#im so scared that like the second i hit post im gonna realize smth i messed up. aughhhh. ok whagever
marcygoo · 5 months
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uhhmm redraw of a screencap from ep 7. idk
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cowardlybean · 11 months
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Hey. The Times They Are A Changin’ by @bandtrees and @tigsbitties amiright (muffled face down on the floor)
more (some unsettling things) beneath the cut :3
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(Image 3 is my favorite sequence from an animation for TTTAAAC I’ve been working on, so here it is just in case I never finish </3, image 4 is me thinking about Mob’s house. If. That makes sense.)
OH MAN. OH MAN OH MAN. this fic has altered my brain chemistry in a way that has doctors baffled and leaves tragedy in its wake!!!!!!!!! Absolutely a masterpiece I’ve reread it 3 times now and every time I notice a new detail, there’s just SO MUCH CARE put into it. I think I could write an essay about every page of this fic LMAO it honestly blows me away, huge kudos to everyone who was a part of the project!!!!
Especially the multimedia aspects, they were so much fun to find and in some cases decode (Scared the SHIT outta myself with Breathe I think it’s one of my favorites). the youtube videos were so cool as well
Realizing a third of the way in that things will never get better was such a gut wrenching experience, and by the time I realized just how deep the hole Mob dug himself into was it was absolutely too late for anything to happen (the end of act 1 was horrific in the most amazing way. So many things stuck with me: the state Reigen was left in compared to how he was, Ritsu’s “surgery”, Dimple losing his best friend, Shou’s report to the police, Minori’s conversation (if you can call it that) with Mob?? Bone. Chilling.
One of the parts that has been sitting in my gut is Reigen’s fall, where he starts to ramble through fragments of old times. I genuinely thought he was calling out to Mob until just as the same time Mob did I recognized the words and it hit me like a HAMMER. I don’t know how to put it into words but Reigen rambling on like a broken record tore me apart, and then it gets WORSE. I only realized on my second read that the intro of the fic. (Correct me if I’m wrong) IS REIGENS PERSPECTIVE OF MOB SEVERING HIS TENDONS???? Holy fuck. Holy FUCK. The vague semblance of consciousness written there is so deeply unsettling I’m absolutely OBSESSED with it. ESPECIALLY THE FACT THAT EVEN IN THAT STATE HE STILL WANTS MOB TO BE HAPPY (the cheer ^^ mob bit) and idk if I’m interpreting right (this is gonna be so embarrassing if I’m not) but him recognizing the filthy jacket as well. Taking me OUT. AND. AND THE FACT REIGEN NEVER SPEAKS AGAIN AFTER THAT?????? (I could be wrong oops)
The mental states of every character in the fic are written so chillingly well. I can understand how Mob spirals, the anger and grief Tome feels, Shou's spite and anger, Teruki's conflict, Dimple's loss of his best friend, Serizawa's waning optimism, I can't name every character in this fic but they are ALL characterized so well. There's no needless conflict that make them OOC, there's a reason behind every little tragedy building upon themselves and creating a giant disaster that deeply affects the entire cast. Not to mention how its not just the loss of Reigen and Ritsu, but the loss of Mob too. If they were to have died on impact, its unsettling to think that things may have turned out better than this.
There’s a lot of things I wanna say that would basically be restating the fic (dimple losing his best friend, teru shaving, and the irony of ritsu’s powers being taken away by mob) so instead of writing 20 more paragraphs I’ll ask some questions I’ve been mulling over (ofc yall don’t have to answer if it’s revealing too much or smth)
Does Mob actually end up getting investigated or arrested? The formatting of the social media posts and texts makes them seem as if they're evidence and so does the ongoing "interview?" with Shou throughout the fic
In the party, is Reigen saying he doesn't like citrus a reference to the lemon sour :eyes:
I'm probably missing something but im curious about the metaphor around Reigen and a stray cat (hair clinging to Mob's clothes, comparing him to a stray cat finding a place to die, comparing him to a cat outside Serizawa's door)
If I'm not wrong and the "glitchy" sections at the beginning and end of the fic are Reigen and Ritsu's povs respectively, is their mind constantly like that or is it just in the specific circumstances where they have a small burst of consciousness?
last (thats a lie im definitely drawing more fanart in the future) but not least, some notes from when I was re-reading
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gayregis · 5 years
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@sodarush replied to: post
thank you though bc this made me think about regis’s Powers and im going to rate them all right now and talk abt how he feels abt them.
flying — not so good at it, as discussed. probably the one part of his life that is still messy and done without prior thought. a reminder of the earlier days but without any violence, so it is like a fun activity that reminds him of when he was young and stupid as well as being kind of relaxing. so he does try to go out on full moons and fly around
dramatic entrances/exits — so fucking skilled. i think canon events really speak for this one i dont even need to interpret. does not really realize what he is like because it is just of a subconscious nature. geralt even notes that he had “no inclination for theatrical gestures” but despite this regis is like. disappearing and shit which leads me to my next point
the invisibility act  — honestly i do not have a big idea of what this one actually is and neither did cdpr. they say he “just vanishes” in the books which might insinuate that he is still there yet just invisible, but right after the first time he does this in baptism of fire, the company talks amongst themselves as if he is not there anymore, and the second time he does it in lady of the lake, he refers to it as flying, so i am inclined to think that it is him literally dematerializing. but does this mean it is restricted to only on a full moon, like being a bat is? (basically the working headcanon i have for the vampires right now is that their “true forms” are this dematerialized form but they adopted physical forms during the development of mimicry and now it’s something they can only really access on a full moon.)  i like how cdpr animated the bruxae in b&w so i’d like to think it’s like that. also i like to headcanon that when he is alone (like living alone in his cottage) he would just do this whenever because it;s easier to get around, it’s quicker and more comfortable when you get used to navigation.
combat — scared to do it, but QUITE good at it once his inhibitions are down or he feels strongly about protecting another. he just goes on the offensive and moves inhumanly quickly and it’s crazy epic. “with an incredibly long and fast leap” or smth or maybe the quote is he leapt like a leopard or smth idk. but its cool. i dont think he loves this necessarily but since violence is a party to vampires i think its kind of fun sometimes but he’s not gonna actively seek these kinds of situations out.
hypnotism / “the vampire’s spell” as geralt puts it  — quite good actually. i have a headcanon that as vampires get older they get more powers and more powerful in general... that’s why geralt was almost evenly matched with vereena (but still got his ass kicked) b/c she was a younger vampire... like maybe 40 or 50. sorry, back to the topic —) since they get more powers/improve their existing powers as they go, regis obtained the power of hypnotism about like maybe 30 years ago give or take (he did not have it when he was younger). so he’s still mastering it. but he’s quite good at it, in regards to the short period of time that he’s had it. and he mesmerizes multiple people at a time (i think 3 at the most... 3 guards in vissegerd’s camp, 3 guards at stygga’s gate...)
hypnotism is quite a difficult skill to work with for vampires at times because it requires empathy towards the target which is usually a human, so you have to understand their fears and dreams and everything. the closer you get to how they are actually feeling, the stronger the spell has the potential to be. but he’s quite empathetic especially towards humans so it works better for him / he took easier to it than most. but sometimes he has difficulty severing the empathetic link so they start to read his mind and shit. the empathetic link really is a two-way street and if you can’t control it it can fuck with both on opposite sides of the connection. you can easily drive people insane on accident, which, oops.
impermeability to extreme temperatures — honestly this one is more of a “status effect” rather than an active power to exploit but i just wanted to  say that when the hansa gets pizza he can eat the pizza immediately after it’s served while everyone else has to wait and angouleme tries to follow this example and burns her lips but keeps chewing. everyone is like. angouleme. please . and she takes another bite
also sry for publishing this prematurely i hit “post” instead of “save draft”
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