#idk greif or something
border-collie · 1 year
I'm so excited and nervous about meeting the dog today. I really want her to work out, but also don't want to force it. And in the end, I KNOW she isn't going to be Echo and I'm worried that he is the standard I am holding when I am looking for a dog to replace him. Is it even fair to be looking for a dog to replace him? I don't know. I need another dog, not a puppy like Ever, that I can really dig into training with. I was supposed to have two dogs and that's where my heart wants me to be right now, but what if my standards are too high?
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oh i miss drawing things where the perspective makes no sense
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groupwest · 2 years
ok i’m posting my cover letter i’m sick of looking at it… i’m sure i will be able to finish it myself but any help is appreciated, i just have said the same words too many times, and some paragraphs could end more eloquently
Working in a funeral home is not a position that usually appeals to most individuals, however, I find myself in the position of having a skillset that I believe could benefit from taking my career path in this direction. I want to bestow a kindness upon bereaving families, by reassuring them that their loved ones will be treated with compassion, even after they have left this life. I hope to work towards being a Funeral Director, myself. In addition to the technical skills required for this career path, I would be able to bring forth the empathetic skills that I believe define what it is to work in a funeral home.
This has been a lifelong interest of mine. I'm incredibly passionate about how the industry is evolving, people are seeking more eco-friendly, sustainable and natural burial methods, as well as home funerals and cremation alternatives. I think these options are extremely valuable to communities, cultures, and the future of our planet.
Though I lack conventional experience in this field, my other skills lie with animal husbandry, which has taught me a great deal about death, though visceral and painful, the confronting experience can be transformed into a healing process for those involved when treated with grace, love and acceptance. My mother and I offer a service of dispatching problem roosters, this is something that animal welfare organisations like the RSPCA do not offer, it can be very stressful and daunting for people, ultimately leading to abandonment of animals or dangerous environments. This undertaking requires huge amounts of empathy & compassion, as well as fortitude, a strong will, and deft hands. I really do feel this offers me a great insight & unique perspective into this kind of work.
What I’m seeking most of all is guidance and training to aid me in breaking into the industry, to network, and continue to expand on my skills & knowledge. Any advice, information or opportunities would be greatly appreciated.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me for any more information, I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your time and your consideration.
Sincerely, Neptune Ψ
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docterzerocare · 1 year
So we all know jimmys canary curse and the angst implications of it but hear me out
What if the intention was good?
What if the intention was to save him from whats to come, get him out of the death game before things truely start to spiral?
What if it was suppose to be mercy?
Obviously it didnt play out that way and he still has his fair share of suffering for it but.. he never has to grieve allies and friends, just himself
He never had to make a gravestone for a fellow player, never went mad with greif and fear
Idk who'd push to get him out like this, maybe his connections to the listeners (martyn has too many Eyes on him but they can get away with getting jim out as a "curse"?) or maybe another part of grians meddling (for the avian sibling truthers out there) or something else?
Just had a thought of listener kirsty trying to get him out (we love to deify block mens wives/girlfriends) and now im rotating listener kirsty in my head, like when she tells tim stuff in streams ("why are you Listening to scott and not me??")
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Proof that Jin had developed feeling for yi ( in the movie part 2)
6. After Jin is taken by burnish and company we see how once again he wants to make sure himself yi and peng can get home safely and asks them if they can do that and reminder he doesn't really have to make sure yi is safe only really his cousin (at this point in the movie we can tell he actually likes Everest too like yi and peng but he gets swayed into seeing Everest as a monster lowkey because he kidnapped yi as I mentioned in part one) but then he finds out that the actual villan is planning on getting Everest but also hurt yi and peng if they really have to which leads to my next point.
7. Okay so here's were it honestly more about the character development of Jin but something about the montage were we see him give up his phone and allow himself to get dirty without complaining which up till this point in the movie he was more uptight and egotistical with only hints of his true nature of being really caring but why I'm bring this up is because to me(I think yi really made him realize why they should be helping Everest and he doesn't admit/hint at this till the most real proof in the movie along with the ending of the movie which I think is really Senifacant when I talk about the series and it's proof)
8. Finally the main four all are together again while escaping from "burnish and company" though nothing here is hard proof of Jin's possible feeling for yi (I think this is were I got some of the most married couple vibes or fling in the movie at least and honestly their so funny and cute like in these gifs because they would just finish each other's sentences Jin is doing so here but early on in the film yi finished Jin's in the blueberry scene I wanted to add more gifs but tumbler only allows 10 so I making sure that I can use them up properly)
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9. After they escape this is when yi violen is broken which means alot for her since her dad also played and he passed away so since Jin knows the situation the best and know her since childhood he goes to talk to her in which he apologizes for what the said during their fight which I mentioned in the first post and yi tries to apologize back but then Jin makes a joke about he is in fact the worst and she was right causing her to smile after all that he and yi head back to (were peng and Everest was and we see that Everest fixed her violen with the strings being his magic fur )overall I love this moment be we really get to see how much he cares for yi through him and not someone else and how this is such a big character moment for yi (even just based of his expressions and body language you'd be able to tell how much he cares about her TELL ME THAT LAST LOOK ISN'T ONE OF LOVE LIKE COME ON!!!!!)
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10. After this they continue on their adventure and then they figure out that with Everest fur as the strings of yi's violen are actually magic (ok but I loved the looks that Jin gave the whole time even before they started noticing the magic because its the type of looks I see/give when you'd have a crush on someone but idk I might be stretching on this one) anyways Jin afterwards goes up and gives her a flower and says : " we're so going to the Himalayas " which is contrasting what he would say at the being it the movie when he does this you can tell yi is confused by all the things that are going on but also and her greif is starting to heal that's why I think that momment lingers for a bit then moving on (also I have a whole thing about the flower he gave here because for one it actually probably relates to yi's greif but even Jin's possible feelings for yi which will be it's own post)
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After the last 10 points their isn't really much showing proof of Jin's feeling since that's the climax of the film and any tiny moment the movie gave us we already figured out in the first couple of points I made or can be adressed in a future post of mine (honestly the climax is when there's like a tiny bit of proof that yi could also have feelings but I see more signs from her in the series which I'll probably talk about after my flower post and more moments from the film that I didn't post but I thought are Senifacant or cute/credits and even official books + concept art ) but here's a cute moment I love them so much
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Part 1 :
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tyrannuspitch · 1 year
another very interesting thing - we mostly see the clones from the perspective of the originals, so we see them as aligned with grief/stellenbosch/etc and their whole abusive institution. but that definitely isn't the whole story.
the original mystery of point blanc is how they're making the pupils to act so eerily, inhumanly perfect. what kind of nightmarish and/or horrendously invasive treatment they're putting them through to make them act precisely how they want. and the answer we're given is "they're being replaced with clones". but once you remember that clones are, in fact, also people... that's not an answer at all. it's just deferring the question. how did they make the clones to act like that?
and then there's the whole military, institutional feeling of point blanc - the uniforms, the locked doors, the armed guards, the fact of being trapped in the wilderness and cut of from the outside world... all this applies to clones even more strongly than the originals. they haven't always been at point blanc, but they have always been hidden away somewhere. their whole existence is a secret. very early on, right after stellenbosch hits alex, either she or greif tells alex something like, "the sooner you realise that here we can do exactly what we like to you, the better" - and that's been the clones' whole lives.
aaand there's also the surgery. yes, of course it's disturbing and awful for the originals to be drugged and photographed and studied and to have copies made of them. but how much worse is it to have your own face and body taken away from you and replaced with someone else's? the clones are all different heights -- some of them will have had limbs broken and reset to achieve that. they have different eye colours, different hand sizes, different teeth. and the recovery time expected of them is insane. no matter how many drugs you give someone, doesn't any major injury/surgery cause, like, a state of shock? i don't think you can medicate away a bruised survival instinct. and i think trying, and expecting them to just immediately be fine, will probably be pretty damaging.
and of course. there's also the fact that greif is fully prepared to just murder all of his own children and start again. and stellenbosch is clearly upset by the idea but doesn't even try to argue. so it's not only the originals who were in danger of replacement - the clones were in danger of exactly that too.
and like... idk. they're greif's clones and personal army, so they're not allowed to be distinct from him; they all act uncannily similar, so it doesn't seem like they're allowed identities distinct from one another; and their life purpose is to replace these other children, so they're supposed to entirely replace their name, appearance, and identity with them. AND apparently another batch of clones would mean much the same to greif as this one. they're nothing and no-one; they're empty vessels for his masterplan; they're subsumed into being part of him and each other and potential future siblings to the point that in his mind they can't even really die. what the fuck.
i'm just rambling now but like. god. nightmarish in so many different ways.
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normal-sea-urchin · 10 months
The deceased, the greif, the fucking Casey Jones.
A spin off of Casey Jones Fucking Dies.
(Idk I got bored and wanted to pest someone abt something funny I thought of because my brain in fucking tired)
oh my god someone who likes my fanfic
a spinoff you say? i feel like if i did a spinoff of CJFD, it would probably be from casey's perspective, or maybe april's
or did you maybe have an idea in place already? if you have an idea for a spinoff of my fic, i would super love to hear it. i love getting asks and also compliments on my fanfic
thanks for the ask
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honestmouse20 · 1 year
Today’s Master of the Mountain observation/hc.
When I was watching the season the other day, I realized something. It felt odd how much time was spent on Zane’s “white lie” and how it was okay to do so if it was for a good cause. I felt like this was something that Zane had already experienced and understood, perhaps not in the spot like but it felt like a backtrack of his character to have him struggle. But then I thought abotu it some more and I was still rotating it in my head when I got to the finale. Vangelis repeatedly brings up how Lilly “lied to the Geckles and the Munce” and how the Blades were powerless. He says she did so to give them “hope” a “false hope” the skull adds. And the pieces just sliped into place in that moment.
Lilly lied because she knew the Geckles and the Mucne needed something to inspire them to stand up for themselves, should another evil try and take over the Mountain. It’s very obvious (at least as a viewer) that the blades of course wouldn’t hold any power. But to the Geckles, Munce, and even Cole, they were more than a symbol of courage and strength, they were the power that defeated Greif Bringer. It truly was a harmless lie, even for Cole. Because in the end he learned the same lesson that the Geckles and Munce learned, albeit a bit more on a personal level. He learned that the most important power is the one inside him, his bravery and dedication to his family/team, and his courage to protect. It’s cheesy yes, but in a good way, you know? The white lie that Lilly told probably decades ago by the time Cole is down there, did hinder him for a little while. he used the blades as a crutch of sorts, fully believing that they held some great power. Just as the Geckles and the Munce believed they were powerless without the blades. But eventually, they all learned that they had the power to change thigns and defeate the evil.
idk, I’m sure this has been caught before and this is jsut a new fan slowly realizing All of the thigns. but It makes that scene all the more emotional knowing that is the reason Lilly told the white lie. 
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My head hurts..
I wish something new comes into my life & things get better. Because everyday is just the SAME, it's just an endless cycle. When I come home from school I try to entertain myself and I wait for SOMEONE. ANYONE. To start talking to me. Because I feel like I'm the friend who is supposed to start a conversation, but I really want someone to start talking to me first.
I don't think tt is good for making u feel better, I was scrolling on my FYP and I came across a 100 days 100 questions and one of the slides said "is your smile even real anymore" well it depends but idk if it is anymore. And I go to the comments section and I see this.
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Man, how I wish someone did this to me irl. Haha I'm totally not crying Abt it
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orangeymous · 1 year
idk if i told this story here or on twitter but eh anyways im in cosmetology school rn and its like one class, 10 girls including me and the teacher, for like 6 hours every day of the week (excluding weekends) and so my teacher had us all put songs onto one big ass playlist which is my least favorite thing to do because i have objectively bad music taste so anyways i add like a bunch of lady gaga and the most normal tally hall song i can think of and leave it but then one day she asks me (AND ONLY ME JLQKSKS) to add more songs to the playlist so i add lovejoy songs because theyre like an objectively normal band yk like unless youre specifically into their music or know wilbur soot from like 2020, theyre just some british band
so i took the risk
and one day were working on some manikins and im next to this one girl and concrete comes on and i start humming along, and whatever and this girl shoots me this fucking LOOK and we make eye contact and she knows and i know she knows and she knows i know she knows, theres this looks of "i know what you are" in her eyes and its just a split second of eye contact before we both go back to our work, but i kid you not that spliy second of eye contact i felt the fucking fear of god condemn me to the spot, every stage of greif consumed me, i felt my face flush in shame and i completely stopped humming along
we were having a lovely conversation before that but she did not talk to me for the rest of the day unless she was asking for something and i still have not recovered fully
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captain-mozzarella · 3 years
Idk about y'all but with all the sad endings in the MCU has me feeling unsatisfied and I will continue ignoring the MCU as I have since infinity war
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fingerbangchan · 4 years
have any of u read to build a home yet ? i started it this morning and i’m on like chapter 52 now (13 hours later) and i feel. oh GOD. i feel shattered
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shego1142 · 5 years
Death tw, Blood tw
Hey peeps!
Uhm, I don’t know where to begin with this nicely so just...
basically my grandpa is in the hospital and the doctors have said he’s likely dying today
It happened pretty unexpectedly, he just went in to have his foot looked at because he had a severe ingrown toenail that was hurting him
But then when he got to the hospital he fainted and was bleeding internally and they were trying to find the bleeding and stop it but he was in a lot of pain last night so they said he’s probably not going to make it through today...
I’m not going to the hospital to see him because I know I’ll either meltdown or shutdown and that’s not good for me or anyone else involved
Honestly I don’t know how I feel. I mean, my grandma and grandpa basically raised me.
Like this isn’t someone I barely knew or only visited on the holidays... he’s the reason I have a nick name instead of my full name. He took care of me and loved me my whole life.
And I’m sad. Like... I’m going to miss him sad, but I’m not... angry? Or in denial? Or guilty? Or... idk?
I feel like I went through the five stages of grief really quickly?
And I’ve always been like this... when my hamster died when I was little, when my cousin died, when my great aunt (who I was also extemely close to) died...
I sort of skipped to acceptance... which is weird? Is it weird? Idk...
But I just wanted to talk about it anyway... I don’t even know if I’m going to be inactive for a while or not?
Honestly I feel as though I just want everyone to be okay... everyone around me is very sad and it makes me feel like I’m not doing enough to help them...
Anyway... idk what else to say? I guess I just wanted to let you peeps know, since I know many of you care about me and I about you.
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arkhamknightz · 3 years
ghost of you
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↳ in which, peter tries moving on
pronouns: they/them
warnings: character death, substance use, au where reader is in gwen's position but they're older, language, uh idk any other warnings besides not proofread and bad wiring let me know if i need to tag anything else! (it'll make sense trust me)
notes: based off ghost of you by 5SOS :) i rlly like the song and i felt like it could fit andrews peter really well! this is also rushed and not proof read i'm sorry goodnight
"here I am waking up, still can't sleep on your side. theres your coffee cup, the lipstick stain fades with time. if i could dream long enough, you'd tell me i'd be just fine, i'd be just fine."
peter woke up with a jolt, the sight of you falling to the ground engraved in his mind, playing over and over again like a broken tape. the sound of your voice haunting his every step as he held your dying body in his arms, crying for you to be okay. god how he wished you could be okay, how he could be okay. he turned his head to window. the view of your empty bed-side in his peripheral vision.
peter wasn't the same after that night, granted nobody would be. he left his spiderman duties and stayed at home. watching as new york city's crime rate was the highest it's ever been, the city desperate to see spiderman again.
everytime peter tried getting better there was always something that brought him right back to that night. the coffee cup you'd drank the morning of the incident. your lipstick stain on the side of the cup that peter just couldn't bring himself to wash. "todays gonna be a great day pete! i can feel it!" oh how wrong you were.
"so i drown it out, like i always do. dancing through our house, with the ghost of you. and i'll chase it down, with a shot of truth. dancing through our house, with the ghost of you."
this is the fifth bottle of alcohol peter had finished this month. his house reeking of beer and vodka, or any type of alcohol he could get his hands on. he was numb. the thought of you dead no longer on his mind as he drank. he would call your phone, drunk texting you that he missed you and couldn't wait for you to get home from work.
the pain of you being gone always hit him in the morning. he would wake up with a headache and would find himself holding one of the stuffed animals you owned. dread washing over him all over again. greif hitting him as if it only happened yesterday.
memories of the both of you danced through the apartment, your favorite records still sitting underneath the record player. peter couldn't even let himself move into the living room to clean the dusty machine as the song you both frequently danced too was still on the player, waiting for the needle to drop and play the song he once thought was oh so beautiful.
"cleaning up today, found that old zepplin shirt, you wore when you ran away. and no one could feel your hurt. we're too young, too dumb, to know things like love. but i know better now (better now)."
peter finally had the motivation to clean up (using a little help from may of course), they had both been cleaning around the house, dusting the records, wiping the counters and cleaning out the fridge. may had pulled out one of your old graphic t-shirts and peter froze.
peter remembered the last time he saw you wear that. you had ran away from home for a week after your parents had been fighting non-stop. you knew peter had been busy with school and so you did the only logical thing you could think of. you ran away from home.
peter had been worried sick, texting you every half hour and spam calling you. he had never felt more relieved when you came back home in one piece, tired smile on your face as you hugged him tightly, apologizing for leaving so abruptly. he remembered the feeling of your face stuck in the crook of his neck, the feeling of your arms wrapped around his waist.
he didn't even realize he was crying until may came and hugged him tightly, allowing him to sob into her shoulder. he couldn't ever get you back.
"so i drown it out, like i always do. dancing through our house, with the ghost of you. and i'll chase it down, with a shot of truth. dancing through our house, with the ghost of you."
peter couldn't believe he found himself in this position again. he was sat on the couch, third beer bottle pouring down his throat. seemingly feeling a sense of deja vú as that fuzzy feeling came back. peter wasn't a lightweight, he had gotten over that stage after he started drinking a few months ago. he had gotten better, but here he was, all alone again trying to forget about you being gone.
it's almost like he could still hear your sweet little "peter! i made brownies again!" and he could still feel himself running out of your shared room into the kitchen to come get a piece. he smiled slightly at the memory, his heart feeling fuzzy. even when you're gone he still felt butterflies in his stomach at the thought of you and him in those domestic moments.
he just missed you.
"too young, too dumb, to know things like love, too young, too dumb."
peter didn't think the both of you would last as long as you did. the fear of you leaving him for someone better nagged in the back of his head. lingering there, taunting him. but overtime he learned falling in love with you was the best thing he could've done.
the first time he wanted to tell you that he loved you, he was extremely nervous. so much that he backed out. but he squeezed your hand 3 times, and it seemed like that was all he had to say before the words "i love you too" tumbled out of your mouth. he smiled widely, engulfing your body into a hug as he sighed in content.
no matter what anyone said, he knew falling in love would never be something he would regret. he would go through the pain over and over and over again if it meant he could tell you he loves you one last time.
"so i drown it out like i always do, dancing through our house with the ghost of you. and i chase it down, with a shot of truth. that my feet don't dance, like they did with you."
peter sat in front of the record player you had both bought at a vintage shop, the old record you both used to dance along in the living room to laying on the machine. he slowly pulled the needle down and rested his head against the couch, knees tucked into his body. he slowly swayed along with the song. he held in his tears and sighed.
memories flashing through his head of all the kisses shared, everytime you had danced together playing like some sort of film. he knew things would never and could never be the same without you beside him, maybe he just had to learn how to move on
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tyrannuspitch · 1 year
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um. lads?
imagery of sickness: the clone-replacement protocol at point blanc is to wait until a pupil gets sick for an excuse to disappear them into the infirmary
mimetic rivalry???: there is a lot of competition, but most of it is one-sided or has a power differential. potentially blunt's department versus point blanc? or alex versus julius? but those are both unknowing imitation so. idk
hierarchy rituals: ALL the adult-child interactions, but especially the weird formality in how greif, stellenbosch, and the clones interact, despite technically pretty much forming a nuclear family
imagery of contagion: see sickness, plus the way the originals are getting replaced one by one and they can see the change very easily but have no idea what it is or how to avoid it
table that is functionally an altar: okay this one might be a stretch. but there are so many mirrored tables in season one around which people sort of... play out rituals of who they're meant to be (perfect family, perfect pupils, agents...). there is also a surgical table where the unconscious pupils' photos are taken so the clones can be altered to replace them and they can eventually be killed. which is a little bit sacrificial i think. and there is also greif's desk with its somehow religious-looking rorschach painting and gas lights, which is a position of great power and almost frames him as a god.
conspiracy: it's. it's a spy show. i think u get it
false identity: alex rider -> alex friend -> julius greif. and in season 2, kyra -> k7 -> alex.
monstrous double: evil clones <3 but also greif to blunt, stellenbosch to jones, point blanc to alex's real school, and yassen to ian/john/alex.
loss of distinction: evil clones <3 and how alex was *also* transformed to become alex friend. and how julius literally responds to "who are you" with "that doesn't matter any more"!!
enemy brothers: the whole yassen-ian-john-alex situation.
humans compared to animals: alex being hunted by the rich kids; the originals at point blanc being kept in a cage. (bonus: objectification: "subject", "asset", "fake", "experiment", "do you have serial numbers?"...)
sparagmos???: alex is chased through the woods by a group of teenagers with guns. but no dismemberment.
ritualised competition: esports in season 2, and cray's whole thing with making violence a game.
mimetic doubles switch places: originals captive and clones free -> clones captive and originals free. maybe also julius starting fights which alex has to deal with.
theatre or performance: shakespeare in season 2. maybe plus the various fake scenarios blunt puts alex in as "tests", and alex playing dead in an operating theatre?
locating a scapegoat: stellenbosch @ alex, julius @ alex, plus the various situations where scorpia frames someone or kills someone off to keep their involvement unknown.
violence that is symmetrical/reciprocal: clone fight!!!
ritual substitution but they don't kill each other because they are in love family: yassen kills someone to save alex. points a gun at alex. lowers it. gives it to alex. alex points a gun at yassen. then lowers it. does this entirely count as this specific point. idk but it's definitely Something
masks/disguises: alex as alex friend. julius as alex friend. uniforms? surgical masks. the costumes at the school dance. shakespeare. gas masks. etc etc.
ritual substitutes: evil clonesss. substituting for their originals but also for their father. AND. alex taking over ian's work. AND. yassen protecting alex because of john - so either he's doing john's job, or he's treating alex like he would treat john...
sacrifice: greif preparing to kill all his children and start again in order to "save the dream".
the scapegoat actually dies: in some of scorpia's set-ups, at least.
unanimous violence directed at an individual: julius at the end of season one! alex, tom, blunt&co, and scorpia are all in some way threatening him.
the hierarchy is dissolving: ian's death leaving alex without "a responsible adult" (ie recognised/approved guardian.) langam abandoning clone!parker. julius setting out alone after the downfall of point blanc. everything to do with alex working both with and against blunt's department in season 2, with only some of their knowledge. potentially, the sheer fact of alex being an agent at all, underage and without official training... and the fact that alex keeps telling people about his work when ian never breathed a word.
aaand a few things that are not on the graphic but are added in the post:
scapegoat obtaining power / ritual kingship???: debatable. alex kind of has the powerful-powerless thing going on in being a reluctant teenage spy, and you could definitely call his recruitment process ritualistic, but is he really a scapegoat. in season 1 i feel like he's more of a sacrifice (ie, receiving violence but not blame.) in season 2 he's getting told he's Crazy and all his warnings and cries for help are ignored and villainised, though, which does feel pretty scapegoaty, but comes without the official role of agent... but season 3. well. We'll See.
the sacred: in imagery/subtext only. temple-like architecture. "fighting gods" in video games in season 2. greif essentially has a cult, but it's never called one and he's never compared to a god out loud.
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hiddleyheh · 3 years
Naruto fic recs?
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Do you know what you have just wrought upon me?
List under cut
Fair warning: It's long :)
I'll be honest, I had no idea how to organize this while making this, so if you're looking for a trope, just ctrl+f or something sdfjlsdf
Gen Kakashi-centric fics:
Renegade by @/pbjamas - Teen - Multi-chap - Complete- Graphic depictions of violence, Major character death - Gen - Missing-Nin Kakashi, Whump Kakashi, ANBU Kakashi
(Mind archive warnings) Wanna watch Kakashi literally lose everything at the age of 19? Yeah? hah, me too, watch him get the shit beat out of him and nearly die like 3 times in this fic <3
A Little Blood Never Hurt Anyone by @/depressedhatakekakashi - Mature - One-shot - Author chose not to use archive warnings, Blood, Gore, Torture, Disassociation, Electrocution, Breaking bones, Minor character death - Mentioned Kkg - Whump Kakashi, ANBU Kakashi, Hurt barely any comfort
(Mind content warnings and archive warning) Kakashi gets captured on a mission gone very wrong and has no choice but to endure until he either dies or help arrives. One of my favorite whump fics that I like to go back to.
Legacy of a God Long Forgotten by @/thesaintraphael - General Audiences - Multi-chap - Indefinite Hiatus - Graphic depictions of violence, Cannibalism, Blood and gore, Manipulation - MinaKushi - Hatake clan lore & headcanons, Everyone lives
(Mind tags) What if the Hatake clan was blessed by gods, a teensy, little more unhinged (just a tiny bit), and a lot more powerful? This fic explores that and man is it good
Shadows, Blinding by Pesto - General - Multi-chap - Ongoing - Creator chose not to use archive warnings - Gen - Hatake clan lore, Family secrets, Dog-teeth Kakashi
(Mind tags) Kakashi dies and wakes up in a valley full of people that have familar hair and eyes.
Peak "everyone is hiding something" vibes. When the author tagged family secrets, they weren't kidding. Everything is layered and Kakashi is trying to get back to his kids while also trying not to succumb his clan traits.
I love the Hatake Ocs in this fic. Akio is such an asshole, I love him. Nana is scary sjdjsjd
Year of the Ghost by scrappybook - Teen - Multi-chap - Ongoing - No archive warnings apply - Gen - Canon divergence, Greif/mourning, Anbu Kakashi, Slice of life
Kakashi retires shortly after the Kyuubi attacks the village. Two words: Farmer Kakashi. For all the domesticity in this fic, I love how Kakashi is still involved in politics. Also him innovating Fuuinjutsu for domestic use instead of combat,,,, waa I love when fics explore that.
Wolf-Nin by Scribulus - Mature - Multi-chap - Ongoing - Graphic depictions of violence - Eventual Kakashi/Zabuza, MinaKushi - Time travel, Wolf-instincts, Cannibalism, Blood and gore, Body horror, Good Orochimaru
(Mind Content warnings and tags) Kakashi dies 36, wakes up in his 6 year old body, and decides he's going to drastically change the fate of his village. Canid summoning contract my beloved, Kakashi goes absolutely feral in this fic and it's glorious. Featuring Mentor!Orochimaru :D
Team Minato-centric Fics:
Alone No More by Emily Violet - Teen - Multi-chap - Ongoing - Graphic depictions of violence, Child abuse - Gen - Misunderstandings, Hatake clan lore, Team Minato as family, Major character injury
An exploration of what if Kakashi was hated by the village similarly to how Naruto was treated? Except now, Hatake clan lore is at play.
And other things Kakashi did not hallucinate by cyan96 - Teen - One-shot - No archive warnings apply - Gen - Kind of crack treated seriously, Anbu Hatake Kakashi, Jinchuuriki Nohara Rin
Kakashi thinks he's hallucinating his dead teammates that occasionally stop by and make sure he's self-caring. Idk how a fic can be so funny yet so gut-wrenchingly sad, but this managed to do it and it's great. I go back to this once in a while because I love this concept sm
chasing visions of our futures by @/kirpyee - Teen - Multi-chap - Complete - No archive warnings apply - Obkk - Anbu Kakashi, Anbu Obito, Anbu Rin, Jinchuuriki Nohara Rin, Hurt/comfort
Kushina is put in charge of taking care of the aftermath of Team 7. *holds this au gently* ah I wanted to sucker punch Danzou in the jaw soooo badly while reading this. It was marvelous <3 Also Bamf!Kushina and Minato facing the consequences of his inactions (he's still learning) my beloved
the dog who dies is the one who is mourned by hallowed nebulae - Teen - One-shot - Major character death - Obkk, implied Kagumo - Self-esteem issues, Graphic character death, Minato is a bad teacher (He tried though)
(Mind archive warnings and tags) MMMM this fic made me cry real tears and I loved every heart-stabbing moment of it. Sometimes I like to go back to it just to make my heart go aaaaa
Before the Morning Comes by myadamantiumheart - Explicit - Multi-chap - Ongoing - Graphic depictions of violence - KkObiRin- Jinchuuriki Nohara Rin, Running away, Uzushiogakure, Team Minato as family, Rin-centric
Fic summary: Or, the one where Team Seven runs away and builds a better world on their own. I have no idea how to word my thoughts to describe the sheer amount of love I have this fic. All that I can say is that these kids are just kids and deserve a break and oh my god does this fic deliver. Also, the politics is top-tier.
To Be Given A Second Chance (God, We Didn't Ask for This) by why is this a thing now - Teen - Multi-chap - Ongoing - Graphic depictions of violence - Gen - Time Travel Fix-It, Team Minato as family
After passing, reconciling, and accidentally being given a second chance, Kakashi, Obito, and Rin are once again alive and are going to change their fate and future. This is part of the let's do teh time warp again series by the same author. I also recommend reading Akatuski no Tobi - The Fuckening 1 and 2. It's the same au, now further in the timeline with KkObiRin and it's hilarious.
the rabbit child who danced in the moonflower fields by Digi Noir, hallowed nebulae - Teen - Multi-chap - Discontinued - Creators chose not to use archive warnings - Obkk, Past Kagumo - Hatake clan lore, Hatake clan is from Uzushiogakure, Worldbuilding, Self-hatred, Panic attacks, Nonbinary Kakashi
I recommend reading the fic summary, if I even try to remotely summarize it, I'll have several paragraphs. This is an incredibly interesting take on the Hatake clan and I absolutely love it. Kakashi is not only carrying the burden of his father's death but also the culture of his clan and the lasting effects of colonization from the Uzumaki clan, physically and mentally.
nothing lasts by @/kirpyee - Mature - Multi-chap - Complete - Graphic depictions of violence, Major character death - Obkk, MinaKushi - Human experimentation, Anbu Kakashi, Root, Torture
(Mind content warnings and tags) Danzo captures Kakashi and has old genes from his clan resurfaced. Ah, hurt no comfort my beloved. SJDNFKJADF SCREAMING AND CRYING Team Minato does not get a break in this fic and ahg my heart </3 Some people also made alternative endings, I recommend go reading them as well :D
Team Seven-centric Fics:
And So, The Sensei Supports His Students by ihopethelightwillshineupon - General - Multi-chap - Complete - No Content Warnings - Gen - Team as Family, 5+1 fic
A series of disconnected stories with Team 7 from different ages as they all grow and Kakashi tries to be a supportive teacher, its really cute :]
How to Make a Team by Pleasedial123 - No rating - Series (Incomplete) - 2 completed multi-chap works - Creator chose not to use archive warnings, Canon-typical violence - Gen - Kakashi is a good teacher, Team as family, Medic-nin Uchiha Sasuke, Bamf!Sakura, worldbuilding, politics
Just typing out the name of this series has me all giddy in my seat. Kakashi decides to take his grief and the reflections of his old team and motivate himself to stop history from repeating itself. The worldbuilding, headcanons, and characterization are all phenomenal. If you are looking for a good Team 7 as family series, I cannot recommend this enough.
Theif-Nin Sakura by Hemerodromus - Mature - Multi-chap - Ongoing - Graphic depictions of violence, Major character death - SakuIno - Bamf!Sakura, Sakura-centric, Chakra theory, Kakashi is a good teacher, Politics, Kakashi becomes Sakura's mentor
While cleaning the corpses off the bridge (read: corpse looting), Sakura finds a scroll to Haku's kekkei genkai. And so the Copy-Cat teaches the Klepto-Kitten Honestly the idea that kekkei genkai can be replicated with super fine chakra control is so galaxy brain and I love this concept sm.
Dance of the Dog by Tartarun ff.net ao3 - General audiences - Multi-chap - Ongoing - No archive warnings apply, Canon-typical violence - Gen - Sensei Obito, Missing-nin Kakashi, Rin lives, Bamf!Sakura, Team 7 as family, Politics, Everyone is lying, Empty graves
Fic Summary: "Kakashi loved Konoha a little less and his father a bit more. What happens next changes the face of history. However, Team 7's destiny years later is still wrapped with the silver-haired man's and an intricate dance begins." Fic is being edited and uploaded to Ao3, but ff.net has more chapters. THIS FIC. I cannot put into words how much this fic makes me froth at the mouth and make me want to commit 20 different felonies. Everything is so interconnected, character interactions and dialogues are heavily loaded and the sub-text is so tasty. You never truly know what the character's motivations are, what they are hiding, and how they are using others around them. Everyone is lying and eventually, everything happens at once. If you want to know how fucking good this fic is, even though the summary outright tells you Kakashi is alive, how the author presents it, it's nearly impossible to tell if it's Kakashi or not if you haven't read it. And in terms of the narrative? That makes sense. The characters can't tell if Kakashi is even alive or if that is Sakumo, or someone else completely.
Everyone is morally grey and using each other and It Is So Good.
Hellbent by LuckySeven - Mature - Multi-chap - Ongoing - Graphic depictions of violence - SakuNaru, IruKaka, InoMari - Missing-nin Team 7, Fuinjutsu master Sakura, Medic-nin Sasuke, BAMF Naruto, Kakashi is a good teacher, Politics, Team 7 as family
Orochimaru tells Team 7 the truth about Naruto's parents and Sasuke's clan back in the Forest of Death. As a result, the genin decide the village is not for them and Kakashi is there to keep his kids safe. Uzushio rep FUCK YEA. From protective Kakashi to Fuinjutsu and Medical theory, this fic is amazing. There are actual stakes present and what goes on in the shinobi world is not just isolated to Konoha. All of the factors and groups are at play in this fic are incredibly engaging and makes the world seem more active and lively.
It’s Just That Any One of Us Is Half Without Another One Is You by Branch - Mature - Complete - Graphic depictions of violence - SakuNaruSasu - Team 7 as family, Kakashi is a good teacher, Medic-nin Naruto, Spy Sakura, Politics
Itachi stays the villain, Madara has no manipulated minion to do his bidding, and Team 7 is not a repeat of its predecessors. Really nice character exploration that is actually consistent. Kishimoto could never do what this fic did skdfaldf It's so good
Shinobi: Team 7 by Gallyrat - Not rated - Multi-chap - Indefinite hiatus - Gen - Worldbuilding, Politics, AU
An AU where the author completely rebuilds Naruto from the ground up. Naruto's true lineage is properly hidden, Sakura's knowledge in history becomes far more useful, Sasuke is trying to live outside of the shadow cast by his brother. Konoha and all other major hidden villages have a history that is far more intertwined. Power balancing is reasonable and realistic and the author still stays true to canon characterization. Also, Danzo's role as a necessary evil for the good of the village actually makes sense and does justice to his character. (It was this fic that introduced me to the idea of Root Commander!Kakashi, and I've been hooked on it since)
Time travel/Dimension Hopping: (I have a lot of favorites in this type of au, I'm a sucker for this trope <3)
me wa kokoro no kagami; the eyes are the window to the soul by BoyGirlBothNoneImTheUniverse - Mature - Multi-chap - Complete - Creator chose not to use Archive Warnings - Gen - Team 7 as family, body swap, Time travel au
The first work in the Kishikaise series (incomplete), where Team 7 travels back in time. Things go a bit different than what was expected and political shenanigans ensue and Team 7 has to find a way to play with the cards they have been dealt.
Nidaime Otokage by DuskBeforeDawn - Mature - Multi-chap - Incomplete (last updated in 2019) - Graphic depictions of violence - Gen - Team 7 as Family, Team 7 are little shits, Kakashi is a little shit, Kakashi-centric
Kakashi and Team 7 wake up in the past and alternate universe to that of their own. The two groups must now navigate the new world while trying to find each other. It's crack taken seriously, and great.
Once More With Feeling by Chicken Train and Laser Beam - Mature - Multi-chap - Incomplete (Last updated 2019) - Gen - Kakashi-centric, Politics, Time-travel au
Don't let the fact that it's only 5 chapters long and last updated in 2019 fool you. It has 130k+ words and It Is A Fic To Read. If you like unlikely team-ups, I think you'll like Kakashi, Tsunade, and Jiraiya in this fic. The characterization is fucking amazing. The plot? *chefs kiss* Power balancing and character arcs are handled so well AND it has one of The Most Satisfying character death scenes that I have ever read. Just utter the line "Do you deny it?" And I will go ape shit insane at a flip of a switch. The entire time, in that scene, you KNOW Kakashi was playing with his food, only dragging it out for his enjoyment and to make him feel fear. Even better: The authors spent 3 hours getting a whole ass cake with "Ding Dong our problems are gone" in icing to celebrate killing off that character. If that doesn't show you how much love, dedication, and effort is put in this fic and I don't know what will.
Saving the World (On Accident and Through Other People) by xwannaflyx - Teen - Series (Ongoing) - 3 completed works - No archive warnings apply, Canon typical violence - Gen - Kakashi-centric, Sensei Orochimaru
Kakashi goes back in time to save the world with no plan, only to inadvertently do that when Tsunade realizes how much of a hot mess Kakashi and Orochimaru are. I have a huge weak spot for aus where Orochimaru becomes Kakashi's mentor, especially when the both of them are super dysfunctional, out of touch, socially awkward prodigies. They're trying their best <3
Love Will Find You (This Is a Threat) by @/sthene - Mature - Multi-chap - Ongoing - Author chose not to use archive warnings - ObKk, SasuNaru, SakuHina, ItaRin - Team 7 as family, Fairy-tale elements, Mythology, Good!Obito, Slow burn, Kakashi is trying his best, Everyone needs a hug
Infinite Tsukuyomi was set off a bit too early, and Kurama was forced to transport Team 7 to another universe in order to save them. Kakashi, Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke now are forced to navigate a world so closely alike yet oh so different from their own. All the while, a lot more things seem to be at play.
With the number of times I draw, write theories, scream, yell, cry, or just straight up go ape shit insane about this fic on this blog, how can I not include this fic? Every scene and chapter is so beautifully written and detailed. Not knowing the full story, every detail is loaded; even the imagery is a hint for what is to come (THE FUCKING TREE AND WOLF PUNS). The characterization and headcanons are *Chefs kiss* The angst will make you scream, cry, and you will love every single second of it. Team 7's dynamic is amazing. It's balanced with fluff, and I love Sthene's take of an alternate universe where Team 7 are the ghosts of their loved ones. If you love to overanalyze details, Hatake clan lore, world-building, Japanese mythology, and fairy-tale elements, this fic is for you.
failures to learn from, not dwell on by lavilleons - Not rated - Multi-chap - Incomplete - Author chose not to use archive warnings - Hatake Clan lore
Nara Shikaku and Yamanaka Inoichi die in the Fourth Shinobi War, only to wake up nearly 3 decades earlier and with the knowledge of yet to come. Unsure how to stop the fate of the world, they try to prevent the village's first failure that they can realistically enact at their age: Hatake Sakumo's death.
One of the most unique time-travel fix-it au's I've read in terms of plot. The Hatake clan headcanons are great and I love kid!Kakashi in this fic, he's such a little shit sdflakdfsnlsidf
Wolves of Fire Country by Midnite Republic - Teen - Multi-chap - Ongoing - Creator chose not to use archive warnings, Canon typical violence - Eventual Kakashi/Izuna - Slow burn, Hatake clan lore & headcanons, Team as family, Warring states era
Another mission gone awry, Kakashi and his students find themselves decades in the past and now need to navigate it. Love the Hatake clan history here
Time Waits for No Man by LaughingWombat - Teen - Multi-chap - Complete - No archive warnings apply - MinaKushi - Kakashi-centric, Team Minato as family, Politics, Hurt/comfort
Hokage!Kakashi gets sent back in time from an assassination attempt and finds himself in his 12 year old body. He has no idea whether or not his actions will affect the future he fought and suffered so hard for. I love the conflict in this fic sm. While you would understandably get frustrated by how each character reacts to Kakashi knowing the future, it's understandable. The moral dilemmas and misunderstandings flesh them out so well.
Enemy of the World by Kelakair - Teen - Multi-chap -Ongoing - Creator chose not to use archive warnings, Graphic depictions of violence - Obkk - Dimension hop, Edo tensei, Hatake Sakumo lives
Tobi accidentally ends up in a parallel universe where Sakumo lives and Team Minato is still united; the ideal world. Obito decides to destroy it all.
I am just. a small creture. you must not know how much stress i am in. *chefs kiss* to all the twists and turns
Blinding Loyalty and Bitter Hearts by Myst Marshall - Mature - Multi-chap - Ongoing - Graphic depictions of violence - Major character death - Gen - Body swap, Missing-nin Kakashi, Anbu Root Kakashi, Murder mystery, Revenge, Betrayal
Two Kakashi's from different universes swap I'm a sucker for body swap au, but holy shit the author is swapping two au!Kakashi's. It's incredibly intriguing to find how the same characters differ so much from each other and where that point of divergence begins.
Three's A Crowd (But Pack Sticks Together) by ShiiroiKitsune21 - Multi-chap - Complete - MinaKushi - Canon-typical violence, Jinchuuriki Kakashi, Third Shinobi War, Team Minato as family
Kurama and Kakashi are the last surivors after Kaguya decimated everyone. In a desperate attempt, the two go back in time and Kurama is sealed in 12 year old Kakashi. The writing in the first couple chapters can come off as a bit cheesy, even the author admitted that when they went back and edited it, but when it picks up, oh it picks up. It's one of my favorite comfort long fics to go back and read on, I love how you can see how the author progresses in their writing over time.
buried alive series by @/doggoneloser - Teen - 1 completed, 1 ongoing work - Major character death - Gen - Kakashi-centric, Third Shinobi War, Hurt/comfort, Parallel universes
Kakashi dies during Pein's attack, goes back in time, decides to fix history at the cost of himself. This was the first Kakashi time travel fic I have ever read and MAN did it get me hooked to this trope. An absolute great read that I've gone back to time and time again <3
scars like wings by hyugesoo - Mature - Multi-chap - Ongoing Graphic depictions of violence - Gen - Child soldiers, Kid fic, Kakashi-centric, Animal instincts
A crossover with the anime, Noragami. The God of War and Calamity, Yato, is reborn into Kakashi.
I'll be honest, I never watched Noragami but the writing does really shine through with Yato's characterization and his past before he became Kakashi. I wasn't as lost to the story of his character. Also, I love the Minato in this fic. He may be a parental figure, but he's still training child soldiers
And the Moon Will Bleed Anew by @/DrDiabolical - Explicit - Multi-chap - Ongoing - Graphic depictions of violence - Gen - Dimensional travel, Blindness, Kakashi is a troll
Jujutsu Kaisen crossover - During the 4th war, Kakashi ends up in the JJK universe Kakashi is a little shit in this fic skdfsldkfa
Road to Nowhere by @/Aerugonian - Teen - Multi-chap - Ongoing - No archive warnings apply - EraserMic - Reincarnation, Kakashi-centric, Identity issues, Hurt/comfort
A BNHA crossover: Kakashi dies in Pein's attack and is reborn as Shinsou Hitoshi. I have never read or watched BNHA, but this au and fic has me HOOKED. Just the idea of Kakashi getting a normal childhood and actually getting the affection and love he never had as a kid is an easy way to get me invested. I also recommend checking out the Road to Nowhere Extended Universe, has a lot of great fics inspired by this au.
it should have buried you by Some Dead Guy - Teen - No archive warnings apply - Obkk, EraserMic - Obito needs a hug
BNHA Crossover au, inspired by Road to Nowhere - Obito is reincarnated as Bakugou Katsuki I am a simple man. If I see Obkk and also inspired by Road to Nowhere, I click. The soft moments though,,, aa
Rotating Clouds by Kazumi123 - Teen - Ongoing - Creator chose not to use archive warnings - SatoSugu - Found Family, Kakashi is a little shit, Satoru is a little shit, Comfort no Hurt
JJK crossover: Gojo accidentally travels to the Naruto universe, causes some property damage, and kidnaps surprise adopts 5 year old Kakashi. I NEVER KNEW I NEEDED AN AU LIKE THIS UNTIL NOW (this fic was posted this week while I was making this list and I went: Oh shit yea, I'm definitely gonna rec this nvkwsflakdsd) Kakashi and Gojo are a force to be reckoned with, poor Suguru didn't sign up for this
White Foams and Grey Skies by kazumi123 - General - Multi-chap - Ongoing - No archive warnings apply - Obkk, Minor KakaNana - Reincarnation, Kakashi-centric, Hurt/comfort
JJK crossover: Kakashi dies in the 4th war, Obito curses him, and ends up as Satoru's older brother. Also, Obito is attached to Kakashi as a dormant curse. It was this fic that pushed me into watching the anime and reading the manga. AAAAA IT'S SO GOOD. I went back so many times rereading the chapters. I love Kakashi and Satoru's brotherly relationship, I love how Kakashi still has to deal with chakra exaustion. I love the worldbuilding and incorporation of chakra and cursed energy sdflakdnsjdhf everything is so gooooooood
IruKaka-centric fics:
Let Me Take Your Coat and This Weight off of Your Shoulders by Hamalama - Teen - One-shot - No archive warnings apply - Fluff and angst, Soft, Hurt/Comfort
A series of scenes where Iruka invites Kakashi over for diner and it grows from there.
The Experimental Subject by HazelBeka - Teen - One-shot - No archive warnings apply, Kidnapping, Consensual human experimentation - Mad scientist Iruka, Villain Iruka, Villain Anko, Villain Tenzo, Seals Master Iruka, Anbu Kakashi, Enemies to lovers
MMMMM I didn't know I need mad scientist Iruka until I read this fic. Also, Anko, Tenzo, and Iruka as a dysfunctional evil found family with Orochimaru as their parental figure is the best and is a concept I absolutely love.
Certain Inconsistencies by Cat42103 - Teen - Multi-chap - Complete - Author chose not to use archive warnings - Time travel, Fake/pretend relationship, Found family
Iruka wakes up in the past, and apparently, Kakashi is with him too. Shenanigans ensue.
guess your trajectory by ohwickedsoul - Teen - Multi-chap - Ongoing - No archive warnings apply - Anbu Hatake Kakashi, Fuuinjutsu, Canon divergence
Iruka adopts Naruto Au and Hound is there :]
ObiKaka-centric fics:
criminals do it better by blackkat - Teen to Explicit - Series - Check tags for content warnings - Past!Obt/Nagato, MdTbm, Gai/Genma, & more - Crack, modern au, Organized crime, Humor
Former terrorist now environmentalist, but secretly the leader of a suicide squad!Obito and Former ranger!Kakashi series, I can't really explain the series, check out the summary for yourself sldkfjsd, it's a good read
komorebi by tomorrowsrain - Teen - Series (incomplete) - 3 completed works, 1 ongoing fic - No archive warnings apply, Canon-typical violence - Team 7 as family, Missing-nin Kakashi, Good Obito, Hurt/comfort
Kakashi and Obito meet in the Kyubi's attack, get exiled from Konoha, and reconcile. This series makes my heart go ah
Sakuoro-centric fics: (Sakumo/Orochimaru)
*Silly SakuOro AUs by blackkat - Teen to Mature - Series - Disconnected Sakuoro one shot aus
This series was my gateway drug to Sakuoro. My favorites are: a thousand miles up and we're about to get higher; pick apart the pieces of your heart, with friends like these; and walk, walk fashion baby
Kagumo/Kakashi is the son of Kaguya fics:
Close My Eyes by LegaciesandMemories - Not rated - One-shot - Creator chose not to use archive warnings, Suicide ideation, Mental health issues - Team 7 as family, Families of choice, Angst with a happy ending
(Mind the tags) This was my first kagumo fic, and I read this before actually knowing there were just straight aliens in the anime, so I was just: huh, I have no idea what is going on but I really like this! And thus my fixation with this one ship was born
A visit, but not to the cemetery by Pinepickled - General - No archive warnings apply - Baby Hatake Kakashi
A short and really cute one-shot where Kakashi gets to meet his mom for the first time. Absolutely adorable aa
Dirt and Ashes, or: The One-and-a-Half Body Problem by Tozette - Mature - Multi-chap - Complete Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major character death, Torture, Blood, Gore - Gen - Jashinism, Jashnist Sakura, Dark Comedy, Sakura-centric
(Mind Content and Archive warnings) Fic summary: "The invasion of Konoha during the chuunin exam didn't fail. Team seven is broken, people are dead, and Sakura is hurt and frightened and a very long way from home. Alternative summary: In which Sakura carries half of Hidan across two countries, leaving a trail of blood, bodies, and other people's legs." If you don't mind gore and blood, this fic was a delight to read. So many heart-wrenching moments but this concept was so interesting. F to Team 7 tho.
Pink Fang by Avulle - Teen - Multi-chap - Ongoing - Graphic depictions of violence - Gen - Sakura-centric, Kakashi is a good teacher, Chakra theory, Bamf!Sakura, Politics, Sakura is a little shit
Fic summary: "One day, after a particularly unpleasant failure of a mission, Kakashi takes a detour through the civilian quarter of Konoha and stumbles on a little pink-haired civilian girl who performs a flawless transformation technique with the wrong set of hand seals." The chakra theory and headcanons are mmmmm so tasty and crunchy. I love Sakura's and Kakashi's dynamic in the fic. Small feisty child bullies her teacher. It sure does escalate quickly And I love it.
Celestial Bodies and Anomalies by @/digitalta - Gen to Teen - Series - Ongoing - 2 completed works - Graphic depictions of violence - Gen - Uchiha Clan lore, Fictional Theology, Time travel, Sasuke-centric
I can't really do justice to this series trying to summarize it and put into words how much I love it. The arcs, the symbolism, the character dynamics, headcanons. I could on and on and never truly describe how much I love it. But ahg the writing is so fucking good. All around kudos to the worldbuilding, it's a wonder to read. Also 10/10 characterizations and interactions. I love Shuisi in this sklfjaldlsidf
The Soldier by panda_shi - Explicit - Ongoing - Graphic depictions of violence, Conditioning, Trauma, Blood and gore, Starvation, Isolation, Pet death, Dark themes - Gen - Anbu Root, Tenzou-centric
(Mind content warning and tags) ROOT worldbuilding my beloved. If you don't mind dark themes that this fic will explore, then you will love the angst in this. POOR TENZOU AHG AND GHFGNGHFGN THE HEADCANONS. THE DOG. OH GOD NOT THE DOG AAAAAAA This fic inspired some of my headcanons for TCASH
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