#idkkkkkk I’m just very tired and don’t want to do anything
kuiinncedes · 4 years
#haven’t done a cute lil tag rant in a while y’all ready#warning: long and annoying lol#idk so#I kinda feel like shit and idk why 😗✌️#I need to get off tumblr bc it’s also kinda contributing but also tumblr makes me happy at the same time so I keep reopening it#I just don’t want to do any work at all#I have a few things coming up and I’m just stressed#there’s a group project that I have to do research for and turn in an annotated bibliography on Friday#I can’t even explain what about that is stressing me out but it is lmao#and my next math exam is a week from tomorrow#I didn’t fail the first one but like#my grade in math is fucking shit bc I don’t care about the quizzes and it’s so hard to do well on them#like I’ve talked to other people in the class who also say they fail the quizzes#idek what my point is ig just math is stressful even tho I love math and I still love doing math#but the format of the class kinda sucks and seeing my shitty quiz grades week after week is really not nice#also I just realized I think it encompasses everything that was on the midterm too bc it’s everything up to and including the current stuff#which is greatttt 🤡#I did ok on the midterm but only bc it was open note which this one will also be#idkkkkkk I’m just very tired and don’t want to do anything#and I feel like whenever I finally finish something there’s ten more things for me to do#I think a part of it also is that we usually would’ve had a break after midterms but they said nah#everything’s more stressful than usual so naturally we’re gonna take away your fall break 🥰#which I understand like to limit travel and stuff but stilll#the election probably also isn’t helping 🥰#I have two classes on Election Day bc nothing’s cancelled 🥰🥰🥰#I don’t want to do work I just want to wallow lmao#also another thing is I want to be creative and do creative things but I never have the time/energy/ideas#this is literally going nowhere idk I just feel shitty rn 🥰✌️#holy shit this got longer than I thought thank you and I’m so fuckingg sorry to anyone who read this lmao#stfu jeanne
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mitsuhidethesnek · 5 years
Lancelot Kingsley Character Thoughts
@coolandspice asks: "Can you do Lancelot next for the IkeRev analysis if you haven't yet? I love your analysis of Edgar and your analysis of his relationship with Lancelot got me near to tears. I'd love to hear what you think of Lancelot as well. :)"
Ahhhh. Such a nice compliment! We protect Lancelot and Edgar in this house! I havent done one for Lance yet so here goes!
First Impression - Pointless journey ahoy. I was at Anime Expo, waiting in line for merch during IkeRev's release. I was so nervous cuz i had no idea whose route to start, and I had no idea who I would someday stan! Release days are so unfair. Initially I was torn between the two kings. Ray has that black hair/green eyes combo I like. Black army also represents freedom, an ideology i prefer. Lance is a classic pretty monarch, which is whatever, but then he says shit like... "you belong to me now." So I let my kinks pick Lance, and I have no regrets. Also, Otomeobsessed said Lance route explains why Lance is the way he is in other routes, so that decided it.
Impression Now - I love him and would defend Lancelot with my life, and he doesnt even need it. Who doesn’t like Lance? After knowing everyone in IkeRev, I am still a red army stan! I really love how Red Army is full of very principled people who have a very high standards of themselves and each other. And because they’re so strict and productive, the moments where they cut loose are even more delightful to me. At first Lance was just average pretty boy. Blond hair, blue eyes doesn’t appeal to my shallow points. And he was that serious austere type. Good but not too interesting yet. But now?? I FIND HIM SO SENSUAL AND COMPELLING AND CUTE TOO. He makes my heart and ovaries burst with every line he utters!! He is regal all over with his legitimate skill for leadership and combat, his intellect and posture. He’s serious, but he’s also playful. He’s not serious in a way that makes him picky. No, he’s serious in a way that makes him easy to satisfy! Which I love because I’m lazy... He would be perfectly happy to spend the day inside or strolling somewhere just being by your side and soaking in your energy. You don’t have to be doing anything. You could talk about utter nonsense, and every exchange would still feel intimate because of the way he appreciates every slight twitch of your face and every slight gesture of your body. He sees poetry in your fundamental humanity.
Favorite Moment - Fave is after the dance when he orders you to ask two wishes of him. I unlocked his POV, and it still breaks me. I love every moment where he’s playful with you and can’t help smiling and laughing around you. The hardened king who believes his life wasn’t meant for happiness, who believes his life must be sacrificed, a smile slips onto his face when he’s with you. I love the way he uses his status as king as part of his joke for why you have to tell him how he can repay you. That is precious. And then you say, “no fair, playing the king card!” I lovve. Alice, you have no reason to obey him, he’s not a threat, you know that more than anyone now, but you go with it. And what do you ask of the king?? To stay with him for the rest of your days in Cradle. THE ROMANCE. And then Lance gets that surprised look I love so much. In that moment his heart fills up to the brim in a way he didn’t think was possible, and his happiness is so intense in contrast to the angst we’ve learned thus far. I love these small but blinding moments of utter bliss, and how he tries so hard to restrain it anyway. He's struggling not to entirely crumble before you. He’s grateful for the most simplest of human emotions and pleasures when he’s with you. And with him, even the simplest pleasures are sumptuous.
Idea for a Story - I want an adventurous playful MC to get Lance to try all sorts of new things! Drag him along through town. Have him delight in everything. Have him stare after you in wonder and affection at how enjoyable you find certain things. And in turn, he learns to appreciate little things too. And seeing his simple contentment brings you even more joy. And it becomes just an endless loop of being elated by each other’s happiness and wanting to do everything to get each other to smile and laugh. Like, one of my favorite events is where you take him out to town and you eat crepes together. He finishes while observing his surroundings. And idkkkkkk. It makes me soft just picturing him.
Unpopular Opinion - I actually like when Lancelot calls you Alice, although I don’t think canon always lines up with my headcanon (bold claim!). I have this idea that once you're together, he calls you by your real name much more often, especially to be extra intimate and personal and grab your attention. But sometimes he calls you Alice, My Alice, similar to My Queen like it's a title. And he does that most when he's boasting about you or speaking to you in public and wants to show off that you're the best Alice there is or when he’s joking with you. You have rightly earned your unique position. And he'll switch between the two depending whether he needs to emphasize your authority as Alice or your importance as his beloved. I'm self inserting more leadership qualities into Alice but whatever.
Favorite Relationship - with Kyle! I love when Kyle gets mad at both Lance and MC. Kyle is the only one who knows his secret. And i love all the memes of Kyle just being so tired from coming after everyone, especially Lance the goddamn martyr. It must be extra frustrating because they're opposite in a lot of ways. Kyle wants nothing more than to see people happy. He's not so serious, and he's a drunken mess. Lance, however, is not drunk, in full possession of his faculties and quite serious, yet is constantly jeopardizing both his health and happiness. Help these idiots.
Favorite Headcanon - this meme by @belovedofthekingofhearts where Alice shows Lance a simple trick, and his mind is so blown. i honestly bust out laughing every time without fail.
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