#idk if we have a card for cesar but like
viothesilly · 2 months
i dunno if i've said this yet, but a list of my current villagers in acnh:
bonus honorable mention: bones.
we miss bones. :(
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Dude! I loved your doctor fic it was really cute :3 if your taking requests right now, could you do a fluffy fic with Cesare,,? Have a nice day/night ✨
(Forcing my way through writer's block)
Fandom: Big Top Burger
Rating: Late night fluff
Readers Gender: Gender Neutral
Present Characters: Cesare, Reader,
Trigger Warnings: cursing, graveyards, absolute tom-fuckery
Notes: You can't tell me this dude isn't a bitch for graveyard picnics. 🤌 Living off fucking Monster energy and kids cuisine (and if someone tries arguing "bUt He DoEsNt EaT fOoD-" I will drop-kick a mfer for thinking kids cuisine counts as real food.) Super abrupt end, but I really wasn't sure how to finish it and I didn't want to keep avoiding the requests, sorry (;´ Д`) =3
"We are not having the 'food' in the back of your truck- if you can even call it that." you sneered, looking at Cesare from the passenger seat, watching him half-heartedly return the stubborn look "You're only complimenting me more by finding it that disgusting."
"At least stop by a gas station, we can get some junk there-"
"Only if your buying, fun-size" Flicking your forehead forcing you to back up from him, scoffing "if it means I can get something digestible." He simply laughed at that, changing direction, and pulling up to the nearest place he could find. The station was small, so finding something that could even closely resemble a full meal was out of the question. Upon entering you found the building completely barren of any life aside from the cashier, eyeing you two suspiciously. Cesare always looked like the undead, but the fact you were still in costume didn't help the sight before the old man watching you two brows the small isles. Most dates were few and far between, late in the night, and typically on a whim after the others of Zomburger had left for the day. This happened to be one of those days, leaving you still in costume and sticking out from the normal public, makeup likely smudged from all the work you'd done in the stuffy van.
A majority of your time there was spent deciding if the food here was worse than whatever was mutating in the back of the Zomburger van, only tucking a few things under your arm as you went, eventually making a bee-line for the counter and dumping your items before the cashier. Cesare fumbling to make sure nothing fell off before finishing the stack by throwing a small bag of off-brand sour gummy worms on top. You rolled your eyes at him before patting around for your wallet before humming "Shit, think I left my card at home-" looking up to Cesare who just glared at you, silencing holding for a moment before he muttered, "For fucks sake, you'd lose your head if it wasn't attached, wouldn't you?" Stepping forward, wallet in hand, to pay for the pile of crap you'd picked out together, a sly grin pulling on your lips from behind his back. Sure you had your wallet- But it wouldn't kill him to pay every once in a while too.
Everything was thrown haphazardly on the floor at your feet, covering the blanket you kept there for spontaneous dates like this; or when the truck was especially cold during the cooler seasons. The radio blared some obscure grunge music that you didn't pay much attention to, watching the city lights as you were driven past them. Taking in the change of scenery as it changed to a small residential area and then a light forest. You recognized the turn to the old cemetery, already prepping to gather the food and go.
There was an old tree in the middle of the graveyard, mostly barren and reaching its twisted branches into the sky. There was something comforting about the old hunk of wood as the two of you settled beneath it, fanning the blanket out for comfort.
(Highkey might try to finish later, idk)
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isa-ghost · 3 years
Hooby Heeby Time to Watch Mandela Catalogue
Ah fuck me this weird grainy TTS voice shit always spooks me
But in that way yall JSE followers usually see me being horny for Anti. Its that Good Spooky
Hold the fuck up I gotta grab me some chips n dip we strappin in
Tag urself I’m bighead man in the middle
TELL an authority member about your encounter. Hm no I dont think I will, we’re gonna be besties and do crime
Identify the class type?? Ok so this is some SCP shit now
...Wait I’m thinking of Anti bc of that oh.
Type 3: Slender Man
hey not to be rude but fuck that thing in the corner he needs to make like socialism and distribute that tall equally. to me. give me some tall
Gotta say, the patriotic music in the background of this urgent emergency broadcast message is really fucking funny to me
Can’t use psychological warfare on me if I do it to myself already *that What meme music plays as the camera freezes on my dumb face*
Oh fuck yeah we in that analog horror babieeee
Idk Victim 2 kinda hot
Cesar huh 😏
Cesar haunted house poggies
Am I gonna regret jokingly simping
I have decided I do not like the stairway cam
New gender unlocked: Suddenly Open Door
“It followed me home, Cesar”
Me, chugging my flavored water rn:
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...I was mindin my business watching and my Discord crashed. When I paused my Discord came back and as soon as I unpaused MC again it crashed again. Hm.
You cant give me unhinged man laughter I just simp
When am I gonna stop memeing and start shitting in fear
But nobody came :)
When the caller has an emergency, contact the weewoo wagon
Do not help a caller reporting an alternate encounter?? Bitch that sounds like something that should be your job. >America moment 🙄
“Nothing is worth the wait, nothing is worth the wait” Oh hello that’s getting saved as an idea for my OC shit later
Toddler stress responses?? Oh we in some psychology now, this my major :00 *waits for the horrific shit to happen*
There’s a man in the closet? Its 2021, let him come out. He’s valid
Gonna be real with you I paused here for at least 10 min bc my streamer distracted me with a fart video
*sees hooded smiling man* *and then goes to sleep the end!!!!* HM YEP THATS NOT BAD AT ALL
Why he look like a drug addict tho. He want sum crack
Curse my Gen Z humor, this is literally so funny to me and for what
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Hm that whispering’s not very pogchamp
Who is this man, he looks like he did a crime
This TTS voice sounds like a Karen
Me coping with the creepy baby crying by focusing on how that saturated af pic of the crib makes it look like the blanket is just a giant slice of cheddar cheese:
Wtf is this music >_>
Yeah no I expected the hanging whoop there it is
Okay how does all of this stuff connect bc I’m gettin interested and my crackhead hours are winding down
Okay the man in the corner boutta catch these fuckin hands
I am ironically so tired after the busy day I had I s2g I’m gonna pass out soon and some weird shit’s gonna go down in my dreams wish me luck
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hopelessly-me · 4 years
Could you write something for winterhawk about how clint is always at Bucky’s place, and when bucky is in Clint’s apartment, he notices small things clint has/uses so Bucky gets those things and leaves them around his place for Clint? Idk if that’s too specific 😅 sorry.
Hey anon! Not too specific, I swear. But I could probably have made this a lot longer, but alas! I wanted to keep it somewhat short and sweet. Either way, thank you for this prompt! I hope you enjoy it!
“Are you sure you are okay with this?” Bucky asked, dropping his backpack on the ground next to him.
“Uh, yeah?” Clint answered as he fished out his keys. “Why wouldn’t I be? You’re my boyfriend. I love you, and I am pretty sure you’ve never been to my apartment before. Just, uh- don’t mind the mess? I tried. And! And, my bed isn’t nearly as comfortable. Actually, for that matter, neither is my-”
“Babe.” Bucky kissed Clint’s cheek. “I’m dying here. You gotta open the door.”
“Yeah yeah, alright,” Clint said, opening up the door to his apartment.
Ever since they decided to have a serious relationship, Clint largely stayed at the Tower, and specifically in Bucky’s rooms. Clint had given up his own floor because he said it was silly to have a place to stay when his Bed-Stuy apartment had been so close. Bucky was pretty sure Clint was just avoiding having to furnish the place, make it his own. Bucky, however, didn’t mind having Clint stay with him, it was more convenient that way. 
The Tower was going through an energy change, or something- honestly, Bucky only listened to about forty percent of what Tony had been saying. All he knew was that it was winter, there wasn’t going to be any heat, and Bucky didn’t escape HYDRA just to be frozen again, but this time in his apartment. Without hesitation, Clint told him to come stay with him at his apartment with the biggest smile on his face, and there was no way to say no to that.
Clint’s apartment was exactly how Bucky pictured it. Sure, there was a bit of a mess, but it felt like Clint in the best ways. There was a dart board, and holes in the wall obviously from Clint shooting his bow. There was a map with little pinpoints all over it, showing everywhere Clint had been; all around the map were photos tacked to the wall of Clint and various people on his trips. In under a minute Bucky could see at least five blankets scattered about, four of them on his couch and chair, and one nestled on top of what Bucky suspected to be Clint’s kitchen table.
“I know it’s kinda mess, but I had to go to DC for an emergency and-” Clint started to apologize.
“Babe, really, it’s fine,” Bucky assured him. He closed and locked the door before he pulled Clint into a hug and a brief kiss. “I finally get to see where you live when you aren’t with me or halfway across the world.”
Clint grinned. “Well then. Welcome home. Two bathrooms. One there, half bath, and one upstairs, attached to the bedroom. Kitchen is there, stocked with coffee and non-healthy food.”
“Because of course it is,” Bucky said, trying to sound stern and failing.
“And- yeah. Anything that is mine, is yours,” Clint said. “Uh- do you want me to actually walk you around or…?’
“I’ll manage,” Bucky answered. “That being said, you need to go to bed. You have been up for over twenty hours now.” Clint pouted, actually pouted, and Bucky tossed him his backpack. “Take my clothes up with you. I’ll be up there soon. And try a shower.”
“Are you saying I smell, Barnes?” Clint asked. “You could always shower with-”
“Night. Love you.”
Clint whined and dragged his feet, dramatically going upstairs. “Night. Love you. Shower then bed. Oh, uh- if you need anything, just let me know. Or if you go one flight down from here there is Simone. She can help you. She knows you are staying here with me for the next few days.”
“You told Simone about us?” Bucky asked, looking up the stairs to Clint.
Clint paused and looked conflicted. “Uh- so if I say yes, am I in trouble?” Clint asked.
“No. I’m just- you tell people we are together?”
Clint tilted his head. “I mean, you are my boyfriend,” Clint said. “Should I stop?”
“No. Anyway, good night,” Bucky called. He never wanted Clint to stop. The feeling of sheer joy at hearing Clint admit that he tells others he is in a relationship, specifically with Bucky- it was almost overpowering. Bucky waited until Clint was in the shower to explore.
Little things were hidden away everywhere it seemed. A few decks of cards, tinker toys that looked worn out from use, and even tools. Bucky picked up a few of the objects, running his fingers over the surface. Bucky never really realized just how much Clint seemed to like to tinker with things, liked to keep his hands busy. He started looking about the living room and the kitchen, finding more objects that Clint had stored away. Cookbooks on coffees of all varieties, frothers, not that Bucky had ever actually seen Clint drink coffee any way other than black. There was even a little timer on his kitchen bench, a rubber duck, which was both adorable and endearing, and Bucky loved every little quirky thing he could find.
He started with the kitchen, washing the dishes and putting them away. He went through the fridge and freezer, checking dates and doing what he could to try to clean up some of the mess without being overly intrusive. Bucky smiled fondly at the container in the fridge of cut up apples and peanut butter, even though Bucky wasn’t sure peanut butter was supposed to be in the fridge. He didn’t know Clint even ate apples.
By the time Bucky was through cleaning what he thought he respectfully could, he climbed the stairs up to the loft bedroom. Clint was already fast asleep, curled up under one blanket, only a mess of blond hair peeking out for Bucky to see. He couldn’t wait to crawl under those covers and lay as close as he could without waking Clint, waiting for the moment Clint would turn and sprawl over Bucky like he did every night.
Bucky chuckled and went to the bathroom where a brand new, still in the case, toothbrush was laid out and he smiled down at it, touching the packaging lightly. When he looked over towards the toilet there was a stack of towels and washcloths placed just so, a clear indication that he had left them out for Bucky’s use.
It was almost overwhelming in an odd sort of way. Bucky was used to Clint being loving, but it was the small things that still got to Bucky. Like the fact he noticed that Clint had set aside an extra towel because he must have seen Bucky pile his hair up in one at least a few dozen times. There was two wash clothes with a small package of Q-tips on top because after dating for several months even Clint was a pro at cleaning out the plates of Bucky’s arm. And before Bucky even had to go into his bag he saw two bottles in Clint’s shower that would have been foriegn to his boyfriend but not to Bucky- it was Bucky’s favorite brand of shampoo and conditioner. Bucky hazarded a glance across the counter and sitting there, right in the corner, was the same hair product Bucky used every time he was out of the shower.
He rushed through his shower, even rushed through cleaning out the plates of his arm. Bucky wanted, needed, to crawl into bed, this time not so subtle. Clint groaned and turned, looking at Bucky with that sleepy look that he loved so much. Bucky pulled him closer and kissed him, starting with his lips, and then his forehead before he could get Clint to settle down so he could kiss the top of his head.
“Whaz goin’ on?” Clint mumbled against Bucky’s chest, an arm draping across and holding Bucky in place.
“Nothing. I just… I love you,” Bucky said, knowing Clint couldn’t hear a word he was saying. It didn’t matter, Clint was back asleep in no time flat.
*~ some time later~*let’s do a time hop shall we?~*
“What is this?” Clint asked, picking an item up off the coffee table.
It had been a month since Bucky spent three nights at Clint’s, and slowly he had been adding things to his apartment, trying to pay back the effort Clint had taken when Bucky was visiting. It wasn’t much- he didn’t want to overload Clint. Each week he would add something new. One week he had added two more blankets to his living room, draping them carefully over a chair and the back of the couch. The one was purple ombre down to pink, the second was an Avengers themed. The next week he added a few more creamers into his fridge, ones he never would have known Clint enjoyed if it wasn’t for staying at his apartment. Clint cheered at the peppermint, putting just a splash in and humming happily. 
“It’s a fidget toy,” Bucky answered, glancing over his phone to take a look. “Sam told me about them. I thought I should pick a few of them up.”
“Huh. Cool.” Clint smiled and Bucky turned the television on. “So what are we watching?” he asked, his hands still working with the tinkering toy.
“There’s a history program on Cesar and his reign I was thinking about watching,” Bucky answered. “Figured we could order some takeaway and watch that and whatever other shows come on.”
“I don’t even know who that is but sure. Food and shows, time to cuddle,” Clint said. “I think I can live with that.”
It was several hours later, filled with Clint playing with the tinker toy, eating more Mexican food than either of them should have ate, and a debate on the intricate, intimate drawings on the buildings in Pompeii, and Bucky had convinced Clint that it was time for bed. Clint didn’t even bother protesting it, instead tossing the toy back onto the table and dragging the blanket down to the bedroom with him. They both brushed their teeth and changed.
Clint didn’t even bother to start off on his own side of the bed. As soon as Bucky was down, Clint had crawled on top of him and kissed his jawline. “I know what you are doing. And thank you,” he said.
“What?” Bucky asked.
“The toy. The creamers. Even that new timer in the kitchen,” Clint commented. “You are trying to make this place more and more like home for me. I figured I should tell you thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Bucky said, a hand passing over Clint’s back. “I just want to make sure you are comfortable here. Have everything you need. And it’s probably better for my pens and pencils that you aren’t whacking them on everything, or shaking them, or whatever it is you do.”
Clint chuckled and laid his head down on Bucky, pulling the blankets up higher like he did every night. “Hun, I would be comfortable here if this place was bare. Home is pretty much anywhere you are.”
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kaescapos · 4 years
THE BIG EASY RP WEEK 2020 [day three]
↳ best written otp ship (yours)  → KAE + ELLE (#VISAR & #JOMAS)
so maybe i cheated a little bit but idk how i’m suppose to choose between these two ships.  they’re best written because they’re my most written ships.  and i think that’s pretty impressive because they’re pretty even thread wise throughout the year and they’re both a mix of fun and angst, big plots and little filler moments of cute. which means that i get to delve into these characters, (mine and elle’s) so much more then my others.  its so nice writing the two ships side by side they’re so different yet we’ve found parallels between them as well.  its even more fun because of the connection between vince and tom so there has been a little cross over which i always find amusing.
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VINCENT armstrong x CESAR cortez
i really don’t know where to start with these two.  but i’m certain they’re going to be the cause of my death.  see mlm is kind of my kryptonite and has been since before it was mainstream. so i’ve always wanted a ship like this, but i didn’t think i’d get one quite like this.  and its such a pleasure to write even when i hate them.  if you were on tbe prior to visar you might have noticed the difficulty getting a writing partner for a m/m (or even f/f) ship to stick.  i watched elle try it multiple times with a couple different characters, i had an ad up a couple times for a male love interest.  nothing stuck.  i almost took the ad for terry but it was bad timing for me. but i will never regret holding out for vincent.  because oh my god vince.  i absolutely adore this literal beam of sunshine.  but if you think that’s all he is you need to take a closer look at him.  he’s multidimensional, he’s got real feelings and hurts deeply but loves fiercely. he’s got such a big heart, he gives more then he should but he is learning to value himself and his feelings more.  and for some reason the man fell in love with cesar. tez is the polar opposite. he’s storm clouds and trauma, guarded, he’s harsh and selfish.  he doesn’t know how to sugar coat anything. but tez is also learning.  he’s learning from past mistakes.  he’s slowly coming to realize what it is he wants and knows what its going to take to get that.  tez may never learn how to love conventionally or traditionally but he will figure out how it works for him.  that is one of their tragic components the way they experience and show love and how it does not match up.
i laugh every time i remember they weren’t suppose to be this. they were suppose to be a stepping stone to the next chapter in their lives, apart.  but god am i glad it didn’t play out that way.
the thing with visar currently is they are either really good for one another or really bad for each other. they have not figured out how to find that middle ground, that balance.  i like writing the two of them because they are complex.  together, in their own right and both elle and i stay true to that, we don’t come up with easy fixes, often we make things worse. i love to hate the fact that they’re built on miscommunication and bad timing.  that would be the second tragic thing between them, tez does not realize what vince is preparing himself for and vince doesn’t realize what tez is preparing himself to do.  they’ve gone through so much this past year. from redefining their relationship to one another a couple of times, to committing murder.  tez has been more open with vince in the last year then he’s been in six.  their whole thread series of their tarot cards threads were some of my favorite stuff to write last year.  i know where they’re going and i can’t wait to get there, because i can’t think of two people that deserve to be happy more.
tez may be the worst thing to happen to vince, but vince is the best thing that’s happened to tez
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JOSEPHINE jayakumar x TOMAS pelletier
SIGH jomas. i love jomas.  i adore jo.  i stalked jo when the her big friend group was still around on the board and interaction with one another frequently and i just really adored her from the start.  for the longest time i didn’t really know how to interact with her, lbr because i didn’t know how to branch out.  but i have never been happier that i did not have romantic plans for tom when elle brought it up.  i wasn’t sure what to expect because i’d never shipped with elle before and visar was still only a month old, but i’ve stalked a lot of elle’s ships on tbe so i knew shipping with her would be a great experience.  i have regrets on the daily like one does when there are emotional connections with plots and characters.
i stalked jo but i never really truly knew her and it has been quite the trip getting to know her and i love every inch of her.  she is such a good fit for tom and i like to think that he’s a very good fit for her.  they’re similar to one another, with their experiences in abandonment, their mothers having been big influences in their lives. but when you look at them you can see how their similarities affected them differently.  it hardened jo a bit while tom still allowed himself to be open and vulnerable.  they’ve gone from hating one another to dating and one of my favourite things has been the fact that tom had no idea they were dating until just before may.  one of the funnest things to write with them is the fact that they roast one another constantly though jo usually gets the best zingers in there, it doesn’t bother tom because he brings up the mark consuelos comment.  i appreciate that they have not lost that part of who they are nor the fact that even though they’re dating they don’t always say the right thing with one another.
i feel for jo every time i read that she thinks that she’s not good enough, that she thinks she’s always someone’s second choice. i hurt for her whenever she picks apart her appearance and those insecurities come across her mind.  i think this is where one of the most authentic things about them comes into play.  tom does not see her like that, which should not be confused with tom thinking she’s perfect.  because he doesn’t think that. but he does not care about all those things that make her normal and keep her from looking like a victoria secret model.  tom sees those flaws and he’s still all heart eyes over her because he does not need perfect, he just needs her to be jo.  she centres tom, calms him down but she also encourages him and you have no idea how happy i am about the fact that jo will encourage tom’s rough play on the ice and then turn right around and mother him the moment the game is over.
i’m gonna cry a lot over these two in the next few months.
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Ikke helt det samme. Med tanke p at alle det ikke gr ut over folk som har tatt vaksine, for de er vel trygge? Og regner med at de som ikke tar, tror at kroppen selv m klare st imot / g igjennom sykdommen og bygge en immunitet. Noe som de selv da har ansvar for. The biggest benefit for this change would be the fact that it completely stops all wilderness lures. You still won want to die with a party hat on. Those things cost 10m to reclaim. The downtown streets that run east to west are all numbered and previously were called the names of Texas trees. And some still are, depending on which part of the street you're on, as do local businesses near those streets. In numerical order (south or north), major downtown streets include Cesar Chavez/First Street; Second Street (Live Oak); Third Street (Cypress); 진주출장마사지 Fourth Street (Cedar); Fifth Street (Pine); Sixth Street (Pecan); Seventh Street (Bois d' Arc); Eighth Street (Hickory); Ninth Street (Ash); 10th Street (Mulberry); and 11th Street (Mesquite).. Furthermore, after switching industries over to finance with a focus on the China market, I want to make it clear to anyone that is hurr durring this Tencent buy: they absolutely can and intend to censor. As another Redditor stated, it is a cultural war. That is how this country sees it. It's funny you say it'll bring down too performers. I'm considered one and I've been thinking of quitting if I don't get a promotion or raise this next cycle. I make roughly $1000 more than him and we are the same classification. Besides, some aspects have been handled rather weakly imo. I would have preferred if none of the masters stayed. It doesn make sense to me that Mei would just return. Its not that bad of a game. Ive got over 90 hours in it, with most of that time being really enjoyable. Baring the few really bothersome bugs i encountered of course. It arrives offcycle from their paychecks, which are usually 100% allocated against their bills and daily expenses already. The tax refund for a lot of these people may be the biggest check they see each year. Because it not allocated like paychecks, it may also be the only big chunk of money they see in a year for things like a car down payment or paying off an outstanding credit card or medical bill.. I going back to him" not that exactly but the was the point of the text. I destroyed a door. Just punched and kicked it until it was just splinters. Vanilla custard v1 cap and banana cream tfa contain either or both Acetoin and Acetyl Propionyl, which may have something to do with it, but they do not have any sweetener in them. Some flavorings behave differently than others. I notice any mix I make with strawberry ripe discolors and kills my coils quickly. I loveeee the new ones however. I normally don't wear lipstick because I don't like to draw attention to my full and uneven lips but these look pretty on me without looking too bold. These are basically like a tinted lip balm but can be built up to a higher pigmentation without looking weird or patchy.. I 진주출장마사지 like to think she would have fun looking back at the pages and see photos of her dad and I, her uncle and I, grandparents, old pets, etc. I still print out tons of photos and hang photos on the wall but idk I really enjoy using social media to share. And no my kid won't see my message to them if I say happy birthday but who cares lol she won't see my written notes either until she's not older, but I still do them.
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weaponizedhorse · 7 years
Okay let me update you guy about what has been going with me the last like 5 days so I was outside one night had bummed a smoke from jen and this guy was trying to get a room but his friend was booking it and the friend had the card so he was sitting next to me almost crying cause he said that his boyfriend had hit him and tried to get him put in a mental ward and locked him out of his motel room where most of his stuff was
So he went to seven 11 to try and get a paypal card that guy could put money on and he could get a room but didnt have enough money to pay for the card and I know the people at 7-11 so we threw his stuff in my room and we went over there and cesar gave us a couple bucks for a card which turns out it needed 10 dollars and he said he would pay him right back so i gave cesar my id to hold on too, all night with this shit i ended up having to give cesar 10 dollars of my own money to get my id back and a he didnt get a room til the next day and he brought over more stuff he said he had had to stach in buses by the other hotel
Now on the second day he's telling me tommorrow  he's gonna get a Uhaul and maybe a storage unit so next day he goes to get and he says they wont take the netspend care he ended up getting after the paypal card cause it wouldnt work and asks me if we can use my card to rent the uhaul and i am not comfortable with this because i know how uhaul works and if you dont return it on time or fill it up it will charge you so then to the next day of having this stuff in my room and i am getting really bad anxiety about it i dont have the energy to do this I am in pain and he keeps trying to get me "cbd" oil or oxys and i keep telling him it's okay then he's telling my mom his life story and rape keeps coming up and it sends me into a full blown panic attack and I had to go outside. This day he said his friend was getting off at 6 and was gonna come pick him up.
And during all this he was using a smart watch as a phone he filled a claim to get his phone which HE shattered replaced and had it sent to some adress then tells me the people returned it so he calls again and says his orginal phone was "lost" and they rejected the claim. Now on he day he was supposed to leave he is calling them again using my mom phone telling them all this crazy crap and idk if he's gonna get another phone but im almost positive he has the replacement
So while im outside having a panic attack i was like are they gonna come get you and he says he has to get a car them come back and I was like " I can just call you a lyft i have a free lyft ride" and he's like " I can even ride in cars blah blah" well how you gonna drive one? And i was just like " I'm just anxious i wanna go to sleep you said you were gonna get it done" so he flips out on me like " I'll fucking go get my shit right now" so then he goes to talk to my mom who just said he can keep it here til five am and he comes out all sweet like " i'm sorry i snapped at you"
So now this morning 5:05 ish am when we asked him to be here he was like " so just call me that lyft and i'll get out of your hair" and then he asks us for a blanket which we dont have any extra and i get the lyft and say it's gonna be here in 2 minutes he's like not moving. The lyft gets here i tell them who it's for and he'll be out in a minute but he's taking sooo long and i just woke i am in horrible pain and i'm like " just remember there is a guy waiting outside for you" and he just flips the fuck out " i'm fucking hurring idk what else you want me to fucking do" like screaming and my mom is like " david honey please be quite your gonna get us kicked out" he starts literally throwing his stuff out of the room and asks me for his food so i get it and out it on top of his stuff and he goes " are you fucking serious are you really fucking serious" so i was done i said " get out. Get out of my room now" not yelling the whole time cause it's fucking 5 am at a motel but he thought I was then he's banging on the door like "my back pack is in here my chargers are in here i'm gonna call the police i'll get you kicked out by the end of the day"
I had gave him a back pack cause he was complaining about his and that one shoulder one I use to use no one uses and I hate and he took my moms fucking phone charger and i had to order a new one out of my fucking laundry money. He's all " i'll get you kicked out call the police" but had no trouble taking my lyft or the back pack or all the other things i gave him to try and help him
Like I literally live in a fucking motel ai can't deal with the stress of having this shit here all the time and having to wake up whenever the fuck he shows up
So I have learned my lesson about helping people. I am gonna stick to giving spare change and giving people like brownies when i think it will help their day. I was sobbing last night from the stress and on top of it i fell the other day and fucked up my shoulder and back and i thought my shoulder was ok but it keeps hurting.
Oh and on top of this this dude apparently has some form of cancer my mom ( who works in the medical field) and I have never heard of and stage 4 liver failure says his resting heart rate should be 126, a partially collapsed lung and all this other weird shit but he seems to have a lot of energy for someone who has cancer and liver failure and smokes with a partially collapsed lung but cant seem to understand i cant hang out at 12 oclock at night cause i'm getting no sleep im fucking exhausted and in pain and still guilt tripping me into sitting outside so he can use my kindle to file his like 4th ( that i've seen) phone thing when i am out of meds for the day
And on top of that he took a shower in my shower and shaved and didnt clean shit up so i had to with my fucked up shoulder.
So you can be too nice
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