#if I had gone to sleep on time I wouldn’t have binged 😩
bb-butterflyyy · 6 months
Literally finished an 80hr fast earlier today but I just binged and ruined it!! I can’t believe I did that, I feel so gross!! New plan to fix it tho, I’m gonna omad my veggies tomorrow so they don’t go bad (and I won’t get sad for wasting them) and then fast for the rest of the week (and maybe the weekend too but we’ll see how I feel bc I have to see my neurosurgeon really soon and I can’t remember when… don’t want him to think I’m sus and take me out of work or anything (I’m paranoid don’t mind me lol))
Anyway, between running around for 9hrs at work tomorrow, the omad, some lax / detox tea and then the fast I should be good lol 🥰👍
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