#im a kid like tendi it was easy for me to go abroad to study
mai-komagata · 1 year
Tendi is a bit of an unreliable narrator in regards to orions
this is not hate of tendi or of lower decks, which I love heart and soul. Just a more realistic take on what we have been told.
But I do think it is important to keep in mind her descriptions of orion society are of someone *extremely priviledged* in the social hierarchy and that orion society is very unequal.
She is the rich international student at a university -- she is right to dispel a lot of myths about orion society perpetuated by the more hegemonic power in the sector. But also realize her perspective is heavily influenced by her position as one of the richest families in the planet. Like its good that her grandmother was a scientist on a science ship, and good on them recognizing orion scientific achievements. But was that a position available to the common orion, or like, something wealthy people were able to access in orion society? It is amazing that she is putting aside her privileged position to join starfleet, but is that a possibility for her only because she is wealthy? Like can the guy whose job is to carry divans all day make the same decision? Is she less likely to downplay aspects of society like hormonal coercion, or the slave trade as part of their piracy operations because the wealth of her family allows them to opt out of those aspects of society? Is she to some degree ignorant of societal inequality b/c of her wealth? She sees a lot of orion society as embarrassing and worthy of critique which is laudable of her. But I do think she might have a bit of a myoptic view, too. If you've never read this medium article on the international school class, it is enlightening: https://medium.com/@rachel.engel/an-open-letter-to-the-international-school-community-our-role-in-the-black-lives-matter-movement-c92ba725d93c (on the transnational capitalist class)
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