#ignore the red ear this is part of a brainstorming page ahh
im-going-batty · 1 year
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Woah, rat be upon ye
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bigbanggot7stories · 7 years
Across the Hall Part 3
I hope this is okay to read. I hope y'all enjoy!
The small café was attached to the building I lived in, and if you didn’t pass by it every day, you probably would never notice it. I had been meaning to stop in over the week I had been in Seoul, but I didn’t have a chance with all of the office preparation and moving I had been doing.
I look a deep breath before opening the loud door, bowing at the owner sitting at the front counter. Jiyong and his friends were the only people at a table in the back of the room, so I made my way over to the group after mentally preparing myself for the worst.
“Hey,” I spoke softly, hoping to only gain the attention of the man I was intending to see.
Before Jiyong could open his mouth, however, the woman sitting next to him spoke up.
“Not to be rude or anything, sweetie, but he’s just here to have a good time with some friends. It would be really cool if you’d just let him be.”
I’m sure I looked like a deer caught in the headlights with my mouth slightly open as I looked over to Jiyong and Tae Hee. The singer’s manager chuckled a little and spoke first.
“It’s okay, she’s the fan from America. We’re just going to talk to her for a quick minute,” he said, motioning for Jiyong to get up as he stood from his chair.
As I followed the two out into the street, I could hear conversation resuming behind us.
“That girl needs a clue.”
“Yeah, but he did take her on the rest of the tour. He probably got her hopes up.”
“Probably, but did she really think he’d want anything to do with her after? He told me he stopped talking to her because he really didn’t thin—“
The door shut with a thud behind us, cutting off all access to the conversation inside. I put my hands in my coat pocket, slowly teetering on my heels as I waited for the men before me to speak.
“Y/N, listen. I know we had a lot of fun together, but I need you to delete my number. I think it’s best we just pretend we don’t know each other, y’know? I told you we would never be serious, and I let this go on a lot longer than I should have,” Jiyong said, his face cold and blank.
“What…? I mean I get that you don’t want to be serious, I didn’t either, really, I just thou—“
“That’s it, though. I shouldn’t have even let there be a chance of a thought in your mind. Before you showed up today, I thought if I just ignored you, you would eventually go away. I didn’t think you would leak my number or anything, so I just left it alone. But I can’t do that anymore,” he vaguely explained, creating more and more questions in my head.
“I don’t really understand, honestly…”
“It means—just give me your phone,” Tae Hee interrupted, ripping the cellphone out of my upturned hand. Jiyong looked at the ground as he took a step away from me to allow Tae Hee to delete his contact information from my phone. I silently nodded my head, waiting to have my phone returned to me as the tears welled up. “Oh, and sign this.”
I hadn’t noticed the documents he handed to me with my phone before we moved outside, causing a look of confusion to take over my features.
“What is this?”
“What does it look like? It’s a contract. It basically says you can’t make any allegations against Jiyong or anyone around him in any way, shape, or form. You can’t tell anyone about the time you spent together, or we will sue you for everything you have. And if you don’t sign it, we can still sue you for defamation, by the way,” Tae Hee spit out.
“I’m well aware of that, Thanks. Let me just read over it really quickly.”
“Why don’t you just sign the damn thing? I just told you what it meant.”
“She never signs anything she doesn’t read first,” Jiyong spoke up, painfully reminding me that this was, in fact, a real situation I was in.
I sighed as I signed both copies, cradling the courtesy copy to my chest as I took a step back from Jiyong and his manager.
“I’m sorry it had to come to this, Y/N. Truly.” Jiyong said, each word digging further into my chest.
“It’s okay,” I waivered, biting the inside of my cheek to keep from crying. “I just want you to be happy, okay? Don’t let being a superstar take you down. You’re good, Jiyong.”
Jiyong nodded, sucking in his cheeks before opening his arms for a friendly hug, but I bowed quickly and rushed back up the stairs before he could take a step closer to me. If the past eight months felt so much like a fantasy, there were no words to describe the hurt and pain I was feeling in that moment.
For the first time since meeting Jiyong, I felt as though I had made the worst decision of my life. I could imagine my parents mocking me from across the ocean with their ‘I told you so’ and ‘you should have listened to your daddy.’ I felt so untrustworthy, like I had no business even running the company I was newly placed in charge of. I felt as though I wasn’t good enough, like I hadn’t spent eight months successfully convincing myself it didn’t matter the status difference between us.
I had tried so hard to put some distance between us in the beginning, and it was only after Jiyong constantly reminded me he liked me that I opened up. It took a lot of reassurance to get so close to him, and now I felt everything was a lie. After all, who would want to be with someone like me?
It took an entire weekend of tears to pick myself up and make my way back to my studio. I still wasn’t okay by far, but the therapy that came with designing and keeping my brain occupied was enough incentive to get me out of my apartment.
“You have a big meeting today, by the way.” Mi Na rattled off my schedule for the day. “It’s high profile. YG Entertainment, artist music videos. It’s supposed to turn into a partnership, but this particular meeting is for one artist. I’m not sure which artist, they didn’t tell me, but sales and the former executive team has been working on this partnership for a while. Rumor has it, the news of our lead designer becoming CEO sealed the deal with YG.”
She wiggles her eyebrows at me, making me roll my eyes and chuckle.
“Well, I hope that puts this meeting to a good start. I guess we’ll have to schedule another meeting later this week about the partnership. Get with sales and my project team to set a date for that. Also, do you have the brainstorming and vision page for this meeting? I could do a few sketches while we’re waiting on traffic if you don’t have anything else.”
“That’s about it for today. And yes, here’s what was submitted to us when the meeting was set up last month.”
Mi Na handed me a file folder full of the client’s detailed vision. It was lengthy, but there was more room for creative direction than the three pages of notes suggested.  Abstract. Lots of color or none at all. Psychedelic or something out of the ordinary. Uncomfortably pleasing to any type of person. Something to lure in my audience. Sexy.
It was a long list of demands, but they were vague. It was projects like these that challenged me, and I absolutely loved it. The rest of the ride to the studio was full of sketches and not of Jiyong.
The studio was fast paced by the time we arrived. Interns rushed about, cleaning every surface they could find and making sure everything was perfect for our high profiled guests’ arrival. I was excited; this was my first official client meeting as CEO, and if the rumor was true, my work had been gaining the best kind of recognition. I quickly made my way across the lobby area into the open work room where my work in progress pieces had been neatly organized to frame the large conference table brought in from the main office. In hopes to create a more private environment, it was suggested we use my studio, which I found a good idea for such a high-profile partner.
As soon as I had set my sketch book down on the conference table and asked Mi Na to bring me next year’s catalog, the furious environment around me seemed to come to a halt. My employees rushed to the foyer to stand in a single line, and I checked myself over in a large mirror that helped separate the galley room from the lobby. I hoped the red pant suit I had chosen for the day showed more confidence than I truly had in that moment, even if I silently wished I had chosen a white top instead of the black blouse I had under the blazer. Shrugging, I silently followed along, standing just inside the doorway to greet my client.
First, Mr. Yang entered with a small group of assistants and managers all clutching pads of paper and cellphones. Both employees and leaders bowed to each other before I extended my hand to shake Yang’s hand.
“Good morning, Mr. Yang. I hope it was easier for you to find us. My name is Y/F/N. I’m the new CEO here, but I am still acting as lead designer for the time being. I’m looking forward to working with you.”
“Ms. Y/L/N, it is a pleasure to finally meet the person we’ve heard so much buzz about. I’ve seen some of your work. I’m looking forward to working with you as well. I do want to sit down and talk with you about a future partnership sometime this week, if that is at all possible,” the man warmly greeted me back. He was much more personable than I had anticipated.
“Yes, I believe my team has come up with some dates for you, and we can get that squared away at the end of today’s meeting. I understand today we are concerned with a particular artist? I’m sorry, I wasn’t given a name.”
“Ahh, yes, he should be here any minute actu—oh, here he comes,” Yang interrupted himself, turning towards the opening door. “This is Kwon Jiyong, I’m sure you have seen him in BigBang as well as his solo activities as G-Dragon.”
In that moment, I was sure all of the oxygen in the room had been sucked out the door as I locked eyes with the one person I was sure I would never have to be in close proximity of again. I felt as though I had taken a sucker-punch to the stomach, and I couldn’t believe my eyes or ears. Jiyong’s face mirrored my thoughts, as he was surprised to see the person who he thought he had broken all ties with. Quicker than it came, however, it was gone, and he and Tae Hee were greeting their superior. His entourage was a little larger than Yang’s, consisting of his manager and most of the friends he had been with at the café the week before.
I saved some face quickly, and I put on a warm smile to greet my new guests.
“Y/N,” Jiyong spoke first.
“Jiyong, nice to see you.” Hot damn, this was hard.
“Oh, so the two of you have already met?” Yang intercepted.
“We met in America during my tour. I had no idea this was the company you were working for.”
“Oh, yes. I’ve been the lead designer here for a couple of years behind the scenes, and now I am the new CEO. Like I told Mr. Yang, I am looking forward to working with all of you.” I tried to keep my distance from Jiyong. The last thing we needed was for Yang to find out our relationship with closer than professional.
“Sorry we are a little late, by the way. Tae Hee missed the street on accident,” Jiyong spoke, earning a small glare from his manager.
“It’s okay, we can get started now. I hope you don’t mind, we decided to move the meeting here to my studio for some more privacy and to help with creativity. I have a few works in progress around the galley room, if you’d like to take a look at them before we really get into the business stuff. I like to take more of an interactive approach when doing these vision meetings, so I hope you are all okay with a little unconventionality.”
“We’re an entertainment company, Ms. Y/L/N. I hope we can deal with a little unconventionality every now and again,” Mr. Yang pointed out, causing my mood to lighten. If I only had to interact with him, this meeting would be smooth sailing.
As the group moseyed around the room, I wandered to the small kitchen area in the corner of the room underneath my open office to grab a cup of coffee. Mi Na followed me in, excitedly grabbing at my arm.
“You know him, and you didn’t think to tell your favorite assistant?”
“Mi Na,” I started, removing her hand from my arm. “It’s not something I can or want to talk about. This is a professional relationship, and I intend to keep it strictly that.”
I finally made my way to the conference table, where most were settling into their seats.
“I apologize, I forgot my coffee in the kitchen this morning. If any of you would like a cup, there’s plenty in there. I sometimes get into my work here and end up staying here instead of going home, so you might find anything in there,” I laughed. “Anyways, I wanted to start today’s meeting with introducing myself and my methods of designing first, so everyone understands where we’re going. I know you guys submitted a vision sheet with some other brainstorming attached, and I do have a few sketches I did in the car this morning from it, but I would really like to know more about what you have in mind. Would anyone like to elaborate?”
“I think the very basic point is that I would like something different. I’d like to experiment with materials and designs that surprises the audience. Something that’s one thing in one perspective, and another thing from a different perspective,” Jiyong presented. His friends and colleagues also elaborated on his ideas, showing me just how abstract and out of the ordinary he wanted to go.
“So like optical illusions, almost, right? Have you seen the body paintings where people are painted into scenery?”
“Oh, yes, I love those,” Jiyong commented, earning a few sounds of agreement from the rest of the people around the table.
“What if we did something with that. We could take different aspects of your life and portray them in some sort of scenery or graphic and essentially ‘paint’ you as you are today into that. We could take or even create some all white furniture and project the images onto a white backdrop. This way we can show some contrast between the image and you, and you can be a little more interactive with scenes,” I suggested, feeling a little more confident with the pleased look on Yang’s face.
“I think that’s a great idea, Ms. Y/N. It’s a little more on the abstract side like you wanted, isn’t it Jiyong?”
“It’s a good idea, don’t get me wrong,” he started, landing a hit to my confidence. “But I want to see what other options we have.”
“Of course,” I agreed. “This is just one idea. I always think it’s a good idea to create as many designs as we can with a positive spin, then hitting it with the negatives to squash the flaws. Please, let’s keep brainstorming.”
As the meeting continued, I could tell Jiyong was more and more pleased with my opinions and ideas, forcing his smile back into my thoughts. I wanted to show him my talents, and I hoped he would see that I was doing just fine on my own.
After hours of collaborating and bouncing ideas off of each other, it was getting later in the evening and our meeting was coming to an end. As we wrapped up, Yang stood to address the rest of us.
“Ms. Y/N, thank you so much for sharing your time with us today. I am so very pleased with your ability and ideas that I think we have much to discuss on making a deal later this week. I have an important dinner I can’t miss with my wife, but I insist everyone here go for drinks and dinner on me. Jiyong, make sure Ms. Y/N does go and that she doesn’t pay for a thing. Thank you again. Goodnight everyone.”
Everyone stood to send off Mr. Yang, and chatter quickly consumed the room. Before long, Tae Hee approached Mi Na and me to let us know of the small restaurant Jiyong had picked out and how to get there. Seeing there was no way out of it, I unwillingly followed my assistant to our town car.
After a couple rounds of drinks, I was feeling a lot better about being out in a large group with Jiyong. Luckily, his friends made it easier to not have direct communication with him, and I was thankful for their interest after today’s meeting. I was soon able to laugh freely and I almost didn’t even notice the glances Jiyong sent my way throughout the evening.
All of that freedom, however, was soon replaced with dread as a I received a text.
From: Unknown number
Meet me outside in five. Use the back door by the restrooms.
I knew exactly who the text was from, but he didn’t so much as glance my way as he stood to inform everyone of his cigarette break. I was surprised his entourage let him escape without a chaperone.
I tried so hard to stay in my seat, but the alcohol and the growing curiosity got the best of me. I excused myself to the ladies room after anxiously waiting five minutes and made my way to the back exit. Once I was five feet from the door, however, I was suddenly pulled into a nearby closet with the door closing and locking behind me.
Like muscle memory, my mouth instantly moved with the familiar one attached to the body that slammed into mine against the closed door. One hand pressed flat against the door next to my head, the other trailed down the side of my body, finding my hands to place around his neck. His kisses were needy and he soon was lightly biting my bottom lip to make room for his tongue. Without giving it any thought, I let him in, moving my hands to his hair to pull him even closer to my body. In fact, I was sure I couldn’t make a single coherent thought as his hands wrapped around my waist to pull my lower bottom closer to his.
“Are you sure you didn’t know it was me coming today?” He asked, moving his kisses down to suck small circles along my jawline. “You know my favorite color is red.”
His voice pulled me out of the moment briefly, letting me realize what our situation really was.
“Wait, wait Jiyong,” I said, pulling him back slightly to look over his face. “What are you doing? You said you didn’t want anything to do with me.”
I started to drop my hands, but Jiyong pulled them up above my head, attaching his mouth to my neck once again.
“Can we forget about that for a few minutes? Please,” his voice muffled against my skin.
I was about to object once again, but the harsh suck to the spot where my neck met my shoulder pulled me back into the moment of pure lust. I let out a low moan as he loosened his grip on my hands, allowing them to fall once again to his hair.
“Shhh, baby, we don’t want anyone to hear.”
He caught my lips in his once again, temporarily distracting me from the hand trailing down my front side to dip beneath my trousers and panties. The moment his finger ran along my slick slit to circle the sensitive nub at the top, I gasped and my hips buckled towards his hand.
A chuckle resonated from Jiyong’s chest as he rested his head on my shoulder again. He lightly peppered the sensitive skin, paying close attention to the two fingers he slowly inserted inside of me. Once fully inside, he only shallowly pistoned his digits, leaving me shamelessly grinding my center against his hand. He pulled his fingers from my dripping core to tease my entrance before slamming them back into me, picking up speed.
His fingers expertly worked me over, and my climax was quickly building. Before I could say anything, Jiyong moved to circle my clit with his thumb, gently coaxing me to my high. I clung to his shoulders as I felt my lower stomach begin to tighten, and he tightly pressed his mouth to mine to swallow my gasps and moans as I twitched and came into the palm of his hand.
He slowly pulled his hands from my pants, locking eyes with me as he wrapped his lips around the two of his fingers he had just used to fingerfuck me into oblivion. I couldn’t help but to let out a small wine at the sight of the beautiful man in front of me sucking my juices off of his own hand.
“Sweet, just like I remember.”
I almost rolled my eyes when I was swiftly moved to the side of the small room to a desktop where my pants were swiftly pulled down and off my legs. Jiyong was quick to place himself between my legs, pressed his jean-clad bulge against me. I hadn’t noticed how hard he was before, and my body wasted no time in reaching out a hand to palm him through his jeans. He let out a low groan, biting his bottom lip as he looked down at my hand between our clothes bodies.
I used my free hand to grab his face and pull his lips to mine, letting the alcohol and the moment take full control over my mind and my body. Jiyong helped me undo his pants to allow me to slip my hand beneath his briefs, but even that didn’t last long. He continued to assault my mouth as he pulled my hand from his pants, quickly pulling his length out and searching his pockets for a condom. He waisted no time in slipping the condom on and pulling my panties to the side, but he pulled away from the kiss to watch my face as he placed his tip against my entrance.
Knowing well he wanted to watch me as I took him whole, I tipped my head back to give him a better view of my face. It was something I had noticed over time, and when I asked him about it, he had admitted to loving the way my face scrunched up and contorted when he fucked me. Especially when I was still sensitive from the last orgasm.
How beautiful I looked.
I gasped as he finally nestled himself fully inside of me, pausing before pulling out completely and slamming right back in. It felt so good, but the pleasure mixed with the unreadable emotion glazing his eyes as he searched my face quickly became too much for me to handle. Without a word, I slung my arms around his body, placing my cheek on his shoulder and my hand in his hair.
A confused tear slipped down my cheek, undoubtedly hitting his shoulder, as my breath hitched with pleasure when Jiyong picked up his pace. The pleasure mixed with the heightened emotions was so intense that my second high was approaching faster than I thought it would.
“Ji, I can’t hold out much longer,” I choked out, pulling at the ends of his hair.
“Please, baby. Please just a little longer,” he whispered, pulling my legs around his waist before wrapping his arms around my body and nestling his face into the crook of my neck.
He slowed down his movements to give me a little room to breathe, barely grinding his hips into mine. I instinctively clinched around him, earning a soft moan. He suddenly seemed to have a change of heart, reaching down to pull my knees up to my chest. The new angle forced me away from my hide out spot and my wet face was on full display as he began to plow into me harder than before.
Jiyong fumbled for a slight moment as he locked eyes with mine, but he quickly recovered as he averted his eyes to where our bodies connected. Soon, my climax was seconds away, and I was internally relieved when I felt his hips stutter. Jiyong quickly circled my clit as I shook with my high, only cumming seconds later himself.
For a minute, we both allowed ourselves to catch our breaths while still clinging onto each other. My legs felt like they would fall off any moment, and I was afraid my face would once again betray me.
As quick as the moment had come, it was gone. Jiyong was able to pull himself away and clean himself up, tucking himself back into his pants and leaving the closet before I could get my pants halfway up my thighs. When the door closed behind him, it took everything in me to hold in the tears and control my breathing. I was disappointed, both in him and in myself for allowing it to happen.
What did I expect? He had told me he didn’t want anything with me. Of course this was just a quick fuck, and we would never speak of it again. Maybe it was a final hurrah fuck, and I needed to control my emotions, too.
After this, I would not let myself succumb to that type of weakness again.
After this, I knew I had to put my walls up for good.
FINALLY have this edited! I’m so glad I got this done. It looks SO much better. I’m hoping to work on the next chapter tonight as well as some of my other neglected stories/requests. Sorry it has taken so long!
Thanks for reading!
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