#if tlc ever gets adapted i want the accents to go wild. even wilder than in the books.
eerna · 2 months
Do you think the Lunar Chronicles boys and girls have accents? Considering none of them are from the US (I think), I always liked to imagine they'd all have specific accents based on their home.
This might be a weird question but what do you think the girls' voices sound like? Or how do you hear them in your head whenever they're speaking.
The books specify multiple times that everyone speaks Universal with an accent that fits their home! Thorne is American, but he still has an accent - Cinder says he "speaks surprisingly clear despite his heavy American accent" lololol.
By this point I have listened to the audiobooks so many times I can hear the narrator while reading the book, so that's how I hear the dialogue in my mind... But personally, I don't have clear voice ideas for any of the girls except Winter. The audiobook narrator, Rebecca Soler, sounds EXACTLY the way I imagine Winter when she narrates her lines. She puts on this airy, lilting, slow voice that sounds exactly like a dreamy princess who is out of touch with reality, but she also transitions into intensity and conviction wonderfully.
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