#ichimatsu x boyfriend
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puffpawstries · 2 months ago
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hir0s4nch3z · 2 years ago
Qual é o seu tipo?
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📚TIPO DE CAP.: Headcanon
📌CONTEXTO: Que tipo de namorado cada irmão Matsuno seria?
❗⚠️ ≫≫ ATENÇÃO ≪≪ ⚠️❗
Esse capítulo NÃO é recomendado para MENORES DE QUATORZE (14) ANOS, podendo conter insinuação sexual e descrição da mesma.
Osomatsu: Salaz
• Não preciso nem dizer que sexo é um problema a menos na relação de vocês...
• De cara dá pra notar também que ele é do tipo que curte PDA (public display of affection/demonstrações públicas de afeto). Mas não se engane achando que isso tem alguma coisa a ver com romantismo.
• É uma demonstração de afeto, claro, mas tem mais teor territorial do que romântico. Ele quer que as pessoas saibam que vocês estão juntos. Ele se orgulha disso, ainda mais porque na visão dele e de seus familiares e amigos você é areia demais pro caminhão dele....
• Ah, choppadas no final da semana serão sagradas pra vocês dois. Secretamente, ele considera essas saídas como encontros românticos (e ele ama passar esse tempo com você).
• Por incrível que pareça, suas idas ao pachinko irão diminuir depois que você entrou na vida dele. Claro, isso leva tempo. Não foi do dia para a noite. Mas todos ao redor dele perceberam que sua frequência de apostas diminuiu significativamente depois que você demonstrou insatisfação sobre isso.
• Ele vai amar te provocar em lugares públicos, sussurrando coisas no seu ouvido ou passando a mão na sua coxa por debaixo da mesa do bar, por exemplo. Isso muitas das vezes resulta em ereções da parte dele, claro.
• Falta de filtro também é uma das características românticas dele... Se estiverem com amigos ou familiares, evite conversas que puxem para o lado sexual. Ele não vai ter o menor pudor de contar tudo o que rola entre vocês...
Karamatsu: Amantético
• CANÇÕES! MUITAS canções sobre você.
• Tá, é clichê. Mas ele é clichê, não me culpe! Kkkkkk
• E falando em clichê... Rosas! No início do namoro de vocês ele fará questão de te dar uma única rosa todos os dias, pra que assim você "nunca se esqueça de que ele te acha tão linda quanto uma rosa vermelha"... Palavras dele. O que no início você achou estranho, mas fofo até. Agora, depois de um mês recebendo flores TODO DIA você acabou por enjoar, sem contar o fato de onde diabos ele tava arrumando dinheiro pra tanta flor???
• Embora queira te levar para restaurantes finos e pagar por jantares caros, infelizmente sua condição financeira não permite. A solução pra esse problema foi engenhosa, no entanto. Como? Simples: jantares caseiros! Vira e mexe ele estará na sua casa para te cozinhar algo que goste.
• Noites de filmes também serão comuns. Ele sempre quer um filme de romance, já você prefere os de (filme de preferência). Mas relaxa, como o cavalheiro que é, ele sempre deixa a dama decidir. De vez em quando você topa assistir aos de romance, o que quase sempre acaba com vocês dois quase se comendo na frente da televisão e não prestando nenhuma atenção no filme...
• Uma coisa em particular que eu acho importante dizer é que Karamatsu nunca, NUNCA vai brigar com você. Isso tem vários motivos, como medo de te perder ou ir contra o fato dele ser uma pessoa super calma.
• Então, basicamente, você vai ter que prestar muita atenção nele; Porque se não nunca saberá se ele está incomodado com algo que você fez, e isso pode acarretar questões negativas pro seu relacionamento.
Choromatsu: Tímido
• Ele vai ter ereções toda vez que te ver. Sem excessão.
• Isso com o passar do tempo vai melhorando, claro. Ele vai cada vez mais se acostumando com a sua presença e aprendendo gradativamente a controlar a sua cabeça... De baixo.
• Agora, para a parte romântica da coisa... É, ele não será nada romântico. Vai até tentar, mas isso acaba por fugir da sua natureza.
• Ereções a parte, Choromatsu preza mais pela educação do que pelo romantismo. Coisas como flores e chocolates não são muito a praia dele, mas pode ter certeza que se estiverem andando lado-a-lado na calçada, por exemplo, automaticamente ele vai te posicionar no lado interno.
• Outra situação comum é, depois de um tempo juntos - jantares, conversas e flertes, como exemplo - ele vai azer questão de te escoltar até a porta de casa. Não importa o horário ou a distância, ele vai te levar em segurança.
• É nítido que esse suposto cavalheirismo é algo inerente a ele, já que apesar da vagabundagem, seus pais criaram ele e seus irmãos muito bem nesse quesito.
• Ele vai gostar de assistir animes com você, além de ler mangás e fazer comentários sobre o que cada um achou e o que esperam de um próximo capítulo.
• Agora, eu sei o que você deve estar se perguntando... "E a Nyaa-chan???"
• Porque, se você caiu aqui de paraquedas e não sabe da fofoca, ele é (ou era) apaixonado por uma idol chamada Nyaa-chan.
• Bom, o que eu posso te dizer é que você é mais do que suficiente pra ele. Conseguiu conquistar seu coração e agora ele pertence a você.
Ichimatsu: Apático
• Que ele tá morto por dentro todo mundo já sabe, né. Mas por algum motivo conseguiu se apaixonar verdadeiramente.
• Apesar dessa paixão toda, ele vai ser horrível demonstrando o que sente. Inclusive, um dos problemas que vocês vão ter no início do namoro vai ser essa questão afetiva. Tipo, depois que vocês começam a namorar, praticamente nada muda entre vocês.
• O que eu quero dizer é: abraçar, beijar, elogiar, sair juntos, conversar sobre coisas íntimas... NADA disso vai rolar no início. Leva um tempinho até ele se acostumar com o fato de alguém gostar dele de forma amorosa.
• A verdade nua e crua é que, ele é sem jeito demais pra sustentar esse tipo de coisa. Não é que não queira ou não goste de fazer essas coisas contigo, é só que simplesmente não sabe fazer e tem vergonha de admitir. Então paciência e persistência vão ser a chave no namoro de vocês.
• Okay, mas e o relacionamento em si?
• Sobre isso... Temos que ter em mente que Ichimatsu é uma pessoa super reservada. Ficar sozinho é um hobbie que nem a sua chegada vai abolir.
• Isso significa que não, vocês não vão viver grudados um no outro. Ele precisa de espaço, precisa se sentir livre para ir e vir quando bem entender. Pense nele como... Bem, como um gato!
• Assim como um felino, ele não gosta de ser controlado, porém tem que sentir que pode contar com você quando precisar.
• Um exemplo nítido de discrepância é entre ele e seu irmão mais velho: Karamatsu. Os dois são completamente opostos! Enquanto ele é hiper reservado e calado, seu onii-chan vai acabar sendo mais falante e caloroso.
• E falando em ser reservado: JAMAIS FAÇA NADA EM PÚBLICO. Ele vai literalmente morrer de vergonha se terceiros verem vocês de mãos dadas ou se beijando, por exemplo.
• Já fica implícito aí que encontros fora de casa ou na frente de outras pessoas em geral está fora de cogitação. Isso só iria fazer ele ficar nervoso e surtar de vergonha e irritação.
• Por isso ele vai gostar de encontros secretos. Como, por exemplo, um beco ou viela que só vocês conhecem. Lugares ou casas abandonadas também servem. Exótico, não?
• Alimentar os gatos de rua é uma tarefa que ele geralmente gosta de fazer sozinho, mas também tá incluso no pacote de encontros.
• O melhor horário pra ele ter esses encontros com você, sem a menor sombra de dúvida, é de madrugada. Isso porque não tem ninguém na rua que possa ver vocês juntos, e além do mais, também é o horário em que os gatos saem pra procurar alimento.
• Aparições surpresa na sua casa já são de praste. E não vai achando que são aparições ao meio-dia ou quatro da tarde... Geralmente acontece de madrugada mesmo. Ele vai surgir na sua porta com alguma desculpa esfarrapada do tipo "perdi o sono" ou "meus irmãos não me deixam dormir". A verdade é que ele sente saudades suas... Só não admite. Como um gatinho de estimação.
• Enfim, no geral, não precione ele e saiba dar amor na medida certa... Assim você será uma boa dona- Digo, namorada!
Jyushimatsu: Hypado
• Se prepara pra rir, porque ele não vai poupar piadas!
• Vai AMAR te arrancar algumas risadas. Isso é praticamente comprovado no episódio 09 da temporada 01 ("Jyushimatsu se Apaixona").
• Seus passatempos vão desde te fazer rir e apreciar o seu belo sorriso até apertar os seus seios. Bem articulado, não? Ele vai apertar, massagear, tocar, apalpar... O que quiser chamar.
• É óbvio que o resultado disso não é nada family friendly, mas ainda não é a hora de entrarmos em detalhes (vou deixar isso pra um próximo capítulo...).
• PASSEIOS. Ele ama passear de mãos dadas com você. Como duas crianças, realmente. Quem vê de fora pode facilmente notar as borbulhas de amor que saem dos olhares apaixonados de vocês.
• Durante essas saídas uma pausa para degustar um petisco é quase obrigatória! Por isso, cafés e lanchonetes serão frequentemente uma parada para vocês.
• Abraços fortes também estão na lista de passatempos dele. Ah, como ele vai amar um abraço quentinho, sentindo seu corpo contra o dele. Ele ama sentir você, com certeza. Sua presença consegue fazer com que fique calmo... Centrado, eu diria.
• Cafunés não podem ficar de fora! O rapaz simplesmente DERRETE toda vez que toca nele, considerando as suas carícias uma amostra grátis do paraíso.
• Você pode acabar se surpreendendo com o quão bom ele pode ser na hora das carícias... Digo, ele não recebe, apenas; mas também gosta de dar carinho. Esse é um traço bem marcante nesse relacionamento.
• Enfim, num todo, ele é super caloroso e energético (o que já era de se esperar)...
Todomatsu: Dublê de playboy
• Deixa eu te fazer uma pergunta: Você gosta de andar? É, de caminhar. Não? Ah, que pena.. Porque você vai precisar das suas pernas.
• Por ser um projeto de playboy, ele vai viver rodando as lojas do bairro. Vai experimentar dezenas de blusas, chapéus e gravatas. Isso tudo pra no final não levar nada, já que não tem dinheiro...
• lojas de sapatos também não estão fora de risco. Se prepare pra ficar sentada por umas duas horas esperando ele escolher um sapato que NEM VAI COMPRAR.
• No final você acaba dando uma gorjeta para os atendentes das lojas que vai passando, só pela vergonha sofrida.
• Depois dos rolês, ir pra casa dele não é uma opção. Já foi provado em episódios da série que ele simplesmente morre de vergonha da família, então seus encontros e jantares provavelmente serão na SUA casa.
• E é melhor você arregaçar as mangas pra cozinhar, caso contrário sua cozinha inteira estará condenada.
• Mas já chega de pôr defeito no rapaz! Kkkkk Vamos aos pontos positivos...
• Registros de momentos importantes (como encontros e acontecimentos pessoais) não serão deixados de lado. Pode apostar, você será sua maior inspiração pro Instagram kkkkKKK
• E falando em rede social, ele com certeza vai ser do tipo que usa foto de casal no perfil.
• Outra coisa também é que mais da metade da galeria dele vai ser só foto sua. De todos os ângulos e de todos os jeitos.
• Vai te seguir em TUDO o que der. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Tumblr... Nada escapa.
• Ele pode não admitir, mas você é a única que faz ele se colocar em segundo plano. Todos sabemos que ele pode ser bem egoísta às vezes...
• TRENDS DO TIK TOK. Se você é do tipo que não curte essas paradas... Meus sentimentos. KkkkKKK! Tudo bem, ele não vai te forçar, mas vai pelo menos tentar negociar...
• "Nem pensar que eu vou rebolar desse jeito na frente de uma câmera! Tá ficando doido???"
• "S/N, se você aprender esse passo novo eu prometo... Você sabe... Prometo ensaiar ele encima de você a noite toda... O que acha?"
• "...Safada."
• Aaaaaaah! Falando em negociação... Ele vai tentar te manipular pra conseguir o que quer, isso é fato. Não tem jeito, isso faz parte da personalidade dele. Vai usar de toda sua fofura e charme pra te persuadir, chegando às raias da sensualidade...
• Mas relaxa, com o tempo você vai se dar conta e começar a usar o feitiço contra o feiticeiro~ (se é que me entende)
• "E então? Quando vou receber meu pagamento pelo mico que tive que passar hoje?"
• "Ah, sobre isso... Eu tava brincando! Foi o único jeito que eu achei de você aceitar... P-Por que tá tirando a roupa...?"
• "Você tava brincando... Mas eu não."
• "E-Espera, não podemos fazer isso aqui! Meus irmãos podem chegar! E além do mais, tem os barulhos... V-Você sabe que não consigo controlar-"
• "Tudo bem. Sua boca vai estar muito ocupada pra fazer qualquer barulho. Agora... É melhor se preparar, porque vamos ter uma noite bem longa~"
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thirstytrashblogger · 8 months ago
Stamp of Approval
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Picture from: @ichimatsu-of-the-day
Ichimatsu x reader oneshot
Summary: Ichimatsu goes to Y/N’s apartment for the first time and meets her roommate.
Warnings: fluff, cat oc, fem-reader, period cramps, established relationship, fairly new relationship, self-doubt
Ichimatsu waited outside her apartment building for their date, one she had planned and invited him on. He held a small sad crumbled bouquet for her that had been crumpled on the walk to her building. How she found interest in such a bum like him he would never understand but man, did he want this to work out even if it felt like he was just buying extra time before he eventually screwed everything up and scared her away. He looked down at the ground before hearing the recognizable click of the main entrance opening and there she was but she wasn’t in her usual put-together state. Instead, she was wearing comfortable lounging clothes with slightly tousled hair more similar to his everyday look than hers. Nonetheless, she was still radiant and the most gorgeous person he had the honor of laying eyes on.
“Ichi, Hi!” she beamed. 
“H-hey kitten. You feeling okay?” he asked after composing himself, gripping the flowers even tighter than before. 
“Haha,” she blushed at the nickname. “I’m okay just having some cramps right now. I had planned a picnic for us but honestly, I don’t think I have the energy to go out today.” 
“Huh? Oh, okay. I’ll leave then.” He tried not to show his disappointment at rejection but the looming cloud of grey over him was obvious. 
“What!? No don’t leave! I was thinking we could stay in. I made snacks and thought we could cuddle and watch movies. Maybe even take a little nap if we’re feeling it.” She finished. 
He turned back. She really just described the perfect date. He couldn’t believe she truly still wanted to spend time with him. That she would allow him into her home. That she would allow him in her presence while she was in pain. Goddamn, he can’t fuck this one up. He REALLY couldn’t fuck this one up. He stared at her starstruck at her offer before realizing he had not said anything to confirm the dream date. 
“Okay” he yelped out. 
“Great!” she smiled. “Oh, I also wanted you to meet my roommate. She’s also my best friend. I think you’ll really like her.” she added. 
Of course. This will be his biggest test yet. Gaining approval from her friends seems like an impossible task for him. Who in their right mind would approve of a useless NEET like him dating an angel like her? Sure they’ll probably be polite in person but once he leaves they’ll definitely set her straight and before long she’ll tell him to hit the bricks. If this is their last date then he’s gonna make it count though, goddamnit. For the first time in a long time, he’s not going down without a fight. 
“O-oh, yeah. That would be nice.” he played off as they began going upstairs to her apartment. 
Once they made it through the door, he looked around. It was a small apartment. Maybe fit for a couple but definitely no more than one bedroom and the shoes by the door were all Y/N’s. He didn’t see any signs any other people lived there. 
“Amelia, I’m back,” she called as they set their shoes by the door. “Come here, I want you to meet my boyfriend!” she called out excitedly. 
Ichimatsu continued to slowly look around. Nervous about the impending encounter but didn’t seem like anyone else was home. That’s when he noticed a cat tree by the window and some toys littered the ground. 
“She’s usually pretty shy around new people. She might be hiding.” Y/N mentioned. “I’ll check the bedroom.”
“Hiding?” he asked. Pretty weird for someone to hide when called to greet guests but then again he’s been guilty of doing the same. It was then that he felt something on his leg. He looked down to see a little black cat with shining green eyes threading through his legs and purring. He was in awe. Bending down to properly greet the kitty with a soft blush and smile. 
“Hello, sweet thing,” he said letting her sniff his hand before petting her. She purred loudly and began rubbing her face on his sweater. She meowed gently. He meowed back. Now sitting on the floor to continue petting her. He pulled one of the cattails out of the crumpled bouquet and began playing with her. 
Y/n reentered the room. Greeted by the lovely sight of  Ichimatsu playing with her sweet little cat. She enjoyed the scene before he could notice. 
“Oh, so this is what I find?” she began. “My best friend in the arms of my lover” she stated dramatically before giggling. “You even took my flowers.” she joked, joining them on the floor and receiving a headbutt from Amelia. Her own little way of saying she picked a good one to bring home. 
Ichimatsu looked at her even more in love than before. Her best friend is a cat! A very sweet little cat that loves him and approves of him. And they say black cats are bad luck. 
“You could’ve told me she wasn’t a human. I would’ve been way less nervous to meet your roommate.” He mentioned still wearing his wide cute goofy smile. 
“Yeah. Sorry. I guess I forget sometimes it’s kinda weird to refer to her like she’s people but I always talk to her like she is.” She scratched the good spot behind her ears earning an even louder purr. “Well, it seems you two have already met. Ichimatsu this is my best friend, Amelia. Amelia, this is Ichimatsu, my boyfriend.” she held the kitty out to him the long way. Amelia meowed in greeting. 
Ichimatsu reached his hands out gently squeezing Amelia’s front paw pads in a formal greeting. 
“It’s an honor to meet you, Amelia” he responded. Watching Y/N begin playing with the kitty. Waving the cattail in front of her. 
“She really does like you. It normally takes her a good while to warm up to anyone. Not that I would expect anything else from an amazing cat whisperer like yourself.”
Ichimatsu was touched by the compliment. He wondered how few others got the privilege of being this close to them and how lucky he was to be in that select few.
“I’m happy to get her stamp of approval,” he said aloud sweetly. Meanwhile, he was thinking if anything happened to either Y/N or Amelia he’d burn the building down and kill everyone in the world. 
The sweet kitty gave Ichimatsu’s arm a few headbutts before rubbing her face on his sleeve again. 
“Hey, don’t steal him away from me. That’s MY lovely boyfriend, Ami and I intend to keep him as mine.” She joked pulling Amelia into her lap and planting a kiss between her ears. 
Is that truly how she saw him? Did she value him that much? So proudly declaring their dating status and cherishing having him. She chose him and wanted him and trusted him to meet her dearest kitty. Before he even realized it, Ichimatsu leaned down and kissed the crown of Y/n’s head. She looked up in surprise with loving eyes. He hooked his finger under her chin bringing her face close to his. 
“Not even the sweetest of cats can steal me away from my kitten.” he said with the same adoring look on his face making her swoon. The two joined in a long sweet kiss. 
Before long the three of them were cuddled up in a nest of blankets watching movies with snacks around them. Amelia chose to stay in Ichimatsu’s lap purring and kneading the blankets before falling asleep. The flowers he had brought were now in a vase on the table. He wished every day could be like this. He’d found a perfect slice of paradise and never wanted it to go away.  The couple chatted lazily laughing and enjoying each other’s presence. Eventually, they both grew pretty sleepy and Y/n dozed off on Ichimatsu holding onto his side with his arm wrapped around her. As his eyes grew heavy he thought he must have already been dead because this was heaven.
A/N: Some mushy gooey stuff because I can finally write again. Might make more Ichimatsu fics. Comment for more! I have ideas again people! Antidepressants are some magical stuff!
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goofbell · 7 months ago
ok idk if you wanna answer this because you posed it on your priv but I'm DYING to know your rationale on your oso/mysme matchmaking post. how did you reach those conclusions 🎤🎤🎤
OMG HI yes i would love to explain my rationale for this i will never deny an opportunity to yap . technically this was a collaborative effort between me and my roommate so I cant take all the credit for the list
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ok so:
osomatsu and yoosung: to be honest we mainly picked these 2 because i cant reasonably see any of the other mysme characters tolerating osomatsu LOL. the comedic potential of worlds biggest shit disturber and Worlds most gullible guy is unmatched also. theres a wild and obsessive side to yoosung too that i think would actually throw oso off under the right circumstances. tldr itd be funny
karamatsu and saeran: this one was interesting because originally i was team kara zen but they are too similar in style to come out of it unscathed. i think saeran deserves a loser boyfriend and who else could fit the bill. i also think karamatsu is one of the only brothers who is emotionally available enough to be able to have any sort of camaraderie with saeran without bringing him down - i think his willingness to just put himself out there would make saeran feel comfortable. plus i think they both have....eclectic taste
choromatsu and zen: classic nerd x prep dynamic. choromatsus interest in idols is similar enough to the nature of zens career so him growing to appreciate zens work is not too huge of a leap to me (if im being generous to this guy). i just think itd be so enemies to lovers like they would argue so hard
ichimatsu and seven: i think this was the first one we decided? beyond the love for cats I just think they could influence eachother in interesting ways - sevens energy might force ichimatsu out of his shell and ichimatsu can relate to seven's facade and could make him feel comfortable dropping it sometimes. i just think they have a lot in common
jyushimatsu and jaehee: no one else deserved jaehee. Also i just think that jaehee deserves some whimsy and joy in her life and who better than jyushimatsu to bring it . methinks its hard for jyushimatsu not to like someone but i think he would be endeared by how earnest jaehee is and would be full of glee when he gets her to loosen up a bit
todomatsu and jumin: can you just imagine them interacting. we picked this duo because the potential here was too great. Todomatsu is such a little ass kisser and would try to manipulate the hell out of jumin to get what he wants. something something they both end up learning how to Be Real idk how to explain it. just feel it
bonus osomatsu and V: i think V just needs to be put in a room with someone who would not be afraid to tell him he has problems
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brofightiscancelled · 7 months ago
who would you consider your favorite side character and what ships do you like?
i loooove totoko... sorry for the boring answer i just love girls who suck. i love how she's just as horrible and pathetic as the boys, the way she and oso both uniquely cling to childhood dynamics and how their refusal to let go of the past and move forward put them uniquely on the same wavelength and able to understand each other, like when oso calls her out in "cutie next door" or their heart-to-heart in sakura......
there's something very cutes to me abt her going "the fish idol thing isnt selling- but i'm the daughter of fishmongers, so i have to stick with it!" and her refusing to give up the fish shtick even when it'd make her more popular.. i think it's cute... she's a family girl....
also im just a sucker for childhood friends idk!!!! i just think it's so cuuuutes... i really like how they all interact w her in the jra horse racing special, and smth abt ichimatsu also fawning over her despite it clashing w his personality it's like.... i cant really articulate this i love childhood friends i love dynamics that change yet stay the same into adulthood
along that line for ships: i do loooove osototo. smth abt it is like cocomelon to my brain. brat x brat. you two should stay together so no one else is subjected to you etc. i think totty/atsushi and ichi/yanagita are extremely funny yaois but i dont take them that serious. atsutotty especially to me is valuable as a versatile punchline. a classic totty accidentally reveals he has a boyfriend and they all yell at him for being too secretive and "how can you not tell yourbrothers you like MEN" and kara is like "Heh... I Am Also Of.. The Bi Sexual Natur" and everyone ignores him to keep asking totty about what kind of credit card atsushi has kind of deal
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nerium-shipping · 4 months ago
♡ F/Os by Series Characters in bold are Fictional Favourite Persons and hold an extreme importance to myself or other system members
•Obey Me - Lucifer
•Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss - Lucifer Morningstar, Angel Dust, Alastor, Lilith (Situational), Stolas Ars Goetia
•Twisted Wonderland - Idia Shroud, Ortho Shroud, Malleus Draconia, Trey Clover, Riddle Rosehearts, Vil Schoenheit, Neige LeBlanche, Divus Crewel
•Black Butler - Sebastian Michaelis, Vincent Phantomhive, O!Ciel Phantomhive, Gregory Violet, Alois Trancy, Claude Faustus
•Genshin Impact - Venti, Scaramouche/Wanderer
•My Hero Academia - Hawks, Toshinori Yagi, Dabi, Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki
•Disney - Hades
•Lore Olympus -Hades
•Toilet Bound Hanako-kun - Tsukasa Yugi, Amane Yugi/Hanako-kun
•Call of Duty - Simon "Ghost" Riley
•Durarara!! - Izaya Orihara
•Cult of the Lamb - The One Who Waits/Narinder
•Boyfriend to Death/The Price Of Flesh - Lawrence Oleander, Sano Kojima, Ren Hana/Fox
•Ao no Exorcist - Rin Okumura
•Tokyo Ghoul - Hideyoshi Nagachika, Kuki Urie, Haise Sasaki, Ken Kaneki
•I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream - AM
•Heart No Kuni no Alice - Peter White
•Monogatari - Koiyomi Araragi
•Brothers Conflict - Tsubaki Asahina, Azusa Asahina
•Bungo Stray Dogs - Osamu Dazai, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Edogawa Ranpo, Chuuya Nakahara, Nikolai Gogol
•D. Gray-Man - Allen Walker, Yu Kanda, Nea/Thirteenth
•Danganronpa - Komaeda Nagito, Kokichi Ouma, Junko Enoshima, Toko Fukawa
•Demon Slayer - Tanjiro Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma
•Ensemble Stars - Mayoi Ayase
•Fruits Basket - Kyou Sohma, Yuki Sohma, Hatori Sohma, Hatsuharu Sohma
•Fullmetal Alchemist - Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric, Roy Mustang
•Haikyuu!! - Hinata Shoyo, Oikawa Tooru, Kageyama Tobio
•Higurashi no Naku no Koro Ni - Rena Ryuugu
•Osomatsu-san - Ichimatsu, Todomatsu, Karamatsu
•Ouran High School Host Club - Tamaki Suoh, Kyoya Ohtori, Hikaru Hitachiin, Kaoru Hitachiin
•Persona 4 - Naoto Shirogane, Yu Narukami
•Persona 3 - Akihiko Sanada, Shinjiro Aragaki, Ken Amada, Aigis
•Persona 5 - Akira Kurusu, Futaba Sakura, Ann Takamaki, Haru Okumura, Yusuke Kitagawa
•Soul Eater - Death the Kid, Stein
•Spy x Family - Loid Forger, Yor Forger
•Sword Art Online - Kazuto Kirigaya, Asuna Yuuki
•The Case Study of Vanitas - Vanitas
•The Devil is a Part-Timer - Satan
•Mirai Nikki - Yuno Gasai, Amano Yukiteru, Akise Aru
•Tokyo Revengers - Kazutora Hanemiya, Manjiro Sano/Mikey, Ken Ryuguji/Draken, Chifuyu Matsuno
•xxxHolic - Kimihiro Watanuki
•Yuri!!! On Ice - Viktor Nikiforov, Yuri Katsuki
•Angel's of Death - Danny Dickens
•Baldur's Gate - Astarion
•Coffin of Andy and Leyley - Andrew
•Final Fantasy VII - Cloud Strife
•Yugioh- Yugi Mutou, Atem, Yami Bakura
•Avatar the Last Airbender - Zuko
•Blood + - Charles
•Borderlands - Handsome Jack
•Castlevania - Alucard, Dracula
•Deltora Quest - Lief
•Gangsta - Nicholas Brown
•Killing Stalking - Oh Sangwoo, Yoon Bum
•The Mortal Instruments- Jace, Sebastian Morgenstern, Simon Lovelace, Gem Carstairs, Will Herondale
•Aggretsuko - Haida, Retsuko
•Gravity Falls - Mason "Dipper" Pines, Bill Cipher, Alcor (Transcendence AU)
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thebardisabird · 7 years ago
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Oh this anon~ I know this anon from @askmatsuhell ‘s blog. I see you’ve found me.  Well you know what? YOU GOT IT! UNDER THE MF CUT!
(I toned down the overtly dom aspect of the boyfriend since virginity and all. I also didn’t know you wanted this as an x reader or not, so I actually tried something different this time and I only used one matsu since that wasn’t specified lol. Also this is my first time ever writing something like this so pls dont yell @ me.)
Ichimatsu willed himself to relax, heart pounding through the thick fabric of his sweatshirt. He and his brothers were always chastised for being virgins - but never in his life did he think he’d be here, under this handsome man. It had been several months since he and Ichimatsu were seeing one another. The alleyway where Ichimatsu normally visited to feed his friends was suddenly occupied with a new person. Annoyance was the first thing he felt, how dare this man come into his territory and try to take his friends away from him?
However when the guy noticed Ichimatsu walking away, he called back for him, explaining that the cats were meowing for food and he’d been a little late today. He said he’d noticed him coming to feed them everyday and that he lived around the corner.  “It’s sweet to see how much you care for them,” he complimented, bring a flush to Ichimatsu’s face. At that he laughed softly and introduced himself. After that, the two wound up feeding the neighborhood cats together. The reserved matsu was oblivious to the gentle advances of his friend at first, but when he was finally asked to grab some coffee at a quaint cat cafe a few blocks down, it became pretty clear. It made no sense that such a decent man would take any interest in a low-life like him, but he couldn’t deny the guy was handsome. A few dates here and there, and Ichimatsu found himself so comfortable. Innocent kisses, hand holding, and cozy snuggles were all things new to him, but in his boyfriend’s arms he felt at home. 
Thus leading him to here. When their kissing turned heated, lips and tongue mashing in an increasingly needy pace, both men blushed. Ichimatsu pulled from his partners lips, breathing heavily already. A hand was laid on his carefully, fingers coming to wrap around it, “Do…Do you want to do it?”  His heart skipped a beat and he looked off to the side, Ichimatsu’s face turning shades of crimson. He’d never even kissed anyone before his boyfriend, let alone gotten this far. His thoughts ran wild at the question, was this what he wanted?  “We don’t have to, Ichi…” Ichimatsu flushed further, his mind delving into the corners of his memories. This man made him feel…good. That was the best he could explain it. He felt secure around him, relaxed and unbothered. His boyfriend’s laugh and the way he loosely hooked his pinky around Ichimatsu’s made the purple clad recluse smile inwardly. There were feelings there. Feelings that made feel loved…wanted…feelings he never thought he’d experience.  Losing his virginity was meant to be special, he was always told, and there was no one more special than this man sitting in front of him.  “…Let’s do it.” he finally answered. His hand was squeezed gently, eyes scanning his face for reassurance, “Are you sure…? I want you to think about this…we really don’t have to. You don’t owe me anything because we kissed.” His lovers ramblings were ceased with a soft kiss to his lips. Ichimatsu pulled back,  “I…I love you. I don’t think I’d want to do this with anyone else…so let’s.” A touched sigh. “I love you too, Ichimatsu.”
With that, he was laid back onto a soft bed. Passionate kisses were exchanged in favor of clothing being lost. At the feel of Ichimatsu’s nervous trembling, his boyfriend rubbed soothing circles into his legs. Words of affection were whispered into Ichimatsu’s neck, his thighs being spread open gently. His lover slowly teased the erection that laid against his darling boyfriend’s stomach, tongue swiping over the pulse of Ichimatsu’s throat. He let out a soft groan, feeling himself grow harder under the ministrations of the man above him. Hands eased off of his dick, and his partner left his side to quickly grab some lubricant. Ichimatsu tensed at the feel of fingers teasing his entrance, “Fingers first, my love…I want to make this easier on you…” He sucked in a deep breath and closed his eyes and the digits slipped into him cautiously. He winced, feeling himself stretch. It wasn’t too bad, considering he was being gentle. Ichimatsu focused, breathing rhythmically into finally relaxed against the careful movements of his boyfriend’s fingers. Soon, hints of pleasure began to spark in him. When he saw his face relax, he placed a kiss of Ichimatsu’s lips,  “Feels good?”  Ichimatsu bit his lip, a quick nod in response as he clenched a bit in pleasure. He groan when the skilled digits withdrew. Apprehension slid into his limbs when his lover slowly ground against Ichimatsu’s entrance. Hands found his hips and he found his boyfriend laying his forehead against his.  “I love you.” With a gentle push, he slid into Ichimatsu, slowly and wary, watching Ichimatsu’s face. Wincing was heard, but gentle kisses willed them away to dwindle into soft sighs. The soft touches his sweetheart paid to his half rigid form was easing his nerves little by little. He pressed forward, pressing more kisses into the flesh of the matsu under him. It was long moments before he was finally fully within Ichimatsu, whose lip was snatched tentatively between his teeth. Ichimatsu held onto his lovers arms, releasing his grip little by little as the tension in his lower back dissipated. His sex was stroked once again, much to the pleasure of his lover, as Ichimatsu clenched against him. Soon the purple matsu found himself writhing a bit under his boyfriend. With that cue, he gently reintroduced hips against Ichimatsu, who groaned, a small shockwave of electricity tingling his spine. The pain and pleasure was heavenly in his flesh. A few careful thrusts and his significant other found hips pushing back against him. He chuckled softly, supplying Ichimatsu with harder thrusts than before. He quickly tried to contain his moaning, teeth biting into the sleeve of his sweater, but his lover knocked his hand out of the way. Picking up the pace of his thrusts, he leaned over, taking Ichimatsu’s lips for a rough kiss. Tongues mingled messily and when he pulled back he growled,
“Don’t do that…I want to hear you….”
The poor matsu flushed heavily, his fingers snaking into his boyfriend’s hair as lips descended to bite into the skin of his neck. A swift hand came over Ichimatsu’s cock, quick strokes along his shaft to drive him to his peak. His body burned with pleasure, a strong overwhelming feeling rushing up his limbs. Without warning, he came suddenly, head pitching forward and eyes snapping shut as his partner slowed his strokes upon orgasm. He looked over Ichimatsu as he chased his own orgasm, licking his fingers of his lovers cum. With a handful of hard thrusts (and the overstimulated whines of the man under him), he came soon after, expletives rolling off of his lips. Hips stilled as the sole sound of heavy breathing filled the room. Ichimatsu peeked his eyes open to find his boyfriend gazing down at him lovingly. He nuzzled his nose into Ichimatsu’s neck,  “My perfect kitten…”
The genuine grin on Ichimatsu’s face lasted the whole day. 
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imaginesmatsu · 3 years ago
Headcannons on what the Matsus watch on YouTube at 3am?
osomatsu - 100% those shitty "dont do this at 3am" videos. also will sometimes go down the rabbit hole and end up on some wild conspiracy videos - he doesnt believe most of them (keyword most) but he loves watching really dumb stuff. makes him feel better about himself and also gives him great stuff to annoy his brothers with
karamatsu - "how to be cool," "how to be the coolest person in the room," "how to make everyone look at you." no but for real he does go down a hole of psychology more often than not - he likes learning why people do things and what certain things mean. switches between criminal psychology and general psychology a lot, it just depends on where his recommended sends him.
choromatsu - nightcore AMVs about pop star/idol anime. sometimes get stuck watching speedpaints if the art is Really Good™. also into gachalife story videos about the "normal person bumps into idol, they become friends?!" trope. he likes to imagine himself in that scenario (bt tbf who doesnt?)
ichimatsu - cute cat videos, of course. especially abt kittens growing up happy and healthy. well, either those or vines (it switches almost nightly). also maybe nekopara/any catperson AMV. will sometimes fall asleep to those asmr rp videos ("catboy sleeps with you," "catgirl boyfriend purrs while you cuddle," etc etc etc).
jyushimatsu - mukbang 100%. like yeah sure he enjoys watching sports, but at 3am if he's still awake he's usually hungry - and what better way to suffer than to watch other people eat? mostly likes watching challenge videos where people eat entire menus of things in x amount of time, or super spicy challenges. sometimes falls asleep and dreams that he's the one eating the food (and his brothers end up waking him up because his pillow is halfway in his mouth and fully soaked in drool).
todomatsu - clips of popular fashion shows. mostly fail videos because he enjoys them, and because he likes to size people up and decide what he think would look best on them. he doesnt like toddler pageants though - whats the point of dressing up a kid when theyre just gonna pitch a fit and cry and mess up their outfit? also theyre kids, he'd much rather dress up someone older since he has more freedom that way
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vrisrezis · 3 years ago
It's okay! Thank you for letting me send this again <3 how would the matsus deal with having a catboy bf? Optional: he's really neurotic and swings between chaotic and lazy, cuddly and distant, like a real cat. Thanks again! <3
Osomatsu unironically calls you his little meow meow. He’s so clingy so gets annoyed when you’re being distant. You two are (usually) always cuddling.
Karamatsu is another clingy one, but he just gets upset rather than annoyed when you’re distant but tries not to show it and fails.
Choromatsu loves cuddling with you, he’s a bit lazy even if he tries to act like he isn’t. He’s not clingy and doesn’t mind when you’re not in the mood for cuddles.
Ichimatsu and you being cat boyfriends lets gooo. He can’t help but think how adorable you are like 24/7. Doesn’t mind when you feel distant.
Jyushimatsu is your opposite. You are the cat x dog couple. He’s super clingy, so being distant won’t work with him. It’s hard to tell if you love it or tolerate it.
Todomatsu loves you! Constantly calling you adorable and pets your ears a lot. Doesn’t mind when you’re distant most of the time but sometimes it’ll annoy him.
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ash-imagines · 4 years ago
Since White Day is coming up in Japan, and I always see a Osomatsu x reader themed around Valentine's day, would you please be willing to do headcanons for what the Matsuno brothers would do for their partner on White Day?
Osomatsu - Nothing all that fancy, just your favorite candy or something he knows you'll like. Plus he gets you a card with a rude/sexual joke on it because he saw it while he was out getting the candy and thought it was hilarious.
Karamatsu - There’s no way he doesn’t go above and beyond. All you did was make him some chocolates, but in return he gets you the most giant fucking plush you’ve ever seen in your life. It’s a tiger. You don’t think you’ll be able to fit it inside your room without moving some things. You appreciate it, but holy fuck. It’s almost as big as your bed. Where did he even find something like this?
Choromatsu - A slice of cake in an appropriately festive box. Mr. Practical over here reasoned that a whole cake would probably be going overboard, but he didn't wanna just give you chocolates. After all, before he met you, nobody had ever given him anything on Valentine's Day unless they were obligated to... So he had to return the favor!
Ichimatsu - Ichi also goes for a plush, but thankfully it's not massive like the one Kara got. Naturally, it's a cat, and it's holding a little heart between its paws that says "You're Purrfect!". He's incredibly bashful when he gives it to you. Give him a kiss on the cheek and watch him turn entirely red.
Jyushimatsu - He makes you a card! Aside from some smudged ink, he did a fairly good job, and there's honestly nothing more thoughtful than a card made especially for you. Plus he taped some of your favorite candy to it, because the candy is a must.
Todomatsu - A fairly expensive piece of jewelry. He did a good job of picking something more on the subtle side. It's classy, but understated enough that you could wear it with just about anything. Basically, it's something people will compliment you for and you can say "oh my boyfriend got it for me!", and you absolutely should because it gives Totty a massive ego boost.
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whumpmatsus · 3 years ago
Atsushi x Todo. Maybe Todomatsu has a ankle dislocation after a bike crash and Atsushi being the supportive boyfriend brings him to the Hospital and stays overnight?
aah, I don't really ship them?? I mean, I like them as friends, but for some reason I don't ship any of the canon characters together/like any of the canon ships and I like to focus on reader inserts and family fics with the brothers XD
but I'm fine to write these two in a shippy thing though, interesting dynamic to explore, and I headcanon Totty as pansexual, so, no problems writing it occasionally!
I hope it's okay haha, I've never written Atsushi before and he's not my usual 'type' so it might not be that great, hopefully still enjoyable tho <3
“Are you sure you should be taking pictures of it? … And posting them??”
Totty snaps one more photo of his injured foot, giving a small cringe as he looks at the screen to put a filter on it. “Well, yeah… how else are people gonna know that I’m in pain and need attention?”
Atsushi rolls his eyes and pulls out his own cellphone. Far be it from him to tell his boyfriend what to do online, but… “The drugs are probably kicking in. You’re delusional.”
“Noooo…” Totty frowns as he glances away from his phone to focus on his ankle for a minute. Although they did give him some painkillers, and it feels better than it did when he first got here, it’s not great. This serves him right for thinking only shoulders could get dislocated, doesn’t it? “It still hurts. Look at it!”
“Yeah, I’m looking at it, babe.”
“Ooh, perv.” He wiggles his toes with a playful grin. “Is this what turns you on? Feet? And just when I thought I had all your kinks figured out. Hey, you can touch it, if you really want.”
Atsushi’s response is to, with the most deadpan look on his face, poke a single digit against Totty’s ankle. Not enough pressure that someone could accuse him of being cruel, though it might get the point across.
Predictably, the other man jumps about a mile. That simple touch sent an electric shock through his body, like someone had just rubbed salt in an open wound. “OW! Oh, my God, that hurt!!”
“Kind of my point.” To apologize, he reaches over to take Totty’s hand, rubbing the side gently with one thumb. “Do you really need to be giving your almost-broken-ankle a photo shoot and scumming for sympathy online? I’m right here to give you some, and you’ve also, you know… got five brothers who are gonna swarm all over you when I take you home.”
Totty huffs and brings Atsushi’s hand up to press against his cheek. He’s partially right, anyway. “Yeah, okay. Karamatsu’s gonna write an entire Greek tragedy about my suffering, Ichimatsu’s gonna withhold an ice pack till I’ve sufficiently begged for it, Choromatsu’s gonna lecture me about wearing fucking ankle pads, Jyushimatsu will end up hitting it with his baseball bat, and Osomatsu will make me hobble to the fridge and get him a beer. They’re pricks.”
“Tch, they’re also your brothers. Don’t forget you’re a prick, too. You belong to them, so they won’t be that bad. They’ll circle around you chanting, ‘One of us, one of us’ and shove aspirin down your throat.” Atsushi’s eyes drift back down to the injury, and he finds himself wincing.
Honestly, it looks like Totty’s ankle went a few rounds with a sledgehammer. It’s swollen all the way down to the base where his toes meet the rest, and mottled with purplish-blue bruises. Despite the fact that it looks a lot better than the bloody, twisted mess it was when he first got Totty to the hospital, it’s certainly not any less painful.
Seems like Totty is thinking the same thing, because his hand drifts down for his fingertips to brush against it. He jolts again, just like he did when his boyfriend touched it. A tiny whimper slips out and a shoulder catches his head when he leans over for a pity party. “Owwww… dammit. This sucks! How am I supposed to do anything like this? I’m gonna be useless for… how long did the doctor say? Six to eight weeks?”
“Yeah, well, everyone else is gonna have to pick up the slack. I’ll do what I can, you know? At least you don’t live on your own.” Atsushi circles an arm around Totty’s shoulders with a sigh. “And I’m sure your boss will give you a break since you’re, like… broken bone adjacent. It’s not like you’re gonna be sitting around in pain and unable to do anything. You’re so dramatic.”
Totty hums. “You wouldn’t have me any other way, though, right?”
“Yep.” Atsushi kisses his cheek, prompting Totty to melt into the embrace fully, complete with fake-flustered cooing noises. “If you really feel like you need to take pictures and beg people to feel sorry for you online, go ahead and do it. But just remember who’s feeling the most sorry for you, who’s here in real life, and who’s willing to kiss the pain away.”
“Awww… so poetic. Huh, maybe I can take some pictures later and show people how great you’re taking care of me! Right? That would be fun.” Totty grins and pulls his injured ankle a little closer, still pouting at it.
Atsushi snorts as he takes another look at the injury. “Damn. Guess that’s the last time you try to show off for the ladies at my office by showing them how environmentally conscious you are, riding a bike to visit me. Why are you even trying to impress other people, anyway? I’m, like… right here. Perfect hair and all, you know.”
“Wow, who’s being dramatic now?” Totty laughs. “I’m happy with you. Buuuut, if we impress girls, we get a chance at a threesome. Huh, gee, though… you’re right about how we try to do it. The bike thing is played out. Who am I trying to fool? I already go to the gym and walk most places, I don’t need to ride a bike.”
Geez. “Never a dull moment with you, Totty.” He leans over to shut his boyfriend up with another kiss, this time on the lips. “You’ll apparently have plenty of time to brainstorm strategies, lazing around with that hurt foot and all. Luckily, though, the only person who’ll be around to take advantage of your stupid puppy face is me.”
Totty raises an eyebrow and flutters his eyes to get another kiss, humming into the contact. “Oh, good. Because I was thinking, my brothers will probably fawn over me for the first day or so, I can milk it that long, I think, but… after that, they’ll get sick of me asking for stuff pretty quick.”
He hooks both arms around Atsushi’s neck. “Soooo, after those first few days… they’ll be pretty happy for me to go sleep over at your house so you can deal with me. Hell, I bet they’ll send you a fruit basket for putting up with my needy ass! Maybe after I’ve gotten a bunch of pity from them, I can crash at your place for a few days.”
“Hm.” Atsushi presses his forehead against Totty’s with a devious smirk that shows they’re definitely on the same wavelength. “Then after a few days with me… they’ll be missing you and wanting to fuss over you again. Rinse and repeat. You get literally all of the attention from everyone, your brothers treat me like a saint for dealing with you, and they’re all way too dumb to realize they’re being yo-yo’d into taking care of you and your ego.”
Totty squeals and snuggles close, being careful not to bump his foot when he moves. “Oh, my God. I knew there was a reason I loved you!”
“Besides my ass, you mean?”
“… Oh. Yeah. Besides that, uh-huh.”
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thefoxwhodraws · 3 years ago
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I posted 4,882 times in 2021
60 posts created (1%)
4822 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 80.4 posts.
I added 198 tags in 2021
#my art - 50 posts
#fanart - 37 posts
#osomatsu san - 28 posts
#doodles - 24 posts
#friday night funkin - 15 posts
#digital art - 11 posts
#jyushimatsu - 10 posts
#ichimatsu - 8 posts
#fnf boyfriend - 8 posts
#afternoon reblog - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 54 characters
#holy fuck this update is so going to be worth the wait
My Top Posts in 2021
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“What do you see?” 
47 notes • Posted 2021-01-21 03:50:41 GMT
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Finally mustered up the energy to sit down and draw these two. I hope you all like it.
I didn’t realized I drew this on a small canvas until I already posted this to my Twitter and NewGrounds account.��🙃🙃🙃
51 notes • Posted 2021-02-04 02:10:50 GMT
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Quick Kerokerokeroppi snack doodle
64 notes • Posted 2021-03-31 05:27:30 GMT
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I was inspired by this OT3 art meme that I saw on here along with a fanfic that I have been reading and decided to draw some BF x Pico X GF art. 
103 notes • Posted 2021-03-04 06:23:21 GMT
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Whitty doodle
112 notes • Posted 2021-03-01 06:29:39 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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kuroosdumbslut · 4 years ago
Karamatsu x Reader: Quarantine
*self indulgent and probably with lots of bullshit*
You didn’t think much about quarantine until now. It wasn’t that you didn’t think it would happen, no, but it was a syrprise that, since Karamatsu was in your house with you so often he had to be quarantined with you. Considering the age of his parents, you agreed that he would stay with you until the orders were lifted.
“Well, you’re stuck here with me, babe,” you said. Karamatsu hummed, thinking momentarily before a shocked expression appeared. “My dearest, I’m afraid all of my clothing is at my house. Should I run over real quick to grab my things?” You shook your head, giving him a peck on the cheek. “No, love, I called your mom when I found out. One of the brothers will stop by with a box of your things.” The panicked expression got worse and you just chuckled, pressing a few rapid fore kisses to his lips. “Karamatsu, if you think one of them slipping something embarrassing in the box would affect us, I’m afraid to say that you’re still stuck with me. Literally at my house during quarantine and romantically ‘cause i have no intention of breaking up with you.” With that you walked into the litchen and put on a kettle, Karamatsu following behind you like a puppy.
About an hour later, there was a quick series of knocks that forced you from your spot on the couch. “Hold on!” You walked over and opened the door, seeing Choromatsu about six feet from your door. Had it not been for the pandemic and social distancing measures currently enforced, you would have found it odd. You greeted him kindly, Karamatsu also walking to the door to greet his green clad borther. “Thank you so much for bringing his things! Take care of your parents!” You quickly brought the box in, letting Karamatsu and Choromatsu have a quick chat before they both said their farewells.
“See, that wasn’t so bad, hon. Come on, I’ve got some free drawers and extra space in my closet.” Karamatsu stopped you for a moment, gently pressing a kiss to your temple and then allowing you to lead the way to your bedroom.
-About 3 weeks later-
As much as the brothers teased the shit out of the two of you over the phone, you and Karamatsu were doing pretty well. No fights as of yet, but there have been some tears here and there.
Karamatsu had been relaxing in the living room while you were in your makeshift office space so you could work from home. It was around lunch already, but Karamatsu was prepared; a simple but filling lunch awaited you. Karamatsu, though common now, still wasn’t prepared when you emerged from your office full out bawling. Silently, he took you into his arms and pressed gentle kisses to your temple and shoulder.
It was fairly common for you to be seen crying from how overwhelmed you felt. It didn’t help that your anxiety was at a high and current events pressed hard on your mind. Luckily, Karamatsu was an attentive boyfriend and made sure to gently push you to turn off the news and take breaks when you can. As he sat with you for lunch, you teared up again, though these were tears of happiness and not stress.
-idk another 2 weeks later-
Stress levels were finally starting to come down, the amount of tears lessened, and the breaks and self care days were more common now since your boss had gotten enough complaints that they were forced to evenly distribute the workload instead of dumping most of it onto the “most capable” workers.
However, during your down time today, you realized that Karamatsu would be going back to his own home to live after all this was over. For some reason, it deeply hurt to know your boyfriend wouldn’t be living with you full time in the future. You stayed lost in thought when Karamatsu walked back into the room with two cups of tea. “Here you go, my darling flower. A nice cup of tea to help you stay hydrated.” You accepted the cup woth a small smile and a kiss to his cheek, but your mind was still wandering. Karamatsu, it seemed, could also tell that your mind was elsewhere and sat his cup down after a small sip. “(Y/N), dear? Is something plaguing your mind?”
You snapped out of your increasingly worried mind and hesitated before nodding. ‘Better just tell him, huh?’ You took a deep breath before starting. “Well, I was just thinking that...Once this pandemic is over, or at least safe to partially go back to normal activities, you’ll be going back to your house.” Karamatsu looked as if he had been shocked and stopped to think about it, his frown deepening. He nodded slowly in response, waiting for you to continue if you wanted. “I guess I didn’t really think much of it, but now the thought makes me kinda...sad.” Karamatsu scooted closer to you, holding you close and wiping tears that ran down your cheeks. You didn’t even notice you were crying. “Well, my love...I-I don’t have to move back to my parents house. I have to admit, while I miss my family, it feels really amazing to get to live with you. I guess I nearly forgot that I don’t always live here...”
You looked up at him, slightly shocked, but then again, you were the same. You had nearly forgotten he didn’t normally live with you. Although... “If you want to, I definitely wouldn’t mind you staying and living with me if that’s something you want.” Karamatsu leaned down and left a series of kisses to your lips and forehead. “I mean, of course I’d love to live with you! The question is do you want me to?” You nodded silently, holding onto him as if he would be gone if you let go.
— places start to open up —
Having made the decision already, you were sat nearby while Karamatsu made the phone call to his parents house to tell them the news of him moving in with you. “Hello? Hey, Ichimatsu... Um, could you get everyone else to come to the phone too? I have some news. What? No she’s not pregnant! Just- Please get everyone else?” There was a pause for a moment, probably Ichimatsu gathering the others to the phone.
“Thank you, brother! Um, hi mom, dad, brothers. I um... (Y/N) and I have decided to live together permanently.” You could hear the muffled chaos of the Matsuno family shooting question after question at him, and then Karamatsu motioned you to come over. He handed the the phone whispering how they all wanted to make sure it wasn’t a trick or something. “Hello! I- Yes, I realized that I, um, really enjoyed having Karamatsu here and...wanted to live with him.” His mother grabbed the phone from whoever had it and asked if you would need any extra money due to the fact that “one of her little NEETs” would be there. You politely declined and squeezed Karamatsu’s hand when he gently grabbed onto yours.
An hour later and about a million questions later, you both hung up the phone and collapsed onto the couch. “Well, looks like you’re really stuck with me now,” you joked. Karamatsu laughed and held you close, making you flop on top of his as he laid back on the couch cusions. “I definitely don’t mind being stuck with someone as sweet and beautiful as yourself.” You grinned and pressed your lips to his, one hand coming up to card through his hair while your other hand rested gently on his cheek. Mumbling against his lips, you said, “Welcome home, babe.”
*as you can tell, i love having the bois move in with their partners lmao and i can also just see karamatsu’s partner really loving having him there so yknow just some quarantine fluff since a bitch is still in quarantine. its been 4 months and im exhausted but also thriving idk*
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kim-chann · 4 years ago
“Love?” [Osomatsu X Reader]
This was written on Wattpad, but I decided to post some written stories here too. Anyways, this was requested for a while back on Wattpad, but I decided to share it here on Tumblr too. 
"(Y/n)-chan, it's an emergency! (Y/n)-chan!!" Osomatsu screams, bursting into your room.
You turn your head, eyes wide as Osomatsu runs into your room, a face full of distraught in urgency, "What's wrong?! Did Karamatsu go missing?!"
"Did Choromatsu lose his Nyaa-chan tickets?"
"Did Ichimatsu lose ESP Kitty again?"
"No!" He interrupts you before you continue blabbering anything about his younger brothers. He pants, still recovering from running to your house. "It's not about my brothers," He sucks up a breathe, "Totoko-chan's looking for a boyfriend!"
"..." You stare at him. "Eh?"
"I know right! Now's my chance, (Y/n)-chan! I can finally ask her out!" He cheers, jumping up and down, doing handstands and dancing around chanting, 'girlfriend' with a blush on his cheeks.
"Oh..." You feel your heart throb painfully, a heavyweight pressing on your chest, watching Osomatsu cheer on, extremely happy that Totoko was looking for a boyfriend.
You knew that Osomatsu has had a crush on Totoko ever since he was a child. Of course, he would, she was much prettier than you anyway! (You're very beautiful, don't listen to my writing). You sigh and force on a smile as you block out the sad feeling in your gut, trying so hard not to shed tears right in front of him.
"That's very," you swallow a breath, "good to hear...!"
Osomatsu stops cheering, before taking your hands in his, "You gotta help me!" He exclaims, his eyes glistening with confidence. "Train me."
"...What do you mean?"
"Train me to become a good boyfriend for Totoko-chan!"
He goes on his knees, not even letting you answer, "Please! Please! You're my best friend! You gotta help me! Please, please, please--!"
He grabs on your ankles, repeating his begs as he cries at your feet.
"Okay, okay! Please stop!" You beg back, hating Osomatsu begging for someone that can never be you.
"Really?" He immediately gets up from the floor and stands up straight, "That was easier than I thought! Lucky!~" He rubs his index finger under his nose and laughs.
You glare at him before crossing your arms, "Fine. Okay, when do we start? Tomorrow? Next Saturday? Sun--"
You open your mouth, struggling to find words, before sighing out in defeat. You were happy for Osomatsu, you were. But knowing that fact that he's come for your advice for a woman that he loves on which was not you, it was very hard not to hold in the heavyweight in your chest. But as long as he was happy, you were happy
You turn to him, "Okay, fine."
"Show me how you'd dress if you were going in a date with Totoko-chan." You say.
You were creating up scenarios and observing how Osomatsu would react to them, before giving him advice and correcting things. Osomatsu immediately dragged you to his home when you agreed to help him, making it easier for you to create scenarios when everything he owned was in his house anyway.
He shuffles behind the paper door before opening it with a grin. Osomatsu was wearing his signature red hoodie with some jeans that he always wore.
"What? You didn't even change." You acknowledge, an eyebrow quirked at his actions. "Huh? I can't wear what I like to wear on dates? Lameee." He drags out his last remark, arms crossed behind his head as he puckers his lips in disappointment.
"Well, you can wear what you like on dates as long as it's casual. But knowing Totoko-chan she would always want her man prettied up for her to brag about on social media, you know? Try something more... formal." You critique, snapping your fingers in emphasis.
Osomatsu nods and hums at the same time, "You gotta point, (Y/n)-chan... so what do I wear?" He tilts his head.
"You can always wear a suit."
Osomatsu runs over to the closet and changes into the usual blue suit that he and his brothers all have. "Tada!~ Will Totoko-chan date me now?~ Hehe~" He winks.
You smile at him, eyebrows arched in appeal, "...Well," You say, trying to find the right words, "It can work, but do you have any other suits?"
He shakes his head.
You sigh, 'That won't due at all.' You think to yourself. You clear your throat, "Well since this is just training, make sure to buy a new suit because your blue one is overused and a bit old, is it not?"
"Ehh? But suits are expensive!" He pouts, puckering his lips.
You find yourself guilty as you pull out a 10,000 yen bill ($100). "Here, don't use it on Panchi--"
He swats it away from your hands as soon as you pull it out, "Yahoo! I can win big looting with this much money!! Yaho--" "AHEM."
He stops when you glare at him, "Use it on a cheap suit. Don't you use it on gambling, Oso. This is serious. Do you want to be Totoko-chan's boyfriend or what?"
He immediately calms down and sits on the ground, face serious, ready for your next scenario.
You didn't know why but you would felt a bit happier if he spent the money on Panchinko than Totoko. But you clear those thoughts from your head and tell him to stand up.
"How would you hold her hand?"
Osomatsu grabs your hand and interlocks his fingers into yours. You feel your heart hammer in your chest and eyes grow wide as your cheeks grow red. 'No,' you think. 'I can't, this is for Totoko-chan, not for you!'
You hold his hand, feeling it, before your face scums up in disgust, "Why are your hands so clammy?"
You feel Osomatsu tense up a bit, "Uh... umm."
Oh my fucking God. EW.
You yank your hand away from his, wiping it on your pants. "Gross! Gross!" You yell, the feeling of his clammy hands lingering on your hand was still buzzing strong. "Lesson number one!" You exclaim, "Wash your hands after jerking off!!"
It was late evening as you took Osomatsu out for a walk before his brothers go home, not wanting them to interrupt your 'dating session' with Osomatsu.
Your cheeks were still flared up a bit, knowing that you indirectly touched his dick from his hands. Disgusting. But honestly, you touch both his hand and his dick? What a combo-- Okay, that's enough.
Your lesson this time was trying not to make the atmosphere awkward with your date. That was important. But it was a bit difficult, knowing that you just held his clammy hands after he just recently jerked off. Even Osomatsu was flustered. Strange.
"Osomatsu, try to start a conversation, it's getting awkward..."
"Ah! Right, right."
He clears his throat before he thinks to himself for a moment, "So, um... (Y/n)-chan," He starts off, "Did you like the date?"
Him using your name as training was a bit difficult, not knowing if he was getting into character or not. But you really wished he wasn't. "It was really good, Oso! Thank you for taking me out!" You giggle, smiling.
He giggles too, his cheeks dusted with pink.
"But if Totoko-chan didn't like it, what do you say?"
"You ungrateful, bitch."
"For the love of God-- NO! That's the last thing you wanna say to her!" You say, trying so hard to contain your laughter.
"Ehh? But I'm trying my best! I'm sensitive here!" He puckers his lips and pouts again.
"Yes, I know that, Oso. But please just be gentle on women. If you really rile Totoko-chan up, I don't want her to hauler up your ass!"
"Oho~? You care about me, (Y/n)-chan. You're so cute!" He teases, him ruffling your hair.
"Of course, I'm your best friend!" You force yourself to say 'friend', trying not to damage your heart than it was already was.
Osomatsu remains silent at your remark before he yawns, "I'm tired."
"Don't yawn during your date, she'll think you're bored of her."
"Geez, why are women so complicated and overreact to everything we men do?" He rolls his eyes.
"I don't know, that's how this generation works now I guess." You pause, "But you're tired, right? Let's end the training session for today for we can continue tomorrow." You stop walking and look at Osomatsu.
"But I'm gonna ask her out tomorrow!"
"What? But that's too soon!"
"Eh... you win some you lose some. I gotta shoot my shot before anybody else gets on that sweet piece of ass!" He laughs.
Your eye twitches, trying not to kick him in the balls. "Osomatsu, don't say that at loud in front of Totoko, she'll just think you're just using her for a one night stand."
Osomatsu sighs and nods, "Fine, fine."
"Okay, before we go on our separate ways, let's review," You clear your throat, "The first thing you're gonna do tomorrow?"
"Buy a suit."
"What should you always do with Totoko-chan?"
"Listen to what she has to say, and don't question too much about her."
"Good. What about on a date?"
"Start conversations, and don't talk about yourself. Let Totoko-chan do most of the talking and only answer if she's asking you."
"What's another important thing you should remember?"
"...Smile at the appropriate time-- god, why do I have to do that?" He complains.
"If you stare at a girl and smile at her the whole time, she'll think you're a huge creep."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." He says.
"And the last one for now: when should be the appropriate time to confess?"
"When you feel it in your gut and she has your attention..."
You smile, "Good! You did great." You say, ruffling his hair as he chuckles.
"Anyways, go get plenty of rest now, and go get Totoko-chan tomorrow!" You say, before you part ways, waving.
Osomatsu watches you go, a blush on his cheeks. He feels his heart hammering when he remembers the feeling of your hand run through his dark-brown locks. It was comforting. Really, really, comforting. He understands why Ichimatsu really likes head starches a lot now. He watches your figure disappear from his sight.
His body was tense.
His mind was trying to memorize what was his plan for tomorrow but it was all wiped down to one thing: (Y/n).
Why was he feeling like this? This was for Totoko-chan, right? When he tries to replace the image of you with Totoko-chan, his feelings turn a bit sick before automatically picturing your face once again.
God... how was this gonna work tomorrow?
You dig your feet into your ground, a nervous blush on your cheeks as you lean against the tree. Why did Osomatsu call you out? Was he going to need help shopping?
"Oyyy! (Y/n)-chan!!" Osomatsu calls, gaining your attention. You turn your head as your eyes grow wide. He was wearing a red suit, what was going on?
"Oh wow, Oso! You look great!" You compliment. You felt a bit relieved that the money that you gave him was not spent on Panchinko but on a really great suit. You felt proud of yourself for that one.
Osomatsu giggles, a blush on his cheeks. "Thanks! You look hot too, babe!"
Woah what. You feel your cheeks redded at the sudden nickname, "W-Woah, where did that come from?" You ask, but secretly, you really liked it.
Osomatsu rubs his index finger under his nose. "Hehe, just thought I'd try it out."
You smile before you tug on his suit, "Not that I'm complaining, but why are you wearing your suit now? You should take it for Totoko-chan later today." You note, crossing your arms.
Osomatsu's cheeks dust with pink, "Oh... it's nothing really. Don't mind me." He says, shaking his head. "Okay...?"
He clears his throat, "Okay, let's go, I'm going to take you somewhere where you haven't been before. It's gonna be great!" He laughs, his hand gripping on your wrist gently before tugging you forward, making you run with him.
Shock is the only thing you can really feel at this moment. But nonetheless, you really enjoyed it.
"How'd you reserve such a restaurant like this?" You say, sitting down at the table where the server led the two of you too.
Osomatsu giggles, "Secret, babe."
You blush again, "But I thought this was for Totoko."
Osomatsu's eyes widen when you mention her, trying to find his words, "...I'm just trying to pay you back."
"Oh! Well, you didn't really need to go this far, you know?" You smile at him.
Smile at the appropriate times
Osomatsu smiles at you, and shakes his head, "Nah, you deserve this. Besides, you've been too nice for a NEET like me."
"Wow, that is the first time you really admitted that you're a NEET." You raise your brows at him.
He stammers for a bit, "Well, I don't know. It just slipped out, babe." His poor excuse made you giggle at his awkwardness.
A server comes to your table as the both of you order, with smiles on your faces.
Silence grows between the two of you, as Osomatsu can feel his feat sweat as he fumbles with his suit.
Start conversations
"So um, (Y/n)-chan," Osomatsu starts, clearing his throat. "How are things lately?"
"Um? We just hung out yesterday. But I guess things are well. How about you? Ready to confess to Totoko later today?" You ask, leaning into the table, taking your drink straw in your mouth.
He feels himself grow uneasier by the second, he didn't want to spend the whole date... wait date? Yeah! Date! The thought was burned into his head as his cheeks flare up a shade of red. "Y-Yeah! I'm so r-ready!"
"Are... you okay?" You ask, leaning up, sitting straight.
"Yeah, sorry about that."
"Don't worry about it."
He dares himself to look up at you in the eyes as his lips fall into a flat line. He wants to change up the subject about (Y/n) but how?
Listen to what she has to say, and don't question too much about her.
'Right, right.' He thinks to himself, confidence coming back to him. "I'm just wondering, what are some random facts about you?" He blurts out.
You blink, "Umm... well, I really like (favorite food), and I enjoy (favorite hobby), and hang out with you if that counts as a random fact, haha." You laugh.
'Was that a flirt? Was she flirting?' Osomatsu questions himself, his eyes locked on your joyed expression, admiring your amused face.
"What about you? What are some facts about you that I don't know?"
Osomatsu yelps, realizing that you were asking him a question, "Oh um... I did... I did ballet as a child--"
You burst out laughing, "Oh my god really?"
"Don't get me wrong, it really suits you." You say, giggling to yourself.
"Is that an insult? You're so mean, babe!" He crosses his arms, making you laugh even more.
"No! No, I'm sorry! Please continue." You encourage.
Osomatsu huffs, "I'm really good at shooting games at the arcade."
"Ooh, that's pretty cool! I'm not that bad at those games."
He smiles, "And um... I don't know what else there is, haha~" He puts an arm behind his head, laughing it off.
"Don't worry about it." You say, laughing with him.
The server soon comes with the food, as the two of you dine in, conversing in conversations and having good laughs. He was doing a good job avoiding the subject of Totoko because he remembers these tips:
Smile when it's appropriate
Start conversations
And... listen to what she has to say, and don't question her too much.
"Man I'm stuffed!" Osomatsu says, stretching.
"Same." You whine, walking out of the restaurant.
"Their food was top notch, would go there again if I had money again." His remark caused you to laugh.
"Where'd you get the money anyway?"
Osomatsu freezes up, "You..."
"Eh? Me? I thought you used it for the suit!"
"No, no, my dad came with me and bought me a suit to dress more appropriately." He says, rubbing his finger under his nose.
"Ahh, okay." It made more sense how a high-quality suit was bought more than 10,000 yen.
"Let's go, I wanna show you something," Osomatsu says, taking your hand into his. His hands were no longer clammy, it was soft. You were glad that he listened to you.
The two of you walked, hand in hand, listening to the crisp air as you walked down the sidewalk. The atmosphere wasn't awkward, so Osomatsu didn't bring up any conversations.
The two of you stopped at the park before he invites you to sit down on the bench with him. You smile before sitting down close to him, his hand still in yours.
"Woah, the stars look so pretty tonight." You say, looking up. Osomatsu looks up at you before gulping, a blush on his cheeks. His hands begin to grow sweaty as he holds yours a bit tighter.
You turn to him with a smile on your face, making him blush. "Thank you so much for taking me out today, Oso. I really appreciated it." You giggle, caushing him to struggle to find his words.
You looked so pretty in the moonlight.
Your smile.
Your eyes.
Your personality.
You were beautiful.
He gulps.
Confess when you feel it in your gut and she has your attention
"(Y/n)-chan," he calls, putting his free hand on top of the hand that was holding his other hand. "I need to tell you something."
"Yes, Oso?"
He feels his heart hammer out of his chest before he sucks in a breath, "I... I really like you! Please go out on a date with me again!" He shuts his eyes and places his forehead on your folded hands, bowing.
"I know I asked you for help about Totoko-chan, but I realized..." He raises his head, nervous tears in his eyes, "That I like you! Not Totoko-chan." He halts, "Please!"
Your eyes were wide as you stare at Osomatsu with your lips agape. You struggled to find words. But the only thing that comes in your mind repeatedly.
'Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, holy, shit--'
You feel his hands grow loose on yours, realizing that you were frozen up for took long. You quickly grab his hands again before making him face you, "Of course! Osomatsu! I'd love to date you!" You yell in his face, releasing all your built-up feelings for him, not knowing how to fully express it.
The next second, you feel yourself being lifted in the air, Osomatsu's arms on your waist and spins you around, him crying out in happiness. He drops you gently on the ground before he pulls you into a hug, and kisses your temple before screaming out, "Thank you so much Akatsuka-sensei!!!"
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crickyluv · 5 years ago
Here’s the first smut fic I wrote for osomatsu-san featuring Ichimatsu x reader.
Warnings: Smut, AOB
Ichimatsu was a kind boyfriend. Though he didn’t show it out in public very often, he was very affectionate. His affections always grew before his rut and right now, you could see his need to be close to you. You had never mated, but you helped him in whatever way you could before his rut. You were a late bloomer when it came to heats, so you never had the opportunity to help him during them.
As of right now, his head was curled into your neck as he hugged you from behind on the couch where you both sat. With Ichimatsu’s rut on schedule, he also became much more irritated and prone to snapping. His brothers were kind enough to leave you both be and headed out of the house which left just the two of you together. Ichimatsu nuzzled into your neck and wrapped both of his legs around your waist.
“You smell really good today, Y-N” He sighed next to your ear.
A small blush crept up your cheeks as your hands softly fidgeted with his. You hadn’t done anything in particular to make yourself smell better. In fact, all you did was shower this morning. You tipped your head near his and went to say something, but you were cut off by another one of his sighs. He was getting close to the point where you needed to leave to let him be, but you didn’t want to leave. Not when he was so comfy and you were so relaxed.
"You should really get going unless you want me to break” He said slowly unwrapping his arms from around you.
His head still laid on your shoulder as he took one final sniff of you. He wasn’t usually so into smelling you, but for some reason today it was his favorite thing. You shook it off as his alpha brain taking over. You stood up and turned around to give him a peck on his lips before helping him off the couch. He followed you to the door and watched as you put your shoes on. It was going to be a long 3 days without him, so you gave him a big long hug before your departure.
“You really do smell nice today” He said bringing your hair to his nose during your hug.
You giggled and gave him one final kiss before heading out the door.
“If you need anything, text me!” you said waving goodbye as you saw him sadly shut the door.
You felt awful for leaving him when he wanted you most, but you figured there would be a time and a place for staying with him during his rut. For now, you needed to head to the store. You were well on your way to the store when you felt your stomach nearly flip inside you. You were confused, as you didn’t eat anything out of place that day. You went on ignoring it as you reached the store.
You only needed a few things so shopping should have went by like a breeze, but instead you found yourself in a strange fog. Everything seemed to heat up as you felt yourself stumble over your feet, nearly tripping and falling to the ground. You steadied yourself against a nearby shelf and felt you loins grow hot and bothered. There was only one thing this could be. Your first heat. It was typical of the first heat to sneak up on people.
You stood there, looking at the floor as you worked up a sweat. No wonder Ichimatsu was so obsessed with your scent today. His instincts must have known. As soon as Ichimatsu hit your brain, your chest tightened and your legs became unstable once more. If there was one thing that was clear to you right now, it was that you needed him. You pulled out your phone as quickly as you could manage and began fumbling with the keyboard.
“Babe, how soon can you get to the store”
It took him a minute but you soon saw three dots appear as he typed his message to you.
“i’ve already began to lock up. what do you need me to get at the store? can it wait”
You cursed under your breath. Of course he had already begun the process of locking himself in his room to ride out his rut.
“I need you to get me, it’s urgent” You typed as you hand still gripped the shelf for dear life.
“i’ll send Jyushimatsu, is that ok?”
You sighed, he wasn’t getting it. You would have to spell it out for him.
“No, I need you. I’m in heat and I can barely stand”
It took him awhile to respond. You began to fear that he had already sent Jyushimatsu on his way to come get you as you felt your phone buzz.
“give me 5 minutes”
Those 5 minutes were the longest of your life and you slowly let yourself slide down to sit in front of the shelf. You avoided all eye contact with the strangers that began to stare at you as they walked by. Some stopped to give the air a good sniff, but thankfully none stopped to pursue you. Finally you saw a familiar purple hoodie and sighed in relief. He quickly came to you and crouched down by your side. You could see his face was visibly flushed and his breath was heavy. You couldn’t tell if it was from his rut or from him rushing to you.
“Can you stand” He questioned as his arm snaked behind you in attempts to help you up.
You tried your best to stand with his help but your legs gave out half way through your attempt. Ichimatsu clicked his tongue and picked you up bridal style. Your face was right next to his neck as he carried you out of the store and set you down on an outside bench. You were able to breath in his scent and it nearly drove you mad. The air around you felt hot and heavy. Your legs shook and you breath hitched as Ichimatsu touched you again.
You could tell he was trying his best to keep it together, but you could definitely tell he was in his rut by the way he slouched even further and his face never cooled down. He was trying his best to hide his raging hard on from the world. His gaze was averted from you and he fidgeted with the edge of his hoodie as he thought of what to do. He wasn’t strong enough to carry you all the way back to either of your homes.
“ I think I can walk, will you help me?” You spoke, tugging on his sleeve for his attention.
He nodded aggressively as he helped you back up. You walked back to your home with Ichimatsu holding you from the side, not daring to look you in the eye the entire walk. You made it back to your home where you clumsily opened your door and walked inside, Ichimatsu following closely behind. The second your door locked, he pinned you up against the door.
“Tch, no wonder you smell so good. Is my little kitten finally ready for trash like me?” He seductively whispered in you ear.
One of his legs was used to spread yours apart. You gulped as you felt yourself heat between your legs at the pet name he had used. Ichimatsu let out a low chuckle as his hands felt up your legs to your hips. His hands massaged little circles into your hips slowly moving to your ass. He gave it a few good squeezes before dragging you to your bedroom. He quickly pushed you to the bed as he began to remove his hoodie and shirt. With his top layers now gone, you could fully see how big his erection was under his pants as it tented the fabric.
Ichimatsu strode over to you with an intent gaze in his eye. His gaze locked with yours as he licked his lips.
“I don’t think you realize how long I’ve been waiting for this. My pretty little kitten, you won’t be sleeping tonight.” He smirked.
Your head was far too clouded to deny him even if you wanted to, but you didn’t. You began the hasty process of unbuttoning your shirt. After two buttons Ichimatsu became impatient and began to help you. Button after button he released your skin from it’s covering, the cool air of the room touching your heated body. You felt him wrestle with your bra as he tried to unhook it from behind you. His attitude nearly made you forget you were his first. But seeing his inexperience with undressing you brought that fact back to your mind. Once he finally undid your bra, he stepped back to take a look at you.
He hungrily looked you over, eyes lingering at the flushed skin of your breasts. He experimentally took one in his hand and watch as you shivered at his touch. His smirk grew as he began to fondle your breast between his hands. You gasped at his tender touches. He brought his face to your neck and began to lick up and down it, readying it for his lips. His kisses started out soft and sweet, but quickly grew more sensual and rough. He nipped at his favorite spot before showering it with kisses and licks. You tried your best to keep quiet, but the more he kissed and fondled, the more noises seemed to leave your mouth.
Once your neck was fully covered in hickeys and saliva, he changed his gear to your pants. You whimpered as he left your neck. He adamantly tugged on the waistband while you took the clues to unbutton your pants for him. He gently shimmied them off of your hips and away from your body. He took the space away from you to do the same to his pants. He quickly shoved his pants off and kicked them across the room retreating back to you body like a magnet. His lips resumed their attack on your neck and pushed you further down on the bed. You could feel his hard-on brush against your leg as he circled his tongue over a sensitive spot.
You wrapped your arms around him and without much thought, gently bucked your hips against his. Whatever control he currently held over his body was chucked out the window as he began to grind down on your hips. A moan escaped you at the new found sensation of clothed crotch against crotch. It felt like you couldn’t get enough of it. You suddenly felt a hand slip down your panties and cup your sex. You gasped and Ichimatsu took the chance to kiss you. Your tongues mashed against each other needily. The hands that were cupping and fondling you were now working on sliding off your panties, giving you a chance to catch your breath.
He threw your panties to the other side of the bedroom. He looked down at you, admiring your naked body sprawled out in front of him.
“Fuck you look so good already. I can’t wait to fuck your brains out” He choked out, softly touching the front of his boxers.
He was quick to remove them as well and you saw his cock spring out of them. Drool started to form at the corner of your lips looking him over. He may not have been the most athletic, but he was incredibly sexy. His cock twitched in the air just above his knot and the longer you looked at it, the more anxious you grew. His hands ghosted your knees for a moment before spreading them apart. Your breath hitched at the action. He took his fingers and gently rubbed between your lips, slickening his fingers in the process. He dove one finger inside of you and hummed.
Slowly he began to curl his finger, pushing in and out of your folds. He added another finger and stopped to watch your reaction. You clutched the sheets beneath you gathering your bearings. The feeling of Ichimatsu’s finger inside of you drove you nuts. You bucked into his hand as his finger hit a particularly sensitive spot. He took this as a sign to add another finger into the mix, slowly but surly stretching you out. You whined as he took his fingers out of you.
“Ichimatsu, please” you begged
“Please what? You’ve gotta tell me” he replied, clearly struggling not to take you then and there.
“Please fuck me, Ichimatsu.”
Ichimatsu lined up his cock to your pussy and shoved himself inside you. You yelped as his thick cock stretched your walls. Without a chance to get used to the feeling, he began to thrust in and out of you. You brought your hand to you mouth to try and muffle the sounds erupting from deep within you, only to feel him grab your hand away and nip at your wrist. ”Don’t be quiet, let me hear you wail.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck and swallowed hard. You cried out as he hit the spot inside you that made your toes curl. His hips moved faster and stronger than before trying to hit that spot. He moaned as your walls clenched around him. You felt his knot grow beneath you. Ichimatsu’s movements grew sporadic and unhinged. Without any warning, he bared his teeth and clenched down on to your neck. You wailed as his tongue licked around his teeth, catching the blood that tried to seep past his lips. He brought his hands back up to your breasts and massaged them roughly.
His thrust were deep and quick, but you could feel him steady himself over you. Your hands scratched at Ichimatsu’s back with every movement. You tried to focus but were overcome with pleasure. You felt a heat bubble in your lower regions that threatened to burst at any moment. With a few more hard thrusts, you were cumming on his dick with your head thrown back into the pillows below you. Ichimatsu’s breath hitched as he felt your wall sucking him in. He moaned against your neck as he began to hump you erratically. He pushed his cock in as far as it could go and you felt his knot pop into your pussy.
Ichimatsu continued to thrust into you until he finally was thrown over the edge and came. You felt his cum rush into your body as you both howled in pleasure. Your body was filled to the brim with thick hot cum. He finally let go of your neck and collapsed on top of you, panting heavily In your ear. He lazily started to cover your neck with soft kisses. You hummed at the feeling and kissed his head, bringing your hands to tangle themselves in his hair.
“That was incredible” You spoke.
“You’re incredible,” He quietly said next to your ear.
Knowing you were going to be stuck together for a while, you relaxed. You began to nod off when you felt a nip on your neck.
“Oh don’t you forget,kitten. I meant it when I said there would be no sleeping tonight.” He said, cock stiffening back up inside you.
It was going to be a long, wild three days.
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vrisrezis · 3 years ago
Remember that rq of Superhero!Matsus x Supervillain!reader??? How about if reader get to manipulate and put the matsu of their side, making him think that he is in the real good side (and of course be their romantic partner)?? How would the others react??
Osomatsu is pretty pissed to find out one of his brothers was so easily manipulated by you, he’s supposed to be the big leader here and he let one of his brothers get tricked and fall in love with you. He’s not going to hesitate to attack you of course, even with the consequences he may face.
Karamatsu would not be nice about this either, messing with him is one thing but his brothers is a whole other thing. He cares about his brothers and one stand for one of them being manipulated by somebody that’s supposed to love them. That’s not what love is!
No tolerance for Choromatsu, he tries not to let his anger get the best of him though and think of a good plan. Maybe even try to convince said brother you’re lying, if not he is going to simply end this and hopefully end you (whether that means you’re dead or alive)
Ichimatsu is ready to kill, how dare you lie to his brother? That’s his job. Besides, you’re supposed to love them, why the hell are you manipulating them? Wouldn’t it be easier to join the superheros instead? This whole thing makes him sick to his fucking stomach.
Jyushimatsu would be really confused by his brother, why was he dating a villain and why did he think he was still heroic? He’s very honest so he asks honest questions which should be enough to let the matsu know what’s happening and team up with jyushi to get you.
Todomatsu is a master manipulator, he just knew something like this would happen. He needs to fight fire with fire, and manipulate the matsu more than you ever have. This is a horrible way of dealing with things (not to mention not very heroic at all lmao) but don’t judge him. “I’m not the one manipulating my own boyfriend!”
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