#idk when ill have this fic out but im going to start writting
arrow-jsy · 4 months
Headcanon im going to use in my monty fic
When first turned human instead of walking he hopped around alot. I know birds are capable of walking but we often see them hopping around (weve all seen tho images of owls running if not go have fun) so i think monty having a pep in his step so to say would be adorable especially sense he is so smiley and optimistic pretty much until post swing scene
Ill probably properly write this in a fic someday but for now ill leave it here
Monty hopping around only for Esther to be like "God Monty stop jumping youre gonna bring the house down"( or something more vain like interrupting her beauty routine or causing her current concoction to fall off the stove) this breaking Monty's little spirits and thus monty learns that despite his new freedom in human form he is still severly under someones thumb and home is not a safe place to be him or heck even to learn who he is
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
Hiiii Bestie!!!
This gonna be the looongest message I have ever written (sorry for my mistake in advance) but it’s been a long time since something pissed me off more than this game. It should be a joy, and the last few episodes are just a joke.
I restarted the game and started playing right from the start. And I had a really good time. Even Dana was great from the start, despite the whole thing with Suresh, I really felt she would be such a BFF for MC. Same thing with Kat. I tried to ignore Suresh and tried with Alfie, but it didn't work 😂 I commitmend to Alfie, but after the kiss I kew I will go for Suresh or Finn.
And this is where it all starts. All that fighting with Kat, Arlo and Alfie didn’t amuse me anymore. Everyone started treating MC as an enemy. Like she is the one who cheated. Dana started behaving, and Casa came. It got worse than the time when everyone found out MC wanted to propose.
Right now, I think I need to take a break from playing. I had a way in my head, I knew who MC would end up with and stuff. But right now, I feel like FB is unfortunately playing with us and forgetting everything that happened before. Where’s that Alfie who said MC was the only one Suresh was, who was sure to get her back, where are the FRIENDS? I am just disappointed.
Anyway, I’m gonna look here again (probably everyday) because you make my day better and your work here is amazing. And sorry for writting this as anonim, but I am just shy and all lol.
Thank u for everything and I hope u had a great day ❤
bestie😭 💖🥰💕 you're so right that this game should be a joy and rn its anything but 😭😭 ya girl is going through it!! IDK how long you've been following me but ive been making excuses for Suresh for WEEKS and it's getting SO HARD. to the point where im like woah im getting second hand embarrassment! my only saving grace is that ive created so many fan fics for him I feel like my suresh lives in another world entirely different to FB's Suresh.
Im EXTREMELY disappointed in the mistreatment of frankly all of the characters this season. so I totally understand you needing to take a little break!! take all the time you need, the game will always be there!! I will say I know it may not seem like it now but I do think Alfie is end game if you want him back. If you did the Eddie Gem Scene you found out the Alfie secret he tells you that he still has feelings for you! So food for thought. I dont think we'll get Suresh until the end 😭 and Finn honestly almost made me jump ship this week if u did his gem scene, he was very sweet and he gave me the attention I needed.
Dont be sorry about being anon!!! ill take all the nice anons lol
have a great day babe 💖💕🥰
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daphuu · 5 years
Part One! Im sorry its taken me forever to reply!!!! i really am sorry if i made you worry, its just been very hot where i am so its been a little hard to focus on writing a coherent response :D ----- Ive written a few FAHC fics! (about 4 of them) my most recognised one is a raywood fic called 'A Handsome Stranger Called Death' (thats the real long boy). ----- I dont think you've done a fic rec for any of them but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, im also not in the FAHC chat! but it sounds cool! - brie xx
... seeing them on twitter is so lovely, everytime i see them it becomes real UWU hours ----- my book is kinda a mix of funny and ouch! its called 'dumb things to say in a street fight' and its a collection of sentences that range from "you eyes say bedroom but you knife says ER" to "you hit like my dad" and its in a ergodic kinda style (house of leaves but not quite) i love writting because its so fun to put words together and make something heartbreaking and beautiful. | Salem is a bastard boy! but i love him-hes got a grey and white coat (underbelly, nose, and paws white, grey the rest) i adopted him from a pound while looking for my sisters cat (he came home eventually dw!) because i saw him and fell inlove instantly, i named him salem because to me hes magic. Im very glad to hear that Lady is doing better!!! ----- my favourite drink is either super cold water, or straight up sprite! what about you? | yeah im starting uni in feb! ill be studying creative writing with a minor in japanese language! it took me so long to decide as originally i wanted to do astrophysics but took a physics class and decided it wasnt for me and dropped physics the next year for english extension! i learnt so much about literary theory 10/10 very cool and makes you question everything- YOUR SERIES SOUNDS AMAZING!!!! i would read the heck out of that!!!!! | honestly i could see myself getting sucked into that world instantly! writing can be slow going and as a fellow ADHDer i know how it feels when you set up a lot to write but! let each milestone you hit, whether its deciding a characters last name or writing 1000, 100, 50, or even just 5 words, fuel your monolithic desire to weave together words and make something beautiful like an old god pulling meaning from the stars!
Hi hiii! I’m glad you’re alive and well, Brie~!
Hoooo boy that fic is a good long one. I’m excited to read it—I’ve added it to my to-read list (lengthy, lengthy) and have it open in one of my tabs haha
Where are you????? It’s been pretty chilly here lately. Good ol’ Texas wishy-washy weather for ya! Also you should totally join the FAHC chat sometime! It’s pretty active tbh between people throwing out random headcanons and fic ideas and just general chatting :3 I love it!!
I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to respond to you. It’s been like a week or seven but I’ve been trying to focus on getting into this coding bootcamp course so I can get the heck out of my current living situation and into something infinitely more preferable. I’ve gotten into the course and now I’m just focusing on finishing the mandatory prework they require every student to finish before the first day of classes ;n; wish me luck ahhhhhhh
“Dumb Things to Say in a Street Fight” sounds like an amazing compilation, are you kidding me omg I would read that so quickly and then go test some of them xD xD sldjfkjlksj jkjk ofc “YOUR EYES SAY BEDROOM BUT YOUR KNIFE SAYS ER” has killed me. I laugh every time I see that in my inbox. thank you omgomg ahhaahahahahahahahahaha (”you hit like my dad” has me like 💀💀)
Salem sounds like a lovely bastard boy. He sounds adorable and if you don’t DM me pictures of Salem soon I might cry 😭😢😂
Lady is doing much better and is back to her usual prickly self. She still doesn’t like me, and unfortunately she has now equated me approaching her for pets or holds to “oh god the bad things are about to happen” so she runs away from me a lot now :( she still cuddles with my dad, though, the little assholes!! (both her and my dad are the assholes in this case btw)
Creative Writing FTW!! Hell yeah! Japanese language will be hella fun, too. I’ve always wanted to learn an Asian language. So far I’m stuck in North American languages for the most part since my goal is to use these languages and I hardly ever encounter Japanese people in my small section of Texas haha
Astrophysics sounds amazing though btw wow wow that would’ve been hella hard but super rad and interesting to learn. Creative writing is much more down my own alley--I hope you like your classes! When do they start? Have they already? You said “February” but idk when in February so
How have you been?
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buckynasty-blog · 6 years
i fucking hate you
“ what happened last night ? “
“hey ! that’s mine “
a/n : this bad bad fic is for @beefybuffybucky 2.4k writing challenge thingy ( im sorry )
warnings : not nsfw , but did talk a bit about , idk swearing and bad writting i still don’t get the warnings thingy , okay im leaving jeez you’re rude 
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waking up , bucky opened his eyes , his head was killing him , he cursed himself for drinking so much last night he probably failed the mission since he wasn’t even in his hotel room , he got up and rubbed his eyes and looked around his clothes were everywhere , he didn’t really care but then he saw the red dress it was the dress she wore last night 
“ FUCK “ he whisper-yelled and got up quickly , he ran to the fallen lap and took is boxers and tried to change as fast as he could ,  unfortunately  for him , you were up and right behind him , you only smirked at the man who was freaking the hell out that he didn’t even see you standing there
when he finally turned around , his shirt was inside out , his pants were half on , and his messy hair reminded you of the events of last night , you heard him whisper “ shit “ making your smirk grow
“ why hello there , james “ you smiled at him and went over to the table and poured some wine “ how’s your head , dear ?” you didn’t expect him to answer and he didn’t  “ jesus , what happened last night ? “ bucky asked , he sat down one your bed , you turned around and and sighed , leaning back on the wall “ hum wow “ he looked at you with fear in his eyes “ that’s not good ,  especially coming from you “
“ uh  no , i was saying wow to this wine  , it’s really good , yeah no you were boring as fuck last night , i drugged you and took you to another club , i destroyed all of your stuff so no one tracks me down  , you got drunk and started dancing in the pole , then we came back home and said a lot of stuff that you will deny if i say any of them “ you sipped your wine and looked at bucky , he looked so scared and confused it made you want to hug him
“ but we ..... did we ... ? “ bucky said , he pointed at you and the at him “ ya know .... last night ? “ you gave him a smirk and shook your head “ we didn’t do the nasty “ bucky let out a deep breath he was holding “ this never happened , and it never will , ever again “
before he got out you told him his shirt was inside out and his fly was down , when he took his shirt off then he saw it wasn’t his “ that’s not the shirt i was wearing last night “ he started looking for his shirt , then a guy came in , you forgot his name , he probably didn’t tell you anyways “hey ! that’s mine , thanks “ bucky turned around “ you said we didn’t do anything ! “ he looked at you with a furious expression “ well we didn’t you and however WOO baby , you did everyone expect me , i felt left out but oh well  “ you chuckled but then stopped when you realized how angry he was 
“ i honestly don’t get why you’re so angry , it’s not like you did anything wrong “ shrugging you started chugging the wine bottle , “ of course  i did something wrong ! being around is the worst thing ever ! , you in general are problematic , annoying , and just fucking pure evil “ he hissed , oh he could kill a person with that stare “ evil ? now thats just rude , i am the nicest person ever , who cares about the people who died because of me ? they got themselves there , i DO warn people before talking to me , or making a deal “ you walked towards him , your eyes turned to blood red , you gave him the same smile you give anyone when you take their soul “ they know what i want and they still agree , that’s it with you humans , you’re all pure , naive , and just really really fucking dumb , it kinda makes me sad “ “ hey uh im leaving , great night with you two “ the guy smiled and winked at you both , your eyes turned human quickly , you turned and waved with a sweet smile  “ we will get you , you will die for what you did “ you looked at him “ is that so ? “ 
“ yeah “
“ do it , right he , right now “ you took a gun and handed it to him , his face his angry expression turned into confused  “ what ? “ you took his hand and pointed the gun to your head “ do it , end it now , end me , all this work you have been doing to hunt me down , all these missions you waste your time on , do you want to keep on wasting your time on me ? you hate me , you want me dead everyone in SHIELD does , so why don’t you do everyone a favor and end my life “ 
bucky was speechless , he could end it right now , kill you and go back to his family , but he can’t , he wanted you out of this world , but he can’t he can’t just kill you , it’s too easy to do it , it didn’t feel right , he looked into your eyes , you bite your lip “ what’s wrong barnes ? don’t you hate me ? “ , he didn’t , he never did , he hated what you did , yes the people knew they will die or the thing they love the most will be taken away from them if they made a deal with you , you were fair 
what was he saying you kill people , you don’t care about anyone but yourself , all you do is use people a if they were nothing , you killed your own mother so you could turn into a devil , you killed countless people to get the things you wanted , without giving a shit about their families or the people who loved them .
his hand was shaking , this is it , all the years he worked for to get to this moment , no he has to , he pulled the trigger , letting the bullet go through your head and get out from the other side , you looked at him , you were shocked he did that , “  took you long enough “ before you fell he held your body , you felt his tears roll down to your exposed shoulders , “ im so sorry “ he whimpered “ im so so sorry “ you smiled waiting for him to figure it out 
a few seconds later , the crying stopped , you smiled , finally , he got up and dropped your body making you let out a small scream “ hey that was rude , ugh , i love this robe “ you got up and brushed it , when you looked at the slightly taller man in front of you , your smile disappeared , his face a bit red from crying , he leaned against the wall 
“ i fucking hate you “ he whispered but enough for you to hear him , his voice didn’t have any emotion in it , it kinda scared you , you walked towards him , he didn’t look at you he just starred at the floor “ another fail , barnes good job “ you patted his shoulder “ im immortal , how could you forget it ? , and what if you put me in jail ? , if anyone in this sorry ass world summon me , ill leave in a few seconds , you can’t just catch me and put me in a room and expect me to behave myself “ you shrugged you shoulders and looked down 
“ get out , and forget this , im not turning good , i won’t , i don’t care about this world , or anyone it in , not even you ,you can’t save everyone “ he looked at you “ you can if you actually try “ and just like that he put on his clothes - he wore them right this time - and left , and now that you think about it , the guys name was todd 
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