#im dying I want to be them and I want to be with them
forestshadow-wolf · 2 days
Cw: intrusive thoughts, semi-vague suicidal ideation and attempt
"You're real." Ghost spoke in a way that legt no room to deny it. "I know it doesn't feel like it. And it feels like the those thoughts are the only thing about you that's real. But they're not. You are." Ghost spoke slowly, steadily. Like he wasn't talking to some feral, rabid creature. Like soap wasn't a deranged man. Just held his shaking hand, and gripped it tightly.
"How do you know?"
"Because I get them too. I think maggots and dirt. And I think about peeling the skin from my bones. And I think about hurting you. And Price. And Gaz. And-.. And I think about getting a revolver from the weapons cache." Ghost's hold turned bruising, and soap relished in it. "But there are no maggots. And the dirt can be scrubbed. And my skin's not coming off. And I haven't broken John's neck. Or stabbed Kyle in the neck. And I haven't ripped your throat out with my teeth." There was a slight tremble in Ghost's hand now, but his grip only got tighter.
"And you've never..."
"Oh I have. More times than I want to count. " Ghost said bluntly. "I checked that thing out unloaded. They wouldn't let me load my own gun. Like they knew. It's like they knew. And I went way out to the far far corner of the base. Up on a lovely little hill. And I took that gun. And I sat and watched the sunset. I thought that if I should die that it should be to something nice this time. And I pulled the hammer. And I closed my eyes. And held the barrel to my head." Ghost finally looked at him now. And Soap hadn't been able look away from sunce the beginning. "And I pulled the trigger." Ghost forced their eyes to meet. "And it didn't feel real when I pulled it away from my skull and I wasn't dead. But I wasn't. And I was real. And I'm here. With you." Soap let out a shakey breath.
"..h-how do you know if it's real?"
"How much do you want it to be real? Sometimes you don't know. Sometimes I see you bleeding from your throat, and I taste blood im my mouth. But it's my blood, because I look at you, and you're smiling and laughing instead of bleeding and dying."
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crazylittlejester · 2 days
i'd love to hear all your head canons on Warriors! and the others too if you have any. :)
i'm trying to get into writing fanfiction but its difficult when the canon version of Link is just "blank stare and sometimes arson" /j. Warriors is one of the Links i have the most difficulty with characterization lol (Legend, Hyrule, and Four or also giving me trouble /lh)
aight this is definitely gonna be so much more than you asked for but im not havin a great day and you asked about my special guy and gave me permission to yap about him, so here are a lot of headcanons + the way that I write/characterize him in my own fics! (my bad for spelling errors or if this is incoherent)
- I hc he came from a rather large family out in the country, so he had a lot of sisters growing up and a lot more space than the city but he moved to the city and has stayed there since he joined the army at 15/16
- I know most people hc all the Link’s parents are dead but NOT ME, Wars still has his mom, but he hasn’t been home since he left. I hc he hasn’t been able to bring himself to go home because he feels like the war changed him so much as a person that he won’t belong there and nothing will be the same, and that his family won’t take him back because they’re expecting the same kid who left and he just isnt that person anymore
- I will die on the hill that this man is a fake blond (and that he also straightens his hair). I hc he started dying his hair because he was so desperate to fit in and also to look like the other heroes because his image is incredibly important to him. A whole war was started over him because Cia wanted him, he feels like he needs to at least LOOK like that classic image of the hero. Tied in with this i think he has a lot of insecurity about himself and how he looks because he forces himself to look such a particular way and he’s created this character of himself and acts it out so thoroughly he’s forgotten who HE actually is
- This is a popular hc for him because in his game soldiers turn against him, and you have to fight them in game so a lot of people hc there have been assassination attempts against him and that these include poison. So I hc he has a very intense fear of food that sometimes prevents him from being able to eat all together because he can’t trust where it comes from. Some days he has to watch it be made, some days he has to make it himself, and rarely he just can’t do it. This is all based on my own food allergies and fear of cross contamination, and I also gave him a safe food: oranges! My thinking behind this is that when I get like this eating prepackaged foods are the most comforting to me because it makes me feel like it couldn’t have touched something I’m allergic to, and oranges have a peel which is just a barrier between them and the world. Can they still be poisoned? Absolutely, and Wars knows this, but he’s irrationally dependent on them because in his mind they’re safe because he NEEDS them to be, otherwise he just can’t eat. Like deep down he knows it’s stupid and they’re not guaranteed safe for him, but when he’s panicking he’ll grab those because he’s convinced himself they’re safe and he’s yet to be wrong
- Purely self indulgent hc but I also gave him my blood sugar issues, which is truly just an angst source for me because he’s caught in a trap of having an issue where he HAS to eat semi frequently or bad things will happen but his deep rooted fear of all his food being contaminated makes it really really hard for him to do so
- I hc he’s got a journal that has so so much in it that’s a mix between a diary, battle plans, history book in the making, sketchbook, and more. To me he’s got such a big big brain and a thirst for knowledge and he absorbs history like a SPONGE. He met all these people from other eras during the war and he learned so much about them and their cultures and times, and now he’s going through time to some of these places??? He’s writing that shit DOWN. He’s absolutely the first one to figure out where everyone is on the timeline. He also got used to observing soldiers during battle and noting their strengths and weaknesses so he could plan where to put them in battle and thats just somethin he cannot turn off, so he analyzes the chain and all his notes on them are in this book too. He TELLS them these things, with the intent to help them grow stronger, and he absolutely offers to help them work things out and because of this the group has really become a solid unit. Also the whole thing is written in his native language that NONE of the others can read (I hc he’s brazilian/scottish and his native language is the equivalent of portuguese)
- He’s a very touch oriented person, though the war and his trust issues kinda messed that up for him, but he IS getting better with it. He does much better if he’s the one initiating contact, and he’s definitely a shoulder to lean on for the others and his hugs are very nice
- I hc he HATES shit rubbing against his neck, which is one of the reasons why that scarf is so thoroughly pinned down
- I also hc he came from a family of tailors, so he’s definitely one of the people the chain goes to if they need sewing help
- He’s the one who gives the others haircuts, and he taught Wind how to properly care for his curly hair
- I hc he has temperature regulation issues because of the severe burn scarring Volga left him with, so he and Wild are ALWAYS the first two to overheat
i have more, i could talk about him for hours, but my brain is getting fuzzy so i’ll stop here for now lmao sorry for yapping so much 😭
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numinous-void · 2 days
um i’m swamped with school but here’s some radiorose headcanons! i am probably gonna write little imagines (are those still a thing?) about them & the headcanons instead of full stories cus im a good writer- just not in the creative way… the boring research and report paper way….
- rosie does a lot of the grocery shopping because alastor is very frugal. i imagine he was pretty poor as a kid so it was a habit his mama passed onto him.
- same train of thought, but he makes a lot of struggle meals. 70% of the time out of habit, 30% of the time for nostalgia. old habits die hard. when he gets older the nostalgia reason becomes more often. in my au he’s very very early 20s. frontal lobe not finished. i see him dying at like 29-32 range.
-alastor is pretty thin, and rosie will make him model designs and he sits there feigning grumpiness but really he doesn’t care and likes to help her.
-constant playful war of who’s cooking because they both enjoy it. rosie can bake and she teaches alastor how to. he doesn’t like sweets but after he learns, he bakes little goodies for her.
-they both have similar m.o. and they leave little signatures on each victim. alastor draws or carves (depending on severity of how much he dislikes the person) a smiley face. rosie leaves little flower petals covering their face or heart.
-both alastor and rosie have similar motives. they will kill both men and women but will not harm children and nor will they orphan children. they target people who are abusers (in any form) and p3dos. they are sorta like vigilantes but they are a little too sadistic to be a vigilante in a way. they torment the victim psychologically and physically as revenge and take joy and are entertained by it.
-they are knowledgeable in different areas. alastor is very good at anatomy, rosie is very good with decay. they are both extremely intelligent, but these skills are only slightly more noticeable in each other.
-alastor manipulates through smooth talking, rosie manipulates through sweet talking. they manipulate people to gain more of a social status, manipulate victims into traps, and manipulate people who are not their target demographic, but incredibly arrogant and difficult. they both do not manipulate innocent people or people with equal or lesser power than them. they do not manipulate each other either.
- due to the vastly different parts of america they were raised in (alastor- new orleans, louisiana and rosie- boston, massachusetts) they sometimes have trouble interpreting words or understanding words through each others heavy accents. alastor may ask if rosie wants a “cold drink,” she may assume a literal drink that is cold, when he actually is referring to soda. rosie may ask the same thing but refers to soda as “pop.” for funsies, mimzy just calls it soda
-alastor is still very cold, suave, silent, and nonchalant. exception… rosie. he melts for her. she likes to have fun with that lol. he’s ace but rosie can definitely bring out a little bit more of a gray-asexual or favorable ace with just small little (but intimate) gestures. he’s not used to it but he likes it. he likes the genuine affection.
-rosie first saw his curls when he was escorting her home and it began to rain, not having an umbrella, alastors hair began to curl. he didn’t want her to see (cus yaknow… the 1920s…) but she loved it. she eventually learns and helps al take care of his curly hair or will help him straighten it. she prefers it curly but she understands the need and want for it to be straight in public/society at the time.
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godsfavoritedumpster · 2 months
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WHERE'S THE LESBIAN SEX aaaahhhh ajsskakala
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stil-lindigo · 7 months
when people reblog donation posts and say "donate what you can", I really feel like people aren't actually internalising it. not all of us can afford to donate $50, $100, more than that. but i know for a fact that there are thousands of us that can spare $2 or $5, and that all adds up.
it hurts so much to sit here and feel the limits of our own ability. we're not millionaires. we can't instantly fund these escape attempts. but these are bids for life, by people who never asked for the hellfire being rained upon them by sadistic colonialists, greedy for oil and land. they committed no crime other than being born in palestine. and of course it's unfair, to have to shoulder the weight of people's lives when we're all struggling to get by as it is. but our governments relentlessly fail us, they fail to scrape at the bottom of their cold dead hearts for their last dregs of humanity. it is so, so unfair, but it is up to the common man to save each other.
please. look at this spreadsheet. find a fund that resonates with you. and DONATE WHAT YOU CAN.
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sigsfigs · 4 months
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let's dance
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close up of them........... theyre soooo super cute to meeeee v_v)) i love you bisexuals of color............. i love them too much i think fabian deserves to be with a sweet passionate girl who loves him for who he is and not go through messy toxic situationships anymor e wuhhhhh
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bloominflowers · 2 years
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Genshin Impact Fashion: Anemo Edition ☁️💙
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aroaceleovaldez · 5 months
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musical!Sally, book!Percy, movie!Grover, show!Annabeth my beloveds
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auxwired · 5 months
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alt vers under cut
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nibbelraz · 7 months
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Post-Canon Shang Qinghua thinking he's done with all the systems bullshit but marrying Mobei reawakened it to add more missions and plot but now it involves them both
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desceros · 1 month
headcanon: donnie is very finicky about his appearance actually
he pays attention to his clothes. how they fall on him. how the patterns match. if they catch his eye pleasingly or if they clash and he needs to change them. he cares a lot about fashion, but not in a Pays Attention To What's Popular way; he cares in a I Have My Style And I Will Adhere To It Under The Penalty Of Death way. i think about the way he makes a logo for his tech when he's a kid. it's trademarked he says of his brand. he cares about how things look. how his name is attached to things. appearances matter.
(it's common in the animal kingdom too, he consoles himself, looking into the mirror and tugging at his new shirt before going to see you. birds. fish. it's just biology. so he's interested. it's fine. natural. not extra at all. he just wants to look good. put on a good show. convince your eyes to land on him.)
this translates over when he starts courting you hard. plucking at your outfits and complimenting your choices. giving you suggestions when he comes into your room and his eyes finally slide off where you're lounging and into your closet. he asks if he can take a look inside. opens it up, thumbs through, muttering to himself. he'll pull together things you never thought to put together, and huh. that looks. really really good actually. thanks, donnie. giving him a sparkling smile that makes him look away because it's too bright to look into directly.
it starts then. before you're dating, when you're just... something. a question mark. a potential. you see him while you're walking down the street. he's looking into the glass storefronts, but the items inside don't seem to make any cogent sense or slide into one particular category. shoes. technology. dresses. flower arrangements. the items all over the place, not anything you can use to try and guess what he may want to his birthday coming up, which is annoying since you kinda want to spoil him a little.
(it's not until years later, seeing it again, curled beneath a possessive arm at a crosswalk, that you ask what that's all about. only then that he tells you he is admiring how the two of you look next to each other: fashionable, complimentary, coordinated;
fitting together just. right.)
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thinking about Eddie & hyacinths again
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thelilylav · 6 months
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We only see each other at funerals
(On Jason, Thalia, Nico, Bianca, and their parallels/connections)
The Titan's Curse (Rick Riordan), @/anxiousmaya_, Right Now (Gracie Abrams), The Battle of the Labyrinth (Rick Riordan), Joan of Arc (Mary Gordon), The Lost Hero (Rick Riordan), Episodes Toward and Elegy for Halley's Comet (Lindsey Drager), Jason Grace (Riordan Wiki), The Gods Show Up (Michael Kinnucan), The House of Hades (Rick Riordan), What the Living Do (Marie Howe), The House of Hades (Rick Riordan), Planet of Love (Richard Siken), The Blood of Olympus (Rick Riordan), Tangerine (Nolune), The Blood of Olympus (Rick Riordan), The Blood of Olympus (Rick Riordan), I Bet On Losing Dogs (Mitski), The Burning Maze (Rick Riordan), @/abhorarchive (Twitter), The Burning Maze (Rick Riordan), Seventeen (MARINA), The Burning Maze (Rick Riordan), @/rollercoasterwords, The Tyrant's Tomb (Rick Riordan), @/the-overanalyst, Where Things Come Back (John Corey Whaley), Grit (Silas Denver Martin), Softcore (The Neighbourhood), The Tower of Nero (Rick Riordan), Frost (Mitski), @/moonbends, I'm Your Man (Mitski), Sun Bleached Flies (Ethel Cain), The Tower of Nero (Rick Riordan), Three (Sleeping At Last), My Art
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pumpkster · 7 months
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alicenpai · 8 months
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about to clean up 12 characters wish me luck JDJHDJHDGDGF
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layaart · 19 days
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Emer, Jude, & Zara from The Invocations by Krystal Sutherland.
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