#if youve seen this on another account before
tatzlyip · 1 year
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dumping this over 1 year old art here that i forgot to upload
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ggyweek2024 · 8 months
GGY Fanweek 2024
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Hello Gregory/GGY fans!! March 7th is coming up next month, aka the original release date of the TFTP book GGY, and it will be its FIRST anniversary!!
to celebrate, I (@puhpandas) am hosting a GGY Fanweek! Heres some more info below:
The week will take place from March 1st to March 7th
This prompt list above has two word prompts, and an AU prompt for each day in the week. there are not three prompts each day unless you want there to be, theres just multiple options!
for each prompt, you can use your art medium to create something centered around that prompt. the usual is art/fanfiction, but other mediums are welcome!
each prompt is very widespread and can be anything you want it to be. its up to you to come up with something cool! All characters other than GGY are welcome. The only must have for each prompt is that it includes GGY somehow. whether it be past, present or future.
dont be a freak. no NSFW allowed along with the usual weird stuff. it will not be reblogged on this account and shared if so. if your work includes anything extreme like gore or certain phobias, please tag accordingly!
This prompt list was released as early as it was to give every participant enough time to preemptively create for each day.
All 7 days are NOT required to participate. you could only create for 1 day and it'd be just fine. this is for fun!
when each day arrives, post your work on tumblr and tag this account and tag #ggy fanweek 2024. its totally allowed to share your work elsewhere as well!
You are not to post your work until the week arrives, and you only post your work on its respective day. (example: day 5's prompt only when it is day 5 of the week)
Each work will be reblogged on this account so it will all be in one place! like an archive
when the week arrives and you post your work, PLEASE tag this account! i need to be tagged so i can reblog your work here!
For any fic writers, if you post your work on ao3 (not required), it would be awesome if you added your fic to the GGY Fanweek ao3 collection
Have fun!! this entire event is all just to have a good time, so please no stress! create whatever you want to in your own time, no matter how much or little. this is to celebrate GGY/Gregory, so let all your passion loose here!!
edit since ive seen some people confused about the AU prompts: the AU prompts are not for an already existing/established AU by me or someone else. its a 3rd option if the word prompts dont interest you, but im also just giving you a scenario to place the characters of your liking into. even if youve never seen an example of the AUs before, theyre pretty self explanatory in their names!
another edit: for archive reasons, I'll be tagging every reblog of every week contribution with tags that apply. for example, I'll be tagging which day the post is for and which prompt they chose. I'll also be tagging every character involved in the work.
so if you ever want to navigate the blog and find works for a specific day or prompt, this is how! in the search bar type a characters name and it should show you everything applying to them! this also works for specific days and prompts!
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eyesxxyou · 10 months
Stalker Spiderpunk/hobie brownx afab reader for you pretty boy (because i like telling people my ideas more then posting any idea/stories on my account) Smut ahead warning! Could kinds be seen as cnc, spiderpunk also gets more yandereish at the end. Still has mask mostly on, so reader doesnt fully know its hobie brown
A little flashback, Spiderpunk whose been watching, praying from afar you dont notice him. He sees how much you love him and appreciate his work but would you continue to do that if you found out he was stalking you? Since the one day he saved you hes been absolutely infatuated with you, by everything you do and how you look. Currently now he’s patrolling watching you go home. For you ever since the day the hero you adored saved you, youve felt like you were prey. Always being watched, it definitely raised your anxiousness high which would explain why your fiddling with a piece of jewelry you have. He thinks its quite cute of what your doing, his eyes and movements following yours as you get home. When your home he watches how you get out of stuff from your job feeling exhausted and changing into a tshirt of spiderpunk, one that was made by a small business that hobie loves. He know its wrong to watch you change but he cant stop, after a couple of minutes and your done he’s actually near your window and knocks on it. Hearing the noise you turn your head you see the neighbors friendly punk spiderman. Your eyes go wide as you open the window to let him in, worried if something happened to him. When you did that you wouldve never expected it to go the way it has now. Which current is you being tied like a bug in his spiderweb. Which kinda feels fitting since you were his prey, and well… he was your predator. Whose currently feasting on the way you taste. His warm tongue inside of you along with his fingers. The tongue piercing only adding more to your pleasure as his tongue and fingers curl together. You can also feel his lip piercings at your folds. But currently hes making you fold, already having your legs turning into jelly so hes holding you up with one hand on your thigh against your bedroom wall where your wrist are pinned with spiderwebs. Hearing you moan and whimper is like a praise to him, oh how he only wants to treat you how you deserve. How hes claiming you to be all his, each moan and whimper just more of a beg from you. In this little game of his, he plans to be the only winner. His mask is only up to his nose allowing it to where he can feast. His mask eyes look up at you, god do you look so gorgeous in that tshirt a small business made of it. God does it only get him more horny knowing you arent falling for big corporations lies. It only gets him going rougher. His hand thats currently fingering you he uses his thumb to press up against your clit, trying to enhighten your pleasure as his spidey senses go off. His spidey senses dying down when you cum in his mouth and on his beautiful face. He watches as your head is thrown back as you moan for spiderman. He enjoys every second of it and he removes his fingers and tongue, he licks the cum off his fingers. Moving his head back down so he gets every single drop you made for him.
He definitely doesnt plan to let you go, after cleaning you up and putting you in the bed he mumbles some soft words to you. The words are fulled with passion as he calls you his. He will do more with you another day but he wants to wait for that. Kissing your forehead tucking you in as he locks the window from the inside before moving out of it and shutting the window making sure its locked. He jumps away as your left their stunned on what just happened, but excited. While hes thinking about making sure no one gets close to who he loves, at least not to close anyway…
Id actually start making fanfics of him if i could write his damn accent (i cant yet guys gonna study him and his voice and accent more. But then again i fucking suck at accents okay. I dont even know if the thing as that good but… yeah)
You don't have to wait until you get his accent, just write him normally. This is GREAT! You should definitely post it to your account!
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neptunes-sol-angel · 9 months
I've been off here for awhile because I needed a break from this account because I've been fatigued from content creating and I specifically have plans to return for the next few days but before I post anything, I really want to talk about something with this community that's really bothering me. I haven't had any issues with anyone doing this to me, and I'm thankful for those who have been patient with me, but I do have mutuals and people that I follow that I've seen this happen to, and it's the entitlement.
There are way too many posts of people pressuring readers to make their content a certain kind of way, telling them what topics to do, or what topics to do less of and it's extremely disrespectful, unless a reader asks for suggestions/recommendations for ideas, it's rude to slip into their inbox/asks/comments to tell them how they should do their readings because if you take away the notes, it'll be apparent on how this pressure that y'all put on us is the main reason for why so many readers leave. They lose their sense of direction for what to do with their accounts, seeing the value in what they post up here, and enthusiasm for doing readings period. Stop doing it, it's rude. It's like the internet makes a lot of you forget manners and the common courtesy of boundaries because another thing that I want to talk about is these games.
It's getting out of hand how Y'all are treating readers over free content. Unless there was a monetary or reading exchange, there should be no reason for why you feel that it's okay to smother a person for a luxury (NOT A NEED) that they offered to you for free.
I need y'all to understand that the majority of diviners here bring you content because this is a form of escapism, idc who disagrees. A lot of the readers in this community are young, they're exploring and they have the free time to do it. But what all of us have in common, is that we have lives, and that shit changes. At any time. So does our schedules. We have school, work, bills, families, hobbies, issues that we need to take care of related to the things that I mentioned previously, physical health problems, mental health problems, issues with finances, issues with housing, and sometimes it can be that WE ARE JUST TIRED.
It's not to be rude, but if y'all continue to harrass readers like @crystaldivination and @s1ncer3dreams , I really want to remind anybody that posts content up here that's reading this that setting boundaries applies to YOU TOO, you don't have to be scared to defend yourself or feel pressured to explain right away that you're doing what you need to take care of you
I've observed these readers for awhile now, and from what I've seen, THEY ARE ALWAYS giving out free readings and if youve ever picked up a deck and have actually read for people, you would understand how it's actually insane how much taxing it is to even do a fraction of what they do. That post was unfair and vile to make, you didn't even wait to let this person respond to understand what's going on, y'all need to relax because this is concerning. 
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sharp-tooths · 11 months
Ok ok hang on cause ive been thinking about something in tristamp and i havent seen anyone else talk about it so i wanna ramble about my source of brainrot-
Tristamp rant w/ spoilers under the cut w/ some minor trimax/98 tidbits
And i cant believe no ones talked about it yet? Or maybe i just havent seen it, but in trigun stampede when Vash is fighting Livio on the sandsteamer and Livio kicks Vash away before Wolfwood gets to him and ya know how vash doesnt immediately get back up?
Well I thought that was kinda weird, considering youve got a guy whos clearly not there mentally with two automatic guns willing to shoot anyone who gets close to him, theres no way vash wouldnt get right back up to continue trying to stop him, but maybe hes trying to give wolfwood his chance, right? But then why does he stay down when Livio aims the gun at himself? For someone who can react fast enough to shoot a bullet out of the air with perfect aim, and wants to save everyone, why didnt he get up to stop him?
So in each rewatch of the show, i would keep looking, and i realized. Its another one of those small details that isnt ever acknowledged or talked about, but if you watch, Livio kicks Vash in the left side of his chest, and when Vash sits back up, he has his hand up over that side of his chest
We still havent clearly seen whats going on on the left side of Vash's chest in tristamp, but since theres clearly at least a scar there, and in trimax/98 he has a metal grate, its easy to come to the conclusion that whatever happened to the left side of his chest was(is) bad, if livio kicking him kept vash down long enough to be unable to save him from killing himself
I know its one of those things you can easily look over, as that would seem like a normal human reaction to having your chest kicked hard enough to send you flying back several feet, but taking into account that Vash is a plant with supernatural healing, and in episode 10 he just basically walks off a gunshot to the gut AND in ep 12 when hes shot down with MULTIPLE bullet wounds he still gets back up fairly quickly (considering a human would most likely be down and out for the count with 4(?) bullets in em) so im wondering if maybe in tristamp theyre even paying attention to the old injuries vash got that were bad enough to Scar a Plant that can Heal himself, and/or maybe how the metal implants in his body could affect him??
Cause i did also notice that tristamp vash had less visible physical scarring, but more metal implants, and im thinkin maybe theyre leanin into the "healing powers" plants have, meaning that maybe plants dont scar as easily as humans, like when wolfwood drinks his vials and ends up 100% fine after being turned into swiss cheese with no scarring (a separate post about conrad being a plant scientist) which ALSO means that any scars Plants DO get, means that it was REALLY. REALLY BAD. Also a separate post about trimax vash possibly going through a litteral blender to end up with those scars as a plant.
Aanyways im done chewing on tristamp for rn im falling asleep
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most iconic twitter layout tbh before my fucking account got nuked (opened it up during a religion lesson thought god suspended me . it was actually copyright violations . right when i almost hit 4.4k) . that girlie is jean grey shes a fucking icon idk if you heard of her . one of the og xmen (token girl) she is insanely powerful she goes nuts several times over the course of her comics career . icon . thats from the new xmen (2000) run, its actually really good if you ever want to get into comics you should definitiely read it
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my BESTEST girl im sure youve seen me rave about her before . i think that pic is from uncanny avengers . good enough comic . had my favourite love interest of hers in it (jericho aka doctor voodoo . hes cool) . i had this one for agessss
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yet another bestest girl . this is daisy johnson she is perfect in every concievable way . shes bisexual (not canonically but the actress did say oh absolutely when someone asked about it . her ass is so fruity though she looks like she kisses men and women) . shes a hacker . she has fucking awesome earthquake superpowers . shes so mentally ill . i love her . also her mum . number one evil milf .
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MY GIRL LENNYYY shes such an icon canon lesbian played by aubrey plaza you dont really get too much better than that . she gets possessed at one point and goes nuts as you can see in this image . that whole sequence is great . the whole show is really fucking trippy and its actually really good andddd i gotta finish it i got chucked into a new hyperfixation around the time i was trying to finish it sadly . its so good tho .
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also this is the longest time i had a none marvel pfp i think . this is laurits . from a show called ragnarok idk if youve watched it but they are the best and i fucking love laurits . reincarnation of loki if im remembering how that all worked correctly . very queer as most lokis tend to be (excluding that useless piece of shit sylvie)
anyway sorry for all that this turned into less of a favourite layouts and more of an annoy you about all my faves
you are never annoying friend i love hearing abt ur blorbos
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spiderboi-parker · 29 days
hey im officially working on a 'family tree' of sorts for every blog involved in this rp group so would you mind telling me who your characters are connected to and where theyre living with tags so I can keep everything organized? Connection list is: Parent/child Grandparent/grandchild Great grandparent/great grandchild Siblings Dating Married/engaged pibling/nibling (gender neutral terms for aunt/uncle and niece/nephew)
(repeating this for all the blogs you run would be appreciated)
if you have any questions just ask!
(apologies if this has been sent multiple times. if youve already answered i likely lost the information due to disorganization that i'm currently dealing with)
[OOC: Lol it's fine, this gives me a chance to say LOREEEEEEE]
[OOC edit: Okay so I wasn't very clear, I'm friends/found family with all the rp blogs I'm involved with! Also sorry I didn't tag you- @thedcrpfamilytree ]
[Other OOC edit: Forgot to mention, these brackets mean me, the author/account runner, is speaking. I can be interacted with like the fourth wall!]
This is Peter Benjamin Parker. I'm the one and only Spider-Man. Well, of my universes.
I originate from Earth-616, the "Sacred Timeline". This is where all other universes in my multiverse stem from. I'm the kid of the Avengers, 14 years old (28, depending on the blog I'm talking to! Interactions with adult romance interests mean I'm 28!), and I travel the multiverse! I'm Tony Stark's son figure and protégé, but I work with the Batfamily as well. Here's where things get tricky. I don't have a Batfamily in my universe- I go to other universes. Depending on the universe, my relationship with any Batfamily member will be different. [OOC: The Avengers are like his family, Tony being the dad, Natasha being the mom, and the rest being aunts and uncles. Yes, that includes Wanda.]
I have a lot of adventures, and a lot of different friends and family! Giving the phone to older me lol
Hi, this is Peter. Blah blah blah, yeah I'm Spider-Man, hi. There's a lot of different versions of me that are 28, like myself, that have different universes. There's only one small us. Be nice to him. I'm Earth-616 Peter, I'm single and work full time as an Avenger.
I'm Peter, also from Earth-616, but another timeline. I'm dating Wade Wilson (DEADPOOL) and work full-time as Spider-Man. Repeating what the Peter above me said, be nice to little us!
Hey, another Peter, another Earth-616 timeline. I'm Spider-Man and dating Johnny Storm. Be nice to little us. [BRO FORGOT TO SAY HE'S NOT A FANTASTIC FOUR MEMBER💀]
Hey! I'm Peter, don't know my Earth number, but I live in Gotham and work with the Batfamily! I'm not dating anyone. (Peter dating Wade here, he forgot to mention he's Spider-Man. Lol)
Another Peter in Gotham, also Spider-Man, I'm a part of the Batfamily, and Tim and Duke are my best friends! (Adult Peter who's not dating anyone, he forgot to say that he's 16. He originated in Earth-616, but he's in the Dark Matter timeline. [OOC: Minus the murder.]) (Shut up, [REDACTED]) [OOC: Nuh uh. Also I don't role-play as him yet, if you want to hit me up!] (Stop advertising your blog) [No I want friends]
I'm Peter Benjamin Parker, aka Spider-Man. I live in Metropolis and I'm friends with Clark Kent and the Batfamily. Hey guys! [OOC: Also another yet to be role-played character. He's 28, very polite, and always lived in Metropolis. He's single. I forgot to mention, please interact with my main Peter {14, Earth-616} the most! And clarify what Peter you're role-playing with OOC before you make your post so I know what to use! Always willing to make a new AU! NO STARKER, EVER. I'VE BLOCKED ALL ACCOUNTS OF IT IVE SEEN ON MY FYP. DNI IF YOU SHIP THAT, YOU DISGUST ME. *Throat clearing* Alright, now that that's done, bye guys! Say bye Peters!]
Bye guys!
Bye everyone!
See ya!
See you later!
See you all soon!
Goodbye everyone! Have a good day!
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sp4rrowdoll · 1 year
Another request before i sleep, i hope I'm not bothering you💀😭
BUT! this is your post to share any headcanons about literally anyone from dol😌 just a space for you to put stuff youve been thinking about but not knowing where to organise your thoughts. Hit me with anything abt anything bro let's fucking GO
(and i ask this just before heading to bed so goodnight😩🤌)
You are not bothering me at all!!! I love getting asks and requests, and getting to write for people, it's genuinely really helpful and inspiring. Gimme all the asks! I want them all!! Sometimes I do sit on them a bit though, they need to incubate. Marinate, if you will, for maximum flavor and tenderness.
Alrighty, headcanon time. I've got some headcanons for both Bailey and Mason. (Mason is fantastic and I love them so much) Bailey:
Bailey was a good person once. 
Not anymore, certainly—that ship sailed a long fuckin’ time ago, and he doesn’t even bother to pretend that he wants what’s best for the orphans under his care, regardless of age—they aren’t quite livestock to him, but they’re close. When he’s doing the accounting for the orphanage, the younger ones are labeled “investments,” and the ones that have hit eighteen are moved into the “assets” list. It’s cold and brutal of him, and he knows it. But that’s part of the problem, isn’t it? No matter what he does, he knows it’s immoral as shit, that it’s fucked up and evil of him, and he keeps doing it anyway. 
He wouldn’t call himself tormented about his actions, or his lifestyle, but something has him showing up to the hookah parlor regularly, huffing sweet smoke and doing his best to forget.
He wasn’t born here. Sometimes he wishes that he was, so the effects of the town didn’t hit him like a fucking truck, unwinding all of the baser impulses he’d stashed away and accumulated over the years. And sometimes he’s glad he wasn’t, because he still has at least some control over himself, and he’s sharper than the rest of the idiots trying and failing to run the place. There was a point in time where he’d wanted to be a good person. When he’d gotten a degree in developmental psyche, and was bright eyed and pursuing the advertisements in the local paper. When he’d seen a job opening in a small town that he’d never heard of before, for a caretaker at an orphanage, and something inside him had compelled him to take it, even though the pay was shit.
Sometimes he feels like two different people stuffed into the same skin suit, and the person that he used to be is clawing at the edges of his mind, begging to be let out. That’s when he sighs, rolls back his ostentatious leather-backed office chair from his desk, and heads down to Barb Street.
He needs another pipe. Mason:
Mason is a virgin. 
He has no idea how he managed to get past his twenty-first birthday in this town without having been forced to have—intercourse—with someone, and maybe it’s the fact that he can’t even think about sex without flushing like it’s his very first health class, and maybe it's the fact that he’s been swimming since before he could walk. His parents were big on physical fitness, before they—he still doesn’t know exactly what happened to them. Maybe they died, maybe they left, he doesn’t know and he can’t quite remember. He can’t muster up any feelings of regret or abandonment, so at least there’s that. They must have told him where they were going, or he must have known what happened to them, but he just can’t remember, no matter how hard he tries.
He thinks about teaching a self-defense class sometimes. God knows there’s plenty of kids—he doesn’t know why he calls them kids, they’re barely that much younger than he is—in this town who could use them. And then he spends all day getting leered at by them, and he remembers exactly why he doesn’t do that.
At least the lake is always there for him. It’s the only place in this town where he feels like he can breathe. Even if it’s raining and the sheets of water from above and below surround him, and there’s barely any air at all. It’s like flying. 
It’s like freedom.
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gayhenrycreel · 5 months
jesus christ it sucks to have to carefully read every post about palestine to check for american antisemitism, and check posts (note, this is only posts made by gentiles as far as ive seen) on this antisemitism for american islamophobia.
if you're wondering why i dont reblog many posts about palestine, its because they either have zero sources and are just screenshots from twitter (and yes, some twitter account you only know of from screenshots is not a reliable source), or are full of (hopefully unintended) nazi dogwhistles.
you need to learn these dogwhistles. dont just reblog posts about them. actually memorize them, study examples of them, train your brain to recognise them as efficiently as you do a swastika.
trust me, you can train your brain to immediately set off the alarms if you recognise one.
ive trained myself to recognise a lot of dogwhistles, not all of them of course, because theres so many, but thats why its a continuous effort.
this link is a wiki that contains a list of alt right dogwhistles on another page too.
okay, before you set off the fire alarm, read this post first:
this link does discuss extreme antizionism.
i will say first that antizionism AND zionism can both be antisemitic (see; christian zionism and the second coming of christ), but they are not always.
i consider myself antizionist. im an anarchist, how could i possibly support a state?
what i am saying is that those who are already antisemitic are using antizionism as an excuse for antisemitism. this can and does occur on the left. leftwing conspiracy theories do exist (some are actually the same as rightwing ones. you think the rich are collaborating together do you? who are those rich people? cause it certainly isnt the billionares who have no reason at all to like each other. whos controlling western media? is it the west? nah it must be that really small country thats basically owned by america, the westernest west to ever west.).
this applies to you.
every single human being carries the antisemitism we learned from society. i am not exempt. you are not exempt.
you may genuinely believe that you are not an antisemite. you hate hitler, right?
but you likely still think big noses are ugly. you think that the trope of a hook nosed greedy trader is just about elon musk dont you?
do you feel threatened by the use of hebrew? i did until just last year.
in western society, its rare for someone to have multiple native languages. you speak english. you hear someone speak words you dont understand. your immediate reaction is to wonder if they are up to something. talking shit about you? maybe even plotting terrorism?
of course you feel threatened by the use of other languages, youve been trained to think its suspicious.
train yourself to just not care when someone casually speaks hebrew, or arabic, or navajo in your proximity. if you dont care when people speak english, you shouldn't care when people speak another language. your not trying to eavesdrop right?
this subtle bigotry is why you are probably antisemitic, even if you are a perfect little leftist.
i want to talk about the blood libel being spouted by way to many leftists.
shockingly few people actually know what blood libel means.
basically, its a 1000 year old conspiracy theory claimng that jewish people steal and eat christian babies. this is all over media. did you see the new doctor who special? it was horrible.
in media this is often tied with goblins, which are historically (and often continue to be) portrayed as an antisemitic stereotype. SURELY YOU CAN RECOGNISE THAT BIG NOSED GREEDY GOBLINS CONTROLLING THE ECONOMY IS ANTISEMITIC.
okay, disclaimer, children are dying in gaza. israel is killing them.
but dont act like this is the only thing happening. they are not actively sending soldiers out to kill children specifically. this is equally affecting adults.
dont believe me that blood libel is being applied?
i saw some tumblr users joking about how the idf is kidnapping children and eating them. i went to their blogs to block them, expecting to see 88 everywhere (88 is code for hh, or hail hitler, btw), but no THEY WERE ALL "ANTIZIONIST" LEFTISTS WITH ACAB IN THEIR BIOS. those jokes are bad for everyone, its blood libel and making fun of actual victims of genocide.
sorry, im just... pissed off that my mutuals will reblog something about how using this as an excuse for antisemitism is bad, but still reblog posts full of dogwhistles.
a mutual of a mutual even reblogged a post claiming that antisemitism has not increased and that its a lie. i wont block you, ive seen your better reblogs, and it only happened once, but i urge you to properly read what you reblog.
i dont blame anyone for not knowing. ive had things to learn too. but please, stop reblogging globalist conspiracy theories.
as i write this its 4:20 sorry you may continue reading.
im not trying to be a dick. i dont blame you. i blame society. and this is not a you thing either.
its also a me thing.
its an everyone thing.
i also hate being challenged (i once punched a teacher for being wrong about the sun).
being challenged is how we learn.
ive also reblogged posts i really should not have reblogged.
i was ignorant. it will undoubtedly happen again.
unlearning bigotry is a lifelong commitment.
oh my god i just remembered how 8 year old me believed in phrenology.
i really hold nothing against you.
remember how most queer people were homophobic before The Realization?
we as a society need to go through that process of acceptance. you will never get everything right. none of us will.
what matters is trying
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fic writer 20 questions
thanks to @kurtsascot for the tag !!!
idk who has or hasn't been tagged yet, but imma tag @rockitmans @shame-is-a-wasted-emotion @thaliaisalesbian and anyone else who wants to play :)
how many works do you have on ao3?
22 :)
2. what's your ao3 word count
3. what fandoms do you write for?
glee <3
4. top 5 fics by kudos
3 a.m. (80 kudos)
Zip Tease (72 kudos)
Remote Learning (71 kudos)
New Adventures Summer Camp (58 kudos)
Running in Circles, Coming up Tails (56 kudos)
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
yes! i tend to respond to nearly every comment <3 bc i enjoy attention <3 and it's nice to talk to people <3
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i think it's probably knife with your heart up your sleeve. which still ends ambiguously but. i tend not to do the angsty ending lol
7. whats the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i'm gonna say Home for the Holidays because that fic is nothing but holiday fluff <3
8. do you get hate on fics?
thankfully no. i've seen a couple passive-agressive comments before, and @cerriddwenluna lovingly said "jail for iz" in a 'live-blog' comment on New Adventures Summer Camp once, but no actual hate yet <3
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
i tend not to. if i do, it'll probably end up pretty sappy romantic and non-explicit (see: run away to mars)
10. do you write crossovers? whats the craziest one youve ever written?
nah. AUs tho? heck yeah.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of!
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
not that i know of!
13. have you ever cowritten a fic before?
i started co-writing one with someone a while back, but then we both got busy and forgot about it whoops
i think it would be fun to co-write with someone tho, so uh. lmk <3
14. fave all time ship?
gotta be klaine <3 the brainrot is real <3
15. wip you want to finish but doubt you will?
sequel fic to Running in Circles, Coming up Tails
16. what are your writing strengths?
uhhh dialogue maybe? fluffy shit? idk, it's hard to name your own writing strengths
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
scene descriptions, smut, figuring out what happens in the middle part of multi-chapter fics, actually sticking with recurring underlying themes...
if i keep thinking about it, i'm gonna get real mean to myself so i'm gonna stop there
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
i don't usually do it because i only know english and like. half-spanish, but i like when people do it !!
19. first fandom you wrote for?
harry potter. i think i was somewhere between 10 and 13 years old. i used wattpad. i believe those fics no longer exist, or if they do, i sure as fuck haven't looked at them in years (and i think i deleted ye old wattpad account)
20. fave fic youve written?
hng most of them hold a special little place in my heart (or live rent free in my brain), but i think i gotta say New Adventures Summer Camp. i reread it every so often bc it makes me smile :) (for most of the fic at least)
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jestiric · 8 months
okay so. im sure if youre in any fandoms adjacent to ofmd youve heard of the astroglide twitter... incident(?), theres actually a psychological reasoning behind this and, yes, it is purely a marketing stunt- [just a note before i continue- im explaining this off memory with a few fact checks from google, so the information may not be completely accurate on details and such :]]
the afforementioned 'incident' for anyone who hasnt seen, nsfw warning [this is from the official twitter account of a lube company]
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so, what astroglide is doing is using a form of advertising that has become *VERY* popular for brands on social media utilising social proof- basically, what it's called when someone sees another person liking/doing something and feels influenced to behave similarly, kind of like peer pressure but it's not always purposeful from the person influencing the other. this phenomena is increased when we relate to said person, or feel apart of a community with them- for example: friends, people of the same race, gender, or with similar interests or, i dont know, people in the same fandom as us... brands utilize this factor, think wendys, dennys, duolingo, gushers- all brands that got popular on social media for their "gen z humor", thats all intentional advertising, the companies are doing this to get consumers to relate to them and be influenced to buy their product, this is also furthered by the "unpaid social media intern" jokes some make, we cant relate to a big company, why would we care to give money to them? but we *can* relate to a working class citizen with the same humor as us, we see ourselves in them and are thusly influenced. in reality, this is just another marketing ploy, not different to any other ad they make, but it *feels* different, closer, more intimate, etc. now, going back to astroglide, theyre doing the same thing but in a far more... chaotic. way, using the popular fandom writing/art weeks challenge, live-blogging our flag means death, the entire smut thing, this is all to make us relate to them so we'll buy their product. this isnt haha the funny social media intern goes rogue! this is intentional marketing utilizing the popularity of the save ofmd and the ofmd fandom to make money. [which, i dont blame you if you related to these posts thats what theyre designed to do] basically, the point im getting at is SHUN THE COMPANY TRYING TO PROIFT OFF OF FANDOM !!! im not even apart of the ofmd fandom anymore but, like, that isnt relavent. SHUN THEM !!!! [also note: unsure how much of this is common knowledge. *i* didnt know ab this stuff until i took an ad design class but like idk ab other ppl.]
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ask-teamplayer · 2 years
Other than Ronin who already answered this, what’s everyone’s favorite subject?
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FATE: You're looking at mostly ELA kids, here. Me, Enzo, Seth, Cora, Vera- I think I can speak for all of those assholes, but yeah. We were always the best in English. Though Cora also really likes history. You can probably tell.
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SETH: i mean im not really all that interested in anything!! i like cooking and playing keyboard, i get options for stuff like that in the future but right now its just,,, eh?
SETH: but if it were anything i guess it would be english! i dont get the kids who hate reading books to be honest, i actually like reading classics! gotta broaden my mind :B
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ENZO: pretty on the mark yeah but i used to prefer gym for a while cause like physical dude
ENZO: but i dont think my actual swordfighting skills account for anything when im playing volleyball with annoying mean girls who keep giggling instead of playing the game
ENZO: or when i get hit in the face with a rubber ball which has actually happened a LOT
ENZO: to be honest i think im the only kid that hasnt died during the mile except nahla cause former track kid
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FATE: Can't imagine how the mile would be with people with boobs. I am so sorry. I'm lucky I didn't evolve.
FATE: It is horrible though. It should be considered actual torture - dammit, I know excessive amounts of cardio isn't actually healthy for kids who don't do it all the time! I don't want to break my muscles.
FATE: I'm not looking forward to gym next semester.
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LILY: i loooove biology! math and ela, too, but bio is my favorite
LILY: or general science! i love taking care of plants, i actually have like fourty at home! they all have names!
LILY: like why do you think i evolved into a leafeon? honestly i think growing plants in third grade awoke something in me.
LILY: its really fun, but i do have trouble focusing on stuff sometimes. im kinda daydreamy hehe. i really need to get my grades up :( maybe ill see if i can join one of vera and fates study sessions. working next to other people i actually like and commentating in a funny way helps me do it faster.
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FATE: You're always welcome. I wouldn't invite someone like Darin or Nahla, but I know you're actually smart and like working and aren't going to piss me off.
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DARIN: i hate school :(((
DARIN: i dont like anything :((
DARIN: maybe i should get into sports thatd get me into college no problem itd be so much fuckin easier than this
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CORA: You do have it in you, Darin. I believe there's untapped potential in academics.
CORA: I've seen the way you talk about anime and shows you like. There's an actual brain up there, as much as you work to prove otherwise. I'm very proud.
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NAHLA: WOOOOW, You're allll nerds, huh?
NAHLA: Yeah, I'm in the camp with the traitor, sorry! I don't really like anything, but gym's cool! I like track and stuff, and I do like hitting annoying girls in the face with balls! Coolkid's just a coward and cant bring himself to hurt anyone. Pffft.
NAHLA: No worry! I'll do all the hitting for you guys. Someone has to!
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CORA: Oh, Nahla, baby dear, may you hit Wade first? He's been getting on my nerves in second period lately...
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NAHLA: Anything for you, honey sugar sweetie baby crystal dreamy dear! <3
NAHLA: Regardless of our totally real romance I just need an excuse to punch him anyway. Or throw balls at him in general.
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ENZO: BALLS you say
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RONIN: okay posts over before enzo makes another dick joke and cora and nahla start gay fucking on the table. im a little oversensitive right now, fate screaming is just going to make me kill someone. maybe in like an hour guys, wrap it up.
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VERA: I also take a lot of art classes
VERA: I would like to get better at traditional because I would like have to have less reliance on stabilizer use
VERA: And doing things like ceramics is fun
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RONIN: see? when i need someone to be normal on a stupidly derailed ask, i ALWAYS know youve got me.
RONIN: thanks, v.
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VERA: The sentiment is appreciated but when have I not "got you" in your words
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RONIN: never, v. never.
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homestuck x kny au
idea: John fucks up worse and so they all have to appearify some guys (the hashira + kamaboko squad) from 1915 to correct this. Shenanigans ensue, like, Genya attempting to do some ✨Ectobiology✨ and getting angry at a computer (he doesn’t get how it works) and he somehow causes the thing to EXPLODE. and that causes some more shit to happen.
long sighs. yeah i asked for this i guess. under the cut, its Long.
[deep inhale] so. im assuming youre talking about "fucking up" re: the whole ectobiology deal, in that somehow things didnt go quite right and it went all sideways. im going to have to cheat a little and modify the setup a bit due to the Mortifying Ordeal Of Homestuck Lore and say that rather than ectobiology-ing themselves and their alpha versions, we instead geeetttt.... lets see. we'll just go with tan-nez-zen-ino. because this cast is already so goddamn tangled and i dont want to add 10+ more of them KJFNDK;; do not ask me about the deeper ramifications of ectobiology, i promised myself that i would never do that again about 5 years ago at this point. anyway.
we're going to pretend like this doesnt completely unravel literally everything going on (this is (probably) a doomed timeline just on account of existing btw. nice going hero.) re: time shenanigans and event loops. and then we'll assume pretty much everything goes the same re:cascade and the scratch and sessionhopping. its already a goddamn mess so im going to allow myself to have a little fun.
you are one (1) Tanjiro Kamado, member of the demon slayer corps. your job is the eradication of Demons, entities of various appearances and skillsets that ravage the lives of everyday civilians. while most are weak enough to take care of singlehandedly, some of them cause horrific amounts of collateral damage before being able to get under control-- and your family unfortunately was one of these cases. your little sister Nezuko miraculously survived, but not without injury. you hope that with your efforts you will be able to help provide for her to help her recover, and keep this from happening to anyone else ever again.
thankfully, demons seem to disperse into various materials when slain, but their seemingly endless number seems to be taking a hold on even the most staunchly determined slayer. your companion Zenitsu oftentimes works himself into hysterics over how you all are "going to be stuck here for the rest of your short, miserable lives," but Inosuke, another ally, just seems to be having a great time fighting these things off.
one day, your quartet individually stumbles upon strange devices youve never seen before-- projecting images of light and seemingly directing you to do... something? its not very clear, but between their appearance and the manifestation of strange patterns of light in the sky, you have a feeling it may be A Little Important.
...anyway, you get the gist. its sburb, build and avoid a huge fuckoff meteor, we've all been there, i dont need to explain. ill just bulletpoint out the rest from here.
Tanjiro - Prospit Dreamer, Heir of Time. Nezuko - Derse Dreamer, Maid of Blood. Zenitsu - Derse Dreamer, Page of Doom. Inosuke - Prospit Dreamer, Thief of Breath.
Originally not supposed to be active at all, Nezuko worked in secret to try and help her brother out in the field. Even if he worried about her, this was Her choice and Her decision to make. She didn't want to just sit and watch on the sidelines anymore. Unbeknownst to the rest of the squad until after they entered the medium, she functioned as a mystery fourth player, completing the loop.
and then theres the whole verse-intersection thing and the complications of Time Loops and [waves hands around wildly.] im gonna admit, this is about all i got in me about this, the hs timeline is a poorly wound ball of yarn that i do not want to tug too many strings of, etc etc. definitely went super off-script, its whatever. i spent like an hour looking at classpecting info and detangling the implications of a new cast of players interacting with a shoddily closed timeloop. iam allowed to make it messy.
[long exhale] . never ask me to do this again. bows.
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eliseliedl · 2 years
youve heard about the situation with hellena taylor, right? how are you going to deal with bayo3 stuff, if at all? D: no judgement either way, was just curious about your opinion as another bayo fan as we all looked forward to it for so long... (also have you seen the drama with the rude manchild we all hate? he's soooo pathetic :/ )
Yeah i did, and i think it's absolutely horrible and deplorable that they (whoever it was, nintendo, PG...) decided to get rid of the freaking official voice for Bayonetta bc they were sooo fucking greedy they wouldn't pay her a decent amount of money. For working for a whole game, and voicing the MAIN character at that. Hellena was right to speak up, that deal was insulting to say the least. I knew there was something fishy going on bc i follow her on twitter and she had complained before about not receiving a call from them yet or something like that, but i never thought it would be so serious and i'm beyond disappointed.
Bayonetta of all franchises doesn't deserve this. I thought it would sell very little but after this? We can say goodbye to Bayo4. But i'm not blaming Hellena, the blame is all on PG/Nintendo, she did what she had to do. If people boycott this game it's entirely THEIR fault and they honestly deserve it, as much as it pains me to see my most anticipated game flop.
I think they should pay her what she is owed even if she did not participate in the game. It's the least they can do at this point, and i'm hoping or rather praying they say something, anything about this controversy. I can't believe they are not even trying to save their game after the situation blew up like this and she deserves more than an apology, the fans too as we were lied to about the reason behind the change of VAs.
Also i know some will think i'm a horrible human being but i'm still gonna buy the game, i can't not play it, that's just not an option. Good for the ppl who will be able to emulate it but i can't do that, and everyone should respect both the ppl who will boycott the game and those who won't, that's all.
And yeah i saw that askljalkds Kam*ya is such a childish asshole, he blocked me but apparently his account got suspended or he deactivated. Cheers i'll drink to that.
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ankhisms · 8 months
gobus rewatch ep 6 thoughts
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ive mentioned many times before that i adore the way the mecha and mecha fights are set up in gobusters, theyre genuinely my favorite mecha set up in any sentai ive watched. i remember in the behind the making of the first ep video the fight choreo director talked about how he wanted each fight to be dynamic and to not be boring, which they honestly achieved really well. ill be honest im one of those toku fans who will zone out during the mecha fight portion of episodes (if the show has a mecha fight) but gobusters was never like that for me. similarly to wizard and blazar i always felt engaged in its fights and they were never boring to me, including the mecha fights. this is in part to the world building and the writing of the show, where the mecha have to undergo a lot of maintenance and we see those mecha workers regularly. the show takes pains to make sure we as the audience are aware that the fight could not be possible with just one person, it takes a whole large team of people working together to be able to fight.
with that in mind i also really love how the trio arent just able to form their combined mecha super easily, we see the three of them going through training simulations and theyve failed over 20 times according to nick. i love the little details in the pilot cockpit, the keypad and controls and codes they have to press in order to perform certain actions, along with them having to take their fuel usage into account. from a character and dynamic perspective, this is good early on because we get the sense that while hiromu has joined the team and hes getting to know youko & ryuuji and we see that theyre generally getting along, hiromu is still not entirely in sync with his teammates. hes frustrated and stubborn, hes gone through these simulations and training sequences with nick presumably hundreds of times before meeting up with the other two at the beginning of the show. he KNOWS hes capable, so whats going on? he did fine when he did it on his own.
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i enjoyed ryuuji and hiromus dynamic in this episode. ryuuji, unsuprisingly, very easily slips into a brotherly mentor role to hiromu- but its clearly a different kind of mentorship than how ryuuji would approach guiding youko through something. this episode really highlights just how stubborn hiromu is, he focuses on something and doesnt give up until he solves it and isnt very receptive to being given advice on doing a task differently. and ryuuji, having spent so many years raising another stubborn and strong willed person (youko) is able to percieve this about hiromu and knows that he cant just flat out tell hiromu what hes doing wrong. hes got to be able to work it out himself. but he still is gently nudging hiromu towards the answer while supporting him. we get a sense early on in the episode that hiromu feels a bit tense about ryuuji calling off their training session, as if hes wondering if ryuuji thinks that hiromu just isnt capable enough- but thats not the case at all. ryuuji has probably seen youko get frustrated to the point of needing to walk away from something, and as the eldest of the team he decides to step in before either of the younger two get too frustrated or end up burnt out.
also a note. i dont plan on sacrificing myself for you. oh the early show late show forshadowing irony
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the crux of the issue is that hiromu has been training all by himself for 13 years, whereas youko and ryuuji have always trained with each other. hiromu still believes he has to do everything by himself, and subconciously believes that he can only fully trust himself. because of this he hasnt been allowing ryuuji and youko to take the lead and do their parts while he stands back for a moment, he hasnt allowed himself to trust them enough for there to be a proper give and take in their team. and thats not because hiromu doesnt like youko and ryuuji, its just something that he hasnt thought of this entire time. when youve worked and trained alone for your entire life, its jarring to realize that you have people you can rely on and trust.
in the end its another sweet moment and good building of the team, they have to work hard to achieve their goal and they each have different strengths and weaknesses, and hiromu has to realize that he needs to trust his teammates just as they trust him in order for them to survive.
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arlecchno · 2 years
SHSJDJSK OH MY GOD HI ITS ME JELLYFISH (silly text coloring is very fun to me) AGAIN HAHAH - okay so one , oh my god youre so nice WTF AAAH two , i dont have a board in real life because goodness the amount of printer ink id use to make little pictures for it …. the google slide i made was an absolute shitpost (because thats pretty much just how i think LMAO) im really into genshin lore itself and have a handful of “original” (as in ive never seen anyone else talk about em) theories (ive made a slideshow for one of them too —though i must admit it needs a lot of revision— and another is currently in progress) so i have a bit of a knack for “narrative detective work” as i call it LOL . little fun fact here (because im a total a show - off) i actually started seeing yunjin as a suspect around the ball arc ! (official documentation of my suspicion was the 5th of december between chapters 21 - 23 , if i recall correctly) the suspicious bolded texts about their relationship and viktors lie when asked about yunjins whereabouts /REALLY/ set off some alarm bells in my head , among other things . admittedly i never solved these cases a really long time before the main cast finds out , but i think its still a win , yeah ? honestly it was a bit of a shocker to me when it was revealed yunjin was “playing as” viktor , i never really considered that possibility in my head at the time ! kudos to you my friend , youve successfully plot - twisted the detective ! (haha) id totally log onto my actual tumblr account to send you the silly theoryboard i made for another fic because i think its funny to show people but its SO unprofessional and weird so idk tell me if youd like to see it i guess - i hope my unfiltered ranting doesnt bother you lmao , ALSOBEFOREIFORGET ILY2 <3 <3 (/p) BUT IT IS LIKE 2AM RIGHT NOW SO I WILL ONCE AGAIN SIGN OFF !! (note: please dont mind any spelling or grammar mistakes because i inevitably get a little braindead when its so late at night -)
yours truly ,
- jellyfish
i should've mentioned the google slides board instead of just board because i knew what you meant haha! 😭 and about the running out of ink thing is so true i think if i had an irl corkboard where i solve out a case it's gonna be one hell of a mess...
and wow!!! i like genshin lore a lot but never really have the time to invest in everything since well, there's a whole lot of 'em 😔 it's actually so cool that you write up these digital boards and solve out stuff!! so interesting to see new kinds of ways to spend your free time~
i'm glad you caught on that yun jin was the serial killer around those chapters! i actually did purposely plan to start making her suspicious around the grad ball arc since it was one of the breaking points of y/n and kuni's relationship, so her having a big role in it makes everything more conflicted and wicked. it's a really nice addition to her character lmao
yun jin playing as viktor was something i myself hadn't expected to do ngl. i have no idea how i managed to execute that perfectly but i'm glad i did, seeing everyone's reactions to it is really comical and enjoyable! i love making people squirm! /hj
if you're comfortable with it, then sure! feel free to share that board with your theories on that fic you're talking about~ it'd be nice to see what goes on inside your head (I SWEAR THIS IS MEANT IN A NICE WAY!!!)
also, you never bother me!!! i like getting my inbox full with people interacting with me, so if anyone here who reads this wants to hit me up, then feel free to do so! i'm always open to new anons and friends :D
have a very nice day jellyfish and happy new year's eve / new year's! have a splendid 2023 up ahead 🫶
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