#if I were in Japan I might've  been able to get my hands on the magazine
lahotelbellamuerte · 2 years
𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮 - synopsis [あらすじ]
— ❀ series masterlist ❀ — American [アメリカ人] — ❀
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pairing; slight takashi x amara!oc warning; none note; just a small little background on the story, anything in the story in italics in convo is Japanese.
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Amara O'Conner never really liked bullies. Especially when there was no real reason to be a dick to someone. Ever since she and her father moved to Japan, she had to deal with them.
All of them called her names, making fun of her appearance. Just because she didn't fit into the mold of a regular Japanese girl. But Amara didn't care, she ignored all the names, the stares, and the whispers. All of it.
Eventually, the small blonde girl learned to fight back. Getting tired of the repetitive assholes in her life. Often got into fights with boys and girls growing up. Until they all backed off. Now? You may ask. Well, she likes to think of herself as Japanese—I mean how could she not? She spoke the language and knew all the customs. And so slowly everyone around her started to think of her the same. The bullying coming to an end.
But as a daughter of an O'Conner, she was never really far from trouble. Early in her teen years, she learned about a secret world that she wanted to be a part of, alongside with her friends.
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She was a fifteen-year-old when she overheard some older kids talking about racing up in the mountains. Intrigued she pushed off the wall she had been hiding behind. Running through the halls with a smile on her face. Making her way to her friends who were waiting for her at the front of the school.
Pushing the doors open she spotted them. Takashi Chisaka was a grade above her but was considered a nice guy who saved her from bullies when she was younger. At one point they had a shared enemy and they both got into a fight with his group. The two ended up in the Headmaster's office, with unhappy parents. But through the experience she became close with the boy, thus becoming friends.
Beside him stood Neela James, a foreigner just like her. The two had met when they were really young. The two shared the teasing and poking from the stupid bullies. All for being seen differently. But of course, Amara's constant fighting was able to save them from any more of that. Even more so when Takashi became a part of the group.
"Amara where the hell have you been?" Takashi asked arms crossed, annoyed for having to wait for the blonde every time.
The blonde rolled her eyes at his quip, "Shut up will you, I just heard some of the older kids are heading up the mountains for a race," she told her friends with a wide smile on her face.
Neela shook her head, "Amara don't give him ideas, we shouldn't be—" before she could finish her sentence the Japanese Native interrupted her.
He gripped her shoulders with a smile, "When?"
"Now!" she replied pulling their hands towards a car she stole from her dad, "I had a feeling it would be today, so I stole one of my dad's cars!"
The two let her lead them to some old beat-up truck parked near the school entrance. While she wasn't a racer yet, she had a keen eye for driving better than most of the citizens of Japan.
"Am you don't even have a license we should not be doing this," Neela hissed emphasizing 'not' holding on to dear life in the passenger side.
Takashi only laughed at the Australian girl's worry, "Neela calm down, Amara is a good driver," he tried to tell the girl who had her eyes shut as the blonde raced down the highway, tailing the modified cars up front.
Amara smirked and nodded, "He's right Neel, I've so got this," she replies as she changed the gear to the large truck, swerving around the smaller, slower cars.
"How many times have you two done this that you know that!" she squealed feeling the tight session in her stomach. The butterflies fluttered a little too much to keep calm.
"We might've snuck out of school a couple times," the blonde admitted stepping on the clutching and switching gears one more time, briefly looking over to Takashi who was beside her, then back on the road.
I'm sure you're wondering if there's anything going on with that mention. Well yes, but at the same time no. They were teenagers after all, who's to say anything.
Neela cringed at the thought, "God, I hope I'm not sitting on anything," she mumbled leaning to the window, opening her eyes just to see the car still swerving in and out of the slow traffic.
Takashi only shook his head at the girls. He just knew that whatever he had with Amara wasn't for the long run. They just trusted each other to be each other's first. And it wasn't all that bad, in fact, it was good that they still from time to time met up.
About twenty minutes later, they reached the mountain and saw many cars lined up along the sides. Probably the spectators of the race. Finding a space she pulled up and put the truck on neutral making sure it wouldn't roll away.
Stepping out, the three did their best to stay behind the scenes. Not wanting to be spotted by any of the older kids they went to school with. Once they had found a spot, they anxiously waited for whoever would be racing.
They had almost missed it, had it not been for the screeching of the tires. Turning they stared in awe as the cars drifted around the road, quickly moving the straight road. Every car passes by and executes it perfectly.
It was at the sight of the cars sliding on the road, the screaming of the spectators, or the imagination of the adrenaline the drivers felt. It was here that the group of friends wanted to learn. Even Neela, who had been afraid of first when in the car with Amara. It became their mission to learn the art as best as they could.
But with many good things, came the bad. Takashi had the resources to find people to teach him and Neela how to do so. As much as he wanted to teach Amara, his uncle forbade it. He told his nephew that Amara would be trouble.
And while Takashi had thought nothing of Amara at the start of their relationship. He couldn't help but not want anyone to be beside him than her. In hopes of keeping her in his life, he tried to beg his uncle to call a race for the two of them.
If he won, she would be by his side forever. When Amara was informed of the situation, she couldn't help but be angry at the sound of being stuck with someone forever. She had grown to like the boy in her life but after his decision to take away her freedom. She became furious.
With a borrowed car, she practiced night after night, alone. Praying to any and every god that should win. When the night finally came down. She was shaking in every form, angry, anxious, afraid, that would be his property.
And by a bit of mere luck on her part, she had won the race by a quarter inch, but winning was winning. Amara had won her freedom, a life not belonging to anyone but herself.
After her relationship with Takashi became strained, they somehow still called each other friends. The only thing really keeping them together now was Neela. The girl who ended up being the one stuck with Takashi. The two slowly watched the friends they had met when they were younger disappear. He was no longer that funny boy that walked them home every day. Bought them dumb gifts when he felt like it. Danced at Amara's house all night to all the silly music she played. Or joined to learning to cook.
He became a darker, possessive man who only cared about his image. The days of light were gone for him.
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𝘈𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘢 𝘖'𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘰𝘳 — 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘶𝘵𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘢 𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘵
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𝘚𝘶𝘯𝘨 𝘒𝘢𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘴 𝘏𝘢𝘯 𝘚𝘦𝘰𝘶𝘭-𝘖𝘩 — 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
… New Ryusoulger scans are out.
Part that stuck out to me (and I think we can all guess originally why >////////<):
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Okay, first off, please don’t mean a romance plot, please don’t mean a romance plot. DX I’m not a huge fan of ‘one off ep romances’ (though I can enjoy them, and have, on occasion), plus it really wouldn’t feel in character for Banba, at least, not yet. In all likelihood, though, I’m getting anxious about the small, unlikely things again like a doofus. I mean, I can’t read any of this, and the image translator doesn’t do columned text. All it got was that the caption under the lady’s picture is something like ‘who is this woman?’ and something about Banba, and for some reason wording like that always makes me scared it’s a one-off romance ep…
On the other hand, that picture on the right? Anyone else remember the first behind the scenes photos we got of Gold? That’s the same set! I’m pretty sure we also saw untransformed Kou there w/ Kanaro… So either the scene here is from a different point from that one, or Kou just isn’t in frame, both of which are pretty equally possible. Additionally, I can’t tel if they’re fighting, or… Something else? It’s a frozen picture, anything could be happening. Also, the whole thing is unfortunately too blurry to see what’s going on in the upper right images. I can make out Ui and Asuna, and Banba in the second one, but have no idea what they’re looking at or what he’s musing about.
Anyway. For some reason, I felt the need to bring attention to the fact that my attention beelines for Banba whenever possible. ^^;
#Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger#Ryusoulger Spoilers#my precious Dino Children#my precious grumpy big brother in shining armour#I dunno why I'm so afraid of one-off romance plots#I mean some of them in the past have been fine#I guess it's bc the effectiveness of Sentai romance is kinda touch and go sometimes#some are great some are not so great#so I'm always apprehensive whenever it seems like they might be trying it#esp when it might involve any of my faves#esp given Banba's character… I dunno it could easily get derailed by something like that…#but I'm probably in a twist for nothing#curious about what the big brothers are fighting over#if they're even fighting#did Cannoli let the kids have too much sugar or something?#seems to be related to what Ui and Asuna are looking at?#unfortunately geography constraints prevent me from seeing it clearly#by which I mean#if I were in Japan I might've  been able to get my hands on the magazine#and some poor person wouldn't have to go through taking pics and posting them so I could see it#(not that they're just doing it for me… my point is it's not their fault they're amazing for doing this at all)#anyway#I continue to hope that they're not gonna wedge Cannoli in the way of the core five's relationships w/ each other…#I like Cannoli but… they can sometimes do that w/ sixths#they've got time though hopefully they remember to keep exploring the relationships between the others#I mean Banba in particular has a long way to go#and I really wanna see more of the Black Red Green dynamic…#aka Banba and his two troublesome bickering brothers#(I really love that they're w/ him in the next ep when Cannoli is throwing a fit or whatever)#(I wanna see more of these three ^^)
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I realize it says no anon requests but I’m just Ike super embarrassed about requesting stuff from people. I was hoping that if it’s not too much of a bother since requests are back open if I could get a Jotaro x reader? Sfw btw. The plot is just. The reader meeting his parents for the first time. However she was a crusader and they met on the trip so she lives in the U.S, and she flew out to Japan to meet his parents. And she’s like SUPER into music and wants to become a singer so she gets along better with his dad than he does lol
Okay, okay fine, I'll do it for you Anon, cause this request is actually super sweet, I do love me some father-in-law bonding time. This is super dialogue heavy but I'm actually surprised I could stretch this into 1.2k words. The original idea was way shorter. I hope you enjoy!
It was fun giving Sadao an entire personality out of nothing but I might've made him softer than people prefer but oh well. Also I might've made him look too much like Micheal Jackson <3
Turn Forever, Hand in Hand
Notes: None except Reader is referenced as Jotaro's girlfriend, this is also heavily focused on you and Sadao with a sprinkle of romance between Joot and you. ALSO Holly is called Seiko, as that's the name she prefers :) just in case people didn't know
"It's so nice to finally meet the lady my JoJo has been talking about so fondly~!" You smile kindly, but the hands bringing your tea cup to your lips betrays your nerves and shaking hands. Even with Jotaro sat by your side on a couch opposite of hers, he had his hat positioned to hide his embarrassed glare. "So he does talk about me? That's good to know." Jotaro grumbled like a tired grizzly bear as he shifted uncomfortably beside you.
This had to be the worst circumstances. What started as a study date ended up as a surprise meet and greet with his family. It would've been easy to push past his mother, she was clingy and talkative but she wouldn't pry with the excuse of homework. But his father was here... Sadao Kujo. Of any day to come home from touring and ignoring his own family it's the day Jotaro decided to invite you into his home.
"Good freaking grief."
And he knew you were internally freaking the hell out. It had to be more than a big coincidence you just happened to date your most favorite jazz musician's child. Jotaro despised him, but it was cute how at first you fawned over Sadao.
But relax, Jotaro. After some supper your parents will get bored and you'll be able to escape to your room with your devilishly cute girlfriend, getting to hold her close in the comfort of your bedroom... He relaxed at the thought.
How long was he daydreaming for?
"I hate to leave so soon, but dinner needs to be made! JoJo, could you help me with dinner?"
Wait what?
You twisted your neck in his direction awkwardly with fear in your eyes. Being alone? With his musician father? That'd be so uncomfortable!
"Uh, mom?–"
"Come on JoJo! Your father hasn't been able to say a word, let them bond!" Jotaro's suddenly pulled off the couch and disappeared from view to leave you alone with a very intimidating father. Of course the silence was thick enough to cut. You tried to ignore it by gulping down scalding tea but your cup was soon empty. Oh, boo.
During the silence Sadao cleared his throat. He uncrossed his legs and picked up the cup he'd been ignoring until then to take a sip.
"So... How long have you known Jotaro?"
Last school year when our best friend tried to kill us in the nurse's office.
"Oh jeez, it has to have been... eight months already! But we only started dating officially after two."
"Six months! I'm surprised, Jotaro's been able to hide it well from us, Holly– I mean Seiko-chan only found out last week." The blackhead laughed fondly. "Still getting used to that."
Seiko-chan? That's adorable.
It felt easier than before to talk with him. He looked a lot like his son, but in a softer way. How the wrinkles around his eyes softened his blue irises. He had hair similar too, with his own little curl of baby hair at both of his temples with the rest settled in a short ponytail at his nape. You certainly wouldn't mind staying with Jotaro if he looked this devilishly handsome when he gets older...
He took another quick sip, "Jotaro's always been a good boy, but over the years he's developed a shell. I'm interested in how your relationship developed."
The nights back in egypt were nice, when you and the rest of the group wasn't being attacked. Your Stand was underdeveloped compared to the rest, and wasn't much help in a fight... But they kept you around anyway, your Stand did prove itself worthy in helping protect Avdol and Iggy from that bastard Vanilla Ice. Your favorite part of the journey were the late nights with Jotaro. When everyone else was asleep, you stayed awake with Jotaro while he worried over his mother. In the dead of night he let his true feelings out, how home sick he was and how much he worried for everyone else, and through it all you kept by his side. It was nice to see him come out of his shell, and soon enough he confessed. Well, not really confessed. And not very soon, it wasn't until after you said your goodbyes to Polnareff when he pulled you away to give you a secretive peck on the cheek at the airport, red as roses. You still daydream about that moment.
"I guess it all started with my singing... I was practicing late one night, and he happened to be awake to compliment me. I guess the rest is history." But you'd keep his secret. Father or not, you knew Jotaro wouldn't be comfortable with you spilling your late night pillow talks.
Sadao gave you a smile, "How lovely! Are you a professional singer back in the states?"
"Oh! Gosh, no... I couldn't handle preforming publicly, I've got major stage freight. I sing to my friends and family mostly. And Jotaro, of course. My parents say I've got a voice like a siren's, I'd like to try publicly singing someday, though."
"Well, if you'd give me the opportunity I'd be honored to hear the voice that could swoon even Jotaro some day." During your conversation Sadao took the time to refill both of your cups. "I hate to sound so forward, but all this talk has me interested. How would you feel about an invite to practice with my band and I? We've been looking for a vocalist for some time now, and it seems like a good opening for you. With some time, maybe you could even join us on stage one night?" You almost immediately dropped your cup back on to the tea table.
Preform, with Sadao-freaking-Kujo? He was willing to work with you? Were you dreaming? This was the greatest night ever!
"I-I'd be honored to, Sadao-san! Really! Thank you so much!" He kept you from getting off the couch to bow any deeper, waving it off with a boisterous laugh.
"Please, just call me Sadao, you are my son's girlfriend after all. It'd be nice to get closer to you, especially if we might be working together soon."
He got up from his couch to cross over to you. He placed a gentle but firm hand on your shoulder and gave you a very warm smile. Jeez, he really looked like his son from this angle. It's weird to see him smile so much.
Just as things settled back into more casual conversation Seiko came back into the living room happy as could be. "Sadao-san! F/n-chan! Dinner's ready!"
"I'm so," Seiko dropped down to kiss her son on his cheek. "Happy that my wonderful Jotaro has found such a perfect girlfriend~♡" She even knelt down to wrap her arms around you in a loving hug. "It's such a shame you have to leave again so soon, but I hope Papa will let you come with him the next time he visits!"
You felt so warm, with Holly and Sadao talking to each other about their vastly different days, your belly slowly filling with delicious food, and your boyfriend's hand very discreetly holding your non-dominate one in a secret confession of his love for you. You seriously wished this night would never end.
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bi-han-simp · 4 years
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This is loosely based on the song “Heather” by Conan Gray
italics are flashbacks
Jotaro x Reader
y/n pov 
I had always been best friends with Jotaro ever since we were just kids. We were each other's very first friend, well we were each other's first for a lot of things. I remember when we were just young kids he would always stick up for me, especially when people much bigger than me would pick on me. Jotaro was always so sweet when we were still young kids. He was always so lively and freely showed his emotions. 
I had mentioned before that we were each other's firsts for a few things, and our first kiss was included. We were curious about what it would feel like, but I guess it was a mistake for us to take part in doing so. If only we didn't share each other's first kiss, maybe i would've never had feelings for him.
 I remember the kiss like it was yesterday, we were 14 at the time. I was staying at the Kujo’s home for the weekend because my parents had to go on a business trip. To the Kujo’s I was practically family so they accepted letting me stay for the weekend. I had been scared of staying in one of the guest rooms for the night, so Holly let me stay the night in Jotaro’s room with him. We had been facing each other, just joking about some stupid things people did in class earlier. 
“Hey Jojo, have you had your first kiss yet?” i had asked out of curiosity not exactly knowing what his answer would be. 
“No not yet, you?” he answered like it was nothing but i had a rosy blush starting to form on my face when he asked the same thing. I only shook my head in response, somewhat embarrassed that I still haven't kissed anyone yet. If i'm being honest i'm surprised Jotaro hasn't either. 
“Maybe we could practice..you know so our real first kiss will be just perfect!” i smiled brightly knowing if we just practiced our first kiss on each other, our true first kiss with that special someone will be just perfect!
“I mean I don't see why not?” Jotaro soon had a blush forming on his cheeks, but was starting to sit up. I followed and we now sat criss cross in front of each other. “So how exactly do we do this..?” he asked slightly confused on where we should start. 
“I think we close our eyes, lean in, and Ta-da!” I made a big gesture as I spoke and watched Jotaro nod his head. We both started to lean in with our eyes closed, and before i knew it we both headbutted each other. 
“Ow! Jojo, your head felt like a rock!” I held onto my head with a small glare on my face towards him, who seemed to look away sheepishly and rubbing the back of his neck muttered a small apology. “It's okay, I was just over exaggerating anyway! B-but let's keep our eyes open until we make contact, alright?” I patted his shoulder and he just nodded in response. We kept our eyes open this time around and leaned in. before i knew it our lips were together and my eyes instinctively closed. One of Jotaro’s hands had been on my cheek while mine were both awkwardly placed upon my lap. The kiss felt like heaven on earth and I never wanted it to stop. I know this was just supposed to be an experiment experience, but this is making my heart beat like crazy. 
The kiss lasted for a few more seconds before Jotaro had pulled away. We had both just stared into each other's eyes, me looking into his beautiful ocean like teal, and my e/c ones. I don’t think he wanted the kiss to end that quickly and neither did I, so I think he saw the look as a signal for us to kiss again. We both leaned in once more, but this kiss was longer than the last. This was more loving and meaningful. Like this was a true first kiss with that special someone. 
It was a mistake for us to share our first kiss, but i don’t regret bringing up the idea of it. 
After a few years Jotaro seemed to be distant towards everyone, including his mother who i believe is an Angel walking the earth. We might've been distant, but we were still best friends. We still hung out with each other almost everyday and would still have sleepovers at each other's homes. 
I still think about the time when his mother was on her deathbed and we had to leave for Egypt. Jotaro didn’t want me to tag along because he thought it would be too dangerous for someone who didn't have a stand, but I always kept it a secret that I had one. He was a bit ticked when i told him, but he just brushed it off and we set off to find DIO. We fought a couple stand users and started to stay in a hotel located in Singapore. I remember the exact date this happened. It was the 3rd of December. 
“I’ll share a room with Jotaro if that's alright with everyone!” I smiled and looked at him and the rest of the group for confirmation. They all seemed fine with it. This was gonna be the old times. We soon split up to our designated rooms and I unlocked the door to reveal the two queen sized beds. 
“I call this one!” I called out and jumped onto the bed closest to the bathroom. I laid with my stomach flat against the bed, happy I didn't hear Jotaro complaining about it. I felt the bed dip and moved my head to the side to see Jotaro sitting down. I moved to sit on my knees and tugged gently on his long jacket. 
“Jojo, could i try on your jacket?” i don't remember the last time i saw him without his jacket, it seemed to be like his second skin. He didn’t give much of a response, more so just mumbling something under his breath as he took it off and laid it on the bed. I got off the bed and put on the long jacket. It was too big for me, the bottom of it dragging on the floor. 
“So, how do i look?” I didn't really expect a nice answer from him, but I wasn't expecting what he said. 
“It looks better on you,” he gave me a rare smile and patted the top of my head, “maybe when we get back to Japan we will get you a matching one.” i only nodded my head with a slight blush rising on my cheeks. Being his childhood friend definitely had his perks. 
Everything he did at that point made my heart flutter, it felt like it was about to explode. I really thought he saw me as much more than just a childhood friend. But I was wrong. 
A couple more years went by, we were now 20. Jotaro went off to America to study Marine Biology while I stayed in Japan. He would call me often, every day actually. We would talk about the stress that school was giving us, and the fun activities we did. Most of the time our calls consisted of Jotaro rambling about how interesting all the marine life was. I laid back and listened, truly happy as I listened to the love of my life talk about what made him happy. 
One call was different though. It was the call where he told me he proposed to an american woman named Heather. I had to put on a mask but I couldn't believe that Jotaro was getting married to a woman neither his family or i had met. I told him how happy I was for him. I didn't want him to hear how broken-hearted I was over the phone. Once the call ended I don't remember how long I sobbed for. 
It felt like all the moments we shared together were just out of a friendly bond. There was love behind all of it, just not the kind of love I wanted it to be. 
I stood next to Jotaro as his best man figure. I held back all the tears I had when Jotaro said how nervous he was. I reassured him that she was the perfect woman for him. Our conversation was cut short when the wedding march started to play. 
I wanted to strangle Heather as she walked down the aisle, but I couldn't deny how beautiful she looked. Everything about her was perfect. She was the second kindest person i’ve ever met, she was drop dead gorgeous, and she managed to get Jotaro to fall in love with her. 
I wanted to hate her so much, but my love for Jotaro’s happiness overpowered all my hateful thoughts. I was happy for him. So happy that he found happiness after all the events of Egypt. I was never able to get him out of his lowest slumps, so I envy you Heather. I really do. Please cherish him as much as i do. I wish I were you Heather. 
That was the happiest I had seen Jotaro in a long time. Maybe even the happiest i've even seen him. His wedding soon became the second happiest I've seen him, when he had a child on the way. I was completely over the moon when I was going to be the Godparent of their first born child. 
I had waited outside the delivery room holding onto Holly’s hand in anticipation. I was supposed to be in Japan studying, but who cares about schooling when your best friend is having a daughter. Me and Holly both stood up as soon as we saw Jotaro enter the hallway. It was finally time to meet the beautiful daughter him and Heather created. 
Holly was first to enter due to this being her very first grandchild. She was cradling her with tears falling down. To her it was just like holding Jotaro all over again. 
I was next to hold her. I rocked her back and forth in my arms and looked to Heather, “what's her name?” 
“Jolyne.” she said with a tired smile on her face. She must've been exhausted, so i didn't ask any further questions.
“Jolyne..” i said softly, as i used the back of my finger to caress her small cheeks, “such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” She was absolutely gorgeous, just like both of her parents. 
“I love you Jolyne..” I whispered softly as I saw a couple tears falling onto the swaddle. 
As I look back on the moments I shared with Jotaro, I realized I was just a side character. I might've been helplessly in love with someone who saw me as just a friend, but that doesn’t make me love him any less. Thank you Heather for making him happy. I wish i could’ve been you, even for just a moment. 
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bxllafanficc · 4 years
¡Skate/sing your hearts out! (Yuri Plisetsky x reader)
(part one)
part two part three part four part five. Find the rest on; Masterlist
Summary: After last year's cancellation of Figure Skating Grand Prix, Yuri Plisetsky finds himself unable to bring out his inner skater after a year of doing nothing but enjoy life like a regular teenager. That's when you enter the picture; We Are Voice Grand Awards's currently hottest competitive vocalist come first place two years in a row. Just like the other competitors of Grand Prix, it turns out that Victor and Yuuri faces the same issue. With an arrangement between Victor and Yakov, they agree to travel to Japan and hire you as a mutual coach for Yuri and Yuuri to help bring back the emotion into their performances like before, maybe even more intense than ever. Yuri however, who's never experienced issues with his coaches before, for some reason finds this one particularly difficult to coexist along with in their (reasonably) odd partnership. Warnings: none
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*Yuri's POV*
"Remind me once again why we're going to Japan? It's clear you'd never take us there just because you miss Victor and I know by experience that it's not because of his apprentice."
First class flight like usual. The view out the airplane window of the sparkling city at nighttime below them would stun anybody but at this point, Yuri has traveled so many times it's only become regular sights and the lights of the streets are only plain colored spots in a dark void to him these days. One thing he will never feel comfortable with though is staying in the same seat for hours on end until the airplane arrives at its destination. His legs are itching from wanting to move around. He'll just have to jog it off back on the ground like every other trip in the past.
"You'll be spending some time with Yuuri Katsuki and Victor the following weeks to gain your fighting spirit back. You need to get back in touch with your emotions, remember?" Yakov slightly turned his posture towards the Russian skater beside him, folding his newspaper in half and putting it in his lap.
He only nodded with a slight hum. He could see Yakov's reasoning, some parts of it at least. He HAD been lacking in emotional performance ever since the new year began and it was time to get back into the mindset of winning yet another Grand Prix gold medal like last year. No, not last year. Last year's competition was cancelled after a minor pandemic spread through Russia and the nearby regions. In fear of the virus spreading, all competitions cancelled and larger crowded areas were forbidden to take place. Therefore Yuri's only been able to practice by himself and keeping himself fit for a possible competition next year. But a year of doing nothing can really change your spirit and afraid to admitting it to his coach, he's been missing several opportunities to hit the rink and stayed home watching anime or scrolled through social media instead.
But one thing he doesn't get is how Victor and Yuuri are gonna make him get his mindset in the right track again. He already won his first gold medal at his senior debut and he doubt that the Japanese skater will be in any better condition than Yuri's currently in right now. Pig-man must've been in a much worse state considering his boo Victor had to stay in Russia during the pandemic, unable to keep an eye on Yuuri's routines.
"Besides, there's a little surprise waiting for you where you'll be staying with the two of them. It better work out fine or else I'm out of ideas."
That caught his attention to say the least.
"Well if it's supposed to save me from the deep end then why be so secretive and hushy with it? Spill the news, Yakov."
The old man only grunted and picked up his newspaper once again and hid his face behind it. Well now he really wanted to know what it was. Clearly he would have to make some effort. Soon the article about a Russian charity event taking place this weekend got replaced with a clenched fist going straight through the back of the paper. Yuri expected some kind of reaction but Yakov only sighed and leaned back in his seat without even a flinch.
"It's no surprise if I tell you. I promised Victor to keep it a secret."
"Tell me."
Yuri groaned and folded his arms with a sour glare. The display in the ceiling told the traveler's that it was 10 minutes until landing so he gave up his attempts and let his eyes rest for a while. At least he would find out tomorrow, he assumed. It was 2am and he would be staying at a hotel close to the airport since it was too late to make rest of the trip in one day.
Yuri was out with the speed of a lightning bolt the second the plane doors opened. He sped past everyone before him and he didn't stop when he finally got outside. His feet carried him to run circles around the plane meanwhile he was waiting for Yakov to get out the normal way. It's a silly habit of his and he knows he looks stupid doing it but his coach has given him strict orders to not run away at one random direction like used to do at first. It would take like half an hour for him to be found once he took off, but only if he got lost.
"Yuri! Get over here!"
Well, there's his cue to get ready and head to the hotel. Finally he's able to get some sleep before he's forced to wake up early at dawn to head to Hot Springs and meet the two most annoying people in Japan.
He didn't even have time to eat breakfast. He overslept and got rushed to the cab with an angry Yakov behind him, newspaper folded tightly in his fist. The trip through the beautiful Japan would've been pleasant if Yuri hadn't dozed off every 10 seconds. He didn't get much sleep after all. He spent at least three hours thinking about the special surprise and raiding the free mini bar before he finally got to rest. At 8am he was woken up with banging on the door and now, at 10am, he was standing at the entrance of Hot Springs waiting for Yuuri's mom to announce their arrival. She hurried away somewhere with her usual bubbly happy self that Yuri had no idea how a person could be so... not moody all day long.
The place was as crowded with customers as last time and the two Russians were told to step inside to the more private parts of the building where the family lived along with Victor at the moment.
"Victor! How come my brand new lotion is used? You smelled a suspicious amount of peaches and wild berries at breakfast and there's no point denying it!" A fairly soft and modulated voice was heard from somewhere to the left where the private shower stalls were located. A couple seconds later a giggly Victor and Yuuri came through the direction of the living room and greeted Yuri with happy cheers. The slender white haired Russian caught Yakov in a bear hug, much to the old man's surprise. Yuuri extended his hand towards Yuri but Yuri didn't give any effort in taking it.
"Food. I'm starving."
Yuuri dropped his hand with a light blush but Victor pouted and let go of his former coach. Strong and clingy arms were suddenly wrapped around his chest and he couldn't breathe.
"So unpolite... Yuriooo we've missed you! Haven't you missed us?"
Yuri thrashed like a fish caught in a net and tried to hit the arms of the bastard trapping him. Yuuri joined in, only to get a kick in the hip. His stomach growled angrily and the endless void in his body didn't lighten up the experience a bit.
"Let go you old man! You too piglet!"
"I hoped you'd say it out loud but I know that deep down you've been missing us, Yuriii." Victor went to whisper in his ear with pouty lips but was swatted away by a backhand in his face. That finally caused him to let go and Yuri jumped out of reach for the two males.
"Hm... Or not." The expression he got from Victor was sad and pouty and the man earned a hand on his shoulder, put there by Yuuri. Yuri could only sigh and shake his head.
"Victor! Did you steal my shampoo too?! I will- Oh? What now?" Yuri turned around abruptly by the unfamiliar yet familiar voice behind him. His eyes widened.
The girl was standing to the left of the hall, seemingly coming from the shower. A curious hand rested against the wall beside her and her face was covered in a grey clay face mask, a toothbrush lazily hanging from the corner of her lips. Her (h/c) eyes glistened with mild shock along with her mouth hanging slightly open.
"You are early... Victor, you told me they would arrive at 1pm1!" She pointed a strict finger at the tall man who scratched the back of his head with a hesitant laugh. Her eyes narrowed and she grabbed her toothbrush. Because even if she was standing unprepared in front of two strangers, she would at least not forget to brush her teeth in the process, as you do.
Yuri might've considered it normal if it wasn't for that she was almost naked. Two towels were the only fabric hiding her, one wrapped around her dripping figure and the other tied up in her hair.
"Yeah, about that! I kind of mixed up the time of their arrival and your meeting with the press, that's, by the way now when I think of it, not actually cancelled but later today. Silly of me to forget, right?"
She eyed him as though her bullshit meter was ticking in the red zone and let out a huff. Yuri had to advert his gaze when it suddenly felt intruding to eye her the way he did. He also turned away because a light tint of pink was creeping up his cheeks.
"Right. Thanks for the early update. I appreciate it, really. I'll be with you again in 30 minutes. Don't wait up for me." And with that, she was gone. The silence of the men maintained for a few moments until Yuuri coughed with an awkward smile, his red cheeks still visible even after the girl had disappeared. 'It's a little weird to blush at your almost naked sister' he thought.
"So food, right? Mom is preparing pork cutlet bowls for you, Yurio, since she remembered how much you liked them last time-" He didn't have to say it twice. Yuri was off to the dining area before the man even finished saying 'pork cutlet bowl'.
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amandayuebing · 2 years
Melbourne, where the pigeons are incredibly clean
Tony and I recently went on our first holiday together during the Easter break. Not just as newlyweds, but our actual first holiday!
We haven't been able to officially have our honeymoon yet as we were planning to go to Shanghai and travel some of Asia after our wedding. But with Omicron floating around at the time, we didn't feel too comfortable...
We made Melbourne our minimoon, and I don't care who gets annoyed that we called it that.
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It was my first time in Melbourne, and Tony's first time exploring Melbourne (as he's only been there for kendo competitions). We had a lot of fun, and if we were to go there again, we'd definitely get a hire car to explore more outside of the CBD. (All the hire cars were gone by the time we booked our holiday, as we booked it kind of late).
The first thing we noticed once we got to Melbourne CBD was how clean the pigeons looked... I don't know what makes them so different, but those pidges look so clean. I'm not kidding. That was one of the first things we instantly noticed, that we're still surprised about.
Our first destination after we got to Melbourne and checked in was to check out a Chinese fine dining restaurant called "Flower Drum" and *chefs kiss*. The food was beautiful.
We might've been dressed a little too casually for some patron's liking by the looks of it (I mean we weren't dressed terribly casually, although I was wearing a pair of white Converse boots as those were the only shoes I brought for the weekend) because I saw an aunty's face drop as soon as we locked eyes. I have a feeling she was the one who must've written this review:
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We spent the rest of the afternoon before dinner exploring the city, then had dinner at a quite popular bar restaurant called Supernormal, where the food was alright but the lobster rolls were memorable (and tiny). Tony and I joked that the next time we eat there, we'll just order 12 lobster rolls and watch the staff judge us and us not give a damn because it's a delicious idea.
The next day was Good Friday, so our only plan was to explore the city and see what was open. The breakfast at the Salted Egg that came with our accommodation was delicious! Tony and I shared the pandan waffles and spicy crab omelettes. Both were tasty and satisfied both our sweet and savoury cravings.
We walked past an axe-throwing place, and thought, "why not?" So we booked a half-hour sesh which ended up being an hour long. Tbh axe-throwing is really not for me... but Tony on the other hand's definitely found himself a new hobby that he's surprisingly really good at!
He managed to hit many bullseyes, even managing to throw the two-handed axe with ONE hand and hit the bullseye a few times. Our friends joke that we definitely want Tony around if there's ever a zombie apocalypse.
His muscles were sore after 1hr of pretty much solo axe-throwing, so it's lucky we were able to book a relaxing Japanese massage for Sunday.
Some other memorable experiences in Melbourne were:
Making the most of happy hour at our hotel's exclusive rooftop bar and each trying a cherry cocktail, which after a few sips had Tony red as a lobster and needing to take a rest downstairs before we went out to dinner.
Tasting A5 wagyu airflow from Japan which was beautiful, but not kind on the wallet
Just quiet moments together. We didn't want to be out exploring the city all the time, so when we were tired, we'd come back to the hotel and watch "Forecasting Love and Weather" or "The Dropout". I love how Tony gets invested in the things I watch as well, but I haven't been able to get into everything he watches.
Going to Stalactites twice, because there aren't too many things better than some stomach-warming, well-seasoned meat and chips on chilly, rainy, Melbourne days.
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Pictured above: Just a pair of incredibly clean Melbourne pidges.
You can find the rest of our holiday pics on my IG, as I don't want to ruin my blog ✨aesthetic✨😂.
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