#i've been revisiting a lot of old stuff lately. feels good feels organic
offdensen · 1 month
parted: a kirk/spock/mccoy fanfiction
Rating: General Warnings: None Universe: The Original Series Words: 7,100~ Chapters: 1/1 Summary:
Pleasantly, she greets both Jim and Spock by name with a brief bow. They respond in kind, unmoving from their intimately close positions at either side of Leonard. It makes his head spin a little, seeing how she is entirely unperturbed by the sight, and he wonders if she even knows he’s married now, let alone to the very same friends he begged for her to spare from the Oracle, who came to her aid when her people were fragmented and scared. (Wherein Leonard reunites with Natira for the first time in twenty years.)
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a-spell-a-rebel-yell · 11 months
hello everyone! just like in my own fashion: late posting again 🤣 assignments pouring in nonstop but i think i found my rhythm now, and even calling it truce with wire bending - we're cool now! school has been going well, me and my ten classmates just having fun and overcoming things together 🤩
this month has been good to me - no, scratch that - it's given me yet another surprise i didn't even dare to imagine or let alone think about... (disclaimer: not love life related lol) but i can't really talk about it now, it'll be revealed next month 😉
October marks the very last month i get to live at Panglima Polim, feeling very bittersweet about it because i've lived there for six full wholesome years, where i achieved quite a lot of things (finished my first degree, graduated as a dentist, AND got accepted for postgrad program) not to mention the house is located in the heart of South Jakarta, next to prominent public transportation stations... i'm gonna miss the house so much, though not the cleaning and maintenance part haha the only reason i don't like having grand spacious houses. if you know me, you'll guess correctly because i absolutely procrastinated packing my things up. the way that i also knew in my bones i'd finish everything in a few hours yet still i sparsed it out into two full blown weeks, ha! but i emptied my bedroom all the same, and boy oh boy. the stuffs i've forgotten and found again! i think me revisiting old memories while organizing and selecting and taking things out of my closet was taking much longer than the actual tidying up part.
i'm moving to my Brisbane cousin's home, which from now on we'll dub as Kebayoran Lama/Bendi house and is also my childhood home. it belonged to my maternal grandparents but my uncle bought it back in 1998. i lived here since i was born until i was six years old and i moved to Cibubur. the nostalgic feeling i get every single second i spend in this house though... all the happy childhood memories resurfacing, especially the ones where my maternal grandparents and my uncle were still alive are the highlights.
technically it's still quite a distance to my campus at Salemba, but it's definitely better than commuting from Cibubur. also i'm close to Pondok Indah Mall where i used to go almost every weekend during my childhood days! not far from here there's a public cemetery, train railway, and my old kindergarten... it does feel like i'm back as a child. can't believe i'm back living here again after twenty years! so many things coming back to me in this odd yet fascinating exhilarating way, many many many years later. again enforcing my belief that good things do come all in good time!
as i typed this it's my mum's birthday and ten (10!!!) days to go to Coldplay Jakarta and 83 days to Coldplay Singapore night 4! ✨ sooo excited and i will definitely update you guys!
anyway, this moving out permanently thing got me thinking. the silver lining in the cloud is that in order to 'move out', not only i have to 'carry on' i also have to 'leave behind' :) i do not need to bring along the burden of the past, i'm keeping it away at where it came from.
would like to end this post to urge everyone to talk about Palestine. call for ceasefire, donate for aid, boycott (refer to BDS Movement's instructions), share any post on Palestine. from the river to the see, Palestine will be free!
see you on the next post x
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embracedthevoid · 2 years
Hej💜 I would love to know more about your history with writing.
- How long would you say you've been a writer?
- Do you still remember your first stories, what were they about?
- Did you enjoy writing/english in school ? Were you "good" (as in did you get high marks) ?
- Do you enjoy reading as well or are you more of a storyteller? Do you have any favorite books as an adult? What about when you were young ?
- Are you only writing fics at the moment or other things as well? Is it different writing fanfiction vs other things ?
- When / why did you write your first fic ? Were you nervous to post it ?
- What do you do with your writing, do you have like a file or a document or cloud or how do you "store" it ? Are they well organized or all over the place?
-Does your own writing make you cry or laugh often ? Do you think it's necessary for a writer to feel the things they are writing about ?
-Is it always pleasant to write ? Does writing ever make you feel bad (like writing about sad or dark stuff)?
- Do you feel like it's easier for you to write either from Wille's or Simon's pov, why do think that is ?
-Who is your favorite characters to write about other than W & S ?
So sorry hear you've had A Week™, I'm sending you some of my sunshine, hope the rest of the week is better☀️💜 (why do i sound like a grandma, but you know, sending you lot's of love) Puss och kram !
- JJ 🦋
Hello lovely!! Ahhh, I'm so excited that you're sending me an ask on here! And thank you for asking so many questions!! I just adore you!
I'd say I've been a writer for the last three years. Or at least that's when I started taking my writing a bit more seriously.
Yesss I wrote stories as a kid! They were often about whatever was going on in my friend group when I was like 8 years old. I once wrote a story for my friend when we got into a massive fight based on our fight, and got the characters to resolve their issues and I gave it to her as an apology.
I was horrible in English and barely ever passed. I was constantly behind the other kids when it came to reading and writing, and didn't get put into 'normal' English classes until I was 12.
I love love loveeeee reading. I don't think I have a favourite book but I have a couple that I revisit often. As a kid, I hated reading, but that was only because I would get frustrated and give up haha.
I am writing an original story, but I've been focusing a lot on fanfic lately. However, I do often incorporate my OCs in my fics to help round them out as characters.
I wrote my first fic when I was 15. I had a series similar to my missing moments for the show once upon a time for the ship captain swan hahah. I wasn't really nervous to post it, but mostly cause I didn't think anyone would read it haha.
I have a google docs system that keeps my fics organized, but recently I wrote them all out on flashcards and pinned them to a corkboard. It was getting a little chaotic and I needed more of a visual to keep my thoughts organized.
No, I don't think I've ever cried because of my writing, I have laughed though. I don't think it's necessary to feel the things an author is writing about, but I'm sure it helps.
It's mostly pleasant but sometimes frustrating. Especially when I'm stuck on a scene. And I don't think I've ever made myself feel bad with my writing, which I'm thankful for because I'm sure that wouldn't be fun.
I find Wille's pov easier to write and I think it's because I relate to his character more.
I love writing my version of Henry. He's a kind-hearted himbo that does wonders for moments of comedic relief.
Thank you sm for asking these questions friend. You are the loveliest and I hope to hear from you soon 💙
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