#im not a musical theatre kid anymore
profic-mafuyu · 2 years
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vivitalks · 5 months
im going to gatsbymusicalpost in a little bit. sorry not sorry in advance since i am sure this post will have an audience of like. 1.
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xandersrailcrash · 6 months
fucking sobbing my eyes out to my ps and my gf cause im not gonna be seventeen in nine days.
worst part is, i have seventeen from heathers on repeat.
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cashandandrogyny · 2 years
when ur rodolpho and ms. honey are dating and get to bow together
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amuyyi · 29 days
she wants me (to be loved) .
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synopsis; you have always loved huh yunjin, but not in the way she loved you.
trope; huh yunjin x f!reader, angst, unrequited (?) love, bittersweet ending
wc; 4.6k
cw; idk like one cuss word LMAO
a/n; i swear im still in forever writers block but THIS FIC IS INSPIRED BY THE SHE WANTS ME TO BE LOVED WARRIOR CATS AMV ON YOUTUBE ITS ABOUT BLUEFUR AND THRUSHPELT PLEEEEK WATCH IT AND/OR LISTEN TO THE SONG WHILE READING IM JUST SO ARRGGHHH also its almost 4 am i am half asleep i just realllyy wanted to finish this. also i used to be a theatre kid so.
You have always loved Huh Yunjin. But not in the way she loved you.
You recall very vividly the first day you met her.
It was the middle of freshman year of high school, and you had just moved into New York from out of state. Your father had just gotten a new job opportunity, and practically wasted no time packing all of your things to move in the middle of the school year. Perfect. New place, new faces, and definitely no friends. Everything an emotional teenage girl needed in a cruical stage of her development. All of the other students in your classes were nice enough, but everyone already had their established friend groups by now, and you simply didn't fit what they were looking for.
Despite the different environment, there was one thing that this school provided that provided some sort of familiarity.
Back in middle school and for the brief semester you had in your old high school, you had always been a fan of the big stage. The music, the dramatics, the acting… It was all so whimsical and alluring to you. How could you not get involved?
(Okay, honestly.. You had gotten really into musical theater in middle school once you found a Hamilton animatic and it became your sole personality trait for a good two years or so–)
Unfortunately, you were too much of a coward to truly put yourself out there like the actors around you. High school insecurities and poor self esteem truly did take its toll on you back then. So instead, you settled for being part of the stage crew. 
You thought that getting involved with a club would make it easier for you to socialize and make friends. You could join a community. Yet somehow, it made everything all the more difficult.
Everybody seemed to already know each other and have their own established friends. On top of that, everyone also seemed to know who they hated as well. You would always overhear what other actors and techies would say about one another and it only just put you off from making friends even more. The whole environment was incredible… cliquey. 
Still, you had nothing else better to do, so you stayed. It was… Fine. You still had no real friends, but you did enjoy doing various tasks around the stage. Working with stage lights, helping prepare costumes, painting backdrops. It keeps you busy. It was routine.
It wasn’t an uncommon sight to walk in on actors practicing their lines or their songs backstage. Back home, you knew everyone involved within the production– including the actors. You would always compliment them and occasionally even provide help whenever you didn’t have your own techy jobs to fulfill. The main problem? This isn't home. Nobody here was your friend.
But when you found a pretty girl practicing for this semester's production of Phantom of The Opera in an empty hallway, you couldn't help but stop in your tracks and stare. You’ve never seen her before. Well, it's not like you bothered to pay much attention to the people around you anymore— but you feel like you wouldn't miss a face like hers.
She had the prettiest brown hair with highlights and the cutest beauty mark near the corner of her mouth. She was pacing around the hall, script in hand as she did various vocal exercises. The sound of her voice echoes off the walls, and it was just as angelic as she looked. 
“Prima Donna, your song shall live again…!” She sings out, her voice at a steady yet powerful vibrato throughout her verse. Her Bel Canto was skilled and practiced, and you can't help but wonder how long she’s been doing this for. Surely she’s overqualified for a simple high school production? You needed to hear more…
She moves her hands in elegant and dramatic forms as she immerses herself into the self-centered character of Carlotta. She played the roke perfectly, considering how most definitely had your attention now.
 “You took a snub, but theres a public who needs you, think of the cr—“
A loud thud rings throughout the hallway, startling the mystery opera singer as well as yourself. Shit. You look down and see the culprit. Well, it was you. you caused the interruption— but more specifically, it was a freshly decapitated mannequin head with a wig you were going to more securely attach to the top. It was a bit of a horrific sight, in all honesty.
Now that you think about it, this prop might actually be for her. Though you didn't have much time to ponder that thought considering the mysterious brown haired beauty has now caught you eavesdropping on her singing.
The head rolls across the tile floor and lands at her feet. You feel your face warm to what was most likely a bright tomato red as she picks it up by its shortened neck, the wig threatening to fall off as it dangles limply off of the top of its head.
“I'm assuming this is yours?” She smiles kindly at you, though a bit wary. Understandable, really. You would be wary of yourself too if you were in her shoes.
“Y-Yeah, sorry…” you nervously laugh, taking the head from her hands as you try to pat the wig back into place. 
“You sounded good, by the way!” You quickly stammer out, absentmindedly hugging the head to your chest, “Like… really good. Seriously.”
The mystery girl laughs at your flustered words, and she waves her hand dismissively. Her cheeks warm bashfully as she shakes her head.
“Thanks but… I have a lot to work on. My tones off, and I still need to memorize these lines by tomorrow…” she trails off, moving to press her back against the wall, sliding and sitting down on the floor.
Fiddling a bit with the mannequin head, you don't allow yourself to think too hard before you suddenly blurt out.
“I-I can help!”
You watch as her pretty brown eyes widen slightly, and
“Really? You sure you arent too busy?
You were actually quite busy, but she didnt have to know that.
“Of course not,” you lie confidently, sticking a hand out, “I’m y/n.”
She eyes your hand curiously, but ultimately shakes it, “Yunjin. Jennifer, if you’d like.”
From then on, you would spend every other day after school with Yunjin, helping her recite her lines, fitting her for costume changes, and even finishing that mannequin head prop for her.
Soon after, your after school hangouts turned into out of school hangouts and then eventual sleepovers every weekend. You learned everything possible about Yunjin. Like how she had always dreamed of being a performer, how she wanted to make it big in the Kpop industry, how she loves snakes…
Since then, you knew you loved her.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
On one seemingly normal spring afternoon, you were abruptly torn away from your sunkissed siesta with the sound of your door being kicked open.
With the growing bond between you and Yunjin, you made the mistake of giving the girl a spare key to your own home. (Oddly enough, your parents werent against the idea. They considered Yunjin like a second daughter.)
You whine out as she grasps at your half asleep form, shaking you aggressively.
“I got accepted into a company, y/n!! I'm gonna be a trainee!”
Eyes shooting open, you try to sit up through the aggressive grip Yunjin had on you.
“No kidding?” You croak out, looking at her with disbelief.
“I'm not!” She cheers, bouncing happily through your bedroom. Trying to match her energy through the grogginess, you slip out of bed, stumbling a bit as you tumble into her arms. Yunjin laughs at your state, wrapping her arms around your waist to keep you steady as she jumps excitedly.
“I’m  going to move back to Korea next month— this is so exciting!!” She squeals out, and your smile falters ever so slightly. Move? To Korea?
Still, you bite back the sickly feeling developing in your stomach as you squeal alongside her.
You were happy for her, and did nothing but support her all throughout her time in Korea. Called her every night after training, sent her pictures of school life without her, even voting for her in that odd survival show she participated in. You did anything and everything you could to be the best friend you could be.
Yunjin always had the stars in her eyes. But in yours? There was only ever her. 
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
The day that everything truly changed is still fresh in your mind.
After spending years chasing after Yunjin, it feels like you have finally caught up to her. She's back in the states after her time in Korea, and she's planning on staying. She looked a little different than before, but it was the same old Jennifer you knew and loved— even when missing a few moles and deeper eyebags.
Upon her arrival back home, it was like no time had passed. Once again attached at the hip, as it should be. You practically made it your job to crawl into her skin at any given moment and to pamper her with all of her favorite things. 
You would treat her to meals, spontaneous shopping sprees, and simple girls nights out. All of the good stuff to make up for lost time. Unfortunately, your attempts to keep your best friend happy came with their own obstacles. you would occasionally find advertisements or clips of idols that would show up during your time together, and for just a brief moment, you would see that usual spark within Yunjin’s eyes falter. It was a stark reminder of what she could have had.
It hurt you to see her get reminded of her time as a trainee. It truly was everything she wanted and more. But it was okay, you were here now, and you weren't planning on letting her go this time.
You’d drop any and everything for Yunjin. You allowed her to vent whenever she needed, to come over whenever she wanted, and to indulge in spontaneous late night meals whenever you two felt like it.
Needless to say, your wallet was crying by the time summer was nearing its end, but you didn’t mind at all. Yunjin was back. She was happy. You were happy. Things were finally returning to normal.
The two of you decide on a college to attend together in Boston, both pursuing a major in business. It's neither of your first choices in majors, but it's a good enough money maker in the long run. 
The pair of you sat in Yunjins bedroom, with you comfortably propped up against her bedframe on the floor whilst the brunette lay comfortably on the mattress. You hugged the  djungelskog plushie you had gifted Yunjin some birthday ago close to your chest as you atared at your phone, with Yunjin crunching away on cheez-its as the entire La La Land soundtrack softly plays from the record player in the corner of the room. 
Its nearly less than a month until move in day at Boston University, and you feel beyond giddy. Actual independence? And spending it with your best friend slash secret crush? Your dreams were coming true. Looking through your college dorms on the website, the pair of you converse about the future.
“What kind of theme do you think we should go for our dorm?” you ask, leaning your head against the bed to look up at Yunjin, who was still crunching away contentedly at her snacks.
“I'm not sure… But I do know I want to cover my wall with all of my posters…”
“Ooh! Yeah!! I can add fake flowers on the walls…”
“ Of course, we need a bit of girlish charm— oh! we need to make room for a record player and my guitar.”
“Google maps says there's a 7-eleven near the campus…” you murmur, your short attention prompting you to immediately shift to another topic.
“ Should we go got late night snack runs?”
“Or maybe if we get tired of the dorm food, we can get equally as crappy convenience store food for instead–”
Suddenly, the music from Yunjin’s phone gets cut off, being replaced with her ringtone (it was Come Inside Of My Heart by IV of Spades ) as she huffs.
“ sorry, hold that thought..” She murmurs, answering the call.
You didn't know any Korean, the only bits you’re familiar with are the phrases Yunjin taught you to talk with her parents (which you also butchered) so you naturally begin to tune out whatever she begins to say on her end. Despite this though, you easily pick up on the shift in tone as she speaks. Professionalism, skepticism, to Shock. That was all you could read off of Yunjin as you looked up from your phone, curiously glancing at her. Her eyes were boggling out of her skull, and she placed a hand over her mouth before ending the call.
The brunette remains frozen in place, hand still over her mouth as a silence passes over the room.
“So….?” You ask, crawling up onto the bed to sit next to her.
Yunjin’s voice is shaky, yet laced with a twinge of excitement and disbelief as she speaks, “I just got a call from Hybe. I… I have the chance to debut.”
You don’t know what came over you at that moment. It felt like the world came collapsing down on you. Right now, you should be happy. Jumping for joy, focusing all on Yunjin and her chance for success. She's been given a real chance to make her dreams come true, even after it seemed impossible, even after all the years of rejection and work. This was all she wanted in life and more— you should be happy? Right?
But you’ve always been a selfish person. Or maybe you convinced yourself you were ever since that day. You don’t know. Maybe in that moment, you realized you could lose everything you’ve been waiting for. You’d lose the girl you've chased after for so many years now. If you didn't do something now, you wouldn’t have the chance to do it ever again. You were a greedy person, so you confess.
“Yunjin, I love you. I always have.”
The words feel like a slap to the face, and it shows. It shows in the way her eyes widen and smile falls. This was a bad idea, but you can't back out now. Your eyes begin to water as your voice cracks.
“I… I don’t want you to go— to leave me…” you choke out, “What about uni? Our dorm? What am I going to do without you?”
You knew you were being manipulative, you knew you were being selfish. But you didn’t care. You wanted her to know how you truly felt. You didn’t want her to leave you, not again. Your heart couldn’t handle it.
Through tears threatening to spill out, you can see her cheeks slowly dust a faint shade of pink as she processes your words. She seems… hesitant. Over what? You weren’t too sure. You weren’t too sure if you even wanted to know. 
The silence that washes over the two of you is beyond suffocating. You feel like you’re drowning, digging your nails into your palms as you look away. If you looked at her, you were scared you’d break, and the tears would begin to flow. After a few moments that feel like hours, she finally responds.
“I believe you have feelings for me…” she begins, voice soft yet strained. For some reason, those words leave a bad feeling in your gut. You muster up enough courage to meet her gaze. She looked just as hurt and conflicted as you felt. Yunjins grip on her phone tightens as she takes a deep breath, continuing, “...but I can’t give this up, y/n. It's my dream.”
That was the moment you knew you truly lost her.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
In another life, you and Yunjin would be at Boston University together, pursuing that business degree that neither of you want.
It's a dream that used to occasionally return to you when Yunjin was overseas. Every now and then, you’d wake up in a cold sweat, and you’d check Yunjins location. She’d still be in Seoul. It was okay though, because you knew she’d always come back. She always came back. Now it haunts you every other night.
The dream is always so incredibly vivid and real. You would wake up to Yunjins many alarms that she somehow manages to sleep through every single time, and you’d peel your eyes opened to your shared dorm room. Though you didn’t have much time to admire the beauty of it all through the sound of an alarm continuously dragging you out of your slumber. She’s always been a heavy sleeper. you’d have to jump on Yunjins sleeping form to even stir her into some form of consciousness.
Yunjin groaned in protest, but you knew her. She wasn’t truly bothered, not when it came to you. Instead of entertaining your futile attempts to wake her up, she would wrap her arm around your waist, dragging you down with her as you squeal out.
She's warm. Her brown bobbed hair has grown out by now, black roots peeking through the top of her head as you join the mess that is her bed (and hair.) She smells like vanilla and wood, and you can't help but laugh into her embrace. You’ll be late to the dining hall for breakfast, but it doesn't really matter. There was a 7-eleven nearby that could provide breakfast while the two of you rushed to your classes– in which you had meticulously planned to have almost every single class together.
After a long day of school, you would return back to your dorm both collapsing on your respective beds as exhaustion settles in. It was decorated just the way you two liked it. With both boy and girl band posters littering the walls alongside some fake vines, flowers, and a multitude of polaroids you two have accumulated over the years. 
Once the two of you move out of the dorms and graduate, you’d find an apartment to share. Dual income and no children, that was the way to live. Alongside a cat and a dog, of course. You’d have a black cat named Binx, and a golden retriever named Dug, something you two had discussed many times before. 
It’s beyond perfect. You lay on the couch, comfortably in Yunjins arms as a blanket is lazily draped over your forms. Binx is settled upon your lap as Dug takes up the space on the rug. The tv is playing Coraline— a staple movie for you two, and you'd smile. Yunjin would lovingly return the grin, leaning in to place a soft kiss on your lips.
And then you’d wake up, the grim reality of your situation compared to your dream sending tears flowing down your cheeks. You’re constantly reminded how Yunjin wasn't yours. Not in this lifetime. And it hurt more than anything else.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
You’ve always been there for Yunjin, both before and after she became famous.
In High school, you of course supported her throughout your brief time in the drama club. But you also provided a shoulder to cry on, a free source of math homework answers, a friend.
When she moved back to Korea to become a trainee, you helped her through the rough patches. Hours of dance training, rigorous workouts, and unhealthy dieting took a toll on her. But you were always there through the phone, no matter the time. 
Even after her debut, you remained loyally by her side. Yunjin grew busier and more distant over the years, and it was understandable. You were busy too. With college, internships, and general “adulting,” it was a challenge to remain in contact. Still, when you two did find time to talk, Yunjin would tell you stories of her members, of the rumors and scandals that would plague the group. It hurt to see her hurting, especially knowing you couldn't be there for her like before. But you were glad to see her achieving all she wanted and more.
You hop into one of Yunjins late night livestreams (even if it was the morning for you.) It wasn’t like you couldn’t just call her whenever you wanted, but it was just another one of the little things you would do to continuously support your friend. Yunjin never made a scene whenever you popped in, but always made sure to look for your comments and read them out every single time.
“Sing something from Phantom or you’re lame?” She reads out, a soft laugh slipping past her lips as she does so.
The idol gives the camera a knowing look, one that only could be read by you, and you smile as she clears her throat. Phantom of the Opera is what brought you two together, after all. She spends a few minutes doing short vocal exercises to warm up her voice, and the sight is oddly nostalgic. Yunjin then sits up straight as she begins to sing, and you feel your heart twinge slightly at her song choice.
“Think of me,
Think of me fondly,
When we've said goodbye.
Remember me,
Once in a while,
Please promise me you'll try.” 
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
Now here you were, in a completely foreign country, placed in more than accommodating seats within the VIP section of this unfamiliar venue you’ve never even heard of before. There were hordes of men around you, all cheering in a deep voiced mass for the girls on stage. You stuck out like a sore thumb. Yet, there was Yunjin. You watch her, shining brightly on stage whilst donning a fresh head of bright orange hair. It suited her. Her fiery passion, her fierce determination that got her here in the first place, her glowing smile. It was all only a physical expression of who she was on the inside.
Yunjin had insisted on getting you these tickets– even going out of her way to even cover part of your plane ticket here despite you having a very stable and office job now. You tried to tell her you were happy enough to see her from the nosebleed seats in the back, especially since it was all you could afford on such short notice. But she refused, pulling some strings to give you the best seats possible. She wanted you here. More than anyone else.
You’ve seen Yunjin perform before. How could you not? You could vividly recall the way she would sing out and capture the entire crowd’s attention from the stage of your high school’s auditorium. How she would perform with such confidence and precision, how she performed like she was made for this. 
Things have changed a lot since then. There was no business college in your future together anymore. No planned dorms together. No more late night talks. No 7-eleven snack runs. Yet oddly enough, despite the changes, this was seemingly no different than before. Every person in the crowd was entranced, immediately allured by her natural charm and her passionate voice. You included. Just like those many years before, she still managed to have you bewitched on the sidelines while she chases after the spotlight.
So you cheer. Joining the roaring crowd as you call out Yunjins name, a bright smile playing on your lips as you do so. You’ve always been her biggest fan, after all. You swear you saw her make eye contact with you, seemingly providing her an energy boost as she sings out to the audience. She was beautiful, and she knew it.
Once the show is over, you find your way to the backstage area. You tried your best to explain to the security how you were friends with one of the members, and how she invited you back there. Unfortunately, your Korean was less than conversational, and you pretty much looked like an embarrassingly desperate and obsessive fan until Chaewon came and saved the day.
“y/n-nnie! Come, Come!! I saw you in the crowd!!” She chirps out sweetly, abruptly pushing past the guard and dragging you backstage, leaving the security both confused and a bit exhausted. This might not have been the first time the girls have tried to meet with their friends after performances.
There were people everywhere. Stage hands, stylists, makeup artists, and more, all rushing around you two and occasionally praising Chaewon. You felt beyond out of place, and probably looked the part too. Despite having Yunjin as a friend, you’ve never once felt like you were friends with a celebrity. She was simply your Jennifer, and that was more than enough. Being here though, you could truly see the extent of the impact she had on people. How so many people respected her and admired her.
Lost within your thoughts and observations of the crowd, you barely notice when Chaewon lets go of your arm, leaving you to fall victim to a bright orange mass stampeding your way. Without warning, you’re tackled into a hug by none other than Yunjin herself. You swear you see stars as the air gets forced out of your lungs.
“y/n!! You made it!!” She beams, giving you a firm squeeze pulling away to fully take in the sight of you. Her arms are still firmly wrapped around your form as her eyes almost sparkled with pure affection for you. Your cheeks warm at the contact, and you can't help but shyly avoid her gaze. Even after all of this time, she still has the same effect on you. After letting out a soft breath, she quietly murmurs, “I was singing for you, y’know.”
And your heart aches. Aches for what you two could have had. Aches for feelings she chooses not to reciprocate. You want to be angry with her. Despise her for leaving you behind and living this luxurious celebrity life. 
Yet your heart also swells. Swells with pure affection for the girl you love. The way she holds you, how she insists on having you attend, how sweetly she says your name. All of it makes you crumble all too easily. She truly cares for you, and never let the fame change that. You truly were lucky to have her.
“Really, now? You sure you weren't singing for the sea of men you forced me to sit with?” You laugh out, gently shoving her, “I swear I heard a guy say he ditched a family dinner to be there.”
Yunjin loudly laughs at your comment as she shakes her head, “How about you come over to our dorms to celebrate tonight, yeah? We’ll even let you pick a movie – or I’ll make them watch whatever you choose… Please?”
You were a bit hesitant. These were Yunjin’s friends. You didn’t want to intrude, especially after a crazy night like this. Yet, despite your reluctance, Yunjin stares down at you with those damn puppy eyes, and somehow manages to get Eunchae and Chaewon to join in…
“... Okay, fine,” you groan out, feigning disappointment as you see Yunjins eyes light up. “but we’re watching Coraline.”
The girls all cheer and pull you into a tight hug, with Yunjin holding onto you just a bit tighter than the others.
Huh Yunjin loves you. But not in the way you want. Yunjin wants you to be loved. 
And loved you are, even if it means she can't be yours.
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that-starry-freak · 3 months
More children for @sunny-sourzii !!!! (Also tagging @melodi-jackson cause I feel like you like seeing the kids too)
uhhh- first off!!! The twins! Yes, another set, I like making twins, sue me
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(Also its raining SO hard rn and I'm so happy)
anyway, Morning glory and Moonflower!! Or Glory and Datura, as they're usually called. They're the 2nd youngest set of siblings in the third generation! Only older then Venus, Mars, and uh- listen i read the names once im.not very good at retaining knowledge
Glory is defiently the more extroverted of the two. She looks up to her siblings, and loves to play with them. Eccpecially giving them little makeovers (which usually ar exist her putting stickers on their face and scribbling red marker like blush, but yknow, shes got the spirit) he eccpecially loves when Lune does his makeup. He likes feeling pretty. Sbe also really enjoys bright colors, and her favorite color is rainbow! Though he's a bit impartial to pink! She's also very energetic, probaly one of the most energetic out of her siblings, but she always knows how to calm herself down for her twin brother. Her favorite stuffed animal is also because it reminded her of Datura!!
(Also nvm im not happy anymore the storm is giving me a headache)
Oh- wait- let's go it may be going away)
Datura however is the much more shy and introverted of the two. He is very reserved, calm, and quiet. He loves to read, and started reading full on chapter books at a pretty young age. He has social anxeity, and really opens up around Glory and a few others of his siblings. He also really admires Chica, but is too scared to talk to her. He also realized he was a boy pretty young, as he really didn't like when people would call him a girl and treat him like one, and he always felt quite a bit different from his sister. He takes after sun, ftm <3. Though he takes after moon in most other regards.
Aaannndd- yeah!! I love these two tbh. I love their designs, eccpecialy Glory's, and I think they're really sweet. Also I like their names.
And now to the other child i made! Thats right! I made a third one! I did all of this yesterday btw I was on the roll-
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This is Luna Moth!! Or Luma, for short. (Also im changing their pronouns maybe to she/they) they're only a few years older then Datura and Glory
They're the family theatre kid, and likes putting on plays and puppet shows and just generally preforming for the kids in the daycare, as well as for the triplets. They like older musicals and theatre rather than new ones, but im not gonna name any cause I havnt watched any!!!! (Not Broadway ones at least) but idk they probaly like Shakespeare phantom of the opera and stuff
The drawing to the left is more of what they wear casually, outside of the daycare. Also I havnt decided if the antennas are part of them or the hats, though I'm probaly gonna do it wear its part of them.
And uhh- yeah! Luma!
I also have these little headshot draawings of all my children so far- (6 of them!) 2 vers
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And unshadwd
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(From left to right. Top row: Solar, Lune, Nebula. Bottom row: Glory, Datura, Luma)
And uhhh- yeah!!!!
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raptorladylover6969 · 2 months
made an introduction cuz why not
Ya hellaur I’m Khushi, otherwise known as raptorladylover6969
Pronouns are: She/her (afab)
I’m a certified woman kisser 😝😝
Minor soooo legally cant vote yet nor drink.
Curry muncher and maple syrup drinker frfr 🇮🇳🇨🇦
Possibly neurodivergent dunno yet but its highly likely 🤷‍♀️
Sofia The First!! Elena of Avalor!!! Jurassic World/Park!! Monster High!! Spirit!! Blue Eye Samurai!! FNAF!!! Orange Is The New Black!!!
I luvvv to drawww, writeee, I LOVE horror and anything scary, dinosaurs (well, anything paleo related), science, history, cooking, music, dragonzz, fantasy stuff, reading, theatre (yes im a theatre kid), dogs, cats, and fitness!!
Flying (cant stand airplanes I get claustrophobic), fireworks, large crowds, any type of gathering if I dont know anyone there, that buzz sound flying insects make, math, and thats probably it.
Cedfia shippers (or just proshippers in general), booktok girlies (anyone who read Haunting Adeline unironically gtfo.) anyone ages 30+ (unless I know who you are), bronies, those HARDCORE anime fans (like, the weirdos) lolicons, homophobic ppl, racists, sexists, dsmp fans (do they even exist anymore?) strictly nsfw accs, just stay away weirdos!!!
Ya I think thats it for now :3
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c0tards--s0luti0n · 1 year
bi people cant flirt normally its always some shit like "why did i come back here?" "to uh. drink?" "back to hatchetfield. i spent the first 18 years if my life trying to get out of this place, shouldve just stayed in guatemala. i mean yeah theyve got volcanoes and coatimundis everywhere but uh-" "whats a coatimundi?" "oh, its like a little raccoon thing. they get into shit, people hate em, but at least they dont sing and dance" "so is that was drove you back to hatchetfield? coatimundis, up in your shit?" "no, no, it was uh my sister, jane. she was the good one. she had this um, lisa frank binder when she was little where she mapped out her entire life and i swear to god she stuck to it. bullet point by bullet point, it was like job, husband, house, kids, and you know when one sisters so on top of her game it kinda demands that the other one be a total fuck up, right?" "what is yin without yang?" "thats what im saying! yeah man, she was off doing life and i was doing, something else. backpacking mostly, and she would call me and you know, invite me home for big events, you know, weddings, baby showers, id always say oh, sorry ill catch the next one! but um, then when i got the invitation to her funeral i was like oh, there wont be a next one." "oh- im sorry." "hey, you didnt crash into her car. anyway, uh, its weird growing up in someone elses shadow because when theyre gone the light shines on you for the first time, and it does not look good. so, there i was, 30, with no roots anywhere except hatchetfield, so i thought uh, well im gonna make something of myself, you know do something my sister would be proud of, enroll in a community college, study botany, im gonna start a pot farm." "oh. did your sister smoke a lot of pot?" "no, but weed's the future, its gonna be legal nationwide soon, bet you any money! not that it matters anymore. man, my whole life my one goal was to avoid dying in hatchetfield and, here we are." "hey, it could be worse. you could be dying in clivesdale." "fuck clivesdale!" "fuck em!" "you know uh, all things considered, i like hatchetfield. yeah, been here my whole life, born and bred. never wanted to leave, still dont." "hey, we're the same age, how come i never knew you in highschool?" "you probably went to hatchetfield high, i went to sycamore." "fuckin timberwolves! we hated you guys!" "we hated ourselves! so uh, back at beanies you said you were in your highschool production of brigadoon?" "hey, i was bonnie jean!" "that was 2003 right? i actually saw you in brigadoon." "no shit!" "yes shit! yeah! uh, we didnt have a theatre program in our school, so i guess to make us feel like crap they bused us over to watch your show. it was the first musical i ever saw. i hated it. thats probably the start of my whole thing, youre the reason i dont like musicals!" "woah, thats like your origin story." "yeah!" "so i guess im the supervillain?" "i dont think of you like that at all emma."
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phoenixfangs · 6 months
tagged by @rizaposting HOLDING UR HAND AND PRESSING MY FOREHEAD AGAINST UR SHOULDER i never get tagged in these so this is fun huehue
are you named after anyone? not technically, ive asked my parents multiple times about How they came up with me and my siblings names, but they just. didnt think very hard about it. fjkdlsjfdlas. but in a way im named after my mom, because me and saturns given names start with the same letter as our moms; my younger siblings names start with the same letter as our dads. i guess me and saturn could also be named for one of my dads uncles?? our names mixed make that uncles name. but idk im not willing to believe my dad cares that much about Anyone in his family to honor their memory through our names lawl
when was the last time you cried? i think the other day watching atla, when zuko and iroh reunite before the final battle. zuko trying to stumble through an apology and thinking iroh must hate him, but iroh just without even saying anything grabbing zuko and pulling him into a tight and tearful hug... man ;_;
do you have kids? HELL NO!!!!! im barely halfway through my 20s i should be at the club. dont want kids, never wanted kids, will never want kids. i will tolerate being my nieces and nephews cool auncle when my siblings start having kids of their own, and No More, thanks
do you use sarcasm a lot? i guess so?? its hard to gauge. i feel like most of the time i speak sincerely, but i will also throw in the occasional sarcastic quip. shrugs
what sports do you play? i dont play any sports anymore, but up until high school i played softball. i was pretty good i think! pitcher and second base. also in middle/high school i was a baton twirler for band and i guess dance competitions (i have Never thought of it as 'dance' but i guess technically i was dancing... blegh), and im gonna count that as a sport. any activity with the possibility and probability of being hit on the head by a metal rod counts as a sport to me
what’s the first thing you notice about people? probably their height. most people are taller than me but i will make an immediate note of people who are Shorter than me
what’s your eye color? grrrreen gray? i spent a few minutes staring at my eyes trying to figure out the color but all i did was strain my eyes jfldks
scary movies or happy endings? hmmmmmm i love both. i like blood and gore and guts and evil, but i also like heartwarming fluff where everything works out. i cant decide!! it just depends on my mood hehe
any special talents? i hesitate to claim i have perfect pitch because it sounds self congratulatory, but im pretty sure i have perfect pitch lmao. i cant Identify notes by name but i can recreate pretty much any note i hear, as long as its in my range. im not a good singer though lawl i dont have the technique. in the same vein, i can recreate other noises i hear pretty well, like i taught myself how to do the perry the platypus clicking sound Thing he does just by listening to it
where were you born? texas born and raised! everyone i knew growing up was a redneck or a 'cowboy church' christian
what are your hobbies? drawing, writing fanfic oneshots or rps with friends, bideo games, rewatching the same handful of tv shows and letsplays and video essays over and over again
do you have any pets? my son, my sweet bubby, apollo :> my stupid little man, hes gonna be 3 this year i think! flame point siamese kitty, dumb as rocks, currently i think hes burrowed in the sheets on my bed taking a nappy
how tall are you? 5'2", but add a couple inches because i almost exclusively wear shoes that add height, like my Big Dyke Boots i wear every day hehe
favorite subject in school? any of my electives probably, like art and music/band. in college my favorite classes i ever took were film appreciation, screenwriting, and theatre directing (which i signed up for thinking it was film directing, but it was still so fun and interesting)
dream job? honestly?? i think anything on the set of a movie or tv show would be awesome. maybe creative consultant, so that i can interject my own ideas into other peoples projects. i tend to feel my most creative when im working Around other peoples ideas tbh. all that, or lead writer/director on my own tv show/movie/video game, if i ever feel like i can handle that pressure
GET TAGGED @applescabs @lizardyeast @cottagegay and anyone else that sees and wants to participate :>
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olliesxcorner · 2 months
for ur fav oc(s)….. How intimidating would they rate themselves? What genre of music reminds you of them? How long did they believe in Santa for?? How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass What's one way your they have changed since you first came up with them? 
IM GINNA DO THEM AGHH my faves switch depending on how they're consumingmy brain
Jeremy Royale 🤡 his will looowkey probably be wrong because he's primarily @barneysbigstompers oc 😹😹😹 so my own personal hcs ! 1!1!11
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how intimidating would he rate himself? ... hmmm, he thinks he's big shit, but he's very silly and a stupid little fucking bitch ,,,, but also one of those people wherein if you GIVE him a reason, 9/10
what genre of music reminds me of him? ... theatre, no comment
how long did he believe in Santa? ... me personally I believe he still believes in Santa, because he hates his ass. FUCK santa
how easily could he be convinced to do something that goes against his moral compass? ... it depends 🤡 if it's something anyone oughta say "fuck no" heavily to, I doubt it, he's not morally wrong.... but he'll trip a toddler on a bus for the hell of it. look at his kids. easy as fuck 😒
what's one way he's changed since we first came up with him? ... well, he's not the devil anymore. just some guy 😭 he was kinda serious now he snorts crayons //ij
Joshua Rolough 😻 he's primarily mine so everything I say about him SHOULD be inaccurate. to some degree
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how intimidating would he rate himself? ... he knows he's not very scary... kinda a oushover- oh?? I'm sorry did. did you just say something derogatory. about his WIFE? all of a sudden you're dead go kys 3/10 unless you fuvk with his wife easy 11/10
what genre of music reminds me of him? ... pop 🗣️ hi Oliviaaaaa
how long did he believe in Santa? ... for a while, until he saw his sister wrapping gifts when he was like eleven 😞
how easily could he be convinced to do something that's against his moral compass? ... nuh uh. unless you're his wife hes not really able to be convinced to do anything against his compass
what's one way he's changed since we first came up to him? ... he's NOT a hard ass alpha bad boy. I'll be damned, he's a little baby LOOK AT HIM 😢😢😢
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urapocolypticcrush · 5 months
heyyy its me again! (anon! maybe one day i will tell u who i am…..)
i feel so happy! a cool girl on tumblr wants to answer my questions??? omg actually FREAKING out rn!
here are some questions!!
are u a theatre kid? if so have u been in any productions/musicals/shows/plays? which ones?
u said u liked art classes in ur intro?? i LOVE art, art is my soul and my whole being, art has been in my life forever (im talking about art as in painting/drawing, but also art as in music/theatre…. do u know what i mean? like art is EVERYTHING). what type of art r u into? do u draw or paint or sculpt? or something other extra cool?? can u tell me more about your art?
thanks so much for ur answers, u are making my day!
HEY ANON!!!!!! (i love this its like a lil mystery…)
STOP IM FREAKING OUT. you’re so sweet for saying im cool AAAAH. thank you for these questions i cant wait to answer!!!
im not a theatre kid sadly but i do music in school and i did drama when i was younger!! i was in my schools musical (as a chorus member not a main part lol) a couple years ago which was grease!! i love theatre and i really wish i was a theatre kid tbh
i love that you love art!!! i totally get you - i love both art like plays, music, theatre AND art as in drawing/painting/sculpting too!!!! (i love that you’re so into art i can definitely relate teehee)
for me, im into all types of art!! i draw and paint, and ive sculpted before but im not the best lol!! i love painting though!! watercolour or acrylic would probs be my favourite form of painting but i hope to get into oil painting one day!!! i love drawing too but mainly just sketches - i find it SO DIFFICULT to draw in detail… i also love embroidery even though im not the most skilled ever!! i really like felt pieces as well and theyre really fun to make!!
YOU are making MY day anon!!! thank you for all the asks youre so sweet :3 feel free to send anymore (or none if you dont want to!!!) and ill be happy to answer!! also feel free to tell me more about yourself in the asks, i loved hearing about how much you like art!!!!! we have so many common interests teehee
thanks again anon <33
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stressedanime · 5 months
15 questions for 15 friends!! thanks for the tag :3 @cordelia---rose
are you named after anyone? first name no, but my middle name is a family name. my parents found my birth name in a baby name book which LIED TO THEM. IT SAID MY NAME MEANS PRINCESS IN SPANISH. IT IN FACT DOES NOT MEAN PRINCESS IN SPANISH lmao it means aunt in spanish. and thats partly why i dont go by it anymore lol
when was the last time you cried? i watched a silent voice a couple nights ago and that movie always DESTROYS me.
do you have kids? i'd rather be put down
what sports do you play/have you played? i danced for 15 years!! did a variety of styles: tap, jazz, ballet, contemporary, and music theatre. i also was on the basketball team in grade 6 lmao.
do you use sarcasm? yes. it gets me into trouble unfortunately
what is the first thing you notice about people? i honestly don't know. probably like, their language? like how they talk, how they hold themselves, how they move. i be analyzing
what's your eye colour? they're supposed to be blue, but ive also been told they have no blue pigment whatsoever and theyre just grey
scary moves or happy endings? BOTH THANKS!!!
any talents? hmm. im really good at ruining the mood. like, "um actually" is my best friend. oh also finding words people are looking for, im really good at helping people finish their sentences when they're stuck. im sure theres more but i cannot think of anything lol
where were you born: canada :D i hate it here but i also love it here
what are your hobbies? i love to cook, i used to play a bunch of video games, but lately ive been doing a lot more writing and reading. i also love to look at my guitar and say "hmm i should play guitar" and then never play guitar
do you have any pets? sadly no
how tall are you? 5'4. which is perfectly average.
favourite subject in school? i honestly do not remember what i liked in elementary school. OH novel studies. reading and analyzing books for sure lol. in high school i loved english and psychology and comp civ, in uni my favourite class was biopolitics or anything forensic.
dream job: realistic dream job is forensic psychologist (experimental not clinical) which i got accepted into masters for!! so i will be studying that in september :3 and like, non-realistic dream job is voice actor, i've always wanted to be one of those people who you recognize their voice and then open their IMDB and they've been in like a million different projects
i dont interact with too many people on here so i won't tag 15 ppl lol but im going to tag @kitkat-tat @sionnaach @hyperfigations. but obvs no pressure :)
have fun, yeehaw
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we-are-inevitable · 2 years
Your ask box is my kingdom, I am taking it over
But anyway I so badly want your thoughts on Jack and Davey in my college prof au please please please I know I haven't spoken about it on tumblr yet except from a little bit but I love your Javid so yeah
-has watched high school musical thank you very much
ok ok @roideny obvi this is your au but here are my Very Important thoughts bc i love them Very Much ugh. in love w them
David Jacobs-Kelly:
44 years old, born in ‘79
Undergrad: majored in English, minored in Creative Writing
Masters: Poetics and Theory AdvC- NYU
Doctorate: English and American Literature, thesis is over gender and sexuality in Shakespeare
he’s been Dr. Jacobs-Kelly for about seventeen years by the time the story takes place!
as a prof, he teaches a comp class, an honors comp (Critical Analysis and Writing), and some creative writing/poetry courses! he’s a very busy man.
he meets Race, Albert, and Finch because they’re students in his comp class!
when he’s not teaching, he’s really involved in the local queer scene. i feel like he’s a staple at drag brunches and pride celebrations; he’s not a huge club fan anymore but he still loves being Involved. growing up during the aids crisis is traumatizing at the least, and im sure he lost a few friends, so he stays up to date in the queer stuff to sort of honor them.
he marries jack in 2011 when gay marriage is legalized in new york!
he’s a huge shakespeare fan, as seen by his phd studies. he has a hamlet-inspired tattoo because he’s gay
tbh he probably has a cat named after shakespeare (they have two cats im calling it now. shakespeare and bryan, name courtesy of jack)
he and jack don’t have any kids, but he’s a loving fun uncle for Les and Sarah’s respective kids!
Jack Jacobs-Kelly:
45 years old, born in ‘78
Undergrad: Studio Art! but he dropped out after a semester <33
he just decided that college wasn’t for him. why pay money for something he doesn’t need?
he goes straight into a set design apprenticeship that medda helps him get! medda is his adoptive mom, so he’s been around queer spaces and theatre since he was around 15. he loves it, it’s his home
that being said he probably sells his own paintings and maybe does mural work on the side, he likes to keep busy and is invested in the art scene, and he meets davey when davey moves to New York for his masters! he’s the reason davey stays in NYC <33
he’s very eccentric, and very much doesn’t give a fuck. he’s a black queer man- the universe already nerfed him, so why worry about anything else? i can see him being the really go-with-the-flow husband to davey’s more tight-strung academic vibe. they really balance each other out
again, they don’t have kids, but i feel like this jack is very much For The Youths? i can see him volunteering a lot, working for organizations that help troubled kids get into the arts— i feel like it’s his passion project that makes him feel better when davey is busy at the university all day. in another life he’s a foster parent, but he and davey just don’t have the lifestyle to foster, so he focuses his energy elsewhere!
whenever davey “adopts” some freshmen he’s always on board. he really hits it off with Albert!
not as involved in the queer scene as davey, but his career is literally in musical theatre set design, so even if he’s not in the queer scene he’s In The Queer Scene
i don’t wanna talk about him losing medda but i can see him eventually inheriting the theater!
he loves his nieces and nephews! he’s a big family guy
Extra Thoughts:
jack and davey are a pair. they rarely go anywhere outside of work without each other, and they’re so, SO in love.
jack pretty regularly comes to see Davey while he’s at work; he’ll bring him lunch to office hours and pop in to watch him lecture from time to time.
davey attends the opening night of every show jack works on <33
their apartment is always a mess LMAO. davey has papers and books everywhere, there’s paint on the floor, brushes all over the place— it’s what happens when you cross a tired academic and an adhd creative. shit happens.
they actually stay pretty hip and on-trend? idk how it happens but jack is rlly good with youth culture and davey is on top of gay culture so like. yeah they work.
over summers and breaks, they travel a lot! not anything crazy expensive— they love international travel, but they’re also a big fan of road trips and rental cars!
they are my FAVORITES and i love them so much
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osaka-lilac · 1 year
okay i’m finally free and can do this tag game cause i was busy sorry for the wait lol
tagged by @killingevie @arodynamics-xo and @formula-red <3333 i love u guys
1. are you named after anyone?
yea! i’m named after my great aunt and she’s pretty cool and she’s super sweet. my full name is a different spelling of alison krauss, she’s a bluegrass singer that my parents like, bonded over. she’s pretty cool actually
2. when was the last time you cried?
uhhh probably when i was still getting over my ex and it was still raw. i got close to it during a rush at work literally today and i had like 5 orders to do alone and i got scared and i just like. profusely apologized for the wait and they were like “well you shouldn’t be alone anyways” and i was like idk sorry i guess
3. do you have kids?
no and i don’t plan to for a long time. i’m literally 19
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
not really? i’m bad with detecting sarcasm a lot when it’s subtle but when you do the whole fake voice thing, then i get it. idk if it’s just the social anxiety in me or what
5. what sports have you/do you play?
so i dabbled a bit in elementary school and middle school but sports have never really been my thing. i did basketball camps in elementary school but i was not good at it, and then i did volleyball camps from fifth grade to seventh grade. i was part of the volleyball team in seventh grade but i wasn’t good and i wasn’t like already part of their crew so i wasn’t treated very well. but i joined tennis in eighth grade and i loved it and i played it up until my senior year of hs when covid cancelled our season. i was more into music, i did band and played french horn in middle school, and have done choir and theatre from fifth grade all the way up to my senior year.
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
i’m good at reading people’s faces. i can tell if someone doesn’t like me even by the twitch of an eyebrow. but usually i notice their eyes and smiles first. windows to the soul, am i right? i’m really bad at eye contact when people are also looking so it’s a bit awkward lol. i also love people’s smiles, and i’m able to match emotions p well
7. scary movies or happy endings?
so i used to be big into happier movies, like i would actively avoid movies that made me feel bad cause i didn’t want to feel like that. but once i took my film class in my second year of college i’ve appreciated movies that make me sad and uncomfortable. there’s so much i missed on by being afraid of feeling bad. i really enjoy psychological horror/thrillers, but i’m not into super gory or jumpscare-filled horror movies. think like full metal jacket, ones that make me feel scared in a tense way rather than just violence, although fmj has both
8. any special talents?
depends on what you call special. i did art for two years for college so i’m not too bad at that. i can sing but i haven’t sung in a non-private manner since high school so i’m pretty rusty. i’m not really that special when i think about it and i’m pretty ordinary. but i can make good coffee i guess.
9. where were you born?
north-eastern wisconsin and i barely have left the state in my life other than week-long vacations to florida as a small child that i barely remember.
10. what are your hobbies?
i still draw in my free time, even though i’m still working through my burnout. i like walking around town and driving for fun, i read and play video games but i’ve kinda been falling out of that. i like animal crossing, minecraft, destiny 2, and f1 21 (the only good one on xbox game pass). but i’m not very good at racing games yet cause i don’t have a wheel, i’m on controller. if you consider my hyperfixations hobbies, im big into f1 rn but in the recent past i’ve been really into total drama island, and mcyt (but i barely talk about that anymore)
11. do you have any pets?
yes! back at home i’ve got two cats named rudy and hermey, they just turned 19 in may and they may sound old but they are still kicking it and oh so sweet. they’re brothers and i’ve had them all my life and i love them. i also have a corgi who’s like 7 and she’s super sweet and bouncy and i love her
12. how tall are you?
5’4.5” ~ 162.5 cm [i tell people i’m 5’5” to fuck w them >:) ]
13. fave subject in school?
i liked art, choir, and english a lot. i actually loved writing papers about things i read and my teachers kept them as “examples” to show future students if they were confused so i take that as a personal W
14. dream job?
if you had asked me this like. 8 months ago i would have told you i would like to be a storyboard illustrator for movies or tv shows and stuff like that. however i am so burned out of everything except mindless sketch studies that i don’t know if i want to do that anymore. i’ve been oddly into engineering lately (literally only because of F1) and even though i didn’t enjoy math as much i’m willing to put it aside and work at it for the sake of a possibility of working for F1 one day.
15. eye color?
green with like. brown highlights. it’s not hazel but it’s also not fully green. i’ve been told i also have blue around the outside which idk about that. it’s like the dark blue ring with green and very little brown highlights.
uhhh i’m a little late to the party for this so idk who’s been tagged and done this already but i’m gonna tag @toffee-and-tandoori , @racingliners , and @tinyweltmeister as well as anyone else who wants to do this :)
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sexchangedotcom · 1 year
tagged by @dramaticstigmatic sorry this took so long i forgor
are you named after anyone?
i am not
when was the last time you cried?
couple days back
do you have kids?
not to my knowledge
do you use sarcasm a lot?
dunno i guess an average amount, maybe a bit above
what sports do you play/have you played?
i danced for eight years and i played rugby for a couple years too. dont do any sports anymore though
what's the first thing you notice about other people?
their hair im always looking at ppls hair choices
eye color?
scary movies or happy endings?
scary movies and happy endings are lezzing out
any special talents?
i can stand on my head
where were you born?
hospital my dad worked at
what are your hobbies?
listening to music, playing music, drawing, theatre
do you have any pets?
i do not
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soft-jihyo · 1 year
i know you’re always gonna get rude and inconsiderate people of all ages at concerts and in theatres but i really do think that ever since the pandemic, etiquette in places like these has just disappeared.
it’s gotten to the point where im reluctant to watch any movies under an 18 at the cinema because kids and teens just don’t know how to behave. they’re on their phones and taking loudly amongst themselves throughout the movie, treating the movie theatre like their living rooms and rudely talking back at other viewers and staff who ask them to be quiet.
and then at musicals you have young people screaming the song lyrics at actors performing live, not understanding that this isn’t a concert and you’re not supposed to be a participant.
idk, it’s like they don’t know how to just be an audience anymore.
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