#i've drawn more cursed stuff
chloedoesart · 4 months
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What's better than one bird-ish thing with a gun? Two bird-ish things with guns.
I created this fake screenshot style piece for the cinema art prompt in the AHiT discord server. It's based on a movie idea I've had for a while involving my character working with The Conductor on a western. The plot revolves around the fact that they're the only two birds that look like each other; they meet due to a case of stolen identity and have a sort of rivals to partners arc. I won't go into the details here, but I'd definitely like to make it into a more fleshed out story someday!
Until then, enjoy this dramatic moment where they're being epic cowboys together.
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Oh Oh what about 'H-how long have you been standing there?' Canon(-adjacent) Hurt/Comfort and Book? this list is actually so interesting there's so many good combinations
Thank you so much, it's been lots of fun seeing which combinations ppl picked and coming up with different story ideas. Hope you enjoy this one. 💖
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True love's kiss
Rated: G
Words: 995
Tags: Post-Vecna; Everybody lives; Eddie Munson has a crush on Steve Harrington; Steve Harrington has a crush on Eddie Munson; Steve has migraines; Hurt/comfort; Love confessions
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Eddie finds out by accident. It's one of the last days of summer, and the air has a sticky heaviness to it. He just wants to pick up some stuff he forgot after last night's campaign. Steve isn’t home, he knows for a fact. So what if he memorized his shift plan? It's perfectly normal, most definitely not a sign of obsession or codependency. 
Anyway, the point is, Steve isn't home, so Eddie doesn't ring, just lets himself in and marches into the living room. And that's where his plans for the afternoon derail. 
Steve is on the sofa in front of the television. Eddie's swoop of surprise is short-lived, however, because he isn't watching a movie or game. 
The tv isn't on at all. The entire house is deadly quiet. The blinds on the windows are drawn and the air conditioning is on, the room dark and cold.
Steve is buried in the pillows. His shoulders are shaking. 
“Stevie?” Eddie blurts. “What happened?” 
“Eddie?” Steve croaks. One eye pokes out from the pillows, bleary and horrified. “I- … H-how long have you been standing there?” 
Eddie doesn’t answer. He has already bridged the distance and is sinking down on the armrest by Steve’s head.
Steve sees the concern on his face and groans. “I'm fine. It's just … fucking headaches, don't worry.” 
But Eddie does worry. Eddie is freaking out, which is only natural given their shared history. He makes a horrified sound, shooting up to grab the walkie from Steve’s room and call a code red. 
“No, wait,” Steve says, holding him back with one shaky hand to his wrist. “‘s not anything supernatural. I mean they’ve gotten worse, after everything, but that's probably ‘cause I took a few hits too many. I've always had ‘em. Ever since I was a kid.” 
Eddie lets that statement trickle in. 
“Oh,” he then breathes, sitting back down and gesturing at the dark room. “You mean migraines?” 
Steve, who has thrown one arm over his face, peers out at him. 
“How d’you …?” 
Eddie shrugs sheepishly. “My mom used to get them, before …” 
He trails off, lost in the memory, fingers grasping to fiddle with something. He only realizes where they've landed when they start scratching at Steve's scalp, and a noise spills from his chest. Eddie flinches, stomach alive with an entire whirlwind of butterfly wings, and makes to pull back his hand. 
“No,” Steve mumbles. He's pale, but some of the tension has bled from his features. His voice is slurred. “Don't stop. Feels good.” 
And who is Eddie to deny him? 
Nodding, he slides off the armrest to sit more comfortably, pulling Steve’s head into his lap to rub soothing circles into his temples. He only notices the book lying on Steve’s stomach when it gets jostled by the motion and almost tumbles to the floor. 
“Hey, what’s this?” Eddie mutters, flipping it over to inspect the cover. “Fairytales?” 
Steve takes a few moments to reply, and in the low light, Eddie imagines he sees two pink splotches bloom high in his cheekbones. 
“My nanny used to read ‘em to me when I was sick. I was tryna, but … the fuckin’ letters keep moving.” 
“I'll read you one.” 
Another blink of those pretty eyes, pupils fuzzy and unfocused. “Really?” 
“Sure,” Eddie nods, reveling in the smile he gets when he flips the book open. “Let’s see … Once upon a time, there was a king. He was beautiful and kind and brave, and everybody in the realm loved him dearly. But the king was cursed. He-”
“Wait,” Steve mutters. His lids flutter as he struggles to stay awake. “I don’t- … Which one is this?” 
“My favorite,” Eddie replies. “Now hush, you’re supposed to be resting. Where was I? … The king had been befallen by an evil curse. He couldn’t love himself. He slaughtered many a beast, fought countless battles, hoping to prove his own worth to himself, but nothing lifted the shadow looming over him.” 
Eddie turns a page, crinkling his brow in thought. 
Steve stifles a yawn. His head is getting heavier in Eddie’s lap. “Then what happened?” 
“Patience, I was getting to it,” Eddie scolds. “One day, a new jester arrived at the court. He was skeptical, having heard grand tales of the young king’s beauty and good heart, never quite believing them. Yet, the second he beheld the king with his own eyes, he was enraptured, and he vowed to-”  
“Enraptured, Stevie,” Eddie sighs, setting the book aside in favor of combing his fingers through Steve’s hair again. “Smitten, enchanted, lovestruck.” 
“Pffff,” Steve makes. “Love at first sight ain't real.” 
Eddie scoffs half-heartedly. “It's a fairytale. It's not supposed to be realistic. And besides, I'm only telling it, not making it up.” 
“Oh yeah,” Steve says. If his eyes were open, he'd be rolling them right now. “Obviously.” 
“Obviously,” Eddie agrees, and losing himself for a moment in the lines and angles of Steve’s face, the feel of his hair between his fingers. 
“How does it end?” 
Eddie blinks. “Huh?” 
“The story, silly,” Steve mutters. “How does the jester save the king?”  
“Who said he does?” 
Steve sighs, satisfied and exhausted. “‘s a fairytale. Gotta have a happy ending.” 
Eddie shrugs. “Fair enough. What d’you think he should do?” 
Steve stays silent for a long moment. Eddie is starting to think he fell asleep when he speaks again, so softly it's nearly lost under the rush of the air conditioning. 
“How ‘bout a kiss?” 
“Ah,” Eddie says around the lump forming in his throat. “Good one. Can't go wrong with true love's kiss.” 
Steve hums in agreement. 
“After the king sleeps, though.” His hand finds Eddie’s, interlacing their fingers. “Waited so long for this. Wanna do it without a headache.” 
Eddie is left in the dark, listening as Steve’s breathing evens out, wondering how much of their conversation he'll recall when he wakes up. 
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More celebration ficlets
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zaceouiswriting · 11 months
The scumbag jock boyfriend
Characters: Reggie Mantle x Archie Andrews x male reader
Universe: Somewhere in Riverdale
Warnings: Smutty, cheating
Sweat drips down my body as I wait. My patience quickly wears thin as I stand in the same place for over an hour. What is he doing? Did he forget again that we had a date? When I look at my phone, I see I have no reception.
Pissed off because most of my clothes are soaked with sweat, I huff. I angrily stuff the blanket back into the basket along with the food - I had prepared around dawn, which is definitely bad now. I couldn't hide my disappointment. With everything packed, I leave the clearing in the forest near the sweetwater river where we created our little romantic space when we were just kids in love.
I can't believe he completely stood me up this time. He usually arrives a little later since he always has a reminder on his phone. The only thing I can do is to go to his house. So I do exactly that, with my anger rising by the second.
As soon as I get to his house, I knock on the front door, but even after pounding several times, I don't hear any sound inside. I look around. In front of the garage, I could see Reggie's car but not his parents. Even more annoyed, I walk around, trying to find a way in. The front door did not open, so I go over to the windows, but they wouldn't open either, and even the garage door wouldn't move. I knock on the front door again. Involuntarily, my eyes fall on the keyhole. Suddenly, I realized something. I silently curse myself for my forgetfulness. I reach into my pocket and pull out the key Reggie gave me so I can enter whenever I want since his parents aren't home often.
It didn't take more than one step inside before I could hear a sound that couldn't be misinterpreted.
“That asshole!” I mutter angrily.
Following the sounds, I'm confronted with the bedroom door I've sneaked into hundreds of times when I couldn't sleep: a plain white door made of solid wood with a nameplate beneath a drawn football. Even now, it looks adorable. But the noise quickly takes me away from the beautiful memories that Reggie and I have built over the years of our relationship, which was initially secret and later public.
As I pull the door open, I could see Reggie and Archie, of all people, lie on the former's bed, their pants at their ankles, and Archie has his shirt behind his back, showing off his abs. Both have the other's thick, long cock in their hands.
To my annoyance, Reggie takes a moment too long to realize what a mess he's gotten himself into. I'd be lying if I said it didn't turn me on, in particular, because I know that neither would ever give their ass up for the other or any guy. I quickly realized what it is really about.
When I look over at Reggie, he's already trying to hide with his blanket and even a pillow I usually use for sleeping. He must have seen the anger on my face and is rightly afraid of my reaction.
“Cut the shit, Reggie. We both know, maybe even all three of us know, what that is. What’s wrong with you?” I ask him rhetorically. “Just because I said ‘no’ to a threesome? Do you think this will change my mind?”
Like a fish out of water, Reggie opens his mouth without making a sound. His head is getting redder by the second, probably out of embarrassment. Meanwhile, Archie just sits next to Reggie, showing off his great body and magnificent big member, which is almost as large as Reggie's. He flexes his muscles, making it obvious that he's involved.
"Please, we can just forget about this and-"
Before he can say anything else, I interrupt him by saying, "Archie, go against the headboard, arms over your head."
He moves without question, his eyes glistening with growing lust. I pull my belt out of my pants, walk over to Archie, straddle him, and press his member against my dressed leg, making him moan involuntarily. I tie his hands tightly together. As I look into his eyes, I place my hand on his cheek and my thumb on his bottom lip. I can see his desire for a kiss, and I'm not willing to deny him this wish. I lean in and kiss him softly. But he obviously didn't want any loving touch because he pushed his tongue roughly into my mouth. It's clear that he just wants his desires to be fulfilled. It reminds me of who really is in charge, that he only allows me to take the lead and even sit on top of him. He is much more subtly dominant than Reggie ever was.
Finished kissing Archie, for the moment, I turn to Reggie again, whose cock is still rock hard, but his face is white as a ghost.
“Remember, this is what you’ve always wanted, babe,” I tell him with a big grin. "Now I'm going to drain Archie's balls until all his cum is inside me. All the while, I'll jerk you off a little and maybe give you a blowjob, but you're not allowed to cum!"
"No buts!" I interrupt him angrily. "You went behind my back to get what you wanted, so I'm giving you what you wanted, just not how you wanted it."
I once more turn back to Archie and take off my tight shirt, making the lust in his eyes even greater. This will definitely be fun.
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paincaat · 6 months
i've decided i'm going to post some of the stuff stuck in my WIP folder while the being who owns my soul assigns me to more cursed duties, so here's a compilation of things i've drawn (and not erased) while in class ft. some of the initial doodles behind my worst shitposts
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the more cursed the post the more likely nun cat alastor held me at gunpoint
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reve-writes · 1 year
—you bury me; leon kennedy.
ʚ leon kennedy x reader | resident evil | 1,1k words. ʚ leon and reader finishes a mission. | can be read as a continuation of rotten work. ʚ injuries; zombies and stuff; fluff (no one dies dw). ʚ a/n more of my attempt to write slightly flirty banters between reader and leon. i learned the phrase "you bury me" aka "ya'aburnee" and my life has never been the same.
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There are times when you think Leon is invincible, like he has come alive straight out of the pages of a comic book. He barrels through the undead like a machine—all tough exterior and deadly shooting accuracy that has your jaw dropping with awe.
And then, there are times when you are reminded he isn't. He is no untouchable otherworldly alien born with diamond-hard skin and superhuman strength. He's just flesh and bone knitted together and he bleeds. Despite his might, he's just one bad day away from an infection just as everyone else.
“Fuck,” he curses, face all red and chest heaving. “Goddamnit. Fuck.”
Your hands are trembling as you reload your magazine. The scene replays over and over in your mind: rotten jaw unhinging so close to his neck, teeth within biting distance and you think your entire world is coming to a halt.
Leon swivels out of the way just in time.
You're not a religious person, but for that one split second he avoids the death sentence, you think you should sing praises and grateful prayers.
“Are you okay?” You ask over guns blazing. Your magazine finally clicks in and you start opening fire to the growing hoard of zombies around you.
“Never been better,” he replies through gritted teeth. It was a dumb question to ask. You know he's not faring well—he is limping across the field, left foot practically being dragged behind him. He uses one hand to shoot, the other has an open gash through his short-fingered glove down his palm. His sweat-slicked forehead is also red with blood from a cut just over his eyebrow.
“Lean on me,” you tell him, moving to hoop his left arm around your shoulder. He's not a small man—what with trained muscles over his bones and a figure that slightly towers over you. “Let me help you, Leon.”
He tries to shake himself off of you. “Just get to the extraction point.”
“We'll get there quicker if you would—”
“Just run!”
“And what? Leave you here to be their dinner?” You protest, forcefully pushing yourself under his arm. “No way. I haven't even gotten a taste.”
Leon—even with the miserable situation you are in—chuckles. “Really? Is this the right time?”
He relents and lets you hobble him along. The field stretches long—somewhere off of a rural village whose residents are now nothing more than grotesque-looking undead. You've made it two-thirds of the way.
Bullets fly left and right, both from you and Leon. “Shut up, Leon. Walk faster.”
“Told you to run, didn't I?”
Your breathing is laboured from the Sisyphean effort. “Out of the question. I can't have your death on my conscience.”
“Not dying that easily, don't worry.”
He better not.
The helicopter engine roars in your ears as you step closer, dusty air stinging your eyes. You hear gunshots from your rescuer, covering you from nearby zombies. Your whole body is burning when you're finally hauled into the chopper with Leon. You finally let your muscles loosen, tension melting away as the engine roars to life under you.
The rest occurs in quick motion blurs. The usual mission reports and check-ups and then you're walking out the door with a patched-up, healthier-looking Leon by your side.
“Shouldn't they keep you on bedrest?” You ask. “Can't have anything happen to their golden boy.”
“They tried to.” He shrugs. “I'm fine, though.”
You stare at him, disbelief apparent in your wide-eyed expression. “Fine? How are you fine?”
You gesture to the walking stick he tucks under his arm and his splined foot. He waves a hand dismissively. “I've had worse.”
“You were so close to getting bit.”
The words echo into a drawn-out silence as the meaning truly sinks into him. It is strange, the numbness he has developed to the thought of dying. Constant exposure to mortal peril has desensitised him, he supposes.
“I watched it almost happen and for a terrible moment I thought that you were going turn into... into—”
“I didn't.”
He's right. You find comfort in knowing that he is still standing, that he's not going down so easily, but even Leon Kennedy is merely human.
“You know, if things ever go to shit, I hope I... go before you do.”
He's not following. Not exactly. “How come?”
“Don't worry about it.” You don't elaborate, but you know you mean it. A world without Leon Kennedy sounds like a world you don't want to be a part of. As much as he makes you want to tear your hair out, he's the only person who understands and shares your burdens.
He hums thoughtfully, frowning, but ends up chalking it up to your usual rambling. “Okay, then. I'll catch you later.”
He starts walking to the car they've provided for him—chauffeur and all. Must be nice to be the golden boy. Before he has even walked three steps away, you grab his wrist with a slight tug and he halts.
“Go home,” you request. “You better not go and get wasted in some bar. Rest, Leon. You deserve it.”
“I wasn't going to.”
The look in his eyes says that he is most definitely going to drink his sorrows away.
“You're so unbelievably stubborn.”
“Look who's talking.” He holds up his wrist that you're still grabbing, wriggling it out of your grasp to press his palm on yours, fingers interlocking. “Also, if you wanted to hold hands, you could've just asked.”
“I seem to also recall you saying something along the lines of wanting to have a taste—”
“Leon,” you interrupt immediately, not wanting to drag out the embarrassment that he's oh-so-generously giving you. “I mean it. Get some rest.”
“What are you? My parent?”
You narrow your eyes at him. “You need to recover well. The world needs saving and I need my mission partner.”
His hand is still warm over on yours, now hanging low by your side and the two of you look almost normal. Just two people holding hands waiting for their ride.
“You're cute when you worry about me.”
That has an involuntary smile to bloom on your face as you've used the same line on him before.
“Only when I worry?”
“And on other occasions.” This has you dizzy.
“Well.” He drops your hand and it twitches, already missing the spaces between his fingers. “I better get going.”
He gestures at the impatient-looking driver who has been sitting there the entire time. You shake your head at him. “Poor guy.”
“I'll call.” He gets into the passenger seat. You're standing just a step away from the rolled-down window.
“I might pick up.”
Before he has a chance to retort, you gesture the driver to go ahead and the car speeds off at once, leaving you to spend the rest of the day constantly checking if your phone has rung.
[ ]
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americas1suiteheart · 10 months
Better Off As Lovers
Patrick Stump x Reader
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This was also posted on Ao3 if you prefer that platform, this whole text is the link. :)
[Summary; You and Patrick have been friends since middle school and have been going to tours with him and the band to watch their shows. At one of the shows, Patrick decides to play one unreleased song he just so happened to write for you to confess his feelings. (I dunno this is kinda the summary but I'm also dumb as shit and can't make a correct summary).
[Notes; I felt like writing a little something for him as I've been wanting to for a while now, and here it is! And honestly, guys, if I end up wring more Patrick x Reader fics they're all most likely to be song fics or fics based off of some of the music videos, sorry but man I'm a sucker for song fics.
[Warnings; Some cursing and some bickering back and forth between Pete and Y/n over stupid stuff. Really really cheesy and unrealistic ig. Also Y/n is kind of really fucking stupid as well, but for the sake of the fic.
[Word Count: 4,068 (This is literally the longest fic I've ever written oh my gods.)
<Playing- Bang The Doldrums by Fall Out Boy>
1:32 ────ㅇ────── 3:31
God, why are these tour bus seats so uncomfortable? You'd figure that because they were meant for people to sleep in, they would be more comfortable.
You get up and stretch, heading to the cupboard where the band keeps all of the snacks to look for your hidden stash in the back.
"Where the hell are they?" You say, muttering to yourself.
You continue to scrounge through the cabinet to try and find your two twin packs of Twinkies, only to give up and walk to where the boys were hanging out.
"Hey, did any of you guys eat my Twinkies?" You call out as you walk to where you can hear the boys talking; a curtain was the only thing acting as a door for the area.
Just as you open the curtain to the "room" (aka the six loft beds that were separated by just a curtain), you see Pete and Joe munching on your beloved creme-filled cakes.
"Are you kidding me?" You say, your mouth agape and eyebrows raised.
"I told you guys so."
The two boys look at each other and then at you, a twinge of fear apparent on their faces, the creme filling on the corners of their mouths, and the wrappers thrown onto the floor.
"You two so totally owe me two boxes of Twinkies, I mean it! One box from each of you two! How did you find them?! I hid them!" You flail your arms about towards the boys, the guilt becoming more apparent on Joe's face.
Pete and Joe shuffle in their spots, licking their fingers and corners of their mouths to get the creme off from their messy way of eating.
"Honestly, you're kinda bad at hiding stuff; it wasn't that hard to find them," Pete says with a shrug.
Patrick kicks his shin from where he was sitting from across, earning a hiss of pain and a dirty look from Peter.
"I'm gonna eat all of your fucking Blow-Pops." You say, leaving the sleeping area and heading back to the snack cupboard. You can hear Pete's shouts, telling you not to touch them.
Opening the cupboard, you immediately spot a party-size pack of Blow-Pops with a large piece of duct tape stuck on to the bag, big bold letters drawn with a black Sharpie reading 'PETE'S LOLLIPOPS!!! DON'T TOUCH!!!'
Pete really liked those things, and he would individually count them to keep track of how many he had, so that way, if someone decided to take one or two of them, he would know. Which is kind of insane of him now that you think about it. Actually, scratch that, Pete was insane—PERIOD!
You grab the bag and grab three handfuls of lollipops, shoving them into your hoodie pockets and putting the bag back into the cupboard.
"Give them back, Y/n!" Pete says, grabbing your shoulders just enough to keep you from moving.
"Hell no! Buy me back my Twinkies and then I might just give you all of them back." You say putting one hand into your pocket to take out a Blow-Pop.
"Those Twinkies were practically begging to be eaten by someone, man; come on, those were in there for days without being touched."
You unwrap the lollipop, pulling your hand up to pop it into your mouth, Pete's mouth falling agape as you do so.
"Was that one of the apple ones..."
You nod your head, taking it out of your mouth. "And I've still got more. And as I said, I'm not giving them back until you buy me back, my Twinkies,"
"God, fine! But promise not to eat anymore until we get to a gas station! Especially not the Apple ones!"
"Will do," You pop the Blow-Pop back into your mouth as he lets go of your shoulders, looking defeated as he walks back to the room all of the others were still in.
You smile to yourself, sitting back into the seat you were originally in.
You and the boys get out of the bus, heading into the gas station as the drivers fuel up. You immediately head for the drink section, looking for a can of Arizona tea.
What the hell man, where are they?
You continue to look for another minute or so until you finally give up, heading to the soda section where Patrick was.
You had somewhat of a crush on Patrick. You always have to be honest.
You went to high school with Patrick, so you've known him since sophomore year. You had a lot of classes with him too and often hung out with each other both inside and outside of school, making you closer to Patrick than you were to any of the other kids and considering him your best friend.
When he first started playing with Joe and Pete and officially being in a band with them, you started going over to practices with him, getting to know the two better, and when Andy joined the band, it was the same with him.
Now that you think about it, you have no clue how liking him could have been avoided. He's sweet and smart—a little awkward at times too, but nonetheless an incredible guy.
I mean, the whole reason why you started looking into learning some music technology was so that you could be with him more often. A lot of what you started doing was to get to hang out with him more often.
"Boo!" You say, grabbing Patrick's arm gently.
"N/n, there you are," Patrick says, turning around to look at you, holding out two cans of Arizona tea to you.
"What the hell, I just spent like, two minutes looking for these; where the heck did you find them?" You chuckle, taking one of the cans.
"I'll never tell.." Patrick chuckles, a cheeky grin on his face.
"Well, thank you Patrick. I appreciate your kind gesture very much."
Andy and Joe run by you and Patrick, with Pete doing the same shortly afterwards. Some screams and laughs came with that as well. You could see the cashier trying their best to make it through all the noise, with a look on their face that could only be explained as exhaustion and frustration, clearly not wanting to be at work.
You look at Patrick and sigh, knowing that you'll have to yell at the three once again as if they were children, regardless of the fact they were all older than you and Patrick.
You walk to the snack aisle, where you can see Joe and Andy crouching down, assumingly hiding from Pete for whatever reason, and walk up behind them. Andy had a bag of skittles in his hand and a sprite in the other, while Joe carried a twin pack of Twinkies—just as you asked him for—and a bag of chips and diet coke in his arms.
"What are we hiding from?" You whisper to the two, who jump slightly and look back in response.
"Pete," Andy replies quietly.
"Well, we've gotta go; you guys will have to finish this up some other time, preferably when we aren't in a public place."
You hear footsteps from behind and stand up, turning around to see Pete walking slowly, putting a finger up to his lips as to say "don't say anything," and you shake your head and mouth, "No."
"Come on guys, go check out we need to get back on the road," you say, turning back to Andy and Joe.
Pete groans and fully stands up, Andy and Joe doing the same.
"God, you're such a grump all the time, no fun," Pete says, walking up to the cashier.
Patrick comes up from behind you, putting his hand on your back. "Is everyone ready to go?"
You blush from the contact, nodding your head in response, and walk to the register where the boys were checking out.
"No, I paid the last time. It's Andy's turn to pay now, remember?" Pete argues. The cashier looked like he was about to snap; if it was a cartoon, steam would probably be coming out of his ears right now.
"I'll pay, fine dude, just chill out," Andy says, pulling out his wallet and handing the cashier his credit card.
The cashier puts their items into a plastic bag, and Andy grabs it and leaves with the other two.
You and Patrick walk to the register, putting your items down on the counter.
"Sorry about them by the way, they get rowdy sometimes," Patrick says, attempting to break the awkwardness by making small talk, leading it to get worse.
"Your total is $9.34," the cashier says with a deadpan look on his face.
The two of you pull out your cards and look at each other. "Let me pay for it, please; you had paid the last time, and it was almost 20 dollars," Patrick says with puppy eyes.
God, this guy always knows how to get his way with that look.
"Alright then, Pat. Thank you," You thank him, putting your card away.
Patrick pays and the cashier puts our stuff into a plastic bag, handing it to him, with him thanking the guy and telling him to have a good day.
You two walk back into the bus, and Patrick places the bag on the couch in the lounge.
"Do you want both of these in the mini fridge?" Patrick asks, taking one of the tea cans out of the bag.
"I'll have one now and save the other for later, if you can put one in though, that'd be awesome."
Patrick nods and puts one can and one of his sodas in the mini fridge plugged in next to the counter where the broken toaster sat. Now that you think about it, how long has that thing been broken? Why haven't any of us bothered to replace it?
You open one of the cans, walking into the bunk area, and sit on your bunk at the top, letting your feet dangle above the middle bunk.
"Y/n, here you go," Joe says, handing me two twin packs of Twinkies.
"Thanks, Joe. Here are your Blow-Pops back dickhead," you say, taking the wrapped cakes and taking all of the blow pops out of your pocket, handing them to Pete, who was sitting next to Joe.
"Jesus, dude, how many of my fucking Blow-Pops did you take?" Pete exclaims.
"A couple handfuls, I think," you reply, taking a drink of your tea.
"Alright guys, we've got a couple more songs to play; are you ready?" Pete shouts into his mic, earning cheers from throughout the crowd.
The boys continue playing a couple more songs.
The band had been playing for an hour and a half now, playing some of their newer songs from the newest album they were working on, those of which you had the pleasure of getting to listen to before they played them for others, as well as songs from Take This To Your Grave and From Under The Cork Tree. The crowd was singing the lyrics along with the band, enjoying all of it.
"This is the last song for tonight and is another one from the album that we're currently working on; this one me and Patrick worked on together is called Bang The Doldrums!" Pete says, wiping some of the sweat off of his forehead.
Patrick adjusts the strap of his guitar slightly, walking up to the mic. Him and Joe begin to play together, with the rest of the band joining in.
You listen to it for a bit, you hadn't recognised the name but you figured that they had probably changed it.
'I wrote a goodbye note in lipstick on your arm when you passed out,'
What the hell? I haven't heard this one yet.
'I couldn't bring myself to call, except to call it quits,'
This is great; why hadn't they shown me this one? They all sound amazing.
Patrick looks at me as he sings the next verse; his face tinted a slight red, maybe from how out of breath he was getting? God, he always looked so pretty like that.
'Best friends, ex-friends till the end, better off as lovers, and not the other way around,'
You listen to the lyrics; why did he look at me like that in that exact verse? Maybe I'm just going crazy.
'Racing through the city, windows down, in the back of yellow-checkered cars,'
You continued to listen, enjoying the sound of the way they were playing.
Then once again, Patrick looks at you, looking less nervous and giving a slight smile as he sings the same verse.
'Best friends, ex-friends till the end, better off as lovers, and not the other way around,'
You can feel your face rapidly becoming warm, oh?
You think for a bit, your mouth slightly agape as you stand still. You just hope what you think is happening and what he's implying is actually what it is. No, no way. You guys have just been friends since high school; there's no way.
'..in the back of yellow-checkered cars. You're wrong, are we all wrong?
'Best friends, ex-friends till the end, better off as lovers, and not the other way around, ex-friends till the end, better off as lovers!'
The song ends, and the band thanks the crowd before exiting the stage, allowing the stage technicians to begin striking and taking everything down.
You were still standing there as the crowd began to clear out. Shit, you should get to the boys. What do I do about how Patrick looked at me? What if I ask him about it and I'm totally wrong? Oh god, I'm screwed.
You begin to head to the door that lead to the backstage lounge, a security guard protecting it from letting anyone else in. The guard immediately notices you and lets you in.
You nervously walk to the same area that the boys were in, knocking on the door and hearing Joe shout, "Come in!"
You open the door and smile at the boys, who were sitting down, drinking water and using towels to dry themselves off.
Where's Pat?
"Hey guys! You sounded awesome tonight, what was with that last song though? I'd never heard it before." You greet, sitting down on one of the metal pull-out chairs across from everyone else.
"Thanks! We were going to show you Bang The Doldrums when we were first working on it, but about halfway through writing it Patrick had said something about waiting to play it at a gig instead, something about surprising you, I dunno," Pete says in response, taking a chug of his water bottle.
"Where is Patrick, by the way?" You ask, rubbing your hands on your thighs.
"I think he went to go and look for you actually; try ringing him or go and look for him; he's somewhere around here," Andy says.
"Shit really? I'll go try to find him now. Do you guys need anything that could be outside of this room?"
"Can you get us some more water? I'm still totally parched man," Pete asks, taking the towel he had on his shoulder to wipe his face off.
You nod and get up, leaving the room and closing the door to go and look for Patrick.
How on earth do you know where every place in this theater would be? This place is huge..
After searching around, you finally decide to go outside to check if he was in the tour bus by chance, only to see him sitting on a curb next to the door hidden from all of the different fans still exiting the venue.
"Pat? What're you doin' out here without a sweater on? It's freezing right now." You speak out, walking to where he was and sitting to the left of him.
"Oh, I went to look for you, and when I came out here, it was way cooler than it was in the theater, so I stayed out here to cool off a little bit," Patrick says, straightening his back and looking at you.
You nod in a way of understanding.
"How'd you like the show, though?" Patrick says, after a few seconds of silence.
"It was great! You guys never have a boring gig; everyone was loving it. What was the last song about though? I had never heard you guys play it up until just now." You say excitedly.
Patrick shifts slightly, looking away from you as his face flushes, now looking slightly embarrassed.
"I mean, it's not that it sounded bad or anything; it sounded great, but, during that chorus, you kept looking at me and, well," You say awkwardly, avoiding saying what you actually wanted to say.
It stayed silent for a couple of seconds before Patrick broke it.
"Sorry about that, I don't know if it made you weirded out or anything." Patrick says quietly.
"'Weirded out?' Pat I don't think you can really do anything to weird me out honestly. I didn't mind the contact all that much really." You lightly laugh, quietly mumbling the last part.
After saying that, you notice Patrick relax a bit, as if he were relieved and a little bit of a weight was off his shoulders.
"Y/n, can I tell you something?" Patrick says looking down at his shoes, his voice shaky.
"Yeah, of course," You reply, anxious for his words, yet somehow excited at the same time, wondering what they might be.
"This is going to sound so stupid, gosh. Um," Patrick chuckles, trying to calm his nerves as he twiddles his thumbs together, then proceeding with what he was saying. "I uh, would you hate me if I said that I really liked you, and not in a friend sort of way but um,"
You stay quiet for a few seconds, mouth slightly open and eyes wide. You're glad that it was dim in the little corner you two were sitting at so that he wouldn't see how red your face was turning.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anythi-" Patrick apologises before getting cut off by you.
"Patrick, don't be sorry," You say.
Patrick furrows his brows, creasing his forehead slightly, turning to look at you with confusion clear on his face.
"You have absolutely no idea how long I've waited for you to say something along the lines of that," You continue, grinning widely.
Patrick's face softened, a small smile appearing onto his face.
"So, does that mean that, well, you know," He says, looking at some cracks in the concrete, kicking at a pebble aside.
"Yeah, it means exactly that, Trick," You put your hand on his shoulder, trying to get his attention back.
He looks back at you, smiling, his eyes that you looked into so often seemed to shine brighter underneath the dim light that the venue had over the door in the back that barely showed any light where you two were sitting.
Patrick brings a hand to your face, caressing your cheek. You lean into his touch, doing the same as he did.
His eyes glance at your lips for a millisecond, quickly returning to your eyes.
"Can I kiss you?" Patrick asks quietly, his voice barely above a whisper.
You nod your head and lean in as he does, fluttering your eyes closed.
Patrick closes the gap between the both of you, his breath warm. The kiss is soft and sweet, not pressed too hard against each other but still with passion. Your lips seemed to fit perfectly with his, as if they were made specifically for the both of you and just the both of you alone.
You two pull away, pressing your foreheads together, panting ever so slightly from the lack of oxygen the both of you got during the kiss.
There was a peaceful silence for a few seconds, you swear that if it weren't for the muffled music and talking of the crowd outside Patrick would've been able to hear your heart beating out of your chest.
"God, if I knew this would be the outcome I would've told you years ago," Patrick chuckles lightly.
You smile, now realizing that this wasn't a dream and that your best friend since high school really confessed what you dreamed he would for years now. That you two really kissed and it wasn't some guy that you pretended to love in hopes of letting your feelings for Patrick disappear, and you were so glad that your mind and heart didn't let that happen.
"Oh my god finally, you two are idiots," Pete says, standing on the steps that lead to the door to get backstage.
You and Patrick quickly pull away from each other, your face burning up quickly.
"What the hell do you mean 'finally'?" You say, looking at Pete in confusion.
"We've been waiting for you two idiots to finally say something to each other for years now,"
You look at Pete for a few seconds, the cogs in your head turning.
"I mean, you two were so painfully obvious, I'm honestly surprised that you two didn't figure it out way earlier man. Oh! Wait, wait, who confessed first? Was it you Y/n?"
Joe and Andy walk out and stand next to Pete.
"Did it finally happen? Who said it first, do you know?" Joe asks.
You and Patrick stare at each other, completely baffled.
"Was it Patrick?" Andy asks.
You flush even more, looking back at the three, then quickly looking away.
"It was totally Patrick, I called it! Come on pay up you two,"
Joe and Pete groan, taking out their wallets.
"Did you guys place bets on us?" Patrick asks, getting completely ignored by them.
"How much was it again, I don't remember it's been like 5 years now," Pete asks, looking at Andy.
"I think it was either ten or twenty,"
"Can we just say it was ten? I don't have a twenty or two tens on me and I don't want to go to the ATM tomorrow morning." Joe says, rummaging through his wallet.
"Sure that works," Pete and Joe both hand Andy one ten dollar bill each.
"What the hell, was Andy the only one that thought I would confess?" Patrick says. He seemed more upset at the fact that Pete and Joe put their bets on you confessing first rather than him.
"Come inside, it's freezing out here and we still haven't gotten our waters yet," Pete says, holding the door open for Andy and Joe.
You get up and gesture for Patrick to do the same, walking to the doorway.
"I fucking hate you and I hope you know that," You whisper to Pete jokingly, proceeding inside with Patrick and Pete behind you.
"Love you too N/n.." Pete says sarcastically, walking to the table where a load of plastic water bottles were, grabbing three of them.
"I hate him," You say, looking at Pete walk away and disappear into the room the three were in before.
"Me too sometimes but honestly if it weren't for him I probably would have never said anything," Patrick looks at you.
"What do you mean?"
"He's the one that organized the whole plan of playing Bang The Doldrums and not showing it to you until earlier during the show," Patrick answers, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Huh, he told me you said something about not showing me until now. You know, maybe I don't hate him as much anymore now."
Patrick laughs, grabbing your hand and pulling you along to the table, grabbing two bottles for himself and you.
You smile to yourself, looking at your entangled hands then at him as he walked you to the room the boys were in.
You couldn't have been happier in all the years of your life up until now, and you wouldn't change or trade it for anything in the world. You were happy that you finally got to be like this with Patrick, the boy that was always so nice to everyone no matter what, the boy that knew exactly what to say if anyone was ever down, the boy that never left you no matter how difficult or bad it got.
This was the boy that you fell in love with since the moment you saw him, and he loved you back.
3:13 ─────────ㅇ─ 3:31
This took me forever to finish, and thank gods that I hyper fixated on FOB again (more than many times throughout the making of this fic,) because if not it wouldn't have ever gotten finished. I think I might end up writing more fics for Patrick, let me know if you would like for that to happen, send in some requests if you would like as well! Thank you for reading this seriously, regardless if your new or if you've been a follower since I started posting my fics on here, I appreciate you all for continuing to read my stuff because it makes me truly feel like I'm getting better and that people enjoy my stuff.
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marzi-panic · 2 months
I've been working on the revamp of Lela as well as her lore a bit and trying to draw her family for a while now. I want to share what I have so far before I go on break :o)
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Closer images of Lela's forms
I've been thinking about her hair when it's off her body for a while. I hope to make drawings about it more in the future but for now, it's messy👍 I definitely wanted to give her a monster form that she properly uses around other monsters haha
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Close ups for the pieces of info 👍
Of course, this is just another basic ref, so things can be subject to change haha, but I'm vibing with this so far!
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I won't lie, her family has been in and out of my head for a bit and I still need to draw the dads! Aaaa lol
But here's what I got so far <3 In order: Mom, elf (Shalendra Leomoira) Older Brothers, half elf and tall man (Celsus, Caratacus, Cassian) Lela, half elf and satyr Young Sister, half elf and dwarf (Jana) Young Brother, half elf and half-foot (Achill) Mixed family situation lol
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And then there's Sablefey Colts.
An elf raised by a village family of half-foots, hence his name. A very doting "white knight" of Lela that was one of the friends she made in the village's dancer group. He admired her for a lot of things, mostly being her happy side that she doesn't show too often, dance style and her singing abilities. They'd brainstorm about new moves and performances.
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Lela always felt like something was calling her and warned Sablefey that she might disappear one day. It made Sablefey weary and made him keep an eye on her. He warned the other members of this situation and said he'd follow her. I still need to draw them, but most of the members were scared of what that meant. Especially since Sable and Lela were the chiefs of the group. Despite the worry, two of the members wanted to help Sable keep Lela safe too. "Safety in numbers and all that!". With that, they made it their duty to keep each other informed if anything were to happen. Soon enough, after noticing a growing tension between Lela and her fiance, Lela fled and the three group members went after her. Helping keep her sanity through Lela's curse starting. They weren't going to let her face the dungeon she seemed drawn to alone, so they threw caution to the wind as they entered the caverns together and the rest was history... That I still wanna draw and talk about sometime in the future lol
Oof, my brain feels like it's about to explode, but I want to also say the "heart of the dungeon" is one of Lela's dads and the monsters aren't what they seem. :o) Again, when my brain is back in order after my break, I'll do my best to draw more stuff and explain little by little later TuT
Thank you for taking the time to look at my story vomit haha! I just want to actually think things through and make things interesting as well as wanting to make my silly ship art :oP
Thanks again for reading this post! Wish you well, have a good one! 💚
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staybabblingbaby · 2 months
Chan x Youtuber (Discover Part) a1 d1
[Caution: These are not full fics, or even full parts of fics for some, these are part of my writing progress archive!]
Concept: Reader is an anonymous Youtuber who does English covers of various k-pop songs, including Stray Kids. Bangchan comes across one of these one night and falls in love with Reader's voice. They develop an online friendship, and Bangchan might be in love with more than just the voice.
Word Count: 962
Notes: I had a lot of fun narrating the video. I've seen it a lot in Idol novels that I read online, and it really is a fun and new perspective to use. The username may stay, it may change, i might get rid of it entirely idk. Kind of also contemplating using 'You' instead of 'person'. Idk we'll see how it goes as i work on it. Feedback would be much appreciated for this one. No editing notes rn, I'm not rlly feelin' it.
Warnings: None that I know of? It's just silly fluff idk what u want from me.
Masterlist link :D| Prev Part
It was 2am on a random Tuesday in Seoul. Bangchan lay staring at his ceiling for the nth time that month, silently cursing at his insomnia. He rolls over for the thousandth time to stare at his wall instead. His eyes drift his phone on the nightstand, and he idly wonders if he should spend some time teasing STAY on Bubble.
It’d definitely relieve the soul-crushing boredom of being unable to sleep, but he doesn’t really feel like receiving their well-intentioned scolding over his sleep schedule right now. He rolls back onto his back and heaves a tired sigh.
With resignation, he sits up and grabs his phone. He’d like to avoid being scolded, but receiving STAY’s love is always comforting. Vlogs and edits it is, then.
He hops onto YouTube with deft fingers and begins his latest STAY-binge. The thought of STAY’s reactions when he reminds them that he watches their stuff brings a smile to his face. They always freak out so cutely.
Soon enough, he’s zoned out and mindlessly scrolling through, giggling along to memes and watching vlogs with all the affection in his heart.
He runs out of content from the accounts he regularly watches pretty quickly. He’s only killed about 30 minutes, and even though his mood has improved significantly, he doesn’t quite feel up to going back to staring at his ceiling yet.
With a light heart, he descends into the familiar uncharted territory of his recommended feed. He manages to kill another hour or so before a particular video catches his eye.
[Learn Music Production With Me! | Cover Me by Stray Kids (English Cover) | EP.4]
The thumbnail features someone with brightly colored hair slumped over a desk, their face smooshed against the wood and their arms dangling limply beside them. Their features are obscured by a fabric mask, but bright blue tear-tracks are drawn on over top.
Bangchan can’t help but be amused by the image. He could definitely relate to the frustrations of learning music production. He actually felt a bit flattered and flustered that this person was using his music to learn from.
Officially intrigued, Chan clicks on the video.
It opens with a shot of the person from the thumbnail from the back. They’re sat at the same desk, which Chan can now see hosts a towering hutch with full shelves decked out in flower-shaped fairy lights. He spots a large section of SKZ albums tucked between other albums and books on the hutch’s shelves.
There’s a microphone on the desk, the boom arm pushed to the side, and a bulky set of headphone’s on the figure’s head. Despite the microphone’s distance from the person at the desk Chan can hear the furious clicking of a mouse as clear as day.
This scene plays out for a moment before the clicking suddenly stops and the person freezes. They slowly remove their headphones and sigh loudly. A very crisp [“Fuck!”] Takes him by surprise and he can’t help a soft laugh as the video pauses and begins to rewind.
[“So turns out I’m a big ol’ dumb-dumb and I’ve been doing this wrong this entire time.”] A voiceover begins to explain. The rewind quickly covers what Bagchan assumes is hours of work, and the voice over continues, [“Well, not wrong, per say, but I was definitely doing it the hard way. Wrong Equation right answer sort of situation. I.”] The voice chuckles ashamedly, [“I could have done this whole thing in a third of the time. I’m so embarrassed. Let me show you.”]
The rewind stops and the video switches to a different angle. The camera is obviously sitting on the desk this time, looking at the person from the side. The angle is much closer. The person waves awkwardly at the camera with both hands and rotates their chair to face it properly.
[“Hi all, I’m Grimm’sTeddy and this is episode 4 of me failing to learn how to produce music. We’re onto week 6 now, because I was quite seriously fighting with this program the entire time.”] A caption appears on the screen, [Shoulda watched more tutorials, buddy].
The video continues along the same vein for a while, a mix of Grimm talking and explaining their process while being unknowingly roasted by the occasional caption when they do something wrong. The video mostly shows the screen they’re working from, only switching back to the vlog-style camera when Grimm is being particularly dramatic about their struggles.
Around the 10 minute mark, Grimm discovers the feature of the program that triggered the reaction from the first clip. There’s a bit of grumbling and self-deprecating jokes, and then the video’s pace speeds up by quite a lot. Apparently the process is a lot less entertaining when it’s going smoothly.
Finally, 12 minutes in, the full cover is revealed.
Bangchan is, quite honestly, entranced.
There’s something almost desperate in the tone Grimm sings with, something raw and hurting. The cover is incredibly faithful to the original. They’d changed some words to preserve the melody across languages but were clever enough with it to preserve the meaning.
Bangchan finds himself impressed. Sure there are mistakes, and a lot of polish is missing, but the voice sticks in his head like glue. He goes to the channel’s page to find the first video in the series almost without thinking about it.
It turns out the video he’d watched was from several months ago, just after they’d released the song initially. There were only 2 videos after it, the series seemingly ending at episode 6.
Chan ends up watching the other 5 videos that night. He falls asleep with his phone on his chest at 5am, after making sure to leave a comment on each video.
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rosiebeetle · 1 month
Different beetlejuice headcannons I have depending on actor!!! Because this is my account and why not :3 (tw for mentions of hanging and homophobia a long with abuse. Iget very srs when it comes to my juice lore)
Justinjuice: adhd/hyper compulsive pan/non binary sowhere under the I don't give a fuck umbrella yk doesn't care what pronoun you use. He definitely was a human or "breather" before death but he died somewhere in the 1700s maybe 1600s (Pilgrim times you get the gist) he was sentenced to death by hanging because him and his lover got caught together once (kissing.. Get your mind out of the gutter) his past lover just so happened to look like Adam and have the same name. Past lover was able to escape while bj unfortunately did not. That is the reason he is so drawn to Adam but he doesn't know that because he doesn't remember anything from his past besides a few flash memories. (This hc based on me and my girlfriends au rp thing we have) Juno was absolute trash to him but still lied and said he was her son. Juno basically forced him into the human world to watch the maitlands since they were important and needed to die and go to the netherworld quick he also has BPD or bi polar because I say so and I like projecting
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Brightjuice: autistic mainly highly sensitive to touch and lights and stuff also very needs to move at all times or he will start exploding (his head tilts t Rex arms ect) greysexual/bi and genderfluid (mainly he/her) he was definitely a born dead, Juno in my opinion TRIED to be a good mother but grew tired of his autistic meltdowns fast and quickly became a bad one. The reason why I think he's more of a born dead is because of his actions and maneruisms (idk how to spell it sorry..) He's very unhuman like especially compared to all the other juices (very buggy twitchy, not very good at being among the living)
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Koberjuice: definitely a mix of audhd definitely on the spectrum there more sensory than hyper, hates fur like absolutely despises the feeling (very specific ik shush) but like the scratchy fur they put on those shitty stools at Burlington and the fur on short hair dogs (like pitbulls) but long softer furs like bunnys and cats is ok it just has to be soft. Very bi and doesn't really have a gender label he just likes he/she sometimes they and enjoys it when people asks what hes feeling today. Also a born dead but unlike brightjuice he never really spent much time with other dead people, Juno was a shit mother to begin with so to escape he hung around humans a lot putting on a humany look to avoid people hating him but in his early 20s Juno found out and cursed him (I unfortunately do not have a koberjuice gif.. So have this!)
Blumjuice (just what I've taken from the clips since I have watched a full boot so sorry if this is more out of character..): adhd like justinjuice very hyper likes to move and stuff and just very touchy he likes touchy touchy things yk the type of guy to go to a craft store or home Depot just to touch shit. Also bi but more he/they than she, it's very rare that he likes she to be used but there are times. Also was a human before dieing but he died more roaring 20s from getting involved with some bad people (hence the whole suit and style) stayed very connected with the world after becoming a demon though, not COMPLETELY dumb about technology but he does need help using it though (again.. No gif of hin.. Forgive me stolen from erynn COUGH)
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You feel a chill down your spine, the hairs at the back of your neck prickle. You don't dare look behind you... The shadow smiles.
The Night That Feeds is a dark fantasy, interactive story.  It will have heavy themes of familial abuse, sexually suggestive themes (perhaps more explicit stuff too, eventually), and other dark themes. A comprehensive content warning will be made available as the story develops.
"This is a story of love, loss, and of trying to find a home".
*** Please keep your mental health in mind when playing games with dark themes. This game won't be as dark as some others, but I want everyone to be safe and healthy when consuming dark content.
Demo currently sitting at 21k words.
✧ Features/Will feature ✧
A customizable protagonist, name, gender, appearance. 
Multiple romance options (barely implemented at this time).
Demons!  Not in the way you may think.
An interesting fantasy land that you get to explore.
・❥・ Romance Options ・❥・
Captain E. Ward: Fame, fortune, infamy... All these and more follow Captain Ward. Their job is a demanding one, an important one, a dangerous one. They seem to be a commanding, playful person, but how deep do their scars run?
Age: 30
["Isn't it beautiful?" They say as they stare out into the void. Nebulous clouds drift behind, trailing the ship. "So Void-damned beautiful, and so fucked up." They look you in the eyes, and lick the edge of their bottom lip. "You sure you want this, with me?"]
They are a lonely person, they crave, and despise attention. They're afraid of intimacy, of love. What kind of life is a life in the Void? Who would willingly share that with them?
TW: Attempted murder (on them), clinginess.
Maddock: A surly mercenary, he watches out for you, all due to a 'favor' of a nature you can't discern. The way he looks at you is reminiscent of a deep longing.
Age: Late 30's, early 40's 
["I never thought that I'd be one ta' have somethin' like this at my age. I let my dreams go in my youth." He pats the cushion next to him. "You don' expect things ta' turn out, I've been a merc for so long, felt like all I knew how ta' do."]
He's a gruff man, doesn't got a heart of gold, but if you end up falling for each other, there isn't anything that would come between you.
TW: Possessive, sexual.
The Hunger: It's been watching you for a long time... 
Age: ???
["Oh, if it isn't my little bird, what is it? Is your wing broken? You don't seem eager to fly away this time..." It slinks closer, grinning wide. ]
An entity, not... malevolent, at least not to you.  However, it holds a sick fascination for you. 
TW: Yandereish. Stalker. Obsession. 
Fellis: A woman who seems to be around your age, she's an eager adventurer, she took a liking to you immediately, and seems keen to stoke the flames hotter. 
Age: 22, 23
["Oh, lovey. There you are." She takes your hand in hers, placing a gentle kiss along your knuckle. "I've brought something for you."]
She thinks you're the most beautiful person she's seen. She may even take up poetry to describe her budding love for you.
Xep: A strange person, wearing bright crimson robes, with gorgeous star decaling in gold. They wear copious amounts of jewelry, and enjoy the finer things. They were immediately drawn to you, they were forced to this back water of a town, they never expected anyone like you to cross their path.
Age: 27
["I want to hold you, please stay?" Their mouth creeps upwards, the wine has given them a positively radiant complexion, the heat blatant on their cheeks.]
They're a sad soul, after experiencing a heart break that left them devastated, they never expected to find love again.
SLIGHT TW: Mentions of suicide, heart break, mentions of being cheated on.
Credit to:  nyehilism for the sugarcube template, you've made things easier on me as an aspiring IF writer, thank you.
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aroaceleovaldez · 5 months
what demigods from each cabin would get along together you think? Like I headcanon that the Hephaestus and Hecate kids get along because they’re always thinking up new things like be it spells or machinery. But I wanna hear your take on compatibility between godly parents? 😀
-Casimir 🔮Cabin 20🔮 Son of Hecate
oh i LOVE the idea of Hecate and Hephaestus kids getting up to mischief. I've thought about this a bit so I'll go through the ones I have strong dynamic ideas off the top of my head, sticking mostly to CHB's main 20 cabins and then a couple of bonuses. Also some bonus "who hates each other." (Under cut for length)
Ever since TLO the Apollo and Ares cabins have had an alliance. Mostly built out of the Ares kids feeling really guilty about arriving late to war and nearly all the Apollo kids dying in the Battle of Manhattan, wondering if there would have been fewer casualties between both cabins if they had gotten over their stubborn pride faster like the Apollo kids had. Ares kids kind of guard the Apollo kids and tolerate them more than other cabins, and the Apollo kids are considered off-limits for bullying.
Hephaestus, Ares, and Aphrodite kids have a very bizarre dynamic, besides the whole canonical love triangle curse nonsense they have going on. They tend to be drawn to each other one way or another. Very common to see them together. The question is just are they besties or are they trying to kill each other.
Big 3 kids either have immense solidarity or totally loathe each other and there's no in-between. Sometimes it's both.
Demeter and Hades kids have a very tenuous alliance. They're a little scared of each other. They would fight to the death over who gets to adopt a Persephone kid as a sibling though.
Besides Hades, Demeter kids either get along great or horribly with Big 3 kids. Again, no in-between, or sometimes both.
Zeus kids and Athena kids tend to get along like a house on fire. Insert School of Athens fresco here. They are Thinking Thoughts and will have the most passionate debates about the wildest topics you have ever heard.
Cabins 5 and 6 have a very strong ongoing rivalry. If it's a friendly rivalry or true rivalry shifts depending on counselors. They LOOOOVE competing with each other though, and have some amount of unwavering respect for each other as the war cabins. Post-TLO the Nike cabin starts getting in on that dynamic too and Cabins 5 and 6 are very excited for some new challenges.
Tyche and Nemesis cabins tend to be buddies
Apollo, Athena, Dionysus, and Iris cabins love being artsy together. 100% lead a lot of the art activities at camp.
Similarly, Athena, Apollo, Hephaestus, Hermes, and Hecate cabins love being nerdy together.
Chthonic solidarity! Hermes, Hades, Hypnos, Hecate, etc. Usually the other chthonic cabins are the only ones brave enough to poke fun at the Hades kids.
Mad scientist gang Athena, Hephaestus, Hecate. Sometimes the Apollo kids join in to help give them ideas and enable them.
Athena, Hecate, Apollo, and Hades meanwhile are Mad Scientist: Biology Edition™. They're dissecting weird stuff and will figure out how to make Frankenstein's monster.
Also, Athena, Apollo, Hebe - medical cabins gang. Vision/eye health, general health, and general health + youthfulness.
Demeter and Dionysus gardening buddies!!!!!! Sometimes they let the Apollo and Iris kids hang out too. Zeus and Poseidon kids are a strong "maybe."
Apollo and Hebe cabins get along super well, also with Zeus cabin. They're totally vibing being all youthful and beautiful together. Sometimes Aphrodite cabin also join them. Pretty cabins gangs.
Apollo, Iris, and Zeus cabins (and Hera cabin if there are actually any kids there for that. hi Jason) - sky deities buddies!
Dionysus cabin has a bizarre comradery with the Hades cabin nobody can figure out but everyone is mildly afraid of (it's Zagreus stuff).
Iris and Hermes kids get along super well. Iris cabin also probably loves hanging out with the Aphrodite and Apollo kids. They're talking about art and color theory.
Bonuses: Philotes + Aphrodite + Erotes kids obviously all get along fantastically. Psyche kids and Aphrodite kids either get along well or clash horribly.
Hebe and Ganymede kids are shaking hands. Cupbearer parents (who are also both youthful and pretty).
Iris and Arke kids are very one-in-the-same except the Arke kids all have So Many Problems. Iris kids tend to be "excuse me they asked for no pickles" on the Arke kids' behalf often.
Thetis kids and Arke kids have beef and it's kind of funny (cause Thetis got Arke's wings as a wedding gift after they were stolen from Arke as punishment for siding with the Titans).
Enyo/Bellona and Ares/Mars kids LOOOOVE each other. Immediate best friends. Same hat, spiderman pointing meme, etc etc. Absolutely built for each other. They just click. And also tend to enable each other a little bit. Do not let the Nike kids around both of them at the same time because they will all begin to enable each other in a feedback loop and get up to mayhem.
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party-gilmore · 2 years
(Spoiler Free) Reasons Why "Violent Night" DESERVES to be the Breakout Blockbuster Hit of the Holidays
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I haven't laughed that fucking hard or consistently through a movie in my fucking life. My throat and chest are both actively hurting right now from all the yell-laughing and the breathless wheezing I was reduced to by the midway point.
I knew it would be entertaining, but I was in no way shape or form prepared for it to be that good.
Seriously this movie was a technical masterpiece. Every single actor brought their A game. Every scrap of script was perfectly tailored to each character. The corniest lines imaginable on paper delivered with such conviction they immediately get launched into the stratosphere of Coolest Thing That Could Possibly Have Been Said In That Moment. The way Alex Hassell (Jason) did literally every facial expression he makes throughout the entire movie? But specifically how he looks at Alexis Louder (Linda) from behind the [SPOILER] when she's [SPOILER]? Effervescent. The COSTUMING???? The details in Santa's Coat ALONE I will be obsessing over for the next three months.
On a more technical side, the LIGHTING! Perfectly able to see everything even in dark rooms/scenes! The SETS? Full environments completely utilized! A masterclass in Chekov's Gun! Every single set-up had a payoff, and every single payoff had a setup.
And PRACTICAL EFFECTS!!! HHGNGDNWHNG some of the BEST blood work I've ever seen! And the prosthetics! Like, I know gory stuff hasn't been hit as hard by the Replaced With CGI curse as other genres but still it was so fucking refreshing and well done.
And the way the gore slowly ramped up!!! The gore and violence starts off a little light (comparatively) and just sloooowly and steeeaadily ramps up and up and up until it peaks PERFECTLY at the climactic moment! And the individual scenes themselves were crisp, perfectly timed, not unnecessariliy drawn out of lingered on for shock value - in fact, more often, they were kept short and quick to emphasize how fast these fights were moving, realistic and delightful little BURSTS of grotesquery and then already carrying you away to the NEXT swing and spray of blood! It kept the violence constantly fresh and fascinating, building not only momentum but the audience's tolerance/expectations to the cresting point.
Seriously I got so fucking worked up by how good and funny and action packed it was that I had to take off my fucking sweater and NOT (just) because of the shirtless Santa scene they put in there just for me.
HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BUDDY holy FUCK. That scene. Th. The bloodiness and th. The [SPOILER] and the [SPOILER] and the girth. The thickness. The titties and the stomach and the little bit of overhang and the [SPOILER]. HOOOOOOO santa treated us GOOD tonight boys holy FUCK david harbour bless you bless you bless you bl-
-ahem- sorry anyways uhhhhhhh where was i...
I think that was pretty much it, without getting into blatant spoilery stuff. So. Fuckin uhhhhh watch this movie.
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fanaticsnail · 9 months
I watched the Storyteller version of Sapsorrow and knew it sounded familiar! I read "The Magic Fish" by Trung Le Nguyen. It's a graphic novel about a young Vietnamese boy struggling to come out to his friends and parents, particularly because they're immigrants and he feels they might not understand. His mother and him bond over fairy tales and there are three main tales in the novel that are used thematically, the first is Tattercoats (i.e; Sapsorrow), the second is a Vietnamese story Tâm Cám, and the third is the little mermaid. The Tattercoats story is a little different than the Sapsorrow Storyteller version or your version, but the art is beautiful I seriously recommend the book from the art alone (and if not the art, the Vietnamese fairy tale is kind of like Cinderella at the beginning but so interesting and full of plot twists).
I have to thank you for introducing me to Storyteller though, I'm gonna have fun looking at all their other retellings.
Oh my goodness, I know The Magic Fish! I haven't read that one in years!! Thank you for reminding me it exists, sweet snail. I adore it.
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Of the Storyteller Series (1988), I have littered some of the plot points in several others.
Remember Me: (Shanks x Bride!Reader), I had "the true bride" in mind. Particularly her apprehension at having her hair touched. In the story in that case, it was a promise to not let another person kiss their cheek - in mine it was a sweep of the hair.
Drawing inspiration from things that impact your heart is so much fun. Makes it all the more real, in my humble opinion.
There are only nine episodes: (All are linked to YouTube for ease)
The Soldier and Death
The Luck Child
A Story Short
Hans My Hedgehog
The Three Ravens
The Heartless Giant
The True Bride
I would honestly love to write an OP fic for each of these.
Soldier and Death - Zoro He traps death, now unable to die. He has lived his life to the fullest, but death is the only thing that truly fears him. Reader is the reaper, ordered by Death to not claim him. Fearnot - Luffy He's just a sunshine boy who has never been frightened a day in his life. He wants to experience fear. Just once. The Luck Child - Buggy He is a failing forward king, as the usual. Circumstances demand his death, he continues to thrive. A Story Short - Usopp He has to perform a series of storytelling adventures and present them towards the court for a hundred days. On the hundredth day, he has come up with nothing. What will he do? Hans My Hedgehog - Corazon He will only reveal himself to his wife at night, cursed as a monster within the hours of daylight. She wants to break him of this curse, but has no knowledge to help him. The Three Ravens - Sanji Just imagine Sanji desperately crying out for his love to grace him with the sound of her voice, begging her to say something to aid in her defence - bound to the stake and threatened with death if she does not speak. Ahhhhh. Screaming. Sapsorrow - The one I'm actively working on with Mihawk The Heartless Giant - Doflamingo Speaks for itself, truly. He just is. I could also do this for Sir Crocodile, if I wasn't too busy shipping him with @empressofmankind's Shivs. The True Bride - Already partially did for Shanks. I would love to visit this trope again for him though. Have him be the one with amnesia trope.
Honestly, I would love to do this as a massive moot fairytale collaborative au.
@since-im-already-here - what say you, sis? You reckon I've got the characters and the prompts down for each series?
@gingernut1314, do you know this jim henson series? You want to take a crack at one of them?
@writingmysanity - go on. I know you want to do the Corazon. You so, so want to do the Corazon.
@sordidmusings 👀 c'mon now. Romance, pining. Angst. All that good stuff, dear.
@feral-artistry, you've even already drawn some puppets. You know you want to....
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The first batch of pictures for Amoré's character journal are here! Also I have been so super sick that I've literally had nothing to do but to work on this for like almost 2 weeks so...
The cover to cover tour officially starts here. All I can say about the front & back is that I lament my lack of experience with my Cricut when I made these decals. I only had 2 "fun" colors to work with at the time & I was still getting comfortable drawing in Procreate, so my silhouette art leaves a lot to be desired compared to some stuff I've made recently. I also found it's incredibly easy to burn this leather book.
But she's volume one, everything with her is a learning experience, & I realized as much as it helps to have a mini heat press for tight corners & small spaces, the cloth barrier they suggest you use between the vinyl & the iron tends to make things harder to press on this scale. So instead I gotta quickly tap straight on the transfer film & hope I don't burn anything around it :(´◦ω◦`):゚゚
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So at the risk of thoroughly exposing my inner theater kid, Amoré set the precedent with how I went forward creating campaign characters. I started off collecting 5 songs to make a mini story arc (almost like a show choir set list 🙃) that helps me figure out an outline for the kind of story I wanna give them.
Somehow Amoré ended up with a truly horrendous blend of rock & theatre. Absolutely incredibe. No wonder she's always such a dramatic bitch.
It was a lot easier to go in & add little decals around these lyrics. I'm definitely cursed with the Too Much™ gene, but I enjoy the little pops of color they give ✨ plus it justifies me hoarding all these vinyl scraps printing stuff this small lol.
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Stat sheet!
In all honesty, as my first character I had no fucking clue what I was doing when I placed these & if I could go back & change one thing I'd probably swap her Intelligence & her Wisdom. She’s definitely more people smart than book smart.
But everything else is...very accurate. She has all the upper body strength of a chicken nugget. Plus on top of the (already) negative I traded disadvantage on everything DEX for magic crystal shoes that can be periodically harvested. Just a way for her to carry around the family fortune without actually having to return to the vault✨
For something that started so average, her CON became a monster & always comes in clutch for her alcohol tolerance. I've played variations of her across a few different one shots & I always manage to roll well for anything alcohol related. The dice do respect a bit 🤣
Spells on the other hand, I floundered with a lot at first because we’re not a combat heavy game, but then I found Chaos Bolt & that was that. It’s essentially Amoré in spell form & I’ve had a ton of fun with it over the years. Also Mage Armor cuz my girl is SO DISTRESSINGLY SQUISHY.
Cantrips were more or less a bit of a toss up. Message was fun for the sheer idea of her using it to talk shit during social events without being caught. But aside from Light serving fun backstory purposes the other 3 are kinda just what looked fun ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ unless you count the idea that she would absolutely delight in zapping handshakes.
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From there, I wanted to extend the world map made by our wonderful DM @cappierong into a full scroll. Ya know, for the aesthetic ✨
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Our campaign started in Civania, where Amoré's main Estate is. I just wanted a quick mock up to reference, so I edited a preexisting picture I found that checked all the boxes (large, on a plateau, accessible only by bridge) and then absolutely smothered it in flowers.
But anyways... This is primarily where Diana & Amoré grew up together in their decade of backstory ✨
There was probably waaaay to much back & forth trying to keep the continuity between stuff I've already drawn & this big reference. But I think it turned out pretty ok? Not like if I make a mistake anyone will really know lol.
Scaling was also another big issue I had, & I moments where I thought something was too big I just kinda handwaved it away like "ehhhhh she's from a stupid rich family." But now I have a NEED to draw baby Diana & Amoré around like, the statue gardens or something cuz I feel like certain parts of this place are definitely ominous 👀 especially for children...
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And lastly we have the back cover & the High Noble political relationship map! I normally have this closer to the front but for layout purposes it'll be here. I kinda feel like I need to do more for the decoration of it but I can’t think of anything else to add at the moment.
Sam if u read that no you didn't.
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But now! Other than a family portrait that I've always wanted to draw, I think I'm ready to move onto the art for Season 1 : Arc 2. It's a pretty hefty amount of art in comparison to others, so I gotta get busy. Especially since I think I'm gonna have to draw a few comics *sobs*
If you made it this far, thanks so much for reading! I'm always excited to talk out our little idiots so thanks for indulging me ❀(*´▽`*)❀
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thatanimeramenchick · 9 months
Yandere DOL Headcannons
So, I've been cursed by Tumblr. Thanks to you degenerates I now know about the existence of Degrees of Lewdity, and just spent the last two or three weeks of my life completely devoted to binge playing it. While I do have MAJOR problems with how um... "broad" some of the "fetishes" get I'd be lying if I said I didn't think it was a fun game. (And yes, I know you can turn them off, but why the frick is some of that crap even an option???? Just no. Right to prison.)
Anyway, this trashfire game is getting added to my list of things I now write for. So ask away for headcannons. All normal rules apply. Decided to write some yandere headcannons for non-love interest characters.
EDIT: Honestly, I don't think I'll be writing anything else for this game. I've had a dry spell with it and looking back I can't believe I even played it. 😅 Yes, I was playing Vanilla mode basically, but still, I just... I can't people. So no, I'm not doing request for this. My good girl guilt is too strong. I'm still not ready to delete this though?
It would take a lot for someone to catch their attention. They've seen and done most everything, so you would really have to stand out in both appearance and personality to draw them in.
They like to have other people do their dirty work for them. They pay their goons to stalk you throughout the city and take pictures of you. Security is also there to keep the town pervs off of you. If you’re employed by them, they may have your fellow workers dig up information on you by rooting through your stuff in the dressing room or befriending you. When they finally do decide they has to have you, they may have their employees yank you into their car or office for a “friendly chat” so that you two can come to a sort of agreement on what kind of relationship he wants from you. Will sugarcoat it to look like just a business deal, but there’s a much more possessive motive behind it.
How they treat and interact with you if you reject them will be greatly affected by whether you are working for them or not. If you are, they are not above using some real nasty methods to keep you under their thumb, such as threatening to repeatedly have you pimped out against your will until you learn to be more obedient. If you’re not a sex worker or if you’re a virgin, they may simply pay to have a gang rough you up a bit as opposed to having them rape you, though they’ll make sure they leave a threatening message that one of your close friends may be on the receiving end of that treatment if you don’t come to them. Oh, and they are not playing. They have absolutely no qualms with carrying out their threats.
I literally hate this man on a deep, personal level.
If you’re a student, they will have all kinds of excuses made to have you sent to their office. If you’re a delinquent this will be easy, but I see Leighton liking to take advantage of an innocent student, because that’s the kind of pile of human bile and horesecrap that he is. They would have you drawn in by either inventing reasons for you to need detention and discipline or wanting to “make sure you’re ok” because they supposedly heard your home life was difficult or that you weren’t feeling well. May want to give you “personal” health inspections.
With their camera fetish they’re going to want lots of pictures of you in every possible state. May also request “special” videos of you. If you have agreed and ever want to stop, it really sucks to be you, because they’ll threaten to release them if you aren’t obedient.
If you show any interest in a fellow student, they will make sure to pull them aside for "discipline" as well, and may even have you join in. They're perfectly fine with a threesome as long at the end of the day you realize your theirs.
I hate to burst ya’ll’s perverted bubbles, but I don’t think Remy would do the cow treatment with their love interest. They look at the player as cattle when they buy them and treat them as such. While they may have a certain “special interest” in tending to you, at the end of the day, you’re a cow, and they are not screwing a cow.
Now, don’t get me wrong. Their personality is extremely domineering and if they want something, they have made it clear throughout the course of the game that they get it. They will use and even take sadistic glee to an extent in using force to get what they want, as is shown in how they ransacks Alex’s farm and how they whips the player with joy when they refuse to plow. So if they have their eyes on a someone, they are getting them and taming them into submission. I just don’t think it would be through the cow treatment.
May try to woo you the more traditional way, using their riches and personality to try to win you over. If that doesn’t work though, some sabotaging your current love life and manipulating your financial situation by pulling some strings with your housing and job. If all else fails, maybe some threatening your loved ones will work. Don’t want everyone you love and care about lives being utterly ruined? They want you. Doesn’t really want to kidnap you if they don't have to, but they are not above it if things you are being a real brat or don’t really have anyone they can threaten you with.
After you either submit into entering a relationship or they abduct you, they use the carrot and stick method. Being bad gets you punished in various ways and revoking privileges, while being good has them treating you kinder and letting you do things you enjoy. They still keep you on a really tight leash though.
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wormthing · 2 months
Taking commissions for some Animal Jam items:
I've been playing Animal Jam Classic lately, and drawing in their Art Studio, and I cobbled together a wish list of random items I want. I'll draw a piece of art for you for some of those items; it doesn't specifically have to be for an in-game Masterpiece item. Check below the Read More for the list of items I'm looking for.
(And of course my commissions for $ USD are always open still!)
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I'm ignoring any perceived item worth, please trade me at least one item off the list below in exchange for a piece of art.
Please message me about your proposed commission and what items you'd like to trade! Let me know if you want this drawn as a Masterpiece item, or if you just want a regular image file in exchange, probably done in MS Paint in a similar style above.
Give me a few days to get the drawing done!
If you want me to draw your avatar, I am not going to draw culturally insensitive items. I'll let you know if I have an issue with your proposition.
I can take payment when the art done/approved and we can trade, but I can also do half-payment up front.
If you want a Masterpiece item:
A Masterpiece Token included in the trade is appreciated, but not required.
Give the art time to be approved. If it isn't, I'll see if we can work something out.
Please keep complexity down, especially in regards to colour schemes.
Click below for my wish list! I'll cross things off as I get them (or add to it if I see stuff I really want).
Check out the Animal Jam Wiki (link) to look up these items (or other related pages). (I also said what event they were from if applicable.)
Den items:
Painter's Palette ("Let creativity fly" collection) [Got it!]
Fancy Pottery Wheel (same) [Got it!]
Cosmo plushie (2023 scavenger hunt)
Peck plushie (same) [Got it!]
Rare Wavy Bookshelf (2013 rare item monday) [Got it!]
Rare Giant Panda Plushie (promotional) [Got it!]
Rare Giant Tiger plushie (Lunar new year prize)
Art Camp Bead Station (2021 Art Camp collection)
Phantom Beanie (2017 Fall box prize)
Slime Green skullies (2022 trick-or-treat event)
Cursed Hypno glasses (2021 spooky sale)
(I'll also take the Rare Hypno Glasses with the similar colour scheme instead!) [Got these ::-)]
Classic Werewolf mask (2022 spooky sale)
Classic Creature mask (same) [I got a bunch of spooky masks from someone!!! ::-D]
Low priority:
Any other* promotional plushies (for non-members)! I love them ::-) [*Note: I now have: Rare giant panda, Rare giant raccoon, Rare monkey]
Any Slime Green clothes (for non-members)
Non-member Halloween masks from 2022 (Classic Vampire Mask, Wicked Witch Mask)
A green spiked collar for non-members [Got it!]
My Den has other art I've done, some of which is from 2024 but some is from 2017! My username is 113457.
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