#idk if im even articulating any of my thoughts clearly lmfao
diorstarr · 2 years
Regarding that thing about feedback you reblogged: I totally agree that people gotta give more feedback esp when anon is an option (I personally do 90% of my feedback on anon bc a few ppl I know irl have my tumblr and I don’t necessarily wanna reblog smut onto their dash)
When I was writing fanfic for a fandom without much content of that nature, I gave up on posting my 100k word fanfic because all I ever got were likes and I didn’t know if anyone genuinely liked where the story was going. More feedback!! Pls it saves writers
yeah, thank you! i think you bring up a lot of good points. especially that there are so many ways one can give feedback and actually acknowledge why they like the content they are consuming. anon is almost always an option esp if you don't want to reblog smut/dark fics (which i totally understand esp if you don't wanna put it on other ppls dash)
i do think ppl have confused likes with as the only positive reaction they can give. this isn’t tiktok or Instagram or really any other social media platform lol. likes tell writers nothing! and im not asking for an essay of what you thought of my work. no one is. but a little acknowledgement would be nice. bc of encouragement/love ive gotten on other fics ive been inspired to write more! 
and its soooo hard esp for a smaller/dead fandom i totally agree. especially if you’re writing a lot (like 100k words. my god ur stronger than me lolllll) or something thats personal.  and its so hard to put your work out in the world, see it get liked with nothing else!! im sure that one of these days ill take down all my work lmao just bc of the lack of interaction (and by interactions i mean reblogs/comments) 
anyways. thank you for this. im glad im not the only one that thinks this way, and feedback really does save writers!! i promise!!!
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