#im sorry for bug murder posting but this had me laughing So Hard after this happened
jade-of-mourning · 7 months
hey! it’s your hopefully favorite anon again. genuinely thank you so much for responding to my asks and stuff. it’s so eloquently written and it feels like it’s actually mako’s grief in text form. that doesn’t really make sense but. reading that little cat blurb actually made me feel better. I cried. like. heavily. 😭
im glad you liked my goofy insane mentor-that-needs-a-mentor korra idea, even if you’re not going to use it. I actually had the thought while watching a video comparing korra and zuko. it’s not exactly a niche thought that ‘korra is aang’s successor and Zuko’s spiritual successor’ but then it struck me. zuko was the oldest member of the gaang (just a bit older than sokka, the former eldest) but he is still absolutely batshit reckless and insane so,,, what if i Korra’d it.
also,, triple threats,,, since I’ve already revealed that I like to fuck around with canon in every possible aspect. consider: au where bolin dies (this one came to me after seeing a video saying mako would probably… yk, himself, if Bo died) but instead of giving up or chasing whatever criminals got him/dedicating his life to helping other orphans/etc. he just. replaces zolt. and maybe he would have a zuko style redemption arc?? I’ve been listening to Brutus by The Buttress on loop too which has not been helping me escape. yk what would make the takeover even better? zolt has bolin killed to try and get a more firm grip on his chosen protégé (maybe even around the end of the events of republic city hustle) and mako finds out and just,,, absolutely bodies him. like some scraggly 15 y/o just fucking cold blood murders a crime syndicate boss and takes over and?? everyone’s like well ig he was bound to get there eventually. and there would be attempted takeovers obviously but this little fucker is like. nuh uh. you can have this as soon as I get bro back (never)
sorry I’ll stop going insane now. I think you should really listen to Brutus btw it is SO fire
hi snailon! (i'm going to call you that. snail + anon mashed together!) you're my only anon so you're my favorite by default,,, but you'd be my favorite even if you weren't! and it's lovely to hear that my writing has helped you <33 also sorry this took a day to respond to whoops
okay on the mentor!korra part — it is such a big brain idea that i might have to one day write an au on my au just for that alone LOL okay but korra is so zuko the same way mako is so katara!!! one day i'll talk about it i swear. the classic comparison of mako = zuko is just so Off and it bugs me haha it's really korra and it always has been. bryke is out there spreading false propaganda about their own show like wtf man
second, on the triple threats! see i was reading this and i was reminded of deerstalkerdeathfrisbee's the only thing we've ever organized is crime! (which is a BRILLIANT fic even if i don't really like wuko), except then your train of thought veered divergent so promptly that i was like. woah. woahhhh. i've always been partial for terrifying mobster boss!mako since reading this one a few years back and i wholeheartedly believe that if it weren't for bolin, mako could have very quickly devolved down a really bad path. i've seen it float around a lot of older posts, but to sum it up most succintly, mako made sure bolin survived and bolin made sure mako lived. and if bolin is gone? mako would not give two shits about trying to be a better person, and if bolin's death was of a tangible human person's doing… well. it would not end well for that person, let's say. that person being zolt would abolutely lead to mako promptly desecrating the man, and even if it wasn't a grab for power, i can totally see it proceeding to him actually becoming the teenage mob boss of the triple threats.
(ALSO STOP "this little fucker is like. nuh uh. you can have this as soon as I get bro back (never)" WHY ARE YOU SO FUNNY this is so sad i'm laughing so hard)
but really; mako is just such a guy of asinine stubborness to survive, with the single-minded goal to protect bolin. if there's no one left to protect, and if bolin didn't just succumb to the horrors of their circumstance but was rather brutally murdered as an attempt to control mako himself, that asinine stubborness to survive could very easily translate into cold-blooded violence, and would come with an unnerving facade of quiet apathy while he's really simmering on the edge of a really bad breakdown at any given moment. the guilt would also be endless, and mako would probably project the personal villain so hard on every single member of the triple threats in his general vicinity. working under this angry/guilty/repressed/violent teenager would actually be the most terrifying thing ever.
continuing your ask from last time because i realized i never addresssed this part —
I just had another brain worm sorry. so remember how I was talking about korra potentially being a guiding adult-ish figure in the avatar mako au. what if baby bending brothers. and either lin/tenzin/whoever or them and the other 2 krew members,, taking care of little gang monster and his brother,, and addressing some of the insane trauma and helping him heal and build a stable life,,,
i do love child acquisition, but for tiny feral children! mako and bolin really could've been the most unhinged trauma children of all time and i don't think that any adult on the show would actually be able to handle them as they were except probably pema. tenzin would try his best but i think that he would very easily get overwhelmed and a certain phase of mako would probably incessantly insult him with the deliberate intention to rile him up — and admittedly, tenzin has more of a temper than he'd like to admit, so i just think they'd be at odds a lot to an almost dangerous amount. (but ig i'm exploring that in the actual fic lol) i think mako as a kid would be considerably more abrasive than his is now and far more distrusting and paranoid, to an extent that i don't think that there are a lot of adults in lok that would be well equipped to handle that. (maybe kya? i could see both of them taking to kya actually. that would be funny. maybe i'll write kya into this au.) i do think that bolin could easily get all of them wrapped around his finger, lin grudgingly (and i think she'd be the sort to hold a reluctant affection for prickly loser boy mako).
also idk how i missed it initially but throwing teenaged korrasami into the mix makes it funny though. they would manage the pair of them so badly. (i'm sorry it is cute but i personally don't believe in babysitter!korra and definitely not babysitter!asami.) korra would be in a physical brawling session with mako the little punk ass bitch if asami looks away for one minute because bolin will not stop crying and mako is now trying to bite her head off because that's his little brother. bolin just thinks these two cool older girls are super neat and not at all demanding of his respect so he just incessantly says the most batshit insane things at them while mako is just like. hmm wealthy girl. i am full of anger at life i think i will project that onto you because to me you represent everything i hate about society, i've decided. meanwhile asami is just so confused because she's literally just being her sweet self and this random mobster street kid pema found won't stop giving her a look like he wants to fillet her
sorry none of this post makes any sense at all my head is OVERFLOWING i am UNHINGED thank you for enabling me once again <333 you'll never be a bother also yes i will go listen!
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beaversatemygrandma · 2 years
‘Kay, it’s story time. tw bugs
So. I’m starting to think that my bathroom has some sort of small hole somewhere that leads under the trailer. (It’s a fifty year old trailer, you know it’s not 100%) First the big spider lurking on the ceiling for a whole twelve hours who appeared out of nowhere in less than ten minutes. And now this. In like two days. We spray the fuck out of this place for bugs. That room is the only room with bugs. Ever. After the ant apocalypse in the kitchen, we swore to never allow another bug inside.
I was going to the bathroom and as i reached for the toilet paper roll, a huge damn roach comes crawling over the top. I flinch back, scared Shitless, go bouncing across the bathroom trying to pull my pants up while my sister is on the other side of the wall like “OMG WHAT HAPPENED!!!” I open the door. She’s right there. I tell her i got jumpscared by a roach while trying to get tp and she’s just “o my god :O” I then went back into the bug battle field to exact revenge. This bitch crawled INSIDE the Roll. I had no clue how to squish/flush/catch this thing. I spent like two minutes talking to her about it and just Laughing about the possibility of this happening. She told me “Poke it with a fork. Just stab him.” To which i say “uhh no.” I ended up grabbing the roll and quickly pulling it up just so the roach would get squished up against the holder. I pull the tp off the holder and hold it over the sink trying to retrieve the rod, which is now covered in roach blood. You know how roach’s blood has a different color depending on their age and sex? This was green, looked like somebody sick blew their nose into the tp roll.
I look to my sister and ask, “What do i do with the murder evidence?” To which she replies “Burn it.” Knowing its the eve of the Fourth of July i could very much go out in the road and set something on fire without getting arrested, it was still a bad idea. Our grandma could walk up from across the street and ask what was going on and my only response would be “Burning the body.” or “Sacrificing the roach blood to our gods.” Both of which would give her good christian heart a heart attack even tho its a just roll of tp with a squished bug.
I cleaned up the mess and flushed the roach. Then immediately turned to my sister, holding the toilet paper roll towards her bc i’m the chaotic eldest child and it’s my job to do so. She goes RUNNING SCREAMING across the house. I follow her, telling her to take it. Go throw it away. Get rid of the bloody evidence. I stop at the end of the hall and I just break down laughing and say I’ll replace the roll. She didn’t take it from me and acted as if i had just chased her down with a bug in my hand ready to put it on her. I then place the roll directly at the center of the kitchen table (We don’t eat on it btw this isn’t THAT gross there’s something under it) leaving the murder evidence for my dad to wonder about in the morning.
I can’t even piss in peace. I swear. I almost fell into the bathtub during this. Out of all places to chill, why’d he have to choose The Back Of The Fucking Toilet Paper Roll.  Pro Tip: Don’t live in a 50 yo trailer if you’re scared of bugs. Like my sister. Who runs away from a dead ant.
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i-am-ironic · 4 years
Daminette betrothed au part 5
So I have had some crazy writing block so I'm not really sure when this is going to be posted so sorry for the very late post anyway where were we...
Damian and marinette decided to go on a date to gatham botanical gardens. Once they got there Damian took her on a tour around the garden, until they were told they had to leave because a threat had been called in. Daimen suggested they go to Wayne Enterprises and he could give her a tour of that instead. It was perfect, Mari could see WE on a day his brothers wouldn't be around so she wouldn't ask to see it a day they would be around.
Almost as soon as they arrived Damian was told his father wanted to speak with him, probably about Xander. Marinette went to the cafeteria to get some lunch. When she was looking for a place to sit she recognized one of the men happily chatting at a table with some of his co-workers.
"Dick! Hey," she called. He turned and smiled at her, waving her over. "I didn't know uiu worked here? Oh! How is Mar'i I haven't seen her since last week?"
Dick continued smiling as he said, "Mar'i is with her mother visiting some family, i couldn't go because I have some business here, but they should be home by tomorrow and I'm sure she will be very excited to see Xander at the park again. What are you doing here?"
"Im here on a tour as a date. But he was called away by his boss for something."
"Oh ok, that's cool." He responded. "So did you see the news this morning? The Riddler was caught last night by Robin and Red Hood."
The conversation continued and marinette smiled at the thought that damian had helped put a mad man back into a place where he could get some help.
At the same time Dick was thinking about how his little brother could have gotten killed last night. even though he was proud of damian, it was clear that he had been distracted by something and as a vigilante he couldn't afford to be distracted.
When everyone was finished eating they stood up and walked toward the door, laughing and talking, as marinette told them her date was done and she wanted to continue the tour with him. As she was walking away Dick could swear the man she hugged and went with was Damien. But no he had to be seeing things. Right?
Tim was downing his third coffee of the day when Dick walked into his office. He was going to need some more coffee.
"Hey Timmy, I was wondering if you could look up Marinette dupan-chang. I think I may have just seen her hug damian and not have her arms removed from her body. Not even a finger."
"I'll send you whatever I find." Tim said. he was far too tired to unpack whatever it was Dick just said, all he heard was "Marinette dupan-chang" and "hug damian". which sounded interesting but he was looking into a partnership with several other big companies to have a charity for art (again) and a murder case simultaneously. So it might have to wait until he was more awake to deal with that.
"Great, send it to my personal phone." Tim nodded and got back to work on his two projects, but the idea of someone hugging damian was just too tempting. He pulled a second laptop onto his desk on top of the laptop he already had and the keyboard of his desktop computer.
He learned that marinette had gone missing at the same time as damian and after several months she was found at the ege of France. She gave birth to a baby boy shortly after that which meant she had gotten pregnant while she was missing. At the same time damian was missing. And the same time the hero of Paris had gone missing.
Tim wasn't an idiot he was actually kind of a genius. And these dots weren't hard to connect. Marinette was probably kidnapped by Talia, because she was ladybug, at the sane time damian was kidnapped. She had then had a son whose name was Xander dupan-chang al Ghul Wayne, with no father listed. So damian had a son. Now the question was, did damian know he had a son? He would have to ask one of the two of them. This should be fun.
Tim decided not to tell Dick or Jason what he had learned, not yet. He would talk to damian about it first, find out who all know and then see what happened from there. The one thing that still bothered him though was that marinette had only been seventeen when her son was born. She had been so young. And she was alone. A single teen mom in Paris, and now in gatham.
Oooo what's going to happen! How exciting. I hope you guys like this chapter i had some really bad writers block but I'm hoping its better now. I'm also pretty stressed because I have bed bugs. Yay. Bed bugs are awful i don't know were they came from and they are so hard to get rid of its ridiculous. I'm doing everything I can but if you ever get bed bugs I recomend burning your bed, the sheets, the comforter, the carpet in you room, everything, just burn everything and that should fix the problem. Bed bugs are like glitter. Just when you think they are gone boom you see one. Anyway I'm done with that little rant. Um.... tell me what you think and if you want to be tagged. And um if I spelled things wrong or didn't grammar right tell me that too.
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