#immiscible discord spoilers
miumiumola · 2 years
i’m sorry the quality on the Mafuyu .png is so bad T~T it’s hard finding non .webp images....
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viofficial · 1 year
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[id: a digital illustration of mizuki akiyama and mafuyu asahina. they are standing in place, looking at the viewer, wearing a black dress. part of the dress is see through, specifically the sleeves, that are also decorated with black flowers. mizuki is smiling whilst mafuyu has a surprised look on her face. The background behind them is white with brown splotches and sticks with fruit on them. end id].
hello everyone !! this is prolly one of my first analysis posts, at least on this acc. I’ll be using screenshots from the game to illustrate my points, and separate the post into sections, as well as providing image descriptions and plain text for low vision ppl!! I will also be using she/they for mizuki and he/she for mafuyu, so if u dont like that then shoo. they r transfem (mizuki) and transmasc (mfy) respectively. Also spoilers for most of the events so uhh u shouldnt be reading this if u didnt read all of the mfy or mizu focused events. without furtho ado, let’s start!
Hiding One’s True Self
[plain text: hiding one’s true self. end plain text].
this is kind of an obvious observation, and it’s ofc for diff reasons, but both mafuyu and mizuki hide aspects of themselves to both niigo and the world. mafuyu’s is more subconscious, while mizuki is (for the most part) aware that she hides herself, esp from niigo. they’re both in a situation where it’s difficult to get out of, mfy with her abusive mother, and how her mother pressures her to conform and mold to how everyone, including her classmates, wants her to be. he’s seen as the perfect daughter, the perfect student, with no interests, opinions, anything of his own. mizuki, on the other hand, is very clearly transfem which i am not accepting critique on, and because she goes to great lengths to express her gender identity, even going so far as to change from the male school uniform to the female school uniform, ppl ridicule them, which causes them to not have many friends, esp not ones to freely talk abt their gender with. mizu’s relationship to ena mirrors mafuyu’s relationship with kanade, and they both serve as support to mfy and mizuki respectively. they specifically focus on wanting mfy and mizu to become their true selves, with kanade going so far to try to “save” mafuyu (which i have a Lot of opinions on but thats another analysis for another day). in the song samsa, from the event immiscible discord, there are lines sung by mizuki and mfy at the same time which further highlight these similarities, and go into what’s going on in the narrative.
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[id: a screenshot of lyrics, several color coded text in front of a black background. Kaito’s lines are outlined in blue, mafuyu’s in purple, ena’s in beige, mizuki’s in pink, kanade’s in red. some colors are combined, such as mafuyu and mizuki, kanade and ena, and kaito, kanade and ena. The lyrics read: It throbs, throbs, throbs (I throb in pain)
It aches, aches, aches (it aches, aches)
It throbs, throbs, throbs (I throb in pain)
It throbs, throbs, it aches
Throbbing, throbbing, throbbing painfully
Everyone barely escapes with their souls
It throbs, throbs, throbs
Eaten away by all the pain and the wranglers–taratta
But even so, I wonder why it still
Throbs, throbs, throbs (throbbing painfully)
It's as if you're biting into the apple, Sa-sa-Samsa
end id].
as u can see, mizuki and mfy are the only ones who sing the lines “i throb in pain,” “it throbs, it throbs, it throbs,” and “but even so, i wonder why it still.” kaito also joins in with singing the line, “it’s as if you’re biting the apple, sa-sa-samsa.” kaito is a manifestation of someone who’s trying to tell mafuyu the truth of his mother’s intentions, which mirrors meiko’s role in the event my footprints, your destination. while this event was a kanade and mfy focus, i have every reason to believe the song also parallels mizuki’s issues. while mfy and mizuki have sought refuge in niigo, they still are unable to fully open up. mfy feels she’s unable to become her true self and stand up to her mother, while mizuki is unable to disclose her trans identity. which brings me to my next point. 
[plain text: refuge. Plain text]. 
after a while of working with niigo, both mfy and mizu find a safe haven with kanade and ena, enough to be able to open up to them slightly. this is indicated in the videos of two events–and now, the ribbon is tied, and secret distance, two mizuki centric stories–that i’m about to share. it also shows how in a way, she relates to mfy’s struggle and feelings re: niigo. 
[ENG] And Now, the Ribbon is Tied - chapter 1 [Project Sekai event story]
when mfy mentions she feels at ease when working with niigo, mizuki takes note of it. she later says, near the end of the chapter, that they feel like they’re the same as mfy and think abt their past self. 
[Project Sekai] Event Story - Secret Distance [ENG Sub]
in this event, mizuki realizes that while they make music together, they don’t rlly know each other. so they set up an outing for the group to bond whilst stepping outside their comfort zone. after the outing, mizuki realizes how important they are to her, and how she finally feels like she’s found friends she feels comfortable with, enough to say she wants to do this next year. 
Relationship w/ School
[plain text: relationship with school. end plain text].
it’s said now and then that because of mizuki’s trauma, they consistently skip school. while mafuyu consistently goes to school unlike the rest of niigo, it’s clear he doesn’t like it and would rather make music with his friends and forge his own career path. when he had to go to cram school, he instead skipped school to be with her friends at fenilan. 
[ENG] Guiding a Lost Child to What Lies Beyond - chapter 5: The lost heart
Running From One’s Problems
[plain text: running from one’s problems. End plain text].
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[video description: the music video for kitty by niigo. Mizuki is wearing a black hat as well as an entirely black outfit, her hair down. Her fingers are curled like a cat’s claws. The layout looks like a camera on one’s phone, the options being mizuki, mafuyu, ena, len, and kanade. The video switches to mizuki’s current self and middle school self. Mizuki’s past self wears a red male school uniform, a pink ribbon, and her hands are on her cheeks, staring in horror. Mafuyu wears a ponytail with her bangs swayed, wearing a blue and red sweatshirt. Her child self has longer hair and holds a stuffed bunny. The video ends with len, who wears a sweatshirt and makes the same pose as mizuki. end video description].
before i get into that… lets take a break to see THIS part in kitty bc???? Oh my god??? 
okay anyway lets get into the most recent-ish (bc saying goodbye to my masked self has recently come out) event, our escape for survival. in this event, niigo is trying to find a way to help mfy and reach her as her laptop and synthesizer has been confiscated. throughout the story, mizuki compares her situation to mafuyu’s, and while it’s not the same, they still have similar while also having opposite issues. when they have a conversation with luka, she comes up with an idea to help mafuyu, as she does smth similar. during the hangout with mafuyu the next day, she tells him that it’s okay to run away, which ends up happening in goodbye to my masked self. while mizuki says that it doesn’t solve problems, i do feel like it mirrors mizuki’s situation, albeit in a different way. mizuki skips school and refuses to tell niigo abt their transness, just like mafuyu who initially couldn’t accept her mother being abusive, and chose to live in denial until kaito and the rest call her out. mizuki can’t accept the fact that others are able to love her for who she is, and so hides that aspect of herself. 
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[id: mizuki akiyama’s “the words i can only convey” untrained card, from the event our escape for survival. They look at the viewer, smiling whilst surrounded by lights and a crowd of people. End id].
[plain text: conclusion]. 
so yeah!! I feel like their dynamic is severely underappreciated and underwritten, and i’m so glad our escape for survival highlighted their parallels even more. i rlly hope that the game and the fandom thought abt them more, and not just in a ship sense, bc theyre a lot similar than u think. also purple and pink go so well together LMFAO also i love their area/side story convos. Like:
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[id: screenshot of “a moment of jest” second side story that reads: 
Mafuyu – “Amia. Why do you care so much about me? K promised to compose a song that will save me. But neither you nor Enanan have any reason to care about me that much. So... why?”
Mizuki – “Why, huh...? Don't be such a stranger. We're friends, aren't we?”
Mafuyu – “Friends? I thought we were only members of the same songmaking group?”
Mizuki – “Don't worry about it. I'm doing this because I want to. So you don't have to think too deeply into it.”
Mafuyu – “I see. I'll take your word for it, then.”
— "A Moment of Jest" second side story
End id].
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[id: screenshot of an area conversation in the empty sekai that reads: 
Mizuki – “Huh? What are you doing here in the afternoon? Don't you have school?”
Mafuyu – “We have tests all week, so we only have half days. What about you? Are you skipping class again?”
Mizuki – “No, I actually came to school today. Class was just super boring, so I decided to come here♪”
Mafuyu – “Hehe. In other words, you're skipping. Maybe I should let Miku know so she'll send you back.”
Mizuki – “Huh?! Oh, hey! How about we write some music together?! What do you think? Sounds fun, right?”
— Area Conversation in Empty SEKAI
 end id].
Yes i got this from the mizumafu shipping wiki don’t judge me fhdjkghfhj but yeah!! Lemme know what u think in the replies, i love discussion esp discussion of these characters. And if i missed anything pls let me know, i’m willing to correct/edit some things!! anyway byebye stan mafuyu and mizuki they r . transmasc transfem solidarity <3 (heart)
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complete-gay-chaos · 1 year
hi I'm normal about the new niigo event cards
spoilers for the newest event on JP. eng translation is "saying goodbye to my masked self" but it sounds like one of those awkward eng translations. I just saw the cards and went a little bit nuts because there is so. much. symbolism and callback to other events and cards.
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the first very obvious connection is with the cards from the imprisoned marionette event. it's nightcord's first event and it's where we really get it set up that mafuyu's sitaution with her mom is a problem.
mafuyu feels like a marionette, the strings controlling her being her mother and the pressure she feels at school and home, and the mask being hiding her emotions and pretending to handle it.
so yknow with this event's card- the cut strings, the scissors, the broken mask. she's breaking her mom's control, she is "saying goodbye to her masked self". I find it interesting that it looks like not all the strings are cut- it may just be a stylistic choice by the illustrator though.
going further into reading too deeply into things the cards for the rest of niigo are also pretty straightforward with the string thing too. but I find it interesting that in mizuki's card, all the strings are hanging loose, in ena's card she's pulling against the strings, and in kanade's card, the strings all appear to still be tight and she's huddled up in the middle.
I think it maybe represents their different relationships to control. mizuki has always been about being yourself and not being controlled, and has lightly encouraged that in mafuyu or with their personality, at least kept the door open for mafuyu- they never really push.
Ena pushes back against control a lot- she outright lies to mafuyu's mom in "Someday, this wish will transcend the morning sky" so mafuyu can stay at her house. So I think it makes sense that she's directly pulling on the "strings of control".
Kanade never really directly challenges mafuyu's mother until "Immiscible discord". She prefers to focus just on mafuyu, and is kind of tunnel-vision about songwriting and helping mafuyu, so she's not touching the strings at all and is instead focused on the crystal/heart/apple.
(ok I wrote these next slides for a friend discord server so these are a bit more discombobulated)
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so apples and heart-shaped apples are pretty significant at points in niigo's story. they appear most prominently in the "Mirage of lights" event when mafuyu get sick and recalls a similar time from her childhood. the memory of eating apple cut up for her by her mom (and later, kanade) is tied to a warm feeling- and it being tied to a feeling, at all, is pretty significant for mafuyu. and the heart shape I think makes it pretty clear- apples are tied to mafuyu's feelings, or her "heart". then there's also a brief reference in the lyrics of samsa and the art for the song as well which I feel like further solidifies it.
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yes I know my handwriting is unreadable 😭 I'm going to add image descriptions.
Ok so also the hearts are made out of crystals or have a crystalline look to them and that along with the poses and lighting they're in reminds me of the cards from "Someday, from the depths of despair". Given the fact that the event is about reminiscing on how they all met and the connection and friendship they now share with each other, and the lyrics to Tricologe, specifically "a little chipped pink opal/a lost lolite/a topaz covered in dust/and a lonely ametrine" (although idk how official that translation is) I think the gemstones symbolize themselves, and the memories and feelings they have for each other aka friendship.
I also think it's interesting that for mafuyu's card in that event she doesn't have a fully formed crystal like mizuki and ena do because she still struggles with finding a sense of self and experiencing/identifying her feelings.
But yeah so the crystals/hearts/apples in this event's card symbolize mafuyu, her feelings, their friendship with her, that whole package. So think the rest of the girl's cards are showing them reaching out to mafuyu and supporting them in the ways that they know.
Anyway that's just what I think, it might be inaccurate I don't speak japanese or live in japan so I don't have direct access to things in the JP sekai server or the non-translated meanings of song lyrics, event dialogues, etc. I'm just excited about my blorbos. Mafuyu's story brings me to tears every time she has a focus event istg her story is dear to me and this is the ultimate culmination of all the growth I get super sappy over.
This is event is obviously a very big step that's been built up to since nightcord's first event/main story and I love how the imagery in the cards ties back to repeating themes, other events, and the beginning of it all. It's really the icing on the cake.
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bobcross1010 · 1 year
Aggressively overanalyzing the cards from the upcoming Mafuyu event in the JP server (spoilers for cards and possible events!)
(Because my friend and I found the cards and began to look at every single detail)
(Also we’re both ENG players 😋😋)
The event name is something like ‘Saying Goodbye to My Masked Self’, which immediately says a lot seeing that it’s a Mafuyu centric event (also the 100th event in the jp server, cheers)
Here’s Mafuyu’s untrained and trained:
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FIRST OFF: Let’s talk about the untrained.
Mafuyu is in her house, crying as she seems to be speaking to someone. In her left hand, she’s holding her phone, which appears to be on seeing as theres the light emitting from it. I don’t think the phone is very important, but it’s notable how the phone is turned on- my guess is that the rest of N25 are texting her or calling her, which is why the phone is on- showcasing all the notifications from her group. Across the card, you can see faint strings all over that are surrounding Mafuyu.
Now, the best guess here is that Mafuyu is finally standing up to her mom, which is why she’s looking at someone we can’t see in the card. And of course that’s definitely something emotional for her, because all her life Mafuyu has been hiding her true feelings, her true wants and needs behind a mask so her mother could be happy. And now, we can see her taking off the mask, and confronting her mom.
First of all, the MASK.
That’s the mask from Mafuyu’s first centric event ‘Imprisoned Marionette’. In her trained card in that event, she is wearing the mask on her head. Her body is being controlled by strings. And in the NEW card? The mask is broken. As well as this, the strings across the card are being cut by Mafuyu. You can see her holding a pair of scissors, snipping the strings apart.
Now, little detail, which my friend was the one to point out: Those scissors? Those are actually surgical clamps:
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Compare them- they look pretty much the same, right? And SURGICAL clamps? For SURGERIES? Used in HOSPITALS? And what does Mafuyu’s mom want Mafuyu to be when she’s older?
THATS RIGHT. A DOCTOR. *drops mic*
Continuing on, you can also see the ivy covered furniture from the ‘Guiding A Lost Child to What Lies Beyond’ event, now scattered all over the place.
Let’s move on to Kanade’s cards.
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First, untrained.
We can see Kanade in front of a house (dunno whether it’s Mafuyu’s or Kanade’s, but I’m leaning towards the latter), comforting Mafuyu as she cries onto her shoulder. This card gives out a TON of scary implications, which you might have heard already. I’m talking about the rumours about this event, theorizing that:
A) Mafuyu gets KICKED OUT,
or B) Mafuyu runs away.
Personally, I see the second option more than the first. Because Mafuyu’s mom wants Mafuyu to be a perfect child- HER perfect child, which will lead to people thinking of herself as the perfect mother. If Mafuyu’s mom kicks her out, not only will her family’s reputation be ruined, but also the way people see HER. Instead, I’d think Mafuyu’s mom would opt for grounding and/or isolating her for a while, rather than kicking her out. She wouldn’t want to tarnish both her and Mafuyu’s reputation, would she? So there’s that.
Continuing on, with Kanade’s trained, you can see her hunched up, protecting a bright red, heart- shaped crystal apple in her hands. Now, remember the ‘Mirage of Light’ event? All the cards were Snow White themed, and somewhat related to apples. In this card set, the apple seems to represent Mafuyu. In Kanade’s card, she is protecting Mafuyu- just like her card in the ‘Immiscible Discord’ event, how Kanade was protecting the caged purple butterfly in her trained.
And once again, like the rest of the cards in the set, you can see the strings and ivy- covered furniture.
Time for Ena!
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In Ena’s untrained, she looks panicked, seemingly searching for someone while she is on call. She’s standing in front of a gate, which reads ‘宮益坂女子学園’ on the side, which is just Miyamasuzaka Girls Academy- this means that Ena is looking for Mafuyu, because who else would it be?
I’m not sure who Ena could be on call with, but it’d probably be Mizuki or Kanade. Another note- that this is happening before the events of Kanade’s card. In her card, it’s raining. But in Ena’s, the sky is just cloudy, and it looks like it’s about to rain.
In Ena’s trained, we can see her reaching past strings, tugging on them as she reaches for the same red crystal apple in Kanade’s card, which represents that Ena is reaching towards Mafuyu. In the background is more furniture, but unlike Kanade and Mafuyu, the furniture isn’t covered with vines and ivy. You can, however, see a cage in the background, which is probably once again from the ‘Immiscible Discord’ event. Unless I’m missing another event. Again, ENSEKAI player, I don’t play in the JP Server, so I might not know another N25 event where this cage appears or has any meaning.
Finally, let’s talk about Mizuki’s cards:
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In their untrained, Mizuki is setting a cup down while they look at their computer screen, shocked at what’s on it. The most obvious guess is that Mizuki is shocked at what someone said on Nightcord, meaning that Nightcord is the app opened and displayed on the screen. I’m assuming that the message Mizuki is shocked at is either Ena/Kanade asking them to help find Mafuyu, or Mafuyu saying that she’s going to confront her mom. Either way, the information Mizuki is seeing comes as a surprise to them.
(Side note, the card looks very goofy and could be used for a lot of memes (ME WHEN MY DISCORD KITTEN BREAKS UP WITH ME?!! 😱😱😱😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔))
In Mizuki’s trained card, they are surrounded by furniture that, like Ena’s card, is not covered with plants, and strings. And just like Kanade and Ena, they have the red apple too- and Mizuki appears to be comforting it- comforting Mafuyu. Just like in their last centric event, I think…? I haven’t read the translations on Youtube yet.
So, here’s what we can gather from the cards:
Mafuyu decides to confront her mom
She tells N25, who are surprised and bombard her with messages
Something happens when Mafuyu and her mom talk, they probably get into a disagreement or smt
Mafuyu tells N25 the results (??) and goes to Kanade’s house
Ena, not knowing where Mafuyu is, looks for her at Miya Girls
Mizuki probably helps too
Mafuyu reaches Kanades house as it begins to rain, Kanade exits her house and hugs Mafuyu as she sobs
Mafuyu, finally done with her façade, cuts the strings controlling her (mafumom + expectations) and breaks the marionette mask (her fake self)
Kanade is protecting Mafuyu
Ena is reaching for Mafuyu
Mizuki is comforting Mafuyu
Also, another thing to note about the trained cards: The lighting. In Mafuyu’s card, the background is light. There is light shining on her.
In Ena’s card, it’s.. half and half?? Mostly dark, with the light source being the apple, but to the bottom right you can see a lighter area.
With Kanade and Mizuki, they are both surrounded by darkness- and the main light source is once again, the crystal apple that represents Mafuyu.
I’m not sure what this means, but I have a feeling it’s something to think about.
(Event info: @project-sekai-facts on tumblr,
Photos: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM2x3PWWN/ on tiktok)
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mizuribbons · 4 months
looked through my friends' comments on events. here are the highlights (below the cut) PLEASE ignore the fact that there are various unread stories.i don't have time :< also i refer to some events with their jp titles in the image descriptions don't ask why.,.
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(the spoiler one isn't really funny)
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and for the people who commented on all events fitting a certain criteria...
FijodaFanastic (yes, the one who commented the first line of i nan desu's chorus in the last picture): commented on every event in which (i'm pretty sure this is the criteria) emu is a 4* and isn't a focus of another character, saying "i love emu otori"
Banana (yes, the one who commented on immiscible discord about loving mafuyu and also said "who let him cook..." under never give up cooking): commented on every event in which emu is the main card saying... actually i forgot to take a screenshot and i don't remember what this person said, but the comments yelled emu's name, laughed and then said wondahoi
#1 MINORI FAN!!: commented on - you guessed it - events where minori is the main card saying "Minori". also commented on events where honami is the main card saying "You look like Minori"
the crossover of all time with FijodaFanastic and #1 MINORI FAN!! on let's have the absolute best summer!:
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another very noteworthy thing is that on dear my past self, #1 MINORI FAN!! spoilered the "Minori" comment for whatever reason??
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reverse-moon · 2 years
Tw for thread: Mental Abuse. Straight up, talk of suicide allusions and belittling of the topic, long post.
TL;DR: We need to just stop talking about Mafuyu's mom being a good mom.
How Mafuyu's mom is horrible ((and why if you defend her mom, you need reevaluation)).
Spoilers for the new event in JP (Immiscible Discord).
[[{{ EDIT: I can't make the read more line, I'm sorry 😔 }}]]
Okay, let's get chapters 1-3 out of the way.
The biggest issue is she completely ignores Mafuyu's privacy, goes through her computer and other things, then openly admits she did.
That. That is how you lose your child's trust. You can SEE Mafuyu lose trust in her mom.
((Note, I've been made aware that she also PROMISED to stop doing that. Bitch???))
Even BEFORE Immiscible Discord, Mafuyu's mom shows signs of trying to live through Mafuyu.
This is, in fact, mentally abusive. Hands fucking down.
Living through your kid makes them push away ((which Mafuyu is starting to try and do)).
Most of the rest is from her interactions with Kanade.
When she found Nightcord, she went through enough messages to learn about Enanan, Amia and K.
We can assume she also figured out out of all the other Niigo members, K was the most soft spoken and most likely a weak link.
This is why she messaged Kanade, rather than Ena or Mizuki.
Upon meeting Kanade in person, she picked a place that was rather fancy, even noting her own (supposed) overwhelmed feeling when first being there.
My literal first words when hearing her explanation were "Damn, she's trying to flex and scare".
((Small side note, my buddy Tyz later on said in regards to the messaging part "she knew kanade was a wet cat", to which I said "Jokes on her, that wet cat has clawss". This was AFTER the hotel commentary.))
Mafuyu's mom hoped to instill a sense of power over Kanade by bringing her someplace she wouldn't be comfortable in. And it worked too, though Kanade didn't let that stop her ((bless-ed be Yoisaki-chan))
When being told that music is important to her daughter ((and after her own daughter saying so)), she tells Kanade that "Mafuyu's" dream of becoming a doctor is still more important, and so music should just be a hobby that she does in her spare time.
Proceeding to tell Kanade Mafuyu should quite Niigo due to contrasting deadlines being in the way of things.
She constantly subtly berates Kanade though all of this, by the way.
She pretends Mafuyu hasn't for TWO YEARS managed to balance things with no major issues. As well as assumes Mafuyu doesn't want to be in Niigo.
I forgot to mention earlier that Mafuyu hid all her music stuff in a folder on her computer btw. And that she hoped her mom wouldn't snoop that much.
Asahina mom 100% tells Kanade that Nightcord at 25:00 AND music aren't necessary — we can assume this is due to her thinking archery is enough extracurricular for Mafuyu.
She attempts to pressure Kanade to do as she wishes, verses listening to Kanade or her daughter.
⚠️⚠️TW for section: Allusions of suicide and belittling of the topic⚠️⚠️
Kanade, in a DESPERATE ATTEMPT TO HELP, reveals that Mafuyu has said she wants to disappear. This game is essentially rated E10+, meaning even if they cover these extremely important yet dark topics, they have to change or adjust the language.
What does this mean?
Disappear = Die/Stop Existing
Mafuyu has ((as outright as she can)) said she wants to end her existence.
Kanade, a trusted confidant, hoped this would help her understand.
And Mafuyu's mother's response?
As word for word in English as we can get currently, it was:
"Maybe she had a bad day at school, or didn't get a good grade in a test, so she's been feeling down."
... Does this lady really think that wanting to die over a test grade is NOT EXTREMELY CONCERNING?
Later on, Mafuyu's mom says the equivalent of "I'll let Mafuyu know the correct way to respond to a bad grade", which is so demeaning to say.
As a person who's HAD these thoughts of wanting to disappear, I can guarantee that if my mom or dad did that, there would be blood. Most likely mine.
Kanade's response is so very god damn accurate to how someone who cares about a suicidal person would if they heard the person's "adoring parent" say this.
Utter. Shock.
She even goes on to think to herself, saying that she does not see
Mafuyu's mom caring for Mafuyu.
The fact that Kanade could even continue being a respectful teen* while telling Mafuyu's mom that she's horrible is astounding.
((*As respectful as she can be while attempting to call an abuser out.))
Hell, Kanade even subtly tells Mafuyu's mom that if she listens to Mafuyu, she'll notice the problem is her.
After hearing the reply, Kanade comes to terms with the fact that Mafuyu's mom doesn't care about Mafuyu.
"(...... She just assumes that she cares. Because——)"
After a sad but heartwarming, flashback, Kanade remembers how even as her own mother was dying, she put Kanade first when it came to Kanade's life.
Mafuyu's mom insists she does.
"Because after all, I'm her parent."
Which is where I would like to say:
"The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb."
You probably know it as the misquote people use more often, myself included — Blood is thicker than water.
The saying ((the FULL saying)) means your chosen bonds will always be more important than familial ones. Now, you can choose family to part of those chosen bonds, but then it is still BY CHOICE.
I think Nightcord at 25:00 is actually a very perfect representation of that saying. Almost all of them have FOUND a family in the others. Even if it took a while.
It's crazy.
Kanade even says she thought she could find some kind of warmth from her mother, but can't. How if this continues, Mafuyu will be tortured. How if it continues, Mafuyu will kill all traces of herself and become a marionette for her mom.
...And how she won't dare stand by and let that happen.
I'd like to note here, that Ena and Mizuki wanted to be there for this whole thing. And how Kanade was smart to go alone.
The whole event ends with Kanade standing outside the hotel cafe, trying to figure out what to do. We don't get to see Mafuyu, Ena or Mizuki.
Thank you if you read all this, feel free to add on with notes from other JP Nightcord events I haven't read ((I've seen the HonaEnaEmu one, Immiscible Discord, and parts of the Shiba Fest one, otherwise my knowledge is EN server events only))
And remember kids. It's okay to hate your parents! 😃
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lonecompose · 3 months
kanade + guilt. ( spoilers for the newest event under cut. )
kanade is always harboring some sort of guilt inside, whether she truly should or not. she often allows it to consume her, leading her to throw herself into composing, overworking herself to the point of collapsing in hopes of saving as many people as she can with her music. she is truly a remorseful soul, willing to sacrifice her own time and energy if it means that her music reaches others.
while most sources seem to indicate that her guilt started when her father fell into a coma, i feel like it started before that, when her mother fell ill. in the immiscible discord event, we see a flashback to kanade and her mother talking. it's noted that her mother puts her daughter's interests first, even when kanade wants to make her mom happy. i can definitely see that being a source of guilt whether or not she wants to admit it, especially as it's assumed that not long after that, her mother passed away due to her illness.
( not to get personal, but i too lost my mother due to an illness. i also felt an immense amount of guilt as a result of her passing, like i didn't do enough to "save her" even though i knew deep down that it was inevitable. i'm only bringing this up because it ties into why i feel like kanade's guilt started sooner than assumed. )
when her father overworked himself to the point of hospitalization, the stress jumbling his memories and giving him amnesia when he's not in a coma, the guilt only intensified in volume, nearly consuming the young girl. she threw herself into her music, determined to save as many people as possible, in order to "repent" for her inability to save her own family. but what she doesn't realize is that in order to save others, she has to save herself. and if it wasn't for her grandmother's insistence, as well as the existence of honami, kanade wouldn't be able to keep herself alive long enough to save anyone. she would have suffered the same fate as her own father.
kanade struggled with composing a song that would save mafuyu, and even when the latter runs away and starts living with her at the end of the most recent event, saying goodbye to my masked self, she still worries that she can't completely save her.
but the least she can do is give her a place to stay, right? after all, she can't exactly return home now. what else is she supposed to do in that situation?
edit: forgot to add this detail — during the new event, you can tell that kanade feels guilt towards the fact that she spoke to mafuyu's mother, that part of the reason mafumom is acting this way is because of her actions. she seems to tense up or even seem more saddened than usual in response to mafuyu's situation and definitely blames herself for all of it.
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