#if you DISAGREE then please just dont interact i want no drama!
If you read Three Comrades and didn't think they were at least a little bit fruity I don't know what to tell you
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hostilesuggestion · 4 years
guidelines/dnfi - READ BYF.
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*last edited: 08/30/2024 by mod rot*
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
Thinking today about how often people point to criticism of fic or specific fics even for problematic content as being rude or unwelcome because of the effort the author put into making that work and because that merits respect.
Let’s go with the idea that effort merits respect and this should be weighed when examining criticism of content for its depiction and how those depictions make people feel about their own lives and intersections with the stuff being spotlighted in a story.
But problem is you know what else requires a lot of effort?
Living lives that are impacted by racism, transphobia, rape, pedophilia, abuse, etc.
So while people are busy holding up the singular efforts of fic writers in creating a work of fiction as sacrosanct and insisting their feelings and comfort should be centered and prioritized in all examinations of that work and the things they said.....
They’re simultaneously not giving a shit about the efforts of people living real lives impacted by all this stuff in actuality, which directly relates to.....how a fic’s depiction of these things made them feel and their comfort.
And why is that not centered? Why does that effort it takes to LIVE in spaces where these kinds of issues are not set pieces for a drama meant solely to entertain, why is that not being held up as being as important in terms of comfort and respect as the comfort and respect of the writer who made the choice to not only depict these things in this way, but to center this type of content at all, especially if done so in the name of entertainment specifically. 
Like no group is a monolith, there will always be intracommunity issues in terms of some people impacted by a work disagreeing with how the writer chose to approach things even when they’re all working off of their own respective lived experiences and have just as much right to their own take on things, like, no take is one size fits all and what’s right for one perspective can be wrong for another even while both perspectives have validity......but its disingenuous to pretend like this is even USUALLY the case in a lot of these discourses. 
The bigger issue has always been the lack of respect from people who want to play with certain depictions of reality as though they can be divorced from reality and just live on the TV sets in peoples’ brains while reading and writing fic with no other consequences whatsoever, towards people who can not ever be truly divorced from the consequences of the reality of these things as they play into their own lives, regardless of how they’re depicted in fic. With the additional issue of those fictional depictions often being extremely formative and influential in how people whose lives aren’t already directly impacted by various issues perceive and interact with these issues.
Less talk about the imaginary specter of censorship in this specific venue and what this has always actually been about.....the equally-frightening-to-some-people specter of creative responsibility. Where creative choices people make are weighed by a creator not just for their potential ENTERTAINMENT value for audiences, but equally for their potential harmful impact on audiences. As words, fiction, storytelling, MESSAGES....are nothing more than tools that can be utilized to more than one purpose, and as such can harm or help in equal measure. Like not to be a blunt instrument, but you can feed your family with a hoe and a yard, but you can also bash someone’s skull in with that hoe and bury them in that yard. *Shrugs* Just saying.
Like what if you viewed people criticizing your work not as an attack on you and your efforts, but simply an expression of “I dont like how your words made me feel.” What if it wasn’t about your ‘rights’ as an author to do whatever the hell you want, and more your impact as a person, and what actually is it you’re trying to do?
If someone says your story hurt, and not in a good, catharctic way but in an invalidating or exploited way, and your concern is less about your not-actually-in-question rights or ability to impact others however you want to, and more about what that impact actually IS....what happens then if you look at that criticism as a person sharing their vulnerability with you and saying “this is why what you said hurts”....and if your reason for writing is truly to ENTERTAIN, and they’re no less a person deserving of entertainment as any other reader, why not take advantage of that voluntary admittance or expression of vulnerability and harm to learn how NOT to do that with your next story.....and voila, by doing something differently next time due to having just listened to what didn’t work for someone, you’ve.....actively enhanced the entertainment you create for people overall?
And like I said, no group is a monolith, people don’t actually all need the same things or respond in the same ways to the same things, and you’re never going to be able to please everyone but the real question is are you even TRYING or are you happy to just rest on the comfort of like-minded individuals and circle the wagons at even the hint of someone challenging you to broaden your mind, your circle, open it up to more people, more feedback, more viewpoints, more PERSPECTIVE?
What if instead of people saying “this hurts” in response to something you write, you don’t take that as an attack, as someone saying you’re a terrible person for hurting me and you will never be anything but that so draw weapons and let’s engage in combat, its the only choice.....
What if instead you view it as a challenge, as someone saying “okay but is there a way you can tell your story and entertain not just the people you were already entertaining, but MORE people, by finding different story routes in the future that still include all the entertainment value you sought out initially but avoiding pitfalls of potential harm now that your eyes have been focused on where more of those pitfalls might be lurking, that you didn’t notice on your previous go-round”?
Like, one approach tells you to hunker down in your bunker, draw on already existing fortifications to bolster yourself, and not move from where you already are and now feel under siege. Just less, same, still.
The other approach encourages you to level up, step up your game, engage with people more, make your stories more accessible and more enjoyable to more people in general. Just more, more, more.
But I mean, hey, you pick.
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this is about the lynz drama
i didnt wanna write this post
when this shit first started i told myself im not gonna say anything about it cause a)i hate drama in any form and b)no one cares about my opinion
but today i got so fed up with everything ive seen on twitter that here we are
im just gonna kind of explain what happened and share my opinion i guess? and feel free to share yours in the comments as long as you respect other people
so everything pretty much started when someone asked lynz about people accusing jimmy urine of sexual assault
(first of all why would they ask lynz?like i know theyre in the same band but still shes not responsible for his actions)
her responese mightve indeed seem strange, like she was defending herself tho nobody attacked her and it overall felt kinda off
then the whole argument started (most of the tweets are deleted now so its kinda hard to find out what exactly happened)
so first thing im gonna adress is how everyone seems to be "cancelling" her for saying you shouldnt believe victims, but what i understood after reading all of her tweets was that she said always believe victims unless you know theyre a manipulative liar and i think theres actually nothing wrong with saying this? please correct me if you think im wrong but i dont really find this problematic (the tweets are at the end of the post!)
i know that the first tweet, the only one that isnt deleted seems really off and she defo couldve answer better and you can critize her for this but i think she thought the person who asked her was reffering to smth jessicka said which kind of explains everything
jessicka has been saying messed up things about lynz for years, so i think we can understand why she reacted in this way
now why dont i believe anything jessicka says?
because she always talks how she has "a proof" that lynz said/did smth but she never actually shows that proof
even now, when lynz mentioned her in one of her tweets she responded yelling about the proof but didnt actually say anything new
one thing ive learned while being in different fandoms and stuff is never believe that someone said/did something unless you have a video of them doing so or they confirmed it on their offcial account on social media
if she really had the proof, why dont just show it to people?
now the second big thing that happened was the whole family thing
people have been talking about her family situation for years (im more of a new fan so i wasnt here back then so please correct me if i make a mistake here or anywhere in the post)
what we knew before is that she cut off her mother and sister - she didnt want to talk to them nor send them money
her sister claimed it was because they arent rich or famous
now scroll all the way down again to see the tweets
her mum and sis recorded a video responding to this
now this is totally subjective opinion of mine, but i got really bad impression from watching their vid and things they said later on twitter (search for amy greene on twitter, youll find everything there)
now you can believe me or not, but i have experience with this kind of family situations
my opinion on the subject is that when it comes to family problems no ones really innocent but sometimes things get so messed up that you shouldnt really judge people based on that
we basically get two sides of the story, and i believe that both of them probably got some things right, but im gonna stay on lynzs side
i 100% understand cutting off fanily memebrs, even as close as your mother and after watching this video i felt really sorry for lynz (again its just my opinion, but the things they both said about lynz reminded me so much of the situation from my family)
ive seen a lot of people bringing up that they said nice things about gerard, so they must be telling the truth because if they wanted fame theyd go after him instead or smth like this
i disagree with this opinion because its once again a behavior i know
noone said anything about gerard before
the whole thing was only about lynz
so why would they even bring him up?
well imo if their intentions were clear they wouldnt say anything about him at all, because what for?
if they said anything bad about about him all of the fans would attack them, get mad, and maybe not believe the rest of their story, so it was in their interest not to talk shit about him
but why did they say nice things? (ITS JUST MY OPINION PLEASE IM NOT SAYING I KNOW IT) 90% of people who would watch the video are mcr fans. and what is the best way to gain someones trust? be nice to them. say nice things about their idols, interests etc, its a known trick and its really manipulative. again i dont want to accuse them but it just seemed really off to me, and it also makes lynz look even worse, like if theyre trying to say that everyone here is nice and shes the only bad person around (yet again something i know really well)
so in my opinion they only talked about g to have mcr fans take their side and if its true its really manipulative but its just my opinion and i totally understand if you dont agree with me because i have no proof for this
i think this post is coming to an end so i want to say that i believe lynz is a good person
not a saint, not perfect, but not someone we should cancel or hate on
you have a right to dislike her, i understand and respect it, same with everything i said here - i accept that you disagree, you can write me a comment about it, just please dont spread hate
i hate going on twitter and seeing all of this drama
i havent been following her for a long time, i wouldnt even call myself her fan, but ive always seen her being really nice to fans on twitter and interacting with people a lot, well ive heard people talking about her being mean to fans in the past but i couldnt really find any concrete proof (video of that happening, im sorry but i really dont believe in posts from fan accounts from years ago)but im not saying it never happened, if you have a video feel free to send it to me
i doubt anybody read all of this, but thank you anyway
also here are the screenshots i could find
feel compeltely free to share your opinion in the comments, i sure will read it but im done with this whole drama
i just needed to get this off my chest after seeing all these people going crazy on twitter, im sorry if some parts dont make sense or have any kinds of mistakes, english isnt my first language and its also really late now
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zuzuslastbraincell · 4 years
why I like them
oh god where do i even start. katara just contains so many multitudes - she's sweet and feminine and caring and attentive but she's never reduced to just that, she's never just 'the girl', she's also allowed to get mad, to be petty, to laugh at her brother, to be headstrong and stubborn, to express vulnerability, to cry and to laugh, to make ridiculous facial expressions and *be* very expressive. she's dealing with a lot of trauma not simply from the loss of her mother but that loss represents also how her tribe have been decimated by the fire nation, how she's the last waterbender, how all this pressure exists on her shoulders (but also pride, but also determination, to bring it back) and that is expressed subtly throughout the series with the same depth and love that male characters are afforded with regard to their respective traumatic experiences. and despite all this she never tries to stop making the world good? She's always pushing for change, she's always wanting to make things better, she's relentless and doesn't give up when it comes to her vision for a better world... she has such a big heart. and that coexists with a deep anger in her, and deep hurt. Not to make an ocean metaphor so early on but she's as deadly and deep as the ocean but she chooses to be kind and warm and that's so powerful.
why i don't
honnestly while katara's instincts to mother people are a sad symptom of how she was forced to grow up to soon and automaically asigns herself a role of emotional responsibility she has mixed feelings about, i know that if katara tried to mother me, i would be annoyed. but that sounds more like a me problem.
favourite episode
oh it's either the episode where she beats the fucking shit out of pakku or it's the southern raiders. the first one because it's so gratifying to see how she's grown and developed as a bender and really come into her own. the second because... god i love how *messy* the southern raiders is, and it really taps into what i love about katara - she's flawed, she runs off on an ill-thought out revenge mission with zuko, she's got a great capability for darkness as she quite seriously considers murdering a man she has every right to loathe and to kill - but she chooses against it, in the end. it would not be right for her, if not him. she chooses what's right for her in the end.
favourite season
I'm gonna be a wee bit controversial and say book 1 had the best conception of katara's arc from student to master and really saw her grow and flourish, from someone yelling at her brother' oafish prejudice to a real master, that really solidified her as an idealist and presented that as the strength that is, that showed her struggling with petty jealousy of aang's progress and had her stumble in ways that made her character comeplling and interesting - like what an introduction to her character! book 2 had some fantastic moments but i can't think of anything particularly remarkable about hee character arc - largely because it tied into aang's romantic arc i think at this point. book 3 had some absolutely fantastic moments (scam queens katara and toph!! painted lady!! southern raiders!! the final agni kai) that really shone but also book 3 lays a lot of groundwork for fanon i hate (e.g. katara as the mom friend - wish that headcanon would die tbh)
favourite line
fuck there's a lot of good ones but my underrated fave is when sokka says he's kissed a girl before but she's never met her and katara says 'Who? Gran-gran? I've met gran-gran' and it's bruuutaaall
but my favourite serious line is 'I will never ever give up on people who need me'. powerful.
favourite outfit
water tribe anything!! and i actually think her book one/book two braids are her best hair. underrated katara hair. personally she looks just adorable in her parka in the flashback to when she was like. eight.
katara/personal fulfilment
katara/fulfilling her goals and dreams
katara/loving minor background character who is never named
there's some ships i like in AU situations - yuetara is actually one i lov, especially with waterbender yue, i just love the whole sea/moon thing as well as katara and yue rebelling in loud/quiet ways, being girlfriends who refuse to have their lives defined by the expectations of older men, who have a great sense of duty towards their nations and won’t let gendered expectations stop them.
and most of you know i like the messy drama of katara/azula in a lighter AU situation where they're like, school or academic rivals, and the legacy of imperialism isn’t quite so personal (and azula makes better choices, obviously), but it’s not as much as i “ship” them as i just find the potential dynamic interesting, they’re both driven by a sense of duty for their home, it’s just that means *very* different things depending if you’re SWT or FN.
none of them are OTPs though - they’re more just fun thought experiments
katara & sokka - absolutely love their sibling dynamic its amazing. both have been impacted negatively by the shit in their lives and are not always dealing with it in functional ways but theyre there for each other, through thick and thin, always have each other's backs, they roast each other and bicker and sometimes make stupid decisions and sometimes lash out but at the end of the day their love pulls through, they’re able to work past those conflicts.
katara & aang - honestly while i feel kataang was just so poorly executed in the show (listen guys I just can’t after ember island players, i know that was a bad episode, but i can’t) & i cant imagine katara wanting to leave the south pole after the war for long spells (it would have to be long distance love, lots of profound and heartfelt letters and occasional visits, if anything, but i dont know if that’s what katara wants or needs? so maybe it wouldn’t pan out?), but regardless, i really do think these two had a life-changing friendship where each really represented hope for each other, that's at the core of it, they both truly believe in each other, and inspired each other. katara & aang good.
a headcanon
chief katara anyone?? chief katara?!?! 
oh oh OH i also think that katara, while primarily a combat bender during the war, actually takes to healing a lot more after the show and gets proper healing training at some point with the help of a trained medical expert and maybe yugoda. tbh i feel like the show was a bit dismissive of healing as an ability - i feel like having that is *extremely* useful in any combat situation, you always have a medic on hand - but i understand why katara, who wanted to be recognised as powerful regardless of her gender, and wanted to hold herself in a fight alongside sokka & aang, pushed for combat waterbending training because that is what 'powerful' looks like to her in the moment. obviously katara is capable of incredible healing feats (see: saving aang) but i think given we see her as a healer in lok (not a decision i necessarily disagree with) would mean a shift in focus. i think katara actually comes to realise she likes healing a great deal, but really she excels in all aspects of waterbending and is the south’s most respected master who helped rejuvenate southern style waterbending  
unpopular opinion
the main reason people think katara is straight is because we see her have very few meaningful interactions with other girls outside of toph. ATLA as a show is a bit romance obsessed, and very heteronormative in that regard, and so interactions with minor characters almost always line up with a potential crush for sokka or katara, and later, zuko (suki, haru, jet, yue, song, jin....). we rarely see katara build friendships with other girls and it’s such a damn shame.
(anyway bi katara for life)
a wish
the version of the puppetmaster we saw was actually fire nation propaganda, i feel like katara would have felt deep compassion for a prisoner of war and after maybe some clashes, would have agreed to help smuggle her out of the fire nation and secure passage home for hama, and tried to assure her that she still has a place there. the treatment of hama in that episode was awful (but also hama was written to be almost cartoonishly evil, very much an evil witch in her cottage in the spooky woods? like the whole horror movie / spooky story opening was such a big tell) and tbh i reject the thesis that we saw ‘katara’s dark potential’ in that episode completely, or that bloodbending as a power is inherently dark, or katara’s use of it to stop hama ‘corrupted’ her. I feel like katara might feel this way as a teenager perhaps but with time (she can be a little black and white at times), and especially with more training as a healer, i think she might realise that’s not the case, she’ll realise that she was right to try and oppose hama, her elder (she was lashing out rather than really trying to oppose the fire nation), and it wasn’t a betrayal of her or her beliefs, but also her use of bloodbending wasn’t wrong or evil inherently at all? and maybe she’d find ways to use it for healing purposes? anyway my wish is that, i like the idea that they meet again, speak about their differences, reconcile a little / come to an understanding, and katara learns more from hama again
an oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen
anything where katara’s character is reduced to a comforter or a healing device for a man and his trauma. particularly zuko. (they don’t have that dynamic in canon thankfully, zuko would never, zuko respects her too much)
5 words to describe them:
idealistic, hard-working, powerful, headstrong, kind
my nickname for them:
chief. or comrade. :^)
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eulaties · 4 years
my opinion about true beauty
lowkey this is gonna be a post where i rant about true beauty’s (webtoon) downfalls. obviously do not interact if ur gonna disagree, because i dont want any unnecessary discourse. (also im not posting this so i can be convinced that true beauty is actually a good webtoon - i just need to get this off my chest.)
first of all...let me address the weak writing and plot. it really seems as if the author is just shifting focus to boy drama and not actual character development/plot that would be actually interesting? i also get the feeling that the plot is literally going nowhere. i don’t have any excitement for what’s going to happen next - it’s either way too predictable or i know something mundane is going to drag on for multiple episodes. and plus, it’s not like “true beauty” is a feel-good cliché story (if it was, i would understand why people would defend it, because it could be a comfort webtoon). no, instead, it really drills in that if you don’t fit into society’s beauty standard, you’re ugly. if you’re slightly overweight? you’re fat and you’re ugly. you have acne? ugly. you have stretch marks? you have hair on your arms and legs? you have bushy eyebrows, small eyes, a wide face, and you wear glasses? absolutely disgusting.
(please note my personal opinions do not reflect anything i said up there. im just stating what i perceive true beauty is trying to say.)
according to this webtoons, if you’re not skinny, thin, tall but not too tall, have good skin, big eyes, etc. then you’re fucking ugly. which is such a jarring message? especially because the author really drills this in at the beginning of the webtoon (which i initially excused because i thought that the author would address this later down the road and have jugyeong have character development...haha no). and also, get this - you’re human and it’s natural to have those things??? i don’t understand how any of that makes you ugly. it doesn’t. and it’s such a bad message to be giving out to younger audiences who are easily influenced by the media they consume !! this really just preys on people’s insecurities. so fucked up.
now let me talk about jugyeong specifically. she’s such a bad role model. okay, at the beginning of the webtoon we see her discover makeup and then have a “glow up”. then we see her struggle with her insecurities. that part of the story was fine, because it at least showed a human side to jugyeong. also, she actually had personality. she had a passion for horror, wanted to pursue being a makeup artist, genuinely enjoyed helping other people, didn’t judge people off of superficial beliefs, etc etc. then, the time skip happens and literally all of jugyeong’s personality is wiped away. and now she has literal cardboard as her personality. all we know about her now is that seojun is her boyfriend!! this is her first relationship!! literally nothing else about her bc shes boring af now!! she’s a hypocrite and treats people she sees as “ugly” worse than her!! where did all of that character and personality from before go? it’s disappointing to say the least.
and don’t even get me started on seojun and suho, who are fighting for a girl who isn’t even wife material. not even gonna lie i don’t want either of them to end up w her. seojun, i acknowledge, has gone through a lot of character development and has actually changed & also has admirable ambitions. his relationship with jugyeong, however, is obviously not going to last at all. suho, on the other hand, is a nice person/the ONE decent person in this webtoon. unfortunately, i do have to acknowledge that outside of that, there’s not really much we know about suho (other than his dad being sick). and he has gone thru literally no character development. 
(shoutout to suho and aiden for being the only reasons i read this far tho, lmao)
i also want to address the title dilemma - by which i mean that “true beauty” is actually meant to be called “the secret of angel” or smth like that. which is like...okay the title is misleading which is so weird esp because this is one of the most popular webtoons on the site? i dont understand why they would purposely change the title if not to mislead people. also, i see some people defending the bad writing/characterization/clicheness of true beauty by saying that it’s supposed to be like a k-drama/reflective of korean culture...which is, by the way, so fucked up. first of all, k-dramas are not synonymous with shitty writing and characters. ALSO, get this: just because it’s korean, it doesn’t excuse any blatantly bad and superficial messages it gives out. especially because beauty standards in korea are toxic as hell.
so, think of this as my “breakup letter” to true beauty. what a shame, too, because i’ve been following this weekly for 2 years straight (since 2018!) and it’s just so goddamn disappointing how much true beauty has rapidly decreased in quality since.
(see “the man who cleans up makeup”/
“the makeup remover” webtoon, which is so much better and also gives off so many good messages WHILE ADDRESSING THE ROLE BEAUTY/MAKEUP PLAYS IN KOREAN SOCIETY.)
goodbye true beauty. hopefully you get better writing, characterization, and a better author one day!
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eloquent-music · 4 years
Fill out & Repost ♥ This meme definitely favors Canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore and Lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multimuses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
Tagged by: @polyhexianchicken​
Tagging: anyone who wants to do it!! Just go ahead and say I tagged you
> Putting under a read more bc of the length <
MY MUSE IS.   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless
* is your character popular in the fandom? YES/NO
* is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES (from what i see from a lot of people in the fandom including myself)/ NO / IDK.
* is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
* are they underrated?  YES ( I believe there’s more depth to him that some don’t see) / NO.
* were they relevant to the main story?  YES (Sorta?) / NO.
* were they relevant to the main character?  YES (Kinda sorta esp to Megatron) / NO
* are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO.
* how’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
I try my best to follow canon as best as possible. I do put in my own twists here and there.  I have added things into his character have been shared later on through Tweets on Twitter from Jro and Milne. I take their portrayals and incorporate them into my Tarn. For example, Milne said that Tarn was Pharma’s new lover and they had a special relationship and since I’m weak for that pairing I really wanted to incorporate that in. Also Red doesn’t help we both feed into each other ilu <3  ALL IN ALL though, I do like to keep him canon and not too much off character to where he isn’t Tarn anymore. I want him to be Tarn not someone else
SELL YOUR MUSE! (aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutual.)
I could sell Tarn for hours and a few friends know this very personally. IM SORRY. ANYWAYS. Some may find what I love about Tarn to not what they like but it’s my opinion on him! So here goes.
I love his damaged nature (I’m sorry Tarn muse). I find his addictions interesting, even though they weren’t technically shown in the issues. It’s part of who he is from who he used to be (however they came about). I will always love his flaws and I enjoy showing those sides of him so be aware that I will show his addictive personality (through Transformation, Nuke abuse, and murderous tendencies).
Which brings me to... His murderous/torturous nature. We see killers a dime a dozen in the series but to be a leader of a torturous group? Like that’s pretty rad and completely different from a lot of other characters. Can you tell I like the baddies? sdifhoisdf This brings up this ONE side of him. He doesn’t like killing / taking part in the demises of SOME of their victims. Why? I think I may know the answer to that. Why does a mech like him want to advert his gaze while the others have their way with them. Talk about something deep we never got to understand that.
He has a soft spot for musical pieces, especially classical piano music. I love Chopin the most, so you’ll see me post that all the time!
He apparently loves pineapples and just I LOVE THAT SO MUCH UHG.
He’s a big tank with Daddy (Megatron) Issues! You gotta love it LOL  He’s got biolights literally everywhere. FLASHY
When he’s only around his team, he can be a little bit more calm even though he can drop it at the drop of a dime.
He’s a touch starved mech odifhsodif
NOW THE OPPOSITE! (list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?)
Even though I kinda sold him on this I thought I should mention it here too. I don’t think people find him interesting for how dark he is as a mech. Push aside everything and look at how purely evil he can be. He’s cruel. He’s torturous and very sadistic. He will thrive off of every little bit of pain you give him. He can be manipulative at times.
Tarn is a huge hypocrite. It shows so much throughout the comic issues if you really look at it. I show it a lot (he will deny it sometimes but don’t worry I know he’s one) Probably one of the biggest hypocrites in the whole 2005 IDW Series.
Tarn is easily-influenced and persuaded by certain situations (to not look weak) and mechs.
He is very easily angered from the smallest things.
He holds onto grudges
I know I’ve been asked this before and when I’m asked again I forget the GOOD reasons why I was so inspired to write him so I hope i do okay this time around. Even though I know I will leave out the good shit. Idk why I just dont draft on what truly inspired me. Just watch, itll come a day later and I’ll add it in just wait and see
I started rp’ing him on here as soon as he debuted in the MTMTE series (i think it was back in 2013 or 2012?) I did kind of poof for a few years due to being so busy sdiufhs. Anyways, I fell instantly in love with his character. I loved his dark ways and how he was so drastically different of a villain. His musical tendencies. And how he could offline a mech with ONLY his voice? Like damn sing to me all day you Musical Angel. He is dark and mysterious. NOT TO MENTION, black and purple my favorite colors.
His design was flawless and MTMTE #7 sold me on who he was and from then on I just couldn’t stop loving this murderous tank. I love how Jro and Milne have come out later on to answer more questions about him and just I love him that much more. Looking back years later on it, I see a little bit of myself in him.  
He’s pretty easy to flow out honestly. Just like my other muse I have. If he does struggle some, I just pop on some Chopin and he’s good to go. What really does keep me going more than anything is continuously exploring who he is as a mech and as a Decepticon. I want to know so much about him literally everything. Even though I could write headcanons all day and drabbles too, I love making him interact with others to find that personality.  It’s really just my never-ending curiosity for him.
* do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO. ( i hope I do! )
* do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO.
* do you sometimes write drabbles? YES / NO.  ( i love writing drabbles!!!)
* do you think a lot about your muse during the day? YES / NO.
* are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO.
* are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. (Most of the time, I know sometimes I mess up and its honestly just me not seeing it for whatever reason. Im so sorry if my replies come through scattered sidfhfs)
* are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. (Not really at all. I don’t get offended or anything but certain things can bug me)
Only if its constructive criticism. I love it when friends bounce ideas or talk to me about him. I will take into consideration of changing him slightly from only my close friends and that’s because we’re close. I will not change my character for anyone because they don’t like how I portray him because he is my portrayal of him, not yours.
I love all the questions you all send him, either on anon or not. Even the most awful ones! Tarn may not like them but most I find absolutely hilarious. I think the more personal questions really help for exploring who he is or if I post drabble prompts, go ahead and send me one! Even if I dont send in one and you wanna know more about him I will try my best to respond to it.
This is a hit or miss question. I don’t really want to exactly know why unless if I ask you personally on it (which is usually just between close friends because sometimes I just aint thinkin straight). I don’t mind bouncing off ideas but ishdfoisdfh i really truly don’t know the answer to this one
I honestly don’t care. People won’t like every character out there and that’s just part of being human. I understand why people would hate his character in the series in all honesty. But I love him for all his flaws.
I don’t blame people for hating Tarn but I do not want hate sent to me. That is unacceptable and not okay. You don’t have to like my portrayal but please don’t shove it at me that’s just uncalled for. If your character hates him that’s totally different but don’t come attacking me for any reason.
I think I am. I’m usually fairly quiet. But once you get to know me, I am kinda strong on the goofy/funny side and a bit blunt/straight-forward sdoifhodsf. I tend to be really easy going and laid back. My personality has drastically changed since I’ve gotten into my mid-20s. I don’t like drama and dont wanna be apart of it.
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lovestrucklaundry · 5 years
i really like this blog and like wanna add points to some of your posts but im a fictive and like, dont wanna attract attention so if i started a conversation on one of your posts about symbiotes with my heavily biased "headcanons" as a response to yours you wouldnt like start drama or make fun of me right? or like pull some shit like "haha you kinnie,,, cringe" -local nervous venom symbiote fictive
i'm glad you like it! and i ended up blabbering way too much with this reply (that i'm going to leave under the cut instead of just shortening it up because i'm often afraid i'll be misunderstood if i don't over-explain myself oops) but tl;dr: i don't mind anyone, fictive or not, adding to my posts. i may reply to the additions, but i'm never looking to start drama even if i disagree with someone.
i don't mind anyone adding their own thoughts to my posts. it's actually really helpful many times tbh, with how people can word things i wanted to say better than i could, or how they can add insights i wouldn't have thought of (whether i agree with them or not, seeing other people's perspectives can help me better develop my own). 
i'm also by no means an authority figure and many times i myself have no idea what i'm talking about (i think i can seem a little too self assured at times but know that i'm pretty much always confused and nothing i think atm is a universal truth or even set in stone to just myself. and though i CAN be quite stubborn at times i try to be as openminded as possible)
when people add to my posts it's very likely i see it. if i don't reply to someone it's usually because i think there's not a discussion to be had regarding their addition (i.e. i have nothing interesting to add to what they said), or it's because more than one person has said essentially the same thing (and so i only reply to one of them). there are also times where i really just didn't see what someone said or, more embarrassingly, i didn't understand what they said. and in either of those cases when i do come to see/understand their reply it usually feels too late to say anything...
and when i do reply to an addition it's usually like:
someone added something i forgot to mention or worded poorly in the op (which is usually just me going "yes!!! exactly!!!!")
they added something i never thought of but i agree with (or at least can derive something that makes sense to me from it)
they added something i disagree with but was interesting to note (and with replies like these i don't really look to change anyone's minds, though it might come across as that. it's usually just to further expand on what i think, building off of how it diverges from the person's addition, while also acknowledging theirs is another possible interpretation with different outcomes than mine, without discrediting either)
they corrected me (which usually comes with an embarrassed explanation of where i was coming from. and it mostly goes like "i realize now that i was wrong but i posted that because..." or "i understand that and i wasn't disagreeing with/talking about that. i just worded my op poorly because..."). and i love when people correct me because i do need a reality check many times. but also i'm aware that i'm the worst when i'm being corrected just because i tend to be quite stubborn and i have a hard time admitting i was wrong. which doesn't mean i won't ever admit i was wrong! just means i'm probably gonna be unnecessarily defensive when i do it (in a way i know will make me cringe when i look back at it later but i can't help myself in that moment)
(there may be more but i'm pretty sure these are at least the most common of "my replies to additions to my op")
and with all of this i essentially just mean to say that i don't really care what people interpret or imagine from canon in the sense that i think most things are possible as long as you're coherent about it (so there's not much of an absolute "wrong" or "right" imo, even if you're going against some specific canonically stated thing. also because even canon contradicts itself at times so who cares really? lol) and that when i reply to people i don't ever mean to discredit them even if i disagree (unless they are coming up with baseless "facts" and claiming them as canon. but even then it's more so a case of "you are free to believe what you want, but you can't claim that's in the text because it's not" than it is about "you are absolutely wrong and what you're saying would be impossible in any scenario")
and i think i could never be involved in fandom drama just because i find it a little silly tbh (at least with the things i post and interact with). like i get it when it happens if someone is particularly problematique but if it's just about like personal interpretations of a movie/comic/whatever it seems pointless so i wouldn't really engage in or start any drama like that. like i think i might have posts that sound like starting drama (maybe with things like "if you think X then you are stupid"?) but that's just how i make jokes sometimes unfortunately lol (that is to say, posts like that aren't directed at any specific person and aren't meant to be taken seriously at all. most of the times when i'm being mean it's just because i think being mean is funny but i don't actually intend on insulting anyone)
and re: kinnies like... i'm not one and i won't say i even understand what any of it is about but like afaik it's about identifying with characters, right? which i guess could mean to some people that fictives are "inherently more biased" because their interpretations come from a more personal place of deeply identifying with a character and not from "an objective reader's perspective" or whatever. but tbh i think everyone has some bias from personal rl experiences and even from identifying with characters/situations (even if not on a kin-level necessarily). so like i wouldn't discredit someone or think they are stupid or "too biased" just for being kin with a character because i think everyone is biased in some way or another, it's just that kinnies are more outright about their own bias lol
also: if i ever come across as rude or dismissive or anything like that, please let me know! it's most likely not my intention at all and it's probably just a case of me using words poorly or me making a dumb joke, but in any case you can let me to know so i can clear up misunderstandings and learn from my mistakes. 
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gaywheesa · 6 years
will she | wheein
request; do u do angst? if u dont its fine but could u do wheein x reader where wheein gets jealous as her gf is a idol(rapper) and she gets hit on all the time. If u do, do angst, could u have wheein and reader get in a fight then fluff, where they make up or just do the whole thing fluff somehow if u dont write angst
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title; will she
pairing; wheein x female idol reader
genre; angst
a/n; this is low key toxic i've never been in a relationship but if this was a tv show the fandom would have a petition to get this couple to break up i am so sorry this is the worst im gjrjrj so much better at fluff
Wheein was sick of it. How you'd blush whenever a creepy old guy on a variety show hit on you, and you'd just stand there and not stand up for yourself. You had to be creeped out. It wasn't just on one occasion, the public loved seeing you interact with male idols. You always got a role in a CF, and somehow they'd make you a love interest for another random male idol.
It began crossing the line when reporters announced that a senior of yours asked you on a date a little over a month ago. You didn't tell Wheein. You were embarrassed. You didn't think anyone would find out, so Wheein wouldn't either. You knew Wheein didn't like it. She didn't like it when all these guys were pouncing on you, constantly. You just couldn't work up the nerve to talk to her about it. She's never voiced her opinions on it, anyway.
Wheein wasn't answering your calls, and you knew something wasn't right. She always answered your calls with the cutest, sweetest voice. Even if she was having the shittiest day ever, she would still try and put up an act for you. Not that she didn't trust you with her feelings, but she'd rather tell you in person and that didn't happen a lot with your busy schedules.
After calling your girlfriend multiple times, you sighed and slammed your phone face down onto the empty couch cushion beside you. You considered going to her apartment, but knew your manager wouldn't allow it at this time of night, so out of the blue.
Your phone began to ring, and your heart got a kick out of it. A bit to quickly, you took the phone in your hands and groaned when you saw that it was just your manager. You picked up, knowing that if you didn't she'd drive down to the dorms herself.
"Yes?" You answered. You tried not to sound too frustrated, but you may have failed.
"Listen to this. (Y/F/N) being the lead actress in a drama! You'll get your first OST and you'll also sing on a track for the first time. I know how much you wanted to debut as a vocalist."
It all just hit you so fast. A drama? Kissing scenes, being lovey with another actor. But, more money and more opportunities for your career. You let out a breath, sighing audibly. "Let me think about it."
"Remember, (Y/N), this is a big opportunity. One of the biggest TV agencies is reaching out to us for this, you should give it a shot."
You thought back to Wheein. She wouldn't like it. Or maybe she'd understand. You didn't have a clue. Especially because she wouldn't answer you. You decided. Wheein was your girlfriend, she should understand that this could make your career as an artist take off. You didn't necessarily want to act in a romance drama, but you weren't opposed to the idea, either.
"I'll do it." You stated. Your manager left enthusiastic remarks and said goodbye.
You shut your eyes and soon after one of your members emerged from her bedroom, trudging into the kitchen to get a glass of water. "Unnie," you said quietly. She looked up and took a sip from the cup, brushing hair out of her face.
"It's 11 at night, (Y/N), we have filming tomorrow morning. You should sleep."
You chewed on your lower lip and stared off into the dark hallway. "I'm being cast in a drama."
Your member smiled. "Oh! That's great! I've never seen a rapper in a drama before, especially a female one." She sat down on the couch beside you. "But why do you look so upset?"
"Wheein might not take it well. Especially after news got out about that guy asking me on a date."
Your member rolled her eyes. "She's being too possesive. You're not cheating on her or anything. She should stop whining about it."
You pursed your lips. You knew that your member was right, in a sense, though you wouldn't have said it in such a harsh tone. "She's not answering my messages or calls." You stated.
"Did you tell her about the drama? Maybe then she'll answer."
You nodded. "I'll text her."
"Good luck, (Y/N). Hope it works out." She got up from the couch and began walking back to her bedroom, when a knock on the door made her jump.
She stared at your frantically, nearly dropping the glass that held her water. You got up cautiously and stared through the peephole, only seeing a farmilar face (only no make up). "It's Wheein," you said quietly, turning towards your member. She gave you a thumbs up and went back to her room.
You opened the door, exposing the cold onto your bare arms and legs. "What are you doing here?" You asked.
"We need to talk, right?"
Shortly after, Wheein was in your bedroom with you, legs hugged to her chest as she watched you remove your makeup. "So."
Wheein sighed. "I'm sorry." She said simply.
You looked at her through the mirror and then quickly looked back down at your makeup remover. "For what?" You chuckled, acting like you didn't know. Maybe you didn't know, but you thought you did.
"(Y/N). We should... break up."
It felt like your whole world came crashing down. Your heartbeat could be heard pounding throughout the room, and you couldn't contain it. You set down your makeup remover wipe slowly, then turned in your chair, looking at Wheein who couldn't look up at you.
"What?" You asked in a quiet voice. Wheein could hear the slight crack in your voice and looked up, only to see your cheeks became pink and your eyes glistening.
"I'm becoming too much for you. I get jealous at the smallest things. I'm not enough for you. I have trust for you, but even seeing someone talk to you makes me... sad. Or frustrated, or even angry." Wheein moved to the edge of the bed, letting her legs dangle. "I don't want you to feel trapped. And I think it's better for you. I really am just keeping you too close. It's like you can't experience a lot with other people because I think they're all trying to do something with you."
Wheein looked up at you, only to see tears full-on streaming down your cheeks. You made eye contact with her and your breath got caught in your throat. "This isn't for me, Wheein. You just want an excuse."
She scoffed. "What?"
"You just don't love me anymore, right? This is all an act, isn't-"
Wheein chuckled, holding her head in her hands. "So you want me to be so possessive over you? Do you like it when I don't let you do a thing? I'm such a terrible girlfriend, (Y/N)." You stared at her. The room was silent for a moment before you heard her huff. "Maybe this is for me. I think I need to work on myself some more. I'm too insecure." She shook her head and tightened her bag around her shoulder, standing up.
"Goodbye, (Y/N)."
Before she could exit the room, you got up and held onto her wrist. "You can't go." You said no louder than a whisper. Wheein turned and looked at you. She wanted to cry. But she couldn't be that vulnerable, not right now.
"Wheein, you were my only girlfriend, ever. And you taught me so many great things about life and about love." You heard yourself beginning to choke back sobs. "You can't leave me. I'm sorry, I won't talk to any guys. Please, you can't."
Wheein felt your grip around her wrist tighten, and then felt hot tears stream down her face. "(Y/N), that's the problem. I want you to talk to guys. I want you to live your life, but I'm holding you back." Her voice grew whiny and you sniffled at how broken she sounded. You pressed your head into her chest, hand still wrapped around her wrist.
"We can work on it together, Wheein." You moved your hand down lower, intertwining your fingers with hers. "I know we can." You cried, wrapping an arm around her waist. "Just don't leave."
Wheein let a sob fall from her lips, finally wrapping her arms over your shoulders and pulling you closer to her chest. "We can do it, Wheein. Our relationship will be the best, okay?"
Wheein kissed you once, sobbing into your shoulder. "I'm sorry. I'm the worst."
"You're not the worst. I love you so much. Please, we can make it work. I'll be the best girlfriend ever, right next to you."
The rest of the night, you and Wheein cried together. Her hand intertwined with yours and your head on her chest. You shared tour thoughts, worries and opinions to each other. Even if you disagreed, you worked together to make sure you wouldn't get angry. You really did love each other, but it might just take a bit to really work out what had happened that night.
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sariasmelody-blog1 · 5 years
Under readmore because, damn this be a lengthy post!
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LOL this is actually hilarious. Here’s a timeline of how things went!
@cartoonlonk made a call out post, that’s this one here:
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Here’s you commenting on said call out:
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You were the second person to interact with the call out. Then you reblogged it:
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After that, Kirmun went off on me, I responded, then they went off on me again.
Then I got a bunch of random anons.
Then they made this post:
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Then proceeded to message me and debate with me. I screenshot their post, and then sent this message:
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After which, they deleted that post.
After that, I decided you know what? I should make a call out post too! Because y’know, everyone’s doing it, and I’m being defamed. So that’s where my call out comes in, “Mr. i dont like call out culture”. You had already reblogged a call out for me at this point, in fact, you were the first one, to reblog it!
So I did some digging and found out that you actually have a smut blog where you do underaged smut, something that I don’t do. Aging a character up, doesn’t count as many of your little buddies would say!
Then I made my call out post!
Then you responded with your reasoning as to why what you were doing, is okay:
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So I took your advice and got my facts straight, and I responded! Which of course, as one would expect,you would then respond to that. Mind you, it was a really stupid response as you did not counter any of my arguments.
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I wasn’t trying to make myself look good, I was trying to show how much of a moron you were. Disagree with my actions all you want, but yours are far worse. But I would like to point something out in your tags there:
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You claim to hate callout culture! That’s good! However, I don’t think you hate it, because you proceeded to reblog the callout again the next day.
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Keep note of the dates on these, because it shows that you’re straight up lying.
Then you post this utter bullshit:
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You reblogged the callout before I even made one, so you can’t say I started this one. The one who took the fun out of roleplaying was not me. That was you, cartoonlink, kirmun and the actual one who started it: Medohgaled. Who mind you, started accusing me of shit immediately, without even trying to find out the truth.
So please, don’t try and throw all this blame on me. You guys reacted to something really stupid and accused me of being something that I am not. All because of some bad wording on my rules page (which I am not planning to change by the way).
You guys started this whole thing. Not me. If me listing my characters cup size was so bad, message me and ask me to remove it. Don’t defame me instead of trying to be like a normal human being and tell me it made you guys uncomfortable.
medohgaled spread a rumor about me, cartoonlonk bought it, made a post, you reblogged it, kirmun felt the need to intervene for some reason, made themselves look like an idiot and then we’re here. Not once, did someone just ask me to remove something, I was on blast before I could say even one word about the whole thing.
But still, the absolute funniest part of this whole thing was this:
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They actually believe that copy pasta about NAVY SEALS was a legit death threat. Like wow, I could not stop laughing at that for so long.
You guys started the drama, because you wanted the drama. I was responding to defamatory statements like any normal person would.
Also, wildchildlonk, you’re clearly the weakest link of all of these people here. Because not only are you an idiot, you’re a hypocrite, and a liar. Everyone else was just a straight up idiot lmao.
EDIT: Here’s that medohgaled post btw. They never named me, but immediately blocked me right after it. This was the beginning of everything:
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kitherondxle · 6 years
quoaad review there are only spoilers you’ve been warned
first of all i didn’t really like the book, i dont think it was bad per se i think it’s been a year and a half and a lot has changed in my life esp preference wise so i think the excitement was a little more gone than i realized
its weird because this book took a year and a half to complete, but it still felt rushed? unedited? there was repetition in some parts and some reveals were thrown in there so casually that it almost seemed as if edited in as an afterthought
i’ll use kit’s reveal as an example. jem told emma about kit at the start of the book yet emma literally did not think about it ONCE until the end. i’m not just saying this as a kit fan, she was in faerie and saw the whole royal drama and even at the mention of the true heir kit didn’t cross her mind? emma isn’t stupid how did she completely disregard all that? it felt unprofessional on cassie’s part
so. much. romance. oh my god. we get it ! people have sex ! listen i don’t really care about any of these pairings other than kitty and sizzy, maybe that’s why it bothered me, but i thought there are much larger things at stake and all the romantic drama was just annoying.. i’m sorry... i just didn’t care about any of it except for kit and ty but i’ll talk about that later. 
jace and clary... hunnies..... not your fault but i’m tired of reading about them and the epilogue has clary’s name again... she had her series, by now she apparently had all tmi/tda just for her and now another one? i’m tired of reading about her and jace felt dead this book other than the times he spoke to kit which i really appreciated actually. 
the end was so dramatic and a little underwhelming too. emma and julian turning into huge all destroying angels that shine gold? first of all, we’ve seen that before. second of all. it was dumb. im sorry. maybe im older and that’s why all of these themes bothered me but i felt like the whole plot was dumbed down which is upsetting cause tda’s set up was the most intricate out of all of cassie’s books so far 
kit and ty.... kit herondale saved the book for me and ty disappointed me although i kind of get where he’s coming from and his character is complex in more ways than one so i cannot as easily predict what he’ll do. i really hoped kitty would be an angst-free cassie clare ship but clearly that’s impossible and i’m so annoyed we have to wait another three years to see them interact after the horrible way they left off too... i’m just sad okay. they’re sweet. kit fucking yelled that he loves ty in his face... i get why he was upset after but i just wish they’d talk........ idk if ty has the mindset to really like kit back which is the only reason i kind of forgive him but when kit disappeared and ty didn’t even react and didn’t ask about him in the next scene? it just felt ooc... disappointing. 
KIT HERONDALE. i love you. that’s all i’ll say about you for now. he’s the only pov i looked forward too and ngl the only pov i was reading instead of skimming by the end of the book. he’s the best character cassie’s ever created and i will love him forever. can’t wait to see how he’ll grow up with tessa and jem i have really high hopes for him and his powers are too much fun. a little op but .... if it’s kit i forgive him for anything i love him THAT much. 
also povs... sooooo manyyyyy fuckingggg povs!!!! i dont think i actually read one diego chapter im sorry like i just DONT CARE!!! helen povs are valid though. lesbians always win. 
overall... haven’t even rated the book yet because i wanted to love it soooo bad i promise.. but it just. ugh. it was disappointing. it felt rushed even though cassie had a year and a half to write it and really really underwhelming. i think part of the reason i lost so much patience was the million povs and the constant romance and all the fucking !! maybe its because her previous books were so pg but it felt out of place and unnecessary.. im not against sex in books but here it was like every pov at one point. relax. or skip it. give me more kit chapters instead. 
few more things:
i love ash, so excited for more of him, his dru fixation is a little annoying to me though because it seems too love at first sight but im curious to see where it’ll lead. 
helen and aline, i love you two!!!!! GO GO LESBIANS ! 
idk why i expected more from diana’s reveal... it felt like the kit reveal earlier. just thrown in there because cassie suddenly remembered she should include it
livia... it was too sad seeing her. the whole thule or whatever that place is called im sorry it was interesting? but kind of ..? idk it just felt really awkwardly described especially ash??????? wasn’t ash in their world????? how is he also so involved in thule?????? julian and emma landing on the beach and conveniently the whole army is there????? it just felt badly written
i dont care abt the tmi characters im sorry except simon and izzy bc we barely see them but the rest slkdfjkdsfj i get they’re the foundation of cassie’s whole shadowhunter world but i’m much more interested in the current characters
the kieran/cristina/mark situation.... felt zero chemistry there and i really didn’t like it but glad polyamory getting representation but sighs. more reason for cassie to write sex. 
julian.. my anti-hero........ you had so much potential 
kit herondale. once again thank you for saving this book. i love you forever
im still excited for the next series but i’m just a little upset right now. i was really looking forward to this and i spent most of the book annoyed. sighs. i’ll still read her other books because a) daddy will herondale b) i have high hopes for kitty
the end
thank you for reading i love u all
please let me know thoughts whether you disagree or not
id actually love for people to give me reasons to love this book bc i really really wish i did
(also didn’t reread this cause its so long im sorry if there are mistakes/some parts dont make sense)
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aadmelioraa · 6 years
I'm already kind of dreading this fandom once the season starts. I won't say what, but a spoiler is going around and people are already getting into a tizzy and holy crap is it exhausting. I've been trying to curate my dash because I love this show and I'm just sick of all the negativity and freaking out. There's you and a few others who are absolute rays of sunshine and I really appreciate it!
First of all, thank you. I appreciate that compliment very much
Re: spoilers, I’ve got everything blacklisted and I’m pretty sure I’ve still seen it going around because some people (who I’ve now unfollowed) don’t tag their spoilers. It’s annoying, but what can ya do. I hope people will be more considerate during the season if/when additional spoilers come out, but I’m not holding my breath. All I can do is unfollow, blacklist, and continue to remind y’all I DONT WANT SPOILERS please and thank you. 
We’re at that point in the hiatus (an extreeeeeemely long hiatus, at that) where we’re starting to go a little haywire, I think. The premiere is so close yet so far, and we’ve kind of forgotten what it’s like when the show is actually airing. Even apart from the end of hiatus craziness, fandom can definitely be exhausting, sometimes in good ways (like AMM!! We did that, y’all!), sometimes in…not so good ways. 
The best way to avoid fandom fatigue is something you’ve already done: curating your dash. I’ve unfollowed/blocked people for big reasons (they constantly start drama and attack people) and also comparatively small ones (I don’t like the way they talk about one of my faves and I don’t want to see that on my dash). It’s silly to get so divided over things the way we do sometimes. There’s room for a multitude of opinions and interpretations in fandom…or there should be. Blocking/blacklisting/unfollowing is a crucial way to create that room. If more people did that instead of engaging in “discourse” (I don’t mean civil debate, I mean inflammatory rhetoric driven wank) we’d have 75% less drama. 
It doesn’t have to be personal. I have no problem blocking people I’ve never interacted with if it’s the right call for my mental health…and I wish more people thought that way tbh. If I vehemently disagree with someone’s opinions or rhetoric to the point that seeing their url pisses me off, I’m gonna cut them out of my fandom experience, not hijack their posts or try to start shit. I don’t own my favorite characters/ships/shows and I can’t control the way people think about them, so why bother trying? 
Fandom is entirely what you make of it. You don’t have to follow or talk to anyone no matter how “big” they are in the fandom. Seek out other fans who create and reblog content that makes you happy. There’s a tendency on this site to focus on the negative, and while I definitely agree that critical analysis is an important (and cool, and fun, and dynamic) part of fandom, it’s not all I want from my fandom experience. 
And fandom is supposed to be fun. If there are any blogs you follow that prevent your experience from being fun, give ‘em the boot. It doesn’t mean they’re bad people, but your mental health should take precedence over everything else when it comes to fandom. You’re not obligated to follow anyone or partake in any discourse no matter how important the majority of the fandom might deem it. Don’t want to get bogged down in the constant meta debates? Scroll on past. Hate seeing character X’s face on gifsets and edits? Blacklist their tags. Annoyed by blogger Y’s sense of humor? Unfollow or block them.
You don’t need a moral justification to like or dislike characters or ships, and the same is true of bloggers and fandom trends. 
Anyway, sorry for the tangent. I’m personally really excited for this coming season, and though my fandom circle remains pretty limited I’m looking forward to chatting with more like-minded people like yourself when the show returns. We’re so close :)
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aghostsdestiny · 4 years
Eyes up, Guardian! Id like to think Im pretty easy-going, but even I have rules. Some of it is more guidelines on what to expect here. Review my tags to see more on blog content.
Rules and Guidelines
1.) There may be occasional NSFW-like content.
Im well over 21 years old and sometimes may post or reblog somewhat suggestive jokes or imagery. Ive no interest in most intimate NSFW images, being asexual and sex repulsed, but some references are passable.
While it seems strange to those without my conditions, I am triggered by the sight (though not reading) of flesh/molded mouth-kissing; such images wont be reblogged, but more power to others who want to enjoy it in their spaces.
* an exception is the art styles/angles where mouths "disappear" when touching; thats not triggering. (Please dont apply this automatically to others with my conditions, my experience is NOT universal and that type of kiss imagery may still trigger others who have mouth-kiss traumas)
2.) I likely wont reblog genuinely angry sounding posts, posts that mock other fans, contain death threats (even as jokes), or may instigate negative reactions.
Im not here for drama. Its nothing personal and may not reflect on the overall topic/s in the post. Many is the time i want to reblog a post about getting along but OP insulted people's mental conditions. I cant reblog that, but i hope everything works out for the best for all.
I once had a ton more to say in a post about other's opinions [ link ]
3.) Im a lot about memes and shitposts, happy to poke fun at even my favorite characters; so no worries, i dont hate them lol, its all in good humor. Same for non-faves; its not about hate, its about funnies.
4.) Please do not reblog others posts from my blog with your own disagreeing harsh statements; if you have an issue with OP please take it up with them without doing it through me.
5.) If you think Ive done anything questionable, please feel free to tell me so i can be aware and make proper corrections.
Contact me privately (via my main @ Scintillant-H), if you could, and please be kindly when you do; In recent years Im trying to have some semblance of self respect and i will not listen to whoever doesnt treat me like i have feelings. If you dont care about my feelings, why should i care about yours?
* please note that "kindly" is several levels above "decently."
6.) Anyone who doesn't believe in equal rights is NOT welcome on my blog. Nazis, and like-minded people are 100% not welcome here.
Men, neurotypicals, cis, whites, heteros, able-bodied, Christians, (majority etc), are not historically oppressed and if you think they are then maybe leave my blog in peace.
This is not that kind of blog and you need to go.
Related: i will not reblog any post where a POC is whitewashed, or other clear/canon minority rep is erased. If i cant tell whether or not erasure has occurred, i likely wont reblog, out of caution.
7.) I will only block over consistent harassment. If you wont leave me alone and persist with negative interactions, I'll have to block. But until someone meets that requirement I'll likely only put their name in my content filter list.
8.) Do not just casually up and talk to me about incest, child abuse, or discussing torture. I shouldn't need to elaborate on this. Its upsetting & i have my own experiences, here.
9.) Im NeuroDivergent and sometimes dont grasp social cues, so if you have a point to make then dont play word games. Hints, clues, etc, i wont catch them and i wont understand.
If you insist on using them for anything important then A.) You're irresponsible to play games with important topics, B.) You're being ableist for expecting me to do something that my brain cant just do, and C.) At this point you know that i won't understand and are using word-code anyway, so you're trying to sabotage the situation, which is manipulative. Please reconsider.
Im happy to discuss things, fam, please just be understanding in your approach. Feel free to message me if you need to talk.
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dxmedstudent · 7 years
hello dr. dx (i hope u dont mind me calling u that), i've noticed that in a lot of medical tv shows/movies there's always an ep where the patient/their families refuse medical help bc of their religion (Jehovah's witness seems to always be the reason) and the doctors portrayed almost always just gives up. im curious about how you and other docs go about this in the real world. i understand u have to respect the pts. wishes but do u just give up after informing them of all the consequences?
Hello! I’m fine with you calling me Dr Dx, even Dx is fine. Unless we’re in hospital and you’re my patient, then I’m pretty much another normal person * :) Medical ethics is a really interesting subject; like many of us, I could probably wax lyrical about it all day and still have things to say. It’s sometimes clear cut, and sometimes it’s less than evident what the ‘best’ way forward is. But what’s important is knowing what the laws are, within the country we are working in. I’ll start with something important. People usually (almost always wrongly) quote the Hippocratic oath, which is archaic and technically legally irrelevant. But that’s not the only ethical code we have. More simply, and importantly, we have four basic pillars in medical ethics; four rules that fundammentally govern how we act:
Autonomy – we must respect the patient's right to make their own decision.
Beneficence – we must 'do good' for our patients.
Non-Maleficence – we must aim to  'do no harm'
Justice – we must treat people fairly and equitably.
So it’s built into the basic rules of doctoring that we have to respect the patient’s right to choose what happens to their body and their health. In the UK, the laws are clear regarding whether a patient is capable of making this choice; that is, whether they are competent. Every adult is presumed competent unless we have reason to suspect otherwise, in which case we assess their competence.  Teenagers can be found to be Gillick/Frasier competent if they are mature enough to understand the decision, but that’s a more complex issue. Exactly where the line is for whether a patient is competent can be complex. But to summarise the essence of competence, it’s something like this:  that the patient has the ability to take in the relevant information, retain that information long enough to decide,  process it and weigh it up, come to a decision and communicate that decision to us.  It’s absolutely vital for us to realise this: the decision that the patient has come to does not need to be rational to us; patients, if the are competent, have the right to make a ‘bad’ decision. We as a society don’t go around interfering with everyone’s lives when they are making a decision that may be regrettable, and that holds true for medicine as well. Someone like a Jehovah’s Witness (and I’ve treated a few) has firmly held beliefs about which treatments they will consider, and which they won’t. It’s absolutely fine for us to discuss the potential options with them (including alternatives to blood products), and the risks of refusing treatment we think is medically necessary. To be fair, most Jehovah’s witnesses are very, very informed about this already, because it’s one of their core beliefs. So quite often, they already know everything there is to know. And it’s important to realise that they aren’t acting out of ignorance, but out of beliefs. Ignorance of medical science is something you can potentially change, if you take time to build up their trust and discuss things together. But beliefs are a different matter; it’s unlikely that I or anyone else will change how they feel about something that was never based on fact to begin with. Now, I can attempt to inform a patient who just doesn’t know enough to make a decision, and I can work with a patient to clear up any misapprehensions they may have about treatment options. But I probably will not be causing any massive changes in peoples’ idealogies. I’m not out to convert people to a different religion or make them stop believing in what they already practice; I have to respect that this is a part of them, and support them with this in mind. The conversations we have with each patient is different, and so are the pressures acting on them. So with some patients you can barely touch on a topic at all because their mind is decided, whereas with other patients it is much easier to have an indepth discussion about a difficult topic. But there’s only so much talking we can do before the clinician has to accept that the patient has made their choice. I don’t watch many medical dramas (heh, you can have such a thing as too much medicine, I usually flick the channel onto somehting else as if something awful came on, whenever I happen upon a medical program on TV these days!), but perhaps they aren’t quite doing these kinds of interaction justice when they portray the topic. I guess that happens because TV likes to show medicine as being dramatic, with constant life-and-death decisions and people butting heads over everything, and egos blazing on all sides. But in real life, everything is much more slow-paced, most decisions aren’t imminently life threatening, most people are more mellow and eveything is generally a lot less exciting. I dare say nobody would watch an average doctor’s shift on TV if it wasn’t jazzed up a bit. From where I’m standing, I don’t see it as ‘giving up’ if I respect that my patient with particular beliefs will choose to go along with them. The rules are there for a reason, and I must follow them, but it’s more than that; I have to respect the free will of the patient to choose for themselves. I have to respect them as an individual capable of reasoned thought and free will, even if I disagree with their choice. Although it’s sometimes uncomfortable when patients choose what we would consider to be a bad course of action (most frequently, self-discharging when we think they still need treatment, please don’t do this), it’s part of our job to support their right to decide. And it’s just as much a vital part of doctoring, being one of the 4 core tenets of our care. If I think someone will die as a direct result of refusing treatment, I’d be pretty negligent to not make that clear, and it’s never fun to have to go the ‘you know, if you continue with this, you may die, and I have to make you sign this paperwork to demonstrate that you understand that I’m telling you that you may die, because you may die’ route. It’s never a path we like walking down, because we like treating people, and we like fast solutions, and we like to know that we’ve done our best, sorted someone out and they are now safe. That is literally all I want from every patient interaction, for them to be stable, safe and be getting better. In the end, doctors are simple people at heart. We want to make things better and keep people safe. But, in the end, I have to respect their right to decide, if they have capacity.  It doesn’t matter if someone decides to refuse treatment A because of their beliefs, or because they think it won’t work, or because they prefer holy water and homeopathy, or because they just don’t like me and think I’m stupid. As long as they are competent (i.e. mentally there enough to be able to decide), then it’s their call. Now, sometimes people aren’t competent to decide. In which case, in the UK we treat them either according to the mental capacity act (if the illness is physical) or the mental health act (if the illness and treatment is mental health related). We can treat people in their best interests (i.e. to save their life) knowing that they cannot make a decision at this point in time, because their ability to do so is significantly impaired. This might be due to something physical like an infection causing them to be delirious, or something mental like an acute episode of mania. If they can’t make the decision because they lack capacity, we act in their best interests, with the aim of restoring their ability and capacity. We try to be the least restrictive or invasive that we can be, and to act purely with their interests in mind. And if the patent is a kid, things get more complex. If doctors believe a kid needs lifesaving treatment and the parents refuse (whatever the grounds), odds are that the doctors and hospital will probably have to take the family to court and treat the child in their best interests, regardless of the beliefs and reasonsings of the parent. Because, although we’re allowed to make rash or silly decisions about ourselves, we aren’t necessarily allowed  to do this for our children. Because our children are not chattel, and have their own inviolable rights to life and to treatment. So if a child is involved, things get a lot more complicated, tend to go to court, and the doctors will err on the side of actively treating the child wherever possible. That’s where things can get really complex and bitter. Nobody wants these kinds of situation to arise, and it can be hugely stressful for everyone involved. But for the most part, it’s not as dramatic as TV will have you believe. For the most part, even patients with strongly held beliefs who refuse treatments are generally cooperative and able to make a plan for their present and future care. It adds another layer of complexity to our work, but we don’t sit there every day stressing about what might happen if a Jehovah’s Witness came in. It’s just a situation we have to address every once in a while. * in hospital, I’m just a normal person with a stethoscope and too many things to do...
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anaparamosart · 7 years
ABOUT the Supercorp drama on SDCC17 (Not a hate comment)
Sorry guys if  i offend someone with this. Some would agree, some disagree. My grammar can be shit but I dont really care at this point.
I know and understand must of the LGTB community and Supercorp Shippers get it really personal on today's events and interviews with the cast. But really... Can you just think for a second, they dont really do that for being mean o disrespectful?.. i mean, like. REALLY THINK ABOUT IT.
They are actors, they are playing a role on the show and they enjoy that role. They also seem like they get along really well!...so i would like to know:
Why you all send hate to a member of the cast, who was making fun (make clear, not in a personal and focus disrespectful way) of a topic we all enjoy, but instantly feel like its a kick on the gut?...
Don’t get me wrong, and i think most of you are in this point. I DO SHIP SUPERCORP, I dont ship Karamel, but I respect the fandom as Well as the actors that play the roles.... But all this circus? like really guys? are you really getting it this far?... Obviously We dont like people laughing of our likes or believes (Tells you a person who suffered bullying most part of her early years... like real bulling, not the cyber offensive ones nowadays)
They DO respect the fandom. They DO believe in the fans believes... THEY DO KNOW HOW the writers are taking the character on the series. They know, They see it every single day on social media, where we the fans dont stop to hunt them and question them if they act different to they character. They are their own person so, Drop it. Please. Its Rude....THAT IS REALLY RUDE.
We criticize how society is closed to heteronormativities and all, and how they dont have an open mind... Sorry but, Is this drama any different?...
I mean...yeah, you got it against something you ship...  BUT  ITS A WAY OF THOUGHT! Jezz, its not even exactly a thought, just the heat of the moment. Yeah, some laugh, more joyful than other, but that was not because they ENJOYED being mean .... but because that is their nature and how they interact with each other. Have you ever make fun of a friend but he didn't get mad because they know you dont say it really for making them feel bad, but for pass a good moment?
Im so glad i grew on a family that taught me , aside of so much values and kind of thoughts: DONT GET ANYTHING PERSONAL....yeah. Its true. You cant take every word as valued and specially against to your persona. You dont get to know the context under those words were said or what was the mood. Also, Im on a Family with LGTB members, if youre wondering if I support them or not. we are. a lot. Proud open minded family.
Other. Making fun of a topic its a show of how comfortable and no Tabu that  topic is between them. means ITS ACCEPTED as a topic to comment.
Sorry guys, but this really got me shocked how Double moral the fandom has... They do got riot when someone says something against your Ship... but they also put guilty on an HETEROPHOBIC arguments. that got Childish at times
This kinda behavior if why some actors dont like to interact with the fans. You cant say anything because everyone is a different world. Good and bad are things so ambiguous you cant risk open your mouth.... You want this to happen?, Good. Keep making this drama and attack the actors for  things like this, that are not against anyone rights...YOU attacking them directly are the one against their liberty of expression.. You are the one putting every word of their mouths into a homophobic comment. You are putting them in that context.
So YEAH... They were making fun. And something bad happened. But the bad thing... was not what they said or do, but the closed minds those words reached.
With All respect, and hopping someone got this far without a wounded pride:
STOP the HATE and STOP acting like brutes.  I liked to think we were all mature enough  to keep this kinda topics... Im sad to discover i was wrong.
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i-am-the-bamf · 7 years
😡, ✿, 유, ♂, ☿, ✍, ✉, ❅ , ☯, ✘ , ▲, ▼, ♫, ❤, ღ, ☂ - hmm, I know this is a lot but I really like the way you roleplay, and I'm curious...
This is so long i’m putting it under the cut 
😡 : Worst role play-related encounter and what advice you would give to others to avoid similar situations?
((That’s really simple one though. I remember a time I did a thread with an oc that 100% ignored most of my rules. It was as if they looked at my rules and made a checklist for the thread based off of that. 
honestly the obvious way to avoid similar situations just...read the damn rules. please. thank you. They’re there for a reason, and that’s not for you just to break them)) 
✿ : Fondest role-play memory, between muns?
((honestly, i keep making more and more wonderful memories with the muns i rp with. I’ve made so many great friends through here, and sooo many amazing memories, i can’t pick one
유 : A role-play related instance that you regret/are ashamed/not proud of?
((Basically just my whole early characterization, the way i rped as a whole when I was starting off, and all of the shit i decided to put up with from this one mun for a while just because i didn’t want the drama that would come with stopping the threads))
♂ : Do you have a role-play/writing routine? If so, what is it?
((not really? I like to put on a series i’m currently watching, usually crime shows or gordon ramsay shows and have them playing in another tap while i do replies. I like to have snacks around sometimes, but most of the times i just...write? with mixed results at times))
☿ : A trope you dislike?
((when a friend of a trans character misgenders them just because they’re angry at them. just....that’s goddamn shitty don’t do that))
✍ : Offer 3-5 tips on how to get other role players started on interacting with your muse.
((1. be honest that you’re only contacting me to rp. I appreciate straight forwardness more than awkward small talk for a few days before getting that ‘so do you want to rp?’ question. 
2. Have an idea about a thread, what you want to happen and how we could have it happen. 
3. be upfront about what you’re looking for. do you want a rivalry? have an interest in a ship? friendship? alright we can try it out! 
4. Just be respectful in general. Respectful and kind, Kurt responds to that very well))
✉ : On average, how long does it take you to write a reply that you’re pleased with?
((It can depend really, it can take from ten minutes to a half an hour, sometimes up to 45 minutes before i’m satisfied))
❅ : Advice to non-role play blogs that want to get started?
((well honestly, just be organised. Make sure that other people can find all the info they need easily, and it’ll make it easier to spark their interest. Especially if an oc is involved. Make sure that your rules and your muse’s bio, verses, and any other info you want people to know, is easily accessible)) 
☯ : Greatest challenge to writing your character?
((Kurt in a difficult situation. Sometimes he doesn’t know what to do and ends up doing the worst possible thing on accident and honestly it’s frustrating as all hell))
✘ : Any head canons you’d like to imply on you character but know they wouldn’t fit?
((I wanna think of Kurt as a good guitar player but....obviously...not gonna happen???))
▲ : What sort of information do you like to see on someone’s role play page that helps you determine whether or not you would want to write with them?
((i like to see their rules and their bio to start with. I want to get a good enough idea of a character to decide if they will get along well with Kurt or not, and even think about possible plots for them. I also like to see different verses too, because Au’s are fun))
▼ : Are there popular head canons for your character that you disagree with? Why?
((The Double D Discourse™ just because there is no actual proof and it’s not really my thing))
♫ : Are there parts of your own personality that you reflect onto your character? How do they work?
((I’m....honestly not sure pfft. I don’t know if the traits we do have in common were already there, or are ones I ended up putting in. There are no traits that I put in on purpose i can tell you that much))
❤ : What are some role-plays that you have done/are doing that you particularly enjoy and wish to share with your followers?
((oooooh man so many tho!! In no particular order: 
The pirate au with @wildtsukai
The burglar au with @clawsandmotorcycles
The assassin and dancer au with @blind-mutant
Any of my current rp’s with @munichsbluedevil !!! 
Basically any brother’s au’s because yeessss 
and the thread I’m doing with @soaringskyward 
and those are just a few i love soooo many of my threads!!!))
ღ : What sorts of plots/characters/scenes do you have the most difficulty writing, and why?
((scenes: smut. because sometimes i just can’t think of anything and feel silly writing it and feel like i’m repeating myself. 
characters: extreeemely smart muses...i just can’t keep up with them
not sure about plots though))
☂ : Spread some love: mention someone you’ve met that has influenced you or your writing in a positive way, and explain how.
((oh daaang okeyokeyokeyokey 
@munichsbluedevil @veryincrediblenightcrawler @blue-fluff-elf: Other Kurt’s that have helped me broaden my horizon a little bit and shown me different sides of Kurt that I didn’t consider before. They helped me come up with and develop a few of my headcanons, and have really helped me develop his character with time. 
@wildtsukai: Just...the first novella-style rper that I had on here and they’re just so...inspiring to me! They really did corrupt me in the best of ways when it comes to angst, and seeing their writing style and getting to interact with them has really helped my own style in the best of ways. 
@blind-mutant: Admittedly they’ve helped me add to my vocabulary more than they probably realize! Their way of writing is great, and like wildtsukai they’ve influenced me in the best of ways! On top of that they have really helped me when it has come to my self confidence and my writing, and I can’t thank them enough!
there are also so many more but i dont want to make this longer than it already is so there you go!!))
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