#in my defense I thought he should clearly turn into Naruto. because clearly Naruto is the sexiest. (if you’re Konohamaru.)
egregiousderp · 6 years
In other Naruto related news I really didn’t need to know that I successfully predicted Konohamaru would invent and use what’s apparently the reverse sexy Jutsu just like his Genderqueer big bro Naruto before him but moreso but HERE WE ARE AND I’M LAUGHING HYSTERICALLY.
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getyouasenju · 3 years
Time Warp
Part 3 to "Better in time" and “Time Bomb”
Part 1, Part 2
Word Count: 7.4k
Warning(s): Angst, cheating, swearing, and possibly some spoilers??? (idk man)
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I let out a breath as I pulled the window covering down and leaned my head against the door. I rolled my eyes before swiftly closing them. I expected the idiot to be in a happy relationship by now, our romance long forgotten. At least that would’ve forced me to get over him, but no- here we were, arguing in a hospital hallway for fucks sake.
"Lovers quarrel?"
The smug voice reached my ears prompting another eye roll. I turn around smirking, "You wake up from a medical induced coma and the first thing you do is make a smart ass comment? Typical." I cross my arms, smiling as I made my way over to the bed. "I mean, what's a show without some commentary? and you two seemed to be putting on a pretty good one out there." He says with a smirk on his bruised face.
"Careful, smirk any harder and I might have to call the medical staff in for some pain medication." I teased as I finally took my original seat by his bedside. He laughs but it's cut short by a groan of pain and I furrow my brows, visibly upset that he's hurting. He glances in my direction and snorts. "Don't get all uptight, I'm alright." he spoke softly, trying to ease my guiltiness. I let a breath go and shook my head, "Yeah, I know.. but I'm still not all too happy about my baby brother being injured, especially from a hit that was supposed to be for me." I finish, narrowing my eyes at him.
"You're only older by like.. two minutes!"
"Omi! That is so not the point!" I bring a hand to my forehead, "You're my baby brother, Omi- I should be protecting you. This is my mess not yours." No matter how much reassurance I got, I will still uneasy. Omi was my only family left and the thought of him being taken away made me nauseous. I leaned in and grabbed his hand. "Seriously, don't put yourself in danger for me." I scold the boy.
"Why (Y/N), why do you always do that?" His sudden outburst caught me by surprise. "What... do you mean?" I asked slowly in confusion, not fully grasping what he was going on about. I let go of his hand as a frown spread across my face. "Act like.. this!" he emphasizes, waving a hand in my direction. I cross my arms, feeling insulted at his choice of words. "Act like what? a concerned sister? because if thats what you're getting at- It'll never stop, so you can just get over it. now." I sternly tell my sibling. He shakes his head, irritation clearly evident.
"No, not that- (Y/N)." He pauses bringing a hand up to his face in frustration. Let out a huff of breath he turns his head to me and smiles sadly. "You don’t have to walk around like the weight of the world is all on your shoulders. Sometimes you have to let others look after you- or you’ll tear yourself apart. You constantly tell Karui and I how you couldn't live if something happened to us, but how do you think we would feel if something happened to you, huh?" He sat up, slightly groaning in pain, I move to hit the call button, but he holds his hand up in disagreement. "You know- I wasn't the only one that ran to your defense in that battle. You do know that right? There are so many people here that care-"
"Really Omi? You can't be serious right now. Cut the crap, you were just arguing with Naruto before the attack. You think the people care about me here? Ha! We are going back to the Cloud and away from this mess!" I didn't know what had gotten into Omi, but wasn't laying injured in a hospital bed enough for him? His laughter took me by surprise as my eyes widened.
"If you think returning to the Cloud will fix all your problems, then maybe you suffered more injuries than I could've ever prevented."
"It is my home! How dare you!" I scream, my eyes watering up at his harsh tone.
"You were miserable there! I won't watch you wither away because you're running from your problems!"
"I didn't run, I was pushed!" 
The screeching of the chair filled the air as I quickly stood up, clenching my fist as my tears threatened to spill."I can’t fight with you both of you today." I whispered. 
"I will be back tomorrow, get some rest. Little brother."
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I dreaded the walk back, since when was Omi a ‘rational’ thinker? I could kick a rock and that boy would think I’d cause an earthquake! As I opened the hospital doors and the cold air hit my face, I sighed in relief. I dragged my tired legs through the familiar path to my apartment. The village had made a quick effort in repairing the damage, I could barely tell there was ever even an attack.  I kicked at the dirt, dragging my feet as I kept my head down, slowly making my way home.
Finally reaching the apartment, I stuck my key into the knob- only to find it already unlocked. I immediately rolled my eyes, anticipating another argument with the persistent blonde, how the hell did he beat me here though? I pushed the door open, my eyes darting around until they landed to a spot on the couch. Her long black hair fell down her shoulders as she sat gracefully on my couch, her hands crossed in her lap.
“Let me guess, Naruto gave you the key?” I was instantly pissed, playing musical chairs with my keys now? From my delightful conversation with Naruto to my loving reunion with my brother, I beyond was done for the day. I just wanted to go to sleep, and instead- I’m greeted with an intruder. “I may have borrowed it.” her voice was soft, but held a sense of inner confidence. I could tell she had been preparing herself for this, which only added to my irritation- because I wasn’t prepared at all.
“Hinata, I don’t have an issue with you. Let’s not make one, okay?” I told her outright. I specifically tried to keep the issue between Naruto and I, but it seemed that the harder I tried to keep everyone out of it, the more they were ultimately sucked in. “You know what? How about I take that key off your hands so everyone can stop having field day in my place, mkay?” I step forward, spotting the key and snatching it from the coffee table. I turn, walking to the nearest drawer and tossing it in there, craning my neck and raising a brow in Hinata’s direction as I hear her clearing her throat.
“I came to talk to you.” she said it so simply, like everything is just so sweet and I didn’t like that shit at all.
I promptly slam the drawer shut in annoyance, “About Naruto I assume? Listen, if you came to have a woman to woman talk, It’s not going to happen.” I was so sick and tired of everything being about Naruto, it was giving me a migraine. “If you wanted to talk about him with me- It should’ve happened way before you two did what you did.” I walk towards her crossing my arms across my chest. “So what is it? Want my recommendation for the next color scarf you’re knitting for him? He looks great in orange.” I remark, stopping a couple feet near her. The silence filled the air around us as I stood there staring her down. When she failed to respond I rolled my eyes. “You let yourself in, you can let yourself out.” I sneered at her. I was going to let her off the hook, but somehow she managed to insert herself back into my life. As I turned by back I hear her speak up.
“I’ve loved him since we were kids.”
I stopped dead in my tracks, not daring to turn around to face her. The words ringing in my head. “But he never saw me, he never got it.. but on that mission I felt like he finally saw me, like he knew my feelings- that he felt it too.” I kept staring forward, slowly shaking my head in disbelief, what did she gain from this? Naruto and I were already broken up, I was already at my lowest, I was leaving! “So I kissed him.” and that was my breaking point. I whipped around opening my mouth, but she beat me to it, “And.. and It felt real, and I felt like we had a chance and-” She stopped abruptly her voice trembling slightly before continuing. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, I didn’t mean to disrespect your relationship. I just- I love him so much. I just wanted him to see that.” I bring a hand to my forehead, feeling the heat rising to my head. “(Y/N), I’m so sor-”
“That. Is. Enough!” I finally exploded. “Hinata, seriously- what does apologizing do?” I threw my arms up in defeat. “I’m not going there with you. What’s done, is done. You never owed me any loyalty but- fuck! you at least owed me so fucking respect! Some decency! Fuck disrespecting the relationship Hinata! You, Naruto and all your little fucking friends disrespected me!” I let out a deep breath as my frown deepens, “Every single thing I’ve done- every little fucking thing I’ve done for this village, a village I wasn’t even born to, was disrespected- do you understand that?” I hissed out. 
Hinata quickly stood up from her spot on my couch, ignoring my last remark and I clenched my fists as I watched her step closer to me before speaking up once again, “But it all changed when you left.. because when you left he fell apart.. all I did was confuse him!” I scoffed and add an eye roll along with it. “Yeah, because he realized I wouldn’t sit on the back burner for him. Let him be confused, I don’t care. If he had decided to be with you, then I wouldn’t be a second thought to you.” I wanted to be alone. now. “Hinata, you should go- really, and just forget about this- because I sure will,” I point between the both of us, “Seriously, you need to leave- before we say some things we can’t take back.” The insults rested on the tip of my tongue. One more push would send me tumbling over to the dark side, things were bound to get nasty. I couldn’t hold my peace forever. She slowly nodded her head, making her way to the door, placing her hand on the knob before pausing, “Naruto always does the right thing, and i think happened was just his way of trying to make it up to me, even though his heart clearly wasn't mine to hold. If you leave- for good this time, he will never recover, he has already has lost so much.”
“Well.. then I’m so very glad that he has you to comfort him.” 
and with that, she slipped out the door.
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Alone at last, I straighten out the spot on the couch that was previously occupied, being slightly over-aggressive with the pillows out of my own anger and frustration. I turn the lock on the door, before scurrying to my bedroom. I had lost all sense of any appetite, so I decided to turn in for the night. Since when was my life this dramatic? I was a simple girl from the cloud, always laughing and having a good time. I felt like a shell of the girl I used to be, everything felt so repetitive, and more so- my fault. Yeah, fuck that feeling- this was not my fault. How dare she blame me for their mistakes, he’s lost so much huh? Well apparently I didn’t mean that much to him anyways.
By the time I made it to my bedroom, I was angry all over again. My apartment was supposed to be my safe haven, but it seemed to be my own personal hell lately. Everything bad seemed to be happening here, a revolving door for trauma to enter and leave as it pleases. I groaned as I thought of speaking with the Hokage, would he even let me leave? I had been gone for three stupid months already- he had granted me that much, but to leave for good? I’m going to have to beg on my knees and vow to never pick up another shuriken for as long as I lived. My mind flashes back to what Omi had said. I might of been miserable, but being here is unbearable. I missed him and it sucked. It really fucking sucked because didn’t deserve it. I mean who tells their girlfriend that they need time to sort out their feelings, the idiot, the nerve. At this point I don’t even think the boy even knew what love even was- and he fucking kissed her, the bastard!
Naruto was my first boyfriend, my first kiss- my first everything. So maybe it was me who didn’t know what love was. Maybe I needed to branch out and find out what I wanted, and it surely wasn’t a daily headache. Or- maybe when the shinobi world was in complete and utter shambles, it just wasn’t the time or place to find love. I flopped back onto my bed, wincing slightly as my bruised ribs came in contact with the mattress. I raised my arms and placed them behind my head, lost In my scattered mind. He has such a way with words, he even has Omi on his side now, but he’s never seemed to say the right thing to me. I turned my head to the side when it came into my line of view- the trashcan overflowing with crumpled up papers.
“I wrote to you everyday.”
“Did you even read what I wrote you?”
And I knew that I shouldn’t. I knew that I really shouldn’t, but I couldn’t help but to be curious- it was three months of hell. Sure- I was happy to be home, but I still had things lingering in the back of my mind of course, things left unsaid. The letters piled up everyday, I had no clue how he was sending them so fast, but they were there. It was so incredibly hard to toss them. I held the first one in my hands for the whole day before I threw it out, I barely glanced at the others to save myself from the pain. I threw my hands over my eyes and squeezed them shut, debating with myself before huffing and pulling myself up into a sitting position. I tug myself up and off my bed as I approached the small wooden desk across the room.
Just get it over with, geez!
I grab the overflowing trash bin, lifting it up and dumping the contents onto the desk in one motion. I snatch the first crumpled up piece of paper, the chair screeched as I pushed it back and made myself comfortable before I proceeded to ruined my day for the fourth time. I uncrumple the first paper, smoothing it out as best as possible as the chicken scratch handwriting came into view, typical Naruto. I squinted as tried to make out the writing.
I know you need your space and I’m giving it to you, but please come back. You said you wished you never met me and right now, I’m wishing that I never met myself either, I can’t even look in the mirror. I didn’t want to leave your house that night I swear. I didn’t want to leave you distressed, but I knew my presence was making it worse, (Y/N), I-”
I strained my eyes trying to read more of it, but it was cut short, the end of it scribbled over and smudged. I shook my head, grabbing another crumpled up paper and starting again.
It’s been two months and I haven’t heard a word from you- but I’ll never stop writing, not until you come back- you belong here. I’ve been staying in your house because it reminds me of you, I still have your key. I had to beg Chōji to write to karui and ask how you were, I know I shouldn’t of but I needed to know you were okay. If you don’t come back soon I’ll-.”
Damn it! He didn’t finish this one either, identical scribbles and crossing out of words at the bottom of the letter. With a frustrated breath, I crumple the paper up once again and toss it back into the bin, snatching a new one up in replacement. And he knew about Chōji and Karui before me! I balled my fist as I placed and elbow on the table and lean my head into it as I start to read again.  
I need you to understand this whole time thing. I’m an idiot, I didn’t mean that I needed time to think about my feelings for you, (Y/N). I have been in love with you since I was 16. Being Hokage is no-”
I crumpled the paper up and tossed it to the floor, pausing before sweeping the rest of the letters back into the trashcan with the back of my arm. Now- that letter wasn’t finished, don’t get me wrong, there was more to read but I didn’t want to hear it. My frustration started bubbling up as I cross my arms and frown deeply. If I had to hear the word time again, I was going to explode. This was pointless and I shouldn’t of wasted my energy. I stood abruptly, sending the wooden chair back as I walked over to the light switch and flick it off. It had been three months, but my muscle memory guided me to my bed as I snuggled up and turned in for the night.
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It was warm and the sun was shining brightly, the village was lively as everyone stepped out to enjoy the warmth. Children giggling and weaving through the busy adults as they chased each other through the streets. A stark contrast from the events occurring the week prior. I smiled waving to the little ones as they ran around me, blushing, laughing and waving back to me. I stopped, turning my head and watched them run off. So careless and free, no troubles. In a way, I guess I envied them. As they disappeared into the crowds I regained my concentration, turning my head back around before pausing,
“What do you want, Nara?”
I sharply question the man who was now blocking my path and my sunlight. I scrunched my nose, quickly fanning my hand in front of my face. “Geez, do you have to smoke right here? Doesn’t take a genius to know smoking is horrible for you.” I remark to the raven haired man. He flicks the cigarette to the ground, stomping out the light. I begin to protest to his littering before he snatched the bud up and tossed it in a trashcan that I hadn’t even noticed beside me. I cross my arms and raise a bow before I repeat myself, “I said, what do you want Nara?” I hissed out, annoyed that he was in my way- why is someone always in my way! 
“If you’re on your way to beg the Hokage to leave, there’s a slim chance in hell that’ll ever happen. Your vacation time is over.” He bluntly remarked to me. I immediately drop my arms in irritation. Of course he knew what I was doing, the annoying little prodigy. “You know a lot of things, don’t you shikamaru?” I let the bitter words leave my mouth, slightly narrowing my eyes at the man. “And it wasn’t a vacation, I was home. And I plan on being there again, permanently. Plus- it’s none of your concern.” I made sure to lace my annoyance in my tone. He’s surely sticking his nose in my business right now. Where was this energy after that mission? He lets out an annoyed sigh and my frown deepened. Why was he annoyed? He was the one harassing me!
He studied my face for a moment before letting out a sarcastic snort, “You have no idea, do you?” I face swirled into confusion as I clenched my fists, I didn’t appreciate the surprise, or his tone. “Move.” I demanded, taking a step closer. When he failed to respond I push my way around him. I made it about three steps before he called out to me, “You know, Naruto is supposed to be the seventh.” I whip back around, “Excuse me, but- what the fuck, does that have to do with me?” I shouted, “Good for him! Is this what you interrupted my day for?”.
“Kinda gonna be hard to be the Hokage when you’re in the cloud.”
I froze, that idiot. My mind was racing as I thought back to the letters. “If you don’t come back soon I’ll-.” And that’s what he meant, if I didn’t come back soon- He’d follow me. 
I put up a brave front, hiding my shock and annoyance behind a blank stare. “And what would you like me to do about that Shikamaru?” He looked at me, seeing straight through my facade being the smug genius that he is. “Naruto might be an idiot sometimes, but I’d trust that guy with my life.” I rolled my eyes, unbelievable. “So he’s a good shinobi, but a shit boyfriend- is that all?”. We stood there, glaring hard at each other as we waited for the other one to break.
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I balled my fist before I slammed it against the door a couple times, waiting a few seconds before repeating the process. As I waited at the idiots door, my impatience and anger grew intensely. I could hear his lazy foot steps approach the door. He swung it open and I didn’t even give him a chance before I forced my way inside the apartment. I looked around, finding many things missing- just as I expected, he was packing! I shook my head, my fear and anxiety creeping up on me. How could he do this? I turn to him as I let out a hopeless sigh. “What are you doing?” I demand. His eyes dart around my face as he tries to gauge my reaction. “I’m packing.”
“How could you be so.. selfish!” He had taken one home from me, now he wanted to take another? Did he not understand that I was trying to get away from him? “You are not coming to the cloud, you belong here. This is just delusional- you think Kakashi is going to just let you up and leave?”
“That’s what you did.”
I let out a defeated sigh, as I looked at him. “I can’t be your second choice, Naruto. You can’t force me to be your second choice!” He stepped forward, clinching his fists as he tried to force eye contact. “It’s not like that.” He stressed to me. My lip curled, my anger swelling up once again as I tried my best to contain myself,  “Being hokage is your dream,” I close my eyes, losing my fight with my anger as the bitterness starts to seep out. “Don’t throw it away.. especially not for a girl you didn’t give a second thought about while you were sweeping another one off of her feet.” I let the angry sentence roll out my mouth before I even knew it. 
“I wasn’t sweeping her off of her fucking feet!” He growled at me, throwing his arms up. I could feel his entire demeanor changing and I instantly stopped speaking. He huffed, backing up and running his fingers through his hair and over his face in frustration. “I always try to do the right thing, even when everyone in the village hated my fucking guts.” He rambled to himself, but I refused to back down from him, I exploded right back at him.
“Then you should’ve been the one to tell me about the kiss, I shouldn’t of had to hear it from Ino. Do you realize what that did to me? Then you ask me for time, but refuse to give me mine?” I understood his struggle, I understood where he came from- how far he’s come- I really did, but that doesn’t excuse his behavior and how much I was hurting.
“So what?!” He yells out, causing me to shrink back a little, slightly frightened at the tone and volume of his voice. “What do you want me to do? Marry Hinata? Is that what you want me to do? Do you want me to be with her? You’re telling me that this would make you happy?” He roughly questioned me with balled fists and a heavy frown upon his face.
His words frightened me, my chest hurting at the thought of that truly happening, “You think this is easy for me, Naruto? Because to me, it feels like you seem to think that somehow I’m the one getting off easy. Leaving is as hard as being left! How dare you hold your relationship with her above my head!” I roughly wipe at my cheeks, smearing the salty tears across face as I tried to hold it together, he was fighting dirty. Noticing my tears, his expression softened as he unclenched his fist moving and moved closer to me. He lifted his hand, swiping his thumb across my cheek and searching my eyes. He let out a sigh, but doesn’t say anything. slowly, he leaned forward- but at the last minute, I turn my head as his lips land on my cheek, my tears now flowing freely down my flushed face. He quickly dropped his hand as he stepped back with a crestfallen look upon his face as he observed me.
“I don’t want to be the reason you’re crying, I hate being the reason you’re crying.” He stressed, running a hand down his whiskered cheek. “Hinata visited me.” I let out in a low whisper as I fiddled with my fingers. He frantically pats his pants pockets, realizing the key was missing and panicking. “(Y/N)- I promise I didn’t give her the key. I just wasn’t thinking about it with the attack and everything, ya know? she must have swiped it, I’m so sorry-”
“Just stop, please I-” I took a deep breath, “I know you didn’t give it to her, she told me you didn’t.” I crossed my arms, tucking my hands underneath as I took a step forward. “She said something that struck me.” I started. nervously tilting my head, “She said that you always do the right thing, even if your heart clearly isn’t in it.” I shook my head, a slight frown gracing my face. “And it didn’t sit right with me.” I could see the confusion cross his face. “Because the Naruto that I know, the Naruto that I loved- you see, he put his heart into everything he did. He’s the most passionate person that I have met- so make it make sense to me. Naruto. What happened?” I demanded.
“I could count on one hand the number of people who have told me that they loved me and meant it.” He confessed to me, taking a seat on the couch and gesturing for me to join. I hesitated, but eventually I sat down. He eyes my hands and I knew he wanted to grab them, I folded my arms once again, tucking them away. “When we were on that mission, and Hinata said she loved me, I knew she meant it- and yeah we kissed and it was wrong. I had you waiting back at home for me, It shouldn’t of happened- but it caught me off guard.” He paused, trying to gauge my reaction before he continued. “But the thing that scared me the most was... that when she said that she loved me... I wasn’t surprised, it was like I knew it deep down. Yeah, It was unexpected, I never even thought of her in that way, I love you... but it was like somehow I knew she loved me and I repressed it, I didn’t understand it and I wanted to.” I was shocked, was he trying to confess his true feelings for her right in front of me?
“Naruto, thats enough- really.” I really wanted him to stop, I couldn’t take much more.
He continued right over my words, “And I’m not saying that I felt bad for her, because that’s not why it happened but- I wanted to give her a fair chance of sorting it out without hurting you, but it was already too late and I didn’t know how to say it. My intention wasn’t to be with her, I just.. It took me back to my childhood, maybe I wasn’t as alone as I felt.” He let out a sigh, “I don’t know how to fix this, but I desperately want to. When I told you I needed time, it was selfish. I asked for time- space, and I didn’t give you yours. I knew I coming I acted like it was my decision when it was yours, I was the one that stepped out on you, intentionally or not.” I stayed silent, watching him nervously fiddle with his hands. He reached forward, testing the waters as he slowly grabbed my hand. “If you don’t want me to follow you to the Cloud, I’ll respect that and I’l be here waiting, ya know? I always thought I was good with words, but when it comes to you- I am absolutely at a loss for them.” He concluded.
I shook his hand off of mine, dropping my shoulders in defeat and letting out a quiet, yet frustrated groan to which he widened his eyes at. I balled my hands into two tight fists as I took a shallow breath. I looked up at the ceiling as I tried to pull my tears back. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him reaching for me as I jerked back, “Don’t.” I let out, grimacing as I hear my voice crack. I quickly stood, feeling the energy in the room shift.
I didn’t think his blue eyes could get any bigger than in that moment. “I don’t believe you.” A hardened expression on my face as I stared him down. “You’ve embarrassed me in front of all your friends- in front of the entire village. Looking at me with pity, like I was the other woman, like they just knew this was coming, so don’t sit here and try to feed me this bullshit.” By this time, I was fuming. It felt like that night back in my room and I was fighting the urge to just run. 
“I need someone who chooses me first. I need someone who doesn’t care about hurting feelings when it comes to me, and you’ve shown me that you are not that person.” I turned my back to him, the way I felt he had during this whole fiasco. “You didn’t need to say the right thing, you needed to do the right thing. Maybe you did the right thing for yourself, but it wasn’t for me.” I sighed, dropping my arms and spinning back around. “I’ve seen you do it so many times- every time, but you couldn’t do it for me and that hurts. It hurts so much, god I’m so fucking angry! I don’t know how i’m even speaking to you!” I bit my lip, watching the now motionless boy sit before me. 
I take a look around me, taking in the boxes once again. “What do you expect to happen here, Naruto? You follow me home and we play house while we forget about how you fucked me over?” I shook my head in disbelief, that wasn’t happening.“If you didn’t want to hurt me, then why didn’t you tell me about the kiss?”
No answer.
“If you didn’t want to hurt me, why was I not your first choice, first thought?”
“And if you really fucking loved me, why would you ever ask for time to think about it?”
Silence, but I had my answer. You don’t think about love, you feel it. If you have to think about feeling it, then maybe you never really felt it at all.
“And if you were so fucking ready to follow me to the ends of the earth, then why the fuck is that goddamn scarf in that fucking box!” I turn around, knocking the box over. As the items tumble out, the long red, handcrafted, homemade symbol of love falls sprawled out on top. I could feel the hot tears rushing to my eyes as my vision blurred. “I sat in that apartment- I sat there for weeks Naruto! Wasting away, imagining that you would come running back to tell me it was just a fluke! I was ready to beg you, like I had done something wrong. I couldn’t even recognize myself in fucking the mirror!” I shake my head at the thought of those weeks, how weak I was- how desperate I was.
 “I’m so afraid that If I keep waiting for you, I’ll be waiting forever.”
“I’m right here.” He finally spoke out to me, quiet and broken. I shook my head, “No- no you’re not, and you’ve been gone for a long time.” I dropped my head, swiping at my hot tears and blotchy face. “And maybe it should stay that way.”
“Goodbye Naruto.”
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Two years later.....
I sat sideways on the wooden chair, my arm resting on the back while I held my chin in my palm. Legs crossed gracefully in the carefully chosen emerald dress, I swirled my wine in my left hand as I smiled. I watched as Chōji spun Karui in circles with that stupid smitten look on his face and I let out a little chuckle as I observed the same look on Karui’s. I glance to the left as I see Omi and Samui joining them on the dance floor, the alcohol induced flirtatiousness evident to me. I smiled even harder.
I was happy, the past two years had been rocky, but there were so many new beginnings right around the corner. My best friend was married and was bound to start a family with her new husband soon, the world was somewhat peaceful and the stress of being the maid of honor had rolled off my shoulders, thank god. Karui was nothing close to a bridezilla, but who wanted to fuck up their best friend’s wedding? Not me, no thanks! I keep watching for a bit as the dance floor filled, and promptly turned back around to my table, finishing my drink in one last gulp and adjusting my dress when I felt the tap on my shoulder.
I tilt my head up, my eyes taking in every detail before me. The perfectly tailored dark grey suit, shining shoes and a boutonniere that matched my dress exactly. My eyes trail further up to the neatly combed blonde hair with those intense blue eyes. Of course he was here, he was one of Chōji’s childhood friends. Karui had kept the bridal party pretty small. She had Samui and I, while Chōji had rightfully selected Shikamaru and Naruto as his groomsmen. We had walked down the aisle together.
“Do you want to dance?” He asked me and it pulled me out of my thoughts. I pondered it for a second before I decided it was harmless. I stood, taking his hand as we joined the rest of the guest on the floor, Karui throwing me a sly look as I wave her off. Omi tossing me wiggly brows and I roll my eyes. I had made peace with the situation a year ago, I could be civil for a wedding. 
The music changes to something upbeat and I throw my head back and laugh as I see Omi busting out shameful dance moves. The music dies down, but I enjoyed myself and the company. Laughter filled the air as the groomsmen and bridesmaids took turns giving their speeches. Nervously fidgeting until it was my turn to speak.
I stood slowly as all the attention turned my way. I lift my hand and softly wave to the guest as I turn my body towards Karui and her new husband.
“Um-” I let out a sort chuckle as I compose myself, a round of laughter filling the air. I let out a deep breath, “I’ve known Karui for a long time- basically my whole life. Sometimes I wonder if her, Omi and I were supposed to be triplets.” I smile as I hear the laughter again. Maybe I’m not so bad at this whole public speaking thing. “I guess what I’m trying to say is that Karui.. You’re not like a sister to me, you are my sister- you’re family. You’ve been there through everything and for two kunoichi- that can be a lot, trust me.” This time I was laughing before I got a little serious.
“When we lost-” I stop, holding the microphone away as I fanned my face for a second, and sending a reassuring smile back at Karui, who had turned a little concerned. “When we lost our parents, I thought Omi and I were alone- but Karui, you made sure we never were. You were always there, so I am so grateful that you included me in one of the most beautiful moments of your life.” I turn my gaze to Chōji, “Thank you for taking care of my sister, I know that you’ll always treat her well and that’s all I could ever hope for.” I smiled as Chōji turned, pressing a kiss to Karui’s temple.
“But if you so much as make her feel anything less than the absolute princess that she is, I won’t hesitate to show you just how precise my lightning release is.” 
I smirk as Chōji pales and Karui slaps his shoulder. The room burst into laughs as I take a small bow and giggle out a “Thank You” and a “congrats!” into the mic. Soon, the reception was over and the couple said their goodbyes before making their long awaited. dramatic- but beautiful exit.
I pushed my hair behind my ear as I fulfilled my last duty as the one and only maid of honor- cleaning up- or more so making sure that all the food was stored properly, probably per Chōji’s request. I had just finished boxing up the wedding cake, and had made my way over to the tables, carefully taking down the center pieces and saving the flowers.
“Need some help?”
I didn’t even need to look up to know who it was.
“Sure, bridal party duties include the groomsmen too.” He did his classic neck scratch and let out a short “cool.” 
With the two fo us working, it didn’t take long for the venue to get cleaned up. The food was properly stored and ready to be sent to the couple new home, the flowers properly packed to be kept for a lovely keepsake and the chairs were stacked back up and put away. We were now doing the last two person fold on the table cloths. When we finished and had officially tossed them all into the respective box, I let out a tired breath.
“Thanks Naruto, that was definitely going to take me all day if I had to do it alone.” Luckily, we weren’t responsible for the transportation of all this shit- that was up to Chōji’s clan members. Karui just didn’t trust them to properly take everything down- and I didn’t blame her. They could be somewhat heavy handed. I could feel him staring a hole into my head and I knew the small talk was coming soon. I had no idea how I managed to avoid it this long.
“Go ahead and ask me already.” I let out, crossing my arms over my chest as I took in his widened bright blue eyes and the small blush on his cheeks. We hadn’t talked much since that faithful day in his apartment, just briefly while fulfilling our wedding duties. We were nineteen, and here we were at twenty one. I was over my teenage days and more than willing to embrace my twenties. “How have you been?” ahh there it goes, the dreadful start of a conversation between two exes. I wasn’t buying into it though.
“I’ve been okay, how are you? Did you enjoy the wedding?” He shrugged his shoulders, stuffing his hands into his pockets, “Yeah it was beautiful, but it was really hard.” I snorted, “Tell me about it, being maid of honor was harder than any mission I’ve ever seen sent on. There was so much shit to do- and look-” I let out a short giggle, “We’re still here after the whole thing playing clean up crew!” I continue to laugh until I noticed I was laughing alone. I gave him a puzzled look and he shook his head.
“Don’t get me wrong- I am very happy for the newly weds, but I can’t stop the what ifs that are running through my mind.” I crossed my arms, I knew where this was going. I just knew he would pull some shit like this.
“That was supposed to be us.” It felt like a punch to the gut, my entire demeanor changed, and he noticed as I stiffed.
“Yeah, It was.” 
My admission must have shocked him from the widening of his eyes. I placed my hands on my hips and quirked an eyebrow. “What?” I dryly asked back. There was no need to play games, we were too old for that. “I just-” He stumbled on his words before I continued. “I’m not going to avoid it. I always thought we were going to be the first in the group to get married, but things didn’t work out that way. So yeah, I guess in a way that was supposed to be us, but it’s not.” I say softly, as I watch his cheeks redden. I glanced at my watch and realize how late it had gotten.“Naruto, I’ve got to go now. Thanks for the help- really, but it’s really late and I-” I stop shortly and look up, feeling his eyes burning a hole into me, “I should get back to my apartment..” I finished.
He simply nods as I give him a small nod as I turn to take my leave. The clicking of my heels echoing in the empty ball room as I distanced myself from him.
“You know,” I stop, halfway turning my body in the direction of his voice. 
“I like to think that in another world, that in another timeline- you and I end up together.” He speaks out to me.
I nod, smiling softly as I wrap my arms around myself, 
“If the me in that timeline loves you just an ounce as much as I loved you in this one...” I turn back around and continue my exit.
“Then yeah, I’d like to think that to be true as well.” 
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – :
Long time no see! I might do an epilogue to this, maybe. Thanks for sticking around for this! I have an idea for a kakashi fic so stay tooned! Lets see if I can successfully revive this blog! 
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excitedlysuffering · 4 years
Not sure how I feel about some of these. Probably cuz it’s 2 am. I should sleep... (disclaimer: I don’t own any characters from Naruto even if they own me!)
He Asks You Out
Three months had gone by and you and Naruto had quickly become best friends. He introduced and integrated you into his friend group and showed you around Konoha, and you kept him company and helped eat food other than ramen.
You spent a lot of your time at the blondes house, either just hanging out or making sure he didn’t starve or drink spoiled milk. Now was one of those times.
“Naruto, you had ramen for breakfast already! I’m not making any more!” He groaned, following you into the kitchen. “Then I’ll make it! It’ll only take five minutes!” You exhaled slowly. “Naru, you can’t live on ramen, it’s not healthy. I’m going to make you a balanced meal. You’ll love it okay?” He sighed. “Fineeee.”
You smiled. “Great! Would you make the tea real quick?” He gave you a mini salute already back to his chipper self. “So, what should do we do once dinner is ready?” Naruto asked you. A smirk appeared on your face. “Well, there’s this thing called face masks. They’re super relaxing and I just happen to have two on me!”
He gave you a sideways look. “What do they do?” You clapped gleefully. “It’s like a paste that you apply on your face, it feels really good. It also helps your skin!” He laughed. “Sasuke will be so jealous when my skin is better than his, believe it!” You laughed, agreeing.
Dinner was Yaki Udon, a simple meal with stir-fried noodles and beef, but it was one of your favorite things to make and you’d added a few things to it. “(Y/N), this is amazing! Almost as good as ramen, believe it!” Although it sounded like a backhanded compliment, you knew just how strongly Naruto felt about ramen. This was high praise.
“I’m glad you like it, Naruto! Now hurry so we can do face masks!” He pursed his lips, finishing his bowl. “What color are they?” You giggled at his skepticism. “They’re both pink.”
Naruto pouted the whole time. From the time you’d brought out the jar, to the first time it touched his face. “Oh, c’mon! Pink is a manly color, Naru!” He scowled. “I’ve never seen Sasuke wear it.” He muttered. I dawned a smug expression. “That just proves you’re manlier than him!” The blonde was silent, much to your confusion.
“What’s wrong?” Naruto flushed, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. “I was just thinking… how you always support me and take care of me. You keep me company even when I’m being an idiot… I really like you, (Y/N). C-can I take you out? Like on a date?”
Your hand fell away from his face. You had begun to catch feelings for your best friend, but you didn’t think he’d return them. You were practically on cloud nine!
“Naruto… that’d be amazing!” His expression was pure joy, no doubt reflecting yours. “But on one condition… you let me finish your mask!” “(Y/NN)!”
You dodged a roundhouse kick to your temple by the skin of your teeth, grunting as you blocked a fist. You returned his attacks with a rapid flurry of punches, all being blocked, but that wasn’t your goal. You sent a spin kick towards him, but he caught your leg, tossing you away from him. You landed on your feet in a defensive position, panting slightly.
“Hn. You’re a bit slow today, are you okay, (Y/N)?” You scowled at Sasuke as he stood up from his stance. “I am not! I just didn’t get a lot of sleep last night.”
He gave you a look and put his kunai in his pocket. “You should’ve just said that. I wouldn’t have asked to spar.” Your face screamed indignation. “I’m fine! A little tiredness never killed anybody!” He gave you a questioning glance as he sat down on the grass. “Actually, I’m sure it has. Especially in battle.” You groaned, crossing your arms. “Smart alec.”
He smirked, tossing you a water bottle. “You want to spar that bad?” You shrugged. “Usually I’d go for more talented opponents but I guess you’ll do for now.” He chuckled. “So that’s why you could hardly keep up with me?” You threw the water bottle at him, scowling when he caught it. “Just fight me, Uchiha.”
You and Sasuke had meeting up for weeks now to train together and sometimes just hang out. Playful banter was a constant between you two but at the end of the day, you guys knew it was all in jest. You had caught your thoughts drifting back to your conversations with him to know that you were beginning to fall for him, but you kept it under wraps, there was no way you were going to turn into Sakura and Ino.
But you didn’t have time to dwell on your blossoming feelings, Sasuke was already charging you, kunai in hand. You pulled out your twin katanas and parried his every attack. It was almost like a dance between you two; both of you light on your feet and dodging every attempt while counterattacking. It went on for a while before those four fateful words left Sasuke’s mouth.
“Go out with me.” You didn’t know what to think. Was he serious? Did he even mean a date?! “We’re in the middle of a fight and that’s what you’re thinking of?” I saw his lips curve upwards as he blocked my swords. “Tch. I’m serious, (Y/N). You’re different from other girls… I like you.” Sasuke blushed, but you were sure your face was showing shades of red no one had ever witnessed before. “If we don’t accidentally kill ourselves because we’re distracted, I’d love to.”
“Would that mean it’s a bad time to tell me you kinda stabbed me in the side?”
“Where are we going exactly, (Y/N)?” You smiled at Neji as you pulled him along behind you. “I went to this great little cafe and their tea is to die for! I had to take you!” He snorted, clearly amused. “The tea?” You laughed. “You’re always drinking tea, I thought you could use a little a variety!” He chuckled as you both walked through the door.
“I’m going to use the restroom real quick, will you be okay?” I nodded but pointed to the menu. “What do you want?” He handed you a few yen, that you didn’t plan on using. “Surprise me, this is supposed to be for variety right?” Then he was gone around the corner.
You shrugged to yourself as you walked up to the counter. “Hello, how can I help you today?” You smiled, pulling out your own money. “Hi, can I get a Berry Blend Açai Tea, please? Oh, and two dangos, as well!” In no time you had paid and received the sugary treats. They would bring you and Neji your tea.
“Well, well, well, what’s a pretty lady like you doing all on your own?” A man appeared in front of you, causing you to stop in your tracks. You looked behind you, unsure of who he was talking to. “Yes, you, sweet cheeks.” You scowled. “I’m not alone, now if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to sit down.” The man just laughed, not moving an inch. “Aw, don’t be like that. I don’t see anyone-”
You took a deep breath, but it didn’t work. You were still pissed. “Look, if you don’t move, I’ll be forced to move you.” He didn’t have a headband, so he wouldn’t be a challenge. He just stood there laughing at you. You set your dango on a nearby table, before kicking out his knee. When he bent down, yelling profanities, you grabbed his head and brought it down harshly onto your knee. He wouldn’t need his nose, right? “Why you little-!” You cut him off with a hand to his pressure point and he fell, unconscious before he hit the ground.
“(Y/N)?” By now you had a small audience, but you were only paying attention to Neji. “I was just coming over to tell him that I was with you… but it looks like you had everything under control. You laughed sheepishly. “Maybe we should get out things to go?”
Neji walked beside you, quietly sipping his tea, seemingly deep in thought. You knew it was best to let him think through whatever it was, so you ate your dango while you waited. “She really is perfect…” You heard him mumble to himself. You have him a strange look. “What?”
His cheeks were tinted pink, but he didn’t back down from your gaze. “I realized you were special from the moment I first met you, but… seeing you take that man down opened my eyes to how perfect you really are.”
Your heart fluttered at his words. Did Neji like you…? “I don’t want to lose you to anyone else, I was wondering if you’d like to… go out with me?” Your face broke out into a huge smile.
“Oh, Neji only you could see a girl fight someone twice her size and fall in love. Of course, I’ll go out with you.”
You and Shikamaru had agreed to meet up for lunch at a local sushi place for lunch at noon and you were so excited that you had ended up a little early. You didn’t mind though, you’d have a chance to survey the menu before you ordered.
However, you didn’t expect to see Shikamaru Lazy as Hell Nara already waiting on you. But what really shocked you was the cigarette dangling loosely from his lips. You walked up to him, hands in your pockets. “I didn’t know you smoked, Shika.” He took a long drag, a lazy smile playing at his lips.
“Do you want me to stop?” You shook your head as he blew out the smoke in the opposite direction of your face. “Nope. As you long as you know the dangers of smoking, I won’t mention it.” He smirked, throwing the topic of conversation down and squashing it with his heel. “No nagging?” I shook my head. “Doesn’t help. If you’re going to quit you need to do it for yourself, not cause someone bothered you about it.”
Shikamaru wrapped his arm around, in a rare show of affection, and led you inside. “You’re really something else, (Y/N).” You couldn’t help but eye the pack of cigarettes he clearly had in his pouch. You knew they were bad for you, but surely a few couldn’t hurt right?
“Tch, I’m not letting you smoke, so you can get rid of that idea.” Shika deadpanned. Your jaw dropped. “But I didn’t even say anything!” He just chuckled as you both took a seat at a booth back in the corner. “I know you, you were clearly staring at them and thinking about trying one.”
You groaned at how easy to read you were. Surely he was exaggerating and it was just a lucky guess. “Hello! I am to be your server today. What can I get you, sweetheart?” You gulped, more than a little uncomfortable with the way he was looking at you. “Oi! Are you serious? We’re clearly on a date! Stop eyeing her like a piece of meat and take our orders!” Shikamaru shouted, peeved. It was an unusual sight, you knew he was a laid back guy, he was more likely to brush things off.
“I apologize, I was ju-” Shikamaru held up a hand. “I’m not her keeper, apologize to her, she was clearly uncomfortable.” The waiter paled. “I’m really sorry, I don’t know what came over me.” You nodded once. “It’s okay…” Seemingly satisfied, Shikamaru grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the restaurant, obviously not caring for the service.
You couldn’t help but giggle at his annoyed expression. “So that was a date, Shika?” His face went from annoyed to embarrassed instantly, but he didn’t let that deter him. “I mean, it’d be a drag but I could ask you on a more official one.” You grinned, linking arms with him. “That’d be fabulous, but I’ll spare you the trouble, Mr. Lazy, and say that I’d be happy to go on a date with you.”
With a slight blush still adorning his cheeks, he moved his hand to wrap it around your waist. “Maybe you’re not as troublesome I thought.” You gave him a look. “Wanna bet?” He just sighed, but you didn’t miss his smile.
Shikamaru and Kiba had gone a few hours ago for a ‘boys night out’, leaving you alone with a plethora of movies and all the ice cream. Mr. and Mrs. Nara were already asleep and from their bedroom, you couldn’t hear the TV in Shika’s room. It was perfect.
You had decided on watching ‘The Boy In The Striped Pajamas’ after having heard it was good. It was a mistake. A huge mistake. You could handle movie horror, gore on missions, and real-life tragedy, but this was too much. The tale of two boys, oblivious to the horror show they lived in as they became friends, only to be killed in such a brutal fashion…
That’s how the boys found you, sobbing as you watched the kids enter the gas chamber. You felt like your heart was tearing apart. Maybe you shouldn’t have had so much coffee before. “Um… (Y/N), you okay there?” You turned to Kiba, sniffling. “No! They d-died!” Your wailing started back up again. Shikamaru groaned. “Troublesome woman, you know you’re not supposed to watch sad movies.” Kiba wrapped an arm around you. “Cut her some slack, Shikamaru. Everyone gets sad from time to time.”
Kiba gave you a small smile as he grabbed a tissue. “Here,” he gently wiped away your tears as he looked at the ice cream tub. “How much ice cream did you eat, (Y/N/N)?” You flushed. “More than I care to admit.” He laughed, throwing away the tissue. “Thank you, Kiba, I really appreciate you.” He gave you a grin and ruffled your hair.
“That’s what I’m here for. Now, let’s clean up the remainder of your sob fest.” You laughed tears forgotten, as you and Kiba cleaned up, while Shikamaru took out the movie from the DVD player. “Was the movie that bad?” Shikamaru asked skeptically.
“Yes. It was. You have to watch it sometime when I’m not around.” They both snickered. “We’ll have to just so we can see how dramatic you’re being.” I scoffed. “Sure, Kiba. But you’re going to eat your words when you start crying.” Shika sighed. “What a drag. You have a bad taste in movies.” I rolled my eyes. “Lies.”
Kiba crossed his arms. “If you let me take you out, I’d show you some good movies.” He mumbled under his breath. You did a double-take. “K-Kiba… what was that?” The rest of his cheeks matched his red stripes. “I said that if I could take you on a date, I’d show you a good movie.” A grin spread across your lips. “I think I’d like that… a lot.” Shikamaru looked between you two, alarmed.
“Wait, my two best friends?! I’ll always be a third wheel!”
You set down your book when you heard a soft rapping at your door. Puzzled at who it could be you walked to your door, opening it. You were pleasantly surprised to see Gaara standing on your front steps, a small smile adorning his face.
“Gaara! Come in, what are you doing here?” He stepped into your home, as you closed the door. “Well, I learned my first song and I wanted you to be the first to hear it.” You grinned following him to your piano.
“This is great! What is it?” He sat down beside you and flushed as he began. “The first thing I ever heard you play was the theme for Swan Lake, so I learned the finale to it…” His fingers danced as he played the song perfectly. It was the simplistic version, but you could tell he really practiced.
“Gaara, this is beautiful. You have a real talent for the piano.” His blush darkened as he finished. “Thank you. I couldn’t have done it without you. Truthfully, when I asked you to teach me, I just wanted to spend more time with you, but then I really did enjoy playing.” Your flush matched his. “R-really?” He nodded, uncharacteristically nervous. “Yes, but now I… want to see you outside of these lessons.”
You placed a hand over his, both of you wearing matching smiles. “Like a… date?” He nodded, shyly. “Yes, like a date.” You wrapped him in a hug. “That sounds amazing, Gaara.” He hugged you back, his head resting on your shoulder. Your door slammed open, scaring you both so bad you both fell off the piano bench.
“YES! We’ve been waiting for this moment!” Kankuro and Temari stood in your doorway fists raised in victory. You and Gaara just stared, too shocked to even be embarrassed. “Were you guys eavesdropping?” He asked, clearly not thrilled. He stood up before lending me a hand.
“We couldn’t help it!” The siblings whine simultaneously. “You guys are just too cute together! After all our planning, we just had to know what happened!” Temari cooed. You just covered your face, trying to hide your red face, but you were secretly flattered that Gaara had actually taken the time to plan. “Guys! This was supposed to be a private moment!” Gaara gave them a look.
“You heard her, bye guys, see you later!” With that, he shoved them out of your living room, slamming the door. “At least they’re happy for us?” You suggested, giggling.
“Don’t be so stubborn, Kakashi-sensei! How hard could it be? You guys are so close, this next step is natural!” Your eyebrows furrowed as you saw Sakura and Ino talking to Kakashi. They were actually getting along?! You pushed down your shock, opting to listen to their conversation from your hidden spot in the tree.
“It’s not that simple, guys. (Y/N) and I haven’t been friends for that long, I’m pretty sure she would turn me down.” You perked up at hearing your name. What were they talking about? “Oh, c’mon! We see the way you look at each other, it’s clear you both like each other!” Ino exclaimed. Your face instantly heated up. Were you that obvious and oblivious? Did he actually like you? That would be a dream come true!
“I don’t know about that… I think it’d be best to wait a little longer before I do that.” Sakura rolled her eyes at his hesitance. “Sensei! There’s nothing to asking someone out, it’s so simple!” Ino complained impatiently. Kakashi crossed his arms. “Oh, is it? Then why hasn’t Sasuke gone out with either of you?” You covered your mouth at the utter brutality, trying not to laugh.
Sakura and Ino screamed incoherently at how that was a totally different story. “Look, Kakashi-sensei,” Sakura exhaled, “we’re just trying to help you. You of all people deserve to be happy and it’s obvious she makes you happy!” You smiled, seeing how she cared for her sensei.
“Sakura is right, said no one ever,” Ino whispered, “how do you know she doesn’t like you if you never ask? But, she’s my sensei! I see the way she smiles more when you’re around. She blushes like a schoolgirl for goodness sake!” Said blush was creeping up your neck as they ruthlessly exposed you.
“I know you girls are right, but how am I supposed to ask her?” Sakura gave him a dubious look. “You’re the one always reading those smutty romances, shouldn’t you know?” A small giggle slipped through your lips. You watched Kakashi smirk suddenly and you swooned. Swooned?! You mentally shook yourself, trying to control your emotions.
“I don’t think asking her will be a problem since she’s been listening to this whole conversation. Come on out, (Y/N).” You were pretty sure your heart dropped down to your feet. You gracefully jumped down from your tree, blushing about fifty shades of red.
“Um, h-hey guys! What’s up?” All three of them gave you flat, unamused looks “C’mon (Y/N)-sensei! What’s your answer?” Ino begged. Kakashi placed a hand on her head. “How about you let me ask her, hm?” Her cheeks went red. “O-oh, right!”
His focus turned back to you. “I know you heard everything, but I really do like you and I want to take you on a proper date.” Sakura rolled her eyes, snorting. “‘Proper’? Have to be on time for that.” Ino punched her, hissing at her to shut up.
You giggled at the pure chaos, but you knew you wouldn’t have it any other way. “I guess it’s good I really like you too. Let’s just hope it’ll just be the two of us!” Sakura and Ino laughed before realizing it wasn’t a joke. “Oh-oh…” Now it was you and Kakashi’s turn to laugh.
Even though Pein had seemed cruel and cold in the beginning, he had actually panned out to be a decent human being. Or God, in his not-so-humble opinion. It took six months for you to realize, but you had noticed. He made sure you had everything you needed, food, clothes, your own room… things you hadn’t had consistently in years. You couldn’t hide the fact that you had grown fond of him.
When he sent you on missions they were usually solo, seeing as no one had your stealth and sticky fingers. However, they were always manageable and you were always successful. You had just gotten back from your last mission, you had been sent to eavesdrop on Orochimaru’s meeting with some important what’s-his-name, and you were heading to his office to report back.
You knocked twice, knowing he didn’t like people just barging in. “Enter.” You opened the door, unsurprised to see the Akatsuki leader surrounded by paperwork. “Ah, you’re back sooner than I expected.” You handed him the scroll, filled with your findings. “It was a very to the point meeting, Leader-Sama.” He nodded, exchanging the scroll you gave him for another one.
Your eyebrows furrowed in question. “I know you just got back, but I have one last mission for you. It’s very simple, I have no doubt you’ll finish it before the night is over.” You sighed, at least it was quick.
“Yes, Leader-Sama.” Just as you turned, you heard the carrot head’s voice. “Oh, and (Y/N)? Tell no one of this mission, please. You leave in 30 minutes.” You nodded sharply. “Understood.”
~~~Time Skip Brought By You Stealing Kakuzu’s Money~~~
Your mission was almost too simple, in comparison to what you’d been tasked with before. All you had to do was make your way into a high-end restaurant Pein had gotten you a reservation for. Your goal was to find one of Orochimaru’s contacts and steal an important message he had.
You awkwardly smoothed out the red cocktail dress you had on and moved to look for the man the scroll had described. You didn’t see anyone, so you sat in a corner booth, content to wait. “Can I get you a drink to start you off?” Your attention snapped to the waiter, and you dawned a smile. “Um, I’ll just take a Sake, please.” He nodded, writing it down. “I’ll be right back with that.” He dashed away, revealing someone behind him.
You blinked rapidly trying to make sense of what you were seeing. “Leader-sama?!” You shout-whispered. “What’s going on?! Is something wrong?” He offered you a smile as he sat down across from you. “Not exactly. There was never a mission, I ju-” Anger surged within you.
“You mean to tell me, you brought me on a wild goose chase while I could’ve been sleeping?!”
The man had the nerve to sigh at you. “Just let me explain, okay?” You crossed your arms, waiting for him to explain.
“There is no mission because I wanted to take you out on a date.” You choked on absolutely nothing but your own disbelief. You had developed a soft spot for your leader, but… he wanted to take you on a date?
“Leader-sama-” “Pein,” He interrupted. You nodded slowly. “Pein… why didn’t you just ask me? Like a regular person.” He nodded at the waiter as he brought your drink. “Well, first, I’m a God, so I don’t do things like humans, and second, I didn’t know if you’d say yes.” You laughed a bit. “Well, Pein, that’s usually where asking the person comes in.”
His lips quirked upwards. “Well, we’re already here, aren’t we? We might as well enjoy the night.” You hid your grin (unsuccessfully).
“Yeah, yeah, I suppose. I am pretty hungry.”
Ever since your explosive art exhibit, you had been wondering what had happened to Deidara. It’d been a month since you’d seen him ad frankly, you missed him more than you’d care to admit. Maybe he hadn’t meant what he said?
You hadn’t been up to making ant new art lately and that wasn’t going to change any time soon. Instead, you resigning yourself to a self-pity nap. You’d been resorting to those a lot lately.
You heard your bed creak in the back of your mind, and because you were a light sleeper, you felt yourself begin to wake up. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to wake up, (Y/N), un.” You blinked for a solid twenty seconds, your tired mind not being able to compute what you were seeing.
Deidara sat next to you, on top of your covers, a half-smile on his face. But what was possibly even more astonishing was the fact that he was wearing an Akatsuki cloak. “Dei…? W-what’re you doing here?” You sat up, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. “I made you a promise, and I intended to keep it… even if it took me a little longer than I imagined, un.” You still couldn’t believe what you were seeing.
The sweet, charming artist you had come to love was a member of the Akatsuki. “Ah, I see you noticed my cloak, yeah. I figured it was wrong to keep it from you, un.” You just stared, totally stunned. His hand rested on your cheek, gently bringing your gaze up to meet his. “Please say something, (Y/N),” He whispered nervously. “I’m really glad you’re back, Deidara.” And it was the truth, him being an S-ranked criminal didn’t change that. You had no loyalties, no ties, and that gave you no reason to dislike his choices.
“You don’t hate me, un?” You placed your hand over the one that was still placed on your cheek. “The time we spent together, the person I got to know didn’t change in my eyes just because he has certain loyalties. You’re still the funny, wild, and charismatic Deidara I met a month ago.” His smile brightened up the whole room.
“Thank you for waiting for me, I didn’t have a chance to get away from our base, yeah.” You smiled. “It doesn’t matter why, you’re here with me now.” The two of you were silent for a moment before you both burst into laughter. “We sound so corny!” He snickered. You rested a hand on his shoulder to stay upright as your laughter shook your form. “I know right! But, I did mean everything I said, just pretend I phrased it cooler.” Deidara chuckled before his face turned serious.
“Me as well, especially when I say that I’m going to take you on the best date ever before I have to leave. I swear it, un.” You pulled him into a hug, resting your cheek in the crook of his neck. “How much longer do you have?”
His arms snaked around your torso. “Until the end of the night, yeah.” You pulled away, giving him a sly look. “Well, we’d better get going then, huh?”
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Based on this post, with the idea by @itachiscatears, a very unhinged possible epilogue to The sun within me where Naruto collects all the Sasukes, because why wouldn’t he?? 
Under a cut bc it ended up long. To put it simply, Sasuke suffers. Naruto lives in Sasuke-filled heaven for two (2) weeks until Sasuke comes back and ruins all his dreams (or something like that)
Rated T probably to be safe
Sasuke returns from his trip, and all thoughts are immediately erased from his head as he enters the Uchiha compound, finding it full of copies of himself.
Has Naruto finally gone off the deep end and decided to surround himself by clones transformed into Sasuke? He catches the eye of another Sasuke passing by, and this version of him is wearing glasses.
“Hello,” glasses-Sasuke says as he reaches him. “Are you new? I thought Naruto started out by introducing everyone, but you seem like you wandered in here by yourself.”
He’s speechless. Actually speechless. He considers yelling Naruto’s name at the top of his lungs, because either he’s playing a bad prank on him, or this person standing in front of him is really another version of him. Was Charasuke not enough?!
“Where the hell did you come from?” he asks, and glasses-him pushes the glasses up his nose, sniffing at him.
“Another dimension.”
The obviously is left implied.
“I’m a scientist,” is added, and then he turns halfway to shout at someone. “Oi, Friendly Sasuke! Would you come over here, please?”
Sasuke stares, and stares a little more as another Sasuke walks over with a happy grin on his face. Even knowing Charasuke, it’s unsettling to look at.
“Sure, what’s up, Researcher Sasuke?”
Sasuke – the real Sasuke, that is, although he is starting to doubt the reality of things – glares at both of them.
“Where’s Naruto?” he demands, fists clenching and unclenching in anger.  
“Pretty sure he’s still at the Hokage tower,” Friendly Sasuke replies, giving him a pleasantly questioning look. “Is he new? He seems kind of similar to Avenger Sasuke. Bad temper, I mean.”
“Oh!” Researcher Sasuke taps his lips, scrutinizing Sasuke as one might scrutinize a lab experiment. “Maybe this is the Sasuke of this world? Naruto said he’d be coming back soon.”
Telling himself firmly that Naruto (and Charasuke, too) would be upset with him if he started killing versions of himself, Sasuke takes a deep breath and flickers out of sight, heading for the Hokage tower.
“Sasuke!” Naruto greets him with, a beaming smile on his face as he holds his arms out from behind his office desk.
As if Sasuke would run into his arms. As if he didn’t already have another version of him standing by the desk, glaring sullenly at Sasuke.
“You,” Sasuke hisses out from between clenched teeth. “Explain.”
Naruto chuckles, rubbing at the back of his neck.
“Ah, well, you see, I was talking to Charasuke if maybe there could be other dimensions, and maybe there would also be other versions of us there? And so, guess what? There is!”
Perhaps Sasuke should go on another trip. A year-long one. He’ll pretend for a moment that he won’t miss the dumb idiot, and that he hadn’t spent most of this trip looking forward to coming back home to him.
“And what, I repeat, what, are they all doing in the Uchiha district? I leave you alone for two weeks and this is how desperate-“
The edge of a katana is pointed at his throat, fast enough that Sasuke can’t finish speaking, but slow enough that he deems it’s not a serious attempt on his life. The other Sasuke’s eyes bore into his, a little unhinged.
“Maybe you shouldn’t leave him alone,” this barely restrained version of him says.
“No, no, it’s alright,” Naruto says, slowly walking over to delicately push the other Sasuke’s katana down. “I know you like violence, Avenger Sasuke, but we’ve talked about this.”
Again, Sasuke is speechless. Naruto pouts at the other Sasuke until he sheaths his katana with a huff, still eyeing him with suspicion. He never acted like that, did he?
(Okay fine, he did. But still.)
“Return them,” he grits out, just as the door to the Hokage’s office slams open and several copies enter the room.
“Now, he really can’t do that,” Researcher Sasuke informs him, shaking out a long scroll and glancing over the contents. “You see, the Uchiha district is now a booming economy, restoring the wealth of the Uchiha clan, which was unjustly usurped by this village. Without us, this village will collapse.”
He does not like the sound of this. His eyes find Naruto, who clears his throat with a sheepish look on his face.
“Don’t worry,” another Sasuke says, wearing pastel-colored clothing and chewing loudly on something as he speaks. There are obnoxious sun glasses on top of his messy hair. “It’s cool. We like it here.”
“See?” Naruto pleads with him, attempting an innocent look. “There’s even a Ramen Chef Sasuke! His ramen is to die for, you have to try it!”
“I’d rather die,” Sasuke mutters, contemplating escape. Two weeks. He wonders what the kyuubi’s opinion is on this madness.
“Aw, come on. Don’t be like that,” Naruto says, moving closer and clearly aiming for a hug, possibly a kiss.
Sasuke’s dignity will not allow it.
“You are not allowed to touch me or even think about touching me until they’re all gone,” he spits out, taking a few steps back. “You can sleep here in the office.”
“Or with me,” Friendly Sasuke suggests.
“I think it was Stripper Sasuke’s turn tonight,” Researcher Sasuke points out.
Well, that’s it. He’s out of here.
Naruto calls after him as he leaves through the window, but no one tries to stop him. Naruto prefers the stripper version of him? Fair enough. He’ll let them have fun while he…
Ends up moping in a bar, Sakura giving him pitying looks.
“I tried to stop him,” she says again, for the umpteenth time. “Told him you’d be unhappy.”
“That’s an understatement.”
Another pitying look, and he’s starting to feel tired down to the bone. Why, oh why, did he decide to dedicate his life to this absolute moron? This imbecile? This Sasuke-obsessed nutcase? He can’t even bring himself to feel surprised, just resigned.
“I have to admit though, they’ve done a lot to improve the economy. Some versions of you are terribly smart. There’s even a doctor one, he’s teaching me-“
Sasuke gives her a look, and she promptly shuts up. Maybe that version of him is straight and they can live happily ever after. He. Does. Not. Care.
Someone wanders over to their table, pausing until Sasuke tilts his head up. He’s been resting it against the tabletop, for reasons. It is, of course, another version of him. Just really old. Like, older than he ever imagined he’d become.
“I heard you are this Naruto’s Sasuke,” he says in a gravelly voice, cane gripped tight in one gnarled hand. “This must all be terribly confusing to you.”
Another understatement. The old him clears his throat, and Sakura rushes up to get him a chair. He sinks down on it with a heavy sigh, placing the cane over his lap and peering at Sasuke with too knowing eyes.
“We are all here of our free will,” he states, as if Sasuke is included in that. He’s no longer sure he is. “In my case, I lost my Naruto to old age, which inevitably awaits us all, if we are lucky.”
As sad as that is, Sasuke won’t offer him any sympathy.
“Some came out of curiosity, some came because their Naruto is unavailable. Some came because Naruto asked them to. I think it unsettles him to know that there are few other universes where the two of us live together in true happiness.”
“Maybe he just entered your dimensions at the wrong point in time,” Sasuke surprises himself by saying, raising an eyebrow at the old man. “I mean, if you at least had a long life together…”
He receives a thoughtful nod for his comment.
“Maybe he found us at a time when we most miss his presence. Researcher Sasuke, for example, is studying in another country. He’s convinced that all the data shows that his Naruto is not interested.”
“Not my problem.”
Sakura kicks him under the table.
“Either way, none of you belong here,” he adds, grimacing at the thought that Naruto would be attracted to this wrinkly old version of him. “How long do you plan to stay, anyway?”
Old Sasuke smiles sweetly at him. It’s terrifying.
“Oh, I for one don’t mind staying for the rest of my life. This young Naruto is so invigorating.”
Sasuke cannot deal with this. He does not deserve this. He stands up and leaves, stalking out of the bar and out of the village and doesn’t stop until he’s an hour away and Naruto pops into existence next to him, using the damn mark still on the nape of his neck.
“Are you leaving?” Naruto asks, looking alarmed. “Why? Where are you going?”
“Does it matter?” It’s unfair of him to ask, but Naruto is seriously testing his patience. “You’ve got your harem to entertain you.”
“It’s not a harem,” Naruto splutters, waving his arms around wildly. “It’s just-“
Sasuke waits, crossing his arms.
“I, uh, may have a slight problem,” Naruto confesses, nervously tapping his hands together. “You see, I just wanted to check on us in the other dimensions, but then I was noticed, and then you, well a version of you, convinced me to find more of you, it was just for research-“
Oh, Researcher Sasuke is going to die a gruesome death.
“And then suddenly! There were so many of you! And things were kind of happening!”
“You’re an idiot,” Sasuke tells him, but he can’t stay angry at Naruto.
Of course, Naruto knows this, and his hopeful little smile is entirely too effective. Sasuke closes his eyes and groans, listlessly holding out his arms, just enough that Naruto takes it as an invitation. He launches himself at Sasuke, clinging to him like a monkey, burying his face in Sasuke’s neck.
“I missed you,” he mutters, and it’s the final blow to Sasuke’s defenses.
He wraps his arms around Naruto, telling himself he’s definitely going to make him pay for this, just later.
“You’re taking them all back tomorrow morning at the latest,” he scolds Naruto, who lets out a muffled noise of complaint. “Either they leave or I do.”
It’s an empty threat, but Naruto still stiffens in his hold.
“Fine,” he huffs, lowering his legs until he’s at least supporting his own weight. “But… what about Grandpa Sasuke? Can we keep him?”
Sasuke pushes him away, ignoring the betrayed look on his face.
“But he’s so nice! And harmless! And his Naruto is already dead!”
“I am not sharing you.”
Wait. That’s not what he meant to say. Naruto blinks up at him from where he’s sprawled on the ground, mouth open like a fish. Then his eyes fill with glee, a smug grin spreading across his face.
“Ooh, you were jealous,” he teases, and Sasuke turns his back on him. “You were! Admit it! You want me all to yourself, because you love me soooo much-“
One of these days, Sasuke tells himself silently as Naruto continues to blabber on about how Sasuke still needs to learn how to communicate, and obviously Naruto loves him the most, he just can’t help but wonder if maybe Sasuke could be a little nicer to him, learn a ramen recipe or two…
Yeah, one of these days, for sure, he’ll knock some sense into Naruto. But not today.
Clearly, not today.
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fatesdeepdive · 3 years
Entry 6: Dicklips has a Point
Chapter 5: Mother
After a few days in Hoshido, Corrin is finally getting used to the massive emotional baggage that is her backstory. Mikoto invites Corrin to sit on the Hoshidan throne, which is infused with the magic of the First Dragons and destroys magic that alters the body or mind. Mikoto hopes that it will allow Corrin to regain her memories. Before Corrin can sit on the throne and become king of the Westeros or whatever, Mikoto’s strategist Yukimura enters. He looks like a nerd, but I suppose that’s better than being a steampunk MCR cover band dropout like Iago.
The Hoshidan siblings enter and Mikoto tells Corrin that they’re having a ceremony to quash spy rumors and formally reintroduce Corrin into the family. We’re properly introduced to Corrin’s other brother, Takumi. He’s assigned to show Corrin around town and is grumpy about it, because his defining character trait is being a dick. As Takumi and the princesses leave, Ryoma muses that he feels uneasy and predicts that something bad will happen soon.
The gang tours a Hoshidan marketplace. It’s so vibrant, and colorful, and full of life. I haven’t been talking much about this game’s music because I’m not a music guy, but I love the upbeat theme they use for this scene. It feels like something out of Okami and matches Hoshido’s idealized feudal Japan aesthetic perfectly.
Corrin points out that Shirasagi is way better than the Nohrian fort she was held prisoner in for years. Takumi rants that he doesn’t trust Corrin, saying Just don’t get too comfortable…SISTER. I know he’s supposed to come across as a dick, but he has a point. Corrin’s an enemy soldier who invaded Hoshido and killed a dozen people less than a week ago. It doesn’t matter that they share DNA, Corrin should be treated with suspicion.
Takumi also acts suspicious to Azura and says she can’t call him by his first name, which is dumb. What’s she supposed to do, call him Dicklips? Corrin points out that Dicklips is being an idiot and Dicklips tells her to shut up. And really, he is being an idiot. Either hate Corrin for growing up in Nohr, or hate Azura for having Nohrian DNA. Either nature matters, or nurture matters. You can’t have it both ways.
Then again, Azura and Corrin will totally join Nohr and try to destroy Hoshido if we chose the conquest path, so maybe Dicklips has a point.
Corrin tells Sakura that she’s friends with a girl around Sakura’s age, presumably Elise. If the coin flip had gone the other way and I was playing as boy Corrin, Sakura would have asked if Elise is Corrin’s girlfriend. And that’s ridiculous. Can you imagine, Corrin dating their teenage sister? That’s messed up. Good thing that isn’t a thing that happens in this game.
We go to the plaza for the festival. Side note, all shots of Corrin and Mikoto in the festival are positioned so that Corrin’s face is covered by something, like a man wearing an oversized hat, for instance. This is because Corrin is customizable and that means the game can’t show their face. They can show the clearly male body model, but not their face. Awakening had Robin wear a hood to get around this problem, but who needs fashion choices when you can just censor the main character’s face like it’s Austin Powers’s mojo.
While Corrin’s standing next to Mikoto, a weird ghost man wearing a hood walks to the front of the crowd and holds out his arm. Red smoke starts coming off Ganglari and an eye opens up on its hilt, because it is very clearly a cursed sword. Ganglari flies over to the man and he stabs it into the ground, creating a massive purple explosion ball. The sword explodes and Mikoto jumps in front of Corrin to shield her from the shrapnel. As she dies, Mikoto asks Corrin if she’s okay.
Fire Emblem has a lot of dead parent scenes, and I honestly think this is the best. Marcella Lentz-Pope’s scream when Mikoto dies is phenomenal. Mikoto begging Corrin to be alright and dying with a smile on her face is beautiful.
Ryoma cuts down the hooded man but his cloak just falls to the ground, leaving no body. Corrin screams, her hair glowing and her eyes white, physically holding back the pain as waves of energy burst from her body. In a moment, Corrin is gone. In her place is a dragon.
I really like Corrin’s dragon form. It looks so inhuman, more like a machine than a traditional dragon. It really gets across that Corrin has completely lost any semblance of humanity she had as she falls into this pit of despair.
The level proper starts up as an army of dark mages and mercenaries storm into the ruined plaza. Their leader is the ghostly man from before. Interestingly, he’s a swordmaster, a Hoshidan exclusive class that he shares with Ryoma. This level adds Sakura and Azura to our team and gives Corrin an absolutely monstrous boost to her stats, fitting for her rage dragon form.
Corrin’s shy, gentle Hoshidan younger sister. She’s a Shrine Maiden (Cleric) and wields healing staves. Her personal skill lowers the damage taken by nearby allies. Her design is fine; I don’t really have any thoughts on it. She seems to be going for this “cute shy healer” personality, which isn’t bad, but Fire Emblem has done it a dozen times before.
Azura is our Dancer...I mean, Songstress. She sucks at fighting, but allows other units to attack twice, which is really helpful in battle. Her personal skill heals nearby allies at the start of their turns. Her design, despite its bright colors, does a good job conveying how calm and mysterious she is. Azura is an enigma. She clearly knows more than she lets on, but currently seems content to just follow Corrin around.
All of the mercenaries in this chapter wield special, dragon killing swords, which would be a problem, if Corrin didn’t have as much defense as the rest of the party put together. This chapter boils down to letting dragon Corrin smash everyone while Sakura, Azura, and Kaze provide support. Ryoma attempts to take on the ghost man, but is defeated. Then Corrin fucking stomps his translucent ass and saves the day.
Corrin continues rampaging and Azura begins singing LITAA. Her necklace, the one from the title screen, starts glowing. Ryoma runs in to protect Azura, but Azura blasts him away with a pillar of water, which is a thing that she can do apparently.
Dragon Corrin freaks out at the music and slashes Azura across the chest. Azura keeps singing and Corrin attempts to strangle her to death. Azura tells Corrin, Kill me if you want, but do it as yourself, which is a fantastic line that shakes Corrin out of her madness.
Corrin turns back into a human and has a flashback of Garon’s murdering Sumeragi and kidnapping her. Garon says You are my child now and grabs baby Corrin, which is so creepy its comical.
Corrin apologizes to Azura, saying she’s disgusted with herself. Ryoma explains that both royal families have dragon blood, the Nohrians from the Dusk Dragon and the Hoshidans from the Dawn Dragon. Corrin looks out over the destroyed town, a town full of innocent people destroyed by Nohr.
Ryoma points out that, because Garon gave Corrin an evil bomb sword, everything must have been his plan. Cool plan, by the way. Let’s see if I have it straight:
1: Give Corrin a bomb sword.
2: Have her commit an act of war.
3: Have Hans try to murder Corrin.
4: Hope he fails.
5: Hope the Hoshidans bring Corrin to their Queen, instead of imprisoning her for being an enemy soldier.
6: Have ghost soldiers invade Hoshido and take the sword from Corrin.
6: Cursed sword explodes, killing Mikoto and destroying her mind control barrier.
I mean, sure, there are probably simpler ways to kill Mikoto, ways that don’t involve praying that Hans fucks up and fails to kill Corrin. Garon could have, I don’t know, had the ghost soldiers kill Mikoto. Maybe their existence is tied to Ganglari, but that’s never actually stated, and the fact that they stick around and kill people after Ganglari explodes makes that questionable.
You know how, at the end of Naruto, Kishimoto had the villains reveal that they were behind every bad thing that happened in the series, and how it didn’t make sense and was dumb and convoluted? I’m getting Naruto vibes from this chapter.
Takumi blames Corrin for Mikoto’s death. And I mean, he has a point. Corrin’s the one who brought the clearly cursed sword her war criminal father gave her with her. Azura tells Takumi that it’s fine if he doesn’t trust her, but it's wrong for him to distrust Corrin, because Corrin is his blood. And that’s fucking stupid. Fire Emblem is filled with characters with evil relatives. Soren, Guinivere, Edelgard, Robin, the list goes on. Shit, there are evil blood relatives within this game.
Corrin suggests leaving and Yukimura tells her that Mikoto wouldn’t have wanted that and that Mikoyo knew she would die soon. He also mentions that there may be darker forces than Garon at work. Yukimura also points us towards a statue destroyed in the blast, a statue containing Yato, a diving golden sword that is said to be the key to peace. Yato flies up and over to Corrin.
Kaze runs in and reports a massive Nohrian force assembles at the border and the family marches off to war, with Ryoma declaring that he will not show any mercy. Corrin decides to follow Ryoma, in hopes of stopping the war. Azura tells Corrin to calm down, because getting into a fight could cause her to lose control and turn into a dragon again. Spoiler alert, this is literally the only chapter where Corrin loses control, because screw interesting characterization.
Azura gives Corrin her necklace, which turns out to be a dragonstone. Dragonstones and manaketes, people who can turn into dragons, are not new to Fire Emblem. Manaketes are normally uncomfortably young girls. Corrin is the first and currently the only manakete main lord. What’s more, Corrin is unique in their ability to wield both swords and dragonstones. It fits with the duality motif.
The necklace allows Corrin to control her dragon form, which is a bit of a disappointment. Corrin losing control and destroying stuff in this animalistic rage was really interesting characterization that is never seen after this chapter.
Azura decides to follow Corrin, because Corrin makes her feel safe. Apparently.
This chapter was really, really, good. Mikoto’s death was heartbreaking and Corrin going apeshit was some really strong character work. I forgot how absolutely terrifying Corrin’s transformation scene is. That said, this chapter hammers the final nail in the coffin for this story being morally grey. There is absolutely no reason to side with Nohr after this chapter, except for loyalty to the Nohrian royals.
At the start of the next chapter, we’ll choose our side in this war. And, not to tip my hand, but I don’t exactly think it’ll be a hard choice.
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saskaykun · 4 years
Comparing Sasuke Uchiha vs Eren Yeager : Entry into darkness
*Sorry for typos, i never re-read my stuff.*
The last chapter of SNK finally gives me the opportunity to compare Sasuke and Eren in their "entry into darkness".
EREN: Chapter 131 of SNK shows its main protagonist, Eren, in different ways, crying and apologizing for the things that will happen (because he is able to see the future) to a little boy named Ramzi, who despite his apology, knows that he will end up annihilating like the rest of humanity. Yes, at present Eren is irretrievable, he cannot be saved, he is totally consumed by his hatred and desire for revenge, by the disappointment of the rest of humanity, and by the idea he had of it. He started the Rumbling, that is, the world genocide by the flattening of the earth by the Titans. He is determined to spare no one in his desire for revenge. Eren is the main protagonist of SNK but today becomes the number one target to be shot down.   Eren, having never endured being locked behind the wall as a child, dreamed with his childhood friend Armin, that one day he would be able to visit the rest of the world. Can you blame a child for having spread himself that a wonderful world was waiting for them outside the walls of Shiganshina? And when at last he reaches one of his childhood dreams, he quickly realizes that it wasn't really what was written in Armin's grandfather's books, but that the rest of humanity had rejected them, the Eldians, and condemned them to live like that, enclosed between walls to protect themselves, living in constant fear of the titans who would eat them. From the beginning, Eren only inspires his desire for freedom, to be the one who will free his compatriots so that they can live normally and the more time passes, the darker Eren becomes and consumes himself with hatred and desire for revenge until he decides that the rest of humanity must disappear and that he will annihilate them to the last. For me Eren, has truly entered the darkness from the moment he made his decision to eradicate the rest of the world for the benefit of Eldia and its inhabitants.
He is the one who fights for freedom but in reality only condemns himself to a life of sadness and pain by committing these atrocities and to a relatively short life.However, he seems to overlook in his desperate quest that by doing so, he is also condemning others to repeat the cycle of revenge. So he is not actually releasing anyone.
Eldians vs Marlyeans -> Marlyeans vs Eldians -> Eren the Eldian vs Marlyeans + rest of the humanity -> Survivors vs Eldians... do you understand? It's a never-ending game.
Hate and revenge only leads to hate and revenge in turn.
Just like Eren in the beginning, Sasuke spent a good part of his childhood and adolescence devoted to revenge and letting himself be consumed by hatred against those who had wiped out his clan and his family by extension.
Sasuke did not act this way and forced himself to survive despite the atrocities he saw and the trauma he went through to get revenge on his brother Itachi, and then Konoha’s headmasters, then Konoha’s inhabitants because they agreed with them to wipe out the Uchiha clan.
First because Itachi asked him expressively. "Survive, live cowardly and then when you have the same eyes as me, come find me, and thus fulfill your revenge for the Uchiha Clan." Itachi before Sasuke even decided it for himself was the one who decided to bathe Sasuke in hatred and revenge. He brainwashed an 8 year old child, who had just witnessed the most horrible scene of his life, alone and helpless, with the idea that Sasuke should become an assassin, and should dedicate his life only to revenge and hatred for his clan. A bit simple, isn't it, Itachi? Why didn't you rebel? Why didn't you take a stand for the Uchiha clan, you elder genius? Charging the task of revenge for the Uchiha Clan to his younger brother was the best way to avoid the task of rebellion. So how do you think Sasuke should've reacted? Cry a good cry, wipe away his tears and pretend nothing happened and survive his trauma? Itachi clearly snatched Sasuke's innocence from him. Still, Sasuke, even though he wanted revenge, never entered the darkness. No, I refuse to say that. Did he commit genocide? No. Did he kill innocent people because he was angry? No. The only people he killed were the elite soldiers who were supposed to destroy him. It was only him or them. It was pure self-defense. When he trained with Orochimaru, he always left the defeated shinobis alive, Orochimaru blames him for that. "Sasuke, you are too kind, you let people live. That's not how you'll succeed in killing Itachi." Karin, made the same thought to him. Suigetsu, during Sasuke's little game of retrieving the Samehada Sword from Zabuza’s grave to those who stole it, made it clear that Suigetsu wasn't supposed to kill anyone. Sasuke never has been an assassin. He's never fallen so low. He didn't kill Naruto because he didn't want to prove Itachi right in order to get the Mangekyo Sharingan. No, the only person who had to die at that stage in Sasuke's mind was Itachi and only Itachi. NO COLLATERAL DAMAGE WILL BE TOLERATED. Secondly, the last person Sasuke decided to eliminate was Danzo, that bastard. He literally ordered the massacre of the Uchiha Clan. Those are the only two real people Sasuke killed. PS: Yes, he tried to kill Orochimaru, he even thought he succeeded, but Orochimaru was a finished scum, and deserved to die, even if he survived. In the end, Sasuke didn't want to kill anyone except the people who considered entering the darkness: Itachi, Danzo and Orochimaru.
To conclude, Eren, consumed by hatred and revenge, acts on his own ideals, even if there must be collateral damages like for example: Sasha's death (RIP baby). Sasuke, after taking revenge, has come to the point of putting his hatred aside and joining the Konoha shinobis to help end the war and eradicate their common enemies.
Eren entered the darkness, Sasuke barely grazed it but Eren can't really get his revenge right, the true culprits of the Eldian's fate have been dead for thousands of years. Sasuke could.
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nosybookworm · 3 years
Ninja Academy vs Hero School Rant
Naruto was my jam back in the day. I stayed up late to watch the new episodes, bought the dvd box sets and manga volumes, collected toys and cards just to stare at adoringly, even pretended to be sick so that I could stay home and watch a Naruto marathon. Point is, I LOVED Naruto.
I was invested in the characters. My heart ached for every single character that gave me a backstory. I ugly cried on more than ten occasions.
The action and moral dilemmas sucked me in and spit me out, made me the person I am today thinking critically about the stuff I love because wow that universe is in no way safe or sane for the people living in it lol.
The villains absolutely TERRIFIED me DESPITE STILL WANTING TO SEE MORE OF THEM, Orochimaru alone had me sleeping with the lights on and ripping the arms off his action figure just to be safe.
When I started watching My Hero Academia those old happy feelings started slapping me in the face drawing me in. MHA hits a lot of the same points that Naruto had and I didn’t really notice until the end of season 3 because those points weren’t as in-your-face or emotionally impactful as it was in Naruto I guess. Not to say it didn’t have an impact! Just that it rolled off me a lot easier which might just be a me problem.
I Mean:
The main character getting bullied/excluded because of something he can’t control. 
Underdog character then meeting or making an emotional connection with a mentor figure truly feeling “acceptance” for maybe the first time and taking that all important first step toward their life long dream. 
A teacher willing to sacrifice himself to protect the students. 
A school training teens to protect/serve. 
Rivalry that may or may not be actual friendship.
Students fighting against each other to “rank up” by showing how capable they are to their superiors.
Enemies invading to terrorize the kids and escaping to terrorize another day.
Traumatic family backstories that child will now attempt to seek justice through own power.
Previous underdog character actually having a secret power that no one knows about but a select few and that he has to train to learn how to use, but it makes him a powerhouse that is always surprising the enemy and inspiring his fellows.
Sure all that can be tied to any story when generalized like this, but the way MHA presents them is pretty similar to Naruto.
(Okay, ALL OF THIS is going to be my personal opinion. Things I want to say to get out of my system so that I can move on. It’s long too. So, now that you’ve been warned continue on.)
The more I got into it the stranger it felt because despite hitting those same points I loved they hit in a different way that....well... made me a little uncomfortable to sit through.
Like Aizawa
Very clearly the Kakashi in MHA. He’s sly hardly ever telling his students the truth but has incredibly high expectations of them, has been known to expel students left and right until his most recent batch of kids, is ready and willing to throw himself in harms way for them, and surprisingly competent despite his exhausted persona/personality. However the way these two teachers act get two very different results from me. Naruto got a chance to introduce Kakashi in a way that endeared him to me, the bell test was more than just showcasing the kids current abilities it was introducing Kakashi (the Jounin that is a kind of jack of all trades, the known perv that will publicly read porn, the guy that will happily mess with a bunch of kids to “teach them a lesson” and because its funny, the guy that requires the students under his care to care about each other because caring for his team matters to him more than any mission, that guy). MHA gave the quirk test. Aizawa mostly in the background taking notes and jotting down scores after his speech about expelling whoever comes last. We didn’t get to hear Aizawa’s thoughts until the very end when Izuku surprised him. 
I didn’t really feel any connection toward Aizawa until I stumbled across fanfics that wrote him more involved with the students and I think that’s the problem. Aizawa is dedicated to his student’s education, he believes they will all be amazing heroes one day, but he hardly ever interacts with them. He can be seen watching their training from afar, sleeping in a corner as another teacher takes over for a bit, protecting them from danger or fighting along side them, and proudly declaring that Bakugo would never turn villain but all of that means very little emotionally when I can’t see him making connections with these students to make this standoffish confidence understandable. He comes off as one of those super smart teachers that have undecipherable lessons because he has no idea how to connect with his students enough to explain in way they understand. Similarly, he like jots down that he’s taking note of Bakugo and might need to step in before he goes down the wrong path but then does nothing and confidently tells the press Bakugo would never be a villain.
Kakashi was pretty standoffish too, no denying that, and the little episodes when the kids conspire to try to see him without his mask are the kind of outside interactions that would be weird for a modern teacher-student relationship like in MHA, so I get why Aizawa doesn’t really have that with any of the kids. However, Kakashi saw the path Sasuke was going down and spent time with him and confronted him about it (it did nothing to stop him but he tried). He took time to find a teacher for Naruto. He was present and awake for just about every milestone in there education with him. He told them when he was proud of them not other people. He involved himself in some of their high jinks to measure their growth and as such was able to have confidence in them when they went off on their own.
The Villains
And My Hero Academia villains, namely All For One. 
I felt nothing when he showed up. I was all caught up in All Might and his passing of the torch. The guy without eyes didn’t feel threatening, didn’t feel like the big bad he was suppose to be. The League of Villains really didn’t feel like “serious enemies” either cause I actually really enjoyed them when they were on screen for their dynamics with each other. Similar to how I liked the Akatsuki in their more light-hearted scenes when they where super strong idiots banded together by sheer force of will and explosive personalities that refuse to leave a job half finished. With the League I would be just as entertained (probably more so) if they were in a slice of life anime just being terrible people together.
I get the feeling All For One was supposed to be MHA’s Orochimaru. (And I say this despite knowing Orochimaru’s introduction is probably a lot closer to Stain what with the confrontation and all, but his whole “the world is corrupt, I will cut out the wrong and remake it into the pure world it should have always been” aligned more with Pain especially with his quick turnabout saving Izuku.) 
Orochimaru always felt in control even when he was in hiding or on the run, he felt like he had more up his sleeve which is the only thing I got from All For One when he was imprisoned. Both Orochimaru and All For One showed up out of nowhere, very obviously in a class of their own that the teenage main characters had no hope of beating, and a mysterious backstory that clearly put all the adults in the know on edge. But I just don’t see All For One as a villain. Nothing about him screamed “Run for your lives this man will smile as he tears you apart!” like Orochimaru. Nothing about All For One’s secret Mad Scientist lab gave me creepy vibes that left me on the edge of my seat clutching at the nearest pillow the way the Sound Village that practically worshiped Orochimaru and the many base of operations he had did.
Terrible Parents
The Todoroki family. 
Look. The world of Naruto has terrible parenting, but they also live in a dictator/military run nation where kids can be a front-line defense or key players in a war zone so it’s hard to measure how to view these people. Cause a father that beats his kid and yells at him to get stronger has genuine reasons to rightfully freak out when children as young as 8 get sent to ninja academy. Families that have a rare genetic trait like the Hyuga or Uchiha have every right to be tough and stern if they feel that will protect their kids when they know putting them out into the world makes them an easier target for enemies that would rip out their eyes. 
I can judge their actions based on their consequences. Like the Uchiha clan planning a revolt forcing their eldest to massacre them to keep the peace and their youngest to live with a crazy amount of trauma. Like the Hyuga clan branding their branch members to protect family eyes, but forcing them into being lesser than the main branch and all the trauma that forced on Neji’s poor head. The stupid level of expectation set on Hinata’s young shoulders that she couldn’t meet in the way her clan wanted that made her self-confidence practically non existent. The Hokage leaving Naruto mostly alone for his entire childhood in a village that openly hated him. The Kazekage trying to have his lonely three-year-old assassinated multiple times once by his beloved uncle - the only person that was kind and loved him - that scarred him so entirely that he carved “love” into his forehead and rampaged around the village and did casual murder intentionally for years before meeting Naruto. 
All that... I can get behind as abuse. I want those sad kids to be happy. They deserved better and I will happily lose myself in a fix-it fic where they get that.
MHA gives me similar scenarios but without the clear-cut consequences that shows when parenting for that world is abuse. 
Endeavor is not a good husband. He is emotionally abusive to his wife to the point she has a mental break and attacks a child. 
However, in a world of heroes, in a world where high school students are trained to protect and serve and that self sacrifice is a noble heroic trait. How do I compare such a society to my own? They put children in harms way with hero internships yet don’t allow them to defend themselves if they don’t have a hero license, that would be like getting a learners permit but not being allowed to practice driving.
All this to say I have a hard time telling when bad parenting falls into abuse when it comes to MHA. Endeavor is not a good parent, he is an abusive husband, but is he an abusive parent? As a hero training up the next generation of heroes can it be argued that he is pretty okay even if his methods are a little harsh? None of his children fear him from what I’ve seen. Shouto happily tells him his plans to never use his fire and all the reasons why without fearing he might be punished for it. The other kids seem to be pretty okay going on with their lives. Toya being the exception but again I don’t know what happened to him and he’s a follower of Stain so did he have a falling out with heroes or did his father push too hard?
Nighteye & Tsunade
Okay so this is where I get super rant-y. I have feelings on Nighteye and none of them good.
Nighteye being the estranged comrade of All Might the underdog’s teacher, Tsunade being the estranged comrade of Jiraiya Naruto’s teacher.
Tsunade has been hurt deeply. She ran because she felt that was the only way to save herself from more pain. Here comes Jiraiya with his new little tag along demanding she come back home, she gets appropriately angry and tries everything she can to get them to leave her alone. Naruto being the special little underdog that he is immediately gets under her skin reminding her of all the loved ones she lost bringing back all of that old pain back, so she gets even. She beats him down and challenges him to an impossible challenge to show him how small he really is and get out of her own responsibilities. But he wins. He wins, and shows Tsunade how closed off she’s become forcing her to face reality head on and face her fears at last. He changes her whole world view through action.
Nighteye has been hurt deeply. He sees the future for every person he touches and as such sees futures in which people he loves get hurt and sometimes die. He believes there is nothing he or anyone can do to change these visions. All Might is his hero, His friend and mentor, his comrade. His friend gets hurt in a way he can never fully recover from and he sees a vision where his friend dies on the battle field. He then tells All Might who refuses to retire and leaves without a backward glance. They don’t speak until years later when Nighteye picks out a successor for One For All, but Toshi chooses Izuku and never meets Nighteye’s pick.
Izuku, needing an internship not Gran Torino, goes to Sir Nighteye All Might’s old side kick. He gets tested, told he’s not worthy of One For All, and has to work under this man as he tries to get Izuku to see how Mirio is more worthy of All Might’s quirk. Facing off against Overhaul when they are at their most desperate Nighteye uses his quirk to see what will happen and sees the worst possible scenario. They lose. Then Izuku flies in sweeps Eri into his arms and fights Overhaul saving the day. Izuku proved, unknowingly, that the future Nighteye sees is not set in stone with his actions and on his death bed Nighteye acknowledges that without acknowledging it.
Nighteye’s treatment toward Izuku makes me uncomfortable. This is a man in a position of power over this student telling him that he is not enough, will never be enough, and that he is a disappointment.
His glorifying of All Might makes me uncomfortable. He was All Might’s partner and yet he practically had a shrine of the man in his office. He made him more than just a man, built him up as The Symbol of Peace and kept him there (as many of Toshi’s friends seem to do except for Nedzu and Naomasa) despite getting close enough trusted enough to learn about One For All. And despite all that “love” and “devotion” he left Toshinori alone to deal with his new normal of a permanently damaged system alone for years then takes out all that frustration and grief out on his friends chosen successor.
Then when all is said and done and he’s dying and he’s confronted by Toshinori and Izuku what happens? Does he apologize? Explain his actions? Get closure in his final moments?
No. Well, Toshinori got some measure of closure. Izuku got a few words that essentially boiled down to “Good job, your better than I thought.” without talking about the newfound hope Izuku’s action gave him that his visions are only possibilities not absolute. All of his attention then goes to his choice for One For All, Mirio. 
He’s dying and Mirio was always his main priority as a mentor, and you know who Mirio looks like? All Might. He’s blonde, buff, blue-eyed, cheerfully friendly, and with a happy-go-lucky persona about him. Sir Nighteye taught him to smile. Chose him to be the new wielder of One For All and without telling him anything planned to introduce him to Toshinori to make his choice reality. Doesn’t that sound... I don’t know... uncomfortably close to manipulation? Grooming? To taking this child under his wing and molding him to be pretty close to a new version of All Might?
I don’t know. Maybe if Sir Nighteye had lived this uncomfortable impression I have of him would be lessened as he began to internalize the full extent of possibilities for the future that he never thought possible before and acted more hopeful, more willing to take gambles because his visions were no longer a guarantee of what will happen. 
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coolkat122 · 3 years
Twisted Teeth: Vampire Gaara x Reader Chapter 1 Part 1
I was on my way home after handling business in another village in my father's stead, it was pretty late into the night but I didn't feel like making any rest stops. 
As to get home as fast as I could, to be with my family and friends as soon as possible, I never really liked being away from them for too long, guess I'm too family-oriented? (Ha, ha).
Though I guess it can't be helped when I love them so dearly, they are the world to me and I enjoy every minute with them, except for the few fights, could do without those, just thank the heavens it's never anything we can't work out.
I best try my hardest not to wake anyone when I make it home, they should all be in bed by now and I doubt that they expect me to be home so soon' No one would have guessed that I would have forgone, resting at the other village till morning.
Since it's not really wise to travel so late into the night with bandits and "other" sorts of unsavory things lurking around in the night...
It truly was unwise of me but in my defense, I was feeling lucky and I really didn't care for the idea of staying in the mist village, they are decent enough for business though I wouldn't go getting comfy there.
Not the greatest place to spend the night given their reputation they are known for their high murder rates (and "drownings" if you catch my drift)... 
Obviously, when my father got sick he didn't want me going there in his place but I couldn't let him go in his condition and yes my mother was strong in her own right, no misunderstandings when I say that.
She wasn't cut for this kind of traveling nor do I believe she could handle doing business with some of the people in the mist village, and lord knows my brother was too young for this. 
Which left only me as the only one who could do it, and it had to be done since breaking arrangements with the man my father agreed to meet with has been proven for merchants and traders alike to be a really bad idea. 
I heaved a heavy sigh, 'So I'm glad I was actually able to handle it as smoothly as I did' with the amount of pressure that was riding on me, I'm quite surprised I didn't crack. 
That man certainly didn't make it easy for me to remain unscathed though somehow I managed, so I took some pride in that with a great big smile on my face that was filled with pride. 
Happily, I rode down the road feeling successful and a little prideful of myself though my smile was soon replaced with a look of worry and concern as from the corner of my eye.  (<Might change this)
I caught sight of a man stumbling out of the forest falling to the ground with a groan, he was clearly very injured and in need of help.
Despite my better judgment, I decided that I would be that help as I stopped my wagon and rushed over to the unconscious man.
Once I had approached him and became close enough to properly examine him, I soon discovered that the man wasn't human, evident by his pale skin, pointy ears and when I checked just to be sure I wasn't just jumping to conclusions.
Sharp fangs that were previously sheathed by his lips... having seen that what I thought was a fellow human was actually a creature known for preying upon my kind. 
I heavily debated my next actions, I could do what everyone would say was the right move and finish him off or I could be the better person and help him.
All life was precious and God cherishes all, right?... At least that's what our village priest would say but I'm sure if he were here, the man would be screaming at me to call that devil (his words not mine) which I'm pretty sure contradicts the meaning of "all" life having a value and a right to live in God's eyes.
So this leaves me in a prickle... I'm no killer and it really feels wrong to harm someone who hasn't even done anything to me yet and on the other hand I also strongly do not wish to give him the chance, but.
As I stand here looking down at his weak and fragile state, I can by no means call myself a good Christan and just leave him here as vulnerable as he is.
My heart ached and my world was becoming topsy turvy the longer I pondered, the right moral decision I was forced to make, I was torn in two on what was right, as one half of me warned me that helping him would be a mistake while the other.
Told me I would never rest easy knowing that, I let someone die even if that someone was a horrible creature... again despite better judgment, I took hold of the poor man's body and began dragging him toward my wagon where I carefully loaded him up.
'I'm going to regret this I can tell' I thought knowing that I was going to regret my choice either way so I figured may as well do the one I thought was morally sound.
At least then if he turns around and sinks his fangs in me, I could go knowing that I tried to be a good person.... with another sigh, I whipped the horses to go.
'I obviously can not take this creature home with me, I can't risk him harming my family nor the other villagers so I have to find a spot that was far enough away that I wouldn't have to worry about him causing trouble' It took some thinking and slight digging through my old memories to recall such a place.
The little shack that Naruto's Godfather used to stay in as he wrote his "novels" for peace and quiet, Jiraiya had pretty much abandoned it once he started a family of his own, and Naruto doesn't really care to visit it anymore either, so.
It was the perfect spot, no one besides those really close to Jiraiya knew of it and they hardly if ever even visit the place especially since the man himself no longer inhabits it.
With a new location in mind, I directed the horse there and since it was closer than my village I arrived there a lot faster then I would have had I still remained on course.
I tried to carry him in as carefully as I could but he was quite the heavy fellow and I wasn't exactly the strongest woman in my village (that titled belonged to my pink-haired friend), so there were some bumps and bruises along the way.
Nothing too serious though, once I had him settled in and the horses set, I begin to treat his wounds as best as I could all night (I also kinda tied him up, for safety reasons though I'm sure he's not going to be thrilled with that when he wakes).
At some point, I fell asleep as I was tending to him, thankfully it wasn't anywhere close to him enough so that he could do me any harm but it wasn't stopping him from trying as I awoke to the sounds of him desperately trying to slash me with those claws of his.
I frowned deeply at this as I rose from my seat with my arms crossed and in a stern voice that I've used many a time on my brother and Naruto whenever they acted out of line.
"Is that any way to thank the person who treated you?" His animalistic glare deepened as he snarled (Am I sure he wasn't a wolf or something? I heard vampires were more "classy" than this or at the very least more alluring...).
"Why would I thank a human that did this in the first place" He spit back at me.
"How good of a look did you get on the ones who cause you harm? Cause I can assure, I was not one of them nor did I play any part in it, I was just heading home when I saw you fumbling out of the forest as you did" He remained silent as he stared at me intently with those sea-green eyes of his.
"And you thought me some pathetic human in need of saving?" I really wanted to roll my eyes at this because he says this in a manner that makes it sound like he wasn't in some serious need of saving and I also really didn't care for his tone on human (and like it really even mattered rather he was a human in need of my help or a vampire cause rather way he did need it!)...
"No, I SAW that you were a vampire in need of saving which by the way, you are quite welcome, I really appreciate the gratitude and warm welcome as I awaken to see your grateful eyes shining ever so brightly upon me... really makes me feel like all the trouble I went through was worth it" I'm not sure when I had crossed my arms but at this point, I uncrossed them, and begin heading over to the cabinets.
I was hoping Jiraiya had something that was still good though as I really thought about it, obviously he didn't because of this I missed the look of confusion that crossed his face for a moment only to be replaced with a clear expression by the time I turned around sighing with disappointment.
"Well... Breakfast is going to have to wait..." I subconsciously begin to pout as I thought about the long ride I still had ahead of me and how hungry I was...
I should have brought some hunting tools with me, 'damn it all' I mentally cursed.
"...then... why did you help me?" I was pulled from my thoughts by the vampire as he gazed at me with an unreadable expression as he waited for my response.
My brows furrowed and my face took on an empathic expression as I gazed back at the vampire and answered honestly, "because it was the right thing to do... it felt wrong to just leave you there to die, I could never live with myself if I had".
The vampire's eyes searched for any detection of a lie and found none, his eyes widen for a moment as his expression morphed into this mix of confusion and sadness, he genuinely looked so lost at the idea of a human... wait no, that anyone would help him...
Were vampires not a helpful bunch to their own kind or something? Pretty sure that's a touchy subject so I won't ask, his green orbs cast their gaze toward the wall over to his left as he appeared to be in thought.
'I think I might have sent him on a self-journey at the moment...' I stood there in silence for a moment, not wanting to disturb his train of thought and also not really sure what I should do next...
I mean, I helped him...yay? But now what? I can't just untie him, he could still very well attack me and I don't really think I should leave him here. 
He could starve to death and if I feed him he could gain the strength to break free, oh god did I not think this through...
After coming to the realization that I am a flipping idiot, I immediately begin to beat myself up over the fact, 'how did a fool like me ever manage to make it as far as I did in life?' 
 This was a tough world and it's a well-known fact that you need brains and commons sense to last long in this life so how did I make it as far as I did and is this where it ends for me?
'I really hope not...' a moment of silence as I pay respects to my fading life, may it rest in peace...
"Thank you" My head snapped up as I stared wide-eyed at the vampire, question myself if I heard right.
"I'm sorry, did I hear you right? I was lost in thought" The vampire frowned as he repeated himself.
"I said, thank you, I am not without manners, I am sorry that I went as long as I did on saying it, I didn't get a good look at my attackers as you said and I assumed that you might have been one of them... I never imagined that anyone would ever extend me any kindness" His face though was strong and clear of any emotion, his eyes told a different story.
They showed pain, gratitude, betrayal, a slight willingness to trust though it was also still clear that he was on guard and doubtful, like he couldn't believe it true that anyone would dare to be kind to him.
I offered up my best smile as I replied, "You are welcome... and honestly do not trouble yourself over it, I'm sure waking up bound would give anyone the idea that they were in danger, and I'm sorry about that" The vampire remained silent, still unreadable even his eyes were too this time around.
"No, you made the right call, had I not been tied up... I'm sure I would have drained you in your sleep" My smile fell off my face as it was replaced with a disturbed and worrying look.
The vampire took notice and apologized, "I'm sorry, I should have kept it too myself" I tried to reassure him that he had no need to feel sorry and that I appreciated the honesty (at the very least).
"...very well" 
I was becoming more uncomfortable the longer this went on, so to hide that I turned my head ever so causally toward the window to break eye-contact while also taking a slight break from this whole ordeal and suddenly became aware of the time.
"Oh darn!" This made the vampire curious for my little outburst as he questioned.
To be continued➡️
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britishassistant · 4 years
But I Like One Piece (10)
For someone who considers exerting effort on practically everything “troublesome”, Shikamaru doesn’t exactly do the things he does decide to put his energy into by halves.
Throughout the rest of the week, he and Sakura continually drill her on everyone’s families until she can recite their contributions to the village by heart.
Naruto and Lee become unwitting participants in this when Sakura enlists them to help with her recitation early on, and subsequently discovers that they barely have any more idea than her what all the fuss is about.
She now knows that there are apparently four “noble” clans of Konoha—the Akimichi (Chouji), the Aburame (Shino), the Hyuuga (Hinata) and the Uchiha (Uchiha).
These clans were some of the first to join the village, and became known as “noble” for their clout in battle and their contributions to stabilizing the village’s infrastructure. The Akimichi and Aburame handled food growth and distribution, the Hyuuga helped set up the hospital and health care, and the Uchiha were the police.
There used to be a fifth “noble” clan, the Senju. They founded the village and served as administrators, but their line died out around the time of the Third Ninja War.
Other clans, like the Inuzuka (Kiba), the Nara (Shikamaru), and the Yamanaka (Ino), while no less important today than those first five, came a little later once stability had been mostly established.
The Inuzuka serve as trackers with their ninken while the Nara are tacticians and help fill the administrative gap left by the Senju.
The Yamanaka are in charge of the Torture and Interrogation department.
She and Naruto freeze up when this fact is revealed.
“O-oh.” She stutters, trying to tamp down her instinct to lunge across the table and beg Ino for any scraps of information regarding Otou-sama’s health and whereabouts.
She’s trying to be good, like Okaa-sama and Jimichi-san suggested, but it’s getting harder and harder with each day that passes.
It starts with children pointing her out to their parents when they were collected from the Academy, the adults quickly hustling their offspring away when they realized she could see them staring.
Then shops begin refusing to let Okaa-sama buy anything, saying the ryō she had was clearly counterfeit, threatening to have her locked up too if she tried to make a fuss. They have enough food to last them the week between what they’ve got in the pantry and Uchiha’s donations, but not much longer beyond that.
The dead birds that are left on their doorstep, with sad eyes and plucked grey wings and crushed eggs beside them, are just upsetting. She gives them burials in the back garden before Okaa-sama or Naruto can see them.
Maybe that’s why Naruto can suck in a quick breath, and ask, “What happens to people in Interrogation? The innocent ones?”
Ino looks like she wants to laugh—but then her mouth twists, pensive.
“They get food and water, and a bed.” She says, softly. “Interrogation might need to keep them longer, if they’re really helpful with intel gathering, but they all go home sooner or later.”
Naruto slumps, breath rushing out of him, and gives Ino a dazed smile. “Right. Good to know.”
He bites into his soba noodles and she looks back down at her own lunch, pretending she doesn’t feel the same heady rush of relief.
She ignores the little voice in her head that keeps saying Ino only told him what happened to the ones they thought were innocent.
She walks home with Naruto and Lee, like they’ve been doing all week.
This way, after they wash up the lunchboxes, they can make tomorrow’s lunch right away together, and she doesn’t have to worry about forgetfulness distracting her during training again.
Okaa-sama usually comes home by the time they’ve assembled their lunchboxes and put them into the fridge for tomorrow.
So it’s worrying that that she still hasn’t arrived an hour past her usual return time.
Lee suggests that she practice using her bokken on them to pass the time, so they can practice dodging and she can practice her strikes.
She shuts that down quickly by asking if they can do strength training by kneading bread.
Naruto chooses a recipe for melon bread from her cookbook, because they have a can of pureed melon from Uchiha.
“Plus it’s weird.” He says. “It’s called ‘melon bread’, but it’s not melon flavored? There should be a better name for it, believe it.”
Lee tilts his head. “It looks a bit like Katsu-san’s shell, so maybe tortoise bread?”
“That’s a much better name.” She nods. “I think we might have food coloring somewhere—wanna make it look like them?”
They chatter as they knead and experiment with color combinations that won’t turn brown when mixed with the melon. The purple of Katsu-san’s shell may be an unattainable dream.
Naruto complains loudly about “that dumb yellow turtle,” who told him something “mean” about Interrogation that he refused to divulge, no matter how many bowls of ramen he was promised.
They all do their best to ignore the rising tension in the air as the hours tick on and Okaa-sama still hasn’t come back.
Then, just as the bread’s ready to come out of the oven, the front door slams open.
“WE HAVE RETURNED!!” Gai-sensei yells.
Naruto and Lee rush out of the kitchen ahead of her, babbling a million questions a minute.
It’s probably because she has to shove the latest batch of bread onto a cooling rack and pull off the oven mitts before following them that she catches sight of her mother while Naruto and Lee receive hugs from Gai-sensei.
Her kimono collar is torn and her hair has been half-ripped out of its work bun and there’s a large blue-black bruise blooming along her left cheekbone.
Her breathing feels too shallow and blood’s pounding in her ears.
Okaa-sama catches sight of her and her eyes go soft and sad. “Do we have any frozen peas, sweetheart?”
She nods, numbly, and goes back into the kitchen to the freezer.
She jumps and nearly elbows Gai-sensei in the stomach when his hand comes down on her shoulder.
“Mayu-chan.” He kneels down in front of her, brows drawn down over his eyes. “Your mother is alright. Her youthful spirit flows strong even in the face of disapproval of those who should call her a comrade.”
Her mouth works silently. The peas make a cracking sound as her grip on the bag tightens.
“Did you catch them?” She asks finally.
His brow furrows and he shakes his head. “Unfortunately, the unyouthful thieves were able to evade our search. Even my cool and hip rival and the most youthful Inuzuka Tsume were unable to track them. But they will be found and brought to justice, have faith in that.”
She swallows to making her voice sound less like a croak. “And then Otou-sama will come home again, right?”
Gai-sensei nods authoritatively, flashing her a thumbs up. “Of course!”
She thinks that she can maybe hold out a little while longer. She needs to be better, so they don’t hurt Okaa-sama, but that shouldn’t be too hard.
She tries to tell herself that she won’t let it be as two thirds of her family crowd around the dining table, being as loud and boisterous as they can to try and make up for the empty chair.
Otou-sama doesn’t come back that night either.
Okaa-sama waits up the whole night, or near enough that there’s hardly a difference.
She comes down to leave for training with Gai-sensei, and Okaa-sama’s still there, watching the sunrise spill light onto the street in her nightclothes with the now lukewarm bag of peas pressed to her cheek. Her mother startles badly when she touches her elbow gently.
She can’t keep her mind on her katas, despite all her efforts in the face of Gai-sensei’s encouragement.
Is Otou-sama alright? How much has he eaten in the past week? Are they hurting him?
Will he come back at all?
When this thought crystallizes, she has to duck behind a tree to be violently sick.
Gai-sensei finds her spitting bile and crying so hard she can’t stop herself. He offers her a packet of tissues to wipe her mouth with and pulls her into a one-armed hug, rubbing her shoulder soothingly.
It’s almost enough to make her believe everything will be right again when training ends and she goes home.
Not quite. But almost.
It feels strange.
She sees her mother’s puffy eyes (Okaa-sama didn’t go to bed like she suggested, even if she knows from one too many all-nighters at Uni that it’d be hellish to try and face today on no sleep), she sees Gai-sensei’s concerned glances between her and her mother, she faintly hears Lee and Naruto’s questions about how Okaa-sama’s feeling and when Otou-sama’s coming back—
But it’s like there’s a fog. Clouding her brain, making her head hurt. That’s blocking her from really feeling— everything.
She keeps expecting Otou-sama to open the front door, maybe with a black eye but no worse for wear, laughing about the mixup they had at his work, how it’s all a misunderstanding, how ridiculous it was anyone in a million years could ever suspect him—
Otou-sama misses breakfast.
Okaa-sama takes her aside before she and Naruto and Lee can go to the Academy for the day.
“We weren’t—” She purses her lips, twisting tight around the sob in her throat. “We were going to wait until you were ten. But—with your father—”
Okaa-sama can’t quite choke off that sob. She waits, patiently, until her mother can explain, can press the thing she’s holding into her little hands.
It’s not a knife or dagger. It’s too long for that, but not by much. It has a pretty sheath, grey decorated in red tomoe, and the blade gleams a cold silvery-blue when she pulls it out carefully.
“...Across the stomach, right?” She asks. That’s what she heard about hara-kiri from her past life, but she doesn’t want to get this wrong. Not when it’s Ketsugi honor on the line.
Okaa-sama blinks, drawing away from her, something like horror dawning across her face. “...N-no, sweetheart. Across the stomach is for men. We women do it across the throat. But that is not what this is to be used for. This is for self-defense only, alright? Mayu, promise me.”
She nods, not quite understanding what she needs defending from. Gai-sensei said there were only comrades in the village. She just needs to be good, and keep her head down, and they’ll stop hurting Okaa-sama and Otou-sama and realize they’re comrades too.
“Keep Naruto or Lee with you.” Her mother breathes, hugging her close and hard after tying an obi around her dress. It feels like the not-knife sticks out like a sore thumb beneath the bunched fabric. “Your Otou-san will be back soon. And we all need to be there to greet him, understand?”
“Yes, Okaa-sama.” She says, hugging her mother back, trying to convince herself that ritual suicide won’t be such a bad way to go if worst comes to worst, that she’s not afraid of death, that she has no right to be, given that she’s died once already.
Judging by the tears that gather in her eyes, she’s awful at persuasion.
She tries her best.
She’s even a little annoyed at the fog-headache, because while it keeps her from feeling all the awful truths and doubts about the situation, it also stops her from absorbing Mizuki-sensei’s lectures.
And she needs to be a model little tree-hugger if she wants Otou-sama to come home.
The pretty not-knife digs into her stomach whenever she moves. It’s very distracting.
Naruto and Chouji and Lee and Ino and Kiba and even Sasuke speak to her in careful tones of voice though. Like she might break if they go louder than a slow semi-whisper.
She wants to appreciate it. She really does. But, well. Brain fog. Makes it hard to concentrate.
Maybe the fog is also part of chakra? Distancing the host from their intentions and emotions to better manipulate them into mindlessly producing the energy it needs to feed. If she could just get Mizuki-sensei to listen, she could get the use of this stuff banned once and for all—
By the time she checks back in, she’s blinking up at Akamatsu Ami with the word “Traitor!” ringing in her ears.
“...S-sorry?” She asks, her voice wavering.
Ami huffs. “What are you, stupid? I said everybody knows your daddy is a filthy traitor to this village. Just watch, his execution will be scheduled before the day is up. Guess the Hokage will know not to take in slant-eyed scrap from Iron anymore.”
And Naruto is yelling and Ino is yelling and Kiba and Chouji, and Sakura is drawing back a fist to punch Ami square in the mouth, and she can’t understand that, because how does she dare? How does she dare to strike anyone—
—if she knows it’s forbidden? Sakura must be strong. So strong. Why did everyone hate Sakura in her past life if she could be this strong? Strong enough to flagrantly defy the essential rule—
—the one that she could never have the guts to defy, no matter how much it hurts? No matter how much she feels like she’s choking on the inaction? No matter how much it hurts to grit her teeth and clench her fists and bite down harder and harder and harder—
She’s never heard Mizuki-sensei yell this loud before.
Naruto’s holding her hand and crying. Why is he crying? She tries to shush him, tell him it’s alright, but her just cries harder when her hand brushes his hair, his grip sure to bruise.
Then there’s the nice man with the scar on his nose kneeling on front of her.
“Hello Ketsugi-chan.” He says. “Do you know who I am?”
Of course she does. He’s the one who tries to be nice to Naruto. He’s not always successful, but he tries, which is more than she can say for Taki-sensei and Mizuki-sensei. She tries to tell him this, but it comes out illegible and half-burbled, her mouth burning.
She frowns. Stupid mind fog.
“Right.” The nice man says, frowning. She doesn’t want him to frown. She wishes she could give him a better answer. “Well, I’m Iruka-sensei. I’m going to take you to the hospital now, because you’ve bitten your poor lip very hard. Do you understand, Ketsugi-chan?”
She does and she doesn’t like it, because Okaa-sama said she wasn’t to go anywhere without Naruto or Lee, because if she does go somewhere without Naruto or Lee, she’ll have to commit ritual suicide with the pretty not-knife and then Otou-sama will never come home, because Okaa-sama said they all had to be there for him to be welcomed back, and she wants Otou-sama back, she wants Otou-sama, she wants—
“Easy Ketsugi-chan, easy, easy.” Iruka-sensei presses a hand to her chest, stopping her from inhaling until the pressure lightens, making her exhale when he presses down again. It should feel scary. It’s weird how it helps her focus on his words instead, “You’ll be okay if Naruto-kun and Lee-kun are with you?”
Yeah, that sounds fair. She nods rapidly so Iruka-sensei gets the message.
He grabs her head. His face looks scared, before he begins smiling again, uneasy. “Right. Okay.” He picks her up, cradling her against his green jacket.
It doesn’t feel like Otou-sama or Gai-sensei picking her up. It’s not bad, but not familiar. She squirms a little in his grip.
“Lee-san, can you come with us please?”
She can hear Lee, distantly. It sounds strange, like someone’s taken Lee’s voice and made it too high, too panicked. She wants to pat his head too, tell him it’s all okay, Otou-sama will come back before we know it.
Then they’re in the village, and then they’re in a white building with a lot of rushing people. It looks like a hospital.
“That’s because it is a hospital, Ketsugi-chan.” Iruka-sensei says, distracted.
Oh. That makes sense.
They make Iruka-sensei sit outside.
They try to make Naruto and Lee stay outside too, but she begins crying and Naruto begins crying and Lee gets shiny eyes and a wobbly lower lip, so eventually they let them in with her.
The nurse who takes her height and weight is nice, if a little too smiley. The smile is nice, soft and friendly, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes all the way. Like it’s pasted onto her face.
Her smile goes weird, more rigid, when Naruto and Lee suddenly begin drooping like they’re tired and she grabs their hands hard to wake them back up. She walks out of the room quickly, without saying a word to any of them.
The doctor is even more nice, so that makes up for the weird smiley nurse.
The doctor frowns and says there wasn’t a nurse, but he’s more focused on doing something to Mayu’s mouth which involves a pretty green glow, so she forgives him for being a bit oblivious.
She gets a lollipop that the nice doctor says is for later, and she tells him obviously, they haven’t even had lunch yet, it’s very important to eat a proper lunch before you can have dessert, otherwise you’ll fill up on nothing but sugar and feel sick later.
Naruto lets out a watery laugh and the doctor tells her she’s very right, that she should be a nutritionist when she’s older, and pats her head.
She accepts the head pat but regrettably tells the doctor she’s going to be too busy being a pirate chef to be a nutritionist, but thank you for the offer.
The doctor tells her that’s okay as Naruto hugs her a little too tight and Lee tells her he thinks she could become the best ninja nutritionist AND a pirate chef if she wanted to when Okaa-sama and Gai-sensei burst in.
So apparently she bit her lip so hard, her teeth ended up going clean through it.
There’s now a small, white scar on her lower lip, and another on the flesh-colored bit under it where it meets her chin. The nice doctor says it should fade in a couple of years.
It makes her feel sort of gross to think about it too hard, so she tries not to.
She gets a lot of hugs, for some reason.
From Okaa-sama, who manages to confiscate the not-knife with a stern look sometime between the second and the third, and she doesn’t try to hide how much easier it is to breathe without it digging into her.
From Gai-sensei, who’s bawling about youth and strength and relying on others and youth and somehow has managed to sweep Iruka-sensei into the hug as well, despite the scarred man’s sputtering and attempts to escape.
Okaa-sama tries to insist that he come round for dinner, but he says a lot of things about not wanting to impose and favoritism, so eventually they haggle him down to treating him to Ichiraku’s some time.
Nobody can turn down Ichiraku’s.
Naruto and Lee have been all but attached to her side since the nice doctor told them she’d be fine, but maybe don’t yawn too widely for a few weeks. Naruto somehow managed to smuggle her lollipop away from her during the walk home and is now eating it.
When she protests, he pulls it out of his mouth with a sour look. “Mayu-chan, you bit yourself so bad I thought you were gonna die. There was blood everywhere, believe it. Imma need the-ra-pee to get over it.”
“Therapy doesn’t mean you get all my desserts, Naruto.” She replies.
He raises his eyebrows in challenge, lollipop firmly in his cheek.
“Fine.” She grouses, leaning more into Lee, who has been moved to tears by Gai-sensei’s third rendition of the importance of relying on your comrades and not shouldering burdens alone.
They end up sort of—collapsing. Once they’re back home.
It’s been a very stressful week for all of them.
Guy-sensei is chuffed seven ways to Sunday once he finds out about the tortoise melon bread, which somehow managed to go uneaten in all the fuss of the previous night, so they end up tearing those apart to share as a light lunch.
Her mother soon drops off, curled up in her armchair, while Gai-sensei ends up snoring on the couch. She regales Naruto and Lee with her best rendition of One Piece’s Alabasta Arc, half-drowsing in the sunlight.
Lee’s especially enamored with the idea of Luffy’s techniques and the Dugong Gang.
The Harunos drop by late into the afternoon, bearing their bags and lunchboxes which Mizuki-sensei apparently foisted upon them after school ended, so they share that between them as a late afternoon snack.
There’s an unspoken consensus that tonight’s dinner will be Ichiraku’s takeout.
She’s taking down everyone’s orders when there’s a knock at the door.
There’s a man with familiar blue eyes and blonde hair standing there when she answers it.
She doesn’t hear what he says, because hanging over his shoulder, hardly standing under his own steam is—
She can barely hear the ragged cry that tears itself from her throat because she’s barreling forward, slamming into her father and holding on as tightly as she can.
His hakama feels stiff and crusty under her fingers, and he stinks of sweat and copper.
But she doesn’t care about any of that, doesn’t care that she’s bawling like a helpless little eight year old right here in the street, because her Otou-san is back, he’s here, he’s home.
The fingers he runs over her hair are rough due to the bandages that cover them, and his face is bruised when he pulls her cheeks up to look at her, grinning widely around a split lip and a broken nose held together with gauze.
“I’m home, Mayu.” He says.
And she begins crying all over again, and Naruto barrels into him on her other side, equally snotty nosed, then Lee, and Okaa-san, kissing all of his bruises and choking out a “welcome back” right before Gai-sensei slams into them, toppling everyone to the ground as he wails harder than anyone else.
Later she’ll learn the blonde man is Ino’s dad, and she’ll make the girl so much pudding that the Yamanaka won’t need to purchase that product for a month. She’ll also make Sakura enough anmitsu that she can’t look at the dessert for a week.
She’ll learn that her father has bandages on his hands because his fingernails were ripped out, and it takes a long and painful time for them to grown back in before he can even think about holding his bokken like he used to. That he did end up helping the village once Yamanaka-san met with him, because the thieves tried to scatter around money and symbols from other nations to throw everyone off the scent, but he knew the ryō from Iron was twenty years out of date, and all the others were tarnished with age, except for—
And then her mother will tell her to stop eavesdropping and go to bed, which she will, but not without much whining beforehand.
But right now, she revels in the slightly crushing weight and squirming limbs of her family around her, and begins laughing wetly through her tears.
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robininthelabyrinth · 5 years
Eyestealer 9 - ao3 link
Fandom: Naruto Pairing: Senju Hashirama & Senju Tobirama (mostly gen, hints of other relationships)
Summary: Hashirama really doesn’t approve of the thoughtful way his father looks at his younger brother’s bright red eyes. He’s sure it doesn’t mean anything good for anyone.
He’s right.
“I can’t believe you only gave us two weeks to finish redrafting this peace treaty,” Tobirama says. “I enjoy sleep.”
“You don’t actually enjoy sleep,” Hashirama points out, quite practically. “You always have nightmares.”
“Fine. I require sleep.”
“Well –”
“You’ve already mentioned the sleep jutsu they’re throwing into the bargain three times, anija, and that’s just since this morning. I notice you didn’t actually learn it before you let Madara scamper off.”
“Tobiramaaaaa –”
Tobirama had taken the news of the (hopefully) impending peace about as well as Hashirama could have hoped, which is something of a miracle given how Hashirama'd botched telling him about it.
See, unfortunately, when Hashirama is excited, really truly excited, he tries to say everything that's in his head at once, his tongue tripping over words that flow out disconnected and piecemeal and confused. And he was very excited by his conversation with Madara, very excited indeed, and he simply had to tell Tobirama all about it at once.
"Anija," Tobirama had said quite calmly when Hashirama finished sobbing happy tears into his shoulder - sometimes Hashirama thinks that Tobirama started wearing that beloved fur ruff of his just to have something to sop up his older brother's emotions, which, if true, Hashirama sincerely appreciates because it does the job very well. "Let me be clear: I have no idea what you just said, unless you really did somehow poison Madara with my eyes after he was unfaithful to you and then convince his clan to make peace by offering to heal them from a terrible disease that somehow involves strangling imprudent scientists like me, and also possibly that you think everyone should kill their parents as a bonding exercise."
"Uh. Not - quite?"
"That's what I thought," Tobirama said dryly. "How about you stop trying to tell me about it and give me a mission report about it instead. Chronologically, please."
Hashirama complied.
Somewhere in the first few minutes, Tobirama put his head in his hands and didn't raise his head for the entire remainder of Hashirama's rendition of that day's events.
At the end, he'd said only, "I see why people like you turn into a tree at the end: it means we can finally keep an eye on you."
Then he went into the other room to scream into a pillow for about two minutes solid before coming back out, having composed himself again, and informed Hashirama that neither of them was going to be sleeping until they fixed up the last version of the treaty terms‎ to account for these newest changes.
Also that Tobirama would be taking responsibility for breaking the news of the treaty to the rest of the clan, that Hashirama was very much not invited to the meeting in which he planned to do it, and finally if Hashirama so much as thought about telling anyone anything important ever again, Tobirama was going to kick him somewhere painful.
So, really, not all that bad a reaction at all, if you think about it. And if Hashirama had ended up having to make an example of one of his father's most vicious and unforgiving allies to show how seriously he was taking this promise of potential peace, well, it's not like the rest hadn't had several years to prepare themselves for that inevitable result.
(Also, Hashirama has been spending a good chunk of time since his meeting with Madara daydreaming about the fiasco that would undoubtedly result from Madara telling his clan about the new plan. Given how tactfully Madara had handled bringing up Tobirama’s Sharingan, Hashirama likes to imagine that Madara started with something incredibly smooth like “Hey, guys, guess what, we’re not rapists but we are going to get fucked if we don’t make peace right now” or maybe “I’ve decided that we should embrace eyestealing with open arms if it means we don’t all go blind” or – the most likely option – just going with “Izuna, we’re making peace with the Senju now, please gather the clan, I’ll explain later, really, I swear” followed almost immediately by Izuna attempting to blow him up.  
Tobirama has informed Hashirama that staring in the direction of the Uchiha compound, giggling maniacally, and asking people if they think the wisps of cloud hanging in the sky were the signs of a very large explosion, were not conductive to setting up his supposedly much-desired peace talks, but actually people have started doing the “Whatever you say, Hashirama-sama” thing that they do when they want him to go away quickly and if anything that’s made more people fall into line with the idea faster than they probably would have otherwise. So what does Tobirama know?)
“Stop whining and let me focus,” Tobirama tells him, interrupting Hashirama's slow drift back into that very enjoyable daydream. “One of us has to.”
“But –”
“Go walk. Try the north-east corner of the grounds; I’ve heard it’s nice.”
Not wanting to get dragged into revising the treaty yet another time, Hashirama decides to take Tobirama’s advice and goes to mope at the north-east corner of the Nara summer compounds, where they stay during their beloved deer’s fawning season. It’s an ideal place for a meeting when it’s not being used – the Nara are on generally good terms with both Senju and Uchiha without actually committing to either, and by permitting them to use this place, they aren’t risking their home compound.
The whole place still stinks of deer, though.
He sighs.
Then he jumps a foot into the air when the trees shout a warning to him. He’s no sensor, certainly not like Tobirama is, but the trees help make sure he’s not totally taken by surprise.
Sometimes, it’s even a nice surprise.
Beaming, Hashirama dashes over in the relevant direction.
“You’re early,” he says to the Uchiha delegation: Madara, Izuna, another frontliner (Hikaru?) and three elders. “It’s only been ten days.”
“Yeah, it has. So what are you doing here?” Madara demands, crossing his arms.
“You’re joking, right?” Tobirama drawls from one of trees. Of course he’s there – a sensor of his caliber, he sent Hashirama that way on purpose. Without telling him the real reason, the brat. “He was at the Nara’s doorstep approximately ten seconds after you agreed to talks.”
All the Uchiha stiffen at the sound of Tobirama’s voice, eyes narrowing; they’ve clearly all been read in on his – particular situation.
Hashirama hopes the information about Tobirama’s Sharingan hasn’t gotten too widely spread out among the Uchiha: he’s told certain relevant people in his own clan, particularly the elders who have come along to help with negotiations, but it’s certainly not common knowledge.
(Hashirama’s hoping to quietly spread rumors about it until it’s just generally common knowledge without him ever having to actually explain it to anyone. Maybe they can make out like it was some sort of last-minute deathbed gift from an ally or a friend devoted to peace or something, given in adulthood? That would be far more palatable to everyone than the truth, as much as he'd love to rub it in some of his clan's elder's faces.)
“Why don’t we all take this back to the compound?” Hashirama suggests. “The Nara are making tea for all of us.”
The next few hours are…mildly agonizing, with lots of sneaky pointed comments despite a general request by the Nara that they wait before starting actual negotiations and also lots of staring at Tobirama while he pretends to ignore them all.
“Perhaps a small break,” the Nara elder tasked (probably against her will) with hosting this meeting suggests, looking a little desperate to get out of the room herself. “To review the initial proposed drafts of the treaty.”
Tobirama reaches for a copy of the Uchiha treaty. Hashirama, deciding death by boredom is a bad way to go and dignity is fundamentally overrated, uses the moment to escape out the window.
A few minutes later, Madara appears on the roof beside him. He’s looking grumpy and standoffish, but luckily Hashirama knows him well enough to understand that he’s just embarrassed about how rude his clan representatives are being.
“It’s fine,” Hashirama says before Madara says anything that might taste like chewing glass. “We knew it’d be a tough sell.”
Madara struggles for himself for a moment, then sighs and sits down next to Hashirama. “Yes, we did. Even with all the incentives in the world, they’re not happy. Not to mention that I’m still not sure they believe me about – well, anything. They may ask to, um, see it. Your brother’s…you know.”
“We figured as much,” Hashirama says with a shrug. “It’s not actually a problem – they are his eyes, whatever the original origin – but at this point Tobirama wants to see how long it’ll take them to come out and actually say they want to see it.”
He’d signed as much under the table about fifteen minutes into the negotiations.
Madara snorts. “Of course he does. Well, they deserve it.”
They sit in companionable silence for a long moment, then Madara sighs a second time.
“Izuna’s still not in favor,” he warns. “I managed to get him to come to the meeting, but if you can’t get him on board before negotiations break for good, we’re going to have problems.”
Hashirama knows enough of Uchiha clan politics to understand Madara’s meaning.
At that moment, Tobirama’s chakra flares a little – not a warning, not in panic, but certainly defensive – so Hashirama rolls over to the edge of the roof to see what’s going on.
Both Izuna and Tobirama seem to have retreated to the same courtyard – no, Tobirama retreated, and Izuna followed, if Hashirama has to guess. They’re standing several feet away from each other, each one in the characteristic ready-but-not-actively-aggressive pose of their respective clans: Tobirama with his hands limp by his sides, Izuna with his arms crossed over his chest.
“- not sure where you got that idea,” Tobirama is saying, rather scornfully. Apparently Madara was right about Izuna being pissed off at the idea that Tobirama wasn’t using his full arsenal against him. “Even if I did use the Sharingan against you, it would only be effective with the element of surprise, which is now gone. You’re the experts, after all.”
“Experts or not, the Mangekyo is a weapon like none other,” Izuna says, clearly not appeased. “Can you perform Amaterasu?”
Tobirama inclines his head.
“Then why haven’t you used that?” Izuna demands. “I used mine on you once, though you dodged.”
He sounds resentful about that.
“A technique that requires a significant amount of chakra and makes your eyes bleed isn’t an effective attack on the frontline anyway,” Tobirama says crisply. “You were all but useless after that point in the battle; if I hadn’t been forced to retreat, I could have killed you easily, followed by significant portion of your clan’s warriors. Not emulating your mistake seems like a point in my favor, if anything.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. A one-shot kill strike on me would have been well worth being forced to immediately retreat afterwards and you know it. What’s the real reason? Don’t say it was because of your brother’s peace, because I’ll know you’re lying; you’re as suspicious of that whole nonsense as I am.”
Tobirama arches his eyebrows but doesn’t deny it.
“Well?” Izuna says challengingly. “What’s the real reason?”
Tobirama shrugs. “I assumed you’d block it.”
Madara makes a slightly strangled noise from where he’s lying on the roof next to Hashirama. Hashirama elbows him pointedly; they’ll be caught for sure if he doesn’t shut up.
Luckily, Izuna seems to be taking the news about as well as Madara is, which is to say not well at all. He’s hissing like a tea pot on the boil.
“Are you stupid, or do you think I am?” he snarls. “The whole point of Amaterasu is that it can’t be blocked, only dodged, and even then only the fastest shinobi can manage it.”
Hashirama wonders if Izuna realizes he’s paid Tobirama a back-handed compliment. Probably not.
“Normally, yes,” Tobirama says with a slight frown. “But if I escalated the conflict to such a degree, you would presumably escalate similarly. And as we’ve learned from our conflict over the years, water and fire neutralize each other.”
Izuna frowns. “Water? Amaterasu is a katon jutsu.”
“For you, maybe. Mine manifests as water.”
“Are you serious? I’ve never seen that before.”
“Your clan is full of katon users,” Tobirama points out. “Have you ever had someone who wasn’t one achieve the Mangekyo?”
Hashirama looks questioningly at Madara, who thinks about it, then silently shakes his head. Then, because he knows as much about subtlety as Hashirama does, he whispers, “I don’t think it’d be called Amaterasu if it’s not fire. Maybe Ryūjin, or Ōyamatsumi…?”
Hashirama punches him in a vain attempt to keep him quiet.
“I’d have to check the clan records to be sure about it, but I don’t think we have, no,” Izuna says, frowning thoughtfully, luckily ignorant of the (mostly mute) scuffle currently happening on the rooftops above his head because apparently Uchiha honor can't handle a stupid little punch like that without some retaliation. “I’d never thought about that. Traditionally, eye-stealing only happens among adults, and in those cases the qualities of the original dojutsu wielder pass along without accounting for the affinity of the new bearer.”
“Really? Hn. I wonder at what point it stops being flexible.” Tobirama looks contemplative. “And why it does, for that matter. Maybe something about when the chakra coils stabilize?”
Izuna shrugs, casual, but he’s sneaking glimpses at Tobirama when Tobirama isn’t looking at him.
“...how old were you?” he asks in a way that might come off as casual if one didn’t see how tense his body was, which they can, because both Hashirama and Madara immediately freeze with their hands around each other’s throats and simultaneously turn to stare at the scene happening below them instead of continuing to fight. “Madara said young, but he didn’t specify.”
“Somewhere between my first birthday and my second,” Tobirama says with a shrug of his own. “I’ve never bothered to count the days, and my memories from that period are impaired by my contemporaneous lack of understanding of the concept of linear time.”
“That’s awful,” Madara murmurs.
Izuna’s face below indicates that he agrees with the sentiment.
“Sometimes he has nightmares about being three years old again,” Hashirama murmurs back, because finally, finally other people get to suffer-by-proxy the way he’s suffered. Everything about Tobirama's eyes is patently awful and everyone in the world should feel bad about it, in Hashirama's humble opinion. “Apparently it’s very frustrating and confusing, and also involves some rather interesting views on omniscience. Apparently children don’t develop a proper theory of the mind until fairly late in their development –”
“Stop talking. Please.”
“Though, on the subject of the original wielder of the dojutsu,” Tobirama says, and now it’s his turn to look awkward. “I doubt there will ever be a convenient time to bring it up, but I’d be interested in knowing his identity.”
Hashirama grimaces. It really should have occurred to Hashirama that he might need to run some interference to keep Tobirama from asking about who his donor was. Of all the things he doesn’t want the Uchiha to be thinking too hard about – or counting dead bodies on – that’s pretty high up there, especially if his suspicions regarding the timing of the death of Madara’s one older brother are correct…
Izuna luckily doesn’t know the answer, and in fact looks surprised to even be asked. “Why would it matter?” he asks. “I mean, I assume he’s dead now. And anyway, I’m not sure we know; it’s been a long time, if it happened when you say it did.”
“If?” Hashirama hisses indignantly, only to get one of Madara’s very pointy elbows in his side.
“Understood,” Tobirama says. “If it helps, I can provide some measure of identifying information.”
“…how, exactly? You were a baby.”
“Oh, you’re not going to like this,” Hashirama whispers, and judging by Madara’s incredulous glare he might have said that a little too gleefully. But it’s high past time that someone else should feel bad about the whole thing; he and Tobirama have had their fill of it.
“– appears that the Sharingan retains all the memories it records,” Tobirama is explaining, and Izuna’s eyes are going wide the way Hashirama’s sure his own had when he’d first heard the horrible truth. “I only have the activation and the moment of, um, removal, but –”
“You remember your eyes being ripped out.”
“Rather viscerally, yes,” Tobirama says dryly. “But given that I didn’t grow up with a phobia of it the way the Uchiha do, it was probably less traumatic for me than it would have been for you.”
“You’ve remembered having your eyes ripped out since before you were two.”
“…yes? Though I didn’t understand the content of the memory until I was older.”
“I hate so much about what you’ve just said,” Izuna says, and he’s got a similar expression to the one Madara developed when he heard some of the gory details.
Do all Uchiha start worrying about people they shouldn’t at a moment’s notice? Is this something Hashirama has just never known about them?
He should’ve written out and sent a copy of Tobirama’s sob story to them earlier; they could have had peace ages ago.
Hashirama looks over at Madara, who has his forehead pressed down against the roof.
“How do you feel about using that raise-the-dead jutsu your brother developed to raise and murder your father all over again?”
Hashirama grins. “Necromancy is a bad habit,” he reminds his friend solicitously. “Even when one’s motives are pure. As fun as that would be.”
Madara groans and inches back along the roof, which Hashirama supposes is fair given that they’ve determined their brothers aren’t about to kill each other. He follows suit.
“The elders still aren’t going to like having a Senju with the Mangekyo, even if we do form a village,” Madara says once they’re back at their original locations. “Much less teaching him clan jutsu on how to deal with it, since he’s not under our control and could teach them further. But…”
“I’m going to teach him that sleep jutsu anyway,” Madara says, and he’s got that adorable righteous fury look on his face. “I don’t care what they say; no one innocent should bear the weight of our dojutsu without any support at all.”
Hashirama smiles.
And then, because he can, he says, “That’s very romantic of you. We’ll have a betrothal contract to seal the peace treaty any minute.”
Madara chokes. “Betroth- I – what?!”
“I really only objected to that solution because I couldn’t trust Tobirama would be safe living in your compound,” Hashirama muses. “But I suppose if we’re all in the same village you two could just live in the middle ground.”
Madara’s flailing so hard that he can’t even speak, and his face is color of a ripe tomato. It’s amazing.
“I’m sure your elders would agree, too,” Hashirama adds solemnly. “After all, that would mean bringing the Sharingan back under Uchiha clan control, which is what they want, isn’t it?”
Hashirama starts laughing.
“You’re a terrible person,” Madara says, but his voice is almost admiring. “Truly terrible.”
“Don’t worry,” Hashirama assures him between giggles. “It would be clearly unequitable to marry a clan head to a mere heir. Maybe we should pair our brothers together instead.”
“First off, your white demon is far too pretty to be wasted on my playboy little brother,” Madara says, but he’s starting to snigger as well. “Perhaps more relevantly, they’d kill each other first.”
Almost as if waiting for the right moment, from somewhere behind them, Izuna’s voice suddenly rings out, nearly as loud and screechy as his older brother’s, “What do you mean your Susanoo isn’t a tengu?! If it’s not, what is it?!”
Hashirama and Madara look at each other.
“What do you mean it’s a kitsune?!”
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kumeko · 5 years
snowball fight
Characters/Pairings: Team 7, Sand siblings
A/N: Written for the Konoha High zine run by @teajikan-zines. I wanted to write a nice fun, fluff piece for once
Summary: Crouching behind a thick hedge in the middle of winter, Sakura wondered just why she ever listened to Naruto and his stupid ideas.
“Guys, this is bad idea,” Sakura hissed as she crouched behind a thick hedge. Crossing her arms, she rubbed her shoulders to stave off the cold. Shit, it was freezing outside. If she just turned around, in two minutes she could be inside her high school. Her warm high school. The fluffy gloves on her hands were not meant to actually touch the snow, let alone make snowballs. When no one said anything, she added, “A terrible idea.”
Naruto scoffed, the snow crunching beneath his boots as he shifted positions. A slowly growing mountain of snowballs sat beside him and even as he talked, he continued to scoop up snow. “It’s a great idea,” he corrected, shooting her a winning smile and puffing his chest with pride. “Besides, Kakashi-sensei said it’s good.”
 “He did not say that, idiot.” Sasuke rolled his eyes. His skin was lightly flushed and she felt a pang of pity; he had never been good with the cold. Tugging his scarf higher up around his neck, he peeked over the bush. “He just said ‘it’d be a great learning experience’.”
 “Learning experience?” Sakura shot Naruto a glare. “We’ve been crouching behind a bush for ten minutes for a learning experience?” She was so stupid; Kakashi-sensei was clearly setting Naruto up for something and she was going down with him. When Naruto told her to follow him with a mischievous grin, that smile only ever meant trouble and she should have known better. Ino had even warned her and in the end, she could only blame herself.
 Hell, she should have realized something was up the moment Naruto suggested skipping lunch. He never skipped lunch.
 Naruto sighed, his expression full of pity. “No, we’re standing here for a prank.”
 And if they weren’t all dressed in thick, padded jackets that made them all look more like fuzzy chicks than anything else, she would have murdered him then and there. Even if they were childhood friends. If anything, she deserved a medal for lasting this long without killing him. Naruto wasn’t an idiot—despite his grades, he picked up things fast as long as he was interested—but sometimes, he acted like one.
 She should just get him to stop hanging out with the local first-graders. It was bad enough that they had two high schools within spitting distance of each other without throwing in an elementary school into the mix. Instead of elevating them to his level, he just turned even more child-like than usual.
 “And that is why you’re a good for nothing,” Sasuke sniped as though he wasn’t scanning their surroundings just as eagerly as Naruto, an excited gleam in his eyes. As though there wasn’t a pile of perfectly formed snowballs beside him too.
 Then again, Sakura wasn’t one to talk. She was still making her own pile as well; she’d been through this enough to know when she should just resign herself to her fate.
 “I’ll show you who’s—” Naruto’s growl died in his throat as he abruptly squatted. Shushing them, he whispered, “Ok, Gaara’s here.”
 Sakura instinctively hid. Gaara. She’d hoped for a random Sunagakure student but it had to be Gaara of all people. “Maybe we should pick someone else. Didn’t he put ten guys in the hospital?”
 “Nah, it’s cool.” Naruto gave her a thumbs up and his trademark smile. His reassuring expression did little to assuage her fears. “That’s just a rumour; he’s a nice guy.”
 How does someone just get a rumour like that? And if he was so nice, why were they throwing snowballs at him? Before she could ask, Naruto had already picked up his snowballs and leapt out with a loud shout. “DODGE THIS, GAARA!”
 Well. There went any chance of survival. Or even stealth—what happened to the element of surprise? She paled as his bright, orange coat disappeared around the hedge, certain that was the last time she’d see him. Unhelpfully, Sasuke squeezed her shoulder. “Try not to be number eleven.”
 He was lucky he was hot—she wasn’t sure if he was trying to be funny or if he was just being a little shit. “Ha. Ha. Ha.” With a curse, she picked up two snowballs and trailed after him.
 Naruto had always been a heads-on guy; between that and his loud mouth, they were never going to be sneaky about this. The second Sakura stepped out from cover, she slipped on a patch of black ice and fell, narrowly dodging a snowball.
 “Huh. I thought that’d hit you,” a girl drawled. Sakura blinked, her eyes adjusting to the glare on the snow. In front of her, a girl in a pink, fur-trimmed coat and black tights stood, another snowball in her hand. A pair of brown earmuffs covered her ears, her blonde hair too thick and wild to fit neatly into a hat, and her sharp smirk promised pain.
  If she’d been scared before, she was downright terrified to find the number two terror of Sunagakure in front of her. Temari. Sakura felt a chill run down her spine. Over her shoulder, Sakura spotted a red head in a red jacket, her two boys circling around him like sharks. Temari and Gaara. The Sand siblings. She should have written her will first. And here Naruto and Sasuke were running around like this was Shino and Kiba. Maybe she was the only one with a self preservation instinct. Which was not working otherwise she wouldn’t be in this situation. “Hi?”
 “Your aim isn’t what it used to be.” Next to Temari, the last of the three siblings stood, purple tattoos on his face. Sakura felt a little bad for him, he was almost invisible compared to the rest of his family. “Maybe you need a little practice?” Kankuro teased before getting a snowball to the face. Staggering backwards, he wiped the snow off his face. “What was that for?”
 “Just showing how good my aim is.” Temari glared at him, daring him to say anything else.
 Sakura inched backward while they were distracted. The snow shifted under her weight, the recent dusting not packed in yet. In the distance, she spotted Naruto, letting out a grunt as he got a snowball to the gut and slipped on a patch of ice. Sasuke leaped up to hurl one Gaara, looking more like baseball pitch or a volleyball spike than anything else. What was this, an action movie?
 At the sound, Temari reached down and scooped up another handful. “And where do you think you’re going?”
 Beside her, Kankuro was grumpily reaching down to make his own and Sakura desperately yelled, “Guys?”
 “Don’t worry, we got him Sakura!” Naruto shouted back, tumbling on the ground as he slipped on a patch of ice. Sasuke didn’t say anything, too busy making a snowball.
 “Not the point,” she grumbled, rolling out of the way as a volley of snowballs came at her. Of course they’d both pick the strongest guy to pick off, leaving the other two to her. Boys. A snowball hit her back and she groaned. It felt almost like ice, it was packed so hard. However, now she was behind the hedge and now she could mount her defense.
 Quickly, she scooped up a loose ball of snow and tossed it. It broke apart in the air, spraying snow into the wind.
 “What was that?” Temari snorted, laughing.
 “A distraction!” Sakura yelled before tossing her premade balls. One nailed Temari in the chest, the other hit Kankuro’s face a second time and he went down.
 “AGAIN?” he complained as he collapsed, wiping his face. “Are you trying to break my nose?”
 “You’ll look better.” Temari grinned, flicking the snow off her chest. She looked more aggressive than before and Sakura had seen that expression on Sasuke before, a beast awoken. Temari was interested now and Sakura swallowed.
 That was fine. That was more than fine. She was in the chess club and smart and maybe she didn’t have the best gym grades, but she was prepared. Sakura had a pile of snowballs and a hedge and maybe she was a little screwed because Temari was stalking forward like a tiger. Sakura started hurling every snowball she could get her hands on, even the ones that Sasuke and Naruto had made. They didn’t need them and even if they did, they wouldn’t remember the pile until after the fight.
 Temari dodged most of them, letting the brunt of the attack hit the slowly recovering Kankuro. Why couldn’t Sakura have faced him? He felt more up her speed. The few snowballs that did hit Temari did little to stop her, despite the soft grunts she made on impact, Temari kept advancing. She stopped every few steps to make another snowball and toss it.
 Sakura slowly inched her way backwards but the hedge would do little to stop Temari once she was on the other side. She’d just have to risk it and run. Her high school was so close, it’d be easy to run back. Peeking over the hedge, she spotted Naruto and Sasuke still fighting Gaara, snowballs flying through the air like a machine-gun was shooting them.
 Her brow furrowed. Seriously, what was this, an action movie? Before she could follow that thought any further, a snowball hit her face with a sickening splat. She winced, blinking through the pain. Temari’s aim was almost flawless and what she lacked in quantity she made up with quality.
 Sakura gave a last look at her school before sighing and scooping up the last of her snowballs. She couldn’t leave her friends here, no matter how idiotic they were. Besides, all she had to do was get Temari down and she’d be home clear. Taking a deep breath, she ran out from her hiding spot before she could change her mind. There was still the patch of black ice Naruto had slipped from; if Temari set foot on it she’d be down.
 “Is that all you got?” Temari asked, her smile all teeth.  She swivelled to the right, moving ridiculously gracefully on the snow. Fluidly, she reached down and create a snowball, barely breaking her stride in the process. Sakura barely ducked in time, Temari’s pinpoint accuracy guaranteeing that even if the balls didn’t hit, they grazed and Sakura shivered every time.
 “Missed me!” Sakura taunted, brushing the snow off her cheek. She hurled a ball of her own and frowned as Temari tumbled to the ground to dodge. Even the tumble looked surprisingly graceful. It was like looking at another Sasuke.
 Temari snorted, looking more amused than murderous. “Feeling brave, are you?”
 “Just a little.” Sakura squeaked as she narrowly dodged a ball. “I take that back, nope, not at all.”
 As they fought, running through the field between their two schools, Sakura slowly hurled every snowball she had. They just had to last long enough for Sakura to reach the ice. For Temari to reach the ice. Actually, where was that ice? Sakura quickly scanned her surroundings and hoped she was running in the right direction. The snow made everything look the same.
 “You’re surprisingly good,” Temari shouted, panting lightly as she crouched to dodge a snowball. The air was crisp and it almost hurt to breathe, but then that might have been because Sakura had been laughing so much. Somehow, along the way, it had become more fun than anything else and maybe Naruto had been onto something when he said the Sand siblings were normal.
 Not that she’d ever admit it aloud.
 “You’re not bad yourself.” And was this what Sasuke and Naruto felt, every time they fought each other? It was stupid but she could understand it, just a little. The high of battle. Of getting a compliment from an opponent.
 Of getting one over her enemy, as Temari fell backwards on the black ice. “Got you!” Sakura crowed, pelting her with the last of her snowballs. “Got you!”
 And suddenly she was the one staring at the sky. The ice patch was larger than she’d anticipated and damn, her back was going to be a giant bruise tomorrow. With a groan, she rubbed her head, wishing she had some painkillers right now.
 At this precise moment, Kankuro suddenly filled her sight, a Cheshire grin on his face and his arms cradling a pile of snow. Before she could do anything more than moan, he dumped it on her and she flinched as the ice stung her skin. “Revenge is best served cold.”
 “Just kill me now.” She whimpered as the snow made its way through the lip of her jacket. Even death was better than listening to that cliched line.
 “And?” Tsunade stared at the wet, bedraggled students in her office, rubbing her forehead. “You again?”
 “You make it sound like it’s always my fault,” Naruto grumbled, shivering. Snow dripped down him and puddle onto the floor, mixing in with the mud and dirt the trio had dragged in. She’d just gotten it cleaned from the last stupid thing he’d done, at this rate she’d have to hire a personal maid.
 “Maybe because it is.” She glowered, knowing all too well that he would be back in her office within the week. It was always something or the other with him. Still. Looking at the miserable students in front of her, she suppressed a chuckle. It wasn’t like she could do anything worse to them than they’d already done to themselves. Pulling out her phone, she snapped a quick photo before they could protest. Excellent. Good quality too. With a content smile, she waved toward the door. “Get out.”
 “Huh?” Sakura blinked, staring at her in confusion. “That’s it?”
 “Just go dry up.” Tsunade waved them off, pulling out her phone. “I have enough angry parents to deal with without adding yours.”
 And besides, if they stayed any longer, she’d burst into laughter and it would undermine any authority she had left over Naruto. It was hard enough to get him to listen as it was without him thinking she actually enjoyed his little stunts.
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553butterfly553 · 5 years
Second Chance (An Itachi Uchiha Love Story) 9
The Truth
I made the first move, causing black lightning to flow right at him. He was ready for it though and just sidestepped it. However, my attack caused everyone else to begin their own fights, leaving me all alone with Ao. Even so, Kisame and Itachi remained close to me. “You are so ready to fight me, it just goes to show that you never truly loved me at all,” Ao stated as I shot more lightning at him. He dodged my attacks easily though. “Are you fucking kidding me?! You are the only man I ever thought to marry! You and I shared many firsts and those times have always been special to me!” I yelled out angrily and I lunged at him, trying to hit him with the lightning imbued Kiba. He continued to move out of my way gracefully. “Speaking of our most important first. Where is our child?” At Ao's words, I could see Itachi and Kisame pause for a moment. “Shut up! You don't need to know anything about her!” “Oh? It's a girl? What did you name her? I deserve to know that, I am her father after all.” I kept quiet but continued to attack him. No matter what I did, he saw it coming. “I know you Adryn. Better than anyone else in this world.” “That's where you're wrong!” It was Sasuke who'd appeared suddenly behind Ao. “You also don't deserve to know anything about Adryn's daughter!” Sasuke was merely a clone, while the real him fought next to Naruto and Sakura. Ao easily took care of him though by using a jutsu to blow him away. “What is her name, Adryn?!” Ao demanded as he went right through my defenses and kicked me onto the ground. He took one of the Kiba swords and pointed it at my throat while he stepped on my other arm. I just looked up at him with hate in my eyes. “Serenity.” At her name, I felt my eyes burn. I remembered that feeling, it was the Rinnegan awakening. “Thank you, now I will find her and use her to destroy the Mist!” Ao went to swipe at my neck but was hit by Itachi's fire jutsu. Ao went flying away, leaving me on the ground. Thankfully, he'd dropped the other Kiba sword, so as I sat up I picked it back up. “Adryn, your eyes...” Kisame commented a little shocked. “I'm surprised too,” I responded simply. “Thank you, 'tachi. I was fighting too distracted.” “I'd say, what's all this about a daughter?” Kisame questioned instantly. “I'll explain it to you later.” “Yes, later, right now we will help you fight Ao,” Itachi spoke up as he approached both me and Kisame. “I-” “No arguments.” Itachi harshly spoke to me, causing me to jolt slightly. However, before we could do anything, Itachi was hit with a powerful water jutsu from Ao. It was shocking and Kisame reacted before me. “You take care of Itachi, I'll handle Ao!” Kisame yelled out as he went into action. I nodded my head and made my way to Itachi. His side had been hit hard, probably breaking his ribs on that side. “Itachi! Can you still breathe easy?” I questioned instantly as I was at his side. He nodded his head and took a deep breath to show that he could breathe easy. However, he winced as he inhaled showing that something was indeed wrong there. He also began to cough up blood now, meaning something internally was ruptured or at least injured in some way. I couldn't tell, due to how long it's been since I was a good medical ninja. “Adryn, it'll be alright,” Itachi muttered to me as he began to lose consciousness. “You're damn right it'll be alright, I won't let you die!” I began to tear up as I also began to heal him. I put all my strength into healing the man I truly loved. After about 10 minutes of healing, Itachi woke back up. “Adryn?” He was a little confused now. So I explained to him what had happened. “I see. So you saved me?” “Of course I did, 'tachi! I refuse to let you die!” I choked on a few words, but it came out clearly enough for him to understand. I heard footsteps approaching me, so I wiped my tears and looked up to see a bloody Kisame. “He got away and the others did as well. So this fight isn't over yet. It'll start up another day.” Kisame informed us as he sat down next to Itachi and myself. I nodded my head and just turned my attention back onto Itachi. “I think this is all I can do, we'll have to check you out at the mansion.” I then turned my attention onto Kisame. “Is all this your blood?” “I'm not sure anymore.” Kisame seemed a little tired currently. So I reached over and began to heal him too. He stopped me, however. “You've used too much chakra already.” “It's fine, I'll just use Matatabi's chakra to heal you.” “Matatabi?” “The two tails.” “Oh.” So that's what I just did. I used her chakra to heal Kisame. She and I were close enough that I could control her as well as I needed to. After a few minutes of healing, I began to feel a little faint, so I decided to stop and lean my head against Kisame's chest. “Adryn?” “Is she alright?” I heard Itachi ask from behind me. He was now sitting up and looking at us concernedly. “I just wanna take a nap...” With that, I began to pass out in the arms of my former lover. I could hear both Kisame and Itachi calling out my names as I fell into the black. ~ When I woke up, I saw I was in my room in the mansion. I turned to look to my side and there were Itachi and Kisame. Both of them were sleeping in chairs. I couldn't help but smile at that. However, I was then jolted in shock at a voice. “They haven't left your side at all since you passed out, Adryn.” It was Sasuke. I slowly sat up and looked to the door. There he was standing there, looking slightly relieved. “You look like you've been hovering over us as well the whole time. Wait, how long was I out?” “A couple of days.” “Damn. I guess I did use too much chakra.” I couldn't help but chuckle. However, Sasuke just gave me a look. “I'm sorry for worrying you.” “Apologize to them.” It wasn't harsh, it was just a comment. Sasuke gave me a soft look and then left the room. The door closing seemed to be enough to stir Kisame and Itachi. Both sets of eyes opened instantly and it took them a moment to realize that I was looking back at them. “Hey, guys,” I spoke with a smile on my face. “Adryn!” Both men gasped out at the same time. They both sat up and looked at me with happiness clear on their faces. Kisame was smiling and Itachi had a small smile on his face as well. “I'm awake now. Sorry to keep you guys waiting.” “Just don't do that again, alright?” Kisame instantly responded. Itachi nodded his head in agreement with Kisame. “So... I'm sure you guys have some questions. About what was said during the fight with Ao.” “I'd say I have one big question.” “And that'd be...?” I asked that, but I knew what they wanted to know. “Ao said you have a child together with him. A daughter named Serenity is what you said.” “Is that true? Do you have a daughter with Ao?” Itachi questioned next before I could answer. I just sighed and looked down at my hands. “Yes. She is about 5 years old now. She was born a little while after the war ended. She is in my father's care, Orochimaru's care.” “How come?” Kisame questioned curiously. “I am a full-time active ninja. I can't raise a child, plus I don't know how to raise a child. However, I visit Serenity every once in a while and she adores me despite me not being around much.” “It's too bad that she's with Orochimaru, it'd be nice to meet a little version of you.” I couldn't help but laugh at that. “Believe me, she is just like me. Which is partially bad. She looks like Ao though, but she has my eyes. She shows signs of possibly awakening the Sharingan in both her eyes one day.” “Really?” Itachi seemed to be conflicted over that. It seemed like he wasn't sure if it was okay or not. “You know, maybe you all can meet her. Now that Ao has plans on trying to get her, maybe it'd be safer to bring her here.” “Surrounded by a bunch of criminals, would that really be safer?” “I don't think even Hidan would hurt an innocent child for no reason. Especially not my child. Besides, Serenity can handle herself. She's a good little ninja for her age. She shows signs of surpassing me one day. Though I'm not sure how I feel about that.” “She'll have a tough life.” “No, she won't. I'll make sure of it. I'd never do anything to put any type of pressure on her. I'll allow her to grow at her own pace. My father has agreed to raise her as such as well.” “I see.” Itachi made a face, one mixed between relief and grief. He must be thinking about how he was raised. “I guess I should tell Sasuke to go and get Serenity.” “Why Sasuke?” Kisame questioned, though Itachi seemed to be thinking the same thing. “He's the only one who knows where Orochimaru currently is. I mean I guess Lord Hokage might know as well since he has that guy following my father around.” I made a move to get out of bed but was stopped by two pairs of hands on my shoulders. “Whoa, where are you going?” “I need to go tell Sasuke to go get my child. Even though others might know where Orochimaru is, I only trust Sasuke to bring her back. So I have to go find him.” “No, you need to rest.” “I've been resting, besides I need to get back to work. I have to report to Lady Mizukage.” “Adryn. Just rest.” It was Itachi now telling me to rest, so I guess I can't ignore his request. I just sighed and laid back down in bed. “Fine, but I won't be happy about it!” I huffed as I turned over to face away from them. I heard Kisame chuckle as Itachi spoke up again. “I'll go tell Sasuke while you rest.” With that, Itachi stood up and left the room, the door softly closing behind him. I guess Kisame decided now would be a good time to start talking because he instantly began to speak as soon as he was sure Itachi was far enough away. “Adryn. We thought... I thought I'd lost you when you passed out in my arms.” Kisame began in a somber tone. “I nearly panicked when I saw your suddenly lifeless
body. I knew you weren't dead, but still, it scared me.” This was very out of character for him to admit. So I had to do something to cheer him up. “Ki...” I turned around and sat up to face him. I reached out and grabbed one of his hands. “I'm so sorry for scaring you. I didn't think about the consequences at all. I just healed Itachi and then you.” I then gasped out. “How is 'tachi? I couldn't heal him the whole way.” Kisame just sighed and pulled his hand away from mine. “Always about him, huh?” Kisame had a somewhat sad look on his face. It made my heart hurt. “Ki, what do you want me to do? Would it make you feel better if I distanced myself from him?” “Of course not. Adryn, I always have known I could never be the main one in your heart.” “Despite not being the main person in my heart, I still love you Kisame. I always have.” That caused a small smile to appear on his face. “I know that. It makes me happy to hear you admit it.” Before I could respond, the door opened, to reveal Sasuke and Itachi standing there. “Are we interrupting something?” To Sasuke's question, Kisame stood up from his chair, turned to look at the brothers and then spoke. “No, nothing at all.” Kisame then turned to look back at me. “I'll see you later, Adryn.” “Ki!” He just ignored me and left the room. Once he was far enough away, Sasuke approached me and questioned me. “What was that about and why do you look like you are about to cry?” I sighed before responding sadly. “I think I hurt him again.” “He'll be alright,” Itachi reassured me as he also approached the bed I was on. “So, what's this about you wanting me to go get Serenity?” Sasuke asked once he sat down in one of the chairs. I explained to him that I wanted to not only see my daughter again but that Itachi and Kisame wanted to meet her. Along with not wanting Ao to get his hands on her. “I see. Very well. I will take Sakura and we will go tomorrow morning. It may take a few days though.” “It's alright. I'll wait as long as I have to. I just want to see her again. It's been so long since the last time I got away from here to visit her. Thank you, Sasuke.” “Of course.” Sasuke then seemed to think about something. “I'll have Sakura come in to check you out so Itachi will let you get up from his bed.” “Thank you,” I responded with a laugh. With that, Sasuke got up from his chair and left the room. “So what were you and Kisame talking about?” Itachi asked though he knew it was none of his business. I just shook my head. I didn't want to think about it. It hurt me a bit too much. Besides, I didn't really have the time to tell him, as Sakura walked into the room a moment later. Apparently, she'd been close by anyway and Sasuke was able to find her quickly. Once Sakura was in here, she began to check me over and she made sure that there was nothing wrong with me at all. It took her a few minutes, but finally, she spoke up. “You are fine now, Adryn. There is nothing wrong with you at all. You no longer have any reason to just sit in bed all day.” Sakura explained to both me and Itachi. “Thank you, Sakura.” She just nodded her head and left the room. Now that she was gone, I turned to look at Itachi. “Can I get out of bed now? I'd like to take a shower and change my clothes.” I spoke to the man I adored. He nodded his head and got up from his chair. “You will come right back, won't you? After you shower and change?” Itachi questioned as he looked down at me. “No, I have to talk to Lady Mizukage first, then I'll come back.” “Very well.” It was like I needed to get his permission, but instead of finding it annoying, I found it quite cute. “Hey, 'tachi?” “What is it?” “Please don't ever get hurt again. You really scared me when you got hit by that jutsu.” “Same goes for you, Adryn.” “Huh?” I looked up to him to see if I was right in assuming he meant that I scared him as well, but he'd looked away and began to leave the room. “I'll see you later. Come find me when you return to the mansion.” I was left in silent confusion. However, I didn't have the time to dwell on it. So I got out of bed and headed out of the mansion. Once I returned to my home, I took a much-needed shower and changed my clothes. After I was down there, I headed to the Kage. I wasn't sure if I needed to tell them anything or not, but I figured Lady Mizukage would like to know when I woke up if she didn't already. “Oh, Adryn! You're awake!” Lady Mizukage instantly stated when she saw me walk into their room. All the other Kage turned towards me as well. “I heard all about the situation from Itachi and Kisame. I was so worried your emotional wounds wouldn't let you wake up for a while.” “Well, I'm fine for the most part. Just exhausted my body using up too much chakra.” I explained simply. Surprisingly, no one had anything negative to say about me for once. I expected someone to at least yell at me for letting them escape, but nope, nothing. “Well, we already got the report from those criminals, so you have nothing left to do here. Run along, child.” Lord Tsuchikage grumbled to me. “Well, I do have something to say actually.” “Oh?” “Sasuke and Sakura are bringing my daughter here to ensure her safety.” The Kage already knew of my daughter and that she was living with Orochimaru. “I see. I hope that turns out to be the right decision.” Lady Mizukage stated as she looked at me. I just smiled at her. “Don't worry, I'll protect her and make sure she never falls into Ao's hands.” With that, I bowed to them and left the room. I then hurried off to the mansion. I was eager to see Itachi again and I wondered why he specifically wanted me to come back and find him. However confused I was, I still followed his request. Once I was in the mansion, I went to find him. He was in his room though. However, as I approached the door, it opened to reveal Kisame. “Oh, Ki, hello,” I muttered confused at the situation. “Of course you'd instantly come to find Itachi.” Kisame sounded a little bitter, but then he shook it off and smiled down at me. “He's all yours now. Goodnight, Adryn.” “Goodnight?” “I don't plan on seeing you again until tomorrow. I'll be in my room if anyone needs me.” With that, Kisame made his way into his room and closed the door. I stood there, confused for a moment before Itachi called out to me from his bed. “Come in, Adryn.” I did as he asked and closed the door behind me. Once I was in there, he patted the spot next to him on his bed. “Sit down please.” “Um, what's this about?” He was really starting to freak me out a little bit. “Kisame mentioned that you were concerned about my health still. So I will give you an opportunity to check me over before we go and train.” “You want to train?” “Yes. I need to get into better shape so no one has to risk their lives to heal me again.” “I see. I guess I'll gladly help you out then. However, first I want to make sure you are fully healed.” Itachi nodded his head and allowed me to check him over for any remaining wounds, however, I found none, so my concern disappeared. “Can I ask you something?” “Of course.” “What did Kisame want with you while I was gone?” “He just wanted to talk about you.” “What about me?” “I can't tell you that. He asked me not to say.” Itachi looked at me with sad eyes, making me frown. “Alright, I guess I'll let it go. You ready to go train?” The sad look in Itachi's eyes disappeared and was replaced by small excitement. “I won't go easy on you this time. I'll win this time.” Itachi almost seemed to be teasing me. “Oh, you went easy on me last time? We'll see who wins this time, and I'm sure it'll be me.” It indeed was me. However, it was close. There were a few times that I thought Itachi would get me, but I managed to pull out ahead of him and kick his ass in the end. Leaving us both out of breath and leaning against trees. Itachi was really out of shape to lose to me in taijutsu. However, I'm sure if he used genjutsu he'd win easily. Then again, my eyes are fairly strong, so who knows what would happen if we went eye to eye. “Thank you for this, Adryn. I can feel myself becoming stronger as we spar.” Itachi finally spoke, breaking the comfortable silence we'd fallen into. “Same. You're a tough opponent.” I couldn't hide my smile as I looked over at him. He gave me a soft smile back and began to cough slightly. It wasn't bad but it worried me. “I'm fine.” Itachi instantly told me once the coughing stopped. He didn't cough up blood or anything, so I figured it wasn't really anything to be worried about. Even so, I decided to heal him as Tsunade taught me. “Thank you, again.” “Of course, 'tachi.” That time, the “anything for you” was loud and clear. “Well, you go back inside. I'll head home for the day.” “You won't stay here tonight?” “No, I feel like going home tonight. I don't think Kisame really wants to see me right now.” I felt very sad about that. Kisame was one of my closest friends, and to have him suddenly start acting like this, was very hurtful. “I understand.” I then led Itachi back to the mansion and bid him goodnight. Then I headed back to my place, took a shower and headed to bed. ~ I awoke the next morning to Sasuke standing in my bedroom. “Sakura and I are leaving now, I figured you would want to know before we left,” Sasuke stated when I woke up fully and sat up. I then realized that his girlfriend was in my room as well. “Thank you for telling me, I'd have worried about you guys if you hadn't. Good luck and be safe!” “We will!” Sakura spoke as she and Sasuke left my bedroom and my house. It was early enough that I decided to just go back to sleep. I wondered if I even wanted to show up at the mansion today at all with how Kisame was acting towards me. If anything, I'd show up really quick to just say hello to Itachi or something. However, sleep came first.
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crossroadsimagine · 6 years
Naruto scenario? Maybe Kakashi and his s/o fighting, and kakashi telling his s/o, that he is really afraid of losing her. Like afraid of her dying like people he's lost before.
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It had been a long day and you were happy to finally be going home for the day. Though as you walked home you couldn’t help but be a little concerned, it was a long day because of everything that had happened to you. 
You had a mission which you left for yesterday, and though it wasn’t meant to be all that dangerous it turned out to be. Things went south pretty quick and you ended up in a dangerous situation, you easily could of been killed or severely wounded. But you were lucky and walked away with only minor injuries, everyone in your team was luckily safe. 
But you were worried the news of what happened might make it back to Kakashi, the two of you had been dating for quite some time now and things were getting pretty serious between the two of you. 
He was known for being quite over protective of you, and you knew he wouldn’t be happy to hear about what had happened on your mission today. Though you also had a tendency for being a bit reckless in dangerous situations and taking risks, though you didn’t like to admit it. 
But it was easy for others to see why Kakashi would worry about you the way he did, but you didn’t want to get into a argument over it. Which is why you asked everyone to keep quiet about it, at least for awhile anyways. 
Even though arguments between you and Kakashi honestly were never that bad, he rarely ever even raised his voice in an argument instead it often came out more like he was nagging you the way a more would to their child. 
It was kind of sweet how concerned he always was about your safety, but every now and then you wondered why he worried so much. Was he questioning your abilities? Did he think you weren’t strong enough to fend for yourself and take care of yourself? That’s what never sat right with you because you didn’t like the thought of him looking down on you like you were weak. Though he’s never said that’s why he worried, it was always the conclusion you jumped to.
As you arrived home you already new Kakashi would be there, because it was later in the day and you knew what time he normally got home if he didn’t have a mission. You were also a little concerned that he’d notice the small injuries you did gave, while you weren’t seriously hurt you did have a few scrapes and bruises. 
They were mostly covered by bandages from when you were checked over by one of the medical ninjas. Unfortunately most of these bandages were on your arms, and you knew they were more than just a little noticeable. But despite that you figured you could play them off as nothing as long as he didn’t know the whole story right away. 
You planned on telling him about what happened but not right away, and you would down play it a lot for it didn’t sound that serious. But you also debated about even telling him at all, you knew he wouldn’t be happy but you also didn’t want a lecture. 
Though you also knew it would be worse if he found out you had lied to him about it and didn’t tell him at all. Reluctantly you went inside the house rather slowly, hoping to find him before he found you. 
You crept through the kitchen though trying to act calm and natural, you were bad at hiding things and hoped Kakashi wouldn’t catch on. 
“Hold up!” You suddenly heard his voice say to you rather plainly, 
“I don’t think you realize how suspicious you look right now.” He suggested calmly sounding quite mellow over the whole thing. 
You looked to your left and saw Kakashi standing in the doorway of the next room, leaning against the wood work with his arms crossed. He gave off an aura like he knew something but wasn’t saying which made you nervous, what did he know? How much did he know?. 
This was often his way of tricking you and seeing what you’d admit to, even though he knew the truth. But you were fairly confident he didn’t know anything about the mission you were just on so you weren’t all that worried. In fact you were even feeling a bit confident, he wasn’t going to catch you in a fib not this time. 
“Don’t be silly, what would I have to be suspicious about?” You asked in a suggestive manner almost like you were teasing him to accuse you of something. 
“You know exactly what I’m referring to!” He said boldly his voice becoming very stern now, which made you stiffen up a bit. 
You knew very well what he sounded like when he was mad or serious, and this was it. 
“Whoa whoa! What are you getting upset about?” You asked getting defensive,
 "I haven’t even done anything!“ You complained beginning to get an attitude with him. 
"I beg to differ.” He claimed, with his arms sit crossed but now he stood up straight no longer leaning against the door frame. 
“I know all about what happened yesterday.” He advised. 
His voice was stern but he wasn’t yelling at you, though you could tell he was upset. He was clearly referring to your mission but you were puzzled as to how he could of ever possibly found out about anything that happened on your mission. 
“What are you talking about!?” You asked your voice firm but suggestive. 
“How would you know anything about what happened yesterday?” You argued.
 "You should of been the one I heard about it from.“ He said almost in a low whisper. 
"Why can’t you just talk to me instead of trying to hide these things?” He questioned as he heaved a heavy sigh. 
At first you didn’t want to admit to anything, but the more he spoke the more riled up you got. 
“Because you’re always so over protective!” You complained, 
“If I told you everything that happened on my missions you’d never want me to go on one again.” You explained in a whiny voice, throwing your hands in the air as you spoke than resting your hands on your hips. 
“It’s not like that.”  He sighed growing frustrated. 
“Yes it is, do you not trust me?” You stated getting quite upset yourself. 
“You know I trust you, I just wish you come to me and talk about things that happen rather than try to hide them from me.” He tried to explain calmly but you could tell by his tone he was getting agitated. 
“I would if you didn’t overreact to every little thing!” You retorted. 
“What is it? Do you think I can’t handle myself? Is that it?” You questioned Beginning to sound quite offended. 
“Do you think I’m weak!?” You questioned raising your voice at him, you had quickly grown angry with him and gotten fed up with arguing you turned to walk away from him. 
But before you could he roughly grabbed you by the upper arms to stop you in your tracks. 
“I’m afraid of losing you!” He admitted raising his voice. 
His confession made you freeze in place for a moment before what he said completely registered in your mind. 
“W-what?” you stammered rather meekly surprised by his confession and still not sure how to react to it. 
“Maybe I am over protective at times.” he agreed, 
“And I don’t want to control how you live your life either.” Kakashi reassured.
 Lightening his grip on your arms but still holding his hands on your arms. 
“But I can’t stand the thought of losing you.” he explained as he looked away from you for a moment before looking back at you to directly meet your gaze. 
“I Don’t want to stop you from going on missions but I do want you to be more careful, and tell me when something happens.” he requested. 
You met his gaze for but a moment before looking away, feeling a little embarrassed over the whole situation. 
“I-I am careful.” you said in a shaky voice but you cleared your throat trying to sound more sure of yourself. 
“I just” you started off but he interrupted you, 
“You’re reckless.” he stated bluntly but his voice had mellowed back down to his normal tone. 
“Wha? No I’m not.” you tried to argue, but he stopped you again, 
“I’m not complaining, but no one plans to die in battle.” he advised. 
“And that’s exactly what scares me.” he continued. 
Which you knew what he meant because that’s how people got hurt, critically injured or killed because all it takes is one moment to be caught off guard or surprised and in a flash something deadly could happen. 
And you knew he was also right about your recklessness he wasn’t the first person to point it out after all, but it was something hard for you to control you often acted before thinking. But you could suddenly see where all his worry, concern and over protective attitude came from. 
Your heart sank a little as you recalled those close to him that he had lost growing up, it made you feel bad for causing him that worry. He had lost friends and family growing up so it was understandable that death was a serious fear for him, especially when it came to people he really cared about. 
“I’m sorry.” you apologized now seeing the matter in a different light, 
“It’s not like I try to make you worry.” you said softly as you grabbed his hands to hold as you stepped closer to him. 
“I think I can be more cautious.” you assured 
“As long as you don’t overreact to every little thing that happens.” you suggested. 
“I think I can manage that.” Kakashi agreed leaning in and kissing your forehead before ruffling your hair.
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crystallized-shadow · 6 years
Day 11 Pairing: Izuna/Kagami Word count: 1317 Prompt:  “Shut up and kiss me already.”
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
“Madara-sama?” Kagami mutters as he pokes his head into the older man’s office, hoping he’s alone.
“What do you want brat?” Madara asks without looking up from the document he’s reading in his thankfully empty office. Kagami hesitates for a second before he finally steps into the office and shuts the door behind him. This catches Madara’s attention and the clan head finally looks up. “What have you done now?”
“It’s not what I’ve done,” Kagami huffs as he flops into the chair in front of Madara’s desk, “but what I want to do.”
Madara regards the young before him for a moment, making Kagami fidget slightly. “What or who?” Madara questions, smirking when Kagami flushes a deep red. “Must be who, then.”
“I-I don’t know what you mean…” Kagami stammers, much to Madara’s amusement.
“The only person who doesn’t know you have the hots for Izuna is Izuna himself.”
“So, you’ll help me then?” Kagami asks hopefully and Madara rubs a hand over his face, muttering something about Izuna being too old to need his help with this shit, before he finally nods. “What do I do?”
“Prove you’re stronger than him,” Madara states with a shrug and Kagami frowns.
“But I’m not,” the younger Uchiha pouts.
“You just have to make him think you are,” Madara says, his smirk vicious, but Kagami finds himself listening intently to the plan.
It takes a week for Kagami to get everything ready, but he knows he needs to make each step look as natural as possible, so he doesn’t make his target suspicious. It certainly helps that no one would ever suspect sweet, innocent Kagami of using such an underhanded technique. When everything is in place, Kagami invites Izuna to spar with him on the older Uchiha’s day off; it wasn’t uncommon for the two Uchiha to spar as Izuna was the second-best fire user in their clan and Kagami still needed a lot of practice.
“Did you want to just practice your jutsu or actually spar?” Izuna asks as he and Kagami travel to one of the less used training fields; there was a mostly unspoken rule that anytime Madara, Izuna, Hashirama, or Tobirama wanted to spar they had to use the fields farthest from the village for safety reasons.
“I was hoping for sparring,” Kagami says with his usual grin, “I’ve got a few new jutsu I want to test out against you!”
“Oh really?” Izuna asks with a smirk, clearly interested in what the younger Uchiha has learned. The two make it to the field and take their stances across from each other.
“I’m going to win this time,” Kagami promises and Izuna chuckles at the brat’s confidence.
“If you’re so sure of yourself, let’s make this more interesting then.”
“Oh?” Kagami raises an eyebrow, schooling his expression to a curious grin instead of the victorious smirk threatening to ruin his plans; Madara was right, Izuna couldn’t help but raise the ante when he was sure he would win.
“Loser has to do whatever the winner says for the entire day.” Izuna declares and that was even better than what Kagami was hoping he would say.
Going with the plan, Kagami hesitates for a brief moment, like he’s suddenly doubting his skills before he finally smirks. “When I win, you’re dying Sensei’s hair pink.” He states, chuckling at the flicker of panic that crosses Izuna’s eyes; Izuna had already made that mistake once and it clearly wasn’t something he was keen on repeating.
“The first thing you’re going to do when I win is give Mads a haircut,” Izuna shoots back and Kagami winces at that, Madara would kill him if he tried to touch his hair.
The two stare at each for another moment and then in the blink of an eye they meet in the middle of the field, their swords clashing. Their swords stay locked in place for only a few seconds before Kagami easily pushes Izuna back, much to the older man’s surprise. Kagami doesn’t give Izuna a chance to ponder his sudden strength, he just continues to take swings at him.
Izuna is forced to stay on the defensive, either prying blows or dodging them all together. It hadn’t been that long since he’d last sparred with the younger man, so when had Kagami gotten this much stronger than him? Kagami’s next blow costs Izuna a couple of strands of his hair, but he is able to get some distance between them by forcing Kagami back with a decent sized fireball.
Kagami can’t help but grin as he easily dodges the jutsu, when Madara had said the drug would mess with Izuna’s chakra control he hadn’t realized it would be this effective. The younger Uchiha sends his own fireball back at Izuna, smirking at little when Izuna comes away singed. Getting behind Izuna before the other can react, Kagami manages to draw the first blood of the fight.
Izuna winces as he feels the blade cut his side, hastily kicking Kagami in the chest and then jumping back. Unsure why he’s having such a hard time fighting Kagami of all people, Izuna activates his Sharingan. Only to go rigid in shock when nothing happens. Izuna barely notices when a blade is pressed to his throat or when Kagami tells him to yield.
“Izuna,” Kagami mutters, his lips ghosting over the shell of the other man’s ear, “do you yield?” There is a long pause before the older Uchiha finally nods and Kagami lowers his sword with a grin. “I win then!” Silence meets his statement and he frowns, forcing Izuna to turn and face him. “Izuna?”
“Something’s wrong with my Sharingan,” Izuna mutters, still in shock, “I…I need to go talk to Aniki…”
“Your Sharingan?” Kagami repeats before his widen slightly and he chuckles.
“It’s not funny Kagami!” Izuna snaps, glaring at the younger Uchiha, “this is serious!”
“It’s only temporary,” Kagami promises, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, “I was very careful with the doses so you should be back to normal in a couple days.”
“Doses…” Izuna repeats as his eyes narrow, “Kagami did you drug me!?”
“If I say yes are you going to hit me?” Kagami quickly takes a step back when Izuna raises his sword again. “Don’t be mad, I really needed to win!”
That stops Izuna short, suddenly reminded of a very similar situation. “Kagami, do you like me?” Kagami flushes scarlet as his gapes at Izuna like a fish for several minutes, making Izuna sigh. “Did Aniki help you with his?”
“How did you know that?” Kagami mutters, wondering why Izuna would suddenly jump to that conclusion.
“Because I helped Tobirama do the very same thing to him,” Izuna admits with a sigh and Kagami’s eyes widen at that. He’d thought Tobirama and Madara had gotten together after…
“Wait, didn’t they get together after Madara-sama was nearly caught by bloodline hunters?” Kagami asks and Izuna winces, which tells him everything he needs to know. “You nearly got your brother killed!”
“I know that!” Izuna snaps, glaring at Kagami, “he wasn’t supposed to take a mission, but he was bored and took a mission without either of us knowing.”
“I can’t believe you helped drug our clan leader!” Kagami laughs, ignoring the way Izuna huffs and crosses his arms over his chest in a pout.
“I’m leaving!”
“Ah, ah, ah,” Kagami chides, grabbing Izuna’s arm and pulling him close. “I won,” Kagami purrs against Izuna’s ear, “you have to do whatever I say for the rest of the day. Unless of course you’d like me to tell the whole village you can’t keep your word?” Kagami gently tugs on Izuna’s earlobe with his teeth, grinning at the way Izuna’s breath hitches.
“Shut up and kiss me already.” Kagami is more than happy to follow that demand, claiming Izuna’s lips in a passionate kiss.
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writer-and-artist27 · 6 years
Soup for the Sick
Note: …At this rate, this is already a series. One Piece and Naruto mixed. Never thought I would be getting into it. But @unlucky-marine’s art is something that always brings a smile to my face, and considering @langwrites writing the My Hero Academia-CYB crossover of Shell Game, well…
Yeah, I have no excuse. CP and S&S are still going on, but these little side stories starring the civilian pianist with her older Marine sibling-caretaker are adorable and I like giving something back to Eli. :) So there. Eli got me on the Tomo-Davy sibling train, and I can’t thank them enough for that. I’ve never had someone so outspoken in loving kid!Tomoko whenever I talked to them, so I think the appreciation goes miles now. ^_^
Of course, I don’t own anything except Tomoko and Hisako. Davy belongs to Eli, and Wendy to @ask-lieutenant-wendy.
The theme for this story is inspired by the sea, being SaphiraLynx’s piano cover of Mizuiro no Senritsu from Mermaid Melody. Or, as the translation calls it, the Aquamarine Melody, originally sung by the Aquamarine Mermaid Princess herself. :) The original song works just as well if you want to pull it up~
Please enjoy!
Oh, and Eli? You don’t have to feel pressured in making art for every part of this series, by the way. Only do it if you feel like it. I only write this whole thing because your art brought a lot of happy juice for me in these last days of summer and seeing you on Twitch and talking with you only helped fuel that. Friends look out for each other, and well, considering your theater job? A nice read is something you more than deserve. ;>
The words felt foreign in my mouth. “Jackie-nee’s sick?”
Wendy-nee gave me a sad smile as she sat down on her knees, a hand reaching over to rest on the top of my head. “She’s just resting in her barracks, Tomoko-chan. But yes, Jackie’s sick. It’s a cold, thankfully, so the bad sickness won’t be here forever.”
“How?” was already escaping my throat, and I found myself covering my mouth with both of my hands out of politeness and shock. My caretaker wasn’t the kind of person who found themselves sick so easily. At least, from what I could tell. When feeling more masculine as Jack-nii, he could easily kick someone’s ass if he wanted to, more so when I heard him mutter once on how he could break all 206 bones in a body. That was cool and kinda scary. When feeling feminine as Jackie-nee, she could then smash a womanizer’s face in with her heel and look beautiful doing it.
Being genderfluid was still something I didn’t know much about, more so considering I was a cis-female, but my caretaker was awesome. Simple as that.
I never thought I would hear the news that they would be sick.
But, alas, Tomoko-chan, my dear. Hisako swirled her glass of…lemonade. Okay. She was doing it while sitting in an armchair like Giovanni from Pokémon or something. All she needed was a Persian. And she was doing The Voice. Woo. We all are mere mortals.
I couldn’t help but find my heart sinking when Wendy-nee’s smile turned a bit more forced, as if frustrated. “I don’t think you want to know, Tomoko-chan. Let’s just say a Flamingo got a bit too angry and leave it at that, okay?” The minute crack in her voice was already enough for me to nod and accept it. I was still 10 in this life, so in Wendy-nee’s eyes, of course I was still a kid. An innocent kid, probably.
“Okay,” I said softly, but I still found myself gently tugging on her shirt collar to pull her in for a hug. It didn’t feel right going about this conversation without doing it. She looked troubled enough already, and my arms could wind around her neck, at least. “I’m sorry for prying, Wendy-nee.”
To my surprise, the blond Marine only laughed softly, arms coming around me to hug back. Aaaaah, she had a similar grip to Mama when she was excited. Tough muscle, but still snuggly. “It’s okay, Tomoko-chan, you were worried. It’s okay.”
I was not expecting her to lift me up anyways, essentially letting my sandals hit air as she pulled away from the hug to grin cheerily up at me. Somehow, I was sitting in her arms, close to her shoulders. Somehow! Aaaaaah, awesome strength. Also, Wendy-nee being 7 foot 2 and being carried that close to her height made everything in the near vicinity feel small, and gosh, being tall feels so cool! Fluttering skirt be damned.
…Don’t judge me on this. I’m still trying to gain height by drinking milk.
Wendy-nee’s purple eyes were now sparkling with something soft as she looked at me with that same grin. Her one curly hair sticking out from her hat tickled as she continued to beam. “Still, Tomoko-chan, what do you want to do now? Do you want to visit Jackie?”
The offer was tempting. Very tempting.
Hisako only swirled her cup of lemonade before chugging it in a few seconds flat. Once all the liquid was gone, she tossed the cup away, the motion accompanied by a small mental CRASH that was of the glass breaking in the mind library somewhere. Hm, she mused. It’s nice, but you’re thinking of something else, aren’t you, dear?
Yep. My Nobody was already reading my thoughts.
“Not now, Wendy-nee,” I shook my head while smiling anyways. “But could you carry me to the kitchen? I wanna cook something first!”
Those same purple eyes blinked at me slowly.
“Here again, Tomoko-chan?”
The Marine chefs, despite bustling around with food and plates in almost every corner of the kitchen, all seemed to notice me as soon as Wendy-nee dropped me off in the doorway. She had work to do, unfortunately, but at least the big bear hug and bright smile in my direction before she left was a nice send-off.
Still, I was a 10-year old girl in a Sylveon-themed kimono dress, standing in the kitchen doorway, and at this point, the Marines weren’t even fazed. Huh.
Adjustment period is officially over, Hisako mused dryly.
I nodded at the nearest chef who asked with the politest smile I could muster. “Yep! Jackie-nee’s not feeling well, so I thought of cooking!” And then the Embarrassment was coming back in. Why, heart, why. “I-Is that okay?”
Said chef only shrugged with an exasperated smile before pointing to a nearby corner. Almost immediately, some of the chefs cleared away, leaving a small cutting board, knife, oven, and stove in the space left behind. “Go ahead, Tomoko-chan. That counter there’s all yours.”
The bright smile on my face was just as sudden as the swing of Embarrassment from earlier. “Thank you very much, Chef-san!”
The man only scoffed softly in a way reminiscent of Vy’s old Dad, almost in disbelief judging by the noise. In the end, he still nodded in acknowledgement at me as the other staff slowly moved away enough so that I could walk over.
For a corrupt military, the staff’s surprisingly sweet.
Maybe they don’t have a lot of kids around?
My Nobody only shrugged. Then I started hearing whispers while walking past.
“That Jack sure is lucky.”
“Of course it’s the paperwork guy who gets a cute girl looking after them.”
“Why can’t I get someone to drop through a hole in the ceiling to love me?”
Ohhhh! Hisako was smirking. Oh no. My, my, my! Tomoko-chan, you’re popular!
I still ran through the kitchen as fast as I could to get to that corner, because the heat on my face wasn’t going to go down otherwise. Aaaaaaah.
What was wrong with loving a caretaker like a sibling when you didn’t have any? Well, I technically had Kei and Hayate, but there was something different about older siblings than younger ones. In a past life, I was the younger one, and that was a mixed bag. Actually having that memory when it came to my Marine caretaker was the main seal to the deal. I could at least help out without looking like a brat doing it.
Reincarnation had benefits when it was botched. Apparently.
Still, once I got to my corner and got a good stare over everything, my head blanked. Um. “I know I said I wanted to cook something, but what’s good for a cold…?”
Soup? Hisako offered helpfully. Chicken Noodle? Clam Chowder? Gumbo? Or, heck, curry? Anything warm should do!
Those were all good suggestions. Especially since Jackie-nee was said to be resting from her cold.
I looked around. The kitchen staff were currently using a lot of seafood judging by the nearby lobster platter, so the clam chowder was a bust. I wasn’t even sure if I could do gumbo at my age, but chicken noodle soup sounded nice.
Only problem.
The only chicken I could see in the entire kitchen was a big frozen one sitting in the nearby freezer, and the staff were pretty crowded over there.
No. This is a kitchen, Hisako.
Point. Fast-walk and try to wing carrying it?
It was an idea.
I tried. I really did. But being a short little girl in a crowd of tall chefs kinda meant being squished. Think any anime/gaming convention, where you would bump shoulders with someone every 5 seconds. It was like that.
“E-Er, excuse me? I’m trying to get through?” Even with my voice cracking, getting stuck in a crowd of moving people meant elbowing, and I was not good at that. Even if Kei had taught me self-defense, this was not the time to be throwing hands! “I-I’d like to get that chicken, please!”
Ignored. Because there was so much hustling and a pre-pubescent voice was hard to make out.
And then hands were sliding under my arms and effortlessly lifting me up, and I found myself squeaking. I could already tell that this wasn’t Wendy-nee’s grip, so who—
“Hey, you guys really should look out when in the kitchen. This little lady would’ve gotten hurt.”
I looked behind me and met the stare of someone clearly new. I don’t know if he was ever in this kitchen staff before, but with his curly eyebrow, greyish-blue eye, straight blond hair falling down to brush the left side of his face, and muscular arms in spite of the Marine chef uniform, he definitely looked like someone that Jackie-nee would want to take a picture for when it came to bounties. This new person was definitely something. “You alright, ojou-chan?”
He grinned while still holding me up in his hands, and I tried not to squirm. Wearing a skirt in the kitchen and being lifted all the while was…yeah. “I-I am, but um, Chef-san?” I gestured to the ground while trying not to inwardly panic. “C-Could you please put me down?” I pointed to my corner. “Over there?”
The new Chef blinked at the direction I was pointing at before grinning again and nodding. “Whatever the ojou-chan wishes~!” I didn’t miss how he hummed before he literally slid over to my corner, ignoring chefs passing him all the while, and I tried not to focus on the sensation of my stomach churning. Motion sickness would be motion sickness.
Thankfully, I didn’t have to think on the stomach butterflies longer than necessary, because he was quick to put me down, still grinning all the while. “Now, ojou-chan.” I was not expecting his smile to turn into a more solemn expression. “What were you doing there? This is a kitchen, and not exactly the best place to play around.”
Aaaah. Another adult. I tried not to pout. “I was trying to get the chicken from the freezer. My older sibling who’s in the Marines got sick, and I was thinking of trying to make Chicken Noodle soup for them!”
He only blinked that same grey-blue eye at me before pulling on a more amused smile. “Oh?” he said softly, before turning his head around to look towards that far-away refrigerator. “Do you at least know how to make it, ojou-chan?”
I squeaked, “No?”
We did not think this through.
He only pulled on a more confident smile while tossing something into the nearest trash can. Was it…a cigarette? “Well then! Let this cook help you out, ojou-chan!”
I blinked. “It’s okay?”
With that same confidence, he turned to me while twirling a — holy crap, he was twirling a knife. I only blinked once, and then he was brandishing a small bowl of diced…diced onions? When did he— “I’m a cook, ojou-chan. And when a lady is in trouble, it’s natural to help out.” He then sat down on his knees, looking at me with that grey-blue eye, now sparkling. “I’m Sanji by the way, ojou-chan. What’s your name?”
Ah. He reminded me of Leo, at least a little. “I-I’m Hoshino Tomoko, Sanji-san.” Out of habit, I took a bit of my skirt to curtsy. “It’s nice to meet you, and I hope to work with you!”
Sanji-san only grinned. “And I you, little lady.”
He then brandished a bowl of cut carrots. Wow, that was a lot of skill.
Chicken Noodle Soup was, surprisingly enough, simple. Even though I only had Vy’s experience to call from when cooking, Sanji-san was quick. It only took an hour for him to prepare homemade chicken and vegetable broths for the soup, and by the time the chicken hit the soup pot, a warm homey smell was wafting around the kitchen, and I could’ve sworn some chefs were drooling while walking past.
“So, ojou-chan,” he said while stirring the soup with a ladle, “who’s your older sibling?”
Aaaand Sanji-san had to ask just when I was putting dishes away in this little corner. “Davy Jack-san! Currently going by Jackie, but I call her Jackie-nee! I think…” my voice cracked while recalling Wendy-nee’s words. “A Flamingo got angry and gave her a cold? Or something?”
The words were silly, but I didn’t miss how Sanji-san tensed. It almost looked like a shiver went up his spine before a nervous chuckle sounded. “D-Davy Jack, huh…? That’s interesting, ojou-chan.” He then muttered something under his breath that I couldn’t hear, but all I could make out was, “that explains things.”
Hisako wasn’t having any of it. He’s nice, but I dunno, Tomoko-chan. That reaction wasn’t the best.
Did my caretaker know this guy?
I ended up voicing it. “Do you know Jackie-nee, Sanji-san?”
Immediately, the cook turned to me with a warm smile, turning down the heat to the soup pot while doing so. “Kinda, ojou-chan. It’s a long story. But the soup’s almost done!”
Yep. That was a sudden subject change. So something did happen between them.
And was it just me, or did Sanji-san look sad for a moment?
I blinked, and as soon as I thought that, the glint in that grey-blue eye disappeared. “Still, ojou-chan, wanna go serve this soup to your sibling then? I have to be somewhere, so I can’t stay long.”
Already, I was feeling disappointed. It had only been a few hours but having a cooking companion aside from my Nobody did something. “Will I see you again?”
Sanji-san then turned off the heat entirely before turning to me fully and sitting down on his knees. “Of course, ojou-chan.” He then grinned, reaching over to poke my forehead through my bangs, and I tried not to wince. “Just look for a sail with a skull and a straw hat, and you’ll find me.”
Skull and a straw hat? What the hell is that supposed to be? A pirate flag thing?
I still nodded in spite of Hisako’s incoming rant. “Okay.”
Of course, I would jump on Sanji-san for a hug too. He deserved it, at least.
Jackie-nee was sitting up in her bed at the barracks, reading what looked like a book when I was finally able to pop in. Wendy-nee was still at work along with the other Marines, so it made sense that there was no one else around.
I did my best to balance the soup bowl tray in my hands while hiding it from view. “Jackie-nee?”
She blinked before looking up from her book, and of course I could see that familiar spark that I grew to love so much. “Tomo-chan,” she murmured happily, then coughed softly into one of her hands. “Sorry, I can’t hug you right now. Still — hack — sick. Wendy told you that, didn’t she?”
Even then, I couldn’t help but smile back. “Wendy-nee did say that, but I do have something for you!”
“What’s that, sweetie?”
“Well…” I tried not to run over to her bedside and instead walked over as gently as I could before brandishing the tray for her to take. “Chicken Noodle Soup. To help make the sick go away?”
I still wanted to ask myself how and why I reverted to childish talk when it only came to my caretaker, but the warm smile on her face made the thought process stop in its tracks. “Oh, Tomo-chan.” She looked down at the warm bowl before taking the spoon and blowing at it. “You didn’t have to.”
“But I wanted to!” Another pout was coming up on my face now. “I missed you and you deserve something to help you rest better! You work too much!”
At that, Jackie-nee suddenly snorted before laughing softly. “Yeah? I guess so.” The warmth in her voice said everything as she finally took a sip, and then the color was returning to her face as she smiled. “Whoa. Tomo-chan,” she gave me that same warm smile, “did you make this all by yourself?”
Nope. Hisako said for me.
“Nope,” I repeated with a more sheepish shrug. “I had help.”
Now Jackie-nee was confused. “Who helped? Wendy?”
Should I say the name…?
No harm in trying, dear. Hisako only patted my head.
“A new chef in the kitchen?” I found myself raising a pointer finger. “His name was Sanji-san!”
I was not expecting Jackie-nee to nearly drop her spoon mid-bite. “S-Sanji?”
Oh dear. Bombshell.
“Um, he was nice,” I filled in instead, because the sudden silence and the shock in Jackie-nee’s gaze was kinda hard to deal with all at once. “He helped me cut chicken and taught me how to make vegetable broth for next time! He also kept me out from being trampled by crowds and called me ‘ojou-chan’!”
“…What next time?” Jackie-nee said incredulously, but the simple fact that she was still eating was a good sign. At least, I was hoping so. “And, pffft.” I wasn’t expecting her to snort into her free hand. “‘Ojou-chan,’ huh.” But, oh.
She was smiling again.
I sat down at the foot of her bed, trying not to show my confusion. “Jackie-nee?”
She gave me that same warm smile. “It’s nothing, Tomo-chan. Nothing at all.”
And this time, I could believe it. Somewhat. At least while sneaking in one hug.
Hey. I have pride in my immune system, and screw colds! Soup keeps the doctor away!
“T-Tomo-chan, I’m sick…!”
“Just lemme hug you once, Jackie-nee, I missed you!”
Her only response was an exasperated laugh. I could settle for that. It kept thoughts of asking about Sanji-san away for another day.
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freedri · 7 years
Anamorphosis, Chapter 1
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Summary: When Gaara finds himself in an alternative dimension, the differences are immediately apparent - his parents are alive, his father is still Kazekage, his sister is much more interested in a certain weapons mistress than Shikamaru and Rock Lee is in love with him. However, what remains the same is harder to discern. 
Gaara awoke to the sound of chirping birds.
Even now, after all of his visits to Konoha, the sound was peculiar. The desert was full of vast stretches of nothing but sand, so the trees, cacti and other vegetation birds liked to roost in were a rare sight. At least, when compared to the forests that surrounded Konoha, never mind that there were plenty of trees inside the village itself. Life was so much more abundant here, it seemed.
He could tell he’d slept longer than usual if even the birds had woken up before him. It was rare for Gaara to get more than a few hours of sleep, but it was more than he’d ever got as a Jinchūriki. Rarer still was a good night's rest in a village other than his own.
He forced his tired eyes open. From a single window, the orange light of early morning illuminated a room Gaara found unfamiliar.
This wasn’t the room he fell asleep in.
Not to mention the disconcertingly warm weight besides him.
Gaara froze for a few seconds, eyes now wide open. Feeling no movement besides him, he quickly sat up and turned to see what the disturbance was.
Rock Lee.
Gaara watched his chest rise and fall in a steady rhythm. His head was buried into his pillow and his body was haphazardly strewn around the bed, yet he seemed undisturbed by Gaara’s sudden movements.
The Kazekage untensed, letting the sand that had automatically accumulated in the air around him out of defense fall to the floor. There was a sense of relief in having woken up besides a friend instead of an enemy or stranger. Gaara ruled out a kidnapping attempt, but there were still so many other possibilities swirling in his head. Of course, Lee was someone he trusted and as such there was likely a reasonable explanation for this situation.
Reasonable was probably not the right word to use when it came to situations involving Lee though.
Gaara tried hard to remember anything he could from last night besides falling asleep in the hotel he and his siblings were staying in, but had no luck. He was currently in Konoha for diplomatic reasons and had finished a round of meetings the day before, with more scheduled for this afternoon. He had no time for something like this.
Waking up next to a friend after a night he couldn’t remember didn’t seem like something Gaara would do without external influence and his friends were apt for mischief. Especially Naruto, despite his age. In fact, age had probably made that worse, what with adulthood opening up certain avenues of influence and all. Lee, on the other hand, just had the unfortunate habit of being unable to say no to spending time with friends and was always eager to come along for the ride. Gaara doubted this had much to do with him really. He could think of a few situations that would result in a lack of memories like this and for all of them it was wise to keep an eye on the affected party. Lee had probably just been looking out for him.
Something else nagged at the back of his mind, however. The last time he’d had this good of a sleep, there had been consequences.
Logically he knew he no longer needed to worry about Shukaku and, on his own, he’d never been a sleepwalker. But still, it was hard to forget fifteen years of anxiety over falling to sleep. It didn’t stop him from worrying if something had happened to both the hotel or his siblings. Gaara knew it was unlikely. Even more so that he’d manage to sleep through it, being the light sleeper he was.
He stopped trying to speculate. If anyone had the answer, it would be Lee.
So, with a bit of hesitation, the Kazekage gave the sleeping man a nudge.
Lee must not have been a light sleeper like Gaara because he proved harder to wake than the red head expected. The nudge turned into a shake, but Lee remained unstirred. Gaara had to contemplate what to do next; he didn’t want to hurt Lee after all and he’d never had to wake someone up before.
“Lee…” He rasped, shaking the leaf ninja’s shoulder once more. No response.
“Lee!” Gaara tried again, louder this time.
The sleeping man groaned. That had apparently worked.
Lee’s black eyes peeked out from behind heavy lids and his brow furrowed in annoyance at the sudden awakening. When those eyes finally focused on Gaara however, a sleepy grin appeared.
“Hey…” He gave a mumble, barely awake.
Gaara gave him one look and got straight to business.
“You’re going to tell me why I’m in your bed,” He demanded, as serious as always despite the strange nature of the situation. It only earned him a laugh.
“That’s such a silly question…” Lee replied, face still half sunk into his pillow. With a big yawn, he adjusted his position into something more comfortable.
Lee wasn’t making sense; at least from Gaara’s perspective. Slouching out of frustration, he realized he’d have to explain the situation.
“I don’t remember falling to sleep here,” He admitted softly, his discomfort obvious.
Big eyebrows met in the middle to form a V and Lee stared back at him in silence for a moment.
Gaara considered repeating the statement before Lee continued.
“Are you feeling okay sweetheart? This is not some kind of joke, right?” The leaf ninja seemed concerned and sat up in an instant.
With an arm extended towards the red head, Lee reached for his face. Gaara simply turned his head to avoid the contact. Lee let his hand drop back to his lap, but a worried frown stained his features.
“What are you trying to do?” Gaara asked, deadpan.
Lee took a second.
“I… I wanted to check if you had a fever,” He answered, tilting his head to meet the sand ninja’s gaze, “You are acting strange, maybe you are sick?”
Gaara furrowed his brow. “Sweetheart…?” He inquired skeptically.
It was an odd thing to call a friend, but then Gaara remembered that Lee himself was odd and that he was no stranger to his overly affectionate shows of friendship. Gaara had gotten quite the shock the first time the leaf ninja had hugged him and, to be truthful, anytime since.
Lee seemed to ignore the red head, continuing his questioning, “Uh, please tell me you have not woken up with amnesia...”
It was weird to consider, but the Kazekage supposed forgetting an entire night could be considered amnesia.
“Perhaps,” He replied as he kept staring at Lee suspiciously, before he returned to his own line of questioning, “Lee, what did you mean by sweetheart?”
“Oh my. Okay… u-uh…” The leaf ninja stammered and Gaara held his gaze, “You have forgotten? That much? R-really?”
“That’s what I said, yes,” He answered, getting a little annoyed at Lee’s continued refusal to answer things.
“Wow…” Lee mumbled. It didn’t take long before that usual enthusiasm returned, however, “Well then, I guess I will just have to win you over again!”
Gaara blinked.
“We’re already close friends Lee, I’m not sure-”
He stopped when he felt Lee’s hand touch his cheek.
Gaara noticed the faint blush dusting Lee’s face as the leaf ninja stared intensely at him. He could feel every movement as the man’s thumb kneaded little circles along his jawline.
“I think I can help you remember…” Lee began, taking the opportunity to invade Gaara’s personal space further, “Close your eyes and trust me.”
They were close enough for their noses to touch. Gaara only looked more skeptical, however.
“Are you trying to kiss me?” He asked flatly.
While Lee seemed stunned into silence, the red head’s gaze narrowed. He didn’t buy it.
“That’s not how things work,” Gaara stated, giving Lee a puzzled look.
Lee couldn’t be foolish enough to actually think kissing would return his memories, could he? There had to be another reason for the suggestion, but Gaara couldn’t think of one. Well, besides the obvious connotations of a kiss, but that wasn’t happening right now, was it? Lee didn’t feel that way about him, right?
Maybe it had something to do with last night.
“We can try…” Lee whispered, leaning in ever closer.
Gaara leant away.
Lee really was trying to kiss him. Gaara was speechless, he could only gulp.
“...Or maybe that is not such a good idea,” Lee winced and it seemed like he’d realized that yes, trying to kiss the confused Kazekage in your bed wasn’t a smart thing to do. He’d moved away again now, as had the red head, whose arms now sat crossed over his chest.
“I thought the things in Temari’s romance novels weren’t meant to be realistic…” Gaara mumbled. He’d borrowed them solely for research purposes, of course, but his sister had been sure to warn him about not taking them too seriously. Despite that, this was beginning to look like something straight out of one.
Of course, Lee had heard him. He laughed. “What kind of romance books does your sister read?”
Gaara didn’t want to acknowledge him.
“I would have thought they do not make the sort of stuff she is interested in,” The leaf ninja seemed to find the idea amusing, but probably more so as a distraction from what had just happened, “Ah, but you would not be reading something like that. Perhaps I of all people should not be making assumptions about Temari-san…”
“Lee, be quiet…” Gaara sighed. He didn’t care to hear the leaf ninja try to joke around right now.
Lee looked at him, but kept is mouth shut.
They sat in silence before Gaara eventually spoke up.
“You like me…” He mumbled, after a few moments of careful thought.
An attempted kiss was like a brick in the face. It was something even Gaara, as inexperienced as he was, could recognize as clearly unplatonic. That didn’t mean it made any sense, however.
Lee laughed again, this time more nervously. “Yep!”
“You shouldn’t,” Gaara stated matter-of-factly, turning towards Lee with his arms still crossed. It was then that he decided to get up.
He frowned, realizing how cruel it sounded, but that didn’t mean he was wrong. There were a myriad of reasons why Lee shouldn’t be his friend, let alone feel this way about him. Of course, it was easy to say that without knowing any of Lee’s reasons; all Gaara had was a list of negatives.
Gaara might not have understood the finer details of romantic love, but since Naruto had married and his sister had started dating Shikamaru, he’d tried to learn a little about it for their sakes. He knew that what came from love was weighty and meaningful and not something one should decide on after a single night. Gaara couldn’t begin to understand why Lee wanted that from him.
He spotted a familiar bag propped up against the bed and quickly grabbed it. “I’m leaving,” He said, adjusting it on his shoulders awkwardly.
“If you have amnesia, then it is dangerous for you to wander off on your own,” Lee suggested, and though he sounded concerned Gaara paid him no mind.
He could remember where the hotel was; he didn't need Lee’s help. Besides, he’d prefer to be alone right now.
Gaara didn’t look back as he walked out the door.
Thank you for reading! This is some trashy silly fun because I wanted to write something that wasn’t serious.
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