered his face like a muzzle. A wicked green grin was painted over where his lips would be.
"Welcome, welcome!" Monarch crowed as he came in from his office lair. "Welcome to your new home."
The helmeted man bowed, standing up straight as Monarch stopped in front of him. Curious, Argos left his spot to wander closer. Seeing him in the corner of his eye, Monarch beckoned his nephew to join them.
"How handsome you are," Monarch sighed, daring to touch the helmeted man under his chin to tilt it up. He turned the man's head to let the light catch on his pale blue skin. "I would have preferred Truth, but you... You will do just fine."
"I don't think I've seen you this happy about akumatizing someone," Argos hummed behind his fan as he joined them. An instinct warned him to keep his distance, so the peacock stayed at arm's length from the two.
"Aaahhh, that's because this one is rare, Argos..." Monarch circled the man, inspecting him. The master's hands cupped his new puppet's shoulders. "Mr Ramier, I've akumatized hundreds of times... Even this one's family are easy prey on bad days when pickings are slim... But him..."
He gently grasped the akuma's hand, guiding it up so Monarch could kiss his knuckles. To the helmeted man's credit, he didn't react. His green eyes focused ahead without seeing, though Argos did feel a twinge of disgust. The peacock smiled behind his fan.
"This one, I have been trying to catch for years... How many times have I blessed you ever? Twice?"
The akuma held up his free hand and three fingers.
"Of course," Monarch chuckled. "This would be the third time." He removed his hands and stepped away, lurking behind Argos to whisper in his ear. "My dear nephew... I present to you the purest heart in all of Paris. The man who cannot, will not lie... Others call him Luka Couffaine, but here, among his new family in his new home, he is Silencer."
Green eyes flicked to Argos, seeing him at last. Silencer gave him a bowing nod in reply to the peacock's quiet "how do you do".
"An apt name," Argos hummed. "You don't say much. I like that in others."
"Ah, thank you for reminding me." Monarch turned his gaze to the others gathered and raised his voice. "A volunteer! I need a volunteer! You there, Volpina! Come here, my dear. Make yourself useful for a change. Silencer needs a voice!" His lowered to a grumble. "And I've had enough of your screeching..."
But the helmeted man lifted a hand and mimicked talking with it. When he spoke, it was with a voice that turned Argos's blood to ice.
"That won't be necessary, master," Silencer replied with Adrien's voice. "I've found a voice already."
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yourelessfast · 11 months
Some Non-Rocket Stuff I've Been Working On
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Some miscellaneous villains that can bother the heroes whenever Egg Head's gone rotten.
Princess Abby is, probably most obviously, our equivalent of Princess Sally from the Archie Sonic comics. Unlike Sally, though, Abby is less of a love interest and more of an embittered ex of Zip's that undertakes the occasional passive-aggressive, teetering between evil and not-evil scheme in order to get revenge on or otherwise just mess with the Pooch. Posie considers Abby her biggest rival.... and 2nd biggest crush.
Fake Zip is this world's Metal Sonic. Egg Head being more of a bio-engineer than a roboticist, she's not exactly building robot clones every day. Normal clones work fine. Fake Zip is the main antagonist of Zip the Pooch 2: Cease Deceit, and comes back again and again in increasingly esoteric forms and roles. Egg Head's longest and most loyal minion, he's one of the most dangerous Pooches around if you don't count the other 5.
Exotor is the living planet(?) (meteor? Asteroid?) that Dr. Egg Head creates in Zip the Pooch 1, but after his defeat at the hands of Zip, she kind of abandoned it as space junk. But he comes back for revenge, at first trying to crash into Planet Zip, and then spawning a more mobile copy of its consciousness into this alien body that can keep up with Zip and fight toe-to-weird-toe-like-tentacle. The secret final boss of Zip the Fighters, like what Akuma is to Street Fighter 2. Exotor is a combination of the Death Egg and Sonic.Exe, with a bit of Ego and Deoxys thrown in for good measure. Probably one of my favorite remakes of a character from the main series!
But that's not all!
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My first set of characters in the Zip-verse that are NOT alternate universe clones of characters from Sonic! The Sonic series has been sorely missing out on some spooky-themed characters for far too long, and I'm not making the same mistake, so meet team Horror Show!
Ludlow is a zombie dog and the leader of the team. Some kind of a magic undertaker, he goes against both Zip and his friends AND the Egg Head Empire, much more of a loose canon in the world. It's unknown what his real final goals are, since I made him in the middle of a road trip and didn't consider that he needed goals until typing this sentence, but the gang won't let him send the land into spooky scary chaos any time soon.
Joining him are other scary characters, BooBoo the Witch, Vendetta the Spider, and Goops the Candy Snake, representing the occult, the horror, and the fun parts of the Halloween season respectively. They might be sowing chaos on Planet Zip, but they're intensely loyal to each other, so don't cross them!
Once I have reliable internet at my new place, I hope to be making a lot more content on here, so stay tuned! My current goals are to get the other teams in my head out as designs (mainly ones based on the classic-era baddies and the IDW Diamond Cutters) and to try my hand at making some landscapes of the various zones I came up with for this setting. All 8 zones of Zip the Pooch 1 are safe in my noggin, and I might try to draw a few silly comics based on the plot of it.
I'm not exactly a professional-grade artist or anything, but this project is fun, so I don't plan on stopping anytime soon, so I'll see you soon! I know I have a few people looking around here because of the sonic OC polls, and I hope some of you stick around for more! ^-^
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miraculouscontent · 2 years
Okay... I read the first prompt on that Marinette salt blog, and I want to know which version of the show the writer was watching, because this isn't in response to actual events that happened in canon. It's just an excuse to bash Ladybug for her Chat Blanc trauma.
Chat pretty much cornered Ladybug (who didn't have to worry about her timer this time) and demanded to know every secret she was keeping from him. When she told him about Chat Blanc, rather than understand the horrors she experienced or why she didn't want to know his identity, Chat ignored that and yelled at Ladybug for not asking why the alternate version of himself got akumatized, and tells Ladybug this.
"You did nothing to help me. You only did what you saw would help yourself. Why? Because you never think, nor ask about anyone else. You only demand everyone else’s loyalty."
So after Cataclysming an Akuma send towards her, Chat just bails on a scared Ladybug while the narrative says it's all her fault she lost her partner.
Also, for some reason, the author included this bit while forgetting the plot of "Kuro Neko"
He’s not going to take the ring off. That would be too risky of him and wrong in terms of being a hero. But he is going to get answers.
Apologies for all the brain cells you lost reading this.
All I’m hearing is that we’ve not confirmed Alternate Universe Theory with the internet being a link between all of them.
Because otherwise I’m sorry, what??
Literally Ladybug spends the first part of seeing Chat Blanc worrying about him and how to deakumatize him because that’s what I’d EXPECT of someone being concerned, since he can be asked how he got akumatized - y’know - after she’s safe from being attacked, though I suppose it’s natural to expect the Adrien stans to not think of Ladybug at all like, “Wow, Ladybug, you only care about yourself! Why weren’t you thinking of how Chat got akumatized while you were busy dodging his attempts to murder you?”
Just a thought, but she seemed a little preoccupied at the time?? And Chat essentially blaming “their love” for everyone dying seemed like a pretty clear answer of, “I got akumatized because of our relationship,” so no duh she didn’t feel the need to ask.
And lol, “you demand everyone else’s loyalty” when he betrayed her in the alternate timeline so he could date her and she’s blamed in “Kuro Neko” in a way that sounds like she’s being accused of “cheating on him” when they’re not even dating.
The realistic follow-up to this is Ladybug realizing that it’s actually awesome that she “lost her partner” and she can easily find a replacement. Su-Han will be happy to help once he realizes that Chat’s gone AWOL. “Oh, but it’s my fault--” “Then congratulations! You did a good thing getting rid of him. I’ll take care of the rest.”
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Masks and Music
(Part 1)
Part 2
I didn't think that my last post would've gotten ANY notes at all, so imagine my surprise when I find out that people actually liked it. After that suprise I thought why not and make another one so here we go! This is a Miraculous/Batfam crossover.
Imagine that Damian gets sent to Paris because the fam doesn't want him to become an emotionally constipated sad boi like Bruce and think that a change in scenery would help.
They don't know about the whole Hawkmoth situation because SOMEONE from the justice league decided that the while thing was a prank DESPITE that it was an ENTIRE CITY calling instead of a single person.
Like, aren't you guys supposed to be the world's greatest heros or something?
Who hired you?
Damian being the grumpy lil kid that he is holds a grudge and decides to not accept any calls or video chats from his family or tell them about Hawkmoth because that's what you get when you send someone across the world against their will.
(and because of plot convenience shhh)
Anyways, Damian goes to school as instantly adds Lila onto his mental list of people he needs to get rid of.
I mean, seriously, he's only been is the room for what, 15 seconds and he's already getting a migraine?
Great. Juusssttt great.
He sits in the back of the class with what seems to be the only person with brain cells in this room.
The dark haired girl just looks over and sees the disgust at Lila written all over his face and gives him a silent empathetic nod.
'This is unfortunately normal here.' she tries to convey through the small action.
He just nods back to show his understanding before turning around to observe the others.
In a few minutes Ms. Bustier walks in the room and asks him to introduce himself to the class.
It looks like the teacher never told the class that they were getting a new student because they all have to do double takes when they realize that there's a new face in the room.
He gives them the bare basics, telling them that his name is Damian Grayson, he's from America, and that he doesn't want any of them to talk to him before sitting down.
Clearly the teacher wanted him to say more or scold him for being so rude but a glare shut her up.
Later during a break period Lila tries to flirt with him and brags all about how she's met so many different celebrities and her achievements.
He tells her off and tries to move away but her nails are digging into his arms as she tries to convince him that he should stay away from Marinette.
Before he can maim her, the dark haired girl comes out from behind him and starts spraying Lila down like an unruly cat with some sort of strong smelling liquid from a spray bottle.
Lila screeches and stomps away.
When he turns to his hero the girl explains.
"It's a mixture of shredded lemon, expired maple syrup, vinegar, and pomegranate juice. I call it People Repellant but Thot Begone works too. Oh, and I'm Marinette by the way."
He eyes her hand before shaking it.
"Damian, though I assume you already know that. Can I get some of that by the way? I know a couple insufferable annoyances that would benefit from a spray down.
Marinette just blinks for a second before she bursts out laughing and that was the start of a great friendship.
Together they:
Make fun of Lila in the back of class.
Help eachother with homework (they only cheat off eachother when they REALLY need help)
Prank Lila in odd ways (Hey, just because she found hundreds of furbies hidden around her house that turn on one by one in the middle of the night effectively scaring the crap out of her when she's trying to sleep doesn't mean that it's their fault. She had it coming.)
Break a couple laws (shhhhhhh. Those toy stores don't need those furbies anyways).
Dare eachother over stupid things (they still insist that the cereal incident was caused by the other).
And overall become closer as friends.
They bring out the overdramatic chaotic gremlin child in eachother.
One time when Damian goes over to Marinette's place to work on a project he finds her singing a Disney song to herself on her balcony.
This isn't the first time they've caught eachother singing.
One time Marinette caught Damian in the art room at school humming one of the many annoyingly cheesy and catchy songs that Dick likes to listen to.
Despite him explaining the embarrassing situation to her she still teased him for weeks after.
He'll never get to live it down.
Damian shakes his head to get rid of the flashback when a devious smirk spreads across his face as a revenge plan comes to mind.
After carefully placing his stuff on the floor he sneakily makes his way across the space until he's right behind her.
That's when he joins in.
Screaming at the top of his lungs at first, effectively giving her a mini heart attack before eventually quieting down to a normal singing volume.
She glares at him, annoyed by his loud and obnoxious entrance before she starts singing again.
They eventually end up full Disney movie dramatically performing around her balcony with dance moves and over dramatic acting.
Is it bad that actual birds and other animals are appearing and joining in?
Damian totally kept one of the pigeons.
He named it Dolores.
(He later trained Dolores to attack Rossi on sight.)
When they're finished they end up on the floor out of breath.
They stay like that for a few minutes before Damian sits up.
"That. That was fun. I don't think I've actually ever sang before."
Marinette jolts up in suprise and turns to face him.
"Really? I never would've guessed. You have a really nice singing voice."
He would deny till his dying breath that he blushed when she said that but he covers it up with a smirk.
"Well I guess that's just because yours is so terrible in comparison."
He squawks when she jabs a finger in his side.
"Pshh. As if. Besides, my singing skills can't be worse then your gaming skills." She challenges with a cheeky smile.
"ExCuSe mE?!"
And that's how they spend the rest of the day playing video games, leaving the unfinished project to be completed on a later day.
Good thing it isn't due until 2 weeks time.
After a couple of hours playing video games, creating many possible Lila murder plans, eating pastries, and joking around, it's time for him to leave.
As Damian left for his place he got a feeling that something big was gonna happen.
Marinette also got the feeling but they both ignored it.
Little did they know, someone just happened to walk by and starstruck by the amazing singing they recorded the performance before posting it on the internet.
Imagine the duo's suprise when they wake up the next day to find themselves trending on the internet.
Luckily the video quality was pretty trash so their faces weren't identifiable but the audio was loud and clear.
The world was talking about the cute couple singing to their hearts desire on a balcony. If that's not cliche and adorable then the world doesn't know what is.
The assumption about their relationship status left them looking like tomatos but that didn't stop them from wonder why they didn't notice a creep recording them.
Damn Disney songs and their unnatural ability to distract people.
Of course Lila took advantage of the rising popularity of the video and talked about how she taught the two people in the video how to sing and gave them tips.
The two just walked past the idiot squad and sat down in their seats, making a mental note to come up with a prank later, when the akuma alarms came on.
They fall into their normal routine of Marinette running out to find a place to transform as Damian covers for her.
Oops did I forget to mention that Damian found out her identity because she crashed through his window in the middle of the night still transformed and asked him what's the answer to question 24 in their science homework because she just defeated an akuma by herself and was running on 20 minutes of sleep?
My bad.
Anyways it turns out today was the day Marinette had officially had enough of Chat's bullcrap.
It was gonna be a normal akuma situation.
Ladybug trying to fight the poor butterfly victim while chat noir either doesn't show up, tries to do everything on his own to impress her and ruins the whole plan, or just watches and complains about how she needs to get over her denial and date him BUT
This time he decided to actively try to push her in the akuma's way therefore putting her in SO MUCH MORE DANGER than she was already in.
Now she had to dodge out of the akuma's way AND CHAT'S!
WhAt ThE fUdGe?!?!
You think possibly killing Ladybug and trying to force her to beg for you to save her is gonna make her like you?!?
Just how hard did you hit your head when Gabriel dropped you on the floor when you were 2?
After the akuma was eventually defeated Ladybug told Chat to meet her on an abandoned rooftop that night because they needed to talk.
Chat being the oblivious person that he is (I swear I don't actually hate chat noir, this is for the plot I'm sorry) thought that it was for a love confession and became overly smug before leaving.
Making sure that he isn't following her, Marinette meets up with Damian at his place (school's over because of the attack) and asks him to help.
Later that day when the two miraculous holders meet up Ladybug distracts the Catboy by flirting with him while Damian uses his ninja skills for something other than sneaking up on her and giving Marinette mini heart attacks.
From behind he quickly hits a pressure point causing the other boy to fall unconscious.
Using her ALMIGHTY GUARDIAN OF THE MIRACULOUS powers, Ladybug takes Adrien's ring away and places a spell on him that makes it so he will never be able to use another miraculous ever again.
After they take Adrien home Marinette gives Damian the ring and Night Prowler is born.
He promises to do everything in his power to make sure that Selina and his family doesn't find out for the sake of his pride.
We'll see how that goes.
Night Prowler first officially appeared during an akuma named 'Break Dancer'.
Ironically, she was a ballerina that had to drop out of the finals in a competition because she broke her right leg the day before the show.
She could turn civilians into back up dancers and forced them to perform against their will.
They also worked as minions who would attack the duo for her while she stayed a safe distance away.
It was pretty obvious that the akumatized item was the music box held inside the bag that Break Dancer had slung around her shoulders but the real question was how could they get to it without becoming attacked by the backup dancer or becoming one of them.
Luckily (eheheh), a car with an open window playing music just happened to pass by before driving off.
Before it drove off, the music coming from the car was loud enough to play over the music box which caused some of the minions to become free again and run off.
Ladybug called her lucky charm and a Bobby pin landed in her hand.
As she looked around she noticed a store a couple blocks away that had a couple radios.
Unfortunately, the store was locked and closed.
Fortunately, she knew how to pick locks and a Bobby pin did come from her lucky charm soooo......
Who is she to deny literal gods.
They break into the store and grab a radio, and a speaker and rush over to where the akuma was causing chaos.
They turn on the radio, connect the speaker and turn the volume on as loud as it can go before flipping through the stations for a good song.
If they're gonna fight with music in the background they're gonna be picky about it and wont settle for anything other than epic.
While fighting they eventually get swept up in the music and end up singing along.
It's nothing less than full on majestic.
When the fight is over and the akuma is purified they find out that someone recorded it and posted it on the internet as well.
Now everyone knows that the beloved hero of Paris and her new partner were the two people singing on that balcony.
Good thing that the video quality was trash right?
If it weren't for that their identities would've been busted the moment they started singing in hero form.
Luckily there aren't many people other than Damian that know what Marinette's singing voice sounds like so they're okay.
Well.... They WERE okay,
Until a certain rockstar and his agent came across the two videos and put two and two together.
So now King Sting (bee!jagged) and Peridot (turtle!penny) have joined the team.
Poor Penny, now she has to deal with two gremlin children and a some sort of bizarre man-child.
The next akuma confused the group quite a bit.
He didn't really do anything but sit on a rooftop waiting for the miracle team to show up.
They were all suspicious of him at first but when they did reveal themselves to him he explained his situation.
He was akumatized because his favorite rock band broke up but he didn't really want to take their miraculouses away.
He just asked if they could perform another song for him and he would give his akumatized item to them.
They all sorta looked at eachother and collectively went 'screw it why not' and sang another song.
If they were great before, they are absolutely AMAZING now.
Well that's what happens when you add a famous rockstar to a team of singing superheros I guess.
The akuma was blown away and true to his word handed over the rolled up picture in his pocket and was purified despite of Hawkmoth's nagging.
Haha screw you Hawky.
This time the ordeal was recorded by a news station and the 'hand over the akuma in exchange for a song' thing became a trend.
There were still normal akuma's that didn't follow follow it but those were far flung between.
It seems like Hawkmoth was getting annoyed by this so there started being less akuma attacks over the months.
Because of this some people were actively trying to get upset to attract one of the purple butterflies.
They traded one good thing for another I guess.
To stop that from happening the group started performing in public as superheros during concerts and festivals.
Because of this they became quite well known outside of Paris as well.
Is it ironic that more people know them as a band rather than a superhero team now?
When Marinette learned that they could change what their superhero costumes looked like if they put enough will into it she squealed.
Marinette designs superhero performance costumes for them whenever they have a festival to play at.
Whenever asked about their outfits they always reply with MDC.
Marinette's business gets really popular after that.
And since no one knows who MDC really is, she doesn't have to worry about the whole "Oh no me and my family are gonna be in danger!" thing
It's a win win!
Overtime they basically become a second (or third for some people) family to eachother.
Damian becomes more 'kid like' and open to others,
Marinette becomes more confident and overall happier,
Jagged gets to hang out with his awesome niece and her 'maybe more than just a friend',
And Penny gets a new outlet for stress and has so many more crazy stories to tell people.
One day while she's in the living room on the sofa watching 'The AristoCats' Damian just barges into the room and dramatically flops over onto of her.
He just lays there with his head in her lap and the rest of his body sprawled on the couch.
After everything that has happened this is normal for them now.
Without asking any questions or talking at all they just watch the movie together with the occasional remark or quip between them.
Around half way through the movie Jagged kicks down the door, effectively scaring the crap out of the two teens, while Penny follows behind him with an apologetic look on her face.
At first Jagged was yelling about something having to do with'Fang' and 'Dragon' and 'Miraculous' but after taking in the domestic atmosphere of the room he just sits down on the floor and joins in on watching the movie.
Penny, shaking her head in both amusement and exasperation, sits down on another chair and does the same.
While combing through Damian's hair with her fingers Marinette looks around the room.
'My life can't get any more complicated, can it?'
Oh boy, she just jinxed it.
This is just an idea I've had bouncing around in my head for awhile and I couldn't resist the urge to write it out. I AM planning on making a part 2 so if you like this keep an eye out for that. I'm by no means a fast writer though so it will take a while. But then again not many people will probably read this soo.... Yeah.
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ecofinisher · 3 years
Stuff I noticed at Snow Queen Fire & Ice and Miraculous Ladybug 😀
I just had to. Even if it is a waste of time. 😅I've done one a long while ago between Miraculous and Monster Buster Club. This one had to be done as well, all just because of those small, little spirits 🥺😥
To be clear, I’m not comparing it to what is better and whatnot. I’m comparing the similarities between the two. The spirits there made me think of the kwamis? Funny I didn't pay attention to it at first xD But then the fun part came......Three times I have watched the movie and I suddenly began to think......Hmm Gerda has the creation powers like Ladybug and Rollan destruction......Holy brick! They could be the lovesquare as well if they had added more romance into it 😂 How did I not see? (It's because you saw Kristanna mixed with Hansanna you nut)
So where do I start? Well just to summarize the shows for those who don’t know one/both of them:
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Short info about both, if unfamiliar:
Miraculous Ladybug is a French animated TV show, that debuted in 2015 and is set in the modern metropole Paris and is focused on the lives of the clumsy Marinette Dupain-Cheng and the famous teeny-model Adrien Agreste. Both wield special magical jewelry, which is called a “Miraculous” which they use to transform into the superheroes “Ladybug and Cat Noir”  The two don’t know each other’s identity, but funnily Adrien has a huge crush on Ladybug and in the civilian life he sees her as just a friend, while Marinette is obsessed with Adrien and sees Cat Noir only as his trustful crime-fight partner. Both students are around 14 years old in the show.
As superheroes they fight villains, that were akumatized by Hawk Moth. (He owns the butterfly miraculous, with which he can create supervillains by sending an akuma (Butterfly jinxed by Hawk Moth’s magic) and Hawk Moth’s miraculous sends people’s negative feelings such as anger, sadness and disappointment and uses his akumas to follow them and akumatize them and they’re transformed by Hawk Moth into a specific-themed supervillain.
Snow Queen 3: Fire and Ice (Release year: 2016)
Snow Queen 3: Fire and Ice is the third installment of the Russian franchise "The Snow Queen" It consisted currently out of 4 movies, an upcoming 5th installment, and a pre-school TV show. The first movie came out in 2012 and was also the studio's very first movie.
Resume from the first two movies is the young girl Gerda, which lost her parents to the Snow Queen makes her way through the entire snow lands to find her younger brother Kai, which was kidnapped y the north wind. With help of Orm, Snow Queen's servant she makes her way up to the Palast and defeats her, saving her brother and waking up Orm's eyes to a "better world" The sequel is focused on Orm's continuation, which makes a promise to never lie again and this promise made a reflection of himself come to life and appear near him, when he had no idea, what to do with life issues. The more he began to create white lies and bigger lies, the more life his reflection gained until he was able to get out to the real world. The reflection, which calls itself "The Snow King" tricks Orm and leads a fight against Troll warriors by sending his ice-made minions. Gerda was the last warrior to enter and make it to the main hall of the palace to miss Orm, which was fading away due to Snow King's existence and he pretends to be an injured Orm, which is warmly embraced by the girl, but then gets frozen by him, not realizing she had fallen into a trap. When things were over for everyone and the bad guys had won, Orm figured out how he would make everything okay by confessing his mistakes, which erased Snow King from existence and unfroze all warriors and friends again, which were angered at the naive troll.
This is lowkey spoiler-free. I didn't want to go into much detail here, but I would suggest you watch these movies, mostly no. 2 and 3, which are really worth seeing. As well you can see the first and see how much the studio had improved since the first up to the 2 and 3 one.
The Fire and Ice one, I'm supposed to be talking about happens a few years later, Gerda and Kai left the orphanage to go live on their own and make money to be able to at least be able to eat. Their last visit didn't make any profit and they took a ride with an old friend of theirs Alfida (The Robber girl) to pass the night by Orm, their troll friend, which had matured and was responsible to babysit the triplets of his cousin. On said night, a Spanish boy named Rollan shows up by his doorstep and is introduced to the visitors as a friend he met shortly. After the dinner ended in a disaster Kai and Gerda split and Rollan followed Gerda to give her rights, then bonded with her from being looking for his mother as well and introduces her to a map with an artifact called "The Wishing Stone" which grants any wish. Gerda agrees in tagging along and together they make it to survive the dangerous tomb encountering the wishing stone. Fact is the wishing stone was something else and this is where the powers of the Snow Queen and the Fire Demon were kept and due to Gerda and Rollan's touch on the stone, it had awakened the spirits, getting the two infected with the powers of said villains. Soon as they find out with Orm what happened, they need to get back to the tomb to retrieve the powers before the north star rises and makes their transformation complete, which means both would lose their soul/bodies to the villain. .
Random info:
1. The most popular franchise of the studio aka knowns for:
Miraculous is mostly know to be addressed as a ZAG animation product, but other known studios have worked on it as well such as SAMG Animation, TOEI and Method Animation.
Currently, the most popular series produced in France.
The Snow Queen 3 is the overall fifth movie released by Wizart Animation and was on its release the studio's best-grossing movie so far. Currently, the studio's filmography contains about 8 released movies (Counting with Secret Magic Control Agency in 2021), Two televisions shows and at the moment three movies are announced to be released.
Currently, the franchise is the most popular one in Russia, which is also where it was produced.
The similarities I noticed:
The spirits
Coal (Up) and Snowflake (Down) (Left Side)
Plagg (Up) and Tikki (Down)(Right Side)
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Tikki and Snowflake have female pronouns. Both are shown to be "feminine", kind, lovable, and correct. They're a spirit of creation.
Plagg and Coal have male pronouns. Both are shown to be "male". cunning and curious. They're a spirit of destruction.
All four are able to use their powers on their own. They don't need to be with their holder to be capable of.
- Plagg and Tikki are able to communicate verbally with each other and with humans.
-Coal and Snowflake can't speak, they usually use body language and mimic. Also, they do noises like laughing, groaning, speaking, and such.
- According to Tikki, her species (Kwami) don't fall in love/can't fall in love.
- Snowflake and Coal are shown to be romantically interested in each other. They're shown flirting and having little date-like moments, as they're away from their "owners"
- Coal is able to multiplicate. It's unknown if he's able to do it in command or only if he falls or is hit.
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The "Alter egos"
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Marinette is the face behind Ladybug and Adrien wears the mask of Cat Noir.
Gerda is possessed with the ice-powers of the Snow Queen and Rollan wields the fire-power of the Fire Demon.
Gerda and Marinette share the creation ability, while Adrien and Rollan are responsible for the destruction. They're each other's opposites.
Differences: Gerda and Rollan are aware of each other's identity and recognize each other's faces, despite small differences. Adrien and Marinette don't know each other's hero identity and weirdly have minor differences in their looks.
Marinette and Adrien's personality as heroes is quite different from their civilian ones, while Gerda and Rollan's don't seem any different.
It's unknown if, during the time Rollan and Gerda are under possession, their personalities are slightly altered by the villains or not. Rollan is shown to get quickly tempered with Gerda's friend, when it comes to their mishap, which usually turns into arguments.
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The Yin-Yang effect
Power of creation and destruction
Marinette = Ladybug miraculous, the red earrings / Power of Luck (Creation)
Adrien = Black Cat Miraculous, the black ring / Power of Misfortune (Destruction)
Gerda = Ice (Creation) (The ice-blue shape on the crystal)
Rollan = Fire (Destruction) (The red shape on the crystal)
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Character A bickers often with character B.
Ladybug with Cat Noir. Most of the moments Ladybug feels annoyed at Cat Noir's puns and flirt attempts during their missions. She had her rude moments, but deep inside her, she adores him. With Adrien's she's currently befriended, but has a huge crush, nearly an obsession with the blonde, which sometimes makes her double life harder and under pressure, she has taken choices, which led to ungood consequences.
Gerda with Rollan. Rollan's seems more relaxed with pressuring into retrieving the powers back, unlike Gerda. Rollan's easy tempter with Orm, when he's blamed for his issues annoys her as well. Gerda has shown interest in Rollan since the night she has met him and they bonded over the night when heading to the forbidden Tomb. Rollan has shown interest in her as well, but not as much as her.
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"Buttmonkey Sidekick"
Cat Noir and Rollan.
Cat Noir - Thrown around by villains at billboards, yeeted by his own dad at the fricking Eiffel tower, sometimes risked his life to protect Ladybug and get wrapped up into odd situations.
Rollan suffered a few nutshots (One by himself as well), survived a very dangerous tomb, had his head frozen by Gerda accidentally, managed to step-dance in the middle of a shoot-out without getting hit by a bullet, accidentally (Or not) uses firepower with help of his butt. (Sounds ridiculous? There' the picture 😂) Press R for respect.
Naturally handsome boys.
Cat Noir and Rollan.
With and without "masks".
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Don't think before acting
Cat Noir and Rollan.
Characters look the same
Gerda and Ladybug
Gerda has additional makeup on her face.
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Characters look differently with their alter egos
Cat Noir and Rollan
Cat Noir has a wilder hairstyle and has cat-like eyes.
Rollan has a different skin tone, a fire-like shaped hairstyle, which he can put on fire and his eyes are slightly red-brownish.
The brains
Ladybug and Gerda.
The muscle
Cat Noir and Rollan.
Falling into the darkness
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Cat Noir and Rollan
Cat Noir lets an akuma take over him and turn him into Chat Blanc, which destroys the entire world in an alternate universe.
Rollan lets the Fire Demon take over his body at the retrieval of the power and nearly commits genocide of entire kingdom.
Tall boy, smoll girl
Cat Noir to Ladybug
Rollan to Gerda
Cat Noir has a crush on Ladybug. Ladybug doesn't. She has a crush on Adrien, which is Cat Noir's alter ego, which she's not aware of. Adrien sees Marinette as a friend only and has no idea, she and Ladybug are the same person although they look the same.
Gerda is attracted to Rollan since the first time she saw him. Rollan begins to feel attracted to Gerda with the time she's around him.
Rollan and Gerda are aware of each other because they were given the powers in the same place.
Marinette and Adrien were confirmed to be canon and should end up in the 5th season, eventually.
Rollan and Gerda should be considered canon at the end of the 4th part, due to the ending credits showing them share a kiss.
Power font:
Ladybug & Cat Noir: "Magic jewelry" (Miraculouses)
Rollan & Gerda: The wishing stone
The wishing stone takes away after 24 hours of control over the power wielders and turns them into the slave of Snow Queen and the Fire Demon. The characters' real person is gone for good.
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You shouldn't assume
Marinette has been vegan for years. Chloe has always had allergic reactions to meat. Credit to @virgil-is-a-cutie for the original post about this AU.
Alya didn't understand. "But the miraculous cure brought her back" Alya explainedas she looked at her hero.
Ladybug's face was red and her hair had been chopped off honestly looked like a two year old did it. "Alya she was wearing a miraculous. It doesn't affect us the same as civilians. Alya I feel the pain of people's death when I bring them back. Did you know that? Did you realize if you are wearing a miraculous when I cast the cure that the pain of all the healed is split between us?"
It was clear to ladybug, Alya just wasn't getting it. "Turn yourself in. It will be better on everyone" she said as she turned around.
Earlier that day...
Alya had everything figured out. She would show that Chloe was a lier and a bad influence on Marinette then show her best friend how wonderful Lila.
She had easy access to the hotel because of her mother and on the off chance she was wrong there was an akuma so everything would be fixed when the cure was cast. But she knew she wasn't wrong Chloe couldn't be vegan with how often she saw her eating burgers. All she had to do was drop the hidden camera when she dropped off the ridiculous amount of food Chloe ordered.
Of course Alya was so caught up in her plan she didn't realize that the akuma was one that induced hunger or that Queen Bee was part of the battle or that all three of the active heros were presently missing from battle because they had got hit and their kwami needed to recharge.
Alya didn't notice the two figures hiding both from her and Chloe. Alya didn't pay any mind to how quickly Chloe pushed her out of the room. Alya did think it weird how Chloe seemed to be talking to someone as she closed the door but she didn't care her plan was going perfectly....
Until it wasn't.
Alya made her way out of the hotel just in time to see Queen Bee projectile vomiting on the Akuma and Ladybug holding her mouth as Chat and A NEW FOX HERO fought the Akuma and Carapace protected ladybug from the Akuma attack.
Alya made her way home just in time to see her mother watching the news. The news crew panicking Queen Bee had died from what is believed to be an allergic reaction that caused her to vomit. Alya roled her eyes. She would be fine the cure would bring her back.
Alya needed to know why she wasn't given the fox miraculous. Maybe ladybug couldn't find her... Yes that had to be it
Meanwhile Nino was panicking. Queen Bee was down. It didn't look like she was breathing. Ladybug was barely able to stand. His transformation had worn off and he was hiding. Wayzz looked panicked. "This isn't your fault"
Nino looked at the little dude."she's my girlfriend I should have known something was up. She can be impulsive and I should-" Wayzz moved to his shoulder "would she have listened to you? She's changed. She planned this without realizing the repercussions. This is not your fault."
When chat had showed up mid fight hastily explaining what had happened, he didn't have time to prosses what had happened too focused on getting to the battle on saving his friends. Now he undstood and he was horrified.
The akuma was defeated just before ladybug passed out. When the cure was caused Queen Bee started breathing again Chat instructed him to accompany her too the hospital in the ambulance while he took ladybug too the Guardian before her transformation was over.
When he was forced out by the hospital staff Chloe's parents thanked him insisted he one of their employees take him home. It had all kind blurred together until he found himself facing Chat for the second time that day "Ladybug was hospitalized too. But it's time sensitive that you, me, her, the fox hero and the Guardian see Chloe in private if she has any chance of waking up we have to perform a healing ritual. Ladybug snuck out and is talking to Chloe's parents now. For the second time that day Nino transformed.
Ladybug was left with little hair after the ritual. Chloe needed something like creation magic present in the room too keep her stable. Ladybug didn't have much practice with magic so her hair was the easiest to recharge as needed. Once it was explained to her parents they put the hair in a box and said a body guard would be brought in when they had to leave the hospital.
There was no guarantee she would wake up but there was a guarantee she would get Justice. Ladybug had told him Alya would be getting a visit. She hoped Alya would turn herself in.
Alya didn't turn herself in. She believed that everything was fine and Chloe was worrying everyone on purpose. She payed no mind to her mother coming home early and her quietly talking to her sister and father in the kitchen. "Ugh grown up talk" she mumbled to herself. If she had bothered to listen she would have known there was an investigation and her mother was the prime suspect as she made 99% of the food for Chloe.
When she went to school the next day she found it odd that Marinette, Adrian, and Nino were absent but brushed it off and talked to Lila after sending them quick texts. Sabrina mention Marinette being in the hospital but Alya played no mind Mari was her clumsy best friend. When none of them answered by lunch she began to worry. Then Nino sent a text "why did you do it?"
Alya huffed. And replied "she's faking to worry everyone" then Nino sent another text "then I suppose you believe Marinette is too. I can't see you anymore goodbye" Alya didn't understand but again brushed it off she could talk to him later. Except she couldn't because next time she saw him it was at her trial.
After Alya was arrested her story hit the news. Her blog was torn apart and Lila's lies quickly unraveled. Her and Lila faced many lawsuits from celebrities. Alya faced one attempted murder (Ladybug) and one murder since Chloe had in fact died. Though was magically brought back, she was still considered brain dead at the moment.
Lila was facing trials for much more attempted murder and assisting Hawk Moth. When her lies got out she chased a butterfly that turned out to be an illusion created by the new fox hero. And her previous akumas were very very violent.
Hawk moth took notice of the young girl suffering the same type of sleep that his wife was. Gabriel didn't know how to help his son. His childhood friend was practically gone in the same way his wife was. And he did not handle losing his wife well at all.
When Chloe woke up, she had to go through some physical therapy but when Howkmoth appeared offering peace if they could try to help a Jane Dow. Well it was a shock when Adrien was suddenly hugged by his mom a year later. Emily had to use a wheelchair but she was back and that was all that mattered.
Marinette has been vegan for years. Chloe has always had allergic reactions to meat. Credit to @virgil-is-a-cutie for the original post about this AU.
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The "Lie-la Situation" for Volpina pt2
Adrien, now feeling a bit uncomfortable (and a little more than suspicious) with the sudden closeness, couldn't help but say, "Um, aren't you dating Red Beetle?" and tries to scoot away. Lila keeps close when she says, "Oh, Red and I have an open relationship. He's fine with me dating others as long as he approves them, and he already approves of you."
Max, now as Red Beetle, made sure to say loudly and clearly, "Strange that you're talking about my approval, when I never even approved of being in any romantic relationship. Especially considering I never even knew about you, Ms Lila, before your “Interview” with the BeetleBlogger." That was when Marinette, now as Calico, said, "That goes for me too. And how many times do I have to tell people that my best friend is Red?"
The heroes walk over as Red Beetle says, "We were on our way to the BeetleBlogger to correct the information that you have given her, Ms Lila, and to inform her just how dangerous posting stories that can and will make Morphia target specific individuals in order to get to us. But as we were passing by, we overheard your little conversation with Mr Agreste." That was when Calico said with a glare, "Listen missy, if you had claimed that we saved you when we didn't, we wouldn't have cared too much. But when you claim to be the best friend of one of us and dating the other, we have a legitimate problem."
Doing his best to sound concirned and logical, Red Beetle explains why it's a problem to tell everyone that she's "Besties" with a Hero and "Dating" the other. Morphia could target them every chance she'll get and use them to get to the heroes. Red Beetle made sure to emphasize his concerns about a civilian getting harmed.
Calico just watched Lila's and Adrien's reaction, and was noticing two very differents facial expressions on their faces. 'Wait... Is she... Getting mad at this?' the Black Cat hero thought in confusion.
That was when Lila bursts out in anger when she shouted, "How dare you! You ruined everything!"
Confused, Red Beetle responds with, "Excuse me? We’re concerned for-" Lila then snapped, "Everything was going smoothly until you two showed up!" "Huh?" Red Beetle vocalized in confusion as Lila storms off.
Now angry, Calico hisses out, "Wait, so she's more mad about getting outed for her lies than the possible dangers of telling those lies?! That little!"
Adrien then asked in a tone that was both confused and relieved tone, "So she isn’t your friend or dating Red Beetle?” Calio sighed and calmly said, “No she isn’t either. We never even knew her before we saw the interview she gave the BeetleBlogger. Plus, it’s dangerous for a civilian to make that claim. I mean, it were another hero or someone in costume making that claim, that’s a different story. But we wear masks for a reason, to protect our loved ones.”
Adrien understands but couldn’t help but say, “But she also claimed to be a hero too... But if what you’re saying is true then... Though I swear I heard of the idea of a Fox Hero before she mentioned it.” Red Beetle stated that there might’ve been a Fox Hero in a different part of the world before sending the blonde off for home.
Calio then said to RB, “We’re not going to tell him about the book?” Red Beetle shook his head before saying, “Not yet, let’s get it to Master Fu before we do anything else.” With that, they head off to the Guardian’s place. They’ll talk to Alya later.
Meanwhile, Lila stews with rage at what happened. She nearly had Adrien! He would’ve been hers if the heroes hadn’t shown up!
This attracts the attention of Morphia, and she sends one of her Akumas to that pit of negative emotions.
Like the canon, Lila accept it.
Also like canon, Master Fu looks through the Grimoure and is glad that it’s back in his possession. The heroes explain what happened.
But Trixx pops out of the Miracle Box and rants about some brat giving foxes a bad name. The bamboo plant in the room grows as the fox Kwami rants.
Master Fu, understanding the situation, agrees to make a digital copy of the Grimoure so the book could be returned to Adrien. However, he does let the heroes know about his theory about the Holder of the Butterfly Miraculous probably having the Grimoure.
RB and Cali tell him that they’ll think about it as they head out to visit Alya to inform her of the huge lie that was given to her.
Volpina’s appearance is the same as the canon, but Red Beetle and Calico see the “asteroid” vanish when it makes contact with a passing pideon.
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Chat Noir deflected the akumatized villain's attack as Ryuko flanked them.
He grinned as his girlfriend bonked the guy on the back of his head. She must really not appreciate having their date interrupted.
The large akumatized villain fell, setting off car alarms as the ground shook.
Ryuko leapt back to his side, sword at the ready. "Any word from Ladybug?"
Chat Noir leaned closer. "None yet, Dragon-ette."
Ryuko raised an eyebrow.
"No? I'll keep working on it."
The akumatized villain rose with a roar. His breath attack sending cars flying.
Chat Noir grabbed Ryuko and used his staff to propel them to the rooftops, out of harm's way. "Yuck! Do you think he needs a breath mint?"
"Perhaps he should consider brushing his teeth every now and then," Ryuko supplied.
"I HEARD THAT!" The supervillain grabbed a nearby car and threw it at them.
Chat Noir extended his staff, using the roof as a brace to knock the car back down. He casually leaned on his staff. "But how is he going to get them clean without water?"
Ryuko grinned. "Water Dragon!" She flowed down the building, towards the indestructible supervillain.
"Hey!" Chat Noir yelled. "You know that 'blockhead' isn't meant to be literal, right?"
"YOU WON'T ESCAPE ME YOU MANGY STRAY!" The villain roared while launching another vehicle at Chat Noir.
Evading easily Chat Noir continued taunting the brute to keep his eyes off Ryuko. "Escape? Please, have you ever tried to catch a cat that didn't want to be caught? Fair warning: We have claws!"
"MY SKIN IS INDESTRUCTIBLE!" The brute bragged, lifting some more non-aerodynamic projectiles.
"Yeah," Chat Noir agreed, doing a handstand. "Bet it makes you really heavy, huh?"
The asphalt beneath the villain's feet cracked suddenly before a torrent of water burst out of the ground. The supervillain fell through the collapsing street and into Ryuko's Water Dragon.
The underground tunnel was completed flooded. And the akumatized villain was indeed too heavy to swim.
Ryuko reformed from part of the water, a deadpan look on her face. "I need a shower."
"But you just took a bath!" Chat Noir mock protested, gesturing at the thrashing liquid. "Incidentally, you don't think a diamond statue can drown, do you?"
"AAHHHHHH!" Water exploded upward as the supervillain's breath attack pushed it away from him. He grabbed the edge of the hole to pull himself up. "I'LL GET YOU LIZARD!"
"Is it because we forgot the bubbles?" Chat Noir asked as they were soaked by the water falling back down. "Ugh, now I need a bath!"
This time Ryuko grabbed him and carried him to the relative safety of an alley. The breath attack didn't have any more cars to throw at them but it was still plenty dangerous by itself.
"Any ideas?" Chat Noir inquired.
"He is indestructible, correct?"
"That's what he keeps shouting."
"Then perhaps we should take him at his word," Ryuko suggested.
"I don't follow," Chat Noir admitted.
"Lightning Dragon!"
"Ohhh! I get it n- Wait, no, Kagami!"
Ryuko bolted out of the alley and straight for the akumatized supervillain. The wind from his breath imperceptible to her lightning form. She struck him square in the head, knocking him into a wall which collapsed on impact.
Chat Noir landed beside her as she reformed. "I thought we agreed no Zeus-ing the supervillains?"
"No, Ladybug stated she didn't want me to use Lightning Dragon directly on the villains and I replied that I understood her concerns. I never actually agreed."
Chat Noir opened his mouth and lifted a finger before letting his hand fall. "Drat. I totally should've thought of that!"
They were interrupted by the villain's roaring. The diamond skinned being lifted both fists and slammed them down. The street cracked with a quake, knocking both heroes off their feet.
Chat Noir sat up with a groan. "Ooh, yeah, definitely gonna feel that in the morning!"
Ryuko pushed some rubble off herself. She glared at the supervillain. "Perhaps if I dropped him from a really great height!"
"But I if you use your Wind Dragon you'll have to recharge and superhero-ing is a team sport!" Chat Noir protested as he dusted himself off.
Ryuko casually slashed a peice of wall sailing their way. "Do you have an alternative?"
Oh, Chat Noir really didn't want to suggest this! "Well, we could, you know, since he's 'indestructible' and all, maybe, use my, um." He pointed at his ring.
Ryuko blinked for a moment to make sure she was understanding him correctly. "Won't that mean you'll have to recharge if it doesn't work?"
Chat Noir tackled her out of the way of more building. "Hey, every time we team up I'm always the one getting captured or almost captured! If anyone's getting the short end of the stick it'll probably be me!"
"I was captured!" Ryuko reminded him.
"Getting caught on purpose as part of the plan doesn't count!" Chat Noir pointed out.
Ryuko narrowed her eyes at him but nodded her consent. Chat Noir propelled himself into the air as she kept the villain's attention.
"You know, for a diamond your really not that impressive!"
The breath attack provided the perfect cover for sneaking up behind the big brute. As he stood still and his hearing was full of that howling wind.
"Cataclysm!" That got his attention. "Do me a favor?" Chat Noir asked as the akumatized victim turned around. "Don't die." And pressed his hand to the man's stomach.
There was a painful breaking sound as cracks appeared along the person's diamond form. The largest bisecting the villain almost perfectly in half. His form shattered as though made of glass.
Revealing a rather small man amid the shards.
Chat Noir breathed a sigh of relief. "A golem type akuma. Thought so."
Before he could finish the man and his diamond shards were engulfed in dark smoke. In his place was a boy a few years older than Chat Noir.
"I guess Ladybug found the akuma," Chat Noir observed as ladybugs swirled around them.
"Was all that really necessary?" Ladybug asked.
"You were tardy. We had to contain an akuma that had already knocked down buildings," Ryuko reminded her.
"I had to look all over a lycee to find his akumatized object! Including the-" She shuddered. "Boys' locker room!"
Chat Noir couldn't help a chuckle from escaping his lips.
Ladybug sent an accusing glare at him.
"Hey, at least everything turned out alright!" Chat Noir pointed out.
"Yes, we did manage to prevent more widespread damage," Ryuko agreed.
Ladybug conceded the point with a nod. "Why was he upset enough to be akumatized anyway?"
At this Chat Noir coughed and rubbed the back of his neck.
"He was under the impression that in order to woo his crush he would have to be 'flawless'," Ryuko explained. "Chat Noir told him that if she was as incredible as he described then she wouldn't be impressed by such superficiality."
"That was really good of you Chat."
"Thanks, I try!" He smiled appreciatively as his ring began to beep frantically. "That's my cue! Later, ladies!"
"Does he seem odd to you?" Ladybug asked as they dropped into an alley.
"He is always odd," Kagami replied as she de-transformed. "It's what makes him an interesting companion."
"Hey, Kagami?"
"Yes, Adrien?"
"What made you notice me?" Adrien turned to look at his girlfriend as she paused in her stride.
"What brought this on?" Kagami wondered.
Adrien shrugged and looked down.
"... You were an honorable opponent," Kagami stated simply and resumed walking.
Adrien skipped to catch up. "It wasn't my fencing skills?"
"No, those are just a bonus," she replied. "... What made you notice me?"
Adrien gazed upward as he thought about it. "Your honesty. Or maybe your drive. I don't think it was one thing for me. Every day I learned something new about you and then, suddenly, I love you and I have no idea how." He smiled.
Kagami walked a bit ahead of him to hide her blush. A shy smile making itself known on her lips. "I love you, too"
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Alya Will Definitely Become the Permanent Holder of the Fox Miraculous in the Future
The latest episode made it seem as if Alya was the Fox Miraculous Holder just once, but this will definitely not be the case. This was just the beginning.
Let's start by looking at the important parts of the latest episode when it comes to this aspect.
After Marinette had arrived to Master Fu's massage shop, he decided that Marinette's Miraculous was suggesting that Ladybug and Cat Noir would need help dealing with the Akuma this time. Despite this, he still was not sure if letting another Miraculous to be used would be a good idea, especially since he had already allowed two Miraculouses (Marinette and Adrien's Miraculouses) in use, fact which by itself was really dangerous. Still, Marinette right away told him that he had had a reason for doing that and that she and Cat Noir had always been very cautious. After listening to Marinette, Master Fu agreed:
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So, Master Fu indeed remembered that he had given the two Miraculouses to Marinette and Adrien for a clear reason. Now that he had a reason to give another one (temporarily), he just knew he had to do it.
Then, Master Fu told Marinette to choose someone she completely trusted in order to help her with that mission. This way, Master Fu would basically test both Marinette's ability to make good choices when it comes to picking an ally and the chosen person. Master Fu then added that while the Miraculous Spellbook hadn’t revealed all of its secrets, he couldn't let the Miraculous in the nature for too long, so Marinette had to return it to him right after the mission ended:
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Marinette immediately thought of Alya and decided to offer her the Fox Miraculous for this mission. Despite not knowing who Marinette had chosen, Master Fu was glad that Marinette was able to find someone.
Then, Ladybug went to Alya and asked her if she wanted to help her and Cat Noir. Alya of course agreed and right away wanted to send a message to Marinette about this, but Ladybug stopped her and said that she had to keep this mission a secret and had not to tell any friends or update her Ladyblog about it:
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Alya understood this. Marinette then offered her the Fox Miraculous and told her that she needed to give back the Miraculous once the mission was over. She then asked Alya if she could trust her and Alya assured her of this:
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After the mission had successfully been completed, all Marinette had to do was take back the Fox Miraculous to Master Fu. So, she thanked Alya for the help and reminded her that she needed to give back the Miraculous. Alya tried to convince Ladybug that they'd make a wonderful team and that she could be of help every day, but Marinette told her that she had promised she would return the Miraculous after the mission ended. Then, Marinette had to detransform and, right before she entered a building in order not to be seen, she told Alya she trusted her:
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Then, Trixx entered the discussion and started telling Alya that she would make a great team with Ladybug and Cat Noir, since she has all the qualities of a superheroine: bravery, strength and trustworthiness. Trixx definitely mentioned the trustworthy aspect on purpose. He had listened to Alya and Ladybug's conversation carefully and knew that Alya had promised to give back the Miraculous. He definitely listed the first two aspects of Alya genuinely since she had proved that she was both brave and strong, but when he also mentioned trustworthiness, he was actually testing her. Trixx wanted to see if Alya would respect her promise since being trustworthy represents a huge part of being a hero, especially when working along with other heroes. They need to know that they can trust each other completely. Trixx's words made Alya reflect on the situation and she understood that giving back the Miraculous was the right thing to do:
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Alya then returned the Miraculous and Marinette was extremely glad for this. Another aspect that is really important is that Alya could have easily found out who Ladybug was if she had just entered that building. Alya had been trying to find out who Ladybug was for so long and she could have easily achieved that in just a second if she had wanted to do that. Despite this, she opened the door just a little bit in order to place the Miraculous inside the building and then closed it. This and the fact that she decided to return the Miraculous show complete character development and prove that Alya is indeed completely trustworthy and has all the traits of a superheroine, just like Trixx said. Then, Marinette brought the Miraculous back to Master Fu and he told her that she had chosen well:
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Then, Marinette returned to Alya's apartment. Out of excitement, Alya wanted to tell Marinette what had happened, but then she immediately remembered her promise to Ladybug and made up an explanation for what she had wanted to say. She has already learnt how to make excuses really fast and that's good since when she will be the permanent Fox Miraculous Holder, she will need to come up with plenty of those. XD Also, even though Alya had said at the beginning of the episode that she would have told Marinette if she had been Ladybug, she now understood how important is to keep the identity of a hero a secret, thus not saying a word about Rena Rouge. Marinette was glad that Alya didn't tell her anything:
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So, in the end, Alya had greatly helped both Cat Noir and Ladybug and also kept all promises she had made to Ladybug. All of these show that she is definitely capable of becoming a long-time superheroine.
Now, why am I saying that Alya will definitely become the permanent Holder of the Fox Miraculous?
Well, let's start with the intro.
In the opening sequence, we have these extremely important parts:
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These parts are extremely telling and basically show us who the main characters will be in the future.
As we can clearly see, there will be another villain besides Hawk Moth who will probably be even more dangerous than him. The new villain will be the Peacock Miraculous Holder and might ally with Hawk Moth in order to try to finally defeat Ladybug and Cat Noir.
A new villain would definitely mean that Ladybug and Cat Noir would need help, but not just for a few missions. Considering that in the latest episode they needed help despite there being just a villain at that moment, they will definitely need to be aided all the time when there will be two villains. Handling two villains all by themselves would definitely be too much, so this is why new superheroes have to arrive and help them.
Also, as it was confirmed in the latest episode, Hawk Moth now knows that there are more Miraculouses in Paris and also suspects that there might even be a guardian:
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Now, besides wanting Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculouses, Hawk Moth will definitely begin searching for the other Miraculouses as well. Anticipating this, Master Fu will probably hide the Miraculouses very carefully and inform Marinette of their location. When the Peacock Miraculous Holder will show up, Master Fu will understand that he will need to give several more Miraculouses in order to make sure Ladybug and Cat Noir receive all the help they need. He will probably hesitate at first just like he has done in the latest episode, but he will remember that he has to do everything he can to make sure Paris is fully protected. Also, just like it has happened with the Fox Miraculous, Master Fu will know that there is a clear reason for allowing more Miraculouses to be used and that he has to do this no matter what, but this time not just for once. He will also remember that every time he has put his trust in Marinette (and Adrien), he has done the right thing. Marinette and Adrien never disappointed him when it comes to their fights against the Akumas and Marinette also proved that she is definitely able to choose great comrades.
Master Fu will probably be the one to decide to let exactly the remaining 3 main Miraculouses in use, including his own since the Turtle Miraculous is also a part of the 7 main ones.
By this point, both Chloé and Nino will have already somehow proved that they have the qualities needed to become superheroes, just like Alya did in the latest episode. Both of them will most likely receive an episode concentrated on themselves, in which they will either get to use their future Miraculouses just like Alya and show they're capable of owning them or they will prove that they have the required qualities in another way. What is clear is that they will somehow be tested and after basically passing the tests, they will definitely prove their worthiness to become true heroes. Despite the fact that, like Alya, both of them will probably struggle at first when it comes to keeping their word or when it comes to something else related to the needed superhero qualities, they will eventually understand what the right thing to do is, thus proving themselves.
Considering that he has already tested Marinette's ability to choose wisely and has seen that she is definitely able to do that, Master Fu will probably tell Marinette to give the 3 remaining main Miraculouses to the three people that have helped her and Cat Noir most during their fights against the Akumas. By this time, those three people will have of course proved to be Alya, Chloé and Nino. Master Fu himself will definitely tell Marinette that the one person who should get the Fox Miraculous is the one who has already used it before and has proved to be able to control it really well. This will also be the case for both Chloé and Nino if they get to use exactly their future Miraculouses before this moment.
Also, as it was confirmed in the latest episode, there are 19 Miraculouses in total. Still, out of those 19 Miraculouses, only 7 of them appear in the intro. This is exactly because of the fact that, while the other 12 Miraculouses (which represent the 12 Chinese Zodiac Animals) will be used once at most (during a final battle or something like this), the 7 main Miraculouses will be used all the time starting from a given moment in the future.
Also, when the new villain will appear, the Miraculous Spellbook will probably reveal all of its secrets, fact which will also contribute to Master Fu's decision to allow the remaining 3 main Miraculouses in use.
In conclusion, this episode was simply a test for Alya which was meant to show that she does have the qualities of a true superheroine. It basically represented the introduction of Rena Rouge and Trixx. Such episodes (or at least similar episodes) will also definitely appear for both Chloé and Nino. These episodes have to exist in order for the new three heroes to be able to be chosen easily when the time for them to fully join the team comes.
This was just the beginning of Rena Rouge and Trixx. (=^w^=)
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cosmicfelines · 2 years
I swear y'all my brain makes the most out of the blue crossovers out of nothing, with the Bel'veth reveal and Miraculous ladybug season 4 ending my brain just said "hmmm 🤔 Hawkmoth and the void both use purple" and BAM! New crossover and plot
Disclaimer: Just so you know! I don't approve of Canon!Gabriel actions nor does his grief makes him justified in anything he does. I get what the writers where trying to do with his character (some kind sympathetic villain like Mr. Freeze but less successful) but as always the writing of this show leaves much to be desired, as always with most things I like the concept but not the execution and Gabriel is not the exception. I actually like Gabriel's character, I want him to have a redemption arc, but as always with this show and with Clownstruc in charge all good ideas and potential is thrown out the window. I'm always looking for fans rewrits and redesign of Miraculous ladybug specially Hawkmoth/Gabriel. So as with most fandoms I have decided to divorce canon and go with my headcanons
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Of you don't know what is the League of Legends Void I recommend watching Necrit's video on Runeterra or the wiki, but to keep it short The Void is a parallel dimension that is the anti-thesis of reality. It's full of nothingness except for this eldritch god-like beings called The Watchers they were in eternal blissful sleep until a rip in reality allowed a window to the Universe where the planet of Runeterra resided woke them up, they suddenly where conscious of their own existence and all the noise and light of the universe, they didn't like it. So their whole plan is to destroy the Runeterran Universe so they can go back to sleep, send Voidborn and Voidspawn to the Universe as their scouts to collect information on this new reality, and open bigger Void rifts so they can pass through and destroy everything.
So the basic premise was (before the S5 episodes leaks, monarch design preview and the first episode evolution) that a void rift opened up in Paris, maybe it was just a random occurrence, an incursion of The Watchers, or maybe when Hawkmoth used all the Miraculous together during a battle he opened a Void rift, just like the Icathians did.
The Voidborn begin to come through and lay waste to everything and everyone. LB mad CN think this is Hawkmoth's Akumas but they're wrong and the three can feel the kwamis fear through the connection. The magic of the Miraculous can barely damage the Voidlings, people are dying and the Miraculous ladybug doesn't have a clear answer and it wouldn't be able to fix anything or bring anyone back since this is not an Akuma or a threat of this world, it's an otherness and the only thing protecting their minds and bodies form the world is the magic on the suits. They're getting desperate and I'm moment of clarity Hawkmoth understands what must be done...
Someone has to get close to the rift, lure as many Voidspawn as they can and make it implode on itself to close it, taking as much Voidlings as they can with it. Problems is that it's a one way trip, if the Voidborn or implosions don't take you then whatever is on the other side of the portal surely will.
Gabriel steels himself and tells Ladybug and Chat Noir his plan, but only the luring the Voidspawn to the portal and closing it part, they're getting desperate and it's the only plan they have so they agree, Hawkmoth lies to reassures them saying that the three of them will take out whatever Void creature remains after the implosions takes must of them, Hawkmoth flies to the portal (the Miraculous gives him wings in my headcanon) luring the hundreds of tiny Voidlings with light and the magic of the Miraculous, does a few circles to make sure all are following him.. and dives straight through the portal.
It works all the Voidlings follow him through the portal, there's light shining from it where previously there was only overwhelming darkness with tints of ominous purple light. Gabriel on the other side keeps flying in circles on the other side seeing millions of void creatures, every single one following him like moths to a flame trying to catch him instead of going through the portal. He prepares the necessary magic to close the rift from his side and in a fast dive with the Voidlings following closely behind he gets close to the rift and a explosion occurs.
The Voidlings recoil and burn in agony all being obliterated, the rift is closing, and Gabriel is badly hurt despite the protection of the suit, with one last thought he takes off the Miraculous and throws it through the rift just before it closes, leaving him in darkness and with nothing but the carcasses of the dead Voidspawn, and he passes out from his injuries.
That's the first part of everything but eventually after many years of wandering and surviving Gabriel, who is now a Void touched full with purple exoskeleton and butterfly wings (oh the irony), finds his way out of the dimension he is in (is not the void, no human would be able to survive there, it's a dimension between dimensions that touches closely with the void), he appears in Runeterra, underground closely to the giant void rift where Icathian once was, and from there he explores this new world he is in. maybe he encounters Viego he sees this reflection of himself and what he was becoming.
From this point I don't have a lot figured out, what I know is he will encounter Kassadin and helps him find his daughter (he misses Adrien terribly and there are not of other void touched around who are sane), they bond and fall in love, yes I'm shipping Gabriel with Kassadin in this possible fic. They find Kai'Sa after here encounter with Bel'veth and travel Runeterra looking for help against the void.
Much much later he will return to his world to warn and help them against the void, along with his new boyfriend and stepdaughter, but those are mostly vague ideas.
Tell me what you think and hey if you wanna write it tell me and I'll help you :D.
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fanfiction-writers · 8 years
The Curse of Chat Noir Ch 3 (Miraculous Ladybug)
Word Count: 3.2k
A/N: Totally forgot I didn't post this... So here it is now! Hope you guys enjoy! Also, for those who have read Trickster's Mate, I am (slowly) working on the 7th  chapter! Between work and being sick, not sure when it'll be done, but keep an eye out.
Felix stood there, momentarily frozen. He'd give Ladybug credit, she'd only seen him for like a minute and knew he wasn't Chat Noir. "Where is he?" she demanded again, face pinched in anger.
"I didn't hurt him if that's what you're asking," Felix told her, not bothering to lie. He may not tell her much, but lying about it wasn't going to help anything.
"And how do I know that?"
He narrowed his eyes. "I can't actually prove it without telling you who he is, which I won't do." Felix wasn't a snitch. It was bad enough he knew that Adrien was Chat Noir, no one else needed to know unless Adrien wanted them to. "You'll just have to trust me."
"Not likely," she told him. She still looked fierce, like she was ready to take him out there and now.
That gave Felix an idea. "If you won't trust me, then you can try to take the ring off. If you can get if off, you can have it." Maybe she'd get stuck with the curse and Felix would be free.
If possible, her eyes narrowed further. With the utmost caution, she crept closer, watching any small movement from Felix as he held his hand towards her, palm up. Felix felt a ray of hope as she got closer. Plagg did say that her magic could counteract his, maybe she'd be able just to take the ring off. Forget getting her to kiss him...
She flung the yoyo at him, the string surrounding him and pinning his arms down to his sides. Was that really necessary? She reached forward and Felix's heart pounded as she gripped his hand firmly, going for the ring. This is it!
"I can't," she told him, quickly throwing him onto the ground like a wrestler. "Why not?"
The air left Felix with a whoosh as he hit the ground, with Ladybug pinning him face-down on the roof. How had this turned so bad? Why couldn't she take the ring off? Frustrated, Felix wiggled, grabbing his baton to extend it and pry away the yoyo's string from trapping him. She jumped back, poised lithely and ready to retaliate, the yoyo zipping back to her.
"Look, I'd rather not fight with you," Felix told her, holding his hands up. "And by the sound of that-" he pointed to her ear rings that began beeping incessantly, "and my ring, you're about to change back, which means I am too. We'll talk next time, and I'll explain more." With that, Felix turned and used the baton to reach the ground safely. He didn't miss her look of confusion before he leapt down, and a part of him felt good about that. It wasn't only him who was confused about everything.
Felix was beginning to think that Ladybug was transforming on purpose. Since she had no knowledge of the curse, he doubted that was the case. There had been a significant increase in patrols and akuma attacks, according to Plagg. Within the last two days, there had been three attacks. One time he had been stranded in his suite again, just pacing with crossed arms until it wore off. For the second one, he had gone back to the same grocery store to get more food since his had ended up in the dumpster where he transformed. Felix had to run inside the bathroom and squeeze out of the tiny window to get out before someone caught him. Then, once again, he had to go back for his groceries when the transformation was over. At least he hadn't actually bought them again before he had to sprint to the bathroom.
The third attack, Felix had actually been really close to the akuma victim. The butterfly had actually floated past him to someone across the street in a distant car, before the car doors had been blown off the vehicle for someone to start flying around destroying stuff. In between screams from the akuma (something about traffic) Felix had found a place to hide so no one would see the transformation. It took Ladybug a full thirty seconds to transform after he'd hidden, so he had to wait.
Once transformed, Felix figured he could make a quick get away as he still didn't know how to use his powers. Plagg was very little help, opting to complain more than actually inform Felix of anything. They had driven each other crazy, and often didn't talk to each other unless they had to.
As Ladybug showed up, Felix exited his hiding spot far closer to the fight than he found comfortable. "Are you going to help me?" Ladybug had demanded as she spotted him, dodging cars as the akuma had started flinging them around like toys.
"Feel free to take this one down by yourself, too," Felix responded, trying to get away from the fight. There was no way he was going to try and fight-
That thought was cut short by Ladybug tackling him to the ground as a car went flying down the street. "You're not going anywhere!" she nearly hissed at him. "At the very least Paris needs to see Chat Noir is still here, even if you're a fake."
"I'm not a fake-" Felix started, before Ladybug turned to him with a grin. Suddenly, she grabbed his arm and threw him in the direction of the akuma.
Eyes wide and heart now pounding wildly, Felix's body twisted in the air, claws first to smack into the akuma. They collided with a smack and tumbled to the ground. Felix popped up quickly, checking over himself. A normal human would have several broken bones, but he was fine. Glaring, Felix looked back at Ladybug, who was already running towards them, yoyo at the ready.
"What the hell-"
Ladybug pushed Felix to the side to grab at the akuma's hand. She grabbed a set of keys and broke one, causing the akuma to dissolve into the human underneath.
"I hope you don't treat the other Chat that way," Felix said, dusting his suit off. So much for being a hero of Paris; Ladybug wasn't very nice.
"He's an actual hero, unlike you. I'm not sure how you got the ring, but you're not my Chat," she told him, grabbing the akuma butterfly to purify it. After setting everything the way it was, she grabbed Felix again and swung them up to another rooftop. She landed, dropping Felix on the roof in a heap.
"I'm sensing rooftops are a thing for you," Felix snarked under his breath. What was wrong with the normal ground?
"You've got about thirty seconds to start talking," Ladybug told him. "How come the ring didn't come off before? How did you even get it?"
Felix arched a brow at her. He could appreciate her not wasting time, instead getting to the heart of the matter. Finally, someone who didn't want to have idle chit chat. "I took the ring-"
Before he could finish the sentence, she had already started swinging the yoyo around, flinging it at him to wrap him up like before. Quickly, Felix snatched the end, wrapping his hand in the string. Perhaps that wasn't the best way to start... "Would you let me finish? I took the ring, but I had no idea what it was. If I knew this would've happened, I wouldn't have bothered. But I'm Chat Noir... for now, so we're both going to have to deal with it." Even though he really didn't want to.
She tugged on the string a bit, but Felix held strong, holding her glare. Hopefully, she could see that he was telling the truth. "Fine," she nearly after staring him down, "but I don't have to like it. Paris needs both of its heroes, so you better step up. People have noticed that Chat Noir doesn't show up half the time."
"Fine, I'll make appearances," Felix conceded, letting go of the yoyo so it could zip back to Ladybug.
She huffed quietly to herself though he heard it anyway. "Just answer one more question," she continued. "How's the real Chat Noir doing?"
Well, at least Felix knew she had Adrien's back when they were out around Paris being crazy magic vigilantes. She seemed genuinely worried that he'd done something to Adrien. "He was sick, but he's fine. Now, if you don't mind, I'm leaving," Felix told her, before turning and leaping from the roof. His ring had one little paw print left, and he had about five whole seconds to get to solid ground.
"Will you shut up already?!" Felix asked, fuming at Plagg as he hovered around the suite. The kwami had not stopped laughing since they'd returned. It was grating on Felix's ears and his nerves.
"I can't believe she threw you at the akuma!" Plagg howled again. "I'm gonna have to send her a cheese basket!" Plagg made some pantomime motions like he was throwing something and kept cackling to himself. Then he flew over towards the TV remote, turning it on. "I wonder if someone got it on camera for the news..."
"It was not funny, you little pest!" Felix growled, snatching up the remote to turn the television off. He had been scared out of his mind! He hadn't known that he'd survive the throw without an injury.
Storming off to his room, Felix tried to calm himself down. There was no point in letting his emotions get the better of him. At least, more than they already had. His hands hadn't stopped shaking the whole way home, from the adrenaline or fear he didn't know. Probably both. He never wanted to go through that again, so if he had agreed to 'make appearances' then that was all he was doing. Ladybug could fight all the akuma she wanted, but Felix was not cut out for being a hero.
Adrien paced around his room, trying to keep his panic from taking over.
He'd lost his freaking miraculous!
How did that happen? Sure, he knew the ring could come off, but still! The worst part was that he hadn't even realized the ring was gone until about a day or two after he had fallen sick! He'd long grown used to the weight of the ring, so he hadn't even thought about it until he realized he hadn't heard Plagg around his room. Immediately, he had asked Nathalie if she or any of the house staff had seen it around, but she just shook her head.
I know I have bad luck, but c'mon!
Did he even have bad luck anymore without Plagg around? Without being Chat Noir? Then again, he'd quit seeing his luck as bad for quite some time now. Plagg was probably the luckiest thing to happen to him in a long time.
"And I lost him!" he groaned to himself. So much for being Plagg's friend, even if the little kwami wouldn't actually say it out loud.
Adrien ran his hand through his hair repeatedly, not caring how many directions it stood up. He hadn't been allowed to leave his bedroom today, even though his fever was gone. Nathalie had told him to stay in bed to recover since he'd been sick for a couple days straight. She told him that she didn't want him collapsing again, genuine worry in her voice and expression. Adrien knew she cared, even if she acted indifferent sometimes, but he didn't know she cared that much. It was a nice surprise.
He absently turned on his computer, checking up on the Ladyblog. "Please tell me that Ladybug is alright," he hoped. She could definitely handle herself, that was no question. But sometimes akuma were tough to handle, even with both of them. He wondered if she was worried about him. He'd been gone for a few days now...
The screen showed some posts speculating about who his Lady really was, some nonsense (that Adrien totally agreed with) from the more fanatic fans that hoped Ladybug and Chat Noir would get together. Then a few recent akuma attacks... Thank God for Alya, even though Adrien kind of wanted to shake his friend when she put herself in danger.
One video started with Ladybug attacking some akuma by herself. Not that the video was off on its own: Alya tended to get shots of Ladybug mostly. He tried not to feel too slighted about that. There was another video of Ladybug fighting an akuma. No sign of Chat Noir. A couple more videos showed Ladybug mostly after the akuma attack as she did her normal short interviews with people. Maybe no one had found the ring yet...
Then another video, with an akuma flying in the air, causing cars to go flying. He watched as Ladybug leapt down from somewhere, distracting the akuma from throwing cars at the pedestrians. The video cut off for a few seconds as Alya had to take cover for a moment, before the footage went back to Ladybug leaping to the side to tackle someone to the ground...
There! Clear as day, was Chat Noir. The video was a little shaky from Alya moving, but the cat suit was hard to mistake for anything else. Not long after, Ladybug stood up before- Adrien paused for a second. Did she...did she really throw Chat Noir at an akuma? He had thought they were past that by now. Maybe she knew that wasn't him? He hoped she knew.
"...and Ladybug has done it again, with help from Chat Noir, guys! Seriously, dream team or what, am I right? I'm gonna see if I can get an interview again-" Alya's voice interrupted, the camera turning towards her face.
Adrien sat back in his chair, looking at the video as it ended. He felt... oddly empty now as the reality of just being Adrien sank in. He wasn't Chat anymore...Someone else was out there being Chat Noir instead of him. Someone else got to be a hero, got to help people and enjoy the freedom that Chat Noir had given him.
Nathalie came in not long after, bringing some more soup and medicine. Now that his fever had broken, she wanted to make sure it didn't come back. "You also need to drink this," she told him, giving him a glass of cold water. With an almost affectionate hand to his forehead, she told him to relax for the rest of the night before she left him alone.
Instead of eating, he made his way towards his windows. He used to go run through Paris as Chat Noir right around now. Sunset was purfect for a good stroll around the city. Even without Ladybug by his side, he had enjoyed the freedom away from the suffocating schedules and plans for Adrien Agreste the model, son, and student.
That settled it; He wasn't going to give up that easily! He knew Paris better than anyone since he used patrolling as an escape far too often. He'd find the new Chat Noir, and figure out who had his miraculous! Getting his ring back was priority number one.
 It turned out actually escaping his house was harder than he remembered. When he was Chat, Adrien could just leap out the window. Obviously, he couldn't do that now, so he had to try and be sneaky. Not easy when Nathalie seemed to be everywhere and had access to the cameras around the mansion. She was there when he got dropped off for school, and she was there to pick him up every day. He thought she and his father had been overbearing before... It was like they expected him to collapse at a moments notice. The only bright side to him being sick was that his father had given him a week reprieve from modeling work and some of his other lessons at home.
However, there was a downside. He was expected to stay at home and 'rest' the remainder of his time. He could have no visitors, and couldn't leave except for school. Stalking the Ladyblog was his only source of information to any miraculous business. Sure there was the news, but they covered more of the person that was akumatized and what had happened overall. They didn't focus on the heroes in particular except for interviews after the attack was over. Adrien didn't need after the attack; he needed eyes during the attack. Which is where Alya came in.
The videos, in Adrien's opinion, just got worse and worse. He began to notice that the new Chat Noir didn't actually do anything to help out. He'd show up, but he definitely did not engage the akuma. At least Chat tried to avoid fighting, until Ladybug found a way to throw him into the fight, sometimes literally. Adrien winced in sympathy as Ladybug grabbed Chat and pushed him towards the akuma to distract it. Why didn't Chat Noir use Cataclysm to help? Did he not know how to use it? Did he not want to?
There were so many questions, and he wouldn't get any answers just sitting in his room under strict watch. The Ladyblog popped up another video, just now live streaming; Alya trying to chase after Paris' heroes. Maybe now he could finally get some answers...
Popping his head out of his door, Adrien looked back and forth, straining his ears to listen. He could hear Nathalie on the phone with someone, getting flustered for some scheduling accident. Definitely his father then. Nathalie flew past his bedroom door, causing Adrien to jump back behind the door, heart pounding. She hadn't noticed him, and now she was busy...
Now was the purfect time to escape! Adrien thought with a smirk. Plagg would be so proud of him, sneaking out on his own. All he had to do was find Plagg and get his friend back, then everything could go back to normal.
A/N: Let me know what you guys think!!
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