without-ado · 1 year
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Moon's Mare Imbrium l Manuel Huss
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quiltofstars · 2 years
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Mare Imbrium, the “Sea of Showers”, Plato Crater (top center), and Copernicus Crater (bottom right) // Walter Leonhard Schramböck
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goldfincher · 1 year
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Mare Imbrium sunrise
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livingforstars · 2 months
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A Violet Moon - July 31st, 1996.
"Checking out the Galileo spacecraft's cameras during its December, 1992 flyby of Earth's Moon, controllers took this dramatically illuminated picture through a violet filter. The view looks down on the Moon's north polar region, with the Sun shining from the left at a low angle, and the direction toward the Moon's North pole toward the lower right. Across the image's upper left stretches the smooth volcanic plain of the Mare Imbrium. Pythagoras crater, 65 miles wide, is near the center of the image - mostly in shadow, its central peak just catches the sunlight. On July 30th, 1996, the Moon made its closest approach to Earth and was full for the second time in July. The closest point in the Moon's orbit is referred to as Lunar Perigee, a mere 221,797 miles at 8 hours UT. The second full Moon in a month is known as a "Blue Moon"."
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phthalology · 12 days
Let me tell you, little thrall, the reason why the Witness revealed itself to humanity at Mare Imbrium. 
It begins, as all things do, with the Hive. You may feel some shred of questioning shed on your arm. Did your wizard not just say this was a story of the Witness? Is the Witness not older than the Hive, and strange to us? Nevertheless, you are in our tunnels. The universe is full of emerald and onyx. Peel the shred of questioning off. 
Now, Savathûn did not know of the existence of the Witness, but she suspected. It was uncouth to say that something was pulling the strings of the Hive, being as the Hive were all-eating and left nothing but themselves behind. Still, Savathûn investigated secrets and unspoken things, and thought that the sword logic might be creating a throne just to harness the energy of an eternal vacancy.
Around this time, Crota’s brood took Earth’s Moon without even most of the fleet behind them, Sol’s citizenry running as low on their hoonish little spaceships as they did. 
Crota had ambition and bite and a certain blind devotion which Savathûn knew well.
After all, she had done so much good work faking it. 
Oryx was deep in the galactic center, finding treasures; Xivu Arath was in forever war with the Cabal Empire; Savathûn had been to Sol before and accompanied her brother’s brood as Crota took the Moon. And meanwhile, she had her own experiments, her own black-slab projects. Savathûn’s cunning arts untangled the DNA of the worms. It was heretical to slice those little gods apart, but she did it, and Nokris helped. Through this, she became fond of her nephew’s penchant for soul fire and pickling vats. Through this, she learned enough to ask the worm gods who their gods were.
They answered Rhulk, and the glaive with which he killed his father. 
This meeting of Rhulk and Savathûn before Crota’s brood had hardly scratched furrows in the Moon is the topic of another story. Finally, a victim higher up the chain answered My Witness. 
With this confession, that watcher turned a few of its eyes to the Hive. 
With a discerning eye for the sorts of injustices which caused both material and morale harm, the Witness set its sights on Savathûn’s pet project, Earth.
The child who had once been Sathona felt the universe coiling around her in static-fuzzed black tendrils of fear as she stood on a grand tombship at L2. Nokris skulked behind her.
And so did the Witness raze the Moon, upon which had formerly crawled Crota’s nearly-newborn brood, and upon which happened to be a few Guardian fireteams. The Witness began to enact the Final Shape upon the Moon for revenge against Savathûn, who had dared to investigate it and to lie to it, as she was wont. 
Come here, little thrall. This story is a secret. Did you know that? I am a confidant of Savathûn and I must practice my stories, practice my histories. I must test them in different situations and for different people, so that I get the words just right. But the Queen of Lies suffers few truth-tellers. No, don’t scuttle away. A Guardian or a Tormentor would have gotten you eventually. It’s statistically likely. Look. That hurts. Don’t bite. There --There. 
(This is a Destiny ten-year anniversary project. Context here.)
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synnthamonsugar · 1 month
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First Crota Fireteam Beach AU (Pt. II) for @D2ArtEvents Solar Embrace Vol. 5!
Beneath the waves of Mare Imbrium, Luna's "Sea of Rains", Sai Mota and Eris Morn investigate the Hellmouth, a marine sinkhole of uncharted depth and unknown mysteries ... what might they find inside?
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meklarian · 3 months
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Strawberry Moon and Select Features:
Tycho, crater
Mare Tranquillitatis, Sea of Tranquility
Copernicus (center) and Kepler (left), craters
Mare Imbrium, Sea of Showers
Mare Crisium, Sea of Crises
Oceanus Procellarum, Ocean of Storms
Los Angeles, California, USA June, 2024
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lloke · 6 months
From the 70s SF novel I'm reading (The Jupiter Theft by Donald Moffitt):
More than a hundred of them were milling noisily in the narrow aisles: tourists returning from Mare Imbrium and Eurostation’s vacation inn, lunies, scientific and support personnel. They clutched their little souvenir packs with the ounce of Moon rock and the bottle of vacuum, and called back and forth to one another.
The idea of bringing back a bottle of vacuum as a souvenir from space is deeply appealing to me somehow (it would be a nice addition to my collection lol). I googled around to see if anything like that had actually been done, and it turns out it has!
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eclipse89 · 9 months
here's a collection of all my close-up lunar crater and mare shots, with corresponding names:
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Plato, Mare Imbrium and Sinus Iridum
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Tycho and Clavius
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Manilius and Mare Vaporum
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Langrenus and Mare Fecunditatis
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Posidonius and Mare Serenitatis
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Gassendi and Mare Humorum
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photos all by me
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flowers-of-io · 5 months
Fic Rec Friday #1
Inspired by the fic rec reblog chain spurned by @a-driftamongopenstars and @synnthamonsugar last Friday, I thought it would be cool to do a weekly rec from my personal fic library! I’ll try sticking to Fridays, and the tag for it is izzy's bookshelf, should you wish to either follow or block.
What I want to present to you first is this absolute banger:
What Has She Found? What Has She Found?
by @synnthamonsugar
Read on Ao3
Eris Morn and Mara Sov grow close enough to suffocate on their mission to Outer Sol.
Rating: Gen | Relationships: Eris Morn & Mara Sov, Eris Morn & Oryx | Word count: 1,458
Warnings: none
"If you never want to see me again, I understand," Mara said.
"I won't leave you," Eris replied. She spoke from her heart, tired and aching though it was, but she wasn't sure they could separate themselves from each other even if they wanted.
I’m very biased in favour of this fic, because not only did I get it in early access as a beta reader, but also the title is taken from one of my favourite loretabs and it sounds so powerful and cool. I'm truly impressed by how the characters’ dynamic is navigated and dissected here. Mara has long been a focal point for Eris, her Queen, confidant and friend—and now there she is, cloaked in the form of her worst terror, and what Eris has to do is reach out and save her life, despite all the fear and revulsion she’s feeling. The visceral awareness that Mara is Oryx, just as Eris is part Crota’s kin, and that it will never cease to be so, that Mara will always bear that mark upon her… And that when they lock eyes, there is a whole different history taking place, in which they are only proxies, in which the devotion between them is a vestige of the love between the monsters they destroyed.
She and Mara had become terribly alike, two lost souls saved through the fearlessness to transform into that which sought to destroy them. So perhaps it should have been unsurprising to Eris that when she looked at her friend, cloaked in the form of a monster, that monster looked back and recognized in her the vesage of his dead Son's kin. The sense of familiarity froze the blood in her veins. The feeling of love, a parent's love for their child, powerful enough to rend apart the universe for a second chance, made her want to flee.
(She thought about being in the Hellmouth. The eyes of Crota's brood in her hands, no weight at all, but infinitely heavy, the knowledge of what had to be done making it no easier —)
I think I hauve covid
She had taken the extracted debris and, guided by compulsion whose source she could not name and technique she could not describe, etched memory into its surface. Sent it by ascendant manifold to Mare Imbrium, where Owl Sector rangers or patrolling Hidden would hopefully find it. If she was to die in the far reaches of Sol, she wanted Ikora to have an accurate account of her final moments. There had been enough uncertainty. Too many questions and too much left unsaid. Her parting gift would be closure.
This bit makes me absolutely insane. It combines Eris’ relationship with her own mortality, her relationship with Ikora, and her view of herself; the readiness to die on duty; the very Eris-like resourcefulness even in her next-to-final moments. Gosh. Being ready to die in the outer space, struck by debris, and the last thing she’s thinking about is ensuring Ikora gets closure after her death. 2d8 emotional damage.
Oh and also what this fic has is platonic bed-sharing! Which is like, so important.
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without-ado · 10 months
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Moon's Mare Imbrium & Mare Serenitatis l tomboland
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quiltofstars · 2 years
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Mare Imbrium, the “Sea of Showers” // Michael Owen
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tam-ezrac · 1 year
[The City is located on the Moon: An Addendum]
Hello! It's your resident neighborhood Idiot, Did you ever want to possess some extra knowledge that won’t be relevant for atleast another decade?? No?
Damn, too bad You never had a choice, get [DATA EXPUNGED]
This post is an Unofficial follow up to Reddit(ew) user u/Evening_Giraffe_2744: "The City is located on the Moon" theory. Which posits the aforementioned title being true(no duh)
This post will work under the presumption that said theory is true and will provide additional information related to it(I sound so repetitive).
If you HAVEN'T read the post yet or need a refresher, go do that, else you'll be lost, and for everyone else, let's hop into this pit!
Alright so this post will (try) to answer 2 questions:
1-Where is the City (specifically) located?
2-What is the Great Lake(and any other detail I can fit in)
Alright, starting with the first one, please {LOOK AT THESE 3 PHOTOGRAPHES}:
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Alrighty, the first two are pretty self explanatory, the one in red(left) is found within [LIMBUS COMPANY], both within the files and the downloading screen. And the second image(right) comes from Distortion Detective's very own Ezra!(it is very crudely drawn)
As for big old number 3? Well she's named Mare Imbrium and it's where the City located obviously! Don't believe me? Well watch this!:
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As we can see in these 2 pictures, which I super imposed upon n'3, they fit decently well(and when I mean they, I mean the left one(sorry not sorry Ezra)) the only caveat being that both of them had to be flipped, tho I can definitely see it as a intentional choice on PM's part.(Plus it makes a bit more sense in the second question of this essay)
As a fun little bonus I'll even add the size of of Imbrium and by extension the City here(just don't expect this to be correct):
With a Diameter of 1145km(and assuming a circle)
We get a Circumference of ~3597.12km
Or an Area of ~1,029,677km2
If we want to find Volume(km3) we would need height(5km deep and 7km high cause of mountains) which gives us 12km of height
Add these into a calculator for a cylinder and we get a Volume of ~12,356,119.53km3
(The Diameter, Depth and Mountain Heights were take straight from Wikipedia.)
Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember, somewhere, where it was mentioned by PM that the City should be either as big as Colombia or Bolivia, both of which fall very close to the Area(km2) that I have calculated, so unless this is confirmation bias, please correct me if I'm wrong.
Now onto question numero Zwei! What is the Great Lake??
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It's Oceanus Procellarum, like, it's not even a contest, PM would have to actively blind themselves not to make it O.P. Like, do you see the size that lad?? Do ya know how big it is? If you combined all the Mares on this image you would arrive at around ~4,4 million km2 which is 2.3 million short of how big O.P is, with a whopping 6.6 million km2 it is twice as big as India, needless to say, it is chunky.
Tl,dr; [The City on the Moon] theory as alot more ground(or sea) to stand on then you can even begin to fathom.
Fun facts:
1-Mare can be directly translated from Latin to English as [Sea].
2-Imbrium translates into [Rain] making it's full name [Sea of Showers].
3-there is a Mare called [Mare Cognitum] that is located above Mares Humorum and Nubium.
4-the reason why I didn't show my math for the rest of the Mares and O.P is because I simply repeated the same thing as when I calculated Mare Imbrium.
Afterword: Hello, hello, it's your lovable idiot here, sorry I haven't been uploading my art recently, I've been trying to figure out how to use Spine(the program and my normal one)+binged the first 3 novels of [Dungeon Dive: Aim for the Deepest Level] needless to say its fuking goooood, highly rec. My next NON-art related thing will probs be smt along the lines of [Re:conceptualizing LoR and LCB Systems] so, uh, stay turned for that? Apart from that, have a wonderful day!
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Ridge along Plato and Sinus Iridum near Mare Imbrium
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livingforstars · 9 months
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Lunokhod 1: Moon Robot - January 13th, 1996.
"On November 17th, 1970, the Soviet Luna 17 spacecraft landed the first roving remote-controlled robot on the Moon. Known as Lunokhod 1, it weighed just under 2,000 pounds and was designed to operate for 90 days, while guided by a 5-person team on planet Earth at the Deep Space Center near Moscow, USSR. Lunokhod 1 actually toured the Lunar Mare Imbrium (Sea of Rains) for 11 months in one of the greatest successes of the Soviet lunar exploration program. The futuristic looking eight wheeler is pictured here in an artist's conception atop its landing module. Ramps extend from both sides of the spacecraft, allowing the rover to choose an alternative route to the surface if one side is blocked by boulders."
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