#if events from this year don't end up tanking netflix
secret-citrus · 2 years
I really like that for a lot of the second act, Wendell and Wild are just chilling in the graveyard, eating hair cream that gives them a high
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mslizsteele-stories · 6 months
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"You did pretty well during your shift," Jiyong commented by the time my shift ended.
It was already three in the morning, and everyone vacated the club since it was closing time. The staff cleared and rid the tables of any empty bottles of alcohol and plates, placing the stools on top. The DJ was putting away his equipment in their designated cases, in preparation for his departure from the club. Chaeyoung left a bit early saying that she - and I quote - "needed to catch some Zs and watch Netflix later in the day."
"It was nothing I couldn't handle." I shrugged nonchalantly.
"Glad to hear it."
"So, did I pass the test?"
Jiyong smiled, extending his hand toward me. "Welcome aboard. I look forward to working with you."
"Likewise." I smiled, shaking his hand briefly.
"Make sure you go to the reception desk. Jisoo will give you your schedule and some documentation that you may need to fill in," he told me. "When do you wanna start?"
"Anytime is fine. I'm just glad I have a job."
"Alright. So, I guess I'll see you next week." He turned his heels and started leaving, but not before yelling. "Don't be late."
"We get health benefits?!" I exclaimed surprised, staring at my contract.
Jisoo, the receptionist laughed. "Yes, everyone here has health benefits."
In all my years of bartending, getting benefits of any sort was rare. Most bar owners, club owners et cetera don't always feel obligated to provide such since it's the employee's responsibility. So, you can imagine the shock I got after finding out that not only did I get paid in addition to the tips I collected per shift, but I also had my health covered and health insurance is expensive as hell.
"Just how rich is this guy?" I thought out loud.
"He is a businessman. Not only does he own this establishment, but he also has his very own fashion label."
My eyebrows flew up. "Well flip me like a pancake. I won't be surprised if this guy owns a whole island because holy shit!"
Jisoo laughed again. "He is a generous man who treats everyone who works for him like family. You'll fit right in."
"Sure." I drawled out, checking the time on my phone. "Look, I gotta dip and head home. It's pretty late. See you next week."
"Okay." She smiled and waved at me as I made my way to the exit.
I went to the parking lot where my car was. As I searched for my car keys, I spotted the dancer from earlier hopping on her motorcycle. Gone was her stage outfit and lo and behold was her casual attire that consisted of a pair of tight jeans that hugged and shaped her small waist going down to her hips and slender legs with a pair of combat boots and a black leather jacket over her white tank top.
I watched her slip on her helmet before her eyes met mine. We stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. I awkwardly waved at her not knowing what else to do in the situation. She smiled, sliding down the visor of her helmet and kick-started her motorcycle before driving off into the night.
"Can you explain to me why you were fighting with the police over garden gnomes at your gig?" Chaerin asked, raising an eyebrow at Christian.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about?" he stuttered with a laugh.
She took out her phone and open the video in question where Christian was arguing with the police while holding the garden gnome possessively to his chest until he was eventually tased and handcuffed on her Instagram.
I watched nonchalantly chewing on my gimbap while Christian's face flushed with embarrassment. "Okay. In my defence, I thought that was a Leprechaun." He said.
"Really dude?" I lidded my eyes, unamused by his excuse to hide the fact that he was drunk.
"What? Leprechauns are cool!"
"They're not real."
"But they're still cool."
Chaerin sighed while I rolled my eyes.
We were at one of the restaurants we usually hung up to catch up after our hectic and busy schedules with Christian running his record and filming company, Chaerin freelancing as a DJ at various clubs and events while also touring with Christian and me freelancing as a bartender.
"Anyway, how did your interview go?" Chaerin turned to me.
"Better than I expected," I answered. "I start next week and judging from the high-paying salary among other things, I'll say your friend's joint sounds promising."
"Oh, it is. I worked for Jiyong for years before I started my own thing. You'll love it there." She said. "Plus, with your good reputation, his place will attract new patrons and that will look good for business."
"You should give us free drinks when we come by some time, yeah?" Christian said, making me roll my eyes.
"You've been saying that for years and I will give you the same answer; no, I will not be doing that," I told him.
"Why not?" he pouted.
"Because one: that is unethical. And two: giving you free drinks means I have to pay for them and last I checked, you're old enough to pay for your own drinks, Christian."
"Chaerinnie! Olive Oil is being mean to me!"
"I'm not the one who's being a baby about it."
"And I'm not the one who's the namesake of one of the characters from Avatar: Legend of Korra."
"You're lucky I'm in too much of a good mood to even pimp slap the bitch outta you."
"Run them hands, boi. I will fold you like an omelette."
"Boys!" Chaerin reprimanded us with an unamused face. "Ton down on the testosterone, please. I am the middle child in this friend group - not the mum."
"Whatever." Christian rolled his eyes before waving at the waitress to come over to our table. "Can we have the bill, please?"
"Not a problem, sir. Will you be paying in cash or card?" she asked.
"Cash, please." Christian took out his wallet and opened it until he cussed under his breath. "I'm short on cash and I lost my bank card."
"Again?! This is the fifth time this month, Christian!" Chaerin scolded him.
"I thought I had more than enough cash to pay this time. And I was going to replace it first thing tomorrow!" he retaliated.
"How did you lose it this time?"
"...I got robbed while I was drunk."
"Unbelievable. Unbe-fucking-lievable. How Mei puts up with your shenanigans is far beyond me."
"Hey! Keep my fiancée's name out your fucking mouth!"
"I'll pay," I told the waitress, giving her an apologetic smile while my friends were bickering.
"Okay. I'll be back with your bill." She smiled.
I nodded, returning the smile, which caused her cheeks to turn red before she turned her heels and went where she needed to go.
"Oh no. I know that look." Christian commented.
I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "What look?"
"The look you give when you set eyes on the next female you want to penetrate."
Chaerin cringed in disgust while I rolled my eyes. "I just smiled at her, and she blushed. I can't help the fact that every small thing I do will cause an attractive and sexual reaction out of every woman who sets their sights on me." I retorted.
"Sure." He drawled out sarcastically.
"Read this, asshole." I flipped the bird at him as he and Chaerin stood up and gathered their things.
"We're gonna head home and call it a night," Chaerin said before pulling Christian's ear. "And you better pay him back when you replace your card, you hear me."
"Aish! Careful or you're going to rip my ear off, woman!" he cried on their way to the exit.
The waitress returned with the bill and slid it towards me. I noticed the 'My shift ends in five minutes' written in cursive blank ink right underneath the amount I was supposed to pay.
I met her eyes and arched an eyebrow. She simply smiled and winked at me in response.
I nearly stumbled as I entered the small bedroom inside of her small apartment. She pushed me against her door, closing it in the process, as she smashed and devoured my lips with her own. I placed my hands on her hips pulling her closer to me.
We kissed and kissed, Tongues brushing and dancing against another. Our heads tilted and switched positions after every few seconds or so. Our breaths mixed with the sound of our lips smacking against each other. Clothes were removed and thrown carelessly across the room.
Wanting to re-establish my dominance, I switched our positions, pushing her against her door. She gasped softly at the action then smiled before pulling me into another kiss. My left hand slid into her lace panties and brushed against her already wet clit. She pulled away and gaped her mouth. I moved my digits around her clit, rubbing it in circles and staring into her lust-filled eyes. Her body shook and trembled under my touch. Her moans occupied the silence in her room.
"You're teasing me." She whined.
"Is that so?" I inserted two digits inside her.
She titled her head back, crying out in pleasure. "Yes!"
I slowly pumped my digits in and out of her until I picked up and quickened the pace.
I laid her down on her twin-sized bed, pulling down her lace panties. I lapped up, using my elbows to support myself. I kissed her tummy, then her inner thigh and gave her throbbing womanhood a light blow, making her shiver with anticipation. I could tell that she was waiting and silently begging me to give her what she wanted from the way she moved her hips. And waste no time I gave it to her.
She arched her back and dragged out every syllable in the word 'fuck. I reached up and cupped her breasts while she grinded her hips, wrapped her legs around my neck and ran her fingers through my hair, tugging it in the process. Her moans grew louder with every stroke my tongue made against her clit and folds.
"I'm gonna cum." She cried out.
"Not yet." I pulled away, flipping her on her stomach, lining my hard cock to her entrance. I kiss her spine and work my way up to her shoulder.
"Once I go in, I won't hold back," I whispered in her ear. "Do you want this?"
She nodded with anticipation. I rubbed my cock against her entrance before slowly slipping inside her. A high-pitched gasp escaped her lips while a grunt left mine. When I was sure she had adjusted to my size, I slowly moved, snapping my hips back and forth.
Her head pressed against her pillow. Her hands gripped her sheets. She bit her lips trying to stifle her moans but to no avail. She adjusted herself, propping herself up on her elbows, lying on all fours as she moved her hips to meet my thrusts with her own. I buried my face in the crook of her neck and cupped her breasts.
Everything else became a blur that night in her room along with her moans.
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unboundliz · 4 years
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I have bipolar disorder, and I am one of the lucky ones. It feels strange to type that because I certainly Don't FEEL lucky most of the time. My emotions are incredibly hard to contend with on a moment to moment basis. There’s a lightning quick chain reaction of them that occurs with each eventful moment. This morning I woke up and immediately became COMPLETELY CONSUMED by the fact that my husband did not put down the toilet seat lid. I felt personally affronted...still do honestly. Like he doesn’t care about me at all, and that's why he left the lid up. ‘If he cared even a little, he would definitely take a moment to put it down’ and forceful anger energizes me. ‘No one will ever care about me, and I will always be alone’ is the next thought, and I feel hopeless depression dragging me down to the depths. Then I'm oozing with guilt and shame for feeling upset with my sweet husband, who does nothing but love me even though ‘I don’t deserve it’. Next up is ‘he will definitely leave me because of my uncontrollable emotions’ a moment of heart pounding, cortisol filled stress response from the fear of abandonment. Then there’s the part of me that feels like ‘I should be able to control my feelings better now because I know what is wrong with me’, bringing even more shame, leaving me to feel an unbearable ache, like I’m picking at an enormous internal infected wound.
This is just a small taste of what happens every day, every moment sometimes, for me as a person that has bipolar disorder. I say that I am one of the lucky ones because my case of the disease is not considered severe, and I certainly agree that compared to others that I have known and know of, my symptoms are relatively manageable. I am currently not prescribed any special medications for this disease, although after I finish breastfeeding I will be starting on a microdose of lithium. I take lots of supplements, have a psychiatrist that I follow up with regularly, and a support system that consists mainly of my mother and my husband. I know that I could reach out and talk to a few others, but those are the two peeps that are there for me 24/7.
The parallels in all of our lives are starting to astound me once again. Feeling the connectedness of us all through events that happen is soothing, and affirming of my place in this universe. For example: Yesterday I watched a Netflix documentary about Elisa Lam and the Cecil Hotel in Hollywood, CA. Elisa tragically died in the water tank on the roof of the infamous hotel. Her last appearance was on a video tape in the elevator of the hotel where she acted very strange, almost possessed, and distressed for sure, as if she was trying to get away from someone. The internet went wild with speculations about who murdered this poor girl, but in the end, when the toxicology report came back, it appeared that she had extremely low levels of her prescribed antipsychotic and mood stabilizing medications in her system, too low for the dosage she was supposed to be taking. Interviews with her family revealed that she was diagnosed with bipolar 1 and had had multiple psychotic breaks in the past that included hallucinations and paranoid delusions.
I had heard of Elisa Lam before, when recreationally researching ghost stories and tales of possession on the internet. The video of her in the elevator really did look like some sort of possession and it fascinated me for a minute, before I was onto the next auto feed, ghost hunter youtube video. I never, in a million years, expected that she had bipolar and was delusional because she had elected to stop taking her medication, a commonality for many people with this disease.
This world is full of people with bipolar and other mood disorders. I feel so utterly alone and flawed often, but when I open my eyes, I am confronted with people that have struggles that parallel and/or surpass mine constantly. I don't know if, in my desperately emotional moments, I will ever be able to realize the truth, that I am not alone, but it is reassuring that every time I exit an extreme state of agitation or depression, the world is once again with me. I am not the only one that suffers with this, not by a long shot.
To all my fellows that are in the grips of this disorder, I send you my love, and I thank you for each time that you share what is inside of you. For whatever reason, not feeling alone is some of the best medicine out there for me, and I would wager for many others as well. xoxoxo 
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