#imma make so many flower lattes
My birthday is coming up this month, and my fiance is gonna get me a tart
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I can't have one with kiwi tho cos I'm allergic, I love kiwi, but damn that stuff is spicy
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tothe8andbeyond · 4 years
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Season 1 began in 2017 (another reason 2017 is ironically Seventeen's year) and SVT content was changed forever.
It began as more of a behind the scenes with everything from Don't Wanna Cry, Diamond Edge, Clap promo, and all the fansigns inbetween. This season just made me really sad I wasn't a carat sooner but it was a cool vlog for the boys and they were so excited to be filmed, precious bubs. I don't really have a favorite episode but here are some iconic/favorite moments
"Goiiiiing.. SEVENTEEN!" "goinggoing~~~"
Covering the camera with Hoshi's hand
"What if I die?!" "Then you die!"
SVT Energy Skincare™
Jun leaving people "frozen"
Angry MC Santa Wonwoo
Asking for the unicorn frap at Starbucks and having the order total turn out to be $17 thus triggering the members
Minghao flexing on everyone's life (again) on the trampoline
Hoshi being depressed about not getting bday wishes
Dino's "fanboys"
"Americano, aMEricano, ameRIcano, ameriCANo, americanO"
Make It Shine blooper
The dog from the concert poster photoshoot
Dabhao was thriving
My I behind the scenes 🥰
Any Junhao moment bc I'm whipped
Little 8 practicing his singing 🥺
Trauma (Seungkwan remix)
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Spin-Off started introducing us more to GoSe in a variety format
We got variety-esque episodes like with the members cooking, writing letters to themselves, making flower crowns, drawing, and the arcade episode! But it was still mostly vlog-esque where we got to see behind the scenes of Thanks, Ideal Cut Concerts, Japan Arena Tour, 3rd Anniversary, their exhibit, Oh My/YMMD, and BSS promo. Again making me emo I wasn't a carat earlier missing all these iconic moments 🥺
My favorite episode is easily MT SVT REALITY and Hoshi yelling out the window still might be one of the most iconic moments ever, PERIOD. My other fave moments include
DK and Jeonghan fake laughing for like 5 mins straight
Minghao's mullet, period.
Driver Minghao for TTT
Jun abandoning DK to help Wonwoo with his apron instead
The birth of the legendary "T H E to the 8" rap (feat. the return of imma)
Producer Woozi
Episode 20 (yes I have that memorized) when Minghao hosts a cute little hotel date 🥺 he tells fans not to think of him romantically and then pulls this shit pretending to feed us and everything which is why I'm sad lol
Minghao's giggle when he did the bottle flip 🥺
Vernon full on losing it during an arcade game while Hao who's playing with him is dead silent
V8 vs. older bros
"you're over, Yoon Jeonghan"
Junnie winning at the fighting game uwu
The iconic Thinkin About You looks
That pose Jeonghan does that screams "your crush is coming, act natural"
Mingyu getting too excited and spitting on the cake so the members cover it but Mingyu thinks they're doing a team cheer
Hoshi screaming "2 captains!" repeatedly while Woozi regrets his life's decisions
Killing the8 in mafia just for returning from China
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GoSe 2019 was the birth of the true variety show. They even made a theme song and everything 🤣😭 SVT are such natural entertainers ohmygod (and the editors really stepped up their game thank u staffs)
There was still some behind the scenes like the 4th Anniversary, Japan concerts, and Minghao instructing for Chinese Ver. of home, but they kind of started transitioning behind the scenes content to a different spot on the channel and honestly carats are so well fed with content #blessed. ALSO THIS WAS AROUND THE TIME I BECAME A FAN IM EMO
My absolute fave eps are the ones when they were brainstorming their own ideas for the show (3-4), the making of the intro/theme (7), debate night, and SVT playground but honestly the whole fucking season has so many iconic moments
Vernon not being able to read red marker bc of his red glasses
Jun's 1+1
Honestly it's so entertaining hearing them talk about their ideas even without them implementing them yet, they're seriously so creative
They do skits/roles so well like Jun pretending he's from the Chinese restaurant next door and Woozi being CEO of Going Entertainment dndkdk I cannot make this shit up
"Jeonghan act tired" Jeonghan: *fully falls to the floor and drags his body to the couch djdkdkdkkdld he's so fucking dramatic I'm still dying at this
Wonhao running around dead S.Coups
Minghao doing the going dance down the stairs (flexing again)
Pabo latte
Enthusiastic Minghao in Japan 🥺
The MBTI hidden camera
Diva Boo being pissed he didn't get Beyonce's MBTI but someone else did
Monsta X saving them at karaoke
Pigeon DK thriving during debate night
Geppetto Minghao looking fine af during debate night "I said so many nonsenses, I hope you liked it"
TTT fun - meerkat line rise, Jeonghan and Hoshi catching bugs but screaming the whole time, network love unit playing except Hao and he just gives them a cute "fighting!" Like they're his kids but he's just trying to relax lol, more mafia, Jun being hilarious during try not to laugh, S.Coups wanting to kill the staff (as usual), THE MEMBERS PLAYING WITH KITTENS
Froghao was thriving during svt playground
Bothering Woozi during secret santa
Hao's face when Jeonghan took the iPad
Dino literally got gifted a brick??
Junnie's light up grills
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GoSe 2020 continues the variety so well and each member gets a month! So sad they shortened the theme but they gave us subs! Also the previews for next episode are great! They also stepped up the editing too. They are all working so hard for this and it really pays off
My favorite episodes so far are Don't Lie, Seungkwan's Past Life Destiny, and Insomnia Zero (especially part 2). I'm so damn hyped for Debate Night 2. Again so blessed for this content 😭🙌
It's harder to list moments when the entire episodes are iconic!!
DK failing at his own mystery food game
Minghao literally lucky number 8
The saga of Minghao being amazed at Mingyu's eating continues
Hoshi singlehandedly admitting he's mafia then getting Mingyu killed instead then openly killing the citizens at night without needing to hide and then winning the game ohmygod I cannot at how fucking wild and hilarious this episode was
Sleepy Jun during Seungkwan's Past Life Destiny
Junhao, evil twins, seoksoon, mingyuzi rise
Dino rejecting Mingyu with a moonwalk
The overall betrayal of couples omg
Jun showing the Made in China tag djdkkd
Limbo was fucking wild
The members are all whipped for Woozi that shit made me soft as hell
Talking shit when other members are trying to sleep
Woozi loves dad jokes so much omg
They are so damn dramatic for the ASMR in Insomnia Zero pt 2 omg
Jeonghan purposely not answering Hoshi's call to come back
Hoshi giggling that Woozi lost and Woozi fully having a crisis
Wonwoo identity crisis as one of the chill members
Brain Survival and Escape Room made my brain hurt but they're so smart
Minghao jump scare poor bb
Kicked out members becoming audience reactors
DK and Jeonghan fucking around with the props instead of helping
Their delivery food episode just made me hungry
S.Coups not flinching one bit at arm wrestling Hoshi
Trying to act cool when the move spots on the chess board
Seungkwan's wipe out
Getting debate night 2 really saved my life I can't wait for the rest of 2020
I typed way more than I should have but I just love Going Seventeen and all Seventeen content, being a carat really is a blessed life!
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lilaac-skyy · 8 years
I’m pretty unknown but WHO CARES!
Thanks to @thatonehuffledor for tagging me in his post. I’m not very well-known at the mo but I so rarely pass up an opportunity to talk about myself so let’s jump right in! :D 
Name: Beaney (it’s a nickname/ 50% of the dynamic duo: Tuck and Bean) 
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio 
Height: 5′7
Orientation: hetero...bi maybe...questioning...I personally don’t care for labels
Ethnicity/Nationality: White Canadian (first generation, my entire family hails from England) 
Favourite fruit: Noooooooooooooooooo. No. (I’m really more of a veggie girl, specifically sugar snap peas) 
Favourite Season: Spring or Fall
Favourite Book: Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell (it’s basically my biography)
Favourite Flower: Orchid <3
Favourite Scent: Library books, chocolate chip cookies in the oven, my grandmother’s lily of the valley perfume, petrichor ;) 
Favourite Animal: Otters!! (100% sure I’ll be reincarnated as an otter in my next life :3) 
Coffee, tea or hot cocoa: Hazelnut Latte (so halfway between coffee and cocoa)
Average sleep hours: It honestly depends on how busy I am and if I have anything due. It can seriously be anywhere between 2 and 12. 
Cat or dog person: CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT. *ahem* I really like cats. 
Favourite fictional character: James Potter is my #1 but I have so many favourites: Cath Avery, Levi, Lincoln (from Attachments), Hermione Granger, Fred and George, Hagrid, Lily, Sirius, Remus, Penelope Bunce, Baz Grimm-Pitch, the Eleventh Doctor (I’m also partial to Nine but I found Ten a tad overrated), Jack Harkness, Amy Pond, Rory Williams, Dean and Sam Winchester, Cas, Crowley, Bobby (*sobs*), oh god this could go on forever so Imma just stop there. 
Dream trip: I travelled a lot with my family when I was younger but I’d love to revisit some places like Paris (I lived there for a couple years) and honestly I’d like to see more of my home and native land like P.E.I (I’m a big Anne of Green Gables fan... well the play/musical version at least) ((Edit: I FORGOT HP WORLD!!! BLASPHEMY) 
Blog created: I think around 2011 maybe?? But I really didn’t start using it until fall 2016. 
Number of followers: 22 when I last checked. I’m pretty much always fracking for friendship so follow me, I follow back!! 
What do I post about: Harry Potter stuff (Marauders era mostly), some other random things but mainly HP rp stuff (Just started making gif sets myself and plan on really getting in to it :D)
Do I get asks on a regular basis: LOL not at all but I’m around if anyone ever wants to :) (please love me) 
Aesthetic: black converses, cat-eye sunglasses, bird tattoos, messy piles of books and journal pages, the Toronto skyline, “she who is brave is free” - Seneca (altered)  
Favourite band/artist: Marianas Trench 5ever!!!
Fictional characters I’d date: I love everyone, who wouldn’t I date??? (*blush* a lot of people actually now that I think about it but nevertheless) Levi, Jack Harkness, Dean Winchester, pretty much anyone Bex Taylor-Klaus has played. 
Hogwarts house: GRYFFINDOR!! (Most of the time I think my behaviour is more Hufflepuff but I find the houses more aspirational than anything else and I definitely align more with the Gryffindor mentality) 
((I’m just going to tag 2 people I know well and really want to see do this, but I hope so many more people see this and want to join in! @cities-alive @gracelingwithpoisewithoutgrace)) 
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