#if elucien isn't anything like this i will cry
shadowqueenjude · 7 months
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highlordofkrypton · 2 months
I am going to ask way to many of these
2, 3, 5, 7, 20, 31
I want to ask many more but I am restraining myself
Linking to the ask game in question!
2. Anything you want to write but feel like you're unable to?
Porn. Straight up raunchy multiple thousand words for just filth. Feelings get in the way, we're all laughing or crying. I think it's an art to be able to focus on just the kinky stuff in a way that's engaging but not too anatomical. That's dirty but in a way that isn't gross, but just right, if you know what I mean?
I love smut, but the mental toll it takes on me to write pure smut is wild. I can usually shoot out 1k words in 15 minutes if I'm focused. It can take me three days to figure out like... where the character should kiss next 😭
3. How would you describe your writing style?
Oh gosh, are we supposed to use real writing terms? I don't know what styles there are out there, but my way of describing my writing would be: lived in.
I always say I'm a lazy writer, so I don't describe anything more than I have to. Usually, I will describe what matters to the character. I live in their shoes at that moment, and when I write, I embody their emotions as well. If the character is crying, my ass is sobbing over the keyboard. If they're angry, I'm rolling my eyes.
I do think that my style also means that the details I do include are a bit miscellaneous. It's natural to describe the setting, and clothes and items, but I feel like if you're really living in a universe, you get attached to the really random, if weird, shit.
5. What's a tag you never want to use for your works even when it applies?
Okay, let me start off by saying I am both pro and against tags. I think tags are a great way of searching up fics to make sure that you get exactly what you want, but I also think that for some fics it does a disservice to the fic. Disclaimer: I'm new to AO3 and I don't think I tag well enough.
So, on the point of disservice, I'll use my fic for example because I've been thinking about it for a while. So for Wildflowers, I consider it an ACOTAR prequel, first and foremost. While Tamsand is the main ship, I think by tagging the ship, it does the fic a disservice because the world is so rich, it doesn't just focus on the ship. There's so much more I want to gush about with people, and I find it answers so many complaints I see from ACOTAR fans who were disappointed by the rest of the books, but people will stop at the ship tag.
Also both characters are so polarizing in the fandom that if you hate one, you won't give this fic a shot which is FAIR but one of my goals was to convince readers to fall for the one they might not have thought they would, but yeah, I played myself with that idea.
I also tag to be safe than sorry so not to trigger anyone, but I'm very much a reader that is in for the ride no matter what, and I feel like tags can be spoilers, etc. Still, I do want to be respectful of others, but for me, I worry that if I tag 'SA' the fic might be misconstrued as it focuses on that topic whereas it's one scene that impacts later character development.
I wouldn't use the term never tag, but that's how I feel about tagging.
7. Your favourite AO3 tag.
Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne.
That's it. That's the whole tag LMAO.
20. Do you work on a single project or many at the same time? How does that work for you?
Hyperfocus or bust, apparently.
31. What was the most difficult fic to write (but in the end you made it)?
Pick any of my smut oneshots, except Regrets and that is probably one of them.
I would say that my Lucien x Elain (Elucien) fic Warmth was difficult because I knew the setting and how I was gonna start it, but I don't know Elain very well (I haven't finished reading the series) and I don't write Lucien enough. It's one thing to know the character, but another thing to know how they are when they are being intimate. That was really tricky.
I always try not to re-use the same tropes, positions, expressions and wording in my smut, but since I don't write enough of it, to me, it reads like I'm writing more or less the same and... I hate that.
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People who hate over fictional characters amaze me because I don't have the energy nor the time to carry any hate for anyone. It's too exhausting for me.
I don't care if people don't like characters. You're not gonna vibe with everyone, and that's fine. I've read books and I'm like, oh no thank you many, many times.
My issue is and always has been how people use the most dogshit arguments to justify their hatred and those arguments hurt actual, REAL people. Elain isn't fucking real, for example, and has no feelings to consider because she's words on a page. You can't hurt her- she isn't a person. But people write whole think pieces comparing eluciens to rapists/red pill incels for thinking there is something interesting between those two characters does hurt REAL people.
Not even mentioning how often people in this fandom go after real ass people, harassing them for not liking their personal faves. There is someone stalking the AO3 Feyre Archeron tag and harassing authors who write anything that could he perceived "anti", and uses actual slurs against real people in defense of a character who will NEVER thank you for it.
That's my issue. Victim blaming fictional characters- they don't care (not real), but the people who identify with the abuse, the assault, the story of triumph having to read your ill-informed, frankly dumb fucking opinion that they lied about their sexual assault because there were no witnesses (they apparently trust)? Real scenarios that happen so often it's the reason I have employment.
It's like, people can't just say "I don't vibe with this pair/ship/aesthetic". They have to make it their social justice cause as if there is any social justice that is built on bullying/harassing/being a piece of shit to real people. People who can't seperate fiction from reality and think if you like a fictional scenario/bad guy character, you OBVIOUSLY support that in real life. Enough nuance to understand why their faves committing crimes are fine, but everyone else should be openly bullied, and they'll follow them from social media site/discord chat to do it.
That's what I find exhausting, personally. Same people crying about how toxic the fandom is constantly baiting the other ships trying to start shit, stalking people who have them blocked, and acting like they have any moral high ground. It's pathetic, it's giving friendless energy, and I'm happy to see more and more people just blocking these types and engaging with creators/other fans who came here to have fun.
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acourtofthought · 1 year
Hi! Hru? I hope you had/ having a good day so far<3
I was reading some Elucien scenes (as one does ofc) and I have the genuine belief that Rhys is 100% Elucien Stan... Well maybe I'm a little exaggerating lmao but for real he's so on Lucien team and it shows.
And I feel like is mostly bc he's been in Lucien's place (sort of) and knows how it feels to not have your mate by your side and being completely oblivious (or in Elain's case acting oblivious) about the bond and try to pursue someone else. And one of the reasons he stopped Azriel was this very reason, he didn't want another Feyre/Tamlin situation happen to Lucien.
I know that he brought some valid points about his court safety and wanting to avoid them but those feels like they're just there to stop Azriel and pulling rank was to make him see some sense and get him out of the fog of lust and stupidity as he said it in his pov that make him stop on his track bc Rhys never does that.
Bc if you think about it Rhys wants his family to get to their HEA like he did. He cares about them sm. I mean wouldn't he find a way to help Elain and Azriel to be together bc he knows they would be happy and in love?
But no he knows Az feeling on the matter and he knows him better than anyone else and dare I say better than Az himself? lol
Back to Lucien's case, even tho he has some problems with him for valid reasons he would never wants for anyone to be in this position not unless Elain objects on the matter. And that's the point Elain hasn't rejected nor says anything about accepting it. She only said that she doesn't want a male therefore Azriel is also on the things she doesn't want lmao.
So it seems even Elain is confused and lost as Azriel so ofc they subconsciously seek each other. Bc let's be real if they were in the right head space they wouldn't go as far to kiss while Lucien is in the same house, they wouldn't even chose each other. And let's not forget Azriel is obsessed with mating bond and I wonder if he ever thought about what he would do if he ends up with Elain AND find his mate as well (I mean he thought about Cauldron being wrong to believing he won't get a mate... like dude you clearly have some serious problem😭)
Yeah so we have Rhys as Elucien leader and Nesta as Gwynriel leader and that would result in Rhys and Nesta brotp and that's what I live for haha :D
You bring up such good points. Rhys has often gone about things in the wrong way but outside of that, all he really wants is his loved wants to be happy. He is often willing to sacrifice himself for their happiness. He was willing to sacrifice his own happiness if it meant Feyre could be happy. In ACOWAR, Rhys had no real reason to care for Lucien or consider him an ally as he did in SF yet he still spoke to Lucien's loyalty when Feyre asked if he thought he and Elain matched. Even in ACOFAS, we see that Lucien is still not Rhys's favorite person ever so why in SF would he put Lucien's own happiness above Azriel's, his own brother if he knew Elain was what made him happy? If Rhys was going to allow Feyre to be with Tamlin who wasn't her mate then there's no reason to think he would stand in the way of Elain and Az being together if that's what made them happy UNLESS he knew deep down that they really didn't want one another. I think it is a first love kind of mentality that believes "no one can understand the kind of love we share" and "they just don't get us" where the older you get, you start to realize that our friends and family (the friends and family we love, not the toxic kind) actually can see when someone isn't right for us. Rhys probably went a bit overboard in his reaction but it doesn't change that it's clear to him that his brother was not thinking rationally and he was about to do something for all the wrong reasons. Some readers want to yell and cry about how mean Rhys was but I think what they're forgetting is that Rhys has been Az's brother for over 500 years and if he is coming down with an iron fist, having to pull rank which he RARELY does (Az's own words), it's more than likely there's a good reason for his behavior rather than going the route of thinking he's wrongly standing in the way of two lovers who want to be together.
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gwyns · 2 years
literally NO ONE is talking about the womb argument anymore. why e*riels keep bringing it up like it's a HOT topic among gwynriels is hella weird. aint nobody talking about the womb but e*riels.
they sure do love to b*tch about anything to stay relevant. i find it insane how they'll complain about the most UNPOPULAR, harmful anti-e*riel theories meanwhile the MOST popular theory from THEM about gwynriel is that gwyn is a lightsinger, unconsciously seducing or manipulating azriel and her besties. the absurdity of it all. they really think saying ''but she doesn't know she's doing it" makes the theory sound any less gross?
i'm telling ya, if they spend as much time focusing on their ship as they do shitting on how gwynriels/eluciens are mean, they'll be much happier. stop seeking out unpopular theories you know will piss you off and just focus on what you like. jeez it's not that hard.
oh e/riels....... they always tell on themselves, don't they? their fake feminism is so one-sided its laughable. you're absolutely right. they cry and scream and throw their little tantrums when someone even suggests that hey maybe elain could've helped out more in her life but when they call gwyn a liar and accuse her of manipulating someone it's ok? they don't see any problem with treating a sa survivor this way???
at this point they absolutely only act out like this to get attention for them and their dying ship bc no one cares about them unless they're purposefully trying to provoke other sides of the fandom.
isn't their lil shipping month still going on too? and this is how they choose to spend their time?? must be sad to have so little to work with that you couldn't even make it a few days into the month without resorting to this type of behavior.
but hey what do i know? e/riel has 4 BoOkS oF bUiLdUp after all!!!
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divinerivals · 3 years
Just went to the elriel tag to look at their art because I genuinely love them but now I feel somehow. I am fairly new to the fandom and don’t know how things work and that people go all out for shipwars I didn’t know if you don’t ship a certain ship you should stay away from their content they made me feel so icky for shipping elucien they didn’t use the exact words of calling him a creep but there was so many insinuations I legit saw one say that if you ship elain and lucien your weird because why would you ship people that are uncomfortable around each other. Neglecting the fact that there is a reason and deeper meaning to why they have this reaction towards each other and it’s not because elain thinks Lucien is a creep he is literally one of the most respectful males in this series , honestly I didn’t know the fandom was a cutthroat place like this and I do love the contents but it’s a lot for me. I didn’t know who to tell since your practically one of the first eluciens I followed and looking at your page it’s feels like safe space so hope this ask is okay.
First sorry I'm late to the response (my little one was sick and I've been offline 90% of the day). And this is always okay! Anything on your mind Fandom or not send me an ask. I'm happy you think of me as a safe space ❤ ❤
E/riels are a special brand of wild and moronic behavior. Not all but majority of them are some of the biggest immature cyberbullies I've ever witnessed. I'm so sorry you had the unfortunate pleasure of dealing with them.
Elucien is endgame. They can accept it and keep E/riel as fanon or leave the Fandom.
This is what I don't understand. Obviously not every ship in every book, movie, TV, etc will be Canon. We all have tropes we favor and characters we think would be good together. They won't be endgame. They might not even have a relationship. But that doesn't stop fanon. With fics, edits, art, head canons, whatever. Your ship can exist in Ganon. You can have this happy little slice of fanon heaven. I've done it time and time again.
You know what I didn't do? Change narratives in the Canon text to claim them for a fanon ship. I didn't provoke others online for shipping the Canon ship(now if they came for me or my friends it's on but I didn't go into random posts or ask boxes spewing negative. Calling them worthless or far worse because of it.) Anyway, I don't understand why E/riels can't just be satisfied in their own little fanon world. And leave everyone alone.
Lucien isn't a creep. He is kind and very respectful towards Elain. Three. He's given her three years and will continue to give her whatever time she needs to come to terms with bond. He'd never resort to some dumbass duel, cry like a selfish toddler that he's left out, or please himself to a fucking bottle of headache pills. Thats because he values. She means something to him. Even if they broke the bond, he would always be there for Elain. Unlike a certain bat boy who only wants her as a forbidden booty call.
Now that, that's out of the way. Let's talk about this Fandom. I'll be the first to say babes. Alot of this Fandom is toxic. And not just the E/riels. I've seen it from anti sjm, to anti/pro certain ships and characters. Tbh, if I wasn't apart of Star Wars or the HP Fandom. Shipping both Reylo and Dramione....I probably would have left this one.
I understand if you decide to leave this Fandom or take a step back (sometimes it's a good thing!).
However lovely anon. There's alot of us who do love acotar and although we know there's flaws in the characters and the books. We love it dearly. It's a special place in our hearts. You're Fandom experience is what you make of it. What I mean by that is simply if you wanna stay in the Fandom because the series itself do four things as often as you need too:
1. Block the tags
2. Block users
3. Unfollow those that make this experience negative.
4. Don't listen to E/riels (they've twisted so many narratives, have been consistently rude to artists and I believe well known bookstagram accounts too. Might add Vassa X Lucien shippers too. A few of them twist the narrative too in saying Lucien wants Vassa. When we were given those Jurian x Vassa moments. However, I've never had a bad experience with them personally)
Fandom should be fun, not stressful ❤
If you'd like a list of blogs in the Fandom who don't contribute to the negativity let me know. I'll try and get one for you. I hope if you choose to stay that your experience gets better. At the very least you'll have me ❤
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acourtofthought · 2 years
I keep seeing comments by the same el/riels crying that Gwynriel's stole their atheistic. You mean the dark and light aesthetic used in hundreds of fantasy books? The one used for Feyre and Rhysand? It's the way they want to make Elriel a Feysand 2.0 so bad.
Look, the way I see it is, both Elain and Gwyn have a light to them but in different ways.
Elain's light is warm, it is the light of the sun, she thrives in daylight, IT IS CANON she needs sunshine, her light is yellow.
Gwyn's light is that of moonlight, it is cool, she thrives in the night, as do the shadows, her light is white, which is a one of the colors that is associated with Gwyn.
Also, I saw your anon who stated she knows El/riels who have not read ACOSF, and THIS IS SO TRUE. An acquaintance of mine refuses to read ACOSF and she is an El/riel.
Always, I always believed if Azriel were to have a long lasting HEALTHY relationship, it would be with a new character and my theory is so far proving to be on the money. I still believe Azriel has major issues he needs to resolve before he can be with anyone, both Elain and Gwyn deserve better than a male who is pinning after Mor. But knowing SJM's writing patterns she will resolve Azriel's feelings for Mor before she has him move on.
And if El/riels really cared for Elain ( I think they are more so obsessed over Azriel and use Elain as self-insert) they would see the potential in Lucien, who is a good man that would love her like no one else ever would, because he is her mate. Their connection is between their souls, at a biological level. The fact that it already snapped shows it is going to be epic once they get to truly know each other. Because, I totally agree with your other post. The reason we've not gotten into Elain's head is because it would be a dead giveaway for Elucien endgame and SJM is playing the longtime with those two.
Yes! I love when people see the difference in their lights because I see it too.
I think people also take the "light to dark" aesthetic too seriously in the case of ACOTAR characters.
Because Feyre is not a 100% sunshiny character to Rhysand's brooding darkness. Yes, Feyre is a bit more forgiving than Rhys and yes she has Helion's light to "banish" the darkness that Rhys has seen in the past 500+ years but they really aren't all that opposite.
Feyre and Rhys both share a viciousness and the willingness to do whatever needs to be done for the greater good (no matter if someone gets hurt along the way). Think about how Rhys was willing to allow Claire to die in place of Feyre. Think of how Feyre was willing to allow the innocent citizens of Spring suffer in order to take down Tamlin. Think of how both Rhys and Feyre were willing to make an enemy out of a good male in order to steal from him. She's not the "good / gentle" to his "bad / aggressive".
That's why Elain and Az will never be light and dark in an SJM book. Because they are TOO opposite for how SJM does the light / dark aesthetic.
Elain is bothered by cruelty, Az's job is the definitely of cruelty. Elain likes parties, Az likes his solitude. Elain doesn't want to be coddled or treated like a child, Az thinks she shouldn't go near anything dangerous. Elain is bright and craves Sunshine, based on canon, Az's shadows are scared of sunshine and are prone to vanish when Elain is around.
This isn't SJM telling us what a beautiful light / dark aesthetic they would make. This is SJM giving us all the red flags as to why they're too different to work.
But Gwyn is different. Her light (which does come off as a cool moonlight type of light) matches perfectly to Azriel's shadows. That is light and dark but in a complimentary way. She is also not at all bothered by cruelty and took pride in the fact that she led the beast to the Illyrians in the Rite. She seemed glad that Az slaughtered every single soldier without mercy. That is a Rhys / Feyre type of light which makes sense considering Rhys tells us Az is extremely like him. Which means if Feyre was Rhys's perfect match and Az is like him, then his perfect match needs to have a light and darkness to them like Feyre. We know that Elain is canonically VERY different from Feyre, especially with their "darker" sides. So it's there in black and white that Elain is not a match to Azriel. However, so many things point to Gwynriel's compatibility. They both like solitude, they're both competitive, they both show an interest in weapons, they both have a hero complex which makes them both extremely brave though sometimes a bit rash. It's not that they HAVE to be the ones to save the day so they can brag about it, there's just a part of them that feels they're not worthy unless they're doing more.
And she has never had an endgame couple get together until we know for a fact that they've finally let go of their past so I don't doubt we'll see him move on from Mor before he and Gwyn are romantically involved.
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acourtofthought · 1 year
I don't have any patience anymore, I just want Sarah to finally confirm the ship so there isn't this need to prove someone who Gwynriel and Elucien makes sense. You also wouldn't have to see any stupid comment about how Gwynriel is made up.
Yeah you're probably gonna see "fanservice" comments because El/riels can't accept the possibilities outside that ship, but you can easily ignore those comments because fanservice or not, it won't change the fact that El/riel won't be endgame so those comments will only exist to reassure themselves somehow. They'll go through the 5 stages and the first stage is denial. It will die down because I refuse to believe that they'll scream about it forever. Maybe some will leave the fandom, some will contuine with El/riel fanfics (fanfics are mostly better than canon anyway) and some might like Gwynriel and Elucien if they decide to read the books. Perhaps a few will stay on the denial part.
I'm honestly more scared about Sjm screwing Elucien and Gwynriel up the way she did with Nessian..I don't know if she'll actually use that potential that they have because she literally wasted Nessian's potential.
There would be nothing more amusing than E/riels crying fanservice if E/riel isn't endgame considering SJM made Elucien Mates in Book 2. I truly don't care how much buildup they think E and A have had because it doesn't trump the fact that SJM told everyone that fate decided Elain and Lucien were Mates, the peak of fae romance. Sure, she could decide they're not going to end up together but if they do all she has to do is sit back, pull up text from book 2 that clearly states there was a real chance of Elain and Lucien ending up as endgame. I loved every TOG character / book SJM wrote and I've loved all the ACOTAR books as well until SF. I'm not sure if that's due to plot or the fact that Nesta and Cassian aren't my most favorite characters (I don't hate them or anything, I just wasn't as excited for their story). But because I'm still in favor of the majority of those books, I do think she'll do Elucien and Gwynriel justice. It's possible Nesta's story was simply too complicated to deliver what readers would have wanted for her. She was trying to break free of her mothers expectations of her, trying to resolve some really deep seeded feelings of self hatred and a past of lashing out at those who were just trying to help her, and come to terms with powers she stole and that she didn't even want anyway. To make Nesta's journey true to Nesta, I understand why she did what she did with her though it's unsatisfying for the reader because no one likes seeing their character have a somewhat anticlimactic ending, where she gives up most of her powers. But neither Elain or Gwyn are dealing with the issues that Nesta had so I'd like to think we won't see a repeat of what happened in SF.
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acourtofthought · 2 years
Thank you for letting me vent! These warships are draining. If I see a pro Elriel post, I just mind my business. I know I'm not going to change their mind, nor do I want to. They are free to ship whoever they please.
But I do see a silver lining in all this. Over the year's things have gotten worse for them and it's not looking promising. I believe that is why they are getting more aggressive. What I mean is, when they do get SJM's attention, it never goes in their favor. For example:
Breads and roses, they swore this was El/riel confirmatio, prior to release and well, it was NOT. But in her HOSAB interview, she explained she was thinking what would be a warm welcome for Bryce, who thought she was in hell. Nothing more.
Gwyn's age, another theory that blew up in their face. SJM's not only shut it down, her face said it all. It is still one of my fave interviews.
ACOSF, before it's release El/riels dedicated so many posts and theories firmly believing this would be it for them, because it made sense right? Elain was closest to Nesta, Azriel to Cassian. This was the perfect opportunity to set them up, but SJM went an entirely different direction, and the two characters with least presence were Elain and Lucien. Watching their melt down was fascinating on twitter when the book was out, especially when the Italians who got an advance release date were going on about the chemistry between Az and a priestess, this was before the bonus chapter was even available. So if these readers, who had no idea of the bonus could pick up those crumbs, says a-lot about who's reading comprehension is off. Also, it is well known a ton of Elriels only skimmed ACOSF, I've seen tweets saying they do not want to read a book with that b*tch Gwyn. Just because one refuses to read something, does not change the outcome.
And that bonus chapter, why did a certain big pro elriel account rewrite the chapter and deleted Gwyn's part and tried to pass it off as published work? Did she think it was going to sway readers to el/riel, that was by far one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. If the bonus is not as important as they claim, why did they rewrite it? Waiting for them to make that make sense.
When SJM was promoting TOG, someone asked about Elain and Azriel and those in attendance shared her response on Twitter and they were crying and screaming on twitter when it was revealed she sees them as siblings - I know it is kinda weird that she did have them almost kiss BUT she actually did not have them kiss, so they could very well form a close subbing like bond later on, in the way Aelin does with Dorian, and they did in fact kiss.
Then fan during her Sept live who asked about Gwyn and the light singer theory. Her response was "not to sound mean but..." when anyone says "not to sound mean" it is the polite way of trying not to make you feel inferior for being wrong, but you are wrong. She even stated "another conspiracy theory" and kindly changed the topic. She did not fall for that question.
Lastly, I'm tired of seeing el/riels attack SJM's friends. Personally, I find it a win that her friends are anti elriels, does it mean I believe they know anything for a fact? I doubt it, but still, I know it makes el/riels so mad to see one of SJM's best friends vocalize she does not see Elain and Az as endgame anymore on her podcast.
Oh and when she was asked about modern vacations, she wasn't even asked about Elucien, yet she blurted it out and included them. El/riel's were not happy about it.
There are no interviews supporting Az and Elain the way there is for Elucien and where things stand in ACOSF it is not promising at all.
I think you're right. With more people coming to the conclusion that E/riel isn't happening it's caused them to get defensive. As far as Bread and Roses. I don't think SJM would give anything away if it was a clue that Elain was living in the townhouse but I am certain it wasn't a clue that E/riel was living together. If the next ACOTAR book picks up after CC3 that means the book would start with Elain and Az having kissed, had sex, fallen in love and moved in together off page. How does that make any sense? Why would you even want them for them? I also find it amusing that their arguments all end with "we have proof that Elain wanted to kiss Az!" after SF while they conveniently leave off the fact that Az told Elain that THEY WERE A MISTAKE. Do they honestly believe SJM would have left E/riels last interaction like that only to have her turn around and pretend like none of that happened at the start of the next book? That as a reader we're supposed to believe they just "talked it out" when we weren't even present for that conversation? They aren't paying attention to the kind of author SJM is if they really think that's what went down.
And SJM did have a million chances to push the narrative of an E/riel endgame but what she did instead is make it a point to tell us how different they are, how they haven't had any real progression in their emotional intimacy (even though Elain was open to getting to know Az), how Elain's sisters don't really consider her a close friend and how the IC doesn't really include her in important decisions. It really doesn't matter what happened two books back when this is the direction she's now headed. I so wish someone had a link to that interview, the one where she announced they were siblings. I've heard about it from a lot of people who remember it as you do but no one saved a link to it. I would LOVE to have that to post and share 😂 And it's not all that weird that she had them almost kiss or that they shared an attraction at one point when you consider Cassian and Mor. We know that Cassian was attracted to Mor and she found him somewhat appealing because they slept together. He admits that in ACOMAF, Mor was somewhere between friend and lover. Then in SF he tells us Mor has become family, his sister. So if that can happen then why can't the same be said for Elain and Az? Especially after they realize they were never really interested in one another for the right reasons anyway? The interview question about Gwyn and lightsingers is a whole big mess. I don't think SJM was even responding to Gwyn being an lightsinger or not because while the girl thought she was being sneaky on suggesting that Gwyn was a lightsinger, the actual question was "if lightsingers have a "beast" form and shadowsingers are the counterpart, do they also have a "beast" form?" and SJM laughed at conspiracy theories while giving an A+ for careful reading. So it answers nothing but also further confuses everything because she laughed at the theories while also complimenting their careful reading. It's a very typical SJM response, telling us nothing while also giving us something that both sides can claim as proof. Regardless though, what would it REALLY matter if Gwyn were a lightsinger (and that's not even saying she is)? But Rhys can mist people and enter their minds to do his bidding. Exactly why would Gwyn being a lightsinger automatically mean that removes her as a LI for Az. Az TORTURES people and doesn't blink at the thought of killing allies. Do they really think he'd be scared off by someone with a dark power? Just like not all daemati are bad, I think we can assume that not all lightsingers are bad (especially if they're only a quarter lightsinger). It could easily be a misunderstood power. And that's not even saying Gwyn is one, I'm just arguing that even if she were it wouldn't change the fact that she can still use something that's considered a dark power to protect the innocent. Just as Rhys does, just as Az does. At the end of the day, I can guarantee SJM is disgusted by the side of her fandom that threatens, bullies and harasses. It's amazing how E/riels that are guilty of it can't understand that.
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acourtofthought · 2 years
Saw your answer to the other anon about the next book and you kinda convinced me that it’ll be Elucien! If so, AHHHHHHHH. *proceeds to compose myself* I haven’t really heard the other arguments for why it won’t be theirs next and it’ll be another couple’s (no, not E/riel because that is NOT happening). Everyone I know who recently finished ACOSF, have all said damn so what’s gonna happen to Lucien? And Elain? And even Tamlin?! It’s been forever! When are we gonna get an answer?! And this came from a friend who has Az as only second to Rhys on her list of ACOTAR loves. Soooo, it might just be about goddamn time. Imagine SJM announced that she’s gonna release CC3 and ACOTAR 5 back to back! Of course that’s just a delusion but hey!
Xoxo 😘
Good Morning!!!
And right? It's time!! I think I might cry a little if we have yet another book where the characters talk about the end of Vassa's freedom coming to a close soon, Elain still being stand offish toward Lucien, Tamlin not getting better, and Lucien still not knowing who his father is (without those things actually happening). 😂
I kept thinking she was going to surprise us all and announce ACOTAR 5 being released before CC3 but it's looking like that's less likely as the days go on.
These are the main arguments I've heard as to why Elucien's book won't be before Gwynriel's:
Because Elain didn't have a POV. Which is valid but in my opinion, that's because the second we get inside Lucien or Elain's thoughts is the second that all the mysteries are revealed. It was ok for Nesta to feel drawn to Cassian because she was able to hide behind her words and anger to push him away and it still left you wondering what was going to happen. We still didn't know they were Mates. She was also still human for the one so she didn't have all that baggage to deal with. But with Elain, the big points that people debate over are "She's in love with Az! / No she's not!", and "She wants to go back to being human / No she doesn't!", "She hates Lucien which is why she's uncomfortable around him / She's drawn to Lucien and it scares her which is why she's uncomfortable around him", "She's happy in the NC / Elain is trying to convince herself she's happy in the NC!"
The thing with Elain is that she's a mystery. Most of the characters underestimate her and a lot of readers do too. Because she doesn't say much people make a lot of assumptions about her. But....I'm positive Elain mind is a busy place that's going to be an open book and once we're in there, there's no turning back or keeping anything a secret. Az tends to deny things even to himself. Nesta did too. It was ok for us to peek into their minds because they couldn't reveal too much to us when they're not (weren't) even ready to admit certain things to themselves. With Elain, I feel like it's all going to be revealed the second we have her POV which is why I don't think it makes sense for us to get hers until her book. Otherwise we're going to know exactly where things are headed.
Also, Elain wasn't in SF much but if she wasn't in her own sisters book how is she going to play a bigger role in Gwynriels book? I think it's purposeful that Elain isn't shown with the NC members because SJM is selling the narrative that Elain doesn't belong in the NC. The more of a life we see her living and the more she's involved with them, the less sense it makes for her to leave. Not to mention Yrene received her own POV in TOD as a newly introduced character so it really doesn't matter how much Elain has been in the books.
Another argument is that Koschei has to be the Big Bad in the finale because he's a Death God. But wasn't Lanthy's a death god? The Weaver? The Bone Carver? None of these characters were that difficult to take out so I honestly don't see Koschei being the one that can't easily be defeated by Lucien and Elain. I think SJM is building up to another battle in the final spin off series and I think (based on what she said in an interview about how if Bryce was able to arrive on their world, Rhys is going to wonder who else can enter it) that's going to involve other people entering their world. No, the crossovers aren't going to impact each series to the point you're forced to read all her books, they will still operate as a stand alone but she's still going to have to discuss Bryce's arrival in the next ACOTAR book. Which means it still makes portals and "evil" creatures entering their realm possible. Plus we were already told about the "Daglan" in SF so the seeds have been planted that some could make their way back to Prythian.
I think the final argument is that all the hints about Gwynriel's journey have been laid out in SF so that's why theirs will be next. But again, hints for Elucien's journey have been around since ACOMAF and they continued all the way through SF (major ones too, them needing Spring back in shape, Tamlin not getting better, Elain needing to visit Spring, Lucien being stationed there, Lucien and Elain being placed at the continent, Vassa's time running out, Nesta taking the rose carving made for Elain and placing next to a figure of a goddess and Nesta not allowing herself to dwell on why she placed it there, Nesta later taking that carving and placing it on her fathers gravestone on the last page of the series, and the fact that we see Elain finally standing up for herself).
SJM has laid enough hints that she could easily take the story in either direction (Elucien or Gwynriel) but I do think saying it couldn't be Elucien's is easily debated.
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