#if i don’t feel like crying i can skip it bc i can’t listen it without sobbing
lipringlrh · 2 years
okay i’m saying it, i’m an older defender for life
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blurglesmurfklaine · 2 months
4, 7, 9, 12 for the ask game <3 (all glee if possible)
Yay, thanks for these Crys! 7 was previously answered so I went ahead and skipped it :)
4. say something nice about a ship you don't ship (it can be another ship in your fandom, a mutual's OTP, etc)
I don’t ship St. Berry, but I am of the opinion that if it couldn’t be Finn, I’m glad it was Jesse. He and Rachel really are two sides of the same coin and they seem to love each other very deeply and I hope they’re happy together!
9. a ship that isn't your OTP but that you enjoy
Samcedes 😭 they are my emotional support heterosexuals your honor. But also, they are two genuinely good people who care deeply about one another samcedes you will always be endgame to me
12. compliment someone else in your fandom
Okay this is gonna be a lot because I AM going to do all the active fandoms I’m in! So under the read more!
First of all you, Crys! And @backslashdelta You are both so talented with your gif making that it kind of drives me insane.
@kurtsascot is probably one of the most talented writers I’ve ever had the pleasure of interacting with. I feel so lucky that we’ve gotten her so late in the game! I feel similarly about @rockitmans and @thelegendofjenna
@esilher @twinkkurt and @justgleekout make the most BEAUTIFUL fanart I’ve ever seen, and I also wanna thank @carsonphillips for klainegifs and keeping the fandom interesting with their events!
@somefeministtheatrepls is not only an amazing friend but the most thoughtful beta reader and honestly partner in my writing?? Writing is much less stressful because I don’t even worry about things being clunky or weird because I know her ass will help that chapter SHINE
@nancysgillians @kurthummeldeservesbetter also get shoutouts because they are wonderful people to have in your life
I could fill novels with how much I love and appreciate @somanywords! Their amazing storytelling and also volunteering to make art for the MiniBang I hosted earlier this year??? On top of listening to my insane ramblings?? They don’t make em like this anymore folks
@one-paper-bag is also SOOOOOO incredibly talented with their art, and their lovely comments on my Spider-Man AU keep me going (on GOD we are gonna get you another chapter ON GOD!!!!)
@livesincerely and @agentsnickers are some of the most prolific and INSANELY TALENTED writers I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading, and also genuinely lovely people! You know when you see someone on your dash and ur just like “wow. I hope they are having a FANTASTIC day and life. They deserve one.”
@piedoesnotequalpi and @regina-cordium are also so incredibly FUNNY and have the most correct takes on every single newsie and that’s on that ❤️
I’m relatively new to this fandom, so I don’t know a ton of people yet, but there are def people I see on my dash that I have noticed!
@cranberrymoons @lesbianrobin @insertlovelyperson have written some of my absolute FAAAAAAVE fics! I feel like they really have a handle on who the characters are in a way that’s true to the show and kind of difficult to pull off!
@texasbama makes amazing gifs and honestly anytime I see her on my dash I laugh bc genuinely she’s so funny. Also on the list of hilarious contributors is @buckgettingstruck
And a couple of people who I think have genuinely great vibes are @buckera @leathercouchcushion and @yaz-the-spaz
And of course I can’t talk about 911 without a second mention to @regina-cordium who puts up with all my Texas!Buddie nonsense andbansndbsk
Okay yeah so that was a LOT sorry!! I didn’t mean for it to get so long BUT I do mean every single word! I’m really blessed to have met so many amazing people through fandom and my experience on this site has been nothing less than superb because of yall ❤️
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leclerced · 10 months
ok ok ok so just imagine oscar does come around but y/n is still a bit closed off coz ya girl is hurt and oscar starts doing his lil acts of service to show he cares bcuz he's not a talker. like always shows up with her fave coffee order, sends flowers to her work, buys her a lil mclaren teddy to cuddle when she's too grumpy to cuddle him instead 🥹
crying over the teddy bear.
she’d secretly embroider his initials and number under the hoodie, right over where it’s heart is, and its her little secret no one will ever find out about. she takes it everywhere with her after he gifts it to her and she’d secretly spritz it with his cologne in the mornings after they leave for the day, if she isn’t going with them to the track or they’re back home during the off season.
he’s got a way with words when he’s inside her, knows just the right thing to say to make her fall apart, but outside of that he doesn’t have much to say. it frustrates her at first, when he’s not as forthcoming as lando is. she’s shocked by how different they are, when they come back from work and she asks how their days went. good or bad oscar just says same as usual or it was work as he cuddles up into her, head on her stomach, while lando spends an hour telling her every little detail. she listens intently while playing with oscar’s hair, nodding along and asking appropriate questions. oscar wishes he could talk like lando, but he just can’t, doesn’t really have anything to say, so he’s grateful his teammate is there to fill the silence while he relaxes into her.
he’s not good with words, but he’s good at showing he cares in every other way. he can read her better than lando can, knows what she’s thinking before she says it, finishes her sentences all the time. she finds it endearing the way he can read her mind, and can answer any questions she has. i know he’s said like, he would be an engineer if not a driver so i know he’s got brains, but also i feel he’s like weirdly smart in that he knows a lot about random things you wouldn’t expect, so she starts treating him like her personal google. he’s got an incredible memory when it comed to her, she’ll passively mention something and months later oscar has it for her, says he just saw it and thought she’d like it. she’ll mention she likes a certain body wash and he starts buying it for his apartment. he buys her perfume and lotion too for his place without mentioning it, she’d just stumble across the new bottles in his medicine cabinet one morning, right next to his cologne and daily moisturizer. he’d keep all her favorite snacks in his pantry and fridge too, he’s not good at cooking so they’re pretty much bare otherwise, so knowing he specifically goes to the grocery story just so she has snacks when she visits makes her heart skip a beat.
he always knows what she wants for breakfast when she wakes them up whining about being hungry and places an order for delivery while her and lando are still debating what they want. he’ll drift in and out of asleep, half listening to them try to decide for half an hour what to eat, then their food arrives. theyre confused when they’re back home, neither of them expecting company so early, and when they’re at a hotel during the season, she shouts that they don’t need house keeping while oscar rolls out of bed and puts on a pair of sweats to retrieve their breakfast. her and lando are always surprised, like it doesn’t happen every other morning. she trades them bites of their breakfast in exchange for kisses until she’s full and is pushing the food away even if they’re not finished bc she’s suddenly in the mood for something else.
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atom-writings · 1 year
WAIT A SEC..... you'd do reqs for the batman 2022? if not, i understand, but if you do: can i get uhhh what dano!riddler would look for in a (gn) partner? and/or headcanons on what kind of boyfriend he would be?
(Edward Nashton X Reader) General Relationship Headcanons
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N  YES YES YES ok sorry guys skipping ahead for this bcs i want to write it ok thank you. Everyone go listen to mook right now
Trigger Warning: Edward Is Not A Healthy Person Much Less a Healthy Boyfriend, possessiveness kind of? Swearing, also.
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Edward is a simple if not unstable man. He’s always been uncontrollably attracted to those that can take care of him. Those that are more like housewives and mothers compared to hard workers. Of course, that’s not to say that he’s only into women. Not at all.
But what he really wants out of a partner is someone willing to focus all of their emotional energy on him. He wants to consume your thoughts, to become that voice in the back of your head. So no matter where you are, you’re caring about him more than anything else.
Because of that… he’d also prefer a S/O that isn’t too independent. There’s nothing more satisfying to him than coming home to you… sobbing because of his absence. Because god help whoever else makes you cry.
Someone weak and unassuming would be perfect too… it just feeds into his ego. Being able to tower over you, grab you and pull you in whichever way he likes… it makes him feel high. He’s always been seen as so sensitive and feeble, so being the strong one out of the two of you, god, he just absolutely loves it.
You’d think he would like someone who struggled as he has, but it’s actually the opposite. He would prefer someone stable and healthy, for one simple reason. If you were as tortured as he was, he wouldn’t be getting a lot of your attention and sympathy, would he? He wants you to fix him… he’ll get around to doing the same for you sometime later though, don’t worry.
However, he would despise having a successful partner. It feels like you’re… looking down on him, PITYING him, just like everyone else. No, no, he has to be the one holding position over you, not the other way around. That’s not to say he sees himself completely as superior to you, though. 
As high as his standards may seem, he is an incredibly forgiving and loving boyfriend. You’ve brought him out of the darkness countless times, and he could never do enough to make up for that. Or at least, that’s what he tells himself.
He’s very, very, very clingy. Anytime that he can be, he’s with you. At home, he’s always holding you close by your hips. On the train to and from work, he insists you come with him so he can hold your hand. At work, he’s texting you constantly. That’s probably the main way his selfishness comes out… he just needs your constant attention and approval.
Anytime that he can, he shows you off. If you’re shy about PDA, that’ll hurt him a little bit. He wants to bring you around, his arm wrapped around your shoulder, just to prove to everyone that he can. Very much a… “You jackasses thought I couldn’t do it. But I did. I got a partner. And they’re incredible. You miserable bastards wish you had a partner like I do,” … complex.
Although he likes more house-wifey S/Os, when he gets home he loves to pamper you. You’ll have to beg him not to make you dinner after he gets out of work most nights. After all, isn’t that what he wanted you to do for him?
Maybe trade out “taking care of you,” for “taking care of his disgusting apartment.”
He’s put up with so much in his life that it’s hard for him to get truly angry with you. Like even if you slapped him across the face, he’d probably just tear up and ask why you did that, compared to screaming and throwing things. (Well, it’s a different story when he’s in his whole… Riddler mood.) He just can’t imagine hurting such an innocent being who has done so much for him. It makes him a little too forgiving.
But it just makes him even more of a teddy bear around you. And who doesn’t want that? Sure, sometimes he goes mad and brutally executes the corrupt elite, but more importantly he is doing it all to make a better world for the two of you to share! You deserve it, you know?
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cqthqrtic · 2 years
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you adored me before.
dazai osamu x reader.
content warnings: angst, implications of a legal age difference and difference of maturity (but nothing weird), dazai’s an asshole.
a/n: i thought of this while riding the bus and listening to good looking by suki waterhouse. reader is 19 and dazai is his canon age of 22. i often think about dazai getting with someone younger (obvi in a non-pedophilic way) bc i’m curious how he would perceive the difference in maturity and experience. anyways enjoy! sorry for the lack of content, college is kicking my ass :’)
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Dazai looks at you with a blank stare, his eyes like an abyss calling you to drown in him. You were so arrogant to believe that you could tie him down. That you could uncover every secret he kept hidden away.
“You’re rather cold today,” you say. Your voice is meek and you can no longer bring yourself to look at his face. He smiles in a way that doesn’t reach his eyes. It feels like the smile of a snake.
“It is snowing outside,” he replies without skipping a beat. Dazai always has to have the last word. You aren’t sure if it’s an attractive trait anymore.
“You know that’s not what I meant,” you mutter under your breath. He laughs, it sounds almost like a cough but not quite. You click your tongue.
“I don’t like it when you’re being obtuse on purpose,” you tell him. He sighs.
“This is getting bothersome. It’s snowing outside and it’s getting late. Shouldn’t we both be heading home? You know it isn’t like me to stay after work,” he whines. You stare at him. His expression is seemingly relaxed even though you know he’s on guard. For what reason? You only have the faintest idea. You begin to put on your coat.
“You know, I really thought you adored me before. I thought I could uncover your secrets, get you to open up even,” you tell him, laughing a bit towards the end. “But the more I learn, the more things gets hazy. You’ve got a lot of secrets, Dazai. More than I have arrogance or patience for.”
His face turns pensive as he leans against the back of his chair. He stares at the ceiling and sighs before turning his gaze to you.
“I did like you a lot, but you and I both know that it wasn’t going to work out. I told you what kind of man I am, (Y/N). You’re not an exception,” he drawls. You swallow the forming lump in your throat. You hope your voice won’t crack, that would be humiliating.
“Yeah,” you whisper. Your vision blurs from the tears building up. You won’t cry. Not in front of him.
You’re slow to wrap your scarf around your neck, unable to stop your hands from shaking. You hear him stand up from his chair. Dazai grabs your shoulder and turns you to face him. He gently removes your hands from your scarf, allowing your arms to hang at your sides. He wraps your scarf around your neck for you. He moves your hair away from your face and neck, each touch gentle as though you're made of glass.
“I can’t help but wonder what I could have done to change things,” you whisper before sniffling. You lift your head up to meet his gaze. His hand cradles your face and his thumb strokes your cheek.
“Maybe if I was older, maybe if I was more mature, maybe something could have worked out between us,” you say. Your voice cracks and your cheeks feel aflame.
“There was nothing that you could have done to prevent this. You’re young and you will find better,” he says with a low voice. You find the kindness ironic as it may be the cruelest thing he could do in this moment. Dazai embraces you and presses his lips against your temple. Were his lips always this cold?
Your arms weakly wrap around his waist and you grip his coat in your fists. You feel so small in his arms. So foolish.
“It will pass. All of it; your feelings, the memories. In ten years, I’ll be a memory,” he says, before pausing and letting out an airy chuckle. “Maybe you won’t even remember my name.”
You let out a muffled sob against his chest. He gently shushes you, drawing circles with his thumb on your back.
“You’re cruel,” you cry. “You’re so cruel.”
He hums.
“I am,” Dazai says. “Which is why you have to move on from me and find something the complete opposite of me.”
You sniffle once more and peek your head out to look up. Your face feels puffy. Dazai stares down at you with an expression you can only describe as passive.
“I love you, Osamu,” you tell him. You tuck your head against his chest and tighten your grip around his waist. He tenses up at your words and frowns.
“You don’t know me enough to love me,” he tells you, almost sternly. He grabs your face and forces you to look at him again. "I'm a lost cause and you need to do whatever you can to move on from me."
He brushes your hair back with his hand.
“Have a good Christmas Eve, (Y/N),” Dazai tells you. His eyes bore into yours and you nod, the tears streaming down your face even more.
Dazai gives you a final parting gift, a gentle kiss on the lips that seems to last a lifetime but ends all too soon.
He separates himself from you, walking out of the room to leave you by your lonesome.
After he leaves, you watch him walk down the street blanketed in snow from the window.
He disappears into the winter night moments later. You watch the snowfall alone in the dark office, the scent of his favorite sake lingering on your scarf.
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beetlebuggy01 · 6 months
Todays “serious talk” with my mom ended with me being happy about being Autistic and I feel like I should share it with tumblr.
Like I said Today’s “talk of the day” with my mom was about autism because it was on the news and at the end I brought up how I love how I’m autistic, bc it makes me me. Like if I were to go into some magically scenario where I could see ANYTHING and I asked to see me but without autism I feel it’d be a different person entirely! Like if I was me just magically without my chronic illness it’d still be ME. but me without autism I just can’t see it being the same person? Like when it comes to earlier this morning my mom got a letter, and I was TRANSFIXED by the envelope bc the stamp has a shark on it. And when my mom asked what I was doing I I told her excitedly “Mom look! You got a letter and the person who sent you it put a shark letter sticker on it!” And immediately going into the different breeds of hammerhead without prompting. Which I gave the letter to my mom and said I wish I could keep the cool shark stamp! afterwords my mom tore the corner of the envelope with the stamp off and gave it to me. And then me getting excited at the idea of putting the stamp on my water bottle! In which my mom helped me gently peel the stamp off the paper and stick it to my bottle, and even helped me cut a perfect peice of tape to keep it on so it wouldn’t fall off and after getting said shark stamp to stick onto my water bottle I literally got so happy I DANCED AND SANG. That interaction is so inherently me and I can’t imagine having done that if I didn’t have autism. or other stuff like going to museums or aquariums and telling my mom a million fun facts I know about the exhibits! Or getting so happy I cry bc I found a pretty pebble and I can identify the material it is! If I were to imagine myself without autism I honestly can’t see myself doing those things, and those things make me fundamentally me yknow? Like the version of me without autism realistically would probably still be me, but to visualize it in my brain feels like I’d be a greyscale “WRONG” version of myself? Like some kind of dissociative experience or version of Uncanny Valley where I’m looking at my face but it isn’t ME. All my character all the parts that make me, me. Just gone? I just love being autistic honestly, and to be a little narcissistic? it makes me such a wonderful individual and fun and cool and awesome! I have fun facts and knowledge about such fun silly things! And I know so much and thrive on learning more! and without it without autism like I said I can’t imagine being the same person without it! Like getting happy over stamps that have sharks on them and in the end when I get it on my bottle I DANCE and SING from joy! Or being excited to listen to HOURS LONG video essays on topics I like, crying out of joy because I see a cute cat or I find a pretty rock or feather, it’s so inherently me, but also the fact that autism isn’t quantified by like “this is something because of autism this is ‘the real u’” (there is no such thing/way to do such. every part of me is because of autism and also the real me.) So therefore all the things i love that make me, me, are BECAUSE of the autism, and I love the person i am so therefore i love being autistic yknow?? This is really just a psudeo post on how i love being autistic, and how awesome and unique it makes me. I love being autistic <3
Which, I’m going over the ‘good’ parts of autism, I’m not going over the developmental disability part of the developmental disability, the sensory issues, the disconnect between how different neurotypical people think are taught and how I have to be taught and how I think. The things I just DONT and sometimes CANT and never will “get” about the world etc. I’m skipping over all of the genuinely “negative” parts of autism, which I just don’t believe you can label it as bad or good parts? it’s all just autism it isn’t some morality thing where parts of it are morally inherently good and some morally inherently bad. It’s just autism it’s “a force of nature” there is no moral badness to the wolf for killing the deer there is no moral badness to the different traits of autism, it’s just the way it is and you and the people around you (and the world) just have to learn how to live in a world where people are autistic/neurodiverse/disabled and accommodate it, not try to change or “fix” or right it bc it’s wrong yknow? Because it ISNT wrong. There is no good autism or bad autism traits it’s all just autism, at best morally neutral But that’s besides the point. I technically skip over those parts of it before, which the “negatives” are just as much a part of being autistic as the “positives” but I’m still happy to be autistic, because it’s still me, “negative” and “positive” traits alike! And I love me! I love being me I love the way I think and speak and work things out and everything about me! And I love me. Even still with all the parts of autism I love being autistic because autism is every part of me as I am me and I’m PERFECT the way I am. And yes I skip out the “bad” but still. I love being autistic because being autistic means I’m being me <3
Again like I said this is just really a “autism/neurodiverse positivity post/thought” yknow? It’s not really in-depth thought out or some essay I’ve proof read, it’s just me putting how much I’m me and how I love being me on the metaphorical page. And i guess it’s about Being happy with yourself and loving yourself with the “good” and the “bad” parts bc it makes you you and your beautifully you in every way you are <3
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petertingle-yipyip · 5 months
POOKIE now that the album has been out for a while what are your fav songs????
me personnally i cant pick they all already mean sm to me😭😭
once i saw it was a DOUBLE ALBUM i decided to wait till i had enough time to listen in full so i will listen right now and pull a you and give live ratings! (skip to the bottom for an overall feeling)
fortnight 8/10 - this is so ex coded holy “i love you and it’s ruining my life” literally of her relationships at some point, wow. i will say that post is an interesting collab for this type of song but i don’t hate it
the tortured poets department 6/10 - i liked the bridge (i think that’s what it is) the best. lyrically it’s good but not my fave and saying that ab the title track i hope doesn’t get me yelled at by anyone
my boy only breaks his favorite toys 9/10 - i claimed this one from the tracklist so i knew i was gonna like it. the best she stays with as she sings the title is perfect for an edit
down bad 7.5/10 - i didn’t expect her to come out cussing at me, okay ms swift. not a skip but not a daily listen either. crying at the gym is relatable though
so long, london 8/10 - i used this as a fic title lol but the cadence really shows how angry/tired she was by the time they split. the lyrics here are so powerful too. her imagery is always so beautiful
but daddy i love him 6/10 - idk why but this just doesn’t resonate with me the way i thought it would. still good though but i wouldn’t save it turn it on from my own phone
fresh out the slammer 9/10- having that one person who is your immediate thought, the driving force behind you, your everything is all i want and that yearning keeps me up at night
florida!! 4/10- nothing about this song drew me in 🫣
guilty as sin? 8/10 - “i choose you and me religiously” so matt murdock coded
who’s afraid of little old me? 10/10 - SO ex coded and rep coded “i was gentle, i was tame till the circus life made me mean” or “you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me” TELL ME THAT ISNT OUR GIRL EXODUS
i can fix him (no really i can) 6.5/10 - me with every fictional man i come across the “ woah, maybe i can’t” at the end is crazy, basically agreeing that he was such a mess but i was hoping to like this one a little more
loml 9/10- joe put her through it, holy shit
i can do it with a broken heart 10/10 - immediately can tell she was writing about herself performing from another perspective and i love the juxtaposition of a pop-dance type beat with these tougher lyrics “i cry a lot but im so productive” is literally me
the smallest man who ever lived 7.8/10 - the title feels like the inverse of the “loudest woman this town has ever seen” lyric and to me, it really highlights got she was always this icon whereas he was always ducking and dodging and not willing to live in that spotlight with her
the alchemy 5/10 - i feel like the message of this song went right over my head
clara bow 6/10 - it’s a cute song that (i think) documents the growth of her career and maybe the comparisons/comments she gotten as she’s worked and how people compare new stars to her
the black dog 5/10- it doesn’t really resonate with me
imgonnagetyouback 8.5/10 - is this the one some people are saying is similar to get him back! by liv? bc the only similarity i hear is the concept of not knowing if you’re gonna rekindle or beat the shit out of your ex
the albatross 8.5/10 - it’s like she knows exodus and elektra. “she is here to destroy you” but i think this is another way of her reclaiming her image/reputation through acknowledging and challenging what men/media say about her
chloe or sam or sophia or marcus 8.8/10 - honestly idk what ab this song but it’s so beautiful. i can’t explain it but its like a ballroom dance
how did it end? 9/10 - this song gives the vibes of a movie scene where two people are on swings at the night and then suddenly, one swing is empty (but still going) and the other person is just teetering on their toes
so high school 5/10 - gives me early ts vibes and it’s cute but not really me
i hate it here 7/10- not my favorite but i do like the beat
thanK you aIMee 6/10 - this is directed at KIM or am i tripping? also the guitar reminds me of debut era for some reason
i look in peoples windows 7.5/10 - this song is yearning, wanting to see that person just one more time and its me wondering if i’ll see my ex again, just to know what’d happen if he saw me again after everything he’s said to me
the prophecy 9/10 - i really love the chorus
cassandra 5/10 - didn’t really stick out to me and became background noise 🫣
peter 7.8/10 - its really cute and ik it’s probably more of a peter pan reference but the editors need to get on it and do peter x mj
the bolter 8.7/10 - i was not reviled by anyone except my own father so (we’re better now though) but i do run from intimacy
robin 6/10 - slow, sweet, cute little song
the manuscript 9/10- instantly loved it (forgot what else i wanted to say here)
overall, is a lyrically beautiful album. there’s so much emotion in the music and her delivery. her imagery is so beautiful as always. personally, i won’t say i love it but it is so so impactful. releasing 31 songs in one project is unheard of so i tip my hat to her ability to tell these stories with such grace and eloquence through such a marathon of an album. i like that you can hear bits of her previous albums in some of the songs and it is a very mature project imo. you can tell how much this meant to her and how much of herself she’s poured out. its an overall ~7.8/10 for me but i would recommend everyone to give it a listen
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quillyfied · 1 year
Okay first batch of episode thoughts that I don’t know that I can expand into real coherent thoughts so heck it we’re doing it live and cramming them together, no chronology just memory vibes, PART ONE:
- the visceral physicality of that hug on the beach. Hot.
- The way dream Ed keeps repeating phrases but trying new pet names. Additionally: the tears in Stede’s eyes when he first hears Ed calling his name
- Swede being the new husband: fair. Makes sense. Farewell, fond thoughts of unexpected dreamboat Buttons.
- Zheng Yi Sao’s reveal from soup lady to Pirate Queen. Never been another like it.
- Zheng and Auntie have a dynamic that reminds me of a much healthier and better adjusted Ed and Izzy—Auntie calls Zheng out for getting distracted by Olu but doesn’t stop her or interfere, Auntie is the harsh voice of Zheng’s orders and her enforcer with the crew but isn’t cruel, and Auntie clearly respects the hell out of Zheng and supports what she built with her piracy career, and actively helps her and is respected in turn by Zheng. Take what a captain and a first mate are supposed to be like, and bring a flavor of Stede’s people-positive management style without the naive condescension. Competent and thriving. We love to see it.
- Okay but can we get a recipe of the noodle soup bc that looked genuinely so good
- Frenchie is a cat. He’s being a cat. He’s a cAT—
- Fic writers who called bitchy teenage anger Lucius aimed at Stede, take a bow, you’re the MVPs. (And sweet sweet farewells to the many headcanons of Lucius living in the walls of the Revenge as a ghost, but girlie you did not need to be there and that’s for the best)
- Frenchie is so intelligent though. And sneaky.
- Been wondering too if Ed’s impossible bird is a reference to something existing, or something made up for the show, but keep forgetting to Google it. Keep seeing references to albatrosses, which tracks and I’m okay with letting that be the extent of it for now.
- I’m telling you, either Buttons IS the rabbit, or the whole crew is gonna THINK Buttons is the rabbit. Auntie gives him a document about transforming into animals, and in later episodes Ed is wearing Buttons’ shirt and there’s a rabbit??? Buttons has something to do with this.
- The garlic and finger crosses are deffo gonna be aimed at Ed in upcoming episodes. Can feel it. Also wondering where exactly Jim brought down the cannonball for Ed to survive it—AND ALSO HEY YALL THINK CALICO JACK SURVIVED HIS OR—
- Listen I can’t think for too long about the mermaid sequence or imma cry but SWEET LOVING GOLDFISH ;A;
- Also if they don’t make a Rick Roll joke or reference with Prince Ricky then what is the POINT of him
- Also points to us for being pretty sure he ran into Spanish Jackie; you never want to assume but when a guy shows up in this universe without a nose…
- Wondering about the symbolism of the pig in Ed’s Limbo
- Also finding grim humor in how Ed’s vision of Hornigold had to force the nutrition down his throat. Not at all metaphorical and layered.
- Black Pete being honest and not taking the shot. Go you, Black Pete. Not letting your ego talk yourself into irreparable trouble.
- I love Archie. I want more with Archie. Can’t wait for Jim to get good use out of having two hands for more than hyper competent murder. Hyper competent cuddling of their exceptional partners.
- Olu pronouncing eucalyptus. I want to bottle it for a rainy day. Also he’s so sweet the entire time they’re on Zheng’s ship. Love him. Oh captain my captain.
- And…the original rat man in the room. Izzy caring about the crew all of a sudden feels fast but tbh there’s been a time skip and Izzy is fighting an uphill battle with the consequences of his actions; I’m inclined to give the season a bit of leeway and see where it goes. Can’t get into too much detail or I’ll derail this whole thing trying to decode him and I don’t want to.
- also called that old guy in ropes was Hornigold. Nice.
- I got distracted and made another post about Ed really taking the long way around this whole suicide thing but my heart just drops every time I look at how he CHOPPED OFF THE WHEEL. THAT THING LOOKED SO SOLID. ED YOU TAKE THE AXE OUT AT THE WRONG ANGLE TOO HARD AND YOU COULD HURT YOURSELF PLENTY.
- Okay also aside for how I was NOT expecting either Ed’s prettiest babygirl look to be at his most unhinged, and I was NOT prepared for Ed shooting Izzy in the leg to be the thing that made Izzy lose the leg.
- Like seriously, I figured losing the leg was going to be a metaphor for Izzy cutting out the worst and most toxic bits of himself, the pieces literally rotting away and killing him with them, the toxic masculinity and the homophobia and the racism and such—but not quite like THAT XD and it’s way more a metaphor for him being forced to let go of his relationship with Blackbeard before it kills him, which is better and less comprehensive anyway.
- The way I flinched a mile when Ed shot him though. Just wasn’t expecting it.
- And the way Jim is sticking up for Izzy. The whole thing with them and Fang and Frenchie—I’ll put this up from one of my many failed Izzy essays, their treatment of him has nothing to do with Izzy and everything to do with them as people. Their choice to fight for a better ship atmosphere. Because love and forgiveness have fuckall to do with how much either party DESERVES those things and everything to do with whether they’re WILLING TO ACCEPT THEM. Love is redeeming and transformative but it takes work, babes.
- Izzy just happens to be the recipient of their reaching. And he might just be tenderized enough to let it start getting to him. But we will see.
- Ed’s suicidal tendencies and his will to live and hope versus his belief in his own unlovable nature has been covered so much and so much more eloquently. But it bears repeating that I knew I was going to fall in love with this show when Stede was shown to be passively suicidal, and then later Ed was too. Maybe I’ll make a fuller post about it later, but. That just means so much to me personally. And while the visceral hurt and drama of Ed’s journey is a step beyond me…I get it. I love how it was handled. Looking forward to seeing how it progresses.
- Stede’s continual cold dismissal and refusal to engage with Izzy. Character growth. Delicious drama.
- I sincerely hope Zheng Yi Sao accomplishes her piratical takeover. And I hope some sort of truce with the Revenge can be reached, bc yeesh. What a way to get out of an admittedly not great situation with an objectively great character.
- It’s so weird bc like. It’s baseline a historical show. We know that the golden age of piracy ended and not well for the pirates. But they’re already throwing actual hard facts and reality out the window. So it makes things like a Chinese pirate taking over the Caribbean feel way more plausible. I’m excited to see what happens with the larger scope of the show as well as the smaller emotional focus.
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myshredda · 2 years
I remember when I was a kid me and my sister would always perfectly split up between the parents for activities— no one ever felt left out bc someone always had a partner and it just made me think of like,, Duck and Red having to swap out at times when they only had Yellow to do activities and both feeling a little left out but never saying anything b/c they don’t want to spoil Yellow’s mood. Also Yellow feeling bad having to pick during these activities.
Then Green shows up. And for a bit, he also doesn’t have a partner for things since he also only wants to partner with Yellow. But one day, while Duck and Yellow pair up at the Zoo to do something, leaving Red and Green alone. And Red is like “Hey…wanna go look at the birds?” And Green— who’s still super nervous and hesitant, finds himself agreeing.
And they have a great time. Red takes pictures of the baby birds and sends them to Duck saying that he “found Duck’s long lost relatives” and eventually, Green works up the nerve to ask Red if they can look at the tigers and lions and they go and the whole time Red watches Green’s face light up as he rambles fact upon fact about them while also slyly sneaking in the idea of releasing them so they can be free. Of course Red is like “No, you can liberate the animals when you are a adult that pays gross taxes” And it makes Green giggle in a way similarly to Yellow, but different. Quieter and more shy, but still as giddy. Red can’t help it— and the next thing he knows is that he’s asking questions about each animal in hopes of seeing Green light up more, even wondering if letting the animals go just to see him laugh will be worth the craze it will inevitably cause.
And since then, the clump always has someone to pair up with during outings.
Four does work.
Crying. Crying and wailing over this it's SO SWEET. Because of COURSE there was a feeling of being left out when it was only three of them, there'd always be an odd person when two pair up. And Yeah it would make them each individually feel bad when it was their turn to stay behind.
I love the thought of them going to the zoo, mainly for the cute factor but I'd also like them to view some horrific abominations of nature that Green LOVES and Red finds incredibly disturbing. And it starts out a little awkward because Yellow and Duck immediately scamper off to the reptile house or the scary gorilla area or something and Green is left with Red and he's like. uncomfortable but putting on a brave face. And Red's like "Time to fucking show up for this traumatize child you old, red lump!" and really puts the effort in to make Green feel comfortable. Like he lets him make all the decisions of where they're going to walk to next, and lets him skip any animals that scare him, and holds his hand so he doesn't get lost, which Green grips tight enough to hurt but Red doesn't mind.
And Green starts to loosen up, after the parrots and their squawking that Red says reminds him of Duck (which makes Green giggle, and Red's heart soar) and then he starts info dumping about the animals and Red's so attentive in his listening that Green forgets about feeling awkward and really starts to have fun, and he tells Red that all big cats purr, and that lion's live in prides but not tigers, and that they eat antelopes, which are a type of deer. And Red doesn't even act like he knows those facts ONCE, just nods along and hums and tells him how interesting this conversation is. And they're walking on now to rhinos or something, and their horns and general size freaks Green out a little, so Red asks him if he's okay with being picked up, and after a long think Green agrees, and Red carries him past the exhibit on his hip, strong arm protectively wrapped around his waist, and Green understands Yellow's obsession with being carried in that moment.
It's really nice actually, he could probably get used to it. Good thing Red's obsessed with carrying all three of him clumpmates around like purse dogs.
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smoosnoom · 2 years
moon i’ve already mentioned that i cried like a baby right? it’s never too late to mention it once again bc im not a crybaby and u need to know how u make me feel.
“Winter is slow. It makes him slower than he likes to be” ohhh somebody is projecting once again i see.
do i have to admit now that i probably would enjoy tomato concoction? at least the thing that google showed me
““Don’t say his name,”” what did will do? 🤔
“It’s too early to go to bed. It’s too dark to do anything fun” no literally. the reason winter is my least favorite season.
“Why he’s still thinking about him” he was ur best friend for more than 10 years. ofc u think about him. i bet u think about him every day.
“Mike has never liked thinking” i guess terrible pick up lines not the only thing we have in common with mike
“wisely holding back the fact he probably hasn’t eaten a vegetable in several days” maybe he should try dustin’s tomato dish
“It’s only eight p.m. when his head hits the pillow, and he’s out like a light” honestly? it’s me rn. im not that sleepy but if my head hit pillow i’ll pass out
“he’s beginning to wonder if all the women in his life weightlift in their free time” or maybe just maybe he needs to eat properly
““Someone already wrote about Hannibal.”” LMFAO
“El lets out a sniffle” oh she’s a Manipulator
““Hi,” Will says” the first time he was mentioned by the name and its like.. the middle of the first chapter?
“Mike’s head feels a little bit like it’s been replaced by a tumble of rocks” not for the first time
“because he is an abomination who likes fries dipped in milkshakes” another reason to trust in tomato concoction 🫡
“Mike would bet countless amounts of money that El’s hands are perfectly clean” she’s evil in a good way and i love that about her <3
“The garage is cold and dark when they step out” oh no?? it feels like a good and a bad thing at the same time
““Because you never did!”” so they’re two idiots again?
“”how is this all my fault? Why am I the bad guy?”” ???? oh…
have i ever mentioned why i haven’t listened “evermore” properly? it cause i decided to listen the day it dropped and i was crying so hard i skipped my classes. so yeah i think i feel the right vibe.
and “about you” is my now love. i listen to it since the album was released and i can’t help having butterflies.
so glad that spirits that possess u until u write something didn’t calm down and now we have that heart-wrenching masterpiece <3
can’t wait till the next chapter!
love u, bye 🤍
hellooo alya i am finally . replying to this because u are Crazy .
😭 im so sorry for making u cry ,, if it helps . it was unintentional !
IT WASNT ENTIRELT PROJECTING . actually a lot of it was ok winter makes me so sluggish ☹️
i am Not a fan of tomato . u can have my tomato portions all u want 🍅
yes !!! winter sucks !!!!!!!! u get me
"i bet u think about him everyday" 😭😭 going after his THROAT oh my god
if it helps . ur pick up lines are so bad that they're charming ! :)
omg like popeye he eats a single vegetable and suddenly becomes So Buff
yes !!!! i wanted the first time will's name is mentioned to be Very Special
el using her cuteness for Evil she's everything to me
they're two idiots again ☹️
oh no 😭😭 u are So real for that evermore evokes emotion in me that i can't even describe !!! and I LOVEEEEE ABOUT YOU omg do u also like the 1975 ? im such a big fan of them !!!!!
alya im 29929219% sure if i searched up Nicest Sweetest Best Person in the World, ur name would pop up
ilysm, thank u always for motivating me :] <3
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kpophubb · 2 years
Hi lovely ☀ I'm so happy to hear from you, this week I was literally checking your Tumblr five times per day with my tags. I miss you so much and this week I also needed you so much, but it's okay💛 I'm so sad that you are sick😿😿 I thought you recovered but you mentioned that you don't feel good and I'm just so sad about this(((
Honestly this week I have my period, and I have to take 💊 every single day because it's just so painful 😔so I think we could have some sick party together😹
I had an exam last week which I failed, but I was so confident but I failed and my manager was so stressful and is pressuring me so much😮‍💨🤕🥴
How were your weekends? Today is Sunday and I just don't feel anything ...tomorrow I have to start work again and it's not tomorrow even it's like in 6 hours(((
Today I talked to my grandma and the second time during this 10 months and she's not doing good and mental health is bad she's pretty messed up 😣😭I'm watching this one movie now and it just reminds me of some Horrors that have been through and how lucky I am to actually Escape. ironically the movie is called No Escape. The movie is so well done tho 😭😭💔😢🥺
I Never thought these things would ever happen to me.. or would ever happen in my reality 😔😔I am just so shocked that this happened and they're still consequences and I just don't want to be a part of this you know❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹💔 I wish all of this was just a nightmare and I wake up tomorrow and everything is like before
I actually wanted to send you a short message just wish you could have happy Monday and better week 😭😢🥺🥺🥺💛💛
Stay strong baby I am just so thankful that you exist thank you for all the love you give me💛
Thank you for hyunnies gifs and quotes 🤗💗 I miss you so badly
You probably have no idea and will never understand the way you helped me during this sickness period of my life😔❤️‍🩹💗 thank you so much for saving your hyunnie lixie. Please get well soon
Hi hi hi my love 🥺🤍 tumblr has been mean to me with my other asks since they crash when I make em too long (?) and can’t be edited later so here we go!😭 keeping it short but ilysm 💗 and value every little bit u say ~
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First of all don’t worry about me, I’m doing better now altho I skipped my medication yesterday bc I thought I got better but apparently it made my sickness worse and took away my good night’s sleep 💔 but anyway I’m mentally active now..how are you feeling baby?:( is your period pain GONE?? I’m so sorry for being ia I’m here now promise ☀️💛🫂
The movie seems so strong..and really pain invoking and lesson learning is it on Netflix? If so, I’d love to watch while trying to understand you..
Aah it’s getting hectic for you I can say :( no sleep and so much work 😭 but I really hope smh u get a break soon and can rest as much as you need anonie. <3
I can understand about the whole nightmare part. Altho I have not been in such an intense situation like you (that’s why I give it to u always that you’re super strong bc you are my love) but I have had super dark times too and I can relate to that part where I’d be terrified and cry myself to sleep everyday and beg whatever deity was listening to make it better tomorrow and make it all vanish..but everyday I woke up and nothing changed and that made me feel devastated and made me feel like I was better off gone 💔
but I sincerely hope like me a time comes in your life where everyday would feel as good as a dream where you keep wishing you never wake up from the happiness..💖 the things of the past will never really leave u and even tho the shackles are gone someday and you’re free to walk forward, the scary marks will still be there to your feet. But look baby, slowly you’re healing even if it’s at a micro pace, getting a job, connecting w your family member (grandma) and slowly getting up even tho the suffocating feeling still haunts u, it’s slowly leading to a betterment. Like this, I’m sure you will walk towards light, love and happiness soon. Just faith it till u make it okay??
exams Are shitty..and it’s so disappointing to fail after giving your best it’s like realising your best never amounted to anything but hey love remember what I told u? “Human beings are filled w crazy potential even if you feel like u gave your best today you could still wake up tomorrow and try harder.” So keep your chin high, take a deep breath and try hard again. 💘 every success comes with ten failures, remember that.
and lastly I’ll always be here to save u and pull you up just like lixie does for hyunjin. It’s a promise, not a fancy statement. And I keep my words always. I love you sm and I couldn’t add the last quote bc that post isn’t working anymore but it was..
“The world doesn’t matter. YOU matter. 💛☀️..”♡♡
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insertdisc5 · 3 years
Hi!! I wanted to ask, in celebration of Deltarune CH. 2, do you have any updated thoughts and head canons about the game?? Like, y'know, similar to a previous ask about Kris in your Deltarune tag? Thanks!
thoughts on kris part 2 i guess???? (part 1 from ch1 here lol)
spoilers for deltarune like woah. this wont be kris focused just random thoughts on everything. thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk
not that many thoughts for this chapter tbh! EDIT LOL: this was a lie i have a lot of thoughts
-just in general i feel like the player isn't the only one controlling kris... like yes the player forced kris to do what happened in the snowgrave route but AT THE SAME TIME idk it feels like there's someone else too. just because of the terrifying voice i suppose. and also the jerky movement kris does every time they get their soul out? unless there's another reason for it... maybe getting your soul out means you walk weird lol
-BUT ALSO i feel like kris is 100% in control when they create fountains. idk it just makes sense kris would create them. to create another world, a better world, A WORLD WHERE THEIR BROTHER IS HERE PERHAPS? i do wonder why they get their soul out then though. i'm all for it sweetie! do whatever! i support you!
-(i am and will be playing deltarune with only kris' best interests in mind. i will not hurt anyone unless kris wants me to. dont worry my little meow meow im on your side! talk to me! no? okay ill stay under the sink its fine)
-kris misses their brother so much it's so sad. if you make kris steal 5$ from asriel they take it "reluctantly"? talking to asriel online so often even alphys knows?? the google search?? GOING INTO ASRIEL'S GOOGLE SEARCH ROOM WITH THEIR EYES CLOSED BECAUSE THEY'RE CONVINCED THEY ALREADY KNOW WHATS IN THERE? THAT ONE IS LESS OF A MISSING THING BUT IM LIKE OH MY GOD
-the city walk with susie at the end makes it clear to me that kris really values susie's friendship... kris even sits with her if you spend long enough near the lake like aaaaah ;_;
-and even in snowgrave you spend your last acts with the final boss calling for your friends like YES there's a way bigger creepy aspect to this (kris as more of a Leader who Commands and commands their subjects to come) but still :'0 (and then noelle answers oh my god noelle im so sorry for the trauma)
-berdly. listen. listen. listen. liste
-berdly sucks but [berdly hurts his arm in the battle against queen if you don't save him because he doesnt want to hurt you] [berdly realizing smg's wrong in snowgrave and immediately taking steps to save noelle] berdly is my little crumb nugget. i will protect him.
-noelle. noelle. girlboss!
-like ooooh listen. hearing about the genocide path for undertale. made me go "that is SO COOL. i HAVE to experience it myself this is great. hehehe killing time" and like no regrets. i was fully enjoying the experience knowing i was an awful person. SNOWGRAVE THOUGH. i will never try this myself its too fucked up. casually grooming your childhood friend to murder people <3 and also acting like a weird stalker towards her <3 stockholm syndrome speedrun i will get all the info i can about this but i will never do this myself
-people remarking the kris/player>noelle relationship is similar to the relationship between player>chara in genocide path is like yes. chefs kiss. don't worry we just are making you stronger and everything will be fine "you made me kill my friend? and for what?" this is fine sweetie don't worry about it!!!!!!
-like the amount of details added to snowgrave, like if you equip noelle's watch she notices later? and her battle animations change as time goes on, she gets an ice shield and stops sighing in relief after battle? oh my god? oh my god.
-also why didnt he turn into dust. so many possible reasons. is magic a thing in the normal world and perhaps no magic means no dust (theres graves). maybe he isnt dead. maybe hes braindead. maybe he'll come back. either way that boy is now in the closet big enough to put someone in
-also dess' name probably being december AND THATS WHY NOELLE LOST THE SPELLING BEE?!?!??! FUCK ME UP!!!!! JUST FUCK ME UP!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!
-also so many good pixel art this chapter. too many? i didnt need pixel art of cardboard noelle falling on the statue. like thank you but please. please it hurts my game artist brain.
-the expressions in this chapter were also top notch. all the unsettling noelle expressions like (i fall over face first)
-i threw away the ball of junk (which i already tried in ch1) and this time the game was like "ARE YOU SURE BC THIS IS A BAD IDEA" and kris felt bitter :'( (it deletes all your items in the dark world)
-i uh fucked up and skipped the susie+noelle scene bc listen last time ralsei mentionned seeing what susie is doing we missed some PRIMO LORE. turns out it just makes you skip the scene and you dont get anything new. welp
-speaking of ralsei well you know. he exists. but im stuck on him going "i just wonder what being ralsei-like even is...?" ralsei my dude there's so much i could say about this. do you feel like you can't be ralsei-like because you feel like you have to be asriel-like
-but also that makes no sense bc susie hasnt even mentioned ralsei looks like asriel. and i cant imagine asriel being so meek. so WHAT GIVES
-ralsei as kris’ “i wish i was a monster just like my bro and family and i’d look like asriel but with red horns [THE HALLOWEEN COSTUME] and my name would be something cool like ralsei instead of a boring human name like kris and im sweet and cute because thats how i act with asriel because ASRIEL MADE ME” theory because that would be cute.
-kris definitely has a connection with the big red door in the city, judging by what the kids say they probably went there... i feel like this place's dark world will be the Final Dungeon you KNOW some shit happened there. also the sounds you hear when you go there is the phone dark world call's sound slowed down? AND AFTER SNOWGRAVE APPARENTLY YOU CANT HEAR IT ANYMORE? HUWAH?
-speaking of songs the songs were all so good, My Castle Town rules, the berdly snowgrave music is stuck in my head, flashback is uwah wuahah, Until Next Time is so good, AND ALSO A FRIEND NOTICED THE DARK WORLD CITY THEME IS JUST tHE SONG 74 (MOST NOTICEABLE WITH THE SNOWGRAVE VERSION)?????? WHAT DOES IT MEAN????? it might be just "hey its just reuse" BUT MR FOX YOU KNOW WE'RE GONNA READ INTO THIS IS NOELLE THE ONE SINGING IDK BRO!!!!!!!!!!
-asgore dreemurr fired from the force what happun!!!!! game theory is that asgore is related to dess' death/disappearance but eh who knows
-you start the chapter at lvl2 and get to lvl3 after the final boss, a friend mentioned this is probably because we destroyed a world and im :0
-to go back to kris it's still so interesting to figure out who they are based on how they act/people mention them. like kris shaking the ferris wheel car? yeah makes sense i can imagine a pranking kid do this. kris' dance? yeah thats a little silly but i can buy it. doing cool anime poses? well i dunno this doesnt line up PERFECTLY but sure. BUT EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS IN SNOWGRAVE... especially >proceed like that is such a weird thing that i can't imagine them doing, but i can't completely see the "player" doing either (compare with going to sans -which kris doesnt know- and going "SANS!" because of course the player would know sans), like THATS one of the reasons i feel like there's someone else in there. the weird robotic merciless actions. if im going super meta it feels like there'd be someone else like writing the choices into existence for us to pick you know? gaster probably? god i need to read more gaster theories i completely sidestepped the gaster shit bc i wasnt interested. anyway just spitballing
-(looks at big shot guy) please dont make him the next tumblr guy i beg you
-obligatory "queen was great" mention if only because this part made me laugh a little bit too hard
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that was a lot. thank you for letting me talk
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angelguk · 3 years
OMg angst thoughts for jock couple...one of them (probably oc) most likely got stood up for a date bc jk has trainings so oc goes on a spiral thinking abt what if theyre just in this relationship cos its comfortable for them and like theyve known each other the longest and maybe theyre dating bc of some twisted ver of stockholm syndrome n oc gets all 😔😔💔😡 and starts ignoring jk for some time
i have been mulling over this for awhile (i think you also sent a follow-up angst ending but lets set the scene first shall we)
pairing: jock!jk and oc 
warnings: angst, poor communication, oc being insecure and jk being clueless (and kind of an asshole)
soundtrack: antidote by gas dapperton 
(titled — bite the hand that feeds the heart)
You’ve tapped your phone on roughly ten times now, narrowed eyes staring at the time with each lighting of your screen. Every minute that ticks by sinks deep into your heart, clawing something open there, ribs struggling to keep your feelings contained. But you can feel them swelling at the brim of your gaze, eyes blinking harsh under the subdued tawny glow of streetlights. You kick you shoes against the ground to speed up time, pressing your back into the hard brick wall behind you, searching for some sense of support. Even with your mindless excursions, the time still drags on, shifting from ten to fifteen to thirty idle minutes waiting for your lover. 
He turns the corner the second you decide to give up and go home.
“Hey!” Jeongguk’s hair dances in the night wind, delicate curls lifting gracefully. “Sorry–sorry! Coach kept us late for a team meeting and then Yoonoh wanted to borrow my notes and then I found out I had an essay due which I had no ide–”
“It’s okay.” You cut him off with an iciness, kicking yourself off the wall, your dark sweater coddling your frame. Autumn was seeping in, once vibrant green trees falling into hues amber and gold. This was your favourite season, the slow quiet onset of winter warming your heart. But that feeling is absent now, your face sent in a scowl as you trudge towards the nearest convenience store, eyes focused on the bright white luminescence of it not bothering to check if Jeongguk is following you.
You can’t see it but he’s staring at the back of your head strangely, lips twisting down with concern. 
When he grabs your arm, easily linking it with his, you nearly shrug him off. 
“Hey,” Jeongguk tries, tone ginger. “I really am sorry. I didn’t mean to be late, but today was he–”
“You could have texted.”
“I–I I know, I just for–”
“It’s fine, Jeongguk,” you snap, finally giving into the urge to shove him away. “It’s fine. You just keep doing this and I hate it.”
You steady walk forward is interrupted by him yanking you back, twisting you around to face him.
“Doing what? Is it my fault that I’m busy all the time?”
“No,” you spit. “I understand that. But you keep thinking I’m just gonna be around waiting for you forever, Jeongguk and that’s not fair!”
The sigh that drifts from his lips irks you. Like you’re the inconvenience to him when all you’ve done is rearrange your world to fit him at the centre. 
“God what is your issue? I’m late a couple times and suddenly I’m the villain?” His eyes are hard, jaw set like this has been stuck in his throat for a while and the words are ecstatic to be let out. 
“Literally fuck off,” it’s there already, the edge you’ve been slipping on since this all started. At first it was a quiet worry, mulling at the back of your head, but lately, ever since Chayoung opened her big fat mouth it’s grown louder. Insistent to be heard, demanding to break this gentle thing in your hands. “You’re being a dickhead right now.” 
“Me?” Jeongguk huffs. “You’re the one complaining about something useless.”
“Useless? My time is useless to you?” 
You see it flash in the honey of his eyes, quick enough that you might have missed it had you blinked. “What the hell is this about?” Jeongguk whispers. He’s reaching out for you, hands looking for an anchor. “Why are you so cryptic all the time? Why can’t you just tell me what the problem is?”
Maybe he’s right, because you’re not being honest here. But admitting it to him means admitting it to yourself and you’re too afraid to do that. Too afraid to lose the most precious thing to you, to your heart. 
“Cryptic? If you even fucking listened to me for one sec–”
“I do!” Jeongguk returns, eyes narrow. “You just say things and never mean them.”
That gets you, heart stopping dead in your chest. You suddenly wish you could take it all back; the kiss on the rooftop of his apartment, the nights you spent in his bed learning the taste of him, the murmurs of love you’d left on his skin. Because did they mean anything? Did you even truly love him?
That question burns in your head, splits your heart right open, bleeding through the cracks of your ribs. 
“You should go home,” you finally murmur. Jeongguk blanches, doe eyes wide. 
“What–what? Y/N what the hell are you talking about?”
“Go home,” you repeat, twisting your head away. You can’t look at him cause if you do you’ll cry and you don’t want Jeongguk to see you like that. He grabs your shoulder, you rip his hand away. “Go home, Jeongguk! I don’t want to talk to you right now.”
For second there’s a moment of silence, you take it and start walking forward, up the to convenience store.  A whisper in your head tells you he’ll follow, force you to talk to him, share the secrets mauling your heart. But then you hear the scrap of his sneakers against the pavement, fading away instead of drawing close. You walk until you’re at the top of the hill, frame illuminated by the stores bright lights. You look back then, hoping he’s still there. Your gaze finds an empty road instead, copper leaves skipping through the breeze. He’s gone, left you alone to drown in this, like the louder voice in your head knew he would.
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leossmoonn · 3 years
ooh ok this one is kinda angsty-
so you have another one of your competitions with academic rival!matt when there's another exam coming up. you're both enjoying it but your mom surprises you by showing up and yk she's very jugdy, always tries to find flaws in everything you do and basically belittles you for everything you do and you desperately need to get the best grade on this exam bc you don't want to deal with your mom again. one day she says some really mean stuff to you and matt finds you crying and then you basically tell him everything your mom says to you so matt being a softie purposely gets a D on that exam just to cheer you up and then when you find out why he did it you're mad at him at first bc he shouldn't mess with his grades but it's so sweet so then yall have soft sex 🥺
When you didn’t show up to class was when Matt got genuinely worried. You never skipped class. Even when you were sick you still went, you just wore a mask and attempted to not fall asleep lmao
He practically ran to your dorm room after class, wanting — needing — to make sure you were okay. His heart breaks as he hears you crying. For being your academic rival, he sure has a big soft spot for ya
“Y/n? You okay?” Matt asks.
He hears you sniffle and you stop crying. A few moments pass by before you open the door. Although he can’t see you, he knows your eyes are all swollen and red, nose is runny, lip is quivering. He has to stop himself from hugging you (he def could but you would probably be taken aback lmao)
“What do you want?” You ask, your voice breaking. “You weren’t in class today and I wanted to make sure you were okay,” he explains.
You’re def shocked he cares. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“I don’t think you are, Y/n. I —”
You can tell he cares, but you know him (or you think you do hehe) and you think he’s just trying to butter you up so he can go on with his teasing games again. “Look, Matt, this was nice, but I’m fine. I really don’t have time for your —”
“I’m not playing right now, Y/n.” He takes your hand into his, gently rubbing his thumb across your knuckles.
You’re like 😦😳
“You have never skipped class a day in your life. And in the two years I’ve known you, I’ve never heard you cry before. What’s wrong? You can talk to me.”
You sigh, not wanting to hide it anymore bc you really need someone to talk to. “I-It’s my mom.” And just like that, you’re back to sobbing.
Cut to you crying in Matt’s shoulder on your bed. His arm is wrapped around you, hugging you close as you’re snuggled into his side. You’re ranting to him and telling him everything your mom has said to you. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t want to kick your mom’s ass. But of course, he lets his anger subside bc it won’t make anything better
“Thanks for being here, Matt,” you sniffle. “Of course. You know, I can be nice,” he says.
You laugh, “who knew?”
You two hang out for the rest of the day. You even took a nap bc crying is just exhausting (it really is I’m not being sarcastic). And you two were cuddling hehe. And Matt didn’t even sleep, he just listened to your breathing pattern and heartbeat, literally on cloud nine at the fact that you were in his arms and sleeping and he could hear your soft little snores and little mutters. Ugh he’s whipped
Anyways test day comes and when you discover he got a D you are absolutely furious. You stomp into his dorm room like “why the hell did you get a D?”
Matt’s like “I just didn’t study.”
You’re like “nu-uh. You once told me you’d never let anything get in the way of your grades. What happened? Oh my god, did I distract you with my crying?” You suddenly feel so bad and guilty and Matt rushes to assure you.
“No, no it wasn’t you, I promise.”
“Then what was it? That D can cost you a lot.”
Matt gets all shy and is like “…. It was for you”
“For me? What????”
“Yeah, I know you were feeling really bad about your mom and I thought that if you got the highest grade in this test then you would feel better.”
You’re walk close to him like 🙄🙄🙄 “you’re an idiot.”
Matt’s so nervous now that you’re so close to him. He fixes his glasses, smiling nervously. “Yeah, I-I guess I am.”
“But it’s sweet. You’re a sweet of to jeopardize your grace because of me.” You take your hand into his, running your thumbs along his knuckles, mirroring his actions the other day. He’s so glad you don’t have super hearing bc you’d think he was having a heart attack lmao
“Some would say it’s almost romantic,” you hum.
Damn, now you’ve caught him in his little hating you façade
“I-I guess,” he nods. “You don’t really hate me, Matt, right?” You ask.
He shakes his head. “I don’t. I’m guessing you don’t hate me either?”
“I don’t,” you smile. You put your other hand on his chest, pulling yourself closer to him. “Thank you for being a real friend the last few days Matt.”
“Of course. You deserve no less,” he says.
And then you figure there’s nothing else left to be said. You close the gap between you two, capturing his lips in a bruising kiss. His arms wrap around you immediately, his hands gripping your hips. You reach your hand out to the doorknob, locking it before moving to the bed. You land on your back, smiling as Matt climbs in between your legs.
“I’ve been waiting for this forever,” he breathes out. Your heart warms at his words. “Me, too, Matt. We should’ve done this a long time ago.”
He kisses your again, holding your face gently. You take off his sweater, very very much surprised at how fit he is (who knew that nerd had abs? Lol).
Ugh and during the whole thing he’s so sweet. He kisses you everywhere, praising you every other word, making sure you get what you need before he even thinks about his own pleasure.
You two fall asleep naked and holding hands. Safe to say you then started dating and basically lasted forever <3
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But not the animated one the 2003 one
Listen you do not understand why this is the best thing ever listen listen (it also helps it’s literally kind of the same era ish, I think the movie is based like a few years earlier but ahh)
First of all obviously they’re aged up a bit on this like the movie characters, I believe they’re about 13 in it (can I also just say when I was a kid I had such a huge crush on both leads like holy crap Wendy and Peter? My 8 year old self was d y i n g)
Look look here’s my whole ass TedTalk on how this would go:
Anya ran away from her adoptive family and ended up meeting Becky (who is Tink!) and they all went to Neverland (yayyy)
Damian is Wendy, except less Wendy ish lmao.
He is the same as Canon Damian except he was forced to grow up so quickly, to cope he began to write fairly tale stories!
Erwin and Emile are the only ones who know about this but one day his father found out and well- Damian got his stories journal (hE rUinEd mY dReAm JoUrNaL) destroyed.
Emile and Ewen come to his house for a sleepover to comfort him, and that night when they go to sleep Anya goes to retrieve her shadow.
Damian wakes up and sees her trying to stick her shadow on and literally screams i “who the heck are you!!” Obviously all flustered bc a girl is in his room and poor Anya is so startled she punches him (yeah the punch is back) and Damian is like hOW DARE YOU
And Anya obviously apologizes and Damian goes to scream again but oh no she’s crying and it’s because she can’t stick her shadow D:
So to get this girl out of his room (it’s not to get her to stop crying yall) he helps sew her shadow back on.
Skipping forward Anya convinces Damian to leave with her. “Don’t you want to go somewhere you can be free? Where you can do anything you want? You don’t have to follow people’s expectations?”
Damian is convinced and he reluctantly takes her hand. They all go to Neverland where they find Hook! But who is Hook you might ask? (I struggled with this but screw it) the scientists! (dun dun duuun)!
I was struggling between them and Donovan but fuck it.
Yor, Yuri and Loid are with the lost kids (not lost boys bc well- pft no) and Damian is happy to finally be able to tell stories and just be himself yknow?
When Anya asks him to be their Father he is a blushing mess and can barely speak! But he agrees. “F-fine, I’ll do it- b-but it doesn’t mean anything ok?!”
So as time passes and Anya teaches Damian so many things (he gets DIRTY! Anya gets him to finally not care about his clothes lmao) Damian starts catching the feelings™️ and Anya does too- but she doesn’t want to- I mean feelings are for grown ups.
bUt the ideas like Anya and him flying around and going on adventures aH
Them finding a lost treasure! Teaching Damian how to sword fight! Mermaids! AHHH
Also the whole reason for this (also why I struggled so much with deciding roles) are this scenes:
(Damian is Peter in this one tho)
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(Imagine Damian blushing and guiding Anya on how to dance? “No, no, see you need to place your feet here, and your hand…” he notices Anya is so close to him and he almost chokes “s-stop looking at me and pay attention cuz I’m only saying this once shrimp!” While the only thing in his mind is ahhhh she’s so close oh we’re holding hands oh my god oh my god oh my god
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Damian finally gets the courage and lets it slip that he may actually like Anya, but she’s so afraid she runs away and Damian thinks Anya rejected him. (MY POOR BABY LIKE it’s the only time he finally speaks up for himself and chooses to do something that can make him happy and he gets REJECTED T_T)
The scientists takes this chance to yknow use Damian for their advantage and use his insecurities against him and let him join the pirate (scientist?) crew.
Damian then decides he’s done and wants to leave, even if his dad isn’t the best he wants to go back, he is too hurt. He ignores Anya and says some hurtful things and decides to leave Neverland. They both have a fight (Anya also said some things she didn’t mean) and it’s very dramatic and angsty and sad.
Damian convinced everyone else to come with him so now Anya is alone but oH NO THE KIDS GET CAPTURED.
Anya after being saved by Becky from the poison goes to get them!
Afterwards there’s a huge fight and the climax happens where Anya gets all sad and is about to die when Damian comes and gives her a THIMBLE (aHHHHHHH SO CUTE THE LIL KISS AHSHSYAGA) and Anya is so happy and BAM they defeat the scientists (pirates?)!
Anya finally realizes she likes Damian and hey, maybe growing up wont be too bad, so along with the lost kids they all leave and go back.
Anya helps Damian confront his father and chose his dreams (yay!) and Damian keeps writing stories while Anya helps him with her adventures (also maybe Yor and Loid are actually the eldest of the kids, so as soon as they grow up and are in a stable place they adopt the others so Damian doesn’t have to be with his family any longer and can be freee yay!)
Ans then later when Anya and Damian grow up they get married and live happily ever after the end ✨✨
This idea just came to me tho so more bits and pieces may be added later on. I also struggled a bit with this one ahshshs it was hard placing roles since they were both perfect for both but in the end Anya turned out to be a better Peter lmao.
Like I said might add things to this later since rn it’s 3:40 am oop
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introloves · 4 years
Aone having a FAT crush on a tiny quiet barista at his new favorite cafe, they’ve memorized his order and even makes sure to keep his favorite seat open every morning for him- maybe they go to his school too but they never really talk? They kinda smile at him and wave in the hallways but never talk?
THIS IS SO CUTEEEE!!!!! nd bc im me i turned it into smut :( sowwy
— first times + big dick aone, embarrassed abt his size + size kink + brief summary of aone x reader’s relationship before we get to the smut + hard smut towards the end + f! reader
he wouldn’t say anything, he couldn’t say anything but you’d know by the way he he’s always mumbling when he gets to the counter, eyes shying away from your own, hands shaky everytime he’d hand you money, 2.25, every morning for his favorite cup of tea.
it’d always take you a couple seconds to put yourself back together, your own shaky hands tenaciously putting together his drink, perhaps making it with extra care.
he’d usually come alone, but on rare days there’d be a couple other faces. one in particular with brown sleek hair, would push him to mumble out words other than, ‘thank you’.
the teasing laughter and bright red coloring to his face was a dead giveaway. you’d only mess with your friends like this if there was crushing involved.
it’d make you burn up at the thought that he had a crush on you, he’s so big and intimidating and at first you’d have your guard up everytime he stepped inside, a looming presence not hard to notice.
but as the days went by, you’d see how much care he’d put into things. he’d take time to clean up his booth, make sure to recycle his cup, and always shyly nod his head towards you in a silent goodbye. on days where he feels especially brave, aone leaves a flower, one that he thinks most closely resembles your beauty.
on those days, when its your turn to clean the tables and you see a single, delicately picked flower, your heart thumps loudly in your chest.
you’d started falling for him before long.
and of course the dating starts shortly after.
you swear you’ve never felt love before him. he’s everything you needed, a nice security in an otherwise tumultuous and very scary world.
he holds you with arms that are twice as thick as yours, could squeeze you tight enough to hurt so very easy, but instead cradles you to sleep with so much care.
hands that work tirelessly, calloused, veiny and wide touch your face with a delicacy that doesn’t come naturally to someone of his size. he works at it, works at making sure he’s careful.
and you appreciate it, you do, but when you see him open jars for you with ease, reach over your head to pluck whatever you need from the top of shelves in stores, pick you up with no groan or strain, it makes your mind wander.
everything with him is so easy, so you don’t know why, when you’re slick between the thighs, throbbing with want for him, he makes it so hard.
he refuses your advances, pulls you off with a sad smile and jumbled words of,
“he’s not ready.” when you can clearly see he’s hard behind his pants.
it makes you cry, wondering if you’re not good enough. was the flustered flirting, kisses, and confession all just a big joke?
your tears break him, he hurriedly explains that it’s him. he won’t hurt you, can’t, refuses to.
“what are you talking about.” you hiccup, whipping away the tears.
“i just...” he sighs, running a palm down his face.
“i’m too big.”
your jaw nearly drops at that. the heat of embarrassment and lick of something hotter burns at your neck and tummy.
you’ve never heard or seen a man shy away because of his size, usually they boast and brag and have very little to boast and brag about.
you tell him it doesn’t matter, you want him. eyes wide and pleading, hoping he doesn’t shy away because you want him so bad.
his resolution is broken, he’s attracted to you after all. but you’re so small, so cute and plush and curvy in all the places he wants to sink his fingers into.
“i’ll be gentle.” he thinks when he finally grabs you, pulling you onto his lap.
he doesn’t miss the way your mouth shuts closed when you feel him, hips giving a small push against him to make sure you aren’t imagining him like this.
the kissing starts, fevered lips painting eachother in spit, shy moans leave the both of you.
foreplay is skipped, you’ve both held back long enough, and you wouldn’t let him anyways.
“not a good idea.” aone mumbles, but you don’t listen. you want him now.
one again you push at his weak spots, everything he does, he does to please you. but you make it seem that it’s quite the opposite, you want what he wants.
and aone is anything but an aroused man with a cute, soft, tiny girlfriend beneath him.
the first meeting of his cockhead against your leaking, twitching hole has him clench his teeth, hand placed heavy over your tummy to still your hips.
“it’s going to hurt.” he reminds you, but you still don’t care.
“i want you.” you breathe, it makes him hiss.
there were many steps you’d both taken together to get where you were.
from the first time he saw you at the café, bustling around with a smile that tugged at his heart, to a couple minutes ago, when you panted wantonly into his ear about how much you fantasized of him burying himself in you to the hilt, watching your eyes roll back as he pushes in is his favorite so far.
he’s not that expirienced, but knows that the growing wetness dripping onto his thighs with every squelch of your pussy as he sinks in is a good sign.
“g-god. nobu, you’re so big.” you chant.
he knows, he warned you.
but it’s not a bad thing, he thinks, because with just a few pumps in, the stretch he gives you, along with hips brushing against your clit, you’re already creaming around him.
he doesn’t blink the whole time you do, zeroed in on the shake of your thighs, fat squishing him against you, pussy equally trying to milk him of his own.
he thinks the best thing to do is to stay still and wait until you’re okay.
aone knows you are when the talk starts back up.
you can see the sweat glisten against his chest, you know he’s holding back, giving you shy thrusts once more.
it’s good, the same shy, tentative thrusts just made you cum so hard you couldn’t hear for a second, but there’s a hint of raw power he’s holding back.
“takanobu.” you call to him with a shaky voice.
he responds with a worried glance.
“use me.”
he looks at you in disbelief,
“n-no. i’ll hurt you.”
your hips rut, swiveling around the very hard cock of him in absolute desperation.
“i want you to hurt me.” you say. and he sees red.
there’s a tinge of fear at the hardened gaze he gives you, he moves you with an ease, making a show to grab your hips in both hands, lifting you off the bed as he kneels down.
he does as he’s told, moving you how he wants, impaling you down on his big cock over and over, watching the soft parts of you jiggle with the intensity of it, meeting the fat of your ass and thighs with harsh slaps. he digs already darkening splotches the shape of his nails into you.
you can do nothing but scream, trying to hold on to the bed so you don’t slam into the creaking headboard. but you don’t really have to worry, even now he makes sure to keep you from moving away from his pounding.
you can’t feel your legs with the second orgasm that takes you, knees lock and pussy once again creaming all over him while he drills into you.
this is what you wanted, your own pleasure being driven by aone. just like everything else, he makes sure to take care of you so good, your cunt numb and fucked open by the time he’s done.
he pulls out to cum all over your pussy, there’s so much.
he finally comes back to you with a noise that sounds apologetic.
“i’m sor-“ you cut him off before he can say anything, grabbing his face in both hands with shaky arms thanks to him.
“don’t.” you begin, telling him that it’s okay to not be careful, something he’s always been.
you let him know that with you, he doesn’t have to tip toe, that in the safety the two of your shared, he was free to do everything those who didn’t know him whispered about him. he was allowed to be mean, allowed to use those muscles he’s built, allowed to be scary.
finishing with a kiss to his lips,
you’ve loved him since he left you flowers at work, and you’d still love him even after drilling your pussy into submission.
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