#im sorry but this video still amuses me to this day
bxtsence · 1 year
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[ ☠ ] - "Yo, Rowan! Can you make your stand dance like the bats in that meme video?"
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[ ✞ ] - The taller of the two stared at Nik silently. It was a very long time before Rowan sighed and summoned his stand, Absence, who appeared from a cloud of bats before forming into one being. Rowan even pulled out his phone to play the tune, which was reminiscent of the classic guitar riffs and drums that were prominent in goth music from the 80s.
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elegyofthemoon · 8 months
so with that last video, do you think people out there have made conspiracy theories about penacony the way people have made conspiracy theories about disneyland?
how funny would it be if those theories wound up true for penacony
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begginmonty · 11 months
working with mike
(this doesn't follow the plot directly and mike works like more than just 3 shifts, also this is legit 2k words long i got so so so carried away im just so in love with mike, apologies!! its also not been proofread sorry <3)
before mike is hired alongside you, steve raglan had given you the job a week or so ago after you had lost your last job over a silly customer dispute (the customer is never right) and steve was your last hope at job, and bingo he had one. here you are 2 weeks later, waiting by your car outside the rundown pizzeria, waiting to train the new guy whose supposed to help you
a car pulls up and out comes a very pretty, but very tired/drained, looking guy, you introduce yourself with a small smile and he doesn’t return it, and is like “im mike”, you give him the benefit of the doubt that he hasn't smiled at you, new jobs are stressful.
the first shift goes fine, you tell him the basics and show him the training video tape, which alongside your commentary of making fun of some of it and nit-picking little things finally gets an amused smile from him. you can see him ease up a little. he doesn’t talk as much as you do but he seems to enjoy your ramblings. 
you show him the showtime performance after he looks confused about ‘animatronics’ . watching his reaction of the animatronics rendition of talking in your sleep by the romantics is a little amusing to you but you were the same way when vanessa had shown you originally.
“its something isn’t it?” he doesn't reply, he just stood looking in disbelief. 
when morning rolls around, you show him how to lock up and then give him his own key that steve had given you. 
“wasn’t so bad was it?” 
“it was..different” 
the second shift alongside mike is different but a good different. he’s running a little late and walks in on your blasting an 80s hot pop hits tape over the old speakers, vacuuming the main dining area. a smile, that melts his heart a little, lights up your face as you see him walk in.
“im sorry i’m late the babysi-”
“hey, dont stress it. you still made it!” 
he is not used to someone being so nice and friendly to him??  its foreign but he finally cracks you a small smile, watching you as you turn on the vacuum and continue listening to the music. (i need to hug him i stg)
he hasn't met anyone as nice as you in a long long time, it’s refreshing for him
and not in a creepy way !!!!!!!!!!! but he watches the cameras and watches as you just listen to the music as if the world isn’t there and continue to clean the area. 
“need a hand?” 
mike speaks up as you take a break leaning against a table, facing the main stage, the curtains open (as your next task is going to clean around the animatronics, it’s getting too dusty), music turned down quietly. he comes and leans against the table with you. you start small talk, saying something about the animatronics and you guys talk a little.
“so, you said something about a babysitter, do you have, like, a kid or something? sorry if im being too nosy, please tell me to shut up or something” mike cannot get over how nice you are
and then mike explains his living situation, and then the two of you get into a discussion about how families can suck and be shitty ect
and mike really likes how you don't pry or ask him lots of questions like others have done in the past, this man is really liking you and he’s only know you for two days
“this guy…must’ve been on something to make this place” and mike laughs a little !!! for the first time you got him to laugh !!
“yeah it’s something isn’t it..” both of you are sat against a table just staring at the animatronics in front of you
the two of you make small talk as you wipe down the dust covered tables but you can see how tired he is, he’s yawning a little bit.
“hey, you know, you can like sleep on the job by the way?” he looks up at you from the table, “sometimes i take a good couple hours nap in the office, no ones breaking into this place anytime soon”
he tries to protest and mentions towards the cleaning products and you brush him off, “go, you need it”
mike feels a strange warmth in his heart the hasn't felt, maybe ever? and he naps for a few hours whilst you continue to clean around. cleaning isn't in your job description but honestly you’re worried about the level of dust entering your lungs y'know
a loud thud and chair scraping noise comes from the office and you run to it and see mike on the floor, he looks confused and you help him to sit up. you ask if he’s okay but he seems out of it, “mike, whats wrong?”
sitting on the floor together, mike explains everything to you and opens up to you about a little brother he had, and tells you about his dream issues and sleep issues and you can see he’s upset and shaken by this dream. He shows you the sleeping pills and he explains the dream theory he’s been reading about.
“this is the part where somebody usually calls me crazy” 
“you aren’t crazy, mike” mike notices how kind you eyes are and how warm your voice is, “i’ve seen crazy. you are far from it” you joke a little and he has the faintest smile tug at his lips. 
finally home time woo !! as you lock up the gate, you watch as mike goes to his car, “mike wait!”
he turns around almost instantly at your voice as you run up to him, you pull something out from your hoodie a fazbear security badge and hand it to him, “you’re officially security now” he takes it from you and thanks you with that small smile. 
3rd shift passes (you could’ve sworn foxy was standing in a different spot and bonnie’s hand placement looked completely different) and vanessa comes for her weekly visit and meets mike. when you aren’t with them, vanessa brings up the fact that you’re one of the kindest and nicest people she’s ever met and mike agrees. 
next shift goes by and another and you guys have a long conversation about everything and you tell him more about yourself. hes never really been romantically involved with anyone but somebodysss got a crush (its him and well, you do too). and then you let him sleep and decide to tackle the old kitchen. (you could’ve sworn you heard someone walk down the hallway but you double check and no ones there)
mike dreams again and you swear you hear a groan and you walk to the office to see him, out of breath, breathing, clutching his arm and theres blood coming from it and he looks up at you trembling. “oh my god mike, what happened?”
you sit opposite him, patch him up and make him a hot drink, and he's explaining everything to you and you can tell he’s really getting bothered by these dreams. (you also think hes hurt himself from falling off the chair somehow..unbeknownst to you)
he’s tearing up a little and you just hold his hand in yours, and he's looking at your kind eyes and he doesn’t know how to react to being touched, he stops talking (mike is incredibly touch starved oh my god) and, carefully, you lean forward and hug him very gently.
he’s stiff at first but you can feel him relax into the hug and he wraps his non-injured arm around you and grips onto your back, “its okay mike. you’re okay” you can tell he really needs this hug and you can tell no one has really hugged him in a long time.
when the shift ends and you say goodbye for the day, your car just refuses to start. you cannot start it at all. you get out the car and look at it in a huff, but lucky for you mike hasnt driven a way yet
he gets out his car and you explain to him about your car, and he offers if you want a lift home or at least back to his house (his house is much closer than yours) and you can call someone about the car and you agree.
the drive is nice, you notice he has a great taste in music
meeting abby!! mike excuses himself for a shower whilst you're ringing the mechanics for your car, and he accidentally falls asleep on his bed after. when he wakes up (a good hour or so later, which you really don't mind) he walks into the living room to see you and abby sat on the floor colouring together with a cartoon on the tv, and you guys are really getting along and she’s wearing your security guard vest and badge. (her friends told her to trust you)
“uh abby, why dont you get ready for school?” mike speaks up, causing you both to look in his direction. 
you can't fight the fact that he looks hot with joggers and shirt on, looking sleepy as hell aHHH
“okay” abby smiles and gives you back your stuff and runs off to her room to get ready for school. 
he walks over to you and sits down on the couch, “im sorry for falling asleep-”
you sit next to him and place your hand on his arm and smile, “its fine, mike, really. your sister is lovely”
mike looks up from your hand and looks at your face. he looks sleepy and gorgeous and you look gorgeous to him and your eyes are so kind and theres a moment. some sort of magnetic force kinda pulls your faces closer together.
“im gonna be late!” says abby running into the room.
mike drops abby to school and you stay in his house, waiting for the mechanic to eventually call you back like he says he will. you feel a little awkward sitting on his couch watching tv but you have nothing better to do.
he comes back he offers you a shower and some of his clothes as he feels bad for you having to sit in work clothes. 
the way his heart feels when he see’s you walk out to the bathroom and back to the couch next to him wearing one of his sweatshirts and a pair of his joggers as well hMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmm (too early for love?)
he smells good
you must both drop off to sleep, as a few hours later mike opens his eyes for a minute to the TV showing some drama show, and then he notices a heavy feeling on his chest. there you are, passed out, in his clothes, head on his chest peacefully asleep. 
this is something he’s never felt before !1!!1 
he blushes (thank god you’re asleep) and brushes a hair out of your face, staring down at your sleeping face (uh oh someones in love) before grabbing the worn blanket from behind him and throwing it over your exposed legs.
you stirr a little, your arm wrapping around his lower half and he's so flustered and sleepy and aHHHH
he wraps his arm around your shoulders gently and passes out again (PART 2??)
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amsznn · 3 months
Please I’m begging u could you write Chris x reader when reader gets wisdom teeth out. Pet names only baby
WISDOM TEETH - c.sturniolo
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“todays video is gonna be a bit different guys.” chris spoke into the camera before turning it to you, revealing you leaning on the kitchen counter. “y/n’s gonna get her wisdom teeth out!” your head quickly shifted towards the mention of ‘wisdom teeth’, unfortunately being reminded of what will be your reality in a matter of moments.
“chris stop, she’s literally fearing for her life right now.” nick said while laughing. “don’t worry y/n, its not that bad.” he said while patting your shoulder.
“i dont think i wanna go anymore.” you said quickly as you remembered how much pain nick was in while he was recovering.
“it’s gonna be alright baby, we’ll be right there.” chris reassures as he wrapped his shoulder around you, still holding the camera.
it took some convincing, and maybe some bribery from your boyfriend to get you food after the procedure, to finally convince you to get in the car and go through with getting your teeth pulled out. you had been in pain for a long time, complaining about the pain the teeth were causing you.
chris knew this and knew the best thing for you was to get them out. now you all were packed in the car with matt and chris in the front, while you and nick were in the back.
occasionally chris would reach behind his chair and allow you to hold his hand for some time. he knew as you were trying to appear calm and collected, your mind was actually racing.
but that feeling would only intensify as matt pulled into the parking lot of the dentist office. you did all the regulations upon entering the building, signing in, and waiting.
before you knew it you were in the chair, about to get those teeth pulled out.
“promise, you’ll stay?” you turned over to chris, watching him with pleading eyes as he grasped your hand in his.
a couple of hours passed and you were finally off of the operating table. drowsy and unaware of where you were.
“where..where am i?” you spoke. you realized there was a strange feeling in your mouth. “waths in my mouf?!” you quickly tried to take out whatever it was from your mouth before chris stopped you.
“y/n, you need those in there baby.”
confusion took over for the rest of the day as your boyfriend completed the rest of the paper work and walked you out to the car where matt and nick were waiting.
“sooo..how’d it go?” nick asked amused as he saw your state. “nick, sit in the front i wanna sit with y/n.” chris said as he opened your side of the car door. you almost face planted as you got in but nick was quick to balance you before moving to the front seat.
chris didn’t feel like filming on the way back home since he’s sure you would kill him if he ever uploaded a video of you in this state. blabbering on and on about nothing that made sense while also questioning everything and anything.
“chrissy…why are there three of you.” you pouted before poking your boyfriend’s face, the reaching to poke matt and nick’s face as well. matt swatted your hand away and scolded you since he’s driving.
“why are you yelling at me?” you frowned at matt who you thought was chris before saying, “im breaking up with you!”
chris could only laugh at your antics causing his brothers to join in as well.
“y/n that’s matt.” he softly said while caressing your shoulder.
you made an ‘o’ shape with your mouth in realization, and muttered and apology to matt for threatening him.
you all made it back home, with chris carrying you to your shared room. as soon as he set you down on the bed it was lights out for you. immediately falling asleep in your boyfriend’s bed. he smiled as he moved his face in front of yours, softly giving you a kiss on the forehead, trying not to wake you up.
“i love you, y/n.” chris whispered, to which he got a snore in response. but thats all he needed. he knew you loved him just as much.
a/n: sorry i didnt know how to end it but i hope you enjoyed!
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mxqdii · 1 year
hey! i love love your work, and i was wondering if i could request a chris sturniolo x fem!reader?
maybe reader is also a well known influencer, or an actress or something of the sort, and there’s rumours about her and chris being together that they haven’t really confirmed?
but they are dating and she’s on live one day and he calls her like an intimate pet name, or just overall says something that shows they are in fact together and like the comments on the live just go crazy and stuff and shes like telling chris she’s on live or whatver
im so sorry if this doesnt make sense 🙏🙏
stop bc i requested pretty much this same thing to another author (on wattpad) a few months back, so when i read this request it was such an "i made it" moment (i love u sm, you're just like me fr fr)
baby - c.s
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pairings: chris sturniolo x reader
summary: chris accidentally calls reader 'baby' while she's on live, revealing to the whole world that they're dating/
warning(s): fluff, reader calling chris bro 😔
not proofread
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i'm sitting on the couch, watching tv, bored out of my mind.
then an idea hits me, i could go on live!
i used to go live a lot with the triplets, but only on their account, so it would be fun to go live on mine.
i open instagram and click the live button, watching the stream fill with thousands of people
"holy shit that's a lot of people" i say with a nervous laugh
"uhh i guess i'll answer any questions anyone has! so feel free to ask anything!" i add, smiling
i read through the comments, lots of them asking where the triplets are
i can't help but notice seeing a few asking if me and chris are dating.
fortunately, those allegations are true! but we've decided to keep it quiet for, just for now.
still, there’s only so much one can hide from the public
and although me and chris haven't said anything, i think everybody knows anyway.
people can see our glances, our gestures, how close we are, it's all pretty obvious.
i answer a few questions like my favorite singer, when my next video is coming out, podcast stuff with the triplets, and just some other various topics.
suddenly i hear the door unlock, looking over at it, but not really caring.
maybe i can get whichever triplet that is to join my live.
chris walks in and i smile in his direction
"hey baby" he says and my expression immediately drops.
i look at him, PALE.
(absolutely terrified to look back at the screen)
"what?" he says, walking closer, i turn my head to the screen, anticipating my death.
i let out a sigh of relief seeing the comments
@ssturniolo BABY???
@strniolo AWWWWWWWW
@lvrsparadise GOODBYE I LOVE THEM.
@ellieswifie this is such a chris and y/n mistake 😭
@lavieenvalentina i'm so happy for them i'll cry
(shoutout to everyone tagged ILY<;3)
as i'm reading the comments, i smile, chris hovering over me reading them too
suddenly he hugs me from behind, squeezing me tight
"chris!" i say laughing
"let me go bro" i whine
"you did not just call me bro" he says, immediately stopping
his death glare makes me laugh
"consider it payback for you calling me baby on live" i say laughing
(him clearly not amused)
"okay fine fine im sorry, guys it's all okay he's not my bro please let me redeem myself" i say joking on the last part
me and chris stay on live for another 30 minutes, answering questions about how we got together and just stuff about our relationship.
"bye guys we love you!!" i say, ending the live
i close out of insta, putting my phone down with an exhausted sigh
"so?" i mumble, anticipating chris's response
"so? so nothing" he say's with a smile and i face palm
"chris! we just told like, the world that we're dating" i laugh
"yeah, and i'm happy about it, like honestly i can't think of a better way it could've happened" he says
we both look at eachother and burst out laughing
"we're a little interesting thats for sure" i say
"i can't believe we tell the world we're dating ON ACCIDENT and then you start calling me bro" chris says, making me laugh harder
"i was nervous! im sorry!" i yell with my hands up in defense
"yeah yeah, it's fine" he says, wrapping his arms around me
"bro" he adds on
"chris i swear to god-"
@strniolo @stargirlv0id @annaisabookworm
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koishiro · 1 year
𝑬𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍 | 방탄소년단 📍
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ — 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 : Jungkook just wants to take care of you and if that means he needs to join you in the bath then so be it
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ — 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 : Jungkook x fem!reader
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ — 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 : fluff/smut
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ — 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒 : Jungkook has a kink for dom reader, penetration, unprotected sex, cumming inside
=͟͟͞͞ ⌧ 𝒎𝒂𝒊𝒍 : reader’s nickname is cat because I had too many puns to use im sorry- (it’s explained I promise :’))
main masterlist | kpop masterlist | upcoming anon asks
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"Baths ready" I heard echo out of the bathroom.
"Thank you" I mumbled, getting up from the bed, slower this time.
The bath was aromatic, full of bubbles and looked so peaceful. I leaned against the door frame closing my eyes.
"Cat, are you going to be ok in there?" He questioned softly.
"I'm fine" I snapped back to reality. I was aware of my stubborn determination to be self sufficient, especially after having a panic attack.
"It's okay to need help" Again the soft tone of his voice irked at my independence.
"I'm fully capable of having a bath, what are you going to do? join me? It's ok, I've got this" I said trying and failing to unzip the back of my dress.
"If that's what it takes to know you’re okay? Then yes” If I hadn't just burnt out all my brains reserves of adrenalin having a panic attack, I'm positive my mind would have been running a thousand miles an hour, but for the first time in a long time, it wasn't. I was entirely focused on the basic things - like how relaxing the bath looked and how good it would feel to wash my face and hair. I still had some wits about me, as romantic as the concept of having a bath together was, and despite how my body was reacting to the idea, I wasn't necessarily in the right headspace for anything intimate; I tried to make that thought process clear.
"It can't be anything. But, yeah, I'd appreciate the company. I don't really want to be alone right now" I offered honestly, "but you can't look”
"I know" He sighed, "Not like this, this is not how I ever imagined it Y/n, I sincerely just want to make sure you're okay”
"Not like this...?" I repeated what he said. My brain and heart took a double take as I stared up at him. He'd thought about it, he'd thought about us. "Okay, I'm not looking” He turned around, embarrassed.
I slipped out of my clothes and slowly hopped into the bath. It was gigantic, so full of bubbles. The water sitting almost at my shoulders, I was able to easily sit sideways with my knees up to my chest.
"Okay, you can look”
"Aw you look so small” he noted, sitting next to the bath.
"I thought you were going to join me?"
"Ah, it's okay, I'll just keep you company, I really want to let you have space” He reached and scooped up a handful of bubbles, placing them on my head "Cat in a hat”
I took a hand full of bubbles and blew into it, spraying him with them, he laughed and sighed.
I turned to lie and stretch out in the bath, considering I had it all to myself, I thought it best to make the most of it. He leaned against the tub and played videos on his phone to keep us both amused, occasionally splashing me.
"You know you actually need to wash yourself in the bath?" he joked.
My eyes fluttered open and shut again, "’m just so tired, you said to relax" I twisted his words to fit my agenda.
"Come on, wake up!" he splashed my face.
"No, you wake up” I lazily splashed him back.
"We can't hide in here all day" Splash.
"You can't hide in here all day," I splashed him again "This is my home now”
"I thought Cats hated water” Splash.
"It's a myth, I'm a purrmaid now" I stretched out, enjoying my terrible pun and attempting to ignore the barrage of water attacks.
He splashed me just for the bad joke, he sat there looking a little angry and wet "That's it! Cat-tatonic, you can't stay in there forever” he got up and left the room.
"I can and I will!" I yelled after him.
I didn't feel bad about it at all. I lied back again, closing my eyes and enjoying the peace, trying desperately not to accidentally fall asleep.
He sauntered back a few minutes later wearing a towel. With all the photos and videos he'd sent me over the years I'd never actually seen him shirtless. I drank it in for a minute, his shoulders and arms were my favourite part, muscular with one full sleeve of tattoos.
"Hey, hey, hey, no looking” he laughed and I covered my face with my hands, clearly still looking. "Cat, this is kind of nerve wrecking, please?"
"Okay, okay, okay, just saying, I don't understand why. You’re hot so” I turned away from him, this was difficult, I could have stared for decades, etching his physique into my mind like stone.
"Now schooch over," he demanded, "If you're never getting out, I'm getting in”
I moved forward in the bath and he stepped in, sitting behind me, making the water rise and splash a little over the edge.
"OK, you were right, this is pretty relaxing. Well, pretty and relaxing”
I looked back and smiled at him, he always got to me with his sneaky compliments.
"Alright now, come here" he said, I backed up little so I was sitting between his legs but not fully against him, I felt a sudden cold on my head.
"What are you...?"
He was washing my hair, I was confused but okay with it.
"Since you're determined to just sit and do nothing, we'll be here for ever, so I'll do it” He started to massage the shampoo into my hair, It was a nice feeling, I'd only had hair dressers ever do this and it wasn't like they actually got in a bath with you. It felt so intimate and caring, his hands massaging my tired head. I was close to melting down the drain with the water at that point, I was so at peace. I certainly didn't expect him to randomly blast the conditioner out with the shower head set to cold.
I screamed and turned awkwardly in his lap "You bastard!"
He was just smiling that dumb fucking smile that he always used to get away with anything. I put my knees on his legs to gain purchase and grabbed his throat lightly. I suddenly noticed he was looking down, not at my face. In my attempt to be threatening, I was giving him a full view of my breasts, nipples perky as the cold water dripped down my body. Something about the way I'd grabbed him dominantly stirred something inside me, something I didn't know was there.
"If this is how I die I'm 100% fine with it" he gleamed.
"Ah, you pervert" I teased, dropping back down into the water and turning my back to him quickly. Deflecting my own thoughts yet still sitting between his legs again, choosing to be closer this time.
"hey, I did nothing”
He got a loofa and started scrubbing my back gently
"This is kinda weird right?" I said thinking aloud, my brain starting to work again.
"Do you want me to stop?"
"Not at all, but I mean, we've sorta just met”
"We've been friends for eight years" He said defensively.
"Online though" I reminded him. "So have you bathed Taehyung?" I was referring to one of our mutual male friends.
"No, but he's never refused to get out of a bathtub before, I guess this is a new one” he laughed, "Arm up”
I raised my arm, he glided the loofa up and down, washing it, then proceeded down the side of my body, grazing my breast and hip.
"Other one”
Same thing again, one of his hands had snaked its way to resting on my waist, I wasn't sure why it was so intensely comfortable but also so present in my mind. All the physical touch in such a gentle caring manner was turning me on a lot more then I expected.
"Do you want to do the rest? Or do you want me to?" He questioned, it had become apparent the next parts would be very intimate. I slid back against him so my back was on his chest.
"Is it weird I'm enjoying this? this is so relaxing and..." I paused, changing my thought pattern "I can do it if you don't want to?"
"Not weird at all, I just don't want to make you uncomfortable. I'm so glad you’re feeling better" he pulled my waist towards him so I was fully pressed against him for a hug. He body felt good against mine, his arms felt strong wrapped around me. The bubbles, the water, all adding an extra layer of sensation. I knew he was being kind but it was impossible to not notice that he was absolutely turned on, I could feel him so hard against my back.
"Seems like your feeling pretty good yourself" I giggled.
"Hey, I really can't help it, it doesn't have to mean anything. I just, can't..." he paused for a moment to collect his words "I cant control what my body feels with you naked. Just ignore it, I promised I wouldn't do anything but help you”
"I think I understand the feeling” I sighed quietly to myself.
"Nothing... you missed a spot" I said handing him the loofa again.
He slowly washed my shoulders and collar bone, then skipped to my waist and stomach, he started mirroring what he was doing with his hand on one side, loofa in the other and occasionally swapping. It was slow and sensual, it felt like he was exploring my body. At a leisurely pace he moved to my legs and thighs, stopping just short of anything too intimate. I knew it wasn't intentional, but it felt like teasing and it was driving me wild, I could tell how wet I was even in the water. I was aware of my pulse in my pussy as he ran his hands up my inner thighs. I could feel his cock getting even harder, I wasn't sure that was possible when I had first lied back against him.
He moved his hands up to my breasts, finally. I wiggled my ass, just a little, back into him. I was testing the waters, feeling his cock twitch against me, his breathing got heavier and faster. He slowly caressed my breasts, at first appearing to wash them but after a minute had past and his hands still lingered, I was sure he was just enjoying them.
"I don't mind at all" I said, wanting to give him some confirmation that I was enjoying the attention to detail, I leant my head back against his chest and closed my eyes to enjoy the sensation. He let the loofa go and slid his hands around, slowly squeezing and massaging my chest. Letting his fingers glide over my nipples, which were getting harder at his touch. He intermittently pinched each one, I moaned a little, not intending to, but rather unable to controll it. His hands started to take turns at exploring more of my body.
"You're really beautiful and soft, you feel amazing" he sighed in my ear.
In a lot of ways I wanted it to stop but I also couldn't seem to say no. I was so heavily conflicted between my attraction and fear of the level of intensity. I'd always been scared of Jungkook in that way, I always felt like I'd die of thirst without his attention, but I also felt like I'd drown in the emotion attached to it. He had, and probably always would be 'The one', as stupid as that sounded. He wasn't the guy I imagined fucking without strings attached, he was so much more to me. He came with the dream of the life after, the simple life; full of laughter and light. We'd spent eight years talking online everyday, never tiring, never losing interest. He even kept calling me Cat, part of my online tag, after telling him my name years later. He was always a passing ship in the night, one of us always in a relationship, the unobtainable and that felt so safe. However, right now, we were both alone, together. Everything about him felt so right, his hands on my body, his presence, the way we fit together so well, just lying on him watching TV or even now, in the bath, it just felt so much like I was a part of him and he was a part of me.
I tensed up and he felt it, he stopped touching me instantly.
"Y/n, are you ok?" He didn't say Cat, he used my actual name not the nickname he always called me.
"I just..." I turned in the water, sitting up and slipping my legs over his to face him, "Can we do this?"
"Only if you want to?" He looked at me puzzled.
"I mean, with you? can it be casual? Isn't it always going to be more?"
"Cat, it can mean whatever you want it to, or I can stop right now if you want and I'll go get dressed. You know how I've always felt about you, but also, I respect you. It can just be fun, if that's all you want at the moment. I've never been able to do this kind of thing without the connection, but I already have that with you and nothing will ruin that. All I can think in this moment is that fucking you would feel right, for once Cat, don't overthink”
I stared at him intensely. Was he just saying what I wanted to hear? Am I going to hurt him? am I going to hurt us? This is the type of thing that's going to invoke a few days worth of reckless behaviour from me and I was well aware of my patterns.
"I really want to," I admitted "my body is screaming at me to, but, I don't want to hurt you” I was watching his face intently for any sign that this could be wrong.
"I rather be hurt 1000 times than never feel you," he put his hands back on my hips starting to pull me down onto his lap. "I need to know what it feels like to be inside you, I need to watch your perfect body bounce, I need to see your face as you feel me inch by inch, I don't care about myself right now. I need to know what it feels like to make you cum”
Fuck, he knew how to talk when he wanted to. He knew what was in my head and he knew how I felt. He also knew I wasn't going to back down now. I hated that he knew me. I couldn't help myself, I managed to lie to myself in that moment, maybe it could just be fun, maybe it wouldn't have an effect on the dynamic of our friendship.
We'd talked a lot about sex with the distance keeping us safe, some nights spent exchanging fantasies, messages and videos. I knew everything about what he wanted, the magic words that would tip the scales for him, and he knew everything about how my body worked and what I might do. We both knew I was far more experienced, him only having a few sexual partners in the past worried me, but not enough to stop me. The logical part of my brain had shut down. I needed to be the dominant one here, I needed to show him. He could talk smoother then I ever could, but I could use my body.
"Cat we don't have to- " I cut him off and grabbed his throat, I enjoyed that feeling earlier, I wanted to try it again. I pulled myself to him and kissed him deeply, his hand raised to mine in shock but he relented and kissed me back. I kneeled over him and used my other hand to stroke his hard cock under the water. His hands slid across my body, I'm not sure he knew what to do with my sudden assault on his senses. I felt him moan into my kiss as I moved my hand up and down the length of his shaft, taking my time to rub slowly around his head, feeling it twitch in response. I released my grip off his neck and used my hand to move his hands to my ass which was hovering over him, he seemed to follow the motions amazingly. I continued to stroke his cock, surprised that it was larger then I expected.
I climbed further onto him sliding the head of his cock gently up and down, from my entrance to my clit, as I kept up the motion of sliding my hand up and down his shaft. He was starting to put pressure on my hips, begging to get inside me each time I slid up and down on him. The wetness of my cunt so different to the water of the bath. I teased him with each movement as I used his dick as a toy for my own stimulation, I wanted him to force me down onto it, he seemed to yield finally, grabbing my hips properly and pulling me onto him, inch by inch. I'd been turned on for the entire bath, I felt so swollen and as he forced his way in we both gasped, breaking the passionate kiss, locked into inhaling each others breath. By the time he was fully sheathed inside of me I was almost shaking, he fit so well, I wasn't going to last long at all. I kissed him again, biting his lip and wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
I started riding him like my life depended on it, like every groan he made brought me closer to an edge I was ready to fall off a thousand times. I grinded harder against him, wanting to be so full I would never need to be fucked again, and it worked so well, up and down, him enjoying my bubble covered breasts as they bounced in his face. I felt the familiar build up of my orgasm coming on as I rode harder and faster. I gripped him tighter as my pussy clenched around his cock, unable to keep my mouth shut I let out a very audible moan of pleasure, I leant back enjoying the after shocks of my orgasm.
He seemed to be enjoying the expression on my face before he got a serious look, grabbing my hips harder then before and using my body. Jungkook was stronger than I expected, I wasn't doing any of the work anymore, just enjoying feeling him lift me and pull me back down onto him as the water splashed around us and his face started to tense.
I slid my hand back under water to rub my clit, if he was coming, I'd be damned if I wasn't going to come again with him. It wasn't hard for me to get close again, he was so focused, grunting and fucking me hard, I was loving the view, the way his arms and body tensed, the focus on his face, the way he threw his head back, moving me like I weighed nothing, grinding his hips up to mine.
I knew what would get him there, from every fantasy he'd sent me and I knew he'd fucking love it and hate it.
"You have to pull out, I'm not on birth control” I teased at him, he agreed and started going harder then before, I could feel him twitching inside me, I knew I was going to cum when he did. I wrapped my arms around him and started fucking him back again, our hips meeting. He was starting to shake, he stopped suddenly.
"I'm going to cum, I have to stop" He gasped, I knew what we both wanted to hear. I grabbed his throat again and held onto his back as tight as I could, continuing to grind against him as deeply as I could.
"Don't you fucking dare, I'm not letting go, you're going to fill me or we'll never do this again”
Jungkook’s eyes lit up with a touch of fear and excitement as he gave in, finally thrusting back knowing that I needed his seed, it only took a moment and I felt him explode inside me, shooting layer after layer of warm cum into me. My body fucking loved it, exploding into an orgasm that just kept clenching for what felt like minutes around his cock as it pulsed.
I let my grip loosen as I let my head fall against his, having an exhausted giggle, he smiled and laughed with me, wrapping his arms around my body and occasionally thrusting to see my face as we recovered our breath.
"You can't do that or I'm going to need to cum again" I breathed, trying to lift myself off him, he held me down.
"Do it” he whispered with an evil grin, I started to grind on him softly, it wasn't going to take much. He leant me back and watched me, finally using his fingers to rub my clit, as my breasts bounced freely and he met each of my thrusts again, he was watching me so intimately but I couldn't keep my eyes open. It was happening again, I gasped and held his arms tightly as I shuddered with another orgasm. He seemed so pleased with himself, kissing me again softy down my neck.
"You're mine," he whispered, moving my hair from my face.
That surprised me, but more in a way that I enjoyed. We both got out of the bath and wrapped ourselves in towels.
The bathroom was completely flooded, I giggled and bent to pick up my wet clothes. I felt his hand lift my towel at the back as I did, still bent over I looked back at him confused.
"Just admiring my work" he smiled that damn smile again, it always amazed me how confident men got after you fulfilled a fantasy. I moved into a presenting pose and let him enjoy the view of his cum dripping from my pussy for a moment, he slicked his finger up and down my slit.
"hey, no touching unless your prepared to finish the job again”
He kept going, sliding his fingers back and forth over my clit before sliding his fingers inside of me, pushing his dripping cum back in. This man was determined to make sure I couldn't think for a week.
But that's when we heard a knock at the door.
─────────. ♡ .───────────
a/n: I doubt I’m going to make a pt 2… :)
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thegreatestsandwich · 2 years
i LOVE your namor fics and how soft you portray him! i dont even want kids but they got me looking up baby videos on tiktok 😂😂 i was wondering if i could request? i like to imagine namor spending some time in the surface world with reader, maybe something showing him being domestic? im sorry im not very creative lol im sure you know what im getting at. thank you so much!! 🫡🥰
When the sun came up, you were looking at me (Namor x F!reader)
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Pairing: Namor x F!reader
Word count: 1.4k
Summary: He showed you a part of himself he chose to hide from the others.
Warning: Nothing really, well I really don’t think there is a warning, just fluff or my idea of fluff
A/N: I'm back!
Coments, Reblogs and Asks are happily received!  
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You clenched the basket you were carrying, your knuckles white and your breath locked in your lungs as you made your way towards your king’s cavern. You were nervous and afraid, you barely made it through the soft current that guide you upwards, if it was for another reason you would be thrilled to see him. But when the message came from Attuma, his second in command, that changed everything.
You let out your breath when you almost got out of the water, one of your hands quickly went to dig out your mask from the basket you were carrying, quickly putting it on and adjusting it correctly before finally stepping out of the water.
This wasn’t the first time you were invited to his cavern, you were designated to bring him some food if he spent the majority of his time here. Your eyes quickly adjusted to the cold air that surrounded you. Quickly blinking away some tears that formed when your eyes became a little too dry. Your hands hugged the basket closer to your body as you slowly walked to the entrance. Even if you hadn’t yet to enter, you could still distinguish his figure, his focus away from you.
You stretched your shoulders, stopping at the entrance, it had been a few days since Attuma had delivered the message, you knew you needed to see him as quickly as possible but you managed to postponed it, until the older women forced you to finally confront the king.
Your hand knocked against the stone wall, the softest sound that made the king stopped his actions to turned and put his attention on your figure. You swallowed when his intense dark eyes greeted you.
“Ta p'ataj a k'iin.” You took your time. He stood up, silently putting his tools on the ground before making his way to you. “Ts'o'ok in pensado u ma' ten taal.” I have thought you were not coming.
Your eyes stayed glued to your basket, too afraid to even look at him. “In akaljantik.” I’m sorry. You gulped. “In akaljantik, K'uk'ulkan, ma' táan u yúuchul.” I’m sorry, K’uk’ulkan, it won’t happened again.
He hummed, his hands went to your jaw, gently caressing it before softly guiding your gaze to look at him, you were hoping to find anger on his eyes, but you almost gasp at how gentle they were. “A llamé waye' tumen ba'al, chan.” I called you here for something, little one. “Ba'al Páaybe'en.” Something important.
Namor’s hands let your face for a moment, his form fully turn away from you, leaving you a bit confuse. He walked towards one of the several baskets, pulling out a small yellow flower. Your eyes widened in fear, fully knowing where it come from. He turned to you, the flower firmly on his fist, his dark eyes were inspecting it and the silence made you tremble with fear.
“Namora ka tu kaxtaj ti' a ba'alo'ob,” Namora found it on your things. He didn’t look at you, his fingers playing with the several petals that covered it. “Le ba'ala' ma' pertenece u k noj, u tsool, chan.” This does not belong in our city, explain, little one.
A sick feeling filled your stomach as you clutched the basket closer to your body, the words couldn’t even form on your tongue, even though million of excuses were forming on your head. What could you say? That you made your way to the surface? That you were so selfish that you broke the rules for your own amusement? That you broke his rules and put at risk not only your person but every single one of the others?
Your form began to tremble, you didn’t know if it was from the air that cooled your form or simply the fear of not knowing what your punishment would be.
Namor noticed the shakiness of your form, he frown, not really wanting to put you on this situation, he silently took away the basket of your hands, placing instead the flower you desperately wanted to hide from everyone else. Your fingers didn’t grasped it tightly as he did so his fingers closed around your hands. He smiled at you softly, trying to ease you back to comfort. “Ma' taak ka'ach in a asustaras, mix mix.” I didn’t want to scare you, far from it. One hand left yours and placed it on your cheek, his thumb caressing your skin.
“K'uk'ulkan.” You closed your eyes, trying so hard to not break down in front of him. “Teene'…” I…
He shushed you gently. “In wojel.” I know. He whispered, his eyes looking at the flower. “A wojel wáaj bix u k'aaba' le nikte'o'?” Do you know what this flower is called?
“Ka tin kaxtaj way.” I found it on the surface. You shook your head. “Tin tukultaje’ jats’uts.” I thought it was pretty.
Namor hummed, you almost closed your eyes at the sound. “U k'aaba' cempasúchil.” It’s called cempasúchil. He whispered. “Le nikte'o' le pixan.” The flower of the dead. You gasped in horror, trying to drop the flower but his hand didn’t let you. He quietly laughed at your action. “Mix taan u kíinsikech.” It will not kill you.
You stared at the flower -and him- weirdly, trying to understand how this tiny flower had that huge significance. He grabbed your chin and guide you to look at him once again. “I could show you, but the place I could take you do not speak our language, have you practiced your English?”
“Yes.” You bit your lip. “I am not good still.”
He shook his head smiling. “It does not matter.”
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Namor guide you to the surface, carefully explaining you how you needed to blend yourselves from the surface-dwellers, you nodded along his words, but when the both of you finally made your way to the beach, he noticed how your skin turned blue, he frowned, not because of the color, but because he knew that if they saw it, you would be taken away from him and that made something stir inside of his body.
His eyes found a piece of clothe that perhaps belonged to someone else but he didn’t care. Namor grabbed it and helped you put it on, it didn’t do much but he was more at ease. He grabbed your hand and tugged you softly, making your way to the festivities, and as best as he could, Namor explained everything.
Like a child full in wonder, your eyes tried to take as much as you could, every single light, every single smell, everything was so captivating to you that you couldn’t care less if some surface-dwellers were throwing glances at the bluish-tone your skin was taking.
Then, some form of lights began exploding on the skies, making you gasp in surprise, your body sticking closer to your king, who gladly welcomed your touch without any complain. Your eyes never leaving the skies, how the colors were changing with each explosion, it made you giddy, it made you feel like you were a child once again.
Namor felt the soft tapping on his arm, his eyes quickly turning to it, a small child offered him a smile, a few teeth missing on the front, tiny hands trying to place a small object on his hands, he gratefully accepted it with a nod. The child left and Namor inspected it carefully before gently placing it on your hands.
You watched it with wonder. The object providing you with a gentle warm that made you smile, you tried to touch it but it burned you, making you quietly hiss but not throwing it away.
Namor was about to take it away from your hands as it hurt you, but when you turned to look at him something inside him made him stop. The object created a soft glow that caressed the bluish of your skin. You looked beautiful, like a painting he spent hours creating on the loneliness of his cavern, and when your eyes softly closed, he knew you were smiling under the layer of cloth he helped you put on to disguised yourself from the others. He couldn’t look away and even if he could, in that moment, he chose not to.
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subarashiihibi · 8 months
my thing about izaya is that he's so strange and weird and i love that so much. i didn't want to ramble too much in the notes of that poor person's post but i find the way he speaks and the words he chooses so interesting so let me ramble a little bit. this may or may not even be coherent so bear with me here im just going to speak my thoughts.
ok this got really fucking long and all over the 0place so im putting this under a read more sorry.
so i have volume 9 of the novel in both english and japanese. i only have two novels in japanese and that is this one and yuuyake wo. so i'm pretty crazy about this izaya speech analysis shit. anyways i was rereading thru the jp ver the other day just to compare it to the eng and i kinda realized that like.
a lot of people you can separate their speech in either formal and informal speech right? someone like shizuo speaks really informally and uses a lot of rough, dragged-out versions of words and stuff (しゃーねえ vs しょうがない) and then someone like shinra who speaks in a ton of yojijukugo and generally sounds like a nerd emoji gijinka.
izaya on the other hand rly... doesn't fit in either? i mean sure he sounds like another nerd emoji gijinka but it's kinda different. it's not so much the words he speaks but rather the intonation and his tone...
and he has his moments where he speaks pretty seriously and whatnot of course, but in general he just... doesn't sound very human when he speaks? i don't know if that's a conscious effort or not. is it his attempts at distancing himself from his own individual humanity? or is it just because he's a weird guy? i dunno. but it's interesting nonetheless.
one thing i will note though is that despite his somewhat inhuman speech patterns, it's also pretty...dramatic? to the extent where it's really exaggerated but also very cute and charming. (this part is important.)
i think a lot of what makes izaya's speech so weirdly inhuman is because he doesn't really use a lot of slang or similar lingo that people his age would typically use. i know mikado said in the novels that he doesn't really try to fit in with his age group's fashion sense either so it makes sense but still. he's like an old hag it's so funny. and it's because of that that when he says stuff like 'i don't get all hot and heavy over headless women' or whatever he said to celty it's really amusing to me because like... why is the strange man saying this?💀
another example i kinda giggled about on my twitter when i read it it's not even crazy and i sound corny and cheesy and stupid but theres this scene in vol 9 where izaya messages celty for business and hold on let me just put it as a quote.
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he sounds so old saying 'video game' like 😭 idk it's just funny cause he barely even knows anything abt games like bro knows nothing im crying
in the jp hes like 「…ゲーム中なのかい?」 and then when celty tries to explain herself he says 「何を言ってるのか、良く解らないんだけど」 and im rly bad at tling parts of sentences and stuff but just know that the way he words it makes it sound like this gif to me
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i love both versions i think the original jp makes him sound like hes so lost and confused (hence why pw gif cause lord that man always looks lost LMFAOOOO) and then eng tl just blunt ass "I don't know what you're talking about." makes him sound like full on hag 😭😭😭
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first i think it's funny the translation has izaya say fuck here cause he very rarely swears and i did read this one thing about how he only swears when his mask slips so to me this is like genuine bewilderment that he cant even hide LOL. second why is he so excited to hear about 'whatever sexual fetish' shinra has im crying he's so damn nosy . okay but this is not the funniest part let me add that now.
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ehy the hell is izaya orihara talking about foot fetishes???😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 im crying bruh i was so flabbergasted when i read this i was like WHAT did he just say? he says it in the jp ver too which just makes it even funnier. this goes back to what i said earlier but i always get so amused when izaya has something to say about sex or whatever cause he's so fucking weird and unsettling why does he know that
(i mean i also get so hard i nearly pass out thinking about izaya tlaking about sex but thats probably just a thing with my heart condition and stuff)
oh also another scene i think is really cute and amusing and funny is back when shinra was first still trying to get izaya to form the bio club w him.
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1. shinra is funny as fuck in this scene but also izaya's "Hmm. Can I punch you?" made me havbe a good laugh. in the jp he says 「んー。殴ってもいいのかな?」 which is pretty much the same thing just with the intonation of like 'hmmmmmmmmm should i hit u or not...' sorry like i said im just bad w explaining this stuff. but i felt the need to point it out not cause im one of those annoying ppl who praise the original jp ver and reject translations and localizations i just think it's important for izaya specifically cause i love him and i want to analyze his speech patterns as best as i can.
i was going thru the novel just now for other stuff i wanted to mention and i forgot abt this part but it's so funny.
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'Let's not get hasty. Type calmly, please.' its not even funny or nothing i just find it so amusinf whenever he talks like that💀 i will say though the english translation kind of makes him sound more weird and inhuman than the original. that line in the original was basically just him telling her she needs to calm down enough to at least type properly LOL. idk if im just being nitpicky cause this is izaya tho so feel free to ignore that. fwiw i like the eng tl bc while it's a different intonation than the original japanese ver i think if he did speak english it would probably sound smth like that anyways.
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this too made me laugh like ??? seriously he is really nosy when it comes to people's intimate affairs. in the jp ver he calls them an 'intimate couple' which just is like .. ok bro💀
does anyone else see my vision of izaya getting cucked by celty (does it count as cucking when celtys the one dating shinra) while he looks sad and pathetic and miserable that he never decided to shoot his shot w shinra back in the day
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if i were commenting on the actual stuff going on in this scene rn this post would be a lot olonger and even more terribly all over the place so im just gonna focus on how i think it's funny izaya says 'easy, man...' this is like one of the only times his words are somewhat natural and sound like smth you would hear someone else say. in the jp ver it's 「おいおい…」 which is somewhat less out of left field in terms of coming from izaya but still it's pretty surprisingly normal. i have to wonder if in that moment he's too worried about shinra to care about keeping up appearances.
this is just random and me making fun of izaya as usual but why the hell does he weigh himself after his showers💀💀💀 it's cute and endearing and only adds to his strong gap moe but still... it's strange...
speaking of cute things this is from a volume i forget but he says this one phrase a couple of times and it is just both really cute and also kind of idk... saddening. one of the times i can remember he says it is when namie was making fun of him or something and he replies 'Don't tease me. I'm only human.' or something along those lines and it's like . hm. ok.
i think it's cute he says 'dont tease me' a few times cause eughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (trying to ward off severe brain damaged incoherent thoughts) but 'im only human' is like... are you really? even after you try so hard to escape your own humanity and individual self so much... im going to try and give my thoughts on it here but this is just based off my hc that izaya has bpd so yanno. im basing a lot oif this on my own experiences sorry. i do that a lot. (gestures over to all the posts i make abt fob/mychem fan izaya)
when it comes to just straight up acknowledging his humanity izaya has no problems with this because 'sure, i'm human. isn't that obvious?' is probably something along the lines of what he thinks. it's easy for him to just say that because it's just that. it's just words. it holds no real meaning and shows no true insight into how he actually perceives himself. but when it comes to actually having to come face to face with his own humanity and the fact that yes, he is only human, it's a lot more difficult because now it's out of his control. i wonder also if he has problems with perceiving his own self.
i say this a lot but i truly do believe izaya is so so so beautiful and i love him so much. also i just saw a funny post on twitter so i wanna say this here idk if yall know this but izayas actually a latina hes got chismosavirus❤ ok thats all i have to say sorry for rambling so much
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f1-stuff · 6 months
omg that part two snippet of girldad! carlos had me literally screaming, the way you write is just so *chef’s kiss* i can’t wait for the to see what happens next
its gonna be so cute when charles starts speaking french with ana and they both start bonding, carlos already has it down bad for this man but he’s going to be in love love with this man when this happens
the idea of the both of them being dads is just so… compelling, we really need more fics of them being dads and being all domestic
im sorry for this ranty ask but i just got so excited when i saw u posted the snippet, i love that fic so much already
and if you don’t mind, could you post the giver au pls :))
sending you lots of love mal, thank you for everything!! <33
Hi! Do not apologize!! Every fic writer hopes and dreams that ppl will get excited about their fic 😭 and I completely agree - we need more charlos dads. They are literally so married and charles wants a kid so badly...
Anyway yes! You can have a snippet of the Giver AU - i've shared a bit of it before, but essentially, the premise is that society requires everyone to take suppressants to dull their emotions, eliminating pain/conflict/anger/fear etc., but also eliminating passion/love/joy in the process...
I'm thinking of doing a major rewrite of this actually...so honestly what you read here might look very different by the time I post it but 🤷🏻‍♀️
“Hola, teammate.” It’s accompanied by a grin and a nudge to his arm. Charles raises an eyebrow.
“Hello, again.”
They’d seen each other not forty-five minutes ago, but Carlos seems to insist on greeting everyone like it’s the first time that day no matter how long ago they parted ways. He also keeps calling Charles, ‘teammate,’ like he thinks anyone needs to be reminded of this. 
“What are we doing now?” Carlos asks, rubbing his hands together like he’s impatient to get started. 
Charles doesn’t know why he would be - they’ve been doing promotional obligations all day, and his head is starting to hurt from all the bright lights. It’s all videos and photoshoots for their sponsors and social media accounts. Tomorrow will be the more important agenda - seat and race suit fittings are the first things on the schedule.
“A video for the fans, I think,” Charles says, in answer. “Where we ask each other questions.”
“Ah, so I can discover all of your secrets.” Carlos lifts his brows up and down in a way that Charles isn’t sure he’s ever seen someone do. 
He knows it’s a joke - one of Carlos’ strange ones, where he doesn’t really mean what he says. But Charles still finds himself wanting to protest the remark.
“I don’t have secrets.” Why would he? He has nothing to hide. Carlos rolls his eyes.
“Okay,” is all he says.
Charles has the sense he’s disappointed him somehow. Not that it really matters, but he’s still trying to figure out his new teammate. He wants them to get along, since they’ll be seeing a lot of one another. So far, he feels like Carlos is perpetually amused by him for reasons that Charles can’t determine.
“The questions are prepared,” Charles adds. “They wouldn’t have us ask whatever we wanted.” This seems obvious to him, but maybe Carlos isn’t yet accustomed to how structured things are at Ferrari. 
Practically their every movement is planned by some coordinator on the team - the only time it can’t be is in the car, when the drivers themselves hold the steering wheel. And even then, the team tries to control everything with strategy and radio communications during the race.
Carlos gives him a searching look, which Charles attempts not to shy away from. He isn’t shy, anyway. Poor choice of words.
“Do you ever... Mm- how do you say it?” Carlos takes a second to himself, mulling over whatever it is that he’s trying to ask. “Do you ever go against the script?”
“The script?” Charles frowns.
“The rules. The path. The plan.” Carlos studies him, as he processes the words, like Charles is a bug in a jar. It’s not a sensation he particularly...enjoys, though he can’t pinpoint why. 
“I’m not...” He swallows, unsure of himself. “I don’t-”
“Boys!” someone is saying from across the room, gesturing them over. 
There’s a beat of silence between them, and then Carlos is saying, “Never mind, mate,” patting Charles on the shoulder. 
He walks away then, and Charles is left with a strange hollowness in his chest, like he’s failed at something - like when he’s driven badly or made a mistake on track. But he hadn’t done anything like that. He’d just been talking to his teammate...
He takes a deep breath, then moves to join Carlos across the room.
WIP Wednesday
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admirxation · 9 months
if Tekken requests are open, may I request cuddly wholesome smut with Lars?
GN reader (preferably petite body so that means there's some height difference) with age gap (if i have to specify the reader is 18) and a shy personality who is easily flustered pls
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Treat Me | Lars Alexandersson oneshot request
𓆩♡𓆪┆pairing: Lars Alexandersson x gn!reader
𓆩♡𓆪┆summary: the reader has been missing Lars so much, on an expected arrival back home Lars experiences a wholesome night as well as being treated by the reader.
𓆩♡𓆪┆word count: 1.3k
𓆩♡𓆪┆disclaimer: this story is a work of fiction for 18+ readers, so MDI. you’re responsible for the content you consume. if any of the following warnings trigger/make you uncomfortable click off now.
𓆩♡𓆪┆warnings: NSFW 18+ content. GN reader. smut: blow job, cum in mouth, spanking, hair pulling, neck kissing and hickies.
𓆩♡𓆪┆authors note: hey i hope you like this, im sorry if its crap i’ve never written for any tekken characters but i’m hoping it’s ok. please like, and a reblog would be most appreciated 🫶🫶
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Right now you were cuddling the blankets and pillows in the bed you shared with Lars; you missed him so much, you didn’t know where he had went to, probably off training or whatever he did — you were never too aware of this, just accepted he was a busy man. You loved nuzzling your cheek into the pillow Lars would sleep on, it felt like he was there on the nights the loneliness got too much. It had been a few days now, and the scent was fading — you looked forward to have him be there and wake up to.
The apartment was steeped in an eerie stillness, the only sound being the soft hum of the air conditioner and the occasional video you had pulled up on your phone. You were lost in state of sleepiness, in a state of fighting sleep while you were mindlessly scrolling on your phone.
Lost in the distraction of your phone, you hadn’t registered the subtle creek of the door as it opened. Footsteps, barely audible, approached the bedroom you were in. Before you could react a shadowy figure appeared at the door.
Lars stood there, a playful grin spreading across his face as he watched you unaware of everything.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Lars had finally returned.
You jolted your head in a quick motion, your heart racing but also a wave of relief washing over — you hadn’t expected the sudden arrival but you weren’t going to complain about it.
“Lars, you scared me,” Lars chuckled, you watched as his eyes gleamed with amusement.
A smile immediately formed on your face as you moved the covers and rushed into a hug; nuzzling your face into his chest and enjoying his warmth — you could finally hold him again.
“Sorry about the waiting, but I do love seeing how much you miss me,” he teased as he stoked your hair as you continued to hug him even tighter. You looked up at him, your chin resting on his chest, you loved how small you were compared to him.
You two held one another for a long moment, and unspoken understanding and love passing between you two. Then, the embrace was broken with Lars’ need to tease your height and size. He wrapped his large arms around your frame, lifting you up and leaving you to kick your legs and giggle as he threw you on the bed. You missed just laughing and messing around when you two were together.
The weight of the day was catching up between you both, the soft sheets making the embrace even warmer and comforting — it was perfect.
“I missed this a lot, Y/N,” his voice was soft with a tinge of longing, he paused before he could say anything and you could hear his heart beat louder, “Y’know if you’re not too tired we could maybe, um, I don’t know —“.
You had been living with him for few years now — you could easily read him — but you were still shy with the initiation of these things. Lars loved how you would always avoid eye contract, looking off and blushing.
“Come on, sweetheart, make up for lost time?” you felt the warmth of your cheeks heighten as Lars placed his large hand on your thigh, squeezing it now and again to grab your attention. You two did have sex before but he was more experienced than you, after all you were the younger one by a few years, you had learnt everything from him — and you wouldn’t change that for the world — but there was a certain aspect of fun for Lars when you got all shy and flustered, meaning he had to work a little harder to get that dirty girl out of you that he loved so much.
Lars moved closer, his hand gently caressing your cheek as he leaned in, his lips brushing against yours for a tender and lingering kiss; it got deeper with every interlock and his hand got tangled in your messy hair. You separated for only moment to catch a deep breath, the air becoming hot with lust and passion. Lars’ kisses trickled down to your soft and supple neck, gently leaving a few pecks before he went in for kisses and bites — he loved leaving you with marks.
“Oh my god,” you closed your eyes as you bit your lip, “yes, Lars”. He loved hearing your little moans, he felt himself get harder as his cock pressed against his jeans.
“Fuck, you don’t know how sexy you are,” Lars said under his deep voice, moving his hand to the back of your head, “how about your treat me, I know you like it.”
You paused in your movements.
“Come on, I know you love making me cum sweetheart, please, for me?” you blushed as your nodded.
You began to lift his top, exposing his abs, moving down to his waistband where you could see the imprint of his throbbing erection. Your hands made shaky movements as you unbuckled and pulled Lars’s pants down, slowly dragging them to the floor.
“Take your time, honey, I want you to feel comfortable.”
“I do,” you paused, “you know I get nervous though.”
“Don’t be… You know I love you, take your time and stop if you need to,” he caressed your cheek and this gave you more confidence.
Your hands moved down to his exposed cock, hearing his breathing get heavy as he watched you and anticipating every move — not wanting to rush or make you uncomfortable but also having a deep yearning to feel that mouth surround his member. He was in a trance of lust as he watched you wrap your hand around his throbbing member, a shudder coming from Lars as you pumped your hand up and down slowly. A low groan left Lars as he tanged his fingers into your hair again.
“Oh fuck, Y/N, don’t stop, hmmm, you’re so-so good at this sweetheart.”
His groans continued as you left wet kisses on his cock, your tongue licking a strip from the base to the head that had precum glazed on top, now sitting on your wet tongue, smirking at him before you wrapped your soft lips around his cock. It made you tingle how Lars let out a deep gasp, pulling your hair harder as you bobbed your head up and down. Your confidence to do this building, your flustered nature taking a moment to yield as you tried to give Lars all the pleasure you could.
Grunts were now falling from his lips as you began to go faster, before thrusting himself deeper into your throat. You loved when he did this; feeling his length down your throat made you tingle even more. You were shy about these things but Lars could tell what you really liked.
Lars slowly picked up the pace, holding your hair as he thrusted into you, watching as you squeezed your eyes when getting used to his size. One of your hands then moved to massage his balls, drawing another moan as he tilted his head upward: “Yes, just like that, yes. mmm keep going, I wanna cum down that throat of yours,” he growled.
You moaned as Lars moved his large hand onto your ass, squeezing it as you continued to gag on his cock, spanking you now and again. “Keep going, I’m so close, sweetheart,” he moaned.
Lars’ thrusting continued to push his member into your delicate throat, wet sounds filling the room as Lars was getting closer to his release.
Salvia was rolling down your chin, the sound of you gagging on his cock was becoming too much for Lars to contain. His hips kick upward for the last time, his hand gripping the flesh of your ass harder as his ropes of warm cum spilled down your throat; forcing you to swallow every last drop. His grip loosening when finally meeting a euphoric release.
“F-fuck that was incredible,” you moved closer to rest your head on Lars, “Thank you sweetheart, you always know how to please me,” he left a forehead kiss on you.
“I’m glad you liked it.”
“I love it when you’re my dirty girl, you’re cute when flustered but I do like seeing this side to you,” he teased as he held you closer.
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©︎ admirxation. please do not copy or steal my works.
my links: masterlist | ao3 | kofi
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just-orbiting-you · 2 months
The only other theory that has ever crossed my mind about Tae, is that he somehow wants to/has been asked to, deflect Jikook. It sounds wild but his behaviour (such as the post on Sunday) would lean into this.
anon you kinda read my mind. because i could kinda write a whole academic paper on the theory that bts spoke amongst themselves on how to cover any sort of jikook "slip" so to speak.
while im not quite sure if that's what tae is doing, it could be plausible. and regardless if it's tae's intention, t@ekook in fandom terms acts as a cover for jikook, since t@ekook has become more popular but is largely rooted in fiction.
if i may, i would like to discuss why i think there was a discussion about this behind closed doors. these clips were taken from this TheBestofJikook video. (literally the best channel ever, they literally have done all the hard work of finding these clips through all the content. sorry about the video quality in advance.)
i'll actually start with the second video. clearly jikook are having a moment that jimin initiated. it's clear they are kinda in their own world here, so namjoon points to the camera instead to redirect "together" from jikook to the presumed fans. the members get loud, start yelling, tae sort of pushes jungkook. and as a viewer you're kinda left with a feeling of like "what the hell just happened."
the third video is similar. where jungkook was asked about jikook's 2017 tokyo trip but couldn't come up with an answer quick enough to "what was the most memorable part of the trip?" With this clip and the next, the members often chose random distractions to take away from jikook. this happened more when they were younger. here, hobi picks up something to give to jungkook and jimin starts raising his voice again, all sort of adding to the chaos to take away the spotlight on jikook.
the fourth video is more goofy if anything. when jimin says he will give jungkook a kiss for his birthday, the members turn his words in to "50 smooth shirts," again resorting to absurdity and loud noises to detach from jikook.
the first video is the most interesting to me. working with the hypothetical that bts while in interviews will detract from jikook when possible to make them look less obvious, this clip follows suit. jungkook asks jimin from a cue card, "do you have something you enjoy these days?" to which jimin replies, "waking up and seeing jungkookie."
immediately the members launch into claims that he's being unrealistic and booing him. in my opinion, hobi is the member that is jikook's giveaway, as he often is amused by them or smiling fondly rather than getting the second hand embarrassment the others portray. hobi acts as he typically does here, while the rest go on the defensive. and what is jimin's response to them? "its okay!" with a kiss blown in their direction.
the way i read this final bit is jimin knows they have to cover up his interactions with jungkook that may reveal too much, but this is his way of telling them, "it's okay, no worries, i wanted to say that out loud. it wasn't a mistake." i really don't know why else he would say that in response to being booed. and i think jungkook is the biggest dead giveaway as he just stares at the cue card, no reactions beside a short "ah."
i think they still do this on smaller scales now. moments stick out of jimin asking jungkook in the ptd dvd behind the scenes what time he fell asleep since jk didn't go to jimin's room that night. yoongi is sitting near them and says "so you guys hang out without me?" or namjoon saying "so that's why you guys don't invite me?" to jimin saying jikook often drink and talk about music for 3-4 hours. albeit one off comments rather than full distractions, but it is along the same lines of trying to divert the attention away from the duo and into the group.
these are just the moments i often think of that are glaringly obvious to me that bts try to divert attention from jikook. there may be more out there. am i being delusional? maybe. but i think this factors into why we haven't had a jikook live in years or why they opted for a travel show. a live can't be edited and there's no backup to distract from them if they share too much of themselves.
just some food for thought. thanks for the ask anon!!
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Maydays a new addition!
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Content -- Yeah, it's just Miguel crying over Mayday cause she's so cute and it reminds him of his daughter, Gender Neutral Reader!
A/n -- I am trying to fix my writing! So yeah, hello and I hope you had a great day and happy readings :)!!
"So you were a soccer mom?" I joked, turning to Miguel as I had an amused smile on my lips laced with amusement, my eyes narrowed.
Miguel rolled his eyes back as he groaned, his shoulders dipping as he continued to look unimpressed and annoyed at my questions.
After finding out that Miguel pursued soccer not long ago as I dug around some files, I couldn't help but have a bit of fun, poking and prodding him with questions about it even though getting no response, the reactions were just as fun.
Then, silence surfaces, engulfing the room, the sounds of the keyboard clicking and the sounds the tabs made as they were dragged around the screen only adding to the deafening silence.
Suddenly, A thought in my mind made me look up from the keyboard and stare at the ceiling in contemplation.
"Where's Peter..." I mutter that makes Miguel's ears perk up. "On paternity leave, MJ just gave birth and wanted to spend the next week with his daughter." He said while still staring at the keyboard, focused.
My lips formed an 'O' shape as I nodded, leaning against the keyboard as my mind wanders.
"But it's been a week where is he--" Suddenly, like he'd heard me. My spidey senses were triggered as I heard the door slide into the walls and hiss into place.
I walk over to the edge of the platform and see Peter, rugged, with a pink coat draped over him with a... baby in his hands?
"Woahoh! Look at this Peter B with a baby in his hands!" I comment, jumping down and landing in front of Peter with a smile.
Peter chuckled as I started cooing and reaching out for the little baby. "Her names Mayday, she's the new addition!" He said as I gently took her out of Peters's arms, cooing.
I watched as her little hands take my finger in my palm, and I squeal but now loud enough to damage her little ears.
Miguel looked down from the platform and jumped off, landing beside me and Mayday with a slight tremble to the ground, looking down at the red head who cooed at the sight of his scarlet eyes, reaching out for him.
"Your eye color matches her hair." Peter commented softly as Mayday babbled in agreement and the grin on my face grew.
I reached over and handed Mayday to Miguel, who reluctantly took her with wide eyes, a little surprised but was reassured when I gave him a nod with a soft smile, urging him.
Now, Mayday was softly wrapped up in his arms, her babbles slowly residing as she fell asleep in his arms.
Me and Peter shared warm looks as we heard an expected sound..
A sharp sniffle. Our eyes snap at Miguel's direction and we see him softly cry, his head turned to another direction to make sure his tears don't fall on Mayday with his mouth covered as he sniffled.
The both of us panic and Peter moves over to take Mayday out of his arms and I take over to hug him as he places his head on my shoulder, feeling my suit dampen with cold tears.
I slither my hand onto his back and I pat it softly as he cries.
"I-Im sorry, I-It just reminded me of her, I tried to hold back the tears.." He said hoarsely, his shoulder trembling.
I nod my head as I continue, my lips pursed back. "It's okay bud... let it all out.." Peter joined in, also patting his back as well.
Miguel continues to sob and me and Peter shared looks, both of us shocked but trying not to show it.
In the end, we three sat in the edge of the platform trying to comfort Miguel as we talk about his pains.
Only ending after 1 hour.
We three sat on Peter's couch, huddled up under blankets as we watched videos of cats with Mayday on Miguel's lap.
"Cute." I comment.
"Shut it." Miguel responded and me and Peter chuckled.
A/n -- Sorry if the was super ooc! I just watched astv AND HOLY IT WAS DAMN GOOD!! I sit here and rant about it but I'll let you go, hope you had happy readings! Good day ^^ 💗
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thefootnotes · 2 months
scaled & icy live
an hour, huh? i best get comfy.
it's all under the cut xx
the graphics are kinda funky
i can get hype about some pink blue and yellow fr
wait is this meant to be the dema morning show?? thats so fucking funny though. thats actually so fucking funny.
okay wait so in this dema universe, in the lore, twenty one pilots is still a band? tyler joseph and josh dun are still a band?
why is he sad :(
"is that. number 16 cotton candy" bitch ofc it is
u good tyler
whats with the wookie noises
into choker tho is beautiful
sorry brief mention to how fucking good josh looks in this video oml
the stressed out bridge coming in there????
wait are these the bishops little minions or smth cause theres too many of them to be the bishops
this is a vibey little live version
man sidenote im so ordering merch this weekend
wait wahts the light thing at the back
is that supposed to be the nine towers?
oh into migraine?? was not expecting that
"depresS" everybody fucking freeze. "ive thoughts."
into morph??
its a little all over the place but in a good way?? does that make sense
wait no bring back tylers agonised screaming
"my personal favourite, mulberry street" i hate you but same
the murals. yes
josh just doin his lil bounce in the back tho
whats with the chick wtih the teddy bear
that guy was not there before was he???
and back to the piano. agh.
the little adlibs afkdlsjfdsklfjsld
see in my head all these dancers are banditos and i will take no argument
in two days i will know this mulberry street choreo by heart. just saying
when tyler and josh are looking for people for their next venture i will be ready. im telling you now.
that girl in the front in the skirt ate that
wait whos this girl
whats with the gas masks? are you my mummy? /ref
wait where did josh's shirt go not that im complaining
anybody want to learn this choreo with me too
wait i wonder if i can convince my partner to do this at our wedding actually (long long way away but i picture it being Highly Amusing)
joshs hair is just so good in this video idec
joshua william dun was that a lip bite and a wink. god fucking damn
oh hello guitar
into chlorine?? okay this setlist is. wow
whats with all of joshs costume changes??
okay tylers coat is eating here now tho
shy away yessss
the set for this is so interesting too
his little dance is so cute stop
also side note josh ate that fit so hard
"it brought tears to my eyes" same, dude. same.
ok that was fucking weird
that shirt should be so ugly so why is he kind of eating
the outside yes
josh in the onesie wtf😭 he's so!!!!!
hey bud where u goin
just casually breakdancing in the street. ok
"shut uP!" lmaooo
the water into the night sky into the backdrop is beautiful
wait he's in a boat thats so fucking cool
the sets for this are jsut fucking brilliant
i love this being just sort of him and the ukulele. i love it.
torchbearers back yaaaaay
ohhhh jumpsuit???? and the set gives the mv vibes
and then immediately into heavydirtysoul???
tyler periodically turning into a velociraptor is feeding my soul tbh
why are the hosts gradually looking more and more demonic/dead
the disco ball lmaoo
the vibes here are immaculate
wait???? is that jenna?????????????????????
her sweater is so fckn cute tho
him getting off the phone and just going "oooooooooooooooOoOooooooooOOOOOOooOoOOOOOOOOoooooo" is such a mood
oooooh the backdrop here is fire?? the colour palette fdjklfjkldj
the remixed vibes of all the songs are fucking slapping. are they available to stream or anything anywhere??
the visuals have been on point this entire video can i just say
also tylers shirt is so cool???
all the horn instruments are intriguing me
josh is so!!!!!!!!!!
car radio!!! car!!!!!!! radio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this song mostly just makes me want to cry actually. but
wait the mask!!!! the!!!! mask!!!!!
well that was short lived
all the sirens and the freaking out and hes just like 🥰👉👈👏👏
everythings on fire. again.
the little adlibs are so fucking cute tho
also i love when tyler just fuckin. screams
the three guitars in the one shot is such a fuckin vibe
the two in the back just clapping😭
and then there were two....
the lil dragon omg
oh look whos back on the couch
choker again????? yay??????
no tyler dont be sad :(
the overhead shot of all the sets>>>>>>>>>
yeah bitches you better clap for them
no cause josh and tyler at the end there kdfjfsdjfjdksl cuties
wow okay so much to unpack there im gonna go grab some chocolates and soda water
okay i've got the chocolates and soda water.
wow! so that was quite the experience. i can kind of understand how it all ties in with the clancy storyline, but it also feels like its not really *integrated* in the storyline. at least not for me at this point.
i really really enjoyed that whole video itself, regardless of lore. it was just a very interesting and cool way to present those songs
god i wish!!!!! there was a higher quality video. i couldnt find one on any of the sites i normally use, most of them said they were taken down, so.. :(
i dont really get what was happening with the woman and the man, the hosts? like i get that they were hosting but their whole vibe was off and they kept seeming to look injured/possessed/straight up weird. so.
im gonna take a quick break, maybe 15 minutes, to just draw a little bit and have some food and water and then i'll come back to the saturday video. i'm just sort of losing my focus and i need to do something else rq to kind of get my head back into it! so brb!
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okkalo · 5 months
hello kalo, happy 1k followers! i hope i can participate in your event, i would like to request a matchup for blue lock <33 i'm more of a quiet and calm person, especially around people i'm not familiar with or comfortable with. it takes me a bit to warm up to new people since at times i don't know what to say and i'm wary with who i let in my circle. if i don't like someone then i just don't interact with them, but i will make fun of them with my bestie if they say or do something stupid. with like friends and family i let loose and like to joke around and be playful with them. i'm reliable and good at giving advice. i comfort others by making them laugh or giving them a hug. lately, i've been into exercising again. i'm pretty lazy, so having someone to motivate me or tell me to get my ass up is a huge help, which is why i exercise with my sister. but don't nag me bc i hate that sm, it makes me not wanna do stuff even less or i won't do it out of spite. i love listening to music, you'll catch me always having my earbuds in. does day dreaming count as a hobby? because i do a lot of that. i also like playing video games, reading and watching movies. last time i checked my mbti is intj and if you're into zodiac signs, im a capricorn. one thing i love is spring. i'm not sure if it's because of the weather or the vibes but i just feel really happy during spring and feel like i could do anything. i also look forward to the carnival that comes to my town every spring. my ideal date would be going to an amusement park, trying a new restaurant or going to the movies! preferably a horror movie so i can have someone to cling on, if i get scared.
hi anon! thank you so much for the request and i hope you enjoy your matchup 🫶
𝗶 𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗮 𝗰𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗲𝗹𝗳 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗯𝗲 𝗮 𝗳𝗮𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗲 ₊˙♡﹗
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𝗸𝗮𝗹𝗼 𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 : yukimiya from blue lock
you’re the sweet personality he looks for in someone! he especially loves how good you are at comforting and giving advice! the only issue is that…he’s not the best with horror movies. he’ll do everything else with you, however!
“hi, love,” a sudden mumble came from behind you before you were encased in an one-armed hug from behind. the sudden contact made you jump from surprise—not expecting your boyfriend to be picking you up so soon. you were still finishing getting ready for a date he had planned to go to a new restaurant in the city.
“kenyu!” came your surprised voice as you tried to turn to meet his gaze. it was a futile attempt as he had already nestled in close to your neck, pressing a light kiss behind your ear.
“sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” he chuckled sheepishly before pulling away from your form. instead, he had moved in front of you and offered you a small bouquet of tulips. his smile was bright and unbelievably sweet, rivaling the beauty of the tulips. “got these for you since they reminded me of you.”
“you didn’t need to do that,” you replied with a smile of your own, his smile being far too contagious not to spread. once you took the flowers into your hands you couldn’t help but notice how the flowers had already been prepped, already ready to be put in a vase. he really was sweet.
“i just wanted to,” he easily responded with a shake of his head, implying that it was no problem whatsoever. “you look amazing. i’ll wait for you to finish up,” he spoke softly, almost too soft for this world. he then leaned down, placing a light peck to your cheek before taking the bouquet and walking off, probably to display them for you, saving you the work. much too soft and sweet for this world.
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hellosaysnoxx · 2 years
Hii!! Im here to request a matchup for Inside Job and possibly South Park too?
I would like one to be a platonic relationship if you do south park and a romantic one for inside job pls^^
My appearance is that i have brown shoulder length hair, brown eyes and glasses as well. And i think im 5’5 at least. Im white ofc. Im also a trad goth / medalhead person in style
My personality is that im a ENTP but at first I’m shy and awkward but it wears off sooner anyways, im very energetic and up beat and i love being funny like i like making sexual jokes
My interests are playing video games(rhythm games too, but i love obey me, mystic messenger, and more), cosplaying, drawing, writing, making music funny im a beginner vocaloid producer, i like spending my time online.
I like taking car rides love sleeping in hotels, being with my friends, i love going to amusement parks, i love food, AND i have a obsession with KAITO fr vocaloid😭 im serious like i have merch of him everywhere im in love with him(could you add that in there? :D)
My dislikes are when people compare me to someone, i hate, HATE spiders, i hate rude people too, i also hate to many loud noises such as the TV being to loud.
My boundaries are… well ummm.. i dont have much but as long as i dont get paired with the dolphin dude😭
I would like a kind person for my relationship, it doesnt matter who just as long as their kind and friendly with me :)
Some random facts about me: I have autism.
this is me! @siouxxiie
Hey @siouxxiie!! I'll write a matchup for Inside job since I am not that good with South park😭
(I will not pair anyone up with Glenn💀)
I hope you enjoy this matchup tho! :D
(Not proof read!)
Your matchup is....
☆Brett Hand☆
My dude thinks ur style is SO COOL
Would tease you for your hight, but would apologize afterwards because he doesn't wanna hurt your feelings😭
Would spend time with each other by playing video games together.
Wants to listen to the music you make😭
He secretly did while you were gone (you caught him red-handed, obviously💀)
Whenever you make a sexual joke, he blushes (A LOT)
Kinda gets flustered easily
Also, take you out for food😋
"Woah *Readers name* who is that?"
He eventually finds out about your Kaito obsession
He'd love to hear you rant about Kaito too!
Will buy you merch of Kaito
"Hey *readers' name* I bought you this, since you really seem to like Kaito and all"
"300 $ :D"
"BRETT!! D:)"
Would literally buy you anything
He will also take care of you very well since he loves you a lot😤
If there is a spider in the room you both freak out
Will just throw random things at it😭
If you think it's too noisy or there are a lot of loud sounds, he'd take you to a more quiet place so you could calm down
If you're willing to let him hug you, he'd just hug you until he couldn't anymore
Loves hugs, especially from you
Just tell him whenever you need a quiet place, he'll be right at your service
You have autism? He still loves you no matter what! He loves you and your personality and just generally you!!
Also, he loves being reassured!
Please give him some reassurance😭
Will melt in your touch
He loves you and will be there for you no matter what! :]
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beautouslysandy · 1 year
idk if you still do matchups but here is mine, it’s for outer banks, and it’s anonymous bc I am a 🐱. :
I’m on the shorter side for girls, like 5’3ish, but everyone else in my family is TALL ASF so im a fast walker. I have light brown straight hair and curtain bangs (that take far too long to style), hazel eyes, fair skin, and my cheeks are always flushed so it always looks like im blushing when im not (most times).
My friends tell me im very funny and outgoing but deep down I am very sensitive and emotional- I’ve just found ways to hide it. I’m an extremely loyal friend, and I’ll defend a friend even if I don’t agree with what my friend said or did. I’m very shy and quiet when I meet people at first, but once I’m comfortable it’s hard to get me to shut up.
Im always listening to music, and i swear one of my super powers is knowing the lyrics to every song. I stay up late making playlists and reading books. I randomly get outbursts of energy where I can run 5 miles no problem and feel like running in circles around a room, but I’m also constantly tired and always sleeping.
I laugh really hard at stupid things, like videos with animals or the impractical jokers show.
I don’t think I’m clumsy, but apparently I am because I always have something wrong with me. Like if I don’t have a third degree burn on my arm than I have a broken finger and if not that than I’m limping. Like I always am going to the doctor to either get a cast or medicine for an injury.
I’m very good at talking my way into and out of things, but I don’t do it often bc I get anxious.
Also random fun fact: EVERYBODY is convinced I smoke 🍃 when I don’t. Im told its because I’m very calm and can hide my nervousness well- I think its because I could get hit by a car and still be calm and collected, I’m just very zen at all hours and I don’t know how.
This is probably tmi but it’s kind of fun to debrief!!
honestly i think we would be good friends if we knew each other in real life! just a little fun fact about me, i am told I have a very loud personality meaning i am extremely outgoing and stuff haha.
it is fun to debrief! glad you enjoyed it!
hope you like your match up!
john b, one hundred percent. i think he likes having some calmness in his life, he has got quite the chaotic life. and he loves loves having a short girlfriend, he definitely will tease you about it every now and then but you he is just joking. anybody else though, they won't see the day of light ever again. i think he would find your sparks of energy very amusing. he always gets super worried when you get hurt, he warns you that you should be more careful. he has successfully caught you a few times preventing you from getting hurt, a few times. he probably loves that you are so calm, like said before. it’s nice to have something calm and dependable in his life. i think he loves making you laugh so he will say really idiotic stuff just to hear that laugh he loves so much, it makes his day to see you happy knowing that he is the reason you are. you guys probably watch those try not laugh animal version videos on youtube and just sit there cackling like a pair of little kids. he likes to help you sometimes with your hair and at some point he has mastered it but that is in the fair future (sorry john b). i think his favorite thing about you are your personality, it’s super important to him that his significant other has a good personality that he loves and you provide that. he respects your loyalty as he is as well, i think he is comforted with the fact knowing you are super loyal to him. when you first meet the group they are confused on why john b and you are together as he doesn’t really go for shy girls but once you break out of your shell and the true you shows, they understand. he loves to play with your hair, he loves it when you get flushed to the face because he thinks it’s adorable.
little drabble/skit
“hey, sweetheart, oh are you doing your hair?” john b said peering into your room.
“yeah.” you said looking at him though your mirror
“want some help? i am a professional.” he said with a chuckle as headed over to you to give you a kiss on the cheek
“yes please, i need some professional help.” you said laughing
“okay, then. prepare to be wowed.” he says as he starts to style your hair, five minutes in and he has already burned his finger two times
“ahh, shit!” he exclaims
“burn your finger, again? want me to do it?” you ask with a sympathetic smile, you grab his hand and kiss his finger
“thanks, babe. i wanna do this for you, you do a lot for me…it’s the least i can do.” he says with a smile
“okay. just let me know if you want me to take over.”
he nodded and then went back at it
ten minutes later
“ahh, shit!”
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