#idk what harrys doing with his arm dont worry bout it
queerdraws · 3 years
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drafting cover art for the KimxHarry Sunrise Parabellum playlist im working on
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the-cpu-system · 4 years
Nonbinary 2D❤
Also this is my first Gorillaz fanfic so pleasw just spare whatever this monstrosity will be.
This is very angsty and seems like anti-2Doc but trust me at the end it gets to the ship jhfhssj
Also sorry for any spelling errors!
||2D Snaps||
It was just a normal day, Noodle playing games on her DS in her room, 2D looking for literally anything in the fridge, Russel doing.. Russel things (idk I don't keep up with him I'm sorry), and Murdoc sitting at the table, beer bottle in hand, staring at 2D. " close the fuckin door ya good for nothin piece of!- " 2D turned around to be met with a glass bottle smashing inches from their face. They flinched just after that, pushing the fridge door close with their hip. " I- uhm- uh- I'm- I'm sorry I'm uh- I'm- " they apologized, Murdoc growling and leaning back. " get me another beer, you're the closest. " They seemed just absolutely confused but grabbed two beers from the fridge, giving one to Murdoc before going to walk away. " aye Stu, " they turned around to face the bassist, " come sit down next to me. " the singer slowly walked back over, just because they didn't want another bottle flung at them. They pulled out the chair, sitting down quietly. Their lanky arms were limp on the table, the sweating beer in hand. They didn't keep eye contact with him- well- they couldn't really keep eye contact at all but they just didn't look at him. They gulped down whatever fear they had. Besides, he shouldn't be scared of Murdoc. Bandmates shouldn't be scared of each other. They glanced up at Murdoc who, from above the table, was just drinking the alcoholic beverage quietly, ignoring 2D's existence. It was better than getting hit. Under the table though Murdoc's free hand found itself on 2D's thigh, hand dipping downwards to the in between area of Stuart's pants. The singer, actually being on time with this reaction, rather panickly scooted the chair away, standing up with the closed beer in hand. " I- uh- I gotta go to my room! " They left hurriedly, glancing back at Murdoc who's tongue rolled out of his mouth along with a growl.
The singer sat on their bed, headphones plugged into a damage phone that played Dirty Harry. It wasn't their most favorite, but they liked the song. Its one of the only ones that didn't remind them of Murdoc like Feel Good or Rhinestone Eyes did. They closed their eyelids, humming along to the song. With the volume all the way up they didn't notice the green figure that stood in the doorway, glaring with a glass bottle held in his clenched fist. For no other reason than because he can, he chucked a bottle at the singer for the second time today. They jumped up, eyes wide with fear. Their music had already stopped. They screamed in pain, the drunk not knowing why until they moved their hands. A giant glass chunk had landed in the void called their eye socket, and other pieces had cut into their face, blood seeping and spewing from the cuts. Disgusting sight. At least the both car crashes 2D was in to get their eyes gouged out werent bloody.. Or weren't as bloody, but that's just because Murdoc didn't really see Stuart's body. This time he did. Though through his drunken state he couldn't comprehend what the hell just happened, even after Noodle and Russel came rushing in and called an ambulance.
It was about a year after that incident. Murdoc had no recollection of it ever happening and 2D had gotten a therapy dog to cope. New year new me, I guess. 2D had to wear an eyepatch because it hadn't healed correctly, even after all that time for it to heal. Guess being pinned down on a couch and having beer poured into your eye socket does that. Murdoc had sworn off drinking, just to try and get clean and because of 2D's dog. Last thing Murdoc wanted was to hurt an animal. Of course Murdoc's new years resolution didnt last too long of course when another boring day rolled around another 5 bottles were inhaled like air.
A rule that was made was the dog (named Blue) wasn't allowed on the couch. Though, Blue liked to curl up on 2D's lap, or well, attempt to, Blue isnt really a lap dog. Blue is a husky. But 2D was watching a movie, the one they watch every single time they get the tv. Blue was on their lap, making sure they didn't freak out with Murdoc just in the other room mumbling about how he wanted to snap their neck. The bassist drunkenly stumbled into the living room after a good amount of time. 2D was now asleep, Blue doing the same on their lap. Blue's body hung over onto the couch cushions. This pissed Murdoc off. So without any thought he chucked the glass bottle at the dog. Blue yelled in pain, causing 2D to wake up. Murdoc realized what he did, eyes widening in horror. " Sh-Shit!- 'm sorry I didn't mean to!- " 2D was too worried for their dog to notice Murdoc apologize for once in his life. Murdoc never apologized for hitting Stuart, or for getting both their eyes gouged out, or for literally everything else. Though when the singer realized what Murdoc said they stopped, smiling softly at the fact that the bassist of the band did have a heart and morals just very.. Deep deep deep down in his green Satanist heart.
Noodle and Russel were in the room now, the drummer piecing everything together in his mind and yelled at Murdoc, deciding now wasn't the time for psyichal violence. Noodle still didn't notice what happened, she was just standing there awkwardly watching as Russel yelled at Murdoc (who just took the yelling, surprisingly) and 2D on the floor, arms wrapped around Blue, trembling with tears threatening to spill from their eyes. As she realize she made an " oOoh " and walked over to 2D, helping them to their room, along with the dog of course.
With the incident now a week behind 2D and Murdoc hasn't left their rooms. The singer wasn't in the right state, tried to restart his painkillers addiction a few days earlier, so the painkillers were hidden and now they just didn't have the strength to leave their room. The Satanist felt horrible. Guilty. Disgusted in himself. Picking up women, getting drunk, getting high, getting drunk AND high, abusing 2D, almost killing 2D a handful of times, dressing like a n@z¡ That one time, and everything else he's done were a-okay in his book but animal abuse. That drew the line. 2D probably hated him now. They should be hated him before but they never did. May out of fear. Everyone hated him, never really pretended not to. But Stuart. Stuart "2D" Pot never seemed to hate him. They also forgave him.
His head began to hurt bad, he needed some beer. No.. Something stronger. Whiskey? Vodka? Vodka. But that'd mean he'd have to go out of his room and potentially see 2D. Oh well. Alcohol over feelings any day.
He trudged out if his room, dressed in nothing but his underwear as he rummaged around in the fridge and cabinets for the vodka. Conveniently Blue had to go out, so 2D cane out of their room a few minutes after the green male, quickly letting the dog outside before turning around to retreat back to their room. Murdoc had noticed them and now the two were staring at eachother, being too nervous to say anything but too confident to just walk away. Eventually 2D spoke. It was quiet and raspy, as if they hadn't drank water in a while. " can I get a sip? " Murdoc nodded and handed it over to the bluenette, who chugged half the bottle in a matter of seconds. He didn't comment on it, just built up enough courage to apologize once more. " 'ey look 'm sorry bout your dog I didn't mean t- " " I don't forgive you. Stop apologizing. " " ... 'xcuse me? " this had never happened before. 2D had just.. Ran out of patience. Patience for Murdoc to get better. Yeah they loved the son if a bitch, but they couldn't take his shit anymore. " did you really think I'd forgive you after you threw a fuckin glass bottle at my dog that I got because of you? My therapy dog that I only got so I could cope with the fuckin trauma YOU gave me. Are you forgetting this?- " they flipped up their blue and black eyepatch to reveal the swollen and greenish-black eye socket. Murdoc cringed in disgust. They flipped the eyepatch back down, continuing to vent. " I sat- and still do sit- in my room, hoping, PRAYING to whatever exists that you'll change. That you'll realize how fucked up you are. That you'll love me instead of chuckin beer bottles at me. I know that apology that night was genuine. I thought for a second that you changed- but the few fuckin times we've seen each other since that are JUST like before- I CANT FUCKIN TAKE IT ANYMORE NICCALS- I- I FUCKIN QUIT. " Stuart didn't mean it. Of course they didn't. They loved Gorillaz, I mean there'd never be a singer more fit for the job than them. They were just too caught up in it. Blue knew that too. That's why the dog clawed at the door. " I- Stu- Stuart- you can't just- you can't just quit- " Murdoc attempted to move closer, though 2D staggered back and gripped the now empty vodka bottle, raising it up like they were gonna hit him. " D- DONT FUCKIN COME NEAR ME- " the bassist ignored this warning and came closer, being greeted with shattered glass and small droplets of vodka to the face. He fell on his ass, holding onto the now bloody side, rather ironically a piece had jabbed into his eye. Just like what happened with Stuart. Though Stuart just stared down, panting heavily, admiring what they had just done. This wasn't the 2D Murdoc knew. He had really corrupted them. The singer grinned, laughing as they threw the top part of the bottle down next to Murdoc for it to shatter. " 'ats karma. "
-6 years later-
Blue had sadly passed due to natural reasons, though 2D was able to overcome the death of their therapy dog and not resort to pills. Murdoc was doing better just now with one eye missing. The two had fixed their friendship, both went to rehab together. They had matching eye patches and were inseparable from each other. So there they were. At a live concert for the band. For the 6 years of healing their relationship they never went any further than just friendly things. Though the thigh grab Murdoc did 7 years ago still stuck in 2D's mind, the words 2D had said stuck in Murdoc's.
On stage the two stood close, sneaking lustful glances at eachother. Though as they sang all their old songs they kept getting closer, the crowd most definetly noticing. " JUST KISS ALREADY! " someone yelled, both of them laughing. So once Feel Good Inc. had ended 2D let the Mic stand swirl and almost fall, Murdoc catching on and handing his bass to Noodle. The two pulled each other close, lips connecting. Some of the crowd cheered, some booed. They could care less. The kiss got more heated, 2D bent down a bit, Murdoc grinding on them. Though the two realized it was time to stop and separated, a string of saliva following. They wiped their mouths and grabbed their instruments again, continuing the concert like nothing ever happened. Though everyone knew that the two were way more than just Bandmates now. They were lovers, fuck buddies, boyfriends, etc. And they sure as hell were gonna show it off to the world.
(Edit: why is this so long i )
#2doc #studoc #2dxmurdoc #stuartdoc
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