#in actuality i should probably buy a new one but i did. same model same everything. but for some reason the newer one feels so off and
bingobongobonko · 2 years
i think it's really fucked up my drawing pad has paint all over it, scratch marks lining every single side of it, bite marks, and the little grippers on the bottom are actually GONE so i think for about 3 months now it has been sliding back and forth when i draw - and im just realizing how horrific that was. decided enough was enough and got a glue gun and sat down to make a little DIY gripper and jesus fucking christ. how was i drawing? how? what the hell is wrong with me man
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anastasiaskarsgard · 4 months
Could you do a one shot where the reader tries to rob the marquis de gramont’s house only for that to go wrong and now the reader is being interrogated.
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You woke to a shrill bell, in a room you didn’t remember. Trying to get your bearings, you came to the realization that you had no memory of this place, and you were only wearing a pair of panties.
A screaming headache hit you as hard as the fact that they weren’t even your panties. Plum purple panties, with intricate lace and embroidered roses, looked far more delicate than anything you’d ever buy.
Scanning what you could see of the dimly lit room you were in, it became painfully obvious it was some sort of cell by the metal door and lack of any windows. The only piece of furniture, was a surprisingly ornate velvet chaise you were presently handcuffed to.
Frantically trying to recall how you ended up topless, in someone else’s underwear, in a dimly lit prison cell with no windows, you felt a panic attack swiftly approaching when you found no answers.
The last thing you could recall, was telling your twin sister you’d meet her in your shared suite, as soon as you swam a few more laps. You were in Paris for fashion week in a few days, and were very sought after by all the designers. Your sister ate a very strict restricted diet, while you were a bit more lax and liked food. Unfortunately that meant you had to work out to make up for the extra calories. You actually somewhat enjoyed exercise, and staying active, while your sister hated it. Still, you were amazed at your sisters restraint when it came to food. She never ate any carbs, any sugar, any processed foods, any refined grains, and even refused starchy vegetables and high sugar fruits. She also only ever drank water. Ever.
Maybe that was how you ended up here. Now that you were thinking about it, you had accepted a Mimosa from a fellow guest, but it’d been brought to you by a waitress and you hadn’t even finished it.
You hadn’t sensed any danger or nefarious intentions towards yourself or your sister, and had been recommended the resort by several fellow models and colleagues. You hoped your sister was at least okay.
Suddenly, the door swung open to reveal a tall well dressed man, glowering down at you.
Never one to be intimidated, even with the obvious enormous vulnerabilities you currently had, and no plan whatsoever, you were not about to be polite.
“Who the FUCK are you motherfucker, and WHERE ARE MY FUCKING CLOTHES?” You shouted towards the end. “And what the fuck is this shit?” You asked as you pointed to your wrist, cuffed to the sofa. “This is coming off RIGHT NOW and I’m leaving!”
The man stood there with the same rude facial expression, not responding or reacting to anything you said. Breathing hard, you watched and listened for a few seconds, before closing your eyes, and screaming at the top of your lungs, for as long as your lungs would allow.
Taking a deep breath, preparing to unleash another one, you peeked at your captor and froze your breath to see he was smiling at you. Fucking smiling!
You saw red. “What ARE YOU SMILING ABOUT? Come over here and I’ll give you something to smile about you fucking nut!” You shrieked.
“Sssshhhh!” He placed a finger on his full lips, shooshing you. “How will you know how to win the game, unless you listen to the rules?”
That was it. You were at a whole new level of pissed. You were so angry at the mere suggestion of this fucked up situation, being some weird game, it didn’t even occur to you, that you should probably be frightened. Maybe even terrified, but all you knew was you were going to kick this guys Ass. “Let. Me. Go. Now.”
“What? So you can sneak out again like you did last night? And after I had forgiven you for leaving the party and going through my personal things?” He shook his head amusedly. “You are going to tell me, exactly who hired you, and maybe I won’t kill you.”
Well shit.
Last night your sister had said she was going to bed early and you’d gone out and met up with friends. Could she have gone out after you left and tried to rob this hot guy? Didn’t sound possible, but here you are in a dungeon or something.
“Well? How hard do you want this to be?” He snapped.
“Okay hear me out. I’m a twin and I never went to anyone’s house yesterday so you must be looking for my sister. This really doesn’t sound like her type of deal but I’m always telling her she needs to go out and live a little.” Suddenly feeling overwhelmed, you laid back on the chaise and shut your eyes. “We are successful models here for fashion week, so I seriously doubt she was trying to jack you. She never steals anything so maybe she was just being nosy.”
Several minutes passed before you heard the man approach you and undo your handcuffed wrist. You opened your eyes to look at him and were stunned with how beautiful this man was. He glanced down at you, before standing to his full height and walking out of the room.
Jumping up, you quickly checked to see if the door was unlocked. Unsurprised that it was, you started to pace back and forth.
Fully expecting to be ignored, you were surprised when the door swung open to reveal a woman holding out a couture looking dress on a hanger, “put this on. The Marquis wishes for you to join him for brunch.”
Nodding dumbly, you took the dress, and slipped it over your head, all the while sizing up this woman for escape. While she looked fit, she was considerably smaller than you, and you were certain you could take her.
Just as you were about to attack her, the door opened again, revealing two huge security personnel.
There goes that plan. You thought to yourself.
One of the men placed heels down on the floor in front of you. You’d never seen them before, but they fit, so you weren’t complaining.
Silently following after the woman, tailed by the two men, you couldn’t help but gape at your surroundings. While you imagined the place with a dungeon, must be fancy, you weren’t prepared for the level of opulence, and immense size of wherever this was.
Artwork that you’d studied in college, hung on the walls, and furniture you only saw in museums and magazines, surrounded you.
After walking for several minutes, you came to a dining area set in a sunroom. On the table was several breakfast and fruit options, and your stomach rumbled at the sight.
“Sit down. The Marquis will join you shortly. Do not try to escape, your guard detail is just outside the door, and it’s better not to upset my master.” The woman stated in a clipped tone, before exiting the room.
Taking a seat, you scanned around the room to see if any of the windows appeared to open. Deciding they likely did not, and even if they did, the wall surrounding the property, was so far away, you could barely even see it. This seemed like the type of place that had big scary Dobermans or something.
Turning your attention to the food, you sniffed it trying to determine if it was poisoned. Realizing you had no idea how to determine if something has been poisoned, you just picked up a piece of melon, and nibbled on it.
“Isn’t it rude to eat before everyone has arrived?” The Marquis asked as he walked in the room.
“Not as rude as handcuffing a woman to a chair in your dungeon in someone else’s underpants,” you replied cheekily.
Smirking and looking down, he nodded his head a bit before taking a seat. Turning his striking green eyes to you, he took in your appearance very deliberately. “I checked and you are in fact a twin.”
“Ding ding ding! Get this man a prize!”
The Marquis genuinely laughed, before leaning forward and pursing his plush lips. “How well do you know your sister? Are you two close?”
You picked up another piece of fruit and took a bite, maintaining eye contact with the man across from you. You weren’t sure where he was going with this, but you couldn’t see any harm answering questions, that a quick scan of your social media accounts would reveal the answers to.
“She’s the strait laced, conservative, boring version of me, with the self control of a monk, is what I would have said if you asked me yesterday. Today… I am torn between being mad at her, and proud of her.”
“Why proud?”
“Because look at you! Look at this place! You’ve even got some snobby title to boot, and she bagged you. Then she ghosted you, and obviously hurt your ego. She’s never this exciting.” You answered honestly.
“You find this behavior exciting? Flirting with a man, only to look through his belongings while he showers, and exit before he returns? This is acceptable behavior?” He asked indignantly.
Inwardly you were screaming. Your sister NEVER had one night stands. You have had a few and every time she gave you so much shit over it. Going so far as to tell friends and family about them, in an effort to shame you or something. It never worked, but it was irritating that she tried, and come to find out she was doing it too! You absolutely were going to give her an earful.
“Listen buddy, I’m honestly sorry that she did this to you. You’re obviously not used to rejection, and judging by how rich and important you must be, I can see where her looking through your stuff seems nefarious, but I guarantee you, no one hired her. She probably was just kinda tripping that she just had sex with some random gorgeous French guy and was curious, or she hella thought a guy like you must have a girlfriend so she was looking for clues. Now either she found some female items in your stuff and decided to leave, or she was just embarrassed about being a hoe bag, when she’s normally the biggest prude in America.” You leaned across the table and grabbed a pastry, “you’re not going to eat?”
He frowned at you, looking as though he was going to deny you, but seemed to change his mind and grabbed a few raspberries. Popping them in his mouth, he stared off in the distance contemplating something. “We did not sleep together. I had to take a shower because a drunken idiot, knocked an entire tray of desserts into me.”
“Why was she in your room?”
“She came here with an associate of mine, but it was clear from when they arrived, she was not interested in him romantically. He became belligerent, ordering her to leave and calling her all sorts of names. I personally don’t like that sort of behavior, so I had him removed. I approached your sister to offer her a car to take her home, but somehow we ended up talking most of the night. Then the drunken idiot incident happened, and she didn’t want to be left alone with a bunch of strangers, so she asked if she could accompany me. I honestly thought she was going to attempt to seduce me, but no such luck. She just sat down in the receiving area of my personal living quarters. I actually didn’t even take very long, but when I came out she was gone. I assumed she went back to the party, but was informed by my personal security, she’d left out a side door into the night. They were able to track her back to your hotel, where I had them pick her up, but I suppose grabbed you. You see, I have some very dangerous enemies that use various tactics to get to me, and I thought your sister was sent to infiltrate my space and possibly take something, or leave some type of device. I enjoyed her company, so I may have overreacted and automatically assumed the worst in her, when maybe I just live in a world that has made me paranoid and cruel.”
“Wow.” You stated. “That’s a lot to unpack. Rich people problems I guess. You don’t seem like too bad of a guy, now that I’m wearing clothes and not in a dungeon. Fucking bat shit crazy response to a chick just trying to leave tho. Especially the somebody else’s underwear part. That was terrifying.”
He cocked his eyebrow and smirked cockily. “I’m how do you say… strategic. I apologize, and hope you can forgive me. I have a driver at the ready to take you wherever you need to go, and will remain available to you for your entire stay. I also insist you and your sister go on an all expense paid shopping spree, to wherever you like as an apology for how we became acquainted.”
“What if I said I want you to drive me around?” You asked playfully. You couldn’t believe you were seriously flirting with this guy, but he was too interesting to just leave behind. You knew he was only offering the driver and shopping spree to persuade you not to report him to the authorities. You were pretty sure, that even if you did report him, nothing would come from it. He was the kind of rich that was above the law. You didn’t know what a Marquis was, but it likely meant he was a respected member of society, and nobody would believe some random American model saying she got kidnapped by him. He probably had thousands of women willing to give a kidney to go on a date with him. He was likely on some European eligible bachelor list or stalked by the paparazzi everywhere he went. You really wished you had your phone to google him.
“You are being serious?” He asked incredulously.
You were a bit offended he seemed so shocked by the suggestion. Was it that he didn’t drive that made your request so unbelievable, or was it the prospect of spending time with you? Crossing your arms, you stared back at him expectantly.
Scoffing, he rose from his seat and began to pace back and forth across the room, periodically glancing your way, never breaking stride.
He finally came to a stop when the woman from before entered the room and approached him. Speaking to her in a low tone that you couldn’t quite make out, she looked over at you with a surprised look on her face, before bowing to the Marquis, and rushing out of the room.
Still waiting for an answer to your question, you kept your arms crossed and stared straight ahead, even when he walked up next to you.
He lightly chuckled, and combed his fingers through your hair affectionately. “Your mood swings are so extreme. It’s a good thing you are so beautiful, or you might be considered a brat.”
Snapping your head to look up at him, you stuck your tongue out at him, and had to really focus not to bust out laughing at the expression that appeared on his face.
What did you have to lose at this point? “No one has ever stuck their tongue out at you, have they?” You inquired, with a snarky grin plastered across your face.
He scoffed and turned his nose up at you, so you took the oppurtunity to stand up and start walking towards the exit. “Let’s get a move on your majesty. I’m probably already late, and not showing up will cost me a small fortune. I’m under contract.”
“I have too many obligations. I cannot cancel everything to be your personal chauffeur.”
Stopping dead in your tracks, you turned around slowly, and placed your hands on your hips. Do you really think you can kidnap an international model, and then just say oopsie and send her off with a random driver? Don’t answer that, I won’t like your answer. I don’t care if you’re the king of France, you have to give me a day to make this up to me. Understood?” You dropped your hands, and marched up to the impeccably dressed man, never breaking eye contact.
Stopping just centimeters from his face, you had to hand it to him; he never flinched. But if he thought you were gonna back down, he had another thing coming. Over your dead body.
Ever so slowly, he kissed each cheek with a lingering kiss on each. “Au revoir, une fille.”
Before he could back away, you grabbed his face and kissed him square on his lips, pressing your body against his.
Meanwhile in the security room:
the security on duty, several other security personnel, and the servants were watching this crazy girl interact with one of the scariest men in Europe.
“Do you think she could possibly be so stupid?” One of the security guards asked to no one in particular.
“She is an American.” Another replied.
“And a model.” One of the maids added.
“Why hasn’t he killed her? He’s never so patient with anyone. And the way she takes such liberties with his person. It’s unimaginable!” The valet that would be driving this girl if she survived long enough asked.
“I saw him with the sister last night as well and he was absolutely enthralled with her. I’ve never seen him speak to a woman so long. He likely wishes to get to her, and will use her to get the other.”
“I don’t envy them. It’s never a happy ending when the Marquis takes a personal interest in you.” The head of security stated.
“Maybe he will fall for her…”
The entire room broke out in an uproar of laughter. Wiping tears from his eyes, a huge burly bodyguard lumbered out of the room, making his way to find his boss. Maybe if he convinced her to leave, his boss wouldn’t kill her.
Knocking at the door, just in case their activities had progressed, he waited several minutes for a response but none came. Turning to go back to the security room, and enjoy the show that was likely taking place on the other side of those doors, he froze at the sound of them bursting open.
“The entire day is just not possible. The best I can do is the morning.” The Marquis said as he followed the bossy American.
“Guess I’ll just have to kidnap you then. Which way to your cars?” She asked, still walking down the hall like she knew where she was going.
“I’ll have one brought around.”
“No I want to pick which one. Lead the way your majesty!”
Every employee watching, could not believe their eyes when the Marquis de Gramont, did just that.
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toxinellebug · 9 months
Shadybug/Claw Noir Christmas PART 1
You know that Xmas in Paris with those two on the loose wouldn’t be a Silent Night.
I imagine the nightly curfew to be indoors would still be in effect, even during the holidays, but that wouldn’t stop people from having holiday parties provided their guests stay overnight… And what better party could there be than the Bourgeois Christmas Gala, held at the Le Grand Paris Hotel? An extravagant and EXCLUSIVE black tie event for the richest/most influential people and Celebrities in Paris! There’s dancing and dining and only the BEST decorations money can buy! And THIS year, Chloe plans to make it an unforgettable event where she will kiss her Adrikins under the mistletoe, and she even had her daddy invite news photographers to document the whole thing so she can rub it in the smug face of that Lila Rossi who had the AUDACITY to suggest that she and Adrien should spend time together over winter break since this year she wouldn’t be going to her Uncle’s ski-lodge in the Swiss Alps, due to re-modeling.
This will prove once and for all that Adrien is HERS, and the riff-raff should all back off!
Chloe was sooo nice, she even made Daddy hire Adrien’s favorite bakery to cater all the baked goods for the party… Provided that loser Dupain-Cheng doesn’t step foot inside and infect the place with her lameness.
It’s a brilliant, fool-proof plan to make this THE. BEST. CHRISTMAS. EVER!
…Adrien is convinced this is the WORST Christmas ever. Scratch that, CHRISTMAS is the worst ever!
It’s the first winter without his mom, and the Bourgeois’ had the nerve to invite him to a PARTY? For WHAT? So he can force himself to laugh at celebrities’ lame jokes, and begrudgingly waltz with rich people’s daughters who can barely avoid stepping on the hem of their gaudy, sparkly dresses, drink sparkling cider and play hokey, out-dated party games and pretend he’s having fun?!
His mother is GONE, and he’s supposed to just act like everything is Merry and Bright?? Thankfully, his father has already turned down the invitation. He’ll probably be chewed out by Audrey for missing this golden opportunity to show off his new formal winter collection though.
Gabriel promised him that they didn’t have to do any sort of Holiday appearance or event. Which is perfect because Adrien doesn’t think he could manage to smile for any cameras right now… But he still can’t believe his father wants to celebrate at all?? What is there to celebrate?? His father actually put up a tree! And asked him to help him put on the ornaments… Just like they did with mom every year. Does he seriously expect them to just decorate the tree like nothing has changed? What’s next? They watch cheesy old xmas movies while snacking on cinnamon cookies and Les Papillotes and then eat Father’s greasy fried cooking for dinner at Midnight? Were they just going to pretend everything was fine and just the same as always???
How could it be christmas without Mom to tie lopsided red ribbons just to tease father before adding way too much Cheveux d’ange to the tree? How is it christmas without mom’s cheeks turning pink from too much vin chaud while watching “L'assassinat du Père Noël”? How is it christmas without her singing along to the carols on her vinyl record player as they set the table while Father is so focused on the Amandine and the fried bugnes that he lets the Turkey burn?
It WON’T be the same, and he doesn’t want it! He just wants to lock himself in his room and wait for this miserable day to be over!
Gabriel is hurt, but Nooru suggests that Adrien needs his space so he shouldn’t insist- it will only push him farther away. Gabriel knows the holidays will never be the same, but he has hope that they could still be special even if it’s just the two of them now… But, only when Adrien is ready.
But Adrien isn’t going to be ready… In fact, Adrien had an idea- an AWFUL idea. Adrien had a wonderful, awful idea: Why should HE be the only one who is miserable?
Claw Noir would turn this Holy Night into a Massacre! He’d smash every window full of holly, and each and every wreath he could find would serve as kindling when he burned the giant tree in the center of Place de la Concorde to the ground! He wouldn’t be satisfied until everyone in Paris was as miserable as him!!!
…There was no one in Paris more miserable than Marinette.
Christmas was always a busy time for the bakery; Bûche de Noël, Biscuits de Noël, Pain d'épices, Pompe à l'huile, Oreillettes, sables au cumin, and SO. MANY. CINNAMON. COOKIES.
But THIS year, in addition to the usual amount of fare for regular customers, they had been given a huge order to fill for the Bourgeois Christmas Gala; they wanted EVERYTHING, and despite their exclusive guest list, they seemed to want enough to feed all of Paris! Which meant that most of it would end up going to waste in the trash once the party was over.
The party that her PARENTS would have to attend in order to deliver and serve the guests, which meant that they would be spending all of Christmas Eve and into Christmas morning at the Hotel, while Marinette stayed at home…. Alone.
All because of that selfish, vile Chloe Bourgeois- even if they are no longer in the same class, that witch STILL finds a way to take EVERYTHING from Marinette, now even her own parents??? …No, not just Chloe. It’s also the fault of that spoiled Adrien Agreste! Apparently Mr. Super Model is an extremely picky eater, which meant it HAD to be her parent’s bakery that catered the Gala, because whatever Agreste wants, Agreste GETS. Those two truly were a perfect pair.
After being forced to help bake and run the register all day, Marinette is now alone on her rooftop balcony, freezing cold but at least she can finally escape the oppressive odor of cinnamon that has saturated her whole house. She hates cinnamon. She hates Chloe Bourgeois and Adrien Agreste. But most of all, she HATES CHRISTMAS!
Thanks to Enforcers patrolling the streets to make sure Parisians are inside after dark, the city is silent, save for the tinkling of glass being smashed.
Windows are broken, snowmen are toppled, and wreaths are snatched as Claw Noir makes his way towards the main public square; Chestnuts roasting on an open fire? How about a raging inferno instead?!
An old man watches from his window- he is alone on the Holidays, as always. No family to spend festivities with, no Christmas feasts with 13 desserts to distract him. All he has is nostalgia and memories of the christmases of his youth, back when he was still just a boy, back when this holiday was still about GIVING, back when people still told stories of Santa Claus before it was considered fanatical socialist propaganda, back before… The Supreme.
Christmas these days is nothing like the old days. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t still precious!
He can’t get a clear view of whatever miscreant is causing the damage from his window, but he can see the path of destruction left behind. And he knows that even though the Enforcers will no doubt hunt down and punish that ne'er-do-wel, they will not bother to clean up or repair the damage.
Who would do such an awful thing? If only there was SOMETHING he could do to help…
He doesn’t notice the faerie white butterfly that passes through his window, unfettered by the glass, and lands on his knitted hat.
But he DOES hear the voice; soothing and gentle inside his head, emphasizing with his concern over the wanton destruction, sharing his desire to bring back the true meaning of Christmas. The Voice offers him a gift- one that will allow him to bring peace and joy back to those affected by the vandal, and prove that this night is still one of hope. The voice asks, very politely, if the man will accept this gift in the name of the greater good?
The man accepts, and the voice grants him a new name… “Father Christmas.”
Claw Noir is whistling a casual tune, twirling a candy cane he stole from a window display in his fingers in one hand, and flicking away the remains of shredded ribbon from his claws in the other, when he hears the sound of sobbing.
His route of mayhem has lead him to “Tom and Sabine’s Bakery/Boulangerie” the place where that pretty girl with the dark hair in pigtails works.
Said pretty girl is on the roof, completely unaware of his presence, too busy crying her eyes out.
Once more, he feels that this girl is probably the only one in all of Paris who he can relate to. Alone and miserable… he doesn’t know what pain she’s going through to leave her out on a snow-covered rooftop where no one (but him) can witness her tears, but somehow it is oddly comforting to know that he isn’t the only one… that they are kindred spirits in a way. Having someone else hate Christmas as much as him makes the pain somehow more bearable…
Are those sleigh-bells?? Where the heck is the sound of sleigh-bells coming from?!
Something catches his eye, and Claw Noir can’t believe what he sees… He can’t even figure out WHAT he sees…
Some old fat guy in a tacky red suit is flying- ACTUALLY FLYING- in a sleigh being pulled by reindeer for some reason?! What is that even supposed to BE?? Just how much mulled wine has the butterfly man had???
Weirdness aside, that fat freak is ruining all of Claw Noir’s work! As the sleigh flies over houses, broken windows vanish and are replaced with shiny new glass adorned with bright red bows. New Wreaths with sparkling gold and silver berries seem to actually sprout on doors, and tiny, wrapped gift boxes seem to rain down to rest at each door mat.
And the geezer is headed straight towards the Place de la Concorde!
Oh NO he doesn’t! Claw Noir has a good pile of stolen kindling going around that tree and NOTHING is going to stop him from torching that sucker! He gives chase.
The sound of bells and old man laughter makes Marinette wipe away her tears and look up just in time to catch a tiny wrapped box. Opening it, she finds a smiling gingerbread cookie holding a peppermint stick. She scowls before snapping off the cookie’s head.
Betterfly… that tears it!
Marinette transforms into Shadybug, crunches the peppermint stick HARD between her teeth before summoning her Lucky Charm- a shoulder mounter missile launcher, just right for blowing magic sleighs out of the sky!
The butterfly miraculous will make the perfect christmas gift for The Supreme.
But first, she’s gonna annihilate that bearded tub of lard who mocked her with friggin’ cookies!!!
Obviously Betterfly can’t let his new ally who laughs like a bowl full of jelly be blown to smithereens or be torn to shreds. He must help fend off Shadybug and Claw Noir to save Christmas and return home before Adrien comes down from his room (or that suspicious bodyguard notices something is up)
Meanwhile, Chloe is miserable! She has a brand new golden ballgown, diamond covered shoes, her hair is even MORE amazing than usual, and Adrikins isn’t here to tell her how gorgeous she is! CHRISTMAS IS RUINED! This is all her Daddy’s fault! Audrey agrees; the invitations SHOULD have been engraved, not embossed, and gold foil borders on linen paper? What is this, the 90’s?? Anything but glitter infused envelopes is just tacky! And WHERE are the solid crystal champagne flutes she requested?! No wonder Gabriel and Agreste Junior didn’t show- this whole Gala is turning out to be ridiculous, utterly ridiculous! Andre has no wish list, but as for New Year’s resolutions, he plans to take up drinking.
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taiyaki-translations · 5 months
Murmurs of Flourishing Blossoms - 3
Season: Winter Characters: Kaoru, Mika, Tatsumi, Midori, Izumi, Leo, Shu Translator: taiyaki-translations
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Midori: Things are finally back to normal… I’m glad Anzu-san was there to support me. Otherwise, I would have already died…
Mika: Sorry, this was all ‘cause I was bein’ an idiot. I don’t even know how I ended up leavin’ the group~
Izumi: Hah, this guy’s the real idiot. Running off without a smartphone and getting himself lost, I don’t know how he even managed it.
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Leo: What~ Everyone found us in the end, didn't they!? Idiot, idiot, Sena’s the idiot!
Kaoru: Haha, everyone must be hungry, right? Let’s hurry up and meet with Itsuki-kun. 
Hm? The person sitting across from Itsuki-kun… Isn’t that the client? Oh, it looks like they’re having a great time talking.
Mika: Ngah?! Oshi-san knew the client from before?
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Shu: Honestly, I should be the one who’s surprised, Kagehira. Aside from the fact that you suddenly came here, I can’t believe a photographer I met in Paris brought in ES idols from Japan. 
It’s true that many photographers prefer models with the same cultural background as themselves because it’s easier to understand each other, but this is too much of a coincidence.
Tatsumi: Actually, I was curious about what happened when the client met Kaoru-san. I heard it was an interesting story?
Kaoru: Huh? Didn’t Anzu-chan tell you? 
You didn’t tell anyone because I was also involved  and you didn't know if I was okay with everyone hearing about it? 
Haha, you’re always thinking of the idols first. Then I’ll share that story with everyone now ♪
So, one night, not long after Christmas…
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Kaoru: Oh, they haven’t removed the Christmas decorations yet. I wasn’t able to spend Christmas with Anzu-chan this year, but at least we are able to enjoy the snowy scenery together. 
“If you hadn’t accompanied me home, I might not have seen such a beautiful night view, so thank you”? You’re busy preparing for StarFes, there’s no need to thank me. 
They’ll probably redecorate this place for New Year’s soon. Actually, I prefer Christmas to New Year’s…
I ended up spending this Christmas at Starmony Dorms with everyone. There was a Christmas party where everyone exchanged gifts, and Hibiki-kun prepared a huge, beautiful Christmas tree that was pretty impressive ♪ (1)
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Anzu-chan has been busy with SS Committee work, so I was hoping you could take some time off during Christmas, but as soon as it passed, you went right back to work. As expected of you~ 
Still, I have to nag you at least a little bit. No matter how busy you are at the end of the year, it’s not safe to work this late? 
(Come to think of it, the temperature is lower than during the day. Anzu-chan is a girl, so she must be more afraid of the cold…?)
Looks like it's gotten cold all of a sudden. Anzu-chan, please sit on this bench and rest for a while. I’ll buy a warm drink from the vending machine over there—
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Hey, I’m back~ You didn’t wait long, did you? 
Here you go, hot chocolate. If you don’t want to drink it, use it to warm up your hands.
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Kaoru: Girls are beautiful flowers that must be looked after carefully. Anzu-chan, take care of yourself too ♪
“Do you remember when we first met?” At that time, I said to Anzu-chan, “a beautiful flower has bloomed in Yumenosaki Academy”…? Haha, now that I think about it, I feel embarrassed. (2)
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Oh, it suddenly started snowing. I’m glad we both brought umbrellas. Let’s head back quickly.
(Really, why am I tongue-tied all of a sudden? I was definitely able to talk properly earlier…!)
(Is it because we are done discussing work? I need to stay alert and respond properly~ Should we continue talking about the past? If I think about the details, I might be able to shift my focus.)
Huh? “Do you think this will be the last snow of the year”? Ah, time really flies. A whole year has passed in the blink of an eye.
A lot has happened this year. Last year around this time, I hadn’t even graduated from Yumenosaki yet, but now Anzu-chan is close to graduation. 
I remember last year’s StarFes MV was being filmed at a restaurant near the school. Anzu-chan even dragged Rei-kun’s coffin over, right? (3)
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“It’s actually quite a useful means of transportation”? Haha, that’s why you brought Ritsu-kun to the site in that coffin too when we were filming at the ice rink? ♪ (4)
But next time something like that happens, ask us for help—
Uwah, who’s this person that suddenly popped out? That surprised me~ 
Huh? You want me… to be your model?
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Kaoru: That’s roughly how it happened. To be honest, both Anzu-chan and I were surprised at the time~
Tatsumi: I see. After that, the client found out that Anzu-san is a producer and asked her to recommend some other idols, so Mika-san, Midori-san and I were also invited. 
I’m really happy that the producer thought of us when she was told to find idols who have a “gentle and soft” image ♪
Mika: Nnah, how did Oshi-san get to know this photographer?
Shu: As you may have suspected, this photographer is an impatient person who doesn’t make plans and just does whatever that comes to their mind. Well, I can’t say it’s a bad trait for an artist, but—
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Leo: That’s right, that’s right! You have to catch the inspiration when it comes! Wahaha, Shu knows me well ☆
Shu: Hm, I didn’t mean to praise you. 
Anyway, isn’t there a big exhibition opening in Paris? They asked to take your pictures for that exhibition. 
Of course, I also didn’t want to miss this opportunity to showcase my own works. However, they already made a reservation for the exhibition hall that I had my eye on, so we coordinated the use of the space and gradually became friends. 
After choosing you as their models, they said they would hold their exhibition in the rose garden, and gave me the space they had reserved. I offered to help make the costumes so as not to be indebted to them. 
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Mika: Eh?! Oshi-san is helpin’ us make our costumes? 
I’m so excited…! I’m really looking forward t’ collaboratin’ with Oshi-san…!
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Translation Notes: 1. Referring to the story HOT WINTER. 2. From Kaoru's Sub Story 1 3. Referring to the story Holiday Party. 4. Referring to the story Dance on Ice.
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anas1pet · 5 months
Carry yourself like you're skinny, even if you're not thus has helped me lose weight and the one day I didn't I gained weight. If you carry yourself like you're skinny you'll trick your brain and start losing weight faster for example
"Can you hand me-" wait but skinny girls would just get up and get it so follow with the "never mind I got it"
"Can you make me-" they'll put extra calories in it and you need the steps "never mind ill make it"
Eventually you won't ask anymore
Walk like your skinny too, this fatty lazy walking isn't burning calories walk like a model fast, and confident
This also tricks other people in thinking you're confident with your weight and body so you can keep losing and losing and no one will notice and if they do "oh I'm trying this new diet for tiktok" then post a video of your before and after results and pick up some random healthy diet but keep it consistent when someone asks what diet you did remember the name
"What diet did you do?"
"Oh I did the keto diet and a couple chloe ting workouts you should try it! It was really fun!"
Keep making up different diets you're "following" and when you get through them all stick with your favorite as the lie
For the Ana's that keep a notebook buy two of the same notebook in one you'll write down your actual ana foods and all your pro ana stuff and the other write down a normal food and an inspirational quote or something normalish
For my girlie that love a good bath (especially ones that that's your only escape from your family like me) limit it to one bath a day or week and for the rest showers only sitting/ lying down is not gonna burn calories but if you're the kind that takes multiple baths a week slowly take it down so nobody gets suspicious and that way you'll build a habit keep the number of baths a week you have in your journal (ana journal for previous tip) that way you'll know when you've taken a bath and when you've showered
Ana's in highschool if you can't drive walk if possible if you're like me and live somewhere where walking home isn't an option walk other times like to the end of your road and back for me I walk 2 streets over to the river then I walk down the river well on weekends since I have kids or walk to the store if there's one by your house they just built a dollar general by mine so if possible I will be walking there
I'm a hypocrite about this next one but so is everyone else don't weigh yourself every single day once a week is good just makes sure not to weigh before you use the bathroom, after you eat or after you shower it adds up instead find a pair of jeans that are a size or even two sizes to small and try them on every day until you can wear them I'm currently a size 12/14 and I do this with a size 6/8
To my Ana's in college (this one is me) if you live on campus take the opportunity and walk/jog probably don't run you don't wanna go to class sweaty and smelly but you do you or if you're college is like mine and all your classes are in the same building lie to your family about your class times and go to the park or the gym after class I prefer the park bc it's beautiful and there's usually nobody there (this goes for highschool Ana's that have a car too say you're going to a friend's house)
Strict families/make you eat at the table you already know the napkin rules but one thing a lot of people forget is to fake chew when you "take a bite" and then spit it in the napkin don't chew the food that adds calories I read somewhere you take in almost a third of the calories from chew and spit so don't chew the food purposefully get some on your face get a napkin wipe it off and spit the unchewed bite into the napkin now here's where it gets a little gross don't put the whole napkin in your pocket just the food (unless it's like rice or something that can fall easy) this way you can use the same napkin again. If you're forced to go out and all they have is the napkins they put the Silverware in this especially works for that and you'll get lucky If you park beside the bushes bc then you can feed the animals your pocket food make sure to walk in the back when doing this so no one sees always wear laces and make sure one is untied when leaving the restaurant and stop to tie it while you do that throw the food as fast as possible before anyone notices also everyone knows about the cut and push don't do this eith finger foods at a restaurant tear it don't cut it with a fork DONT FORGET KETCHUP IS YOUR BEST FRIEND don't get any mayo based condiments (ranch, honeymustard, bbq) only ketchup or steak seasoning (0-25cal per tbsp)
Workouts, either wake up before everyone or go to sleep way after everyone nothing happens over night so try and slowly change it so you're not exhausted do an hour workout for this point (I do a flexibility stretch followed by a chloe ting then a Pamela reif cardio) then you can weigh then shower and say "oh I just woke up" ALSO DO THE WORKOUT IN YOUR PAJAMAS that way if they ask why you're sweaty/stink tell them you get night sweats and try and wake up before everyone to shower bonus points for if you have a thick blanket
Start picking up extra chores again little by little so nobody suspects anything and they think you're just being helpful if they notice you haven't eaten tell them you got distracted bc you like cleaning that way the house is clean and you're losing and they think you have an amazing new Hobbie all though it turns you into the "clean freak" of the family just battle that with the "at least I'm not a slob"
I hope you stuck around this long bc I just had a great idea!!! Meal time you sit eith your family at the table you spit your food into the napkin, it's winter/fall or just straight up cold in your house you have on a big sweater/hoodie under that sweater you have a fanny pack this way your pockets don't get bulgy and the sweater hides the pack half way through the meal (occasionally) say you have to pee or something "I drank way to much water I'll be right back" or something along those lines empty the fanny in the toilet and flush
I've been doing these for 9 years and they've really helped me and the only one in my family that knows is my husband and that's only bc I told him in highschool (I've had this since I was 11)
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tharizdun-03 · 2 months
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anarchist: "if we need glasses, we'll make glasses. we will figure out a way to do it voluntarily and without coercion."
tankie: "no, I want slave labor so i can buy glasses and enslave glasses-makers. you anarkiddie. you anarkkkist. you—"
People always love asking about the production and distribution system for every single good or service in anarchism, instead of ever, once, just reading the numerous anarchist texts proposing working models of production and distribution.
Sure, you can first try asking an anarchist who actually knows something about glasses. I don't. Or you can read. You can read the Economy chapter of Anarchy Works and see how that would apply to the production of glasses.
You will probably find that it’s more complicated than the above meme (someone who likely does not know much about glasses either). That it involves people recognizing their mutual interest in sourcing raw materials, making tools, passing on lens-making skills, etc.
The good news is: societies that are not driven by profit (but by mutual interest in the well-being of all people in the society) are just as capable of doing complicated things, or more capable.
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Nobody has ever thought about that or written about it since anarchism's inception, and neither have there been past examples of anarchist projects where people actually did that shit.
Congratulations, you just dismantled our entire political ideology.
And even then. If there are such miserable "jobs" that nobody wants to do and nobody considers important enough to endure, then in a liberated world without coercion they would simply disappear, yes.
Authoritarians make fun of this because they inherently don't want a free world, they need to coerce people to do jobs. But the simple matter of fact is that if there are jobs that aren't important enough to endure, then we wouldn't do it.
Contrary to some state forcing us to do it or we'll starve on the streets. And if it's really important that, for example, sewers are cleaned (because we want to be able to poop in toilets and be able to flush), I think that will be important enough for people to do.
Then you can organize so that everyone cleans their part evenly, so instead of in a coercive world where a small group of plumbers do it so they don't starve and go homeless, each person has to clean one maybe once per month, and the entire system is kept clean.As has been practiced and experimented with during anarchist projects.
Stuff like this is also why if we did have the same end goal, then 99% of anti-anarchist arguments are also anti-communist arguments.
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This is why we say that anarchists and communists don't have the same end goal even if communists might say we do.
"Are you two friends?"
Communist: "Yes"
Anarchist: "No."
When communists, for example, make fun of anarchists for saying that people won't do particular jobs they hate (and don't find the gain from it important enough to endure), it's because communists don't actually want a coercive-free world. They don't want a stateless world.
If they did, maybe they wouldn't ridicule us describing such a world cause then we should agree on the end goal but not the method there, right? But they don't.
It's okay to find the above meme silly (it is!), but you think you'd at least see communists give more realistic models of how it'd work in a stateless society then, but they don't.
They make fun of the very act of imagining being able to produce and distribute glasses without coercion because they don't have our end goal of a coercive free world.
There's lots of nonsense all around.
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Anarchists do explain this. All the time. It's a majority of anarchist writings. Every single major anarchist text has several sections about how an anarchist world would work (principles rather than prescription, as it'll have to adapt slightly differently to wherever you are).
Nothing about our standards of living is sustainable in any way, but you don't care. You don't want to grow ideologically, but simply find justifications to keep the oppression and exploitation necessary for your way of life.
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Authoritarians are anti-liberation and have never dreamt of a better world.
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davidcarlton · 1 year
This is both a really interesting history of graphics APIs and a nice discussion of WebGPU that makes it sound a lot more interesting than I would have expected.
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snowmaniaph · 2 years
Iwamoto Hikaru x Watanabe Shota x Abe Ryohei x Sakuma Daisuke
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SnowMan’s source of information about the latest trends is Watanabe!
Sakuma: Ah. The month’s theme is musicals done by Hikaru!
Abe: Not “done” but musicals Hikaru will do, right? (laughs)
Sakuma: Eh? What did I just say?
Watanabe: That he already did it (laughs).
Iwamoto: How was it? How was I?
Sakuma: You were good! It left a strong impression on me!
Iwamoto: By what part?
Sakuma: ... Ano~ The scene where you fought on the ship really moved me!
Iwamoto: There’s no scene like that!
Sakuma: In summary, I liked that it went like “GAH!” and then “GU!” and then “DA!”! It was nice that I got to appear in it!
Everyone except Sakuma: (at the same time) You were in it?! (laughs)
Abe: Should we go back to our main topic? (laughs) Who is the one “who is sensitive and catches the trends”?
Iwamoto: Isn’t it Shota?
Sakuma: Un. He does have that image.
Iwamoto: He’s also like that about fashion, and has the image of being knowledgeable even about miscellaneous goods.
Abe: He also knows about dance trends!
Watanabe: That’s right. I become intrigued when I search for “new products” on the internet. And I think I’m still young whenever I find myself getting excited because of that (laughs).
Abe: Being sensitive to trends is Shota’s way of anti-aging (laughs).
Watanabe: That might be right (laughs). It’s exciting seeing new products and new features.
Abe: It is fun to be taught such things!
Iwamoto: It’s the same with sandals, right? Everyone except me wore the sandals Shota told us about. The same types of sandals were lined up in our shoe rack.
Sakuma: Eh? The sandals were very comfortable.
Iwamoto: I thought that we wouldn’t be able to tell who owned which sandals.
Watanabe: It was like that in our shooting location.
Abe: Because the shoes we took off all looked the same, the staff kindly wrote our names on tape and stuck them on our shoes.
Sakuma: They did!
Abe: Moreover, there are members who used the sandals as indoor shoes, and there are also members who used them as outdoor shoes (Japanese people normally use different footwear for inside houses and leave their outdoor shoes at shoe racks or lockers). I wore sandals with the same design as the one I just took off (laughs).
Sakuma: It is popular!
Watanabe: It’s a little late to say this but actually Date-san was wearing those before me.
Sakuma: Eeeeeh! Really!!?
Watanabe: Really (laughs). And I’m wearing setta (traditional Japanese snow sandals) right now, not sandals.
Sakuma: Ah~ Hikaru’s influence.
Watanabe: That’s right! I saw Hikaru wearing a pair a while back and thought it looked nice!
Abe: He’s the type to immediately adopt something he thinks is good. That reminds me, there was a time when you wore the same pants as Hikaru.
Iwamoto: Ah~ the sweats!
Watanabe: That’s why instead of being sensitive to what’s popular, it might be better to say I’m someone you want to imitate.
Sakuma: Where did you buy the setta?
Iwamoto: I bought the setta from a shopping district. It’s dangerous for me to wear the mainstream setta for everyday use because of the soles (t/n: setta has leather soles and thus is slippery), but the soles from that shop are good. For 1500 yen!
Watanabe: That feels good!
Iwamoto: It’s because I like Japanese-style products.
Sakuma: You do have that image. It feels like sooner or later you’d wear a geta.
Iwamoto: I already have a pair of geta.
Sakuma: You already have a pair of geta (laughs)? Everyone! How long does it take for you to change phones?
Abe: Ah~ This might be easy to decide. I do get curious when a new phone model comes out but I probably won’t change phones unless the one I’m using has defects.
Sakuma: I think it’s time to change phones once the battery won’t hold up anymore. I’m hesitating about it right now.
Watanabe: That (phone) has only been with you for a year, right?
Sakuma: But the battery doesn’t last anymore.
Abe: It’s because you carelessly throw it when you put it down.
Sakuma: Does that affect anything?
Iwamoto: Even so, your handling is too rough.
Sakuma: (smugly) It’s because I know that this phone is strong.
Watanabe: How cool.
Iwamoto: No, he’s not cool (laughs). For me, it’s when I receive a notification from the phone company like “Should we change your phone soon?”.
Sakuma: Isn’t that amazing!??
Iwamoto: If I don’t use features like cameras, then even a traditional cellphone is enough (laughs).
Watanabe: For me, the prize for winning the game in the bonus video of the special CD was “cellphone model change”. I just changed it!
Sakuma: By the way, the earphone I’m using doesn’t turn on but still connects to Bluetooth. It suddenly developed its ego. Isn’t that scary!?
Watanabe: That’s obviously scary! (laughs)
Abe: It’s because you carelessly throw it when you put it down.
Sakuma: No! Does that really affect anything? (laughs) Besides, I don’t throw my earphones because it gets scattered.
Iwamoto: Even if it won’t be scattered, don’t throw it!
Isn’t the fear borne from adults playing tag really incredible!?
Abe: In the context of playing tag, are you the type who wants to chase, or the type who wants to be chased?
Watanabe: I don’t think that’s the context of POTATO’s question (laughs). Isn’t the fear you feel while playing tag as an adult really incredible?
Abe: It’s scary for the one being chased!
Sakuma: I already get pretty scared when I hear the loud footsteps of someone hurrying or running behind me while I’m walking about in town.
Abe: It’s because of that that it’s better to be the one doing the chasing! The one chasing has a target so it’s easier, but the one being chased has to decide on the route and feels the pressure of the fact that they are being chased so they do have it harder!
Sakuma: That’s right.
Iwamoto: Even in marathons, the runner in 1st has the added pressure of being chased, but the runner in 2nd has the clear goal of passing the one in 1st place. The runner in 2nd must be feeling lighter.
Watanabe: I see. Then I’ll also choose to be the one doing the chasing. I thought I wasn’t the type to chase but after hearing the others I felt like it suited me. Even in love, I think it would be more fun to be the one chasing rather than be chased.
Abe: I also think I’m the type to chase.
Watanabe: Eh-, really!? Somehow I want Abe to be the one being chased.
Abe: Why!? But I’m the type to chase!
Iwamoto: Even in love?
Abe: Maybe. I think I’m the type to chase.
Watanabe: Senpai! Tell us about your answer too!
Sakuma: Me? If it’s in terms of playing tag then I want to be chased. I’m slow at running so I’d know immediately if they’re not able to catch me. Because you can’t see the enemy you feel desperate, and also hold hope that “I might be able to do it”.
Iwamoto: That has a lot of possibilities (laughs).
Abe: Not that! What about in love?
Sakuma: Maybe the one doing the chasing? I want to treasure my feelings of love!
Iwamoto: It also doesn’t have anything to do with your running speed.
Sakuma: That’s why I chose the one doing the chase! (laughs)
Source: Potato 09/2022
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Marisol’s Monster Exchange Diary - 06.01
There is only one place in all of Monster Picchu where I can buy shoes off the rack that fit me, and when I walked by it today, all the shoes were gone. I went inside and found out that the business is being sold. I clearly voiced my displeasure about this situation to the store's owner, Senor G, who was cleaning out his backroom. "I am sorry, senorita, but I am retiring to the coast in order to be closer to my grandchildren, and to go fishing every day." I asked if the new owners would be selling shoes as well, but he said they are going to be selling CANDLES! Now I will be able to get all the bayscary scented candles I can sniff, but not even one pair of anything in a size 42EEE! I was caught totally flat-footed by this news, and in my heart, I was feeling very tiny. I could tell he felt bad for me, and as I was about to leave, he asked me to wait for a moment. He disappeared back into the stockroom and soon returned with a beautiful gold box. "Please to be seated," he said. I sat down on the last bench left in the store as he knelt down and opened the box to reveal a pair of pumps and OHMYGHOUL! They were red and black and clawsome all over! I quickly drew my feet up and turned away. "Senorita, do you not wish to try them on?" I told him that, of course, I did, but I did not want to go for a test drive in something I could not afford to take home with me. He laughed. "Ah, but Senorita Coxi, these were meant to be displayed only, not to be sold. There is not a price or size on them, but I think maybe they fit you. Besides, if I leave them, the new owners will probably just fill them with wax and turn them into candles." Cautiously I slipped my toes into them, and THEY FIT! Almost like that had been made for me. I grabbed Senor G and gave him a ginormous hug. He put the shoes back in the box for me and thanked me for being such a large part of his business over the years. We waved goodbye, and I practically skipped all the way home.
When I got there, I put the box on the kitchen table and ran upstairs to find Ma to tell her my story. We got down to the kitchen at the same time Pa got home from work, and I put the shoes on to show them both. Pa was looking at the box and pulled out a slip of paper. He looked at the slip and cleared his throat the way he does when he's about to be angry. "Marisol Coxi! Did you pay this much money for these shoes?" He handed me the slip, which turned out to be some kind of invoice. I saw the price at the bottom, and for once in my unlife, I was actually quiet. I told Pa the story exactly as it happened. He asked me what I wanted to do. I thought about it for a moment, and then I boxed up the shoes and went back to return them. I knew I could not keep such an expensive gift; it was too much. When I got to the store, the lights were off, and the doors were locked. In the window was a sign that read 'Gone Fishing'. As I was standing there wondering what I should do now, a shopkeeper from across the street came running over with something in his hand. It was a note to me from Senor G.
Senorita Coxi
After you left and I could not find the invoice for the shoes, I knew that I must have absentmindedly returned it to the box. They really were display models meant to be placed in the window to attract customers, but it just so happens they are a display model in your size. I had intended on leaving the shoes for you without the invoice regardless, as they are too big me to wear and too small for me to fish from; plus I really would have hated to see them turned into candles. Please to wear them loud and proud!
Sincerely yours, Senor G
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chinesetonki · 2 years
Recurve quiver
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The idea behind this type of sight is that you are going to line up your target so that you can see it right in the middle of that ring. Shall we start? Type one: The Open RingĪs the name suggest, this is nothing more than… an open ring. After you’re done reading what I have to say, making a decision will be simple. And so my goal right now is to rid you of that confusion once and for all, and I’m going to do that by describing three basic types of sights available, as well as mention what I believe to be the best models in each of those three categories. I realize this can be very confusing with the hundreds of different options on the market. At this point, you are probably asking yourself two questions: So you have now decided that you actually do need a sight, and that it won’t hinder you from improving your technique. So, did the sight help you aim better? Great! Now you need to settle on a specific model. Now, I’m not saying you should use a matchstick permanently – that wouldn’t be optimal 🙂 This is just a way to find out whether you actually need a sight or not. But what if you don’t have access to a range and no friends who own a bow with a sight? You can simply improvise and scotch-tape a match or a straight stick in place of a simple sight. Did the sight help you aim better? If not, then it’s most definitely a form / stance issue, and you need to work on that before buying a sight. Shoot a few arrows from a 10-or-so yard range, then do the same without the sight. Ask a friend or at your archery club if you can try out a bow with a sight. So how do you decide whether this is the case before shelling out the cash for a new sight? In which case, a sight will not help you at all – in fact, it will make things worse, as you will stop focusing on improving your stance and technique, resulting in even poorer performance down the road. If you are having trouble hitting a target at a short distance, say 10 yards, then the problem almost certainly lies in poor technique on your part. Unfortunately though, using a sight is necessary in some situations, and when that necessity arises you should know what to choose.įirst things first though, and this is something I really need you to understand before you go ahead and purchase anything: It’s just you, your “stick and string,” and your target. After all, the most awesome and rewarding part of shooting a recurve bow is that feeling of doing something traditional, natural, maybe even hardcore. Best recurve bows – top 10 chart, divided by price range.You might want to check out one of our four most popular guides: *orders paid with a check will take 2 weeks to process before order ships.All of the sights below will work great with any recurve bow that has been drilled to accept accessories. Any custom made goods (special colors, measurements, stitching, or any changes to our existing product will be charged a 25% restocking fee) Thunderhorn Mfg 1470 Bowman Road Pinesdale, MT 59841Īll returns will be charged a 10% Restocking fee. Please us UPS or FedEx for any deliveries. Thunderhorn Mfg PO Box 38 Pinesdale, MT 59841 USPS will no longer ship packages to our physical address. If Right or Left hand is not specified in Order Notes, the quiver will be set up as right handed. Please specify your choice in Order Notes in Cart. "In-Stock" quivers that are not specified with a model choice (Boa, Two-Point, Sidewinder or Linx) will be made into a right hand Boa. Please allow up to 1-2 weeks for custom orders to be fulfilled. Building Custom Longbows, quivers, stringers, and accessories since 1993.Īll "In-Stock" quivers can leave shop immediately.
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roronoa-roro · 3 years
GoM + Light/Shadow Pair in the Bed
Ft: Kise, Midorima, Aomine, Murasakibara, Akashi, Kagami, Kuroko
A/n: my first hc for knb n it's on the 7 men in bed. this is purely based on my first impression of them as I just started the series.
Tw: suggestive fluff, unknowledgeable writer
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Kise Ryota
Sleeps in model. Wakes up in model. Shits in model.
There's no bad angle to him. Any attempts to catch him ugly is in vain. So don't try.
Long skincare routines that he makes you follow as well.
Light sleeper. So just in case you roll away from him, he'll wake up and pull you back into his embrace.
Light murmurs in sleep. High pitched screams if it's prior to or after a game. Wakes up immediately after and apologises to your sleeping ass.
Cuddly sleeper. Needs physical touch to sleep well.
That's why he's frowning when you tell him that you are going for an overnight trip for work.
Will turn up at your hotel just to sleep with you.
"Y/n-cchi! Bet you didn't expect me to be here, did you? Hahaha, gotcha." Proceeds to cuddle you to death, reminding you time and again that he needs you to sleep. "Y/n-cchi... You don't want me to go to work sleep-deprived right? Then don't go for overnight trips henceforth, alright? I can't sleep without you."
Starts off respectful. Like a palm on your stomach or a hand draped over your waist.
Ends up swallowing you. He's everywhere. Almost wrapping himself around you.
He's the one always waking up first. So he has a good idea how much of an octopus he actually is. But he won't admit to it. Never.
Fake gentleman. Wakes up with a boner from how innocent you look asleep. But is quick to hide it.
Flustered when you do catch him. So if his jig is up, he wouldn't pretend to be a gentleman anymore.
Believes in fate. So if you catch him with a boner, it's fated that you both will have an energetic morning activity.
"You should know better than pointing it out, y/n. But now that you did acknowledge it what are you going to do about it?" He won't let you brush it off. "Now you are going to be late again, y/n. But this is what you wanted, right?"
Aomine Daiki
Not a gentleman. Not bothered to act gentlemanly either.
Gets excited thinking of sleeping with you.
Very simple man. If you wanted something from him all you had to do was wear lingerie.
Physical touch is his love language. And he takes 'physical touch' to a whole new level.
Enforced the 'no clothes in bed' policy. Made you read articles stating couples that sleep naked have healthier relationships.
So, if accidentally you ever forget to undress, he'll be most willing to do it for you.
"Look at that. You forgot to undress again? Come here." He'll proceed to manhandle you into the bed before ripping the fabric off you. "Huh? It was your favourite? Then why would you wear it to bed? Should have known better, love." Will kiss you and later on compensate by buying the exact same clothes for you.
Murasakibara Atsushi
Like Kagami said, he is a baby. And he wishes you would treat him like one.
Will turn pouty if you prohibit him from eating in bed. But if you are like him and like eating in bed, then its gonna be an utter disaster.
Late-night movies in bed 💯💯💯 genre doesn't matter as long as it plays. Sometimes the movies are the background noise while you both share how your day was, what you did, basketball...just talk.
Likes to snuggle into your chest. Makes you wrap your arms around his head so that he's snug against your soft body.
When snuggling into your chest results in his legs sticking out of the bed, he buys a king-size bed. It can hold ten of you and probably two of him. And very expensive. But it works since he gets to snuggle into your chest and have his feet inside the comforters.
Bonus points if it is very soft. That would mean you'll let him sometimes drape himself over you. As heavy he is, he loves to smother you with his weight.
"Aree? You said something? Can't hear you." He mutters in response to your words, muffled as you are beneath him, breathless and squashed. "Hmm... Are you dead? Maybe I'll move now." He'll move aside. When you act dead he will break out into a huge grin, fingers crawling to your sides ensuing a cruel tickling session.
Akashi Seijuro
Likes talking to you when you are asleep.
Will relay all his analyses, theories and ideas while you are snoring gauntly.
You aren't asleep half the time tho. And he probably knows but doesn't care either way.
So if anybody ever wanted to find out Akashi's weaknesses or strengths, all they had to do was kidnap you and get it out of you.
He's gentlemanly all along. Won't kick you, won't kiss you. Won't let you kick or kiss him either unless he says so. Control, baby. He's absolute.
Wary of stray hands and feet. So if you wake up with your hands and feet tied together, know that you had somehow disturbed him.
"...and I know they could have played better. Such cheap tricks won't work against Seirin though. I know Tatsuya. I'm sure they will manage to piss him off. And once they do–"
'snort' you disturb his tirade.
Akaashi smiles at your sleeping form. "You are really asleep this time, huh? You wouldn't dare to make such pig noises if you weren't. Sleep tight." His fingers brush the stray hair out of your face, cupping it and looking at you endearingly.
You grunt again. He chuckles, "Good night to you too, my love."
Kagami Taiga
Big Spoon™️. He won't have it any other way. You need to be the small spoon. And he needs to be the big spoon. Restless if it isn't like that.
Sleepy Kagami is a nice, warm, cuddly teddy bear.
Expect lots of caressing and groping palms. Like Midorima, he's everywhere. But he admits it.
Might accidentally grind on you, blame the wet dreams. But he'll make it up to you with a grand in-bed breakfast.
Kagami likes to talk in bed too. Like the lovey-dovey talk that he's too embarrassed to say in daylight. Bedtime is like his confession time. All his locked up compliments flow like The Ganges once you both are tucked in bed.
Sometimes gets too worked up telling you about his games and doesn't realise he's crushing you within his embrace until you tell him so.
"You know, I never told you how good you look under those lights in the bleachers..." His face is red, but you don't know that. You do. "I can spot you instantly within the crowds. Thanks for cheering me on so loudly. I love you so much." His face is pressed against your hair, hot and flaming red. But you still don't know that. "Whenever you are around, I feel a sense of security. Like even if things were to go wrong, I won't mind them because I know you are there to back me up." He's sincerely smiling now, dorky, might I add. But you, of course, don't know that.
Kuroko Tetsuya
Respectable. Over n out.
It has to do with the fact that he sleeps like a dead man. Not a peep. Not a movement.
Sometimes you have to pat the other side to ensure he is still there.
Cuddles now and then. But it's majorly you sticking to him. But when he does cuddle, it is soo very comfy. Maybe the fact that it's rare makes it more comfortable.
Kuroko likes it when you pat his head. So there is always a head massaging session before you sleep. He claims that it helps him sleep.
Not much of a talker, but when you both have conversations in bed, they are profound. They make you feel dumb. Oh, and if your fingers are still on his scalp, it's highly appreciated. He can adjust to a little lower height if you want him to.
"... When Kagami-san said that, I knew what I had to do... Why did you stop?" He cuts himself off mid-sentence when your fingers fall slack on his head. He looks up to find you asleep, sitting against the headboard with his head on your lap.
He sighs, "Sorry. I should have known you are more tired than usual."
He sits up, laying you down gently before tucking himself beside you. "Good night, y/n-san. I love you."
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a/n: sooo how was it? want to murder me yet? i know i might have screwed up with the oocs but bear with me yeah? i just started knb. if this is good enough i want to write another hc of them walking in on you ~masturbating~
tagging: @porcupines-n-sharkteeth @cookieempress2
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cowboybeepboop · 2 years
“Oh, wow, how much did he have to pay you for you to actually show up?” “Could I buy you for a couple hours? I’ll make it worth your time,”
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Pairing: Bob x fem!Reader
Genre: mostly plot with some porn
Word count: 3000
Warnings: Long-term relationship (ik some of y’all are scared of those) A dom/confident Bob, thinking Bob is seriously injured, praise kink, public thigh riding, public sex, unprotected sex, hair pulling, ass slapping, some fluff at the end.
Summary: you’re Bob’s long-term girlfriend who happens to be a lingerie model but the team doesn’t believe that you and him are really together. Once Bob and Phoenix had to eject you came running to the hospital to check up on him with tear stained cheeks. Hangman decides to be an ass and bother you which makes Bob insecure in himself, this leads to some public adventures.
A/N: Okay so this one will probably have a second part in which the reader and Bob actually get together because my friend and I came up with this brilliant concept for how they got together. Anyways there's not really much to say about this one lol, just hope you enjoy and have a good morning, afternoon, evening whatever time it is for you <3 ps incase you’re thinking “oh I’ve already read this” you probably have I just got my account deleted so I’m reposting everything 😭
You and Bob have been together for years, since January of your freshman year of highschool. High School sweethearts from a small town in the middle of nowhere, I know right, sounds so boring but nothing is ever boring when you’re in love. You guys decided to move out to California so you can be close to your agency and Bob gets shipped around every once in a while but for the most part stayed stationed in California.
While you’re out of town for a month or so Bob has been called back to Top Gun for a secret mission training, at least that's what it sounds like.
Bob is sitting with the other pilots listening to their banter while dreaming of you, well in reality he’s just consuming the conversations around him, to get a better idea of the people he will be working with. Everyone’s attention is pulled toward Bob as they begin a conversation.
“So what do they call you?” Phoenix questions while payback glances over at him, as Bob chews his last peanut.
“Bob,” his hands brush the crumbs from his lap.
“No, your callsign,” Payback snickers softly.
“Uhm.. Bob,” he smiles awkwardly as he pushes his glasses up.
“Oh, Bob Floyd? My new weapons systems officer?” Phoenix questions with a smile while Bob just nods, “I’ve heard you’re cute, I just didn’t expect you to be this handsome,” she hands him a cue stick. Bob's hands fumble with the stick, his eyes glued to his shoes.
“Hold on just a minute Phoenix,” Payback starts, “how do you know he’s single?” Hangman laughs loudly in the background while Coyote grins widely.
“Uh yeah, I actually have a girlfriend,” Bob’s lips contort into an innocent smile, “I have some pictures of her in my wallet if you guys want to see,” he looks up as Hangman takes the cue stick out of his hands, a disappointed expression painting his face.
“Sure, let’s see your girlfriend,” Bob had his wallet pulled out and he grabs three polaroids out of one of the pockets, he hands them off to Phoenix who quickly gets flustered while looking at them.
The polaroid pictures you gave Bob to keep in his wallet are, well, ones he took right after sex. You in his button down shirt red hickeys splattered on your chest, soft yellow eyeshadow smeared along with your mascara, your red lipstick is smudged onto your cheek. Your hand between your thighs, while the other one is around your collarbone, with nails painted the same shade of red as your lips.
“Wow… Bob this is..” Phoenix clears her throat while her eyes are still wide, Payback takes the pictures from her hands and his eyes also widen.
“Isn’t she so pretty,” Bob smiles sweetly, hearts in his eyes, “these are her favorite photos, she always says I should show these if someone flirts with me,” his hands run through his hair as everyone gathers around Payback to take a look.
Hangman pulls one of the photos out of his hands while laughing, “Oh Bob, are you kidding?” he shakes his head and tosses the picture to the ground while leaving the bar, Bob carefully dusts off the picture of you while glaring at his back.
Hangman comes back in with a rolled up magazine in his hands he’s still chuckling as he tosses the open magazine onto the pool table. It’s open to a lingerie ad you did a couple years ago, the pose is the exact same and the shirt is unbuttoned just enough to show the bra. “Maybe next time, Bobby boy, you could pick a more believable picture,” Fanboy laughs.
“Bob, if you didn’t want me flirting with you, you could’ve just said so,” Phoenix rubs the back of her neck, while he collects his pictures back.
“She truly is my girlfriend, I’m honestly flattered that someone as beautiful as you was interested. Y/N she used to be a lingerie model that’s all..” his cheeks are slightly flushed as he puts your pictures back in his wallet.
“Yeah, just because it’s the same pose and stuff doesn’t mean it's not true,” Rooster defends Bob, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Well, if she’s really your girlfriend then why don’t you invite her over to hangout?” Hangman flashes his perfect white teeth, while Fanboy slaps Bob on the back.
“Yeah Bob, why don’t you call her right now, I’m sure she’d love to meet a fan, or a couple fans” Fanboy laughs at his own joke.
“I would but she’s out of town, I’ll call her the second her plane lands,” Bob crosses his arms over his chest glaring at Fanboy. Rooster tries to distract everyone by singing and Bob is still upset so he leaves early.
Bob had told everyone that if they went to the bar in the evening that you would be there to finally prove to them that you truly were his girlfriend. However, your plans were postponed due to a storm which prevented your plane from taking off. You called Bob about this while they were having beers on the beach.
“I’m so sorry Rob.. I miss you, I wish I could be there with you,” you mumble through the phone, voice shaking with tears threatening to fall.
“It’s okay, pretty girl, don’t cry,” Bob smiles faintly as he whispers through the phone, the guys gather around him, “What’s the delay about?” he questions, Hangman grabs his phone and puts it on speaker. Bob shoots him a glare as you begin to speak.
“I dunno it’s some storm? I don’t know but the lady said it’ll be like another day,” you bite your lip, “It’s like serious, or something,” your voice shakes a little.
“No worries, love, you should catch up on some rest. Or maybe go sightseeing?” Bob tries to reassure you with a soft tone.
“But Bob, what about your friends I was supposed to meet, I’m sorry for letting you down..” you sigh as your body hits the plush mattress in your hotel room.
“Nothing is more important than your safety angel, just get some rest, you’ll be on the next available flight. You can meet them another time,” you can tell he’s smiling through his tone.
“Okay… I love you,” you smile as a few tears fall from your eyes. It's tiring when you have to spend so much time apart, you miss him more than words can express.
“I love you so much, now get some sleep.” his voice is slightly demanding but still quite soft.
“Alright… You too, okay? I’ll hang up now, I love you..” you hang up and set the phone off to the side and hug your pillow pretending it’s him.
“Well, would ‘ya look at that,” Hangman chuckles, “Bobby’s totally real girlfriend has to cancel, last minute, just when we were about to meet her,” Bob pinches his nose bridge softly.
“Hangman cut it out, it’s completely plausible that she would be stuck wherever she is because of a storm,” Rooster glares at Hangman, telling Bob to ignore his comments. “I’m sorry he’s such an ass, Bob.” he fluffs up Bob’s hair giving him a reassuring smile.
You barely had any time to get settled when you got home before you get the call that Bob is in the hospital, you quickly get dressed in Bob’s favorite yellow Tee throwing on a pair of shorts as warm tears spill from your eyes. .
You arrive at the hospital where Bob is being held, your eyes are swollen and your mascara is smeared and running down your cheeks. A nurse takes you to his room where a few of his colleagues are standing around, you thank her and walk to the doorway while bringing your hands up to your face to wipe away your smeared mascara.
“Oh, wow, how much did he have to pay you for you to actually show up?” Hangman starts with you, you just stare at him.
“What are you talking about?” you question your eyes narrowing on the blond in front of the entrance to the hospital room that Bob is in.
“Could I buy you for a couple hours? I’ll make it worth your time,” he smirks, flashing his bright white teeth, you roll your eyes and grab him by the collar pulling him off to a quiet corner.
“Look, I don’t know who you think you are. But. If you continue insinuating that Bob has to pay me to be here, I’ll make sure you never reproduce. Hell, I’ll make it so you’ll never want to look at another woman again,” you grit your teeth glaring daggers into his eyes. “Got it? Pretty boy.” your voice is low and almost a hiss.
“Jeez, I got it,” He rolls his eyes as you both make your way back toward Bob’s room, you’re fixing your hair and he’s fixing his shirt collar that you messed with which looks sort of suspicious. You smooth down Bob’s tee while walking into the room.
“Hey handsome, how are you feeling?” your expression softens as you sit on the bed next to Bob, his hands cup your face as he rubs your cheekbones.
“I’m alright angel, I hope I didn’t worry you too much,” his cheeks flush softly while looking into your eyes. “I see you met Hangman..” Bob’s voice goes quiet, he pulls his bottom lip between his teeth chewing down on it.
“Are you sure you’re okay? Does it hurt? Where do you hurt?” your hands trail down his chest while you look for any obvious bruises.
“Y/N…” calloused forefingers pull your chin up to meet his eyes. He rubs soft circles into your cheek as his thumb caresses your bottom lip. Hangman, Fanboy, and Payback knock on the door sticking their heads in.
“Hey, sorry I didn’t believe you earlier,” Fanboy chuckles softly, his hand reaching back to scratch his neck. Bob's shoulders shrug before dropping, a sad expression finding its way onto his face.
“We’re heading out Bob, just thought we’d drop by to check up on you once more,” Payback’s mustache curling up with his lips. You and Hangman make eye contact, lips going flat as your jaw clenches, you make a cutting throat motion to keep him quiet because he was about to talk. Hangman’s lips shut and they walk off, you turn your attention back to Bob.
“Darling,” Bob twirls your hair around his pointer finger, averting his eyes from your gaze. “Do you like Hangman?” you feel your heart drop to your stomach, your lungs squeezing as you take a deep breath.
“Bob, why would you think that?” scooting closer to him you bring your hands up to his cheeks, sliding up onto his lap.
“It’s just..” he sighs, “earlier, you guys seemed to run off in a hurry. Then you came back fixing your appearances, plus Hangman is just so.. I don’t know, handsome?” he huffs, chewing on his lip while looking down at his hands.
“Robert Floyd.” you clear your throat giving him a soft look, “Don’t doubt yourself so much, I love you, I’ve always loved you. You’re my first choice always and forever, you’re the most handsome man I’ve ever laid eyes on, I only want you. So stop doubting yourself, please,” a sigh leaves your plump lips while you brush his hair back.
Bob nuzzles his face into your neck, “I wouldn’t blame you if you liked him more, you know? He’s-” his voice hardly reaches over a whisper, you interrupt him with a passionate kiss. Hands roaming over his chest as you push against him.
“Handsome, if you have energy to argue that means you're not as injured as I thought,” you murmur against his lips before leaning down to suck a soft hickey into his neck. Bob goans and pushes his hips up against your pelvic bone, he breathes against your shoulder while you tug at the roots of his hair softly.
“Fuck, Angel..” his hands caress your waist, “You have me so worked up already,” you kiss down Bob’s jawline. Sighing softly you sit back on his bare thigh, squeezing your own thighs around his as you grind down.
“Good girl,” he grips your hair up into a ponytail, “can you ride my thigh until you cum? Hm?” Bob's left hand squeezes your side softly. You nod enthusiastically, dragging your clothed pussy against his thigh.
Bob taps your ass cheek, “No, doll. Take your panties off,” he lifts your hips off of himself. You pull down your panties, throwing them beside him on the bed.
“Fuck, Bob. I need you,” he smirks, while rubbing your back with gentle fingers.
“Ride me first,” Bob’s hand wraps around your waist as he pulls you flesh against his thigh. “I promise you’ll get whatever you want, just give me a good show, Darlin’” he leans against the pillows propped behind him.
He puts his free hand behind his head, chest rising as he keeps his eyes on your pussy that’s pressed against his warm skin. Your slick spreads against Bob’s thigh as you grind down on it, biting down on your lip to stay quiet.
Hushed moans slip from your lips while you grasp onto his shoulder, your eyebrows squeezing together as pleasure flows down your spine. “Mmm fuckk, Bob,” you're panting faintly, back arched while keeping your hand on his knee to support your body.
Bob slides his hand under your shirt, groping the supple skin of your breasts, moans spilling out of your mouth. Chest heaving furiously as you lean against his shoulder, he twists one of your nipples between his forefingers while peppering kisses down your neck.
“Fuck,” you whisper into his ear, “Rob, I’m going to cum.” wrapping both arms around his neck you squeeze tightly as your orgasm rushes over your entire body. Bob uses his hands to guide your hips against his leg, pushing your orgasm further.
“Good girl,” his hands lightly squeeze your thighs right under your ass, “got any energy for a second round?” Bob mumbles into your skin as he pulls you onto his lap.
Instead of giving him a verbal response you begin grinding against his hard dick, creating a wet spot on the crotch of his hospital gown. “My sweet, you’re so eager for me.” he groans into your ear, bucking his hips up into yours.
You moan in acknowledgement, kissing his collarbone gently. Bob pulls up his gown, pumping his cock a few times before lining up with your entrance. Biting your lip you slowly sink down on his tip, your pussy swallowing him up as your ass presses against his thigh that you just came on not too long ago.
He grabs a handful of your hair pulling at the roots, you bend your neck back as quiet whimpers spill from your chapped lips. His other hand finds its way up your shirt again, pulling your breast to his mouth as he sucks on your hard nipple.
Once your body gets used to his length you begin to ride his dick at a slow pace, using one hand to prop you up while the other moves down to your sensitive bud circling it roughly. Bob twirls his tongue around your nipple, grazing his teeth against it softly, you bite back moans picking up the pace.
He lets go of your nipple with a soft pop as he pushes your hips down, rutting up into yours instead. “Mm, baby.. I’m getting close,” he sucks on a sensitive spot, letting go of your hair. “Goddamn you’re like heaven,” Bob sighs into your ear before biting the lobe gently.
You muffle your moans by burying your head in his neck, squeezing your eyes shut tightly as he cradles the back of your head closer to his body. The sound of skin slapping against skin fills the room along with the tv show playing in the background, Bob moans quietly in your ear,
He squeezes your thighs with both hands, snapping his hips into yours with a more aggressive speed. Bob groans while kissing down your neck, giving your ass a couple light slaps.
Bob's hips stutter as his warm seed fills your pussy, your back arches as your hole pulses around his dick, spilling fresh cum out. He looks down to where your bodies connect, watching as your liquids combine.
He lifts your face to his pulling you into an intimate kiss, your lips dance together while Bob runs his hands down your waist.
“I missed you, my love,” you kiss his cheek before rising off his lap. You run into the bathroom, grabbing a towel and wetting it, running the cool rag against Bob’s skin to clean off the sticky secretion from his body.
“You’re so good to me,” he smiles as he pats the bed beside him, “come lay down, I miss you already.” he whines softly.
You shake your head, “Give me a second to clean myself up,” returning to the bathroom you use the towel to clean your body up.
“Y/N, it’s been more than a second,” you can practically hear the pout he’s giving you, rolling your eyes as you return to the bed. Slipping on your panties again before laying down next to him.
He wraps his arms around your waist pulling you into his chest, Bob rests his chin on your head taking a deep breath. “You should stay here with me, who knows. I might be in worse shape than they originally thought,” shaking your head you cuddle further into his chest.
“Alright, love, anything you want.” your breathing slows as you begin to drift off to sleep, Bob pulls the blanket over your body. Peppering kisses all over your forehead, he runs his nails down your back, watching as you sleep.
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
a short cpn post as a sunday treat 🍭
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again. this is for turtles only. feel free to not buy into any of it. some observations and what’s going around in bxg spaces. this coming week is gonna be busy cause we have zz’s wkw short film, zz’s new drama announcement ( allegedly ) and btf’s premiere so i’ll probably have no time to clown. it’s the busiest fandom and we are so #blessed. lol. now onto the sweets.
• The reason why I had the idea of making a post is this drawing. It’s from BTF’s douyin, showing the cast making a drawing of the aircraft. This is the finished product for Bobo. It’s pretty decent right? I just find it as another proof that he can draw. This dude is so competitive that he won’t let his product look like he didn’t put in any effort. But when he was with ZZ back in CQL promos, he purposely messed up with his drawings. It’s ok, he wants to let his ZG win. and he knows ZZ is really good at it too. As long as it’s his zhan-ge it’s okay to lose. 🤍
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• This whole camping CPN is one that i am keeping my eyes on. ZZ said a few things about in his Mendale livestream but not as detailed as Yibo’s. ZZ jokingly said that the thing you “need” when camping is mosquito 😂😂😂 BXGs now have a CPN that this two have gone camping together. just thinking about it makes me so somft. It’s actually perfect because they can do it in a location with no crowds. They can just be chill and be surrounded by nature. Yibo said it’s nice to hear the sound of the rain when camping, and i’m reminded of when ZZ said the sound of the rain helps him sleep. like, it’s a good sound. We thought he meant listening to it on his phone, but it could be he is talking about hearing it and being relaxed in one of their camping trips. both guesses could be wrong but well. It’s all cpn anyway.
One thing also is Nathan was talking about going camping with his wife, just the two of them— and how they made lots of trips this year. It’s not overnight, they just drive away and spend time together. While he was explaining what they do after, Yibo says: ( I think the translation is wrong and it should be have an afternoon tea )
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and Nathan agrees. What. Look, Yibo is not this talkative. You would think he will let Nathan tell his story but he joins in. Maybe i’m just over analyzing, but Yibo only talks a lot when he knows the topic. When he experienced it or he has interest in it. So he probably did the same thing. The only question is with who. *coughs* bunny laoshi *coughs*
• Coincidence. Li-ning has a J20 line, which is one of the aircraft featured @ Born To Fly. Linsy posts a model living room and on the screen is Gu Wei.
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• same energy. don’t ask me about bobo’s timeline and if can possibly coincide with ZZ’s. 😂😂😂 let’s just appreciate the similar actions.
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• Finally, let’s appreciate the tank tops he is wearing @ SDC because we can clearly see the 🦴. It looks so sexy like this! ( clip is from let’s chat ep 7 preview ) The relationship is really stable ☺️
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fernweh-writes · 3 years
Hey, it’s me again :3
My birthday is soon(next week on the Friday)
So I wondered if you could write headcanons for the Slasher with an Birthday S/O.
Like what would they give her, what would they do on her birthday. You probably get what I mean.
But only if it’s alright and you got time, if not it’s also fine^^
I already say thank you :3💕💕(btw I really love your writing <3)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE, I HOPE YOU HAVE AN AMAZING DAY!! I did see the other little tidbit you sent in and yes, ofc, anything for you. Especially since it’s your birthday and you asked so nicely<3
(Going ahead and posting this a lil early… i think? I can’t remember when you sent this in sorry :/)
Slashers on their S/O’s Birthday
Warnings: NSFW content, 18+
Michael Myers
Michael has always been pretty indifferent towards birthdays. So what, you’re getting older big whoop. He doesn’t see them as important and doesn’t understand the point of celebrating them.
However, as you keep mentioning to him that your birthday is coming up, he gets the hint. Michael isn’t stupid and he knows you well enough to be able to tell what you want.
Still, Michael isn’t going to throw you a party or decorate or anything like that. Instead he makes a statement just by spending the entire day with you.
During your time spent together you find out Michael did actually buy a cake for you. Although it was also partially for his own benefit as well seeing as he has a major sweet tooth. He even got “Happy Birthday y/n” written on the top in your favorite color. When you bite into it, you realize that it’s also your favorite flavor.
After the cake, Michael brings you a small box with a horribly tied ribbon wrapped around it. Don’t look at him funny, he tried okay. So what the gift inside was most likely stolen from a victims, you got a present that you loved. Isn’t that all that really matters?
Michael isn’t much of a giver in bed, he prefers to take. He mainly focuses on achieving his own end and whatever pleasure you get during that is what you get. But tonight he’ll make a point of not only making you finish first once, but numerous times throughout the night. Today is about you after all, why not try and set a new record in bed to mark the start of a new age.
Bo Sinclair
Morning sex, congratulations, this morning you become breakfast for Bo. No need to get up early to cook for him when he can simply devour you.
Surprise! He won’t be an ass to anyone for one whole day. Just for you darlin’. If some people happen to stumble into town, Bo won’t let anyone ruin your day, and quickly has Vincent take care of them. Even Lester will help out if need be, even though Les hates participating in the “family company”.
Sneaks away in the middle of the night to decorate the house. Luckily, Vincent pitches in and helps him make everything look nice. Bo goes all out with streamers, balloons, banners, he even got you a cake!
He’s more than eager to give you your presents as well. Of course he had to buy you a lingerie set, it’s a surprise that’ll help the two of you later that night…
Bo is a simple man, he just wants everyone to know that you belong to him. So he also got you a dainty little necklace of his name. Sure it may be cute to you, but secretly he’s laying his claim to you.
Usually he’s busy with keeping up the town but just this once he spends the entire day with you. Bo spending so much quality time with you doing whatever you want really says a lot.
He may even take you to the next town over for a nice dinner. After all, no one should have to cook on their own birthday and it’ll make good use of the cute little sundress he got you and gives you the opportunity to dress up. You better wear the lingerie he got you under it though. Good luck making it to the bedroom when the two of you get back from the restaurant.
Vincent Sinclair
You’re not sure who is more excited, him or you. Vincent makes sure that you have the best time ever and makes the whole day about you. It’s the perfect chance for him to spend the whole day with you and show you how much he loves you.
When you wake up he’ll be missing. He woke up early to make you your favorite breakfast. He had hoped to bring it to you in bed but sadly you’ve always been the early riser. Luckily for you, unlike Bo, Vincent is a good cook. How do you think the three boys survived before you showed up?
Vincent has always been a more private person so while there’s not any decorations all over the house and he can’t take you out to a fancy dinner you can still expect plenty of sweet surprises. He made you a bouquet of wildflowers that he picked, got you the new books you had been telling him you wanted, managed to snag one of the vinyls for the new album your favorite artist had recently released, and even got you some new outfits that he thought would look cute on you.
Vincent would be the one to put on music and dance around the living room with you. He enjoys personal time with you and uses the day to really express to you just how much he cares for you.
At the end of the day he runs you a hot bath. While you soak in the tub he throws around the rose petals and gets the ribbons and candles ready. Before you have time to get dressed Vincent will be scooping you up, tossing you on the bed, and tying you up. Be ready for a long night!
Thomas Hewitt
There’s not really much he can do for you seeing as the town is running low on supplies. Still, he’ll do his best to still make your birthday special for you. Mainly he’s just going to kick Hoyt and Monty out for the day so that you can have one peaceful day together. Luda gets to stay seeing as she’s also happy to celebrate with you.
Thomas lets Luda Mae know he wants to surprise you with something. So while he works on the surprise she’ll make sure to keep you occupied. Luda Mae will fix your hair for you and go ahead and give you the gift that she had made you, a sundress made from floral print fabric. She’s so happy her son found someone, especially someone as beautiful as you.
Thomas will have handmade you a small necklace. Since you didn’t tell him about your birthday until shortly before the day, you left him with little time to make it. He’s lucky that your comfortable with Luda Mae and he can get her to keep you distracted,
When Tommy sees you with the dress his momma made you and your hair fixed up he almost forgets about the small piece of jewelry in his pocket.
After hearing you squeal with delight when you open his gift he’s ecstatic! He loves nothing more than making you happy. when you eagerly get him to help you put it on he thinks he’s going to spontaneously combust with his love for you.
Luda Mae will bake you a cake. You’re basically her daughter in law at this point and she’s going to make sure that you have a good day. She enjoys having another woman in the house and enjoys seeing you and Thomas happy together. You’ve given her the complete family that she’s always wanted.
Brahms Heelshire
Brahms is very good at being sneaky. At this point, Malcolm already knows that Brahms is a real person. So Brahms has no issue with getting Malcolm to bring him everything he needs and giving him the extra money for the week. He makes sure to cover all the bases, he got you presents, a small cake, and of course stuff to decorate the living room.
The decorations in the living room aren’t necessarily the best. Brahms hasn’t been responsible for doing anything like this in his whole life. But he still does his best to try and impress you and make you happy. Just don’t expect for his best to be very good. After all, it is the thought that counts.
Honestly Brahms not being self centered for once should be enough of a surprise. It’s your birthday so he’ll make sure to be on his best behavior just for you! No tantrums or arguing, he promises! He even makes sure to hide the schedule for the day to make sure you know that today you get to relax.
Of course, you’ll still have to cook since Brahms is only capable of making sandwiches. His peanut butter to jelly ratio may be perfect but that’s not exactly the type of meal he thinks you would want on your birthday. So he does make sure to get the ingredients for all of your favorite foods!
Your presents include expensive jewelry, pretty clothes, and of course lingerie although that’s more of a gift for Brahms than it is for you. He’ll have you model all of the dresses and clothes that he got you. The big finale is the lace bra and underwear that you won’t be wearing for much longer.
Brahms is a switch and usually ends up being the more submissive one in bed. Tonight however, he’ll co for a change of pace and be more dominant. For once, he was the one spoiling you instead of the other way around and that brings out the more mature and dominant side of him. Expect o be sore the next day though, Brahms isn’t exactly good with holding back.
Billy Loomis
Billy has a tendency to be narcissistic and obviously an ass. But he can also be great at hiding those traits. On your birthday he makes sure to do exactly that, really playing up the bad boy/boy next door front he’s capable of. Tatum did believe that he was practically perfect, and on your special day, he’ll do his best to do exactly that.
He may not have the same money as Stu, but he still manages to spoil you. You’ll have his full attention for the day and he let you decide almost everything. Billy even lets you pick out the movies that you watch together on your birthday, which is something he’s never allowed to happen before.
Seeing you be happy gives him a funny feeling that he’s not used to which can cause him to act a little awkward. You throw him off a little bit. He didn’t expect to care so much about someone until you fell into his lap. He’s a simp for you and he knows it. If he wasn’t then he wouldn’t be making reservations for that fancy restaurant you loved and buying you a new outfit just for said reservation. Yeah he’s down bad.
Makes sure that you order whatever you want, today cost doesn’t matter. But if he knows your favorite, he orders for you in an attempt to impress you. See, he remembers your favorite food, isn’t he just the best. Also gets your favorite over priced dessert even if you have to take it to go. He can’t bake and he knows that store bought cake just doesn’t compare to the fancy restaurants.
He bought you lingerie for under that cute little outfit and he expects to see it by the end of night. Expect to pinned against the front door before either of you has the chance to unlock it. Billy has been imagining you in nothing but your birthday suit all night and he simply cannot wait any longer.
There’s nothing he enjoys more than seeing you fall apart underneath him. He loves seeing you look absolutely cock drunk with your makeup smeared on your face. Your moans and begs eventually begin to melt together and you just become and incoherent mess as he makes you cum again and again. It’s still not enough for him though, he’s going to make you scream.
Stu Macher
He is very determined to make you have the best day over. Expect breakfast in bed! It may not be great but eat it anyways, Stu is not a morning person and he managed to drag his ass out of bed early just for you. So even if the scrambled eggs have the occasional crunch to them it’s best to just grin and bear it.
Is very determined to take you shopping. Expect for him to buy you anything that you touch or pick up. Like the amazing boyfriend he is he will also carry the many bags that you end up with. You’ll have a brand new wardrobe by the end of the day. Of course he made you pick out a few lingerie sets. He even pointed out the ones he liked and made you find your size.
Of course, Stu will still take you out to a fancy restaurant and do the whole traditional night out thing. After dinner though the two of you will end up on the roof of his house that he made sure to help you out on. Stu is secretly a hopeless romantic deep down and will spend time looking at the stars with you because he thinks it’s something that you would like. Will listen to you as you ramble on about planets and watch as you point out constellations if that’s something you do.
Stu is very clingy at all times so he will be hanging over you all day. That’s nothing really out of the ordinary though. But usually those touches include grabbing your boobs, smacking your ass, and rubbing your hips. On your birthday the touches turn more gentle. Expect him to gently tuck your hair behind your ear so he can see your face, gently caressing your cheek, rubbing your knuckles while he holds your hand, all soft and sweet gestures to convey he truly does care.
He’s usually very fast paced with everything including talking, movements, and of course that includes in bed. But tonight he’ll be slow and gentle, drawing everything out. Also makes sure to focus on your pleasure instead of his own for once.
Asa Emory
Asa never thought he would celebrate anyone’s birthday. He certainly never celebrated his own and doesn’t see the point in doing so. To him, birthdays are just another day and there’s no point in celebrating ageing. So he went about most of his life ignoring birthdays, until you came along.
Asa adored you and your enthusiasm for life and all the good things in the world. You were a bright person, especially when compared to him, and he loved the innocence about it. So when you began to mention your birthday coming up with excitement in your voice he knew that you had expectations for your special day.
He may not be a person who celebrates but he’ll be damned if he disappoints. You’re the one good thing life has given him and he’s not letting you get away from him. If that means getting you a small cupcake and sticking a candle in it and a present then so be it. He can manage doing a little something for you.
When he’s not in his collector persona he is much more awkward and an absolute dork in your eyes. So when he takes you out for a nice dinner you’ll notice his slightly off behavior. Asa doesn’t like crowded public spaces and you’ll be able to pick up on his fidgeting. Luckily your good at carrying the conversation for him.
Asa appreciates that you understand it’s hard for him. So when you begin to do most of the talking and don’t pressure him to contribute much to the conversation besides the occasional nod he’s able to relax.
On the way home he gets nervous once more. What if you hate the present he got for you or expected more. He had only gotten you one thing and it wasn’t much. But when you finally open it and you light up like a kid on Christmas morning he lets out a heavy sigh and finally relaxes. It was only a simple necklace but you acted like he had just handed you the stars.
Asa will be surprisingly gentle with you for one night. Of course, he’ll still tie you up and absolutely wreck you but he makes sure to leave out the cutting and biting out for once. The only bruises you have will be on your hips from his harsh grip. It’s the closest thing you’re going to get to love making from him, but you know him well enough to get the meaning behind it.
Jesse Cromeans
Anything you want and it’s yours, he can make anything happen for you. He makes sure to tie up any loose ends with his business well before your birthday so that nothing can interrupt his time spent with you. Of course he makes sure to spoil you even more than he normally does.
Would love to take you on some fancy vacation and stay in one of the finest hotels there. Go ahead, pick any place you want to travel to and he’ll make the arrangements. He makes sure that anywhere he takes you is more private and remote rather than tourist-y though. Both so that he feels more comfortable and so that you can feel special and not have to deal with crowds.
Does the whole flower petals on the bed, candles, flowers, ice bucket with champagne kind of ordeal back at the hotel. Did you really expect him not to though? He has the money to so why not and he knows that even though you claim it’s cheesy that you absolutely love it. Th blush on your face and look in your eyes give away your love of cheesy things and he pays attention to every little thing you do.
Of course you get new jewelry, designer clothes, and lingerie but you get other gifts as well. Pretty much anything you’ve mentioned to him recently he makes sure to get you. Rambling on about that new book your favorite author just released? It’s yours! Been needing new materials for any of your hobbies? You got them!
Expect rough sex. Jesse rarely does gentle and with how much smaller you are than him he can sometimes accidentally hurt you. Your just so small and fragile compared to him kitten, he can’t help it. Of course he always makes sure to take care of you afterwards with a hot bath and will gently massage the knots out of your muscles. Jesse always makes sure that you’re taken care of.
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goddess-pan · 3 years
Tailor!Reader in Dream SMP
Dsmp x reader prompt; Tailor!Reader in Dream SMP. Credit would be appreciated so more people can find this and make their own things based on it.
Can fully be read as platonic. GN!reader with they/them pronounce as a placeholder so anyone can adapt it however they want. Both general and character specific parts included.
Characters who have a lot written for/about; Eret, Ranboo, Foolish, Tommy, Technoblade, Philza and Michael. Mentioned; Tubbo, Sam Nook, Purpled and Foolish Jr.
This ended up being super long so I’m putting it under the cut in order not to clutter people’s pages. My personal favourite part is Phil’s and Techno’s part. These could be read as headcanons but are still available as a prompt(s) to use for anyone.
The reader joining after the doomsday as a time frame in my mind.
The reader helping people patch up their current clothes since most of it got pretty banged up during the doomsday, and it's not like they can just go get a new outfit since quite a few people had just lost all their belongings and only had the clothes on their back. So at first prioritizing helping patch up the current clothing people were wearing and then moving on to making some simple fast to make and easy on the resources clothes for people. Just like basic shirts and shorts/pants, nothing fancy. Then when everyone has at least a couple of different clothes to change to and from starting their own business to sell people more if they wanted. However waving payment if they brought them the materials and what they wanted wasn't overly complicated.
People at first thinking they are just some chump who knows basic sewing or something. A very kind chump, but still a chump. So imagine their surprise when one day they are just walking by the reader's now established tailors and they see these absolutely stunning designs displayed at the windows. 
Just like their reactions seeing these beautiful designs they can't help but stare at. I'd imagine some of them just doing a double take when they walk by, someone pressing their face up to the glass trying to see it closer, the braver ones going inside and talking to the reader about their designs and the more anxious and/or shy ones only going inside when the reader isn't there to look at designs closer. 
And the reasons they like/are amazed by the designs vary also ! Some just have monkey brain that goes "Pretty. WANT", some who just love the colour and art of the pieces, some who imagine how epic this design or others would look on them, some who love the fashion aspect of it and of course the very small portion who actually know anything about tailoring/sewing and the amount of work that goes into making something intricate.
Some specific character/group interactions I thought of;
Making warm well insulated clothes for people moving to Snowchester so they don't freeze. +A warm cape for Ranboo for the same reason.
Eret being one of the firsts (if not the first) to get himself a fully tailored and customized outfit. Them also being the first and very possibly only person to get a dress or a skirt since most of the other people on the server prefer to wear pants (excluding maid dresses which people might get as joke). The reader crying in joy for getting to design something different for once. And hey if the reader ends up making a few extra ones that she didn't order, but decided to give her anyway it was all just some extra ones they had lying around, never mind the fact that the dresses/skirts are perfectly tailored for Eret and are her style. Just a coincidence, nothing suspicious there. Eret also models for the reader and once he even convinced them to hold a fashion show to showcase some of their work to the whole server. Of course he was the main model presenting the outfits.
At start of the reader beginning to display their designs at their shop Ranboo sees a really cool looking suit on display and his brain just goes "Want." He probably wouldn't be able to buy anything pre-made and be comfortable in it due to his physique. And him having just moved into the arctic and only starting to get settled in, he doesn't have comfortable enough funds for him to get something as expensive as a custom tailored suit AND have enough for any possible rent that he might be required to pay. 
Eventually when he gets richer he starts considering getting one but the anxious side of him always ends up winning and he doesn't. However once he finally gets the courage to go commission the suit for himself he doesn't regret it at all. The reader did their best to not overwhelm him and to make it the best possible experience. Just imagining the absolute joy he would feel for having a properly fitting suit that's made just for him, not too short sleeves nor too wide torso and shoulders, just perfect. If he ends up ordering a couple more suits that's between him and the reader. He actually ends up probably being their most frequent and reliable customer.
And we should all know why that is, but let me clarify just in case; Michael.
The reader basically becoming Michael's personal stylist (/hj) . Not only does Ranboo buy a god awful amount of clothes for Michael, the reader also makes some free ones for him. The free ones are things the reader felt like designing since they absolutely adore Michael and the ones Ranboo pays for are commissioned by him. Michael absolutely has the biggest wardrobe in the whole server. The reader learning how to make plushies so Michael could have some more toys, this learning experience including learning to crochet and knit to see what he like best.
Using their newly acquired plush making skills, the reader starts their quest to make some plushies for others after seeing people stare at the plushies wistfully either while they were working on them or seeing Michael with the plushies. People who got them include the minors, their close friends and basically anyone they thought might benefit from them. Some of the ones they made (that I could think of);
Of course a bee for Tubbo, but also throwing in a little ram one as well
Ranboo gets a grass block plush/pillow
Tommy gets a cobblestone block plush and a cow plush. He also later receives a Sam Nook plush while he's working on the hotel
Purpled getting two different sized ufos, one to hold and the other more of a big pillow
Eret definitely gets a flamingo plush
Foolish gets a totem and a gold block plushies
Phil gets crow plush as well these tiny fake coin and gem plushies (the latter causes problems for him which I'll expand upon later)
Techno gets a pig one as well as polar bear one
Back to the individual/group part
The reader just chilling w/ Foolish as a fellow artists. Them talking about both their arts and catching up every time the reader comes to deliver something to Snowchester when Foolish is building the mansion. Just two pretty peaceful artists talking about their passions. I’d imagine Foolish and the reader could relate to each other and their place in the server due to their similar hobbies/jobs as well as their similar time of joining the server. Foolish's first commission from them being an intricate blanket for Foolish Jr so he could have a more comfortable resting place. He may or may not end up receiving that and several other (though less intricate) blankets as well as a tiny shark plush to give to Foolish Jr. Later on when the reader gets better at either knitting or crocheting they end up making a tiny shark jumper with a hood for Foolish Jr as well. Foolish would definitely cry when he sees his tiny shark baby. Any commissions of clothes for himself tend to always take some time due to sheer amount of work needing to be done due to his size so he always makes sure the reader doesn’t already have a lot on their plate and that they know he’s fine with waiting if they need to take a break from it.
Then there's Tommy, who they sometimes teach more about sewing since he already knows some basics. Him probably being the first person aside from Michael they make a plush for, due to him demanding one once he saw the reader making them. Then proceeding to get three plushies in rapid succession. The first being the cobblestone, the second being the cow and the third one being the Sam Nook one. He ends up losing one of them during the prison fiasco and when the reader asks if he'd like a new one they only get the answer of "Don't want to think about what happened and the same one might make me do that". He then promptly receives new clothing (so he isn't wearing the same ones he was wearing in prison) and some extra blankets (for comfort) from the reader. 
After Tommy meeting Michael does he use him to scam the reader to make them matching outfits for free? Yes, yes he does. Does it work? Yes, yes it does. Are they bothered by it? Not really, they look adorable in their matching outfits.
The reader being the source for Sam Nook's construction gear/clothes or at least the original patterns for them.
And then there's the arctic boys (minus Ranboo, who will still get mentioned) who are an interesting bunch clothing wise. The first one to commission the reader out of them would be Phil who got the original warm cape for Ranboo but also at the same time commissioned one for himself that would include slits for his wings. Eventually getting to design clothing for him which is always an exciting challenge with his wings. And when Phil finally manages to convince Techno to get something made for himself as well, Techno almost immediately gets addicted to having high quality clothing when they finish their first piece for him. The fun the reader has designing clothes for these boys is immeasurable with their different styles and needs in the clothing. Aside from clothing Techno also commissions them for a pet bed for Steve. 
When the boys got their plushies it was adorable but also a very chaotic. Techno giving his pig one to Steve so he wouldn't miss him when he was away from home, but also bringing the polar bear one with him when he couldn't or wasn't allowed to bring Steve with him but still needed comfort. While on Phil's side of things; he was showing his crows the crow plushie joking about he'll replace them if they aren't careful however he made the mistake of showing them the tiny coin and gem plushies as well. I want you to imagine hundreds of crows descending upon this poor fool of a man in the background while the reader is walking away hoping they like their plushies. 
The war that ensued the couple following days amongst the crows starts to cool down but the bickering doesn't, every waking moment Phil can feel eyes on him and one or more of the crows coming to complain about the others having had the shiny plushies for too long. He quickly caves under the pressure and commissions more of the tiny shiny treasure plushies. And by more I mean a lot more. 
When he finally has enough of the things he goes around distributing them to the crows. Finally a moment of peace, but he still feels like something is staring at him occasionally. Deciding to ignore it since it's finally quiet he goes to makes himself a cup of tea and while waiting for the water to boil he fishes out the few shiny plushies he had saved for himself. The second he does he feels eyes burning into him and now that it's quiet he hears it, quiet muffled snuffles and snorts of discontent. Then he sees what ‘it’ is, it's Techno behind the window looking at the shinies in his hand with such intensity Phil fears for his life (/hj). Phil just sighs deeply before walking over to the window and opening it. For a second Techno looks like a deer in headlights before returning to intensely staring at the shinies in Phil's hand before Phil just dumps the shiny plushies into Techno's hand and closes the window. Happy piglin noises can be heard outside while Phil debates the pros (getting to have shinies himself) and cons (the embarrassment of having to commission even more of the shiny plushies than he already has) of getting new ones from the reader. And in all this the reader has no idea the amount of chaos they inadvertently caused.
And finally; Techno commissioning robes/cloaks for whole the Syndicate to wear in their meetings, because he’s dramatic like that. But since he’s a thoughtful guy, he wants them all to fit the members well and not be uncomfortable to wear so he gets everyone’s measurements. Once he has them all he goes to the reader with the order for the robes, he has all the measurements written down under just Person 1, Person 2 etc. to keep their anonymity and when asked what the robes are for he just tells the reader it’s a book club. When he gets them all and the reader asks no further questions he thinks he’s gotten away with getting some cool robes for the Syndicate with their secrets safe. Little does he know the reader actually now knows all the members in the Syndicate since they can just reference the gotten measurements with everyone’s measurements written down from previous work done by them. Whether the reader thinks it’s some weird cult they all are a part of or just an actual book club people are too embarrassed to admit they are in, is up to interpretation. 
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itgirlification · 4 years
supermodel (2) | jjk
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your story with jungkook never seems to end, yet you’re still worried about how it’s gonna end.
pairing: ex-bf!jk x thick!reader
warnings: TOXIC (i cannot stress this enough shit is hella toxic), yn is kinda (very) dumb, jungkook is an actual asshole, borderline mental abuse, infidelity, more insecuritiiiies, mentions/hints of sex, etc.
part one part three
There you were in his arms again, with only your panties and his shirt on.
At this point, you couldn’t even explain yourself. You were guilty, but you know what they say; love hurts.
With his arms wrapped around you and you clinging to him like that, you couldn’t care less about what was gonna happen next. You knew you were probably gonna have a mental breakdown when you go back to the dorms but for now, you were okay.
After he came over that night, he contacted you again. He said he didn’t want this to be serious, he wanted it to be a solely sexual relationship.
“You know, you’re the first girl I’ve been with, who seems to like getting hurt and degraded”, he sighs against your hair. “Sometimes I feel like you can’t get enough of it.”
You stayed silent. What were you supposed to do anyway? Tell him he’s right and stay like this for a while or react defensively and start an endless argument? You chose the first one.
“You’re the only woman that’d let me do all this stuff and still love me. Maybe that’s why I came back to you.”
Holding back the tears, you cling closer to his larger body, as if you were using him as some kind of shield. He thought you were an easy target and forgiving. What else would a man want from a woman he was only interested in fucking, a side piece? Even if she’s in love with him, she was gonna ignore that just to spend as much time with him as possible.
“It’s not like you actually came back.”, you responded, keeping your voice as stable as you could. “We’re just fucking.”
Jungkook sighed deeply, most likely noticing your petty undertone. “Don’t be like that. We aren’t fucking right now.”
You weren’t sure what point exactly he was trying to prove, you agreed to be his side chick. Did he think you didn’t know what a side chick was supposed to do? Because you did know, you just secretly thought you guys were meant to be, you weren’t just some side piece.
Looking around the motel room, your stomach began feeling weird. He wasn’t usually cheap, but you guessed he thought a side chick didn’t deserve a better environment than a cheap motel room rent for a night.
“Because we literally just did.”, you calmly said. You weren’t trying to piss him off.
But Jungkook wasn’t having it. Out of nowhere, he shoved you aside and put his hands over his face, noticeably frustrated.
“What happened?”, you weren't sure if asking that was the best option.
Jungkook turns his body to you. “What happened?? You keep on fucking me up and being a bitch about all this and you ask me what happened?”
He was so furious, his eyes were dark and his face was screwed up. You were now both standing, his tall figure towering over yours.
You saw his hand forming a fist and it would’ve been a lie if you said you weren’t terrified. He hasn’t touched you once throughout your relationship, but you never know.
“I didn’t even say anything. Maybe you’re just a little too sensitive.”, you were pouring salt on a wound at this point, but you didn’t want to be weak and let him talk to you like that.
“Me, sensitive?”, his tone was dangerously serene, as he leaned closer to your face. “If I wasn’t here with you, you'd probably still be crying over me. And you know where I’d be? Laying in bed with the beautiful model I have the privilege to call my girlfriend. Yn, I don’t need you. Don’t get bold with me, ‘cause we both know who’s gonna be heartbroken in the end.”
You couldn’t look him in the eyes, what did you get yourself into again? This wasn’t Jungkook’s fault, this wasn’t anybody’s fault but yours. You should’ve never opened up, you should’ve never said yes to being his side piece, you should’ve never been his girlfriend, to begin with. You stayed silent, but your loud sniffs and your uneven breathing said more than you could at the moment.
“I’m leaving.”, he announced coldly before throwing his black leather jacket over his broad shoulders, leaving you half-naked, crying on the poor-quality motel bed you just had sex on. When he got out of the motel room, you looked outside of the small window, watching him leave in the car he drove you here with.
Now, you had no other option than to call Jane to pick you up since your dorm was a half an hour walk away from the motel and you didn’t have the energy to walk for even a minute.
You weren’t sure if you had the energy for all the questions Jane was gonna ask you when she sees your mascara smeared face and your messy hair. Not to mention the motel. You weren’t a motel type of girl and she knew that.
Still, you called her and she answered almost immediately. “Yn? What happened? I thought you were gonna sleepover at your parents’?”
Sleepover at your parents’ house? You had almost forgotten the bad lie you told Jane just to have sex with Jungkook in this cheap-ass motel. And to think you were convinced you two were gonna stay the whole night.
“Uh”, you quickly coughed to cover up the voice cracks you got from crying. “Yeah, it’s a long story, please pick me up. I’ll text you the address.”
About 10 minutes later, Jane arrived and looked at you like you were out of your mind when you got into the car. “Yn, what the fuck? I was so worried about you. And this isn’t your parents’ house, this is a fucking motel. Did you meet a guy? Did he do something to you? Should I call the cops?”
“No, no, no, oh my god, please don’t”, you knew she was gonna ask a lot of questions. “I lied to you. So what actually happened was me and Jungkook reconnected an-“
She rolled her eyes. “Of course it was Jungkook. So I’m guessing he left you here?”
You hesitantly nodded.
“So when were you gonna tell me you ‘reconnected’ with him? When did you even ‘reconnect’ with him?”, she mockingly asked you. You weren’t blaming her for being pissed off, you’d have been too in this situation.
“A month ago? I think..”, you muttered.
“Hm”, Jane nodded, sighing at your naivety. “And when did he even break up with his model chick?”
You awkwardly looked away and Jane was hoping it wasn’t because of what she thought.
“He didn’t break up with her??”, Jane was beyond frustrated. “So.. you’re like his side chick now? Are we gonna stoop that low for men, yn?”
Jane always wanted the best for you and you knew she knew what was the best for you too, you were just too foolish. And too in love with a man you can’t force into loving you again.
“I know but please can we not talk about this right now? I just don’t feel like it.”, you asked, looking down on your fingers, ashamed of yourself.
“Alright, I’m sorry, babe.”, Jane hugged your side quickly, before starting the engine and heading back to the dorm. “You know I just want what’s best for you.”
You nodded, looking out of the window with your head full.
“Bella just texted me and said her birthday party will be 90s themed? Can’t she be a little more specific?”, Jane barged into the room, looking down on her phone in disbelief.
Bella was a person you two met at college in one of your shared classes. She was a sweetheart, but she was a little spoiled too. The only reason why she got into the college was that her rich daddy bribed them, but you couldn’t be mad, your parents would’ve done the same if they had the money.
She was extremely extroverted, a people person. She probably never had a boring day in her life with all the parties she threw whenever her dad and his 20 something-year-old girlfriend were on vacation or business trips. She even had some celebrity friends and would just casually post selfies with them on her Instagram story like it was a normal thing to do. She was basically living the dream, clueless about what real life for others really was about.
Jane had a love-hate relationship with Bella ever since they met. She thought Bella was a nice girl, but it was ‘unbearable’ to have a conversation with her because she was too self-centered to talk about anything else than herself.
You shrugged. “Just wear something Aaliyah would’ve worn.”
“Hm. Fair enough. It’s really not all that deep, actually.”, She said. “So what are you gonna wear?”
“I don’t even know if I’m going, Bella’s parties are boring.”, you answered honestly.
You really weren’t sure if you’d go. You did feel like seeing people and having a little fun but it wasn’t like you ever had fun at any of Bella’s parties. One time, a guy puked all over a new dress you bought just for the party, and another time, you were forced to drink 4 beer bottles. You hated beer.
“Why not? It’s gonna be fun and you’re coming.”, she decided for you, making you playfully roll your eyes. “And wear that black latex dress, I haven’t seen it on you in forever.”
To say that Jane was a fashionista would be an understatement. She was too invested in fashion to be bothered with anything else.
“Alright, but only if we don’t stay for long.”, you tried to compromise with her.
She nodded. “We gotta buy her presents though. Is there even anything she doesn’t have?”
You sighed, annoyed. “C’mon, there’s gonna be at least 200 people at that party, it’s not like she’ll notice if we just don’t get her anything. Besides, she’s rich as fuck.”
Jane snickered at your comment. “Girl, you must not know her, she checks every damn person and probably throws them out if they don’t buy her a Chanel bag or something. Bitch is a little crazy.”
It was amusing because you both knew that was exaggerated. Bella wasn't that serious about gifts. But let’s just say, for the money that her dad had, she was a little too greedy.
But you were too bothered with your own life than to worry about other's.
As soon as you arrived at Bella’s mansion, two security guards were standing in front of the door. They let you in as you showed them your invitations. It was a little bit extra, but that’s just how Bella was.
The first thing you noticed when you entered the house was the smell of sweat and weed. Already? You weren’t really surprised though.
Bella was standing there, wearing a skintight red dress that, ironically, didn’t really fit her own party’s theme. But she did look absolutely beautiful greeting her guests with the biggest smile on her glowing face. She had her strawberry blonde hair down in elegant beach curls and there were some cute butterfly clips placed in them.
You could recognize that it was her birthday from miles away. She was basically shining.
“Oh my god, Jane, Yn!! I’m so happy to see you guys!”, an overly keen Bella came, hugging you both with strength. “Oh, I see you got me something, girls you know you shouldn’t have!”
She tried hiding her smile at the bags in your hands, freeing the two of you from them immediately.
“It’s your birthday, Bella. We can’t just come here without any gifts, girl.”, Jane smiled. “Happy birthday.”
You looked to your side, admiring Jane’s acting skills. “Happy birthday, Bella! I can’t believe you’re 23 now.”
“I know right, if you were a year younger, you’d be as old as your dad’s girlfriend.”, Jane joked around, making Bella hysterically laugh.
“C’mon, almost everybody’s here already”, Bella excitedly pushed you towards the living room.
The room’s stench was even more unbearable than the one at the entrance, leaving you covering your nose for a second leaving out an ‘oof’.
The 90s trap music was heard extremely loudly through the whole house and there were people dancing and grinding. There were some couples that sat on one of the many couches, acting like they were in their own little world. It wasn’t very pleasant to watch, but you just chose to ignore it. The stench was something you couldn’t ignore though.
You were already bored out of your mind.
A few minutes of pure boredom and dry conversations passed then the music stopped playing and you could hear Bella’s voice calling for everybody’s attention. “I’m gonna open the presents now, so everybody come here and Daphne, please bring the gifts here so I can open them.”
Daphne was Bella’s personal maid. She never really talked, but she did everything she needed to. She brought all the bags to Bella one by one and you could’ve sworn she was trying not to cry out of happiness.
“Oh my god, Jackson”, She cried out as she pulled a pair of Saint Laurent shoes out of a box. “These are so beautiful. You even got the right size. Thank you so mu-“
“Bella, I’m so sorry we’re late, we had to run some errands”, a soft-spoken voice interrupted, making everybody in the room turn her way, just to see the charming model with none other than Jeon Jungkook by her side. Wow.
As soon as you turned your head to see who it was, you turned back around, looking at Jane to make sure she saw what you saw. You sent her a questioning, almost panicking look just for her to shrug.
“Yuki! It’s fine, girl. Come here, I’m opening my presents right now.”, The birthday girl exclaimed, making Yuki immediately hand her her gift.
Jungkook was just walking behind his girlfriend, making no type of noise whatsoever and you prayed he wouldn’t see you.
They sat down at an angle where you couldn’t help but look at them though and you were sure he looked at you for a split second as well. They looked beautiful together.
Bella just continued opening gifts and thanking everybody dearly, but you weren’t paying attention to that. You just zoned out for most of it. Those were a lot of gifts she got.
You couldn’t help but steal another glance at your ex-boyfriend and the girl besides him.
She looked even cuter in real life. Her cheeks had a natural blush to them and her hair was long and healthy. She was thin and her skin tone was warm and even.
You’ve always been insecure about your hyperpigmentation, but she didn’t seem to have any problems with how she looked. She was near damn perfect. Perfect wasn’t real, but if it was, it’d be her.
Jungkook probably never had a problem introducing her to his parents or his friends. You always felt like he had difficulties with that while he was dating you. He just wasn’t confrontational enough to tell you he was ashamed to have you as his girlfriend.
You seemed to be stuck in your place while everybody else was either dancing or making conversation.
Jane was sitting next to you, talking to a girl with blond box braids about a new movie that recently came out. You heard what they were saying, but it sounded like a foreign language to you since you weren’t focused.
“Yn? Are you okay?”, Jane whispered in your ear, hugging your shoulder. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know they were invited.”
You shook your head. “It’s fine, Jane. It’s not your fault, I just kind of wanna go home.”
She looked at you apologetically. “Can’t we stay for a little while? I promise it won’t take long, I’m just actually having fun here.”
You had to admit you were being selfish, not just in that moment, but whenever it came to Jungkook. You’ve dragged Jane through all of your shit and never really thought about how she must feel like.
Nodding in response to her. “I’m gonna get myself something to drink.”
You finally stood up from your place, looking around unsure, feeling like you’re taking up so much space wherever you go, even when you were doing absolutely nothing.
You wore the latex dress, but only because Jane insisted and made sure you knew you looked good. She convinced you for maybe a second, but all those insecurities were coming back. You tried sucking in your stomach the whole night, but it just wasn’t enough.
You were asking yourself all kinds of questions. If your arms looked too fat and if your cellulite was visible, if your hip-dips were as noticeable to others as they were to you. You felt like everybody was looking and they were judging really hard.
All you wanted was to fade into oblivion.
You were feeling his eyes on your back and god, you wanted to look too but you fought the urge, just continued walking to the bathroom. You weren’t in the mood to drink after all.
Your gut feeling was telling you he was following, but you ignored it.
Until you were about to close the bathroom door and you saw black timberlands stepping between the door and the doorframe to stop you from closing it.
You sighed, opening the door, resulting in him getting in the bathroom with you.
“Why are you avoiding me?”, the handsome man facing you asked, brown eyes looking deep inside of yours.
“How can I avoid you when you didn’t even try talking to me?”, you asked back, looking away immediately.
You hated how your relationship was just a cycle of him hurting you and coming back, acting like he hadn’t done anything wrong. And he was so good at it too.
He chuckled darkly, letting his eyes glide down your body for a second just to look back into your eyes. “You know exactly what I mean, yn. Don’t play dumb.”
You did know what he meant.
“And? It’s not like I have anything to say to you.”
Jungkook came closer to you, softly wrapping one arm around your waist, whispering in your ear. “You don’t?”
You couldn’t believe how shameless he was, being so close to you while his girlfriend was a few meters away, outside of this door, probably thinking he’s getting her a drink or something. You wondered if he did the same thing to you when you were dating.
“Jungkook, stop. Your girlfriend is here.”, you tried to convince yourself you didn’t want it. “How can you even do this?”
“It’s nothing we haven’t done before, princess.”, He kissed your earlobe. “You can’t possibly think it’s okay when she’s not around, but not okay when she is. It’s the same thing.”
You knew he was right, besides, you were just as guilty as he was. You were messing around with a taken guy and the worst part was, you knew he was taken and you still did it.
“I know, but I wanna end whatever this is”, you hesitated to say. “It’s unhealthy and you already have a girlfriend, why don’t you go and kiss her, why me?”
You were avoiding this conversation ever since this started. Sometimes it’s hard talking about things you don’t actually want to hear about.
“What do you mean?”, Jungkook feigned confusion, but you knew better than to believe him. “It’s easier said than done, yn. We have a history together, you know that.”
“I do, but that’s all we are. History. And we should both get over it.”, you responded.
“But what if I don’t want to?”, it was more of a statement than a question, really. “What if I told you, you’re special to me?”
You were gonna have a meltdown if he continued with this. Why was he so fucking complicated? You knew he didn’t love you so what was it?
“But I’m not. The only reason why you come back is because you think I’m easy material. It’s because you were my first everything and it’s because you know exactly how much you mean to me.”, you cry out, tears coming up to ruin your makeup again. You wished you wouldn’t cry as much as you did. “You know I’ll always let you in, no matter what. I know I’m at fault too here and I’m not blaming you, but please for god’s sake, don’t make it worse on me.”
You looked in the mirror, almost not recognizing yourself. You felt detached from reality, but not in a good way at all.
Jungkook scoffed, looking down at you. “I know I shouldn’t have tried talking to you. It’s like you can’t even appreciate anybody showing you affection. I’m trying to prove to you, that you aren’t nothing to me and that’s the response that I get. Not everybody’s against you, yn, you’re just too insecure to notice. That’s why you haven’t ever had anybody showing you interest. It’s because you lack confidence and think the world revolves around you. But I did show you interest. In the past and now. But look at you. You haven’t changed at all, still the little yn who compares herself to other girls and thrives off of male attention, because you can’t believe that somebody could love you just for you when there’s skinnier, prettier girls walking around. So what if there are skinnier, prettier girls around? That’s reality, yn.”
You didn’t know what exactly you expected him to say, but that wasn’t it. Looking at him with big, teary eyes, is that really what he thought of you? Of course, it was. Because it was the truth. The cold, hard truth. Not sugarcoated. He knew you better than you wanted him to.
Without a single word leaving your dry lips, you open the door and run out, ignoring him calling your name and the weird stares people were giving you. You needed to find Jane.
Once you found her joking around with a bunch of random people, you go up to her. You most likely looked like you came out of a horror movie.
“Yn? What the fuck happened?”, she lightly took your face in her warm hands and caressed your cheek worriedly.
“Pl- please, can we just go home?”, you whimpered, thankful that everybody was respectful enough to turn around and focus on their stuff instead of ogling at you.
“Sure, sure. Come here”, she took you in her arms and walked you out of the mansion, not caring to say goodbye to anybody.
people who wanted to get tagged in pt. 2:
@1-in-abillion @sarcasmflowsinmyveins @chieftoadturkeynickel @madygswich @kb-bangtanenthusiast
thank you for the support love yall!! 💗
a/n: so i know most of yall probably wanted a happy ending but first of all this probably isn’t the ending:) and i wanted to portray it as realistically as possible. It’s really hard to get out of a toxic relationship especially when you’re so in love with them but i’ll see what i can do to make yn happy cuz girly’s going thru it. Btw this wasn’t proofread so there’s probably so many mistakes and i thought this was very underwhelming but i hope you guys like it thank you!
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