#if it wasn't for the fact the old voltron shows used to air here I wouldn't even know voltron was a mecha show
headspacedad · 2 years
opinion on the upcoming live action Voltron? i really wish i was joking but this is a serious question and not some darker timeline shit
lol I know, I know. It's all good. When I first heard the rumors I figured it would just be some talk and eventually blow over when studios realized its wasn't really processable. But now it looks like there's some actual SERIOUS bidding going on and an actually script, so who knows? I understand that there's a HUGE drive for nostalgia bait in Hollywood these days, both for: lack of originality, nerd culture suddenly being profitable (or at least Hollywood realizing it is), a freak ton MULTITUDE of streaming services all popping up and wanting to get something people are going to pay them money to watch and simply the generation that grew up with OG Voltron being financially fluid (or more so) . But after the way VLD crashed and burned so spectacularly you'd think they'd give Voltron a longer cool off period. Here's the thing though -
MOST Voltron remakes are BAD. Like if you're lucky just short and bad and if not, they're 'long and muddled and lost their plot' bad. Even the original Voltron was - it was really good for its time but a lot of especially the Lion Voltron doesn't hold up as good. Vehicle Voltron would make a GREAT Netflix series but no one remembers Vehicle Voltron so everyone always just grabs for the more popular lions. Point is - Third Dimension - horrible animation, terrible story. Voltron Force - look, personal opinion only but I couldn't even make it through the first episode and the memory of it is what actively turned me off from giving VLD a crack when its first season aired. VLD itself? Great start up, long ugly spiral downward as the seasons went on until the trashfire pit that was the last few seasons of utter nonsense. I'm going to be wild right now and just say it but -
Voltron has a habit of turning out BAD remakes.
And yet - its still getting remade. Voltron seems to be one of those weird amphibious cars that never really works but people keep talking about how cool a concept it is despite that. Don't get me wrong - I adore Voltron. I grew up on the original and even after years forgetting about it, I still perk up when I hear the word. I LOVED VLD until I utterly hated it and - that's kind of the thing. How many of us hated how VLD ended and yet we're still here, years later, sharing fan art and fic and talking about the show and getting emotional about talk of a remake? Granted, a lot of it is fueled by spite but that doesn't really matter. There's still VLD chatter even after the crash and burn of it YEARS after the fact. I rarely see GoT chatter, its like most people want to pretend it never happened but here we are - worrying about a Voltron remake despite VLDs last seasons.
Somehow, Voltron is one of those rare cases where a BAD version (multiple BAD versions in fact) doesn't seem to put off the sell-ability of the brand name. And as long as Voltron gets buzz and seems to hold a very permanent place in people's nostalgia, Hollywood is going to keep milking it. Honestly, I can't even complain. Whatever movie version comes out it won't be the VLD version. Whatever script they come out with (and we've seen some doozies kicked around over the years) its probably going to be a brand new take on the Voltron concept with some cribbed notes from previous ones. YET ANOTHER remake in a long list of remakes.
If Voltron's track record holds, I'm going to assume its going to be bad and I probably won't make any other judgement call until we're far enough down that well-tread road to have some trailers. I have what I liked from VLD to keep me occupied and I don't think whatever new version that comes up will be a VLD rehash. I think its going to be a 'new idea on an old story' so it should be removed enough from my VLD scars that they won't pull or ache too much. If things go through and we start to get actual trailers though?
Honestly I was pretty burned by how good VLD started and how bad it ended so I'll probably be more tempted to want to sit there with popcorn and watch it all burn -
but you never know. Maybe whoever gets the script by the time the bidding wars are over and everything's been shuffled into rewrites and new directors fifteen times will pull off a Into the Spider-verse and surprise us all. I get why people are worked up.  VLD burned us all pretty badly and we’re still emotional about it. They’ve got every right to feel feelings right now.  I personally just don't have the emotional energy available to spend this early on in the process with everything too nebulous for me to get worked up either by being bothered or by being excited over. I'm just going to sit on my proverbial porch at this point and watch the traffic accident on the road and once it starts encroaching on my lawn I'll probably get up and decide if I want to wave a stick and yell at it or meander over to see what its doing.
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shadowqueen24 · 7 years
Everything Was Fun, Until It Wasn't But Maybe It’ll Get Better Pt 1
This is my gift for Devon, @idevon for @voltron-ss
Summary: The day before Keith leaves for Christmas break, Pidge takes him out for some fun in the snow. The day Keith actually leaves though isn’t all that fun, it’s terrible and Keith kinda wishes he had stayed in his dorm with Pidge. Hopefully, he’ll find something to lighten up what started as a terrible day.
Pairing: Keith/Pidge(Katie Holt), Keith/Lance
Pt. 1 (Congrats, you’re here!) Pt. 2 (Here)
Can also read it here (Ao3)
Keith Kogane woke up to the sound of his 9am alarm blaring throughout his room. He didn’t have any classes today and forgot to cancel his alarm. He blindly searched the bed for the source of annoyance.
“Hey, I’m trying to finish my work here, turn off your alarm.” Pidge snapped, her fingers dancing her across her laptop. She was this close to finishing her thesis paper and she didn’t need Keith’s stupid alarm ruining her concentration.  
Keith groaned, finally managing to shut off that damn alarm. A pillow smacked him the face.“ What part of quiet, don’t you understand?” Okay, so Pidge had to admit she may be a little agitated due to lack of sleep, but Keith would get over it. He was used to this already.
The black haired boy glared at her, she returned the look back with full force. Keith dragged his body to the bathroom so he could throw some water on his face. If he didn’t fully wake up soon, in his delirious state, there was a possibility that he would mistake Pidge for a gremlin, and actually throw her out the window. He turned on the bathroom light and got a good look of himself in the mirror. Staring back at him was a face full of bags, dead eyes, and sharp-like teeth. Not the nicest looking face, but who cares. People didn’t go to college and not get bags. If someone has, Keith would track them down to punch them in the face for being so lucky.    
He reentered the room the find that Pidge had made her escape. Probably to grab coffee from the cafeteria. He threw a random shirt he found on the floor on. It was nice long sleeve black one that no one saw him wear yet, making it easy for him to wear it and not get called on it.
“You’re disgusting,” Pidge commented, walking to her bed. Scratch that, looks like he had been caught. She was holding a coffee in one hand and a bagel in the other. She seemed much more chipper than she had been earlier now that she had food and coffee in her.
“You wear the same bra like every day.” Keith shot back. He struggled to put his boots on.
Pidge rolled her eyes. Keith would never understand the hard task of finding the perfect bra that still fits after you buy it. She had to milk this bra for all it’s worth. Keith was still trying to put on his shoes. “Unzip it dumbass, it’s not rocket science.” She ducked as a boot came flying at her. She snickered and threw it back.
“So,” She took a bite of her bagel. “Are you excited to see Shiro?”
Keith let out a small smile. Of course he was excited to see his dorky older brother this weekend. They hadn’t had much time to see each other ever since Shiro and his fiance, Allura, moved from Arus to Altea, Allura’s home country. It was a big adjustment, Keith had gotten used to seeing Shiro everyday, even after Shiro had graduated. He was always there to make sure Keith was taking care of himself properly, (“Keith eating 10 packs of noodles a day is not healthy and will kill you!” “Says the weeb trash who tried to survive on pocky and anime alone.”) or just enjoying college period. Shiro promised that Keith could come visit during Christmas break, which couldn’t come fast enough. He didn’t want to admit it but he missed Shiro terribly, even his atrocious dad jokes.
“Yeah, I am. What about you? Are you going home for Christmas this year?” Pidge shook her head, her eyes focused on her on her laptop.
“Nope, not enough in the Pidgeotto bank to afford a flight back to Balto,” Seeing the look on Keith’s face, she shrugged. “It’s not so bad, I can still talk them and I get enjoy personal time with my brother fangirling over me getting into Arus Academy,” She side glanced him. “Or Roommates with noisy alarm clocks. You say you’re not emo, but no one listens to My Chemical Romance anymore Keith.”
Ignoring the jab at him,Keith continued to frown. He was at a crossroads. He didn’t like the idea of Pidge spending Christmas by herself, but Pidge was an adult and could take of herself.
He stiffened when arms wrapped around him. A face buried itself into his chest. “Stop it with the face. As touching as your concern is, I think I’ll be good without big bad Keith protecting me for two weeks.” Keith closed his eyes, leaning into the hug. Pidge and Keith weren’t incredibly touchy people, especially when it come to each other, but they had their moments. Keith cherished every single one of those moments.
Pidge looked up and Keith pretended not see the little specks of tears forming her eyes. She would deny it, but Pidge was secretly over emotional. She once broke into tears after she accidentally deleted an episode of  her favorite show, “Mad Ninjas” from the DVR. Pidge shoved him away. “Okay, cringe fest over.”
Keith chuckled, same old Pidge.
Pidge glanced at the clock on the wall. “You don’t leave until tomorrow morning, right?” She questioned. Keith nodded, confused.
“Let’s go on an adventure!” She didn’t give him much of choice, grabbing his hand, she lead him out door. She still had her outside attire on from her earlier run to cafeteria but Keith scrambled to grab his coat as he was rushed out. He wasn’t sure where Pidge was taking him or what they were going to do on this so called “adventure”, in fact the only time he ever seen her so excited about something that wasn’t tech related. It soon came to Keith that Pidge was taking him to the park.
Arus’s park looked almost like a winter wonderland during this time year. There were twinkling Christmas lights were hanging all around, giving off a festive feeling.The trees and grass were covered in layers of the crystal snow that had descended upon it the night before. The managers in charge of decorating the park deserved a raise. There were all different types snow figures. Keith squinted at odd looking one. It looked like some type of cat but one couldn’t be too sure. The lake was converted into an ice skating rink that everyone from adults to children were enjoying themselves.
Lost in thought, he didn’t notice Pidge sneaking up behind him. Eyes full of mischief, she pulled back her arm and launched a snowball right at the back of Keith’s head. The dark haired boy didn’t see it coming and jumped at the coldness of the snow, letting out a yelp.
He smirked. Pidge was going to regret that. If she wanted a war then she was going to get one. Meanwhile, Pidge didn’t like the look Keith was giving her. The consequences of her actions came in the form of snowball to the chest. Another one hit her in the shoulder. It dawned on her that she had made the mistake of challenging one of the most competitive people ever to snowball fight.  
She shrieked when as a snowball came barreling into her chest. There was but a second between the first and the second snowball. Keith was merciless in his onslaught. She needed to find shelter soon. “I’m a total idiot, there are tons of trees here.” She fired a snowball, an idea forming.“Trees with tons of snow on them.”
Running as fast as her legs would take her, she darted towards a group of trees. Keith immediately followed after her, he looked around for a sign of her. The black haired boy saw movement from the tree to his right. Like a lion stalking his prey he slowly crept up to tree that Pidge was surely was hiding behind. He prepared to pounce.
“Gotcha!” He announced, hand held up and snowball in hand. The space behind the tree was empty, leaving Keith to wonder where his small companion had escaped to. A whistle sounded through the air. Keith turned around to see a very happy Pidge smiling in triumph. She pointed above him.
The tree he was standing under was covered in a mountain of snow that would collapse at the slightest movement. Pidge had tricked him and like a fool, he played right into her hands. He held his hands in surrender.
“Truce?” He tried. Pidge’s only answer was to throw her snowball at the tree. Way more snow then he would have liked was dumped on him. Snow was in places that snow should not have been. “I guess not.”
“THIS IS SPARTA!” Pidge yelled jumping onto him. Both of them went crashing into the ground. He was ready to let out a long complaint, but the words died in his throat once he realized how close they were. So close that if Keith were to lean up, their noses would be touching.
Had Pidge’s glasses always framed her face like that? Keith knew Pidge was pretty er no, pretty wasn’t the right word. Beautiful was more like it, but now, she looked out of of this world. The air around her wasn’t like anything he could describe and it made him feel alive. 
Pidge made him feel alive.
“Hey.” He breathed, a puff of cold air escaping.
Devon, I enjoyed writing this because I’ve never written Keith/Pidge before and you may have caused me to bump this rare pair up on my voltron ship list, so thank you helping me experience something new. I hope you enjoy this fic and enjoy your holidays.
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