#if youre able to do it please do any kind of physical activity
doodliver · 4 months
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lace-coffin · 10 months
Hi! Can I ask how the slashers would feel if they ever accidentally hurt their s/o? Gender and everything is up to you!
How slashers would react to Accidently hurting their S/O
Thank you so much for my first ever request ah! I hope you enjoy 💖
Requests are open!
Warning for blood/injury - mild sexual content/reference to sexual activity and power dynamics -unhealthy relationships (I think?)
Reader is gender neutral!
Bubba sawyer
Most likely happened via Bubba playing too hard and Accidently pushing you over or being a bit too heavy handed with you. If it’s a case of them mistaking you for a victim and catching you with their chainsaw before being able to stop then they’ll be even more in inconsolable : (
Stops and stares for a minute to process what’s happened before devolving into full blown panic.
She’ll drop whatever she’s doing to carry you back to the house, even if that means letting the victim escape and having Drayton yell at her.
Will hurriedly explain in rushed sign to either Choptop or Nubbins to go take care of the victim as he’s busy caring for you.
Checks you over frantically. Please explain you’re going to be ok and help them calm down.
Once he knows you’re not in any danger he’ll feel absolutely awful about it and whine apologies to you even if you tell him that it’s ok and it wasn’t their fault.
Please comfort them once you feel better and reassure them.
Will insist you come up with a verbal and nonverbal sign to give if they’re accidently messing around to hard.
Will make you agree to stay in the house out of the way when victims are around so you don’t Accidently get hurt again.
Thomas Hewitt
After another night of Hoyt berating him for things out of his control, Tommy storms off to the basement to cool off. You follow after him, intending to comfort and wanting to help. You place a hand on his shoulder without thinking, forgetting he doesn’t enjoy physical touch without warning, thinking it might help. Whipping around he grabs your wrist a little too hard, causing you to wince.
He snatches his hand back as soon as he realises what he’s done.
Tommy will bring you to Luda may to have her check you over and assess the damage.
Once he knows you’re safe he’ll confine himself to the basement for a few days, only coming out to eat but even then it’s tense.
He’s truly sorry and feels like all those people who called him a monster and an animal were right, he hurt the one he cares about most, after all.
After a few days apart, a lot of hushed words of affirmation and kisses/nose bumps he’ll feel comfortable being with you again.
You know to let him cool off by himself and come to you when he’s ready after a heated argument now.
Michale Myers
You jump out at Michael thinking it would be funny to catch the shape off guard for once and not the other way around. Unfortunately this backfires and he swings his knife at you, thinking it may be an intruder since you’ve never pulled something like this before, You manage to jolt out of the way but the knife still catches you in the shoulder. Thankfully, it’s only superficial and will heal, but it still looks like it needs medical attention.
Initially Michael looks at you unamused, granted it’s hard to tell what he’s feeling underneath the mask. He gives you a kind of “well If you weren’t being dumb this wouldn’t have happened” attitude. However this is a front for the actual panic he refuses to show on the surface.
Having a few cuts and scratches isn’t super uncommon when your with Michael considering his tastes involving knives in bed ; )
Usually hurting others comes naturally and without remorse to Michael, so it shakes him to his core that he’s actively worrying about your wellbeing instead of feeling the usual indifference.
It disturbs him that he actually cares about someone enough to feel remorse for his actions.
After unceremoniously pulling your shirt off and looking the wound over he forces you go to A&E, practically marching your ass out the door.
Since he’s basically an escaped criminal he can’t exactly casually walk in the hospital with you, however he will stalk you the entire time, lurking close by to make sure you arrive and leave safely.
Although he usually has his guard up he vows to try be a little less bristly with you from now on if it means he doesn’t have to see you hurt and feel that awful tug of regret/worry in his chest.
Jason voorhees
You went out looking for Jason one night after he hadn’t returned to the cabin by his usual time. You were worried he’d been overpowered by a group of trespassers or caught in a trap and didn’t have any way to communicate that to you. The woods were beautiful but so dense and vast, getting lost or injured in the thick of them may as well be a death sentence.
Whilst searching for your missing partner you get your leg snagged in a bear trap he had set out previously for the trespassers. You howl in pain as you hear the sickening snap of your ankle between the traps jaws.
Jason was trudging his way back to the cabin when he heard it. Knowing that wasn’t a rougue teen as he’d cleared them out already, alarm bells went off in his head. He stormed to scene as fast as he could.
He could have sworn his undead heart stopped for the second time as he saw you sitting there in agony, murky blood seeping into the forest floor.
He rushes to your side and looks frantically between the trap and your teary face, he knows he’s going to have to disengage the traps and for you it’s going to be..less than pleasent.
He signs for you to grip onto his arm for support. Since he’s already dead and regenerates fairly quickly he feels it’s the least he can do to let you grip his arm for dear life as he wrenches the trap from your shattered ankle. If you cause any damage to his arm (which is very unlikely) it will heal up in no time anyway.
Once he’s carried you back to the cabin he’ll be frantically following Pamela’s directions in his head for what to do and how to clean/ wrap it.
If the damage is extensive he’ll relent and let you go to the hospital, only if a trusted friend takes you though, he’ll be sitting by the window of your shared cabin every minute until you return back to him.
You’re no longer aloud to be out in the woods after dark alone if he’s set traps. You both carry whistles now so if he’s not home and you need to know he’s safe you can whistle to each other and feel more at ease.
Billy Lenz
Interacting with Billy when he’s having an episode is never a good idea. You thought it would be fine to just be in the room though, providing you stay out of his way. As you enter, Billy is in the midst of trashing his attic once again, the disgusting feelings bubbling in his chest too much to bear. You enter just as he’s angrily thrown an old glass christmas ornament at the floor that the sorority had kept in storage. It shatters and flecks of sparkling glass scatter along the floor. One piece catching you in the hand in a nasty glass splinter. You swear under your breath and rush off to take care of it.
Billy doesn’t even realise what’s happened until you return to him, him now having exhausted himself and you knowing it’s safe to try do some damage control. You bring him a sandwich and juice knowing he’ll need it after all the energy and tears he just used up.
Your hands touch as he’s accepting the plate from you with a muted “thank you” and he notices the bandage.
Billy essentially bristles up like an angry cat at the idea of someone hurting his piggy and demands to know who did it and what happened.
Once you tell him it was actually from the ornament he feels horrible. He doesn’t even remember it happening with the state he was in.
He snuggles into the crook of your neck and mumbles apologies into your skin.
Billy will place sloppy kisses over it as an apology until you forgive him. (Not exactly hygenic since it’s an open wound but i mean…you’re dating the attic rat)
Brahms Heelshire
When living with Brahms there isn’t usually much to injure yourself on considering the estate is fairly out of the way from the rest of the village. You most likely caught yourself on a pair of sheers. Brahms is being stubborn about you being out of the house and slings the sheers in your general direction from the door frame when you ask for them. You don’t even notice you sliced your hand when catching them until you see a patch of blood soaking through your gardening gloves about ten minutes later.
You come in to grab a tea towel to wrap your bleeding finger in, not really fazed as it’s only a small cut. Brahms was lurking from the window as you tended to the hedges, not wanting to be away from you but not yet brave enough to tempt leaving the house he’s been in all these years.
As soon as he sees it he’s panicking, it’s only a little cut and you’re not concerned in the slightest but to Brahms you may as well have just came in with an arm missing. He’s instantly flittering around you asking if you’re ok and if you need a hospital.
You stifle your laugh at his over the top concern, you find it rather sweet, it’s not his fault he’s a little bit sheltered.
After cleaning the cut and bandaging it, it’s totally fine. If anything Brahms needs more reassuring and coddling than you do to get him to settle.
He apologises a thousand times for his attitude because he knows If he hadn’t been stroppy about you leaving the house and passed the sheers nicely then you wouldn’t have been hurt in the first place. He promises to try be more composed when he starts getting antsy.
He may need some ✨punishment✨ in order to encourage his behaviour change and to feel forgiven.
He begrudgingly lets you back outside to garden after about a week.
Asa Emory
If you’re the pet of Asa then it’s likely that most of your injuries are purposefully given from him and are no mistake. You’re poked and prodded often considering your residency in the collection. Wounds from experiments and correctional punishments when you disobey or refuse to submit are not uncommon at all. So it doesn’t bother him since he inflicted them. This also assures he cleans them with clinical precision. If you were anyone else he would leave the wounds to fester, if you died from a complication then that was just inconvenient. Not you though, you’ve caught his attention and heart. He loves you in his own domineering way.
If the wound was created by him on accident then he would give himself a hard time, chastising himself for his carelessness.
For example, if he had more trouble with law enforcement than he thought and that led to you to spending way more time in the trunk than you usually do, causing you to develop a sore from sitting in one cramped position for too long.
Asa would realise you’re injured once you’re let out of the trunk, hissing in pain as you stretch. He makes you show him where you’re hurting so he can inspect over it.
Despite Asa’s stony face his stomach is actively sinking. He knows you’re hurt because of him and it wasn’t purposeful or measured like it would be during a punishment. He sees this as failure in his pet care and it takes a blow to his god complex. Gods don’t make mistakes, but here he is, hurting his dolly by being so out of it.
He’ll make sure to clean it for you and even stop putting you in the trunk for a while. This does however still mean you’ll be attached to him via leash or chain connected to the ring sitting on his belt. Just because you’re hurt and his favourite toy, doesn’t mean he will except anything less than your complete and total submission.
He’ll be more tender and soft handed with you than usual for a while after. Punishments will be withheld until you heal. Then it’s back to normal routine as expected.
You were wearing a new perfume you’d picked up at the market during the day, You were only supposed to be getting meats and maybe a new fur for the bed but once the alien at the stand had convinced you to sample it you fell in love with it.
Your mate picks up on an unknown scent entering the house, hackles raising and stalking towards it. As soon as they catch the heat signature they throw a wrist blade in warning.
Their eyes widen in horror, rushing to the door as they catch scent of your tangly blood dripping onto the hardwood floor of your shared home.
The new perfume masked your familiar scent from them, making them believe the house was in danger and being intruded on. If their face could loose colour it would, cringing as they see the wrist blade sticking through your palm, groceries discarded at the door.
They start talking at you in rapid clicks before they realise you can’t actually understand. After making sure to keep the object in your hand so you don’t bleed out and that you’re not going to pass out on them, they insist on carrying you their medic instead of going to an ooman one.
They argue that their medicine is far more advanced and will heal your wound much more efficiently then your “ primitive ooman medicine”
Thanks to yautja medicine being far more advanced, It will heal like nothing ever happened in around two weeks. The wound stitched shut and given some kind of injection.
Your mate purrs and clicks for you deep from their chest the entire time you’re having the blade removed to try calm you.
They beg for forgiveness despite it literally being an accident and will need some reassurance that they haven’t failed you as a mate. Once you’re all healed up they’ll bring back an impressive skull from a hunt as an apology even if you’ve already forgiven them.
Whilst it’s healing you’re probably going be kept in the nest of furs and pulled tightly against them whilst they purr and sooth you.
My requests are open if you’d like to send any prompts or ideas for me to write!
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dushysworld · 2 months
Darakarka(spouse indicator planet) in Vedic Astrology:
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> Darakarka is basically the planet with the lowest degrees in your Vedic Astrological Chart (D1/birth chart).
> Darakarka = your life partner
> To find your Darakarka, all you need to do is check the planet which was at the lowest degrees at the time of your birth.
> Rahu and Ketu being shadow planets are not considered as Darakarka or any kind of other Jaimini karka.
Different planets as Darakarka:
1) Sun as Darakarka:
- Sun as your Darakarka planet means that your spouse is likely going to very reputed, authoritative, regal, leadership oriented, may have a big ego *in some cases*, confident and headstrong individual.
- Sun as Darakarka can also give you a spouse that is older than you. Mostly individuals which are hard to please or convince are seen as the partner of the person whose Sun is at the lowest degrees.
- Sun also gives a bit of extra/additional ego battles within the relationship so this thing is to be noticed and taken care of as it is the only big minus point for someone who has Sun as the Darakarka but apart from all this the spouse is going to be a creative, loyal and a great leader (in their field).
2) Moon as Darakarka:
- Moon as your Darakarka planet gives you a spouse who's going to be very emotional, intuitive, nurturing, caring, sensitive and childish spouse(not literally but will likely be the younger one in the relationship).
- Moon as Darakarka will give you a spouse who is younger than you. Someone with Moon as Darakarka gives you a spouse who is quite sensitive and emotional (might start crying when having an argument).
- Moon as DK will give you a spouse who is intuitively connected to you and you will be able to feel that emotional connection with your spouse mostly. Your spouse will make you content from all spheres emotionally.
3) Venus as Darakarka:
- Venus as your Darakarka planet will give you a spouse who is very fashionable, diplomatic, charismatic , foodie & a balanced spouse. The spouse would also have a lot of friends due to his/her outgoing nature.
- Venus as DK have higher chances of giving you a spouse which is younger than you(in most of the cases). Your spouse might at times hate arguments or fights with you since they like to maintain the peace & harmony within their relationship.
- Venus as DK will give you a spouse who will have a great sense of humor, will know and accept when it's their fault & will also treat you like their King/Queen. More focus here is on the materialistic and spiritual side as your spouse would love to be of service to you.
4) Mercury as Darakarka:
- Mercury as Darakarka planet will give you a spouse who is very talkative, intellectual, lover of gossips, analytical and sharp minded. You will also get a spouse who will love to have late night conversations with you.
- Mercury as DK will give you a younger spouse who will likely be very quick thinker and would talk quite fast *at times*. Your spouse would love to have debate with you at times which will mostly be intellectually stimulating conversations.
- Mercury as DK will also give you a spouse who is a very good communicator and knows how to switch between being an extrovert and an introvert according to the given situation. Also your spouse is likely to be quite hardworking as well and at times might take on too much work.
5) Mars as Darakarka:
- Mars as your Darakarka planet will give you a very physically active, fit, attractive, sensual, short tempered & devoted spouse. The only bad thing about this is that you're spouse can get argumentative or upset very easily due to their short temper.
- Mars as DK most of the times give a spouse that is very active physically. They don't like sitting still and do nothing, and are likely to indulge in different kinds of sports and activities due to their high energy/stamina. *Best Darakarka for someone who wants a spouse that is more sexually active than them*.
- Mars as DK will also give you a spouse who will be very honest, assertive, loyal, proactive & would also be quite touchy with you since their love language is mostly physical. They tend to speak less about love and show it through their actions most of the times.
6) Jupiter as Darakarka:
- Jupiter as your Darakarka planet will give you a spiritual, noble, wise, optimistic, funny, charitable and broad minded spouse. Your spouse would bring good fortune into your life as soon as you meet them or get married.
- Jupiter as DK also blesses you with a spouse who might be older or more mature than you but is likely going to be the "Life of the party" kind of person, who will bring many new changes into your life.
- Jupiter as DK will also give you a spouse who likes travelling, adventures, philosophy and religion etc. They will be quite spiritual and would also be interested in pursuing higher studies (post grad etc).
7) Saturn as Darakarka:
- Saturn as Darakarka planet will give you a serious, humble, soft hearted but rough exterior, hard-working, disciplined, ambitious and a humane spouse. They will have a unique yet one of the best "Resting B**ch Face".
- Saturn as DK will give you a spouse who's quite older than you or on top of that he/she could even be way too mature than you due to having experienced difficulties in childhood.
- Saturn as DK will also give you a spouse who is very intense, passionate, stoic and hard on themselves kind of a person. They will also be quite successful & have a big heart which means they will have Humanitarian qualities to them.
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*Vedic Astrology should be used as a tool to understand more about your hidden self. It's not meant to know just about your future for fun without acknowledging the Present moment*
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illubean · 4 months
Bit of a long winded fluff/crack headcanon request: Illumi, Feitan, Chrollo, and Phinks developing the most infuriating crush on a gn! Reader who is just a lazy sopping wet dog of a person?
Reader will nap anywhere.
Will just kind of flop where ever they are when under too much emotional distress and refuse to move
Hell, sometimes they to be physically scruffed and carried/dragged to do social stuff and does the whole liquid cat thing where they go entirely slack just to be difficult. Overall reader's pretty reliable and will (begrudgingly) do just about anything the guys ask if incentivized, they're a surprising understanding and active listener, a highkey terrifying and precise combatant, and could probably be bribed to do anything from cuddle and never speak about it to horrible violations of the geneva convention for snacks and a nice nap afterward. They're incredibly easy to please and not that most/any of the guys would ever admit it but not being near them makes everything feel exponentially worse.
But they're also stubborn, incredibly low energy, and frankly seem a bit stupid on closer inspection to the point the guys are probably questioning "no- god- fuck- why???"
HXH Men with Lazy!Reader
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Characters: Illumi Zoldyck, Chrollo Lucilfer, Feitan Portor, Phinks Magcub Type: Crack, Headcanons, Gn!reader
Warnings: mentions of violence, mention of pregnancy like once
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Illumi Zoldyck
if you didn't have any special nen or whatever he would've killed you by now out of pure frustration
you were set up in an arranged marriage because of your status, and at first Illumi could not care but surprise surprise he caught feelings eventually
and it was upsetting.
1) he was feeling something 2) IT WAS FOR YOUR STUPID ASS
you remind him of Milluki sometimes and that just makes him even more mad
every time you guys are sent on missions together he actually has to drag you because you refuse to do any type of physical labor
if he's feeling particularly nice he'll throw you over his shoulder instead
at this point Illumi is only sent on missions with you to make sure you actually do it
because otherwise you would never be anywhere on time...
you're able to handle your opponents just fine you just...rather not
which is part of the reason Illumi gets so irritated with you
you have so much potential yet don't utilize it
at this point the only solution he can think of is knocking you up (if ur capable of getting pregnant) and hoping the kids don't come out as lazy as you...
Chrollo Lucilfer
with him being the leader of the phantom troupe aka your boss you should probably listen to him without hesitation but your ass does not gaf
he's learned how to deal with you
he keeps candy in his coat pocket just as a bribe if you don't feel like doing something he's asking of you
when he runs out you begrudgingly do what he asks anyways but not without complaints
Chrollo doesn't really mind having to physically move you places himself, considering you do most of his bidding anyways
but that's only because he likes you <3
if you were anyone else he would leave them wherever and whether they get up and follow him back to base is up to them
and because he's so lenient with you you feel bad sometimes and end up sucking it up and walking yourself
he doesn't mind your laziness as much as the others because you get your job done and could probably beat him up if you wanted to so who is he to tell you how to live your life?
he never sends you on missions alone, he needs to be there to make sure you actually do it (no he doesn't he just can't be away from you for too long)
Feitan Portor
this man is on the verge of killing you.
what the hell is the point of Chrollo keeping you around if all you do is lay around doing nothing and talk back when asked to do something??
he swears you act like a 5 year old boy sometimes
when he needs something from you he will threaten physical harm but its actually just empty threats
theres no fighting within the troupe and no matter how much he wishes he didn't, he likes you
and surprisingly, his threats are incentive enough to get you up and moving
most of the time...
other times when you refuse to move or just flop onto the floor he is grabbing you by the ankle and dragging you the rest of the way to wherever you need to go
he doesn't care if you get scratched and bruised up, if you wanted to avoid that then you should've just gotten up and walked by yourself
sometimes to get you to do things the rest of the troupe offers you things on Feitan's behalf
"Hey if you get up and beat this guy's ass with us Feitan will carry you all the way home instead of dragging you" "Like hell I will"
after seeing you in action for the first time Feitan is even more upset that you're so insufferably lazy
you are quite literally one of the most valuable troupe members but you??? never want to follow orders?????? this is literally your job
you're lucky he likes you because if you were anyone else he'd leave you where ever you decided to lay down and let you die there
Phinks Magcub
this man is going to argue with you for DAYS
at this point he feels like you refuse to do anything just because it makes him mad
hes another one who tries using incentives but he never follows through with what he promises
when you ragdoll he will begrudgingly carry you wherever you need to go
this guy battles your laziness with loud, annoying and never ending complaints
and tbh? it actually works most of the time
he gets so annoying that ur like "FINE FINE I'LL DO IT JUST SHUT UP ALREADY"
if you catch him on a good day he'll carry you/give you a piggy back ride without complaints
sometimes he uses your laziness as an excuse just to hold you <3
sry this one is so short I cant think of anything
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lwwife · 8 months
Hi!!! Request for Leah (smut), something based on the first time Leah can use the strap properly again after her ACL and she goes to town on reader with it after not being able to do that for so long. They’re still completely switch tho, so some bottom!Leah too.
I've missed having you like this
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Smut: Leah and Reader!Switch, strap on, fluff
Word count: 1,870
Leah’s pov:
Y/n and I’s sex life since doing my ACL has been uneventful, to say the least. Y/n has been able to go down on me, but I’ve still had to keep cautious of the way I move my legs. I haven’t been able to touch Y/n properly in a long time. We found a compromise for her to sit on my face, but it rarely happens. I’ve finally hit my 9-month mark since surgery and am back playing almost full games. I have an appointment later this afternoon with the surgeon which should be one of my last. Y/n is going to tag along as she has for all of them. She wants to make sure she knows how to look after me perfectly and I recover well.
“Okay Leah, your scans show an almost perfect recovery, you’ve done incredibly well in rehab and I’m going to clear you for a full 90 minutes.” I grin excitedly and Y/n squeezes my hand.
“Congratulations baby!” she turns to me, “I’m so proud of you.”, I look at her lovingly.
“Yes, you’ve done very well Leah you should be very proud of yourself.” The doctor smiles and nods.
“Excuse me, I just need to pop to the loo” Y/n stands up and kisses my head on the way out. Once the door closes, I turn back to the doctor nervously.
“Is something wrong Leah?”
“No sir it’s just I um I’m not really sure how to ask this” I look down.
“Leah I’ve heard some wild things in my years, please go ahead” He smiles softly.
“Okay well, I um I was just kind of wondering if um I would be able to you know” I raise my eyebrows and he laughs.
“Have sex?”
“Yeah, yes um that” He laughs again.
“Yes, you can, you’re practically cleared for any form of physical activity, except I wouldn’t recommend getting back to your gym time backflips just yet” he grins, and I have to laugh.
“Thank you, sir,”.
Y/n’s pov:
“Darling! Dinner’s nearly ready” I call out to Leah, who’s God knows where doing God knows what. I haven’t seen her since we came home from the doctor, she disappeared upstairs almost immediately. “Leah! babe! Come on I’m serving it up” I shout again.
“Coming bub!” she shouts from the stairs. I turn around to place the food on the table when Leah comes around the corner, hair freshly washed, skin looking clean, and I can smell her perfume from here.
“Nice scrub?” I laugh at her.
“Shush you” She comes over to me and kisses me on the cheek before sitting down. “This looks lovely baby thank you for cooking”.
“You mean like I do every night?” I raise a brow and Leah rolls her eyes and giggles.
“Mmmh” Leah almost moans, “This is delicious y/n” She runs her foot up my bare calf. I raise my eyebrows and almost choke on my wine. She just continues to eat, ignoring my hard stare.
As I’m washing up the dishes Leah comes up behind me wrapping her arms around my waist, slowly leaving kisses along my neck and up to my ear. “What’s gotten into you tonight?” I question her.
“Am I not allowed to touch my beautiful girlfriend?” She takes her hands off me and brings them to her chest, acting offended. I simply roll my eyes and giggle as she walks off to the couch.
I’m lying in Leah’s arms, in between her legs, back against her chest watching our current obsession, Game of Thrones, when Leah begins to run her hand up my thigh. I look up at her, but she continues to look forward, raising her hand higher and higher. “Leah” I whisper.
“What?” she smiles,
“What are you doing?”
“Nothing, what are you doing?”, I cock an eyebrow at her childish response. “Ugh! You can’t take a hint can you?” She whines.
“What are you talking about baby?” I frown.
“I want to fuck you, babe! We haven’t had sex in ages, I’ve been trying to tease you all night! I just had the longest shower of my life, shaving every possible inch of me!”
“Leah, darling, I know I want to too, but you’re still recovering I don’t want to ruin your rehab baby.” I frown at her again, stroking my thumb over her cheek.
“The Doctor said it’s fine” she mumbles.
“The Doctor! He said it was fine to have sex” She looks down, “I asked him” She keeps her head low but looks up at me with a pout and a small smile.
“You naughty girl” I whisper.
“Oh yes fuck! “, Leah moans and cums loudly as I suck hard on her clit. “Come here” she orders me, and kisses me hard, tongue diving straight into my mouth. “I want to make you feel good” she groans. “Stay here, I’ll be right back”. I smile, excited. Leah returns a minute later with our favourite strap attached to her.
“Oh shit” I mumble as I feel myself instantly drip.
“Turn around” She orders me, and I turn to get an all fours, just how I know she likes it. She moves me so I'm resting on my forearms instead of my hands, and my face is down into the pillow. She smacks my ass hard and I wince but moan at the feeling. “God I can’t wait to fuck you like this” she growls, spreading me open by the cheeks, moving forward a little more. She smacks my ass again and runs the strap over my clit and down, so it’s completely coated in my wetness. “Do you want me to fuck you baby?” she leans down to my ear, her front against my back.
“Yes please, I want you so bad baby please fuck me”, Leah smacks my ass one more time before she slowly thrusts the strap inside me. I moan loudly, instantly feeling the pleasure I’ve so badly craved. “Fuck! Yes, keep going” I pant, my entire body tingling. Leah's thrusts start to speed up and become more forceful.
“Yeah? You like that baby?” She growls into my ear.
“Yes! Yes! Fuck yes! Oh, you fuck me so good” I moan. Leah moves back so she’s no longer against my back and grabs at my hips roughly. She begins to slam into me, harder and harder. I moan so loud I begin to feel sorry for our neighbours. I scream and scream and scream while Leah continues to groan and tell me what a good girl I’m being. After one last hard thrust, I cum all over the strap and begin to drip down my thighs. I wince and groan at the feeling of Leah removing the strap from me.
“Shhhh it’s okay baby, I know” She hushes and turns me over so I’m on my back. She kisses my head softly and lays down next to me. “You have no idea how much I’ve missed that; I’ve been dying to fuck you like that for months.”
“Yeah, well you better not ever stop,” I whisper. “Take it off” I look down at the strap. Leah looks at me confused, as if she was waiting to go another round on me. “I’ll let you go again later you addict, let me have a turn”, I move closer to her and begin to undo the harness. I strip her of the strap and put it on myself. Leah lays, patiently, a small smile visible on her face, waiting for me to climb on top of her. I sit up and rest my back against the headboard. “Come sit” I demand. Leah almost jumps at the chance. Moving over she places herself onto my stomach, subtly grinding, her wetness coating my abdomen. I move my hands to run over her breast, we aren’t quite at eye level so she’s looking down at me, however, we both know I have all the power at this moment. I squeeze her breasts and she throws her head back. I pinch her nipples then move forward to kiss her chest. Her hands immediately find their way to my hair, pushing me in further. I lick and suck all over her chest, biting and pulling softly at her nipples. Leah’s grinding starts to get quicker, so I stop.
“Ride it,” I say simply. Leah doesn’t hesitate to move back, hovering herself over the strap, which is still wet from me. “Now sit,” I tell her. Leah slowly sits onto the strap, her mouth instantly opening, angelic noises escaping. Once she fills herself with the whole thing I grab onto her hips and begin to guide her up and down. As she moves faster her moans get louder, and her breasts jump in front of me. “Fuck you’re so good, taking it all for me” I growl at her.
“God, you feel so good, baby. Fuck!” She screams out and her motions quicken. She grabs onto my shoulder, scratching into my skin, “I’m going to cum, oh fuck!” She continues to scream, louder and louder until she finally collapses. Her body is exhausted and almost limp so I turn us over so she’s lying down, and I can pull out. She whines at the loss of contact and pants heavily. I remove the strap and quickly go to the bathroom, wash it and put it away. I return to Leah awaiting me, smiling. “I forgot how good it is when you fuck me” she grins.
“I won’t ever let you forget again” I whisper as we lean in for a sweet kiss. Hands wondering, eager for another round.
A/n: Hope this was okay and everyone enjoyed it! Feedback is welcome in my comments, messages, or asks! 😊
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 4 months
Hey! Sorry if this is weird or something you have answered before.
I’m a teenage girl, and I tend masterbate at least once a day, but I had accidentally fallen down a rabbit hole of porn addiction and that kinda stuff.
Now I’m really worried that my frequency in which I masterbate is bad for me. I haven’t felt and adverse affects in my personal life (still hanging with friends, still getting good grades etc) and masterbation has actually seem to have a positive effect on my mental health (the first time I used me rose toy the mental fog that had been covering my brain first months cleared lol)
Still, is this a dopamine hit that’s bad like doom scrolling? Or am I freaking out over nothing
hi anon,
I'm really glad you took the time to send this ask in! I've noticed a lot of folks younger than me are VERY worried about porn addiction or otherwise being too sexual lately, and I'm very happy to be able to help alleviate those fears.
I would recommend starting with the answers to both of these previous asks, which I hope will provide some comfort. if nothing else, please read this concluding paragraph from the latter:
is it possible to become overly reliant on sexual stimulation as a form of self-soothing? sure, of course. it’s possible to become overly reliant on anything; absolutely any positive behavior can become detrimental if it’s performed to extremity. again, read that ask I linked! but pivoting from a breakdown to jacking off isn’t a bad idea. it can help you calm down, can be a great transition into a nap or sleep, and pops off a little burst of dopamine and oxytocin that’s probably very badly needed if you’re on the verge of a breakdown. of course it’s ideal to have other healthy outlets for when you’re feeling bad - making art or doing something else with your hands, doing some enjoyable physical activity, talking with friends or family, keeping a journal - but as one part of a larger diet of support and coping mechanism, horny behavior is great, normal, and very healthy.
masturbating regularly, even once a day, is completely fine. it doesn't sound as if it's disrupting anything of importance in your life, which says to me that it's a nonissue, and it's a nice little treat for you. and if masturbating daily is wrong, then rest assured that you and I will be in horny jail together 🫡
it always bums me out when I see people, especially teenagers, voicing suspicion about sexuality specifically because of the feel-good reactions that sexual pleasure can trigger in your brain. you can get the same feeling by taking a walk, petting your cat, spending time with a friend, or getting a tattoo, but none of those are treated with the same kind of suspicion. it speaks to a deep fear and distrust of sexuality, which is completely normal and natural, that I fear will not serve anyone well in the long run, so it's a pleasure to help unravel that a little. I hope this has been helpful to read!
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doodler-jpeg · 1 year
Thinking about self aware! MW characters (plus Roach) who absolutely adore your laugh.
CW// gender neutral, unfunny men deserve to be slandered, favoritism is seen, badly translated Scottish and Spanish, this is based off of my interpretation (you can find the main fic link on my account)
Feedback and criticism are highly encouraged! Please tell me if anything is badly translated, out of character, or something else!
Ghost actively makes jokes that are guaranteed to make you at least giggle. Even through this weird mental barrier (for him) and your monitor's screen, it's so invigorating to hear some form of joy out on the field, especially when it's from you. It just makes that fuzzy feeling in his heart multiply.
"Thank you, thank you - I'll be here all night."
Gaz takes absolute advantage of this. He makes a few jokes here and there, but keeps it to interesting stories. In some instances, he just starts laughing out of nowhere and you can't help but join in. It's very clear he gets bitches on the daily.
"Didn't know I was that funny, but I'll take what I can get."
Price uses all of his past experiences with courting to get, at the very least, a giggle or two out of you. He doesn't have millenium of experience (contrary to your belief), but he's certain that his "old-man" charisma and his weird way with words. But he still tells some older jokes, so your assumption that he's older isn't completely wrong (he was totally raised by his grandparents).
"Would you like to hear a story?" *Tells one of the pointless joke stories that lasts for 10 minutes and has the stupidest punchline*
Roach can't really come up with ways to make you laugh. His preference of keeping quiet and faceless doesn't really help, either. Instead, he tries to point out some enemy on the field, signing insults to them that you're sure to understand.
'His head looks like a donkey, and he acts like one, too.'
Soap physically cannot keep you from laughing. He doesn't even have to make a joke, you just start laughing. He believes it's because he's just an immediately funny dude, but you're not going to tell him that he looks stupid with that hairstyle. If he does tell any jokes, they're not even funny.
"Dinnae ken how come ye'r laughing, bit keep daein' it."
Alejandro tries, he really does, and it doesn't work most of the time. It's kind of funny seeing this overly-confident dude absolutely fumble because of his lack of realization that your personality and humor aren't really the same as the people he usually catches. On occasion, though, he does get a rise out of you and can't stop smirking about it for the rest of the day.
Valeria has subtle jokes that rely mainly on her tone, but those aren't her priority. She doesn't mean to be rude (lies usually, but with you?), but she does impressions of your laugh and then comments on it. Usually they're not bad, but it does feel demeaning sometimes.
"Me gusta esa risa. Jejejejeje."
"You know why Mexicans call Americans 'gringos'? ... Would you like to?"
Rodolfo doesn't always try to make you laugh - he still gets a bit disoriented that you're no physically there (which means he can't see your face, but what is he gonna do about it?). His humbleness and large range of jokes really comes through, especially since he'd been the family entertainer at parties. If you can understand simple jokes in Spanish? You're practically set to be unable to keep a straight face, and he loves it. (Even if he doesn't understand it, he'll turn it into a mini lesson so you do)
"¿Qué dijo el gato cuando chocó su carro? 'Miau-to.'"
Nikolai has a handful of Russian jokes at his disposal. Are you completely guaranteed to understand? No, and he doesn't expect you to. If you do understand Russian, boy howdy is he gonna have the time of his life! You won't be able to breathe properly until he's out of sight!
"You see, it's funny because-" *explains joke if you don't understand*
Laswell is a huge fan of subtle jokes. She often makes small, funny comments that get light-hearted chuckles out of her. However, she also has older humor, which means you're less likely to understand unless you, too, are old (which isn't likely, but it's still a possibility). She likes hearing you laugh and really does try to get some sort of connection with you, even if it doesn't work.
"What did the chicken say when it crossed the road? 'Damn it, I missed the bus.'"
Alex is a funny man. He's aware of his effect on people and uses it to his full advantage. As a people-pleaser, he makes it his duty to get you to laugh as much as possible. If he doesn't make you laugh, he'll make himself laugh, and then you laugh. He's totally not putting all his effort into jokes just to get you to laugh or anything. He's just that guy.
"Me? A tryhard? Whaaaat? Psh- as if."
Farah has no business with nonchalant jokes, but she makes them work. While she does like the sound of your voice, she doesn't want to force it. She believes that intentionally funny words can diminish any genuine laughter, so she sticks to half-assing it in hopes you at least giggle. That's not to say she doesn't try to get you to laugh - she just does it far less, since she can't see your face (but she can just imagine the glee on your face if you get the giggles because of her).
"What is your type of humor? Asking for a friend."
Graves is unintentionally funny. When he tries, he fails miserably. He says a southern phrase that might not be super known? You're cracking up. He doesn't get it, but at least you're going 'teehee'.
"What's so funny 'bout me sayin' cattywampus? It fits the situation!"
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natsquigley · 15 days
just me
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in which stylist alicent cuts her wife’s hair (wc: 809) just a lil drabble + sfw!!
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“You’ve been quiet this evening.”
Rhaenyra’s eyes part from the window they've blankly been staring out of for nearly an hour, her fingertips messing with the end of her thick braid, a weight to her demeanor that makes Alicent’s throat go tacky with worry. “I haven’t meant to be.”
“Is there something on your mind?” She knows there is, that this silence between them, while still safe and comfortable; is heavy. Alicent’s run out of nightly chores and busywork to do while checking in on Rhaenyra in between tasks, only to keep finding her in the same spot. Unmoved. Which brings her here, settling on the couch beside her, though she does keep a few inches of space between them, to avoid any feelings of pressure to give physical touch while being in active discomfort of some kind.
“I think…” Rhaenyra trails off, a slight furrow creasing her brow, Alicent’s eyes patiently taking her in. “… That I want to cut my hair.”
“Yeah?” She prompts, gently, because she knows what Rhaenyra’s hair means to her. What it symbolizes. Why no matter how frustrated or overstimulated she gets by it, she still treats her white locks with the upmost care. They’ve not had this conversation before. Not really. There’s been meltdowns that she’s helped her through that they’ve never discussed, merely moved on from, but Alicent knows her. She does. That’s why she wants whatever discussion they end up having to be on Rhaenyra’s terms.
“I don’t just see her, anymore. When I look at myself in the mirror.” She shakes her head, tilted the slightest bit as she meets Alicent’s eyes,”It’s not a comfort, Ali. Not now. And I just - I want to see myself. Not my mother or my father or any of them. Just me.”
“That’s okay, darling,” Ali puts her arm around Rhaenyra’s shoulders as she leans into her, tears having started to flow from her eyes. She presses a kiss to her temple as she rubs at her bicep. “That’s more than okay. You deserve to be able to see yourself when you look in the mirror, Rhaenyra. You deserve to feel good.”
“It’s all I have left of her.”
“Oh my love,” Alicent sways their bodies gently as Rhaenyra’s soft sobs bring tears to her own eyes,”that’s simply not true. So much of her lives on in you, Rhaenyra. I see it everyday.”
“I could never forget about her.”
That’s what does it, what spills Alicent’s tears over her waterlines, words tugging hard on her heart strings, because in moments like this, they are both young again. Aemma’s loss ever prevalent between them, as if it’s only just happened, and they’ve not aged at all. “I know you couldn’t, Rhae.” She tucks her nose into soft strands of hair, breathing in the strawberry-white tea scent of her shampoo. “I know.”
“Please don’t let me forget about her.” She’s an absolute wreck after that, hands clutching at the arm not wrapped around her shoulders, Alicent just keeping the two of them in gentle motion. A mess herself, not hiding it, because she’s never really had to, nor been capable of doing so where Rhaenyra’s concerned. And though she knows her wife could never truly erase Aemma from her mind, she just the same knows that rational thought isn’t present at the moment. Instead it’s a grieving, endlessly devoted daughter that feels as though by cutting off her hair she is somehow doing the same to her mother and the memory of her.
“I won’t, sweet girl,” Ali reassures her,”I promise.”
Aemma could never be erased from her memory, either. The last maternal figure Alicent herself had, had, after the passing of her own mother growing up. She will live on within the two of them for as long as they’re both drawing air.
“Will you do it for me?”
Alicent loves her so much her entire body aches. “Of course.”
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Rhaenyra cries as Alicent cuts her hair, silent, eyes unmoving from the bathroom mirror. White strands covering the floor around them. There’s so much pride in her chest as she goes through the motions, extra attentive to the clips she’s making, that she herself feels as though she could cry again at any time.
“What do you think?” She questions once she’s done, such an overwhelming mix of emotions in her chest at the sight before her. How different Rhae’s face looks, sharper at the edges, more defined.
“I think I love you,” Is her response, Rhaenyra turning on the stool she’s sat on and wrapping her arms and legs around Alicent. “Thank you.”
Alicent blinks, a few tears coming loose, tilting her head down to press a kiss to Rhaenyra’s freshly cut hair as her hands rub at her back. “Anything for you.”
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gia-d · 3 months
Anyone who pays any sort of attention to me has probably noticed that most of my latest artwork has been related to the fic This is an Adjuration by @not-freyja.
There's a very good explanation for this.
It's the best LU fic I have ever read (and trust me I've read a few).
It is so good in fact, I am actively in the process of binding it into a real, physical book so I can always have it ready on my shelf to read if the internet ever goes down.
I highly recommend it to anyone who likes LU, for its incredible characterisations, the highly moving message it sends, and the twisting, addictive narrative that plays out in it, that somehow manages to neatly explain the entire Legend of Zelda timeline with no loose threads (Freyja you are an actual genius).
"But Gia!" I hear a lot of you say, "Characters die in it, it would be too sad for me to read!"
To which I reply: Did you enjoy the Hunger Games? Harry Potter (before she who shall not be named outed herself as a raging transphobe)? Star Wars? Marvel? Vast majority of shonen anime? Literally the majority of popular fandoms?
All of these had beloved characters killed off. This is no different. What is different is that none of them were so kind as to give you an actual warning tag to let you know that someone would die in these stories like fics on AO3 do.
Adjuration is a tragedy in the classic, literary sense. It is not whump. It is not angst. It is not suffering porn. Characters don't die for shock value, they die because it is the only thing that makes sense for the narrative, and the entire time the story is holding your hand through it, telling you that it's ok. He mattered. This has meaning, even if it hurts right now. It is a story that ends with a dash of hope. And for every moment of pain and suffering? There are 5 times as many moments of hilarity (omg the chapter where they are arguing about the definition of "lost" gets me every time), moments of joy (Wind's un-birthday party had me grinning so much), and moments of love (Red with Wild in the shrine of resurrection, Hyrule with the seedling, Malon inviting Wars to stay, Legend going back to tell Ravio the truth...)
Adjuration is probably the best thing I've ever read. I would give nothing more than to be able to wipe my memory of it just so I can experience it for the first time all over again. Please go read it.
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sealpup9 · 2 years
Internet Archive Live Hearing happens tomorrow: March 20, 2023
Here's a link to the Internet Archive's page, describing how you can participate and listen to oral arguments on Monday March 20th at 1pm ET
You may know the Internet Archive because of the Wayback Machine!!
The court case Hachette v Internet Archive is being brought to court and threatens to tear down the Internet Archive as we know it.
"The Internet Archive is a nonprofit digital library, preserving and providing access to cultural artifacts of all kinds in electronic form. CDL allows people to check out digital copies of books for two weeks or less, and only permits patrons to check out as many copies as the Archive and its partner libraries physically own. That means that if the Archive and its partner libraries have only one copy of a book, then only one patron can borrow it at a time, just like any other library. Through CDL, the Internet Archive is helping to foster research and learning by helping its patrons access books and by keeping books in circulation when their publishers have lost interest in them."
This is so important because not only does the Internet Archive provide books that are long out of circulation and copies for people to borrow, they are also used as sources for things like Wikipedia articles! Imagine if suddenly, no one could access sources that someone cites for their information! Having access to information digitally today is a very important thing, and with all of the paywalls people face nowadays for news, imagine if you suddenly had to pay for access to any books. Websites like Amazon already are attempting to replace any sort of ebook rentals with paid services, when we have the right to borrow books online just as we do physically. The Internet Archive is extremely important and one of our rights- access to information- is actively being fought against.
REMEMBER: This will not JUST affect the internet archive. This could change how libraries in general work, and could threaten public access to information. Imagine how many youtube video essay sources would be null and void, imagine just trying to research an obscure topic at 3am-- If all of that was behind a paywall, only those with money would be able to access them! The harder it is for libraries to share books and archive information, the more the public suffers!
Please show your support! Read more about the case here: https://www.eff.org/cases/hachette-v-internet-archive
I'm not sure how quick Tumblr will work on approving this blazed post but if the day/time has passed, please know that you can actively look into more information on this case and other info on the Internet Archive Blogs. You can also add your name to a list of supporters of Battle for Libraries Here.
Let's work together on making sure we have access to information! In this digital age, we deserve to access just as much online as we do offline!
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itsdeniini · 5 months
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- a tarot reading ☆ JAKEHOON EDITION
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ᰔᩚ n ! O te: i am a self-taught tarot reader, and the interpretations i provide are personal. if anyone would like to share their own insights, i would be more than happy to hear them! please be kind <3
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1. His primary love language is acts of service, so he feels most loved and valued when his partner takes the initiative to perform a thoughtful act of service that they discovered by actively listening or observing him, especially in situations where the act makes his day easier. This gesture fills him with a desire to give all the throat hugs to this person.
2. He will also get turned on by someone who know how to use their power. Ones that can make him feel so unworthy of them and insignificant (all that in a moment of lust) that Heeseung feels thankful for the chance to even touch them. What's sexy to him about worshipping is power.
3. Having someone who actually plans dates instead of the usual "you pick, no you pick" game. That's a big turn-on for him. It shows they're not just going through the motions. They're putting in the effort to make their time together special. It's like, "Hey, I care about this enough to think it through, to plan something we'll both enjoy."
1. Inconsistent attention and affection turn him off. He doesn't stay in situations like that; he moves on. He gets turned on by consistent attention and affection, and by a partner who loves him so much that they go out of their way to show they care. Someone will never have him if they are inconsistent with him.
2. For someone as genuine as Heeseung, dishonesty might be a major turn-off. Sincerity and authenticity seem to be integral parts of his personality, making deceit a stark contrast to his nature. Additionally, a lack of respect could easily sour his impression, as Heeseung values kindness and mutual respect in his interactions.
3. ARROGANCE. His humble demeanor and down-to-earth attitude suggest that he appreciates humility and modesty in others. Someone who displays arrogance or a sense of superiority might find it difficult to connect with him on a deeper level. He refuses to spend any “real” time on people whose pompous attitude and hate is simply a poison on this planet. He would think that they are so wrapped up in their angry rightfullness that they can’t feel the pickle up their rear.
JAY ᥫ᭡
1. Physical touch. That's the most obvious thing EVER when it comes to him. He would find it enjoyable to stimulate blood flow through scratching, warming up the skin, easing back pain, and increasing sensitivity to physical touch. This all appears to be a feasible approach, as he rarely takes no as a response when he genuinely craves to get what's his.
2. You know what's a major turn-on for Jay? A person who's passionate about something other than work. Tell him about your odd hobbies, your hidden abilities, the things that light you up. Passion is infectious for him. He'd yap about his interests 24/7, hoping that his partner would do the same.
3. Someone with a good hygiene routine is such a turn-on for Jay. Watching them come out of the shower, skin still wet, towel wrapped around the waist, getting themselves moisturized and smelling divine, drives him nuts. Just sitting there monitoring them is kind of a fetish for him.
1. He hates closed-mindness. (especially if that's with the goal to project confusion on open minded people) He considers himself a open-minded guy and he SEE’S ALL and is able to connect dots, you would never sneak something behind his back. He'll find out about it anyway and will get mad MAD. He believes that closed-minded individuals restrict their thinking by focusing only on what they want to see, lacking the mental fortitude and bravery to explore beyond.
2. As time passes, he becomes increasingly irritated, frustrated, and disinterested in people who only talk without taking action or following through on their intentions. He's finding himself drawn to individuals who are more aligned with his mindset, which feels refreshing.
3. Overall he gets bored by people so easily. Sometimes all it takes is one wrong comment and he's done wholly with that person. He's sad and thinks he should do better in that aspect, because that may be the cause why new connections are burdensome and puts him on a massive off.
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 5 months
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Hiii, I'm back to do regular pick-a-pile readings! However if you interested in booking a private reading please join my discord server! In todays reading I am working with Apollo to send the collective this message. Take what resonates and leave behind anything that doesn't. Thank you all 🩵 -ghost
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Crystal: Yellow Aventurine
Astrology: Leo, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Gemini
Hello, pile one! I see you have been looking for your intuition. You have been searching high and low. Purchasing all manner of metaphysical assistance. You seem to think you aren’t powerful. You believe you are simple and small. My friend you are very mistaken. Your third eye is open and active. There are two thing about intuition that I had to learn that I will now teach you. The first thing is that you must trust yourself. Activating your intuition is only one step in the journey. The second thing is that you must be grounded to be able to use your intuition. This lesson I’m still learning. You must establish yourself to yourself to make any progress. I see you crave progress over everything else. Focus on who you are and focus on trusting the person you are. You have done good work so far. The journey is just a little different than what you expected. You can’t escape yourself in spirituality. Forgetting who you are is much more counter intuitive than you might believe.
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Crystal: Tigers Eye
Astrology: Pisces, Cancer, Taurus, Libra
Hi there, pile two! You have been looking for a battle to wage. You have had to fight a lot in your life. You have probably been fighting since you were a child. You fought so hard back then. You are blinded by the war you fought, my friend. You have aleady won your war. The enemy is defeated and yet you still look for the next flying fist to dodge. You cannot fight anymore. There is no one to battle. There is a new goal you must strive for. You have been such a strong soldier for a long time. Now that it is done you must rest. You must heal. You must clean your wounds and take the medicine required to get better. You have suffered enough. After war, when soldiers come home, it is understandable that they might not know how to come down from shellshock. They might have gotten physical or mental wounds that are in need of proper care and attention. It is time to learn to cope and learn how to fill you cup. I must reiterate, you fight is over. Your war is finished. You are safe. You have been grasping for safety while clinging to your violence. They cannot exist in tandum. Please sleep, my dear soldier. Please. Once you decide the war is over in your mind you will be able to finally relax. You will find things you enjoy. You will share peaceful moments with yourself again.
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Crystal: Black Tourmaline
Astrology: Aries, Capricorn, Virgo, Aquarius
Hi, pile three! Welcome to your reading. You have been carrying the weight of the world in your arms and I know you hate to admit it but you are tired. You are only one person. I understand you have needed to be independent. I understand you have been searching for help but my dear you have been refusing it at every opportunity. Your friends are here for you and you won’t open up. They are knocking at your door. They are asking to see you and love you. You seem to believe accepting their help makes you weak. Darling, that is not the case. You are human. You are not a machine and honestly even if you were machines need maintenance. Machines can’t always self-maintenance. You need help and you want it. Please accept it the next time it comes around. I see you might have some religious trauma or some kind of self-sacrificing wound. You are not a tool. You are not livestock. You are not alone. Humans are evolutionarily not solitary creatures. They need companionship. Humans are pack animals which means they need other humans. Every instance when a human is left completely alone usually the human goes insane. Talk about your hardships with your friends. Release some of what you are carrying on your shoulders. Let go of the mindset that you must sacrifice your mind or your body to be considered a good or successful human. You are already a good human without over-exerting yourself.
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bugs1nmybrain · 9 months
L. Lawliet licking honey off female readers tummy and breasts then eating whipped cream off of their pussy- please 🙏
tasty ~ l lawliet x self insert: foodplay
It has taken me a while to get to this, but I've been excited to write about it. L and food play is something I've thought about before, but honestly, I was a little embarrassed to.
Notes about the reader: she/her pronouns, female anatomy, she is blatantly based off of me and is named "Lydia". Her physical features aren't described a lot, though, aside from female sex characteristics
I decided to make the reader me this time because, honestly, writing an ambiguous love interest all the time makes it hard for me to be creative. I hope that's not a bother, but if it is, I apologize and no one is obligated to read this.
Warnings: NSFW (18+ MDNI), self insert, dom L at first but he becomes sub later in the fic, food play (honey and whipped cream), breast sucking, oral (fem and male receiving), nervous reader and L, TEASING, panties fetish, bad POV grammar, established relationship, fatass Beetlejuice reference, no penetration, not proofread yet
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"So, what do you think?"
Lydia sat in front of L, dumbstruck by his request. It really wasn't surprising, it was actually pretty L of him. It was rare to find him not downing sweets like no one's business, so this was bound to come. She felt embarrassed, yet not surprised by any means.
Once she could get past how flustered L's question made her, she nodded with a bashful smile.
"I'd be okay with trying that out," Lydia flashed a gentle smile of approval.
"Truly? You seem hesitant."
"I'm not..or-I mean, I guess I am hesitant. It's just because I'm embarrassed."
"If you're feeling self-conscious, I'll assure you that you'd look nothing than gorgeous covered in sweets." While what he said was very flattering, L's deadpan voice made it hard for Lydia not to laugh a little in response.
"It's not all that. I'm just not used to being so exposed."
Taking her anxiety into consideration is something he had already prioritized in this case. However, L had recently paid close attention to her...fantasies. Or at least the ones he was able to find out about. Lydia was a woman with a high sex drive, whether she came to him about it or not was a different story. He had a new side quest to test what aroused her, going as far as to try things they both felt sheepish towards.
The two's sexual relationship was great, however very fresh. Trying more "kinky" sexual activities was new to both of them. Sure, Lydia (and possibly L) had watched a variety of pornography to get a sense of what was erotic to them.
They were currently at a point where the couple would have sex frequently, but it was somewhat predictable. L and Lydia felt great sexual attraction to one another, so chemistry and arousal weren't an issue. But the suspense was starting to lose its pace, something both of them yearned for in times of sexual pleasure.
"We could go completely at your pace and comfortability, love. I don't want to embarrass you (kind of a lie). I just think that this could possibly enhance trust between us. It's also...something that I've, uhm..fantasized about. A couple of times (absolute truth)."
There were already a few ideas in Lydia's head about fetishes L may have had but hadn't been confirmed yet. Seeing him admit to one, though, made her blush and tingle.
"Is that so? Hehe, I thought that you may have."
"Observant as always. That's why you're my dearest."
Lydia didn't respond but instead became flustered to herself and avoided eye contact. Her cheeks were already looking warm, heightening L's arousal when he noticed.
"Would you want to try now?" L asked, scanning her face for any discomfort from his question, or even arousal.
To his satisfaction, her cheeks lit up more, accompanied by an eager smile. She nodded vigorously, with a beam of excitement in her eyes.
"Alright, then. I'm going to go grab a couple of things for us, but I'll be back very soon."
L stood up, about to turn to walk out of the room, but redirected himself back to Lydia. He quickly placed a gentle kiss on her cheek, but turned back around and left the room without any acknowledgment afterwards.
Lydia sat pretty on the bed, unsure if she should be undressing or not. She decided to play it safe and just stay put for now. Not very long after, L opened the door. He only had two things with him, surprisingly. She almost expected him to bring the whole nine yards with him. All he had with him was a jar of extra-sweetened honey and a can of whipped cream.
L made his way over to the bed, placing the containers down as he sat in front of her, sitting in his traditional position.
"You look very pretty today," L compliments. Lydia looked up at him, to see what she thought was a flustered look (it was hard to tell with L). He reached his hand to gently brush her hair with his fingers.
She blushed which made L smile, making no effort to hide his expression. Making Lydia flustered was one of his favorite things. The fact that he, someone so weird and off-putting, could make her feel this way struck a bit of pride in him. Though, perhaps it only made sense, given she was rather strange and unusual herself. Her unhinged demeanor was one of the reasons L found her so adorable.
"Thank you."
"May I kiss you?"
As always, his lips were incredibly soft and inviting. He was also excellent with his tongue.
The kiss became heated not so shortly after, and L's hands had begun to roam. His delicate, long fingers found their way up Lydia's stomach, pulling her shirt along with them. He kissed her neck up to her jawline as he pulled the shirt off. Soon after came her pants.
"Mmm..." L adores. His fingers immediately rub themselves gently on her clothed clitoris. They caressed her gently, causing Lydia to whimper in pleasure.
"I love you," he continues. His affirmation was much appreciated by the butterflies in Lydia's stomach, fueling her arousal.
"I love you too."
L reached for the honey. He had brought a spoon with him to help put it on her easier. He dipped his spoon in the jar after opening it, causing Lydia to tense up anxiously. L recognizes her timid body language and stops.
"Are you alright? Are you comfortable?"
You smile at his consideration and nod your head.
"Nervous, but I'm comfortable and trust you."
"I appreciate that. "
He made sure to lean down and give her a gentle kiss for reassurance. Right after that, he dipped his spoon in the jar, swirled the spoon around to help with the consistency, and held it above her. When the honey fell on her stomach, she cringed at the cold sensation. L realized that perhaps he should've warmed up the honey.
"It's ok, love," Lydia assured him.
The honey began drizzling on her breasts. The sticky substance fell over her skin, causing Lydia's clit to twitch. L smirks in response, though he tries to hide his face.
L puts the spoon back in the jar and screws the lid back on. He looks back at Lydia as she is exposed on the bed, only covered by her panties. She was absolutely gorgeous to him, and the sight made him clam up. He swallowed as discreetly as he could and redirected his attention to what the goal was.
"May I?" He asks, catching her eyes in his, holding out the contact for approval.
He oogles her for a moment before kneeling on top of her. Seeing her full breasts covered in honey was making him very embarrassed, especially because all he wanted to do was put his mouth all over her right now.
"You look incredible..."
Lydia buried her face in her hands and giggled in embarrassment. L started by running his hands over places that weren't covered in honey, trailing his soft fingertips along her sides up to her shoulders. With hesitation, he leans forward to attach his mouth onto her breast. The honey tasted great, and her tit was supple and soft. Lydia felt a shameful arousal build up and her thighs started squeezing together in response. L gave both of them equal attention and then began making his way down her tummy.
The flavor of the honey made this much more comfortable for L. Thid made him a bit nervous admittedly, as the act was so vulnerable for the both of you. It made it easier to lick and suck at your skin with something sweet to distract himself with. He could feel himself growing hard already.
He finally made it to her panties. He looks up at Lydia with neutral but lustful eyes before asking her, "Are you ready for the next part?"
"You sure?"
"It's okay," she giggles in response, appreciative of his consideration. Though it wasn't like he hadn't already seen her nude many times before. "You can go ahead."
Lydia's hearts throbbed in her chest while L pulled her panties off. He looked at the mess inside of them with amusement. Her secretion of wetness was always fascinating to him, and her scent was a turn on her him if he was honest.
"Can I keep these for a day or so?"
Lydia laughed at his request, but not offended by any means. "Yes, love."
He gave them a brief whiff, trying to define every detail of her scent. He could tell she had showered recently by the lack of musk, aside from her wetness. His attention returned to her pussy, which was visibly drenched in arousal. The sight made L lightly bite down on his lip.
"You fold so easily for me," he remarks with a cocky tone.
"I do not!"
"Mhm, sure," his fingers return to her clit, stroking lightly for a little bit, actually forgetting for a moment that they were supposed to be incorporating food.
L took the can of whipped cream and shook it to make sure it came out consistently. Remembering the incident with the honey before, he directed his attention to Lydia.
"This might be cold."
"Okay," she smiled at him bashfully, keeping her gaze up at the ceiling as he sprayed the whipped cream on her cunt. He was very generous with the amount he put on her.
"Alright.." L moved Lydia's thighs further apart and dipped his head in between. He latched his mouth on her pussy, licking and sucking all over, actively avoiding her clitoris on purpose. L was known for being a tease like that.
He focused on the taste of the sweets, diving to wherever he could find more of the substance. His mouth sucked along her lips and the sides of her cunt.
"Hm? What is it, love?"
"Mmmrrhh," her desperate whines were clearly trying to tell him to put his mouth in the right spot, but he feigned ignorance like always.
"I'm afraid I don't understand gibberish, Lydia." He looked up at her with a face covered in the white cream and sticky consistency.
"Use your words."
"My clit.."
"What about it?"
She scrunched up her face in annoyance. Not that she didn't love his playful banter with her, but she was aching to be pleasured.
"Please, it's sensitive."
"I can imagine, love. Let me help with that, hm?"
To her bliss, he gave her exactly what she needed, wrapping his mouth on her clit. He couldn't see what it looked like due to the whipped cream, but he could tell by the feeling of it on his mouth that she was swollen and yearning.
He placed a little more cream on her cunt, and continued praising her pussy with his skilled tongue. He sucked on her nub as he enjoyed the sweet taste of the whipped cream and flicked his tongue accordingly. He was attentive to how it would pulse against his tongue and how Lydia's hips would jerk when she liked a particular motion. It got to the point where L had to hold her hips down to keep her still.
Her moans caused his cock to strain, making him muffle and grunt against her cunt.
"Fuck, you taste so good."
"It's really just the cr-"
"Shhh.." he continued lapping at her sensitive cunt to silence her, though she only wailed in pleasure. He buried his face closer into her cunt, reaching over her thighs to fondle her tummy while he did.
"Mm~ I'm.."
"Mhm. I know, sweetheart. Go on.."
He didn't stop his attack afterwards, repeating her favorite motion of his tongue as much as he could until her muscles began contracting and her legs and hips squirmed.
As she came all over his face, he sucked at her cunt more, extending her orgasm as much as he could. When her body finally gave out and went limp, he gave a couple more kisses to her cunt before coming up for some much needed air.
"How are you feeling, my love?" He asked as he rubbed gentle circles onto her inner thigh.
"G-good.." she was a little shakey from her orgasm but had a very blissful smile to accompany her. Seeing her surrender to him like this made him horny beyond belief.
"I'll go get some things to clean you up and then we can cuddle, alright?"
"Um..what about you?"
"What about me?"
Lydia laughed softly, amused that he didn't ask himself. "Couldn't I do the same to you?"
"Wha-oh! Uh--I.."
L hardly stammered like this, it was a treat to Lydia to get to see him obviously flustered like this.
"Do you want that?"
She looked at him intently, watching him trying to hold back a blushy smile.
"I'd-uh-y-yes. Yes. I'd love that, Lydia."
Lydia sat upwards, waiting for L to situate himself. Despite his awkward and blunt composure, L was gentlemanly in the sense that he typically didn't ask for things like a blowjob often, usually leaving that decision up to Lydia. He saw it as extremely vulnerable not only for him but for Lydia as well. He wasn't big necessarily, but his cock was longer in length and so he didn't want her to feel pressured about her performance. Though tonight, he was definitely grateful she had initiated this.
L sat awkwardly on the bed with his thighs spread as he sat like he always did. Lydia approached him, still nude and not fully cleaned up yet. She rested in between his legs and placed her hands in his chest, motivating to get him to lay down. She unzipped his pants and took them off. His cock sprung out, flushed at his tip and looking painfully hard.
Lydia reached for the whipped cream and doused his cock in it. It made him embarrassed underneath his deadpanned pink-faced stare, but as soon as she began sucking the consistency off his glans, he couldn't have cared less about his embarrassment.
The way she tended to his cock made it seem as if she was trying to tell him how much she loved him through every suck, lick, and stroke. She moaned and breathed through her nose, occasionally wincing as she attempted to take as much of him as she could. She made his heart flutter ever so slightly as she did so. He noticed how when she couldn't take him as far as she wanted, she'd try to compensate by sucking at spots she knew he was most sensitive at.
She pulled back his foreskin to make sure she got all of the whipped cream, dragging her tongue up to suck his tip after. He could feel himself get close to cumming, she usually was able to get him with very simple displays of adoration for him.
At this point, all the whipped cream was gone and his cock was sticky. She bobbed her head and coated L's cock with her saliva. His hand rested at his face, pulling at his lips while he let out whimpers.
"Mmm.."she hummed on his cock, almost making him cum then and there. L reached down to run his fingers through her scalp, which made her react by pushing her mouth further on his cock. He could hear Lydia choke and wanted to stop her from hurting herself, but she didn't seem to mind as she kept going. Her watery eyes and flushed face drove his cock crazy, as it started to twitch and his balls clenched.
"Mhm," she nodded with his cock in her mouth, a strange feeling for him but even so, his arousal only got worse and he ended up cumming down her throat abruptly.
"Hrnnn...." L sighed out, trying to regulate his breathing again. He pet Lydia's head while she released his cock from her mouth, swallowing his cum in the process.
"You didn't have to swallow, I know it's not tasty."
"It's ok. Yours isn't bad. I also have whipped cream residue in my mouth so it diluted the flavor."
"Thank you."
She smiled at him and came back up to huddle up next to him. She looked up at him like she had something to say.
"What is it?" L asked.
"Can I kiss you? I know my mouth was just uh.."
L scoffs. "Don't worry about that. Mine hasn't been anywhere better."
Lydia kissed L softly, and rested her face on his shoulder. He rested his hand on her hip and allowed her to embrace him.
"I think it would be appropriate to go take a shower and brush our teeth, don't you think so?" L questioned her teasingly.
"Yea. I'm sticky."
"Me too. I had a good time doing this, did you?"
"Hehe, yes. It felt very good."
"I thought so, too. I'm grateful you agreed to do this with me."
"I enjoyed it very much. I'd be okay with doing it again in the future."
"Oh we definitely will. Maybe we'll experiment with other scenarios too, hm?"
"Like what?"
"Oh darling, I have quite a few ideas in mind for us..."
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wally smut hcs ; 18+
Tumblr media
requested by ; anonymous (17/06/23)
fandom(s) ; welcome home
fandom masterlist(s) ; sfw | nsfw
character(s) ; wally darling (standard vers)
outline ; “Can I get Wally x reader nsfw hcs?
I'm 22 btw (also yea props to clown for finding away to allow nsfw while also being able to avoid it if they want)”
warning(s) ; sexually explicit content, assumed human-accurate anatomy
note ; please block the ‘playfellowxxx’ tag if you don’t want to see any nsfw content for this fandom — it’s the tag created by clown for this exact purpose
additional note ; before anyone asks about it; i am using the main ‘x reader’ tags for this post because they are necessary for navigation/filtering as well as accurate to the content itself (it is x reader after all). blocking the ‘playfellowxxx’ tag will stop nsfw content (that’s tagged correctly) from popping up for anyone who doesn’t want to see it — i know this because this is how i got rid of o/c and other squicky fics in the x reader tags i follow lol. it’s also why i have a universal blog tag.
so, yeah, stay safe and block any tags you want to avoid.
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
very sexually inexperienced before you but he’s a quick learner and adapts well to your needs/desires in the bedroom based on your feedback and your reactions
leans more towards soft dominance — the sort that involves taking care of his partner rather than actively being domineering and aggressive
that being said he’s happy to top or bottom depending on your preference
i guess that makes him kind of a service top?
mostly prefers vanilla sex with the occasional dip into kinkier territory — but always makes use of a consent system so that you have every possible opportunity to back out (and so does he)
it’s probably an adapted version of the traffic light system
he’s pretty traditional in regards to positions and will usually default to missionary — but could probably be convinced to test out standing sex or riding
unlikely to initiate sex unless it’s established that you’re needy but too shy to initiate yourself
average to low libido, which means that most of your sexual encounters will be him getting you off before going back to whatever he was doing beforehand
related to the above point: his love language is acts of service which lends itself heavily to your sex life
not loud per say but he is vocal, quietly praising and encouraging you as he pleasures you — occasionally asking how you’re feeling, what you want and if he’s okay to touch you there
the terms he frequents the most are ‘beautiful’, ‘you’re doing so well’, ‘that’s it’ and ‘is this okay?’
also enjoys receiving praise and depending on your position he’ll either pause and fluster or he’ll beam and thank you for it — though either way his cheeks and ears and neck will be going from yellow to pinkish
big fan of more decorative scenes/kinks — of which he has many paintings hung around your second bedroom (which has become something of a makeshift playroom)
so things like: lingerie/leathers/latex/corsets, suspension, decorative bondage, etc.
prefers to use softer materials rather than rope to tie you up in the moment — but if you’re just modelling for a painting then he’ll relent and use the traditional rope and chains
also enjoys body worship — both giving and receiving
though if you’re especially soft and genuine in your appreciation for him and his body then this poor puppet is going to melt and become putty in your hands
king of aftercare and will make sure that you’re physically and mentally sound even if you only got as far as a messy makeout session
doesn’t like pushing you and is very aware of your limits, which means that overstimulation and the like are very unlikely to pop up
though accidents do happen and there have certainly been moments where he’s gotten a tad overzealous and overstimulated you to the point of tears — but he was incredibly apologetic and made sure to take care of you properly after the fact
not really the sort to use specific names in bed (like master, for example) because he’s the sort to value intimacy over kink — the furthest he might go is carrying through pet names from outside of the bedroom (‘love’, ‘sweetheart’ or ‘darling’)
not into traditional marking but gets terribly flustered if he notices that you’ve left lipstick stains on his body
would be up for painting you nude — be that portraying your body on a canvas or using your body as a canvas — as a type of foreplay (though he wouldn’t know how to ask howdy for body safe paints)
a lot more sexually sensitive than he lets on — particularly in regards to his chest and his inner thighs (but this would only ever come up if you convince him to let you take care of him as a treat)
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
This is a stick up!!! Give me all your Tobi head canons!!
In ghost hunter darling lore - The two of you met during your second outing. The house they inhabited had been known for paranormal sights decades before, but recent visitors reported hearing strange creeks and groans from within after the disappearance of the family that moved in a year before. I'm sure you can guess who was there.
Tobi has few memories of their life before that house or you. Their brain actively blocks out memories it doesn't deem important. All they had was a beat up old camera with peeling tape on its side that read "Tobi" in sharpie. Their vaguely southern accent originates from the boy in those recordings. You would've been yet another tally on those aging walls - had you not mistaken them for a hunter like you and greeted them in kind. Due to how their brain runs - they could barely remember any of their previous guests, but after that one night all they could find of was you.
After your meeting, Tobi powered on one of the many phones laying out their hideout and searched up the name of your channel. Things like ghost and ghouls confused them, but they eventually figured out the apparitions they're able to see are what you're after. As if by cosmic intervention, the next day you posted a listing online for a camera man. They're one of those!.... They think. You were also looking for a roommate. They could be that too probably. Lucky for them, that truck the family owned still had some juice and driving lessons had been one of the videos filmed by them.
Onto General Hcs -
Tobi has two cameras. The one used for filming vids and "Tobi Cam" which is the camera they found upon waking up. They use this camera to film their precious moments with you. While their brain is clogged with the memories you share, they keep physical copies in fear of the worse and to relive them over again. Tobi does not allow you in their room as their walls are lined with frames of their favorite ones and their shelves are filled with journals with written text of those encounters - each a million words long.
Tobi is an incredibly fast learner and often learns new talents just to prepare for your long future together. Not only are they your camera man, but they're also your personal chef, mechanic, dance party, and therapist - for when all your friends inevitably go missing. They're the one who designed your merch and even began production for the shirts and pins in their own room. They've always been hesitant to ship products with your face on them and there's some limited edition pillow and plushies that only they have access to. They have a whole ass bed but sleep on their mountain of merch like any good fan does.
Given their inability to communicate for long periods of time, Tobi has multiple mediums they use to talk to you. Abusing chat and texting you are one, but Tobi has a whiteboard set up in the living room they change every morning and night with words of motivation and fun facts they learn. As much as it hurts them to hurt you, if you do something they don't like Tobi is not above knocking you out with their words. You'll have a nice verbal conversation and all of a sudden your nose begins to bleed - then you're out. Thankfully, you never really remember the ten minutes before you black out. This is also a guilty pleasure as they wish they could talk to you like this all the time. They make up for it by cooking you favorite meal while you're recovering.
Tobi refuses to let you lift any heavy equipment. If you're lifting something up, they're picking you up and telling you to point in which direction to go. Given how easy it is to snap their bones, Tobi sees all humans as fragile and fears for your well-being at all times. They're like a kid knocking down shelves of glass to put their favorite at the top
Tobi's oral fixation isn't inherently sexual. When you're watching movies together they'll chew on your shirt or fingers because it relaxes them. You'll know when they're frustrated when they storm out of their room into yours just to bite at your cheeks or shoulder to calm himself. It's never too hard, but if you don't like being a human chew toy giving them an old shirt or sweater that still has your scent on it works fine. Jealous baby, so if you go anywhere without them they insist you wear their jacket to mark their territory.
Has play wars with ghosts that may invade your living space. They could devour them at any time, but it's fun to relish in domestic bliss with an audience only they can see or hear. Some of them are old friendd you lost. They kiss your cheek twice or those guests. When living visitors come over they lift their cap ever so slightly so they know they aren't welcome
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khaire-traveler · 5 months
🧼 Subtle Hygeia Worship 🐍
Practice hygiene to the best of your ability; wash your hands, brush your teeth, take showers/baths, etc.
Take care of your physical and mental health; see a doctor if you can, talk to a therapist if able, etc.
Take your medications if any
Drink herbal teas, especially those with healing or calming properties (stomache, headache, etc.; DO NOT USE HERBS TO TREAT SERIOUS CONDITIONS PLEASE)
Get a candle that reminds you of her (no altar needed)
Wear jewelry that reminds you of her
Keep a picture of her in your wallet
Support mental and physical healthcare or humanitarian organizations
Volunteer at a homeless or animal shelter
Donate hygiene kits to homeless shelters; these are almost always in great demand, actually
Keep your space clean; clean your bathroom and room regularly if able
Get a mug with a cute snake on it (here is one, here is another, and here is a third; I just wanted to look up cute snake mugs lol)
Have a stuffed animal snake (here is one, here is another, and here is a third; cute ones are weirdly hard to find, so I wanted to help lol)
Have imagery of cups, snakes, fruit, or healing objects (anything you associate with it) around
Drink white wine or clear sparkling grape juice (or anything similar, really)
Grow your own garden, especially herbs and produce of your own; tend to plants
Engage in activities that make you happy! Do things you enjoy
Learn about medicinal applications of herbs
Eat well; eat fruits, veggies, etc.
Drink water regularly; hydrate or diedrate, baby 👉😎👉
Practice compassion and love towards yourself
Write affirmations on sticky notes and place them in spots where you'll see them often
Take a self-care bath or shower, especially with soothing herbs like lavender or jasmine
Keep a self-care/self-love journal; write about things you are grateful for (small things like the fact that you liked your socks that door or you have something comfy to sleep on; doesn't have to be big), make a list of your personal strengths at the end of each month and see how you grow, write reassuring messages you think would help you to hear in that moment
Wash your hands/anoint yourself with salt water to cleanse yourself of any energy you don't want (only when necessary)
Have a skincare or body care routine
Try to get in enough sleep; work on your sleep schedule
Start your morning by stretching your muscles or doing some light exercises if you can
Engage with relaxing/calming activities at the end of each school day, work shift, or straining day; find a way to decompress
Be gentle with yourself when you're having a difficult day
Take care of a sick loved one or a loved one who is having a hard time; support those you love
Cook a warm meal for a loved one
Bathe or washcloth bathe a pet; make sure they're eating well; take walks or play with them
Cook a warm meal for someone in need
Learn about/research health conditions that you or your loved ones have; get a better understanding of these things
Know your healthcare rights; know your HIPPA rights (if in US)
Practice being more comfortable asking for help; everyone needs a hand sometimes
Take frequent breaks from screens; make sure to go outside for some fresh air
Take a walk/hike; doesn't matter where
Exercise; get some movement throughout your day, even just basic stretching
Start a morning and/or nighttime self-care routine
Spend time with loved ones
Eat three meals a day
Feed neighborhood dogs, cats, birds, etc.
Practice kindness towards others; holding the door for someone, offering to help someone carry their things, giving compliments to a stranger, etc.
Clean anything you regularly interact with; clean these things when it feels appropriate; mouse and keyboard, car, shower, toilet, doorknobs, sinks, etc.
Do any household chores, especially things like vacuuming, sweeping, or washing dishes
Acknowledge and celebrate even just the little ways you were able to take care of yourself in a day; even something as simple as brushing your hair or wearing a comfy outfit
Engage with a local community; join clubs, join support groups, volunteer at places, help with food/toy drives, etc.
I'll likely add more later on. This is my list of discreet ways of worshipping Hygeia! I hope someone finds it useful. Take care, y'all! 🩷
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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