#imagine tomo milicevic
heavenlyimagines · 6 years
Ch.2 ;Need Love;
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Jared's POV:
What happened? I keep asking myself as I look in the mirror, red eyes, dark bags under my eyes, lost appetite, feeling empty, going to therapy didn't help, it didn't help at all, it made me more depressed, more stressed...so alone.
This place...it was filled with laughter, filled with those cheesy moments where we will be messing with our gears and end up creating magic, moments where I, Shannon, Tomo, And Matt found peace and our minds were never stopping, our main focus was doing music, nothing more and nothing else.
Never imagined in a million years that there will come a problem I won't be able to fix...A single mistake that crushed my dreams.
I don't want to live in despair and pain...I want these days to come back...again
Flashback (A month ago)
"A-YO JAY, YOU WERE A BOMB DUDE!" shouted Matt as he walked into my room, "I heard the chorus of our upcoming song and I couldn't help myself but to admire it"
"Matt, you're distracting me...again!" I spoke with the phones on my ears, waiting for the record company to pick up. Everyone in the band knows how much I hate being spoken to while I'm working, but Matt just keep forgetting, "come on man! It's a damn party, why the hell are you on your damn phone?!" Matt approached me as my head was completely sinked into my phone screen. "I told you...I am working" I simply replied.
"Well...It's the record company again?" The record company has been bothering us for quite a while, and me being the frontman, I was thrown with this huge responsibility of figuring out the issue. So far, the record company are being a huge assholes. "that's the only thing that's bothering me now...and they are being a huge assholes at the moment" I reply softly before walking to my desk and sat, tossing my phone across the desk out of anger, scratching my eyes.
"Awh man..how long will this keeps on going?" Matt approached me yet again and softly massaged my shoulders , still covering my eyes I reply with a painful sigh, "I wish I know Matt, perhaps it would get easier if I did know..." I mumbled not sure if he heard me.
He went quite for a minute before lightly gasping, "I know what could calm you down!"he tapped my shoulders and ran somewhere, returning to toss a tiny bag on my desk. I open my eyes to see three bags of cocaine lays on my desk, I stand up with complete shock. "What the hell Matt! You are keeping your damn stash in my house?!!" I shout at him as my heart races, I couldn't believe this was actually happening.
But Matt -unlike me- seemed to be too relaxed about it, "It's cool man, no one knows-" "How many?" I immediately asked glaring, not wanting to hear his excuses, he coldly rolls his eyes, "only those..I swear"
"Do you really think this is a great time to get high? we are throwing a party downstairs!! huge people are there too, if they saw us high we will get in deep trouble!" I tried to warn him, more like slap him with the facts, but it's like I was speaking to a wall, he walked to the desk and opened the bag to quickly pour it on my desk, taking out what seemed to be the razor blade.
I thought since words aren't working, I walked to him and grabbed him from his back, locking my arms around his stomach and started to push backward away from my desk. Things went to violent, we started fighting, and one of the bags got opened and poured on top of us, accidentally getting me and himself to sniff some to our body.
It took a minute before Shannon barged in and saw all of this happening, as Tomo ran behind him, both of them tried to push us apart, but I was so mad and high, I only wanted to punch him, eventually leading for everyone downstairs to hear our fights, as it got a bit bloody when Matt slashed the blade across Shannon's arm.
Seeing him doing that made me in rage even more, suddenly...everything went black, I could only hear shouts around me, and hands squeezing tightly on my arm pulling me, and my hand....my hand was squeezing something, or rather someone, someone who was suffocating, and before I knew it, everything got back and I saw myself on top of Matt, choking the life out of him with his face turning blue, and Shannon pulling me, and Tomo is shouting trying to break free my grip.
And after that..things just went downhill, as Matt actually dared to file a lawsuit against me, saying that I have a huge pile of cocaine on my house -the pile he owns- and saying that he forced him all that time to get high with him. I was also accused with attempting murder, and because of the cocaine that was spilt all over me, no one believed me when I said I never got high.
A full damn year, court after court, fighting for my right, eventually ending it with Matt getting kicked out of the band,and I had to pay 50 thousand dollars to finally being announced as: not guilty.
But even if court said I wasn't guilty of the stash, the world doesn't approve to it, and things just get even harder on us...on me
Now...It feels like every time I fix something, I end up breaking something else, nothing is being done, no one is helping me, and I am drowning two innocent, talented people with me to the deepest holes of hell.
The hate they get, the harassments I receive every day...feels like I am in the middle of a war with myself..and the world.
A word from a heroin addict, made my whole life fall apart...is that really my destiny?
@iraniq @nikkitasevoli @spillinginkwithlove @inas-cubbins @lostinletoland @esoltis280 @rae-of-sinshine @louise-buchan @tiajaredechelon @lifeonmars30 @darthjokerisyourfather @mj-isback @pandaliciouz @diamond-eyed-psychopath @itsmeauntie @elliegrace139 @inlovewithmrj @msroxyblog
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anxelita · 6 years
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Live like a dream, broken but free
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sydswritings · 6 years
APMA’s - Part 2 (Chapter 28)
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To avoid listening to Andy’s voice droning on, I let my eyes wander around the venue. I scanned from table to table, picking out people I knew, my friends, people I had never seen before, to the fans up in the stands. My eyes finally made it to the table to my right where Jacoby Shaddix and the rest of Papa Roach were supposed to be, only to find the table pretty vacant, even Kelly was gone. Where the hell did they all run off to? I shook my head, trying to clear it of my curiousity as I sipped on my drink, and continued on with my roamings, only to lock eyes with Shannon at the table to the left of us. His hazel green gaze shifted from surprise at being caught, to concern as he watched me down my sixth or seventh drink, I had honestly stopped counting at this point.
The burn of the liquor flipped in my stomach as I tried my best to look away. I hated that he looked at me like that. Didn’t he know I just wanted to forget about him? To forget that I was in love with him. To forget what it was like to finally kiss him and tell him how I felt just to have it end our friendship. I wanted more than anything to just sink into the oblivion that drinking offered. I wanted the pain to go away, any possible way. But I wouldn’t be the one to blink first, thankfully or not, I’m not sure which I feel right now, his girlfriend said something that had him finally breaking eye contact with me and looking over to the stage. The voices of Jack and Alex changed to that of Matt’s from Bullet for my Valentine and Alex from Atreyu as they presented Papa Roach’s performance.
    “Come on people!” Jacoby’s voice vibrated through the room, “I wanna see you up!”
The chords of Getting Away with Murder had the fans jumping up and down, screaming at the top of their lungs to each lyric. I watched as the ginger headed frontman of Memphis Mayfire, Matty Mullins joined the stage, singing the next verse before Jacoby joined back in. Bands all around the room joined the fans, standing, jumping and singing and to hell with it I was one of them. The song soon came to an end much to my sadness.
    “Wooo, AP how you livin’?” Jacoby laughed out as the crowd surrounding the stage yelled. “Everybody doin alright out there? I don’t know about you guys sitting on your asses over here,” he motioned to a couple of tables next to ours, “that shit ain’t rock-n-roll, what’s up! This ain’t television, come on!”
I laughed at the affronted looks at the bands behind us at being called out, before they finally rolled their eyes and stood up, half to join the rest of us and the other half to go get drinks at the bar. The opening of Scars started and I looked at Charlie, hand on my chest as we both started to belt the first verse. These were the songs we grew up on, the ones that made us want to pursue music in the first place. The frontwoman of Tonight Alive, Jenna McDougall joined Jacoby on stage, and the crowd went wild as she started the next verse. The girls and I sang at the top of our lungs until the very last chord.
    “We got some more surprises for you guys are you ready?” This man knew how to pump up a crowd.
I forgot we were honestly at an award show, it felt like all those years ago, concert jumping with my best friends.
    “Hey Papa Roach,” I looked around as the voice of Kelly blared out of the PA.
    “Are you kidding me?” Ace asked, exasperation clinging to her words.
I couldn’t help the laugh that jumped out of my throat as I looked over at her and Charlie, both not thrilled to see Kelly on stage, but as soon as he did the atmosphere changed to something almost electric. Brook and I leaned against each other, swaying and singing every lyric to MGK’s Til I Die. They finished up their set with Papa Roach’s Last Resort and I watched as Kelly jumped into the throng of people in front of the stage, moshing with the fans as he finished his lyrics.
    “He’s lost his damn mind.” I laughed out as Brook watched him crawl back on stage.
    “I don’t think he had one to lose in the first place,” She countered, that was probably true.
We waved the waitress down and ordered our next round of drinks as Twiggy Ramirez presented the Icon Award to Marilyn Manson. I zoned out, letting the haze of alcohol run its course, taking all my emotions and bottling them up. If I could get through this night without having an altercation with Andy and Juliet and another face to face with Shannon, I was going to drop to my knees and praise whoever was upstairs keeping them away from me. I hated that I felt that way about a man that I still considered one of my best friends, the man that I was head over heels in love with, but I couldn’t sit here and watch her fawn all over him. I couldn’t pretend that seeing them together didn’t hurt me, so to avoid it, I was going to drink my night away.
Soon Jack and Alex replaced Marilyn and Twiggy announcing Song of the Year. I clicked back into the award show as I watched Brendon and the rest of Panic! flashed across the screen followed by Vic and the guys from Pierce. I glanced over to Vic’s table giving him a thumbs up before turning back to the stage.
    “And the winner is,” Keaton Pierce, of Too Close To Touch, started, “Panic! at the Disco’s Hallelujah. Brendon and the rest of Panic! are actually on tour right now, but we do have a small video we’re going to show.”
Everyone’s eyes moved to the screen, where Brendon sat, grin plastered across his face as he accepted his award. I glanced at the girls who all grinned back, if you looked just close enough you could see Karah’s hand in the frame, I was glad she was there to celebrate this moment with him.
    “Wow guys, this is beyond awesome,” Brendon laughed, “I actually made a bet with myself that if I won this award I would do something I’ve been meaning to do for a few months now.”
Charlie grabbed my arm causing me to break my gaze from the screen, “what’s he doing?” She whispered, to no one in particular.
    “I don’t know brobo, keep watching like the rest of us and we might find out.” I whispered back.
The look she gave me wasn’t one of her nicests. We both turned our heads back to the screen to see Brendon grab Karah’s hand and pull her down next to him on the leather couch.
    “Everyone, this is Karah, my beautiful, amazing girlfriend and if it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t know what was up or down right now on this crazy tour.” We watched as he took a deep breath before dropping on one knee and pulling out a small ring box from his pocket, “Karah Rose, I’ve loved you since the day I met you. Would you do me the honor of being my wife?”
    “Holy. Shit.” I breathed out, eyes wide as I watched our manager nod her head up and down, tears streaming down her pale face.
    “Did that just happen?” Ace asked, as a wild applause broke through the venue.
    “I think so.” Brook finally joined in.
    “That little shit!” Charlie blurted out. We all turned our wide eyes to our guitarist, confused at her choice of words. “He didn’t even tell us!”
I couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled out of me at her outrage for Brendon not telling the four of us.
    “Well that was unexpected.” Alex announced as he stepped back out on the stage.
After Neck Deep’s performance, 3OH!3 took to the stage to present the award for Underground Band. My eyes blurred as the faces of the nominees flashed by, Too Close To Touch followed by Moose Blood, then Our Last Night, everyone at our table whooped and hollered as Matt, Trevor, Woody and Tim’s faces crossed the screen. Charlie leaned against Trevor, their hands intertwined as we waited with baited breath for Sean Foreman to announce the winner. The other half of 3OH!3, Nathaniel Motte, stepped up to the microphone.
    “The winner is,” he glanced back down at the paper, “OUR LAST NIGHT!”
Trevor sat in stunned disbelief as the rest of our table jumped up yelling. Charlie had to jostle him a bit before a wide grin painted his features as he stood up, sweeping her up into a full bodied hug and planting a kiss on her grinning lips. I stood next to Brook and Ace as we cheered on our friends, Trevor finally let Charlie go to join us as he ran to catch up with the boys, who were halfway to the stage. After accepting their award and giving their speech, which consisted of Trevor telling Charlie how much he loved her and the guys thanking the fans, they made their way back to our tables, where we proceeded to have another round of drinks. Halfway through Beartooth’s performance Jared, Shannon and Tomo disappeared, causing Ace to look around in confusion.
    “Hey I’m sure everything is fine.” I attempted to keep her calm.
    “He just knew that this category was a big deal, this is the one we really want.” Ace’s voice went up another octave.
    “I’m sure he has a good reason Ace, just take a deep breath.” Charlie said from Trevor’s side.
A good reason he did have, since at that moment they appeared on stage to present Breakthrough Band.
    “See good reason.” Brook laughed.
We watched as I Prevail, Knuckle Puck, Neck Deep, Set It Off and State Champs’ pictures flashed across the big screen followed by our picture from the big AP Warped Tour Edition spread ended the list of nominees. I reached beside me and grabbed Charlie’s hand before snatching Ace’s who was holding on to Brook’s for dear life. I don’t think I had ever felt this nervous or sick until this very moment. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears and my pulse quickened with adrenaline. Jared stepped up to the microphone as Shannon held the award and Tomo the envelope.
    “And the winner for Breakthrough Band is,” Jared paused dramatically.
    “I swear to god, I’m going to kill him,” Ace seethed through gritted teeth.
    “Just deny him sex for the next month.” I grumbled out.
    “Yeah but then she’s without it too.” Charlie argued.
    “Fuck! I wish he didn’t feel the need to be so damn aggravating.” Ace mumbled.
    “GRACE OF THE FALLEN!” The three of them announced together.
    “Wait, what?” I think my brain just broke. “Did they just say Grace?”
    “Holy! FUCK! We won!” Charlie exclaimed, jumping out of her seat screaming.
Trevor and Pete stood clapping as we managed to climb out of our seats. My legs felt like jelly as I stood away from the table. I don’t know how but my feet managed to get me to the stage and up the stairs to accept our award. I hugged Tomo while Jared kissed Ace and Brook took the offered award from Shannon’s hands.
    “Holy shit,” I sighed into the microphone. “I guess this is actually happening. Umm-we’d like to thank our fans, without you guys we wouldn’t be here right now.”
Ace moved from Jared’s side and took over the speech, “We’d also like to thank our label, Interscope, along with our friends, family and loved ones.”
With that we were ushered through the back to give an interview and then let back to the main floor to finish up the night. The rest of the show was honestly a blur, after winning I started slamming back shots in celebration followed by more Jack & Coke’s. The girls drank but at a slower pace and with more control. We watched Of Mice & Men’s performance followed Andy’s and then A Day to Remember closed out the night. In the end Jack won the mock presidential campaign, reigning supreme over Alex and then it was announced the after party would be held at Skully’s Music Dinner being hosted by Every Time I Die and Issues. I guess it was time to get the real party started.
Chapter 29
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Lately - Part 2
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Lately - Part 2
As soon as you’d ended the call Jared mentally slapped himself and tried to call back, but you rejected every call. Your words still ringing in his mind “are you ashamed of me?” is that what you really thought? Is that what he’d let you think? How he’d made you feel?
Panic rose in his chest at the thought of losing you, he needed you. Grabbing his phone he called his brother whilst looking for flights back to L.A on his laptop.
“Dude I fucked up” Jared screamed down the phone before Shannon could even say hello, while he frantically typed and clicked on his laptop.
“What do you mean you ‘fucked up’?!” Shannon’s usual quiet tone elevated
“I. Fucked. Up. She asked me if I was ashamed of her!”
“And nothing! I just fucking sat there in shock like an idiot and she took that as a yes and she’s gone Shan! She wont answer. Nothing!”
Jared could hear Shannon sighing on the other end of the phone.
“You need to get home Jared!” Shannon growled down the phone trying to remain as calm as he could. He’d told him time and time again this would happen. That he’d end u breaking your heart.
“What the fuck do you think I’m doing Shannon?! I’m booking a flight. Leaves in three hours. You’ve got to call her dude tell her I…”
“Oh no, I am telling her nothing! You made this mess Jar’ you fix it! I told you this would happen! Fix it!” Shannon hung up leaving Jared in shock.
He was right, he’s said this would happen. That you’d get fed up but Jared had been cocky thinking he could keep thing going the way he wanted them not taking in consideration what you wanted, how you felt.
He leapt from the sofa in his hotel room and all but ran into the bedroom. He grabbed and shoved him belongings into his bags however they would fit.
He had to fix this, before it was too late….if it wasn’t already too late.
You lay on the sofa in the dark, it had been hours since the call from Jared and you were numb. What had you expected to happen? You knew he didn’t want things public but you pushed and now you knew why. You were alone.
Jared had tried to call several times after you hung up but you ignored them all, he’d rung you cell but you rejected those too. Shannon had tried to call, no doubt Jared begged him too but you were in no fit state to talk.
As you replayed the events in your head a fresh batch of tears fell from your eyes, just when you thought you had none left. You don’t know how long you lay there for, minutes blurred into hours and darkness fell but you barely noticed. Until a sound pulled you from your thoughts.
You frowned and sat up, flick on the lamp next to you when you realise just how dark it was, then you heard it again this time only louder. It was your door, someone was knocking at your door. You sighed deeply, betting it was Shannon attempting to check in on you. You tried to ignore it but the persistent knocking was giving you a headache.
You slowly lifted your weary body from the sofa and made your way to the door. You flicked on the security light and checked the peep hole as you always did after dark. But it wasn’t Shannon like you thought, or even Vicki and Tomo.
“Baby girl please let me in”
To be Continued?
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Oh Hello! My name is Erin and I am one of the two owners of this blog!!! *throws confetti*
My bestie/partner/cowriter and I ya see we have been in the biggest writing rut... but... she had the idea that us using a blog would be a fresh start!! And I agreed!!! Before this I was @jackfrostdemondean aka demondeanslittlefiend who gave up haha 
If you wanna know what things we write for check out this link: https://oneblogtwowriters.tumblr.com/about
If you want to check out my imagines on my @jackfrostdemondean page then click this link: https://www.tumblr.com/search/ddlittlefiend+imagine
Wanna check out the stories on my old and new A7X fanfic page? Click here for the new page: http://www.avengedsevenfoldfanfiction.com/Member/27974/ and then click here for the old page which contains all my original content: http://www.avengedsevenfoldfanfiction.com/Member/81897/
We are the most loving people and we love multiple fandoms and we are very very excited to begin this journey!!! Thank you all!!! 
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onxeuponanimagine · 7 years
Jared Imagine
Someone flirts with you You and your boyfriend Jared were at a party for a mutual friend of yours, Robert Downey Jr. he was having a party for his new movie that just came out so you both decided to go and support your friend. You were a screen writing and met both Robert and your boyfriend through your job. Your relationship with Jared was very new, you only been together for a few months and you were in the stage where it was loving and private. The only ones that knew you are even together were your families. And you both wanted it to stay that way, so you arrived separately. You arrived first and after saying hello to Robert you want to get a drink, when you ran, literally, into Sebastian Stan. Spilling his drink all over him. "oh crap I'm so sorry." You apologized. Sebastian just smiled at you. " it's all good.." " Y/n" " then it is all good y/n." "I'm really sorry Sebastian." He smiled again before saying, " if you want to make it up to me you can accompany me to get another one." You agreed and both walked over to the bar. You and Sebastian were both at the bar laughing and drinking when Jared arrived. You smiled and sent a wave his way before turning back to Sebastian. Jared could feel himself burning with jealousy as he watched you and Sebastian laugh together. He knew you would never cheat on him but he couldn't stand seeing someone else making you laugh and being so close to you. He just wanted to walk over to you and kiss you so everyone knew that you were his. " So Y/N are you seeing anyone?" Sebastian asked moving closer to you. You smiled nervously. " Um yeah I'm seeing this guy." "Oh that's too bad he is a very lucky man." He smiled at you and before you could responded you were grabbed around the waist and kissed passionately. You instantly knew who those lips belong to and kissed back. Jared pulled away. " Yes I am I really lucky guy to have the privilege to be with Y/N." You blushed before kissing his cheek. " Let's get Out of here N/N." you nodded and said goodbye to Sebastian as Jared walk you to his car and took you home reminding you that you were his and how much he loves you. Sorry the ending is crap hope you liked it
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OFF THE WRITERS BLOCK!! Ou mai gawd I'm so happy to be able to write once again! I came back to your request and I'm so freaking sorry to be so late and yeah.. But I'm glad I can think of new ideas and write about things YOU want to read! A new imagine will be up tomorrow!! 😙😙😙 So much love~~💜💜💜 Plus some new things are coming up!
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jokers-sweethearts · 8 years
Imagine: Being Jared’s daughter and dating Cameron Monaghan
Growing up with Thirty Seconds To Mars you are very close to Tomo and his family, so he knows you love to watch Gotham. When Tomo’s sister get’s the role of Selina’s mother he asks her to take you to set with her so you can see how the show is made. On that day Cameron Monaghan is making is return as Jerome, you can barely contain your excitement when you see him and he is stunned by how beautiful you are. The two of you see each other on set everyday, get to know each other and become friends. Cameron eventually works up the courage asks you out right as the new season is premiering. The media starts buzzing about the dceu Joker, Jared’s daughter going out with the TV Joker, Cameron. You’re dad is worried about the press but Cameron get’s a kick out of it.
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(Thank you to @lululank​ for the original idea) Full Imagine Series Coming Soon
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kmp78 · 6 years
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At NO POINT does this article mention the NAME of the band with which TM "wielded a guitar on some of the world's biggest stages".
A tad bit... UNUSUAL, wouldn't y'all say?!
I mean, if the name Tomo Milicevic was instantly known and recognizable to everyone reading this article a'la "MADONNA" or "KANYE WEST", then yeah I can see the journo passing on listing all his prior employments and endeavors since everyone kinda already would know them.
But... who, other than Mars fans, knows this man?! 🤨
Imagine Peggy Hamilton, age 56, from Farmington Hills, Michigan, reading this article and getting to that part where they boast that this man has "played on some of the world's biggest stages".
How's she gonna understand wtf this even means when there is NO REFERENCE TO WHY AND HOW AND WITH WHICH BAND THAT CAME TO BE?!?! 🤔
And btw, I really doubt it was the journo's decision to leave these kinds of actually-kinda-relevant "details" out.
Based on how shit seemed to go down, my money deffo is on TM demanding that the words MARS or LETO are excuded from this article... 😶
I'm telling you, folks. The bad blood between the former trio truly is BAAAAAD. 🙊
Whole article can be found here:
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sydswritings · 6 years
Nominations (Chapter 23)
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    “Are you going to tell me what’s going on with you?” Shannon asked as we were all settling around the massive table at Republique.
    “Nothing,” I murmured, avoiding his intense gaze.
    “Liar,” he growled out.
Jared must have sensed the tension climbing between us from across the table as he cleared his throat, “so are y’all excited?”
    “Excited?” Charlie question, “excited about what?”
    “The nominations?” Tomo asked confused at Charlie’s response.
    “What nominations?” I queried, ignoring Shannon’s growing frustration.
    “Seriously?” Tomo looked around the table, “you guys don’t know about the nominations for the APMAs?”
I shook my head back and forth, confusion clearly painting most of our features. Shannon shifted beside me before throwing his phone down on the table in front of me.
    “Now who has the problem?” I countered as I grabbed his phone to look at the list.
The look he gave me made me seriously consider choosing my next words carefully. His usually bright hazel eyes shifted into a dark stormy green making me clamp my jaw shut and look down at the screen.
    “Guys,” I breathed out in disbelief.
    “What?” Ace asked from across the table, glancing between my stunned expression and Jared’s grinning one.
I could feel myself getting lightheaded as I continued to look over the list of nominations.
    “Syd??” Charlie question, concern clear in her voice.
    “This is just, just…” I struggled to think, to put words together, “just wow.”
    “SYDNEY!” Brook yelled from down the table.
Shannon grabbed his phone out of my hand effectively bringing my attention back to the table and my bandmates worried expressions. The waitress chose that moment to stop by our table to take our drink order, giving me time to process what I had read.
    “HOLY SHIT!” Charlie screamed next to my ear after the waitress had left.
    “Dude,” I reeled back clutching my ear in pain.
    “We’ve been nominated,” she said looking up from her phone before glancing between me, Ace and Brook, a wild grin painting her face.
    “We’ve been what?” Ace asked incredulously.
    “Nominated. As in we’ve been put on a list for fans to vote on, so that we can win an award.” Brook said, her sarcasm evident as she spoke slowly while she stared at Ace.
    “Thanks, ass, I knew what it meant.” She responded before flipping her off. Brook shrugged while everyone else at the table laughed. “What are we nominated for?”
    Charlie ran her finger up the screen of her phone, “Well you and Brook have been nominated separately. You for drums which btw you’re up against CC and Brook’s been nominated for Best Bassist.”
I watched as Ace and Brooklyn’s eyes went wide before they looked at one another.
    “What else?” Brook asked, her voice carrying a tone of shock.
    “As a group we’ve been nominated for Breakthrough Band AND Best Live Band,” Charlie said as her eyes continued to roam over the page, “Oh my god!” Her hand clasped Trevor’s arm tightly. “You guys have been nominated for Best Underground Band.”
    “Really? That’s pretty damn awesome!” Trevor laughed out.
    “Anyone else up there?” I asked, leaning against her hoping to read over her shoulder.
    “Panic!’s up for Song of the Year and Best Music Vi--” She stopped abruptly, pulling the phone closer to her face.
    “What?” Ace asked curiously.
    “Uhh,” Charlie glanced at me then started shaking her head, “nothing, nothing, just couldn’t read it clearly.”
    “I call bullshit,” I announced, “let me see that.”
After snatching the phone from her hand, I scanned the list to find what had startled her and there it was in black font on the little white screen, Andy was up for Best Music Video, the very one that had snowballed everything.
    “Well fuck.” I spat out.
    “Would someone please tell me what the fuck is going on?!” Ace seethed out.
    “Beyond My Reach is up for Best Music Video.” Charlie sighed out.
    “Well shit,” Ace said as she slumped back into her seat, “Wonder if he’ll thank you if he wins.”
    “I hope to all that’s fucking holy he either doesn’t win or if he does, doesn’t even look my way much less thank me.” I stated before crossing my arms and slamming back against my seat in a huff.
    “Annnywayysss,” Charlie started back up effectively ending all Andy conversation, “Panic!, Fall Out Boy and Sleeping with Sirens have all been nominated for Artist of the Year, while Madness is up for Album of the Year.”
    “Kellin’s going to be annoying for the next month.” I said laughing.
    “Especially since he’s also been nominated for Best Vocalist,” Charlie paused to look at Pete, before she finished, “but he’s against Patrick.”
    “We all know Pat will win.” Pete said, a grin splitting his face.
    “OH!” Charlie exclaimed excitedly, “The Divine Hero is up here for Song of the Year.”
    “Aww, I’ll have to send Vic a congrats text later.” I managed to get out before the waitress reappeared with our drinks and ready to take our meal orders.
The rest of lunch consisted of Shannon still badgering me about what was wrong and the nominations. I did get a chance to shoot Vic and Kellin both texts congratulating them on their nominations. Both were super stoked about their own nominations, but were just as excited for our group as well. By the time lunch had ended a group of fans had spotted us, thankfully they kept a decent distance, but it didn’t stop photographs from being taken. Great this is going to be all over the tabloids by morning.
    “We should celebrate tonight.” Jared commented as we made our way out of the restaurant, Ace tucked securely against his side. “I’ve got plenty back at the house.”
    “You know I’m always down.” Charlie said from the other side of Trevor, arms linked as they took point, heading to where our cars were parked.
I looked around at the girls, all with their respective significant others, all nodding and agreeing to a night of celebration, until my eyes rested on Shannon at the back of the group. Slowing my pace, I fell back to walk with the hazel eyed drummer.
    “So are you going to be grumpy gills all day?” I asked, carefully nudging his side.
    “I’m not being grumpy.” I couldn’t help the roll of my eyes as I stopped to gawk at him.
    “Not grumpy? You won’t even look at me, much less talk to me.” At this point our group was a pretty far distance away from us as he stopped to look at me.
    “You’re the one not talking to me Syd. I know something’s off with you and you won’t tell me what’s going on.” Shannon’s voice dropped dangerously and the concern in his eyes was almost enough to cause me to finally spill the beans.
    “I’m just tired Shan,” I sighed out, careful to hide my real meaning, “This tour has been draining. What with all the drama and tension with Andy. I’m honestly ready to go home and recharge.”
Shannon nodded his head in sympathy, slinging his arm over my shoulders to pull me into a hug. “I get it Syd. I do, but don’t shut me out.”
    “You’re too annoying to shut out.” I laughed out as his face morphed into feigned hurt, before he leaned down and swung me over his shoulder, causing me to yell out at the sudden action. “SHANNON CHRISTOPHER PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW, I SWEAR TO G--”
    “You’re not really in a position to threaten Sydney,” Shannon laughed out as he started walking again to meet back up with the gang.
    “Please put me down, your shoulder isn’t the most comfortable thing digging into my ribs dude.” I pleaded as I was jostled around.
Shannon laughed again before slowing to a stop and letting me slide down his body, placing me carefully back on my feet. I felt my cheeks warm at the feel of him against me as my brain headed straight to the gutter. If it wasn’t my heart acting up it was my brain and body. I really needed to get my shit under control before he figured out I was lying about what was going on with me. His yellow green eyes studied me carefully, before I cleared my throat and stepped away from him.
    “Come on, they’re going to leave us if we keep lollygagging.” I said, forcing a laugh out.
    “Lollygagging? Really Syd, you and your country hick sayings.” I felt Shannon’s arm fall across my shoulders again as we slowly made our way to the parking lot.
Chapter 24
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By Total-Fandom-Imagines
A.N - Hey guys! Here’s my first ever Jared Fic! Please let me know what you think :) and if you’d like to see more? 
Warnings;- None that i know 
Your heart constricted in your chest as you see the photos. Your boyfriend of three years had been photographed with another of his friends on the streets of New York. Another of his female friends. 
You weren't the typical jealous type, he had his friends and you had yours. Never once had he given you doubt that he was faithful to you. But never once had the two of you been photographed together, because your relationship wasn't public. Relationship....could you even call it that? After three years of secret meetings and hidden kisses were you in an actual relationship? You loved him with all your heart, you had since the second you met him, looked into those ocean blue eyes and drowned. Jared was a very attractive man, he was constantly being linked with stunningly gorgeous women. Stunningly gorgeous like the woman in the latest collection of photos the were strewn across the internet. She had legs for days that were on full display in a tiny pair of shorts. She was amazingly slim with beautiful long, perfectly styled hair. She looked every inch the runway model she was. They walked side by side down the streets of New York laughing and smiling at one another. They looked like a perfect couple. The Hollywood star and the supermodel.... A tear slipped down your cheek at the thought. It was always Jared that insisted the two of you kept your relationship under wraps. He insisted that it was in your best interest, to keep you from the harassment that came with big public relationships. You weren’t a fool you’d been in Hollywood since your teens, you understood the pressure that came with any relationship in the lime light. But your love for Jared outweighed any doubt that could come to mind, you wanted nothing more than to scream your feelings to the world...but as much love as he showed when you were together, despite the passion behind every kiss and tenderness in every embrace....you can’t help but feel that maybe Jared didn’t love you enough to share that with the world. Lately every time you saw your reflection you would pick yourself apart, finding a new imperfection each time. Too plain, not thin enough, your nose was wrong, your hips weren’t right....the list went on and on. You’d find a reason everyday why Jared wouldn’t want you, why he’d never want to be seen with you, and why eventually he would inevitably leave you. Almost the second the photos went viral your phone was bombarded with texts from Shannon, Tomo and Vicki. All of whom knew about you and Jared and all were worried about you, knowing your self-esteem would have taken a blow once again. The one person you wanted to hear from remained silent, he’d seen the photos it would be impossible for him not to. But still no calls, no texts....nothing.
When Shannon called around to see if you needed anything whilst his brother was still out of town his heart sank at the sight of you. You looked so small, you were hiding your frame in an oversized jumper something much too warm for the current weather. Your eyes were tired and the bags that hung from under them were a deep purple. He opened his arms and pulled you into a tight hug, he wanted nothing more than to grab the next flight to New York and drag Jared home by force to see what he was doing to you.
Shannon tried to convince his brother to make your relationship public, knowing that the hiding and secrecy was slowly eating away at you. But he wouldn’t, he wanted to keep you to himself where you were safe. He still partially blamed the media for his former engagement falling apart and the idea of losing you the same way was too much for him to bare.
When Shannon left your house that night he called his brother demanding he contact you before it was too late and things had gone too far. He never told him how ill you looked, or how tired you were. He needed to see for himself, he needed the shock and boy did he get one.
You were only partially surprised that the skype call from Jared came about an hour after his brother left, part of you expected Shannon to call his little brother despite your pleas for him not to.
You glanced at your reflection before answering letting a deep sigh escape when you saw the mess of a woman looking back. You reluctantly hit the green button to connect the call, even after all this time the sight of him still gave you butterflies. You just weren’t sure that was enough anymore.
Jared’s bright smile dimmed a little as he saw you, your usual bright eyes were cold and empty, your face pale and the half-hearted smile that graced your face was forced.
“Y/n…..baby what’s wrong?” Jared frowned at the camera
What’s wrong? What’s wrong? Did he really not know? After all this time did he really not understand?
He watched the forced smile fall from your face and be replaced with a clenched jaw. He’d had seen the photo’s but didn’t understand your reaction.
“Is this about the photos? Y/n she’s just a friend, we met at one of the Gucci shows….” You chuckled humourlessly to yourself and cut him off
“I know who she is, you’ve mentioned her before” you answered shortly making Jared more confused than before
“Then what’s wrong?”
You couldn’t take anymore, you had to get it off of your chest before you exploded.
“Are you ashamed of me?”
“Is that why you’ll never be seen with me?”
“Babe….” That wasn’t an answer but it was the only work that left his mouth. So, with tears in your eyes and a lump in your throat you tried again
“Are you ashamed of me?” you let the question hang in the air, it should have had a simple answer. But one never came. A tear fell down your cheek and Jared followed its path with his eyes until it hit the desk and shattered like broken glass.
“Well at least now I know” you gasped over the sob that escaped your mouth and ended the call.
You fought back a scream with your hands as the realisation of what had transpired hit you. It was over, it was all over.
To be Continued? 
Part 2
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onxeuponanimagine · 7 years
I'm so happy I have a 100 followers I'm so blessed and appreciative of each and everyone of you thanks for following and I'll be writing more soon requests are open and so are ships so send them in ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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iraniq · 7 years
Work related ... II
After I explained in details why I can’t join their party, he just nod saying “Yes, I understand” and left. I locked the restaurant after him, I was alone, the lady in the kitchen was long gone, her little baby boy was sick. I stayed behind, hoping some of them may show as they did … I sat on my previous spot and started crying, it was loud but I couldn’t care less … I picked wrong … all the “fallow your dreams” shit I used to say to people and myself … vanished in the face of fear, fear … fear of what, that if I got fired I will have to leave my comfort zone … that I’ll eventually have to deal with the result of my actions, that I have to take responsibility for all the things I do … that, this is just some dream, and I will wake up, that he only wants to fuck me, or that they will laugh at me because I thought someone like them will want to hang someone like me!
… I had no idea how long was I crying, suddenly I felt thirst. I got up and poured myself a glass of water, from the tub. I closed the computer program of the restaurant, and prepared to leave. I opened my bag to put my phone in, and I saw my make up kid I bought the other day, apparently I forgot to take it out, as usual, always keeping stuff in my bag, and then wonder thy it’s too small for my everyday needs. It took me less than a second to change my mind. I change from my uniform to my regular clothes, put some lipstick and mascara, and went up the stairs, almost running.
I was outside the door, I could hear music, singing, someone was plaguing guitar with the music on … my heart stopped when I suddenly heard them stopping the music, they sounded like arguing on what to play next. I just knocked, no idea when, when I came on my sense my hand was on the door. They got quiet. The door slowly opened, and I saw Jared, smiling.
- What took you so long? – I forced a smile. – Don’t  cry please, mom will behead me! – he hugged me and let me inside.
Everyone cheered when I came in. Vicky was the first to came and hug me. Constance did the same, followed by Emma, other people that I don’t know did this too … we talked all night! About music – 30 seconds music and music in general, they were shocked someone my age will know old classics, rock classics, and classic music in general, I even got some art translation of Luciano Pavarotti’s “ Time to say goodbye” where he sings in Italian; we talked movies, not Jared’s because he isn’t a fan of talking about his movies, he haven’t even watched them; mostly animation, how they actually educate more than everything, it turned out I had some similar inside jokes with my bff, like they had with each other. We talked politics, although I am not a fan; we talked history, I tell them the history of my country, the school books version, and the real one … we talked art, and I happen to mention I write stories, they made me read them some, they were all charmed, even pursue me to publish them somewhere, “A book, a magazine … whatever, just make it happen!” Jared said. Apparently sending them to my closest friends wasn’t enough … I talked with them about so much more … when we went back to reality it was 9:45 in the morning. I was second shift at work. At this point I  just didn’t care anymore. I got my stuff and went out, heading home.
Later this day I got a call from my manger, telling me I am fired for “inappropriate behavior” , the owner of the place was there in the morning. When he woke up and checked the camera footages to mostly check on us, satisfying his precious guest’s needs, he saw one of the waitresses, having fun on the balcony of a room with the guests of honor, drinking alcohol and hugging them; yep that was so me and proud! They left the next day. I tell them what happened, but didn’t mention I got fired, I was kinda worried Jared might call my boss with cruel intentions. As Vicky said, he always takes care of his people, friends and family, and me being a part of it, might get me in trouble. A simply said I quit. Before leaving the so important room number 43 we exchange some contacts, Vicky is a huge fan of crazy me now, and I may mention to Constance I see myself in 10 years surrounded by at least 20 dogs, to which she respond by shrugging Jared whispering “marry her”, but failed because everyone heard her.
I was 5 days unemployed and I was out of a publishing office. They made an audition for a “biography of an artist” article and I had the perfect one. My mother called like 3 days ago, yelling at me how could I quit, yeah I told her I quit, what was I supposed to say “hi mom, I got fired of work, because Jared Leto was in the hotel an I went in his room to have some fun” … this will definitely sound so wrong put out like that … The Martians were already home and I got a message form J asking how are the things. I didn’t want to say where was I … call is superstition, so I just wrote back “work related”. He texted back: “ Good luck, Angel! Xo ;) “  
__________THE END_________
@diyunho @rhina988 @nikkitasevoli @auntiemama1 @wolfgirl1074 @jayded-reality @cadeathens
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iraniq · 7 years
Work related ...
Finally back to work. I had 10 days off, but my co-workers asked me to come earlier; apparently we had some important ass guests at the hotel who needed care, and most of my them barely spoke English, so I was their last hope. I work as a waitress in the restaurant in one of the oldest hotels in the town, we have the name of vintage cosy place to stay, we don’t heve all the lux, but we have the feel-like-home charm.
I arrived for the second shift. My co-workers were outside on the table, smoking and talking, they started to laugh when they saw me. I looked at them confused, but they simply waved away the question. I was just gonna ask, seriously this time, when a nice sports bike arrived at the parking. A guy dressed in leather got off, and waved at us. They were all suspiciously silent. He walked in our directon, since the entrance was nearby us. He just took his helmet off and I screamed like crazy. This was the freaking Shannon Cristopher Leto. He laughed and approached me.
-          By your reaction I get you know me. - I just nod my head, my hands on my mouth so I won’t scream again, tears in my eyes. - Come and give the old man a hug.
I rushed and hged him. He huged back. His famous hugs, squeezing me but at the same way it was gentle. After couple of seconds I manage to mumble.
-          You are not old!
-          Really, come on … you are like what 20? I am probably the age of your parents. But. Thanks … for being gentle on the old man’s feelings – he laughed again
-          My parents are the age of yours. – I smiled.
-          Really? - he was surprised -  … the last child?
-          The first … and the only one!
He smiled. I could feel my co-worker’s eyes on us, but they simply got “blind” for our conversation.
-          Late child, ha?
-          Yeah, my parents were too busy climbing mountains. - he made a “wow” face - But not like your brother … more like … hiking, not climbing … - I totally lost it. – … just walking in the mountains like Mountain tourism …
We were heading inside while I failed to talk, his hand was still om my shoulders. 
-          How many times have I told you not to bother the girls, you animal! -  Jared approached us. Shannon pointed at me with happy dog face. J started walking at my direction with open hands. I huged him and he swinged eft and right with me in his embrace. - I was looking for you … aww I want a piece of that action too. - I suddenly felt someone else hugging me too. It was Tomo. – Hi! – he poped behind Jared and smiled.
-          She is one of us now! – Shannon proudly stated, pointing at my triad necklace.
-          Can we keep her? – Tomo asked. Jared only smiled, briefly holding my hand. – You better hide, if my wife sees you, she will totally steal your earrings and run away. – the siblings laughed.
-          What?
-          Vicki, my wife …
-          I know her, I mean, I’ve seen her, she is very cute.
-          And beautiful too … - he winked – But she loves long and feather earrings and yours are both. So you better run.
While we were talking another person entered the restaurant from the hotel’s entrance. Talking on the phone. Jared waved him to join us.
-          We are all here! – Shannon said.
-          Working again? I toughed we are on a vacation.
The man looked at him confused.
-          You dare talk to me like this?
Tomo and Shannon laughed loudly, Tomo even hid behind on of the flower pots.
-          You? – he spoke again. – The so famous workaholic and perfectionist. You … dare ask me this!
At this point Tomo was sitting on the floor crying of laughter, and Shannon was sitting on the little couches with his helmet on, but I could hear him, laughing too. And I was stupidly staring at them talking.
-          Yes, Lallo, I am asking a friend, why he isn’t enjoying the vacation.
-          Aha … - he wasn’t amused.
I looked even more confused … and then it hit me!
-          This is … - Jared started, but when he saw me he stopped. – I get that you know who this is?
-          Alessandro Michele, the Gucci creative director and also your bff. – I blurred out.
-          Exactly! – Alessandro said and smiled warmly, shaking his head to greet me.
-          Christopher … leave my husband alone!
-          Jeez, Vicki, I hate when you are calling me like this. – he took his helmet off.
Ok … it gets weird now … the woman who just entered and shouted at Shannon, was Tomo’s wife … and Constance, walking behind her, searching for something in her huge bag. Vicki stayed besides Tomo, grabbing his shoulder, to lift him from the floor.
-          Wft … Oh my … ― she suddenly grabbed my face – I love them!
-          Run! – Tomo whispered. Vicki took her phone out of … I don’t know where, and took a picture of my earrings.
-          I can tell you where I got them from. – her eyes were now glued to me.
-          Tell me! – she demanded waving her hands, but in a playful way. – and no, the original was “teach me”, so technically this wasn’t marvelous joke.
I laughed. Did she just …
-          They are from the mall, not this one.. - I pointed out the direction, apparently a wrong one, because J held my hand and fixed it at the right direction, winking at me. – … right, not this one, the other one, on the second floor, it’s not a shop, like … workshop in the hallway.
-          Thank you sweetie, she kissed my cheek.
-          They will suite you fine, on your haircut, it will be visible.
-          I like her already! – she looked at Tomo.
-          Have anyone seen my keys?
-          Mom, not again!
-          Shannon Christopher Leto, it’s your favorite thing since a child to steal my keys!
He was obviously annoyed, and Jared was fast enough to cover my ears, finally letting go of my hand.  His big brother tapped his shoulder in “thank you” manner. And approached their mother, sneaking in the bag.
-          Found them! – Emma walked into the restaurant. – I took them by mistake.
-          See, it’s not my fault.
-          Yeah, it’s not his fault.
-          Jared Joseph … don’t make me give this poor girl the “let me tell you about their childhood” talk.
-          Poor move mom! – Shannon hugged her, and spun her around, to face Emma.
-          So … you weren’t joking when you said you were all here … ― I was still in shock.
-          I never joke!
-          Oh, Please!
-          Mother! – they both said, and we all laugh.
-          I didn’t get your name? – Jared asked, I barely managed to mumble it – Oh, an Angel, I can see the resemblance.
Behind his back his mom shacked her head, and smiled, rolling her eyes.
-          Mom, I can see you, you know.
-          Yeah I know.
-          We are late! – Emma said, checking on her iPad. – If you insist we can come again later.
-          Of course we will come again! I have to show my new best friend my new earrings! – Vicky winked at me, they all waved goodbye, Shannon even pinched my cheek, and they all left.
The afternoon was slow, I cleaned everything, polished the cutlery, folded the napkins … technically I did and fixed everything I could and it was only 17:30. “Seriously” I toughed. My co-workers, laughed at me all afternoon, saying Jared was here with his family, so they can say their opinion on me. The Hotel was empty, as they were booked all the rooms. It’s not a big hotel. So I had nothing to do.
Around 21:30 I was sitting watching “Sherlock” on the TV, when someone slowly opened the door.
-          Sweetie are you here? – it was Vicky.
-          Yes, here.
-          Look! – she posed, showering her new earrings.
-          They are awesome!
-          Right! Thanks for sharing the info! – she hugged me again. – At what time do you close?
-          In 30 minutes.
-          Cool, we are in room 43, all of us, it’s quite the place.
-          Yeah, recently they had a renovation on the 4-th floor, now 44 is in 43 too.
-          Aww … so that’s why it’s so big.
-          Yeah …
-          So, we are there, come when you are ready.
-          Oh …
-          No excuse! Jared is not taking “no” for an answer. And he can be very persuasive, believe me, it’s creepy sometimes. But it’s fine, we love him even like that. – she laughed.
-          No … I … I want to, but I am not allowed, if my bosses see me there I will be fired.
-          How will they know, we won’t tell.
-          There are cameras, in the hallways, and you are like super famous and important, and they are probably constantly watching, to make sure all your needs are satisfied.
-          Really …
-          Yeah …
-          Now what?
-          What now?
-          You better say you have a work tomorrow, something … personal, or university!
-          Why?
-          Because Jared will call your boss, and will demand you to be allowed to stay with us.
-          What?
-          Yes, that’s Jared.
I probably looked more shocked than I toughed.
-          No … no cruel intentions, he just likes to meet new people, and we all liked you, so now he wants to know you better. That’s what he does for a living, besides the band and the acting, mostly meeting new people is his thing.
-          Aha … well, I’ll thing of something. – she smiled – Thank you, and congratulations on your new earrings. Who got them for you? An admirer? Maybe a potential boyfriend?
-          My husband! – she whispered.
-          OMG! – we both cracked laughing.
-          You are here, perfect! Get your things, the party already started. – it was Jared. – Vicky? I know you miss … your friend, but don’t you have a husband to go to? – she hissed, and they both laughed. I swear this people have more inside jokes with each other than all the inside joked of all the people in the world combined.
Ok, that was it … I was going lie to Jared Leto … the person that I admire the most … that I can’t go to the party he is making in his room, although I was especially invited … wtf is wrong with me … besides the fat that I was still a collage student and needed this job, because of the money, and I couldn’t lie on my parent’s back because they retired already and are trying to leave peacefully … and I would probably, no most definitely get fired if I go, and I will be called names, because everyone will thing I slept with him … and will call me whore and slut ... but mostly, they will think poor of him, that he is doing this to his fans, and pretty young girls who are falling for him … I can’t miss being with him, I admire everything in him, not only his looks that’s WOW, but his gentle heart too, his personality, his soul, although he wouldn’t even remember I existed after he leaves the place but still ... what do I do … ???
@diyunho @rhina988 @nikkitasevoli @auntiemama1 @wolfgirl1074 @jayded-reality @cadeathens ... what sould she do, help! What would you do? ... 
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onxeuponanimagine · 7 years
I'm am currently writing part 3 to Joker pregnancy and a Eowells someone asked for so one of those should be done within the next two days request are open you can send them to This or my main blog @swaggymaster6
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onxeuponanimagine · 7 years
I'm back
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