#in Sammy's defense he never had sisters and it was his mom who explained the 'birds and the bees' to him
thesundowncrew · 7 years
⛵️ {maybe for Nightie?}
⛵️ - An accidental adventure
“..An’ that’s what happens when a human lady comes of age. Uh, or so I’ve been told..”
“Oooohhh… So I AM supposed ta bleed?”
“(cough) No! No, no, not forever, Gods no! Umm.. Jus’ for a while an’ then it’ll stop. But once you have it, it’ll come back once in a while an’ the routine repeats itself.”
“Oooooh okayyyy… So I’m NOT havin’ a miscarriage?”
“No, thank Gods, no.”
“But what about Springheat??”
“Yeah! When everyone gets together to find a mate an’–”
“…OH! OH HEAT YES!! Ah, well, humans don’t exactly work seasonally like other creatures do, we just… Feel it when we feel it, I suppose? Not jus’ in the Spring..”
“You mean… You can feel Springheat..? Whenever ya want?”
“Not whenever we want per say.. When it comes, it comes I guess..? What makes people feel… heat varies from person to person. For example: Imagine an attractive woman in lingerie. Someone might see this woman an’ feel heat immediately. Others, maybe not at all. It’s partly due to th’matter o’ preference an’-”
“What’s lingerie?”
“Undergarments. It’s what we wear under the first layer o’clothes.”
“Have you ever felt Springheat??”
“Of… course.. It’s jus’ natural.”
“Do human boys ‘ave thorns on their thingies??”
“Okay I think that’s enough conversation for one day-”
“Do YOU have thorns on your thingie?? What do you call it??”
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vansmaybeonthewall · 4 years
Another One?
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requests are open 
i did promise something to my fellow Misha’s and it has been fulfilled  
(don’t judge the choices I make, no God can tame me)
“So get this. Lake Cachuma, California. Three men found dead with their ears blown out. All three found at the same place, at the edge of a dock leading into the water.”
“And this is our thing how?”
“Well, they weren’t taking some lovely vacation Dean. All three were found in their suits with a little note spilling their secret infidelities.”
“That’ll do it. Do we have a lead?”
“Yeah, Cassandra Peters. Senior at Santa Barbara High School, her dad was the most recent victim.”
“I hope you packed your bikini Sammy, California here we come.”
A Few Hours Later...
Yeah, it wasn’t sunny and warm as Dean Winchester expected. Cloudy skies and a light breeze greeted Sam and Dean as they arrived at the Peters household. Thunder rumbled in the distance, signifying a coming storm. 
“Still ready for that swim Dean?”
“Oh shut up.”
“I don’t think you’ll need sunscreen anymore, I know how much you hate it.”
“Um, can I help you?”
The argument came to a halt when a young girl opened the door.
“Cassandra Peters?”
“Do you mind if we talk to you about-”
“My dad’s death? So does everyone else, so how are you any different?”
Sam and Dean were left speechless. Sure there were people who were defensive after a family death, but a teenage girl? Usually, day old mascara streaks could be seen with red, teary eyes. But Cassandra Peters? Her face was void of any emotion with dull eyes. 
“We know what it’s like,” Dean started, “to lose someone.”
“Yeah well, do you know what it’s like to learn that that person wasn’t someone you knew?”
“We understand if you don’t want to talk about it, nobody does, but sometimes it’s easier to tell someone how you actually feel.” Sam hoped that was enough to get the girl talking. 
She looked slightly guilty, I mean, they looked like nice guys. 
“Look, I’m sorry. A friend of mine taught me to stop the tears with being an asshole. I don’t see how it works or how she does it, but I guess it’s a coping mechanism. Not for me I suppose.”
“Believe us when we say we understand.”
“Well, seeing as you’re still here, ask away.”
“Okay, was there anything strange that occurred around the time your dad died?”
“Well besides the weather, I don’t think so. Like the two before, a rain storm hit without warning. The streets flooded, you could barely see in front of you.”
“What about your dad? Did he seem strange to you?”
“Yeah, maybe two days before he seemed nervous, scared. He kept saying someone was following him. Some girl in a white dress.”
“Did he say what she looked like?”
“You see, that’s the strange part. He said he saw Y/N, which is weird because she was with me or in rehearsal. And there is no way Y/N would skip rehearsal.”
“Do you know where we can find Y/N?”
“She should be at rehearsal now actually. She’s not in trouble is she?”
“No, we just need to check up on her, have a little chat.”
“She’s at the high school, but be careful, she really doesn’t like being interrogated about her parents or any family related subject. She gave me the tip of being an asshole instead of being depressed, still not seeing how that works.”
“Can we ask why?”
“Her step-dad was the first victim.”
“Right. Well, if you think of anything, give us a call. Even the smallest thing can help.”
Dean handed her the famous “business” card, which made Cassandra do a double-take. 
“Sam and Dean Winchester? As in Y/N Winchester?”
“Y/N Winchester, that’s who I’m talking about. You have the same name. Now come to think of it, you guys kind of look alike.”
Cassandra pulls a picture from her phone.
“This is Y/N.”
Sam and Dean share a look, one between shock and nervousness.
“Would you, uh, would you mind telling us about her?” Dean asked, afraid to know the truth. 
“I don’t see why not, this is some TV shit. But you should probably come in, the rain won’t be getting any better.”
The Peters household was quiet and empty. Even with all the lights on, the house was dark. What captured the brother’s attention was the pictures of Cassandra and Y/N. 
“So what do you wanna know?”
“Anything really.”
“Okay. Y/N Marie Winchester, where to start. Born June 25, 1989, she’s a Cancer. Tall, like you two. She has the kindest eyes, when she looks at her it’s like she can see into your soul. She acts tough at first, but once she lets you in she’s one of the funniest people you’ve ever known. Oh, absolutely hates dresses, her favorite things to wear are flannels and her leather jacket. God that leather jacket, she never takes that thing off. She loves to sing, always has. She doesn’t like to get close to people, it’s like she’s afraid they’ll get hurt or that maybe she’ll have to leave them behind.”
Sam smiled softly and Dean held a thoughtful look, Could there really be another Winchester?
“Wait, she has your smile. And she has that same look when taking a test. Do you really not know if you’re related?”
“No, no Y/N Winchester has came up.”
“Well, I’ll take you to her. One, I’d love for Y/N to have her family. Two, I need a source of happiness and this family reunion will do it.”
“Lead the way.”
“Okay, one more run through ‘World Burn’ and that’s a wrap. Y/N you ready?”
“Alright, from the top!”
Approx. a minute or two later, idk time 
As the trio made their way to the theatre, Cassandra could hear the chorus. 
“Come on! We’re gonna miss the best part.”
Lucky for them, they made it before the big note. 
“Gotta love a woman in power. Wait here, I’ll bring her to you.” Cassandra jogs towards Y/N as she jumped offstage. Greeting her with a hug, she explains her predicament. 
“A sister,” Dean started, “we might have a sister?”
“With the world we live in, I don’t find it impossible Dean.”
“But why would Dad-”
“Sam, Dean, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Sam and Dean. Winchester.”
“Okay, I get that, but that doesn’t automatically make us related Cass.”
“Stop being hard-headed. Why don’t you guys talk it out? I’ll meet up with Jessie. See you later jerk.” With that, Cassandra took a U-turn towards another student.
“Bitch.” Y/N called after her. She turned towards the two giants, making a face at their surprised ones. “What?”
“Nothing, do you mind if we talk to you outside?”
“I don’t see why not.”
“Holy shit! Is that a 1967 Chevy Impala? Please tell me it’s yours, I’ll tell you all my life secrets if it is.”
“Uh, yeah, it is.” Dean stuttered. The information the brothers were learning kept hitting them in the face. Is she really a Winchester?
“Yes! Let us congregate at this lunch table and I’ll spill my tragic life story.”
“So, you sing?”
“Yeah, best thing that’s ever happened to me. Everyone says I took it from my mom, but who knows, not me that’s for sure. Me and Cass are also in a band, which reminds me, I have to be somewhere in two hours, so if we could do this a little fast that would be great thanks.”
Dean, unlike Sam, wanted to get straight to the point. Why ease into the subject when it is so painfully obvious she’s a Winchester?
“What do you know about your dad?”
“Not much really, I just know he took off before I was born. I lived with my mother until I was about 5. Then my quote unquote “dad” came back into my life and my mother disappeared. Stayed with him for about a year, met a lot of strange people, and I was finally dropped off with some random couple here. Terrible parenting, but here I am alive and well I guess. But he did leave me some sort of book, more of a copy.”
Both brothers were intrigued in her life story. A strange life, a Winchester life. Y/N pulled the book out of her backpack, but when she did her shirt allowed the top of the anti-possession tattoo to peak out. Everything was pointing towards the fact that the three were related, but we can’t have any stones left unturned can we?
“Did that book say anything about your dad? A name, a picture maybe?” Sam was anxious.
“There was a letter when the book was first given to me with the initials J.W. but that’s it. I don’t think he wants to be found.” A solemn look crossed her face. “Well, that was fun, but I have to go.”
“Look, you guys seem nice and it would be cool if we were related somehow, but I have a place to be. You’re welcome to come by though. I’ll give you my number, and maybe we could talk tomorrow. I should have more time seeing that it is Saturday tomorrow. It was nice meeting you Sam and Dean. I hope you find what you’re looking for.”
As she walked away, Sam and Dean formed a plan. First, kill whatever monster terrorizing the town, then find out who the hell Y/N Winchester was.
So close, but apparently so far. Upon looking in the journal, Sam and Dean found  a new monster, a siren. And though the monster seemed to be a siren, something wasn’t right. The bleeding ears made no sense. No siren case had bleeding ears. However, banshee cases dealt with bleeding ears, but no bodies near water. There was only one answer.
Break time. 
Y/N had sent Dean a message about the bar her band would be at, so the brothers decided to find out as much as they could about the girl before heading there.
“Dean, there’s nothing in the journal and I’ve read through it twice, what else are we missing?”
“Missing...missing...missing! Sammy, you’ve outdone yourself.” Dean reached into his pocket and pulled the stolen letter.
“What! It slipped out of her journal.” Bitchface. “Okay, maybe I slipped it out of her journal, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that we can compare Dad’s handwriting with the letter. And then you can hack into hospital records to find her birth certificate.”
“I am not hacking into the hospital records.”
“Oh c’mon Sammy, don’t you want to know who she is?”
“Of course I do, but I don’t want to get arrested while doing it.”
“Whatever, just give me the journal.”
Dean was only going to skim over the handwriting before something caught his eye. Information that wasn’t shared lay on the paper. The J.W was obvious on the bottom, but what caught his eyes were his name, Sam’s name, and an unfamiliar one. 
“That little bitch.”
It took too long, it took too long, it took too long For you to call back And normally, I would just forget that Except for the fact it was my birthday My fuckin' birthday
Sam and Dean entered the bar, a bar that apparently allowed teenagers in, and spotted Y/N on the small stage. They could see why she needed to leave, not only to get them off her tail, but for all the other students partying their asses off.
We got along, we got along, we got along Until you did that Now all I want is just my stuff back Do you get that? Let me repeat that I want my shit back  
“So what’s the plan?”
“One we have to get her away from everyone else. Two, we can’t let her out of our sight. Remember what Cassandra said, the weather aligns with a body being found the next day. And since we don’t know the next victim, we have to hold Y/N hostage somehow.” 
“Where do we take her? She’s not going to abandon her friends Dean.”
“I don’t know, tell her we found something about Dad or her mom. Technically, we’re not lying, so don’t feel bad about it.” 
“Yeah, yeah alright.”
The two parted ways, searching for inconspicuous exits while watching Y/N. Though, it didn’t take long before Y/N spotted Sam. 
“Hey Sam, glad you made it. Where’s Dean?”
“He’s around here somewhere. Look, I needed to talk to you about your dad. We think we found something.”
“Yeah, I mean, if you can.”
“Now’s not really a good time. We can’t pick this up tomorrow?”
“It’s ki-” “Sammy!”
“Oh hey Y/N, mind if we talk to you for a second?”
“I can’t leave-”
“Yeah, but we really need to talk to you.” Dean had a smug smirk holding up the letter. 
“So Y/N, you got anything important to tell us?”
“Nothing you don’t already know Dean.”
“Wrong answer.”
“No Sammy, she needs to start telling the truth before someone gets hurt. Like little Cassie’s dad or Jessie’s dad.” 
“What do you want from me Dean?”
“You see, we were here on a case, but I bet you already knew that. Three people were killed, your step-dad, Matthew Jacobs, and Holt Peters, but you already knew that. All three said they saw a girl in white, and what do you know, it was you. We thought we solved the case, but nothing fit the banshee or siren profile. Imagine my surprise when I find my name along with Sam’s and a little gift. Athena Drea, some hybrid between a banshee and a siren. Fits the profile doesn’t it? Oh but that’s not all, Dad knew her, dear old John Winchester knew your mommy. And I’m betting that she disappeared because her time was up. What I don’t understand is your name? Why were you blessed with some form of mom’s name? What is so special about Y/N Marie Winchester?”
Angry tears streamed down Y/n’s face.
“Congratulations Dean Winchester. You figured me out.”
“No, it’s fine Sam, he’s right. What’s so special about me? The fact that I have no parents? That I have my mother’s powers? That I’m related to you? Nothing good comes with being me. There’s always a catch. Those people I killed? They tried to kill me first. Those lies about cheating, made them up. Yes it’s sick and twisted, but I’m still alive right? I’m lucky? I tried to protect you from knowing me, from being related to me. Why do you think I never reached out to you? Everyone around me gets hurt. My friends don’t know me like they think they do, I killed their dad! There is nothing special about me, and god if there is, I’d really like to know. Because all I know is that I’m a screw up with no family. So forgive me for running and lying.”
She tried to leave, but an arm on her shoulder prevented her from doing so. 
“You two should go, leave before something else happens. There’s no monster to kill, but I’d gladly let you kill me. That wouldn’t be the worst thing that’s happened to me.”
She shrugged his hand off and started to run.
“You were right, I should have never gotten attached.”
It was dark, the only source of light came from the moon. The sounds of the lake calmed Y/N from the harsh argument. 
“People got hurt.”
The quiet brought her peace.
“Some were innocent. Cass and Jessie, they didn’t deserve their family to fall apart.”
It took Sam and Dean quite a while to find Y/N. 
“I met them. Sam and Dean, they seem nice, but I screwed up mum. I lied and I don’t think they like me much anymore. It was nice to know that I had family out there. I know dad told me in the letter, but I didn’t think we would meet. You know how it goes, hunters and monsters don’t mix.”
Sneaking behind her wasn’t easy.
“I don’t understand mum. I don’t know what to do anymore. I can’t stay here anymore. I’ll have to leave and I won’t have anybody anymore.”
“You have us.”
She whipped around to find her brothers awkwardly standing there. 
“What do you two bozos want?”
Sam took the initiative, “We want you to come with us.”
“Because you’re family,” Dean surprisingly said, “and family means no one gets left behind.”
With that, the three had a slightly awkward, yet welcomed group hug,
Hours later.....
Everything was sorted. Y/N was leaving with Sam and Dean, and it was exciting. No more school, Sam sort of disapproved on that. A constant road trip with her family. Although, they would encounter many obstacles in their journey. 
Only one thing was left in Y/N’s mind. She sat in the backseat of the Impala and couldn’t resist it any longer.
“Hey Dean?”
“Did you just Lilo & Stitch me back there?” Sam laughed and Y/N started to giggle.
“Shut up.” But he looked out his window with a smile.
She really was a Winchester.
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geekthefreakout · 3 years
In Which Castiel is Properly in Lebanon
Dean isn't sure what he's feeling at the moment. On the one hand, he's pissed- this pearl was supposed to get rid of Michael. Get rid of the pounding in his head, the danger in his bones. Let him rest. On the other hand- his dad is here again. In front of him, and with Mom and Sammy too. The tremble in John's voice when he'd asked "Mary?" after hearing her voice... Well, Dean has heard himself sound like that. In a dark street near a church, lit only by the neon lights of the cross on the church and Baby's headlights. Watching his parents come together, reuniting after so long... he can't deny that his heart feels full with the love between them. Sam feels the same way, he could tell, his big brown eyes damp and his mouth curling with a tremulous smile.
He hopes that John can find a way to fix Dean's head while he's here... and boy, won't that be a conversation to have. His stomach turns over as he watches John and Mary whisper presumably sweet words to each other. He can hear it now, John berating him for allowing Michael in in the first place. John talking about having to clean up Dean's messes-- and Dean supposes that was why the pearl had pulled John forward to this moment. Dad would yell and scold and send Dean away, he would take him to task and never let him forget what he'd done, but Dad would fix it. He'd fix it, and he'd be disappointed in Dean, but Michael would be gone and Mom and Dad would be together, and Sam would have both his parents for the first time in his life.
Of course, nothing is ever that simple.
The door to the bunker opens as Mary begins searching the kitchen for Winchester Surprise ingredients. John tears his eyes away from his wife at the sound, meeting Dean and Sam's eyes in turn as he reached for a gun.
Right. John wouldn't expect them to have anyone else in their lives. Sam and Dean had painted some broad strokes, with some input from Mary (the way John's eyes bulged when she described hunting had truly been something to see), but John had seemed more surprised at the idea of their extended hunter network than anything else. Their family, though Dean hadn't dared to call it that. Family was a holy word to John, something that meant Mom-Dean-Sam-Dad only.
"Dean? Sam? There have been temporal distortions radiating out from Lebanon, are you--" Cas stops halfway down the stairs, his eyes wide as he takes in John standing defensively between Sam and Dean. "Well. That explains some of it at least."
Dean is quick to get between Cas and his father. His heart is pounding in his throat suddenly. He can't bring himself to look either of them in the eye, and that doesn't make sense. It's not as though-- it's not as though he and Cas are together or anything. Or as though Cas knows how he feels. It's not like John will be able to just-- read his mind-- and know... but then, there were those nuns he had to burn, and he'd been convinced John didn't know then either and shit he's panicking he should say something he should--
"Who the hell is this?" John's voice is gruff, but not hostile, that's good. Dean forces himself to meet his father's eye.
"This is..."
"I am Castiel." Cas is suddenly much closer, having descended the stairs while Dean panicked. "You are John Winchester."
Dean doesn't even have to know that Cas is doing that thing where he tilts his head and squints and either looks like the cutest puppy or like he's going to cook you to death with his laser eyes, and he really cannot have a confrontation happen--
"Cas is our friend, Dad." Sammy, thank god for Sammy. "He's family."
Dean nods, and affirms: "He's family." He turns to Cas. "So, remember that pearl that was too good to be true?"
Cas sighs, and looks at Dean with fond exasperation.
"I remember telling you not to try it without me."
Dean shrugs half-heartedly. John clears his throat, his expression both stern and inquiring. That "report, soldier" look that had always prompted Dean to spill his guts without fail.
"We, uh, have more to explain." Dean slaps Cas on the shoulder. "Mom is cooking."
"Mary doesn't cook." Cas had not taken his eyes off of John, his stare intense. John was staring right back.
"This is the one thing she does. It's Winchester Surprise. You'll like it."
"You ain't human." John pronounces, and Dean winces, locking eyes with Sam. Sam clears his throat and approaches.
"He's an angel, dad. We told you."
"Didn't realize you were serious about keeping one around."
"I am not 'kept.'" Cas had his hackles up. Great.
"Alright, alright." Dean put his hands up. "Dad, we've got a lot more to tell you. But Cas is here because this is his home, same as it is ours. He's one of us." Dean forces his voice to firmness, goes for the same tone he used to use to defuse fights between Dad and Sammy. He gives Sam a look, and his brother sighs.
"Actually, Cas, can you help me translate this book? It has more information on the pearl and what's happening, and my eyes are gonna go cross if I read another word of Latin."
"I wouldn't allow that to happen." Cas says, but after one last intense look at Dean and John, he follows Sam. Dean lets his father follow him to the table and picks up where he left off.
"Right, so... Cas stuck around after we stopped the apocalypse. Things in heaven... well, it's messy, but the point is it's better for Cas to be on Earth with us. He's family, he... anyway, he's here. And I, uh, I told you how mom came back..."
"Because God's sister was feeling charitable." John's voice was flat, and Dean forces out a laugh.
"Well, when you put it like that... but that's what happened. You can't make that shit up."
"Well, I guess you can't." John allows, and his lips quirk up in a grin, which Dean returns. "So this pearl that brought me back... I'm not who you were expecting. I've heard about Sammy, and I've heard about your mother..." John shakes his head in disbelief. "What was the pearl actually supposed to be for, Dean? What's wrong with you?"
Dean winces, takes a breath.
"Okay, this is about to get even crazier." He watches John's eyebrows shoot up. "So, it turns out there are other universes. Like alternate timelines and stuff. And there can be... these rifts or tears that go to them. It takes a lot of power, but uh, one was opened by mistake. And the world it led to, it was one where we didn't exist, Sam and me. And the apocalypse happened. It was bad. Mom and our kid- our friend, Jack, they got stuck there for a while. And when we were saving them, we saved a whole bunch of hunters on that side too, let them in to our side." Dean paused to check that John was following. His father was working his jaw, which meant he was thinking, or angry. John nodded after a moment for Dean to keep going. "Anyway, the biggest bad over there was Michael the archangel. Their version. We thought we locked him out when we rescued everyone, but he and Lucifer broke through to our world. And Lucifer managed to really juice himself up, and then take Sammy and Jack. The only... Michael was hurt. He was too weak to take him on, and we just didn't have the firepower. So I thought... I asked him if he could do it, if he had his sword. His perfect vessel."
"You." John summed up. He was definitely glaring now. Dean looked down at his hands, picking at the loose skin at his thumb.
"Yeah. We had a deal, I thought. I was gonna be in control, and then he was gonna leave me. I thought maybe we could send him back to apocalypse world or something after. We-- me and Michael-- we killed Lucifer. But he didn't leave. He took me over and he did things... he's been organizing the monsters, setting up traps for hunters. Pumping them full of angel juice to make them less vulnerable to us-- we ran into a djinn that could full create things, man. Like, in real life. But Sam and Cas, they brought me back. I have Michael locked away, in here." Dean tapped his head. "And he's locked up tight, but I can't... I can't keep him locked away forever. He's pounding and pounding at my head, he won't let up, and so I can't let up. And I'm gonna break, Dad. I broke in hell and I'm gonna break this time, I know I am. I need help." Dean felt his voice crack and his eyes dampen, and he made himself look up at his father. "The pearl... I was supposed to be able to make a wish, and Michael would be gone. But you're here now. And I need you to help fix this, Dad. Please."
John's face is inscrutable. He doesn't reach out to touch Dean, to grasp his shoulder. Dean waits for him to speak like a man waiting for an axe to fall.
"It was a goddamn stupid thing to do, Dean. Let that thing inside you." John shakes his head. "Now your brother and mother are in danger as long as they're around you." Dean winces and John sighs. "So we're gonna have dinner-- I'm assuming you can make it through dinner-- and then you and me are gonna light out of here, and figure this out together. Let your mom and Sammy stay here, where Michael can't use them as leverage. Keep the angel away, we don't need any extra baggage. And we'll figure it out." John nods like he always did when he'd reached a decision. "I won't let you hurt them. Or anyone. I promise you, we will find a way to stop this Michael, Dean. And if not..."
Dean nodded shakily. "I have a plan. There's this box. To lock me away in, in case..."
John nods back at him, finally reaches out to pat his shoulder.
And Dean was relieved. John was gonna fix it. John would understand about the Malak box, if all else failed he would lock Dean away and let him sink to the bottom of the ocean, harmlessly alone. He wouldn't get distracted trying to save him, once it seemed impossible John would understand the sacrifice and...
"That box is not an option."
Dean's head shoots up. Cas is standing in the door, his hands fisted at his sides. Dean imagines that if he could see Cas' wings, they would be flared up at his sides.
"I don't think that's any of your business." John said.
"It is my business. More so than it is yours." Cas was glaring fully at John right now. "Because you would have Dean away from his family."
"I am his family." John stood, angrily.
"You think you are. But a wise man said that family doesn't end in blood." Cas looks at Dean, piercing him with his gaze. "Nor does it start there."
"Cas." Dean's voice cracks. "Don't."
But John is already crossing the room, getting in Cas' face, fisting his hands in the trench coat, yelling about how Cas wasn't human and had no place in his family and Cas isn't budging an inch. He wouldn't. Dean could hear Sam running towards the room, could hear Mary shouting from the kitchen about what was wrong, but he couldn't breathe as he watched John deliver what would have been a devastating blow on to Cas' face, if Cas had been human.
But Castiel, as had been pointed out, is not human.
John shouts in pain and surprise instead as his hand breaks against Cas' cheek. Cas doesn't even turn his head like he did for Dean back in the beautiful room a full decade ago. John prepares another blow, but Cas effortlessly shoves him against the wall with one arm as Sam skids into view.
"This is what is going to happen." Cas says, his voice dripping with authority, and Dean distantly thinks that he would find that voice extremely interesting if he wasn't so busy trying to make himself breathe. "We are going to eat Mary's dish. You will enjoy the privilege of time with your wife and sons. And then we will crush that pearl and return you to 2003." Cas turns his head from John to face Dean. "I am sorry, Dean, but the temporal distortions will only grow. For now they are confined to Lebanon, but soon they will consume the world. Mary will disappear. People you've saved will die. You and Sam will lose your memories of this time and find yourselves on a different path, as you saw in town before. And I... Well, I don't know what will happen to me. But I do know I would rather die as I am, with you, than return to what I was before we met."
Dean swallows. "You sure?" He hears himself ask, as though from a long way away.
"Yeah, Dean. We've looked through everything." Sam affirms, then he puts a hand on Cas' arm. The two of them exchange a look, and Cas releases John. "I wish things could be different, Dad. But even if they were, you realize I couldn't just let you and Dean go off on your own? Neither would Mom."
"You're damn right about that." Mary was in the doorway now, observing. "You hit him, Cas?"
"He hit me. I chose not to allow it."
"Good for you." Mary says warmly. John looks at her in betrayal. "What? You're the one that lashed out." She takes John's broken hand in hers. "I know you're used to being the drill sargeant-- and I wish we had time to talk about that." Mary's voice is steely. "Because our sons should never have had to call you sir-- but this family stays together."
"I go, or you do?" John says at last, checking with Mary. Dean's chest is tight, and he barely registers Cas walking towards him. "You go back to being dead if I stay."
Mary's eyes are red and she nods, pressing close to John. John looks at Sam, who nods at him sadly. Then he turns his gaze back to Dean, and Dean nearly trembles, having the strength to stand still only because of Cas now standing at his side.
"Well," John rubs his broken hand. "That's no choice at all. Seems to me that all there is to do is... well." He wraps an arm around Mary. "I can't say I'm sorry for trying to think of ways to keep you safe. But if all we get is a little time, if all we get is dinner... let's have dinner. Winchester surprise. Let's just have this one night as a family."
Sam nods and gives a sad smile, and Mary hugs John before announcing that dinner would be served as soon as it finished cooling down. Cas puts a hand on Dean's shoulder, and Dean comes back to himself in a rush.
"I'll drink to that." He says.
As they all crowd into the kitchen, all conflict seemingly forgotten (never forgotten, pushed away, if you don't look at it it isn't there). John largely ignores Cas, but shares stories of Sam and Dean growing up that have nothing to do with hunting, things Dean had forgotten about, like the time Sammy learned how to escape his high chair and became almost impossible to hold down for meal time, or when Dean had put on a thanksgiving play using all of his and Sammy's toys when they'd had to miss the one at school. Mary talks about what they've gotten up to lately, how the music these days is nothing like it was. Cas mentions that Dean must agree, because the tape he gave him was all Zeppelin. Dean's heart freezes as his eyes meet his father's after that, but while there is a knowing look is John's eye, he shakes his head and moves on to the next tale-- this time about Dean refusing to let anyone else hold Sam when Sam was first born.
"'This is my baby,' he'd say. To everyone, even me. Even you." John looks at Mary, his eyes full of unfamiliar mirth. "Remember?"
"Mmhm. His Sammy. No one else's. You screamed the first time we tried to send you back to nursery school after Sammy came home from the hospital." Mary says to Dean. "Wanted him to come with you, or you weren't going."
Dean smiles.
At the end of the night, they still have to crush the pearl, send John back to 2003. It's one of the hardest things Dean has ever done. He hugs his father tight, pushing aside all the fear and the anger just to hold his dad again. Sam does too. They take a photo- John won't remember this as any more than a dream, but he wants his boys to have this time when they were a family. He even nods his thanks to Cas when he offers to take it. And then John is gone, and Mary is weeping quietly into Sam's shoulder. Sam gives Dean a look, and Dean knows they will be talking about the Malak box again. Cas sits up with Dean that night, and they say nothing at all.
"You know," Dean says eventually. "I think my dad liked you."
"Did he?" Cas sounds unimpressed. "I didn't like him."
"He would have found you entering the Malak box an acceptable sacrifice. Because of his own inadequacies as a father, you also find this acceptable. I cannot forgive that." Cas holds up his hand to forestall Dean's protest. "But I'm glad you got that dinner with him."
"Yeah. Me too."
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soul-music-is-life · 5 years
Could you please sometime write something angsty involving your original character Sam? Maybe? Anyway I just wanted to say I love your tu me le page and your writing
I made mention that I was going to try and squeeze in a prompt this weekend (*barely skates in past the deadline*). I don’t know how “angsty” we’re talking, but this particular ask has been in my inbox a while:
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Sam DiLaurentis-Fields wasn’t the kind of kid who got into fights at school. For as long as he could remember he’d been a lover, not a fighter. When he was a baby he’d scream his little lungs out when his sisters fought. When he was a toddler, he always made sure to hug all of his friends so none of them would feel left out. He was the kind of kid who made sure everyone in his kindergarten class got a valentine on Valentine’s Day.
Sam wasn’t the kind of kid who threw right hooks, at least, not without reason. Yet, he was walking up his driveway with battered knuckles and a black eye.
He’d been going through some things at home. He’d had trouble adjusting to his sisters going to college. They still lived at home, but they spent a lot of their time on campus. They mostly just came home to eat and beg their moms to do their laundry.
His mother Alison had scoffed at the suggestion and had thrown a pair of dirty underwear at her twins before telling them to do their own damn laundry. His mother Emily had recorded it on her phone while laughing.
Sam had also been struggling to keep up in his English class at school. He was more sensitive than most little boys his age, and it showed in his writing assignments. It got him a lot of hate from his classmates. Normally he didn’t really care about it. He spent most of his time on the playground with his best friend Aurora Fitz anyway. He didn’t need anyone else.
But lately, the teasing and the taunts had been getting worse. It had made him angry and confused about a lot in life.
He pulled his hood up over his head before he reached the front door. He thought if he could just slip past his mothers and hide in his room for a while he wouldn’t have to explain how he’d laid out a boy in his class. They’d both managed to avoid disciplinary action at school because no one saw it happen and neither one of them snitched. But Sam had a feeling it was going to be a little harder to keep it a secret from his family.
He saw Lily’s car in the driveway and for a second he thought about sneaking in through the back to avoid his sisters and his moms. He hesitated before walking through the front door.
He heard laughter coming from the living room.
“Hey, little brother!” He heard Grace call out to him.
“Hey, big sister.” He called back as he walked towards the stairs.
He thought he was home free, but then he heard his mother’s voice.
“How was school today, Sam?” Emily asked as she walked around the corner.
Sam pulled his hoodie further over his face. Emily didn’t miss the reaction. She peered at her son curiously.
“Fine,” he muttered under his breath. “Lots of homework. I’m going to my room.”
“Excuse me? We came all the way home from campus to spend some time with our favorite brother and he can’t make time for us?” Lily asked as she walked over towards where her mom was standing.
“You drove seven miles to raid the fridge.” Sam gave her a hard time, hoping that his normal bickering would convince them he was fine.
“I’m offended.” Grace walked towards them. “It wasn’t the fridge. It was the cabinet.”
Crap. Sam thought to himself. He was never going to get past them. He did his best to shield his black eye.
“I’m surprised it wasn’t the trash. I’ve seen you pull pizza out of the garbage, Grace.” Sam uttered.
“Well, get a load of the snark on you.” Grace was surprised.
“Watch out, we got a real badass here.” Lily threw her arms up teasingly.
His mother Alison walked into the room and Sam thought he was going to have a panic attack.
“I’ll catch up with you later. Like I said…homework…” He tried to move towards the stairs.
“If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were avoiding us.” Lily frowned. “What’s with the emo look, Sammy?” She reached towards the hood on his head.
“Nothing. I just want to go to my room.” His attitude shifted drastically.
“She’s right. You’re acting weird.” Grace frowned.
“Sam, is something wrong?” Alison asked. She looked at Emily, worried.
“No!” He grumbled defensively. He put his hand on the banister.
“Hold up…” Grace put herself between her little brother and the wooden stairs that led up to his quiet freedom from his sisters and his mothers.
She pulled the hood of his sweatshirt down, revealing his disheveled hair and what looked to be a bruise forming around his right eye.
“What the hell, Sammy?” Grace exclaimed.
Lily was behind Grace in an instant, observing the marks on his face.
“What happened? Who did this to you?” Lily’s voice came out as a fearsome growl. It was unlike any noise he’d ever heard before, especially coming from her.
Lily was calm. Lily was quiet. He’d never heard her react with such vigor before. She sounded like an angry tiger ready to sharpen her claws on the first thing she could find. It was a little bit intimidating…the quiet fire his sister had. Unlike Grace, who undoubtedly wore her heart on her sleeve when it came to emotions, Lily had a terrifying fire in her belly that could scorch the Earth without warning.  
“It’s nothing.” Sam tried to play it off.
“Bullshit it’s nothing.” Alison had her hand on his face seconds later, cupping his chin and observing the purple discoloration beneath his right eye. “Sam, who did this to you?” She sounded like she was ready to rip someone to shreds.
He jerked away from her touch. Emily watched the interaction quietly. She could tell there was something he was too afraid to say. She could see that he felt cornered by all the aggression. She recognized that there was something he wanted to hide. Sam looked at her helplessly, begging for her to be the voice of reason, like she always was.
Emily was the only person who seemed to have a grip on her emotions in his family. Lily usually had a tight grip on her reactions, but she had a quiet fire that threatened to explode when someone hurt the people she loved. Grace and Alison both had a fire that couldn’t be diminished. Lily usually wasn’t one to lose her temper. But she looked ready to kill. The only one who had an even expression on her face was Emily.
“Just leave me alone.” Sam pushed Alison away and bounded up the stairs.
Grace followed him, her nostrils flaring. She grabbed his arm.
“Sam, you tell us who did this right now.” Grace ordered.
He jerked away from her and pushed her.
“Samuel Wayne DiLaurentis-Fields!” Alison snapped at her son.
But he was already gone. Grace stomped down the stairs and past her mothers. Lily followed her.
“You take them. I’ll take him.” Emily suggested.
“Oh, sure, leave me with the girls with hairline trigger tempers.” Alison scoffed sarcastically.
“That’s all you, sweetie.” Emily smirked at her. “You speak bitch-ese.”
Alison scowled at her.
“You’re lucky I love you.”
Emily smiled at her innocently before trekking upstairs. Unsurprisingly, she found Sam’s door closed. She knocked lightly and twisted the door knob. He was sulking on his bed. He turned over, refusing to look at her.
Emily walked over to the side of the bed.
“What’s up, Sammy?” Emily asked, sitting down next to him.
“I’m tired of everyone treating me like a baby.” Sam complained.
“Your sisters and your mother are just worried. That’s all.”
“Well, they can stop. I can take care of myself.”
“I know you can.” Emily shrugged. “You’re my kid.”
That garnered Sam’s attention. He turned over to face Emily.
“Did you get into fights when you were my age?”
“I threw a couple of punches in my day.” Emily nodded. “I was a little bit older than you are now. But I did bruise a few knuckles.” She picked Sam’s hand up to observe the scrapes on them.
He didn’t pull away from her. Instead, he stared at the blood on his hand. He barely even registered when Emily took a closer look at the shiner around his eye.
“We should probably get some ice on this.” She gently looked at the puffiness on his cheek.
Sam held his hand up, looking at the tiny bruises forming on his knuckles. He hadn’t known that punching someone’s face would hurt so much.
“I started it,” he murmured.
“What?” Emily asked.
“I threw the first punch.”
He waited for the inevitable explosion, the lecture, the mom-talk. But Emily had an inkling about what had happened. She’d seen the look on his face when he’d been unmasked by Grace. There was something in his expression that gave it away, but she needed to be sure.
“Sam, why would you start a fight? Your mother and I have taught you better.”
Sam turned away, refusing to say anything at first. But he felt his mom’s eyes boring a hole through his head. He sighed and turned around again.
“I’m sorry, mom.” His voice was shaking. “I didn’t mean to…” He stopped himself short. Because he’d absolutely meant to. He frowned, a scowl on his face. He looked a lot like Alison when he was pissed. “There was this kid…he kept talking smack about the fact that I’ve got two moms. And he talked about Lily and Grace, too. And it just made me so mad. He made it seem like you and mom weren’t normal…”
Emily had to contain her reaction. All she wanted to do was set the people who had hurt her son on fire.
“You and mom and Lily and Grace are all that I care about. I don’t like it when other people are mean to you. And when he was mocking me, he was mocking you…and mom. And everything about our lives. I mean, I know we’re different, and I’ve always been fine with that. But other kids don’t understand. And how can I compete with the stupid regular families with white picket fences and a mom and dad?”
“Regular is not a thing, buddy.” Emily touched his cheek. The bruise was starting to piss her off more and more. “Look, Sam, there are ignorant people out there.” Emily bit her tongue, trying like hell to fight the rage that she felt inside. “There are people who are going to tell you that your mother and I…that we’re not normal. And that your sisters are…” She struggled to find the right words to say to her young innocent son, “…that we’re different.”
“He said Grace and Lily were an abomination.”
I will beat this child. I’ve never hit a kid, but I’ll knock this little shit’s front teeth out…
But she controlled herself.
“That’s not true.” She tried to calm him down. “You and your sisters are the best thing that ever happened to your mother and me.”
Sam smiled. He loved his moms so much. And it hurt him when other people said ugly things about them.
“Whatever this kid said…it doesn’t change that.” Emily assured him.
“He’s such an asshole, mom.”
Normally, Emily didn’t like to hear her kids swearing. But this felt justified. And she didn’t say a word about it.
“Who was it?”
“I don’t want to say. You and mom will just make it worse.”
“Sam, I give you my word that this is just between us.”
“You promise?”
“I pinky swear.” She held her pinky out to him.
Wow. A pinky swear. This was big. Sam smiled at his mother. Emily felt her heart melting. He had his mother’s dimples. He hooked his finger into Emily’s and then looked at her.
“It was Justin Coogan,” he said with a frown.
Emily felt her temper flaring. Justin’s father, Ben, was a real piece of work. It came as no surprise that his son was a little shit just like he was.
“Well, between you and me…Justin is a dick.”
“Everyone who is anyone knows that.” Sam shrugged.
Emily laughed.
They talked for a few more minutes. She saw her son loosen up. Once she realized he was okay she decided to let him have the privacy he wanted.
“Sit tight, okay?” Emily pat his knees.
“You’re not going to tell mom and the girls are you?” Sam grimaced.
“I won’t say anything to Lily and Grace. But you and I both know your mother has been sitting outside the door listening this entire time.” She glanced towards the door, which she’d left cracked for that very reason.
The door creaked open and Alison peered in at Sam and Emily.
“Hello, dear.” Emily glanced at her.
“I’m going to murder that little son of a…”
“Ali, I’ll handle it.” Emily cut her off. “Sam, go with your mom. She’ll get you cleaned up, okay?”
“Yes, ma’am.” He sighed.
He hopped off of his bed and walked over to Alison. Alison glanced at Emily with a look that said, “punch that asshole in the nuts” before she walked off with Sam.
Twenty minutes later Emily was on Ben Coogan’s doorstep. She rarely saw him, and she liked it that way. But when it came to her kids there was nothing she wouldn’t do.
When he answered the door he was surprised to see her. He leaned against the doorframe with a cocky look on his face. It was very much an expression that Emily wanted to wipe off of his face. But she fought back the urge to hit him.
“Emily Fields…” He grinned. “How have you been?”
“This isn’t a social call, Ben.” She balled her right hand into a fist.
“Mm.” He nodded. “I wondered if you’d show up and act like the self-righteous little bitch that you are.”
The urge to punch him was growing stronger.
“Your son has been harassing my son.” Emily gritted her teeth angrily.
“My son says your son threw the first punch.”
“Because your son was saying vile things to him.”
“My son didn’t say anything that wasn’t true.” Ben shrugged. “I mean, look at him…running to his mommies because of a little scrap at school…”
Of course the chauvinistic pig was siding with his little asshole spawn.
“You really are a piece of work, Ben.” Emily laughed angrily. “I’m sorry that you have a problem with the fact that I’m gay. And I’m sorry that your tiny little pea brain can’t comprehend that you never would have been enough to satisfy me. I’m sorry that your ego is that fragile. But I swear to God, if you don’t keep your kid in line you’re going to see a side of me that you’ll wish you’d never met. I will show you exactly who I am. And I guarantee that it will send you running to your mommy.” She leaned closer to him, showing a complete lack of fear. “Who do you think taught my boy how to land a punch?”
Ben took a step back and Emily couldn’t help but laugh. He was still the same scared insecure little boy he’d been in high school. She actually felt sorry for his son. Because Justin had no clue what a real man was like. Ben scoffed at her before he shut the door. But Emily knew that he’d gotten her message.
She used the walk home to cool off. Her adrenaline was pumping.
When she got home she was surprised to find Grace, Lily, and Sam in the front yard. Grace had on boxing pads and Sam had on big bulky gloves. Lily was coaching from the sidelines.
“Sam, you’re leading too much with your left foot. You need to really lean into it to get the power behind it and then follow through. And you don’t want to give away which fist you’re about to swing.”
“Yeah, don’t give that little shit a chance to react.” Grace added.
“Watch your mouth.” Emily glared at Grace as she walked past them.
“I’m an adult. You can’t tell me what to do anymore.”
“Is that so? Where’s my rent check then?” Emily asked.
“I love you, mommy.” Grace smiled innocently.
“What nonsense are you teaching the boy?” Emily asked. “You two do realize you could be tried as adults, right?”
“I don’t care.” Grace shrugged. She cared about her brother more than she cared about breaking the law.
“Yeah, Aunt Spencer would get us off.” Lily agreed.
Emily shook her head with a laugh and walked over towards the porch, where Alison was sitting in a chair and nursing a drink. Emily sat down next to her wife.
“You were supposed to talk them down from this.” Emily frowned.
“Yeah, that was before I found out the other kid was Ben Coogan’s son.” Alison sipped on her lemonade. She glanced at Sam, who had landed a decent punch into Grace’s boxing pad. “That’a boy, Sammy!” She raised her glass.
“Ali.” Emily looked at her in surprise.
“Oh, don’t play the high and mighty card. We both know you went over there to give that asshole a piece of your mind.” She faced Emily. “Did you hit him?”
Emily frowned.
“No. But I sure as hell thought about it.”
“I can’t believe the world lets people like that procreate. That kid is the walking embodiment of the devil.”
“That’s an insult to the devil.” Emily scoffed.
They watched Sam as his big sisters coached him on how to defend himself. Sam felt his stress melting away as he spent time with his family. He was able to get his frustration out.
So the next day at school it didn’t bother him when Justin called him a pussyboy. He simply ignored him. The taunts got increasingly worse as the day went on. Aurora felt like dumping her lunch over Justin’s head, but Sam told her he wasn’t worth it. He told Justin to get lost and he let him know he wasn’t afraid of him.
Later that afternoon Justin found Sam and Aurora near the buses. He tried to antagonize Sam into a fight, but Sam dismissed him. But the taunts continued, and it drew a crowd. It was getting harder and harder for Sam to ignore.
Fortunately for him, he had friends in all the right places. Justin was in the middle of calling Sam a mistake that never should have happened when a loud revving engine cut the boy off in the middle of his sentence.
Aurora smiled at Sam as her big brother’s convertible pulled into the school car pick-up lane. Her brother, Finn, stopped the car in front of the group of younger kids. Most of them gawked at it. They weren’t used to seeing the cool high schooler on their turf.
The top of the convertible was down. So were the windows. Finn looked out at his little sister and Sam. Aurora climbed into the back of the car. Sam looked over at the onlookers, who seemed impressed by the older boy’s status. Everyone knew Finn Fitz. He was a star lacrosse player and one of the sweetest guys at Rosewood High. Guys loved him and girls were in love with him. Anyone who was friends with him was automatically deemed cool for life.
Finn waved to Sam.
“Hey, hop in, kid.”
Sam flipped Justin the bird and climbed in next to Aurora with a huge grin on his face.
The crowd gawked. Was Sam DiLaurentis-Fields cool?
Finn glanced out the window, staring daggers at Justin.
“You’re Justin, right?” Finn lowered his sunglasses enough to look at the younger boy.
He had a menacing look on his face. It was enough to get Justin to back off.
“Who’s asking?” Justin asked.
“Don’t worry, little guy,” Finn said in a patronizing manner. “One day you’ll grow out of wetting the bed. Be brave, okay?”
Sam and Aurora snickered from the back seat.
“I don’t!” Justin exclaimed defensively.
But it was too late. The crowd had turned on him. Sam didn’t mind seeing him getting a taste of his own medicine.
Finn pulled the car out of the parking lot. Sam turned around and looked out the back windshield. Then he looked at his best friend. She shrugged innocently.
“I may have called for reinforcements.” Aurora shrugged, pulling her phone out of her pocket.
“Thanks.” Sam smiled. He leaned forward. “I owe you one, man.” He looked at Finn.
“Don’t mention it.” Finn shrugged. “Your sisters would have killed me had I not stepped in. I thought it would be better than having them show up with water balloons full of shaving cream.” He glanced in the rearview mirror. “Don’t worry about those assholes, Sam. In a few years they’re going to be stuck in this town flipping burgers while you’re out there changing the world.”
Sam leaned back against the seat, a smile on his face. He knew that Finn was right.
He’d always known that his life was different.
But it was different in the best way. He had amazing parents, two incredible sisters, and friends that not even money could buy. He knew that his childhood would one day be a blip on the radar of his life. But he intended to appreciate that little blip for all it was worth at the moment.
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kz-i-co · 7 years
First Love: Part III
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» Summary: Your relationship starts to drown in your lies.
» Pairing: Min Yoongi / Reader
» Genre: smut/ angst
» Words: 4k
» Part 1 | Part 2 ╫ Part 4 | Part 5
» m.list ╫ bts masterlist
"So are you and my brother together?" You nearly choked on your coffee.
"No....why would you think that?" You nervously answered.
She looked at you hard. "But you're dating someone right? And I figured because you two are always together it seems."
"No and no." You denied.
"Then explain that phone call." She crossed her arms.
"I told you I was distracted by my show." Jisoo had no change of expression, she knew you were lying.
"Okay, good then because I'm pretty sure that my brother is back with his ex anyway so I thought I warned you just in case." She snipped. She got up and headed towards the door.
"See ya later."
What the fuck has gotten into her?
After you got out of your morning classes you decided to invite Chae to your place from not doing so much often. You felt like you didn't even want to be around Jisoo anymore.
"Hey.....very nice." Chae looked around your apartment as it was finally fully decorated then the first time she came. "Very cute." She smiled.
"Thank you." You motioned her to sit.
"So what's wrong?" She asked. Before you could open your mouth she continued. "I know you and I know when somethings wrong."
"Okay so long story short..." You panicked. "I kind of hooked up with my neighbor."
Her eyes widen. "Oh so you are dating someone." She smirked.
"W-what? How would you know?"
"Jisoo said you had a secret boyfriend." She answered.
"Okay yes I have a boyfriend."
"Whose your neighbor...." She continued for you.
"Yes....but-" You didn't know how to say it.
"But..." Chae was getting impatient.
"He's kind of Jisoo's brother."
Her smile faded.
"I know but in my defense we hooked up before I even knew they were related." You burst out.
"Oh my god." That's all she could say.
"Please don't tell her, it's bad enough that we have to sneak around."
"It's bad keeping it a secret." She said.
"I know....and I will tell her.....eventually." You chewed on your bottom lip. "I'm looking for the right moment."
"So how serious are you two?" She asked.
"I really really really like him." You blushed. "And I can tell he really likes me to."
"Well I will be happy for you after you tell Jisoo." She gave you a hard look.
"Okay I'll tell her soon...I promise."
"And if she ask I'm not lying for you....I'm just gonna stay out of it."
"Agreed." You nodded.
"So anyway.....is he cute?" She smiled.
"Oh my god yes." You said excited.
"I want to meet him."
"I'm sure you will." Funny enough you heard a knock on the door before you could finish your thought.
"Just a sec." You told Chae and got up. You were hoping it wasn't Jisoo.
As soon as you entered the door there you saw Yoongi with a smile on his face. "Is she here?"
You shook your head. And seconds later he pulled you into a warm and desperate kiss. It amazed how he never disappoint to make you feel light headed every time. You knew deep down you liked him more then you thought. You just didn't want to jump to conclusions with those four letter words.
You snapped back to reality when you remembered that your other best friend got the show. You slowly pulled away.
"What?" He gave you a slight pout.
You jerked your head to the side signaling from behind. You closed your eyes with a big blush visible on your face as you saw him look behind you.
"Shit." He whispered.
"It's fine....she knows."
"You told her?" He asked.
"Yeah....and she won't tell don't worry."
"I can hear you guys." Chae laughed.
You tuned around to her playing on her phone still properly seated on the couch.
You grabbed Yoongi's hand and tugged him closer to your friend. You did a quick introduction before sitting on the couch.
"So your Jisoo's brother?" Chae crossed her legs formally.
"Unfortunately." He groaned making you laugh.
"Well I'll leave you two love birds alone." She got up.
"See ya later Chae."
"Bye." You and Yoongi were left alone.
"I need to ask you something." You started.
He looked at you.
"Jisoo told me you were back with your ex."
"You believe her?" Yoongi smirked.
You shrugged.
"She probably assumes it's my ex but it's actually you.....so don't worry." He said.
He was right....but you weren't sure if she really thinks that or she suspect's you but is trying to make you mad.
Jisoo definitely had that ability to hide her emotions, just like her brother.
"You okay?" He further ask from your silence.
"Yeah....I was just thinking."
"Well stop." You looked over to him with a big smile on his face. You playfully smacked him in the chest.
"Ow." You saw him pout.
"I'm sorry did I hurt You?" He smirked and pulled you into a deep kiss.
The kiss escalated quickly causing all the butterflies to flutter. He moved down towards your neck marking your soft skin with purplish love bites.
"Is Jisoo at your place?" You asked caught up in the moment and figured you rather not have Jisoo cock block you guys again. It was her talent.
"Uh-uh." He mumbled against your neck.
"Do you know when she'll get back?" You said dragging a moan out as he moved lower past your collar bone.
"Hopefully never." He stood up taller over you watching you for a reaction.
You arched your eyebrows. "That's not nice."
"I love my sister...."
"But..." You waited for his answer.
"She can be a pain in the ass." You nodded amused. "You should know....how long have you been friends?"
"I know but she's still my best friend....or was, she was giving me the cold shoulder this morning."
"Please don't let her affect you....she's just......childish."
You hated to admit but she was, at least for the moment. You never gave her a reason to not be able to talk to you. You just wished she would be honest with you.
But maybe it's time to be honest with her.
You just wish she wouldn't act so cold towards you but it made you have your doubts. You could already tell this wasn't going to end well but you couldn't keep lying to her.
You snapped back to reality when you felt Yoongi tickle your side's. You laughed from the unexpected.
"I thought I lost you."
You stuck your tongue out and pushed him farther up so he was sitting up. You got up yourself and straddled his hips.
You giggled and leaned down to kiss his neck.
"Do you remember how we used to hate each other." His voice was playful.
You leaned back up and smiled. "You mean a week ago?"
He smiled.
"And I didn't hate you.....I thought you hated me." You pursed your lips.
"Hates a very strong word."
"Yoongi!" You slapped his chest. "You hated me?" You gave him a childish pout.
"Only for a split second." He laughed.
You still pouted. "You have to admit your first impression was a little.....vague."
"It wasn't my fault it was Sammy." You whined with a smile.
"Your cat?"
"Yeah." You said dumbfounded.
He squinted at you. "You're lucky you're pretty."
"You're such a jerk." You both laughed.
After your laughter died down, you just stared at each other admiring your presence.
He pulled you into a another deep kiss. You couldn't help but rock against him causing friction between the both of you. He moaned against your lips from by the way you effected him. You had to pull away to catch your breath but quickly leaned down farther to kiss down his jaw.
You felt his hands grip onto your hips tightly as you picked up the pace, still causing friction. You smiled successfully as you felt the hardness form underneath you. You never seemed to fail to get him turned on. It showed you that you effected him more then he would probably ever tell you.
The fact that you were still new in your relationship, there was no verbal communication. Yes, you enjoyed your conversations and teasing but there still wasn't verbal saying towards feelings. The best way to put it was that there wasn't no I love you's.
At least you hoped. It was still too new to say but you couldn't help but feel that way. Were you in love with him?
Maybe. Maybe you were just aroused by him. You couldn't tell yet but there was something there. You just couldn't tell if it was love yet. You felt like it was but it's best not to rush things because Yoongi wasn't the type to spill his feelings. You rather not dig yourself in a hole to find out he didn't feel the same way, even though his body was telling you something else. You just wish he would tell you already.
"Yoongi." You moaned against his neck.
His breathing was heavier that he had to lay his head back against the couch.  Your moaning was setting him off enough that he was finally full erected. You yourself could feel the pleasure stir around your body, giving you chills all over.
"(Y/N)." You blushed hearing him moan your name.
After you leaned down starting to unbuckle his jeans you jumped from a sudden knock on the door.
You didn't think anything of it until you heard your name being called.
"Fuck." You got up.
"Whose that?" Yoongi asked alerted.
"My parents." You ran towards the door as you fixed yourself up.
"(Y/N) wait." He panicked.
"What?" You looked back as you reached the door.
He embarrassingly looked down at his still erect crotch. "Go to the bathroom.....hurry."
"Coming." You yelled to your mom who was still calling you.
"Hi." You opened the door.
"Hi sweetie....we wanted to see your new place." Your mother walked inside followed by your father.
"Hey (Y/N)." Your sister surprised you as she entered. She was only a few years younger then you.
"Eunha? I thought I wound never see you here." You teased.
You had a love hate relationship with your sister. Some days she could be your bestest friend and other days she was your worst enemy.
"I was bored." She shrugged. "I see you weren't." She laughed brushing your hair over your shoulder. She noticed your swollen love bruises on your neck.
You quickly covered them up with your hand. "Where is the guy?.....or girl who knows."
"Shut up." You said quite loud.
"Girls no fighting please." Your mother said from your kitchen. She was looking around.
Perfect timing as Yoongi made his way out of your bathroom grabbing the attention of everyone in the room. You could tell by the look on his face that he attempted to sneak out undetected but had no luck succeeding.
"I knew it." Your sister smirked.
"So you're (Y/N)'s boyfriend?" Eunha stepped closer to Yoongi reaching out her hand. "Sorry we interrupted your happy hour-"
"Eunha- please go somewhere not here." You mumbled.
"Nice to meet you dear." Your mother shook Yoongi's hand. Your father was hesitant at first but he eventually gave in. Your father was always protected of you when it came to boys.
"So how long have you been together?"
You were about to answer but Yoongi beat you to it. "About a month now."
You were quite surprised. You were only official for a week now but he told your parents other wise. You wonder what he meant but he had you blushing anyway.
"How did that happen?" Your mother smiled interested.
"We're neighbors."
"Aw...how exciting." Your mother was excited. You didn't know why?
Yoongi stayed and chat for another hour until he announced that he had to go to work. Aka, his home studio. He did a well job charming your mother because she still couldn't stop talking about him after he left.
"I'm so happy for you dear." Your mother was finally showing you the side you wanted. Since you left all she did was give you shit on how you weren't ready to live on your own. Your father was okay with it but she was always giving you a hard time.
Now she was understanding and you couldn't be happier.
"We bought you a present." Your father announced. He held up a pair of car keys.
"What?" You said excitingly already jumping to conclusions.
"Calm down it's not brand new....it's our old Subaru." It was a hand-me-down car but you were honestly okay with that.
"I don't care." Your voice hasn't lost its excitement yet.
"Please be careful." Your father handed you the keys.
"Thank You, thank you." You jumped up hugging your parents.
Yoongi was in his studio working on another song. His only focus was his piano that he didn't even hear Jisoo walk in.
"Where were you this morning?" She asked. Yoongi just rolled his eyes not even bother turning to face her.
"None of your business."
"Were you over (Y/N)'s?" Her voice full of attitude.
"And so if I was?" He turned around finally away from his piano. "Why do you care?"
"If you're going to fool around with my friends please just tell me." He rolled his eyes once again.
"I like her, what's wrong with that?"
"Because she is my friend that's why." She snapped.
"I can be around your friend if I want to."
She huffed and turned around walking out the door.
"Hey Jisoo." Yoongi got her attention again. "You better find a job soon because you're not living here for free."
She gave him a hard look, then left, out of his sight. Yoongi couldn't help but smirk. He wasn't gonna let his sister keep getting what she wants.
After work that night you quietly entered Yoongi's apartment. He gave you the pass-code so you had no problem entering. It was almost 2am so you figured Jisoo was asleep. You shut the door quietly behind you and made your way further into the apartment. You looked around and almost had a heart attack once you saw Jisoo laying on the couch. When you walked farther in you noticed she was sleeping so you tip toed your way past her and made your way down the hall.
Once you reached Yoongi's bedroom you noticed he was sleeping. You were tempted to go home but he texted you earlier and asked you to stop by so you didn't want to disappoint him.
You took off your shoes and made your way to his bed. You crawled over him so you could see how deep of a sleep he was in because he said he was going to wait up for you.
"Yoongi?" He turned over so he was on his back but his eyes were still closed.
"Psst." You tried to quietly wake him up. He made cute muffled noises in his sleep.
"I'm going to go home." You teased.
"(Y/N)." You heard him moan your name but he was still asleep.
Was he dreaming about You?
You smirked as you leaned down kissing his neck then down his body until you reached the waist band of his sweats. You felt like you shouldn't but you couldn't help but be excited.
He wanted you over tonight so you figured why not?
You pulled his sweats down just enough to pull him out. He was only slightly erect causing you to blush. He was dreaming about you.
You grabbed his member and started moving your hand up and down at a swift motion. You heard his breathing pick up but he still had yet to open his eyes. As you felt him stiffen in your hand you decided to put your mouth down kissing his tip.
When you finally stepped in further bringing him into your mouth, his eyes fluttered open. He was moaning as you continued at a faster pace.
"(Y/N)?" He put his bed side lamp on.
"Sorry did I wake You?" You leaned up.
"Oh fuck." He whispered as he was trying to catch his breath. His sleepy confused face turned to a smirk.
"You came."
You smiled. "But you didn't." You leaned down putting him in your mouth once again.
He tilted his head back enjoying the pleasure you were giving him.
"I'm sorry for falling asleep." He fell back on his bed weakly.
"Are you?" You laughed. You licked up the side of his member.
"Fuck." He moaned as he got a glance at you. "Maybe not."
You moved your mouth back to the center kissing the tip. "Stop." He begged. "I want you down on me."
You blushed. You got up removing your work uniform and your underwear. You immediately went over and lowered yourself down his member.
It didn't take you long to adjust to him as you were already rocking against him. He held onto your hips for more support as you leaned back to get a deeper angle. Your moans were starting to get louder that Yoongi pinched your side.
"Shhh.....don't forget that I'm helping the homeless."
You laughed. "You're so mean to your sister."
"I'm joking." He cutely smiled.
You kept rocking at a rapid pace that the bed started making too much noise. You both stopped alerted and bit your lip.
"Get up." He said softly. You did as you were told and he got up off the bed.
"Hands and knees." You blushed for the millionth time that night as you moved into the position on his bed. He kneel behind you and you felt him move his member between your folds. Once he found the correct area be shoved his member inside you. He grabbed your hips, causing you to thrust against him.
The position was much quieter not causing the bed to shake. The position was much deeper then you could imagine. The only noises was your breathing and the small slapping of his skin against yours. You felt like any second you were going to explode.
You felt his movements starting to slow down as he was close to his climax. You bit your lip hard to stop you from moaning as you felt the pleasure circulate your core. You leaned your head down on the bed as he had to moved your hips for you as you were too weak.
You heard the small muffled moans coming from his mouth as you felt his juices release inside you. He slowly continued to rock against you as he was coming down from his high.
Once he finally stopped he sat back leaning against the headboard. You collapse where you were and turned over to look at him.
"You okay?" He chuckled.
"Yeah." You tried to catch your breath.
"I think that was the best one yet." He said causing your cheeks to turn red.
You finally got up and snuggled under the covers next to him. "You want me to sleep over?" You laid down.
"It looks like you made that decision already." He arched his eyebrows.
"Of course I want you to sleep over." He confirmed and moved in closer bringing you into his chest.
"Okay good...because I didn't want to get up." He laughed at your statement.
The next day you put your new car into good use as you went to the grocery store. When you went shopping before you never bought more then two bags worth since you had to bring them on the bus. You finally had the ability to drive around and it felt great.
Yoongi had to sneak you out this morning so Jisoo wouldn't noticed. Your heart broke everyday as you kept lying to her. You were going to tell her soon but you were still thinking on how to do so.
When you unloaded all the groceries you decided to visit next door. You hoped she was there because you needed to tell her. When you knocked you were happy to be greeted by Jisoo. The only problem was she seemed to look at you differently now.
"What do you want?" She asked.
"I came to visit you." You said.
"Yoongi's busy." She folded her arms.
"Are you his new manager now? I said you not him." She still had attitude but you can see the weakness behind her eyes.
"I'm sorry." She said after you walked in. You looked at her confused.
"For What?" You said dumbfounded.
"I'm sorry for thinking you were dating my brother and being bitchy towards you." She smiled.
Now how were you going to tell her the truth now?
"That's okay....I mean I like you're brother but not like that." You couldn't help but lie. You just wanted your friend back.
"I know I was so stupid I mean even if you did he's unavailable anyway." She said chipper and sat down on the sofa.
You followed her by sitting on the seat next to her. You didn't want to be anymore suspicious as you already were. You sat there bored as Jisoo kept texting on her phone. You wanted to tell her but you couldn't think of anything to say. You thought maybe you should talk to Yoongi first.
"Is he here because I have some questions to ask him." You got up and moved towards the direction you assumed he was in.
"Yeah but I wouldn't go in there if I were you....he's with his girlfriend and it doesn't sound like a good time." She smirked as she was still looking down texting someone.
"I'm sure it's fine....I'll knock." Then you made your way down the hall to go into his room, you were stopped as you heard laughter coming from his studio. The laughter sounded like some girls voice. You thought Jisoo was just full of it but now you weren't so sure.
You didn't even bother knocking as you entered. You opened the door and there you saw Yoongi. He was in the studio with that girl you saw that night at dinner. She was wearing headphones like she just recorded something and she had her hands wrapped around his neck with her lips to his face.
Your face immediately got flustered as you felt tears falling down your face.
You closed your eyes trying to process what was happening that you didn't noticed him push the girl away. As soon as he noticed you he froze stunned at the tears visible on your face.
You turned around quickly after you locked eyes with him. He jumped out the studio trying to catch you as you were already on your way out the door before he could even speak. He followed you trying to get your attention until you reached your apartment.
"(Y/N)! It's not what it looks like okay." He followed you inside.
"Get out!" You said with anger.
"Please listen to me." He begged.
"Why?" You yelled with more tears falling down your face.
"It's not what it looks like I promise.....she kissed me."
"That's what they all say." You laughed sarcastically.
"I promise.....I was fixing her microphone and then she kissed me I swear."
"How inconvenient that I walked in then." You started to turn around but he grabbed your arm.
He grabbed your face kissing you passionately. You were quick to pull away.
"(Y/N) please......I love you okay.....I only want to be with you please believe me."
You looked at him surprised. He finally said it but it wasn't the right time you wanted to hear it.
"I don't." You moved away. "I don't believe you......please leave."
"I don't want to." He said stern.
"Yoongi." You heard Jisoo from the doorway. "Leave (Y/N) alone....you've done enough."
"Shut up Jisoo." He yelled back.
"Please." He whispered facing you again.
"I need time to think." You said.
He nodded and walked slowly out your door looking back at you sadly.
Jisoo was still looking at you concerned, but not to long it turned to anger. "You're a fucking liar." Then she walked out.
You fell to the floor letting your body release all the pain you were feeling. How could this be happening?
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I did what I had to do
A/N: The following story for if Dean had a twin sister who got pregnant as a teenager and left the life. This follows years later when the apocalypse is happening and there is another possible vessel for Michael.
Word Count: 2,051
Warnings: Slight angst, family reunited
Part One
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“We must get your sister as well.” Cas said as he looked at Sam and Dean, “She is the back up plan for both angels and demons. If either of them get to her first and she says yes then all of this is for nothing.”
Sam and Dean shared a confused look, “What are you talking about Cas?” Sam questioned.
“Our sister’s been dead for almost thirteen years.” Dean added gruffly. He hated talking about you. You were his twin, the one he could have saved if he had been there to intervene in the fight you had with John. Instead he was at the library and you went searching for him. You never found him. Instead you had been taken by a shifter and killed.
It was his fault.
“No she has not.” Cas replied with a confused face, “She resides in Columbus, Ohio. I believe she works at a bank.”
“A bank?” Dean deadpanned.
“Yes, I believe so.” Cas responded.
“Cas,” Sam said before letting out a breath, “Our sister died when she was seventeen.”
“No, I can assure you she did not.” Cas argued back, getting annoyed that the boys didn’t believe him.
“I’m warning you Cas, drop it.” Dean huffed out.
“Fine. I’ll show you.” Cas responded before placing his hands on each Winchester’s shoulder’s and zapping them to your location.
You let out a scream as three men suddenly appeared in your kitchen while you were in the middle of washing dishes. The man wearing the trench coat was staring at you curiously as the two wearing plaid were looking at you in awe.
“What the hell!” You shouted while backing up before hitting your counter, reaching into a drawer you grabbed a knife, “Who are you?” You yelled while lifting the knife up in defense.
“I told you she was alive. Y/N, you work at a bank, correct?” The trench coat wearing man asked you.
You gave the man an incredulous look before glancing at the other men who had yet to say anything. Taking in their features you noticed the taller one had longer hair and eyes that resembled your younger brother’s. Glancing at the other man you felt the knife begin to slowly drop. His eyes, they were the same green as your twin; the same as yours. As you looked at him you noticed the changes but you knew, it might have been twelve years but you knew your twin anywhere.
“Dean?” You asked as tears filled your eyes, “Sam?”
“You’re dead.” Dean said as he looked at you.
“I have a lot of explaining to do.” You replied, placing the knife you were holding on the counter before wiping a tear that had fallen.
“Yeah, you do.” Dean responded before walking to you and pulling you into his embrace.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered into Dean’s chest as you gripped onto him.
“Shut up.” Dean answered back causing you to chuckle, “I’m going to be really mad at you in about ten minutes, just let me enjoy this.” You nodded your head in understanding, holding onto Dean you only let go when you heard someone clearing their throat.
Looking up you met Sam’s glossy eyes, “Hiya Sammy.” A tear fell down Sam’s cheek, pushing you into your motherly mode. You quickly strode over and hugged him. He gripped onto you as if you were going to disappear again.
A few minutes later Sam slowly let you go and you looked up at him, giving him a soft smile as you used the pad of your thumb to wipe away a tear track on his face. “So,” You chuckled nervously, “It’s been a while.”
Dean’s face grew serious with your words, “Yeah, what the hell is up with that?”
“It’s a long story.” You replied sadly.
“We got time.” Dean responded with an annoyed tone.
Letting out a sigh you looked at the clock, “Well I don’t. I gotta go pick-I gotta go do something.” You told your brothers, “You guys can stay here and I’ll be back soon.”
“Oh, no no no.” Dean said while shaking his finger, “You ain’t goin’ anywhere out of my sight. Not again; especially now.”
“Dean’s right Y/N, we’ve got some-we have a lot to tell you too. You aren’t safe here either. You gotta come with us, we’ll keep you safe and I promise we’ll explain everything.” Sam added.
“I can’t just leave my life guys.” You told them.
“Y/N/N,” Dean said in his serious tone, which grabbed your attention, “You got out of the life for a while, but it’s draggin’ you back in. We can’t do anything about it but save you. There are literally angels and demons that are going to be on your ass.”
You looked at Dean in shock, “What the hell has happened since I left?” You questioned.
“A lot.” Sam said sadly, “I promise we’ll tell you everything, but we gotta go.”
“I can’t just go-” You began to say but were cut off.
“Y/N, we’re being serious. You used to trust us when we said-” Dean said but you stopped him.
“I’m gonna go Dean but it’s not just me we have to worry about!” You shouted in a frustrated tone at your brother, the mama bear in you was coming out.
“Then who-” Sam started.
“My son.” You stated, glancing at your brothers.
The room was silent for a minute before someone spoke again.
“Your son?” Dean asked with a hurt tone.
You nodded your head, “Yeah, Conner.” You said, “He’s the reason I left, I did what I had to do to give him a better life then we ever had.”
“You had a kid?” Sam questioned.
Before you could answer Cas spoke, “It’s another person in the Winchester bloodline that either side could try to use against you; especially if they threaten him to get you to say yes,”
“No one is going to hurt my baby.” You say in a dark voice, glaring at the man in the trench coat.
“Where is he?” Dean asked.
“At the library. He’s working on a science project and needed more books; the kids a bigger nerd then Sammy.” You said fondly.
“Okay Y/N, you stay here with Sam and pack some stuff. Cas and I will go get the kid.” Dean planned out.
“No.” You responded, “Conner won’t go with strangers, he knows better then to do that.
“Y/N/N we don’t have a choice, the sooner we get outta here the better.” Dean explained as gently as he could.
“Does Conner have a phone?” Sam asked.
“Yeah?” You told him.
“Okay, call him and tell him Dean’s coming to get him.” Sam explained.
You shook your head, “The kids’ in a library, over his dead body will he answer the phone.”
“Jeeze your kid really is a nerd.” Dean said without filtering himself.
Rolling your eyes you glared at your brother, “He’s smart. Too smart. I’ll call the library, they know me, they can get him for me. Go now, it’s two blocks over. Don’t tell him who you are either. I wanna be able to explain everything to him before he gets thrown into this world.” You said sadly.
Dean nodded his head before looking at Cas, “Beam me up Scotty.”
“What are you talking about De-”
“Just take me to the kid.” Dean cut in.
Cas placed his hand on Dean’s shoulder and soon they were standing in an aisle of books.
“Let’s go to the front desk, the kid’s probably on the phone with Y/N now.” Dean stated as he began to look around. He made his way around the library until he spotted the sign that said ‘circulation desk’. Quickly walking over to it he froze when he caught sight of a shorter boy standing there talking on the phone.
“Okay Mom, I’ll wait here until he-” Conner said but stopped when he caught Dean staring, “The guy wears flannel you said right? Yup, he’s here, some guy wearing a trench coat is with him too. Okay Mom, I’ll see you soon, love you.”
Dean felt his heart rate increase as the boy approached him, he had all sorts of Winchester mixed in on his features. He was short for his age, just like Sam had been. His hair color was the same as his and yours was when you were younger. He wore a flannel that was neatly tucked into his pants and had glasses.
“Hello.” Conner said looking at the two men, “Mom says you’re the two I’m supposed to go home with.”
Dean cleared his throat, “Uhh, yeah, that’s us.”
“Alright, follow me. I know the quickest way home.” Conner told the men before taking the lead. “So who are you?” He inquired as he walked down the side walk, “Mom is very selective of who I’m around, especially when it comes to men.”
Dean glanced down at his nephew, “What, your mom doesn’t date?”
Connor let out a laugh, “She doesn’t like to waste her time; she says me and my uncles are the only men she needs to associate herself with.”
“Your uncles?” Dean says, surprised that you mentioned him and Sam before.
“Mmhmm, I’ve never met them before. I’m named after one of them, Conner Dean. Mom says maybe one day I’ll get to meet him, I really hope I do. I know she misses them but says that I’m enough for her.” Conner rambled on, “She says I remind her a lot of Uncle Sam. Says I got his brains but Uncle Dean’s attitude, whatever that means.”
Dean let out a scoff, “That’s your mom for ya.”
“How do you know my mom?” Conner asked.
“Yeah Winchester, how do you know the MILF?” A man asked as he stepped in front of their small group.
Dean quickly grabbed Conner and pushed him behind him. Cas stood tall next to Dean, “Leave now demon and I won’t hurt you.” He spoke.
“Angel.” The man hissed before his eyes went black.
“Holy crap! Did you see his eyes!” Conner exclaimed from behind Dean.
“We don’t have time for this.” Cas said before placing his hands on Dean and Conner, zapping them to your house.
“HOLY CRAP!” Conner shouted out as he opened his eyes only to find himself in his living room, “MOM!” He called out for you as tears began to fill his eyes, he was scared, and rightfully so.
“Hey kid, it’s okay. Conner, everything’s fine.” Dean tried to console him but it wasn’t working.
You came bolting into the room as you heard Conner’s cries for you, “Baby?” You questioned as Conner collided into your arms, “Conner, baby are you okay?” You asked as you began to examine your son for any injuries.
“He’s fine, it’s just, we uh, we ran into a demon on the way home and Cas kinda zapped us here.” Dean explained.
“Zapped you here? You let that angel zap my son here? Dean! What the hell?” You said angrily at your twin.
“I couldn’t help it! There was a demon!” Dean tried to explain.
“Mom what’s happening?” Conner asked you with tear filled eyes.
You let out a sigh before moving down slightly so you were at your son’s level, “That’s your Uncle Dean,” You said, pointing at Dean, “And this is your Uncle Sam. I’ll explain more later baby but we aren’t safe right now and we’re gonna go with them to make sure we stay safe.”
Conner was silent for a moment, thinking, “Does it have to do with the stuff Grandpa John used to do?” He questioned.
You closed your eyes at his question, knowing you were going to have to do so much explaining to your brothers, “Yeah, they did what Grandpa John used to do; what I used to do.”
Conner nodded his head, “Okay. I’ll pack a bag so we can go, I don’t want that scary guy to find you.”
Both your brothers let out a quiet laugh at Conner’s words, at how he was thinking of you, how the small twelve year old only wanted to protect you.
“But first,” Conner said as he turned towards your brothers, “I’m Conner Dean Winchester.”
“Hey Conner, I’m Sam.” Sam replied giving your son an awkward wave.
“Hi Conner, I’m your Uncle Dean.” Dean said as he reached his hand forward to shake Conner’s. Conner glanced at it nervously before reaching forward and carefully shaking it. Dean let out a soft laugh at the gesture,
“Yup, you’re just like Sammy.”
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