#im so tired nowadays
ygamiraito · 1 month
hello i miss you guys. sorry for not posting. have a harlan!
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electricpurrs · 2 months
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amy rose is a great character to reawaken my love for cheesy lovecore aesthetics
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automatonz · 18 days
It's so pathetic of me to be bothered at all by this but it's so annoying seeing people complaining about billford solely because it's popular now (mostly on tiktok). People switch up so fast.
What really drives me crazy though, is when people act like or assume that it's always been this popular, like those of us who shipped it long before the Book of Bill weren't fighting in the trenches lmao. I used to be too scared to talk about it too openly online for years. Like, I wouldn't tag stuff with the ship's name because I didn't want people to bully me, and I deleted so many posts out of fear because people really DID bully you for it, lol.
I'm aware this whole complaint is very stupid and not at all important in the grand scheme of anything, but I like venting about pointless crap that only I care about sometimes.
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love-is-a-pearl · 27 days
LMAO so twitter is now officially banned in my country so rip using that as an archive :v
If Ekkong or someone without a tumblr share some pearl art there can ... can any of you show me, please 八(^□^*)??
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mellowmaidenhairs · 9 months
i think ppl who are super online or into fandom should watch/read/etc something without ever touching fandom discourse or making aus or shipping characters just like every once in a while
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sheepalmighty · 1 year
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A comic for my incredibly self-indulgent AU: Chai joins Vandelay for half a day.
Click for less blur
The rest of this dumb joke comic is under the read more
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It was in his robot arm
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cosmics-beings · 4 months
Can I ask your opinion on what you personally think a good redemption arc for Megatron would be? I agree with your opinion of IDW/ES’s attempts because it really feels like something is…missing.
this is kinda critical, and it may be strange coming from me because over the past year I've tended to be soft on megatron but I've also been looking at characters with a more critical lens....so if hardcore megatron critique offends you then just look over. also...these are MY opinions.
What is missing is actual accountability, because in none of Megatrons redemption arcs does he ever actually take accountability, at least not in a way, IMO, that does anything for the narrative or holds him accountable.
There’s a lot of things that could’ve been done different. while I don’t really agree with how things are going in ES in regards to his character, what I do like is that Megatron’s past actions are finally coming back to get him. And by that, I mean that all the Decepticons have practically turned their back on him, which I love. And it also shows the organization can and in some cases should exist without him. I think what I didn’t like about ES, is that his redemption fell flat because he didn’t really understand a lot of what he did wrong. Meaning that, yes he was very sympathetic about being a warlord, and causing war and stuff. we even saw how much he cared about the deceptions and how angry he’d get when he thought that Optimus was working with GHOST to subdue the cons.
However, Megatron’s care for the Decepticons in ES is very very conditional. Meaning that if any Con had an issue with I’m, or literally wasn’t worshipping his feet or seeing him as a leader, he was prone to violence. This was shown with the Seekers AND Soundwave especially Soundwave — whom his peaceful facade broke the minute Soundwave held him accountable.
So I can’t say I completely hate ES, because it shows the flaws in taking a war lord and trying to make him a family grandpa, when he hasn’t really, truly been held accountable. But that’s also the thing that kinda makes me not like his redemption arc in ES. He is free, with the Autobots, with the Maltos, while his people are not. AND YES, for whatever reason, Megatron betrayed them. Maybe Megaton thought he was doing the right thing, maybe he thought it was saving the Decepticons, regardless it was still a bad look imo.
I hope ES points that out, how hypocritical he is, how the Deceptions don’t really want him as a leader because of that. 
IDW/Lost Light...
I love the Lost light, and i have a soft spot for LL Megs, but I really don't think Megatron deserved a lot of the nuance and care he got, when other characters had to suffer and didn't really get that. LIKE soundwave and other cons/ex-cons also deserved that nuance and love he got.
I think what i really hated however is how Megatron's presence on the Lost Light overshined a lot of the other characters. There was this need to push an unneeded redemption to the point that other people's narratives were overlooked. Rodimus suffered MASSIVELY for this, and he became an addition to Megatron' s arc, wherein he still had so much more growing to do. Now his character is solely tied to megatron and to me at least, it's kinda annoying. He deserves to exist outside of megatron but because there was a need for redemption for Megatron, he doesn't get that.
The relationship between Magnus and Rodimus, which needed to be highlighted, was HEAVILY destroyed because the narrative wanted Megatron to be the main character. And Roddy's trauma with being a prime was essentially downplayed.
I think that Megatron probably should've fought Unicron with the others in the end. And similar to starscream and soundwave, i think death, certain death would've been a great redemption for him. I'm not saying he can't be on the lost light for a while but essentially he wasn't held accountable for anything he did. he got therapy, he got a family, and he also got to leave to go to the functions universe and live a life he wanted.
and yeah maybe he gets executed, but there is also another megatron who was created with another LL, who doesn't get that, and he gets to be free and happy, while trillions are still dead because of him.
I don't think he actually got a redemption arc in the LL simply because he wasn't held accountable for anything. He got a very compelling, sympathetic story that i guess worked...
but i never saw it as redemption because he never was truly truly held accountable for what he did.
that's just my opinion. all of this is just my opinion so you don't have to agree with my takes!
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cinnabell2 · 7 months
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"Art is empty without empathy."
He's probably so out of character here but I wanted to see my pookie beat up ai robros.... becuase I wish I could
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nerime · 6 months
my coworkers are being turbo transphobic and literally refuse to listen to answers to questions they fucking ask argh!!! I can just tell you!!! I can just answer you!!!!! I have answers!!! to the ridiculous questions you ask in a mocking way!!!! if you listen for one second I can just fucking explain!!!! 😡😭😡😭
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rookflower · 8 months
Sandstorm dying solely to further alderheart’s pissbaby manpain made me so upset. alderheart in general just pisses me off… him and tree were both just so blatantly written to steal the arc from their she-cat counterparts lmfao (sparkpelt, sandstorm, needletail, violetshine). that’s it, that’s their purpose… similar to rootspring and nightheart. I just can’t enjoy characters whose purpose narratively is to shove the she-cats to the wayside… it happens so much in this series already
yeah 😔 it's the repetition of the archetype and the context around it that gets me- on his own, alderheart is just "guy i don't really care about", same with rootspring and tree, but the more i sit down and think "hm, why are the male characters in the series written this way and the female characters written this way? why are events ordered in a way that constantly shifts attention and sympathy back towards the male characters?" i start to get mad about lots of little tiny details, which in turn make egregious things like "arc 1 legacy character getting unceremoniously fridged by dying in a ditch somewhere for a pittance of character development her boring grandson while all of her male counterparts get comparatively way more respectful or impactful deaths" even worse somehow.
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starrspice · 1 year
Don't get me wrong I love both Sun and Moon a lot
But i feel like I'd get along far better with Moon because I have an extreme case of sleepy bitch disease
Like, no matter how much sleep I've had, what time of day, or if I've had any caffeine I am ALWAYS tired
I will never say no to that
Anyone tries to wake me up? The murder bot is standing guard. I'd be so well rested
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k-wallpaper · 1 year
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Stray KIds “SUPER BOARD” M/V Desktop Wallpaper
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i-am-distressed · 1 year
Proof that Kyoto has the potential to be as chaotic as i claim them to be:
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...And by potential I mean they themselves are already quite chaotic
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unnerving-presence · 6 months
y’all may think i don’t like wesker anymore but i do still get insanely jealous and irritated when someone says they’re the #1 wesker fan because i personally think that title belongs to me and me only
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Its one of those days where I really just want to have a family and littles to look after.
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stormyykat · 13 days
ki pirate101 q&a so bad they got me wanting to uninstall the game and move on
the thing that drives me up the wall the most is calling queen a copout villain............ you made another evil necromancer but for pirate101 this time...................................... bangs my head on the table
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