#if wondering about why the white lil one looks so familiar...
crusader-kings · 2 years
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going thru THE artblock right now, have some kids + parents i sketched the other day
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occamstfs · 3 months
New Meaning to Hazing
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Here's a scent triggered nerd to frat bro TF, usual mandatory group project stuff. Hope you enjoy! -Occam
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It was not shaping up to be Henry’s day. His lab partner Alexander invited him over to his place so they may work on their report together. He was beyond shocked to learn that his partner, one of the few people on campus he could really call a friend, seemed to live in a frat house. Walking past the less than manicured lawn, complete with circles of dead grass where kegs sat out too long with litter from a recent party still hiding at the edges, Henry couldn’t help but feel his friend would never deign to live in such grotesque bro-squalor.
He checks the address sent once more before moving to knock on the stark white door to the manor, unaware of the curtains shifting as he is watched by whomever awaits him inside. He raises an arm to rap on the door before it is thrust open by one of the brothers. The large man is shirtless and sweaty, presumably fresh off a work-out which Henry is vainly trying to avoid noticing. Inside the foyer of the house is only just neater than the lawn, the trash at least overflowing front the trash cans rather than scattering the floor. 
Henry forces an awkward smile and begins backing away before he is ushered in by the sweaty man, “Hey bro, did ya need sumthin?” Gears turn in the man’s head as he tries to recall why some twerp would be coming to visit the house this morning. Henry sees the man’s mind grind to a halt and thinks about taking the opportunity to flee like the prey he is. He hesitates and the lapse passes, the oaf shouting out into the house. “Anyone expectin’ an, uh, nerd? This mornin’?” Henry hears a cacophony of barely conscious men groaning nos from rooms down the hall, breaking through them though is an almost familiar voice, “oh wait yeah, think I’ve got some project shit with him, can you send him over here?”
The troll of a man that has ushered Henry in beams and throws an arm around him, continuing to lead him through the threshold, “Huhuh! Why didn’t ya just yer here to see Lex lil bro! C’mon, he’s right this way.” Henry has no way to surreptitiously escape now that he’s been pulled inside the wholly unpleasant estate. Passing open rooms Henry could see a few men sleeping away the day and judging by the pervasive odor in the air there are at least a dozen or so more hiding from his view, if not his nose. He struggles not to visibly recoil at the musk lest he provoke his apparent guide through this bro-y hellscape.
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Arriving in the living room he finds piles of dirty laundry on top of stained couches almost as expected at this point. More shocking than that is the large man lying in between them watching porn in the middle of this shared living space. His modesty barely covered by a pillow, the man looks up with eyes glazed over and stubble dotting his jaw. Despite the well sculpted body and jungle of pit hair exposed, almost as a challenge to the nerd interrupting him. Henry feels some foggy connection with this man who should fill him with only disgust. Trying not to too closely inspect the man mid-masturbation Henry can’t help but notice that he looks like some juiced up and dulled down version of his lab partner, Alexander.
His eyes widen as the frat bro smirks and scratches at one of his pits, smelling his hand before speaking up, “Hey dweeb, are you gonna just stand there and watch me jack it or can you get my fucking homework over with already.” His right hand returns under the pillow and Henry is taken aback, now recognizing the voice as his friend’s, only an octave deeper and dripping with derision at his once-friend. Henry clears his throat to apologize and shifts his eyes away from the man, wondering if he should enquire about his obviously changed state. 
He had never seen his lab partner shirtless before so perhaps he’s been hiding this impressive build the whole time. But, no it’s impossible. He’s at least a foot taller. Henry cannot reconcile how sharp his stubbled jaw is, the lazy lust filling his glazed over eyes, or the dull crawl of his deeper raspier voice. “I’m sorry for um, interrupting Alexan-” His lab partner twitches before Henry finishes the name. Immediately looking away from the porn and to Henry, “It’s fucking Lex dude. And did you not hear me? Get to work or I’ll fuckin’ make you.” Henry sees veins pump larger on his arms as Lex gets worked up. Trying to make himself small and agreeable, Henry backs away.
Lex smirks as he sees the nerd shrink into himself, the pillow bouncing higher as he feels his power, his masculinity, affirmed. Though completely driven by his balls, an idea squirms its way to the front of his mind. This little dork just wandered into his turf. Fucker’s gonna learn to respect his frat real quick. Henry sees darkness infuse Alex’s eyes as a deeper hunger grows within him. Barely masking the hunger filling his voice, Lex speaks up, “you know what bro, I’m sorry about this, just a little pent up. You know how it gets I bet,” he pulls his hand free from his crotch and gestures towards Henry, flicking his pre at the nerd.
Henry scoffs as this is quite the line too far, his face burns with embarrassment, no, with rage as he starts to feel anger far greater than he could muster before at this jerk whose supposed to be his friend! Seeing this brings genuine delight to his partner who laughs out a clearly fake apology, “Huhuh, sorry bro. Why don’t you head up to my room and get started. Here’s a change of clothes if you want it dude”
Lex grabs a shirt from the pile sniffing it and recoiling before shrugging and throwing it anyway. Were he thinking Henry certainly would have noticed his using the same cum covered hand to hurl the shirt. But something about his rising rage has heightened his awareness to the haze of the frat house, musk distracting him in a manner that is distinctly not disgust as he is pelted with the shirt and coated in some mysterious liquid.
Henry scoffs in indignation and departs for the room, leaving the shirt behind as he begins to unbutton his own stained top. “Up the stairs. Third door on your right, Bro.” Driven not by the scholarly initiative that brought him to this horrid place he obeys the man’s instructions rather than simply fleeing outright in what may be his last chance at salvation. Henry wanders up the stairs without a thought spent on anything but trying to understand the peculiar feeling rising within him at the wretched stink.
Arriving at the door Henry enters and slams it behind him, unsure if he wants time to work on this project by himself or for that cum-for-brains oaf to follow him up shortly. He clicks the lock on the door, either way not wanting to be caught unprepared by the monster storming in as he disrobes his stained shirt. Henry jumps as he sees a figure move in the room only to find the wall  across from the bed is covered in a massive mirror. Ever a curious mind Henry wanders over to inspect it and discovers hundreds of stains of god knows what. Some sick new instinct suggests he sniff and Henry is immediately lightheaded as his mind is assailed by what seems like years of cum stains.
His eyes glaze over and his mind is overwhelmed. Henry stands in front of the mirror staring straight at himself, unaware as his appearance slowly begins to shift. Glasses that are as solid a facet of his appearance as his nose fall from his face and disappear as his hair darkens and curls messily atop his head. His torso expands and thins as his arms grow gawky and lengthen. His skin tans and smooths as his mind remains boggled by the odors swimming through the air, stretching as the changes itch and burn under his skin. He feels muscle pull on his chest as something that should not be there cramps and breaks his trance. His nipples poke larger, growing hard in the chilly room and Henry blushes as he feels his cock pulse in his briefs. Uncomfortable at the idea of getting off at his own reflection and unable to bring his conscious mind to awareness of his changes.
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Each second spent investigating his reflection the oppressive weight of Lex’s odor sinks deeper. Looking into his own eyes and seeing a man who he simply cannot be, Henry feels a headache quickly  rise. taking a deep breath he lets his mind clear and he shakes his head, hair flopping as it never has. But he pays no mind. He should just get started on the assignment. Yeah, the quicker he’s done the quicker he’ll be out of here. 
His mind strays to thoughts about Lex as he pulls out his laptop, he is in the jerk’s room after all. He sneers looking around at the mess, seeing oddly stained socks and half-drunk cans of beer scattering every surface. His eyes steer clear of his reflection as something deep in his mind refuses to see his reflection. His face burns as he feels his cock start to grow in his pants at the idea of Lex. “God fuck him, this is supposed to be a group assignment.” Henry bites his lip to distract from the mounting pressure in his pants.
Never a man of much will Henry digs deep into some new reserve and stubbornly gets to work. Opening a database to find sources for their report. Typically he wouldn’t even mind doing a report alone but something about that ass getting any credit really sets his mind ablaze. He thought Alex was his friend, but ever since seeing him as Lex something just. Something’s digging in the back of his mind just out of notice. He breathes deep to loose a large sigh, musk rising in his chest as a thought more pervasive than anything grabs his consciousness, Don’t worry about it bro.
Henry stares at his library’s homepage as any forward movement in his mind is halted. He could stand to chill a bit for sure. He scratches at his chest and tries to remember how he was planning to tackle this report. Thoughts moving slower than usual in his mind, waylaid by this command as well as the still advancing scent of Lex’s squalor. Following the professor’s instructions to a tee Henry sets out to start his dull work. Scrawling notes down into a spiral he tilts his head in confusion as his handwriting is far less fluid and graceful than usual. No time at all to think further on the matter as he is again struck with apathy towards anything peculiar. He takes another deep breath and another message blares through his mind, deeper, Welcome to the party bro, just keep breathing deep.
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Henry scratches more at his chest as thin hair begins to poke out around his nipples. Nigh invisible blonde peach fuzz scattered around the center of his chest slowly lengthens and grows dark as the hair on his head grows longer and greasier. He rubs a hand through it and almost grimaces, feeling as unwashed as any of the slobs in this horrible compound. Despite the cool room in which he sits he begins to sweat as he sits there, computer in lap. His face rearranges into something a tad less feminine and his head twitches to the side at his criticism of the slobs, his fellow slobs. Like an alarm the thought brings him back to some semblance of himself. He is a neatfreak isn't he? He searches his memory to find any evidence to support the reality he knows.
Henry again scratches at his chest as similar itches arise in his pits and crotch. Two areas he is suddenly armed to ignore lest more similarities spring to mind between him and the slobs of this sick place, or worse Lex himself. His mind drags a memory of Lex’s treasure trail snaking above the pillow as he feels his pubes itch. His hands try to stray as he wrenches them abc to a keyboard to get some research done. His fingers miss keys as they inch slightly larger than they’ve been before, palms expanding wider and demanding adjustment. Henry clenches his jaw and takes another deep breath to stem his irritation.
The musk in the air becomes cloying to him as he suddenly begins to add to it, his sweat slides down his back and down onto his ass as a new itch arises there. He tries to keep his mind focused on his homework but every click and keypress becomes more difficult as his mind demands distraction, release. After clicking on an article filled with more text than he cares to read he thoughtlessly goes to scratch at his package. As soon as he touches it he is overcome with pleasure. Giving in immediately, he rubs through his pants as his sweaty back slides against the wall leaving his own stains in Lex’s room. His hips hump into the air as his cock strains his underwear beyond imagination, the sound of a tear cracks through the air as his pants slide into a wedgie from sliding down on the floor.
Henry tosses his laptop to the side and is stuck with indecision to just rub one out or not. What is he thinking? He’s in someone else’s fucking room, Lex’s room. The thought sends even more passion coursing through him as hormones and hunger rise. He bites his lip and scrolls to see just how long this article is, maybe he can work some kind of deal out with his balls right? He’s in control here. He tries to sit up and feels with every small movement or twitchy adjustment, waves of pleasure launch into his mind. Dulling every instinct besides those most basal and hungry. Attempting to gather any substance from the wall of text on screen is quickly abated as he decides to find some other distraction from whatever sickness is compelling his mind.
His balls pulse as he struggles to stand to his feet, his eyes stay focused ahead, away from his reflection as he sees a video game controller on Lex’s bed, surely his br- his lab partner wouldn’t mind, def not. He awkwardly steps forward feeling his larger balls pull tighter and grow larger as he struggles to fight against their constant impulses. His feet expand as he steps on Lex’s cum-filled socks and any disgust he once felt, should feel, is overridden by an ever-peaking desire for release.
His pants fully rip as his package becomes wholly unmanageable by the size 28 pants he threw on this morning. Henry scrambles under Lex’s blanket to protect his modesty and convulses as he hears something squish underneath him in the bed. His expression squirms between pleasure and judgment at his bro for being such a slob. God! Not his bro, his uh? New ideas breeze across his mind as his mind has begun to slip at a far greater pace. Each musty breath blanching more of himself away, Henry never really stood a chance. But hopping into Lex’s surely unwashed sheets was an err far too great.
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Grabbing at the controller and getting started Henry feels his arm prickle as ink starts to seep to the surface. Would’ve sworn he’d never deface his body like that but he clearly has, right? Haha! His jaw grows slack as, for the first time in a while, he is able to focus on something other than his demanding balls. He feels an itch on his chin as stubble just like his bro’s begins to speckle his face as he begins to put on weight. Hair on his chest and pits begins to grow longer as he lays in an altar to Lex’s must. Quickly losing in the game he almost tosses his controller across the room as the unfamiliar rage that started his descent arises once more.
God what’s fucking up with him today. He grunts and pays no mind to the sound that echoes throughout the musty air, deeper than he could ever fathom issuing forth. He scans the room no longer seeing his laptop or discarded clothes. His eyes just manage to avoid looking at his reflection with some remnants of existential terror fighting against the rising instinct that he needs to pay his hot body some attention. Instead he notices Lex’s laptop on the bed beside him, porn already cued up. He bites his lip and smirks as he feels his cock begin to spew pre onto Lex’s sheets. Surely his bro won’t mind.
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Back downstairs Lex gets off to himself as he imagines that little nerd trying not to lose himself in his own musky haze. Picturing in his mind the new curves of his body as hair begins to grow like a jungle across his figure. He starts going at it imagining Henry struggling to keep his mind focused on anything other than his growing muscle and rapidly expanding cock. Upstairs Henry himself quickly adds to Lex’s tapestry of stains as he sees his arms burn and grow. Guffawing to himself through his moans of self-pleasure as he suddenly finds his own body far more alluring than whatever shitty smut his bro had left open. Looking down at his cock as it grows beyond his understanding out of a bush of pubes darker and dirtier than he could conceive. He needs to see the whole picture.
His eyes widen and he twitches in pleasure and fear as he struggles to and to not look at his own reflection. Biting his lip to draw blood as he grunts deeper by the second, sweat staining the sheets as the bed creaks underneath his still increasing weight. His hair curls and his jaw widens as he clenches it. The curls on his chest spread wider as the little muscle he had became pecs outright, his heart pounding beneath them as the rise with each labored breath.
Drool begins to pool in his mouth as pre streams down the hands clenching his cock. His vision flickers as he manages to steal a glimpse of himself and is evermore changed. The nervous nerd who didn’t even knock on the door is wiped from Henry’s mind as he absorbs his new majesty, the power he now wields. The scent of Lex’s den is absolutely masked by his own as he languishes in his bros sheets, smirking as he flexes at his own reflection. Arms large enough to absolutely wreck his bros PR’s, a  core strong enough to fuck for hours, and thighs large enough to any fucker to submit, to say nothing of his massive cock in between them.
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Immediately after taking himself in Henry loses any remaining control over his libido and moans loud enough to wake every still sleeping brother downstairs as his body cements him the king of this chapter. Painting his own stains up and down Lex’s mirror as he hears his fellow titan start to stomp up the stairs. He feels his cock harden even more intensely as another round swiftly churns in the balls hanging beneath it. Would’ve sworn he had something else going on but for the life in him he can’t figure out what. Making his way over to the door before his bro rips it off the hinges Henry decides surely a good fuck is just what he needs to set himself right again.
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yandere-wishes · 4 months
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✮ Yandere! Boothill x Reader
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Plot: There's a slick black-clad little gal who's been messing with his bounties recently. Boothill's been dying to rustle her up and take a bite
⁀➷ Warnings: Yandere behavior, blood, and gore, war trauma, Genie trying to do a cowboy accent.
⁺₊𝄞₊⁺: Crimson and Clover by Joan Jett
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And I don't hardly know her,
But I think I can love her,
Ah, now when she comes walking over,
I've been waiting to show her,
My mind's such a sweet thing
I want to do everything
What a beautiful feeling
It's not like the movies, they fed us on little white lies.
The first time he sees you there's a tempest of bullets rattling off his chest. Metal singing metal, as shells vie for an opening. It's all very lethal,
like the center of a rabid dust storm. Kissing death and sucking in her poison. Boothill can't tell where the bullets are coming from only that there's a dozen at a time ringing over his head. He shields his face with the metal of his forearms peaking through the gap to catch a glimpse of black.
Pure black.
That's the first thing he notices as your frenzy yields, You're clad in black from head to toe, even going so far as to dawn an eerie familiar mask. He's seen this scene play out somewhere before, he just can't remember where. "Morning mister", he likes that voice, jejune and teeming with confidence. It reminds him of himself, back when the sunset used to mean something and he could still feel wheat stocks under his soft palms.
"Howdy lil'lady I reckon you're in my way. Mind stepping aside before you get yourself hurt?" Your answer comes in the form of an aimed pistol, spine straight, midnight serape caught on the wind. He thinks you look a little too much like the folks back home -back when there was a home- blood boiling over eager for a fight. His bounty is standing just over yonder, blocked partly by your stubborn shadow. Boothill doesn't think twice before firing two rounds.
He's met with four...
He's in a cheap motel on Penacony, screwing in bolts that came loose. In the end, you laid claim to his bounty. Dragging him away to the hills. He's left growling at the thought, bested by a muddle-fudging fox. Lil gal probably ain't never even been in a proper shoot-out. The screwdriver cracks under his metal fingers. Boothill ain't about to start letting some pretty little thing get in the way of him and his targets.
The TV screen flickers to a melancholy monochrome. The films are old, distorted, crippled in parts. But he keeps them around, much like everything else about him, it's a bygone thing refusing to die.
He still likes to play them from time to time, trying to elicit the tastes of home. Hearing Nick and Graey setting plates out for dinner as his siblings rush downstairs. The movies are older than the new universe in more ways than one.
They come from a simpler time.
He'd always wondered why someone would bother painting such precious things in black and white. Spilling melancholia into picture frames, leaving everything tasting of vodka and vanilla.
It doesn't matter though, not really. All that matters is the sound of hooves on sand and bullets shooting. So long as the cowboys live their stories, everything else can be forgiven.
But this time something's off. The bandit's black mask shines through, gleaming something awful making him grind his sharp teeth. That damn mask, sitting pretty over a sly smirk. it reminds him of you, little cutie with your slick attitude. What bandit goes around doing hero's work anyway? What kinda twisted little lady are you?
He's getting mighty sick of this. Do you think you own the universe or something? "Been seeing way too much of you lately." There's sand in his Synesthesia Beacon his voice coming out horse, brittle. He kicks the head of an IPC lackey trying to drive home a point. "You getting on my nerves cutie". The ground looks nothing short of a graveyard, bodies scattered some piled. The blood paints the sands in a deep maroon, reflecting the glint of the distant stars. The last soldier is cowering behind you, his whimpers singing in Boothill's ears, one more bullet, that's all it'll take. "This one's mine" you mutter, and he wonders for a moment if the dry weather is getting to you too. "Not a chance pumpkin" his gun's drawn, firing bullets before you can even feel for your holster. The smirking bullet impales your abdomen, aimed point blank at the officer's head. But before the last body can be claimed you kick the man out of the way.
"Damn it" Boothill's anger is tangible, he knows you can feel it between your teeth. He's going to kill you, tear off that star-saken mask, and riddle you with bullets. You're getting too confident.
He doesn't notice your bullets at first. Protostars trying to act all rough and mighty. There's a temporary cluster of dust, a fraction of a second where his eyes aren't pinning you down. That's all it takes and then you're off. Sinking into the darkness and swimming away, taking his target with you.
It's only after the initial anger wears off that Boothill notices a tear on his thigh. A letter scrawled on the frayed leather of his pants. So you've started leaving your own marks, ay cutie?
He almost wishes he could feel the sting of your blade on his flesh. Feel your nails scrapping along his shoulders as he pins you to the ground.
Boothill fires at the moon.
Next time.
Next time for sure....
He's been chasing you for some time now. But catching up with you isn't as easy as he first thought. Seems like you go wherever the wind takes you and he's too busy with revenge to be following your capricious whims. The IPC ain't going to kill itself you know. And Boothill damn well wishes you'd start sitting still. He's heard from a reliable source that the IPC soldiers are throwing a little get to together down in one of the bars. Just a happy birthday for a colleague, nothing fancy. The thought alone makes his mouth water, place will be crawling with pests just waiting to be gunned down. Maybe tomorrow he'll try looking for you again, but tonight? Tonight's his night.
The neons have dulled now, they never were terribly bright to begin with. Penacony may be the land of dreams but not even dreams can stop reality from seeping through. The bar's loud, some new pop singer's music blasting from every speaker. Boothill downs his drink, liking how the ice cubes chime like a bad omen. He shoots the speakers first, needing some peace to focus on what comes next. The peace corp's lackeys are drunk, they stumble over themselves trying to reach him. He shoots each one like a kid playing carnival games. It's almost too easy...
The door is stampeded over by a heard of reinforcements. Somehow even in his drunken daze one of those yella-bellied lapdogs called for help. They're swarming the place like panicked rats, pushing past tables and chairs. Firearms aimed at his head. And for the first time, in a long, long time, Boothill feels a sliver of panic run down his bionic spine.
Boothill hears the familiar tumult of bodies hitting the ground before he sees what's actually going on. He feels you before he actually sees you. You're pushed up against his back, guns drawn locked, and loaded. "Heard you needed some help" Even though you offer your usual bravado, Boothill still picks up the nervous lilt in your voice, despite everything he thinks he likes it. It almost tastes sweet. "Best get away before you get yourself hurt little fox." "And let you have all the fun? Never."
"Certe murmur pugnando" Boothill laughs, he remembers those very words coming from a buddy of his before a duel. 'At least we'll die fighting' Somethings never change, even if you've carved out every principle from your body with a rusted kitchen knife. You'll always have those pesky morals stuck inside. He hears you chuckle, wonders if you find it odd that a rowdy galaxy ranger such as himself knows a dead language.
Well, he knows a lot about the dead.
The shoot-out lasts longer than he'd have expected.
But the real surprise lies in how neither of you are dead. Boothill's half laid across the bar, looking at you from under his hat. You're making him a drink following his instruction like a good little wife, not contradiction dressed in ebony. Gunpowder withers on his tongue, the bullet smoke permeates the air mixing with the gleeful tang of spilled blood. "Your drinks sure are complicated" you mutter pushing him his cup before picking up a bottle and reading its labels. "What's so hard about it pumpkin? Little bit of white gem and gin. All's you need." He sips your drink slowly, savoring your flavor. He imagines he's gulping you down, holding you for ransom behind his teeth, feeling your delicate little fists pounding against him. "I don't drink" you mumble as you sit across from him, you look so damn elegant, like a little princess from a fairy tale he use to read to a certain someone. You drink deeply from your glass of ice and water. Boothill focuses on the gentle motion of your throat. He licks his lips, trying to push down the thought of ringing such a fragile thing between his palms.
"So little lady, s'about time you start answering some questions...The hell you doing? Running off with my targets?" You set your cup down, eyes locking on his, there's the deficiency he's missed all night. The trigger hair that's just waiting for the right push. "They're not your targets...not really. They're just people. People whose planet got muffed up. I've been trying to gather them all in one place." For a second Boothill thinks you're talking about his planet, his home, his people. But it only takes one more look at you to understand.
"So, how'd yours die?" There's shrapnel in his throat when he asks, open wounds bleeding once more, filling his throat with bitter memories.
You stiffen, and he knows he's thumbing a broken bone, letting his finger dig between the cracks and snapping their frail linings. "Don't know, wasn't there. All I ever got to see were a few limbs, nothing enough to make a full person." you squeeze the glass until your knuckles turn white.
There's vindication rooted in your veins.
He knows the feeling all too well.
"We ain't so different you and I, reckon we make a pretty good team." His metal fingers lace between your soft skin, tracing the lifelines like an old map.
There's a goldmine hidden behind your lips, he imagines he'll have to kiss you to find the little nuggets. Your lips part, eyes filled with an odd-looking sympathy. What he wouldn't give to feel your plump lips bleed between his jagged teeth. "So..." you ask as his mechanic heart skips a beat. "What about yours?"
You've been laughing for five whole minutes. Boothill shouldn't find the noise as ethereal as he does. His anger lays heavily on his bones, he should be even angrier, lounging a bullet through your thick skull. But he finds the noise a little too perfect to disturb its source. Even if it's only created at his expense. Instead, he has half a mind to slap you, hard enough to shut you u and another to kiss you so hard you forget to breathe. "Damn hell so funny, cutie"
You look at him with those luminous eyes. Filled with pain and riddles. Boothill never did like solving puzzles. He only likes tearing things into bits. He needs you spartan, easy to read and use, and kiss. Not something he needs to piece together first.
"Dear stars you have no freaking idea how ironic you are." You say between bursts of spiteful-rooted giggles.
Why do those words sound so haunting like a ghost kiss? they should open phantom pains, but they sure as hell don't. Why do you always leave his head spinning? Boothill rolls his eyes, then leans over to pull down your mask. You jerk back, rewarding him with a dark grimace. You're out the window before he can ask your name.
"See you next time, cowboy"
"Next time I'm drawing blood"
The moment's over.
That night, Boothill dreams of you. He's lying in a stiff musty bed. It's too dark, even the moon is scared of showing her face.
Boothill dreams of the old saloons back home. Of their cracked wooden floorboards and the worn-out plush of chairs. In the dreams, you're wearing a black lace gown, like the saloon girls used to. He finds it all too funny that even in his dreams you still haunt him in black. Only now you're smiling, really smiling. Not that sly smirk, or mirthless grin you gave him back in the bar on Penacony. No, this here is a genuine smile and he's damn sure he's the one who put it there. You reach out for his hand, he feels warmth.
The dream is thick and dense like swimming through molasses. In another scene he's dragging you through the old doors, laughing as bullets and card chips hit the floor. There's a horse waiting outside. His horse. At least he thinks it used to be his. He pulls you up roughly in front of him. He's high off the feeling of his fingers wrapped around the rugged reins. High off the steed he holds in a vice grip between his thighs.
He's riding faster than he's ever ridden before, clambering for the sunset trying to engulf the sun. You hold on tight, pressing your cheek to his chest. His heart is beating something fierce between his ribs. He feels like an Aeon watching the universe collapse under his galloping feet.
He feels alive.
With the sun's rays behind you, Boothill could almost mistake you for the star-dwelling angels Nick used to tell him about. There's something poetic in all of this. The cowboy standing off against the black fox.
Dare he call it cinematic?
Boothill creeps closer. Tilting his hat and watching you flash a nervous smile through his lashes. "Volo sentire te inter dentes meos" so you know that dead tongue too. "You will soon darling, that's what I'm hoping for" his reply only dwindles your smile.
He's missed the old duels. Missed staring into the eyes of the one who could kill you. It's all a matter of skill and luck. Whose faster, who the aeon will trust?
Somewhere in the distance, the tumble weeds begin to rattle.
His bullet glides through the air, piercing through the dust and sand. Your bullet reverberates from your gun a fraction too late and ricochets past his cheek. Leaving a juicy trail of blood.
But his bullet was aimed at your chest.
And Boothill never misses...
You want vengeance he won't deny you it.
So long as you stay by his side.
He'll tuck you away somewhere safe.
Somewhere you won't be leaving him again.
Boothill cradles your body to his chest. "I promised you blood little fox, and Boothill never goes back on his word." His cheeks hurt from smiling as he lays his hat atop your head. He's Picking you up and walking into the sunset. He knows a good ol'doc who'll patch you right up. And then it's a happy life together.
Well for him anyway.
The end
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Taglist: @hihellomy @salhanskkdbfkekfb @gasoline-eater @sp1cym0chi
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ichore · 3 months
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synopsis: by the time your mother decided to marry sukuna ryomen's father, you have already noticed some weird things about your stepbrother. one, he has a thing for masks. two, he has a thing for drugs. three, he has a thing for you. and now you're stuck with him forever.
tags, warnings: MINORS DNI, modern au, stepcest, dubcon at some parts, afab!reader x sukuna ryomen, usage of marijuana, usage of ecstasy, reader usually takes birth control, mask kink, fingering, cunnilingus, p -> v, damn this boy is nasty, happy ending??, not proofread
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"What? You scared?" And there he is, with his shameless chuckle and shit eating grin as he holds up a small, white pill in between his fingers in front of you.
"I'm not fucking scared, Sukuna. I just don't feel like taking it." You spit, your intertwined arms tightening against your chest as your gaze is fixated on the TV.
You curse the day your mother said yes to marriage that brought Sukuna Ryomen into your life; everything was so always carnal about him, so evil and beckoning like a hurricane. Drugs and hookers are all that interest him, and now that your parents kicked him out, this embodiment of chaos wormed and settled his way into your apartment. The anxious knot in the pit of your stomach barely lets you sleep, dark circles growing under your exhausted eyes and the soft insides of your cheeks were bitten bloody and raw.
"Fine," he says finally, before putting the pill away into a small plastic bag - then he pulls out another. You pinch the bridge of your nose in annoyance before you could even see what the bag contained, and you stay in the position while Sukuna's weight falls onto the couch next to you. The distinctive smell of weed begins to tickle your nose as he starts to grind the drug.
"Maybe you should slow down a little," you say, earning only a scoffing huff of air escaping through his grin.
"I'm making this for you. You look like shit. You should ease up a lil. " The wrinkles of malevolence fade at the corners of his dry lips and they're replaced with a slight pout of focus as Sukuna expertly rolls you a joint. At first you wish he had this type of patience for anything else in life, but soon you feel the inviting heat coming from his body, your gaze takes in the muscles that still show themselves across his hoodie. When your eyes travel back to his face, the red of his eyes and dilated pupils are already on you with the usual, knowing smirk tugging at his lips. "What are you looking at?"
"Did you take a fucking molly?"
"Of course I did. I wouldn't have offered the other one to my dear sis if I didn't try it first. Why? Did you change your mind?"
"No... I can literally feel your body is burning from here. This can't be good for you." He carefully adjusts the joint one more time before he licks the edge of the paper and seals it for good before handing it to you. Your fingers graze against his hand as you hesitantly take the cigarette. "This is the last time." you whisper, and he scoffs again; you said the same the other time and the time before that, and now you lit the tip again, inhale another doze of mary jane and a familiar numbness webs your mind.
There's one thing about weed that makes you both love and hate it; horniness. Desire begins to swell in between your legs, your liquid warmth rolling down onto your fingers as you lay on your stomach with porn on your screen right next to your head. You wish the big, muscular man on your screen was creeping up on you and fucking you behind instead of the actress as you lazily tease your clit, your soft moans and sighs escaping through your door that you only closed half way. Except in the peak of your high, you don't hold back your voice, each of your wishes and curses travel to the living room where Sukuna is still sitting on the couch, his pants feeling tighter with each second as he's looking at the black ski mask in his hands.
He wonders which one of you liked masks first. Did he start wearing it because he saw your browser history one time? Or did you search it up because you thought he looked nice in it? Or was it both? Perhaps you both like it because you don't have to actually face him, your stepbrother who knows exactly what type of porn you're watching now and what position you're in without him having to look at you. He knows exactly what you want and how you like it - ironically, part of this information came from your ex as Sukuna beat him up for playing with your feelings.
"Your bitch sister and her fucking masks." Your ex spat, Sukuna remembers, before his knuckles met the bridge of that fool's nose. Sukuna feels his cock twitching in response, silently humming as he finds the answer to his own version of the chicken or the egg question. His hand dives into his sweatpants to find the angry red, pre-cum soaked head of his dick before he begins to stroke it. Your lazy moans tickle his ear from the distance as he tries to match their rhythm, he hitches his breath to focus on you and his building orgasm. His mouth forms a silent O as he feels himself finishing, but then a frustrated whine comes from you.
You can't cum, he realizes. His grips on his cock and his mask weaken as he opens his eyes, his head feeling heavy against the headboard of your couch while he's staring at the ceiling. He should help you. He's the only one who can, after all.
With his mask finally on, he finds you still on your stomach, your legs half dangling off the bed, your panties on the floor, your cheek squished against your bed with one hand still playing with your wetness. He can't remember the last time he hesitated in his life, but this time, as he approaches you slowly, he's scared. Yet, with one hand holding his cock, his feet bring him closer to you. Right next to your bed. His heart pounds vigorously against his ribcage when his free hand touches your ass, his fingers digging into your flesh as you jolt away. He lets go of his member to cover your mouth, his body weighs you down as he presses his nose against your temple.
"Be a good girl, and stay still." He groans, ignoring your sorry attempts of hitting him before you give up. It amazes him how high you could get from a little pot; you don't even recognize his voice, nor his tattoos even though you're looking right at his arm as his fingers enter your pussy. His mouth drops ajar, his fingertips massage your sweetest spot from inside as his maroon eyes are staring at the back of your head. Flushed, disheveled, you look so adorable to him as your walls clench around his fingers strong enough that it even takes him some strength to pull them out of you after you came. "Do you want more, baby?"
"Ah, yes, please, don't stop, don't go" you cry eagerly, your own body betraying you as you push yourself against him, his hard abs sweaty against your back as you both lay on your sides. Despite your whines, his hand leaves your pussy to hold your leg. He coats the head of his dick with your liquid desire before he enters, earning a deep, long moan from each of you as his thickness continues to dive into you until his balls meet your clit. His eyes roll back, he pants as his masked forehead rests against the soft crook of your neck and he's holding onto your thigh for dear life to not cum right at this instant.
"Never had a pussy this good, huh?" you giggle, and you almost turn around to look him in the eye, but he quickly grabs a fistful of your hair to keep your face away from his before he nearly pulls his cock all the way out of you and meanly shoves it back inside. Sweat begins to bead on his body as he continues to roughly grind his hips against yours, the tip of his dick hitting your spot each time. He feels you riding through orgasm after orgasm, your walls sometimes painfully tightening around him as if your screams and moans aren't enough to make him cum alone.
"Fuck, ease up a lil or you'll break my dick," he laughs under his breath. Before he knows it, you're both holding still as you look into each other's widened eyes in shock.
"Ryo... Ryomen?" His heart nearly breaks in two. You've never seen Sukuna Ryomen's eyes filled with regret, but now that your voice shakes with betrayal, his brows furrow as if he's about to weep. He forgets the weight of your drunken state, and your many orgasm lull your panic.
"You always tell me to ease up. A little." You murmur, gingerly pulling yourself away from him to be able to turn around in your bed. To his surprise, you lift his mask up to free his lips; myriad sweat drops roll down the width of his neck. His jawline sits rigid with anxiety as you cup each side of his face, and your lips meet his. His eyelashes flutter, and a held back tear escapes his eye and gets soaked up by the mask as he pulls you on top of him, kissing you back with the hunger of years worth of yearning. Your hands explore his chest, his back, your fingernails leaving maroon trails next to his spine that makes his cock twitch against your ass. You laugh a little before breaking your kiss, both of your chests rising and falling rapidly. "I'd say I'm pretty relaxed now."
"Good," he laughs with you, his fingers wrap around your thighs before he throws you on top of his face. "I wish you could see how fucking gorgeous you are."
"Describe it to me with your tongue right there then, Ryo." A sudden, powerful smack on your ass is his response before his upper lip begins to tease your clit, the length of his tongue teases more sap out of you as it massages your walls. You slip the mask off of him entirely as he continues to eat you out, his pink hair so disheveled from all the sweat that your fingers nearly get stuck as you run through it. You feel yourself get lost in the red of his gaze while his hands encourage you from behind to ride his face faster, earning yourself another orgasm. "Fuuuck, you make me cum so fast. I love it."
"Oh, really? " He asks. He gently lifts you up again to lay you on your back, his thighs forcing your legs wide open as he enters you without hesitation.
"Oh, fuck yes." You moan before he kisses you once more, his tongue forcing its way deep into your mouth. The movement of his hips slam against you with such speed and vigor, you're certain he's going to break you while his lips pepper kisses at every inch of your pretty face. As his own orgasm edges closer, his sharp teeth sink into your shoulder and for a second, he almost paints your walls white.
His warmth leaves your body all too sudden, your pussy trembles at the loss of his cock while you still ride through your last orgasm and he's jerking himself above you, his opalescent liquid dirtying your tummy.
"Let me clean you up," Sukuna makes his way to grab a papertowel before he sits next to you. You watch him as he gently takes his cum off of your skin, the corner of his mouth slightly twitching in disgust at the sight of his own juices, yet he presses a slight peck onto the cleaned area before he stands up to throw the tissues away.
"How do you feel?" he asks, the red of his eyes appearing darker than usual as he's lies down next to you, your noses almost touching as he faces your way.
"I feel... great." You laugh, throwing your head back that he can see the angry red of the back of your throat. When you place your flushed cheek against his chest, he welcomes it with caresses across your back before he begins to play with a strand of your hair.
"Are you still high?" he asks, you hear his worry speading up his heart as he studies the ends of your hair and how gorgeous they look in the sunlight peering through your curtains.
"I doubt it, and judging by the fact you didn't cum inside me, I also highly doubt you're still high either."
"You forgot to take your birth control this morning," he says, and silence follows. For a moment, he thinks you've figured out how obsessed he really is with you and fear will take over the relationship between you, you will kick him out, blacklist his number, block him on every socials... his mind races.
"I don't care what our parents are gonna say. I love you, too" you say finally, and although you can't see or feel it, his mouth widen into a smile as he presses the lock of your hair against his lips.
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blueb3rryjongseob · 2 months
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Skz Maknae!Line
reacting to you receiving an award.
read hyung!line here!
synopsis: you're a really popular soloist. Think PSY, BTS and BLACKPINK. yeahh. You've been invited to the 2022 MAMA Awards Show. (Idk how the MAMA works so just pretend) and you're dating skz. (obv. not all the members but ykwim)
a/n: i wrote hyung!line back in May so I forgot everything so if you see any repeptitive reactions that seem similar to hyung!line just ignore it!! Hyung!line was alot better than this ngl😭😭
Genuinely seemed happier than you when you're name got called.
"And the 2024 MAMA Artist Of The Year goes to..Y/n!"
Literally flew off his chair. Chan had to tell him to quiet down cause he was the loudest out of all the crowds and auidence's applauses. You stopped wondering why you two have dating rumours long ago.
Didn't even reach home yet and he praised you. After the Awards Show when you both met back up in the car, he kissed you on the cheek (not on the lips just incase anyone was spying on you). "I knew you could do it, gorgeous.."
Takes dating rumours very seriously, so he didn't overdo it when you're name got called. His eyes literally sparkled and he clapped vigorously, pearly whites on display.
"Damn..with the way you're looking at her..no wonder STAY had their suspicions about you.."
When you got home, he congratulated and praised you soo much. "Strawberry, I knew you could do it.."
You both sat on the couch, rewatching the MAMA live recording. Teased him for how he smiled when he heard your name for Artist Of The Year. You were so thankful the screen had changed to him.
"Lixie..we spoke about this, hm? What would STAY think of you smiling like an idiot just because I won?"
Didn't react at all. Even the rest of Stray Kids were shocked. "Seungmin-ah, I know you both agreed on keeping the relationship a secret..but seriously? You're not even gonna clap for her..?" Chan whispered to him. All eight of them had gotten familiar with you, and they know you'd be heartbroken if you were rewatching the MAMA live recording only to see Seungmin with a stupid poker face.
This was, until, you had said the show stopping part of your speech, where not even Seungmin could keep his face straight.
"And lastly, aside from my VOICES (your fandom name), there has been someone else who stayed up with me for countless nights, fighting sleep just to be with me in my studio, re-recording songs and practicing choreographies with me. "
Your eyes flickered up to the crowd, immediately finding Seungmin's, before you looked back down at the audience.
"My dear, dear, boyfriend..Seungmin of Stray Kids, none of this would be possible if it weren't for you." And you ended your speech with half a heart against your cheek and the small korean heart in your other hand. (Like yall know how the idols do it right😭😭😭)
Ofcourse, there was dead silence. Before the audience practicaly roared. Cheers upon cheers upon cheers. You couldn't even hear yourself think.
Seungmin was flabbergasted. The night prior, you had asked him what he thought about making the relationship public. He wasn't against the idea, but he didn't think you'd actually do it.
Literally so happy. He couldn't contain his excitement. Had an excuse for being so elated. Aside from dating, you guys were friends since trainee days.
"Ofcourse, thanks to my lovely....friend! I.N. of Stray Kids, my biggest help. Never stopped supported me, ever since trainee days. You and the boys deserve this more than me, ba- Jeongin-ah!"
Teased you soooo much after. You almost exposed their relationship twice. Had such a huge blush on his face, though. The screen changed to him at the same time, he had almost got caught smiling like an idiot.
this was so bad GOODBYE😭😭 Hyung!Line was sooo good so pls go read that one. My fav for this tho, definitely Seungmin's. As I told yall, i'm Seungmin biased so i did a lil more for his. Now i feel like I need to do a Seungmin drabble/ scenario or smth with how idol life is now that you guys are public. If yall want smth more for any others, send askk. Also, don't judge how used 'strawberry' as a pet name😭 I think it's superrr cute and i tell yall to call me Berry so it works.
Thankyou so so so so so so sooooo much if you read and reached this far! As I say, please interact with this post to ensure that you'd get many, many, many, many, many more amazing posts like this!!
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poopersdoopers · 4 months
Lil Family w/ Gojo, Megumi, and Reader
A lil Gojo jojo drabble/imagine with Reader and Megumimi. No beta. No edits/proof reading either so feel free to skip or enjoy.
Imagine getting to meet Gojo and his son for the first time. He'd stand proudly side by side with his lil side kick -Megumi. Who'd pout at the "Stupid nickname", his words not mine and instantly be in a mood. While Gojo laughs at his human black cat, mussing up his hair and saying, "Alright, it's time to meet your future mama."
You would frizzle instantly --blushing at Gojo's comment. Your face matching Megumi's incredulous face. Before the kid's jaw could snap back into place, you burst out a laugh at your similarity in expression. Megumi blushes deeper, before scowling down at the ground and crossing his little arms in protest.
What a little old man? He couldn't be older than what, seven or eight?
That made you laugh harder and Gojo would go on to tease Megumi even more.
You decides to rescue the kid, "Hi Megumi-chan, I'm (y/n). It's nice to meet you. Gojo-kun has told me a lot about you!"
"Don't act so familiar with me", his frown deepened and his blush deepened, "If you're friends with Gojo, you must be a freak too."
"Ahhh...Megumi....don't be so harsh", his guardian responded, "you've wanted to meet her all this time."
"No!", he looked away from the white haired-man.
"It's okay Megumi-chan, I'm the one who really wanted to meet you the most."
The little old man holds firmly in his stance. Arms hugging tighter to his 4 foots frame.
You crouched down, to look up at him, "I even wanted to meet your dogs. I heard you've been working hard to keep their coats extra luxurious."
His arms soften up slightly. Gojo pretends his heart isn't beating wildly in his chest, as he stares down as you adoringly. Secretly he was hoping his little guy could be coaxed out of his untrusting nature. Even just for a little while. It wasn't his fault that every adult the lil sea urchin met failed him. It instilled a wall, that took the white haired man, six months to begin cracking down and a year to even hear the word "Dad" from kid.
If this meeting didn't go well, there would always be more opportunities to make a good impression. But if Megumi did not like you at all, Gojo would end the relationship then and there. Nothing came between him and his son, even if the grumpy lil man didn't believe it himself. You knew it too. That's part of the reason why you fell for the white-haired man.
He seemed to be all jokes and frivolous charm but as soon as you looked in heart a little more, you saw a lonely man trying his best to connect to a world that didn't understand him. You wanted to learn more, beyond his childish nature and fowl jokes. You'd have to earn Megumi's trust and a little bit more of Gojo's heart, before you could come bursting in full speed to their little family. So, you took a deep breath and tried again.
"Gojo-kun's told me about how you incorporate dry and wet foods into their bowls. Kuro and Shiro's coats always look so nice and shiny the photo's he shows me."
Megumi's arms loosen just a little bit more.
"He actually, told me something gross too", you giggled behind your manicured nails. Gojo's eyebrows arching in surprise.
"What?", the sea urchin whips his head around fast, "That guy's always spouting out some nonsense!"
You couldn't help but agree, smiling up at your lanky lover.
"HUH?!" Gojo replies.
"He told me....he told me that you feed them raw eggs and carrots."
"HUH?!" father and son look incredulously at each other, then turn to you.
"I can't imagine that'd taste good", you pout, "Unless Gojo's lying. I'd have to see it to believe it."
"Of course he is! Gojo's always up to something", he grabs to pull you with him,"I'll show you how I do it myself".
"Okay, boss you got it," you saluted to your 4-foot general, as he slide a screen door and stepped into their backyard.
"Ch- you even say weird phrases like him, no wonder he likes you".
You laughed again at the antics between the young father and son.
That day you spent most of the afternoon playing with Shiro and Kuro. Learning about their dog breed -Akita/Husky mix. Their eating habits, Shiro loved to graze by her bowl all day and Kuro loved to eat after sniffing her food approximately 12 times -- Yes, Megumi has counted her sniffs through this process a million times. Gojo had injected to recount the lil sea urchin's scientific process: yellow stop watch and notepad in hand. His face deeply serious. You tried not to laugh for 30 seconds before giving in.
You finally found your second favorite pastime after finding things to tease Gojo about, teasing old man Megumi.
By the late afternoon, Gojo had rounded his little family up. Urging them towards dinner plans, he apparently made without telling you both. Classic, Gojo. But hey he's paying so you couldn't complain.
Throughout dinner, you'd learn more about the two. Gojo was incredibly observant towards his son and in turn your sea urchin was equally observant, whipping sauce from his silly man's face.
"Dad you should eat more vegetables, you can't just eat sweets all day and think you'll be healthy."
"Ehh...but I'll die without ice cream Megumi-chan~. Besides it's my lil treat for getting up so early", he slurped on his vanilla ice cream like a tornado. How was it possibly for someone to do something so bizarre and still be so cute?
"I told you to stop eating ice cream like that that, it's embarrassing. Besides, you woke up at 12 pm. I had to take the dogs out by myself again."
You smirked at your taller counter part, "Oh really, I thought you had to get up extra-early to make sure everything was perfect for my arrival today?" You batted your eyelashes extra hard.
"12 pm on a Sunday is early for me, you guys".
It was Megumi and your time to laugh at your overgrown baby.
He could only look down at your cute faces, and smile softly. He could finally relax. His little sea urchin actually like you.
The look of adoration towards you could not be missed by Megumi's all seeing eyes of scorn, "What's up with that freaky face you're making?"
"Oh nothing", Gojo's hums, "Just thinking to myself."
@sanjisflatass I dedicate this fluff fest to you my sweetest sweetie pie and fluffiest fluff filled friend <3 mwah
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saintship · 1 year
could I request a florist!könig x reader?? I don't even know how this would go, but I like the idea of him being absolutely enthralled in plants and bugs as a kid. lil dude would know anything and everything about flowers, because he'd bring back random assortments of wildflowers and foliage back to his grandmother after a day of wandering around the woods and playing pretend, and she'd buy him a big book about flowers one day because she thought it was adorable.
was thinking reader could be a regular, because she likes having fresh bouquets around her workplace/at home/to give as gifts? she knows quite a bit about flowers and their meanings (though, it pales in comparison to what könig knows- i don't think anyone could ever compete), and she's just head over heels for whatever whack ass/gorgeous assortment he comes up with for her.
who knows, maybe our lil köni finally musters up some courage one day and throws in a free bouquet for her? 👀
Ancient draft. Cobwebs. Please forgive me this request is magical
*Some real places are mentioned but the floral shop is fictional ALSO if my German is bad feel free to correct me and I can make the edit, thank you!
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Daffodils - König x reader
Salzburg wasn’t the city you were born in, but it might as well have been. You’d found a peace there; the summer rain, snowy winters, and captivating architecture being just a few wonders of the city.
Hotel Altstadt was where you made a living, tucked inside a busy plaza where the young children could never seem to sit still. A dozen or so steps across from the hotel was a small floral and plant nursery.
Königs Blumen un Pflanzengärtnerei, a shop that had grown popular since it opened its doors for travelers and tourists. The shop was beautiful, inside and out, with creeping vines and a wonderful twinkling filling the room each time the door opened. The brass bell responsible was entwined with a long sprig of lavender, which carried its smell to greet newcomers. Shelves of live, flowering plants lined the walls, some of which you couldn’t name, while in the center, a calm fountain bubbled around several ferns and tall lilies. The piece would block the register entirely if it weren’t for the owner’s height—he had to be more than 6’5’’, with generous muscle accompanying his stature and a head of auburn waves that brushed his ears before tapering off. He always wore a black fabric mask with floral detailing. Beautiful, but you always wondered why he did so.
The reason you were lucky enough to familiarize with him was the honeymoon couples of the hotel—you were often tasked with picking up entryway bouquets and treated rose petals for the bedspreads, and protected that position with your life. Today was the day you gathered enough courage to strike up a non-professional conversation with the man you’d been admiring for some time.
A breeze slanted through the alleys and roadways, providing some relief from the warm weather. You made your way across the plaza with your delivery cart as usual, thanking a young girl who held open the shop door for you. You walked inside, glancing into the fountain where coins glittered below the wavering surface.
“Good morning, König.” You sidled up to the counter, offering him a smile.
“Morgen! Here for the roses again?” He replied brightly, leaning down to reach for the package of white and red roses used for romantic suites.
“Yes, thank you..” your heart pounded as you received the first package, not missing how your fingers grazed his hand.
“I’m sure you grow a lot of these, huh?”
You managed to spit it out; a simple invitation to a real conversation.
“Yes..but it is not often I’m bored.” König remarked, handing over another package. “I enjoy the white ones especially.”
You gazed at the flower he’d pointed out, nearly getting distracted before quickly stowing it away and reaching for the next.
“Eternal love, right?”
König looked up, blinking.
“The meaning, I mean. Of-of white roses?”
Oh my god, kill me.
“Oh, yes! I have heard that perspective..though I always thought the classic meaning was most accurate; youthfulness.” He paused, holding onto the third package to study it. “So—young love, then.” He looked up, and you felt as though the earth fell around you. You took the last box, setting it down carefully.
“What other meanings do you know?” It didn’t matter that you knew many already, you just couldn’t drag yourself away from him.
“Quite a few..” he looked off a bit, thinking. “What’s your favorite flower?”
You felt a twinge of warmth at your cheeks. “Daffodils.. daffodils are my favorite. I like adorning flowers too, like baby’s breath and lily of the valley.”
He blinked, pleasant surprise flashing over his gaze. “Are you a florist?”
“I make arrangements for my friends sometimes—so, freelance?”
He laughed a bit. “Keep it down, I need business.”
You smiled in return. “Every good business has a partner, no?”
You don’t know where this banter was coming from, but decided to seize the confidence while it was there.
“I suppose you’re right.” König conceded, then studied you for a moment. “You already know what daffodils represent, don’t you?”
You don’t reply for a moment, seemingly forgetting how to form a sentence, before your phone goes off.
“Sorry..hello?” You turn, holding the phone to your ear. “Right..okay. Be right there.” You click to end the call, grasping your cart. “I’ve got to go. Nice talking to you..”
You steer back into the plaza, letting a deep breath free itself from your chest. Your hammering heart only frustrated you further, shaking your head and getting back to to work.
It was a notable stretch of time before your job drove you back to König's shop; lord knows you weren't going to wander in there on your own volition. The thought of him started to make your heart flip over, and it was close to nauseating. When you did, you saw something near the door that caught your eye. Abandoning your cart, you approached the small display table arranged to the side. You usually had trouble with written German as opposed to spoken, but the label was straightforward. "Blume des Monats". Flower of the month. It was an arrangement nestled in a small ceramic vase, the dominating flower being--the daffodils.
"You inspired me."
König's voice behind you made you turn, nearly spraining your neck from surprise. "I did?"
He was wearing a button down today, the sleeves hiding his hyacinth tattoo.
"You did. The adorning pieces, too. I find yellow and white fit nicely together for a light summer arrangement, both their looks and etymology."
You turn back, confirming the appearance of the baby's breath that framed the yellow flowers. "I agree."
König stepped up so he was standing beside you, looking at the arrangement as well. "I have to tell you, uh.. while I was arranging this, I wasn't imagining it to be displayed."
You look up at him, blinking. "No?"
He seemed to avoid your eyes. "No." he shifted his weight, glancing at the floor. The sight of a relatively intimidating man shifting on his feet was, admittedly, endearing. Still, the warmth in the tips of your ears irritated you to no end.
"I was going to uh..give it to you. Because I thought you'd like it. And then I was going to ask you on a date."
You smile to yourself, looking at your shoes. "I wish you would have."
You felt his eyes on you. "Truly?"
You nod, meeting his eyes. Suddenly, your nervous energy melted ever so slightly into a comfortable sort of understanding.
"Well, uh.." König took the arrangement by the stems, the water dripping as he held it in front of him. You couldn't help but laugh gently at his tenacity.
"Your floors-"
"Could I take you on a date sometime?"
"I--yes, just, oh your shoes.." you take the hand he holds the flowers with, setting them gently back in their place. You can only see his eyes, but they seem to be smiling.
"Wonderful. I'll have another when I pick you up."
"Oh, that's not-"
"With orchids."
You blink, his proximity suddenly clouding your awareness.
His eyes seem to tilt with another smile.
"I think you know their meaning."
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found you - ch. 2 (part II)
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pairing: gojo satoru x female oc (ara natsuna)
tropes: psycho! rival! athlete! yandere! gojo x introvert! booksmart! oc
warnings: 18+ only babes, profanity, pet-names (baby, kitten), stalking/possessive themes, manipulation, dub/non-consented sex, nipple play, size kink (slightly), fingering, begging, oral (f receiving), praising/dirty talk, rough sex, choking (a lil) & jus gojo being unhinged (as usual)
word count/plot: [6.4k] ara catches gojo's attention when news breaks that she is the top academically ranked student in their grade. he is ranked second. he tries to befriend her but she ignores him. despite her obvious disinterest, his obsession begins...
a/n: i took forever to edit this bc for some reason i thought i already posted it LMAo BUT y'all i'm like 75% thru w the next chapter n i'm lowkey scared to post it LMFAO (yes ik i'm a slow writer but pLS bear w me, next chapter is also hella long & wild). anyway tysm for all ur comments on the last post, esp the long ones! i read all of them & they make me happy :,) pls enjoyy
ch. 1 , chapter 2 [ part 1 | part 2 ] , ch. 3
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She jolted when she heard a knock on her bedroom window. She glanced over at the electric clock on her desk. 7:16 pm.
She swallowed, glancing over at her bedroom door to make sure it was locked before her head whipped around at the sound of his voice.
“Hi, baby.”
He stepped out from behind the curtains, that easygoing smile on his face. He wore a navy blue half-zip sweater, layered with a white tee underneath and loose-fitted light gray sweatpants. His platinum hair tousled as usual as he approached her. He looked like a model who'd just gotten off-duty.
She was rooted in her seat when he stepped up to her. His hand resting on the back rail of her chair as he bent low to press a light kiss on her neck. His familiar scent wafted over her as she turned away.
His hand slipped over her stomach to subtly push her back flat against the chair. She held back a slight gasp.
“I missed you at school today.” he muttered.
After their ‘altercation’ earlier, he tried to convince her to come back to school with him. He offered to take her in his car but she refused-using the excuse that she already called the school saying she was sick. He then promised that he’d see her after basketball practice. She wasn’t looking forward to it.
For a second, she wondered if she should hide in the basement again but she couldn’t even if she wanted to because her Dad had come home early. He would question why she was in the basement if she stayed there for longer than necessary.
She glanced over at him, her voice low, “My Dad’s home.”
“I know.” he murmured beside her ear, “You told me over text.”
She was hoping that would deter him. She shifted slightly in her seat as his hand began to caress her stomach, “Why are you so afraid of him?” he asked.
She went still-immediately tensing up in her chair. His eyes were attentive as he watched her. Millie had told him that her parents were strict but that was all he knew.
She lightly pushed away his hand from her stomach, “I have to use the bathroom.” she whispered.
His hand wrapped around her neck, his lips at her temple, “Don’t lie to me.”
She shot out of her chair, stepping several steps away from him to get some distance. “I-I don’t want to talk about it.” she gritted out.
She didn’t look at him, her shoulders stiff as she stood still. She felt her arms shaking at her sides as she mentally prepared herself to feel some sort of pain for her defiance. But instead all she was met with was the sound of a low sigh.
She felt hands cup her face and immediately looked up. His eyes glittered, in the same way that the ocean appeared when sunlight skimmed its surface. Not that she would know–she’d only seen it in videos.
He searched her face, “Fine. But you’ll tell me soon. You’ll tell me everything soon.”
He tilted his head, “Every problem of yours is mine.”
She merely stared at him. She wished she could scream. The type of scream that could let out all the frustration she was feeling–let out all the mental torment because she was so tired of feeling like this. She hated the tiny voice in the back of her mind that wanted to tell him everything-everything down to the miniscule details because she was tired. Tired of being so alone.
But she refused to share her problems with someone who was one of her problems themselves.
Why did life have to be this way?
She snapped out of her thoughts when she felt his lips press into hers lightly.
“Let’s go somewhere,” he said, against her lips.
Her eyes widened as she pulled back.
“We have my car. Let’s go somewhere–anywhere you want.” he offered.
She stared at him—silently watching the excitement grow in his eyes.
His hands at her face squeezed slightly, “C’mon, there’s gotta be something you want. Tell me.”
She shook her head, pushing his hands away from her as she looked aside. “I have homework to do.” she muttered.
“Such a good girl.” he teased, before tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She resisted the urge to smack his hand away. He was always finding some excuse to touch her.
“Don’t you have school work to do as well?” she questioned. He was second in rank-right after her-and yet she'd never seen him do any schoolwork.
“I did most of it during my free period. I have some other stuff left but I can do it in the morning.”
“The morning?” she questioned.
He nodded before frowning, “I should’ve just brought my backpack with me. We could’ve studied together.” he pinched her cheek.
She immediately turned her head away and he chuckled. Before she could distance herself any further he grabbed her by the waist.
“I didn’t bring any books so I could pay attention to you, y’know. Now don’t make me sad and tell me where you wanna go.”
She shifted awkwardly in his hold-her hands going to his forearms, “What are you talking about-”
“Ara, I want attention,” he said, flat-out.
She froze, simply staring at him before blurting, “What are you-a baby?”
He grinned, “Yes, your baby.”
He cupped one of her tits, “I got needs, Mama.”
Just as her face twisted up and a chuckle nearly escaped his lips, her Dad’s voice suddenly arose.
“ARA! Come down and do the dishes!”
They both froze.
She pushed herself out of Gojo’s grasp, “Coming!”
Just as she headed towards the door, he grabbed her wrist.
“Listen, you better think of something or else I will.”
She hesitated before pulling her arm away and quickly leaving the room.
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She stood outside her room-nervous. She had the excuse she was going to use on the tip of her tongue but she wasn’t sure how he was gonna take it. His reactions always varied.
Just as she reached for the doorknob, her room door opened and someone grabbed her arm–dragging her inside.
“Wha–” she nearly yelled but Gojo clamped his hand around her mouth.
“Shh.” he said as he silently closed the door behind her.
She glared at him, speaking through his hand, “Are you crazy? My Dad could’ve seen you.”
Her Dad had just been making his way up the stairs.
He dropped his hand, “You were taking too long. How many goddamn dishes were they?”
In truth, she had taken a while on purpose.
“A lot.” she mumbled.
He squinted-doubtfully-while watching her cross the room to her desk.
He folded his arms, leaning against the door, “Did you think of something?”
She avoided looking at him, “I seriously have work to do, Satoru..”
He uncrossed his arms, letting them drop to his sides, “I knew you were gonna say that.”
“What the hell..” she muttered, while looking at her open notebook before her. All of the questions she had to work on were already filled in. She flipped the page to see he had answered the rest of the questions as well.
She nearly jumped when she felt his arms slip around her, “Happy birthday.” he teased.
She blinked-in shock. She racked her brain for an excuse. Anything–something—
His arms squeezed around her tighter, pulling her further into his chest. He nuzzled his face into her hair, “My plan.” he murmured, possessively.
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Gojo glanced over at her before tugging at her hand in his.
He pulled her into a hug, “You look so damn cute.”
She closed her eyes, merely letting herself get crushed before ducking to pull herself out of his grasp.
“You’re just saying that because I’m in your sweater.”
They had waited until her Dad retreated into his room before leaving through the window. As they waited, Gojo had wanted to pick out her outfit. She refused-instead she decided to wear black cargo pants and a graphic tee she had lying around.
He’d insisted that she wear his half-zip pullover on top because it might be ‘cold’ but in reality he just wanted to fulfill his fantasy of his girl wearing his clothes.
She stopped short, staring at the matte black McLaren P1 parked on the street. She resisted the urge to let her mouth fall open.
She turned around, “I want to go home.”
In truth, she didn’t want to be outside in the first place. She didn’t like the idea of sneaking out, especially with her Dad home but Gojo hadn’t stopped nagging. So instead the argument boiled down to making the trip super quick. He promised she’d be back in her room in a ‘jiffy’.
He grabbed her shoulders, “What happened?”
She couldn’t stand it. Him casually driving a $2 million car. It was downright obnoxious. She hated that she knew such details but it couldn’t be helped. She had a car phase back in middle school.
She glared up at him, “Did you do this on purpose?” she asked, without a second thought.
“What are you talking about?” he asked, sounding genuine-for once.
Her annoyance got the best of her as she spat, “Is this why you wanted to go out this bad? So you can show off.”
He raised a white brow, “Show off? Show off what?”
She eyed him, warily. There’s no way he doesn’t know what I’m talking about. He’s the school’s biggest flexer and he knows it.
She stared at his clueless expression with growing doubt. Does he really not know? Is driving luxury cars that much of a normal occurrence for him? How infuriating.
She looked away from him while responding flatly, “The car.”
He glanced over at the car before looking back at her. His expression blank. He repeated the action with a furrowed brow before finally drawing the connection.
He started to laugh, brightly, “What—No, no. I take the McLaren out sometimes since my Dad’s barely around to use it. It’s not mine.”
She stared at him in dubious shock. He’d said the words so casually it was maddening. Even the airiness of his laugh sounded rich.
She wanted to scoff. As if ownership is the concern. Did he not realize the price of that car could change the entirety of someone’s life? A person could go from homeless to having enough money leftover to leave to their children. She’d be set for life with that kind of money—she’d never have to rely on her Dad again.
“I want to go home.” she murmured. She didn’t think she could step in that car without feeling sick.
His hand came up to her throat and she was forced to look up at him. Her eyes went wide.
His cool, turquoise eyes scanned her face,  “It’s my plan, remember?”
She swallowed, before nodding silently. His hand felt cold on her neck. She wondered if he could feel her pulse.
“Stop worrying.” His hand slid to her jaw, his thumb grazing over her bottom lip, “You’ll be home in no time.”
She stared up at him. Her heartbeat going off at a flimsy rate as she realized there was no getting out of this one. Something about his tone made it clear.
She jolted when his lips suddenly met hers. His lips were delicate—prompting. Light, short kisses that were followed up with another. His hand on her jaw drawing her closer.
The kiss felt like a reminder. A reminder that this was still his way, his rules.
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She covered her face in her hands, despite the car windows being tinted already.
She hated the attention.
She knew it was coming-she anticipated it a mile away. There was no way people were going to ignore a car like this at an ice cream parlor.
She already recognized half of the people here from school. It was the local ice cream spot that everyone went to. She was grateful Gojo respected her rule of wanting to keep their ‘relationship’ private because she was certain she’d crumble to dust if she had to step out of the car with that many eyes on her.
And yet, Gojo did it with ease.
She kept her hands over her face when the door of McLaren opened upwards in its obnoxious fashion. She didn’t need to look to know several people were staring at Gojo slip into the car.
She felt something hard poke at the top of her head, “Kitten.”
She raised her head to see him lower a soft serve ice cream cone in front of her. Apparently, that was something she was required to get.
She took it, “Thank you.”
A short laugh left him and she glanced over to see him sitting comfortably in his seat, arm resting on the ledge of the car door. A subtle grin on his lips as he stared at her.
“Is being seen with me that much of a problem?”
She tensed, her grip on the cone tightening as she tried to come up with a safe answer. Her mind drew a complete blank—betraying her.
Her heart beat skyrocketed when she suddenly felt Gojo’s large hand on her thigh. He squeezed.
A soft sigh left his lips and she couldn’t resist glancing his way. She tried to keep the fear off of her face only to freeze when she was met with a rather fond expression on his countenance.
His thumb caressed her thigh, “You’re shyness just makes me want to mess you up more, y’know.”
She was rooted in spot when he leaned over to place a light kiss on the corner of her lip.
He leaned back in his seat, “Go on,” he urged, faint amusement laced in his tone as he gestured towards her cone, “Eat.”
She complied, licking up the side of the soft serve. It was delicious. She couldn’t remember the last time she had it.
“How is it.” he asked, his voice oddly tight.
She licked her lips, before glancing over at him. For once his eyes were dark, nearly black. A thinly amused smile rested on his lips. She couldn’t understand his expression. She stared between his eyes, her heartbeat racing when she realized he looked.. almost.. hungry.
“It’s.. good.” she murmured.
His hand on her thigh squeezed again, making her jolt subtly.
Suddenly his face was in her neck, a breathy sound leaving his lips as his hands slipped underneath her shirt. One hand slid around her back, pulling her close to him by slipping around the curve of her waist. His other hand crept up her stomach before cupping her tits over her bra—squeezing tight.
“I can’t take it,” he nipped at her neck, “You’re gonna look so pretty giving me head.”
Her eyes widened—belatedly clocking why Gojo insisted she get the soft-serve ice cream.
She writhed underneath his hands at her tits, “Ungh—“ she shoved him away with her free hand, “You’re such a pervert.”
A dry laugh escaped him as he leaned back in his seat, running his hands over his face. Her breath stopped short when she saw the outline of something protruding in his sweatpants as he shifted in his seat.
He lowered his hands, his eyes glittering as he faced her. His head still against the headrest, “Only for you.”
“That… doesn’t make it any better.”
A smirk lit his face before his hand suddenly wrapped around her neck. She froze.
“It’s your fault. If you didn’t make my dick hard the second we met, maybe I wouldn’t be like this.”
His fingers began to caress her neck, his eyes sharp-yet endearing somehow. She felt like a flighty dove being petted by its owner-while the owner decided to kill it or not.
“You’re everything I’m not. No one knows a damn thing about you. You barely talk—in fact, you go out of your way to avoid people,” he laughed slightly, “The one friend you got, you made on the bus.”
“You're not involved in sports or clubs—not even a internship or volunteering. You’re somehow on every teacher's good side,” he smirked a bit, “That’s impossible for me.” She didn’t doubt it, Mrs. Finch was living proof.
“You don’t party, drink or smoke,” he shook his head, “You can’t imagine my surprise when your name was called first during ranking.”
His blue eyes shimmered in the dark, “A girl I didn’t even know exists. A quiet ace. Too reserved for her own good.” The words felt almost mocking.
His fingers tightened around her neck, “I was so mad I never noticed you before.”
He chuckled slightly, “Suguru didn’t get it. He didn’t get why I had to know you,“ The corner of his lip tugged upwards, “Why I wanted to peel back every layer of you and figure you out.”
“But I.. I had to understand how someone like you exists. There’s no way someone that smart wouldn’t show it off. There’s no way you’re first in rank with no extracurriculars either, but—you're just that good aren’t you?”
His face was close to hers now, “Have you ever gotten anything below a 95 in your life?”
She wasn’t breathing. It was true. She hadn’t—she wanted to say she was naturally gifted at school. And maybe she was to some extent, but without fail-she always tried on her assignments. No matter how hopeless, depressed and alone she felt. Completing her assignments and getting good grades was the only validation she got. The only validation that felt just.
She happened to get close to teachers because of it. Teachers always respected her intellect, despite her introvertedness.
“It would’ve been easier if I was mad at you,” he mused, a faint smile on his lips, “Suguru thought I was—he thought I felt one upped by you. And I guess I did.. for a bit.”
He chuckled, “Ego is such a fickle thing.. You don’t know how much you bruised mine when you didn’t even speak to me when I first approached you.”
His smile widened, “No one’s ever treated me like that. Even people who don’t like me still spare me a word, at least.”
His hand around her throat drew her closer, “You looked at me like I was nothing.”
A dark smile spread across his lips, “And now I’m gonna become your everything.”
Just as he lowered his lips for a kiss, she wrenched out of his grasp. Her back partly against her seat and the car door as she breathed raggedly. She felt drops of ice-cream slip past her fingers and make puddles on the floor.
She closed her eyes, trembling so bad that she didn’t even want to look at him.
“Ara,” his voice felt distant to her ears, “Araa, did I scare you?”
She flinched when she felt his knuckles graze her cheek, immediately facing the other way before freezing when she realized she wasn’t supposed to act like this. She was supposed to act like she was afraid of falling in love with him.
But how could she? How could she act when he’d completely ruined her just for the sake of his ego. She felt sick—absolutely sick. She wanted to be anywhere else but in the car with him. Home or miles and miles away. Anywhere but here.
“Ara,” his voice was soft, closer, “I’m sorry, kitten, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
She flinched once more when she felt his hand run down the crown of her head to her nape, smoothing down her hair.
“I just meant that you’re mine.” his tone was low, assuring. “You were always mine. The rankings just helped me find you.”
His fingers tightened around her nape slightly, “I take care of what’s mine.”
Her exhale came out staggered as she tried not to cry. Her trembling body straightened slightly as she opened her eyes to face him. She knew her eyes were watery.
His eyes were cool, a calm ocean-blue as he assessed her.
“I know.” she murmured, through wobbly lips. Carefully slipping her mask on in silence.
She thought she saw something flicker in his eyes, “Yeah?”
She nodded, her eyes fluttering shut as he drew her closer to him—letting him kiss her. The kiss wasn’t kind. She knew he was tasting her-tasting the ice cream on her lips-her mouth-as he kissed her. His hand on her nape held her firmly as he tilted his head to kiss her more.
The kiss felt like a claim; a claim that seeped further into her skin the longer he held her lips captive. She had a sickening feeling that she was signing her life away.
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She knew what was going to happen when they got home. And it was confirmed when he stopped by the convenience store on the way back.
She didn’t need to look in the bag to know he’d gotten condoms. He got her a lollipop, one for himself as well—as if they needed more sweets after all the ice cream they ate.
The second they made it through the window, his eyes were on her—the hunger in them palpable.
She swallowed, stepping backwards slowly, “You're staying the night?” she asked, despite already knowing the answer. 
It took him two strides to stand in front of her, he grasped her chin, “Of course, baby.”
His crystalline eyes scanned her face before he bent over to give her a kiss. Just as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss, she drew her face back.
“I’m gonna use the bathroom.” she didn’t know why she was whispering but it couldn’t be helped.
He stared at her for a moment before releasing her chin. “ ‘Kay, kitten.”
She quickly entered the bathroom attached to her room and locked the door. The second she was alone, she teared up. She wished she could stay in the bathroom forever. What would he do if she did? Would he break in the bathroom door? Would the sound of that awaken her Father?
She shivered, hugging herself tight as she hunched over the sink. She felt like she was going to throw up.
Her hands went to the countertop’s edge, her fingers tightening around its sides as she forced herself to breathe. She couldn’t afford to break down just yet. Gojo was waiting in the room for her and who knows what he would do if she took too long.
She closed her eyes, wanting to scream. She knew what she didn’t want to do but she knew what she had to do.
“It’s just an act,” she whispered to herself, her voice cracking, “Just an act.”
Her body gradually went from trembling to stiller than stone as she convinced herself-convinced herself that she could do this. Despite every nerve ending in her body telling her to run as far away as possible.
She didn’t dare look in the mirror before her; she knew one look into her own eyes would make her lose all resolve. Instead, she straightened and stepped out of the bathroom.
She glanced around her dark room. The moonlight streaming through her open curtains being the only source of light within the darkness. Her eyes landed on Gojo.
He was laying down on her bed, shirtless, lollipop in his mouth. Bright blue eyes already on hers.
A light smile graced his features as he pulled out the empty lollipop stick from his mouth and tossed it somewhere on the floor. He sat up, his cool eyes looking her up and down before patting the space on the bed in front of him.
She hesitated before walking stiffly towards him. Her resolve slowly slipping away with each step. Every signal in her body told her to walk the opposite direction.
When she was two steps away from the spot of the bed he’d gestured towards, he reached out to her. His hands slipped around her waist—pulling her in between his legs on the edge of the bed.
“Are you trying to tease me by walking slow?” he nearly whined.
He ran his hands along her sides before tugging his sweater off of her. His eyes never left hers as he tugged off her shirt next. She did her best to refrain from trembling.
His eyes widened in appreciation at her lacey white padded bra.
He bit his lower lip before bending over to pull down her pants. She jolted when his hands went to the back of her knees and calves, maneuvering her legs to step out of her pants.
He leaned back then, his eyes looking up and down her body before letting out a low groan. His hands on her hips squeezing needily.
“Fuck, so pretty.”
His index fingers hooked into her panties on either side of her hips—bunching up her panties before tugging upwards. She gasped, nearly falling forward as her panties rubbed against her clit.
Her hands went to his thighs to keep from falling and he smirked.
“These are mine.” he murmured into her ear before bending over to pull her panties down. She shivered when she felt his temple graze her hip as he maneuvered her legs again to get her to step out of her panties. He lightly bit her hip before sitting up straight.
He slipped her panties into his sweatpant pockets, a shameless grin on his face. She flushed.
His hands slipped around her ass, drawing her closer between his legs until she felt the tip of his cock against her navel through his sweats. She gasped when his large hands squeezed her ass cheeks while nipping at her neck.
His lips and teeth were insistent along her neck and shoulder—she knew there would be marks. The hickeys from their first time still hadn’t completely healed.
Suddenly his hands were at her tits, squeezing heartily while he marked the skin between her collarbones. She winced.
He withdrew slightly, squeezing her tits once more, “Fuck, baby, this bra is so cute. Makes you look so pretty. Gonna buy you one in every color.”
He squeezed her tits hard and she trembled slightly.
“G-Satoru-please.” she whispered.
“Please what, kitten.” he murmured before reaching around her to easily unclip her bra.
“Y-you hold me so tight.”
She felt his cock twitch against her belly. He cupped her bare tits, his thumbs running over her areolas before squeezing her tits in the entirety of his palms.
He groaned, “Cause these tits are mine, baby.”
Suddenly his arm slipped around her ass and she was flipped onto the bed, her back to the sheets. He lay atop her, his mouth on her tits.
His tongue lapped up her areola, the tip of his tongue flicking at its center to make her nipples harden. Once her nipple hardened against his tongue, she felt his hard cock twitch against her lower belly. His hips bucking into her as he fondled her unattended tit in his palm.
He sucked her nipples, hard—repeatedly swirling his tongue around it at first before sucking her tits like he could actually get some breast milk. He pulled away slightly, staring at her perky, puffy nipples with a satisfied gleam in his eyes before lowering his head to leave a dark hickeys on the side of her breasts. His clothed cock grinding against her spread legs all the while.
She whimpered as he began to give the same attention to her other tit--now palming the one that was covered in love bites.
His tongue flicked her nipple in his mouth before groaning. He withdrew slightly to look up at her and mutter-a string of saliva attached to his lip, “Could suck these tits forever.”
She couldn’t deny the feeling him playing with her tits elicited. It made something in her grow hot-hot enough to make her squirm. But due to being completely surrounded by Gojo’s huge body she couldn’t move as much as she would’ve liked.
She grit her teeth, unable to hold back a low moan as he moved the flat of his tongue over her hard nipple-flicking at it with the tip of his tongue. Her back arched, putting more of her tit in his mouth before she slipped her fingers through his white hair and pulled him back. She couldn’t take it.
His blue eyes were immediately on her, searching her face closely. She trembled slightly before deciding to distract him by pulling his face up to kiss her. He eagerly complied.
His lips crashed into hers, tongue viciously sweeping her mouth. He was hungry.
The pace of his grinding picked up a thousandfold, almost as if he were trying to fuck her through his sweats. His cock was so stiff, she couldn’t help but whimper in his mouth as he kissed her.
He drew his head back slightly to bite at her bottom lip. She felt his large hand slide down her shoulder, past her collarbones, over her tits, her stomach before coming to a stop at her entrance. His fingertips touched her pussy lips.
He broke the kiss to watch her expression as he slipped his fingers into her—only to end up groaning himself.
His head dropped as he began to pump his middle and ring finger in and out of her slowly, “So fuckin’ wet.”
She whimpered as his fingers continued to pump into her—the feeling making her twist underneath him.
As she began to writhe, his face somehow came before hers, “Does it feel good, baby.”
Her eyes widened, her face immediately heating up. She would die before admitting anything he did felt good—even if it unfortunately did. It felt so much better to be touched by someone else than herself.
Why’d it have to be him making me feel like this?
Suddenly the pace of his fingers picked up drastically and she cried out. Her insides instinctively tightening around his fingers.
"S-satoru! Unghh-ah!-oh my-nnnghh!" she mewled.
“There you go,” he muttered as she began to moan and whine at each rough fingerfuck. He dipped his fingers knuckle deep within her, his pace insistent.
He perused her writhing figure beneath him, his firm form keeping her in place. Her tits swung upwards with each forceful shove of his fingers. He flushed, his cerulean blue eyes locked in on her face as a subtle smirk bloomed along his lips.
“I wish you could see yourself right now.” his voice husky, “You look so fuckin’ good.”
Her walls clamped around his fingers and his smirk widened. He dropped a light kiss on her lips, “Want you to cum, kitten.”
His fingers managed to move faster within her. She yelped, her back arching as she pushed at his shoulders. He didn’t budge.
“Wanna see the pretty face you make when you cum all over my fingers.” he spoke into her temple.
“N-no!” she gasped out when she felt it—horror consuming her when her body seemed to respond to his words, his pace. Her insides grew hot, hot in that way that felt torturously good.
His hand clamped her over lips when she screamed in betrayal. Her body writhed uncontrollably as waves after waves of pleasure rolled over her, making her shake around his ruthless fingers.
“Fuck, so hot.” he gritted out-his eyes never leaving her face. He kept up his pace until her shakiness subsided.
“Such a good girl.. gave me what I want so fast,” His smirk reappeared, “You like my fingers that much?”
She frowned-her voice hoarse as she responded instinctively, “N-no.”
Suddenly his thumb pressed against her puffy clit, making her jump. He began to rub her clit at a perfect pressure.
“Ah!-Goj-nnghh-no! Fuck-” she moaned, unable to stop herself.
“Liar.” he grinned.
She grit her teeth, hating the control he had on her body with every part of her being. She attempted to squeeze her thighs together-to end his ministrations but it was useless. His firm waist planted between her legs left her with no control. She couldn’t ignore his hard length poking at her inner thigh, it was as if it were demanding her attention.
Suddenly he leaned back-lifting his fingers to his lips to taste her juices. The sight was filthy and intoxicating.
“Mm-Fuck, taste so good, kitten.” he muttered, before lowering himself. He wrapped his hands around her thighs and immediately placed his mouth over her clit.
She jerked forward, gasping-but his hold on her thighs kept her legs wide open.
“Gojo!” she cried out through gritted teeth. He sucked along her clit and entrance with such diligence—as if he were starving.
“Nngh—P-please-haah-” she wanted to beg him to stop but it seemed to have the opposite effect. His hands tightened around her thighs as he dug his face deeper between her legs.
The feeling was so unexpected she couldn’t help but whine in desperation. Moans slipped out of her as his tongue expertly licked her cunt. It was overwhelming.
He lapped up her clit, making her jolt. The flat of his tongue rubbed against her tense nub-making her all too sensitive. She couldn’t take it.
“S-Satoru, stop! St-unghhh-ah-nngh! Please-please.”
He sucked her clit deliriously-as if he couldn’t get enough. His tongue powering past her rowdy hips and her futile attempts to shove his head away. His arms around her thighs forced her hips down and apart. His tongue swirled endlessly around her puffy clit-the tip of his tongue pressing and sucking right where she needed it most.
Her mewls went silent as she spasmed, cumming harder than ever. She felt like she was floating. Her body bucked as she bit her lower lip-hard-to hide the obnoxious moans on the cusp of her lips. Her body felt like it had been caught on fire-in the best way possible.
When he removed his lips from her cunt, she stared up at the ceiling-refusing to let herself wallow in the self-hatred threatening to consume her. Why am I enjoying this?
She winced when she felt his fingers slip into her cunt again. She was so wet and gummy inside that the action made a subtle lewd sound. He groaned, pumping his fingers into her lazily, “Fuck-so wet-so ready for me.”
He slipped his fingers out before climbing atop her to press a passionate kiss to her lips. He kissed her so hard she was pressed deeper into the bed. His tongue tangling with hers, kissing her roughly as if trying to consume her.
He broke the kiss, “You taste yourself, hm? Did you taste how sweet your pretty cunt is?”
He spread her legs apart, “Gonna use this sweet lil cunt as many times I want.”
She shivered as she watched him look her up and down with such obvious hunger. Her legs instinctively drew closer but he shoved them apart.
Her eyes widened in horror to see that he was already naked. Condom already on his cock.
Before she could even react, his hand slid around her neck. His grip tight around her throat as he thrust his full length into her.
She couldn't even scream, her back naturally arching as her cunt was forced to adjust to him. It didn't matter how wet she was, his cock always pried her apart. Her breath was stuck in her throat as she squeezed her eyes shut, teeth grit together in pain. The action had been so rough, she couldn’t handle it.
Suddenly his hand on her throat slid to her jaw, forcing her to face him above her.
“Look at me, kitten. Look at what I do to you.”
She wanted to sob-a weak sound leaving her lips as his hand around her jaw tightened.
“Ara..” he murmured into her temple so breathlessly-so needily-as if she were his most desired prayer. As if he'd die without her.
She whimpered, her cunt inadvertently squeezing around him. His breath caught and she knew she was doomed.
His fingers clasped around her throat while his other hand gripped the softest part of her hip, before fucking her like a ragdoll.
She didn’t know how the bed didn’t fall apart, she felt like her insides were. She was so loud-her throat was sore from how loud she was. His hand over her mouth was the only thing saving her dignity.
She felt like she could feel every veiny ridge of his cock, burning into her insides with each rough fuck. He made sure her cunt took all of him in-no matter how tight the fit was. It felt impossible to get used to.
“Ara.. oh, Ara..” he breathed huskily into her neck, “F-fuck,” his hand tightened over her mouth as he continued to fuck the daylight out of her.
The sounds of their lewd sex filled the air. She couldn’t breathe. Tears slipped down the sides of her face. Her throat scratchy.
“Feel so good, baby, fuck,” he babbled, “You get me so hard-haah-Wanna hear all those cute lil sounds you’re makin’—fuck-so perfect, perfect fuckin’ pussy.”
His cock pistoned into her relentlessly. She wasn’t sure she had a single coherent thought left in her brain.
And suddenly, his breath hitched and she swore his cock grew stiffer. His hips stuttered before slamming into her completely, forcing her hips to rise as he buried his cock deep.
Panic swarmed into her at the thought of him having no condom but she remembered, she’d seen it on his cock before he entered her. She shivered when she felt something warmer than her insides pour into her, though it felt much more subdued compared to when he’d dumped loads of his cum in her before.
She shivered when his cock continued to twitch. His hands gripped her hips tight as he continued to push her body up to lodge his cock deeper, as if wanting her to feel every single part of him.
She let out a low, staggered cry at the sensation of feeling so full. Her back arched, her tits pressing into his chest as his cock rocked into her.
He groaned desperately, his face pressing into the side of hers. She was sure his grip on her hips was bound to leave marks.
Finally, his cock stopped twitching and she heard him sigh.
He cupped one of her tits, caressing her, “You make me feel so good, kitten.”
She shivered when she felt him lightly kiss her jaw, then nip at her throat. She knew there were bound to be marks left later.
She shifted slightly underneath him, he was still inside of her. He was still hard.
Her voice came out quiet and scratchy-almost fearful, “I-I’m tired, Satoru.”
His lips over her collarbone paused their ministrations. She felt her pulse skyrocket at his silence.
Suddenly his face appeared before hers, the tips of his platinum hair touching her forehead as his blue eyes scanned her face.
“Don’t be selfish now, Ara,” his voice was gravelly yet soft as he lowered himself to kiss her. The kiss was gentle, probing-she felt his cock twitch.
“We’re just getting started.”
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layla4567 · 1 year
✨ Working together ✨
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Luca from the bear x fem!reader
summary: You and Luca are dating and he taught you everything you know about pastry. So now you want to open your own tea house where you will sell your delicious cakes, and of course he will help you in everything.
warnings: almost no connection to the plot of the show or it's world, maybe a lil suggestive, cloying fluff and corny
A/N: again I must clarify that like Colin Zabel's fic, I have not seen this series (sorry) so maybe what I write is not entirely accurate with the show
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You and your boyfriend were looking for places for rent or for sale where you could put your little tea house. Being able to serve anything, even an old, abandoned shed, as long as it was located in a nice landscape with a good view, nothing else mattered. Luca was driving his convertible car making your hair blow in the wind. The times were beautiful at that time in Copenhagen, you were wearing sunglasses and a cute flowery dress that your boyfriend loved every time you wore it. For his part, Luca was wearing a white short-sleeved shirt, had taken off his kitchen apron and wore blue jeans underneath. Her blond hair also danced in the breeze.
They were driving through the streets of Denmark with the sun shining on their heads. Months ago you told Luca about your dreams and now they were finally coming true. A little anxious you looked to your right trying to find a good place, your boyfriend caressed your knee with the intention of letting you know that everything would be fine
"Don't worry sweetheart, you'll see that we'll find the perfect place"
"I hope so love, only you know how much I waited for this moment"
Yes, Luca knew it well. So many hours practicing pastry and talking about your hobbies, every time he left work and showed up at your house to teach you how to make Aeblekage or a Koldskål you told him how you were planning to open your own little tea house. He looked at you in admiration and assured you that you were going to succeed. And here they were now, looking for a place to settle and where you could cook your delicious desserts accompanied by the love of your life.
Let 'em wonder how we got this far 'Cause I don't really need to wonder at all Yeah, after all this time I'm still into you - Paramore - I'm still into you
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At last they had arrived. After tiring around several streets, they found an old abandoned cafe with a dilapidated and crooked sign. It had a window on one side and the walls were dark brick. Above the front door hung a white awning with red stripes, unfortunately it was dirty and had a hole in the middle. Despite everything, you two loved how comfortable and familiar it looked and best of all, it was close to the port just as you wanted. They got out of the car and you began to admire the view, in the distance you could see the water and anchored boats.
"Don't you love it? the place, the sea breeze-you inhaled with your mouth open enjoying the air on your face- I would give anything for more days like this"
Luca looked at you lovingly and wrapped his arms around your waist looking where you were looking
"Have I told you how adorable you are when you talk about what you like?" -Luca kissed your forehead
You wrinkled your nose in contentment. "You tell me every day, hun"
"C'mon your place awaits you"
"Our. Our place awaits us"
They both entered the old building. But happiness disappeared from your pores when you saw that it seemed more dilapidated on the inside than on the outside. The peeling paint on the walls was falling apart, leaving a heap of dust on the floor. There was no furniture left. The wooden ceiling was moldy in places. You couldn't stop the disappointment from drawing on your face. Luca put his arm around your shoulders.
"Hey love it's alright. We can remodel it and I promise you it will be like new. Why don't you go check out the backyard while I find something to clean up?"
Luca is that down to earth and that's what you loved about him. He always found simple solutions to problems that seemed huge. You opened the French window that led to the yard and you felt the flame of hope rekindle in your chest. It was definitely much better than the inside of the building. It wasn't that big, but its low brick walls delimited a large plot. The floor was concrete, and pretty orange flowering vines hung from the walls. You were already imagining how you could use the space by placing beautiful tables with umbrellas.
"Hey babe, I found some brooms and a shovel-"
He stopped when he saw the yard. He also found it beautiful. you turned around with a smile
"So.. what are we waiting for? let's restore this place"
You got to dig a little deeper Find out who you are You got to dig a little deeper It really ain't that far When you find out who you are You'll find out what you need Blue skies and sunshine guaranteed - The princess and the frog - Dig a little deeper
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Luca offered you a shovel and together they began to sweep the floor, the dust made them cough and tickled their noses that made you sneeze like a kitten, Luca laughed every time he heard you. The following days were exhausting but pleasant. You bought turquoise paint for the inside of the walls, you two had a blast painting and doing a little mischief
"(Y/N) what do you think if we paint a strip of small sailboats in a darker color? It would go all the way across the wall, but we would need a stencil"
Luca pointed with a finger where the stencil would go, with his muscular and bare arm you couldn't help but pretend to pay attention to him and with your hand that held the brush, paint his wrist. He looked at you surprised, throwing you a reproachful look but deep down he couldn't suppress a smile.
"Oh (Y/N) you're very immature"
You closed your eyes laughing at what he took advantage of to paint the tip of your nose. When you felt something cold and wet on your nose, you opened your eyes and mouth offended, with a defiant grimace they started a paint war, their laughter mixed and echoed throughout the room, your boyfriend grabbed your wrists with the intention that your brush doesn't touch his face. In the end they ended up in a fiery kiss with their hands stained with paint leaving marks on your breasts and buttocks and with yours likewise scattered throughout their entire body, they looked like an abstract painting.
Every day you two were buying things to decorate the tea house. They had bought beautiful brown leather sofas at auction. You had gotten landscape paintings to hang on the wall at a vintage store. The most difficult thing had been to remove the wood from the roof, since some had been ruined by humidity. But by turns they had proposed to remove them little by little. Luca climbed a ladder and took some out, then you, in your eagerness to help, told him to lift you up so you could reach the roof. You always felt a tingle of adrenaline in your belly every time your boyfriend grabbed you by the waist and made you sit on his shoulders. And when you two couldn't handle everything on your own, you hired masons and workers who were very helpful.
With a little effort they managed to restore everything that was damaged, they changed the previous awning for a bigger one and a green one. They placed pots on the outside door and some hanging from the window. You were even able to put the tables you wanted in the backyard with their matching black iron chairs. When everything was ready in terms of decoration and remodeling, you went to the kitchen to prepare tea and desserts, it was the only thing that was missing before opening.
"Dear, could you help me with the dough?"-you asked him nicely
You were about to make some kind of Danish apple pie. Luca approached from behind, pulling his body against your back, which made a shiver run through your body. His arms and hands on top of yours accompanied your movements with a slow and loving rhythm. They stretched the dough back and forth and then rolled it back into a ball. Sometimes Luca teased you mischievously kissing your neck or behind your ear, with his nose buried in your hair. His kisses went down to your shoulder, making you sigh
"Luca…-you said in a warning tone- How unprofessional"
"Oh come on I know you love it"
You turned your head to kiss him. They finished cooking several desserts and also the different teas including iced teas.
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And the great day had arrived to open the doors of your tea house. It would only take a few minutes to welcome the people of the city. Both were nervous but especially you, you couldn't believe that your dream would finally come true. With trembling hands you took the key that opened the door, put it in the lock and turned it. It was done
"We did it.."-you looked at his face with happy tears in your eyes.
"You did it"- he corrected you wiping your tears - "It's your dream, don't forget it"
"Dreams can be shared, and that's what I'm doing with you"
He looked at you sweetly and grabbed your chin with his thumb to kiss you passionately. Customers started arriving for snacks, and soon the place was packed both inside and out. Luca promised to help you in the kitchen and you would go and serve the dishes along with the tea. The atmosphere was warm and welcoming, everyone was happy and so were you. You almost needed four more arms to serve so many people but you didn't care because that was what you wanted, a place where people can remember the warmth of their home while tasting delicacies prepared with love and delicacy, and if your boyfriend was by your side better. At the end of the day when people left and your place was about to close you and your boyfriend lay exhausted on the leather sofa, it was a busy day but it was satisfying at the same time. You placed your head on Luca's lap as he caressed your cheek.
"Today was the best day of my life, I still can't believe that all of this is real. It's like a sweet dream that I never want to end"
"But it's real love, and we made it together. Although if you want I can pinch you to prove it"
You two laughed amused letting the now empty room fill with your warm laughter that then floated in the air like a sweet dew.
Maybe, it's the way you say my name Maybe, it's the way you play your game But it's so good, I've never known anybody like you But it's so good, I've never dreamed of nobody like you And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime And I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine - Ruth B - Dandelions
. . . . . . . .
I know, this was maybe a bit boring and too cheesy but I'm a hopeless romantic and I couldn't not write something like that.
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yesloulou · 1 year
hello! i absolutely love your gifs and recently started making my own. your tutorials have been AMAZING especially the one ab creating super smooth gifs!! i was wondering two things if you wouldn't mind going into more detail. how do you go ab using topaz? I downloaded it (video ai) and when I try to use the frame interpolation, the video comes out looking super weird and staticky. My other question is unrelated, but was wondering if u could talk a little more ab neutralizing colors in gifs which you mentioned in one of ur tutorials? Thank you so much for all the beautiful gifs and amazing tutorials!! <3
hi anon. thank you for the kind words!! this actually just reminded me to update my lil gif speed management tutorial bc im doing something different now (avoid converting into smart object at the end which always made my gifs less sharp). i think it makes a pretty big difference &lt;3
Re: smooth gifs by neutralizing colors (from this tutorial)
basically the concept is that since gifs only allow at most 256 color entries, the more neutral in color a gif is, the more detailed those colors can be represented. here are two gifs whose only difference is the color on the big screen behind daniel. the first gif has more saturated greens and blues, and from the color table we can see PS utilized a lot of the 256 color slots to express greens and blues. the second gif is more neutralized, as a result we're seeing more skin colors in the color table, ie more efforts are made to express the main subject of this gif (daniel <3).
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at this size, it may look like the first gif looks better bc of vibrancy. but the problem will expose at full size. taking a closer look we'll see the skin tones in the 1st gif are not as well expressed as the 2nd gif. the 2nd gif is a lot smoother, less pixelated, and less splotchy, especially around the highlight areas.
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this comparison in gif:
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obviously, nobody will look at a gif this closely. but in my opinion this is what makes the difference between 'smooth' and 'butter smooth'. vibrancy and smoothness are both important to a gif, but unfortunately they are a trade-off. it comes down to the gif maker's personal preference. to me personally, the first gif is eye-catching bc of its bright colors, i totally see why some ppl might prefer it. but there is a smoothness and real-ness in the second gif that the first gif just doesn't have. as a result, the more neutral coloring would be what i prefer for this particular gif
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in application, this can go both ways:
1. if i feel a gif has too many colors and is pixelated bc of it, i will try to neutralize some of them for smoothness. example: here the very blue background that we're all familiar with was neutralized to an almost baby blue. the bright yellows on sharl and max's race suits were warmed up and desaturated to a peachy yellow color. this will be particularly useful if your gif is too big and you have to use even less than 256 colors.
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2. if a gif feels too dull, i will either try to make some of its existing colors more saturated (using Hue/Saturation Adjustment), or add some hues to the whites or blacks (using Selective Color), so that it will have more vibrancy. example (left): the blue on the red bull can is almost the only cool color in this gif, so i made it more saturated for contrast; example (right): the gif had virtually no cool tone so i made the whites (see prints on sharl's shoulder) more cyan than reality. (ps this is why i think sports gifs are challenging. in tv shows or movies the colors in every scene would've been designed and arranged, but in sports we won't have that)
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3. colors/vibrancy may be the only thing i want. pixelation can be a style in itself
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4. i might not care about colorfulness at all and just want the gif to be as smooth as possible
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Re: interpolation
speed coming out weird after interpolation is almost always bc your original video contains dup frames, esp if the footage was screen recorded. topaz does provide a "Replace Duplicate Frames" option with interpolation but imo it's not reliable at all. in my experience automated frame dedup requires more configurations than the one topaz lets you customize (sensitivity). which is probably why their dedup doesn't work as well as their other features. making sure your original video is free of dup or missing frames should solve your problem <3
ohh also interpolation works best in doubling or quadrupling! ie 25fps -> 50fps, 30fps -> 120fps etc etc
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hope this is helpful!
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turretistrying · 1 year
Caged Bird and Chased Mouse
Part 3: The Beginning of the Never Ending Mouse Wheel
A/N: ahahahaha,,, im sorry? But at least im finally reaching the Sabzeru festival bit of this story, im sorry its been a while. The reader’s feeling about the arts is based on my own, because I’m an artist and anyone who demeans any form of art make me angry >:(. Let’s start ig (oh stars this is not gonna be good) Anyway’s send me asks if you want
Warnings: Swearing (fuck and shit)
You head hurts so bad, but at least you’re comfy (small victories).
You open your eyes to see… your bedroom? Oh, yeah, you’re in a pseudo dream so not really, you guess.
‘Wait if im in a dream why the hell do I have a headache?’ You ponder to yourself while siting up from your bed, your body missing the familiar coziness and warmth,
You look around in hopes to see the lil green girl, Nahida she said? You’re not a hundred percent sure, considering how… hazy everything felt in the moment, including the time passage. ‘How long have I been out?’ You wonder, knowing you’ll gain no answers without Nahida. You decide to wander around your room, seeing what you could do here. You walk towards the window, which shows the outside with the bird feeder you had been meaning to refill before being sucked into a nightmare that has been this experience thus far. Grabbing the ledge on the window, you try and open it out of pure curiosity, it takes a struggle you know it didn’t need before only to see..
Black. Everywhere.
You try the door to see if it’s the same situation (it was). Just a never ending darkness stretching on seemingly forever. Deciding that most of the items in your room was useless for really anything in the moment, you walk towards your desk that housed your device for playing Genshin. The wretched thing that condemned you to a nightmare, but you knew it really couldn’t do anything to worsen your situation (God you hoped not). Booting it up just showed your lock screen, so far so good, putting in the password bring you to…
You sit there for a solid 5 minutes wondering ‘What the actual hell???’, because thats crazy, somehow more crazy then being stuck in the damn game itself. You snap out of your stupor and decide to click on the screen (which is no longer welcoming you by your email, but your ingame name. Your somewhat glad it wasn’t using your real name) waiting for the loading sequence, but it just skips to opening the giant door. You wait with just a white screen, no elemental symbols in sight. When it finishes you’re not greated by any playable character’s back, but by a spirit??
It looked like you in a sense, it was transparent with a simple robe. You took a look at the icons that the normal attack, elemental skill, and burst was usually located, only to see a button that looked like it was punching (?), one that was touching, and the final one looked like it was… well you couldn’t really tell what it was supposed to be. But you decided against trying any of them out of fear of what might occur. Looking around you realized ‘you’ were right in the middle of Sumeru City, right next to the adventurer’s guild. Walking around was a bit odd, you were very used to hearing the character’s footsteps and clothes moving but this spirit had no noise at all.
You end up at the front of “The Grand Bazaar”, an area you had been meaning to visit before falling into a coma-state. Opening the door and walking down the small hallway led to somewhere that was bustling with festivities! It was so pretty with all the flowers and decorations, you wonder what the occasion is as you continue onwards. Looking at some of the food stalls you really regret not going there, it just looks so good (you bet it smelt delicious). Not paying attention you end up walking the spirit right though someone,
“Brr! Woah, did you just feel that?”
“It was a really cold draft, how did you not feel that?”
“There’s no draft in here.”
You just stop to listen,
‘So this character is functionally a ghost? Huh’ You continue through the Grand Bazaar to another entrance, hearing a… familiar voice, one you haven’t heard in forever. Walking through the doors you see,
Lumine and Paimon.
They were talking with a strange looking man with 5 containers in front of him. But all you could think was how were they here. You remembered you left your team in Inazuma before getting sucked in because you set commissions there (you were grinding achievements), in all honesty you wonder where your team is at the moment… you hope they’re okay and don’t hate you. You walk up to the two, deciding to follow them for now, to follow a story you never got to see before getting sucked into this.
“—speaking of tradition, do you want some Yalda Candies? They're a festival staple, and I happen to have some boxes readied here. Take a look and pick whichever one you want.” The odd looking man with a mustache and flower hat offers Lumine and Paimon the mentioned candies
“Whichever one... Don't these boxes all look the same?” Paimon asks with her not at all annoying voice (you’re being totally honest!)
You muse while peering down at the containers with your character, “Yeah, they sorta do. But they do have some different colors!” You speak to yourself in the dream-room, simply speaking aloud.
“?!” Lumine suddenly started to look around them, seemingly startled
‘Wonder what Lumine’s spooked about?? Nothing seems out of place or weird…’
“Haha, this is the fun part. Each box contains a random flavor — it's up to the luck of the draw. Flavors include Lavender Melon, Harra Fruit, Sunsettia...” The flower man continues to talk, seemingly unaware of Lumine’s confusion.
Paimon, the flower man, and a regal looking lady kept talking to each other, but at this point I was focused on Lumine. ‘Maybe she can hear me with this character?’ You move the character to be closer to Lumine, “if you can hear me Lumine, uhm… Pick the 2nd container!”
Lumine immediately pointed to the 2nd container “I pick this one.”. Her sudden interruption made the three others pause.
Flower man cleared his throa, “uhm, A-atten-tion! That's unfortunately Harra Fruit. The Sunsettia candy was in the 4th one”
“Aw man! I thought you only won battles because you had good luck but i guess not” Paimon interjected
“That still sounds good! I’d assume Harra fruit tastes like dragonfruit so that seems like it’d be a good treat!” You say out-loud, then turn your voice to Lumine, “Thanks Lumine, ignore Paimon ahaha. I’m sorry I left you in Inazuma…”
Lumine seems to blush then nod to the direction of where my character was.
You follow the three throughout the day, and we finally arrive to watch the dancer Nilou’s performance. You were pretty excited, never have really seen a dance performance. While you couldn’t see it with your own two eyes in person, at least you could get as close as you could. But it seemed like there was someone yelling at Nilou.
The regal lady (that you learned her name was Dunyarzad) chimed in “I think I just saw the Akademiya's Grand Sage... Why is he here in person?”
The two Akademiya officials kept yelling at Nilou, while Dunyarzad looked like she wanted to step in and stop it. “Lumine, please stop Dunyarzad I don’t thing things will go well if she tried to intervene.” You whisper into Lumine’s ear, having become a bit worried for Dunyarzad since you discovered what she was dealing with.
Lumine listens and convinces Dunyarzad not to confront the Akademiya people. You get closer as a group to hear a bit better, and as you listen to what the Akademiya officials are toting about, it makes your blood boil.
You valued the arts before all this, buying several commissioned pieces, listening to music at any given point, and seen a musical or two. Hearing the Sages (?) demean those arts makes you want to punch them. “Not everything is about knowledge you old idiots! Art is human nature just let her dance, and besides the arts can be used to understand the past, and find more knowledge you fuckers. Be lucky I can’t physically punch you.”
You rant to yourself (maybe a lil to Lumine too, considering she can hear you) angry at what they’re saying. You move your character over to the Sage’s and spam the punch button (it satisfied you to know it was in-fact a punch button and watching the character’s transparent fists phased through the Sages made you deeply happy). While you’re enjoying your non-consequential vengeance, they leave (muttering how cold the Bazaar is) and Paimon and Dunyarzad starts to comfort Nilou while Lumine and you stay back.
Lumine and Paimon return to where they’re staying, you follow. They lay down for sleep and suddenly-
The loudest noise you’ve ever heard in your life rings throughout the dream-room, your head feels like it’s about to explode. “FUCK!” Your hands try and block the noise from your ear but it’s too late and you faint from the pain.
You head hurts so bad.
You open your eyes to see… your bedroom? Oh, yeah, you’re in a pseudo dream so not really, you guess.
‘Wait if im in a dream why the hell do I have a headac- wait this feels familar?’ You ponder to yourself while siting up from you bed.
You stand up from your bed and walk (back?) to the desk with your device, opening to the Genshin door again. You click and wonder what the hell that noise was before you fainted (?) was. When it finishes loading, you see the spirit character you remember, with the three buttons, punch, touch, and mystery. You make the character run around, hoping you’ll find Lumine and Paimon. You got lost so many times unfamiliar with the layout of the city, eventually you end up back at the candy stand you first saw Lumine and Paimon. The flower man (you really need to find out his name..) was still there with the candy containers. ‘Wait, shouldn’t he not be here since the Festival was cancelled?’ You wonder to yourself, not realizing that Lumine and Paimon started to walk up.
“Farris, the Knight of Flowers, is another Sabzeruz Festival icon, and one immensely popular with children.” After hearing the newly familiar voice Dunyarzad, you turn the character’s camera behind you to reveal the 3 approaching.
“Haha, it's all thanks to Miss Dunyarzad's sponsorship that the children can meet the Knight of Flowers.” Farris (that doesn’t seem right…) replies, “Oh, do you want some Yalda Candies? I happen to have some boxes readied here. Take a look and pick whichever one you want.”
Your eyes widen, ‘Wait, i remember this! The fourth one has the sunsettia candy, but why is this happening again?’
“Uhh, what's to pick? Don't these boxes all look the same?” Paimon says the same thing she said the first time
You move your character behind Lumine, and your finger hovers over the touch button. You click on it, your character’s hand laches onto her shoulder. “Pick the 4th one Lumine.”
“Ah, excellently chosen! Number four is indeed Sunsettia.” Farris congratulates Lumine on picking the right one.
You follow Lumine and Paimon throughout the day (again?) until you reach the Bazaar again, Nilou’s performance supposed to be underway. But the Sage’s are there and yelling at Nilou, Dunyarzad wants to stop them but Lumine stops her. The Sage’s demean the arts, you ghost punch the sages, and Dunyarzad comforts Nilou.
Lumine and Paimon return to the hotel, they get ready for sleep.
“SHIT NOT AGAIN” You scream, again, it still fucking hurt but you don’t faint this time. Your device crashed and everything around you became blurry and glitched and you felt sick. You closed your eyes for just a second, and when you opened them again, you were in bed.
‘Am I in a timeloop?’ You walk to the desk with your device, again. With the idea of a timeloop troubling you.
Genshin boots up.
Loads in as the spirit character.
Punch, touch, mystery.
Flower Knight and candy containers.
“Container 4.”
Sage’s yelling.
“Punch the Sages, Lumine”
Dunyarzad comforts Nilou.
Return to Hotel.
Headspliting noise.
Im so sorry this took so long, IM NOT A WRITER. Also do you guys want me to put this on Ao3 I have an account but i’ve never posted a fanfic on it.
Taglist: (if your name is crossed out i couldn’t tag you! :( )
Taglist: @no-name-omo @moosieman12345 @tinandabin @esthelily @d0rmiens-fact0rem @lunalily19 @meerpea @justasleepyboi @lunarianillusion @cumbermovels @allblognamesaretakenlikereally @dulleyeddreamer @ello-its-me-ya-boi @jayastronomicnova @apple-ai @campanula-rotundifolia @kokomisimpppp @the-dumber-scaramouche @aintrovertmortal @i-loveyou013 @mochicurls21 @elernity
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hanasnx · 1 year
i've loved the whole starlet reader little bits and bobs recently. she's my babygirl, i have posters of her up on my walls and her playboy cover under my bed <33
i know the au! is hayden-based, but my brain circled around anakin for this one. 
in my mind the prequels take place in what would be our 1940s or 1950s as the ogs reflected closer the political context of the 60s. 
which lends itself for a golden-age starlet reader, and i wanted to share a thought! ITS SO LONG IM SO SORRY  ;;
with a war raging on, people need some sort of distraction as to not go insane with the politics and bloodshed of it all - an escapism the entertainment industry is more than happy to provide. anything you could possibly want to escape your own life for a little while, they have. 
i like to imagine each clone legion has has their own taste when it comes down to their poison of choice - the 302th are very into the thrillers of an acclaimed silver fox actor. the 127th favour comedies regardless of whoever stars in them.
the 501st claimed starlet!reader as their girl. that's quite literally how she's known in the clones barracks, "the 501st's girl".
the legion is very familiar with their girl and her filmography. even though not all of her repertoire is romance, that's the one genre they indulge in the most.  
in the two hours they get to spend with her, they get to live the romance of a lifetime they may never get to experience otherwise. she's their forbidden lover, their wife, their temptress.
their girl, really.
she's special to them, even if in a parasocial way. it's a tragic thought to think how many of them passed with a picture of her on the windshield of their ship. 
maybe that's why anakin agreed to watch a holo-film of hers with the 401st. it's important to them, so it's important to him. a little bonding time. 
he just didn't expect to become so quickly enraptured with you, too - not in the same way his clone comrades are, their girl is the vessel for their fantasies. to anakin? you're his fantasy. 
i doubt he cares much for your movies, i think he prefers your interviews and commercials.  he has a few favorite frames he comes back to often. 
he lingers on them more than he should - a parasocial relationship *hardly* counts as an attachment anyways. 
considering how most holo-projections are 3D, i'm sure he's already familiar with your form, from head to toes. 
but no projection can compare to seeing the real thing for the first time - you were actually real? he couldn't wrap his head around that idea. 
i mean, you looked real when you arrived in a pretty little white-blue outfit, accompanied by palpatine, (who ofc organized the whole thing). you were all smiles and waves, clearly trying to make contact with as many eyes as you could before you went onstage.  
you sounded real when you yelped and giggled when you almost tripped on the slippery stairs when you were headed center to deliver a small speech to your boys (as you so lovingly called them). 
but what really almost sold him on the fact that you were real, was feeling you. physically you were meters away, but with his connection to the force? you were almost breathing down his neck with how close he felt your force presence. the very essence of what makes you, you. 
you were singing your heart out up there -  oblivious to how you intoxicated almost all of anakin's senses by simply existing in the same space as him. 
he just really needed to confirm you tasted real, to be completly sold on your existence as something beyond a hallucination of his haunted mind. 
look i dont like long inbox msgs bcos its rly difficult for me to focus on them and all that etc etc whatever whatever but this.. this i loved reading. i want more of it. i want to hear more about the 501st's girl and how ppl joke about it "oh hows your lil girlfriend??" as if shes the collective gf of this division sldfj. i wonder how anakin gets closer, do you feel drawn to him too? if so, is it cos hes pretty or is it a magical thing? are the 501st jealous or playfully jealous over anakins success in bagging you??
my cheeks slowly heated up the entire time i read it i rly enjoyed it omg
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falconcoast · 2 years
the charity ball | kaeya x reader
day six. holiday party ft. kaeya
event masterlist 
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after a teasing night, kaeya meets you out by the fountain for one last dance.
a/n: a day late but at this point i don’t really care because i put it off in order to absolutely crush my biz law midterm 🙌
tags: wine, a lil jealousy
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you didn’t understand why you were so jealous.
the knights’ charity ball only came once a year during december. the soldiers from all over mondstadt came to the goth hotel to raise additional funds for the organization. silent auctions were held, with pieces given by the finest artists in teyvat. talks were held by the most preeminent knights, including the acting grandmaster herself, jean gunnhildr. and of course, the charity ball included the option for dance.
it was really supposed to be a wondrous night. but in your corner, you stewed with envy and bitterness, hiding your displeasure behind a flute of champagne. all dressed up, with white gloves, a shined sword at your sword, and a gold and blue coat.
the second of the ragnvindr brothers was the reason for your anger. as his second-in-command, you were displeased by his actions. as the cavalry captain, he should have been presenting himself with the utmost decorum, especially at a formal occasion like this. yet here he was, swinging around another knight on his arm, twirling her around. they exchanged laughter, making you clench your glass.
he had been doing this all night, making himself just out of your reach. even at the start, when you arrived, he spared a mischievous glance before disappearing into the crowd.
you knew it wasn’t just that your field partner was enjoying himself a little too much tonight. kaeya’s sly comments and flirtatious compliments were recently getting to your head. as a knight by his side for nearly two years now, you reflected that it was inevitable. no one, not even you, could resist the charms of the cavalry captain.
frustrated, you turned on your heel in an attempt to cool down. there was no use in staying, not when you had done your duty for the night. giving your graces to a passing sommelier, you pulled at your white silk gloves, pat your sword, and set off into the night.
outside, barbatos’ breeze was gentle but cold. passing the fountain, you stared at your reflection. you tucked your hands behind your back, looking at the mirrored moon. a figure voiced your reflection, staring at you.
“the moon is beautiful, isn’t it?” the figure asked, making you nearly jump out of your skin. drawing your sword, you held it up against the person’s chin. a soft chuckle came out of their chest as you processed their voice. “my, you’d think after two years of working together you’d know my voice by now.”
“oh,” you breathed, dropping your sword. “captain kaeya. it’s just you.”
“that it is,” he said, brushing off his suit coat. he wore a white and blue suit, with fitted gold buttons and navy blue sash. you sheathed your sword, relaxing your tense body. “you walked out so quickly. i was wondering if something was wrong.”
“there is nothing wrong,” you disagreed, hand still on the hilt of your sword. “i have completed my work at the charity ball tonight, so i decided to leave. surely, you’re familiar with it; you leave at six o’clock promptly to go have a drink at angel’s share.”
“always hitting it where it hurts,” he mused, pursing his lips into a thin smile.
he didn’t leave you alone. his eye shone down on you, carefully observing your pensive look. you stared back with an equal intensity. “are you planning on interrogating me, or can i go home?”
“you acted differently today. i just wanted to make sure that you were alright.”
“well, i certainly am as i have previously stated, so you can go back to your-your frivolous dancing and drinking,” you replied, turning around and making for the stairs.
“oh, i see. is that what this is all about?” kaeya asked, grabbing your hand. “were you jealous?”
“what?!” you exclaimed, snapping your hand back, clutching it to your chest. “no, you’re preposterous.”
“ah-ah, i think your face is telling, my darling.” darling?! you screamed internally, turning your head away from him. taking your chin into his hand, he smiled. “admittedly, it is quite cute to see you get flustered. but, i will indulge you.”
“i never said--”
quickly, he swept you by the waist, bringing your hand up into the waltz position. he wolfishly grinned as he took the first step. “they say that all knights should know how to dance. you know, just in case they ever need to fulfill their fairytale duties.”
on the cobblestone path, you and your partner slowly danced. you ducked your head down, bashful. “i suppose that is one area in which i lack, then,” you admitted.
“no, i think you’re a wonderful dancer,” he said. “and a pretty one at that.”
you wanted to throw down your gloves out of embarrassment from his words, but you didn’t. instead, you searched his eyes for earnestness and found that that was all there was to it. swallowing, you let yourself be moved by him.
kaeya was warm, much warmer than the chilly air outside. his pulse beat faintly against your wrist. if you could, you wanted to stay in his embrace forever. slowly, you both came to a stop. leaning down, he kissed your hand. “we should not be doing this,” you faintly whispered, looking down at him. “what will one of your admirer’s say when they see us like this?”
“what does it matter what an admirer thinks when all i want is you?” he replied, tilting his head with a knowing smile.
“you mustn't be so forward…”
“and you mustn’t deny what you feel,” he murmured, standing up straight. his face neared yours, tilting your chin again. “may i kiss you?”
all you could do was nod. his lips were on yours in an instant, and a new feeling settled in your chest. after months of denial, you finally let yourself embrace him, denying duty in favor of your heart. pulling away with a heaving chest, you looked at him expectantly.
“once more?” he asked teasingly. “we do have all night.”
“yes, once more,” you whispered, before kissing him again.
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thecoochiefairy · 10 months
𝖓𝖊𝖜 𝖘𝖆𝖑𝖊𝖒
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧.
Despite the bodies that lounge around the furniture in the room, their concern is far from relaxed. Aries’ family stares at him as they await for an answer. He’d spent the last couple of hours trying to figure that out himself. The chaos of everything that happened in the middle of Cloud’s room resulted in both women disappearing, if being honest he wasn’t sure how to answer this question.
“I don’t know, I been tryna’ mind link her but she’s not answering.”
“She can’t be alone right now, there’s a possibility she could transition and cause an entire massacre in the wrong setting,” Adonis reminds.
“She’s with Pheme, she’s fine.”
“So…what happened again?” Aria looks in between the two awkward stares at one another, taking another sip of her wine as she’d only been observing this conversation.
“Mariah and that lil’ half white girl was….” She raises her body up as she wants someone to finish what she’s saying.
“Two manning’ Cloud,” Calypso and Jupiter finish.
“Would it still be two manning’ if it’s women?” She questions.
“Wouldn’t it be two woman-ning?” Adonis then asks her.
“Is that what really matters to y’all right now?” Aries raises his eyebrows at his unserious family members.
“Well no, I’m just wondering why Cloud would do all that knowing that it would’ve ended badly,” Aria shrugs, taking another sip of the dark red liquid.
“Trauma response, maybe,” Adonis mutters.
“Poor baby. I just wish he would have talked to someone,” Aria sighs.
“Now hold up,” Jupiter interrupts, “What we not finna’ do is cue the violins entirely. I am not connecting him being assaulted to having sex with someone he’s aware Sin despises—plus, a snitch— all in one.”
“Don’t forget Mariah,” Calypso points out.
“Exactly, let’s not forget Mariah—who was supposed to be her friend. Sounds like Cloud was tryna’ get his lick back.”
“Lick back? For what?” Their mother frowns.
“Hello?” Jupiter then points to Aries standing in front of him, Aries then crossing his arms as he now wants to end this uncomfortable conversation.
“It wasn’t like that,” he argues, adjusting the chain on his neck to distract himself.
“That’s fine if you didn’t holla’ at Sin with ill intentions. I know you didn’t, we just saying,” Jupiter responds.
“So what now?” Aria pulls the conversation back to a bigger issue, wondering how they’d move forward with everything that’s happened.
“Imma’ go talk to Cloud,” Aries announces.
“For fuckin’ what?” Calypso sits up, “He ain’t your friend! I know you not finna’ go apologize.”
“Not about this, Calypso. I just think he needs a friend right now, don’t be like that.”
Calypso sucks his teeth, cringing as he suddenly felt a palm swipe across the back of his head. Jupiter snaps, “He’s being an adult you dweeb. You should take notes.”
His twin brother roles his eyes as he mutters, “I enjoyed this conversation more when it was messy.”
HE MENTALLY PREPARED THAT THIS WOULD BE AWKWARD. His ears feel as though he’s underwater as he tunes out the incessant giggling that fires around him, watching as furry paws stumble against the grass. They’re not nearly as excited as the bodies that chase them around, even louder giggles surrounding the miniature animals as the coven’s children play their own version of “tag.”
“How the hell do they move so fast?” Blue comes beside Aries, pressing his hands on his knees as he attempts to catch his breath.
“Mr. Aries, tag!” A small voice calls, Aries looking down to see the familiar little girl, Beauty. Her blue eyes beam as she presses her finger against his side, her entire body disappearing before he can react to the intrusion. Both men see her then reappear on the other side. She shouts as the pups are finally able to catch up to her, running over to playfully attack. It entertained Aries to see the children enjoy themselves despite being distracted.
“You talked to Sin?” Blue inquires.
“If she wanted to be found, she’d be here.”
“Ouch. Don’t be getting all uptight with me, asswipe,” Blue insults.
Aries looks over to him, realizing his tone of voice. “My bad, just a lot of shit on my mind.”
“Talk to me then, I’m a great listener,” Blue bats his eyelashes.
Before Aries can reply, a familiar scent catches his nose and he turns around to see Cloud standing behind him. He has a look on his face that reads hesitance, as if he expects the worst out of this meetup.
“Uh—Elijah said you wanted to talk?” Cloud says, shoving his hands into his pockets uncomfortably.
“Am I in the twilight zone? What episode did I miss?” Blue blurts, his eyes wide and chaotic.
Aries wants to uppercut his best friend. Had he not had that title, he probably would’ve. Instead he only coughs, communicating in his thoughts as he says, ‘Go away, please?”
“Oh! Aight, bet,” Blue shakes his head quickly, “C’mon pups and lil’ witchy babies, let’s go to the green house!”
Material shreds in front of Aries and Cloud as Blue drops onto his knees. His limbs lengthen out, fur replacing his smooth skin as claws dig into the green grass. A color of brown comes up from beneath his paws that now sink into the dirt. Arrays of howls sing into the sky as the animals take off, following behind his large frame.
“You smoke?” Aries asks, turning around as he begins walking into the forest where the houses are.
“Uh…yeah?” Cloud hesitates.
Aries gestures for him to follow, Cloud slowly walking behind as they make their way over to his place. Cloud is unsure of what this conversation is supposed to be about, but if it’s anything regarding confrontation, he planned to cut it short.
Aries ignores the eyes of his twin brothers as they yell at one another while playing the game, silence then cutting sharply as they both watch the two walk upstairs towards Aries’ room. They go past his actual bedroom that plays soft music, going out onto the patio. Aries leans himself on the railing as he reaches for the blunt behind his ear. He scoops the lighter from his pocket as the joint sits between his lips, lightning the end to ignite the object.
“You said you wanted to speak,” Cloud reminds, trying to figure out what’s going on.
Aries nods his head as he inhales the smoke encompassing his lungs, traveling back out his nose as he removes the blunt from his lips and reaches it out to Cloud.
He slowly takes it from his hand, unable to hold back as he asks, “Is it laced?”
Aries eyes drop lowly. “Now why the hell would I lace myself? C’mon, I come in peace. I bought this shit off your friend when I asked where you were.”
“Elijah don’t even smoke like that.”
“Exactly why he gave it to me.”
“Cause it’s laced?”
“‘Cause my plug is all the way in New Orleans, and you worry too much. You done interrogating?”
Cloud looks down at his hand. He then takes the blunt from his fingers as he begins to smoke, still keeping his guard up nonetheless.
“So what did you want?”
“Just wanted to check on you, ask how you’re feeling,” Aries admits.
“Like shit. But I don’t know why you’d think I would choose you as someone to confide in,” Cloud replies coyly.
“I don’t expect you to do anything. But considering you standing here smoking with me, you can’t despise me that much. Nor would you have agreed to talk. So whatever you want to say, I won’t be mad at.”
Cloud watches as smoke fills the space in between them. With everything going on in his head, he could almost scream at the thought of revealing all of his feelings. It’d been so long since someone had asked him whether he was okay or not, or more so him even answering the question. This was the last person he planned to confide in, but he figured it was no worse than talking to anyone else.
“Do you even like her? Seriously,” he allows that intrusive thought to succeed through his lips.
Aries doesn’t expect that to be his first question. He halts, crossing his arms as he takes a deep breath before he asks, “You want me to be honest?”
“I’m not asking you to lie.”
He sighs, “I like Sin…a lot. But right now we’re in this weird ass limbo because of everything going on. She’s been tryna’ keep her mind off of y’all’s issue, but I can tell how much she cares about you.”
“…Okay,” Cloud exhales.
Silence goes between the two as they both try to find the next thing to say, Aries then clearing the atmosphere as he then asks, “Do you still have feelings for her?”
“I…I’ve always felt like I had to like Sin. That’s just the way it’s been,” he admits.
“That doesn’t sound very genuine.”
Cloud rolls his lips in. He’d never actually admitted that to anyone, and now hearing himself say it out loud felt foreign against his tongue. He continues, “Sybil has always had a specific way of running things, including me and Sin’s relationship. She’s…she’s what I know.”
“But is that what you want?” Aries inquires.
Cloud squints his eyes at the question. He grills, “Is this some type of reverse psychology shit? Is this your plot against me to think I don’t actually like her?”
Aries smacks his lips, shoving the blunt back towards him as he commands, “Bro, hit this shit. I’m literally just tryna’ talk to you. Chill.”
Cloud slowly takes it into his hand. He doesn’t feel the need to apologize for his assumption, but he does realize that he’s being somewhat dramatic.
“I just want to be able to do my own thing without feeling like someone else has a plan for me. Or that I have to be with someone in order to fulfill that plan. Sometimes I can be a lil’ emotional—“
“A little?” Aries cuts off.
“I liked you better when ya’ ass was being Dr. Phil.”
Aries shrugs, “Continue.”
It’s as if all his emotions are now on a billboard for everyone to see, yet it’s only one other person standing in front of him. This person doesn’t laugh, budge, or make him feel as though his opinion doesn’t matter. It almost made him feel at ease. Or maybe it was just the weed talking.
“I’m enjoying this… ‘being single’ thing. I just want to explore my options and explore who I am as a person.”
Aries nods his head in agreement, about to respond before Cloud then continues, “And…if Sin is happy with you and she makes you happy…I guess I’m content with that.”
Cloud watches as Aries raises his eyebrows. He then presses, “Please say something before I change my good heartedness.”
“Uh—right, fasho. But this isn’t about Sin right now, this is about you. Are you comfortable enough to talk about what happened in Oseidon?”
Cloud cringes at the memory. It’s been a while since he’d been able to remind himself of what happened without wanting to completely shut down. He suddenly remembered what it felt like being constricted, no one able to help him. It was something he wouldn’t wish on an enemy.
“It was traumatizing. I think it’s what’s led me to wanting to be in control of my decisions and my own body. But besides that, I’ve been doing things like focusing more on school, spending more time with my friends. It’s kept me from being down in my emotions…I think once I feel back to normal, I will mend things with Sin.”
“I encourage that, she misses you. I can tell you miss her as well.”
“I do,” Cloud agrees.
The silence between the two returns. Cloud doesn’t feel like anything has seriously changed between them, but he does feel a respect that he wouldn’t expect to have given him. To be able to put all of their bullshit aside and talk to him as if they’d known each other for years. It made him happy knowing that Aries was now someone important to Sin’s life. He wouldn’t admit that though.
“So…should we hug now—“
“No,” Aries quickly shakes his head.
“Okay,” Cloud just as quickly answers. He ashes the blunt in between his fingers on the patio’s railing before he concludes, “Imma’ head back to Elijah. He’s having a panic attack since he heard Sin and Pheme disappeared. You heard from them by chance?”
“I know just as much as you do, nothing. But if I hear from them I’ll let you know.”
He turns towards the door of the patio, standing there for a brief second before he turns to Aries and teases, “You sure about not wanting that hug?”
“Get the fuck off of my porch, Cloud.”
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waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
Person A and person B accidentally giving each other flowers at the same time.
Dealer's choice as to whom :)
13. Person A and person B accidentally giving each other flowers at the same time. i'm at the beginning of fjord's arc in c2 so let's have a lil fjorester on this sunday afternoon
Fjord knows that he could be better with the whole romance thing. Well, he thinks he's romantic, but Jester has standards—which she should, because Jester is wonderful and deserves to be reminded of that fact as often as possible. But sometimes Fjord forgets the reminding part. He is trying to be better.
Which is why he's particularly proud of himself when spots a little florist as he comes back from the market one morning and thinks, Jester would like some flowers. Hell yeah, Jester would love some flowers. He buys a bouquet with the most varieties he can find, knowing that Jester appreciates color and chaos, and has a spring in his step as he saunters back to the little house beneath the water tower.
When he pushes in, a basket of food in one hand and the bouquet in the other, his cheerful "Oh Jester!" is cut off as he sees a different bouquet of flowers, a oceanic collection of blues and greens, waiting on the tiny dining table. He sets the basket down on the kitchen counter and looks at the flowers, confused.
"You're home!" He turns around to see Jester bounding in from outside, a few more flowers in her hands. "I thought I had more time!" She slips the flowers, sea foam green and white, into the bouquet, and then squeals when she sees the blooms in Fjord's hand. "Oh Fjord, you remembered!"
Panic floods through Fjord like seawater. "I...yes, I did."
He absolutely did not.
She bounces up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "I thought you would have forgotten." Without waiting for him to offer them to her, she plucks the bouquet from his hands and bounds deeper into the little house, searching for another vase. "It isn't one of our more important anniversaries, I know, but still, it's one of my favorites."
Oh no. Fjord begins wracking his brain, running through a catalogue of every moment Jester could be referring to. One of the hardest things about dating Jester—not that there are many, of course, because there aren't—is her tendency to make a holiday out of everything, including anniversaries of each and every significant moment in their relationship. Clearly she thinks the flowers he bought on a whim are meant to commemorate some moment he absolutely cannot remember, and he wonders how long he can bluff his way through this.
"Well, you know, I know how much it means to you, Jessie." He begins to put away his market purchases, hoping he can hide his face so as not to give himself away.
"Ah hah!" Jester holds up an old jelly jar, which she'd been planning on using to hold water for her paintbrushes. She sticks the bouquet inside and takes it to the sink. "You're so romantic, Fjord. Just like that night! So beautiful and quiet. I really felt like that was the first time we really understood each other, y'know?"
He very much does not, but he sticks his head in a cabinet to avoid her eyes. "Yep. Sure do."
He fights a sigh as he turns to look at her. The jelly jar has been filled with water and the flowers sit on the counter. Jester stands just beside him, hands on her hips, an all-too-familiar mischievous twinkle in her eye. "You have no idea what day it is, do you?"
His shoulders slump. "I...do not, no."
She rolls her eyes and kisses his cheek again. "You are not very hard to see through, Captain Tusktooth. But you make up for it by being very sweet." She buries her nose in the flowers. "They are wonderful, especially since you got them just because."
He grins, wrapping his arms around her. "You're not mad at me for forgetting...?"
"The jellyfish bloom!" she supplies, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "The first night we after stole the Mistake! When we were on watch together!"
If he's being honest, Fjord barely remembers what she's talking about, but if it means so much to her, it must have been quite the night. "Of course. How could I forget?"
"Mmm, because you're not very smart." She pecks his lips. "Very handsome, though!"
He rolls his eyes. "Alright, alright, you can objectify me later. I've got to head down the docks to check on a shipment."
And so he leaves her, adjusting the two bouquets so they nestle in together on the dining table, and as he strides through Nicodranas on this warm, sunny morning, he wonders how the toothless orphan from no one and nowhere ended up in a place like this with a girl like her.
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kyratittyfish · 2 years
All I Need
This lil fic is for my dear friend @commander-krios. Why? Cause she's awesome, and she deserves some fluff featuring her Aurora Shepard and Joker. Who are pretty awesome too. Anyway- hope you like it <3 -Kyra
“Have you ever thought about moving planetside?” Aurora asked, her arm draped above her forehead and her slender fingers playing with the hem of her pillowcase. 
With how soft her voice was, barely loud enough for Jeff to hear it, he wondered if she truly meant to ask her question, or if she was merely thinking out loud. She tended to do that when she was relaxed, and he felt a little clump of fuzzy warmth settling in his chest at the thought that yes, she was indeed at ease now, lying next to him. 
Even after years since their first kiss he still couldn’t believe his luck and kept anticipating the dreadful moment of waking up and realizing their love had been nothing more than a convincing dream. He took a deep breath in, letting her familiar scent dispel his doubts and fears.
“When this mess is over, I mean,” she clarified, slightly turning her head towards his side of the bed. He mirrored her movement and rolled to his side.
Her hair was a sprawled mess that framed her head like a golden halo against the white bedsheets, and starlight reflected in her blue eyes, making the details of her irises shimmer like silver shards of moondust. He wasn’t a religious man, but looking at her, he could almost believe in angels. 
“Planetside?” he snorted, scuttling closer to her body until his hip met the warmth of her bare skin. No matter how many times he’d done it before, touching her was always like flowing through a relay. It felt like floating weightlessly through the fabric of space and time, in a place between worlds where the laws of nature meant nothing. It was intoxicating, and he knew that if he had one thousand years to live, one billion occasions to experience that same moment again and again, he’d still be pleading for one more day, one more time, one more flight, and one more touch.  
“Mhm.” Aurora shifted on the mattress to snuggle more comfortably next to him, and gently wrapped her leg around his thighs. “Earth. Or Tiptree, if you wanna.” Her words began to slur as sleepiness seeped deeper into her mind and body. He smiled as she nested her face in the crook of his neck and covered her hand in his as she slid her palm over his chest to rest it right above his heart. 
He placed a tender kiss over her head. Her hair tickled his cheek as he did so, but it was a pleasant tingle. “Nah,” he murmured into her blonde locks. “There are way too many people there. And bugs. And dirt. And the weather changes? Sorry, but I’ll pass.”
She didn’t answer right away, or even chuckle. Her warm breaths grew slower and deeper against his neck, and he thought she’d fallen asleep already. 
“S’alright,” she finally mumbled, after what could have been a minute or a hundred. “I’ve got all I need right here.”
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