#if you want akechi can be a kitty too
fluffydice · 1 year
For Halloween Mikoto dresses up as a black cat and Kusuo dresses up as a white cat because they’re besties
They also get their nails done like claws btw btw
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love-at-first-bite · 2 years
Sorry to still be a #Hater but, knowing I Will be playing 3 playthroughs of Persona 3 (2 Portable runs and one FES+The Answer run) sounds so much more fun and enjoyable than playing Persona 5 for a second time, vanilla or Royal I'M SORRY THIS IS A P5 HATE ACCOUNT NOW
#victor beeps#meanwhile i will play P4 one million times#i'm sorry!!!!! i didn't like 5's story as much#it starts off SO BAD (content wise. which is why i put the game down for like a year)#i love the phantom thieves. honest. but joker isn't my fave protag#I HATE MORGANA >:V I WANNA LIKE HIM SO BAD CAUSE KITTY BUT HE SUCKS#ann was done SOOOOOO dirty. and ryuji too <:/ (love both them so much tho)#yusuke is written as the ''weird kid'' and just feels like everyone is laughing at him all the time#i didn't find makoto or haru all that memorable compared to the rest of the party#i don't really have a problem with futaba's writing. i love her so much and love how they handled her mental problems actually#but the ''she's practically my sister'' line in Royal and you can still romance her :/ kinda yuck#also ummm biggest issue with 5 is that you can romance the adult women and joker's 16. one of them being your teacher :/ big yikes#and i don't much care for kasumi as others do. she's an interesting character yes but sorry#akechi my wonderful son it felt like his story was snuffed out super quick just to get to the end. also fuck pancakes shut up fuck you#i'm sorry i can't help but compare it to the games that came before. 5 was my first persona game tho#i just prefer 4. story and characters#a copy of p5r is at the gamestop for like 20 bucks and i do want it! but i just can't be assed to play p5 again at least for a long while#long tags of me being a hater man sorryyyyyyy if you read all these i love you <3
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atticinthecafe · 2 years
Short Phantom Thief Leader Akechi au drabble beneath the cut
Morgana shifted around in the bag he sat in. Brand new, just for him. Akechi had never needed a bag like this before becoming a thief, but now it made it easier to carry his cat- er, teammate, around. Morgana had suggested the idea after a bit of being carried in Ryuji's and Ann's school bags. Now those were comfy. But that's not right now, so anyways.
Right now? He was stuck in this bag. Of course, Akechi had to stop at this little cafe he heard of. Why wouldn't he? Not like it mattered to him that Morgana's legs were getting sore and he was hungry. (Okay, maybe it did matter to him, but Morgana is a bit dramatic.)
"Gorooo, I'm hungryy!" Morgana eventually gave in, popping his head out of the bag and yowling. That seemed to catch Akechi's attention, as well as the barista serving him.
Oh! Wait! Morgana knew this guy. He was the one he had followed around a few times. Morgana wasn't sure why, but he felt something special about him. He almost wanted to take him into mementos, just to see if he had a persona.
"You… have a cat in your bag?" The barista slowly sat down the cup he was working on. For himself it looked like, since Akechi already had one. He was smiling and snickering gently at both the cat sticking out of the bag and Akechi's flustered face.
"Ah.. yes. Him." Akechi emphasized the word 'him' with a playful glare towards the bag, "I found him while walking home one day. He was a stray so I decided to take him in."
"I never would've guessed you have a soft spot for strays, detective," the barista hummed and set down his cup, now intently focused on something else as he moved to the back of the shop.
"I hang around you, don't I, Akira?"
"Oof. Ouch, Akechi."
The laugh that followed this let Morgana know it was all in good fun. It was only a moment before the boy named Akira returned, setting a plate on the counter with canned tuna on it.
"Here you go, kitty. I bet that mean ol' detective never does anything nice for you," Akira hummed out a laugh as he reached over to pet Morgana before letting him pull himself out and onto the counter.
"You better not let boss catch this, and I'll have you know, I do a lot of nice things for him. He is incredible spoiled," Akechi scoffed and reached over to scritch between Morgana's ears, which Morgana took as opportunity to bite him.
"I am not spoiled!" Morgana justified his bite before going to eat the sweet sweet tuna placed before him, "I do a lot for this team!"
Akira watched with entertainment glinting in his eyes as Akechi tugged his hand back before turning back to his own cup of coffee.
"I think Morgana disagrees with you there,"
Despite the wounded hand, a small smile was finding a way onto his face, "He's a handful, but he keeps me company. Plus he nips at me until I go to bed on time, so he helps me out as well" His voice held a fond tone.
"Must be nice to have a friend like that."
There was a wistful air to Akira's tone, but as quick as it came, it was gone again. Hidden with a smile and busy hands. He went to work cleaning up the counter before he would settle to enjoy his coffee. Morgana almost paused to take a look at him. They both must know what it's like to want company. His tail twitched in thought.
Akechi had been there for him, and they were getting along fine now, despite a rough start. Maybe Akechi would do the same for him and he could join the team after all. Morgana hoped so, more allies was always useful, plus, it would prove his intuition right.
Akira and Akechi kept up conversation for a while after that. Akira only pausing to clean up the cups they had used and get Morgana a dish of water to drink. Morgana couldn't help but listen in too. The two talked about the phantom thieves, theories, and all kinds of stuff that went way over Morgana's head. Akira seemed interesting.
Guess he would have to find out for himself what Akira was really was capable of. Especially after that new navigator joined the team. He needed to prove he could be useful. This might be the perfect opportunity to do so.
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pugs-cats-bb-8 · 3 months
P3 Reload Part. 7
This kid is how old and she's doing laundry?
Shock collar.
Humans should not bark.🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️
Pretty puppy
It tells you the rank when you go up to them
Tanaka reminds of Akechi. (I believe Akechi to be a slob. I mean he has a vacuum and a electric toothbrush on his liked gifts list. Although, I'm pretty sure he showers more often than Tanaka does, hopefully).
How does Junpei take two steps forward and three steps back?
I don't think they had🤣🤣 these emojis back in 2009. I think it was more :p
Akihiko just popped out the either.🤣🤣
And everybody got covered in watermelon juice.
I thought you have to take dogs on walks all the time? Or is Koromaru just weird?
There's nothing to do at night, might as well spend the night in Tartarus.
You can study in the entrance.
Air-condioning? That's a fancy school. When I was in school, only the computer labs were cool. The rest of the rooms had fans and open windows.
Mr. Edogawa seems like a mad scientist. I like him.
What the fuck is that? It looks like Abbadon's odd ass cousin. Was this in the og?
Makoto just happened to have his evoker on him?
I love the 😃 above Koromaru's head.
The dog wants to watch TV.
You ignore Bebe for ramen 🤣🤣 and didn't even get ramen.
I thought that was Max rank for Tanaka.
The people wondering into Tartarus remind me of MM, but there are far less.
4 siblings!
What is it with Japan and missing or dead parents?
"The heat will only affect you if you let it"? 🤨🤨I don't think it works that way, Mitsuru.
Not much money but you get charm + academics.
"My coat is invisible to fools". 🤣🤣
I wish he didn't take such an interest in me. I never cared about Gun Jesus.
My man, you can put your hand down.
🤦🏻‍♀️this man.
You need knowledge to start Akinari? 😔
Koromaru stole his pen 🤣🤣
Why him? He looks like he escaped from prison or came from the 60/70s.
Shadows taking breaks 🤣🤣
Ken sounds less pissed.
Koromaru stole the remote 🤣🤣
Go to the film festival, the game says 🤣🤣
What the fuck did they give you?
This poor girl
Most people freak out when they're bleeding, Chidori.
The game really wants you to go to the film festival 🤣🤣
I'm pretty sure that's Morgana.
Poor Junpei's got bigger things to worry about.
Is that Makoto?
Poor puppy.
The rules don't say anything about dogs attending? (Minus service dogs, that is).
Akihiko's like "this wasn't my idea and I'm not responsible for anything that goes wrong". 🤣🤣
Akihiko seems more detached than in the og.
It's funny everyone seems way too attached to you at points but then they drift away the longer the game goes on.
Maybe it's the voices?
😔 why him?
You get too many people all at once.
Why does the nurse dress so casually? He reminds me of Maruki. I hope he doesn't wear sandals in the winter.
Ren ❤❤
You need to not break your knee.
I love how you can't throw him under the bus, even if that's probably the right play.
What kind of school is this? This kid is going to kill himself and they're going to let him!? That's a lawsuit waiting to happen. At least if they banned him and he went all stupid, that's on him. The school knows and they're not telling him to pound salt, that's on them.
Poor Junpei is never used (in the video I'm watching).
I forget you have to level your party individually. 😔 it's Strikers all over again.
Guest? It's a 🐱.
Why does the pierce symbol look like gears?
Bird scream. 🐦
Are shadows with status elements new?
Mass Destruction is kinda fire. I never really like the og. Still haven't got around to hearing the full soundtrack.
I know it's impossible but who's side would Shinji be on for The Answer?
Whiffed the shot and got attacked by a shadow🤣🤣
Blue faced Hulk Hogan.
Did he just say Mitra when Mithrus appeared?
Koromaru came to escort the kitty.
"It's a bit damp, but I think I can use it". 🤣🤣That's a cat for ya.
Oh yeah, the clock thingy for leveling.
The head of Mitsuru's Persona looks like a chess piece. A queen or bishop to be exact.
Plan? 🤣🤣We're flying by the seat of our pants here.
I don't like the pay chests. Especially when so much gear is found in them. Sure it's only a couple more evasion/defense/new effect thingy but still new gear is always good, even if it's only used for a bit. Plus, you don't have to pay for it.
That shadow has 4 hands.
So, it's a coward.
Damn, the chests are generous with money. 3,780 yen=24.32
Those gold fuckers are fast.
They changed the name of the battle panties to sexy armour. Can't say I blame them.
I like Junpei.
I guess I should accept.🤣🤣
Shinji is like 3rd sem Akechi, without the build-up.
Tossed him like a rag doll. 🤣🤣
I'm not sold on the new portraits but I do like Akihiko's.
It looks like a Xurkitree.
They don't comment if you pause on their turn.
I swear they had more build-up for Chidori and Junpei in the og.
The first thing that comes to mind when I hear Medea is Tyler Perry
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crypticpatterns · 3 years
Imma need your Morgana thoughts to see whether or not youre a person of culture /hj (seriously though with all the hate he gets and your analytical takes on akechi that i saw pop up on my dash i am VERY curious about your thoughts on my boi)
I apologize in advance for this monster essay. I did not realize I had so many thoughts on Morgana. I'm not sure if this ask was for the ask game I was doing but I'm not going to write this in that format because my actual Morgana thoughts are too complex for that, hopefully you won't mind lol.
Morgana is a sweet boi and deserves all the love, I'm not sure why he gets so much hate but I have some suspicions.
For one, I think his arc during Okumura's Palace is...messy. That section of the game is written worse than the rest imo, and it messes with his arc some. His banter with Ryuji comes across as lighthearted until it suddenly doesn't and he takes everything personally and just ditches everyone. He goes from 0 to 100 and I think it's because there isn't enough build up to him leaving. I would have been completely lost why he was so touchy if my older sibling (who'd already played the game) didn't tell me he was upset because Futaba took his place on the team. It can come across as him being petty when that's not the case at all, at least in my opinion.
Morgana used to work alone, and he thinks he's just helping out the Thieves for his own gain. Honestly, he's actually incredibly similar to Akechi. He thinks he can handle everything on his own and doesn't need friends, is a bit too cocky for his own good, and is the "smart guy." (Though, of course, he overestimates his own intelligence just a bit, haha. I can see why that arrogance might annoy some people but personally I find it endearing. He a baby kitty boi.)
Before the Thieves saved him he thought he was capable all on his own and didn't need help, but of course he was proven wrong by the fact he even needed saving. Not that he'd ever admit it in a thousand years. He sticks with the Thieves not because he thinks he needs them, but because they need him, and they're useful to him. And that's exactly his problem.
Morgana stops being "needed" the more Thieves join the group. Makoto becomes the "smart guy." Futaba all but replaces his job as the navigator. He doesn't have a "job" in the Thieves, but that's how he values himself. If the Thieves don't "need" him, if he's not contributing somehow to the team, why should they want him at all?
Morgana's always felt like the odd one out among the Thieves. He's not an outcast like the rest. He can't even remember his past at all, let alone if he was ever unwanted. He has no person whose heart he wants to change. And of course, he's a cat. He's not even a human like the rest of them. He doesn't fit.
Of course, him not fitting in is exactly what makes him the perfect Phantom Thief, but he can't see that yet.
So Ryuji's digs hurt worse than before. Morgana feels worthless and unwanted. And when the Thieves can't make a decision, he decides to prove to them that he is worthwhile. They need him, so they should want him.
But of course, the Thieves don't care if he's "needed." Morgana is their friend, and they want him on their team even if he isn't strictly useful or needed anymore. And eventually, that's exactly what he learns. When Haru is cornered by her asshole of a fiance, he tries to defend her but is once again "useless" and is merely kicked to the side. But the Thieves come to save him and Haru, and Ryuji defends Morgana. He finally learns that it doesn't matter if he's "useful." The Thieves are his friends anyway.
He doesn't need to be needed. He can be weak, and he can be "useless," because the Thieves don't like him for his usefulness but for him.
The other thing I think gets on people's nerves (and also does annoy me to an extent) is his crush on Ann. It's...overplayed, and can come across as a bit misogynistic on the part of the writers. It can be cute but I think Morgana goes on about it so much that people think it's his only motivation for being human. It's certainly part of it, but it's not the whole reason. He wants to be human to "fit in." But like the rest of the Thieves, Morgana doesn't need to fit in. He needs to be himself. This is another thing I could see annoying people--the whole human obsession is a bit overplayed and I could see it getting on people's nerves. I find it a bit annoying when the joke continues after he's supposed to have already learned his lesson, but I think that's just subpar writing, not Morgana being a terrible character.
Then we have the other reason Morgana joined the Thieves, and the main thrust of his motivation for helping them for a lot of the game--his lost memories of his past. That takes us to the very end of vanilla and the final boss.
Morgana learns that he was created to guide the Phantom Thieves. This is exactly where he always belonged. He's not human, but that's okay--he's served his purpose as the Wild Card's companion perfectly as the cat that he is. And with his purpose served, he disappears, imparting the Thieves with one last word of wisdom.
But Joker isn't done with Morgana. Once again, it doesn't matter to him if Morgana's usefulness has been served. He wants Morgana to be his friend, be his cat, anyway. All of the Thieves do. In the end, Morgana is a Phantom Thief not because he was created to guide them, but because they're his friends. They love their cat friend, just for him. And so Morgana comes back through sheer force of Joker's will, manifested in the real world because Joker was so convinced that Morgana belongs with him. It doesn't matter why he might have been initially created, and that he's fulfilled his destiny. What matters is that Morgana is Joker's cat, and he loves him.
Anyway. I love Morgana. He's arrogant and adorable and amusing to no end. (He and Ryuji are hilarious, and I love his dynamic with Haru, I really wish we got more of that.) I could go into his arc in the 3rd Semester but it's mostly a retread of his previous arc and him discovering for good that his usefulness isn't what gives him worth, he doesn't need to "fit in," and he's allowed to be weak sometimes. Plus this essay is long enough already. He's baby and he deserves the world.
Ah. There is also that whole thing about him making the player go to bed every night. That probably contributed to the hate. It's not Morgana's fault vanilla was designed poorly and limited your actions too often, lmao.
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mage-ellie · 4 years
Going Back
Another Goro akechi x reader oneshot. I love writing fluff hkafjdshkfdh
Link to original post: Click me!
Warnings: Spoilers, fluff, angst, mentions of blood and wounds, kissing, cuddling
Word count: 6,409
Summary: Akechi's sacrifice left a bitter taste in your mouth that even Akira's amazing coffee couldn't fix. So you did the only thing you could think of doing that would help you feel better. You went back for him. You'd get him out of that criminals palace, whether he was dead or alive. He at least deserved that much, right?
You felt sick.
Goro Akechi, the 'traitor', just gave his life to save you all while in Shido's palace. He had spilled his horrific past to you all moments before his sacrifice. Shido's puppet version of Akechi said that all Akechi wanted was to be loved. To be wanted by someone. That broke your heart.
No matter how he had acted in the past, he was still a victim. A victim you couldn't save.
You couldn't deny the blossoming feelings you had for the conniving detective. Twice a week for the past 4 months, you had met up with Akechi at Jazz Jin in Kichijoji to just relax in each others presence. Most of the time, you wouldn't talk. You'd just enjoy the music and the taste of the fruity virgin cocktails that he would recommend. When you did talk, you explored all kinds of topics with him. You two would talk about your dreams, current events, work, and sometimes even the Phantom Thieves.
Akira introduced you two back in August when Akechi had stopped by Leblanc for some coffee. While you didn't immediately get along with him, he was still fun to converse with. During one of your nightly outings, you had ran into the detective at the station. He had asked if you would be interested in joining him for a drink and you had accepted. Even though he just wanted to grill you about the Phantom Thieves, you found yourself enjoying the mindless banter and before you knew it, meeting up with him at the Jazz Club had become a regular thing.
Currently, you were sitting at the bar in Leblanc with your head in your hands. Akira was behind the bar, mindlessly making coffee in an attempt to distract himself from what had just happened. Morgana was curled up on your lap, trying to comfort you.
The sound of a cup shakily being set onto the counter prompted you to lift your head. Akira's normally clean and neat coffee cream art was messy and almost unrecognizable. It was hard for him to make the cream look nice when his hands wouldn't stop shaking.
"Are you thinking about him?" Akira asked, his voice was deep and quiet.
You swallowed as you slid your fingers around the warm mug. "I can still hear the gun shots." You whispered. The ringing in your ears still hasn't stopped, despite it having been over an hour since the whole event happened.
Akira nodded as he made himself a cup of coffee. "Me too."
As you sipped your coffee, Akira rounded the bar to join you. Having him around was comforting, but you couldn't stay here all night, even though you wanted too.
Once you and your leader had finished the coffee's he had made, you decided to take your leave.
"It's getting late. I don't want to miss the last train." You said as you lifted the soft black and white kitty from your lap and set him on the counter.
"Goodnight Y/N. Be careful getting home." Morgana said softly, his big blue eyes filled with pity.
Akira stood from his seat and walked you to the door. Before he could open the door, you wrapped your arms around him and pressed your face into his chest. Akira has always been like a brother to you. You considered all of the Phantom Thieves to be family.
He immediately returned the hug, squeezing you tightly as you did your best to not break down sobbing. "Are you sure you don't want to stay?" He asked, gently stroking your hair.
"As much as I'd like to, I can't. I left all of my homework and school stuff at my apartment." You mumbled, mentally scolding yourself for leaving your stuff behind.
You and Akira pulled away from each other after a moment of silently reveling in each others warmth. He opened the door for you and said a quiet, "Goodnight," as you walked out.
On your short trek to the station, a thought popped into your mind. It definitely wasn't your greatest idea. You could go back for Akechi. Akira had kept you in the backlines when Akechi had challenged the Thieves because he knew of your feelings for the detective, meaning that you still had most of your strength. If anything, you could at least bring his body back to the real world. He deserved a proper funeral.
Before doubt or hesitation could sink into your caffeinated mind, you hopped onto the train that went to the Judicial district of Tokyo. Determination filled your veins as the train came to a stop at your destination. Or maybe it was adrenaline. Either would work. You just wished that you had prepared more. You didn't have any healing items, so you'd be relying on your Persona, as well as your sneaking skills.
The moment you entered Shido's palace, you sprinted towards the entrance. Your feet silently hit the ground, the speed of your sprint made your hair flow behind you. You could do this. You wanted to prove to Akechi that he was special, that he was wanted, even if he wasn't here to see it.
Shido's palace was filled to the brim with shadows who were all on high alert. The only way to traverse through his palace even somewhat safely would have to be through the vents. While you would be able to handle a few of the shadows on your own, you could easily get overwhelmed with the amount of them roaming the palace.
You weren't sure how long you had been crawling through the dusty and cramped vents, but you finally managed to find a way into the boiler room.
Silently dropping into the room from a high up vent on the far left side of the room, you crept towards the place where the detective would be. Despite the amount of shadows that had been in the room when Akechi had trapped himself in it, there were none to be seen. Thank God. Your aching muscles wouldn't be able to handle all of them.
There he was, slumped against the wall that kept the Thieves from helping him. He was sitting in a small pool of his own blood, a few bullet holes riddled his body. His head was hanging down, his body limp. He looked so small, so sad.
The sight of him made you want to scream. You were frozen in place, unable to move because of the flood of emotions that washed over your body. Regret pricked at your bones. You wished you had tried harder to show him your love. You wished you had confessed your feelings to him. You wished you had been there for him like he needed you to be.
Taking a shaky and deep breath, you willed your legs to move. Standing around in this area was dangerous and would accomplish nothing. You came here to get him out, so that's what you were going to do.
Finally, your legs moved you towards the detectives body. It took all of your strength to not start crying. You could mourn his death when you got him out, when you were safe.
You were now standing close enough to him to see the skin of his face. He looked so pale, faint tear stains were the only thing coloring his face. Gently, you crouched down beside him and gazed at his form.
Slowly, hesitantly, you lifted your hands. Your left hand removed his shattered mask and your right hand tenderly stroked the soft skin of his cheek. His skin was cold, but it wasn't freezing like you had expected it to be.
A slight movement on his face caught your attention. His piercing maroon eyes had opened ever so slightly and were trained on you.
Your heart stopped, hands froze, mind going completely blank as you stared back at the man you had thought to be dead. Goro Akechi was still alive. Was his will to survive this strong?
Carefully, you removed his helmet, his slightly damp chestnut hair fell around his face. Even like this, he looked so handsome. You lifted one of your legs and put it on the other side of him so that you were straddling his lap.
You lifted his head as softly as you could and pulled his body into yours. His head rested against your shoulder and his chest pressed into yours. You combed your fingers through his soft locks and rubbed his back as you called your persona.
"Orpheus." Your voice was barely a whisper. The stringed man appeared beside you as you gathered your strength to cast the skill Cadenza. It wouldn't heal Akechi all of the way, but it was the only healing skill your persona knew.
A warm, healing light wrapped itself around you and Akechi. The ache in your muscles lessened as Orpheus did his best to heal you both. The warmth in Akechi's skin was returning, his breaths were becoming deeper as his body took in more oxygen. His strength was returning. Slowly, Akechi wrapped his arms around your waist and nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck.
As the green light faded, Akechi pushed you backwards, forcing you to lay on the ground with him on top of you. His legs were in between yours and he was squeezing you as tightly as he could. His face was pressing into your neck as his body began to shake.
"It's okay. I'm here now." You whispered as you held him back with just as much force. A choked sob ripped from his throat as he began crying into your shoulder.
"I've got you. You're okay." You continuously murmured words of comfort as he broke down on top of you. You shifted slightly underneath him so that you could wrap your legs around his hips in order to hold more of him. Your mind was a jumbled mess, thinking of ways to get him out of here and what you wanted to say to him. A part of you wanted to yell at him for what he did, a larger part of you just wanted to cry and hold him forever. You wondered if he could feel how fast and hard your heart was beating.
Your mind was struggling to comprehend that he was still alive.
"I'm sorry I took so long." You croaked, raising a hand to brush his hair out of his face. Hot tears started trickling down your cheeks as your mind came to terms with the fact that Akechi was still here. Your words only made him cry harder.
His tears were soaking into your metaverse outfit, though you didn't mind. You'd let him cry like this for as long as he needed to.
Slowly, his sobs became soft whines and his shaking body calmed down. Turning your head, you gently pressed your lips to the top of his head as you continued to stroke his hair. Akechi softly sighed into your neck and he nuzzled his face into your shoulder once more.
Finally, he lifted himself up to look at you. His eyes were red and puffy and his cheeks were tinted pink.
You reached up and cradled his cheeks in your hands. "Let's get out of here together." He closed his eyes and leaned his face into your touch, nodding in response to your words.
Akechi pulled away from you and stood, offering you a hand to help you up. You accepted his offer and he pulled you to your feet.
"Come on. I came here through a vent at the end of the room." You pointed to the open vent and began walking towards it with the 'Princely' detective in tow. You couldn't help but wonder why he had been so quiet.
You looked up at him and scanned his face. He looked so tired. "Are you alright?" The soft tone of your voice was filled with worry. His jaw visibly clenched for a moment before he started speaking.
"This just doesn't feel real is all." He had a far away look in his eyes, like he wasn't actually looking at you, but looking through you.
You couldn't stop the dry chuckle that left your lips. You reached for his right hand with your left, entwining your fingers with his and squeezing his hand tightly. "You can say that again." Akechi gripped your hand back.
Your trek to get out of the palace with Akechi was slow and clumsy. While you had healed him for the most part, your persona couldn't give him back the blood he had lost, so he couldn't move for too long without needing to take a break. He didn't comment on his constant need to slow down, but you could tell he was annoyed. The light coming back to his eyes was making his maroon eyes glow crimson.
Currently, you were sitting in a small closet with him while he rested. His fingers were still wrapped around yours. You gently leaned your head against his shoulder and stroked his arm with your free hand in an attempt to comfort him.
"Why?" His voice was so small. You knew what he was asking. He wanted to know why you came back for him. His hand began to shake as he awaited your answer. It took you a moment to put the words together. Your nerves started to take a hold of you as you contemplated telling him your feelings for him. You should do it now, just in case this really wasn't real.
"I love you Goro." You could feel his body tense as you whispered your response. "I couldn't just leave you here alone. You deserved better than to just rot in a palace where you'd never be seen again. I wanted to give you a proper burial. You deserved that much at least." Your voice was tight. It was a struggle to force the words out as you confessed your feelings for him and how you had thought he was dead.
Goro's breathing had become shaky again as he processed your words. You didn't stop rubbing his arm or holding his hand as you let your words sink in. Even if he didn't feel the same, at least he'd know that someone out there did love him and want him around.
"I'm glad you're okay." You finished and closed your eyes as you leaned into him more, reveling in his warmth. He didn't say anything in response, but he did lean his head against yours and squeezed your hand tighter, rubbing circles gently into the back of your hand with his thumb.
You both sat in silence as he slowly took deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself down. This was probably the first time in a long time that someone has told him that they love him like this.
"Let's keep moving." He whispered as he pulled away from you and stood. His hand was still locked around yours though, so he pulled you up with him. You collided with his chest and he pulled his hand away from yours as he wrapped his arms around you for only a moment, giving you time to hug him back before he pulled away and opened the door.
As you exited, he slid his hand back into yours. The rest of your journey through the palace with Goro went by a lot faster. It took you a while to find a saferoom where you could exit, but once you did, relief flooded your system. Even Goro visibly relaxed once you had entered the room.
Pulling out your phone, you transported the two of you to the entrance of Shido's palace.
Silently, you pulled Goro towards a busy road and hailed a taxi. He didn't question you when you pulled him into the taxi with you or when you gave the driver your address. He didn't make any comments when you led him by the hand to your empty apartment. You silently thanked your mother for being away. She was currently overseas for some business convention and wouldn't be back for another week or so.
You gave him a little tour of your home and proceeded to give him a clean shirt and a pair of pants that he could wear to bed.
Finally, you turned towards him and spoke. "I know it's late, but you should eat and drink something before you go to bed. Do you have any requests?"
Goro pondered your question for a moment. "Just something light." Was all he said before he locked himself in your bathroom to shower.
Since you didn't have much energy and you conveniently had some leftover rice from yesterday, you cut up some carrots, green onions and fried some bacon, mixing it all together to make a basic meal of fried rice. After adding a pinch of a few different spices, you had your light dinner complete.
You set up two spots at your kitchen table with a bowl of rice and a cup of water, just in time because Goro walked out of the bathroom after you set the cups down.
You watched as Goro took a deep breath and eyed the food on the table. "Should I have made more?" You asked, observing the way he looked like he wanted to devour your serving too.
"Perhaps." He mumbled, still staring at the food from the hallway. You brought a hand up to your chin for a moment to think.
"Why don't you go figure out how to work the laundry machine, and I'll add eggs to the menu? How to you like your eggs cooked and how many would you like?" You spoke as you turned your back to him and walked towards the fridge.
"Two please, and surprise me." When you turned back around to look at him, he was gone. Since he didn't have a preference, you decided to make them sunny side up. By the time you had plated the eggs, he was sitting at his spot at the table, patiently waiting for you.
Goro said a soft, "Thank you," as you set his plate of eggs by his rice. All you did was smile at him in response before beginning to eat.
It didn't take the two of you long before you both finished eating. He oh-so-generously offered to do the dishes for you while you took a shower, which you gratefully accepted. You were exhausted and just wanted to sleep.
Once you finished and walked out of the bathroom, you noticed Goro had made himself comfortable on your couch.
"I hope you don't mind, but I stole a blanket from your room." He didn't look at you as he said that, he was just staring at the TV.
"Are you not going to sleep in my bed with me?" Your question caused him to snap his head to the side to look at you. A look of uncertainty crossed his eyes.
"Only a few hours ago I had tried to kill you and all of your friends." His voice was sharp, harsh, but you could tell that it wasn't directed at you.
"Only a few hours ago you sacrificed yourself to protect me and all of my friends. I didn't crawl through dozens of vents to find you to just let you sleep on my couch." You retorted. Your heart tightened at the memory of what he did.
"You thought I was dead." He responded, his voice not as abrasive as before.
"I had planned on giving you a proper burial, a whole funeral. Thankfully, I don't have to do that, so the least I can do is give you a proper bed to sleep in tonight. Come on." You didn't leave any room for arguing as you turned and headed to your room.
You could hear the TV turn off and the sound of footsteps sounded softly through the hall as Goro made his way to your room. You turned off your lights, leaving only the lamp by your bed on.
He stood at the entrance of your room, looking unsure as you slid into bed. When you made eye contact with him, you opened your arms and opened and closed your hands, signifying that you wanted him to come to you.
He just stared at you, unmoving.
"Goro." You said softly, hoping that he would join you.
In the dim, warm light, you noticed him swallow, his adams apple bobbed as he did so. His jaw clenched and unclenched as he eyed you from where he stood. Slowly, he began walking towards you, the uncertainty in his eyes was blinding. You were beginning to worry that you were making him uncomfortable.
For a moment, he just stood beside you, looking down at you. Your arms were still open to him, inviting him to you.
Finally, he crawled on top of you and laid down like he had done back in Shido's palace. He hooked his arms around the arch of your back and pressed his face into the left side of your neck. His breathing immediately became shaky as he made contact with you.
You reached over and turned off your lamp, letting the darkness consume your room, before you slid your fingers through his hair and rubbed his back. His grip around you tightened as he held back his tears.
"It's okay. You're safe now." You whispered into his hair as you continued to soothe him. He finally let go and cried into your shoulder. His body was wracked with sobs and hiccups. His shoulders shook and his arms were trembling.
You gently hooked your legs around his as you kissed him repeatedly on the top of his head. His left hand slid up your back so that it was resting in between your shoulder blades in an attempt to hold more of you.
You weren't sure how long you've both been laying like this, but you definitely knew that neither of you were going to go to school in the morning. After all that's happened, you deserved a break, plus you were worried that Goro might have a breakdown if you left him for too long. His mind must be a mess after causing himself to have a psychotic breakdown.
Eventually, his sobs quieted, but he was still shaking. You wondered if he's ever been held like this. That thought made your heart ache.
"Did you mean it?" His voice was hoarse and deep.
You reached over and pushed the hair out of his face. "Did I mean what?" You asked softly, still combing your fingers through his hair.
"Did you mean it when you said you loved me?" His shaking got worse after he clarified.
You exhaled slowly as you held him tighter against you. "Of course I meant it. I love you so much, Goro Akechi." The beating of your heart increased as you confessed once again. Goro could definitely feel your heartbeat this time.
Goro pulled his arms out from under you and propped himself up onto his forearms, so that he was hovering above you. You could feel his breath fan across your lips from how close he was.
"Say it again." His lips brushed against yours as he whispered that, causing a shiver to go down your spine.
You could barely make out his russet eyes in the darkness of your room, only being lit by the light of the moon. Tenderly, you reached up and cradled his face like you had done back in Shido's palace.
"I love you Goro." You gently pulled his face down to yours. He didn't try to stop you as you did.
Goro's lips pressed against yours in a soft, unmoving kiss. You both held this position for who knows how long.  
You relaxed out of the kiss, pulling your lips away from his, only to have him quickly close the distance and kiss you again. Your lips began melding with Goro's in a slow and steady rhythm, gently sucking on each others lips, savoring this moment.
His lips were soft and warm and he tasted so sweet. You didn't want this moment with him to end. He must've thought the same thing because he slid his arms under your upper back and rested his body against yours, keeping you from pulling too far away from him.
After a few minutes of your heart warming make out session, he pulled away, his nose was brushing against yours as he hovered above you once again. You opened your eyes to look at him. The darkness of your room kept you from seeing most of his face.
He removed one of his arms from underneath you and brought it up to hold your right hand, which was still holding his face. Goro leaned forwards and pressed his forehead to yours as he gently stroked the back of your hand.
You sighed softly as you rubbed your fingers over his cheeks.
"I..." He began. If your heart wasn't beating fast before, it definitely was now. It took him several moments before he was able to finish his thought. "I love you too." His voice was deep and velvety, firm. Goro meant it.
You couldn't stop the smile that spread across your cheeks. You squeezed his face between your hands and rubbed your nose against his as you softly chanted, "I love you," over and over. He responded with a chuckle and did the same thing, only to say, "This is grossly cheesy," and pull away from you to lay on the other side of your bed.
Though, he wouldn't let you sleep too far from him because he grabbed your arms and pulled you onto his chest.
"You love it." You quipped, nuzzling your head into his warm chest as he hooked his arms around your waist once again. Your consciousness immediately began drifting into sleep as you got comfortable on the detective.
"I suppose I do." His voice sounded so far away in your sleep hazed mind, but you still heard it. You also felt the chaste kiss he gave you on the top of your head before you passed out from exhaustion.
Despite his exhaustion, Goro couldn't bring himself to fall asleep. He still couldn't believe that this was real. He was afraid that when he did fall asleep, he'd wake up alone in that boiler room, dying from blood loss.
How could he believe that this was real? You had come back for him, not only that, but you loved him back and were currently passed out on his chest. The sight of you softly breathing beside him pulled at his heartstrings.
If this truly was real, he wouldn't take it for granted. Goro couldn't help but feel like he didn't deserve this, but he wouldn't break your heart like he did back in Shido's palace. Not again. He clearly remembered the look on your face when he confronted you all in the boiler room. He remembered the tone of your voice as you cried out for him when he had trapped himself with Shido's cognitive version of himself and the shadows.
You sounded so broken, so angry. Even when he had caused himself to have a psychotic breakdown and tried to kill you all, he couldn't stop the weird feeling he got whenever he looked at you as you broke down in Futaba's arms. He felt so gross, disgusting, for doing what he was doing. He never wanted to feel that again.
He wanted to feel that warm and tingly feeling he got when he opened his eyes and saw you, kneeling beside him. The look of pain and concern written across your face, only to dissolve into shock and what he could only describe as a mix of relief and terror when you made eye contact with him.
He had held on for as long as he could, hoping, praying that someone, anyone would come back for him, and you did. He wasn't sure if you were the person he expected the least, or the most. Besides Akira, you were the closest one to him, but since he did what he did, he didn't expect you to be the one to come back for him.
Goro held you just a bit tighter as his mind went over the feelings and memories he had. He melted when you gently rubbed circles over his rapidly beating heart, silently comforting him.
You were so kind, and warm, and loving. He wasn't sure what he did to deserve someone like you.
And before he knew it, he was drifting off to sleep as well.
You had made sure to turn off your alarm before you went to sleep so you could sleep in, so the sound of something beeping made you groan. Rolling over, you squinted up at Goro who was sitting on the edge of your bed, turning off his alarm.
"What are you doing?" You mumbled, almost falling back asleep immediately. Your eyes hurt from how tired you felt.
"We have school today you know." He smiled down at you, dark circles surrounded his eyes. You couldn't believe what he was saying. He nearly died last night and he's talking about going to school today. If you had the strength, you would've laughed.
Slowly, you sat up and crawled over to him, only to wrap your arms and legs around him and pull him back onto your bed. "No." Was all you said as you pulled your blankets back over the two of you. He seemed to accept his fate of ditching school with you because he rolled over and pulled you into him. Goro brought one of his hands to rest on the back of your head and the other held you by your hips.
It didn't take you long before you slipped back into dreamland.
This time when you woke up, you were alone. Panic and dread immediately sunk into your soul as you reached for your phone. It was currently noon and there were over a dozen text messages from the other Thieves, asking where you were and if you were okay.
You quickly slid out of bed as questions slammed themselves into your mind. Had that all been a dream? Was Goro actually dead?
But before you could come up with any more devastating questions, the door to your bedroom opened and you launched yourself at the detective who was entering. You stood on the tips of your toes and locked your arms around his neck. Goro immediately grabbed onto you and held you back with an iron grip.
"Sorry. Did I scare you?" His tone was light and airy, full of warmth. All you did was nod in response as you grabbed fistfuls of his shirt, clinging to him with all of your might.
It was Goro's turn to stroke your hair and rub your back to comfort you. He whispered sweet nothings into your ear as you slowly calmed down. Taking deep breaths, you let go of his shirt and played with the ends of his hair as you took in his scent. It wasn't just a dream.
"I made breakfast." He mumbled into your hair as he slowly began to rock side to side, swaying to the beat of a song you couldn't hear.
You relaxed your tensed muscles and leaned into him, enjoying the sweet moment you were sharing with him for a bit before you let go.
Goro took your hand and led you to your kitchen and sat you down. He served you a plate of eggs, bacon and rice. "No pancakes?" You joked, smirking up at him.
He immediately frowned and sighed. "I never want to hear that word again." His response made you laugh. A small smile twitched at the ends of his lips as you giggled.
You both ate in a peaceful silence before your phone buzzed, receiving a flood of messages from your worried friends. "We're going to tell them that you're alive, right?" You asked, looking away from your phone, eyes locking with his.
His eyes darted away from your gaze. "If you want." It's clear he didn't want to talk about this, but the other Thieves deserved to know.
"Obviously I want to. The others were upset by your sacrificed too, you know." Your voice was soft, but he still wouldn't look at you. "Akira wants to send the calling card ASAP, so we'll be meeting at Leblanc once everyone gets out of school. We can tell them then." Goro only sighed. You wanted to give him a bit of time to prepare.
In the mean time, you responded to your friends texts, saying you were okay and you just needed to take a mental health day because of what had happen. They all understood why. It's not like you kept your feelings for Goro a secret from them.
As 4:30 P.M. rolled around, you and Goro finally got dressed. You had spent the day cuddling with him on your couch, watching movies together.
Once you were ready to go, you paused and looked up at him. "Are you ready?" You asked, concern filling your voice as you scanned his face.
"As ready as I'll ever be." He responded. His face remained stoic as he spoke, but you could see the turmoil swimming in his eyes. "Are you ready for the stern lecture you're going to receive from Makoto for going back into Shido's palace alone?" He smirked at you this time, probably enjoying the terror that crossed your face.
"Yup." You squeaked, causing him to laugh. He clearly didn't believe you at all.
Goro gently grabbed your hand as you both made your way out of your apartment and to the subway station.
Upon arriving at Leblanc, you noticed that you were the last ones to arrive. Goro's hand was shaking ever so slightly as he gazed at the door. You looked up at him, prompting him to turn his gaze down towards you. You gave him a reassuring smile and squeezed his hand. He released a shaky breath and smiled back down at you.
He walked in first, opening the door for you like the gentleman he was. The sound of the bell above the door ringing signaled to the others that you had arrived. They all lifted their heads and directed their attention towards you.
You watched as their faces paled and shock took over. Their eyes widened and their mouths dropped open.
For a long moment, no one said or did anything other than stare. That was until Akira stood from his seat at the bar and walked up to Goro. Akira didn't hesitate to pull Goro into a hug. You backed away from the boys as the others came out of their shock.
"Y/N. What the fuck did you do?" Ryuji said, not looking away from Goro.
"Witchcraft." You joked, not taking your eyes off of Goro as he slowly returned Akira's hug. A smile pulled at your cheeks as you watched him relax slightly into Akira, his only other friend. He clearly wasn't going to show any more affection than that.
Haru was the next to stand and make her way to the boys. She came up beside them and hugged them both.
Goro visibly tensed as Haru hugged him.
Before you knew it, everyone was hugging Goro. The sight made your heart sing. He still had a lot to make up for, but for now, the Thieves put that aside to show him just how happy they were that he was alive.
"Alright. That's enough." Goro spoke up, pulling away from Akira and wiggling himself out of the group.
"Aww you loved it." You teased as you looked at him. All he did was scoff and roll his eyes.
"Now." Makoto spoke, suddenly standing right in front of you. Your body immediately tensed and you instinctively took a step back. "You went back for him? Alone?" Her tone was harsh, she was definitely angry with you.
"Yes ma'am." You squeaked as you shrunk under her intense gaze.
"Lighten up Mako-chan. If N/N-chan hadn't done that, Akechi wouldn't be here with us now. Besides, she seems to have made it out just fine." Haru spoke up in your defense. You couldn't thank Haru enough because her reasoning caused Makoto to relax a bit.
"I suppose you're right, but don't do anything like that again, understood?" You nodded vigorously in response. She seemed satisfied with your answer because she turned away from you and made her way back to her seat.
For a moment, you locked eyes with Goro, who was smirking at you from his seat at the bar. You gave him a half-hearted glare in response.
Goro spread his legs a bit and gestured for you to come over and stand in front of him while you all spoke about the calling card. You sighed softly and walked over to him. He slipped his arms around your waist once you got to him.
Ann stared at you for a moment as the detective shamelessly clung to you. "So like, are you both..." She trailed off towards the end of her sentence, not sure if she should finish it or not.
A blush quickly spread over your cheeks as everyone turned and looked at you both again. You tilted your head back slightly and looked at Goro, who was looking expectantly at you, waiting for your answer. You could only assume that Ann was asking if you were dating.
Looking away from him and not meeting the eyes of the others, you said, "Yes," in a soft voice. A few of them cheered and others groaned as they all took out their wallets. Apparently, they had placed bets on whether you two would get together.
Goro's grip on you tightened as you pinched the bridge of your nose due to the fact that the Thieves were now arguing over who got how much money.
"I love you Y/N." He whispered into your ear, gently nuzzling his nose into your hair. His voice warmed your heart.
Turning your head to face him, you whispered, "I love you too Goro." A smile breaking out onto your face.
Thankfully, the Thieves didn't seem to notice your little moment with him.
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ultimaid · 3 years
you already know what im gonna ask for the fandoms. persona 5
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
yusuke... or ryuji tbh but ryuji is Just Me so sayin that feels weird. i gotta go for yusuke
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
i'm counting strikers as p5 because this is sophia. she is my beloved girlie i love her so much
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
i wouldn't call her underrated or underappreciated but the game AND the fandom do ann SO dirty. she means everything to me <3 and deserves better than the constant oversexualization from the game and the fans esp since being traumatized by being oversexualized is a big part of her backstory
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
i like lala SO much. every time lala is onscreen im like YEAAAAHHH LALA and im forever mad that she isnt a confidant. shiho too tbh i adore her
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
akechi. need i say more.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
morgana. he is a little bitch and i love him. i want to dunk him in soapy water and squish his little kitty cheeks while he hisses and swats at me
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
killing and eating shido... i would say k-moshida but my hatred for him goes beyond anything i have ever felt it is a white hot full body rage
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probablydinosaurs · 3 years
Ok super unpopular opinion/question: whats so inherently wrong with "wooifing" more problematic male favs? I see people doing it for girl characters like azula all the time and no one butts in to remind u of all her sins and yet i want to draw goro akechi in pastels and someone has to go "HE KILLED PEOPLE!!!!! STOP BABYING HIM!!!" like. You look at catra or the diamonds from steven universe and go "aaw what a cute kitty girl and such pretty milfs~" like they weren't just as flawed and fucked????? Why cant we just woo and baby all are problematic favs. As long as they arent rl assholes/serial killers, i dont see it. Ya u can say "oh your ignoring there toxic masculinity and just simplifying there character into hot and male" im noy ignoring anything. You can "wooify" a fav and still be heavily critical. Just sometimes u don't WANT to defend every little thing u enjoy. Sometimes u don't want to actively say u don't support a characters actions. I just want to go " i want to draw simon from infinity train in more crop tops and give him a boyfriend" without Needing to defend myself. I still realistically hate his guts. I still can think critically on his character. Me wanting make believe good things for a shit character is rooted in my fascination with them as a character and shouldn't be looked down apon just because a few outliers go too far and cant do both. Ik people who fully wooify and will fight to defend their sweet baby boys. Dude please draco was in a family of fascists and never openly said he stopped believing bullshit. Accept that AND still enjoy your drarry fics. U need both. U need to be aware that they are assholes first. U need to be critical first. Then you can do whatever u want within legal reason. As long as ur aware. Im mainly just tired of people acting like the act alone is a red flag and shitting people for it.its happened to me with my notable bad taste all the time.
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selenacosmic · 4 years
*Gasp* It's open?? Yay! Hmm~~ what if MC is a princess from another world, and has zero interest with him from the very beginning. What does he feel when he feel attracted, fell in love, and is the one who confessed to her? Can I have it for Masamune, Ieyasu, Mitsuhide, Kenshin and Shingen? Ehehehe thank you ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Ooh! I loved this one! Thank you for the request ❤️❤️❤️
princess MC from another world.
Oda forces.
Masamune Date.
We are talking about the guy who flirts like he breathes. He will try to catch your attention with everything he got. He is intrigued that you refuse his advantages.
Honestly, he thinks it’s attractive that you don’t even blush from his flirty lines. He was captivated by you, and would excitedly follow you around like a little dog, just to get a cute reaction.
He knew you act as if you were too much for him, after all you would always say that you were a princess, and that in your world courting was something completely different from this one.
Don’t think this took his motivation, the man is a intense hurricane who won’t give up until he has you in his arms. What he thought was the most attractive thing? How you would put your finger against his lips when he would try to kiss you. This man melts when you do that.
But he finds out soon that his desperation was becoming bigger, he needed you! His passion towards you was becoming uncontrollable. That’s why he called you to his chambers, looking at you straight in the eyes with his only one.
“Kitty, I know that you normally don’t feel anything towards me. And that everything I did to seduce you failed. But I am crazy about you, please, consider my-!”
You kissed him, he finally was acting seriously towards you, and that’s what you wanted from him. He hugged you, finally feeling comfortable with you in his arms. Or rather, he was in your arms.
Ieyasu Tokugawa.
At first, he didn’t feel anything about you, he preferred to not care about a stranger who claims to be some kind of princess. But then again, he is intrigued by your intelligence, your sense of authority as well.
In your world, as a very respected princess, you were admired by your intelligence, how inspiring you could be and Ieyasu could feel that from you.
He began to ask himself if you were some kind of lord, except you were a princess. His interest in you didn’t match your lack of interest in him, and that somehow infuriated him. Why wouldn’t you look at him but would easily talk and laugh with hideyoshi?
He was beginning to ask himself if he really should persist in this, in trying to get attached with you. He was almost giving up until you actually started to talk to him more, care about him more. He was surprised how caring you could be towards someone, he started to feel something inside him, he was madly falling in love with you.
That’s why he confessed to you. He asked you to go to his room, he had something important to tell you.
“Listen, this is important. I will get it if you don’t feel the same way, but... I actually like you. No, I am sure that is more than just like. So stop giving attention to the others, I want your eyes on me.”
You were impressed by his boldness in this, and thought that his little blush was adorable. Be sure, this guy will do anything for you, even if he pretends to be annoyed. He really loves you.
Mitsuhide Akechi.
This guy was intrigued that you wouldn’t react to his teasing, not even a little blush. He was curious about your real identity, as you would often show the dynamic of a princess and a lord. Who were you, anyway?
You were always a princess who fought for the justice of your people, and that each person should be treated equally, and that is what makes mitsuhide have it bad for you. And mitsuhide is canonically content with a one-side love, as he doesn’t want his beloved involved in his schemes.
But with just the right persuasion, he will want to monopolize you to himself, and never let go by teasing and loving you endlessly. But even though you would persue him to want better credit than what everyone would give him, it wasn’t enough. You made Mitsuhide want more, he wanted you to be by his side.
That’s why he brought you to his chambers, holding your hands gently. He looked at you in the eyes.
“MC, you would always say to me to want more, that I deserved better. You gave me the courage and hope to say this to you. Be my wife, and i shall cherish you forever.”
He was head over heals for you, Mitsuhide loved you very much, and wanted to have your love. You made him want so much more.
Uesugi-Takeda forces.
Kenshin Uesugi.
Just like Ieyasu, he isn’t that interested in you at first. But your skills as a noble person were impressive! In that era and world, princess were educated to be more delicate, normally good for marriages in exchange for alliances. But in your world, the gender didn’t interfere in your commanding presence, in your skills as a leader etc.
He was getting more interested in you by the second, you were the woman he founded intriguing and a worth opponent in spar. He started to want you, as his goddess of war, his wife, everything! Your view about the world was refreshing, you were beautiful in every way possible!
But he noticed that you weren’t that interested in him when it comes to the romantic way, and that frustrated him. Kenshin wanted your attention towards him, he couldn’t act calm without your love.
That’s why one day, he performed kabedon with you, he cornered you against a wall, looking at you desperately.
“I need you. Be mine, or I won’t have peace, you are the one that never gave up on me even in my most miserable state.”
When you accept his love and reciprocated it, Kenshin gave you a very passionate kiss.
Shingen takeda.
We are talking about the guy who flirts like he breathes-2
Shingen will praise your beauty, worship your beautiful heart, offer irresistible suggestions to try and seduce you, but you wouldn’t even blush. He was beginning to feel heartbroken.
You said you were a princess? Yes, his princess. But you seemed to be well known with strategies and was good with a sword, you were a warrior princess. This man was like a puppy following you around in awe, in love with this powerful princess who looked like the goddess of war herself.
It’s canon that shingen have the hots for a girl who is strong, stands her ground and will show how much a fighter she can be. But also praises a beautiful and delicate heart who demands justice. Show him your strength honestly and he will be puddle in your hands.
But his love for you was stronger than anything else, Shingen took you to a flower fields and held both your hands tightly.
“My love, my princess, I can not live without your glowing light shining above me. Please, I ask you to accept my eternal passion towards you.”
He kissed your hands, and when he received an yes from you, he kissed your lips hard.
Thank you for reading! If you wish to see more of my work, check out my masterlist.
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iceglade · 4 years
what the p5 character you stan says about you
i saw a really disappointing vid so i fixed it
    Joker - literally everyone likes joker but go off i guess. no its ok i love joker too. your flavor of joker stan has everything to do with how goth you are and how goth you think joker is
    Mona - i think you just like that hes a cat. kitty cat burglar 
    Ryuji - you just want good things for the golden retriever boy and honestly? who wouldnt
    Ann - friendly... you just want good things for ann and honestly who wouldnt HOWEVER your flavor of ann stan has everything to do with who you ship ann with. pretty much all of them are good but yes this DOES matter
    Yusuke - are you familiar with the phrase rainy day yusuke wednesdays? not to stereotype but you ARE that starving weirdo artist. can we be friends?
    Makoto - either you relate to her or you want to date her. like i said, your flavor of makoto stan has everything to do with who you ship her with. vibes though
    Futaba - YOU RELATE TO HER. game on you funky little futaba stan. 
    Haru - you've got style you've got grace you're 100% willing to lament how little screentime she got. its ok. lament, we understand you. your flavor of haru stan has everything to do with your opinion of akechi goro
   ��Goro - you definitely ship shuake, or have considered shipping shuake at some point. your flavor of akechi stan has everything to do with your opinion on the absolutely insane hair trigger tension discourse flying around nonstop. you probably love to make fun of him
     Lavenza - CAN WE TALK ABOUT THOSE ALL OUT ATTACKS THOUGH.... need i say more..... shes scary and you're a proud parent. you better be a Parent. 
    Zenkichi - you're in rarepair hell. i'm sorry. hes dorky and a dad and maybe you're into that type. who can say
     Maruki - RUMI..........................................AHH..... yes i know hes a sweetheart and the best person ever and i KNOW you know hes the antagonist for a reason but that doesnt stop you bc takuto maruki is worth it. vibes to you
     Yaldabaoth - YOUR A ESTHETIC GOES SO HARD...........you probably own or wish you owned an aesthetic blog. are you ok though
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yusuke-of-valla · 4 years
like rats fleeing a sinking ship, pt. 3
intermission i
A/N: “intermission,” basically just means I couldn’t get a Whumptober prompt in there.
TW: mentions of being shot
<-Previous Next->
After a bit of arguing, Akira gives his bag to Haru with Morgana inside it, and takes Akechi with him to Crossroads. If given the choice, Akira would have preferred leaving Akechi at Takemi’s apartment to rest, but over the last three days since the notice for the Phantom Thieves’ arrest went out, Akechi has proven that he will refuse to sit still even if it’s for his own health, so he’s coming with Akira.
Akira lets Akechi get a seat on the train and stands up, watching the people on the train mutter amongst themselves. The news bulletin is giving updates about the “dangerous thieves at large.”
“...my aunt had a change of heart before she collapsed...”
“I heard they’ve given mental shutdowns to children too...”
“...put her name on the PhanSite. I hope Shido catches those thieves before something happens to her. She may be a bitch but I don’t want her to die.”
“So quick to turn on their supposed heroes,” Akechi mutters.
Akira hums.
Crossroads is empty when they arrive, save for Ohya and Lala, as usual.
When the door opens, Ohya perks up, her eyes going from Akira, then quickly settling on Akechi. “What’s he doing here?”
“He’s on our side,” Akira says. “Shido doesn’t like him either.”
“Sweet. The enemy of my enemy and all that.”
“I suppose you boys aren’t here for a social visit?” Lala asks, pouring them each a glass of water.
“I’d really like this to be, but we can’t.”
Ohya sits up. “Right. It’s not great.”
“Sources don’t have a lot of info?”
“It’s not that. The ones I can get in touch with are happy to talk about how their search for the Phantom Thieves won’t rest until they’re dealt with and explaining some of their procedures like setting up checkpoints in and out of the city. They’re also teaming up with some tech company to monitor phones and texts.”
“Lovely,” Akechi says, “things we could’ve already deduced. Do you have anything that isn’t coming from propagandists?”
“You can tell a lot from what people don’t say as much as what they do. They’re talking a big game, but only have Sakura-san’s arrest to back it up so it’s safe to say they haven’t gotten anyone else. They’re focused on the major areas, the subway, Central Street. Stuff like that. And they’re being flooded with tips, so even though people are happy to turn you in, they also don’t have time to go over everything.”
“So the mob’s working against them,” Akira says.
“Right,” Ohya winks. Then she gives Akechi a pointed look. “And I still have some inside info. Like apparently Shido’s been fighting with this one government agency for awhile now, blocking funding and access for them. They’re called the “Shadow Ops,” and Shido is putting a lot of effort into getting them out of the way.”
“And how is that helpful to us now?" Goro asks.
“Enemy of my enemy,” Akira suggests.
“Well if we can figure out how to get in touch with them that’ll be fine, but it’s still more trouble than it’s worth.”
“What is your problem?" Akira snaps.
“My problem is we’re wasting time! You’re supposed to be the leader yet you can’t conceive of the bigger picture.”
“Akechi you’ve been shot.”
“Stop pretending you’re holding back for my sake,” Akechi says, rolling his eyes. “We could go into the Metaverse right now and get this healed. You just can’t do anything without your ragtag bunch of misfits around to sing your praises.”
“Then why don’t you go.” Akira asks. “Why haven’t you left? Is it because after we played you like a damn fiddle and you were betrayed by your boss you realized you might not be as strong or as clever as you thought?”
Akechi crosses his arms and glares at Akira. “Fine. You’ve got me. I don’t think I can take Shido on my own. I could use your help. Yours. But the others are superfluous, we don’t need them.”
“The others have saved my life on more than one occasion, and they’ve saved yours before too. One week, and we go in and fight like hell, but since you need me and you kinda owe me for that little ‘attempted murder incident’, we’re doing it on my terms when we’ve found as many members of my team as we can.”
“Does the thought cross your mind that gathering them all in one place might just be putting them in more danger?”
“I have to know they’re safe.”
They stare daggers at each other.
Akechi gives in first, getting up with a huff. “If you have any useful information, Ohya-san then please let me know. Until then I’ll be waiting outside.” He strides out the door, and lets it slam shut behind him.
“I’m sorry about that,” Akira says to Ohya and Lala, who he’s just realized heard that entire conversation.
“No problem. You okay, kid?”
“I’m fine. Any other news?”
“Not really. I can tell you that the police have the big public areas covered, but I doubt you’ll be going to any concerts any time soon.”
“Nah. But seriously thank you, this’ll help us plan our movements.”
“Stop by tomorrow, I’ll see if I have anything new for you.”
“Actually, do you mind if one of my friends does it? She’s closer at the moment.”
“Sure, just tell me what to look for.”
Akira gives Haru’s description, thanks Lala again, then heads out.
“Are we done?” Akechi asks.
“One more stop in Shinjuku.” Akira leads Akechi a few blocks down to Chihaya’s booth.
“Akira! It’s good to see you!” Chihaya says.
“Hey Chihaya. We’re here for a reading.”
“Do you know everyone in this city?” Akechi mutters.
Chihaya lays out the cards in front of them. “Do you need a specific reading?”
“Can you give me a reading that’ll tell me where my friends are?”
“I’ll do my best!” Chihaya says. She flips the cards over one by one, and there’s a familiar sensation like something snapping. Even Akechi seems caught off guard by it. Chihaya looks at the spread and frowns. “Hesitation will be your undoing, but don’t be reckless. And I’m not sure about the nine of swords, something to do with Gemini?”
Out of the corner of his eye, Akira sees the way Akechi’s eyes widen at that, then he quickly cools his expression again.
“That’s all I can see,” Chihaya says.
“Thank you.” Akira says, getting up.
Akechi walks back towards the train station quickly, and Akira trails behind. He pauses at the sight of a familiar blue prison door.
“Hey inmate!” Caroline says. “You wanna go in?”
Akira considers it, but shakes his head. He doesn’t want to see Igor right now. “Hey, Caroline, how much do you know about stuff that’s going on. You obviously know more than I do.”
“Well duh! How’re we supposed to help with your rehabilitation if we’re as clueless as you?”
“Then do you know where my friends are?”
Caroline’s grin fades. “W-we couldn’t tell you that even if we did know!”
“Alright, thanks.”
“What are you waiting for?” Akechi calls.
Akira waves at Caroline, and runs to catch up with Akechi.
After parting ways with Akira and Akechi, Haru at least takes a little joy in the familiar weight of Morgana in her bag. When they arrive in Aoyama-Itchome, Haru hangs back in an alleyway as Morgana pops his head out of the bag.
“Alright, wait until there aren’t as many students leaving, then slip around the back way there.” Morgana says, helping Haru slip in the same way Akira had been getting up to the roof to meet her while he’s presumed dead.
Her first stop is her vegetable garden. Despite everything, her babies have been growing pretty well.
“It’s too bad we can’t bring the whole thing,” she says picking the tomatoes and pulling up the carrots.
“We can see about starting a garden at Takemi’s,” Morgana offers. “There’s one windowsill that gets a lot of really nice sunlight, even in the winter. I like to take naps there, but I’m willing to give it up for your vegetables.”
“Aw, thank you Mona-chan,” Haru gives him a pat on the head before bagging up the rest of her vegetables. “You’re up next.”
Haru slips out the back and heads back to the alley, watching the school until Morgana comes out, Kawakami trailing behind him.
“Hey, slow down kitty, I’,- Okumura?” Kawakami stares at Haru taking in her new hair and clothes. “So that is Kurusu’s cat?”
Haru smiles and picks Morgana up, helping him back into the bag. “Yeah, he’s a very smart little guy.”
“So does that mean Kurusu’s alright, at least?”
“Yes. But we still need to find the others.”
“Any way I can help?”
“Do you have Shiho Suzui’s address?”
Kawakami’s eyebrows furrow in confusion, then she seems to understand. “Oh yes, I suppose that makes sense. I should be able to get it. Hold on.”
Kawakami walks back into the school, and ten minutes later comes out with a sheet of paper. One has an address on it, the other has a phone number.
“Here you go. And if you need anything, give that number a call and ask for Becky. I’ll know it’s you and be right over.”
“I can’t ask you to get more involved in this,” Haru says.
Kawakami laughs. “I’m already neck deep in the Phantom Thieves business. You’ve helped me and so many others, and more importantly, you’re my students. It’s my job to make sure you’re all safe.”
Haru holds the sheet of paper to her chest. “Thank you. Your support means more than you know.”
“Let me know if you need anything.”
Haru grabs a tourist map from the train station and follows the address Kawakami gave them. The Suzui residence is a nice small house near one of the smaller parks.
“Ready to go Haru?”
Haru knocks on the door, and a middle aged man opens it. “Hello, who are you?”
“I’m here to return your cat!” Haru says, holding Morgana up to the man’s face.
“We don’t ha-” Morgana leaps out of Haru’s arms and runs into the house.
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” Haru says.
The man curses. “Stay here,” he says, running after Morgana.
There are more voices, and then…
“Lady Ann! So you are here!”
“Ann!” Haru calls, running in the direction of the voices. She finds an open door leading downstairs, and the man from earlier is there, along with Ann, Morgana, and a girl who must be Suzui, who immediately steps in front of Ann protectively.
“Who are you,” Suzui demands.
“Shiho! It’s fine, this is Haru,” Ann says, “she’s part of the team.”
“Haru Okumura?” the man— Suzui’s father, probably— asks.
“Yes, we’re so sorry for the disturbance,” Haru says.
Mr. Suzui waves her off, and then pinches the bridge of his nose. “It’s fine, I guess. Would you like some tea Okumura-san? You and Ann probably have a lot to catch up on.”
“That’d be great, thanks!” Ann says. Haru nods as well, and Mr. Suzui heads back upstairs. Once he’s gone, Shiho shuts the door and Ann gives Haru a hug. “Good to see you! I thought you booked it for the countryside!”
“A little misdirection on my part. It’s a bit of a story.”
“We have so much to tell you!” Morgana says.
“I’m sure.” Ann says, picking him up.
“So, I’m guessing this is the famous Morgana?” Suzui asks.
Morgana perks up. “Oh? You told her about me?”
“How could I not,” Ann laughs, “I mean you’re kinda important to the whole story.”
“I’m important!”
“Wow, you can really understand him?” Suzui asks, stepping closer.
Haru nods. “Yes. How much has Ann told you?”
“Everything, pretty much,” Ann says. She and Suzui share a look, before Suzui pulls up some bean bag chairs.
“C’mon, sit. I’m sure things must have been crazy for you guys.”
“That’s a bit of an understatement,” Haru laughs. “But do you want to tell your story first?”
Ann nods.
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ikesengoficss · 5 years
hiya! I love your writings, I think you have one of the best characterisation I've seen! could I request a headcanon for the oda forces + ut forces towards a schizotypal/disassociative mc? if it's too much, you can dismiss this ask :) have a lovely day and pls know that I look forward to any of your works! —Yuu
Of course I can, thank you for requesting this! I did a lot research on Schizotypal disorder— but please inform me if there is anything I got wrong. I will do my best to fix it promptly.
*** as of now, I will only be doing four of the warlords. This is a recent change that I have made after this was request was sent. I put the warlords through a randomizer to narrow down the four. Please understand why I am doing so. The rules of request have been updated for when they are open again. 
Please enjoy :) 
Hideyoshi, Mitsuhide, Mitsunari and Kenshin w/ an schizotypal/dissociative MC
Hideyoshi Toyotomi
Hideyoshi is very understanding, and very supportive of you. He respects your boundaries, respects your feelings, and respects your fears.
It is something he doesn’t understand at first, however, as the relationship with you grows from friendship, to lovers, he gains a better grasp. He also gets a better grasp on how to help you.
He is a great listener, so if you are ever in need of a talk, or a therapeutic chat, Hideyoshi is the best person to go to. He responds when necessary and is always giving insightful feedback. 
He wants you to make friends, but he doesn’t want to push you either. If you’re not comfortable, than neither is he, so he lets you take things at your own pace when it comes to meeting and talking with new people. 
As said, he respects boundaries, so he’s really great when it comes to personal space in regards to any comfort. 
He’ll always ask before he touches you in any ways. 
He’ll keep a respectable distance until he knows, or you’ve asked him to come closer. 
And he’ll make sure that you’re surroundings are safe, comfortable, and if you feel better in private, he’ll just wait outside the door. 
Mitsuhide Akechi
For the tease that he is, he will never tease you about this. In no way we does he want to ever upset, scare, or make you uncomfortable, so he is always careful with his mannerism when around you.
In fact, once he is made aware of you being dissociative, he won’t tease you at all— or at least, it will be very low key. 
He would hate to lose your trust, and he’d especially hate if it was because he made an offhand, teasing comment.
Mitsuhide, generally, has a lack of trust in people, but for your sake he tries to work on trusting, to not really set an example, but for it to be something you can both work on together.
He’d never admit this though. He wants to keep his cool front, but after awhile, you figure it out, and can come to appreciate what he’s doing.
If you’re ever feeling really anxious, he’s calm and collecting assisting you if you need it. He knows what makes you comfortable, and what helps you, so promptly, he’ll be getting whatever it is you need, or bringing you somewhere private where you can just scream at him or rant.
If you’re comfortable with touching, he’ll hold you in his lap and sort of just… rock you back and forth.
He uses a lot of reason and logic to help you. Per say, you think someone is there when there is actually no one. 
“We are in my chambers. I can assure you that there is no one in her but us.” If that doesn’t help; “I won’t let a soul lay a hand on you. I promise you, I’m here to protect you, little mouse.”
Mitsuhide will never try to “fix you”, or try to intervene in situations that he knows you can handle— he understands this would not help you, and he understands how important it is for you to believe in your abilities. 
So, to help, he’ll provide you challenges and responsibilities, and the way your face just lights up when you achieve your goals is enough to allow a gentle smile break through his sneaky facade. 
Mitsunari Ishida
He will ask you to explain schizotypal personality disorder to him so he can understand what you’re feeling, how you’re feeling, to his complete comprehension, and can do whatever he can to make sure you are comfortable, and feel safe in your environment. 
Mitsunari loves you so much. Every part of you, and every little detail about you— he wants to be your greatest lifeline, and your number one supporter.
Like Mitsuhide, he wants to boost your confidence in your own abilities, so he’ll arrange little challenges for you to complete, and he’ll always praise you afterwards, wholeheartedly.
“MC! I’m so proud of you! You did a great job!” 
Hugs from him and kitty!
There isn’t a mean bone in this snuggle bugs body, but if you ever misinterpret his motivations in anyway, he’ll never be belittling or hurt by it— he’ll wait patiently and help you in whatever way he can to prove to you you can trust him, and he has no interior motives. 
If you have any major anxiety or depression, he’ll be researching into what he can do to help. 
He isn’t always a great listener, but he works to become one.
He learns to recognize signs of a panic attack or episodes, and he’ll calmly guide you to a private area.
Kenshin Uesugi
Kenshin is probably the one who understands this the most, in regards to your feelings and anxieties. 
For one, he completely understands your distrust towards people. He struggles a long side you in trusting others and allowing new people into your life. 
But he wants for you to be able to trust others, so he will work to trust in others too to guide you in doing so. 
Kenshin loves you with all his heart, but sometimes he isn’t the best with comfort when you need it. However, he always tries his best, and he always knows your boundaries. 
If what you need is for him to not be there, he will leave without question and give you the space you need. 
He doesn’t force you to make friends, since he doesn’t really have real friendships besides the one in the castle, but he will encourage you to confide in those around you in Kasaguyama Castle. 
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auncyen · 6 years
39 notes · View notes
pugs-cats-bb-8 · 1 year
Oh, yeah this arc. I like Morgana. I just get PTSD from Okumura's battle. I hated doing the song in Dancing.
"Stress is the enemy of beauty". 🤣🤣 I can see Sae pulling this out later on.
Unvoiced conversation.
Help Futaba get rid of her unease. I want to say its worded differently in Royal, but I don't remember.
Ohya's boss sucks.
Unvoiced conversation. Pretty big one too. You would think it would be voiced.
I like to throw Yusuke under the bus.
Unvoiced conversation.
Ann and Ryuji, the blond extrovert twins.
"Don't worry about it". As he asks for the guy's personal info. Honestly, how fucking charming/trustworthy is Ren? I'd be kinda suspicious if a dude asked me for the full name of my problem and told me not to worry. I'd think I was about to be caught up in a murder charge.
Unvoiced conversation. Again, another big one.
Unvoiced conversation. Big one.
I love Futaba scaring that fuck head.
Does anybody actually use Fate Reading?
Unvoiced conversation.
I love how they just bought her a swimsuit without knowing her taste or size.
Batting cages aren't open at night.
I never knew what that building was I thought it was an office building, not a movie theatre.
I worked at the Beef Bowl twice and never went back. I got my precision elsewhere.
Unvoiced conversation. Eternal Lockpick became Perma Pick.
Kawakami doesn't ask questions, she just makes a lock pick and other things for you. 🤣🤣
No wonder I forgot Akechi has a first name. He barely says his first name.
Trauma dump and rank up.
I love how there's two pronunciations of Medjed, depending on the person.
It's more flirty when it's not an auto rank-up.
Futaba's trying to drag poor Sojiro outside.🤣🤣
Me and my brother used to light the Smoke Bombs and run through the smoke. Probably not the best idea.
They're going to light the basket on fire. And kill Morgana.
You don't need a stat requirement to work at Crossroads? Kind-3, Precision-3
Lala's not voiced.
I would love it if he cross dressed. Morgana speaking the truth.
I swear in Royal there's four customers you can choose from. There is they added an Office Worker who gives you knowledge.
You only get 5,400 Yen (38.67 Dollars) for a Sunday😨😨. In Royal, it's 12,000 Yen (84.59)🤑🤑.
No mention of Sundays being the day to work.
Christ sakes, Ren 😋😋🥵🥵
I like how Makoto's top has kitty paws on the straps.
I love how Ann pulls one over on Ryuji.
I'd die if Ren look at me like that. Like I'd be a puddle.😍😍
I don't think Ren has any trouble stealing hearts.
Unvoiced conversation.
Yusuke and his lobsters🤣🤣
I like how in the anime, Ren asks if he has enough money for the train home.
Unvoiced conversation. 
like how they know they're in high school, but they still hit on them. 😠😠
Unvoiced conversation.
I can only imagine what Futaba hears.
Ryuji needs to stop putting his foot in his mouth.
Does Ren not like to type?
Unvoiced conversation.
No, not human Morgana 🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️.
Don't you get Harisen Recover at R.6?
I never knew he grunted/thinking noises if you stayed on the map too long. Honestly, I thought it was some sort of intestinal distress. I also didn't know they moved it outside, to the city in Strikers. I heard it one night when I was alone. Scared the shit out of me. Took me three times of hearing it to figure out what it was. Look, I'm happy they're giving Xander lines, but can they give him more than simple sentences and sound bites? I ain't saying he has to read the phone book, unless that's a key story beat.😋😋😍😍 But I wouldn't mind more lines. Let's hope Tactica gives some new lines, or at least said in a new way.
The fountain pen was sold in Shinjuku? 
think they changed the descriptions for the 2nd tier Personas new moves.
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
120,000 Yen=849.55 Dollars.
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
I love how Sojiro doesn't care that you take Morgana to school.
Unvoiced conversation.
So Kin-Ki lost his Psychic weakness.
I think they made Ren faster.
I love driving down every floor of Mementos.
Sneezing while frozen is an accomplishment.
High Counter used to be called Counterstrike.
Hole Gold🤨🤨
I confuse Neko Shogun and Nekomata for some reason.
I think when most of your team is statused. The AI should prioritize whoever can hit a weakness, or Ren. Because a dead leader is game over.
I didn't know in my first playthrough, that Harisen Recover worked on all teammates. I thought it was only you. Imagine my surprise the first time it activated for someone else.
He's going to backhand somebody one day.
I know it's the game keeping you from doing things. But damn, Morgana rules with an iron fist.
Slight different question. Macadamia nuts are expansive.
As much as I don't like Kawakami. I do hate that her romance response is delayed. When I romanced her to get the award. I thought I messed up and didn't hit a romance flag. (Like Takemi or Chihaya). I get why but, it still made me think I messed up.
Mishima used to text you after every completed Mementos Mission?🙃🙃
Softer "yes" after you help Kawakami. Royal's is a bit louder.
Dude, you pay so much more money for the Big Bang 🍔 challenge in the morning. I mean I'd heard that you pay more but not 700 and then 1,000 Yen more.
Ren's going to drop dead of a heart attack.
Unvoiced conversation.
I love how if you lose at the crane game enough. Morgana won't let you play it anymore that day.
I hated going to the Maid Cafe. 🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️
Was there always a conversation on the night of 9/6?
I thought when you're on probation that you can't leave the country. Or is that house arrest?
Unvoiced conversation.
They moved the picture to after they get to Hawaii.
Sexy pics are a no go.
When they question how long you're staying and why. It sounds like they don't want you there. Reminds me of when sales people bug me too much in a store. I'll walk right out. Although, you can't get back on the plane.
I'd rather room with Ryuji than Mishima.
These trips seem like they're PR for the school.
"The good-looking one". Okay Mishima.👌🏻
Unvoiced conversation.
Random Yusuke.
Unvoiced conversation.
I don't think Ren is a big photo guy.
Unvoiced conversation.
I love the lei loading scene.
Wouldn't it be funny if Ryuji's roommate's girlfriend was Ann's roommate?🤣🤣
They never thought of sharing.
I love how all those options apply to Akechi.
I don't think "I don't have a type" is in Royal.
Poor Mishima. The tap water thing is Mexico. Not the US.
Think Hawaii's boring. Try Hawaii without much voice acting.
"You'll get fat". Dude is cruisin' for a bruising.
Are Garlic Shrimp really foreign? They sell them at restaurants over here in the US. I can't imagine it's hard to make.
Unvoiced conversation.
I'm sure Mishima could get a girlfriend if he didn't seem like an incel. That and the fact that I think if a girl hugged him he'd cream his pants.
Unvoiced conversation.
"Secret lover coming after me with an axe".🤣🤣
As funny as that is they don't know that they met Haru, yet.
Also, are the localizers British? They just stuck the gift scene in there. Bye, potato 👋🏻👋🏻
Morgana should talk to him. I know Ren would listen.
"Here's your gift". 🎁 "Your principal's dead".🤨🙄 Nice greeting. Why would they care?
Morgana's at fault because he doesn't talk about his problems. Ryuji's at fault because he repeatedly calls Morgana useless and says Makoto and Futaba are better than him. He gets impatient when they stake out Mementos. Then he says "We don't care if you're useless". 🦶=👄
Unvoiced conversation.
That's because the principal sucked.
Cute Akechi face x4.
Unvoiced conversation.
I love how Ren and Futaba are the only ones worried about Morgana.
Different question.
They added the Morgana lives here things in Royal. Claw marks on the table leg. Paw prints in the dust. I think there's one more, but I don't remember it.
Different sound for the holographic screens.
I love this scene in the anime. Ren's line is 😋😋😍😍 "It means to help the weak and dethrone the mighty".
Women can be evil too, Ryuji.
YouTube comments led me to believe Haru was the black mask.
Different question.
I've lost track of where Ren was in the Mementos scenes. Because he's allergic to colour. I mean sure he looks drop-dead gorgeous, but he also blends in.
Foot meet mouth.
So help me God, Ryuji. We were so close.
Ann so should've smacked him.
I think he jumps out of the way faster in Royal.
Unvoiced conversation.
Did they change Haru's dad's voice?
There's no turning back now. Jesus, does the game expect us to marry and have kids with whoever you date? Hasn't they ever heard of breaking up?
"You'll be awarded an extraordinary gift". Yeah, a trip to the hospital for bypass surgery or a trip to the morgue.
Different question.
No chest to the left when you enter.
Black Ooze in Okumura's? I mean it makes sense but...
Smarf man.
What a creep.
I wish you could choose who it kicks out when you get a new teammate.
There's a sound when you hit the safe room doors? Maybe my fan's just too loud.
Different layout.
How is there like nowhere to hide?
Munching on sweets? Oh! Are they talking about the real-life counterparts?
If Queen's Necklace is weak to Gun. Then what is Koh-I-Noor weak to?
We're burglars🤨🤨
He was alone where did the other two come from?
New cut scene.
Haru has 6 Ammo!? Why does it go down to 1 in Royal?
I like the way they did the eavesdropping sections.
Yusuke learns Counterstrike way later in Royal. Like 2 whole palaces later.
"We're not far".🤬🤬 It takes so long to get there.
Different layout.
The robot's bopping to the music.
Different layout.
Unvoiced conversation.
Lilim is weak to Gun, Wind and Bless?
I've never seen a Treasure Demon that knows healing moves or buffs/debuffs.
Different layout.
Different colours for the hydraulic presses.
Different sounds for them too.
Koh-I-Noor has no weakness?
No lasers. Different layout.
I always thought Ryuji's 2nd tier Persona had an "N" at the end.
The urge to use every Persona, just so I can hear his voice. 😋😋
Different sounds for breaking the arms.
I didn't know you could pause the timer by opening the menu.
Unvoiced conversation.
No lasers.
Unvoiced conversation.
I don't like the airlock puzzle. But at least you get a nice view. 😏😏
Scathath? I don't see her till Maruki in Royal.
Different switch noise.
Different layout.
Really wish they gave the option to leave directly after clearing a path to the treasure. They stopped doing that after Madarame.
Wait, you could get an invitation for the next day even if you went to the palace that day? In Royal, that doesn't work even if you use Kawakami. That's why you do Futaba as soon as it opens. So, you can get the aquarium date.
Mishima definitely creamed his pants.
Even Chihaya knows Mishima isn't your friend. 🤣🤣 I've never gotten that scene because I'm always battling Okumura. They straight up just leave him. 🤣🤣
Takemi used to sell Homunculus?
Unvoiced conversation.
Doesn't tell you how many items you can make.
3 categories instead of 2.
Elemental throwables were grouped together.
Couldn't make multiple at once.
Different question.
I don't like Life Will Change instrumental.
Taking the long way around.
No enemy there.
Oh yeah, we have to go the long way.
No dialogue after you hit the door.
So, a minute in Vanilla versus roughly 20 secs in Royal. Although, you do miss out on a chest. But it's nothing that game-breaking.
There's no way this dude would change. He's better off dead.
"I will crush you all". More like you'll use other people as cannon fodder. 🤬🤬
Why does the timer still run when the dialogue's going? I mean it's like seconds, but still.
I like how he backflips.
You have to do this without Haru's baton pass. 😨😨🤬🤬
Mix of robots makes it a bit harder.
Okay, he does add more if you don't beat all of them.
No targeting specific people.
Same number of waves.
I hate the Executive.
"I need sushi". 🤣🤣
The first time I used Izanagi-No-Okumi-Piacaro. The second I used Magatsu-Izanagi. Third and fourth I shot him.
He has a lot more health in Vanilla.
You could take him on at LV.40-42? In Royal, you should be at least 44-45 or higher.
"He'll be fine". 🤣🤣 If dead means fine, then sure. He'll be fine.
What made him change?
Unvoiced conversation.
Added a question to Iwai's R.1.
Unvoiced conversation.
You could get skill cards out of chests in Mementos?
Added a question to Shinya's R.1. 
I like Shinya.
Different question.
When Bullet Hail activates the camera angle changes slightly. Same for Treasure Demons, although there's a bit of pause when that happens. It pauses a bit with Disaster Shadows too.
Depending on how much money you have. Getting 100K Yen could potentially help you.
"Just make sure no one sees you". Sure Morgana, nobody's going to see me building bombs and lock picks in class.
"Please leave". 🤣🤣 Look I know Akechi reads more as a yandere in Vanilla, but holy shit. 🤣🤣
Even though Chihaya's older than you. Her romance is pretty cute.
Slightly different question.
I love all the Sonic references.
Morgana doesn't tell you if there's any targets left in the area. Nor does he tell you about where they are. You just have to keep going down and wait till he says something at the start.
Treasure Demons Null all elements they're not weak to. I've only seen that in Strikers, on Merciless. In Royal, they resist.
Also, Stone Of Scone is weak to curse, not fire.
Orlov is weak to curse and found in Sae's Palace.
Different question.
"You're always free". Damn, Futaba.🤣🤣 Poor man has to solve the whole of Tokyo's problems+save the world and you deliver that sick of a burn.
"It's not like there's any customers here". 🤣🤣
"You just had to get close to me". 🙄🙄 Dude, you're the one who wouldn't leave me alone! I've been trying to stay away from you!
"Please leave"x2
They moved Mishima-Dome Town back from 10-9 to 11-3. I've taken that meeting once. I wanted points on Shinya.
They turned 10-10 into a normal hangout. In Royal, you go to Nakano and meet Iwai.
Slightly different question.
"Oh please, give me a break". 🤣🤣 I love the way he says that.
0 notes
persona-play-q · 6 years
Introductions in Order
We begin our journey with quite the unusual scene.
Morgana: "...y" Morgana: "Hey! Wake up!"
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Morgana. Waking Joker up, rather than telling him to go to bed.
This must be some sort of elseworld or something.
Morgana: "So you're finally up. You do know class has been over for quite a while, right?"
Ren: >"What was that cinema...?" >"What was that butterfly...?"
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“W-Wait, he actually saw that butterfly? I kind of assume it was just part of the intro...”
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“Those butterflies... Whenever they appear, it means something special is about to happen.”
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“Yeah... Like a call for help...”
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“...*cough* That is... not the inherent, intended meaning of the Butterfly...”
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“...A herald of the Master above even our Master, the blue Butterfly is a symbol of human fate and its potential.”
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“So, we’re watching a flick about... potential...? Huh?”
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>Yosuke doesn’t even attempt to comprehend and just stuffs a hand of popcorn in his mouth. He’s seen too much to still be baffled.
Morgana: "Butterfly...? What are you talking about?"
Morgana: "Hey now, get a grip. Did you have a strange dream or something?"
Morgana: "Anyway, now that you're awake, let's go home. We still have to decide what you're going to do today." 
Ren: >Right, let's do that. >I'm still sleepy .
Jesus, Joker, what are you, Makoto Yuuki??
In any case, Morgana acts supportive of our exhaustion, given how this is before the Casino dungeon and he gets everything has been a bit much lately. He tells Ren that he’s got his back. D’aww~ 
In front of the school...
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Ryuji: "Finally, class is over! That sure was hell..."
Ryuji: *yawn* 
Ryuji’s animations are adorable.
Ryuji claims he hasn’t been able to sleep lately because their Phantom Thief work has kept him so excited. He says that’s probably why he keeps falling asleep in class. However, a certain cat thinks otherwise.
Morgana: "Um, haven't you ALWAYS been napping in class, Ryuji?"
Ryuji tells him to shuddup. 
Ryuji: "We still got plenty of time till our next deadline, but how about we go gather at the hideout?"
Ren: >”Let's meet up.” >”Should we, though?” >”Let's go have Ramen first.”
I really could go for some Ramen.
Ryuji: "Whoa, you sure are taking it easy... Oh, whatever! I want some Ramen too."
Morgana: "Hey, you guys, it's still too early to think about dinner. Let's go to the hideout first."
First my nighttime slots, now my food. Will Morgana ever stop taking the things I love??
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Haru: "Oh, it's you two!"
Ryuji: "Hey, nice timing! We were just talking about going to the hideout."
Haru: "Good, I happen to have some after-school time to spare today. The situation at our company has calmed considerably by now."
Ryuji sends texts for everyone to come in.Everyone replies in 2 seconds flat
Ryuji stares at his phone.
They are all going to Leblanc.
Morgana: "Alright! Then we're unanimous: Today we shall conquer another section of Mementos!"
Not if destiny has a word to put in, Mona.
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Futaba: “Roger that! I will put my all into navigating.”
After best girl appears, she gets an intro screen. Everyone does.
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FUTABA SAKURA. The adopted daughter of the owner of your current residence. Was a Hikikomori when you first met her. Has genius hacking skills. Her code name within the Phantom Thieves is “Oracle”.
It actually says “Navi”, but for the sake of consistency with the localization, I’ll go with “Oracle”.
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“Oh, we’re all getting intros? That’s convenient.”
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“Yeah, it’s really going to save time on introductions.”
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HARU OKUMURA. A 3rd year at Shujin Academy and thus your Senpai. The heiress of her father’s large company, “Okumura Food”. In some ways, she is rather naive towards the world. Her Code Name is “Noir”.
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ANN TAKAMAKI. A 2nd year and your classmate. A 1/4 American girl, with a bright, caring personality. Sometimes works part time as a magazine model. Her Code Name is Panther.
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Ann: "Hey, Makoto. I don't mind going to Mementos today, but do you think it's okay to not tackle the Palace yet...?"
Makoto: "Don't worry. Honing our skills first is important. The next one is one battle we can't lose."
It’s nice to have it referenced how important that upcoming dungeon was to Makoto.
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“...I remember that day. That was when we gathered at the Hide Out to take Akechi into Mementos for the first time.”
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“Why are we seeing that though? I don’t remember anything special happening back then. We fought some Shadows and that was it.”
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> Naoto listens up.
“Goro Akechi? You knew him...?”
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“Ah... Now, that’s gonna take some explaining...”
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“It’s gonna be easier to just let them see. I have a feeling it is coming up anyway.”
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MAKOTO NIIJIMA. A 3rd year and your Senpai. An accomplished Student Council President of high moral standards. Occasionally also shows a less restrained side.  Her Code Name is “Queen”. 
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YUSUKE KITAGAWA. A second year at Kousei High, where he studies Art. Has promising potential as an artist. Rather eccentric and emotional, he seems to live in his own little world. His Code Name is “Fox”.
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MORGANA. A mysterious cat you met in the Metaverse. Transforms from a normal cat into a bizarre mascot. Can also transform into a car. His Code Name is “Mona”.
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“... ‘Mona’.” 
> Yosuke squints. 
“Everyone got themselves badass Code Names, and you went for... Mona.”
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“J-Just so you know, I object to EVERYTHING in that description!”
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“Ah, so you CAN’T transform into a kitty-car! Geez, and bear I was confused about how that would go!”
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“...ALMOST everything!”
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“... Come to think, you guys are pretty unfazed by the fact that Mona-chan can talk...”
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“We have Teddie. We’re beyond surprising.”
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“And I’d say at this point, Teddie is only the tip of the proverbial ice berg.”
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“It’s actually kind of surprising that there’s something that similar to Morgana out there. I always kind of thought he was one of a kind.”
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“I-I AM one of a kind, Lady Ann! You should know that!”
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“Yeah! And so am I by the way, Ann-chan~!”
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“...Don’t call her that...!”
> Angry cat hissing noises.
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Ryuji: “Well, doesn’t matter if Palace or Mementos, we just gotta do it to it!”
 The model looks better from this angle. 
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RYUJI SAKAMOTO. A 2nd year. Used to be Star of the Track Team. Passionately hot-blooded and immature. His impulsiveness sometimes gets him into trouble. His Code Name is “Skull”.  
Ryuji: "By the way, where's that guy? This would be our first time taking him to Mementos, too..."
Ryuji: "I mean, it'd be a shame if we had to just 'forget' about him..."
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Akechi: Sorry to make you wait.”
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Ryuji: “Ugh.”
Futaba: “Speak of the devil.”
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“Goro Akechi. I did hear that he had infiltrated the ranks of the Phantom Thieves for a while during the mission that lead to the temporary capture of their leader.”
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“I see... I wasn’t allowed access to the files regarding the case, so I had no idea.” 
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GORO AKECHI. A third year student. A high school aged private detective. His sharp sense for deduction and reasoning, as well as his looks have earned him a lot of fame. He is also called “The second coming of the Detective Prince”. His Code Name is “Crow”.
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“Whoaaaaa! What a Bishie! He’s almost up there with me on the pretty-boy scale...!!”
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“Yeah, that is one thing he had going for him...”
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“ Mitsuru-san, if I may ask...”
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“Of course. Once we’re done here, I will give you a complete copy of the case file, Shirogane.”
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“Thank you. This is all very interesting...”
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“Infiltration, huh...? Yeah, that’s the right word for it...”
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“Not like we fell for it, of course. But we did need to play along with him for just a while. Else we wouldn’t have been able to put an end to his games.”
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“His ‘games’, huh...”
> Yosuke already doesn’t like the guy. 
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> Your Code Name is “Joker”. You are the Leader of the Phantom Thieves.
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“I thought I felt something ‘Senpai’-ish from that guy...”
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“Yeah, that guy does feel special... He may have the same power as Sensei and Ai-chan!”
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“The power of the ‘Wild Card’...”
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>Marie looks up, seemingly slightly disinterested. 
“I don’t know what you mean. Yu is Yu. There’s only one of him.”
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“That may be. But even so, it is surprising, to see that there is such a number of Persona Users who share the same powers as...”
“In any case. It will be interesting to see how this, as they say ‘plays out’.”
After this scene, the Phantom Thieves head out for Mementos. There’s a badass cutscene which shall be shared.
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i-w-p-chan · 7 years
The Smol Squad
Summary: The Phantom Thieves sans Morgana suffer an unfortunate accident in Mementos and end up as kids.
Note: this AU murdered me, so I’m bringing it to all of you so that you’d be murdered alongside with me.
Warning: PT As Kids, Cute Mental Images Of Lethal Levels, Death By Cute, They Be Sayin’ ‘Take Your Heart’ And They Be Takin’ Your Heart.
Disclaimer: Don’t own P5.
Morgana hated when the Metaverse did things he never expected; it made him question his knowledge and his memories, which were basically all he had to his name, aside from Zorro.
He sighed and shook his head; he didn’t have the luxury to have an existential crisis, he had the Phantom Thieves to take care of.
As to why the Phantom Thieves needed taking care of, well…
“Hey, kitty,” Lady Ann said, crouching in from of him and blinking her big, blue eyes at him, her short, wavy, blond hair framing her face, “We’re out of the scary place, what now?”
Morgana looked at the child Lady Ann and then at the rest of the Phantom Thieves, who were all kids now, and mustered all of his commanding presence (which wasn’t much, but had to do), “Now we go to Leblanc.”
“Leblanc?” Makoto titled her head, “What’s that?”
“It’s a safe place. Now come on.” Morgana turned to face the station’s entrance and cringed. How was he supposed to guide a group of eight kids from Shibuya to Yongen-Jaya without any unexpected problems?
(And he thought getting them out of Mementos was stressful and terrifying.)
Makoto was a life-saver, whether she was seven or seventeen. When most of the other Thieves saw how calm she was in the onslaught of crowding, they gravitated towards her and huddled around her. She looked back at them, her cheeks going red and eyes widening, as if she couldn’t believe they were picking her to lead them.
Ryuji scrunched his nose and looked at Morgana, “You want us to go on the train? But we need money for that, right? I don’t have money.”
The rest murmured in agreement; Haru flinched and ducked her head.
“Relax. Remember the bag I gave Akira?”
The kids looked at Akira, who was clutching his- or rather, his older self’s- bag tightly to his chest, and nodded.
“It has enough money to cover us all, so we can use it to buy tickets.”
“But who is going to get the tickets?” Futaba asked, head cocked to the side.
“I… I will,” Makoto said, her face set in a determined frown that looked closer to pout.
“I’ll go with you!” Ryuji declared.
“We’ll all go with her,” Morgana said.
And with that, the kids plus Morgana gathered around Makoto, who was given the bag so that she can get the money out of it, and headed to get tickets.
But things didn’t go as planned.
With the amount of people coming and going, Morgana should have expected someone would stumble into the kids. And unfortunately for them, the one who stumbled into them looked like the type of asshole Morgana really didn’t want to have the kids face.
Morgana’s ears twitched and his tail thrashed in irritation.
The teen who almost ran the kids over scowled at them, “Oi, brats! What do you think you’re doing, huh? You blind?”
Makoto looked terrified, “No!” She cried out, her voice trembling and easily drowned in the noise, “We’re sorry, we didn’t mean to!”
“You think I’m going to buy that shit?” The teen sneered.
“What do you want, meanie?” Futaba stomped forward and scowled up at the teen, “Get out of our way, we’re going to get tickets so that we can go home!”
“You heard her!” Ryuji exclaimed, “Now beat it!”
“Yeah!” Lady Ann nodded vigorously.
The rest of the kids stood tense behind Makoto, frantically looking around them, trying to figure a way to escape.
The teen didn’t look like he liked the kids’ attitude as his sneer grew uglier and he reached a hand to snatch the bag from Makoto.
Makoto, shocked but refusing to let go, kept her hold on the bag, causing the teen to tug her forward, shake her hold until it loosened, and pushed her back. Yusuke and Akira surged forward to grab her before she fell to the floor while Haru rushed towards her to check on her.
“Let’s see what you got here in this bag you’re holding onto so tightly.”
“Hey! Let it go!” Futaba shouted and rushed to the teen, hopping to attempt to get the bag back, but she was too short. Ryuji and Ann followed closely after and started to beat their fists against the teen’s legs. It only made the teen angrier.
Morgana prepared to launch himself at the teen to claw his face off, and in that moment, a brown-haired blur shot off to latch onto the teen and start climbing him like a tree.
“Give us the bag back!” Akechi shouted, grip tight on the teen’s shirt.
“Hey-! Get off!” The teen attempted to shake him off, but Akechi persisted, scowl firmly set in place and teeth bared, looking like he would bite into the teen’s arm if need be.
Well, Morgana wasn’t going to keep him waiting.
Morgana nimbly launched himself forward, climbing the teen with considerable speed and agility and raking his claws across the teen’s face.
The teen shouted in pain and his grip grew lax around the bag, and Akechi propelled himself forward to grab it and let his momentum and weight take them to the ground, free from the teen, and he landed with a wobble, dropping into his knees.
By that time, Akira, Yusuke and Makoto had rushed forward to grab onto Akechi and tug him up before he fell on his face from the landing. Yusuke took a hold of Akechi’s shoulders and tugged him forward, breaking into a run and pulling Akechi along with him, taking him away from the teen.
Akira, Makoto and Haru ran after them, Futaba, Lady Ann and Ryuji close behind with Morgana bringing up the rear.
The group ran until they found a place to huddle into and hide.
After they caught their breaths, they looked at Akechi, who was clutching the bag while trembling and staring wide eyed at all of them.
“That was…” Futaba started, her own eyes wide as well as she stared back at him, “So cool!”
“Yeah!” Ryuji and Lady Ann both enthusiastically agreed with wide, beaming smiles. Yusuke smiled faintly, an excited gleam in his eyes. Haru stared at Akechi in awe while Makoto nodded.
“Wow.” Akira looked star-struck, and Morgana grinned.
“It really was awesome.”
“And brave!” Haru burst out, before she blushed and ducked her head in embarrassment.
Meanwhile, Akechi’s face looked like it was on fire with the full-blown blush he was sporting. He curled his hands into loose fists and pressed them against the sides of his head as he curled up on himself, clearly unused to such attention.
Morgana’s face turned thoughtful, a frown twisting his face at that thought.
Akechi pushed the bag towards them, “Y-you wanted to get tickets, right? So that you can go somewhere safe?”
“So that we all can go to a safe place,” Lady Ann corrected with a pout, hands on her hips, “All of us are going to the place Mona mentioned.”
Akira turned to look the way they came, “I think it’s safe to go out now.”
“Come on.” Makoto grabbed a hold of the bag, “Let’s go get tickets.”
“All right!” Futaba grabbed Akechi’s hand and pulled him up; he complied easily enough and stood up, not making any effort to tug his hand free, despite how it made his blush intensify.
“Let’s go, let’s go!”
Thankfully, they faced no problem on their next try, and they managed to buy tickets, get on a train, and get into Yongen-Jaya with no complications.
Now, it was time to take them to Leblanc and into Boss’ care.
Morgana sighed tiredly; how was he going to explain this to Boss?
End (part 1?)
As much as I’d love to write Sojiro interactions with kiddie!PT, this fic is too lethal for me. My heart can’t handle writing so much of the underlying cute mental images… so, we all sit in hopes this may get a second chapter. When my soul returns back from heaven.
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