#if thats the case i may end up having to have separate masterlists for year or subject or something....
killemwithkawaii · 2 years
Uh... is it possible to have too many links on one post? It looks like my masterlist is broken on mobile qwq
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shadows-of-a-memory · 6 months
neal caffrey
back to white collar masterlist
the high might be theirs (but all the bottles were mine)
(technically a two-shot) you’re in love. in love with danny brooks, your childhood best friend. when it turns out the affection is mutual, you two begin dating. then, danny finds out about his past: his real name is neal, and he was moved to witness protection when he was two due to his father being a dirty cop. you’re left alone, abandoned, unloved. a few years later, though, danny-neal shows back up, and you’re forced to figure put how to handle his reappearance. based off of “nothing else i could do” by ella jane
of small mines and subtle misdirections
(top gun!crossover) (bradshaw!reader) your life is pretty much perfect. oh, you have your bad days, your struggles, your fights, but you’re married to the love of your life, have the best kids you could hope for, and work with your best friends at a job you love kicking criminal ass. but when a case takes you out to san diego, familiar ghosts come back to haunt you and you find that sometimes running from your past only makes its shadow longer.
dawn ‘til dusk (and through the night)
(dc!crossover) (series of oneshots) you’ve been in love with pining a normal amount after neal caffrey for… far longer than you should. it’s part of why you’re the only person that figures out his real identities as both dick grayson and nightwing. this, as one might guess, causes a lot of conflict… both with suspicious superheroes and your paranoid coworkers. at least it can’t get any worse than this.
of refractions in reflections
(mcu!crossover) (stark!reader) when the universe was destroyed following the four infinity snaps, somehow instead of dying you find yourself having traveled back in time—just in time to fix things on the front end and sace the world, right? wrong. you’re exhausted. you’ve tried to save the world too many times to care now. so, instead, you create a new identity, separate from your family legacy. create a life, a niche, in an equally new and old world. unfortunately, things don’t always work out that well, especially not for a stark—no matter how hard you may try to run from the name.
pulling out the fray ‘til it comes undone
(national treasure!crossover) (no y/n used) Your mother was a crappy parent, the picture in the dictionary beside “negligent”. Your neighbors ended up raising you, taking you in but not adopting you after her death when your father decided against doing so. Not that you expected differently—he was absent. You had had time to resign yourself to your situation and his lack of involvement—but decades later, a chance encounter that may not be chance per se, means you might find out that all you lived was a lie.
none yet
you're saying your goodbyes (before you've arrived)
So, why would you run, dear? When all that you'll find You had what you need, but you just couldn't see What was already there the whole time The problem with running your past is that somehow, someday, it always catches up. And following suicide mission after suicide mission, it certainly could have picked a better time to come knocking. Because when does anything go the way you want?
the life and times of y/n caffrey
multiple series’ following the adventures of neal's younger sister, in order: *nothing they say is enough (so they don't say anything) *walk away *to be added
everything money could buy
(mcu!crossover) (dc!crossover & dick grayson!neal caffrey) bruce wayne is… maybe not the greatest dad. so far, the number of you hiding from him in new york city has reached three, which is only 37.8%, but thats basically 40%, which is basically 50%, which is basically 100%. so yeah. you’re totally justified in living your life with definitely no thoughts at all to your father. you’ve moved on. except… when tragedy hits, you find that maybe you haven’t, after all.
when the sun clouds over (will you be by my side?)
Loyalty is probably the most important thing for you. With how many times you’ve been betrayed, knowing that the people by your side will stay there no matter what, is one of the most sacred things to you. It’s a belief held that only increases when you join SHIELD and enter the game. When your brother, the person who you trusted above everyone else to stick by you, betrays that trust, will you be able to learn how to trust the others around you once again? And when he comes back, needing a favor, will you be able to put aside the knife in your back and assist him, or is that too much to ask on his part?
0 notes
maybe-your-left · 4 years
A Case In Need: I Have to Mark You
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This chapter has a lot in it... it's not as long as my others but there's a lot that happens. 
TW/CW: stepping into more dark territory for this chapter. It may cause you to have anxiety if that's something you get from reading fics that touch on 'physical or mental abuse' if so, I would skip this chapter. Nothing NSFW, but there is some emotional and mental manipulation happening in this chapter. 
This chapter hurt me to write but it needed to be done so the two can progress in a 'non-healthy' way in their relationship. 
I also wanted to say that I do not condone Ren's actions in this chapter. If you have feelings for someone this is NOT the way to do it.
As always I have a Masterlist so you can read all the chapters and also check out my two other fics, Cowboy Blues and Good Intentions. They are not as intense as this chapter if thats what you are into! 
Digging, throbbing, gum scraping pain. 
Hands were all over you, touching. Grabbing, pinching your skin. 
You kept trying to scream, trying to thrash away but the chains kept you still. Ren made sure of it. 
You don’t know how long you were held there, you just remember hearing the door open and close. The sound of footsteps entering the room. Ren's voice talking to others, and suddenly you were being touched. Not anywhere sexually, but it felt violating. You didn’t know who they were, how many there were. All you knew was that it hurt. 
You jolted from your anxiety-induced fainting, someone was stroking your hair. Brushing it with the cold bristles of a brush. Back and forth over your part, being sure to keep every hair out of your face. It would’ve been soothing if you could speak, but all that could come out were garbled moans. Spit was spilling over the ball gag, soaking your chin, dripping down onto your chest. Whoever was there was quick to wipe the excess while the brush kept combing your hair. 
“They’re almost done, Angel.” a deep voice cooed. Lips touching your ear, voice like honey over your frayed wounds. You jerked your head to the side, desperate for reassurance from the assailant. A sharp sting by your side, followed by a separate voice mumbling to itself. “You did so well my princess… I’m so proud of you.” 
You moaned, tensing your arms again, trying to break free. But the more you flexed, the more exhausted you became. All you could do was cry, and allow whoever to continue to brush your hair, hoping that the horror would end. 
Moments later the pain stopped, in its place was a cold film. Spread across your side, sticking to your sweat-slicked body. Footsteps out of the room. You heard what sounded like a fridge door opening and shutting, followed by someone sitting in a chair opposite from you. Oh how you wished you could see, touch, hear anything except the blood rushing to your brain. 
A drink was sipped, the smacking of lips across the room, “Now you’ll never forget who you belong to.” 
You were sore. Rolling over in bed, stretching and flexing your arms and legs. Sighing at the popping of joints, a symphony to your bedridden ears. You felt the sunshine flood through the windows, basking the bed in its warmth. You opened your eyes, they were crusted and dry. Probably needed to take out your contacts, you must’ve forgotten to take them out when you went to sleep last night. 
Your eyes fell to the sheets. 
These weren’t yours. 
No the ones in your bed were white, these were a charcoal gray. 
Something different was in your arms, a soothing softness you hadn’t felt in weeks. You blinked a few times, trying to rehydrate your contacts. Pulling the article up to your face you saw colors. You gasped, it was your tie-dye blanket! The one Ren had stolen from you weeks ago! You held it close to your face, breathing in the scent, familiar and safe. You started crying into the blanket, it had been so long. 
“I see you’re awake.” 
You stopped, memories of the night before flooding your brain. Dropping the blanket from your eyes you peaked at the man sitting at the foot of the bed. 
You saw red. 
What did he do to you last night? You couldn’t remember, your brain blocking out the trauma he induced. You launched at his figure, stoic and still. He was staring at you, sipping on a cup of coffee. In his sleep shirt and pants, hair tousled so effortlessly you would have forgiven him right then and there. But the moment you moved your side ached with pain. You sat up, instinctively cupping your rib cage. 
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” he instructed. Eyes unblinking, you would’ve thought he was a statue if it wasn’t for his eye twitching. 
“What, what do you mean?” 
You looked down at yourself, somehow you were dressed in your sleep shirt and a pair of old sweatpants. Both you hadn’t seen since your move to the new apartment, more things Ren must’ve stolen. Your hand pressed to your ribcage, instantly causing you to wince. 
“What did I just say?” He set down his coffee on the bedside table, moving closer to you. Reaching out his large paws to no doubt restrain you again. You flinched away, tears forming in your eyes. 
“Don’t touch me,” you hissed. Your bottom lip was already quivering, although you couldn’t remember everything. You remembered that he did this to you. 
Ren stopped moving towards you, hands falling to his folded legs. Looking at you with dead, unblinking eyes. He hummed and got off the bed, crossing the hotel room to the kitchen. You clutched onto the blanket, attempting to hide from him. Shutting your eyes as you heard him coming back, “Drink this Angel.”
He had a glass of water in his hand, holding it in front of your face. 
Your mouth instantly became dry, “Why?” 
Ren rolled his eyes, “I can see how chapped your lips are from here just take the water.” 
Sitting up again, wincing at the pain, you propped yourself up on the headboard. Grabbing the glass from his hands and slowly sipping. “Good girl, now let’s talk.” He sat back down on the bed, careful not to touch you. Ren ran a hand through his bedhead, sighing as you backed further into the wall. “Before you freak out, I did this for your own good.” 
You clung to the blanket again, “What did you do Ren?” 
He reached out, stopping when you backed away again. You didn’t want his hands to touch you, afraid of what you might feel. What you might say when he does, how you would betray yourself for falling for him when he was so clearly capable of hurting you. 
“You have to let me touch you, I won’t hurt you.” 
You scoffed, “Yeah like I’d believe that.” You hopped off the bed, stepping on wobbly legs. Holding your blanket to your chest. You instantly felt dizzy when you stood up, like your body was shutting down all over again. Your vision was spotting, only making it to the couches when you felt Rens arms surrounding you. 
“Stop moving, you’ll hurt yourself,” he whispered in your ear. 
You threw your arm back, smacking the side of his head, “Let go of me! I don’t-I don’t need your help.” 
Smacking him again and again, whatever was on your side was throbbing now with every movement. His arm was trying to keep a loose grip but you kept squirming away from him. 
“Angel, stop moving!” 
“No!” you sobbed, tears streaming down your face again. You wanted him to let you go, let you fall to the floor, and be at peace. Away from the monster who chained you last night. 
You clenched a fist, swinging up at his jaw. Although you were exhausted and sleep-deprived, you could feel the click of bones smashing together. He fell back from you, hands covering his own face, allowing you to fall on your butt to the floor. Chest heaving, you cried into your blanket, desperate for relief from the aching of your body and soul. 
Above you, you heard silent sniffles. Followed by Ren taking a deep breath and probably rubbing his nose on his shirt, “Please. (Y/N), please let me help you.” 
Looking up your eyes locked. No longer were they dead, but full of sadness. Regret, pain, just like your own. They were bloodshot, like he had been crying for hours beforehand, his under eyes were puffy and bruised. Ren sniffled again, reaching out a hand to you. 
Staring back and forth, the hand and his face, you were torn. An unspoken bond between you two had been severed, and now you were faced with the aftermath. 
Slowly you raised your own hand to his, studying how small and delicate it was compared to his palm. Veins scattered across your own skin, discoloration at the wrist, while his own were powerful and callused. Years of work and determination between each muscle, fingers cradling your own. He gently tugged your hand, silently asking you to try and stand up. You raised to your feet, swaying slightly. Ren leaned into you, careful that you wouldn’t fall again. Pulling you back towards the bed, both of you sitting in front of the other. 
You redacted your hand once you were settled, holding again to the blanket. Ren brought his hands to his lap, studying his own wrists. Flexing and stretching them in and out of fists before he spoke again. 
“Yesterday,” he sighed, “Thing’s got a little out of control.” 
You nodded. 
“And it is not my fault that you wouldn’t behave and listen to me…” 
“So you’re blaming me?” you scoffed. 
You moved to get up again, but Ren’s hands shot out to stop you, “No no no, I’m not blaming you. Please don’t move.” 
“I needed you to understand your place in all this…” he looked down at your side. 
“And what is my place Ren,” you whispered. 
“It’s with me. (Y/N), it’s with me, now and forever.” 
You shut your eyes, tears forming once more. 
“What happened Kylo?” 
He got up, hoisting you into his arms in a bridal carry. Walking to the bathroom. Kicking open the doorway and settling you on the ground between him and the mirror. He said nothing, just grabbed the hem of your shirt and tugged. Understanding what he wanted you lifted your shirt off, closing your eyes, afraid of what you might see. He let out a deep breath, fingers lightly trailing up and down your spine and over towards the affected area. 
You opened your eyes and gasped. 
You looked terrible. 
Your hair was in a knotted mess. Someone, hopefully Ren, had tried to put it in a bun last night but instead maybe tied it in a bow? Your face was splotchy and red, eyes bloodshot like his. Your lips were pink and swollen, puffed up on the inside from the gag being in. Eye makeup smeared across your cheeks and down to your neck. 
Your eyes scanned yourself in the mirror, slowly moving towards your left side. Film, you saw a film on your side. Almost like a saran-wrap texture across your skin, taking up the lower portion of your left rib cage and waist. You lifted your arm, revealing the source of your pain. 
Gasping, you instinctively went to touch it, Ren grabbing your wrist before you could. You had a tattoo. 
Not just any tattoo, but a name. Written in his own handwriting, across your ribcage. The ink was slightly bleeding, along with your skin attempting to pucker under your movements. It was an elegant tattoo, simple and beautiful. If it weren’t for the demon who gave it to you unwillingly you would’ve loved it. But the demon was standing behind you, staring into your soul. Holding you hostage for the second time. 
“Why,” you croaked out. Not moving your gaze from the mark. 
He swallowed behind you, “You forced my hand.” 
“Excuse me?” 
Ren stared at the tattoo, his left hand coming across the film. Slowly tracing the lines of his own name, like he had never seen the words before. “Now you’ll never forget how much I love you.” 
The words fell on your ears like a curse. All the blood rushing to your head. You felt like you were going to pass out, jerking away from him but he held you still. Breathing menacingly behind you, ready to eat you if you denied his declaration. What kind of sick and twisted game was this? It was fun when you two were fooling around but this, this was wrong. He belonged to someone else and now, now he had gone too far. 
He spun you around, forcing you to look him in the eyes. “You’ll never forget that you belong to me, and me alone.” His hand locked on your jaw, forcing you into a kiss. Angry and passionate between both your lips, you tried to back away. You needed air or something to get away from him. Just so you could clear your head. He wouldn’t let go, causing you to sob against him. He pulled you into his chest, pressing your head to listen to his heartbeat. You cried into his shirt, staining it with your tears. 
Lifting you to the sink, standing between your open legs he massaged your scalp. Allowing you to cry into his hands. He didn’t try to stop you, only coaxing you to let it all out, reminding you to breathe when you started hiccuping. You weren’t sure how long you cried, but he never left you. Never stopped holding you, kissing your forehead, whispering how much he needed you during the process. Despite his continued movements, your head was pounding. Crying, followed by anxiety attacks and more crying was not giving you the best start to your day. You needed water, a shower and to sleep. 
“Please, please stop,” you begged him. 
Ren stopped his movements, “What do you need, Angel?” 
“Can we shower, and go home?” you heaved, “Please. I need to go home Kylo.” 
Ren showered you, dressed you, and drove you back to the apartment. Neither of you saying a word to each other. Allowing the comfortable silence to bathe the both of you. Once you pulled up to your house he was at your side once more, opening your door and holding your hand up the stairs. 
Inside your living room were 6 bodies, hovering over the coffee table. Each one grumbling and laughing with one another like they belonged there. Ren cleared his throat, “We’re back gentlemen. You may resume your posts.” 
“Yes, Mr. Ren.” they all spoke in unison. Not one of them looked at you as you clung to his side. Not wanting to get into a petty argument with Ushar or Vicrul after your difficult evening. 
“Let’s get you to bed okay, Angel? I have to tie up some loose ends back at the office but the Knights will be here watching over you.” 
“Oh, okay,” you whispered. Slowly walking up the stairs. Since your shower, your tattoo has become itchy and hurt even more. Ren wouldn’t allow you to remove the film, telling you that the artist demanded it stay on for another week. That way the skin wouldn’t get infected. Although you hated the tattoo, the last thing you needed was to end up with an infection with your boss’s name on your ribcage. 
Ren pulled back the sheets, being sure to guide you to your preferred side of the bed. He tucked you in and sat on the edge of the bed, staring at you. “What are you looking at?” 
He sighed, “Just you (Y/N), always you.” he leaned in and gave you a kiss. Getting up and shutting off the lights to your room. Leaving you alone to feel the repercussions of his actions.
TAGLIST: @finn-ray-nal-beads @kirah36 @morby @clumsycopy @onlykyloscenes @candycanes19 @desiraypark @princss-bucky @ghoulian13 @swiss-mrs @douglasdriver @direnightshade @sydneyssmut​
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houseisekai · 4 years
FE3H:HI Shadowbringers - Part 1: Return to Abyss
House Isekai Shadowbringers AU Masterlist Here
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Being awoken by a familiar voice, Kazuma’s group, The denizens of Nazarick, and the School-Living Club find themselves separated from everyone after the battle of Garreg Mach.
As they try to reunite, they find that they are caught in a grand scheme of unknown purpose...
(Familliar Voice) “Just how long do you all plan to sleep? I did not save you all to just watch you be snoring away in this void!”
(Aqua) "Ngh...W-What?"
(Familliar Voice) “The time to wake is now...The time to stand on your legs with your own strength is now!”
(Aqua) "That voice is...so...familiar..."
(Familliar Voice) “The world is being swept away in the tides of war, light threatening to consume us all! Fodlan needs you, House Isekai!”
(Aqua) "...So...thi-"
(Familiar voice) “For the love of-"
(Kazuma's voice) "GET THE HELL UP RIGHT NOW!"
(Aqua) "DWAUH?!"
Aqua jolted herself awake, sitting completely upright so fast she accidentally headbutted Kazuma.
(Aqua) "ACK!"
(Aqua) "Ow...Why were you so close to my fa-"
Aqua noticed him wiping a single tear away, but she didn't know if that was from almost breaking his nose with her head.
(Aqua) "...How long was I out?"
(Kazuma) "Dunno. Just woke up myself and our bodies ended up here."
Kazuma helped Aqua up and he took a look at his surroundings.
Darkness and Megumin were near the door, checking for any damage they may have-
(Kazuma) "...We fell down the canyon, didn't we?"
(Megumin) "Ack! Yeah, my bones certainly feel it!"
(Darkness) "Disappointing, I don't feel it-"
(Kazuma) "Shut your pie hole. Now, if we fell down the cliff during the battle, why are we in a room?"
(Everyone) "..."
The first thing everyone did was look directly up. They were in an enclosed room, that much was certain.
(Darkness) "Did we fall into a building?"
(Kazuma) "If thats the case, where's the debris? Why are alive if we crashed through? None of us look terribly injured other than a few bruises."
As everyone continued to speculate in their heads what was going on, Megumin tried to open the door and get a better idea of where they were.
(Megumin) ? "Uh, the door's stuck."
Megumin tried yanking the handle open only to rip it off the door.
(Megumin) "...Uh oh."
(Kazuma) "Ah damn it! Look what you did!"
(Darkness) "...That normally doesn't happen unless the doors are very old are in need of repair.”
Darkness took another look at the room and noted that it was relatively dark. It wasn't pitch black thanks to a torch Kazuma lit himself with a spell, but the room didn't look like some ancient ruin.
In fact it looked a lot like...
(Darkness) "Are we in Garreg Mach?"
(Kazuma) "Aqua, you can see in the dark right? What's the verdict?"
(Aqua) "...Its kinda hard to say. It definitely looks like it, but we need to go outside the room."
(Megumin) "But how? I just broke the handle."
Darkness pulled out her sword.
(Darkness) "Stand back, Megumin! HAAAAAA-"
Somehow, Darkness managed to completely miss the door with her sword and hit the wall instead.
The blow created a hole wide enough for everyone to get through, no problem.
(Kazuma) "Nice aim."
(Darkness) "S-SHUT UP!"
Aqua took a good look around but still struggled to make out where they were.
(Aqua) "...I think we need to keep going. Frankly this could be any random dungeon in this world."
(Kazuma) "Hm, alright. Darkness, you take lead."
She nodded, and the four of them went on their way, deeper into the building...
[A Dark Sign - Fire Emblem: Three Houses OST]
The Pleiades maids kept their weapons out as they silently advanced, Albedo with her axe still out leading the group.
Cocytus remained at their rear with all four weapons out while Aura and Mare continued to scan around them to find out where this was.
(Ainz) "Demiurge, do we have any idea yet?"
(Demiurge) "None yet, Lord Ainz. I'm afraid I do not recognize anything here."
The hallway they were going seemed to go on forever.
The only sounds he could hear was their footsteps.
They even tried to do a life scan spell but it didn't pick up anything.
(Ainz) "The only option then is to keep-"
(Shalltear) "Lord Ainz, there's a hole here!"
Everyoned turned to the right and saw a massive hole into a room.
The rooms they had passed by had all been intact, if a little old.
The door was still strangely intact, but it was clear the room had been abandoned for quite some time.
(Sebas) "It's hard to tell how recent that is..."
(Ainz) "Then let's keep going, we don't have any time to waste."
(Albedo) "By your command, Lord Ainz."
Footsteps began to loudly echo as Kurumi stepped out onto a massive arena-like area.
She used her torch to get a better look at the area around her but with no luck.
(Kurumi) "Guys, look at this!"
Yuuri, Yuki, Miki, and Megumi all came behind her, eyes widening.
(Yuki) "Its...really scary here."
(Kurumi) "Heh, no worries! If anything comes up, they're getting this nice little shovel to their heads!"
(Miki) "Kurumi-senpai, please take this a bit more seriously. We're the least equipped for a fight if it comes to one."
(Megumi) "As long as we stick together, we'll be okay."
(Yuuri) "..."
(Kurumi) "Yuuri? Whats up?"
(Yuuri) "...We're being followed."
Everyone moved to the side of the entrance as Kurumi readied her shovel.
Thud. Thud. Thud!
(Kurumi) "HYAAAAAH!"
(Familliar Boy's Voice) "OW, SON OF A BITCH!"
Rounding the corner, Kurumi was about to swing again until she saw who it was.
(Kurumi) "Leclerc?!"
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(Kurumi) "Thank god its you! I got so scared and-...Oh crap, I just clobbered you with a shovel!"
Kurumi helped him up, and the group walked over to them.
(Megumi) "Yuri, are you alright?"
(Yuri) "Yeah yeah, its fine Megunee. Heh, didn't think I'd see any of you guys down here."
(Miki) "So wait, that means we're back in Abyss!"
(Yuki) "Oh, everyone's out right? We need to group up with the others too!"
(Yuuri) "...When did your hair get so long?"
(Yuri) "Ya know, I was just about to ask you something similar. How do you guys look exactly the same 5 years later?"
(Everyone) "..."
(Kurumi) "...F-Five years?"
(Yuri) "You don't know? Thanks to you guys, you helped evacuate our people. But, according to reports, and my own scouts, you all fell into the canyon."
(Megumi) "That part is consistent at least. Well, we fell into the canyon but when we woke up, we found ourselves in here."
(Yuri) "So...you guys didn't blow anything up then?"
(Yuuri) "No, why?"
Yuri grabbed his sword and frowned.
(Yuri) "We got some intruders in here besides my group and the knights then...”
Several knights laid across the stones, blood splattered left and right.
The knight captain stepped forward and examined the bodies with his torch, looking up.
His men stood behind and in front of him, making sure if anything attacked, they’d be ready.
This was a tight hallway, and from the looks of it, these knights didn’t have time to react to whatever attacked them.
(Captain) “Alert all forces down here that we have intruders! I want every exit covered, every corner with three man squads!”
(Knight) “Yes sir!”
The team quickly scrambled back to the entrance of the hallway.
Once they were completely gone, Kazuma became visible once more, using his lurk ability to hide in the shadows far ahead of them.
(Kazuma) “Clear.”
Darkness, Megumin, and Aqua poked their heads from the corner and slowly walked to the bodies.
(Darkness) “These wounds don’t appear to be physical...”
Their armor had burn marks, suggesting whatever attacked them was magic based.
(Megumin) “Could be someone from House Isekai.”
(Kazuma) “Doubt it. If it was Class VII or any of the Persona users, they would’ve knocked them out. And if it was Nazarick, there wouldn’t have been anything to find except the blood.”
(Aqua) “Whatever it is, I hope we don’t find out...”
(Kazuma) “If we can follow those knights out, we may be able to find an exit out of here. At the very least we’ve figured out this is Abyss.”
(Darkness) “Then that means the Church won the battle while we were away if they’re down here.”
(Kazuma) “Damn. Well come on, we’re wasting ti-”
(Aqua) “Crap, in front of us!”
Everyone turned around and saw a torch light coming around the corner where the patrol of knights went out of.
The four could hear the heavy footsteps of armor marching towards them.
(Kazuma) “You gotta be-Shit, alright! Come on, we’re going back the way we came and we’re choosing a different way, MOVE YOUR ASSES!”
Ainz and his group eventually made his way to a flight of stairs upwards into the Monastery, arriving near the old student dorms.
It was nighttime when they emerged, the moonlight covering the entire monastery in a soft white glow.
Albedo looked around first, giving the all clear signal.
The Pleiades maids took positions around the walls to find any knights, but were unable to.
(Aura) “No life detected up here, Lord Ainz. Just us.”
(Mare) “W-Where are all the soldiers?”
(Ainz) “Good question...”
Sebas opened one of the student’s doors and looked around, noticing how dusty it was, with cobwebs formed all over it.
The Pleiades maids did the same, opening up the dorms room by room.
(Yuri Alpha) “Strange. We fell into the canyon when it was late afternoon. By all accounts, the rooms should be relatively unchanged and soldiers should be all over the Monastery.”
(Solution) “Yet everything looks like its been abandoned for years.”
(Pandora’s Actor) “Perhaps it’s been more than a few days than our awakening?”
(Ainz) “...We will investigate the dorm rooms. Sebas, you and the Pleiades will check our surroundings and make sure no surprises await us.”
(Sebas) “My Lord.”
The Pleiades knelt down quickly, then jumped onto the rooftops and began their scouting.
(Shalltear) “...This quiet is troubling me.”
(Demiurge) “It’s as Mare asks, where are the soldiers? If the Church was victorious, we should have seen multiple sentries on the way. And the same goes for the Imperials.’
(Ainz) “Let us keep looking. If we see anyone, we take them prisoner and find out what we know. No killing.”
Everyone nodded and went on to investigating the dorms and the nearby greenhouse.
Narberal and Solution went to the graveyards as their sisters looked elsewhere.
They said nothing as they looked over the walls and into the nearby rooms, weapons drawn.
Still nothing.
Narberal took a quick glance at the graves then back at the classes-...
Something wasn’t right.
She turned back to the graves and noticed one had been dug up.
Narberal looked to Solution and hit the nearby stones loud enough for her sister to hear.
Solution saw Narberal motion her head downwards, and they went down to the entrance of the graves and went towards the dug up grave.
Solution nodded as to keep watch while Narberal knelt down to get a better look.
While embarassingly enough, she couldn’t actually read the language of Fodlan, she was able to decipher the name of who the dug up grave belonged to.
Narberal furrowed her brow.
‘Sitri’. Sitri was that woman who was Byleth’s mother and Aelfric fused with during that incident with the Ashen Wolves earlier in the year.
She and Lord Ainz were one of the few who personally made sure that her body was put to rest, so why was the coffin gone?
Narberal put her fingers to her ear for a message.
(Narberal) “Lord Ainz. This is Narberal Gamma.”
(Ainz’s Voice) “Report.”
(Narberal) “No one has been spotted yet, but there is something...troubling, to say the least that I have discovered. It’s about Sitri, her grave has been dug up.
(Ainz’s Voice) “...How recent was it?”
Narberal poked at the dirt and noticed how soft it was.
(Narberal) “Very recent. As to where the person who dug it up went, I am unsure of.”
(Ainz’s Voice) “...Hmph. This is Lord Ainz, everyone regroup at the dorms, I think we finally have a lead.”
Ainz started making his way back to the entrance of Abyss.
(Ainz) “Yes. Someone has very recently dug up the grave of Byleth’s mother.”
(Albedo) “What could anyone in this world possibly want with a corpse of a woman?”
(Ainz) “If it’s anything like last time, nothing good...”
Yuri opened the door to the Ashen Wolves’ old hangout spot and revealed Constance, Hapi, and Balthus in the room.
(Hapi) “Hey Yuri-bird...Well, aren’t you guys a sight for sore eyes?”
(Megumi) “Thank goodness, you’re all okay!”
(Constance) “Hah, but of course we are! A few grunt soldiers aren’t enough to stop a Nuve-”
(Balthus) “HAH! I knew it! There’s no way that you guys died during that battle!”
(Constance) “H-Hey, I was talking!-”
(Yuki) “You all look so different...!”
(Hapi) “And...you guys look exactly the same?”
(Constance) “Huh. Now that you mention it, they don’t look any different despite the years that have passed.”
(Miki) “What is going on here...?”
(Yuri) “When we get out of here, we can start speculating on that all we like. Right now, we’re not the only ones down here besides the Knights.”
(Balthus) “Think whoever it was caused that explosion?”
(Yuri) “Definitely.”
(Yuki) “Maybe it’s others from House Isekai?”
(Constance) “I sincerely doubt any of your friends are that stupid to give away their location like that!”
(Everyone) “...”
(Constance) “...Okay, maybe there’s just a few of them that would.”
(Megumi) “Actually if I can ask, what are you four doing back here in Abyss if the Church has occupied it?”
(Hapi) “At first, it was just to keep our promise we made to Byleth and your class, to meet up here five years later for the Millennium festival. We still got about 4 days before that actually happens but we figured it’d be better to come here early.”
(Constance) “And from what we have gathered, it hasn’t been a full occupation by the Church. I think these men were sent here to assess the damage from the battle and see how much forces were needed to take it back.”
(Balthus) “As we were sneaking through, we heard a loud explosion, which alerted the knights as well.”
(Kurumi) “How deep in Abyss was that explosion?”
(Yuri) “We were originally near it, actually. I heard some voices which sounded like yours, so I followed it, since it didn’t sound like the knights. Lo and behold, it was you all.”
(Balthus) “And since we have those extra days, we might as well investigate it and take care of any knights in our way! You still know how to swing that shovel, Kurumi?”
Kurumi smiled and swung the shovel up onto her shoulder.
(Kurumi) “You bet I do!”
(Constance) “Fantastic! We do not know what’s down there, so we’ll need all the help we can get!”
(Hapi) “As for the rest of you, we’ll find you a weapon on the way so you can at least defend yourselves. Now let’s go ahead and get moving, we’re sitting ducks right now.”
Everyone gathered their gear and went outside the room, traversing deeper into Abyss.
Kazuma leaned on the wall as he was running out of breath. He checked behind him, and Megumin and Aqua were in the same state.
Darkness was perfectly fine, not even breaking a sweat from all that chasing.
He looked around the room and noticed it was very spacious, almost like an arena of some sort.
(Megumin) “I...think I’ve been down here before actually.”
(Aqua) “Really? When?”
(Kazuma) “Not important right now! Did we lose them?”
(Kazuma) “...Shit.”
(Megumin) “O-Oh, I know! We can go down there!”
There was a stairway that had a soft orange glow radiating from a doorway at the end of it.
(Darkness) “Well, if it comes to fighting, we may as well fight where we can see them!”
(Kazuma) “We are NOT going into that deathtrap just so your libido can get satisfied!”
(Darkness) “W-Wha?! I’m being serious!”
(Knight) “I think I heard something!”
(Aqua) “Deathtrap it is! UP UP UP WE GO!”
Aqua ran first down the stairs, followed by Megumin. Kazuma groaned but followed in suit, Darkness going last.
Aqua threw the door open, stopping dead in her tracks with eyes going wide.
They all collided into each other and fell onto the floor.
(Kazuma) “Hey, why the hell did you-...” !!! “...S-Stop...?”
[Those Who Sow Darkness - Fire Emblem Three Houses OST]
The room they were in seemed like a chamber, but it was covered in blood with bodies dressed in black strewn all over the floors. Some were torn in half while some other bodies were missing heads.
Despite all that, that wasn’t what caught everyone’s attention.
It was an open coffin, with a body inside of it that was disturbingly clean.
And the body that was very much alive standing over it.
It was a figure dressed in black like the rest of the corpses in the room, and it slowly turned around to face the four.
(???) “What do we have here?”
A man’s voice came from the figure, but he was wearing a mask, making it impossible to tell who it was.
Everyone quickly got up and drew their weapons.
(???) “Ah. I had mistaken you as part of those zealous knights, but no, you are something far more interesting! You are one of the last part of Byleth’s little class!”
(Aqua) “Who are you, creep?!”
(???) “...Let’s just say, someone who knows what will happen if I were to harm any of you.”
(Kazuma) “Yeah, we’d put you into the dirt!”
(???) “I doubt by the likes of you idiots. No, it is your teacher who would see my head mounted on his wall. He’s become something of a reaper to our group as of late...”
(Aqua) “You think we need Byleth to kick your sorry ass? TURN UNDEAD!”
Aqua raised her hand at the figure, but nothing happened. Not even a glow of light emitted from her palm.
(???) “....Even if that spell WERE to work, I assure you, I am VERY much alive! Not unlike my poor colleagues here. And I told them to be careful as well...”
(Aqua) “M-My spells aren’t working?!”
(???) “I silenced the room, so to speak. No magic spells, not even mine, will work unless I say so. I anticipated you all to be the more threatening of your group here, but it seems I overreacted.”
(Everyone) ?
(???) “’...Just so I never have to hear us referred to as ‘Mole-people’ ever again, you may call us Agarthans. We, are true sons and daughters of humanity, fighting against that bastard Seiros! And considering what has happened to you all, we need not be adversaries.”
(Darkness) “And side with the very people who murdered Byleth’s father and countless students, do you think us THAT stupid?!”
(???) “That was a poor display by my colleagues, and something I voiced against, if you choose to believe it.”
(Megumin) “Alright, sure, we believe you. Now what’s with that body?!”
(???) “Hmph. I thought it was obvious enough. Though unfortunately for you all, that is all the explanations you are getting from me, it seems we have overstayed our welcome.” 
Knights burst into the room and completely covered the entrance.
(Captain) “Freeze! Don’t move a-...What in the goddess’s name?!”
(Knight) “Sir, those are Imperials!”
(Captain) “SEIZE THEM!”
(???) “I’d advise you four to get down.”
The four turned around and saw the blood rising into the air and going into the body in the coffin.
And a dark purple light emitting from the man’s hand.
(Kazuma) “OH SHIT!”
Kazuma grabbed the three and jumped to the side, a dark spell hitting the Captain first, and the explosion catching the knights.
The entire squad exploded into bits with their limbs slamming against the wall.
All the blood that shot out from their bodies was pulled into the coffin like mist.
The man walked away as the last of the blood began to dissipate and he turned to Kazuma.
(Kazuma) “What, you too lazy to pick that corpse up with you?”
(???) “She is a corpse no longer. Though, she may need a little more lifeforce, but I’m sure you’ll find a way. Consider it my gift to you...Oh, and before I forget, I recommend you steel yourself for battle. We accidentally triggered some form of defense while traversing the depths to get her.”
Before anyone could respond, he teleported away.
(Aqua) “Damn it, that little prick got away!”
(Darkness) “...What did he mean by ‘she’?”
The four got up and went to the coffin.
Megumin gasped audibly seeing who was inside.
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(Megumin) “Sitri?!”
(Aqua) “What the- what were they doing with her?!”
(Sitri) “...N-Ngh...!”
(Everyone) ?!
(Kazuma) “What the fuck- Is that what all the blood was going into?!”
(Aqua) “I-I could try healing magic-”
(Megumin) “Hold up a second! I think dark magic was used for this to even happen, I think holy skills would hurt her!”
(Darkness) “C-Can we even trust the words of that man?!”
(Kazuma) “Shit, well we gotta do something to get some life into her and-...”
Kazuma grabbed Darkness’s neck and Sitri’s hand, using his skill life drain.
Sitri suddenly felt her body come back to life slowly, but surely. Her eyes opened slowly, but everything was too blurry to tell where she was.
Her sense of hearing was coming back as well, and she could hear several muffled voices.
Finally opening her eyes, Sitri was-
[We’re Hungry because We’re Alive - Konosuba OST]
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(Aqua) “Wow, that looks painful.”
(Megumin) “Doesn’t she get off on that?”
...Sitri was horribly confused.
(Megumin) “G-Guys, she’s awake!”
Darkness let go of Kazuma’s neck and he grabbed the side of the coffin almost tipping it over.
(Sitri) “W-Wha?!”
Darkness acted quickly and grabbed the other side of the coffin, though she accidentally grabbed it too hard, catapulting Sitri into the air.
(Sitri) “AAAAH!”
(Kazuma) “SHIT!”
Kazuma caught Sitri as she fell, which made him collapse into Aqua and Megumin as well.
(Megumin) “Oof...”
(Darkness) “O-Oh! Ma’am, I am so sorry!”
(Sitri) “I...I...What?! Who are you people?!”
(Kazuma) “H-Hang on!”
Kazuma only helped Sitri up while the Megumin and Aqua had to get themselves up.
(Kazuma) “I’m Kazuma, that’s Megumin, Darkness, and Aqua.”
(Sitri) “...”
Sitri did not feel any less uncomfortable.
(Megumin) “Oh um...Miss Sitri, it’s nice to finally meet you!”
[To the Resting Place - Konosuba OST]
(Sitri) “You...know who I am?”
The three let Megumin in front, since she dealt with the incident regarding Sitri personally.
(Megumin) “Y-Yes. The four of us are students of Byleth, your son.”
Sitri looked shocked at first but smiled.
(Sitri) “Oh, Byleth became a teacher...”
Upon hearing that she started to laugh. Though, tears started to roll down her cheeks.
She wasn’t there to see her son grow up.
(Sitri) “How is he? A-As a teacher, I mean.”
(Megumin) “Hah well...He was a bit awkward at first, not knowing how to deal with the rest of the class. But overtime, he became such an inspiration to us all. I don’t think I’ve had any teacher as great as him.”
Sitri took a breath of relief.
(Sitri) “Then Jeralt raised him right...I knew he would. If I may ask, is his father doing alright?”
Sitri didn’t like the faces they suddenly made.
Aqua was about to say something, but Kazuma put a hand on her shoulder and shook his head.
Darkness looked down in silence while Megumin took off her hat and spoke in a more soft tone.
(Megumin) “I...I’m sorry to say Jeralt died, saving Byleth and several other students.”
Sitri stopped smiling.
(Sitri) “I...I see.”
(Darkness) “We personally took care of those responsible for his demise. We buried him alongside you, actually.”
Sitri nodded, and a sad smile was on her face.
(Sitri) “Thank you.”
...It took a second for Sitri to realize what she had said.
Buried Jeralt alongside her.
She’s alive.
She’s alive?
Why is she alive?
It was then she noticed what kind of state the room was in. The bodies and body parts lying everywhere.
(Sitri) “What...What happened here?!”
(Kazuma) “...That’s right. We HAVE to get out of here!”
(Aqua) “Wait a second, I hear footsteps!”
Everyone got into positions, Kazuma and Darkness at the front with Aqua and Megumin behind.
Megumin put her arm in front of Sitri.
(Megumin) “Don’t worry, we’ll protect you!”
The door swung open, and someone came charging in.
(Kazuma) “The fuc- WOAH WOAH WOAH!”
Kurumi stopped midway once she realized who they were and slipped, making her fall face first into the floor.
Her shovel went into the floor as well, making a loud clanging noise.
(Yuri) “Kurumi! You idiot, I said to...Wait...Kazuma?”
(Kazuma) “Yuri, Ebisuzawa?! HOLY SHIT, YOU GUYS ARE...Dude your hair, how did it-”
Kurumi peeled herself off the floor and grabbed her shovel.
She hugged Kazuma which made him go stiff.
(Kazuma) “H-Hey, let go of me!”
Kazuma’s group relaxed and put away their weapons.
(Darkness) “Finally, some friendly faces!”
The rest of the School-Living Club and Ashen Wolves went into the room.
(Megumi) “Oh, thank goodness, you’re safe!”
(Aqua) “Megunee! You will not BELIEVE what we just went through!”
(Hapi) “Hm. Finally some good news for a-...?!”
(Constance) “Hapi? What is the ma-...!?”
Yuri and Balthus noticed it too and were as silent as them.
(Yuuri) “...Who’s the woman in the back?”
(Miki) “Isn’t her hair color a bit like...?”
(Yuki) “Byleth-sensei’s!”
Megumi and Kurumi looked at Sitri as well, the room going dead silent.
(Yuri) “She’s...She’s alive.”
Sitri felt tense, not knowing what to say to the group staring at her.
(Sitri) “Um...”
(Kazuma) “The hell?”
(Yuri) “Tch, now that one sounded close!”
(Kurumi) “Is the place coming apart or something?”
(Balthus) “Don’t think we should stick around to find out!”
(Yuri) “Move it people, we’re leaving Abyss!”
Everyone nodded, dashing out the room.
Megumin held onto Sitri’s hand as she dragged her along with the others.
They made their way into the center of the arena, going into the hallway the entered in.
(Yuri) “Hapi, how close was that explosion to us?!”
The wall in front of them completely exploded, shooting stone everywhere.
[In the Name of Ainz Ooal Gown - OVERLORD OST]
(Megumi) “OH MY GOD!”
A giant golem was being smashed into pieces by a an armor clad figure with an axe almost as big as the figure was.
From the hole created, several maids jumped into the battle and started severing the golem’s limbs.
(Constance) “Wait a moment, battle maids? I know who they are! NARBERAL!”
Narberal and Albedo finished smashing the head into pieces killing the golem, but her face twitched upon hearing the voice.
(Narberal) “Oh, please not her-.”
The other maids began to laugh as Narberal refused to turn around.
(Kazuma) “A-Albedo, is that you?!”
(Albedo) “Ah, the other members of House Isekai. For once, I am glad to see you humans safe.” 
The rest of Nazarick came through and noticed who she was talking to.
(Aura) “Hey, the School-Living Club!”
(Shalltear) “Surprising, Kazuma’s group is somehow alive.”
(Ainz) “Everyone, focus! We’re not out just yet!”
(Demiurge) “Oh? I believe we just found our missing body.”
Sitri was scared by what she was seeing since most of these ‘classmates’ weren’t humans.
(Narberal) “Hmph. So they found Sitri. I suppose I should say good job.”
(Kazuma) “S-Shit that’s right! The defense mechanisms!”
(Yuri) “Defense mechanisms? What do you mean?!”
(Ainz) “So, now that we’ve successfully revived her, every monster that’s down here is about to come on top of our heads.”
(Kurumi) “Welp, that’s just great! Why did they only activate now though, she was brought out of her resting place before, right?!”
(Yuri) “No idea. I guess that’s something we’ll have to interrogate that black hooded bastard for! Miss Eisner, can you keep up with us on your own? We’re going to need every fighter we can get.”
(Sitri) “Y-Yes!”
(Kazuma) “It’s a long climb up. There’s a lot of us, but no doubt there’s going to be a big bad monster after our asses.”
(Ainz) “So, it’s just like a raid...Heheh...”
(Everyone) ?
(Ainz) “Perfect. EVERYONE! Our duty is to escape with everyone, no man left behind.”
(Yuri) “Uh...what is he doing?”
(Kazuma) “S-SHSHSHHH! He’s having a moment where he actually knows what to do, don’t let him get distracted!”
Pretending to not have heard that, Ainz continued.
(Ainz) “You will protect Sitri as if she were me, and I will tolerate no excuses if any harm is to come to her! Pleiades, you will guard the rear, taking care of any of the lower mobs that will inevitably aggro to us.”
(Sebas & Yuri Alpha) “Understood, my lord!”
(Ainz) “Albedo, you will be the vanguard, drawing anything to you. Shalltear, Mare, the Ashen Wolves and Kazuma’s group will be accompanying you. Remaining in the middle will be the School-Living Club, Sitri, Demiurge, Cocytus, Aura, and Pandora’s Actor. Pandora’s actor will be leading Alliance A, Sebas will lead Alliance B, and I will lead Alliance C.”
(Everyone) “Yes, Lord Ainz!”
(Yuri) “Wow, that’s the most organized I’ve seen him-”
(Shalltear) “Watch your tongue, human.”
The floor beneath them began to rumble.
Everyone scrambled to their positions.
(Ainz) “Now...
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Time to make our escape!”
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Albedo charged into the hallways first, Alliances A and B following closely behind. 
(Ainz) “Yuri, you know the way out of here?”
(Yuri) “Yeah, we take a left once we get to the next intersection of hallways!”
They rounded the corner and found what Yuri was talking about.
Before they could progress any further, they were stopped by several knights.
(Knight) “FREEZE!”
Albedo raised her axe and cleaved the first knight in half, twirling it to the other side and decapitating another that tried to swing his sword.
A knight further back raised his bow and aimed it at Albedo.
(Kazuma) “STEAL!”
A glowing light came out of Kazuma’s hand, a small gust of wind blew past everyone.
The archer noticed something felt colder, but he still had his bow and arrow.
He dropped the knight’s underwear and wiped his hand on his jeans.
The knight was distracted long enough for a spell to hit him in the stomach, sending him flying back.
(Shalltear) “Hah, I can see your priorities clearly, Satou!”
(Yuri) “Now, to the left!”
Meanwhile at the back, CZ used her rifle to blast away any incoming automatons of Abyss charging at them.
Once one got close enough, Sebas’s fist came into contact with its head at almost blinding speeds, sending the body flying back and hitting several others after them.
Narberal casted lightning through her fingertips and shot it at the group that Sebas had knocked down, causing them to explode into debris.
Several more came barreling in, everyone doing their best to not let a single one through.
Lupusregina skewered one with her staff while Entoma had hundreds of insects shoot out of her sleeve and eat away at another, though two slipped past them.
Yuri grabbed one as it was rushing up the hallway and smashed its head into the wall, Solution catching the other one by deforming her arm into a whip-like slime arm.
It struggled to move as Kurumi knocked its head off with her shovel, with Cocytus stabbing the body with a single arm.
Before Kurumi could take a breath, she noticed even more coming towards them.
(Kurumi) “You gotta be kidding me!”
(Pandora’s Actor) “Father, it looks like they’re increasing the number of automatons! How is our escape looking?”
(Ainz) “1. Don’t call me that, and 2.-”
Ainz casted a fireball and lit a Knight on fire, everyone else caught into a fight.
(Ainz) “-Get up here and prepare for a fight!”
Yuri dodged out the way of a knight swinging his sword, and countered with his own attack, the slash catching the knight in the chest.
Before another knight could get Yuri from behind, Balthus kicked him down and stomped on his head.
Constance, Hapi, and Shalltear casted a spell together, creating a giant pillar of light that disentigrated a group of knights coming at them.
(Aqua) “Incoming right!”
Albedo swung her axe and slammed it to her right, chopping off the top half of a knight using the shadows to ambush them. She looked down the hall and saw a massive bridge in front of them.
(Darkness) “That’s right near the entrance to Abyss!”
Another knight came up from behind, and Darkness slashed her sword at his head.
(Knight) “...H-Huh?”
(Albedo) “YOU MISSED?!”
(Darkness) “DON’T MAKE FUN OF ME!”
Mare’s staff hit the leg of the knight, snapping it completely backwards, making him scream.
(Mare) “It’s probably too dark for you to hit accurately, right?”
(Darkness) “Y-Yes, that’s exactly it!”
Kazuma cast an enemy detection skill and noticed a large one coming from below the bridge, at a rapid speed.
Alliance C stood at the exit of the bridge fighting off any automaton while the other two alliances caught up.
Alliance B went first, Yuri Alpha and Sebas killing any knight that was coming to them, with Alliance A coming into the middle.
Alliance C went onto the bridge once the last members passed by, all dashing to the middle of the room.
Right as Megumin was the last one to pass the bridge, a massive automaton emerged from the depths, smashing the bridge into pieces.
(Ainz) “Hah, it actually is like a raid, now we’ve reached the boss!”
(Yuri) “H-How are we supposed to fight that?!”
Albedo and Darkness ran to the front, weapons at the ready.
(Kazuma) “Fuck that, MEGUMIN, LIMIT BREAK TIME!”
(Megumin) “...Does that mean-”
(Yuuri) “Uh oh.”
(Sitri) “K-Kaboom? What does that-”
The room around them turned into a dark orange as Megumin aimed her staff at the automaton.
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A tiny ball of flame appeared below the automaton, then erupted into a blinding light, and shook the entire room so violently that any pillars near them completely melted into ash from the explosion.
It sent everyone flying back from the sheer force of the explosion being so close.
When everyone opened their eyes, it was completely gone.
(Sitri) “...o-ow...”
(Megumin) “YEAAAAH! I DID IT!”
Megumin slammed face first into the floor.
(Everyone) “...”
[Duty Complete (Victory theme) - Final Fantasy XIV OST]
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(Sitri) “Is she going to be okay?”
(Aqua) “She’s used to it. She’s actually learned how to break her fall better since she started.”
(Sitri) “So this happens regularly?!”
(Yuri) “With these idiots, yeah. With us? They’re about as foreign to us as we are to you...”
(Ainz) “Everyone, you did well. I could not be any more proud of you all.”
(Albedo) “Hah, your praise is too much, Lord Ainz!”
(Ainz) “Part of me wishes that raid could’ve gone a bit longer...A-ANYWAYS...”
Before Ainz could finish his sentence, everyone began to hear clapping.
[Those Who Sow Darkness - Fire Emblem Three Houses OST]
They all turned to where the sound was coming from, and saw a man in black with a mask clapping his hands together.
(???) "Bravo, bravo! The others were already afraid of what your class was capable of, but once they get word of this, they'll be pissing themselves, haha!"
Everyone drew their weapons at him and he sighed in response.
(???) "...You still don't trust me. Eh, fair enough. Not like I'm exactly comfortable with you offworlders either."
The man turned to Sitri.
(???) "And its good to see you out and about, Sitri! Byleth will be happy with that at least."
(Sitri) "What do you know about my son, who are you?!"
(???) "...You may call me Lahabrea. I only know what I've been told from Thales and reports...and the few conversations I've held with him.”
(Megumi) "If you even laid a finger-"
(Lahabrea) "Hah! And get between him and his little crusade? I'd rather live, thank you...Though right now with your class's appearance all over Fodlan these past few years, he's not as ruthless as he used to be."
(Ainz) "Years?"
(Lahabrea) "I'm not the right person for THAT conversation. You have mister Leclerc for discussing how many years have passed. For now, I leave you in good faith, with your gift. Your other friends will be showing up in the next few days, so I'll be taking my leave. I feel as if I'm not welcome here anyway."
He raised his to his face and an aura of energy surrounded him.
(Lahabrea) "Oh, and the only thing I ask of you is to give a message to Byleth when he comes. Lahabrea sends his regards."
With that, he teleported away.
(Kurumi) "The heck is that supposed to mean?"
(Yuri) "...Before we get too settled in, lets get out of here. Last I checked the surface of Garreg Mach was clear."
Yuri motioned everyone to follow, and they all finally left Abyss together.
The next morning, everyone met up in the mess hall, answering each other’s questions of what happened in the past, what has been happening, and what House Isekai is to Sitri.
Sitri is utterly fascinated by this fifth house, sounding almost like a fairy tale, heroes coming into another world to save it and its people.
(Sitri) "House Isekai sounds..."
(Ainz) "Impossible?"
(Megumi) "Insane?"
(Kazuma) "Stupid?"
(Sitri) "Unique, actually. My son must be proud to have you all as his students but...what happened to him?"
(Yuuri) "The last I remember, Rean had his giant robot thing teleport Byleth away when we fell..."
(Megumi) "I hope he's okay..."
(Ainz) "I sincerely doubt anything would actually be able to harm him."
(Aqua) "Somethings been bothering me about that actually. We fell down that cliff, so how are we still alive, much less be here five years later?"
(Kurumi) "...When we woke up, I heard a voice gently talking to me...then it uh...screamed at me to wake up like she was my mom."
(Albedo) "Odd. That's what happened to us as well, though...that voice sounded familiar."
(Constance) "So, that answers how you all awoke, but how many others are here too?"
(Yuri) "The way that Lahabrea guy was speaking made it sound like some others of House Isekai made it here before you guys."
(Kazuma) "He said to my group that we were among the last to arrive. So how long have the others been here before we woke up?"
(Sitri) “And...why did he resurrect me?”
Everyone remained silent, trying to think of some possible answer.
(Yuri) “...Well, now that we cleared things up for Sitri-”
Yuri put his cup down on the table and looked to House Isekai’s members.
(Yuri) “-It’s about time we tell you guys what’s happened with the war.”
(Kazuma) “So, who’s winning, the Empire or the Church?”
The Ashen wolves looked at each other.
(Balthus) “About that...-”
Outside Garreg Mach
Dimitri stared up at the Monastery silently.
It had been five long years since he last laid his eyes on it.
His thoughts were interrupted when he saw someone walk towards him.
(Dimitri) "Edelgard..."
Edelgard stopped in front of him and the two remained silent.
Dimitri's solemn expression turned into a wide smile.
He raised his hand, and Edelgard grabbed his, both holding each others arms firmly.
(Dimitri) "Hah, it is good to see you again."
(Edelgard) "Likewise, old friend. It's been far too long."
The two turned to face Garreg Mach.
(Dimitri) “Best not to keep anyone waiting, right?”
(Edelgard) “After you.”
Year 1, Ruined building in Faerghus territory...
Byleth walked alone through the streets of this small town. He didn’t know what it was called.
All he knew was that it was destroyed in the last massive battle that took place here.
Imperial and Kingdom soldiers lay dead as he passed them by, not bothering to check if anyone’s breathing.
He stopped walking after a minute and reached for the Sword of the Creator.
Byleth activated the whip function of his sword before a voice spoke up.
(Man’s Voice) “I’m not here to attack you, if that’s what you’re thinking.”
Byleth slowly turned around and saw a man dressed in black, leaning against a wall.
It was nighttime and the area was almost pitch black, but Byleth could tell immediately what he was.
(Byleth) “Give me one reason I shouldn’t cut off your head right now, Agarthan.”
(???) “I can give you two, actually. One: Because I’m the first to actually talk to you instead of attacking, unlike the rest of the idiots who tried doing that. I doubt anyone who knew the reputation of the Ashen Demon would even come within a 100 mile radius of you.”
(Byleth) “And two?”
(???) “I can give you the power you seek to destroy the Church. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, after all.”
(Byleth) “...Just who are you?”
The man stepped forward and the light revealed that he was wearing a mask that covered his face.
(???) “You may call me...Lahabrea.”
[Escape - Darling in the FranXX OST]
The forecasted rain wets us
What should I say to you, as you tremble? My soaked blazer is cold and heavy
I feel as helpless as a chick who's left its cage. I felt that my dreams were on the other side of the heavy clouds
I digested only the sweet pain that spread in my chest
I wonder if it'd be better if I'd never met you
Hey, I can't even see the stars
Hey, my tears won't fall either
To Be Continued in:
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camachameleon · 7 years
Cam’s Voltron Fic Rec 1/∞
VLD Fic Recs:  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Here’s a Fic Masterlist for my other fandoms. ( ** =  favorites )
  **Moonset Deep by MilkTeaMiku (fairydens on tumblr)
Word count:  80,000 (32/?)
Summary:  All his life he’d been told to make sure he was never seen – it was what all the children were taught from the moment they were born. Never let a human see you, never fall in love with a human, and most importantly, never kiss one.
For Lance, humans were a mystery. He’d lived beneath the surface of the ocean with his shoal his entire life, and had intended to remain there. He knew the danger humans posed to his kind, and what would happen if he came close to one. That’s why, when he found one drowning, his first instinct was to save him.
He’d never been good at following the rules anyway.
Comments: Klance featuring merlance! and human!keith. Also there is so  much  good art based off of this fic. I love the world building in this story, the details make this fic seem so real you almost forget it is fantasy. The progression of their coming together is very natural and not forced (I’m a sucker for slow burn). A song that always makes me think of this fic is called Oceans Away by A R I Z O N A.
  In All The Stars by Tea Party on Ice (A_Conscious_Dreamer)
Word count:  5,568 (1/1)
Summary:  Shiro liked to downplay his memory loss for the other members of the team, but Keith knew better. He knew because there was one significant thing Shiro had forgotten—his soulmate bond with Keith.
Keith could live through that (maybe) but the Hanahaki Disease, however (the rare result of a neglected soul bond) would be a little more difficult.
Comments:  Sheith Soulmate AU bc its kinda my thing. Also I really liked this scene:  “A large hand on his shoulder as Hunk leaned closer. ‘You alright, man? It wasn’t the food, was it?’
He went to respond—I’m fine—but found himself coughing instead, large dry heaves that irritated his throat further and made his breathing stutter and gasp. Swallowing heavily as they died down, he opened his eyes to reassure everyone but froze in horror instead.
Scattered on his lap, on the table, the floor, and gathered on top of his meal like garnish were petals of a deep, deep red—Keith’s favourite colour, the colour of passion…and of death.
His death.”
  **The Quintessential Bond by avidbeader
Word count:  40,637 (14/?)
Summary:  Quintessence is the source of life for all things in the universe. Its harmonics vary with each individual. But Terrans have a unique feature where the quintessences of two people can blend so thoroughly that the two are connected in body and spirit. So far there has been no provable weakening of the bond due to distance once it is awakened. But now, two soulmates are about to be separated by an entire solar system for over a year.
Or, my take on a Sheith soulmates AU.
Comments:  Soulmate AU bc this is me. Also, definitely one of my favorite voltron fics of all time. Honestly don’t understand how this doesn’t have more views? The amount of thought that went into the plot and the characterizations and the science stuff is phenomenal. Also Keith+Pidge broship is my thing. Song recommendations to set the mood... Moondust and Cosmic Love.
   Lifeline by spicygenou
Word count:  1,751 (1/1)
Summary:  Keith has always had an approximate idea of when his Soulmate and he would meet, the words revealing more than just their flirtatious personality. Likewise, Lance knew that his words would be something corny, based on how his Soulmate reacted. This is the story of how they finally met.
Comments:  Klance. Soulmate AUs are my thing ok? And this one is especially adorable and fluffy. Also coffeeshop AU in a way.
   **Ignorance is Bliss by YouAreInAComaWakeUp
Word count:  172,675 (30/30)
Summary:  As it turns out, learning that your house is haunted makes the ghosts a lot more aggressive. Who knew?
Ah, well. At least one of them is hot. And he’s the less-evil one, too, so that’s always a plus.
Comments:  Klance with Ghost!Keith and Human!Lance. I LOVE THIS FIC. I got so attached to all the Voltron characters all over again in all new ways, even the minor ones. Like, these characters in this story had such depth, and were so multidimensional that I will never see them the same again. All of them were so completely brought to life and for me, reading this was a life-altering experience. Also, there is a bunch of fan art based of this fic, and its all linked in chapter descriptions so don’t forget to check those out too. I really loved this amazing animated video from my favorite scene in the entire story.
Might want to read the warnings for this fic before reading just in case.
   Don’t Fret by Qpenguin98
Word count:  5,643 (1/1)
Summary:  It starts with a headache. Keith gets sick.
Comments:  Klance sickfic with lots of cuddling. Serious, but fluffy.
  i toss and turn by knightly
Word count:  6,749 (1/1)
Summary:  Keith is sick, and someone comes to check in on him.
He’s just about to try to smother himself again when his door whooshes open. His eyes dart automatically towards the door, and he squints at the figure. It’s tall and skinny and dark, which leaves only one person it could be. Lance.
His heart does a tiny little kick in his chest, and he has to redouble his efforts not to cover his face again. Of all of the people who would come to check on him, it would be Lance.
Comments:  Another Klance sickfic because Lance taking care of Kieth while he’s sick. Lots of fluff and cuddles.
   Shared Stars by Kitsune_Moonstar
Word count:  2,313 (1/1)
Summary:  Keith’s had the little cluster of stars on the inside of his wrist for as long as he can remember. He didn’t know if it was a human thing or just a him thing, but it was one more thing that made him different from the rest of the Blades.
Comments:  Another Sheith Soulmate AU featuring a BOM raised Keith. Found this one through the Dads of Marmara tag. Interesting take on an alternate first-meeting where Keith meets Matt and Sam before Shiro. Matt & Keith bros are always welcome. (if you find more Matt & Keith friendshipfics pls gimme thnx)
  My Constellation by Kalira
Word count:  5,862 (1/1)
Summary:  Keith’s heart leaps when his mark changes to show Shiro’s name - and sinks with the fear that Shiro’s will never show his. But is a mark really necessary to fall in love?
Comments:  Sheith Soulmate AU. A little heartbreaking, but the fluff overpowers it in the end.
   Soulmarks and Skidmarks by FallingNarwhals
Word count:  9,753 (7/?)
Summary:  Keith didn’t want much. A steady job, a place to call home, and maybe figure out the soulmark on his ankle that kept him emotionally tied to a stranger.
Hunk is fresh off of a bigoted and terror ridden Earth all but clutching his degree by his fingertips, and decides that the small outpost town is perfect to live.
And neither of them can deny the small throbbing of happiness though their marks.
Comments:  Heith Soulmate AU with lots of world building. Also Mechanic!&Racer!Keith and Mechanic!Hunk. I was getting some slight SW:TPF vibes while reading this, but maybe thats just me.
    The Man in the Mask by kitausu
Word count:  1,076 (1/1)
Summary:  Keith finds himself at a party he doesn’t want to be at but with a man in a mask he maybe wouldn’t mind getting to know better
Comments:  NSFW. Also Heith bc Heith is life.
  Mirage by LavenderWife
Word count:  18,307 (5/5)
Summary:  Keith and Lance crash on an alien planet. With nothing but desert for miles and their lions broken, the two must learn to work together if they have any chance of surviving the planet’s mysterious inhabitants and getting back home.
Comments:  Some good fluffy and action-packed Klance bonding. Includes some whump and flexible!Keith. These two standoffish and competitive goofballs are forced to rely on each other a lot in this fic and in turn start to open up about their fears and insecurities. The amount of desperation and vulnerability Keith and Lance are forced to show the other while on the run is physically tangible here and I love it.
  Kiss From a Rose by BossToaster(ChaoticReactions)
Word count:  14,176 (6/6)
Summary:  5 times Shiro got kisses from the team, and one time he returned them
Comments:  SHIRO KISSES AHHH but seriously he’s so adorable and the team giving Shiro (platonic) kisses is my kink.
 **A Long Time Ago (We Used To Be Friends) by Mikiri
Word count:  32,580 (1/1)
Summary:  Originally Keith was supposed to have been Shiro’s copilot for the Kerberos Mission. They bonded over the thought of being on a mission together. But that all fell down the drain when something was found wrong with his blood. The fall out of the mission failure changed Keith forever.
Comments:  Gen with lots of Holt family + Shiro + Keith bonding bc both these goofballs need more love and the Holts agree so they are basically adopted now. The original Garrison Trio woo! This is part of the Haven’t Thought Of You Lately At All Series which is waiting on its next installment and I am so excited for bc this may be my favorite voltron fic out there. What can I say I am a sucker for the Holts/Keith bonding storyline. Some tone setting songs are One Minute More, I Lived, and my fav, Brother by Kodaline.
  VLD Fic Recs:  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Here’s a Fic Masterlist for my other fandoms.
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@ The anon
Well, for collecting, I cant really help you in finding dead things, they kinda just find YOU. Although water sources in the woods and along main roads is always a good bet if you want to pick up your own deads. If you’re ok with buying from trappers and hunters there is an array of sites to order from. Heres a useful link for buying furs Alternatively, you can go hunt the things yourself - but that seems to be…an unpopular opinion. Its really just up to you.
Collecting Things you will need with you in the car at all times (if possible)
Trash bags\plastic bags\or even a plastic bin, whatever floats your boat. Be aware that corpses left in plastic bags in anything over 70F or 21c (I think) for more than a couple hours will begin to literally melt. I cannot tell you how long an individual corpse will last in a plastic bag in your car trunk, but if its hot, probably not more than two or three hours before it is ruined. Its gonna be gross, man. Do not be alarmed if the pelt gets damp, you only need to worry if the fur starts coming out in huge clumps when gently tugged on.
Gardening or latex gloves I don’t personally believe in using gloves, because there are very few things you can catch from the dead. BUT there ARE things you can catch - especially from raccoons, so, if you want 100 percent safety, and also maybe to feel less grossed out, bring these.
Knife\scalpel Vulture or not, I think its wise to keep a knife on you at all times   regardless, but you will definitely want one in the car in case you find something pancaked into the road but with bits you want. (IE: the top half might be gone but the tail is good, or the back half is gone but the head is good.). The knife should be sharp….derp.
Hedge clippers In case the knife doesn’t cut it or you find  deer or coyote you cant fit in your car. Pro tip - try to find the joints to make chopping less of a hassle
Air fresheners\febreeze\ anything you want to keep the car fresh Even if you keep it in a bin or bag - the smell WILL linger. I didn’t notice it, but other people sure as shit did - and they didn’t like it.
Theres probably more things Im missing, but this is just my personal list.
If you want the skin - I recommend watching some skinning videos , not only will it prep you for the gore, but in general they are very helpful.
Key words for vids you WILL need at some point - Fleshing. Fleshing is very important. This will probably take up a lot of your time tbh. It does mine anyway…
Once skinned and fleshed you need to put a generous amount of salt on the skin…like..an entire layer. Make it look like Christmas morning. The salt will get all mushy and eventually hrden as it dries the skin out. Replace the salt daily. When the skin is dry and kinda stiff - and the salt isnt getting mushy anymore. You’re done with salting phase.
Tumblr Skinning links
Skinning out a coyote foot
Tumblr Taxidermy tips
Prepping a face for taxidermy
Reshaping  face
Mounting a face
Tumblr Tanning links
Brain tanning
Processing for bones
Maceration: When you put the corpse in a plastic bag in the sun - or in a bucket or bin of warm water to melt down for bones. In either case you will want t make sure it is somewhere dogs will not get it. If you use a bucket, make sure to put a lid on top of it. This is the most effective way, but also the most smelly…Like…its bad. Its terrible. Chew some gum or a mint or just dont breathe around it, because its the worst thing ever.
Burial - You can just wrap it in a sheet or whatever and bury it outside, or in a pot. May take a while, but its the least smelly, most discreet and you can care for flowers while the corpse rots down =3 If you want articulate the bones - or put them back together to form a complete skeleton later. Cut the corpse into sections and wrap them individually (again a sheet is best, but certain wire works too)
Open pit - This was my preferred method - Some bones get stolen but, eh. You just dig a hole and pile your body in there on top of a sheet or trash bag. Make sure to secure it by putting wire on top and weighing it down with dirt on the edges, or rocks. You can put leaves over top of this if you want to help the smell.
simmering or boiling - NOT RECOMMENDED. You put the parts in a pan or crock pot of water you will never be using outside of gross stuff ever again.I hear this is easier with a crock pot. Supposedly this is by far the fastest way - but youre very likely to ruin  the bones. You just…set the crock pot to simmer or boil the bones
Dermestids - You can get yourself an aquarium and fill it with corpse eating beetles! They require some basic tips and care sheets, but they dont seem difficult. The most worrisome thing is - that if they escape they may eat your collection…This is the most effective and safe way imo, but it can take time - and also you have to care for beetles.
If you have bones but they're a little dirty (dirt, grease, stains) and you ant them pearly white, you will want to soak them in a tin can, glass jar, or plastic tub with peroxide. Skulls will float, find a way to weigh them down (stuff em with beads, rocks, whatever. Tie a string to a rock then to the skull and let it sink. Arrange ther bones in a teepee or wedge to make them hold the skull down.
If you mess up, its ok, this might help.
I advise cleaning the skull separate from other bones. ANd I recommend cleaning the teeth separate so you risk losing them less.
Dying bones
You can dye bones by boiling various plant leaves and berries with salt. Pokeberries make a deep purple-red, rose petals vary - the red makes a sort of maroon....ect - just experiment.
How to tell if the plant\berry can be boiled of its color - take a petal or part and rub it between your thumb and fore-finger, if it bleeds on you - it can make a dye. (at least in my experience.)
Crystalizing bones
Dry preserving
Much like  wet preservation, but you drop the body part \ small animal into formalin or alcohol for a month or two and then take it out and let it mummify. Idk a terrible bunch about this - I just stuck things in a box and forgot abut them for months on end...probably not the best idea...I have some regrets.
Example and some tips:
Uuuuuh, I feel like im missing stuff, but, I did my best. Here have some ref links.
Misc Ref so you can see how traps work in case thats something you worry about
Making rawhide
Reshaping a face
The MBTA in case you live in the US
All birds UNPROTECTED by the MBTA in the US
How to tell if a skull is bleached
How to pack frozen deads to ship to others
Sorry this got kind of lenghty, and linked to a lot of other posts rather than TLDR giving my own takes, but all of these links have been insanely helpful to me at some point or other and they do a great job of walking through the processes imo =3. I hope this helps.
Feel free to IM me if you have a link you want added to this post
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