#im realising that this admission
ratatatastic · 1 month
"And you guys saw our arena? Like, the arena in Florida is obviously grown so much during the season but playoff times is a whole new level. You know, I think—I mean for me, I had a feeling and I knew that I was probably on my way out. So after we won, I would just kind-of circling around looking at how crazy this atmosphere was. You know, it's obviously something I'll remember forever."
Oh so like im supposed to be normal about this... that monty absolutely knew it wasnt likely he was gonna stay so the second he won the cup he tried to take it all in the best he could like he was
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fairuzfan · 7 months
Im not good at writing but ill try putting it in words.
I think US americans don't realise how jaded the rest of the world is now to their performativity of impartiality and rationality. They still have the comfort of relying on proper debate and argument and being on the moral highground bc of this. Vetoing ceasefires because theyre trying to arrive at the 'best' solutions. Voting for Biden because he has still done good and is the lesser evil. Clutching pearls at antizionism because its racist and antisemtic.
The rest of the world cant afford to come into a formal argument at their level and they just don't understand that. They don't understand that at the hands of their comfort of proper statesmanship, the rest of the world suffers greatly. Tell me, why is it that one vote against many other countries, is enough to veto a ceasefire.
Why do the rest of us have to meet on the level of our enemy, the one who has rigged the game for them to win? You crush others to their lowest and hound them to still get up and hit better punches. We know our enemy, and realise they are sick and depraved for this.
America land of the great and free.
there's something to be said with people's blatant admission these past few months that they never seriously considered foreign policy while voting, thinking of it as a secondary issue rather than probably one of the most important issues you should care about considering the american government can decide whether or not to decimate entire cultures. there has been no examination about foreign policy other than "isis/taliban/al-qaeda bad" regarding swana especially for the past few presidencies. its been fairly a bipartisan issue to bomb swana countries. and that's only swana.
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slaybestieslay946 · 6 months
Dream Girl
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Summary: Paul has dreamt of a girl all his life, and when he reaches Arrakis, he finally discovers her to be the assistant to Dr Liet Kynes.
Pairing: Paul Atreides x Fremen!OC
Word count: 2500
Warnings: Slight mentions of violence, pretentious writing style.
A/N: just need to get this out because im so obsessed with him its becoming unhealthy. hope anyone reading enjoys and has a nice day! You never know i might add chapters if i feel like it lmao.
Paul had seen her in his dreams many times over the years. She had been with him throughout it all, from the cradle until now, as he began to bloom into adulthood. 
He’d never thought he’d really see her in front of his eyes. Over the years he’d dismissed her as a mere fantasy; the leftovers of a child’s overactive imagination. Blue eyes that couldn’t quite be real, and a beauty that only existed in daydreams. 
Yet, here she was, standing stoic beside the ‘judge of the change’, surveying the approaching group with those piercing blue eyes. Paul had to remind himself to breathe before he collapsed from lack of oxygen. 
“My Lord Duke.” The older woman greeted his father, bowing her head, and so did the dream-girl, except the fire in her eyes never faded. 
“Dr Kynes. Thank you for agreeing to take us out.” 
“The pleasure is all mine, sire. This is my apprentice and pilot, Nami.” 
Duke Leto acknowledged the dream-girl, no, Nami, with a quick nod. She responded in kind.
“Now,” Kynes began, “We must check your stillsuits-” The two women stepped forward in sync to aid the group, but were stopped by Gurney’s blades at their necks. 
Paul couldn’t help but admire the way she didn’t flinch as a blade was held to her throat, merely raising her chin in defiance. Few would have the gall to glare at the soldier in such a way. 
“Gurney, no need. Let them work.” The Duke asserted, and Gurney lowered his sword, albeit rather begrudgingly. 
They then approached the group of outworlders to adjust their suits. Paul had to force himself to breathe normally as Nami approached him and the two locked eyes. He quickly tore his gaze away from hers, as she began to check his suit was on correctly. 
All the while, Kynes was going on a long and probably very interesting spiel about stillsuits and their benefits, but he found it very hard to concentrate when he was face to face with the girl he had been dreaming about all his life. 
“You’ve worn a stillsuit before?” Nami suddenly asked, inspecting some of the straps on the front. 
“No, this is my first time.” 
“Hm,” She cocked her head in confusion, “Your boots are fashioned slip-fast at the ankles. Who taught you to do that?” 
“Just seemed like the right way.” He said, trying to work out what was going on inside her head. 
Their exchange had now caught the attention of the rest of the group, and Nami turned to Kynes, muttering a few words in a different language, shaking her head slightly. 
It took Paul a few moments to realise that they were speaking in the language of the fremen. 
“You’re fremen.” He said plainly, like it had been obvious the whole time. 
“We are accepted in both sietch and village, yes.” Nami said, nodding. 
Before he could ask anymore questions, Kynes began to lead them to the aircraft, explaining that they would be travelling to the nearest harvesting field north of Arrakeen. 
The group all entered one of the small aircraft, and Paul watched as Nami began to sit in the pilot's chair, but was stopped by his father. 
“If you don’t mind, Nami, I’d like to pilot.” He said, with an almost childlike smile upon his face. Paul remembered his fathers admission that he had once wished to be a pilot himself. 
“Of course, my lord.” She bowed her head, and shuffled over to the co-pilot’s seat. 
The group all strapped themselves into their seats, grabbing a headset and preparing for take off. 
Duke Leto soon began to press several buttons, and Paul’s dream-girl followed suit, adjusting switches here and there. The Duke soon pulled up off the ground and turned in a near-perfect manoeuvre that left his co-pilot impressed. 
“You’re a pilot?” She asked. 
“Yes I was, in my youth. It has been many years though.” He smiled, regarding the desert beneath him in what looked like wonder. 
“You are very talented.” Nami complimented simply, and Paul watched as a newfound respect bled into her eyes, and he couldn’t help but feel a surge of yearning for her to look at him in the same way. With respect earned by his own deeds, rather than the kind that stemmed from a generations old name. 
Kynes then began her narration as they moved over dunes, towards the spice fields. Paul chipped in here and there with a question or two for her. 
“Why don’t they just shield the crawlers?” He asked, looking down at the desert below, where one of the crawlers was moving. Was this the desert power his father had been talking about?
“Shields are a death sentence in the desert.” Nami chipped in, turning her head momentarily to look at Paul, who tore his face away in embarrassment when he felt a slight heat rise to his cheeks. 
“Yes,” Kynes continued for her apprentice, “It attracts the worms and drives them into a killing frenzy.” 
“Is that one of the worms?” His father asked, pointing at a vague cloud of dust on the horizon. 
Kynes picked up a pair of binoculars from her lap and peered into them for a moment, before answering, “That’s a worm alright. And a big one. Nami, call it in for me?” 
“On it.” She replied, and began speaking into the headset in various codes, asking for any carriers in the area. 
It didn’t take long for one to appear, and it began making its way to the crawler below. Paul watched in awe as it made its descent. He knew spice harvesting was dangerous, and of course accommodations had to be made, but the technology used was truly fascinating. How was that tiny carrier going to lift that enormous crawler?
He would, unfortunately, never find out. Because as the carrier attempted to attach itself, one of the arms snapped. Suddenly an influx of frenzied shouts came over the radio in confusion, as Kynes chipped in to explain the situation. 
The Duke then snapped into action. 
“How many men on that crawler?” 
“A crew of 21.” Kynes replied. 
“Our ships can only take 6 each. That leaves 3 men.” Paul added. 
“We’ll find a way.” His father responded, flicking a switch before dropping into a nosedive, the other two ships following suit behind him. 
Soon, they were landing just beside the crawlers, and unbuckling themselves from their seats inside the aircraft. Paul was the first up and moving. 
“The shield generators should weigh about the same as a few men.” Paul said, waiting for Gurney to finish undoing his seatbelt. 
“Good idea,” Gurney said, “I’ll toss them out, go instruct the men.” He said, patting the younger boy on the shoulder as he moved to get rid of the shields, Paul slipping past him and onto the sand below. 
As he dropped onto the sand of the desert for the first time, he couldn’t help but pause. Something about his boots on the ground felt natural, and as he looked down at the swathe of gold, he had never felt more at home. 
What snapped him into action again was the thud of a shield generator falling from the aircraft, and then Paul was moving, running towards the groups of men coming out of the crawler. 
“7 over there, 7 over there, move!!” He shouted, pointing to the various aircraft waiting for them and waving them over.
And then a cloud of sand engulfed him. 
Paul quickly brought his mask to his face and shut his eyes, trying to ignore the stinging pain of millions of grains of sand hitting him. And then suddenly everything around him seemed to still, and he brought his mask down away from his face, opening his eyes. 
He was surrounded by a cloud of dust, and he couldn’t see his hand in front of his face. 
Paul took a deep breath in, feeling the way his nostrils tingled as he inhaled, and noticing the sparkle of the dust around him. 
He wasn’t standing in dust, but spice. 
 Before his eyes the real world melted away, and he was overtaken by visions. Visions of violence, death, the dunes of Arrakis, a blade, and finally Nami’s face, blue-blue eyes staring into his own. 
Then she began to cry, tears streaming down her face. The face that had seemed so stoic in the real world was not so in his vision. 
Then his vision began to return, and through the haze of spice he heard something familiar, before realising what it was. 
“I recognise your footsteps old man…” Paul whispered, jolting awake as Gurney clapped him on the shoulder, hauling him to his feet. 
“C’mon!” He shouted, glancing to the side. Paul followed his gaze, and was immediately spurred into action as he saw the fast approaching sandworm. 
Immediately he was sprinting towards the aircraft, locking eyes with his father through the windshield as he began to take off, spinning so the open door was facing them. 
And there she was. 
Gurney was the first to reach her, and she quickly hauled him up into the aircraft, pushing him in while not taking her eyes off Paul. 
“Atreides!” She shouted, holding out her hand for him to take, evident concern in her eyes. 
He pumped his legs faster than he thought possible, catching up with the aircraft and grabbing her hand, watching as the sandworm emerged from the very place he had been kneeling, overtaken by visions. 
Eventually he pulled himself away from the sight of the desert, clambering up the ramp towards Nami, who quickly shut the door behind him. 
“Thank you.” Paul said to her, still slightly breathless. 
“No problem.” She replied, dusting a few grains off his shoulder before returning to her seat beside the Duke, slipping on her headset and reporting their re-entry into general airspace. 
Paul moved back to his seat just behind her, trying to ignore his fathers angry gaze, as well as quell the aggressive beating of his heart. Their trip had been more eventful than he thought. 
Soon the aircraft was landing, and Paul stood to get up, wanting to get away from one of his fathers lectures, but not before saying goodbye to Nami. 
“Thank you, again.” He said, quickly.
She smiled this time, her face softening ever so slightly, “Take care, Paul Atreides. I pray we meet again.” 
He nodded, unable to form words in response as his tongue had grown heavy in his mouth. And then he ran away, jumping out of the aircraft as quickly as he could before he blurted out anything stupid.  
Paul whipped around taking in the sudden appearance of so many Fremen around him and his mother. They must have seen them running from the sandworm. 
“Do not run. You will only waste precious water.” A man said from above him. He seemed to be a leader. Upon closer inspection, Paul realised it was Stilgar, the man who his father had received. 
“Stilgar? Do you remember me? You came before my fathers council.”
“Ah, yes. The Atreides boy.” 
“Stop wasting time, we need their water!” A cry came from above, and as Paul looked up, he saw a man, and beside him, his dream-girl. 
“Quiet Jamis. You know we cannot harm him. He is Atreides. Besides,” Nami jumped down from one of the ledges to stand beside Stilgar, “I will vouch for him.”
Objections erupted from the rest of the Fremen, but her eyes remained locked with Paul’s. Stilgar quickly jumped in to quiet them. 
“That is fine. The boy is young, he can still learn our ways. However, the woman cannot.” He declared, and Paul looked to Stilgar in horror, moving backwards to stand in front of his mother protectively. Although, it was mostly meaningless, as he knew his mother could protect herself perfectly well. 
“She’s too old to learn?” He asked, his voice harsh. 
“Atreides…” Nami said softly, almost like a warning not to push further. 
But he didn’t have to, as the Fremen were already drawing their knives, and Stilgar was removing the outer layer of cloth he was wearing. And then, his mother was leaping out from behind him, and she and Stilgar became locked in battle. 
Paul took the opportunity to gain the upperhand, climbing up to a higher ledge and stealing a maula pistol from one of the Fremen warriors, but not before shooting Nami an apologetic glance. 
As he looked back down, he saw that his mother had made quick work of the Fremen leader, holding his own blade to his throat. Nevertheless, he activated the pistol and kept it pointed at one of the nearby Fremen.
“Peace, woman. You did not tell me you were a weirding woman and a fighter.” He sighed. 
“Our conversation ran short.” She snapped, not letting go of him. 
“Peace. I judged you too hastily.” 
Jessica then released Stilgar, handing him back his blade, meanwhile Paul lowered his pistol.
“The woman is under my charge until we reach sietch Tabr. Nami, are you still willing to vouch for the boy?”
“Yes.” She said firmly, and the rest of the Fremen sighed, making a cutting notion on the top of their wrists with their blades, before sheathing them. 
Once that was done, Stilgar began climbing up the ledge to approach Paul, holding out a hand for the maula pistol. 
“Come now. You will get your own when you have earned it.” He said, and the younger man sighed, returning the weapon to him, albeit begrudgingly. 
That was when ‘Jamis’ decided to chip into the proceedings once more. 
“I will not have them.”
“Jamis, I have spoken,” Stilgar said, “Be still.”
“You talk like a leader, but the strongest leads. She bested you. I invoke the Amtal.” 
Paul’s mother stiffened beside him, and although he did not yet know what that meant, he knew it did not bode well. 
“Jamis, you may not challenge her-”
“Then who will fight in her place?”
“Jamis,” Nami piped up, “Do not do this, the night is fading.”
“Then the sun will witness this death, Nami. Where is her champion?” 
Paul now understood what was going on, and if anyone was going to fight for his mother it would be him. 
He stepped out from behind Stilgar, and walked towards Jamis in the way he had been taught to as a Duke’s son, back straight, head held high.
“I accept her champion.”
Stilgar sighed as Jamis brushed past them, but soon followed suit. As did the rest of the Fremen, his mother included, until it was only him and Nami left. 
“So, we meet again, Atreides.” She smiled, her voice slightly teasing. 
“Mhm. I see you’ve been praying.” Paul smirked, hoping to get the upper hand over her.
“Have you not?” She asked in faux shock, and it sent Paul spinning, because although he had not been praying, he had dreamt of her every night since he last saw her. 
“Besides,” Nami continued, not noticing his sudden flush, “I am beginning to regret my prayers. You are causing trouble already.” 
“It’s in my nature.”
“Evidently. Now, come along, you have a duel to prepare for. Jamis is a good fighter, if you try hard you may just die with honour.” She declared, a wry smile on her face as she turned on her heel and led him further into the rocks of the desert. 
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sv5hive · 6 months
in every universe? | cl16
pairing(s): charles leclerc x fem!reader
content warning(s): use of y/n, pretending the university of monaco has an architecture course shhhh, inaccurate architecture course information bcos i am lazy, ma**ia bin**to mention IM SORRY
word count: 2,580
note: this is my longesttt fic yet and i had so much fun writing it!! i hope you like it just as much 🫶🏻
"so in summary, i want to see how you will finance your project while keeping your budget in mind, any issues you may come across and their solutions, the influence behind it, how it might impact the environment and the population as well as visual aids to guide the audience. these presentations are due next month and remember! it is your responsibility to arrange times to work on the presentation together. i won't be accepting any excuses whatsoever!"
you chewed on the end of your pen at your professor's reminder as you watched everyone filter out the doors from your seat right at the back.
group projects always meant you would have to do all the work yourself just to share equal credit with everyone else in the group who didn't even attempt to contribute. this project was unlikely to be any different. it didn't help that you hadn't yet managed to make any genuine friendships with your classmates. it was understandable though, considering the expected workload at such a renowned university like monaco.
"hi, are you y/n l/n?"
too deep in your own thoughts about the assignment, you didn't realise the room had emptied completely. you also didn't realise other people apart from your professor knew your name. moving your gaze up to the source of the sound, you found a man almost too good looking to be true.
"oh, uh, yeah. yes, i am. sorry, who are you?"
with each word that escaped your mouth, you felt your face heating up. you didn't mean to be rude but you truly had no idea who you were talking to. how had you never noticed this greek god of a man in your class until now?
"i'm charles leclerc. we're in a group together for the assignment and i thought it would be a good idea to get your number so we can talk set up a time to talk about our ideas."
he held out his unlocked phone to you, inviting you to type in your number. if he was offended by your failure to recognise him it certainly didn't show which helped calm your frazzled nerves.
"oh, of course! sorry, i'm not used to someone else taking responsibility in a group project. usually i'm stuck doing everyone's work on top of my own. here you go." you replied while saving your number into his contacts.
he smiled at your admission and reassured you he wouldn't dare leave you to handle the entire project alone.
"i already have everyone else's numbers so i'll make a groupchat too. when are you free?"
as much as you would like to lie and say you had a life outside of studying, you didn't. but you would gladly say yes to any get together if it meant charles would be there too.
"honestly, i'm always free so any time works for me." you explained while packing your bag and standing up from your seat.
he grinned and walked with you towards the exit and out the building.
"yeah? how about now? there's this café i've heard is really good and i've been meaning to try it, i just haven't had the time recently."
you stopped in your tracks.
was he asking you on a date? this was definitely new. obviously you had been in a few relationships before but they had never quite managed to get you flustered like this on the first meeting.
truth be told, he had gone to that café a million times over as it was the closest one to campus that served the best croissants for cheap but you didn't need to know that.
"are you asking me on a date?" you asked, not hesitating to get straight to the point.
his grin flickered for a split second, almost in surprise at your bluntness, before growing impossibly wider.
"uh, yeah, i'm asking you on a date right now. so? what do you say?"
"hmmm, and what do i get out of it if i say yes?"
you didn't think twice about taking him up on his offer but it was fun to watch him scramble for reasons you should have a coffee with him. you watched him come up with several nonsensical arguments before you decided to put him out of his misery.
"relax, i'll go on a date with you! you should've seen your face!"
he blushed at your antics before joining in your giggles at his own expense. he had a feeling your laughter would become his favourite sound.
"what are you waiting for then? lead the way."
unsurprisingly, you two were the only ones who took part in the group project but you couldn't complain when you had such good company to help you.
"this is charles leclerc, he will be your race engineer starting from next season." your team principal fred vasseur gently pushed you away from your teammate to the new hire fresh out of internship at haas.
after the quick decline of your 2022 season, ferrari had wasted no time in sacking binotto and your less than competent engineer for much more suitably equipped individuals.
"pleasure to meet you, charles. i'm y/n l/n. are you sure you're ready for this?" you outstretch your hand to shake his.
"thank you, it's a pleasure to meet you as well, you are an inspiration to so many. i'm extremely grateful to be given this opportunity to work with such a talented driver like yourself. and yes i'm one hundred percent ready to give my everything so you can bring home some wins and maybe even the championship." he spoke with a conviction almost as if he had been practicing it in the mirror for weeks.
his hand wrapped around yours and you couldn't help but notice how warm they were even in the frigid winter. you grinned at his confidence and faith in not only himself but also the team and you as a driver. it was certainly the energy you needed after the less than impressive season that you had just wrapped up.
"i like him already! so much more positive than my last engineer. where have you been all this time?" you declared patting him on the back while looking at your team principal in approval.
he was so sure you could notice the pink tinge on his cheeks as he nervously smiled at your praise and suddenly found the carpeted floor the most interesting thing in the room to observe.
"i'm glad you two are getting along! now let's get on with this meeting. i would like to get home at a reasonable time today."
as the meeting dragged on, you found yourself staring at charles opposite you out of nothing but pure curiosity and maybe a little bit of humour. it was clear he harboured some feelings towards you that he couldn't hide no matter how hard he tried. that much was evident in the way he refused to even glance in your direction at the risk of making eye contact.
"we don't quite know how the others will perform yet but we definitely expect to be more on pace with red bull next year. this season wasn't our best but it gives us a good foundation to improve on which is better than nothing. any questions?"
even if there were any questions left unanswered everyone was much too tired to articulate them and so the meeting room fell into silence before you all said your goodbyes to each other wishing everyone a restful winter break.
you were headed out the door when you heard your name being called. you turned to see charles jogging to catch up to you and so you decided to wait for him at the exit.
"you excited for the winter break?" you strike up a conversation with him as you dawdled towards the car park together.
"yes, but i'm more excited for the season to start. i've been preparing for this my whole life. what about you? surely you're tired of being in the car?" he questioned with genuine interest.
"no, not really. i mean i've been preparing for this my whole life too. the travelling is a lot to handle but there's nothing more i enjoy than being in the car. don't get me wrong, i do like being at home too. i just love racing so much i wish i could do it all the time."
"really? you don't ever get tired of racing?" he looked over at you in wonder and you smiled at his disbelief.
"really. ever since i was a kid i've always wanted to be racing constantly. what about you? i mean pretty much all of us drivers got into the sport through karting. what made you want to be a race engineer?"
"well actually i did get into karting too. my father took me and my brothers to a local track and it all started there. i liked karting but i was always more interested in the technical side. my younger brother arthur liked it a lot though and he decided to pursue a career. he's actually stepping up to formula 2 next year."
"yeah? he must be pretty good then." you didn't recognise his brother's name because you were too busy with your own preparation every race weekend to watch the support series but you took his word for it.
"yeah, i'm really glad he's made it this far. we didn't have much money for karting when he was just starting out but we managed to make it work."
you were all too familiar with the struggles of funding and putting together enough sponsors just to make it through the season. there were already very few people getting into motorsport and the high costs didn't help. you had seen too many young talents drop out because they just couldn't afford it anymore. you were one of the lucky ones to secure a place in the ferrari driver academy and have their money to fall back on.
realising you were getting closer and closer to your car, you slowed down in hopes you could keep talking to charles for longer.
"so, why ferrari? it's a team with lots of history but we haven't won a championship since 2008." you asked with no ill intentions.
you really were just interested seeing as the team was currently the laughing stock amongst the grid and the fans - which you didn't blame them for. they had thrown away several chances of a championship with some of the most talented drivers, purely due to their own inability to perform when it was needed most.
"that doesn't matter to me. i've supported ferrari since i was little so it wasn't even a question which team i wanted to join. i remember i used to always follow the red car when they raced at monaco even before i knew it was a ferrari. anyone who has the chance to be a part of ferrari, would take that chance, no? i've barely started here but there's something special about being a part of ferrari." he explained with a look in his eyes that you could only imagine was the same wonder that appeared when watching the red ferrari of kimi räikkönen speed around his home track.
"what about you? you're the one who actually drives for ferrari so what made you sign with them?"
you stopped upon reaching your car neatly tucked inside the white lines.
"ah, i would love to tell you but i do have to get home."
charles' smile fell before he agreed, making his own excuses about his neighbours complaining of his late night ruckus he caused. both of you were disappointed at the fact you couldn't just keep talking for hours but you had another idea up your sleeve.
"but i would be happy to have dinner with you tomorrow to continue this conversation if you're free? if you want to join me that is! you don't have to."
"no, no i want to! that would be great! here's my number. i'll pick you up at 7?"
his initial plans of acting casual around you had been thrown out the window and he was already wishing for time to go faster. you couldn't help but smile at his eagerness - it was a change from your usually soulless dates who treated you like arm candy.
"great! thank you, charles, really. i haven't been this optimistic about an upcoming season in a while but you've already made me excited for the future, even though we just met. i have a feeling we're going to enjoy a lot of victories together." you admitted honestly.
you hadn't been completely happy with any of your seasons with the scuderia so far, always hungry for more despite exceeding the expectations of many.
"thank you, that's the biggest compliment i could receive. i have no doubt we can bring the team many wins."
the 2023 season went on to be one of your best performances in a time where red bull dominance was ever growing. although the championship was not quite in your firm grasp just yet, you had come closer than ever with the help of new management and, more importantly, charles. this was simply the beginning for you two.
"hey charles?" you called out looking up from your phone screen to find him pulling on his race suit.
"yes, mon ange?" he replied turning to face you sitting on the tiny bed.
even though you two had been dating for years, him and his pet names never failed to fluster you.
"do you think we're soulmates in every universe?" you asked after seeing the tik tok trend appear on your phone.
you weren't really expecting a serious answer from charles. you knew it was a silly theory but you decided to entertain the thought. however it seemed that charles had a different idea.
"maybe, maybe not. i'd like to think we are but even if we're not, that doesn't matter. what matters is that we're together in this one, no? besides, even if we weren't destined to be together, i'd still find you and choose you in every universe." he voiced casually, placing a soft kiss on your forehead while looking around the room for his racing boots.
his confessions of undying love to you had become a daily occurrence and it was always certain his words would make your heart melt.
"you've seen the trend, haven't you?" you questioned him. there was no way he had just come up with that answer on the spot.
"what trend? mon amour, you know i am not on social media as much as you are."
"the tik tok trend! are you sure you haven't seen it?"
"yes, i am very sure, mon ange. come on, i don't need to see a tik tok to tell you that i will always choose you."
you didn't fully believe him but you also knew that he was a terrible liar, his facial expressions giving him away no matter what with each attempt made.
"come here. one last good luck kiss for me?" he asked with a pleading look you could never deny and pulled you from the bed by your arms.
"of course, my love. i want you back safe in one piece, ok?" you held his face in your hands and placed a delicate kiss on his forehead, nose, each cheek and finally, his lips.
"anything for you."
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bits-and-babs · 2 years
i have this idea for joel miller, where him and the reader spend some time together practicing following the rules, since the reader has been lacking im that department, but during that time joel takes it upon himself to find your most sensitive spots and it eventually turns into an overstimulation session where you still gotta follow his rules and hes having the time of his life just ruining you 🖤
-ˋˏ 𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐄𝐓 ˎˊ-
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— pairing: Joel Miller x f!Reader
— word count: 1k
— warnings: Dom/Sub themes, very light verbal degradation, a little impact play, fingering, use of the honorific ‘Sir’, overstimulation— phew! Very 18+, ya nasties.
joel miller masterlist I| main masterlist |I send me an ask
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“Discipline ain’t your strong suit, is it, Darlin’?”
You shake your head slightly— as much as you can, considering your chest is pressed to the mattress, arms bound behind your back by Joel binding your wrists with his hand. He has you leaned across the bed, toes to the floor. It’s stiff and a little awkward, but you just about manage. “No, Sir.”
Your admission doesn’t match your submissive headspace; muscles slack and vulnerable to the palm that Joel slowly smooths over the curve of your ass.
“You’re going to be quiet for me.”
It’s not a request. It’s an order. Joel’s tone is firm, his voice gravelly as he digs his fingerprints into the flesh of your ass. It smarts slightly, capillaries bursting and blooming beneath in a bruise.
You swallow thickly, immediately falling in line. No verbal response, just a simple nod seems to suffice, because Joel is beginning his cruel torture already as he begins to glide his fingertips over your clothed cunt. He starts at your entrance, up and over your clit. You hold in the sigh that threatens to breach your lips.
“Greedy already,” he murmurs, voice a husk as he holds his hands out before your face. Wetness clings to his fingerprints, glistening under the light. You chew on the inside of your cheek, tilting your head slightly to look at him through your lashes. “Greediest little cunt I’ve ever seen.”
Joel’s fingers dip beneath the crotch of your panties, slipping his middle finger inside of you with such ease that it rocks your consciousness. Your eyelids flutter, and a silent moan catches in your throat. Quiet.
He hums in appreciation at your tight, wet heat, easing his finger in and out of you before slipping in another. Your hips rise from the mattress, balancing on your toes as you rock back onto him.
“Barely touchin’ you, and you’re already misbehavin’,” he points out, his tone clipped. It makes you want to apologise, your heart leaping out of your chest, but you hear his order replay in your head. ‘Quiet’. You smother your appeals.
You feel red hot, your face burning from his attention. The wet sound of your cunt swallowing his fingers practically drowns out your laboured breathing, and you hear a tsk sound from behind you.
“So desperate. Ain’t even noticed how noisy you’re being.”
Joel sounds so close, your brain lagging in realising that his mouth is right beside your ear. He presses a kiss into the soft flesh just below, nipping at the skin so hard it will surely leave a bruise in the morning. He twists his fingers inside you simultaneously, pressing up against something that makes your bones vibrate.
“Auhhh-“ you moan loudly, unable to hold the noise within.
Joel punishes you for it.
His palm collides with your ass sharply. The sound of the slap rips through the room, and your wail of anguish quickly follows. Your skin stings beneath it, prickling hot and smarting. His hand would undoubtedly leave a print, branding you like a cattle iron.
“Hm,” Joel huffs, his breath tickling the shell of your ear as he presses his arousal into the tingling skin of your ass. “What did I tell you?”
“T-To be quiet,” you squeak.
“Not a sound,” he reminds you, his hands coming up between your abdomen and the mattress to squeeze at the mound of your breasts. Joel’s chest drapes over your back as he takes your earlobe between his teeth. His clothed cock grinds at your entrance, granting you enough friction to tease your neglected cunt while pinching at your nipples.
It fires off nerve endings across your body, your forehead slumping onto the mattress when the pressure begins mounting in your guts.
“But this-“ he pauses, working his fingers inside you so you can hear the wet, slurping sound of your pussy, “This is a sound I don’t mind.”
The buttons of his flannel bury into the skin pulled across your spine, skin aching from the pressure and the circular indents it leaves. Your jaw is agape, throat loose in an attempt to prevent any moans or whines from slipping out of your lungs.
“Such a sloppy cunt, Sugar. Can feel that you like that- is it this, here?”
He works his fingers against that obliterating part inside you. You gasp loudly, the sound pulling itself out of you before you have the chance to swallow it back down.
“So hard for you to be quiet, isn’t it?”
Suddenly, his thumb is pushed against your clit, flicking back across it at an immobilising pace. Your legs give out beneath you, hips falling against the mattress as you cum, a tingling warmth flooding your body and crashing over you all at once.
“Ffuh-fuhck-“ you slur, eyes rolling back as your peak dips. Joel doesn’t relent. His thumb continues to brutalise your throbbing clit, his fingers pistoning in and out of you and drilling into that mind-shattering spot. “Fuck-fuckfuckfuck, stop- Sir, pleasestopplease-“
You’re sobbing, fat tears tearing down your cheeks. The wet noises of your cunt bounce off the walls, and Joel groans softly as he watches your hips squirm against the bed.
“Nuh-uh. Get back here,” he scolds when you try to fight him, try to get away. Gripping your wrists tighter, he yanks you back into position, releasing you only to force your hips to stay and bear down on your overstimulated pleasure points.
“Please please, pleasepleaseplease,” you beg him loudly, your raised volume edging towards a scream as you sob around the syllable of his name. “Joel I can’t! Ican’tIcan’t, Joel!”
“You’re a greedy thing, ain’t you? You always want one more from me. I’m givin’ it to you.”
Your mind goes blank, words you thought to shout to force him to capitulate turning to a static buzz as he pushes his fingers up against your g-spot.
“What is it?” He asks, sounding almost bored.
“Iiiiuhh-“ you keen, you moan. It’s long, high pitched and loud enough that you’re sure half of Jackson can hear you fail to form a coherent sentence with Joel’s fingers buried knuckles deep inside of you.
“What happened to bein’ quiet, Darlin’? Did I make it difficult for you?” His voice twangs with amusement, enjoying watching you suffer like this.
It forces a hiccup from your throat when you cum a second time, cracking through you and wracking your exhausted muscles until you scream.
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httpsleclerc · 11 months
Hi bestie :) it's me :) there's no prompt or anything but can I request George and Russell!reader (younger sister) always trying to spend time together whenever they can when it's during the season,, something like getting lunch/dinner or having movie nights?? Thank ya ✨🩷
big brother George im literally curled up in a ball on the floor pulling my hair out.
You giggled as you heard George groan as you flopped down on the couch beside him, you acted offended - How dare he be so offended at your, now often rare company, while it was his home race and he was home visiting his family; which included you, his annoying, yet admittedly lovable little sister.
You were 7 years younger than George, and had turned 18 earlier in the year, unfortunately, your birthday fell on the weekend of the Monaco Grand Prix, and your brother had missed out on all the festivities. He felt guiltier when your parents had told him that you didn't enjoy your birthday as much as they had thought you would, and when they asked you about it, you said that you just missed your brother. Since you had moved away to attend university, yours and Georges schedules never seemed to match up anymore, but since this was his home race, you decided it would be rude of you not to at least attempt to attend it.
"Don't act like you didn't miss me, Georgie," He hated that nickname, well, from anyone but you who called him by it. George smiled at you as you leant against him, the TV in front of you playing the newest Spider-Man movie on Netflix. "Are you nervous for your race?" You asked him, raising an eyebrow.
"Let's not talk about the race, we're just having a movie night," He changed the subject, he already spent enough time away from you due to racing, so he didn't want to spend the little time he had with you talking about it. "How's uni going?" George asked you, knowing that you were a bit stressed out by all of your upcoming assignments for a while.
"It's fine, I passed all my first semester classes, which I didn't think I would," You mumbled quietly, fidgeting with your hands. "it's just really stressful." You admitted. George frowned at your admission - He knew how smart you were, and he knew what you were capable off.
"I know it's easier said than done, but try not to stress about it, okay? You don't need to be thinking about uni right now," You relaxed as you realised that your brother was capable of speaking sense, and you leaned into him as he put his arm around you, pulling you into his side. "I have missed you." George told you, although he wasn't lying, at this point he just wanted to see you smile - But apparently, his confession of sibling affection made you sleepy.
"Sorry, it was a long train journey this morning," You sleepily apologised, resting your head on your brothers chest as you found yourself getting more and more relaxed. George smiled, kissing the top of your head and continuing to watch the movie that played on the TV.
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megalony · 1 year
What Do I Do?
This is a new Jonah Hauer-King imagine that is going to have a follow up part. Requested by the amazing @musicistheway I hope this is what you wanted hun. Any other requests would be amazing and feedback always makes my day.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez-blog @jonesyaddiction @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me  @hellsdragon @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh @onceuponadetectivedemigod @ceres27 @avyannadawn  @noonenuts @sleepylunarwolf @coverupps @justagirlthatlovedtoread
@jonahhauer-kingg @melaninjoys​ @luna2034
Summary: It's (Y/n)'s first time attending a public event with Jonah and it's a great night for both of them. Until (Y/n)'s health suddenly takes a drastic turn for the worst and Jonah doesn't know why.
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"Is this really a good idea?" (Y/n) could feel the cold slither of panic crawling up the back of her throat and a chill scratching up her back the moment they approached the crowds.
Her feet slowed down and it felt very tempting to turn around and walk away, there was still time. She could find herself a ride home and disappear without anyone knowing she had even been here in the first place. Jonah could stay and go ahead as if nothing was the matter. He could make up an excuse as to why (Y/n) wasn't with him or dismissed the subject like he did when he attended other press events and (Y/n) didn't tag along. There was still time to back out and turn around.
It was as if Jonah could hear every thought swirling around in her mind because his arm circled around her waist and he coiled her into his side with a loving kiss to her temple.
"Why wouldn't it be a good idea?"
"I'll embarrass you," (Y/n) didn't mean to say it, she truly didn't but as soon as it popped into her mind it slipped past her lips and she cringed at her own admission.
Her eyes cast down to her shoes when Jonah moved to stand in front of her but when his fingers pressed beneath her chin and tilted her head up to look at him, she felt like she was going to melt on the spot. His curls were hanging near his soft, melting eyes that were begging for an audience and his hands moved up to cup her face.
"You couldn't do that even if you tried. Everyone is gonna love you, not as much as I do though. It will be fine, I'm not leaving you alone."
(Y/n) could scarcely breathe when Jonah's lips were on hers and she felt like a puppet on a string when his arms circled around her waist, twisting them round so he was behind her and her back was glued up against his chest. His kiss stole the air from her lungs so badly that (Y/n) didn't even realise they were walking until they were suddenly approaching the crowds and a commotion of voices caught (Y/n) off guard.
They were really doing this, they were going through with this and there was no turning back now.
"You'll be fine," His words whispered against the shell of her ear made a shiver crawl down her spine and she tried her best to believe him.
This would be the first time (Y/n) would accompany Jonah to such a big event like this, or to any event and she didn't want to make the wrong impression. She might rub people up the wrong way or offend someone and (Y/n) dreaded the thought of anything thinking she wasn't good enough for Jonah.
Jonah wasn't gullable, he knew the real reason why (Y/n) was panicking and it crushed his heart when he thought about it. With his lips pressed against the back of her head and his nose buried in her hair, inhaling her scent, he could feel himself calming down as much as she was. His arms stayed tight around (Y/n)'s waist and their legs moved in rhythm, walking together like they were one person merged together.
There were a few reasons why (Y/n) didn't accompany him to events like this, the pain one was privacy.
(Y/n) wasn't in the public eye. She wasn't famous or an influencer or well known for her work or her hobbies. Privacy was something they both valued and one way to keep the level of privacy they had been used to over the years was for (Y/n) to stay home. The public didn't know who she was or what she looked like, she could walk down the street without people gawking or stopping her or trying to talk to her.
Jonah attended events like this by himself and no one asked why he didn't have a plus one. The press were bored with the same response he gave them each and every time they asked where his partner was.
'She's fine, thank you for asking.' She's at home, thank you for asking.'
That was all Jonah would say to any question, whether it was asking what job (Y/n) had, what she did, where she was or how she was doing. Nobody even knew her name, that was how private Jonah kept their lives and they both loved it that way.
But this was different.
This was the biggest movie or production that Jonah had been apart of, this was making his name known out in the world.
Usually, (Y/n) would cheer Jonah on from home. She would spam his phone with messages, congratulating him and pouring out her affections for his continued work and effort he put into every project he was part of. (Y/n) would watch the interviews and press releases and see all the photos from home and support him while he went out and answered questions and met the fans.
She knocked him off his feet when she asked if he would like her to come along with him tonight.
(Y/n) knew Jonah knew the other reason she was nervous about being here tonight.
She didn't want to embarrass him because of her health conditions.
"If I, if I start to-"
"If you feel funny, you tell me and we'll disappear for a bit and if you need to go, we go home. We're a team and we do this together, sweetheart." His lips smothered the back of her head and his fingers tapped against her waist in time with the music they could hear flooding the background.
They had been together for years, they were one in the same and Jonah knew (Y/n) inside and out. He knew what to do if she had a seizure due to her epilepsy, whether it was an absent seizure or a full blown spasming one, he knew just how to take care of her and make sure she was alright when she came back around. And he could read her blood levels and help her control her diabetes. Jonah knew what a low level was and when to administer glucose or when to give insulin.
They had a system, if they were out together with family or shopping or out in public and (Y/n) didn't feel well, Jonah could always scout out a quiet spot for them to sit in and wait for her to recover. This would be the same, he would find a quiet corner or a room if (Y/n) needed to bump up her levels or if she felt like she would have a seizure.
He knew what he was doing.
"Why don't we sit with Hailey, I could introduce you and we can order some drinks?" Jonah moved around so he was standing at (Y/n)'s side rather than being glued to her back. His hand cupped her hip and he felt her arm slip beneath his blazer and tuck into the waistband of his trousers, making him grin.
He wanted (Y/n) to feel excited and included and happy tonight, he didn't want her feeling like she was some kind of burden or embarrassment because he didn't see her like that. Never.
"I can have one drink with you to celebrate, then I'll stick to no sugar."
If (Y/n) wanted to drink alcohol, she had to measure, count and adjust her carbohydrates in food and watch her sugar intake and adjust her meds so she didn't get too much or too little insulin. Needless to say she didn't drink alcohol often. It was easier not to and it wasn't something (Y/n) was crazy about anyway so it didn't really matter.
But tonight she felt like celebrating and she'd planned to have one drink to join in the fun with Jonah before she went with a pepsi max or something soft and sugar free for the rest of the night. Plus, they already ate before they came out so (Y/n) knew her levels would be fine. It was easier to stick to a diet and eat at regular times, mostly the same times each day to help her body stay adjusted and controlled.
Drinks came crashing down on the table left, right and centre in front of everyone like they had been dropped from the sky by magic. Two waiters unloaded their trays, clashing glasses together and spilling a mixture of gin and tonic, beer and soft drinks all over the table but it only fuelled the laughter.
"Which one is mine?" (Y/n) kept her voice low before she perched her chin on Jonah's shoulder and dragged her fingertips over his thigh. No one had actually said what each drink was, they were just placed down where they thought they should be.
Jonah hovered his hand over three glasses and circled each rim with the pad of his finger like a magician about to do a trick or make soft music with the glasses. He settled on the glass closest to him which looked like flat coke with no fizz or bubbles.
(Y/n) watched him take a gulp and subsequently cringe before he shook his head and put it back down. Whatever it was, it wasn't nice.
He grabbed another glass and had a smaller taste which brought a smile back to his face and he darted his tongue out to lick his lips before he nodded and placed it down in front of (Y/n). He rubbed his fingers together before taking his thumb between his lips to lick off the excess syrup that spilt down onto his hand.
"It's rather sweet, but it's yours."
"Thank you,"
He was right, there was more syrup than soda in her coke but it was definitely sugar free, Jonah could tell the difference from one small mouthful whether something had sugar or not. He was an expert in sending drinks back when it didn't have the sugar he craved, or indeed if it had sugar which (Y/n) didn't want.
Jonah raised a brow but curved his lips into a smile when (Y/n) downed it in one like it was a race and if it had been a cocktail or beer, he would have been even more impressed.
"Can we get another coke zero please?" His fingers hooked around the glass and placed it back on the waiter's tray before he had chance to leave. There was a long wait for servers to come back round to each table and the bar was too crammed to even think about going up there for a refill. "Thirsty?"
"Hm, very." (Y/n) felt like she could drink three or four more glasses, her throat was so dry and that coke didn't help at all.
"Don't think I've ever seen you drink so much." It was good, Jonah couldn't remember the last time he'd seen (Y/n) have so many drinks and they'd only been here a couple of hours. She'd had a cocktail with him and then switched to coke and their table was bulk ordering drinks so they didn't have to wait.
But it was good, they were laughing, joking and the energy was getting extatic and it was the first time Jonah had (Y/n) by his side at an event like this. This was a good night.
"How about a dance?" (Y/n) let her eyes flit across to the dance floor and her hand danced a little higher up Jonah's thigh while she hooked her other arm around his neck to pull him closer.
He took her by surprise when his hand cupped her jaw and his thumb traced along her chin. When she leaned in to kiss him, she felt his teeth nipping at her lower lip earning a groan in response.
"Let's dance,"
(Y/n) couldn't feel her feet moving when Jonah took her hand and led the way across the large floor towards the music. There were quite a few people dancing and lots of people swaying and shimmying in their seats, (Y/n) wouldn't have suggested dancing if no one else was up doing it too. They found themselves a spot just out of reach of anyone else just as the song began to change.
With her arms hooked together around the back of his neck, (Y/n) pushed up higher on her toes to be a bit more level with Jonah's incredible height. His hands easily fell to hold her hips, tugging her closer until every inch of her was flush against his chest and their foreheads were pressed together.
His fingers squeezed the flesh beneath her dress and turned her body from left to right in time with the beat.
She could see and feel him mumbling the lyrics quietly between them like he was passing them into (Y/n)'s lips, a secret love language no one else could hear or understand. With how close they were, it was easy for (Y/n) to tickle her nose against his and dance her lips across his, causing his tongue to reach out and wet his lips that were desperate for more.
"Thank you for bringing me,"
"I'm glad you wanted to come."
It wouldn't be a reoccuring scene, they both knew in order to keep their privacy, it would be easier and better if (Y/n) didn't attend a lot of these events. No photos had directly been taken of them yet, only a few group photos at the table so far so not a lot was given away and only Jonah's newfound friends knew her name.
But for a one off opportunity, it was a very fun and happy night for them both.
A smile burned bright on (Y/n)'s features when Jonah curled his leg around the back of hers and spun them both on his heels so they were facing the other way. A few more twists and spins had (Y/n)'s brain turning to mush and her vision dancing before her, but Jonah was all she could see, even when she closed her eyes.
She could feel his lips on hers, his lips along her jaw, down the side of her neck and his hands sliding round from her wrist to her bum. She could sense her mind starting to wander, her body beginning to burn and loosen until Jonah was leading them in every which way along the dance floor.
Then she realised she was still thirsty; achingly so. It was causing her throat to tighten and her stomach was burning but she couldn't understand why when she'd already drank so much.
They went from multiple spins and twirls to a soft sway from side to side and (Y/n) slowly raked her fingers up and down Jonah's neck until she could feel him shivering against her and his lips moved so he could bite down on her neck in response.
Both of them suddenly sensed it. The shaking.
A rhythm found them and for a few seconds or even minutes, (Y/n) lost herself in his touch and the music, until she felt his fingers digging into her flesh and his voice whispering 'are you okay' quietly in her ear. Then she felt her fingers shaking against his neck and the subtle jittering beneath her skin that must have rattled into Jonah too.
"Just a little dizzy, don't let me go." Closing her eyes, (Y/n) tucked her face deep into Jonah's neck, nuzzling the collar of his shirt out the way so she could feel and kiss his soft skin. She didn't want to stop yet, she didn't want to go and sit back down, not when dancing gave them this beautiful little bubble that she didn't want to pop.
"Seizure dizzy or sugar dizzy?" His lips pressed against the side of her head just above her ear and his nose tickled against her hair but it was soothing. It was good to feel him breathing against her hair and mumbling words into her skin like this as they continued to drift from side to side, as slow as Jonah could possibly move.
"Not sure,"
"Then we need to check your blood, sweetheart."
Jonah hissed through the last word when he felt teeth sinking into his neck, deep enough to leave a bruise but tempting enough to distract him in other ways.
"One more song." It was a bargain he knew (Y/n) couldn't refuse because they either left the dance floor now or after the next song, he wouldn't wait any longer. Not when he could feel her shaking, her skin burning and she'd admitted she was dizzy. That was a sign of an oncoming storm that they needed to sail through as managable as possible.
By the end of the song (Y/n) couldn't stand still without feeling the room moving around her. When she tried to focus on their table ahead of them, everything tilted to the left and her head was just desperate to follow and lean into Jonah to try and straighten out her vision and balance.
"I don't feel good."
Jonah stopped walking when (Y/n)'s whole body tilted to the left and almost fell into him. She couldn't keep balance and he could see her visibly sweating, she didn't look very well and he wasn't risking staying near this crowd and having everyone witness something happening. It wouldn't be pleasant for (Y/n).
He kept his arm tight around her waist, securing her into his side as he veered them around the side of the table. In a swift motion, without breaking his stride, Jonah leaned down and scooped (Y/n)'s bag up from the floor and hooked it over his shoulder. He then continued to guide (Y/n) past the table and down towards the back of the room where he knew a corridor led off to the toilets.
That would give them privacy.
One hand held (Y/n)'s waist like it was his lifeline, not daring to let his grip loosen for one second. His other hand wrapped tightly around the chain strap of (Y/n)'s bag that was bashing against his hip from his quick strides. He knew she didn't go anywhere without her insulin, glucose and blood checker.
Five feet away from the corridor, next to a large cardboard cut-out poster and a table of snacks, (Y/n) crashed.
Her head snapped back into Jonah's shoulder, her hand that had been gripping his wrist suddenly tightened and deadlocked around him and her weight crashed back into his chest.
He knew instantly that they were both going to fall, he couldn't stop either of them from going down.
His arm tightened around her waist and held her into his chest to break the fall but he couldn't stop himself from gasping and groaning loudly when the back of his head smacked into the marble floor and (Y/n) landed on top of him. Both her legs were tangled around Jonah's right leg and it hurt when she started to spasm.
Her head started to lash back into his shoulder and the side of his face and her body bashed against his chest and winded him.
It was a lot harder than it seemed for Jonah to wriggle out beneath (Y/n) but he almost cried when his wrist twisted at an odd angle when (Y/n)'s arm coiled to her chest, her fingers gripped around his wrist viciously. She couldn't help it, she'd been holding onto him when she started to seize and every muscle was now locked and spasming, she couldn't let go even if she wanted to.
"Put that over there please. I don't want people looking at her!" Jonah pointed between the attendant nearby and the cardboard poster which was conveniently large enough to cover most of their scene. He didn't want everyone looking their way and watching or God forbid, recording what was happening. They were near the corridor and secluded in the corner, with the poster in the way they would have some privacy.
The attendant did as told while Jonah scuffled along the floor behind (Y/n) and slowly rolled her onto her left side, tilting her head down as she continued to thrash against him and the floor.
His left hand smoothed over the back of her neck and he briefly leaned down to kiss her shoulder while he wrapped his right arm across her waist. This position kept (Y/n) in place in an awkward recovery position for safety and it made it easier for her to seize while holding his wrist that was beginning to ignite in pain.
"Oh, sweetheart." He continued to kiss her shoulder but he could have cried when he noticed the blood.
She was biting down on her tongue and it was starting to bleed. A slather of blood and spit was trailing down her chin, but it wasn't as much as Jonah had witnessed before. He'd seen her puncture her teeth into the middle of her tongue and cause a river of blood a while ago.
"Baby? Are you with me?" Hope flooded his voice when (Y/n) slowly started to calm after a horrid minute ticked by.
Every muscle seemed to relax but it let the shaking come back. Her head tipped forward and her aching fingers finally released Jonah's wrist and he could see her eyes fluttering behind her eyelids.
Leaning back on his heels, Jonah took a second to bend and click his wrist before he shed his blazer. He waited another few seconds, making sure (Y/n) had stopped seizing and she was conscious before he sat her up and wrapped his jacket around her shoulders, letting her lean back into his chest for support.
(Y/n) let her head fall into the crook of Jonah's neck and shoulder and she tried to smile when his arm cocooned around her waist. She could feel him dabbing at her lips with his sleeve to wipe away the blood that was staining her face and pooling in her mouth.
"I need to check your blood sugar."
He dropped his sleeve and tried to reach across for (Y/n)'s bag strap, yanking it closer so he could rummage around for the little black zip-up case that held her emergency insulin, her glucose powder and her blood checker.
But when he turned to look back at her, his eyes narrowed.
He pressed the palm of his hand against her face and twisted her head to face him before pressing a finger to her eyelid to pull it back. Her pupils were blown and her chin was ticking up and down along with very short breaths that sounded like she was trying to make a clicking sound.
Jonah had never seen (Y/n) go straight from a big spasming seizure into an absent seizure before. She'd been conscious less than a minute before slipping into this seizure, that wasn't like her at all.
"Sorry baby, but I still need to check."
It felt like he was cuddling a child close to his chest, with (Y/n) laid awkwardly between his legs, his chin now on top of her head and one arm strapped around her stomach, holding her left wrist in his hand. He was quick but careful when he punctured the needle into the tip of her index finger and smeared the blood onto the end of the device.
Her glucose was too high.
Jonah did a quick survey of his surroundings. The attendant was worriedly stood to the side of the doorway, watching closely in case he had to call for help or do something if Jonah asked. But the table and the poster were sufficiently shielding them from onlookers, although he could still hear murmurs and whispers asking what was happening and if everything was okay.
No one could see him, that was all he needed to know.
Reaching over, Jonah grabbed the hem of (Y/n)'s dress and hiked it up high until it was bunched around her waist, only just covering her underwear. He punctured the insulin needle into her upper left thigh before dropping it back in her bag. The insulin was for emergencies only, he had seen (Y/n) take both her epilepsy meds and her daily insulin today, she shouldn't be going into a hyper like this or having severe seizures.
She was fine before they came out, what had happened whilst they'd been here for her to take a bad turn like this?
When (Y/n)'s head started to tick and jutter a lot faster and higher, Jonah glanced at the watch strapped to his wrist. She had been in this absent seizure for about three minutes, but add that to the one she had right before, it was over five minutes, give or take. That was dangerous.
"You need to call an ambulance. Now."
"What do I tell them?"
"Someone's having a seizure lasting over four minutes and she's got hyperglycaemia." Jonah watched him run before he turned his attention back down to (Y/n), laid out in his arms.
She was still seizing and any seizure lasting four or five minutes without stopping was when medical attention was needed. He'd never had to call for an ambulance before, most of (Y/n)'s seizures were only thirty seconds long. The longest had been two minutes, this wasn't what Jonah was used to and he didn't like it at all.
She had far too much glucose in her body which she shouldn't have and he didn't know if the insulin he gave her was going to be enough to get her levels down or not. Hyperglycaemia was dangerous, if her body was already breaking down fat for energy due to the glucose, she could get acid in her blood and that was deadly.
"Come on baby, wake up, come back to me now." Jonah smoothed his thumb over (Y/n)'s cheek, adding more and more pressure to try and rouse her but it wasn't working. He wanted the seizure to stop, he wanted everything to stop and (Y/n) to wake up and start to feel better.
Jonah couldn't stop himself from beginning to cry when (Y/n) started to spasm. First it was her head getting more and more violent back and forth, but then it was her arms pinning to her chest and bashing into her torso so badly she was going to wind and bruise herself.
She was slipping out of the absent seizure and back into the one she'd had earlier. And all Jonah could do was twist her back onto her side in the recovery position and curl around her to hold her steady.
His tears pooled along her neck and his wet lips smothered her cheek while his hand gripped her arm.
"Baby, what do I do?"
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fruitybashir · 5 months
it's been 3 minutes since i read the last chapter and i just wanna ask how are our boys doing right now? will they eventually tell kris' parents that they were fake-dating but are together now? was the first officially-in-a-relationship sex good? how long has bojan been in love with kris? did he realize it during their whole friends-with-benefits thing or earlier?
okay okay okay lets get into it
1. how are they doing right now? well timeline wise, currently they are suffering. but right after the end of the fic? doing fantastic. im imagining since its a friday, kris takes another sick day and bojan skips his classes just bc fuck that, and they just went through a lot and finally have each other again and theyre both not willing to let the other out of their sight again for even just a second. kiki has probably noticed kris has not been doing so well lately, so he gladly covers kris' shift. they're gonna just lie in bed a little bit, answer texts from the other guys making sure the others know theyre doing fine, and then they take jans advice and fuck like rabbits.
on saturday they go to band practice together again and maybe just bc kris is a little shit hes gonna go "yeah the song was nice but the guitar could use some improvement" and maybe thats when they start working a third guitar into songs instead of just kris taking over bojans parts? who knows?
2. will they tell kris' parents that theyre fake-dating but together now? i think kris would want to keep that one a secret, mainly bc he knows theyre never gonna let him live it down and maks definitely wont, but he (very begrudgingly) does tell them. and they have a good laugh about it. for all eternity. bc i think miha and chantal are the kind of people who would find that shit hilaaaaaarious and bring it up all the time, they think its very very funny
and they also obv love bojan and are very glad to have him properly in their family now <3
3. was the first in-relarionship sex good? it was the fucking best. they didnt have to hold back anymore and enough "i love you"s were said to fill a book with it and then some. it was incredible.
4. how long has bojan been in love with kris? god i wish i knew. i just write the guy, i dont know what the fuck is going on inside his head. i think hes had a mild crush on kris for a while, over the last few years, not very deep or meaningful, mostly when kris picked up jan or smthn bojan would go "damn hes handsome" but that was the extent of it - also bc he was still struggling with his sexuality then.
i think over the holidate timeline .. hm. i imagine that crush skyrocketed when kris just slammed him against the wall that one night and then proceeded to give him the best head hes ever had lol. and i think he definitely acknowledged it as a crush then and it slowly developed into more. i think he maybe realised he was in love shortly after kris stayed with him when he was sick? the major factors there being that kris didnt just take care of him, but actually cared for him. he didnt just drop off some meds and left, he actually took the time to stay with bojan, took a sick day just to be with him, cooked for him, made sure he ate and drank enough, kept him company, everything. thats already an admission of love if you ask me. (both platonically or romantically) but that really did a number on bojan.
i even think bojan let himself admit that it was love pretty early on, but always had the safety layer of "we're just doing this for fun, so its okay if im in love with him bc the "only" consequence is having my own heart broken lol" but then when kris wrote him dopamin and bojan realised this could all be real, suddenly there were more potential consequences to deal with and well you read the last chapter lol
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desperatecuckquean · 4 days
See rape is a very simple and easy thing. I already have the lock picking set and the practice with it, the gag, the chloroform, the rope to remove any chance of you escaping.
As for what I would do to you, well first of all I'd make sure to bring a camera to keep a copy of everything I did. Every slutty admission of loving and lasting for more from you.
It would start off simple you see, chloroform you so that you're easier to tie up and gag, as you come round I would softly start circling my finger around your clit, just enough to get little whimpers out of you, giving positive reinforcement the whole time so that you realise its right to enjoy this. Next I'll start to gently squeeze those perfect tits of yours, making sure to keep the line of pleasure and pain just blurred enough that you can't tell whether it hurts or you enjoy it, again hazing those lines to remove any tiny little inhibitions you might have left. Once you're moaning more than squirming and groaning ill take your vibratory thay we know sluts like you keep in your night stand stick it inside your pussy on the middle setting for now. Then I'll take my dick out and slap you round the face a couple of times, then it can go firmly between your tits with some lube as I fuck them, making sure to tease you with the tip just going into your mouth.
Then the real fun begins, ill position you sat upright on the bed, hands tied to each post so you can't move and then relentlessly fuck your throat, getting faster and deeper and harder until your cunt can't do anything but leak juices all over the place from such a primal throat fucking, ill keep this up until I grunt and cum deep down your throat.
Once im satisfied with the use of your throat ill remove the vibratory from your pussy, take my still throbbing dick and shove it straight deep into your vagina, the vibrator will go in your ass, with only your pussy juice for lube, and then I shall violently fuck your whore cunt until I cum at least twice inside it, maybe even three times just so you realise who's cunt this is now and what's expected of my new whore.
Once im done with your tight little pussy ill switch the vibrator back into there, making sure it's on full blast this time and go straight balls deep into your ass, making sure to pound and pound and pound it until I cant hold back and spray your insides with my seed.
Lastly, once im satisfied your ass is appropriately ruined I will use your mouth and throat to clean my dick off of all the juices before leaving the vibe in and a wand tied down on your clit both at fill blast, ill take my camera with me, put a fresh one down and as I leave ill make sure the door is left wide open so the whole street knows your just a free use screaming whore for anyone to come in and fuck
Fuckkkkkkk. This one checked so many of my boxes. Got my pussy wet and throbbing. 🫠🫠
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hostilemuppet · 8 months
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So, backstory. I (39M) married my husband (29M) a few years ago (I was 36, he was 26). We got together after a passionate night of lovemaking in a motel room after meeting in a gay bar. I realised the next day that the handsome stranger was actually the guy who had made multiple attempts on one of my brothers (28M, then 24) life (dont ask why hes not in prison, money can accomplish anything) and figured out pretty quickly that he was using me to make my brother miserable. Now since he was playing with my heart, I thought that at least I should have my own fun, yknow? So I started messing with him a little, encouraging PDA that he wasn't really that interested in (were both pretty high profile so public image was important to him, and also im not sure if he even liked boys?), "influencing" him to buy me things I didnt need. I'm not a monster, I was just fucking with him a little for funsies.
Anyway eventually I asked if he actually loved me etc etc so he bought us cruise tickets and the proposal was beautiful and the ceremony even more so. He moved in and I let him bring very few of his belongings (hes a hippie). Soon we had twins (0F, 0M) (he stayed home while I worked (my job is not important)) and life was great. Soon the cat got let out the bag and he found out that I knew that he was trying to use me for my brother (who was also in on the situation). He said something about divorce so I threatened to tell everyone every little detail, even that /thing/ he likes. What followed was 8 more months of constant psychological warfare and the best sex I've ever had, until the unthinkable happened.
We actually started to fall for each other. Now I'm not proud, what with the twins and all, but I instantly filed for divorce (i am also a child of divorce, okay, I've got commitment issues and it made it too real, weve all got flaws). He got full custody and I got to return to my bachelor lifestyle. And it. was. MISERABLE. I missed him so much. I missed pissing him off. I missed when he'd get mad and put dairy milk in my coffee to make me sick. I missed the way every time we woke up hed say "morning, my bitch husband who I hate" and id call him sweetie and kiss him on the cheek as he stewed in rage. I even missed the kids!
A couple years (and several rehab admissions, mostly mine) later we ran into each other at some charity event that I don't even remember what was for. I asked him how the twins were doing. He said they were good. He said I was looking well. I returned the compliment. We both had some wine. Next thing I knew, it was morning and we were married again. Now, I know what you're thinking, but he said he missed me too, and yeah he's the only partner I've ever had that's lasted longer than 2 months so maybe I don't have the best history but I really think we can make it work this time!
Tl;dr: AITA for turning my little brothers mortal enemy gay?
Edit: stop asking who I am, none of you know who I am, I am anonymous, that is the point duh
Edit 2: i am not Floyd [lastname]-[lastname2]
Edit 3: I mean it, I am not Floyd. I dont care if the ages and timelines match up
Edit 4: just bc my husband is a hippie doesn't mean he's the only hippie you guys know of
Edit 5: a lot of celebrities have fraternal twins
Edit 6: fuck you guys
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allthatmay · 4 months
howd ya characterizice teach n aces relationship? we didnt got to see much of it cuz neither of them have enough screentime, but its curious to me (as literally any other thing bout ace) cause teach offers him a place in his crew n keeps calling him commander in banaro island (marineford too if im not mistaken), so he must have taken the very least of a liking for ace.
i like to think they both spent as much time as any other in the crew (and got closer as friends if im in the mood for ace suffering tm), but id love to hear yer thoughts!
Yeah, I agree, it's hard to say for sure. Personally, I never saw them being particularly close friends. At most, I think they were acquaintances, with Ace having respect for Teach as "one of the originals on the crew," or however he puts it in that one scene in the anime. With Teach's ultimate goal being the Yami Yami no Mi, I think it's safe to say he was just biding his time, trying to remain inconspicuous while ingratiating himself towards powerful people who might bring him closer to his goal. (That isn't to say he didn't make any genuine friends or allies. Perhaps he did, considering he had to make a life on board the Moby Dick for many years.)
I don't think Teach necessarily thought he'd have betray Whitebeard so explicitly to get the fruit, but ultimately that didn't matter: he would've done anything to get it, especially if the fruit 'chose him.'
As for calling Ace 'commander', I think it's both force of habit and a bit of mockery. If nothing else, Teach uses the title as an acknowledgement of Ace's strength. Given the type of people he welcomes on his crew, power matters above all else—as does the admission that Teach will always be more powerful than them. (Let's face it, if you cannot inspire loyalty through action, you inspire it through power. So people follow Teach because they think, as the most powerful, he will be the one to get the One Piece.)
Do I think Teach ever expected Ace to join his crew? Absolutely not. He needed Ace or Luffy to bargain with the Marines, and Ace was never going to join Teach, especially not knowing he'd go after Luffy. The battle between them seemed like a lot of self-satisfied gloating on Teach's part, as well. I loved seeing Ace visibly realise he was out of his depth and continue fighting anyway in order to keep Luffy out of Teach's sights.
Like, god fucking damn it, Ace, stop killing me with all this self-sacrifice!!!
Having said that, I know so very little about Teach. Whatever his backstory is (beyond the Whitebeards), there may be another reason people follow him (e.g. there's theories about there being an antithetical god to Nika, represented by the Yami Yami no Mi.)
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shitouttabuck · 1 year
wip wednesday
tagged by sweethearts @jeeyuns @forthewolves @rewritetheending @alyxmastershipper
another i love you like a dog snippet! i do realise i’ve not been sharing any of the uh. overtly dog themed stuff. i promise it’s there!!!!!! plentifully!!!!!!!! trust me on this
Buck snorts, caught off-guard. He looks at Eddie, who—yeah. Buck can be in love and admit that his hair has seen better days. Half-lank and greasy, half-looking like he stuck his finger in an electrical socket. He can’t complain about the stubble, though, dark and inviting in a way that makes Buck want his skin to burn with it. “I’m gross, don’t look at me,” Eddie groans, resting his forehead on the counter. Buck can see him grinning from this angle anyway. “I need a shower.” “You do need a shower,” Buck agrees. “Now?” Eddie peels his face off the counter and blinks at him. “I mean, Chris’ll get in there and everything will be covered in two inches of water and you’ll slip and fall and break more bones and be resigned to sponge baths for the next six weeks,” Buck says, babbling a little when Eddie’s expression doesn’t change. “You offering to give me sponge baths for the next six weeks?” he asks, amused lilt to his mouth. Buck knows he’s turning pink but anything else would be an admission of sorts, so he points the peeler at Eddie and primly says, “I am offering to stand outside while you shower with the door open so if you fall on your ass you’re not bleeding out and wasting LA water in a drought.” Eddie takes another sip of coffee, eyes sparkling. “Good to know that in your order of priorities me bleeding out comes before our city’s water crisis.” “Only because getting blood out of your shitty grouting would be a pain in the ass,” Buck sniffs, dropping his gaze to chop up the kiwi. “Of course,” Eddie agrees, smile lining his voice as he tips the last of the coffee back.
very indulgent lmao none of buck’s sad bads because im overthinking that a little
tagging @try-set-me-on-fire @diazblunt @onward--upward @housewifebuck @colonoscopys @transboybuckley @zahlibeth @anxieteandbiscuits @athenagranted @capseycartwright @buckactuallys if you have anything to share! 💘
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gayhenrycreel · 3 months
i am not exaggerating when i say forced admission to psych wards is literally legal kidnapping. when it happened to me they didn't tell me if i was ever going to see my family again. not even mum knew if we would met again. i screamed and cried all day for nearly 2 weeks, expecting to be forced into the foster care system, and never see the people i love most for the rest of my life. the nurses abused me. they illegally drugged me. im pretty sure they swapped out my usual meds with antipsychotics. they recorded everything i did through cameras. even the bathroom door had a window on it. i was wondering why kidnapping is such a bad trigger for me, then i realised: i went through it, it was just legalized.
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wowzah2nd · 6 months
The Lioness and her Serpent lover: A forbidden love story (Draco Malfoy x reader)
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A Siblings Dilemma
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 3.5, part 4
word count: 2.9k
Everyone was still surprised to see you and Draco hanging out so often some were shocked, some had no opinion, somewhere even okay with it but there were other who definitely didn't agree or tolerate it.
After a few hours you ended up falling asleep even though there may have been a murderer hiding around the castle. You were still pretty tired but were also confident that if they were in the castle the professors would do everything to protect their students. After a long night you finally woke up as you were adjusting yourself you realised there was a hand over your hips, it was Dracos, you quickly had a look around to see if anyone had seen, luckily everyone was still asleep so you slowly took his hand off your hip. But as you were doing so Draco finally woke up and in a whispered voice greeted you a good morning.
Draco: Good morning there love You blushed as the nickname as always but more so being shy since what if someone saw Y/N: Draco what if someone sees or hears us
Draco: Don't worry were being quite plus no one is awake yet, plus i've never been able to wake up next to you before
At this point he had pulled you into his chest and buried your head into his chest so he couldn’t turn even more red. Which made him laugh seeing you so shy since you were always somewhat confident and outspoken.
Draco:If this is what my future looks like i can’t wait
You then pulled you face away from his chest to look up at him
Y/N: you’ve thought about having a future with me?
Draco: Of course I have, even before we dated I may have day dreamed a bit here and there
You giggled at his admission it was good to know he was as in love with you as you were with him
Y/N: let get up thought and maybe pull ourselves a part before someone sees
He gave out a reluctant sigh practically say “fine then”, you pulled yourselves apart
After a couple more minutes everyone started to wake up as well. Once everyone was awake everyone was given the okay to head back to their dormitories to get ready for classes for the day. One of the first classes you had was defence against the dark arts which as always you were excited for. Ater getting changed and readying your things for the day you head into the great hall to eat breakfast. You decided to sit with the twins Fred and George Weasley today since you were always friendly with them, same thing with Lee Jordan. As you sat down you were immediately bombarded with questions by the twins and lee as always was there for the show.
Fred: so i heard you in a bit of a tiff with your brother
George: His a bit of a git so i bet it was his fault
Fred and George: so what did he do?
He gave out a long sigh they were my friends so they did deserve to know
Y/N: they think that Draco's only friends with me to get to him, which i think is so self absorbed of him. He does know im a potter too right
The twins looked at each other then back at me
George: I mean it's strange he is friends with you
Fred: you gotta admit the serpent prince and our Lioness princess
Fred and George: An odd combo if you ask anyone
Fred: but knowing you, you know how to pick friends and if anyone did mess with you they get hell for it
George: So we definitely know he’s being friends with you cause he wants to
you were a bit annoyed that they agreed with Harry but if you looked at it from an outside view it did look a bit strange to gryffindor and slytherin friends. Unheard of,even though you hated the stigma it was so rude
Y/N: Well I'm glad you guys can at least see I know how to pick my friends but until Harry does i'm not speaking to him. Also can you guys stop calling me the Lioness princess you've been doing that for years now and people won't stop calling me that
They both laughed, at first the nickname was a joke towards your temper being like a lions but after awhile the nickname ended up sticking and now your stuck with it
Y/N: you two are insufferable
After finishing your food you notice draco had finished his as well and was making his way towards you
Draco: hey you done eating breakfast
Y/N: yeah i am, why?
Draco: wanna go to class together?
Y/N: Sure thing, let me grab my things
You picked up your bag and said goodbye to the twins as you were getting up from the table. You noticed everyone's faces from your house in shock that draco came to you. You weren’t really bothered but you were bothered at the expression you brother was making. If he'd just apologise things would go back to normal
As you were walking to your class Draco was looking around as if checking if anyone was following you two. Once he knew no one could see you he gave you a quick hug and kiss on the forehead
Y/N: what was that for
Draco: can’t i just miss my girlfriend
Y/N: you were literally just cuddling with me this morning
Draco then gave you a look that said yes and, you gave out a sigh he was just so silly and you loved it
Y/N: whatever i missed you too anyway
You then got on your tippy toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek
Draco: i think you missed love
Y/N: what did i miss
You said teasingly, draco was clingy at times which would surprise anyone if they knew, draco then grabbed your waist to pull you closer to him
Draco: A proper kiss on the lips
You gave out a sarcastic sigh, but complied and gave him a kiss on the lips, once you pulled away you could see his stupid grin starting to form
Y/N: come on let's head to class before YOU make us late
You walked ahead of him, he waited a bit before following after him
As you entered the class, you knew something was off since professor Lupin wasn’t there to greet the class, as everyone got into their seats while sitting next to draco. You were surprised that professor Snape had entered the class. He walked towards the front of the class closing all the windows to darken the room, soon as he wa front and centre he let the students know
Snape: turn to page 394
Timeskip ( brought to you by my laziness)
To say the class was quite odd was an understatement.
You and draco left the class wondering why you had to write about werewolves when the topic wouldn’t come up till a week from now. Then snape gave you homework to write 2 rolls worth of parchment about werewolves. It really ticked you off. After classes had finished for the day draco asked you take spend time with him at the astronomy tower and who were you to deny him of your company, you laughed a bit. Dinner was now over and you made your way towards the astronomy tower. You knew draco was already there so you tried to hurry as to not make him wait any longer as you got up to the top you noticed some lights and as you got closer you say a blanket with some pillows as well as some lit candles around it. And there you saw draco standing there waiting for your arrival
Draco: Surprise
Y/N: w-whats all this
Draco: well i thought i would do something nice for you, i know your still a bit sad about your brother so i thought i'd cheer you up
You were left speechless at the scene everything was beautiful and perfect and you couldn't ask for anything else
Y/N: thank you darling this means so much to me, you have no idea
Draco: i'd do anything to make you happy love
The whole night you just star gazed and talked about what you wanted to do once you were older and a little bit about the future. Which excited you a lot for what was to come next. As the night went on it was starting to get late and you had to part way, you helped draco pack everything up and put it all away in an enchanted back he had that could fit it all in. He also decided to walk you back to you common room.
Y/N: thank you for tonight draco i loved every bit of it
Draco: anything to make you smile like that everyday my love
Luckily for you when you went back to your common room, everyone was asleep which saved you time from explaining where you had been. But for Draco it was a different.
Draco Pov
After a wonderful evening with y/n i headed back to my common room expecting everyone to be asleep i made no attempt to sneak in but i was sorely mistake when i see pansy arms crossed sitting on one of the couches.
Pansy: where have you been
I gave out an annoyed sigh
Draco: that not really you business pans
Pansy: You were out with her weren’t you?, why are you always spending time with her she’s a filthy mudblood
As I was heading to my dorm room I stopped as soon as i heard what pansy said and turned around and marched towards her and got right up her face.
Draco: don't you ever call her that again, i don't care what you call anyone else but you do not call her that ever and if i ever hear you or anyone for that matter call her that i will personally deal with you myself
She looked at me shock and confused as to why i would defend her, if she knew i could be in big trouble or worse y/n could get hurt
Draco: no buts or else
She didn't say anything after that i assumed she got the message but i would be sorely mistaken later on.
Y/N Pov
it was now the next day and today was the quidditch match, it worried you a bit since you brother was playing in such bad weather and even though you two were in a fight you still worried of his safety
as the game went on you noticed that harry had found the snitch and was heading far up into the sky to try and catch it to the point he was no longer in view it was a while till you noticed he was falling. everyone was gasping seeing harry fall and you thought your brother wasn't going to make it but thank merlin Dumbledore casted a spell to allow for him to slowly decent onto the ground. harry was immediately take to the hospital wing and you followed along everyone else.
you were waiting for a bit until he had finally woken before anyone could say anything you flung yourself to your brother
Y/N: i thought i had lost you was so worried for you
harry a bit shock you were there did hug you back
Y/N: hey, are you okay does your head hurt, did i hurt you, maybe i should be madam pompfrey
But before i could the twins grabbed me
Fred: i think his fine
George: just think his a bit in shock seeing you here since
Fred: yeah know, your fighting
duh no wonder he was surprised but it kinda made you sad why wouldn't he think i wouldnt be there for him even though you were fight he was your only family of course your would be there for him. but the moment of silence was broke by ron being ron
Ron: he looks a bit peaky doesn't he
Fred and George ( cause i can't tell them apart) peaky?, what do you expect?, he fell over 100 feet, come on Ron lets walk you off the astronomy tower and see what you look like
Y/N: stop it you three
Fred,George and Ron: Sorry
Y/N: hey how are you feeling
Harry: never better
he said in a sarcastic tone
Y/N: seems like your alright if you can joke about
you started to laugh, but harry didn't seem to be in a joking mood
Harry: What are you doing her any way
this left you a bot speechless, same with everyone else in the room
Y/N: i came her to see if my BROTHER was okay, i was worried
He scoffed
Harry: well as you can see i'm okay, you can go now
you just stared at him in shocked, is he being serious right now he nearly died and he wants to shoo me off
Harry: are you deaf, GO
You picked you thing and left, with tears in your eyes, Hermione tried to follow you but you heard harry tell her to let you go and she did, some friends you had
after that you went straight to your room and found the book Draco had gifted you to talk to him when ever you couldn't find him in person
Book Pov Y/N: Draco where are you Draco: in my common room, why? Y/N: i really need to see you please Draco: come to the Slytheirn common room entrance ill wait for you there Y/N: okay ill see you soon
you shut the book and grabbed some stuff to maybe sleep over if you could as well as thing you may beed for the next day, you ran to the Slytherin common room and once the entrance was in view you saw draco standing there waiting for you. once you saw him you immediately ran into his arm bursting into even more tears
Draco: what happen?
Y/N: my brother h-he-
Draco: hey hey hey, deep breathes
you did what he said and suddenly you felt like you could breathe again, you didn't even realise you were struggling to breath
Draco: before you tell me what happen why don't we go to my dorm and talk there
you didn't respond only nodded
he lead your through the common room and you were both getting lost of stares especially from pansy but you didn't care, you had no energy to care right now. once you were in his dorm he lead you towards his bed and sat you down
Draco: Now tell me what happen
he took a seat right next to you wrapping his arms around you for comfort
Y/N: he pushed me away, even though i was so worried that he could have died he pushed me away and told me to go... he could have died and he decided to let this fight still go on and be petty
you started to cry again. draco wasn't to sure what to say so instead he comforted you by hugging you and gave you forehead kisses
Y/N: can i stay her for tonight
Draco was about to ask you if you wanted to but seems like you beat him to it
Draco: of course you can
but then something else made you re think the idea even thought you were ready for a sleepover
Y/N: wait what about your roommates
Draco: i don't have any
you swiftly turned your head to look at him shocked and surprised, you then decided to have a look around the room and he was right he had no roommates it seemed he had a room to him self. having a queen size bed, a bed bench, his own closet, fire place and couches
Y/N: must be nice having rich boy privileges
you said with a bit of a laugh, hearing you joke made Draco happy since it showed that you were starting to be okay again but he coudl still hear the sadness in your voice
Draco: it had its perks
after just sitting on his bed and hugging him you both decided it was time to get some sleep, crying really made you tired Draco insisted you take his bed which made you feel bad, you tried to tell him you both could share it but was told that he had nosey friends who didn't know how to knock. you both didn't wanna risk the relationship being outed so you decided this was the best way to go.
Before going to bed him self he sat onn the bed next to you while you were laying down
Draco: you know i love you right
Y/N: of course i do, why would you say that?
Draco: i'm worried that you might start thinking that i dont after what harry said, and i just wanted to reassure you before had that i do, and i won't stop loving you for any reason
you put your hand to gently cup his cheek and started to stroke it lovingly
Y/N: how did i get so lucky to have someone like you love me
Draco: i don't know, must be fate i guess
you both laughed at the statement, you cupped the back of his neck to pull him in for a goodnight kiss
Y/N: i love you Draco
Draco: i love you too Y/N
after that you fell right asleep, Draco kissed your forehead then made sure you were warm and covered with his blanket before making his way to the couch to rest for the night.
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yesssss plz do watch it its amazing🙏🏻🙏🏻
I WILL DO IT ASAP IT SOUNDS SO GOOD. I never gave it that much though on what cao pi’s relationship with cao cao was like, but now im so intrigued with what the show does. Cao pi being a desperate, insecure mess living in the shadow of a man who actively pits him against his siblings is worth the price of admission alone.
also i just realised the chinese name of the show is 大军师司马懿 and ive been seeing it EVERYWHERE. thank you for bringing it to my attention.
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sukunasun · 1 year
Well just finished reading the piece you wrote for Gojo and like always I am speechless. They way you wrote his character is so painfully beautiful that I am wishing he was real so I could hug him and tell him it's all going to be ok (even though it gets worse). 😭🤌💕
hi anon, thank you so much!! writing that piece was so scary i didn't know how to approach it really, his character is so beyond me. i was left reaching out to grasp what i could and even then—how do i put into words the magnitude that is gojo and his lover.
then realising that it's not a big thing at all. i suppose it's natural to think he would love in a way that's encompassing, maybe suffocating. with grand gestures and even grander words spoken. but he's only ever been careful. when has he ever professed his deepest emotions out loud, saying to the world and making it listen. no, gojo's love is a sweet dessert he buys on a whim, a gentle pat on the head, his affection given to a boy who loves his dogs....or a soft admission to one person only—"he was my one and only" he said, and never having to repeat it again. these decisions deliberate and determined.
i think it's easy to only grasp him on the surface when he's so much more, i remembered answering an ask once about gojo deserving it but it's not even about that. it's just wanting to give an already great character the time and attention he requires. how much more in depth can one get with gojo really hahaha but ultimately, i just don't wanna fall for the narratives about him so blindly. childish, cheater, and conformist...these are not the routes for me i'm afraid...i'll only end up having a tasteless writing experience if i don't believe him to be so.
but on another note, i will say gojo should be a clean slate everytime i approach him. to never judge him but to learn and re-learn him. after all, this is coming from someone who found him annoying two years ago. (i suppose he would have wanted that, but im so glad i've changed my mind!)
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