#implied Kalf¿¿¿¿
alcachofasaurius · 3 months
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Quick drawi- Only a Kay, nothing more Inactivity? yes-
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gremoria411 · 10 months
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Just a little on the Gundam Asmoday/Asmodeus today (it apparently could’ve been called the Ashmodai, which is neat).
Okay, so the ASW-G-32 Gundam Asmoday is found by Wistario the Erda II crew (specifically Sinister) inside an Aridne Cocoon in the Debris zone. It’s specifically noted to be essentially brand new, with no records of it fighting in the calamity war, and a full complement of weapons ready to go. Based on this, and the fact that it seems to have its reactor hooked up to the cocoon, we can gauge one of two things. Either;
The Gundam wasn’t completed until either very late in the Calamity War, or just after, and thus didn’t have an opportunity to fight against the mobile armours.
This Cocoon relay station was apparently important enough to dedicate a Gundam frame just to keep it operational.
Based on the assumption that a bunch of regular ahab reactors would probably have done the job just fine, I think it’s more likely to be a case of it being completed late.
What makes this interesting is that we only know of one other Gundam frame that was completed late in the calamity war:
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The ASW-G-71 Gundam Dantalion.
Now, because this is both at the end of the series (71/72) and because it’s stated that the Dantalion had been completed late, I had previously assumed that the Gundam Frames were completed sequentially. So, the ever-elusive ASW-G-70 Gundam Seere would have been completed just prior to the Dantalion, and the 72nd Gundam would have been completed after, possibly even being completed postwar (At a guess, either the Gundam Andromalius or Gundam Pruflas/Bufas - I’d be very interested in know what happened to it, since it’s be the most likely source as to any clue to the end of the calamity war and it’s immediate aftermath). But the Asmodeus implies something quite different. Unless its deployment was delayed for whatever reason, then it’s evidence that the Gundam frames may not have been built sequentially. (I’m not sure which it would be - it doesn’t seem to have any equipment that’d be too difficult to work with, being structured as a fairly direct combatant - gigant javelin as a sort of whip-sword to attack from a distance, smoke grenades and then grand tonfa’s up close, but then there’s plenty of other reasons for it to not have seen combat).
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We do, however, know that Bael was the first. Add to that the seeming increase in complexity as the numbers climb (Dantalion appears simple but it has a bunch of add-on equipment not shown above, a lot of the 50’s and 60’s-series Gundams have fancy designs or systems, especially compared to the relative simplicity of the 00’s and 10’s), and we can guess that they were at least designed sequentially, with Asmoday’s presumed delay being an exception.
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However, what I also think is interesting is where it was found. Inside an Ariadne Network Cocoon, big enough to be used as a harbour, administrative and let’s face it defensive point, in the network. Administered by the Falk Family (presumably headed by either Kalf Falk or his immediate successor), who already possess a Gundam Frame to their name - the Gundam Gamigin (shown above).
So what was the Asmodeus, for all intents and purposes a “phantom machine”, which exists on paper but was never actually deployed, doing there? Each Seven Stars Family or similar organisation within Gjallarhorn has precisely one Gundam Frame to their name, with no evidence of one family using multiple frames. I find it particularly interesting that it’s the Falk’s of all people that seem to have this frame - they’re one of the two families we know the absolute least about, the other being the Baklazan’s. Even then, most of the information we do know is what can be inferred from their Urdr Hunt point and their Gundam Frame. The only real supposition we can make is that they’re probably the oldest out of the Seven Stars - assuming no family got multiple Gundam Frames during the calamity war (which feels a fair assumption to make, given that we know absolutely nothing about any frames that were destroyed, implying no-ones really around to keep those records), then the ASW-G-04 Gamigin Gundam was likely deployed the earliest out of all the Seven Stars Gundam Frames, shortly after Bael (again, assuming sequential deployment). So it’s possible that the Falks were the longest surviving active participants in the Calamity war, besides Agnika Kaeru himself, of course. But it’s unclear why they would end up with another Gundam frame, and then not use it. A few possibilities:
The Intended Pilot for the Asmoday was killed before it could reach them, and the Falk’s didn’t have another pilot on hand to use it.
There was a Cocoon was involved in transporting the Gundams to their pilots, and it was kept at the cocoon until it’s recipient could be sorted out.
The Falks wanted extra “insurance” of their position once the Calamity War was over, and arranged for a second Gundam frame to be assigned to them somehow.
The Asmoday had nothing to do with the Falks, and it was left at the Cocoon by N as prize for Urdr Hunt participants.
It was salvaged from its transport during the war, and restored by the Falks.
In short, I don’t know why it was there and we’re probably not going to find out anytime soon, but it’s fun to think about. I would also like to point out that the Asmoday was also just…. Left there, which feels like it must have been purposeful in some way, but also means that the Falk’s didn’t recover it in the intervening 300 years.
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shannygoatgruff · 4 years
My Brother’s Keeper - Chapter V
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Genre: Psychological Thriller
Characters: Modern Ivar X Modern Hvitserk
Rating: MA 18+
Overall Warning:  Dark story told from an emotionally distributed person’s POV with graphic and sadistic material including rape, terror, torture, kidnapping, drug use, slash, implied incest, necrophilia, and insecurity. Heavy trigger warnings.  
Chapter Warning: Angst, talk of violence, drug use
Summary: Mama always said to be their brothers’ keeper. Now there is absolutely nothing these two won’t do for each other.  Boys will be boys…
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Chapter V
I can't figure out why I'm so edgy today.  For all intents and purposes, I should be pretty fucking happy.  I had a great time last night.  I slept well, took a good shit this morning, and had a delicious breakfast with Ivar.  Instead of pancakes, today, he made French toast.  I was thoroughly impressed.  
I even worked on a few things in the basement while I waited for Thora’s morning classes to be done.  I meant it last night when I told her I wanted to spend the day with her today. I just wish that I was in a better mood now.  ‘Cause right now, everything is annoying the fuck out of me.  
Sometimes, I can’t stand how childish Thora is.  I mean, she’s a grown-ass woman, so why does her room look like a five-year-old’s?  Everything in here is a hideous shade of pink.  Stupid fucking unicorns, teddy bears, and little porcelain things decorate her shelves and her bed is always perfectly made up with a fluffy pink and white comforter. It’s just all so…innocent. 
I shouldn’t be all that surprised – her room reminds me of her.  Sweet…girly…fucking perfect, just like her. It’s fucking sickening. Sometimes everything I love about her, the fact that she’s so different from the people I like to party with is the one thing about her that drives me fucking insane.  
I need to get out of this room and get some air before I break every fucking thing in here. 
I walk out of her dorm and outside into the chilly afternoon.  The autumn breeze is cool on my face and helps me focus on something other than my uneasiness.  It’s so crisp out here, today.  Believe it or not, this is my favorite time of year to party.  I don’t know what it is about the fall, but people seem to be out more than they are in the spring or the summer.  Maybe it’s the wonderful colors of the season or the smell of the decaying leaves?  Whatever it is, people seem to come out in droves and I’m fucking here for it.  There are so many more adventurous people that are willing to party this time of year, it gets my blood racing.
Jesus, am I still thinking about partying?  Normally, the day after Ivar and I go out, I just concentrate on being with my girl.  Being with her helps me put my life back in perspective. She’s my reminder of what my other life is going to be like when I get this hunger under control.  She helps dull the cravings for a few more days before the gnawing starts again and I need to feed it.  I know I’ve been wanting to party more often than I usually do, but it’s never been the next day.  Being around her is supposed to help me forget about it.  
But, right now it’s not working.  
I need to get myself together because when I’m with Thora, she depends on me to take care of her.  I do for her what Ivar does for me.  Besides giving me something else to concentrate on other than finding the next one, when I’m with her, I just want to comfort her. Especially, since she cries a lot. She's like a little girl that's not in control of her emotions. Whether she's happy, sad, or scared, the tears are the same. I know it sounds weird, but I like when she cries. I think it’s because I can usually make it all better. At least, I'm so busy trying, that partying doesn't cross my mind…not a lot anyway. 
Today, though, I can’t comfort a damn soul.  Not with my heart about to jump out of my chest.  This fucking anxiety is overwhelming. I had fun last night so I shouldn't even want to again this soon.
I should be able to ignore this. It's not like I can't function without it. It's more irritating than anything, like a constant nagging. I like I can hear it calling me from far away, but it's getting louder by the minute. I bet it was because I had to rush last night. I was so busy trying to finish before that guy died and shitted on me that I finished too quickly.  That’s got to be the reason.  That is exactly why I  hate rushing.
If we go out tonight I'm gonna do it slowly; take my time and do it right. I'm going to do everything I want and I won't give myself a time limit. That's the only way to make my palms stop sweating and get my heart to stop beating like I’m running a goddamn marathon. Yeah, going slow will make it better. It has to because I hate this feeling.
I reach my forefinger and thumb into the small change pocket of my jeans and retrieve the two pills there.  Without hesitation, I pop the two Klonopin in my mouth before taking a healthy sip from my water bottle.  I wish I had something stronger. That reminds me that Ivar and I need to visit that guy he knows across town to reup on party favors.  What kind of hosts would we be if we didn’t keep libations to put our guests in the mood?  We’ve really been slacking, lately.  I know for at least the past week, I haven’t been all that impressed with our selection.  I’ve just been reaching in the bottom of the bowl and using whatever I pick up.  I haven’t been properly stoned in at least 5 days.  This shit is amateur hour. But, it’s better than nothing to take the edge off. 
My hand shakes as I bring that guy’s lighter to the end of my cigarette, but it stops as soon as the taste of menthol enters my mouth. My lungs open up, clouding with thick smoke and a sudden calm washes over me. My eyes close on their own as the head rush takes over. It's not as good as I’ll feel when these pills kick in, but it'll do for right now.
Thora’s arms come around my waist and I roll my head over to look at her. She looks like she's worried about me. I have been a little quiet today, and there's no good explanation I can give her. She just thinks I'm not feeling well.
I'm not.
"You okay?" Her lips poke out in a pout as she rests her chin on my arm. She can't see the bruise on my shoulder under my long sleeve shirt, but it hurts. I think it happened carrying the blonde from the front seat to the warehouse. It was hard to maneuver him from the way he was sitting in the car to draping him over my shoulder. I must have bumped up against the car door or something because now I have a huge bruise.
Trying not to flinch, my arm comes around her shoulder and I pull her closer to me. "Fine." For the most part that's true. I do feel better holding her, I just don’t know long this reprieve will last.
"Let's go for a walk." She grabs my hand and I follow behind her. 
My lips start to turn up into a smirk and Thora turns to me and smiles. I feel a little twinge of guilt because she thinks my look is about her.  Honestly, I’m thinking about the fact that her campus is crawling with people that I could party with. If Ivar were here right now, we'd have a fucking field day. There are so many bored people around just looking to have fun. We could have our pick of them and show them the best time. There no telling some of the shit we could get to if we just let our imaginations run wild.
As the leaves crunch under my feet, I watch the way Thora kicks them with each step she takes. She's so graceful and childlike; she's going to make the perfect mother for my children. This hobby is just that, a hobby. I don’t understand how Ivar can doubt my decision.  Watching the impish way Thora moves, the concerned way she stares, the careful way she worries about me, I know that when this over it'll work out with us. She's exactly the transition I need from this phase of life to my next one.
She loves me and I think I love her. At least that's what I tell myself all the time. I love that I'm going to marry her and that she's going to raise my children. I love that she's so innocent and that she knows that I won't hurt her. I love the way she needs me. That means I love her, right? It doesn't matter really. I will love the life that I'm supposed to have with her.
Her hand grips mine tighter as we approach the people standing in the middle of the quad. Something is off. They're all huddled around one guy, hanging on his every word, whispering to each other, shrugging, and offering sympathy every now and again. Thora's arms wrap around mine and her head leans on my shoulder like she's feeling their pain. "His boyfriend didn't come home last night," she says quietly to me.
I look from her worried blue eyes to the blue-green eyes of the dark-haired man standing there. His red-rimmed eyes are swollen from crying and yet look sunken in on his pale face.  The look of terror in his eyes is reminiscent of the way Thora looks when she talks about Ivar. He's petrified and for some reason, my stomach starts to drop because of it.
The toe of my Doc Marten creates a small hole in the ground as I twist my foot to extinguish the cigarette. I can't stop staring as Thora moves to stand in front of the tall, brunette. She must know him.  Looking at her face, I can tell she’s feeling his pain.  It's enough to make me want to hurt him so he can stop hurting her. 
"Kalf, still no word?"
Fresh tears spring to Kalf’s eyes when he shakes his head. "We fought last night.” He uses his entire hand to wipe the tears running down his face, “A few people said they saw him dancing at Danger, but then he just disappeared.”  His voice starts to crack with each word as his fear starts to get the better of him, “We fight all the time, but he always comes home. He hasn't called or anything. Erlendur always calls."
"Maybe he just needs time to get his head together." My voice comes out soft and unsure. I don't even know why I spoke. 
When Thora's teary eyes turn in my turn in my direction, my throat starts to close.
Erlendur. This Erlendur is the guy from last night, he has to be. He was the one at Danger. He was the one that talked about his boyfriend with Ivar as we walked to the car. 
Shit! His name was Erlendur. He wasn't just the blonde tramp that we met at a club, but a kid; a college student with a boyfriend and friends, including my girl. He had a real-life like he was a real person. Why the fuck did he have to be real? He was just supposed to be a good time, not a person with a life outside of that moment.
By the time I open my eyes and steady myself on my feet, Thora's arms are around me again. I can't stand to be around her right now. Those innocent blue eyes are tearing into me at a level like I've never known before. Thora is hurting and it's because of me. She's worried about her friend because of something I did. I'm supposed to be the one to protect her and I've done just the opposite. 
Kalf's concerned eyes for Erlendur are exactly how Thora's eyes cloud over with concern for me. "Hvitserk? Are you alright?"
My head shakes as I try to keep myself from throwing up. "I don't feel so hot. I'm gonna take off." I offer her a smile to keep her calm, but she doesn't seem to be convinced by it. Her forehead is warm on my lips and her body is soft in my arms, but this is all I can give her right now. The guilt is like molten lava creeping up my neck. I know my cheeks are turning red and the pounded in my head lets me know right away that this isn't going to end well. "I'll call you later." 
Turning to Kalf, I stuff my hands in my pockets and refuse to meet his eyes. "I hope your friend turns up soon."
I barely manage to get around the building before I bend at the waist and try to catch my breath. I hate to hyperventilate. My hands rest on the top of my thighs as I try to control my breathing. I'm almost gulping in the air but it isn't helping. The only thing it's doing is making my throat burn and my lungs feel like they're going to explode. 
"Fucking, Erlendur. Motherfucker." Muffled curses pour from my lips, while I stumble my way to the car door. The wheezing in my chest doesn't stop, but it slows when I focus my attention on the fact that that fucker had a fucking name. 
I don't give a fuck about him or what we did to him. It does bother me though that the people he left behind are worried. They have no idea how we partied with him. They don't know that my face was the last one he saw before he stopped breathing altogether. Would Thora cry if she knew that Ivar beat him and skinned parts of his body? Would she be devastated if she knew that his skull was probably cracked when I slammed his head on the table repeatedly? Would it break her heart to know that we set him on fire and stood around to watch his body burn?
I can't hurt Thora. She needs me and I did this to her. I can't handle knowing that.
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I don't know how I make it home, but when I look up, I'm already barefoot and climbing the stairs. 
I feel sick, shaky... confused. I don't know what to do. The only thing I can do is open Ivar's door and close it quietly behind me. He's taking a nap, but he must have heard me come in because his head rises from his pillow right before he pulls back his covers. 
My movements are slow, but I manage to make it to his bed and tuck myself in close to him. "Erlendur. His fucking name was Erlendur." My voice cracks while I try to catch my breath. "He was real, Ivar. He had a name and a life and friends, and…"
"Shhhh, baby.  It's alright." His voice is a gentle whisper and his safe arms wrap protectively around me. He lovingly rubs my back while rocking me softly, "I'm here, Serk."
Nodding my head against his chest, I feel the tears slip from my eyes. "Make it better." This is where I need to be. “Hold me tight.”  I just need to be in his arms and let him protect me as only he can. "Promise me you won’t let me go."
His warm lips kiss the tears falling from the corner of my eye before he presses them to my forehead, “Never,” I feel him whisper against my skin.  
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honestsycrets · 5 years
Daddie’s Den Masterlist
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Reader Insert ( M x F )
⇢ double shot: gladiator || gladiator!ragnar x princess (twin of alfred)!reader (platonic), ubbe x reader || tw: mention of death, fighting, arranged marriage
Summary: As a princess, you fight to preserve Ragnar’s life as much as he does. The truth is: he doesn’t want it. Just like you don’t want your engagement.
Just Friends
⇢ oneshot: viking au || ivar x reader, ragnar x ivar (platonic) || tw: smut implied
Summary: Ivar wants to have sex with Margrethe. His father knows that’s a mistake.
The Wife of Kalf
⇢ oneshot: vikings || ragnar x reader || tw: mention of cheating, divorce, fighting, crude jokes, bullying
Summary: Your sons from Kalf pick a fight with Ivar Ragnarsson, not expecting that you would come to his aid. 
Sweet Little Lies
⇢ sequel: vikings || ragnar x reader || tw: funeral, angst.
Summary: After your son dies in the womb, you lay him to rest with the one man you want nothing to do with.
Ragnar’s Goat: Maisie
⇢ drabble || modern!ragnar x reader || tw: none (?)
Summary: His wife carries the goat in her purse to the farmer’s market.
⇢ oneshot: vikings || ragnar x reader || tw: rough childbirth
Summary: Ragnar takes care of his wife after she gives birth to their firstborn daughter.
A New Bond
⇢ oneshot: abo vk || omega!reader x alpha!ragnar || tw: abo dynamics, bonding, breeding
Summary: Reader’s old mate has died, throwing her body into a tailspin when the bonding mark dissipates. Not the best... time... on a boat.
The Third Wife
⇢ two-shot: vikings || ragnar x reader, ragnar x dark!lagertha, ragnar x aslaug || tw: murder, dark!aslaug
Summary: The reader discovers her husband hasn’t been as loyal as he would have had her think when a redhead comes to her door.
Platonic, Character Pairings & More
Little Rabbit
⇢ oneshot: vikings || ragnar x dom!lagertha || tw: femdom
Summary: Ragnar comes home to his little rabbit, hoping to get a jump on her. She gets a jump on him first.
Behind the Veil [ Mini Crack ]
⇢ mini-series: vikings || ragnar x aethelwulf, ragnar x floki, ragnar x athelstan || tw: crossdressing, complete ridiculousness
Summary: A rendition on Thor and Loki seeking out Mjollnir. Only, they are looking for Rollo-- crossdressing as Judith and company.
Headcanons & More
Precious Girl
⇢ headcanon || platonic!ragnar x prostitute!daughter || tw: mention of prostituting
⇢ headcanon || ragnar x reader || tw: spanking, daddie kink, etc.
Little Princess MB
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shieldmciden · 7 years
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          Okay, so since I’m going to drop my CANON DIVERGENT verse soon, I thought it would be important to explain why I’m keeping that part canon in my portrayal. Despite it being an unpopular opinion. ( also named it as headcanon because Lagertha’s thoughts / pov )
   [   Lagertha kills Aslaug. 4x14.   ]        personals blogs DON’T REBLOG
         Joy, thank-yous, smiles, relief... were all she could read on the many faces surrounding her right now. These well known visages. Her people. It was like they waited for her to free them of a ruler that didn’t care enough. Lagertha had never thought Aslaug was a bad Queen, but at times, she knew she was used to be royalty. She actually figured it out from the day she has walked in her house. The day where she had rubbed her belly outrageously in front of everyone, making the current Earl’s wife uncomfortable, unfitting, && more than anything, unworthy. Aslaug was ruling like many Earls, && Kings, who had power but only used it selfishly. But it wasn’t much about Aslaug, sure she was bitter over many things that the Shield-maiden had not been able to get over with, but right now, it was all about her people. && Ragnar.
         She saw the man. Her love. He wasn’t the one she met, the years had weighted on him, && she was persuaded that his wife, the volva - because she saw things - had been one of his evils, && sorrows. After fifteen years by Ragnar’s side, he had never turned into half the man he was today. Aslaug wasn’t good, she was a poison. She was also a cheater. Even Ragnar didn’t deserve that. Again, she saw him, && it broke her heart to see him like this. He had no hope anymore, he was lonely, feeling rejected && unloved. Lagertha wished their ways could reunite again, it was crystal clear that they both wished the same, && regretted the same things. He wondered what would have become if he hadn’t surrendered to Aslaug, && she kept wondering what her life would have been she had stayed in Kattegat. That kiss on her lips, the feeble light in his eyes had been enough to decide her to take over the Kingdom he wasn’t able to rule anymore. She knew him better than the back of her hand ; he didn’t care anymore. Maybe when he’d come back from England... maybe they could start something new ? His children were big, they didn’t need their parents together anymore, && Björn was the one who was supposed to succeed to Ragnar’s throne. She wasn’t really taking anything really, she was just helping him, because as he used to remind her so well, Ragnar became Earl because of others people actions - Lagertha’s - , && King because he had no choice in order to save his family.
         Lagertha had seen the way Aslaug had ruled during his absence. Nothing happened, nothing had been developed, Kattegat was just a place like any other, even Hedeby, her own place, was more productive than Kattegat in this moment. It was slowly dying. Like him.  && she couldn’t let that happen. She knew his sons tried, but... they were too young. Ragnar was gone, && as much as she had wanted to come with him, she had her own duties here in her Earldom. && She was sure he didn’t think straight. He didn’t succeed last time. She was getting tired to fight on others lands - England - , when their own lands here were compromised.She also knew that there would be losses in taking over the place, && it hurt her. I hurt to see how many people would die for Kattegat, it wasn’t fair. She had stopped the massacre earlier, a brief  ‘ enough ‘  sufficed to stop. No more losses. Not more deaths, when she was literally doing it for them.
         But for now, it was clear that she had taken the good decision when she stared at them, feeling hands on her back by way of thank-you. She smiled, as she was making her way to the Great Hall, Shield-maidens following carefully behind her. She knew she’d meet the Queen soon. She wasn’t sure how Aslaug would react though, she knew she wouldn’t be that surprised considering the animosity they had for each other the last years. Lagertha never forgave her, just like she never forgave Ragnar either, but time had eased the pain of the betrayal, && things had become more important. But again, she had not been able to erase Ragnar’s miserable face from her mind, && how Aslaug had reminded her that she was the Queen, && Lagertha was just an Earl a couple of days before the sacrifice. It seemed like old wounds weren’t really healed for anyone, really.
         Along the way, she appeared, in her heavy majestic furred coat, her crown settled on top of her tall presence. The cheering slowly disappeared as she made her way to meet the warrior. Her blue eyes landed on the sword she was carrying with her, && she knew, she knew Aslaug was giving up on the throne. No more losses. Did she see it, she wondered. Lagertha gave her shield, Aslaug didn’t look angry, && actually Lagertha couldn’t really read her expression in this moment, when she had felt the threat clearly last time. It was different.
         Lagertha waited, watching the defeated Queen who glanced at the Seer. Again, she wondered if they anticipated her arrival. It didn’t matter anymore, Lagertha’s colors had won. Aslaug was still beautiful. She really looked like a Queen, but she wasn’t a good one for anyone here.     ‘ How strange, Lagertha, that you should play the usurper. One woman against another. It doesn’t quite fit with your reputation. ’     Aslaug said. She sounded surprised. && she shouldn’t be, considering everything that happened between them, their sons, their people.
     Lagertha  started to place her sword back to her waist, as there won’t be no blood anymore today.      “ I was never the usurper, always the usurped. “      she began calmly.     “You took my husband, my world, && my happiness.”     She was only explaining, because she didn’t seem to understand, when there were so many reasons, && Lagertha only listed personal ones for now, because it seemed the easiest ones to get.      “ The fact that you’re a woman is neither here, nor there “        She had killed her previous husbands, for obvious reasons as well, && Kalf, he usurped her && he was a man. That had nothing to do about her being a woman, but her taking everything away from her. She still didn’t see the sorrows she had brought to her ? She never wondered why Lagertha left when she showed up with her pregnancy ?
        ‘ I didn’t take your husband, he chose to be with me. ‘      That wasn’t good. She still didn’t understand, && Lagertha had to control herself. She was abandoning her Kingdom, but they had unfinished business. But if she really wanted to know a piece of her mind, then that was the perfect day. Jawline tight, Lagertha answered.      “He didn’t choose. You’re a witch, you bewitched him.”      She claimed to be a volva after all, but she had to admit Lagertha wouldn’t let it go so easily. Not after everything.
         ‘ If that’s what you want to believe, that’s up to you.’      So now, she was implying that it wasn’t true. That Aslaug herself wasn’t in the wrong ?      ‘ I don’t disagree, women can have power over men. But it’s not always magical, is it, Lagertha ? ’       Lagertha wanted to reply that he didn’t choose her, only his sons. && a part of her also knew that Aslaug’s beauty had drawn Ragnar to fault, to fall for her, even for a an hour. An hour that had costed them everything. Aslaug gathered herself, && turned to the people around, she was about to say something important.    
‘ In any case, Ragnar is dead.’
         People started to whisper, murmuring around them, && immediately Lagertha’s words flew out of her mouth.     ‘ You don’t know that.’       It couldn’t be possible, he just left for England. It just... no. She was fooling her, that was the only way.      ‘I dreamed it, I warned him about his journey. In my dreams, his boats were sunk in the storm. Ragnar died. So did my son, Ivar.’      She was lying, she was certain she was lying because her face was as bright at the sun, no clouds were invading her beautiful face. If he was dead, indeed, she would have somehow a reaction, he was her husband after all. It just... didn’t make any sense. She was lost now.       ‘But you don’t know that.’      Her jawline was tight, she was having a hard time to believe her. It wasn’t supposed to be that way. He had to come back. Aslaug was showing no emotion, even for her son, she was lying. && it made her angry. Everything she said made her angry. Hearbeat increased slowly, pounding hard into her chest, as she could feel herself already overwhelmed.
        She watched Aslaug with intense eyes, angry at her as this one took a long pause to answer, cocking her head on the side as if she wasn’t even sure of her answer.      ‘ No i don’t know that for sure. It was just a dream.’           She was fooling her. Or maybe not. But she was driving her crazy, because she seemed to really believe her own words. && she didn’t... care ? She had been married to Ragnar for longer than she did, && she didn’t show any emotion ? She was just playing around with his death. A dream. He would come back. He had to.
         “&& I have dreamed of taking back my home. I have dreamed it for a long time.’      Adrenalin was slowly decreasing now, she tried to remain as calm as she could, when her first instinct was to draw her sword, even just to threaten her, but no loss. Even if she deserved it entirely.     “ But if I have to fight for it, then I will.”     Lagertha already knew she wouldn’t try anything, from the way she stood, && also by experience, Aslaug didn’t know how to even hold a sword.
         ‘ Don’t worry, I could never fight you Lagertha. ‘      Aslaug smiled, almost too much for her own good. It wasn’t a joke, did she even realize it ? Again, she didn’t care. She didn’t even think Lagertha could fight her, because of her reputation ? She thought she was weak... it was just being responsible, && caring. It made her angry all over again.     ‘ I am not my mother, nor my father. I would never win.’      The way she acted, the way she moved, the way she smiled even after admitting she thought Ragnar was dead... the way she dropped the sword vulgarly by her feet. She showed no respect. For anyone. But Lagertha waited, it was the only thing she could do besides watching her right in the eyes, or else, she wasn’t sure of her next move. She wanted her to go now.
         ‘ The gods foretold Ragnar would have many sons. And I have given him those sons. I am as much a part of his saga, Lagertha, as you are.’     Ragnar again, && his sons. The sons she couldn’t have with him despite the amount of love they have for each other, the sons that separated her from him, but also the son she had lost because of prophecies. It was unfair. Oh so unfair. Aslaug had everything, && she didn’t have to work for it, she didn’t even deserve any of this. && though, she was smelling of insolence, carelessness && selfishness. She was toxic && she was humiliating her in front of everyone, her people.  Again. Making her feel less a woman than she was because of the Gods. Humiliating her again for the same reasons twenty years ago Lagertha left. Lagertha felt so unimportant in this moment. The anger inside her chest was consuming her, && though, she couldn’t lose it now, she couldn’t... it wasn’t in her plans... everything confused her . It turned hard to think straight, to focus.    
         ‘ But now I renounce everything. All I ask is safe passage. All I ask is that you let me live here in peace, to go wherever the gods decide. And you shall have back your hearth and home. With my blessing. And my sons, when they hear how it was done, will be grateful for the manner of it. And not seek revenge’        Lagertha was still watching her, but she was barely listening. With her bright smile, she was acting like a Saint, that was the word Athelstan used at times. As if she was the victim,as if Lagertha was taking everything from her, && still, she was the good person here. She wasn’t, && would never be. Lagertha was blinded by her anger. Her blood was boiling, simmering, watery eyes were still there, but she repressed the tears that urged to fall, to let her feelings show in front of such a cold person like Aslaug. All she could  mutter was a brief    “ I understand.”      She didn’t agree on any of her requests.
         She swallowed thickly, trying to ghost a smile upon her lips, but the decision was already taken. Aslaug didn’t care, she didn’t fear her since the beginning, because she had a big heart from her reputation. Lagertha let her win once... but it was over. Lagertha realized she had taken everything from both Ragnar && Lagertha, for literally nothing. && she didn’t care. She was still smiling, impudent, thinking that she could live her life for long years freely. That wasn’t what happened for Lagertha when she had left. She didn’t leave with a single blessing, she didn’t leave with anything besides her son !
         Lagertha moved aside, looking down, only stare up at Aslaug when the tall woman walked past her with that smile.      ‘ Thank you. ’      She was literally pushing her to the deepest of her soul now, from how kind she could be. There would be no loss, but her plans had changed. She didn’t have a plan anymore. Lagertha was impulsive, reckless, drawn by her own emotions, but more than anything, she hated injustice. She clenched her jaw, watched the Queen leave with that bright successful smile of hers. She glanced at Torvi, && she knew, she handed her the bow in her hand. Fingers curled around the wooden weapon, as she slid a perfect arrow between her bloody knuckles. She waited, her breath stopped for a second as she hesitated, until she remembered Ragnar’s face. He was gone. Her heart ached in pain, && she freed the arrow that went to find its target perfectly. Lagertha was a skilled archer, she never missed anything.
But she never forgot anything either.
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ao3feed-vikings · 7 years
What Should Have Been
read it on the AO3 at http://unicorn_feeds_back/works/13790619
by RedCoral
“I don’t think you love Princess Aslaug either. I think you loved her ability to give you more sons.”
“That may be true. I always wanted many sons.”
“And Athelstan?”
“Athelstan is different,” Ragnar said, his tone clipped and defensive.
When Ragnar asked Lagertha about Kalf's death, maybe that conversation could have gone differently, admissions could have been revealed, truths could have been accepted and trust could have been established.
Words: 923, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Vikings (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Ragnar Lothbrok, Lagertha, Athelstan (Vikings)
Relationships: Ragnar Lothbrok/Lagertha (past), Ragnar Lothbrok/Athelstan (implied)
Additional Tags: Episode Related, episode 4x06 What Might Have Been, this is how it should have gone, canon compliant up to a point, Canonical Character Death
read it on the AO3 at http://unicorn_feeds_back/works/13790619
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mermaidsirennikita · 7 years
What is your opinion on lagertha's bisexuality?
I think it was horribly handled in terms of how people talked about it BTS and in terms of how it was handled on the show.
First off, there was plenty of evidence for Lagertha’s bisexuality before Astrid came onto the scene, and any scenes solidly indicating such were cut from the American broadcast, which I found homophobic.  The scene implying that Lagertha, Aslaug, and Ragnar had a threesome was cut; and hell, Aslaug was in the middle of that threesome.  The scene with Lagertha kissing Kwenthrith was cut.  Even once Astrid was on the show, her sex scene with Lagertha was cut, though it wasn’t any more explicit than the hetero sex scenes on the show.
Lagertha’s relationship with Astrid has been shown to be far less important than her relationship with Ragnar.  She never moaned to Kalf about how much she missed and loved Ragnar--but after she’d had 0 contact with him for decades an frankly didn’t even have this major goodbye with him... she’s constantly crying and wringing her hands over him TO Astrid.  They act more like friends than lovers in that respect.
And essentially, Hirst (and I believe Katheryn Winnick) has said that the reason Lagertha is with Astrid is because she’s been burned by men.  Because getting bad treatment from one sex makes you inclined towards the other.  It’s a very inaccurate representation of bisexuality, and ignores Lagertha’s identity as a bisexual woman prior to Astrid.
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mredwinsmith · 7 years
Binge! The Food Feasts of Art History
As the Old Sing, So Pipe the Young by Jan Steen
An Artist’s Cornucopia of Gorgeous, Strange and Sometimes Grotesque Artworks Featuring Edibles
Let the feasting begin. As many of us prepare for, or are already in the midst of, this season of holidays, parties and fun, we decided to feast with our eyes first with a totally binge worthy showcase of food feasts of art history! It’s an artist’s cornucopia of gorgeous, strange and sometimes a little bit gross artworks featuring edibles.
Solo Feast
Annibale Carracci’s The Bean Eater is a depiction of a rough and tumble character sitting down to a hearty meal. With eyes looking directly outward, there’s an implied expectation that you, the viewer, are sharing his space and the dining hour, perhaps at a table across the way.
  The Bean Eater by Annibale Carracci
The Potato Eaters
A dark and coarse supper from the Post-Impressionist Vincent Van Gogh, The Potato Eaters is unlike the painter’s colorful landscape masterworks. The artist focused on the poverty and realness of peasants at table. In a letter, Van Gogh describes:
“You see, I really have wanted to make it so that people get the idea that these folk, who are eating their potatoes by the light of their little lamp, have tilled the earth themselves with these hands they are putting in the dish, and so it speaks of manual labor and — that they have thus honestly earned their food. I wanted it to give the idea of a wholly different way of life from ours — civilized people. So I certainly don’t want everyone just to admire it or approve of it without knowing why.”
  The Potato Eaters by Vincent Van Gogh
Eat Like an Egyptian
Courtesy Wikimedia Commons
Egyptian hieroglyphs depict agriculture at its most ancient. Food was a mainstay of tomb decorations because who wants to get hangry in the afterlife? One tomb features a couple at work planting and harvesting. Other paintings show figures in similar moments of farming. Still others depict servants processing with platters of fish, fruit and game.
It also turns out grains, despite art to the contrary, made up the bulk of the Egyptian’s diet from 3500 BC to 600 AD, with little meat and surprisingly little fish as well considering, well, the Nile.
Ancient Egyptian painting featuring figures with food: platters of fish, bushels of grapes, and game
Another ancient painting from the nearby Indus River Valley shows a female figure enjoying the fruits of (likely) someone else’s labor as she accepts a beverage from a standing attendant.
Painting from the Indus River Valley Civilization, which started in 2500 BCE
Sacred Feast
Dim mood lighting almost obscures the action of Caravaggio’s 1601 painting depicting the Supper at Emmaus. The central Christ figure has just nonchalantly revealed himself to his dining followers and they — arms outflung, lurching out of chairs–start to freak. That means getting up from a table carefully set by the artist.
Notice how Caravaggio heightens the drama (and shows off his skills) of the moment by placing the fruit basket in the foreground over the edge of the table.
  Supper at Emmaus by Caravaggio
  Last Suppers
As one of the most prominent stories of Western Christianity, the Last Supper has been featured in hundreds of artworks throughout the ages. Visual earmarks of the subject matter usual include Christ at the center of the tableau surrounded by his apostles, but even that is subject to change with plenty of artistic license thrown in for good measure.
  Last Supper, Mosaic in Basilica of Sant’Apollinare Nuovo
With Tiles
Early Christian mosaic depictions like those in Ravenna, Italy show a Last Supper not situated to a particular setting. The scene is simply cordoned off with a decorative border around the action. Christ is not in the center but on the far left, accentuated with a bejeweled halo and adorned in blue drapery.
Scale and perspective, obviously, were details the artists were still working on AKA wow, that’s a big fish. But having been made in the 6th century AD, we are cutting these tesserae artists some slack.
  The Last Supper by Andrea del Castagno
Last Supper by Domenico Ghirlandaio
With Variations
Artists like Andrea del Castagno, who painted his Last Supper in 1447, and Domenico Ghirlandaio, who did his some thirty years later in 1479, both placed Christ on the viewer’s side of the biblical dinner table, though they altered which position Christ faced.
This visual trope didn’t set any historical trends. But there’s much to note in these altarpieces including how trippy del Castagno’s backdrop of marble panels appear and wondering what Ghirlandaio meant by his inclusion of all those strangely huge birds in the background arches of his Last Supper.
  Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci
Setting Standards
It was Leonardo da Vinci’s Renaissance version of the Last Supper that really set the standard when it comes to historic iconography and presentation of the subject. He was the only Ninja Turtle to do a painting of the Last Supper that survives to date. Michelangelo, Donatello and Raphael have none to their names. Leo’s visual language would influence generations of artists and plenty of 21st century memes.
And definitely not a Last Supper?!
Feast at the House of Levi by Paolo Veronese
Last Supper by Veronese, detail of jester
Last Supper by Veronese, detail of drunkards
Last Supper by Veronese, detail of underage drunkards
Veronese came almost a century after Leonardo. He definitely upped the ante when it came to production value. His Last Supper appears in a much more splendid setting than Leonardo’s and also included a ton of extras…who almost got him strung up for heresy during the Inquisition.
Yup, Veronese’s “buffoons, drunken Germans, dwarfs and other such scurrilities” along with apostles carving up lamb (that would be St. Peter) and picking their teeth with forks were harshly critiqued and questioned by officials.
Change it up…fast
Veronese though turns out to have been quite a pivot master. He simply made a few adjustments to the painting and asserted that the Last Supper wasn’t a Last Supper at all. No, this is a depiction of the Feast in the House of Levi. Totally different, judges. Toooooootally different. Subject closed. Neck of artist, saved.
  There’s a Squash on Your Face
Giuseppe Arcimboldo, whose name this writer always confuses with saltimbocca (points though because that’s a food?), painted portraits of people as food. A set of eyebrows become strands of wheat. There’s a cucumber for a nose. Fish tails do the duty of a goatee. You get the gastronomic picture.
Food fetishist, a little imbalanced, or simply painting what his 16th-century Italian audience were into? It’s most likely the latter according to most scholars. Renaissance peeps loved riddles, puzzles and the strange, and Arcimboldo’s paintings are an edible array of all three.
  Autumn by Giuseppe Arcimboldo
    The Most Sumptuous of All
When it comes to paintings that really put the ‘feast’ into the food, we have only to look one place: the Dutch Republic. Dutch painters in Antwerp in the 1640s developed the still life style of pronkstilleven, which is Dutch speak for hella food feast. Also, perhaps more literally translated as ostentatious, ornate or sumptuous still life.
The Feasts
Pronkstilleven by Carstian Luyckx
Enter the lobsters, the meat pies, the fowl and fish, the oysters, the piles of glowing fruit, the gorgeous goblets and tankards of ale, and the stultifying curls of lemon peel. Enter the diversity of foods, vessels, gleaming glass, table settings and rich drapery.
Enter the not-so-everyday abundance as painted by dozens of Flemish artists with haute cuisine foremost in their minds including Frans Snyders, Adriaen van Utrecht, Jan Davidsz. de Heem, Nicolaes van Verendael, Alexander Coosemans, Carstian Luyckx, Jasper Geeraards, Peter Willebeeck, Abraham van Beyeren, Willem Kalf, Osias Beert, and Cornelis Norbertus Gijsbrechts.
Banquet Still Life by Abraham van Beyeren
  A Table of Desserts by Jan Davidsz. de Heem
  Still Life with Lobster by Jasper Geeraerts
Banquet Still Life by Abraham van Beyeren
Dishes with Oysters, Fruit, and Wine by Osias Beert the Elder
Pronkstilleven by Petrus Willebeeck
Eat and Learn
The pronkstilleven isn’t just about the eating extravaganza. There’s a moral to the story. It goes something like “you’ll never fill that hole in your life, no matter how much you stuff yourself.”
It could possibly be put a bit more eloquently in terms of the high genre of vanitas paintings, in which the empty or overturned glasses depicted speak to the vacant feelings inside that only moderation and temperance — not displays of wealth — can satisfy. The ostentatious spreads you see serve as warnings to not put your life in service to material things…despite inclusion of all the material things.
Pronkstillevens with a Side of Weird
But leave it to the artists to go a little off the rails with a theme. So from fancy snacks and highbrow eats, we go to:
Food feast, the menagerie edition! Also ew…who would eat a peacock?!
A Pantry by Adriaen van Utrecht
Food feast, the strange pets edition! Also ew…why is your dog smaller than the lobster on the table?!
Banquet Still Life by Adriaen van Utrecht
Food feast, the put-the-turkey-back-together edition! Also ew…why did you put the turkey back together and put it on the table on top of his own parts-made-into-pie self?! We know Jonathan Rhys Meyers as Henry VIII did a swan version of this in The Tudors (super bootleg clip if you want to see for yourself) and we still don’t care.
Food feast, the monkeys-need-to-eat edition! Also yay…the monkeys-need-to-eat edition? Did you know there is an entire painting genre called singerie devoted to depicting monkeys dressed up and doing human things…like having parties and feasting? The Dutchman Nicolaes van Verendael made several including the one you see here.
Feast of the Monkeys by Nicolaes van Verendael
The Butcher and the Baker
Less look at my bling and more men and women at work, there are several Dutch masterworks riffing on the historic “pre-processing” of comestibles. That includes depictions of market stalls and butchers and food mongers prepping their wares.
  Market Scene on a Quay by Frans Snyders
Kitchen by Adriaen van Utrecht
Cook at a Kitchen Table with Dead Game by Frans Snyders
Fishmonger’s Stall by Adriaen van Utrecht
Raid the Pantry
The Spanish have a food-in-art genre going strong as well, dating back to the 1600s. The bodegón tradition hit its stride with Baroque painters like Velazquez, Juan Sanchez Cotan, Zurbaran and Luis Melendez. It encompasses still life paintings depicting kitchen items plus food and drink, found in pantries or wine cellars, which is where the term derives.
Bodegón by Juan Sánchez Cotán
In contrast to the Dutch tradition, bodegóns are presented simply, almost austerely. It is about the everyday, not the exceptional. There’s no banquet table set. These bleak “meals” are displaed on spare wood blocks or stone shelves. This is the cook’s prep table, with animals waiting to be skinned and fruits and vegetables in the raw.
Bodegón by Juan van der Hamen
But the vanitas thread loops these two still life genres together, with the Dutch cautioning the excess and the Spanish evoking mindfulness of the meager or lean times, when inner faith and fortitude must do the heavy lifting.
Bodegón by Francisco Zurbarán
What cannot be denied is the surreal look of the bodegón, which are often cast in shadows and set in peculiar places, but that simply serves to make them all the more notable.
Let’s Eat!
Diego Velazquez vibes with the bodegon tradition on several canvases including Old Woman Frying Eggs and The Lunch. Though the vibes are at different ends of the spectrum. The latter painting is way up and the former piece is way down. But food is the thing that unites them.
  The Lunch by Diego Velazquez
Old Woman Frying Eggs by Diego Velazquez
Wholesome Orchard Bounty
From a handful to a basketful, Post-Impressionist Paul Cezanne displayed apples and oranges in numerous ways in his equally numerous still life paintings. A jelly maker’s dream, Cezanne’s fruity canvases also bridge two -isms of art (Impressionism and Cubism) with their often disorienting lines of perspective and emphasis on planes.
  Still Life with Seven Apples by Paul Cezanne
The Basket of Apples by Paul Cezanne
Cake, Cake and More Cake…Also Pie
For close to fifty years Wayne Thiebaud has taken edibles as a painting subject. Certainly not his only subject but cakes, pies, gumballs, hot dogs and ice cream cones do grace more than several of his brightly colored canvases.
The compositions mostly echo the neat rows of a food counter or assembly line, perhaps harking back to Thiebaud’s teenage experience working at Mile High and Red Hot, a Long Beach, California cafeteria in the 1930s.
  Cakes and Pies by Wayne Thiebaud
Pie Counter by Wayne Thiebaud
  Naughty Foodie
Will Cotton’s career as a painter is all about exploiting food cravings. His works depict landscapes of cupcakes, candies and melting ice cream and skies of cotton candy. He ups the sexy quotient by sometimes including nude and semi-nude figures — including celebs like Katy Perry — frolicking and lounging in his candy lands or adorned with the sticky foodstuffs itself.
  Crown by Will Cotton
    Meat Joy
Carolee Schneemann’s 1964 performance “Meat Joy” featured choreographed dance, scantily clad men and women participants, much writhing, body paint, and raw meat. Schneemann, a leading feminist artist known for her provocative, somewhat brutish works, performed the modern masterwork in London and New York to agog audiences.
  Campbell’s Soup Cans by Andy Warhol
Canned Food Drive
Andy Warhol first presented these 32 individual canvases in 1962, putting the works side by side just as if they were actual cans of soup on a grocery store’s shelves. Each canvas represents a different flavor of Campbell’s soup that Warhol hand-painted and hand-stamped with an eye toward the mass-produced ads the artist was inspired by.
  Untitled by Feliz Gonzalez-Torres
Poignant Candies
In corners, around columns, in stairwells–Felix Gonzalez-Torres’ untitled candy performance-cum-changeable-sculpture pieces have been placed in humble settings across numerous museum floors worldwide. Visitors to the installations are invited to take a piece of the work…and the rest is up to them. Consume the candy. Keep it forever. Throw it away or pass it to a friend. The underlying message of the work harks back to the dark days the AIDS epidemic and the diminishing pile of candy represents those lost (or forsaken) to the disease.
  Courtesy Michael Parker
Squeeze My Citrus
Artist Michael Parker, best known for his Cali land art installations, prompted visitors at his 2015 Juiceworks show to squeeze piles of gorgeously arranged citrus fruits using dozens of ceramic tools he’d made.
  Courtesy Salad for President
Salad for President
Artist and salad activist Julia Sherman, author of the blog Salad for President, created rooftop garden installations at the Getty Center in Los Angeles and MoMA PS1 in New York in 2014 and 2015. Guest artists were asked to make salads from the produce Sherman grew, which included more than 50 heirloom herbs, vegetables and edible flowers.
  Floor Burger by Claes Oldenburg
Inflatable Snacks
No binge-worthy food feast art history round-up would be complete without the Floor Burger by Claes Oldenburg. It is the epitome of modern art in food…or would that be modern food in art? You can’t eat it but you could definitely jump on this supersized junk food. Though the risk is museum banning you for life. #tradeoffs #worthit
The post Binge! The Food Feasts of Art History appeared first on Artist's Network.
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honestsycrets · 7 years
Masterlist: Ragnar Lothbrok 
Tumblr media
↳  All of my fics, imagines and so on containing my king can be found below. Feel free to reblog. 
Daddie’s Den
Flower Fall
⇢  Done || Vikings Universe || wc: 380
Synopsis: During the flower festival, Reader doesn’t receive flowers from a suitor. Ragnar knows how to cure that.
The Help + II
⇢  Done || Professor AU || wc: 2761
Synopsis: Everyone knows how her professor looks at her. Everyone but her. She only knows that he creeps her out.
The Boatbuilder’s Daughter
⇢  Dropped || Vikings Universe || wc: 2695
Summary: Floki’s daughter catches the eye of Ragnar whom has interests in her that are far more than platonic. All she can think of is how she betrayed her love interest Bjorn.
A Healing Hand
⇢ Dropped || Vikings Universe || wc: 1019
Summary: Reader is a healer engaged to Bjorn by Aslaug’s doing. Ragnar isn’t the type to sit back and accept fate.
Breed the King
⇢  Complete || Vikings Universe || wc: 386
Summary: Reader, queen of a tribe of women, captures Ragnar and his warriors. Instead of malicious intent, she decides to breed the king
His Princess
⇢  Complete || Vikings Universe || wc: 1149
Summary: Reader stays behind with her father following Lagertha’s divorce. A small platonic series.
⇢  Incomplete || Vikings Universe || wc: 3271
Summary: Athelstan notices that Ragnar is bored with Aslaug, his second wife. He decides to help him get a third to uplift his spirits. 
Christmas with Daddie
⇢  Complete || Universe || wc: (?) 
Summary: A compilation of drabbles with Ragnar.
Lost and Found
⇢  Incomplete || Vikings + Modern Universe || 906
Summary: Ragnar and Lagertha come upon a woman of particularly odd dress. It looks... short, sexy. Useless. 
⇢ double shot: gladiator || gladiator!ragnar x princess (twin of alfred)!reader (platonic), ubbe x reader || tw: mention of death, fighting, arranged marriage
Summary: As a princess, you fight to preserve Ragnar’s life as much as he does. The truth is: he doesn’t want it. Just like you don’t want your engagement.
Just Friends
⇢ oneshot: viking au || ivar x reader, ragnar x ivar (platonic) || tw: smut implied
Summary: Ivar wants to have sex with Margrethe. His father knows that’s a mistake.
The Wife of Kalf
⇢ oneshot: vikings || ragnar x reader || tw: mention of cheating, divorce, fighting, crude jokes, bullying
Summary: Your sons from Kalf pick a fight with Ivar Ragnarsson, not expecting that you would come to his aid. 
Ragnar’s Goat: Maisie
⇢ drabble || modern!ragnar x reader || tw: none (?)
Summary: His wife carries the goat in her purse to the farmer’s market.
⇢ oneshot: vikings || ragnar x reader || tw: rough childbirth
Summary: Ragnar takes care of his wife after she gives birth to their firstborn daughter.
A New Bond
⇢ oneshot: abo vk || omega!reader x alpha!ragnar || tw: abo dynamics, bonding, breeding
Summary: Reader’s old mate has died, throwing her body into a tailspin when the bonding mark dissipates. Not the best… time… on a boat.
The Third Wife
⇢ two-shot: vikings || ragnar x reader, ragnar x dark!lagertha, ragnar x aslaug || tw: murder, dark!aslaug
Summary: The reader discovers her husband hasn’t been as loyal as he would have had her think when a redhead comes to her door.
Little Rabbit
⇢ oneshot: vikings || ragnar x dom!lagertha || tw: femdom
Summary: Ragnar comes home to his little rabbit, hoping to get a jump on her. She gets a jump on him first.
Behind the Veil [ Mini Crack ]
⇢ mini-series: vikings || ragnar x aethelwulf, ragnar x floki, ragnar x athelstan || tw: crossdressing, complete ridiculousness
Summary: A rendition on Thor and Loki seeking out Mjollnir. Only, they are looking for Rollo– crossdressing as Judith and company.
Gimme, Gimme
⇢ Oneshot || Vikings Universe || wc: 258
Summary: Ragnar carries her over the threshold of their home on a little too much mead. 
Honey Pot
⇢ Incomplete || Vikings Universe || Floki x Helga x Ragnar || wc: 478
Summary: So he might be a little jealous that he was never invited to Floki and Helga’s bed. Floki will do anything for his beloved friend.
Defy the King
⇢  Oneshot || Vikings Universe || wc: 239
Summary: She won’t be intimidated by no man.
Who I am
⇢  Oneshot || Vikings Universe || Floki x Ragnar || wc: 616
Summary: Jealous of Athelstan and Ragnar’s relationship, Floki shows off who he is to Athelstan.
You could do better
⇢ Oneshot || Vikings Universe || wc: 479
Summary: She wants to learn to kiss Torstein in order to attract him. Obviously, Ragnar will be the one to teach her how.
Child of Mine
⇢  Oneshot || Vikings Universe || wc: 1361
Summary: After arranging his death, Ivar is set out on a task to find his father’s former lover-- and his last baby sister.
What is coming
⇢  Oneshot || Vikings Universe || wc: 292
Summary: Gyda is approaching the age of marriage. More and more, Ragnar does not like that. Not one bit.
Familiar Scent
⇢ Oneshot || Vikings Universe || wc: 1430
Summary: Bjorn divorces his wife for another omega. The divorce leaves her in shambles, stumbling around looking for a fuck. Ragnar intervenes.
Sweet Little Lies + II
⇢ Complete || Vikings Universe || wc: 1211
Summary: He has always told her not to come to Kattegat. Though he might have good reason, you’re desperate for his touch. It’s not what you thought it would be.
⇢  Oneshot || Vikings Universe || wc: 317
Summary: The witch of this island just wont let him go.
⇢  Oneshot || Vikings Universe || wc: 569
Summary: Ragnar doesn’t like ropes.
Too Old for This + II
⇢ Complete || Vikings Universe || wc: 1903
Summary: Reader has always wanted Ragnar, her man’s father.
Definitely Too Old for This  
⇢  Complete || Modern AU || wc: 329
Summary: Ragnar welcomes another child into his home-- or he would have if he was in the delivery room.
Nothing Done
⇢  Complete || Vikings Universe || wc: 1001
Summary: Ragnar is a terrible distraction. Every time he comes home from raid you get nothing done.
Not You
⇢ Complete || Vikings Universe || wc: 592
Summary: Ragnar is pouting after finding Reader in Ecbert’s bath with Lagertha. It turns out he was the only one not invited.
 Bad Husband
⇢  Complete || Modern AU || wc: 236
Summary: Your ex-husband drops by unannounced. It doesn’t take much for you to realize why.
My Decision
⇢ Complete || Mob AU || wc: 484
Summary: After you leave your mob boss boyfriend, Ragnar is pressed to make a decision.
⇢  Complete || Vikings Universe || wc: 192
Summary: You really hate that lamb.
⇢ Complete || Vikings Universe || wc: 162
Summary: You always leave him at night.
The Last Lover
⇢ Complete || Vikings Universe || wc: 355
Summary: You’ve always been there for Ragnar, placing yourself to the side. You decide to put yourself first, with Bjorn.
You Know Better
⇢ Complete || Vikings Universe || wc: 686
Summary: It’s not allowed to masturbate in his house! At least... not without him knowing. 
⇢ Complete || Vikings Universe || wc: 469
⇢ Complete || Vikings Universe || wc: 709
Cozy Ragnar
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ao3feed-vikings · 7 years
What Should Have Been
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2F0LIM6
by RedCoral
“I don’t think you love Princess Aslaug either. I think you loved her ability to give you more sons.”
“That may be true. I always wanted many sons.”
“And Athelstan?”
“Athelstan is different,” Ragnar said, his tone clipped and defensive.
When Ragnar asked Lagertha about Kalf's death, maybe that conversation could have gone differently, admissions could have been revealed, truths could have been accepted and trust could have been established.
Words: 923, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Vikings (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Ragnar Lothbrok, Lagertha, Athelstan (Vikings)
Relationships: Ragnar Lothbrok/Lagertha (past), Ragnar Lothbrok/Athelstan (implied)
Additional Tags: Episode Related, episode 4x06 What Might Have Been, this is how it should have gone, canon compliant up to a point, Canonical Character Death
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2F0LIM6
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